




I. 听句子,选答语(共15小题,计15分)


1. A. This Sunday B. Next Saturday C. This Saturday.

2. A. She is playing. B. She is sleeping. C. She is listening to music.

3. A. Her grandmother and grandfather. B. Her mother and father. C. Her sister and brother.

4. A. In a hospital. . B. At home. C. At school.

5. A. Larry. B. John. C. Linda.

6. A. A chicken hamburger. B. A pork hamburger. C. A beef hamburger.

7. A. It’s warm. B. It’s cool C. It’s cold.

8. A. A singer. B. A pilot. C. A dancer.

9. A. Between the post office and the supermarket.

B. Between the post office and the book shop.

C. Between the bookshop and the supermarket.

10. A. For 4 days. B. For 3 days. C. For 2 days.



11. Why did Jack go to Shanghai?

A. On business

B. For vacation.

C. To visit friends.

12. How did he go there?

A. By air.

B. By car .

C. By train.


13. What will the girl get for her dad?

A. A watch.

B. A T-shirt.

C. A shirt.

14. What color does the girl want?

A. Red .

B. White.

C. Blue.

15. How much will the girl pay?

A. $10

B. $15

C. $20.



16. What will the speaker’s clothes be like in 20 years?

A. colorful and light

B. Dark and cool.

C. Comfortable and cool.

17. Where will the speaker spend his vacation?

A. In the mountains.

B. In space or under the sea.

C. In the city.

18. The speaker will fly a plane with .

A. no pollution

B. less pollution.

C. more pollution.

19. Why will the speaker make friends with people around the world?

A. To play sports with them.

B. To learn culture from them.

C. To watch TV with them.

20. The speaker mainly tells us about his in 20 years.

A. life.

B. house.

C. food.


IV 单项选择(共10小题,计10分)


21. I had unusual day on my last school trip.

A. a

B. an

C. /

D. the

22. —Oh, a nice photo! Is this your uncle’s child?

—Yes, it’s my .

A. cousin

B. sister

C. brother

D. daughter

23. Don’t worry. We’re old enough to look after .

A. myself

B. me

C. ourselves

D. us

24. On May 22, a Han taxi driver an old lady to the hospital as soon as he could in Xinjiang.

A. sent

B. sends

C. is sending

D. has sent

25.Don’t run in the classroom, you may hurt yourself.

A. and

B. or

C. but

D. so

26. Every day, too much water in our school. We should save it.

A. is wasted

B. wastes

C. was wasted

D. wasted

27. Lucy is a(n) student, she answers the teachers’ questions in her class.

A. more active; more actively

B. active; more actively

C. more active; the most actively

D. active; the most actively

28. The Chinese national women’s badminton team the Japane se team by 3:1 in India on May 24.

A. won

B. lost

C. beat

D. missed

29. Look! Laura is getting the first place. fast runner she is!

A. How

B. What

C. How a

D. What a

30. —Mum, summer holiday is coming. I wonder .

—How about Qinling Wild Zoo?

A. where can we go

B. where we can go

C. how we can go

D. how we can go

V 完形填空(共10小题,计10分)


When I was about six years old, my brother David and I visited our aunt, Mary. We stayed in her house for a night. David was only 4 years old, and was still 31 of the dark., so Mary left the hall light on when we slept.

However, David 32 the grey moths(蛾) flying around the hall light. He asked Mary to make the moths go away. When she asked 33 , she simply said, “Because they are ugly an d scary, I don’t like them.” Mary laughed and said, “Being ugly outside doesn’t 34 not being beautiful inside. In fact, moths are one of the most beautiful animals in the animal world.

“Once, the angels (天使) were 35 . They were sad because it was raining heavily. The 36 little moths hated to see others so sad. They decided to make a rainbow(彩虹) to cheer up the angels. They thought if the butterflies(蝴蝶) 37 , they could make a beautiful rainbow together.

“Then one of the moths went to ask the butterflies for help. Bu t the butterflies didn’t want to 38 any of their colors, so the moths decided to make a rainbow themselves. They beat

their wings very hard and the colors on them made a rainbow. They kept giving a little more and a little more 39 the rainbow went across the sky. They had given away all their colors except grey, which didn’t match the beautiful rainbow.

“Then the once-colorful mo ths became 40 . The angles saw the rainbow and smiled…” My brother went to sleep with that story and hasn’t feared mont hs since then.

31. A. afraid B. sure C. proud D. happy

32. A. liked B. hated C. let D. killed

33. A. how B. what C. when D. why

34. A. mean B. make C. know D. hope

35. A. laughing B. playing C. crying D. talking

36. A. kind B. angry C. ugly D. sad

37. A. refused B. advised C. helped D. left

38. A. give up B. pick up C. turn up D. look up

39. A. unless B. until C. after D. since

40. A. red B. yellow C. green D. grey

IV 阅读理解



When we talked about NBA, many people will think of Yao Ming. There is no doubt that Yao Ming is a Chinese hero. On October 16, 2013, Yao Ming announced(宣布) he would open the NBA Yao School. This was really exciting news!

Looking at the name of the school, many people would think that the school is going to train NBA talents. But that is not the truth. The NBA Yao School provides after-school basketball training and health programs. Its students include boys and girls over 16 years old who are very good at playing basketball. The school aims to teach the importance of teamwork, leadership(领导素养) and communication in a fun basketball environment.

Yao is quite glad to be a part of the school, because it has always been his dream to positively(积极地) influence young people’s life through sports.

Now, basketball fans in China are looking forward to getting basketball training, and the NBA Yao School is a great choice. In the school, students have chances to meet NBA stars. The stars can offer suggestions on how to play basketball well.

The school’s first program opened at the Wukesong Basketball Park in February, 2014. If you want to know more information about the school, you can visit https://www.360docs.net/doc/f48446830.html,.

41.The children under 16 years old can’t be students in the NBA Yao School.

42. The school provides only after-school basketball training programs..

43. Yao Ming opened the NBA Yao School on October 16, 2013.

44. The school aims to teach the students how to play basketball.

45. The students there have chances to meet NBA stars and learn something from them.



Shirley Temple, the once-famous child movie star, died at the age of 85 on February 10, 2014.

She was born on April 23, 1928. She was good at acting and dancing. In 1934, she starred(主演) in the movie Bright Eyes. From then on she became famous around the world. Later she starred in other movies and won a Juvenile Oscar in February, 1935.

For many Americans born in the 1930s and 1940s, Temple was not just an on-screen star but also a close frie nd in their childhood. She was remembered by the world as the forever “little angle”. An American movie star said, “Little Shirley Temple encouraged the whole country dur ing the Great Depression(大萧条).”

Shi Li and Cui Jiping are husband and wife. They are disabled. They complete the first Chinese encyclopedic(百科知识的) dictionary for deaf people and people with hearing problems. The dictionary includes words on medicine, education, psychology, law, history and culture about deaf people’s life. This book provi des a learning tool for this special group of people and it helps them know about the world more easily.

They spent six years and over 1,000,000 yuan on the book. They first collected material for the book by themselves, then they invited a lot of experts(专家) across the country to write. The book is warmly welcomed by the deaf. One of the readers said, “The book shows that we’re not alone. We can have our own way to communicate with the world. ”

46. Temple won the first Juvenile Oscar in .

A. 1928

B. 1934

C. 1935

D. 1948.

47. From the passage we know that Temple .

A. was not good at dancing

B. began to star in her first movie when she was ten years old.

C. was unfriendly to her fan

D. encouraged the whole country during the Great Depression

48. According to the passage, Shi Li and Cui Jiping .

A. are disabled people full of l ove

B. wrote many famous books.

C. finished the book by themselves

D. live a very p oor life

49. Which of the following is TRUE about the book?

A. It is the first world encyclopedic dictionary.

B. It can help deaf people know about the world more easily.

C. It took them sixteen years to finish the book.

D. It includes medicine and art about the life of deaf people.


Akuapem is in the eastern part of Ghana. The sun there shines all the time. The local people are very friendly and hospitable(好客的). Now let’s have a look at how Akuapem people receive a visitor.

A visitor is often welcomed warmly in a family of Akuapem. After the visitor is welcomed into the house, he is offered a seat and water at the very beginning, because the host assumes that the visitor must have come from a very long journey and need water. If there is a group of visitors, the host will greet the visitors from right to left. And the host shakes only with his right hand, because Akuapem people think the left hand is not clean.

Next, the visitor is asked how his journey was and why he has come. While the conversation is going on, the wife and the children, especially girls, are preparing food for the visitor. The visitor can choose his favorite food. After the visitor finishes eating, the host and the visitor go on with their conversation. Usually this is short one because the visitor is getting ready to say goodbye.

When the visitor is leaving, he is often given some food. He is also accompanied(陪伴) by one of the children to the nearest station. The child who accompanies the visitor will not come back home until the visitor leaves safely.

Whether he is a close friend or just a stranger, this is always how friendly Akuapem people receive a visitor.

50. The underlined word “assumes” here probably means “ ”.

A. thinks

B. remembers .

C. disagrees

D. follows

51. Which of the following is TRUE to the passage?

A. The host talks little with the visitor.

B. The child accompanies the visitor to the gate of the house.

C. The host offers the visitor a seat only.

D. The visitor takes some food with him when he leaves.

52. From the passage we know that Akuapem people are .

A. noisy

B. friendly

C. impolite

D. quiet


A recently study found people’s lives are made shorter in North China. It is showed the life expectancy(平均寿命) had been cut down by 5.5 years there. Researchers think that the heavy air pollution in China should be to blame(承担责任). It’s really the truth. Our government has alread y done something. However, it doesn’t seem to work so well.

“Air pollution in China is doing harm to people’s health. The harm is much more serious than we can imagine,” said Chen Yuyu of Beijing University, one of researchers of this study.

Dirty air brings serious problems in North China . In January this year, the air pollution was worse than that in other places. That was caused by rising temperature and waste gas(废气) from coal heating.

Chinese government should strongly fight against air pollution. They should think of more proper ways to deal with the problem. People should be encouraged to take buses, ride bicycles or walk, instead of driving cars. The factories that pollute heavily should be closed. “We need to improve our environment, although it mi ght be expensive. Protecting our environment means protecting ourselves,” Li Hongbin, another researcher of the study said.

53. The passage above may come from a(n) ?

A. story

B. advertisement

C. report

D. diary

54. Which of the following is Li Hongbin’s idea?

A. The life expectancy had been cut by 5.5 years.

B. Chinese government should close some factories that pollute heavily.

C. People need to make pollution less, although it might cost a lot.

D. The air problem brings us serious problems.

55. What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Air pollution in North China is caused by waste gas.

B. To save the environment, our government should do something more.

C. The temperature becomes higher and higher in North China.

D. How air pollution in North China is caused.




56. 早起锻炼,有益健康。

It’s good for your health to early and exercise.

57. 打雷的时候不要站在树下。

When thunder comes, please don’t stand .

58. 滑稽演员给我们带来很多欢乐。

A brings a lot of happiness to us.

59. 这是他第四次帮我摆脱困难。

This is his time to help me out of trouble.

60. 习近平在上海的讲话使我们坚信祖国将越来越强大。

Xi Jinping’s speech in Shanghai makes us believe China will be .

VII 短文填空


look, year, change, deep, home, cold, can, work, take, father

Every day, on her way to work, Amelia had to pass a slum(贫民窟). As a social 61 , she had not paid much attention to it. This 62. one day when she met a ragged(衣衫褴褛的) boy named Sam. Sam knew she was the head of social services, and that she 63. help. He reached out his h and and said, “Can you help me? I’m 64. for my dad.” His hands were so

65. . Amelia said, “What’s up?” “My mom is terribly sick. Her birthday is coming. I know my

66. coming back would be the best present. My dad had left us before I was two 67. old,” said the boy.

Amelia was 68. moved and asked Sam to take her to his home. He led her to a small house. Amelia saw a woman lying on the bed. The woman knew she was dying. She said to Amelia, “Please find a 69. for my son.”

Amelia 70. her hand and nodded with tears(眼泪). She got an idea! Her husband and she had no children, and looking forward to having one. Later Amelia brought Sam home. Ever since then, the new family have had happiness and laughter.

VIII任务型阅读阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,完成下列各题。(共5小题,计10分)Language is always changing and developing. This isn’t a bad thing. If English hadn’t changed for a long time, we won’t have words to describe telephones, washing machines, computers or some other new things.

Language changes for several reasons. First, it changes because the needs of its speaker change. New technologies, new products, and new experiences need new words to express them clearly. Another reason for change is that different people have different language experiences. People use different sets of words and expressions, because they have different ages, jobs, education levels(水平) and so on.

How does language develop then? On the one hand, many of the languages changes begin with young people. When young people communicate with others of their own age, their langua ge grows in grammar, words and expressions that are different from the older people’s. Some have a short lifetime but others can influence the language for long. On the other hand, we get new words in many different ways. We borrow them from other languages, we create them by making words shorter or combining words and we make them out of proper names. Languages that don’t change over time are considered dead languages. The fact that English

ch anges so much shows that it is alive and well.

71. What does the writer think of the change and development of language?

He thinks it is .

72. Why do people use different sets of words and expressions according to the passage? Because their and education levels are different.

73. How many reasons for language change are mentioned in this passage?

The writer mentions reasons.

74.How do young people help develop language?

They do it when they others of their own age.

75. What is considered a dead language according to the passage?

The one that over time is consid ered a dead language.

IX 补全对话(共10小题,计10分)


A: Where did you go last weekend?

B: 76.

A: But you told me you wouldn’t go there. You said it was dirty. 77.

B: Er, you know, I didn’t want to go there first. But mos t of my friends went, so I went with them.

A: I see. 78.

B: I told the old people something interesting around us.

A: 79.

B: I had fun and felt happy.

A: 80. Next time, I’ll go with you.

That’s great. How did you feel? Who did you go with?

What did you do there? Thank you. I went to the old people’s home.

Why did you go there then?

B) 根据下面对话中的情境,在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。A: Hi, Linda. You look sad. 81. ?

B: Well, I love music, but my mother doesn’t allow me to listen to it.

A: 82. ?

B: Because she thinks listening to music is not good for my study.

A: 83. . I also love music. It makes me relaxed and helps me study better.

B: Right. Music brings me much, too. But how can I solve my problem? Can you give me some advice?

A: Of course. 84. ?

B: No, I don’t of ten talk with her. We often argue.

A: I think communicating with each other is a better way. You can have a good talk with your mother.

B: 85. . Thanks for your advice.




提示:speak loudly, cut in line(插队), waste food, unfriendly(冷漠的), offer no help…

要求:1. 参考提示语,可适当发挥;

2. 语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整。

3. 文中不得出现真实姓名和地名;

4. 词数:不少于80词。(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数)

One possible version:

In our daily life, I usually see some bad behavior around us. For example, I often hear people speak and laugh loudly in public. It is too noisy. Some people cut in line while others are waiting. It makes me unhappy. And in our school dining hall, I often see students waste food. At times, people seem unfriendly and offer no help when others are in trouble. For me, my parents are strict with me. They often tell me to behave well. So I never drop litter about. And I never draw on the desk or on the wall. I am polite to old people.

I think if everyone can think more of others, we’ll have a better living environm ent.

I think if everyone can think more of others, we’ll have a better living environment.


第I 卷选择题

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

C B A C B A C B A D[来源:]

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20




21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30




31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40


41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50


51 52 53 54 55



VII 完成句子

56. get up / rise 57. under the tree 58. funny(fun) actor / actress 59. fourth 60. stronger and stronger

VIII 短文填空

61. worker 62. changed 63. could 64. looking 65. cold

66. father’s 67. years 68. deeply 69. home 70. took

IX 任务型阅读

71. not a bad thing / not bad / a good thing / good 72. ages, jobs 73. two / 2

https://www.360docs.net/doc/f48446830.html,municate (talk) with 75. doesn’t change / neve r changes / keeps (stays) the same

X 补全对话

A)76. I went to the old people’s home. 77. Why did you go there then?

78. What did you do there? 79. How did you feel? 80. That’s great.

B)81.What’s wrong (with you) / What’s up / What’s the matter / What’s the tr ouble / What happened / What has happened?

82. Why / Why not / Why doesn’t she allow you?

83. I don’t think so / I disagree / I don’t agree (with her).

84. Do you often talk with your mother / Why not talk with your mother / Why don’t you talk with your mother / What (How) about talking with your mother.

85. Sounds good / That’ a good idea / Good idea / Great / OK, I’ll try / OK, I’ll do that

XI 书面表达

One possible version:

In our daily life, I usually see some bad behavior around us. For example, I often hear people speak and laugh loudly in public. It is too noisy. Some people cut in line while others are waiting. It makes me unhappy. And in our school dining hall, I often see students waste food. At times, people seem unfriendly and offer no help when others are in trouble. For me, my parents are strict with me. They often tell me to behave well. So I never drop litter about. And I never draw on the desk or on the wall. I am polite to old people.

I think if everyone can think more of others, we’ll have a bet ter living environment


2014年北京市高级中等学校招生考试 英语试卷 学校____________________姓名____________________准考证号_______________________ 听力理解(共26分) 一、听对话,从下面各题所给的A 、B 、C 幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片.每 段对话你将听两遍.(共4分,每小题1分) 1. 2. 3. 4.

二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选 项中选择最佳选项.每段对话或独白你将听两遍.(共12分,每小题1分)请听一段对话,完成第5至第6小题. 5.What are the speakers going to do? A.To have dinner.B.To watch a match.C.To see a film. 6.Who will go with the boy? A.His friend.B.His mother.C.His sister. 请听一段对话,完成第7至第8小题. 7.What does the girl like doing? A.Playing chess.B.Playing basketball.C.Playing the piano.8.How often does she practice? A.Once a week.B.Twice a week.C.Three times a week. 请听一段对话,完成第9至第10小题. 9.Where’s Classroom F205? A.On the first floor.B.On the second floor .C.On the sixth floor.10.Where did the girl study for one year? A.In Canada.B.In America .C.In China. 请听一段对话,完成第11至第13小题. 11.What does the man do? A.A driver.B.A teacher.C.A fire fighter. 12.What does the woman think of the man’s job? A.Dangerous.B.Great.C.Boring. 13.Where are the speakers? A.In a taxi.B.On a bus.C.On a train. 请听一段独白,完成第14至第16小题. 14.What’s the girl doing now? A.Making a speech. B.Leading a discussion. C.Giving an introduction. 15.How long has the girl studied in the school? A.12 years.B.8 years.C.6 years. 16.What’s the girl’s advice on creating the future? A.Making good plans. B.Making your own decision. C.Making good use of your knowledge.


2014年全国部分省市中考英语试题汇编:单项选择—形容词 【2014铜仁】Da Shan is _______ at Chinese. He can speak Chinese very _______. A. good, good B. well, well C. good, well D. well, good 【答案】C 【2014铜仁】The Yangzi River is one of _______ in the world. A. the longest rivers B. the longest river C. longer rivers D. longer river 【答案】A 【2014黄冈】—Everyone knows Canada is the second largest country in the world. —That is, it is larger than _______ country in Asia. A. any B. any other C. other D. another 【答案】A 【2014连云港】Mr. Black used to be busy. But now he’s tired and , so he has plenty of time to exercise. A. hard B. calm C. free D. nervous 【答案】C 【2014河北】Water is the cheapest drink. And it is also ______. A. healthier B. healthiest C. the healthier D. the healthiest 【答案】D 【2014河北】How ______ Cindy grows! She’s almost as tall as her mother now. A. cute B. strong C. fast D. straight 【答案】C 【2014达州】—My teachers often encourage me ______ more friends but I find it difficult. —Your teachers’ idea is right. The more friends you make, ______ you will be. A. to make; the more happy B. to make; happier C. making; the happier D. to make; the happier 【答案】D 【2014湖北咸宁】—What do you think of her teaching English? —Great! No one teaches ______ in our school. A. good B. worse C. better D. best


英语 (满分:120分时间:100分钟) 一、听力理解(略) 二、单项选择(15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 21.Mr Smith is old man and he usually walks his dog after supper.? A.a;the B.an;a C.an;不填 D.the;不填 22.—Is this photo taken in Tibet? —Yes.You can see beautiful snow mountains in the of the photo.? A.form B.background C.shape D.introduction 23.Whenever Mary reads an interesting story,she can??t keep it to and wants to share it with her friends.? A.she B.her C.hers D.herself 24.I heard a new song on the radio.I high and low in the music store,but I can??t find the song.? A.search B.have searched C.am searching D.will search 25.—What a clear blue sky it is! —Yes.I have never seen sky.? A.a more beautiful B.a most beautiful C.the more beautiful D.the most beautiful 26.—What??s the matter with Tom?He has been absent for two days. —Oh!He be ill.Let??s go and ask Ms Brown.? A.can B.need C.may D.would 27.Soccer is a wonderful game for children.It great exercise,such as running and kicking.? A.provides B.remains C.practises D.receives 28.Wild animals are our friends.We shouldn??t kill them food or clothing.? A.in B.with C.about D.for 29.Jane is very busy these days,for she has a lot of problems to.? A.deal with B.keep up with C.agree with https://www.360docs.net/doc/f48446830.html,e up with 30.we keep our hearts open,we can experience the happiness friendship brings us.? A.Since B.If C.Unless D.Though 31.—Did you watch the football match on TV last night? —I wanted to,but my mother her favourite TV programme.? A.watches B.watched C.was watching D.had watched 32.Now it??s much easier to shop online.When your order is ready,the things you want to buy to you soon.? A.send B.were sent C.are sending D.will be sent 33.—Why don??t you like fishing? —Fishing is a hobby needs much patience,but I??m not patient at all.? A.who B.that C.it D.what 34.kind and helpful to the people around us,and we will make the world a nicer place to live in.?


1 / 11 D) Maths. D) A sandwich. D) Frightened. 2014年上海市初中毕业统一学业考试 英语试卷 (满分150分,考试时间100分钟) 考生注意:本卷有7大题,共94小题。试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上完成,做在试卷上不给分。 Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力) I. Listening Comprehension.(听力理解)(共30分) A. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分) E 7.A) Chemistry. B) History. C) English. 8.A) A hamburger. B) A fruit salad. C) A hot-dog. 9.A) Tired. B) Surprised. C) Excited. 10.A) Watch TV. B) Play football. C) Go to the cinema. D) Read a book. 11.A) Fifteen minutes’walk. B) Fifteen minutes’ bus ride. C)Fifty minutes’ walk.D) Fifty minutes’ bus ride. 12.A) Thursday. B) Friday. C) Saturday. D) Sunday. 13.A) Trips. B) Computers. C) Parents. D) Jobs. 14.A) At the beach. B) At the airport. C) In the theatre. D) In the hotel. C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true o r false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(6分) 15. My aunt and uncle sent me a bottle of honey as a birthday present last year. 16. The smell of my hair attracted lots of bees when I went outside. D A G


2014 年上海市初中毕业统一考试 Listening (第一部分听力) I. Listening Comprehension. ( 听力理解) (共30 分) A. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6 分) 1、___ 2、___ 3、___ 4、___ 5、___ 6__ 7. E A) Chemistry.B) History.C) English.D) Maths. 8.A) A hamburger.B) A fruit salad.C) A hot-dog.D) A sandwich. 9.A) Tired.B) Surprised.C) Excited.D) Frightened. 10. A) Watch TV.B) Play football.C)Go to the cinema. D) Read a book. 11. A) Fifteen minutes’ walk.B) Fifteen minutes’ bus ride. C) Fifty minutes’ walk.D) Fifty minutes’ bus ride. 12. A) Thursday.B) Friday.C) Saturday.D) Sunday. 13. A) Trips.B) Computers.C) Parents.D) Jobs. 14. A) At the beach.B) At the airport.C) In the theatre.D) In the hotel. C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true o r false ( 判断下列句子是否 符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“ T ” 表示,不符合的用“ F ” 表示)(6 分) 15. My aunt and uncle sent me a bottle of honey as a birthday present last year. 16. The smell of my hair attracted lots of bees when I went outside. 17. I jumped into my neighbour’s swimming pool to stay away from the bees. 18. When I climbed out of the pool, the bees were still flying around. 19. My aunt and uncle wrote me a letter and apologized to me. 20. This is a story about my unforgettable birthday present. D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词)(10 (关注微信公众号,获取更多免费资源)


义务教育基础课程初中教学资料 广州市2015年初中毕业生学业考试 英语 本试卷分共五大题,12页,满分135分,考试时间120分钟。 注意事项: 1. 答卷前,考生务必在答题卡上用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔填写自己的考生号、姓名、试室号、座位号,再用2B铅笔把对应这两个标号涂黑。 2. 选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡和对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需要改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。不能答在试卷上。 3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域的相应位置上;如需要改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案,改动的答案也不能超出指定的区域;不准使用铅笔、圆珠笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 一、听力(共两节,满分35分) 第一节听力理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)每段播放两遍。各段后有几个小题,各段播放前每小题有5秒钟的阅读。请根据各段播放内容及其相关小题,在5秒钟内从题中所给的A、B、C项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。听下面一段对话,回答第1~3三个小题。 1. Where does the talk take place? A. At school. B. At Kelly’s house. C. At Jason’s house. 2. What is the talk mainly about? A. Ways to improve the environment. B. The school project they were given. C. The reasons Jason wasn’t at school. 3. What do the speakers finally decide to do? A. To clean up the river. B. To do some tree planting. C. To help the school save water. 听下面一段对话,回答第4~6三个小题。 4. Who is listening to the talk? A. Teachers. B. University students. C. New workers. 5. Why does the speaker think that he is very lucky? A. He works for a large company. B. He has a well-paid job. C. He does something he loves. 6. What kind of person does a boss prefer? A. Someone from a famous university.


山西省2014年普通高中招生考试试卷 英语 第I卷(共75分) I.听力试题(每小题1分,共15分) 第一题情景反应这一大题共有5个小题,每小题你讲听到一组对话。请你从每小题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中,选出与你所听到的信息相关联的的 .............一项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1. A B C 2 A B C 3 A B C 4 A B C

5 A B C 第二题对话理解这一大题共有5个小题,每小题你将听到一组对话和一个问题。请你从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 ( ) 6. A. Walking. B. Swimming. C. Dancing ( ) 7. A. Expensive. B. Beautiful. C. Cheap. ( ) 8. A. Strangers. B. Friends. C. Classmates. ( ) 9. A. At the museum B. On the bus. C. In the street. ( ) 10. A. She has cleaned them. B. She has thrown them away. C. She has put them under the bed. 第三题语篇理解这一大题你将听到一篇短文。请你根据短文内容和所提出的5个问题,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 ( )11. When did Jim wake up yesterday morning? A. At 7:45 B. At 8:00 C. At 8:15 ( )12. Why did he run to school? A. Because he liked running in the rain. B. Because the school was far from his home. C. Because there was something wrong with the bus. ( )13. What was Mr Smith doing when Jim came in ? A. He was waiting for him. B. He was giving his lesson. C. He was doing experiments. ( )14. How did Mr Smith feel at first when he saw Jim? A. He seemed pleased. B. He felt surprised. C. He was unhappy. ( )15. What can we know from the story ? A. An interesting lesson can warm students. B. You can get good grands if you like your teachers. C. Students can become more interested in study if teachers love them. II. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) 请你从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 ( )16. Last month, we went to Li Zongsheng's concert. The beautiful songs about his younger day reminded us to love _________ . A. yours B. theirs C. ours


2014中考英语短文填空(填词型)题型分类汇编 2014年全国中考分类汇编短文填空(填词型) (2014福建福州) 第三节短文填词(共10个小题,每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,根据中文、首字母、音标或语境的提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的单词。要求所填的单词意义准确、拼写正确。 China is a country with many colorful and festival. The Dragon Head Raising Day is one of them. This special day is on the second day of the second month in the Chinese lunar calendar. It ___86s_____for the started of spring and farming. The dragon is ___87___[?m'p?:(r)tnt]in Chinese. We Chinese people call 88_______(我们自己)the “descendants (传人)of the dragon”. So people 89______the Dragon Head Raising Day with many customs about dragon. On the day in 90a ________times, people put ashes in the kitchen. This was to “lead the dragon into the house ”. People believed that with the 91_______of the dragon ,they could have a good 92_______(收获)in autumn. Also, people eat special foods on that day. The foods usually named 93a _______dragon. For example ,people eat “dragon whisker ” noodles and dumplings called “dragon teeth ”. Today ,many customs have disappeared. But one that has 94______is the cutting of hair. It was said that a haircut during the first lunar month may bring luck to the 95______of a family ?Cmother’s brothers. So many people have their hair cut on the Dragon Head Raising Day. Key: 86. stands 87. important 88. ourselves 89. celebrate 90. ancient 91. help 92. harvest 93. after 94. remained 95. uncles (2014广东) 五、短文填空(本大题有10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分)请用适当的词完成下面的短文,并把所缺单词填写在答题卡指定的位置上。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。 I am Jackie Lee, an American Chinese. Let me tell you about my


2014年全国部分省市中考英语试题汇编:单项选择—动词的语态 【2014黄冈】—Claudia, are you going to Jeff’s birthday party on Saturday? —Unless I ______. A. will be invited B. am invited C. was inviting D. invited 【答案】B 【2014长沙】—I am afrai d that I can’t finish the task suc cessfully. —Don’t worry. You ______ plenty of time to do it. A. will be given B. give C. will give 【答案】A 【2014河北】T he pe t dog is warm and loving, It ______ as a daughter of my family. A. treats B. treated C. is treated D. was treated 【答案】C 【2014河南】When Tim _______ why he was late for school, he just kept silent. A. was aske d B. asked C. was asking D. is asking 【答案】A 【解析】考查被动语态的用法。本题句意为:当蒂姆……他为何迟到时,他仅仅保持缄默。分析句子结构可知,时间状语从句中的主语Tim与动词ask之间构成了逻辑上的被动关系,所以应用被动语态表达;根据主句中的动词kept可知,从句中应用一般过去时态。故选A项。 【2014陕西】E very day, too much water _______ in ou r school. We should save it. A. is wasted B. wastes C. was wasted D. wasted 【答案】A 【2014北京】A new hospital _______ in my town next year. A. builds B. built C. is built D. will be built 【答案】D 【2014南京】We’re sure that the environment in our city ______ greatly through our work in the near future. A. improved B. was improved C. has improved D. will be improved 【答案】D 【2014鄂州】—The meeting _______ because of the smog in Northern China last week. —Oh, it’s too bad! W e should take action to improve the air quality.


上海市英语试卷 一、单选题(共20小题) 1.Which of the following words is pronounced | e:p| A.shape B.sheep C.shop D.ship 2.Nowadays I can choose online courses and study by______ A.I B.me C.my D.myself 3.I love this picture_____ you beside the music fountain A.in B.of C.on D.at 4.There was a big crowd waiting____ the opening ceremony to start A.by B.from C.for D.with 5.Rose received a letter full of love from her parents on her_____ birthday A.sixteen B.sixteen’s C.sixteenth D.sixteenths 6.Alex did the project on community service____ better than his classmates A.so B.very C.too D.much 7.Leave the relevant books behind,____ you won’t be able to think independently A.or B.and C.so D.but 8.______Mike didn’t win the race, he was still wearing a smile on his face A.If B.since


(省)英语 准考证号____________________ 姓名________________ (在此卷上答题无效) 机密★2014年6月19日 江西省2014年中等学校招生考试 英语试题卷 说明:1. 本卷分为试题卷和答题卷,答案请涂写在答题卷上,不要在试题卷上作答,否则不给分。 2. 本卷共有5大题、86小题,全卷满分120分,考试时间为120分钟。 一、听力测试(25分) 现在是试听时间。请听一段对话,然后回答问题。 What is the boy going to buy? A. Some juice. B. Some oranges. C. Some apples. 答案是C。 A)请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。听完每段对话后,你都将有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分) 1. Who sent thecamera to Lily? A. Her friends. B. Her grandparents. C. Her parents. 2. When will the girl have the final exam? A. Tomorrow. B. On Monday. C. On Friday. 3. Whose notebook is this? A. Jenny’s. B. Linda’s C. Bob’s. 4. Why does Peter look tired? A. He had a football match. B. He stayed up late for his exam. C. He watched a football match. 5. What does the girl mean? A. She doesn’t like swimming. B. She can’t go swimming with Tom. C. She will go swimming with her mother. B)请听下面4段对话和1段独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从踢中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。听每段对话或独白前你都将有30秒钟的时间阅读各小题。每段对话或独白读两遍。(每小题1分) 请听第1段对话,回答第6至第7小题。 6. What are they going to do together? A. Have violin lessons. B. Play tennis. C. Watch movies. 7. What time will they meet? A. At 5:30. B. At 6:30. C. At 7:30. 请听第2段对话,回答第8至第9小题。 8. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a bank. B. In a restaurant. C. In a post office. 9. How much should the man pay?


2014年厦门市初中毕业及高中阶段各类学校招生考试 英语 (试卷满分:150分考试时间:120分钟) 准考证号__________________ 姓名____________ 座位号________ 注意事项: 本试卷分为两大部分,第一部分(1-61小题)为选择题,请考生将答案用2B铅笔填涂在答题卡上;第二部分为非选择题,请考生将答案用0.5毫米的黑色签字笔书写在答题卡上。 第一部分(选择题) (一)听力测试(每小题1.5分,共30分) I. Listen and choose the right pictures. (听音,选择符合内容情景的图片。听两遍) 1. A B C 2. A B C 3. A B C 4. A B C II. Listen to some short dialogues and choose the right answers to the questions you hear. (听简短对话,然后挑选最佳答案回答所听到的问题。听两遍) 5. A. Teacher and student. B. Husband and wife. C. Doctor and patient. 6. A. At the police station. B. In the street. C. Near a park.

7. A. A computer programmer. B. A basketball player. C. A reporter. 8. A. How to celebrate Father’s Day. B. How to buy gifts. C. How to camp. 9. A. Kitty. B. Linda. C. Henry. 10.A. Tea. B. Juice. C. Milk. III. Listen to a long dialogue and a passage, then choose the right answers to questions 11-16. (听一篇较长对话和一篇短文,然后选择正确答案作答11-16小题。听两遍) Text A 11. John wants to spend his summer vacation ______. A. doing part-time jobs B. traveling abroad C. studying at home 12. John feels ______ these days. A. excited B. relaxed C. tired 13. The woman finally advises John to go to ______. A. Canada B. France C. Hawaii Text B 14. ______ was a taxi driver. A. Peter B. Mike C. Charles 15. Anna’s husband arrived home ______ that afternoon. A. at 4:15 B. at 4:50 C. at 5:00 16. Anna and her friends couldn’t have the meat for dinner because ______. A. the meat her husband bought went bad


2014年谷城县中考适应性考试 二、选择填空(本大题满分15分,每小题1分) 从各小题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 26. ---Sally is ill. Do you know what’s the matter with her? ---Poor girl. Her illness is the_________ of eating unhealthy food. A. cause B. reason C. result D. end 27. ---What do you think of ____ boy that is in ______ red over there? ---Yeah! He is _____ honest boy. He likes playing ______ violin. A. a; a; the; / B. the; a; a; the C. the; /; an; the D. The; an; a; / 28.---The population in China is much larger than _____ in America, right? --- So it is. A. that B. it C. those D. one 29.--- What does “three quarters” mean, Li Ping? ---I see. It means __________. A. 15 minutes B. one third C. fourth three D. three fourths 30. --- Mom, can you buy me a skirt like this on my birthday? --- Sure, we can buy ______ than this, but ______ this. A. a worse one; as well as B. a cheaper one; as good as C. a better one; the same with D. a much beautiful one; the same as 31. --- Jane, you can ask me for help if you __________ China Talent Show programs. --- I will._____________, Wang Yang. A. join in; My pleasure B. take part in; It’s very kind of you C. join;I have no difficulty D. attend; I hope so. 32. --- Will your younger brother go for a picnic this Sunday? --- If I don’t go, ________ . A. so does he B.so will he C. neither does he D. Neither will he 33. ---Lin Lin, I want to know ________________. ---.I’m confident and creative. A. how you are B. what you are C. what you are like D. how do you look like 34. --- Do you often get on line? --- Yes. I _____ most of my time _____ on it. It’s a good way to search for information. A. cost; surfing B. spend; surfing C. pay; playing D. take; playing 35. --- I think the older people must be _______ politely. ---Yes. You are so kind. A. talking about B. said with C. tell about D. spoken to 36.--- ________ is she ____________ ? --- Her husband and her children. A. Who; complaining about B. What; mad at C. Why; angry at D. Why; annoyed 37. --- Datou Ge Hongyu made few mistakes in the competition of singing, ________ ? --- _____________. I think his perform was the most wonderful in T he Voice of China. A. did he; No, he didn’t B. didn’t he; Yes, he did C. was he; No, he wasn’t D. wasn’t he; Yes, he was 38. --- Is the boy ______ is _______ food and clothes over there a volunteer? ---Yes. He is very kind. A. which; set up B. that; put out C. whom; handing out D. who; giving away 39.--- __________ hard-working girl! Who is she? --- Tina. She tried to _________ many problems to learn Chinese. A. How; get on B. How a; get off C. What a; get over D. What; get out 40. --- Could you please tell me __________? --- Sorry, you can turn to Mr. Li.for help. A. how long can man live without water 英语试题第1页(共8页)
