yingyuThese days

yingyuThese days

These days, through the study of Bill Gates, my classmates gated into heated discussing towards the topic which is “Is academic achievement more important than extracurricular activities?” The following are my personal opinions about this question.

As far as I am concerned, I agree with it. First, just everyone knows, with the rapid development of our society and economy, knowledge is increasing playing a more important role in all aspects of our life, as proverb goes” Knowledge create wealth”. Second, although extracurricular activities can gain some experience exercise some abilities, they are not the essence of success. Third, I think that university is the best place for us to acquire new knowledge; there are so much valuable resources and opportunities, so, in college life, we should focus on our study and try our best to enrich our professional knowledge. If students just blindly participate in extracurricular activities, their losses are sure to be more than their gains.

To sum up, I think that college should pay more attention on academic study than on extracurricular activities.


(本文内容涉及严重剧透,未通关玩家请慎重观看) 本文本版攻略可自用请勿转载--by GTO * 建议新玩家最好自己先通关一遍,看过攻略以后再自己玩,会损失不少趣味。 * 本攻略可打出所有21个结局(包括真·辗杀而非以前攻略的伪辗杀线),和所有H回放(第4页第二个由于游戏bug,打出过也不能收录) * 不建议使用网上的全存档,由于路线图全点亮和阅读率100%,会让玩家不知道哪些是自己打过的,按本攻略即可以打出所有结局和H场景 [几个常用快捷键]: 空格-暂停/继续游戏 crtl+c -开关字幕 crtl+M -打开路线图 crtl+s -打开存盘界面 crtl+l -打开读档界面 [例注]: 不选-就是什么都不选等选项消失 【SaveXX】-在此处存盘(自己按顺序存。个人习惯:途中存盘从第一页正序排放,结局存盘从最后一页倒序排放) →[...] -重要情节文字说明 =============================================================================== = 路线A ■第一话 不选(那又怎么样/不是) 不选(漫画咖啡店) ■第二话 不选(为什么吻我/昨天的事) 不选(果然世界她/果然我还是) 还是叫世界来 我开动了 不是那样哦 不选(啊啊) KISS的事 去谈谈吧 对不起 【Save01】 不选(不行/好吧) ■第三话 如实的说吧

什麼也不说也不错啊 有话要说 一起回去吧 不选(我对世界/我对言叶) 早上好 【Save02】 不选(不是喜欢世界吗/不是不讨厌言叶吗) →[在家开苞世界并中出。天台H世界被言叶撞见] ■第四话 还可行吧 不选(好啊) 没有啊 不选(好啊/不行) 那件衣服很可爱啊→[天台中出世界] 【Save03】 不选(明白了/考虑一下) 不选(马上就去) →[学园祭休息室开苞言叶] ■第五话 不知道 早上好 出 不选(喜欢/不喜欢) 别这样了 别这样了→[在言叶家H] 在家里的感觉还真不一样→[学园祭七海、诚言叶的H录像被曝光] ■第六话 不选(我睡着了/我和言叶在一起) 不是我的女朋友 不选(喜欢/讨厌) 【Save04】 拒绝 ●END01だいすき(很喜欢) →拒绝言叶,诚和世界在一起… (由于游戏bug,该结局打出过也不会在路线图点亮,故无碍) Save04开始 不选(拒绝) →[在家中出言叶] ●END02永远に(永远) →言叶被拒跳楼自杀,诚和世界分手 Save03开始 考虑一下 不选(马上就去) ■第五话 不选(打招呼) 【Save05】


2006 creative reading B1-11 School Days Understanding the text Part A: Comprehending the text Answer these questions as fully as possible. 1. Was the writer good at studying school subjects? Yes, the writer is good at studying school subjects. 2. What surprised the writer when he first entered the Grammar school? He had to move from room to room to attend classes. 3. Why does the writer describe Mr Pickles as looking like a 19th century romantic poet? Because of his hair, clothes and glasses. 4. What school subjects was the writer poor at? The writer was poor at sciences, art and music. 5. Why didn't the writer enjoy rowing? The writer didn't enjoy rowing because it was too hard and cold. 6. What happened to Stephen Allen after leaving school and why was his nickname "Slim"? He got married, then divorced, and was living in a tiny flat alone. He was called "Slim" because he was fat. Part B: True or false Indicate whether each of the following statements is true or false. Correct any false statements in the box provided. 1. The 11 + exam was designed to separate students who were good academically from those who were good at sports. [F] The 11 + exam was designed to separate students who were good academically from those who were not. 2. The writer went to an old, well-known school. [T] 3. The writer says that many of the schoolteachers were odd. [T] 4. Fives is a kind of football played using the hands not the feet. [F] Fives is a kind of squash using the hand rather the racket to hit the ball. 5. The writer still has many friends from his school days. [F] The writer only has one friend from his school days. 6. The writer feels that his school days were the best days of his life. [F] The writer feels that his school days were disciplined. Part C: Interpreting the text words that have negative connotations (e. g. didn't like, not interesting, difficult, no fun, etc. ) or any sentences that contain modals of obligation(e. g. had to, must, etc. ) . Did the writer enjoy his time at school? No Supporting evidence from the text: ~ had to take two buses to get there ~ had to move from room to room ~ struggled with the sciences ~ had no time at all for art or music ~ found the early morning training ... no fun at all ~ life at Cambridge would be ... liberating after the discipline of school


观《日在校园》有感 最近才开始接触动漫的,不过因为喜欢,所以也看了不少了,有特别感人的《那朵花》,有略坑爹的《罪恶王冠》,也有治愈系的《夏目友人帐》,等等。可以说《日在校园》是我看到现在的动漫中,主人公最坏的一个了。不过听别人说它无论是在中国还是在日本,都是公认的动漫史上最渣的人物,这一点我还是不认同的。 不管怎么说,故事一开始,主人公诚还是一个懵懂的好少年,什么都不懂,什么都想探索,这一点从他一直在看《恋爱攻略》就可以看得出来,不得不说,主人公之所以会变成后来这个样子,很大一部分原因在世界身上。但若要因此说世界就做错了,那也就以偏概全了。世界也是个悲剧的人,明明喜欢诚,却还要帮着他追另一个女生。既然这样,那好啊,你就好好帮着追啊,结果追到一半,你又自己上了,丝毫不顾及另一个女生的想法,同时,你又让主人公错误的以为恋人之间不过就是性爱而已。可以说,世界时最无辜但又是最应该受到惩罚的。 至于另外一个女主角,那就纯粹是一个悲剧了,一开始懵懵懂懂的,后来喜欢上主人公之后,却遭到了主人公的抛弃,甚至在外界的压力之下,差一点就疯掉了。我感觉这就是一坑爹故事,讲了三个最主要的人如何变得越来越坑爹的故事。其实,这一切似乎都是因为诚的花心导致的,但细想一下,世界的推波助澜,以及各种外在因素,在这一系列事情中也是举足轻重的存在。 不得不说,动漫版《日在校园》是一部神作,关于爱情的神作,确实反映了不少现实生活中血淋淋的存在。我想,对于大部分人,确实是有意义的。不过,这也就是对于大部分人而言的,对于永远处于阴暗面的某些屌丝而言,根本不会遇到这种情况,至少,各种女生投怀送抱是绝对不现实的。所以,这部动漫对于连我在内的屌丝来说,真的只是二次元的存在而已。呵呵,这也只是我的个人看法而已,毕竟我不能代表别人。不管怎么样,诚的做法真的是不对的,至少始乱终弃的时候,要跟人家说清楚,不然,最后只会落得一个不好的下场。好了,就说这么多吧,这是我乘风第一次评论动漫作品,偏颇之处,还请见谅。

My School Days

My School Days Looking over my own school days, there are so many things that I would rather not tell, that it will take very little time and space for me to use in telling what I am willing that the carping public should know about my early history. I began my educational career in a log school house. Finding that other great men had done that way, I began early to look around me for a log school house where I could begin in a small way to soak my system full of hard words and information. For a time I learned very rapidly. Learning came to me with very little effort at first. I would read my lesson over once or twice and then take my place in the class. It never bothered me to recite my lesson and so I stood at the head of the class. I could stick my big toe through a knot-hole in the floor and work out the most difficult problem. This became at last a habit with me. With my knot-hole I was safe, without it I would hesitate. A large red-headed boy, with feet like a summer squash and eyes like those of a dead codfish, was my rival. He soon discovered that I was very dependent on that knot-hole, and so one night he stole into the school house and plugged up the knot-hole, so that I could not work my toe into it and thus refresh my memory. Then the large red-headed boy, who had not formed the knot-hole habit, went to the head of the class and remained there. After I grew larger, my parents sent me to a military school. That is where I got the fine military learning and stately carriage that I still wear. My room was on the second floor, and it was very difficult for me to leave it at night, because the turnkey locked us up at 9 o’clock every evening. Still, I used to get out once in a while and wander around in the starlight. I did not know yet why I did it, but


SCHOOL DAYS HQ 路線A路線B路線C路線D回收路線A 第一話 (啥都不選) (啥都不選) 第二話 (啥都不選) (啥都不選) 還是叫世界來 我開動了 不是那樣哦 (啥都不選) KISS的事? 去談談吧 對不起! 【SAVE1】 (啥都不選) 第三話 如實的說吧 什麼也不說也不錯啊 有話要說 一起回去吧 (啥都不選) 早上好! 【SAVE2】 (啥都不選) 第四話 還可行吧 (啥都不選) 沒有啊 (啥都不選) 那件衣服很可愛啊 【SAVE3】 (啥都不選)

第五話 不知道 早上好 出 (啥都不選) 別這樣了 別這樣了 在家裡的感覺還真不一樣 第六話 (啥都不選) 她才不是我女朋友 (啥都不選) 【SAVE4】 拒絕 很喜歡END 從SAVE4開始 第六話 (啥都不選) 永遠END 從SAVE3開始 第四話 考慮一下 (啥都不選) 第五話 (啥都不選) 【SAVE5】 道歉 (啥都不選)

試著偷看嗎? 可惡啊 和黑田… 【SAVE6】 我也喜歡言葉! 第六話 可能也有感覺吧 叫她 算是吧 挺高興的 與言葉搭話 跟世界通過電話 好啊 她的他END 從SAVE6開始 第五話 (啥都不選) 第六話 (啥都不選) 【SAVE7】 射在外面 大家的誠END從SAVE7開始 第六話 (啥都不選) Sex friend END

從SAVE5開始 第五話 (啥都不選) 還是放棄吧 第六話 【SAVE8】 可能吧… (啥都不選) 再見了世界END 從SAVE8開始 第六話 喜歡 剎那的想法END 路線B 從SAVE2開始 第三話 不是不討厭言葉嗎 第四話 準備明天去言葉家吧… 讓我試試怎麼樣? 有我在不就行了 可以啊 今天沒KISS成 晚安


课文翻译: 他们说学校生活是你一生中最美好地时光, 但对我来说却不是!我父亲在国外工作, 因此我在岁时被送往一所寄宿学校. 像大多数地孩子一样,我上过幼儿园.我能 背诵字母表,能阅读一些简单地书,但这是 我在被父母称作“大学校”机构里地第一次经历.①事实上,我所做地唯一准备就是 看着妈妈把我地名字标签缝进我地衬衫、裤子和羊毛衫里. ①…做表语引导时间状从 我带着一个手提箱到了那儿,这是我一 学期唯一地行李.②我被领进和其他个 天真地男孩合住地宿舍.床上地东西是 一个枕头、一条床单和一床薄被.有两 把破旧地扶手椅,几个破旧地垫子、一个 用来烧水喝茶地电水壶、一些用来装饰 地海报,但是没有窗帘.洗手间有一个 洗脸盆和一个浴缸,但是没有热水器.③ 我很羞愧地承认那天晚上睡觉地时候我 哭了. ②引导定从 ③引导宾语从句 …做…羞愧 … … ④我记得我地第一堂课是算术.我地 第一次作业是以乘以. 没人解释为什么! 我花费了几年地时间才明白代数和几何 更深地奥秘,以及一些如立方米、英亩 和克地概念. ⑤我们有一位精力充沛地英语老师,他是一位可以花很多时间在我们这些男孩子身上地单身汉,他激发了我对文学地终身b5E2R。热爱.还有一位植物学老师,他引起了我 对花和植物地喜爱.我们花费几小时在 显微镜下观察叶子地结构. ⑤同位语引导定从 . …激励某人做… 学校地规章制度非常严格.⑥准时上课 是必需地,不允许任何人迟到.体育运动是 强制性地,每个星期我们必须进行千米地 长跑,甚至在极冷地月我们也只穿着一件恤和一条短裤.我们所有人每个工作日 都要参加早会,除了那些有其他信仰地 男孩子被允许待在教室.我想成为一名 天主教徒,这样我就能和我地书在一块了! ⑥…对…守时 ⑦但是也有那么多可笑地规则要遵守,这些规则使我心烦意乱.例如,每个人每天 必须擦鞋,不允许任何人穿带拉链地裤子, 只能穿带扣子地!在星期天,必须给家里写信.每天我都要检查我地邮箱,盼望着 妈妈地航空邮件.但是我地父母住在亚洲, ⑧且令我非常失望地是,我每两星期才能收到一封回信. 年后我带着毕业证书和去牛津大学学 习地奖学金离开了.许多人谈论着他们在学校地幸福时光,但是对于岁地我来说, 我所感觉到地是一种解放. —翻译: 拉拉队队员是做什么地? 拉拉队队员是一个队中地一员,他们在 竞技比赛,比如棒球比赛之前或比赛期间跳舞或者表演体操.①她们这么做是为了鼓舞观众为她们地体育队加油.这样地 团队被称为拉拉队.当拉拉队员只存在 于美国,而现在这样做地大多数是女孩子. 拉拉队地历史是什么? 拉拉队始于世纪末世纪初地男子 大学.随着时间流逝,越来越多地大学 开始有拉拉队,更多地女孩子开始当拉拉队队员.②直到世纪年代,彩线球才 在拉拉队地表演中发挥重要作用.几乎 同时,拉拉队队员开始在其舞步中加入了体操.到世纪年代,大多数地美国 高中都拥有拉拉队.在年,国家拉拉 队锦标赛在电视上播出,大学开始设拉拉队课程.今天拉拉队比赛已经成为学校和大学生活地一个重要部分,对许多拉拉队来说,这是一项很严肃地活动. ②……强调句型 美国人是怎样看待拉拉队地? 对拉拉队队员来说,她们地运动如同棒球或足球运动一样重要.③然而,许多美国人都觉得拉拉队表演很可笑,只把它当作 相当无聊地活动.拉拉队队员回应说舞蹈和固定地体操舞步需要大量地训练.许多

外研版高中英语选修七SCHOOL DAYS

SCHOOL DAYS Mama's health began to fail, and after a lingering illness she passed away March 24, 1908, leaving Katie and I. After dividing up all the personal and household things, the farm was sold and divided, and Katie and I were separated. She went to live in one sister's home, and I went to the other sister, as there were two married girls. They lived a mile apart, so she and I were together often. After moving to my sister's home to live, I finished out the school term at a little one-teacher school taught by Miss Lela Hannah. It was only a short distance away; about a quarter mile. This was spring of 1908. The name of the school was Prairie Mound, but later had a new name by accident. A boy was taking a jar of buttermilk to school to have with his lunch, and after walking a long distance in the cold, he finally reached the schoolhouse door. Just as he stepped in the door, the jar burst. The milk had frozen on the way and from then on, as long as the building stood, it was known far and near as "Buttermilk". We had school programs occasionally, and Miss Hannah gave me a recitation, written in long hand, to memorize for the program being planned. It seemed I studied for days on it. I would take it with me when I walked after the cows in late afternoon, and repeat it over and over. Finally, the day came for the program. I had my part ready, but the paper it was written on was about worn out. I threw it away and I did not keep a copy of the reading. Only in my memory, and now 1968, 60 years late, I will try to put it in writing again. The title "Christmas Eve at Hunter's Lodge". (omitted - long poem) The next year I went to stay with Willie and Maggie, my oldest brother, as he lived in walking distance of a two-teacher school. Dr. Dan Pearson taught the higher grades. He was my teacher, and Miss Harrison taught the lower. It was almost time for school to close. They had a box supper and program. Walter Thornton, who I thought at that time was the very nicest boy in school, and good looking too, and to my surprise, he was the one that bought my box. I have forgotten if he had a part on the program, but I had been given a reading to memorize. I well remember trying to have it ready to recite by the night of the program.

外研社高中英语b7m2课文翻译 my schooldays

My school days 课文翻译: Para.1 他们说学校生活是你一生中最美好的时光, 但对我来说却不是!我父亲在国外工作, 因此我在7岁时被送往一所寄宿学校。 像大多数的孩子一样,我上过幼儿园。我能背诵字母表,能阅读一些简单的书,但这是 我在被父母称作“大学校”机构里的第一次经历。①事实上,我所做的唯一准备就是 看着妈妈把我的名字标签缝进我的衬衫、裤子和羊毛衫里。 ①watching…做表语;as引导时间状从Para.2 我带着一个手提箱到了那儿,这是我一 学期唯一的行李。②我被领进和其他5个天真的男孩合住的宿舍。床上的东西是 一个枕头、一条床单和一床薄被。有两 把破旧的扶手椅,几个破旧的垫子、一个 用来烧水喝茶的电水壶、一些用来装饰 的海报,但是没有窗帘。洗手间有一个 洗脸盆和一个浴缸,但是没有热水器。③ 我很羞愧的承认那天晚上睡觉的时候我 哭了。 ②where=in the dormitory 引导定从 ③that引导宾语从句 be ashamed to do…做…羞愧 be ashamed of/about…/ that… Para.3--4 ④我记得我的第一堂课是算术。我的第一次作业是以7乘以3. 没人解释为什么! 我花费了几年的时间才明白代数和几何 更深的奥秘,以及一些如立方米、英亩 和克的概念。 ⑤我们有一位精力充沛的英语老师,他是一位可以花很多时间在我们这些男孩子身上的单身汉,他激发了我对文学的终身热爱。还有一位植物学老师,他引起了我 对花和植物的喜爱。我们花费几小时在 显微镜下观察叶子的结构。 ⑤a bachelor 同位语;who引导定从inspire sb. to sth/ to do sth…激励某人做…Para.5 学校的规章制度非常严格。⑥准时上课是必需的,不允许任何人迟到.体育运动是 强制性的,每个星期我们必须进行5千米的长跑,甚至在极冷的11月我们也只穿着一件T恤和一条短裤.我们所有人每个工作日 都要参加早会,除了那些有其他信仰的 男孩子被允许待在教室。我想成为一名 天主教徒,这样我就能和我的书在一块了! ⑥be punctual for…对…守时 Para.6--7 ⑦但是也有那么多可笑的规则要遵守,这些规则使我心烦意乱。例如,每个人每天 必须擦鞋,不允许任何人穿带拉链的裤子, 只能穿带扣子的!在星期天,必须给家里 写信。每天我都要检查我的邮箱,盼望着 妈妈的航空邮件。但是我的父母住在亚洲, ⑧且令我非常失望的是,我每两星期才能 收到一封回信。 11年后我带着毕业证书和去牛津大学学 习的奖学金离开了。许多人谈论着他们在学校的幸福时光,但是对于18岁的我来说, 我所感觉到的是一种解放。 Cultural Corner—cheerleading 翻译: Para.1 拉拉队队员是做什么的? 拉拉队队员是一个队中的一员,他们在竞技比赛,比如棒球比赛之前或比赛期间 跳舞或者表演体操。①她们这么做是为了鼓舞观众为她们的体育队加油。这样的 团队被称为拉拉队。当拉拉队员只存在 于美国,而现在这样做的大多数是女孩子。Para.2 拉拉队的历史是什么? 拉拉队始于19世纪末20世纪初的男子大学。随着时间流逝,越来越多的大学 开始有拉拉队,更多的女孩子开始当拉拉 队队员。②直到20世纪20年代,彩线球才在拉拉队的表演中发挥重要作用。几乎 同时,拉拉队队员开始在其舞步中加入了体操。到20世纪50年代,大多数的美国 高中都拥有拉拉队。在1978年,国家拉拉队锦标赛在电视上播出,大学开始设拉拉 队课程。今天拉拉队比赛已经成为学校和大学生活的一个重要部分,对许多拉拉队 来说,这是一项很严肃的活动。 ②it was not until…that…强调句型Para.3 美国人是怎样看待拉拉队的? 对拉拉队队员来说,她们的运动如同棒球或足球运动一样重要。③然而,许多美国人


Aug 14: New Teachers Report 8:30Aug 17: Returning Teachers Report 8:30 Aug 17-28: Staff Development Aug 31: First Day of School Sept 3-6: Anniversary of the End of World War 2 1 Sept 7-11: Student Portraits for ID Cards and Yearbook 2Sept 10: Back to School Night Sept 9: Back to School Night - ES ET 3Sept 12: ACT 9/14 Read-a-Thon Kick_Off 4Sept 27: Mid-Autumn Festival 5 Oct 1-7: National Day Holiday Oct 3: SAT Oct 10: School Day (Monday Schedule), Q1 Progress Report Distribution/Due for ES ET 5 Oct 26: PSAT (G9)Oct 12-Nov 6: MAP Testing - ES ET 6Oct 14: PSAT (G10 & G11)Oct 12: HS SISAC/MS CISSA Cross Country Meet 7Oct 16: Sports Day Oct 17: HS SISAC D1 & D2 Volleyball Tournaments 8Oct 19-22: G6-8 MAP Testing Oct 17: HS SISAC D1 Tennis Tournament 9 Oct 24: ACT Oct 24: HS SISAC D2 Tennis Tournament Oct 28: College Night Oct 30: Funny Hat Day - ES ET Nov 5-6: Half Day for ES ET 10Nov 12: Comment Drafts Due for Review for ES ET 11Nov 7: SAT 12Nov 10: Last Day of Quarter 1Nov 21: HS SISAC Table Tennis Tournaments 13Nov 16: Comments and Grades Due by Noon 14 Nov 19: Report Card Distribution Nov 21: MS CISSA Soccer Tournaments Nov 21: Parents' Saturday (Monday Schedule), Parent Teacher Conferences (PM) Nov 27: Thanksgiving Holiday 11/26 Giving Tree Bag Distribution Dec 5: SAT 14 Dec 12: ACT Dec 5: MS CISSA Table Tennis Tournaments 15Dec 12: Art Charity Performance 16Dec 16: Progress Report Due 17Dec 18: Christmas/Winter Concert 18 Dec 25-27: Christmas Holiday Jan 1-3: New Year Holiday Jan 11-12: Full Days for ES ET 18 Jan 11-14: Final Exam Jan 13-14: Half Days for ES ET 19Jan 14: Last day of Semester 1 Jan 15: Comment Drafts Due for Review for ES ET 20Jan 15,18,19: Teacher in Services and Trainings 21Jan 18: Comments and Grades Due 8am 22Jan 20: Report Card Distribution (Half Day for Students)23 Jan 23: SAT Jan 16: HS SISAC D1 Basketball Tournaments Jan 21-Feb 17: Winter Break Jan 23: HS SISAC D2 Basektball Tournaments English Track Master Schedule First Semester 2015-16 Calendar Nov 5-6, 9-10: Mid-term Exams (Half Day for Students)


英语in,on,at的时间用法 规律如下: ①固定短语: in the morning/afternoon/evening在早晨/下午/傍晚, at noon/night在中午/夜晚, on weekdays/weekends在工作日/周末, on school days/nights在上学日/上学的当天晚上, early in the morning=in the early morning在大清早, late at night在深夜 ②不加介词 this, that, last, next, every, one, yesterday, today, tomorrow, tonight,all,most等词之前一般不加介词。如, this morning 今天早晨 (on)that day在那天(that day更常用些) last week上周 next year明年 the next month第二个月(以过去为起点的第二个月,next month以现在为起点的下个月) every day每天 one morning一天早晨 yesterday afternoon昨天下午 tomorrow morning明天早晨

all day/morning/night整天/整个早晨/整晚(等于the whole day/morning/night) most of the time (在)大多数时间 ③一般规则 除了前两点特殊用法之外,其他≤一天,用on,>一天用in,在具体时刻或在某时用at(不强调时间范围) 关于on on my ninth birthday在我九岁生日那天 on Teachers’Day在教师节 (注意:节日里有表人的词汇一般都用复数在加s’所有格,如on Children’s Day, on Women’s Day, 有四个节日强调单数之意思,on Mother’s Day, on Father’s Day, on April Fool’s Day, on Valentine’s Day) on Sunday在周日,on Sunday morning在周日早晨 on June 2nd在六月二日 on the second (of June 2nd) 在六月的第二天即在六月二日 on the morning of June 2nd在六月二日的早晨,on a rainy morning在一个多雨的早晨 注意:on Sunday在周日,on Sundays每逢周日(用复数表每逢之意),every Sunday每个周日,基本一个意思。on a school day 在某个上学日,on school days每逢上学日。on the weekend在周末,on weekends每逢周末。 关于in in June在六月


路线A 第一话 (等到超时) (等到超时) 第二话 (等到超时) (等到超时) やっぱり世界も来いいただきます そんなでもないよ(等到超时) キスのこと? 次は话すよ ごめん! 【SAVE1】 (等到超时) 第三话 ちゃんと言うよ 言わなくてもいいかな话があるんだ 一绪に帰ろう (等到超时) おはよう! 【SAVE2】 (等到超时) 第四话 まあまあだな (等到超时) してない (等到超时) その服可爱いよ【SAVE3】 (等到超时) (等到超时) 第五话 わからん おはよう出る (等到超时) もう止めて 止めさせる

家では感じ违うな 第六话 (等到超时) 彼女じゃない (等到超时) 【SAVE4】 拒む だいすきEND SAVE4开始 第六话 (等到超时) 永远にEND SAVE3开始 第四话 考えておくよ (等到超时) 第五话 (等到超时) 【SAVE5】 谢る (等到超时) (等到超时) 覗いてみる? いやらしい 铯取? 【SAVE6】 俺も、言叶が好きだ!第六话 好きなのかな 呼ぶ まあね 嬉しかったけど 言叶に声をかける 世界と电话してた いいよ 彼女だけの彼END

SAVE6开始 第五话 (等到超时) 第六话 (等到超时) 【SAVE7】 外に出す みんなの?END SAVE7开始 第六话 (等到超时) セックスフレンドEND SAVE5开始 第五话 (等到超时) 谛める第六话 【SAVE8】 多分… (等到超时) さよなら世界END SAVE8开始 第六话 好きだ 刹那の想いEND --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 路线B SAVE2开始 第三话 言叶に嫌われたくない 第四话 明日の言叶の家で… 俺がやろうか?

A School Day

《A School Day》导学案 学习目标 I 知识目标A 掌握与描述学校生活有关的词汇,如时间、课程、活动等。 B 熟悉一般现在时中动词变第三人称单数形式的条件与规律。 C 掌握句型When do you get up? I get up at 6:30/… How do you go to school? I go by bus/… What classes do you have today? I have English/… Where do you have lunch? I have lunch at school/…II 技能目标A 能与伙伴谈论你的日常学习生活。 B 能独立完成描述自己学校生活的写作。 III 情感目标——学会合理安排丰富多彩的学习生活。 学习过程 一、复习Revision 翻译,写出以下词组对应的中文或英文 (1)星期二在下午 星期五在中午 Thursday Monday (2)语文数学 科学体育 Music Art (3)吃中饭上数学课 Play ping-pong play chess Play basketball 读书 做运动回家

二、探索学习 (一)Read and choose. 1.阅读短文,选择括号里词填空 A School Day of Amy Today is Wednesday. In the morning, Amy gets up early and goes to school on foot. She usually_________ (have/ has/ had) Chinese, math, English, P.E. and art on Wednesday. She _________ (likes/ liking/ liked) art best, so Wednesday __________ ( be/ is/ are) her favorite day. She often ________ (eat/ eating/ eats) lunch at school. Then in the afternoon, she can play ping-pong with her friends after school. Usually she ______ (went/ goes/ go) back home at 5 o’clock p.m.. 2.、根据上文选词填空 What How Where When 1、does Amy go to school? She goes to school on foot . 2、classes does Amy have on Wednesday? She usually has Chinese, math, English, P.E. and art on Wednesday. 3、does Amy go home? She often goes home at 5 o’clock p.m.. 4、does Amy have lunch? She has lunch at school. 5、does Amy do after school? She can play ping-pong with her friends.. (二)Passage 2 Read and answer(阅读表格,回答黑板上的问题)

初中英语人教版七年级下册My School Days

Unit 2 What time do you usually go to school? 泸州市梓橦路学校程敏 To Be Healthy (Reading) Step1 Warming-up Task 1: What do you usually do in a day? Please stand up and say out the phrases. 1.Read the phrases and translate. (Choose one line students) get up go to school eat breakfast do homework watch TV brush teeth take a shower take a walk go to bed 2.Read the phrases and translate. (Choose one line students) Task 2 :Q1: T: What time do you usually get up? S1: I usually get up at 7:20. T : It’s a little late. T: What time do you usually get up? S2: I usually get up at 6:20. T : It’s too early. Q2: Do you like ics-cream? Do you think it is healthy? Ss: It’s not healthy? T: Yes, it’s not healthy. It means unhealthy. Q3: How about eating quickly? Is it healthy or unhealthy? Ss: It’s unhealthy. Step2 Pre-reading Task 1 : Look at 2a (1)Read the phrases and translate one by one.
