


The “Doorman”

On a trip to California, my family stopped for lunch. As we walked toward the entrance to the restaurant, a man, with a _36 beard and dirty hair, jumped up from a bench and opened the door for us. Regardless of his _37 ,he greeted us in a friendly way.

Once inside, my daughters whispered, “Mom,he _38 _ ” After we ordered our lunch, I explained, telling the kids to look 39 _the dirt. We then watched other customers approach the restaurant but many 40 _ him. Seeing this rudeness truly upset me. The day I became a mother, I had resolved to set a good 41 _ for my children. Yet sometimes when thin gs didn’t go right, being a good example was 42_When our meal arrived,I realized I had left the car-sick pills in the truck. With the windiest trip ahead, the kids needed them, so I 43 _myself from the meal and went to get them.

Just then, the “doorman” was opening the door for a couple. They rushed past him without even acknowledging his 44 _Letting them in first, I said a loud “thank you” to him as I 45 _ .

When I returned, we talked a bit. He said he was not allowed inside 46 _he purchased food. I went back and told my family his 47 Then I asked our waitress to add one soup and sandwich. The kids looked 48 _as we had already eaten,but when I said the order was for the “doorman”,they smiled. When it was time to 49 _ our trip, I noticed the “doorman” enjoying his meal. Upon seeing me, he stood up and thanked me heartily. He then 50 _ his hand for a handshake and I gratefully accepted. I suddenly noticed the tears in his eyes—tears of 51_

What happened next drew great astonishment: I gave the “ doorman” a 52 _ ! He pulled away, with tears 53 _ down his face.

Back in truck, I fell into deep thought. While we can’t choose many things in life, we can choose when to show gratitude. I said thanks to a man who had 54 _held open

a door for me,and also said thanks for that 55 _ to teach my children by example.

36. A. heavy B. long C. messy D. grey

37. A. service B. appearance C. status D. attitude

38. A. smokes B. smiles C. sniffs D. smells

39. A. beyond B. over C. around D. into

40. A. hated B. ignored C. missed D. refused

41. A. target B. rule C. record D. example

42. A. stressful B. accessible C. awkward D. tough

43. A. excused B. freed C. prevented D. withdrew

44. A. company B. presence C. effort D. attempt

45. A. quitted B. marched C. exited D. approached

46. A. before B. unless C. though D. since

47. A. story B. deed C. experience D. demand

48. A. concerned B. shocked C. puzzled D. bored

49. A. make B. start C. take D. continue

50. A. extended B. washed C. raised D. waved

51. A. approval B. affection C. sympathy D. gratitude

52. A. hug B. nod C. lift D. clap

53. A. slipping B. streaming C. rushing D. breaking

54. A. firmly B. constantly C. simply D. politely

55. A. journey B. wisdom C. opportunity D. coincidence



People who multitask all the time may be the worst at doing two things at once, a new research suggests. The findings, based on performances and self-evaluation by about 275 college students, indicate that many people multitask not out of a desire to increase productivity, but because they are easily distracted (分心) and can’t focus on one activity. And “those people turn out to be the worst at handling different things,” said David Sanbonmatsu, a psychologist at the University of Utah. Sanbonmatsu and his colleagues gave the students a set of tests and asked them to report how often they multitasked, how good they thought they were at it, and how sensation-seeking (寻求刺激) or imperative (冲动) they were. They then evaluated the participants’multitasking ability with a tricky mental task that required the students to do simple mathematical calculations while remembering a set of letters.

Not surprisingly, the scientists said, most people thought they were better than average at multitasking, and those who thought they were better at it were more likely to report using a cellphone while driving or viewing multiple kinds of media at once. But those who frequently deal with many things at the same time were found to perform the worst at the actual multitasking test. They also were more likely to admit to sensation-seeking and impulsive behavior, which connects with how easily people get bored and distracted.

“People multitask not because it’s going to lead to greater productivity, but because they’re distractible, and they get sucked into things that are not as important.” Sanbonmatsu said.

Adam Gazzaley, a researcher at the University of California, San Francisco, who was not a member of the research group, said one limitation of the study was that it couldn’t find out whether people who start out less focused toward multitasking or whether people’s recognizing and understanding abilities change as a result of multitasking.

The findings do suggest, however, why the sensation-seeker who multitask the most may enjoy risky distracted driving. “People who are multitasking are generally less sensitive to risky situations.” said Paul Atchley, another researcher not in the group. “This may partly explain why people go in for these situations even though th ey’re dangerous.”

67. The research led by Sanbonmatsu indicates that people who multitask .

A. seek high productivity constantly

B. prefer handling different things when getting bored

C. are more focused when doing many things at a time

D. have the poorest results in doing various things at the same time

68. When Sanbonmatsu and his colleagues conducted their research, they .

A. assessed the multitasking ability of the students

B. evaluated the academic achievements of the students

C. analyzed the effec ts of the participants’ tricky mental tasks

D. measured the changes of the students’ understanding ability

69. According to Sanbonmatsu, people multitask because of their _.

A. limited power in calculation

B. interests in doing things differently

C. inability to concentrate on one task

D. impulsive desire to try new things

70. From the last paragraph, we can learn that multitaskers usually .

A. drive very skillfully

B. go in for different tasks

C. fail to react quickly to potential dangers

D. refuse to explain the reasons for their behavior



Apathy is a state of lacking interest, enthusiasm or concern. 71 _ They may also exhibit unfeelingness. Christians have condemned apathy as a lack of love and devotion to God and His works.

72 _ Also meaning “absence of passion” in Greek, the term “apatheia” was used by the Stoics(禁欲主义者)to show a desirable state of indifference towards events and things which lie outside one’s control.

The modem concept of apathy became well known after World War I,when it was called “shell shock. ” Soldiers, living in the trenches among the bombing and gun fires, saw the battlefields filled with dead and wounded companions. 73 _ In 1950,US novelist Passos wrote “Apathy is one of the characteristic responses of any living being when it is subjected to something too tense or too complicated to deal with. ” US philosopher Robert M. Hutchins summarizes the concerns about political indifference. He claims that the death of democracy is not likely to be a sudden murder from ambush (埋伏)74 _

There may be other things contributing to a person’s apathy. Activist Dave Meslin argues that apathy is often the result of social systems actively blocking engagement and involvement. He describes various barriers that prevent people from knowing how or why they might get involved in something. 75 _These include: political media that make it difficult for potentially interested people to find relevant information,and media descriptions of heroes as “ chosen ” by outside forces rather than self-motivated. He suggests that we redefine social apathy as a result of poorly designed systems that fail to invite others to participate.

A. It will be a slow process of fading away from apathy and indifference.

B. Apathetic people may lack a sense of purpose or meaning in their life.

C. He focuses on designed choices that deliberately or indeliberately exclude people.

D. The word “dispassion” is used for “apatheia”,so as not to confuse it with apathy.

E. So they gradually developed a sense of disconnected numbness to normal social interaction.

F. Although the word “apathy” originates from “apatheia”,it is important not to confuse the two terms.

G. Author John McManamy argues apathy is a psychological problem for some

depressed people,in which they get a sense that “nothing matters”.


2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(浙江卷) 理科综合化学试题 相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 N-14 O-16 Na-23 Mg-24 Al-27 S-32 Cl-35.5 K-39 Ca-40 Fe-56 Ba-137 Cu-64 7.下列说法不正确 ...的是 A.光催化还原水制氢比电解水制氢更节能环保、更经济 B.氨氮废水(含NH4+及NH3)可用化学氧化法或电化学氧化法处理 C.某种光学检测技术具有极高的灵敏度,可检测到单个细胞(V≈10-12L)内的数个目标分子,据此可推算该检测技术能测量细胞内浓度约为10-12~10-11mol·L-1的目标分子 D.向汽油中添加甲醇后,该混合燃料的热值不变 8.下列说法正确的是 A.金属汞一旦洒落在实验室地面或桌面时,必须尽可能收集,并深埋处理 B.用pH计、电导率仪(一种测量溶液导电能力的仪器)均可监测乙酸乙酯的水解程度 C.邻苯二甲酸氢钾可用于标定NaOH溶液的浓度。假如称量邻苯二甲酸氢钾时电子天平读数比实际质量偏大,则测得的NaOH溶液浓度比实际浓度偏小 D.向某溶液中加入茚三酮试剂,加热煮沸后溶液若出现蓝色,则可判断该溶液含有蛋白质 9.如表所示的五种元素中,W、X、Y、Z为短周期元素,这四种元素的原子最外层电子数之和为22。下 列说法正确的是 A.X、Y、Z三种元素最低价氢化物的沸点依次升高 B.由X、Y和氢三种元素形成的化合物中只有共价键 C.物质WY2、W3X4、WZ4均有熔点高、硬度大的特性 D.T元素的单质具有半导体的特性,T与Z元素可形成化合物TZ4 10.下列说法正确的是 A.乳酸薄荷醇酯()仅能发生水解、氧化、消去反应 B.乙醛和丙烯醛()不是同系物,它们与氢气充分反应后的产物也不是同系物 C.淀粉和纤维素在酸催化下完全水解后的产物都是葡萄糖 D.CH3COOCH2CH3与CH3CH2COOCH3互为同分异构体,1H-NMR谱显示两者均有三种不同的氢原子且三种氢原子的比例相同,故不能用1H-NMR来鉴别 11.镍氢电池(NiMH)目前已经成为混合动力汽车的一种主要电池类型。NiMH中的M表示储氢金属或合金。该电池在充电过程中的总反应方程式是:Ni(OH)2 + M = NiOOH + MH 已知:6NiOOH + NH3 + H2O + OH-=6 Ni(OH)2 + NO2- 下列说法正确的是 A.NiMH 电池放电过程中,正极的电极反应式为:NiOOH + H2O + e-= Ni(OH)2 + OH- B.充电过程中OH-离子从阳极向阴极迁移 C.充电过程中阴极的电极反应式:H2O + M + e-= MH + OH-,H2O中的H被M还原 D.NiMH电池中可以用KOH溶液、氨水等作为电解质溶液 12.氯在饮用水处理中常用作杀菌剂,且HClO的杀菌能力比 ClO-强。25℃时氯气-氯水体系中存在以下平衡关系: Cl2(g) Cl2(aq) K1=10-1.2 Cl2(aq)+ H2O HClO + H+ +Cl-K2=10-3.4 HClO H+ + ClO-K a=? 其中Cl2(aq)、HClO和ClO-分别在三者中所占分数(α)随pH 变化的关系如图所示。下列表述正确的是


绝密★启用前 2014年高考全国2卷文科数学试题 注意事项: 1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 第I 卷(选择题) 请点击修改第I 卷的文字说明 评卷人 得分 一、选择题(题型注释) 1.设集合2 {2,0,2},{|20}A B x x x =-=--=,则A B =I ( ) A .? B .{}2 C .{0} D .{2}- 2. 131i i +=-( ) A .12i + B .12i -+ C .12i - D .12i -- 3.函数()f x 在0x x =处导数存在,若0:()0p f x =;0:q x x =是()f x 的极值点,则( ) A .p 是q 的充分必要条件 B .p 是q 的充分条件,但不是q 的必要条件 C .p 是q 的必要条件,但不是q 的充分条件 D .p 既不是q 的充分条件,也不是q 的必要条件 4.设向量b a ρρ,满足10||=+b a ρρ,6||=-b a ρ ρ,则=?b a ρρ( ) A .1 B .2 C .3 D .5 5.等差数列{}n a 的公差是2,若248,,a a a 成等比数列,则{}n a 的前n 项和n S =( ) A .(1)n n + B .(1)n n - C . (1)2n n + D .(1) 2 n n - 6.如图,网格纸上正方形小格的边长为1(表示1cm ),图中粗线画出的是某零件的三视图,该零件 由一个底面半径为3cm ,高为6cm 的圆柱体毛坯切削得到,则切削的部分的体积和原来毛坯体积的比值为( ) A . 2717 B .95 C .2710 D .3 1 7.正三棱柱111ABC A B C -的底面边长为23,D 为BC 中点,则三棱锥11A B DC -的体积为 (A )3 (B ) 3 2 (C )1 (D 3 D 1 1 A B 1 8.执行右面的程序框图,如果输入的x ,t 均为2,则输出的S =( )


高考英语复习七选五专练6篇 Passage 1(2017课标全国Ⅱ) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Interruptions are one of the worst things to deal with while you’re trying to get work done. 1 , there are several ways to handle things. Let’s take a look at them now. 2 . Tell the person you’re sorry and explain that you have a million things to do and then ask if the two of you can talk at a different time. When people try to interrupt you, have set hours planned and let them know to come back during that time or that you’ll find them then. 3 . It can help to eliminate(消除)future interruptions. When you need to talk to someone, don’t do it in your own office. 4 , it’s much easier to excuse yourself to get back to your work than if you try to get someone out of your space even after explaining how busy you are. If you have a door to your office, make good use of it. 5 . If someone knocks and it’s not an important matter, excuse yourself and let the person know you’re busy so they can get the hint(暗示)that when the door is closed, you’re not to be disturbed. A.If you’re busy, don’t feel bad about saying no B.When you want to avoid interruptions at work


2014年高考浙江理综化学试题赏析 7.下列说法不正确 ...的是 A.光催化还原水制氢比电解水制氢更节能环保、更经济 B.氨氮废水(含 4 NH 及NH3)可用化学氧化法或电化学氧化法处理 C.某种光学检测技术具有极高的灵敏度,可检测到单个细胞(V≈10-12L)内的数个目标分子,据此可推算该检测技术能测量到细胞内浓度约为10-12~10-11mol/L的目标分子 D.向汽油中添加甲醇后,该混合燃料的热值不变 赏析:考察化学技术。A项正确,体现光能的运用;B项正确,通过化学方法可以转变成氮气;C项正确,推算C=1mol/6.02×1023×10-12L=1.6×10-12mol/L;D项错误,汽油与甲醇的燃烧热不同,比例不同,热值不同。选择D。 8.下列说法正确的是 A.金属汞一旦洒落在实验室地面或桌面时,必须尽可能收集,并深埋处理 B.用pH计、电导率仪(一种测量溶液导电能力的仪器)均可检测乙酸乙酯的水解程度 C.邻苯二甲酸氢钾可用于标定NaOH溶液的浓度,假如称量邻苯二甲酸氢钾时电子天平读数比实际质量偏大,则测得的NaOH溶液浓度比实际浓度偏小D.向某溶液中加入茚三酮试剂,加热煮沸后溶液若出现蓝色,则可判断该溶液含有蛋白质 赏析:考察实验原理的分析。汞是重金属,有毒,易挥发,不能深埋处理;乙酸乙酯水解成乙酸,是电解质,浓度不同,PH值和和电导率不同,可以测定;称量邻苯二甲酸氢钾时电子天平读数比实际质量偏大,配制出来的浓度偏低,中和滴定消耗的体积增大,测定的NaOH溶液浓度偏高;茚三酮反应,广泛用于指纹鉴定,与氨、胺和蛋白质等含有氨基的化合物发生蓝色显色反应。选择B。 9.如表所示的五种元素中,W、X、Y、Z为短周期元素,这四种元素的原子最外层电子数之和为22。下列说法正确的是 A.X、Y、Z三种元素最低价氢化物的沸点依次升高 B.由X、Y和氢三种元素形成的化合物中只有共价键 C.物质WY2、W3X4、WZ4均有熔点高、硬度大的特性 D.T元素的单质具有半导体的特性,T与Z元素可形成化合物TZ4 赏析:考察元素周期律和元素周期表。令W的最外层电子数为a,a+a+1+a+2+a+3=22,a=4, W是Si、T是Ge、X是N、Y是O、Z是Cl,沸点:H2O>NH3>HCl,HNO3、HNO2、氨基酸只有共价键,NH4NO3既有离子键又有共价键;SiO2、Si3N4熔点高、硬度大,但SiCl4熔点低、硬度小;Ge是半导体,GeCl4是共价化合物。选择D。 10.下列说法正确的是 A.乳酸薄荷醇酯( O O OH )仅能发生水解、氧化、消去反应 B.乙醛和丙烯醛(CHO)不是同系物,它们与氢气充分反应后的产物也不是同系物 C.淀粉和纤维素在酸催化下完全水解后的产物都是葡萄糖


【专题训练】阅读七选五专题训练七 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 (1) For most parents and other caregivers, summer is by far the best season to connect kids with nature. The weather’s nice, and the youngsters are out of time. Here are a few tips to help you along the way: Nature is all around us. 37 For small kids, there’s likely plenty in the backyard, courtyard, or schoolyard. National parks are great, but kids foster a deep connection with nature close to home! 38 Don’t worry too much about what to do once you arrive at your nature-rich destination. What kids really need is free time to engage all their senses and use their imaginations. You can learn too. What counts is simply to get out there, show that you value the outdoors, and be ready to have fun. 39 In fact, it is not necessary for you to know anything at all about science or nature. And remember, questions are more powerful than answers anyway! Sit back and watch your kids learn. Don’t be too much of a helicopter parent, always saying “no”. Instead, try to spare more time to stay with your kids when necessary.


化学试题 可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16 Na 23 Mg 24 Al 27 Si 28 S 32 Cl 35.5 K 39 Ca 40 Mn 55 Fe 56 Cu 64 Zn 65 Ag 108 I 127 Ba 137 一、选择题(本大题共25小题,每小题2分,共50分。每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,不选、多选、错选均不得分) 1.水溶液呈酸性的是( ) A.NaCl B.4NaHSO C.HCOONa D.3NaHCO 2.固液分离操作中,需要用到的仪器是( ) A. B. C. D. 3.下列物质在熔融状态下不导电...的是( ) A.NaOH B.2CaCl C.HCl D.24K SO 4.下列物质对应的组成不正确...的是( ) A.干冰:2CO B.熟石灰:42CaSO 2H O ? C.胆矾:42CuSO 5H O ? D.小苏打:3NaHCO 5.下列表示不正确... 的是( ) A.乙烯的结构式: B.甲酸甲酯的结构简式:242C H O C.2-甲基丁烷的键线式: D.甲基的电子式: 6.下列说法不正确... 的是( ) A.天然气是不可再生能源 B.用水煤气可合成液态碳氢化合物和含氧有机物 C.煤的液化属于物理变化 D.火棉是含氮量高的硝化纤维 7.下列说法正确的是( ) A.35Cl 和37 Cl 是两种不同的元素 B.单晶硅和石英互为同素异形体 C.HCOOH 和2HOCH CHO 互为同系物 D.H 与Na 在元素周期表中处于同一主族 8.下列说法不正确...的是( ) A.Cl - 会破坏铝表面的氧化膜


绝密★启用前 2014 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 (新课标 I 卷 ) 数 学(理科 ) 一.选择题:共 12 小题,每小题 5 分,共 60 分。在每个小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的一项。 1.已知集合 A={ x | x 2 2x 3 0 } , - ≤<=,则A B = B={ x | 2 x 2 A .[-2,-1] B .[-1,2 ) C .[-1,1] D .[1,2) (1 i )3 2. (1 i ) 2 = A .1 i B .1 i C . 1 i D . 1 i 3.设函数 f ( x) , g( x) 的定义域都为 R ,且 f ( x) 时奇函数, g (x) 是偶函数,则下列结论正确的 是 A . f (x) g( x) 是偶函数 B .| f ( x) | g ( x) 是奇函数 C .f (x) | g( x) 是奇函数 D .|f ( x) g ( x) 是奇函数 | | 4.已知 F 是双曲线 C : x 2 my 2 3m(m 0) 的一个焦点,则点 F 到 C 的一条渐近线的距离为 A . 3 B .3 C . 3m D . 3m 5.4 位同学各自在周六、周日两天中任选一天参加公益活动,则周六、周日 都有同学参加公益活动的概率 A . 1 B . 3 C . 5 D . 7 8 8 8 8 6.如图,圆 O 的半径为 1, A 是圆上的定点, P 是圆上的动点,角 x 的始边 为射线 OA ,终边为射线 OP ,过点 P 作直线 OA 的垂线,垂足为 M ,将点 M 到直线 OP 的距 离表示为 x 的函数 f ( x) ,则 y = f ( x) 在 [0, ]上的图像大致为


【专题训练】阅读七选五专题训练六 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 (1) On the first day of my new high school, I almost had a nervous breakdown. Everything about the school seemed so difficult. When I got home, my parents said, “You’re nervous and that’s okay. Everyone is afraid of high school.”36 I wanted to be strong, so I refused to let anyone know about my fear, even my closest friends. On the first day I was late for every class and was constantly lost. 37 Was thi s how the whole year was going to be? I didn’t think I could rise to this challenge, especially carrying a huge backpack that I could hardly lift. It was so big that I could knock someone out with it! The schoolmates seemed to regard me as a fool, and they were probably right. 38 With the exception of falling up and down the stairs a couple of times and getting laughed at, high school was turning out to be not so bad. It was actually much better than middle school and much more challenging. Since then, I’ve been elected vice president of my class, which wasn’t much of a victory since only three people ran for the four positions. It is normal to be scared about a new school. Take a deep breath and relax. 39 Make sure you participate in some out-of-class activities because you’ll find it easier to make friends. Try to do your best, even if it isn’t straight A’s.


2017年高考英语总动员“七选五”阅读 8.历年探究

(Ⅰ) 【2016·新课标全国卷I】 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Secret codes (密码) keep messages private. Bank, companies, and government agencies use secret code in doing business, especially when information is sent by computer. People have used secret codes for thousands of years. 36 Code breaking never lags (落后) behind code making. The science of decoding and reading coded messages is called cryptography. There are three main types of cryptography. 37 For example, the first letters a re “My elephant eats too many eels” spell out the hidden message “Meet me.” 38 You might represent each letter with a number, for example, let’s number the letters of the alphabet, in order, from 1 to 26. If we substitute a number for each letter, th e message “Meet me” would read “1 3 5 20 13 5”. A code uses symbols to replace words, phrases, or sentences. To read the message of a real code, you must have a code book. 39 For example, “bridge” might stand for “meet” and “out” might stand for “me”.The message “bridge out” would actually mean “Meet me”. 40 However, it


2014年浙江省高考化学试题(带解析) 2014年浙江省高考化学试题(带解析) 7.下列说法不正确的是 A.光催化还原水制氢比电解水制氢更节能环保、更经济 B.氨氮废水(含NH4+及NH3)可用化学氧化法或电化学氧化法处理 C.某种光学检测技术具有极高的灵敏度,可检测到单个细胞(V=10-12L)内的数个目标分子,据此可推算该检测技术能测量到细胞内浓度约为10-12~10-11mol?L-1的目标分子 D.向汽油中添加甲醇后,该混合燃料的热值不变 8.下列说法正确的是 A.金属汞一旦洒落在实验室地面或桌面时,必须尽可能收集,并深埋处理 B.用pH计、电导率仪(一种测量溶液导电能力的仪器)均可检测乙酸乙酯的水解程度 C.邻苯二甲酸氢钾可用于标定NaOH溶液的浓度,假如称量邻苯二甲酸氢钾时电子天平读数比实际质量偏大,则测得的NaOH溶液浓度比实际浓度偏小 D.向某溶液中加入茚三酮试剂,加热煮沸后溶液若出现蓝色,则可判断该溶液含有蛋白质【结束】 X Y W Z T 9.如表所示的五种元素中,W、X、Y、Z为短周期元素,这四种元素的原子最外层电子数之和为22。下列说法正确的是 A.X、Y、Z三种元素最低价氢化物的沸点依次升高 B.由X、Y和氢三种元素形成的化合物中只有共价键 C.物质WY2、W3X4、WZ4均有熔点高、硬度大的特性 D.T元素的单质具有半导体的特性,T与Z元素可形成化合物TZ4 10.下列说法正确的是 A.乳酸薄荷醇酯( )仅能发生水解、氧化、消去反应 B.乙醛和丙烯醛( )不是同系物,它们与氢气充分反应后的产物也不是同系物 C.淀粉和纤维素在酸催化下完全水解后的产物都是葡萄糖 D.CH3COOCH2CH3与CH3CH2COOCH3互为同分异构体,1H-NMR谱显示两者均有三种不同的氢原子且三种氢原子的比例相同,故不能用1H-NMR来鉴别 11.镍氢电池(NiMH)目前已经成为混合动力汽车的一种主要电池类型。NiMH中的M表示储氢金属或合金。该电池在充电过程中的总反应方程式是: Ni(OH)2 + M = NiOOH + MH 已知:6NiOOH + NH3 + H2O + OH-=6 Ni(OH)2 + NO2 -下列说法正确的是 NiMH 电池放电过程中,正极的电极反应式为:NiOOH + H2O + e-= Ni(OH)2 + OH-充电过程中OH-离子从阳极向阴极迁移充电过程中阴极的电极反应式:H2O + M + e-= MH +


2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(新课标Ⅱ卷) 数学试题卷(文史类) 注意事项 1.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分.答卷前,考生务必将自己的、号填写在本试卷和答题卡相应位置上. 2.回答第Ⅰ卷时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑.如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号,写在本试卷上无效. 3.回答第Ⅱ卷时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效. 4.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回. 第Ⅰ卷 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要 求的. (1)已知集合A={2-,0,2},B={x |022 =--x x },则A B= (A )? (B ){}2 (C ){}0 (D ){}2- (2) 131i i +=- (A )12i + (B )12i -+ (C )12i - (D )12i -- (3)函数()f x 在0x x =处导数存在.若p :0'()0f x =;q :0x x =是()f x 的极值点,则 (A )p 是q 的充分必要条件 (B )p 是q 的充分条件,但不是q 的必要条件 (C )p 是q 的必要条件,但不是q 的充分条件 (D )p 既不是q 的充分条件,也不是q 的必要条件 (4)设向量a ,b 满足||a b +=,||a b -= ,则a b = (A )1 (B )2 (C )3 (D )5 (5)等差数列{}n a 的公差为2,若2a ,4a ,8a 成等比数列,则{}n a 的前n 项和n S = (A )()1n n + (B )()1n n - (C ) ()12 n n + (D ) ()12 n n - (6)如图,网格纸上正方形小格的边长为1(表示1cm ), 图中粗线画出的是某零件的三视图,该零件由一个 底面半径为3cm ,高为6c m 的圆柱体毛坯切削得 到,则切削掉部分的体积与原来毛坯体积的比值为 (A ) 1727 (B )59 (C )1027 (D )1 3


高考英语阅读理解专题训练---七选五 Passage 1 Tips for Improving the Communication in Your Relationship There is a lot more to effective communication in a relationship than just talking about the weather. ____71_____Doiing so will help you to create a more intimate and productive relationship. In this article, we have some tips that will help you enhance the communication between you and your partner so you can start having a better relationship. 1.Listen Carefully Before Responding Sometimes in the heat of an argument, we will react to something that is said before we really understand what is being said. _______ This is more important than responding automatically. 2.Keep It Cool When Disagreeing When a discussion starts turning into an argument, it can go in an ugly direction. Avoid this by sticking to the point and not bringing up old arguments. ________ Then you can resume the conversation later with clearer heads and a fresh perspective. 3.______ It can be difficult if you weren’t raised in a family that did much communicating, but there are things you can do to help yourself be more open and honest with your partner. _______ You should take responsibility on someone else! There is no denying that this can be a tough first step, especially if the relationship has already fallen into less supportive communication habits. But if you don’t fix it now, it will only get worse. It takes a real effort from both parties to build the trust that can help save a relationship. A.Share Your Feelings Openly B.Learn To Have Fun Together C.Spending time together will help increase intimacy D.Sometimes the best thing to do is to take a break and cool off. E.Take the time to really listen to what your partner is saying F.It is important to start sentences with “I feel…” instead of “ You make me feel…” G.Real communication involves honesty, having fun and learning to avoid arguments. Passage 2 How to Overcome Worry When we worry about an event that may not occur, we waste precious energy and time. There is a philosophy that if we worry about something it is actually more likely to happen; we attract the negative event through our negative thoughts. Worry never helps, it just leaves us without peace of mind. ________ Here are a few steps that will help. 1.Concentrate on the Present Worry means we are advancing into the future and speculating that the worst might happen. Worrying about the future is not helpful. ______ Many religious texts tell us, “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself.” 2.Imagine How Good Things Can Occur If we concentrate on the negative, it is likely to create negative emotions and negative thoughts. If we worry, this in itself is a problem for us; it becomes a vicious cycle(恶性循环). If you find yourself often in a state of fear or worry, make conscious effort to visualize the best overcome. Imagine yourself doing the best you can in the circumstances and then being detached(分开) from


2020高考全国卷I阅读理解七选五试题及答案解析 请看高考试题: 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 A Few Tips for Self-Acceptance We all want it … to accept and love ourselves. But at times it seems too difficult and too far out of reach. 36 ___ Here’s a handful of ways that will set you in the right direction. ●37 Do not follow the people who make you feel not-good-enough. Why do you follow them? Are you hoping that eventually you will feel empowered because your life is better than theirs? Know that your life is your own; you are the only you in this world. ●Forgive yourself for mistakes that you have made. We are often ashamed of our shortcomings, our mistakes and our failures. 38 You will make mistakes, time and time again. Rather than getting caught up in how you could have done better, why not offer yourself a compassionate (有同情心) response? "That didn’t go as planned. But, I tried my best." ●Recognize all of your strengths. Write them down in a journal. Begin to train your brain to look at strength before weakness. List all of your accomplishments and achievements. You have a job, earned your degree, and you got out of bed today. 39 ●Now that you’ve listed your strengths, list your imperfections. Turn the page in your journal. Put into words why you feel unworthy, why you don’t feel good enough. Now, read these words back to yourself. 40 Turn to a page in your journal to your list of strengths and achievements. See how awesome you are? A. Feeling upset again? B. Where do you start? C. Nothing is too small to celebrate. D. Remember, you are only human. E Set an intention for self-acceptance. F. Stop comparing yourself with others.


2014年高考化学试题及答案解析(浙江卷) 7.下列说法不正确 ...的是 A.光催化还原水制氢比电解水制氢更节能环保、更经济 B.氨氮废水(含NH4+及NH3)可用化学氧化法或电化学氧化法处理 C.某种光学检测技术具有极高的灵敏度,可检测到单个细胞(V≈10-12L)内的数个目标分子,据此可推算该检测技术能测量细胞内浓度约为10-12~10-11mol·L-1的目标分子 D.向汽油中添加甲醇后,该混合燃料的热值不变 【答案】D 【解析】发电需要能源,光催化还原水制氢比电解水制氢更节能环保、更经济,A正确;氨氮废水(含NH4+及NH3)可用化学氧化法或电化学氧化法处理,B正确;物质的量为6.02×1023mol-1根据浓度单位,细胞内浓度约为10-12~10-11mol ·L-1的目标分子,C正确;汽油与甲醇的热值不同,D错误。 8.下列说法正确的是 A.金属汞一旦洒落在实验室地面或桌面时,必须尽可能收集,并深埋处理 B.用pH计、电导率仪(一种测量溶液导电能力的仪器)均可监测乙酸乙酯的水解程度C.邻苯二甲酸氢钾可用于标定NaOH溶液的浓度。假如称量邻苯二甲酸氢钾时电子天平读数比实际质量偏大,则测得的NaOH溶液浓度比实际浓度偏小 D.向某溶液中加入茚三酮试剂,加热煮沸后溶液若出现蓝色,则可判断该溶液含有蛋白质【答案】B 【解析】A金属汞深埋会产生汞蒸气,汞离子本身也是污染物,A错误;乙酸乙酯水解生成乙酸是弱电解质,导电性增加,B正确;邻苯二甲酸氢钾可用于标定NaOH溶液的浓度,假如称量邻苯二甲酸氢钾时电子天平读数比实际质量偏大,即实际计量减小,滴定加入的体积偏大,则测得的NaOH溶液浓度比实际浓度偏大,C错误;向某溶液中加入茚三酮试剂,加热煮沸后溶液若出现蓝色,可能含有氨基酸,D错误。 9.如表所示的五种元素中,W、X、Y、Z为短周期元素,这四种元素的原子最外层电子数之和为22。下列说法正确的是 A.X、Y、Z三种元素最低价氢化物的沸点依次升高 B.由X、Y和氢三种元素形成的化合物中只有共价键 C.物质WY2、W3X4、WZ4均有熔点高、硬度大的特性 D.T元素的单质具有半导体的特性,T与Z元素可形成化合物TZ4 【答案】D


数学试卷 第1页(共18页) 数学试卷 第2页(共18页) 数学试卷 第3页(共18页) 绝密★启用前 2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国新课标卷1) 理科数学 使用地区:河南、山西、河北 注意事项: 1.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号填写在答题卡上. 2.回答第Ⅰ卷时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑.如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号.写在本试卷上无效. 3.回答第Ⅱ卷时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效. 4.考试结束后,将本试题和答题卡一并交回. 第Ⅰ卷 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.已知集合2{|230}A x x x =--≥,{|22}B x x =-<≤,则A B = ( ) A .[2,1]-- B .[1,2)- C .[1,1]- D .[1,2) 2. 3 2 (1i)(1i)+=- ( ) A .1i + B .1i - C .1i -+ D .1i -- 3.设函数()f x ,()g x 的定义域都为R ,且()f x 是奇函数,()g x 是偶函数,则下列结论中正确的是 ( ) A .()f x ()g x 是偶函数 B .|()|f x ()g x 是奇函数 C .()f x |()|g x 是奇函数 D .|()()|f x g x 是奇函数 4.已知F 为双曲线C :223(0)x my m m -=>的一个焦点,则点F 到C 的一条渐近线的距离为 ( ) A B .3 C D .3m 5.4位同学各自在周六、周日两天中任选一天参加公益活动,则周六、周日都有同学参加公益活动的概率为 ( ) A .18 B .38 C . 58 D . 78 6.如图,圆O 的半径为1,A 是圆上的定点,P 是圆上的动点,角x 的始边为射线OA ,终边为射线OP ,过点P 作直线OA 的垂线,垂足为M .将点M 到直线OP 的距离表示成x 的函数()f x ,则 ()y f x =在[0,π]的图象大致为 ( ) A . B . C . D . 7.执行如图的程序框图,若输入的a ,b ,k 分别为1,2,3.则输出的M = ( ) A . 203 B . 72 C .165 D .158 8.设π(0,)2α∈,π(0,)2 β∈,且1sin tan cos β αβ+=,则 ( ) A .π32αβ-= B .π 32αβ+= C .π22αβ-= D .π 22αβ+= 9.不等式组1, 24x y x y +??-?≥≤的解集记为D ,有下面四个命题: 1p :(,)x y D ?∈,22x y +-≥; 2p :(,)x y D ?∈,22x y +≥; 3p :(,)x y D ?∈,23x y +≤; 4p :(,)x y D ?∈,21x y +-≤. 其中的真命题是 ( ) A .2p ,3p B .1p ,2p C .1p ,4p D .1p ,3p 10.已知抛物线C :28y x =的焦点为F ,准线为l ,P 是l 上一点,Q 是直线PF 与C 的一个 交点,若4FP FQ =,则||QF = ( ) A .72 B .3 C .52 D .2 11.已知函数32()31f x ax x =-+,若()f x 存在唯一的零点0x ,且00x >,则a 的取值范围是 ( ) A .(2,)+∞ B .(1,)+∞ C .(,2)-∞- D .(,1)-∞- 12.如图,网格纸上小正方形的边长为1,粗实线画出的是某多面体的三视图,则该多面体的各条棱中,最长的棱的长度为 ( ) A .B .6 C .D .4 第Ⅱ卷 本卷包括必考题和选考题两部分.第13题~第21题为必考题,每个试题考生都必须作答.第22题~第24题为选考题,考生根据要求作答. 二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分. 13.8()()x y x y -+的展开式中27x y 的系数为 (用数字填写答案). 14.甲、乙、丙三位同学被问到是否去过A ,B ,C 三个城市时, 甲说:我去过的城市比乙多,但没去过B 城市; 乙说:我没去过C 城市; 丙说:我们三人去过同一城市. 由此可判断乙去过的城市为 . 15.已知A ,B ,C 为圆O 上的三点,若1()2 AO AB AC =+,则AB 与AC 的夹角为 . 16.已知a ,b ,c 分别为ABC △三个内角A ,B ,C 的对边,2a =,且(2)(sin b A +- sin )()sin B c b C =-,则ABC △面积的最大值为 . 三、解答题:解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤. 17.(本小题满分12分) 已知数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,11a =,0n a ≠,11n n n a a S λ+=-,其中λ为常数. (Ⅰ)证明:2n n a a λ+-=; (Ⅱ)是否存在λ,使得{}n a 为等差数列?并说明理由. 姓名________________ 准考证号_____________ -------------在 --------------------此--------------------卷-------------------- 上-------------------- 答-------------------- 题-------------------- 无-------------------- 效 ----------------
