




Unit1 I like dogs第一教时

教学内容:Story time.


1.能初步听懂、会读单词cat, dog,elephant,horse,lion,monkey, panda,tiger

2.能听懂、会说、会读句型Do you like…?并且会用Yes, I do.和No,I don’t 来回答。




2.能初步听懂、会读、会拼写单词cat, dog,elephant,horse,

lion,monkey, panda,tiger

3.能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型Do you like…?

并且会用Yes, I do.和No,I don’t 来回答。





Step 1 Warm up

1、Let’s sing : Old Macdonald has a farm

What animals are on the farm?

What other animals are on the farm?

2、Play a game: Yes or no

Are they on the farm, too?

Do you like them?

Step 2 Presentation


1.Let’s talk

a. Are they on the farm?

b. Who are they ? And where are they?

B.watch the cartoon:

1.What are they going to talk about?

They are talking about toy animals.

揭示课题: toy animals

3.Try to say

Listen to the radio.

Listen to the teacher.

Read together.

B. Listen and tick

1.Listen to the tape and tick what they are talking about.(听录音,勾出他们谈论的动物。)

Check the answers: cats , dogs, pandas

C. Read and find

1,Read the story, find out their favourite animals.

Yang Ling says I like cats.

Su Hai and Liu Tao says We like dogs.

Mike says I like pandas

2,Try to say




Why does Mike like pandas?

Because they are cute and fat.


fat cat at,让学生自己拼读单词。

3,Read Story time


Read after the tape.

Read it together.

Step 3 Consolidation

1.Let’s chant

Cute, cute dogs!

Do you like dogs?

Sorry, sorry, I don’t.

I don’t like dogs!


eg. Fat, fat pandas!

Do you like pandas?

Yes, yes, I do. I like pandas!

2, Act it out



c,Act it out with emotions



3,Learning tips

a,How many animals can you name?


b,Happy Animal Family: Do you like them?

Talk about the animals.


Step 4 Homework





Unit1 I like dogs

Do you like…?

Yes, I do.

No, I don’t.I like…

教学反思:本节课最重要的句型是Do you like…? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.I


Unit1 I like dogs第二教时

教学内容:Fun time ,Rhyme time and sound time.



2.能熟练运用句型Do you like…?并且会用Yes, I do.和No,I don’t 来回






2.能熟练运用句型Do you like…?并且会用Yes, I do.和No,I don’t 来回



能熟练运用句型Do you like…?并且会用Yes, I do.和No,I don’t 来回答。教学准备:挂图,卡片,录音机


Step 1 Warm up

1,Let’s sing : Do you like it?

2, Let’s review

What animals do they like?

Yang Ling says I like cats.

Su Hai says I like dogs.

Liu Tao says I like dogs, too.

Mike says I like pandas. They are cute and fat.

Step2 .Presentation

A.Play a game

Guess:What’s in my bag?

B.Read and say


dog-dogs cat-cats panda-pandas …

C.Fun time

1, Talk about your pictures


b.Play a game:


喜欢你的动物就画上一颗?,看看你能搜集到多少颗?吧!(通过游戏激发学生的兴趣,尽可能多的熟练操练句型。) D. Rhyme time and sound time

1,learn the rhyme.

2,make a new rhyme.

Big lion, eat a chicken.

Big tiger, has a brother.

Big horse, go to north.

Big elephant, very elegant.

3,Sound time

a.[g] My good little dog,

go and get my big bag on the log

b. 看图填空。

My little ,

and my on the .

c.试读单词:bug dig mug god glad goose



e.g My god, there’s a bug in my mug.

Step3. Homework



3.寻找更多字母g发音为[g] 的单词,试试写出更多的句子。板书设计:

Unit1 I like dogs

Do you like…?

Yes, I do.

No, I don’t.I like…

cats dogs pandas elephants

monkeys lions tigers horses

教学反思:本课先复习了上节课的句型,然后通过学习,归纳了like后面跟可数名词复数形式。如:like dogs ,like cats, like pandas…最后和学生一起体会了[g]的发音。总体来看,教学效果良好。

Unit1 I like dogs第三教时

教学内容:Cartoon time,Checkout time and Ticking time



2.能理解Would you like 和Do you like两个句型的使用方法。

3.明白Cartoon time 的幽默之处。


明白Cartoon time 的幽默之处。

教学难点:能理解Would you like 和Do you like两个句型的使用方法。教学准备:挂图,卡片,录音机。


Step 1 Warm up

1.Let’s share

What animals do you know?

2. Let’s guess

a. I like the king of the animals.

Who am I ? ( tigers)

b. It has long nose and big ears.

It’s very big. What do I like? (elephants)

c.It’s black and white.

But It looks like a horse. ( zebra )

Step2 Presentation

A. Cartoon time

1.They are good friends .They are a mouse and a cat.

Who are they? Bobby and Sam

What food do they like? Guess

2. Watch the cartoon

a.Watch the cartoon and find out the food they like.

看动画找到Bobby 和Sam 喜欢的食物

b. Why is Bobby not happy?

Read the story and try to explain in English.

3. Read Cartoon time

Read after the tape.

Read after the teacher.

Read together.

4.Act the story, try to give different endings.


B. Checkout time

1. Ask and answer

A: What’s this/ that?

B: It’s a/an…

A: Do you like…?

B: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.

2. Talk about them


C. Ticking time

1.帮助学生理解Ticking time要求。


(2)我用“Do you like…” 问问题。


2.教师提出☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 要求:

(1). 说出10个动物类单词。

(2). 知道Do you like…的正确回答方式。

(3). 能根据读音读出新的单词。

Step3 Consolidation




1.完成调查Do you like …? What do you like…?

2. 公布结果12 of us like…. 17 of us like …

3. 设计吉祥物&展示解说

This is the…. It’s … It’s cute/ cool/…



Do you like…? Would you like …?

Yes, I do. Yes, please.

No, I don’t.I like… No, thanks/thank you.


Step4 Homework

1.朗读并背诵cartoon time。


3.复习Unit 1各部分内容,完成配套练习。


Unit1 I like dogs

Do you like…? Would you like …?

Yes, I do. Yes, please.

No, I don’t.I like… No, thanks/thank you.


Unit1 I like dogs第四教时(测试补充习题)




2.能熟练运用句型Do you like…?并且会用Yes, I do.和No,I don’t 来回答。







A. Free talk. 师生交流

B. Revision 复习本单元知识点。


1,Listen, and judge.

2 , Listen and number.

3, look and respond.

4, Read and choose.

5, Match and write.

D: Homework.

1, 完成《练习与测试》。


I like dogs 第五课时(评讲补充习题)教学内容:讲评第一单元补充习题。









B:check .






D: homework.

1, 跟读录音,背诵本单元内容。



Unit2 Let’s make a fruit salad第一教时

教学内容:Let’s make a fruit salad


1.能初步听懂、会读、会拼写单词a banana、 a grape、a mango、 a pineapple;复习水果类单词an orange, a peach,a pear,an apple。

2.能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型Do you have…?并且会用Yes, I do.和No,

I don’t 来回答。





1.能初步听懂、会读、会拼写单词a banana、 a grape、a mango、 a pineapple;复习水果类单词an orange, a peach,a pear,an apple。

2.能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型Do you have…?并且会用Yes, I do.和No,

I don’t 来回答。







Step 1 Greeting and warm up


T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you ?

S: I’m fine, thank you. And you?

T: I’m well.

2.Warm up

Play a game----Fast response


例如:What can you see?

I like monkeys, What do you like ?

Do you like monkeys ?

What colour is the …?

Step 2 Presentation

1.Play a game----Magic bag


一个学生摸,其他学生问Is that an animal/a fruit?

Is that a/an …?

最后展示摸到的物品,并且说This is a/an…?


Ss:Is that an animal/a fruit?

S1: Yes/No.

Ss: Is that a/an …?

S1: Yes/No.

This is a/an…

T: Look, this is a magic bag. There are many animal toys and fruit in it.

出示单词:animal, fruit,并且教读fruit


T:Do you like…?

S:Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.

T: What do you like ?

S: I like…

2.Lead in and teach the name of the fruits

把袋子里的水果都拿出来:a banana、 a grape、a mango、 a pineapple,an orange, a peach,a pear,an apple,并且板书

pineapple [?pain??pl]

T:I have some fruits.Let’s name them.

Look , this is a /an…


T: Here are so many fruits. We can make a fruit salad. OK?

S: OK.

出示课题:Unit 2 Let’s make a fruit salad.

教读课题 salad

cat banana

sa la d salad

4.Story time


T: Miss Li and her students are making fruit salad.

(2)Watch the cartoon ,and answer the question

What fruit can you see ?

I can see a /an/ some…

(3)教授Story time 句子(注意语音语调的纠正)

Picture 1:

T:Who can read ? 板书:Do you have a /an…?

教授单词have Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.

T: Let’s try to read the sentences.

have [h?v]有

T: Mike has a mango and an orange. Look at Miss Zhang. I have two mangoes and two oranges.

出示mango orange复数 mangoes oranges

Picture 2: Listen to the tape

Su Yang: Do you have any bananas?

Yang Ling: No, I don’t. I have some grapes.

教读:any [?eni] many 板书:any

some any都表示一些,后面可以跟可数名词的复数形式,也可以跟不可数名词的原形。


教读:some grapes

T:I can say‘I have some grapes’.What can you say?


Picture 3&4

T: Who can read Picture 3&4?

thanks= thank you

Picture 5:

教读great ea/ei/ 板书:Great.

Picture 6:

教读: our PS:we的物主代词

(4)Read Story time


T:Let’s read after the tape.


T:Let’s read it together.




Step 3 Consolidation

1.Puzzles(fill in the blanks)


例如:a yellow banana some purple grapes

2.Work in pairs



S1:Do you have a/an/any…?

S2: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.

S1: Here you are.

S2: Thanks./Thank you.

S1:Let’s make a fruit salad.

S2: Great/Good/OK/All right.







(2)some any great our


(1)句型:I have a/an/some…


S1:Do you have a/an/any…?

S2: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.

S1: Here you are.

S2: Thanks./Thank you.

S1:Let’s make a fruit salad.

S2: Great/Good/OK/All right.


Step 4 Homework

1.Copy the new words four times.

2、Recite Story Time after class.


1.Copy the new words four times.

2.Recite Story Time after class.


Unit 2 Let’s make a fruit salad

I have a/ an/ some…

A:Do you have a/an/any…?

B:Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. a banana a mango

A:Here you are. a grape a pineapple

B:Thanks./Thank you. ( a peach a pear

A:Let’s make a fruit salad.可不写 an apple an orange)可不写B:Great/Good/OK/All right.可不写


Unit2 Let’s make a fruit salad第二教时

教学内容:Let’s make a fruit salad


1.能熟练地听懂、会读、会拼写单词a banana、 a grape、a mango、 a pineapple;复习水果类单词an orange, a peach,a pear,an apple。

2.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型Do you have…?并且会用Yes, I do.和No,I don’t 来回答。

3.能初步会用How many…?询问可数名词的数量。

4.能明白Cartoon time 的幽默之处



1.能熟练地听懂、会读、会拼写单词a banana、 a grape、a mango、 a pineapple;复习水果类单词an orange, a peach,a pear,an apple。

2.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型Do you have…?并且会用Yes, I do.和No,I don’t 来回答。

3.能初步会用How many…?询问可数名词的数量。

4.能明白Cartoon time 的幽默之处



能初步会用How many…?询问可数名词的数量。




Step 1 Greeing and warm up



T: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you?

S: I’m fine/well/good/Not so good…

3.Warm up

(1)Question box

教师出示一个盒子----Question box,盒子里装了过去所学的问题,让学生在盒子一抽出一张纸回答问题。例如: What’s this? What colour is it?

I have a pencil. Do you have a pencil?

Do you like tigers?

I like apples. What do you like?

(2)Find friends

例如:教师出示an apple, 在所有所给单词中找出相



Step 2 Presentation

1.Fun time

(1)Drawing time

教师出示Fun time 的光盘内容----Draw pictures


(2)Speaking time


A:Do you have a book?

B: Yes, I do. Do you have any apples?

A: No, I don’t.Do you have any bananas?

B: Yes, I do.

(3)Showing time

A: I have…(I don’t have…)

B: I have…(I don’t have…)

2.Review Story time







3.Cartoon time

T:Now,let’s have a rest.Let’s watch a cartoon.

(1)Watch the cartoon and choose the best answers. Today, Sam is a .

A. doctor

B. cook


D. teacher

Sam’s stage properties are .


B. pineapples


D. Bananas


(2)Read after the tape

逐图跟读,注意语音语调。让学生可以加上自己的表情和动作。How many…? +可数名词的复数形式问数量


A: How many…do you have?

B: I have…



you ? , I .

(4)Read by yourself






4A Unit 1 一、教学要求 1、四会单词:a pen, a pencil, a ball pen, a book 2、四会句型:May I have…? This … is for … 3、三会日常交际用语: May I come in? Come in, please. Yes. /Sure. Here you are. Thank you. All right. Good morning. Goodbye. Here’s a …for …Happy Teachers’ Day! 4、了解辅音字母b和c在单词中的读音。 5、能诵读歌谣A little book 6、训练学生运用所学英语知识做简单的调查统计。 二、单元教材分析 第一单元安排了“新学期向老师要新课本”,“教师节给老师送贺卡并向老师表示祝贺”这两个语言情景,话题贴近生活,学生乐意学习。在教学内容方面,从本单元起对部分单词和句子提出了书写要求,希望教师高度重视。对单词的字体、书写方法、规格的功能方面要进行示范、指导,使学生逐步形成良好的书写习惯。 Unit 1 (第一课时) 一、教学内容 B Look read and learn & C Ask and answer 二、教学目标 1、能正确地听、说、读单词a pen, a ruler, a ball pen, a book, a rubber, a pencil case, a notebook, a pencil, a bookmark 2、能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型May I have…? 3、能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语: Yes./Sure. Here you are.

新版牛津英语教案4A Unit 8 In class

Unit 8 In class 教学目标: 1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词eat , drink , write , read, close ,open . 2、能听得懂、会说、会读和会写祈使句Open the window , please .Don’t open the door .并能在适当的场合正确运用祈使句。 3、能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语That’s all right .Don’t be late again . 4、了解辅音字母r和s在单词中的读音。 5、会诵读歌谣Don’t be late again . 教学重点: 1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词eat , drink , write , read, close ,open . 2、能听得懂、会说、会读和会写祈使句Open the window , please .Don’t open the door .并能在适当的场合正确运用祈使句。 教学难点: 1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词eat , drink , write , read, close ,open . 2、能听得懂、会说、会读和会写祈使句Open the window , please .Don’t open the door .并能在适当的场合正确运用祈使句。 教学时间:五课时 教学设计: 第一课时 教学内容: A Read and say . 教学目标: 1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词open ,read . 2、能听得懂、会说、会读和会写祈使句Open your books ,please .Don’t open the door。并能在适当的场合正确运用祈使句。 3、能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语That’s all right .Don’t be late again . 教学重难点: 1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词open ,read . 2、能听得懂、会说、会读和会写祈使句Open your books ,please .Don’t open the door。并能在适当的场合正确运用祈使句。 3、能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语That’s all right .Don’t be late again . 教具准备:磁带、卡片、录音机 教学进程:

牛津译林版-英语-四年级上册-4A Unit6 At the snack bar教案(共4课时)

The first period 教学内容:Story time 教学目标: 1、通过游戏活动,能初步感知、体验单词“at, coffee, tea, juice, rice, fish, big, snack bar, hamburger, a glass of, noodles, dad, sandwich, a cup of”并理解单词的意思。 2、通过在情境中交流,能听说读: “What would you like? I’d like …, please. Anything else?”并会运用所学句型。 3、能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。 4、能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语学会点餐及征求别人的意见。 教学重点: 1、通过游戏活动,能初步感知、体验单词“at, coffee, tea, juice, rice, fish, big, snack bar, hamburger, a glass of, noodles, dad, sandwich, a cup of”并理解单词的意思。 2、通过在情境中交流,能听说读: “What would you like? I’d like …, please. Anything else?”并会运用所学句型。教学难点: 能初步把自己表达的内容在老师的帮助下写下来。 教学难点: 1、能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。 2、能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语学会点餐及征求别人的意见 教学过程 Step1 Greeting & Warm up 1、学生表演对话,要求用已经学过的语言编演。教师可以采取评五角星的办法。 T: Hello, class. Today I have some food. Look, here they are.(出示小纸袋) T: Hello, xx. Would you like a pie? S: No, thank you. T: What about a hot dog?

四年级:牛津小学英语 4A Unit 9 What’s the matter 教案设计(实用文本)

小学英语标准教材 四年级:牛津小学英语 4A Unit 9 What’s the matter 教 Learning English is conducive to understanding the customs and culture of other countries, reading foreign books, etc. 学校:______________________ 班级:______________________ 科目:______________________ 教师:______________________

--- 专业教学设计系列下载即可用 --- 四年级:牛津小学英语 4A Unit 9 What’s the matter 教案设计(实用文本) 教学目标: 1:集中教学表示感觉的形容词tired、ill、hot、cold、hungry、thirsty. 2:能听懂、会说、句型what’sthematter?i’m…… 3:能用贴切的形容词表述自己的感觉 4:单词tired的读音要到位 教学重点: 1.学生对表示感觉的形容词tired、ill、hot、cold、hungry、thirsty的掌握

2.能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语comeand…goodnight.whydon’tyou…now? 3.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句子what’sthematter?i’m…here’s…foryou. 3.能贴切的形容自己的感觉。 4.单词tired的读音要到位。 教学难点: 1.能听得懂、会说和会读、和会拼写单词 hot,cold,ill,tired,hungry,thirsty。 2.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句子what’sthematter?i’m… 3.能用所学的语句在新的情境中进行语言交际,实现语言的运用。 教具准备: 录音机(带)、光盘、cards、蛋糕、水等实物、powerpoint 课文中人物的头饰 教学过程: step1warm-up.


牛津小学英语4A教案(全册) 备课时间: Unit 1 May I have …? 教材简析: 本单元由Read and say ,Look ,read and learn ,Ask and answer ,Work in pairs ,Read and act 及Fun house 六个部分组成。安排了“新学期向老师要新课本”、“教师节给教师送贺卡并向老师表示祝贺”这两个语言情景,话题贴近生活,学生乐意学习。在教学内容方面,从本单元起对部分单词和句子提出了书写要求,本单元要求能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a pen ,a ruler ,a rubber ,a ball pen ,a pencil case ,a book .能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型May I have …? This …is for ….,因此,对单词的字体、书写方法、规格等方面要进行示范、指导,使学生逐步形成良好的书写习惯。 教学目的: 1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a pen ,a ruler ,a rubber ,a ball pen ,a pencil case ,a book . 2.能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语May I come in ?Come in ,please .Yes /Sure .Here you are .Thank you .All right .Good morning .Goodbye .Here’s a …for …Happy Teacher’s Day ! 3.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型May I have …?This …is for ….. 4.了辅音字母b 和c 在单词中的读音。 5.训练学生用所学英语知识做简单的调查统计。 6.能诵读歌谣A little book . 教学重点: 1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a pen ,a ruler ,a rubber ,a ball pen ,a pencil case ,a book . 2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型May I have …?This …is for ….. 3、训练学生动用所学英语知识做简单的调查统计。 教学难点: 1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a pen ,a ruler ,a rubber ,a ball pen ,a pencil case ,a book . 2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型M ay I have …?This …is for ….. 教具准备: 录音机、磁带、图片、实物、头饰。 课时安排: 本单元共安排5课时 A Read and say 及B中的几个单词。1课时 B中单词及C Ask and answer 1课时 D部分Work in pairs ,G3 Say a rhyme 及F部分


牛津4A——Unit 1 May I have …? 教材简析: 本单元由Read and say ,Look ,read and learn ,Ask and answer ,Work in pairs ,Read and act 及Fun house 六个部分组成。安排了“新学期向老师要新课本”、“教师节给教师送贺卡并向老师表示祝贺”这两个语言情景,话题贴近生活,学生乐意学习。在教学内容方面,从本单元起对部分单词和句子提出了书写要求,本单元要求能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词 a pen ,a ruler ,a rubber ,a ball pen ,a pencil case ,a book .能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型May I have …? This …is for ….,因此,对单词的字体、书写方法、规格等方面要进行示范、指导,使学生逐步形成良好的书写习惯。 教学目的: 1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a pen ,a ruler ,a rubber ,a ball pen ,a pencil case ,a book . 2.能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语May I come in ?Come in ,please .Yes /Sure .Here you are .Thank you .All right .Good morning .Goodbye .Here’s a …for …Happy Teacher’s Day ! 3.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型May I have …?This …is for ….. 4.了辅音字母b 和c 在单词中的读音。 5.训练学生用所学英语知识做简单的调查统计。 6.能诵读歌谣A little book . 教学重点: 1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a pen ,a ruler ,a rubber ,a ball pen ,a pencil case ,a book . 2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型May I have …?This …is for ….. 3、训练学生动用所学英语知识做简单的调查统计。 教学难点: 1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a pen ,a ruler ,a rubber ,a ball pen ,a pencil case ,a book . 2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型May I have …?This …is for …..


牛津小学英语4A教案(全册)备课时间: Unit 1 May I have …? 教材简析: 本单元由Read and say ,Look ,read and learn ,Ask and answer ,Work in pairs ,Read and act 及Fun house 六个部分组成。安排了“新学期向老师要新课本”、“教师节给教师送贺卡并向老师表示祝贺”这两个语言情景,话题贴近生活,学生乐意学习。在教学内容方面,从本单元起对部分单词和句子提出了书写要求,本单元要求能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a pen ,a ruler ,a rubber ,a ball pen ,a pencil case ,a book .能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型May I have …? This …is for ….,因此,对单词的字体、书写方法、规格等方面要进行示范、指导,使学生逐步形成良好的书写习惯。 教学目的: 1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a pen ,a ruler ,a rubber ,a ball pen ,a pencil case ,a book . 2.能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语May I come in ?Come in ,please .Yes /Sure .Here you are .Thank you .All right .Good morning .Goodbye .Here‘s a …for …Happy Teacher‘s Day ! 3.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型May I have …?This …is for ….. 4.了辅音字母b 和c 在单词中的读音。 5.训练学生用所学英语知识做简单的调查统计。 6.能诵读歌谣A little book . 教学重点: 1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a pen ,a ruler ,a rubber ,a ball pen ,a pencil case ,a book . 2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型May I have …?This …is for ….. 3、训练学生动用所学英语知识做简单的调查统计。 教学难点: 1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a pen ,a ruler ,a rubber ,a ball pen ,a pencil case ,a book . 2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型M ay I have …?This …is for ….. 教具准备: 录音机、磁带、图片、实物、头饰。 课时安排: 本单元共安排5课时 A Read and say 及B中的几个单词。1课时 B中单词及C Ask and answer 1课时


《牛津幼儿英语》4A教学周计划表 教学周次课时教学目标备注Week 1 Lesson 1 学习单词glass、cup、water。熟悉句型Give me a cup of… Lesson 2 学习单词beer、tea、juice。熟悉句型Give me a cup of… Week 2 Lesson 3 情景表演,模仿点餐Give me a cup o…,Here you are的表达。 Lesson 4 学习歌谣《Drinks》 Week 3 Lesson 5 学习drink some water和pour some juice的表达,并会做相应动作。 Lesson 6 学习歌曲《Where Has My Little Dog Gone?》 Week 4 Lesson 7 学习歌曲《Where Has My Little Dog Gone?》 Lesson 8 《Let’s make》+《Practice》系统复习本单元学过的内容。 Week 5 Lesson 1 学习食物rice、noodles、soup。熟悉We have…的表达。 Lesson 2 学习食物chicken、fish。熟悉What is for lunch? We have…的表达。 Week 6 Lesson 3 学习进餐时候的日常用语的表达,熟悉句型We have… Lesson 4 学习歌谣《Fish》 Week 7 Lesson 5 学习smell the chicken和eat the rice的表达,并会做相应动作。 Lesson 6 学习歌曲《Row, Row ,Row Your Boat》 Week 8 Lesson 7 学习歌曲《Row, Row ,Row Your Boat》 Lesson 8 《Let’s make》+《Practice》系统复习本单元学过的内容。 Week 9 Lesson 1 学习反义词big和small、short和tall,并学会用它们来比较。 Lesson 2 学习反义词fat和thin,学会用胖瘦来比较身边的人或者物。 Week 10 Lesson 3 学会运用反义词对事物进行比较。 Lesson 4 学习歌谣《Big and Small》 Week 11 Lesson 5 学习brush my teeth和comb my hair的表达,并会做相应动作。 Lesson 6 学习歌曲《The Bear Song》 Week 12 Lesson 7 学习歌曲《The Bear Song》 Lesson 8 《Let’s make》+《Practice》系统复习本单元学过的内容。 Week 13 Lesson 1 学习形状triangle、circle的表达。熟悉句型It is… Lesson 2 学习形状square、heart的表达。熟悉句型What shape is it? It is… Week 14 Lesson 3 熟悉句型What shape is it? It is… Lesson 4 学习歌谣《What Shape Is It?》 Week 15 Lesson 5 学习make a circle和make two lines的表达,并学会做相应动作。 Lesson 6 学习歌曲《Happy New Year》 Week 16 Lesson 7 学习歌曲《Happy New Year》 Lesson 8 《Let’s m ake》+《Practice》系统复习本单元学过的内容。 Week17 Lesson 1 学习动作cook、clean、drive的表达。熟悉句型I am ---ing的表达。 Lesson 2 学习动作read、write、sleep的表达。熟悉句型I am ---ing的表达。 Week18 Lesson 3 学习使用句型What are you doing? I am ---ing进行问答。 Lesson 4 学习歌谣《What Are They Doing?》 Week19 Lesson 5 学习go to sleep和clean up的表达,并学会做相应动作。 Lesson 6 学习歌曲《Five Little Monkeys》 Week20 Lesson 7 学习歌曲《Five Little Monkeys》 Lesson 8 《Let’s make》+《Practice》系统复习本单元学过的内容。


Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 1 Hello again Period One Teaching contents: Look and say & Look and talk Teaching aims : 1. Basic aims : a. Using nouns to identify people. e.g. Kitty’s my classmate. https://www.360docs.net/doc/e115821727.html,ing demonstratives to refer to people. e.g. This is my … https://www.360docs.net/doc/e115821727.html,ing possessive adjectives. e.g. This is our dog. 2. Developing aims: https://www.360docs.net/doc/e115821727.html,ing possessive adjectives to show possession. https://www.360docs.net/doc/e115821727.html,ing formulaic expressions to greet people and respond to greetings, introduce others and take leave. c.Free talk. https://www.360docs.net/doc/e115821727.html,cation aims: Greet people and introduce oneself politely. Difficult and key points: 1. Introducing someone to someone else. 2.Possessive adjectives. Teaching aids: pictures, word cards, cassette player, and soft toy animals


牛津小学英语4Aunit1教案 Unit 1 May I have …? 教材简析: 本单元由Read and say ,Look ,read and learn ,Ask and answer ,Work in pairs ,Read and act 及Fun house 六个部分组成。安排了“新学期向老师要新课本”、“教师节给教师送贺卡并向老师表示祝贺”这两个语言情景,话题贴近生活,学生乐意学习。在教学内容方面,从本单元起对部分单词和句子提出了书写要求,本单元要求能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a pen ,a ruler ,a rubber ,a ball pen ,a pencil case ,a book .能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型May I have …? This …is for ….,因此,对单词的字体、书写方法、规格等方面要进行示范、指导,使学生逐步形成良好的书写习惯。 教学目的: 1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a pen ,a ruler ,a rubber ,a ball pen ,a pencil case ,a book . 2.能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语May I come in ?Come in ,please .Yes /Sure .Here you are .Thank you .All right .Good morning .Goodbye .Here‘s a …for …Happy Teacher‘s Day ! 3.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型May I have …?This …is for …..

4.了辅音字母b 和c 在单词中的读音。 5.训练学生用所学英语知识做简单的调查统计。 6.能诵读歌谣A little book . 教学重点: 1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a pen ,a ruler ,a rubber ,a ball pen ,a pencil case ,a book . 2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型May I have …?This …is for ….. 3、训练学生动用所学英语知识做简单的调查统计。 教学难点: 1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a pen ,a ruler ,a rubber ,a ball pen ,a pencil case ,a book . 2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型May I have …?This …is for ….. 教具准备: 录音机、磁带、图片、实物、头饰。 课时安排: 本单元共安排5课时 A Read and say 及B中的几个单词。1课时 B中单词及C Ask and answer 1课时


Unit 1 May I have …? 教材简析: 本单元由Read and say ,Look ,read and learn ,Ask and answer ,Work in pairs ,Read and act 及Fun house 六个部分组成。安排了“新学期向老师要新课本”、“教师节给教师送贺卡并向老师表示祝贺”这两个语言情景,话题贴近生活,学生乐意学习。在教学内容方面,从本单元起对部分单词和句子提出了书写要求,本单元要求能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a pen ,a ruler ,a rubber ,a ball pen ,a pencil case ,a book .能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型May I have …? This …is for ….,因此,对单词的字体、书写方法、规格等方面要进行示范、指导,使学生逐步形成良好的书写习惯。 教学目的: 1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a pen ,a ruler ,a rubber ,a ball p en ,a pencil case ,a book . 2.能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语May I come in ?Come in ,please . Yes /Sure .Here you are .Thank you .All right .Good morning .Goodbye .Here’s a …for …Happy Teacher’s Day ! 3.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型May I have …?This …is for ….. 4.了辅音字母b 和c 在单词中的读音。 5.训练学生用所学英语知识做简单的调查统计。 6.能诵读歌谣A little book . 教学重点: 1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a pen ,a ruler ,a rubber ,a ball pe n ,a pencil case ,a book . 2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型May I have …?This …is for ….. 3、训练学生动用所学英语知识做简单的调查统计。 教学难点: 1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a pen ,a ruler ,a rubber ,a ball pe n ,a pencil case ,a book . 2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型May I have …?This …is for ….. 教具准备: 录音机、磁带、图片、实物、头饰。 课时安排: 本单元共安排5课时 A Read and say 及B中的几个单词。1课时 B中单词及C Ask and answer 1课时 D部分Work in pairs ,G3 Say a rhyme 及F部分 Listen and repeat . 1课时 E部分Read and act 及G部分中的1,2 1课时 复习本单元中单词、句型、做练习。1课时

新版牛津英语教案4A Unit 9 What

Unit 9 What’s the matter? 教学目标: 1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词hot , cold , ill , tired , hungry ,thirsty。 2、能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语Come and have supper…Good evening /night .You look…Why don’t you …now ?What a nice …! 3、听得懂、会说、会读和会写句子What’s the matter? I’m … 4、能用贴切的形容词表述自己的感觉。 5、单词tired的读音要到位。 6、了解辅音字母t和v在单词中的读音。 7、会唱歌曲What’s the matter? 教学重点: 1、能听得懂、会说、会读,会拼写单词hot、 cold、 ill、 tired、hungry、thirsty . 2、听得懂、会说、会读和会写句子What’s the matter ?I’m… 3、能用贴切的形容词表述自己的感觉。 4、单词tired的读音要到位。 教学难点: 1、能听得懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词hot、cold、 ill、 tired、hungry、thirsty . 2、听得懂、会说、会读和会写句子What’s the matter ?I’m… 3、能用贴切的形容词表述自己的感觉。 教学时间:五课时 第一课时 教学内容:A部分图1-图3,B部分4单词。 教学目标: 1.能听得懂、会说、会读句型:What’s the matter? Come and have supper. 2.能听得懂、会说、会读单词ill ,tired ,hungry ,thirsty其中ill ,hungry ,thirsty .要求会拼写。 教学重难点: 掌握单词ill ,tired ,hungry ,thirsty其中ill , hungry , thirsty和句型What’s the matter? Come and have supper。 教学准备:磁带、卡片、录音机 教学过程: Step 1 Warm up 1. Sing a song 《Go to school》 2. Say a rhyme:《Don’t be late again 》 3. Greetings。


Unit 2 In a toy shop 盐城市第二小学周正荣 第1课时 教学内容: A Read and say 前三幅图及B部分中的单词a cat ,a tiger , a lion, a rabbit . 教学目标: 1 单词a rabbit要达到三会要求。a lion, a cat ,a tiger要达到四会要求。 2 能够正确运用对话中所出现的日常交际用语,并能够对What’s this ? What’s that ?It’s a … This is … That’s …..,几个句型达到四会要求。 教学过程: STEP1、Free talk . 1.Greetings . T: Good morning/ afternoon .Boys and girls . Ss: Good morning / afternoon Mr … 2. Review .利用图片,指名说出,引起学生思考。 通过游戏“Touch and guess ”复习3A中学过的动物单词,并把其放入新授单词,在复习中学习新知。 STEP2、Presentation and practice . 1.Learn the new words : a cat ,a tiger , a lion ,a rabbit . 出示卡片Touch and guess引出上面四个单词,逐一诵读,并对a cat 等进行拼写指导。 2.用This is …/That’s … 练说。 教师将动物玩具放于教室中的不同位置,靠近的用This is …远的用That’s …指导学生用This is …/That’s ….进行练说,巩固单词的同时复习this和that . 3.Learn the new sentences .

新版牛津英语教案4A Unit 7 It

Unit 7 It’s late . 教学目标: 1、能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词one two three four five six seven eight nine ten . 2、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语It’s late. What time do you …? I …at …/At … See you /Bye ,Shall we…? 3、能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型What’s the time…? It’s … 4、了解辅音字母n和p在单词中读音。 5、会唱歌曲Go to school . 教学重点: 1、能听懂、会说、会拼写单词one to ten . 2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型What’s the time ? It’s …Shall we…? 教学难点: 1、能听懂、会说、会读、会拼单词one to ten . 2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型What’s the time? It’s … 教学时间:五课时。 教学设计: 第一课时 教学内容: A部分四幅图,B部分thirty ,forty两个单词。 教学目标: 1、能听懂、会说、会读句型It’s late .What time do you …? I…at …/At … See you /Bye .What’s the time? It’s … 2、会用英语表达非整点的时间。 3、初步感受歌曲《Go to school》 教学重、难点: 1、能听懂、会说、会读句型It’s late .What time do you …? I…at …/At … See you /Bye .What’s the time? It’s … 2、会用英语表达非整点的时间。 教具准备:磁带、卡片、录音机 教学过程: Step1 Warm up 1. Sing a song 《Ten Little Indian boys》边唱边打手势,帮助学生复习1-10十个数词。 2. Greetings . 3.生听指令做动作。 go to bed ,get up , go to school ,play football ,have lunch ,go home, watch TV. 生在熟悉这些动词词组的基础上认读这些词组。

新版牛津英语教案4A Unit 4 I like

Unit 4 I like … 教学目标: 1、能听懂、会说、会读和会写单词a car,a bike ,a bus和a kite . 2、能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语I like puzzles ./Me ,too . I love dolls .Thank you very much .Look at my kite. It’s nice. Let’s … 3、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型What’s this/that in English ?It’s a …Do you like …? Yes ,I do /No ,I don’t . 4、初步了解名词的单复数。 5、了解辅音字母j和k在单词中读音。 6、能诵读歌谣Fly ,fly my kite . 教学重点: 1、能听懂、会说、会读和会写单词a car,a bike ,a bus和a kite. 2、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型What’s this/that in English ?It’s a …Do you…? Yes /No . 教学难点: 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型What’s this/that in English ?It’s a …Do you…? Yes /No . 教学时间:五课时。 教学设计: 第一课时 教学内容:A Read and say . 教学目标: 1、能正确地听、说、读词语in English, do, you, like, don’t .love ,a puppet ,a puzzle ,a kite和a doll . 2、能正确地运用对话中的日常交际What’s this /that in English ?It’s a puppet .Do you like puppets ?及其它回答Yes ,I do /No ,I don’t . 3、初步认识名词单、复数的基本形式。 教学重点: 能正确地听、说、读词语in English, do, you, like, don’t,love ,a puppet ,a puzzle ,a kite和a doll . 教学难点: 能正确地运用对话中的日常交际What’s this /that in English ?It’s a puppet .Do you like puppets ?及其它回答Yes ,I do /No ,I don’t . 教具准备:磁带、卡片、录音机


Model 1 Greeting to know you Unit 1 On the farm Teaching designing: Teaching aids: A.Words: my his her our this sister brother friend classmate can can?t B.Structures: …can?(ability)+write/swim/jump/cook/sing/dive/paint/run Can you …? Yes, I can. /No, I can?t. C.Functions: Greeting people; Introducing somebody; talk about ability. Material: 1.Student?s Book 4 page 2-4 2.Cassette 4A 3.Wallpictures 4.Workbood 4A P1-2 5.Grammar Practice Book 4A P1-3 6.Picturs fo dogs and cats,cards. Teaching times: 3 times Learning targets: A.B asic aims: 1.Be able to greet others 2.Be able to introduce somebody using He?s /She?s/It?s. 3.Be able to talk about ability: I can,,,/Can you …?/ 4.Be able to write the sentence: Can you …? Yes, I can. / No, I can?t. 5.Learn the sound:ch- B.Further aims: https://www.360docs.net/doc/e115821727.html,ing more information to introduce somebody. 2.Ask …yes/no?question to obtain simple responses: Can he/she …? Language focus: https://www.360docs.net/doc/e115821727.html,ing demonstratives to refer to people: This is my … https://www.360docs.net/doc/e115821727.html,ing modals to talk about ability: She can run. https://www.360docs.net/doc/e115821727.html,ing interrogatives to ask …yes/no?questions to obtain simple responses: Can you swim? https://www.360docs.net/doc/e115821727.html,ing modals to talk about ability: Yes, I can. Period 1 Teaching focus: Using formulaic expressions to greet people and respond to gretings, introduce


TEACHING PLAN FOR OXFORD ENGLISH 4A BOOK 4A MODULE 1 Greeting to Know You UNIT 1 Hello again Look PERIOD 1 AIMS: 1.Words (letters) :my, his, her, our, friend, classmate 2. Structures: possessive adjectives 3. Functions: Greeting people and responding greetings Introducing someone to another. LANGUAGE FOCUS: How to introduce someone DIFFICULT POINTS: Using possessive adjectives: E.g.: This is ____. His/her name is ____. AIDS: Book 4A P2 Cassette and a cassette player WorkbookP1

1.This is a cat. _____ name is Ginger. 2.That is a dog. _____ name is Sam.. 3.Mary is in the park. ______ mother is with her. 4.What’s ____ name? My name is Ben. 5.We’re good friends. _____ pets are good friends, too. 6.He has got a bicycle. _____ bicycle is new. 板书:M1U1 Hello again This is ____________. I my Her/His name is _________. you your Goodbye. See you. he his she her we our classmate deskmate 课后反思: 本节课是四年级的第一节新课,在很大的篇幅上是对三年级内容的复习,在此基础上引出了our,classmate这两个新单词,正好两个班级中都有新同学,对于这两个单词的理解与运用学生能比较自然,对于物主代词的运用也能得心应手。


《牛津小学英语4A》Unit6Whosegloves(说课教案) 四年级英语教案 《牛津小学英语4A》Unit6 Whose gloves?(说课教案)一、教材分析: 本课选自《牛津小学英语4A》中的Unit6。这套教材从视听入手,注重听说训练,着重培养学生的语感和初步运用英语进行简单日常交流的能力,通过听、说、读、写、唱、游、演、画、做等活动激发学生的学习兴趣,帮助学生养成良好的学习习惯,形成有效的学习方法,发展自主学习的能力,为进一步学习打下基础,书中的各单元内容贴近学生的生活和学习实际,Unit6的核心教学内容是“寻找物主”,要求学生围绕服饰类的单词,在一定的情景下,能正确使用Whose is this/are they?进行交谈,并能对物体用形容词big. small. long .short来进行描述,并能灵活运用,基于此,结合本单元A. Read and say , B. Look. read and learn的内容较多,故选A中的1、2、3幅图和B中的部分单词安排在第一课时教授。二、教学目标:1、认知目标:(1).能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词big. small. long . short . sweater. jacket. whose。(2).能正确地听、读单词a pair of jeans .a pair of gloves。(3).能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语The is /are too……Try this one/pair on 。能初步运用Whose 来进行简单问答,回答 ×× ’

S 。(4).初步理解掌握服饰类单词中复数单词的形式和用法以及与动词be和代词用时的一致关系。2、能力目标:使学生能熟练地应用本课所学的语言知识,进行日常交际,形成综合运用语言的能力。3、情感目标:以情感培育人,以兴趣吸引人,通过引导学生参与游戏、表演,对话等丰富多彩的教学活动,营造一种轻松愉快的教学氛围,让学生充满乐趣地学习,并从中获得美感。三、 教学方法:1、直观情景教学法:本课将通过实物(服饰、其它物品等),创设出一些语境,让学生体验语言的真实,自然及语言的交际功能。2、整体语言教学法:本课通过实物的演示,让学生试穿服装,去体会big. small. long. short的含义,让学生进行整体感知,而非孤立地去死记硬背,从而学会说Try this one /pair on 。3、活动式教学法:通过设计情景,采用多种多样的活动,围绕参加party去选择衣服这一内容,把书本知识融进活动中,让学生在活动中不断地吸收,内化所学知识。根据小学生的特点,本课创建了活动为主的教学模式,重点培养学生运用英语进行简单交流的能力,通过听、说、读、演、玩的形式,鼓励学生积极参与,大胆表达,提高学生对语言的感受和运用英语进行日常交际的能力。4、教学过程:(一)、组织教学:1、师生交流,通过师生相互问好,演唱歌曲“We are happy bees”,营造一种轻松的学习氛围,学生可以边唱边表演,这样就很快进入一种自觉的语言状态,(二)、复习引入:通过一些实物,学生比较喜爱的如balloon. apple等,用以前学过的What’s this /that inEnglish? Do you like……?Is it nice?等这样的问答自然地带出以前听学过的“big . small. long. short”,如教师可说:Do you like balloons? I have some big ballons Here’s a big balloon
