【Unit 1】2. Text I What Makes Mainstream Media Mainstream

【Unit 1】2. Text I  What Makes Mainstream Media Mainstream
【Unit 1】2. Text I  What Makes Mainstream Media Mainstream


◆What is media? How do you understand the term? Define the term with your

partner within 50 words.

1.Cambridge: newspapers, magazines, radio and television considered as a group

2.Oxford: the main ways that large numbers of people receive information and

entertainment, that is television, radio, newspapers and the Internet.

3.Wikipedia: In communications, media (singular medium) are the storage and

transmission channels or tools used to store and deliver information or data. It is often referred to as synonymous with mass media or news media, but may refer to

a single medium used to communicate any data for any purpose.

◆Do you know the following terms related to “media”? Illustrate them with

some examples.

1.Advertising media: various media, content, buying and placement for advertising

2.Broadcast media: communications delivered over mass electronic communication

networks, e.g. TV, radio

3.Digital media: electronic media used to store, transmit, and receive digitized

information, e.g. Internet

4.Hypermedia: media with hyperlinks, e.g. Internet

5.Mass media: all means of mass communications

6.Multimedia: communications that incorporate multiple forms of information

content and processing, e.g. Internet (including text, audio, still images, animation, video footage or interactivity)

7.New media: a broad term encompassing the amalgamation of traditional media

with the interactive power of computer and communications technology, e.g.

Internet, websites, computer multimedia,

8.News media: mass media focused on communicating news, e.g.


9.Print media: communications delivered via paper or canvas (paper-based

publication), e.g. magazine, newspaper

10.Published media: any media made available to the public

11.Social media: media disseminated through social interaction, e.g. https://www.360docs.net/doc/f714901953.html,,

Facebook, Twitter

◆What types of media do mainstream media encompass? Why do you think

mainstream media are controlled by and what is the motive for controlling?

◆Recently a complaint posted on Sina weibo, a popular micro-blogging

website in China, about a Sanya seafood restaurant overcharging tourists has triggered controversy among Web users. How does micro-blogging affect the society in terms of the freedom of information? How is it different from the traditional media?

The seafood stall/restaurant with the sky high prices exposed by 罗迪微博: 朋友一家3口前天在三亚吃海鲜,3个普通菜被宰近4000元。他说是被出租车司机推荐来的。邻座一哥们指着池里一条大鱼刚问价,店家手脚麻利将鱼捞出摔晕,一称11斤,每斤580元共6000多元。那哥们刚想说理,出来几个东北大汉,只好收声认栽。别说服务水平了,连最基本的诚信都做不到,遑论国际旅游岛。——罗迪微薄(2012年1月28日)

(More information about the news is available at the following webpage: https://www.360docs.net/doc/f714901953.html,/2012/02/sanya-restaurants-ripping-off-customers-fle ecing-tourists/)

Do you know any other event that has got a lot of media exposure in China or the world? Try to uncover the real reasons why it got so much attention.

What Makes Mainstream Media Mainstream

Noam Chomsky1

【1】Part of the reason why I write about the media is because I am interested in the whole intellectual culture, and the part of it that is easiest to study is the media. It comes out every day. You can do a systematic investigation. You can compare yesterd ay‘s version to today‘s version. There is a lot of evidence about what‘s played up2and what isn‘t and the way things are structured.

【2】My impression is the media aren’t very different from scholarship or from, say, journals of intellectual opinion – there are some extra constraints3–but it’s

1Avram Noam Chomsky

Avram Noam Chomsky (born December 7, 1928) is an American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, historian, and activist. He is a Professor in the Department of Linguistics & Philosophy at MIT, where he has worked for over 50 years. Chomsky has been described as the ―father of modern linguistics‖ and a major figure of analytic philosophy. His work has influenced fields such as computer science, mathematics, and psychology. According to the Arts and Humanities Citation Index in 1992, Chomsky was cited as a source more often than any other living scholar from 1980 to 1992, and was the eighth most cited source overall.

2play sth up: to try to make sth seem more important than it is 夸大…的重要性;渲染(P6) SYN overplay OPP play down

play up | play sb up: (informal, especially BrE) to cause sb problems or pain (给某人)添麻烦;使痛苦

●The kids have been playing up all day. 孩子们整天价惹麻烦。

●My shoulder is playing me up today. 我的肩膀今天疼起来了。

3constraint vs.limit vs. restriction vs. control vs. restraint vs. limitation

These are all words for sth that limits what you can do or what can happen. 以上各词均表示限制或限定。

constraint: (rather formal) a fact or decision that limits what you can do 指限制、限定、约束:

●We have to work within severe constraints of time and money. 我们必须在时间


limit: the greatest or smallest amount of sth that is allowed 指极限、限量、限额

●The EU has set strict limits on pollution levels. 欧盟对污染程度订下了严格的


●the speed limit 速度限制

restriction: (rather formal) a rule or law that limits what you can do 指限制规定、限制法规

●There are no restrictions on the amount of money you can withdraw. 取款没有限


control: (often in compounds) the act of limiting or managing sth; a method of doing this (常构成复合词)指限制、约束、管理、管制

●arms control 军备控制

restraint: (rather formal) a decision, a rule, an idea, etc. that limits what you can do; the act of limiting sth because it is necessary or sensible to do so 指约束力、管制措施、制约因素、控制、限制

●The government has imposed export restraints on some products. 政府对一些产


●The unions are unlikely to accept any sort of wage restraint.工会不大可能接受


limitation: the act or process of limiting sth; a rule, fact or condition that limits sth 指限制、控制、起限制作用的规则、事实或条件

●They would resist any limitation of their powers. 他们会抵制对他们权力的任何


Restriction, constraint, restraint or limitation?

These are all things that limit what you can do. A restriction is rule or law that is made by sb in authority. A constraint is sth that exists rather than sth that is made, although it m ay exist as a result of sb‘s decision. A restraint is also sth that exists: it can exist outside yourself, as the result of sb else‘s decision; but it can also exist inside you, as a fear of what other people may think or as your own feeling about what is acceptable.以上各词均表示限制规定。restriction 指掌权者所作的限制规定或法规。constraint 指现存的、也可能是由于某人的决定而存在的限制或约束。restraint 亦指现存的限制或制约因素,可能是由于他人的决定而存在于自身之外的限制,也可能是由于担心别人的想法而自设的限制。

●moral/social/cultural restraints 道德╱社会╱文化制约因素

A limitation is more general and can be a rule that sb makes or a fact or condition that exists. limitation 较通用,可指人为的规定,也可指客观存在的构成限制的事实

not radically different. They interact, which is why people go up and back quite easily among them.4You want to study the media the way, say5, a scientist would study some complex molecule6or something. You take a look at its internal institutional structure and then make some hypothesis based on the structure as to7


4My impression is the media aren’t very different from scholarship or from, say, journals of intellectual opinion – there are some extra constraints –but it’s not radically different. They interact, which is why people go up and back quite easily among them.

In what way are the media similar to academic world?

We can study the media the way a scientist would study some complex molecule. First we look at its internal institutional structure and then make some hypothesis about the media product, which we then investigate and see how well it conforms to the hypothesis. Finally we make the analysis.

Paraphrase the sentence.

My impression is that the media aren‘t very different from the academic world or from, say, journals that publishes intellectual opinions. Although there are some extra constraints on the media but the difference is not huge. These fields interact with each other, which is why people switch their work quite easily among them.

5say: to suggest or give sth as an example or a possibility 比方说;假设

●You could learn the basics in, let‘s say, three months. 比方说,三个月你就可以


●Let‘s take any writer, say (= for example) Dickens… 我们随便举一个作家为


●Say you lose your job: what would you do then? 假设你把工作丢了,那你怎么


6molecule: (chemistry) the smallest unit, consisting of a group of atoms, into which a substance can be divided without a change in its chemical nature 分子(P6)

● A molecule of water consists of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.


molecular: adj.

●molecular structure/biology 分子结构/生物学

7as to sth | as regards sth: used when you are referring to sth 关于;至于

●As to tax, that will be deducted from your salary. 至于税款,将从你薪水中扣

what the media product is likely to look like. Then you investigate the media product and see how well it conforms to8the hypotheses. Virtually9all work in media analysis is this last part – trying to study carefully just what the media product is and whether it conforms to obvious assumptions about the nature and structure of the media.

【3】Well, what do you find? First of all, you find that there are different media which do different things, like the entertainment/Hollywood, soap operas10, and so on, or even most of the newspapers in the country (the overwhelming majority of them). They are directing the mass audience.

【4】There is another sector of the media, the elite media11, sometimes called the


8conform to sth: to agree with or match sth 相一致;相符合;相吻合

●Wordsworth changed the ideas of his poem to conform with his later religious and

political opinions.

●It did not conform to the usual stereotype of an industrial city. 这和一座常规的



1)almost or very nearly, so that any slight difference is not important 几乎;差不


●This y ear‘s results are virtually the same as last year‘s. 今年的结果几乎和去年


2)(computing) by the use of computer software that makes sth appear to exist; using

virtual reality technology 模拟;虚拟;以模拟现实技术

10soap opera: (also informal soap) a story about the lives and problems of a group of people which is broadcast every day or several times a week on television or radio 肥皂剧

●the longest-running soap opera on British television

11the elite media

The elite media is a term used to describe newspapers, radio stations, TV channels and other media that influence the political agenda of other mass media. According to Noam Chomsky, ―t he elite media set a framework within which others operate.‖ The New York Times is used as an example of elite media by both Chomsky, a left-wing i ntellectual, and Bill O‘Reilly, a right-wing commentator. Thus the term denotes a

agenda-setting media because they are the ones with the big resources, they set the framework in which everyone else operates. The New York Times12and CBS13, that kind of thing.14Their audience is mostly privileged people. The people

structural position within the mass media, rather than a particular political agenda. However, the term, like its sibling term ―liberal elites‖, may be used by conservatives in a pejorative context.

12The New York Times (https://www.360docs.net/doc/f714901953.html,)

The New York Times is an American daily newspaper founded and continuously published in New York City since 1851. The New York Times has won 106 Pulitzer Prizes, the most of any news organization. Its website is the most popular American online newspaper website, receiving more than 30 million unique visitors per month. The print version of the paper remains both the largest local metropolitan newspaper in the United States, as well the third largest newspaper overall, behind The Wall Street Journal and USA Today.

13CBS (https://www.360docs.net/doc/f714901953.html,)

CBS Broadcasting Inc. (CBS) is a major US commercial broadcasting television network, which started as a radio network. The name is derived from the initials of the network‘s former name, Columbia Broadcasting System. It is the second largest broadcaster in the world behind the BBC. The network is sometimes referred to as the ―Eye Network‖ in reference to the shape of the company‘s logo. It has also been called the ―Tiffany Network‖, which alludes to the perceived high quality of CBS programming during the tenure of its founder William S. Paley (1901–90). It can also refer to some of CBS‘s first demonstrations of color television, which were held in a former Tiffany & Co. building in New York City in 1950, thus earning it the name ―Color broadcasting system‖ back when such a feat was innovative.

14There is another sector of the media, the elite media, sometimes called the agenda-setting media because they are the ones with the big resources, they set the framework in which everyone else operates. The New York Times and CBS, that kind of thing.

Why are the elite media also called the “agenda-setting” media?

The elite media are sometimes called the ―agenda-setting‖ media because they are the ones with the big resources, they set the framework in which everyone else in the industry operates. Their audience is mostly privileged people, who are wealthy and often involved in the political system. They are the top-level decision-making people

who read The New York Times– people who are wealthy or part of what is sometimes called the political class –they are actually involved in the political system in an ongoing15fashion. They are basically managers of one sort16or another. They can be political managers, business managers (like corporate executives or that sort of thing), doctoral managers (like university professors), or other journalists who are involved in organizing the way people think and look at things.17

【5】The elite media set a framework within which others operate. If you are watching

who are capable of organizing the way people think and look at things.

15ongoing: adj. continuing to exist or develop 持续存在的;仍在进行的;不断发展的

●an ongoing debate/discussion/process 持续的辩论/讨论/过程

●The police investigation is ongoing. 警方的调查在持续进行中。

16sort: a group or type of people or things that are similar in a particular way SYN kind

●For dessert there's a fruit pie of some sort (= you are not sure what kind). 甜点是


●Most people went on training courses of one sort or another (= of various types)

last year. 多数人去年都上过这样那样的培训班。

●(informal) There were snacks—peanuts, olives, that sort of thing. 有各种小吃—


●(informal) There are all sorts of activities (= many different ones) for kids at the

campsite. 在营地有为孩子们组织的各种各样的活动。

●(informal) What sort of price did you want to pay? (= approximately how much)


●(informal) What sort of time do you call this? (= I‘m very angry that you have

come so late.) 你看看这都什么时候了?

17They can be political managers, business managers (like corporate executives or that sort of thing), doctoral managers (like university professors), or other journalists who are involved in organizing the way people think and look at things.

They can be people who manage political affairs, corporate executives or other types of business managers, scholars, or journalists who engage themselves in analyzing things and influencing the way people think and look at things.

the Associated Press18, who grind out19 a constant flow of news, in the mid-afternoon it breaks and there is something that comes along every day that says ―Notice to Editors: To morrow‘s New York Times is going to have the following stories on the front page.‖The point of that is, if you‘re an editor of a newspaper in Dayton, Ohio and you don‘t have the resources to figure out what the news is, or you don‘t want to think about it anyway, this tells you what the news is. These are the stories for the quarter page that you are going to devote to something other than local affairs or diverting20your audience.21These are the stories that you put there because that‘s what The New York Times tells us is what you‘re supposed to care about

18The Associated Press (https://www.360docs.net/doc/f714901953.html,)

The Associated Press is an American news agency. The AP is a cooperative owned by its contributing newspapers, radio and television stations in the United States, which both contribute stories to the AP and use material written by its staff journalists. Many newspapers and broadcasters outside the United States are AP subscribers, paying a fee to use AP material without being contributing members of the cooperative.

As of 2005, the news collected by the AP is published and republished by more than 1,700 newspapers, in addition to more than 5,001 television and radio broadcasters. The photograph library of the AP consists of over 10 million images. The Associated Press operates 243 news bureaus, and it serves at least 120 countries, with an international staff located all over the world.

19grind out: to produce with great efforts 努力地制造出(P6)

grind sth out/ grind out sth: to produce sth in large quantities, often sth that is not good or interesting 大量生产(尤指粗制滥造)SYN churn out

●She grinds out romantic novels at the rate of five a year. 她以一年五部的速度


20divert: to take sb‘s thoughts or attention aw ay from sth 转移(某人)的注意力;使分心SYN distract

●The war diverted people‘s attention away from the economic situation. 战争把民


21These are the stories for the quarter page that you are going to devote to something other than local affairs or diverting your audience.

These stories are neither about local affairs nor employed to distract your audience‘s attention. Rather, they are the stories that you will save for publishing in the most noticeable section of the newspaper.

tomorrow. If you are an editor in Dayton, Ohio, you would sort of22have to do that, because you don‘t have much else in the way of resources. If you get off line23, if you‘re producing stories that the big press doesn‘t like, you‘ll hear about it pretty soon. In fact, what just happened at San Jose Mercury News24is a dramatic example

22sort of: (informal)

1)to some extent but in a way that you cannot easily describe 有几分;有那么一点

●?Do you understand?‘ ?Sort of.‘ “你懂了吗?”“有点懂了。”

2)(also sort of like) (BrE, informal) used when you cannot think of a good word to

use to describe sth, or what to say next 可以说,可说是

●We‘re sort of doing it the wrong way. 我们的方法好像有点不对头。

23get off line: to become strayed from the guidelines or rules 偏离正轨(P6)

24Garry Webb and “Dark Alliance” series (The San Jose Mercury News)

Gary Webb (1955-2004) was a Pulitzer prize-winning American investigative journalist. Webb was best known for his 1996 ―Dark Alliance‖ series of articles written for the San Jose Mercury News and later published as a book.

In the three-part series, Webb investigated Nicaraguans linked to the CIA-backed Contras who had allegedly smuggled cocaine into the U.S. Webb charged that the Reagan administration shielded inner-city drug dealers from prosecution in order to raise money for the Contras. Webb‘s reporting generated fierce controversy, and the San Jose Mercury News backed away from the story, effectively ending Webb's career as a mainstream media journalist. In 2004, Webb was found dead from two gunshot wounds to the head, which the coroner's office judged a suicide.

(For more information about the ―Dark Alliance‖ series, you may go to http://www.mega.nu/ampp/webb.html)

1996年8月,《圣荷西信使报》刊登了加里.韦伯(Gary Webb)的系列调查报告《黑暗的联盟》,指八十年代在向洛杉矶运送和贩卖可卡因的尼加拉瓜贩毒组织将贩毒获利用于资助尼加拉瓜反政府武装,而后者一直得到美国中央情报局支持。虽然韦伯没有直接宣称中情局通过协助贩毒来为尼加拉瓜反政府武装提供资助,但他认为对于可卡因的向美国境内的大规模运输和交易,中情局是知情的。文章刊登之后,舆论哗然。《华盛顿邮报》、《洛杉矶时报》、《纽约时报》等纷纷刊登文章否认贩毒组织和尼加拉瓜反对派之间存在联系。八个月之后的1997年5月,曾对《黑暗的联盟》给予高度评价的《圣荷西信使报》的主编杰利·塞珀斯宣布该文内容失实。而加里·韦伯也被重新分配到距离其住150英里之外的办公室工作,因此他不得不于同年12月从该报社辞职。

of this. So there are a lot of ways in which power plays can drive you right back into line25if you move out. If you try to break the mold26, you’re not going to last long.27That framework works pretty well, and it is understandable that it is just a reflection of obvious power structures.

【6】The real mass media are basically trying to divert people. Let them do something else, but don’t bother us (us being the people who run the show). Let them get interested in professional sports, for example. Let everybody be crazed about28professional sports or sex scandals29or the personalities and their

25bring sb/sth, come, get, fall, etc. into line (with sb/sth): to behave or make sb/sth behave in the same way as other people or how they should behave 使一致;使规范;使符合;(和……)一致

●Britain must be brought into line with the rest of Europe on taxes. 英国必须在税


26break the mold (AmE) /mould (BrE) (of sth): to change what people expect from a situation, especially by acting in a dramatic and original way 改变……模式;打破……模式

27So there are a lot of ways in which power plays can drive you right back into line if you move out. If you try to break the mold, you’re not going to last long. What would happen if a local newspaper published contents that the big press does not like?

If the local newspaper does not abide by the guidelines or rules set by the big press or the elite media, they will force it back on track in many ways with threatening or coercion. If the former try to break the rules, it would not be able to survive for very long.

28be crazed about: to have strong feelings and lack control with sth 为……狂热、着迷(P6)

craze: n. ~ (for sth) an enthusiastic interest in sth that is shared by many people but that usually does not last very long; a thing that people have a craze for(通常为一时的)狂热,疯狂;风行一时的东西SYN fad

●the latest fitness craze to sweep the country 最近风靡全国的健身热

crazed: adj. ~ (with sth) (formal) full of strong feelings and lacking control 疯狂的;发狂的

●crazed with fear/grief/jealousy 害怕/伤心/嫉妒得发疯

problems or something like that. Anything, as long as it isn’t serious. Of course, the serious stuff is for the big guys. “We” take care of that.30

【7】What are the elite media, the agenda-setting ones? The New York Times and CBS, for example. Well, first of all, they are major, very profitable, corporations. Furthermore, most of them are either linked to, or outright31owned by, much bigger corporations, like General Electric, Westinghouse, and so on. They are way32up at

29scandal:behaviour or an event that people think is morally or legally wrong and causes public feelings of shock or anger 丑行;使人震惊的丑事;丑闻

●to cause/create a scandal 引发丑闻

●The scandal broke (= became known to the public) in May. 这桩丑闻是在五月


●There has been no hint of scandal during his time in office. 他在任期间没有任


30The real mass media are basically trying to divert people. Let them do something else, but don’t bother us (us being the people who run the show). Let them get interested in professional sports, for example. Let everybody be crazed about professional sports or sex scandals or the personalities and their problems or something like that. Anything, as long as it isn’t serious. Of course, the serious stuff is for the big guys. “We” take care of that.

Who do “us” refer to?

The top-level decision-making people in the society, i.e. people from elite institutions, big corporations or the government.

What do the real mass media try to divert people with?

The real mass media try to divert people‘s attention with something not serious, such as professional sports, sex scandals or the personalities and their problems or something like that.

What is the “serious stuff” that the big guys are taking care of?

Something serious such as politics, business or economy, which reflects the interests of elite institutions, big corporations or the government.

31outright:adj. & adv. complete and total 完全的(地)(P6)

●She was the outright winner. 她是绝对的优胜者。

●Neither candidate won outright. 两个候选人谁也没干脆利落地获胜。

32way: (used with a preposition or an adverb) very far; by a large amount 很远;大

the top of the power structure of the private economy which is a very tyrannical33 structure. Corporations are basically tyrannies, hierarchic34, controlled from above. If you don‘t like what they are doing you get out. The major media are j ust part of that system.

【8】What about their institutional setting? Well, that‘s more or less the same. What they interact with and relate to35is other major power centers –the government,

●The price is way above what we can afford. 这价格大大超过了我们的支付能


33tyrannical:adj. using power or authority over people in an unfair and cruel way 暴君的;专横的;残暴的SYN autocratic, dictatorial

●He was brought up by a cruel and tyrannical father.

● a father tyrannizing his children

●The children had no protection against the tyranny of their father.

●His boss is a complete tyrant.

34hierarchy (pl. hierarchies): n.

1) a system, especially in a society or an organization, in which people are organized

into different levels of importance from highest to lowest 等级制度(尤指社会或组织)

●She‘s quite high up in the management hierarchy. 她位居管理层要职。

2)the group of people in control of a large organization or institution 统治集团

3)(formal) a system that ideas or beliefs can be arranged into 层次体系

● a hierarchy of needs 不同层次的需要

hierarchical: adj. arranged in a hierarchy 按等级划分的;等级制度的

● a hierarchical society/structure/organization 分等级的社会/结构/组织

35relate to sth/sb:

1)to be connected with sth/sb; to refer to sth/sb 涉及;与……相关;谈到

●We shall discuss the problem as it relates to our specific case. 我们应针对我们


●The second paragraph relates to the situation in Scotland. 第二段谈到苏格兰的


2)to be able to understand and have sympathy with sb/sth 能够理解并同情;了解;

体恤SYN empathize with

other corporations, or the universities. Because the media are a doctrinal36system they interact closely with the universities. Say you are a reporter writing a story on Southeast Asia or Africa, or something like that. You‘re supposed to go over to the big university and find an expert who will tell you what to write, or else go to one of the foundations, like Brookings Institute or American Enterprise Institute and they will give you the words to say. These outside institutions are very similar to the media.

【9】The universities, for example, are not independent institutions. There may be independent people scattered around in them but that is true of the media as well. And it’s generally true of corporations. It’s true of Fascist states37, for that matter38.39But the institution itself is parasitic40. It‘s dependent on outside sources

●Many adults can‘t relate to children. 许多成年人并不了解儿童的想法。

●Our product needs an image that people can relate to. 我们的产品需要一个大家


36doctrinal:adj. (formal) relating to a doctrine or doctrines 教义的,学说的(P6) ●the doctrinal position of the English church 英国国教教义的地位

●(disapproving) a rigidly doctrinal approach 硬搬教条的方法

37Fascist states: countries that follow fascism 法西斯国家(P6)

fascism (also Fascism): an extreme right-wing political system or attitude which is in favour of strong central government and which does not allow any opposition 法西斯主义

38for that matter:used to add a comment on sth that you have just said就此而论;在这方面

●I didn‘t like it much. Nor did the kids, for that matter. 我不怎么喜欢它。孩子们


39The universities, for example, are not independent institutions. There may be independent people scattered around in them but that is true of the media as well. And it’s generally true of corporations. It’s true of Fascist states, for that matter. In what way are the universities similar to the media, corporations or Fascist states? All of them are dependent institutions, relying on outside sources of support and those sources of support, such as private wealth, big corporations with grants and the government.

Whom do “independent people” refer to? What are they likely to end up with?

They are the ones who are cap able of independent thinking, who don‘t internalize the

of support and those sources of support, such as private wealth, big corporations with grants, and the government (which is so closely interlinked with corporate power you can barely distinguish them), they are essentially what the universities are in the middle of41. People within them, who don‘t adjust to42that structure, who don‘t accept it and internalize43it (you can‘t really work with it unless you internalize it, and believe it); people who don‘t do that are likely to be weeded out44along the way, starting from kindergarten, all the way up. There are all sorts of filtering45devices

framework of belief and attitudes of the surrounding power system in the society. They are likely to end up with being removed from the system.

40parasitic: (also less frequent parasitical) (of a person) always relying on or benefiting from other people and giving nothing back 寄生的(P6)

●She lives a parasitic existence, constantly borrowing money from her friends.

41be in the middle of sth/of doing sth: to be busy doing sth 忙于做

●They were in the middle of dinner when I called. 我打电话的时候,他们正在吃


●I‘m in the middle of writing a difficult letter. 我正在写一封很难写的信。

42adjust to sth/to doing sth | adjust yourself to sth: to get used to a new situation by changing the way you behave and/or think 适应;习惯SYN adapt

●After a while his eyes adjusted to the dark.

●It took her a while to adjust to living alone.

●You'll quickly adjust yourself to student life.

43internalize: (technical) to make a feeling, an attitude, or a belief part of the way you think and behave 使(感情、态度或信仰)成为思想行为的一部分;使内在化●Minority groups tend to internalize the values of the dominant society. COMPARE externalize: (formal) to show what you are thinking and feeling by what you say or do(以言行)表达;使(思想、感情)表露出来

●His worries about losing his job were externalized in angry outbursts at home.

44weed out:to remove or get rid of (people or things) from a group because they are not wanted or are less good than the rest 清除;淘汰(P6)

●Most applicants get weeded out before the interview stage.

45filter: to pass liquid, light, etc. through a special device, especially to remove sth that is not wanted 过滤

●Use a sun block that filters UV A effectively. 使用能有效滤掉紫外线的防晒霜。

●(figurative) My secretary is very good at filtering my calls (= making sure that

to get rid of people who are a pain in the neck46and think independently.47 Those of you who have been through college know that the educational system is very highly geared to48rewarding conformity and obedience; if you don‘t do that, you are a troublemaker. So, it is kind of a filtering device which ends up with people who really honestly (they aren’t lying) internalize the framework of belief and attitudes of the surrounding power system in the society.49The elite institutions like, say, Harvard and Princeton and the small upscale50colleges, for example, are very much geared to socialization51. If you go through a place like Harvard, most of what goes on there is teaching manners; how to behave like a member of the upper classes, how to think the right thoughts, and so on.

calls that I do not want do not get through). 我的秘书很会替我过滤我的电话。46a pain in the neck: sth/sb that is unpleasant to deal with 令人讨厌的人或事(P6) (BrE also a pain in the arse/backside) (AmE also a pain in the ass/butt)

47There are all sorts of filtering devices to get rid of people who are a pain in the neck and think independently.

What are the filtering devices?

For example, the elite educational system from kindergarten all the way up to college, in which only some people can stay who really honestly internalize the framework of belief and attitudes of the power system in the society.

48gear sth to/towards sth: to make, change or prepare sth so that it is suitable for a particular purpose 适应(P6)

●The course had been geared towards the specific needs of its members. 课程已


49So, it is kind of a filtering device which ends up with people who really honestly (they aren’t lying) internalize the framework of belief and attitudes of the surrounding power system in the society.

So, it is like a filtering device which ends up with people who accept as their own without any doubts the key belief and attitudes of the power system influencing their social surroundings.

50upscale: (= BrE upmarket) adj. designed for or used by people who belong to a high social class or have a lot of money 高档的;高级的OPP downscale (= BrE downmarket)

51socialization:(formal) the process by which sb, especially a child, learns to behave in a way that is acceptable in their society 适应社会的过程;社会化

【10】Okay, you look at the structure of that whole system. What do you expect the news to be like? Well, it‘s pretty obvious. Take The New York Times. It‘s a corporation and sells a product. The product is audiences. They don‘t make money when you buy the newspaper. They are happy to put it on the worldwide web for free. They actually lose money when you buy the newspaper. But the audience is the product. The product is privileged people, just like the people who are writing the newspapers, you know, top-level52decision-making people in society. You have to sell a product to a market, and the market is, of course, advertisers (that is, other businesses). Whether it is television or newspapers, or whatever, they are selling audiences. Corporations sell audienc es to other corporations. In the case of the elite media, it‘s big businesses.

【11】Well, what do you expect to happen? What would you predict about the nature of the media product, given53that set of circumstances? What would be the null54 hypothesis55, the kind of conjecture56that you’d make assuming nothing

52top-level: involving the most important or best people in a company, an organization or a sport(公司、机构或运动人员中)最重要的,最优秀的

● a top-level meeting 最高级会谈

●top-level tennis 顶级网球比赛

53given: prep. when you consider sth 考虑到;鉴于

●Given his age (= considering how old he is), he's remarkably active. 考虑到他的


●Given her interest in children, teaching seems the right job for her. 考虑到她喜


given that: conj.

●It was surprising the government was re-elected, given that they had raised taxes

so much. 令人惊奇的是政府把税收提高这么多仍再次当选了。

54null: adj. (technical) having the value zero 零值的;等于零的

● a null result 毫无结果

null and void: (law) (of an election, agreement, etc.) having no legal force; not valid 无法律效力的;无效的

●The contract was declared null and void. 合同被宣布无效。

55null hypothesis: the idea that an experiment that is done using two groups of people will show the same results for each group 无效假设(P6)

The practice of science involves formulating and testing hypotheses, assertions that

further.57The obvious assumption is that the product of the media, what appears, what doesn‘t appear, the way it is slanted58, will reflect the interest of the buyers and sellers, the institutions, and t he power systems that are around them. If that wouldn‘t

are capable of being proven false using a test of observed data. The null hypothesis typically corresponds to a general or default position. For example, the null hypothesis might be that there is no relationship between two measured phenomena or that a potential treatment has no effect.

56conjecture: n. an opinion or idea that is not based on definite knowledge and is formed by guessing 猜想(P6) SYN guess

●The truth of his conjecture was confirmed by the newspaper report. 新闻报道证


57What would be the null hypothesis, the kind of conjecture that you’d make assuming nothing further.

The null hypothesis that the nature of the media product (i.e. the audience) has nothing to do with the internal institutional structure of the media can bring us nowhere, since it is the kind of proposition that you would not make any further and more assumptions.

58slanted: adj. tending to be in favour of one person or thing in a way that may be unfair to others 有倾向性的(P6)

● a biased and slanted view of events 对事件有失公正、带倾向性的观点slant: v.

1)to slope or to make sth slope in a particular direction or at a particular angle(使)


●(literary) The sun slanted through the window. 太阳斜照进窗户。

2)(sometimes disapproving) to present information based on a particular way of

thinking, especially in an unfair way 有倾向性地陈述;有偏向地报道

●The findings of the report had been slanted in favour of the manufacturers. 报告



1) a sloping position 倾斜;歪斜;斜线;斜面

●The sofa faced the fire at a slant. 沙发斜对着壁炉。

2) a way of thinking about sth, especially one that shows support for a particular

opinion or side in a disagreement(有倾向性的)观点,态度

●She put a new slant on the play. 她对那出戏提出了一种新的见解。

happen, it would be kind of59a miracle.

59kind of: (informal) (also kinda) slightly; in some ways

●That made me feel kind of stupid. 那使我感到有点儿愚蠢。

●I like him, kind of. 我有点儿喜欢他。

Other idioms with ―kind‖:

in kind:

1)(of a payment) consisting of goods or services, not money 以实物支付;以货代


●As well as his salary, he gets benefits in kind.

2)(formal) with the same thing 以同样的方法(或手段)

●She insulted him and he responded in kind. 她侮辱了他,他也以其人之道还治


nothing of the kind/sort: used to emphasize that the situation is very different from what has been said 决不是那么回事,一点也不,才不哩;没有的事

●?I was terrible!‘ ?You were nothing of the kind.‘ “我那时糟透了!”“你才不哩。”of a kind:

1)(disapproving) not as good as it could be 不怎么样,徒有其名(指不如本应有


●You're making progress of a kind. 你也算是有点进步的。

2)very similar 同一类的;类似的

●They're two of a kind—both workaholics! 他们俩一个样——都是工作狂。one of a kind: the only one like this 独一无二;独特SYN unique

●My father was one of a kind—I‘ll never be like him. 我的父亲很独特——我决


something of the/that kind: something like what has been said (与所言)类似的事物

●?He‘s resigning.‘ ?I‘d suspected something of the kind.‘ “他要辞职了。”“我料


Comprehension Check

◆Reading for general ideas (P7)

1.In Chomsky’s eyes, why are the media, as a part of the whole intellectual culture,

the easiest to study?

In Chomsky‘s opinion, the media come out everyday and permeate people‘s daily life. They can be regarded as representative of the whole intellectual culture, and with easy access to ample evidence, a systematic investigation is made possible.

2.According to Chomsky, what are the steps for studying the media, the way a

scientist would conduct research?

One can take a look at the media‘s internal institutional structure and then make some hypotheses based on the structure as to what the media product is likely to look like. Then one may investigate the media product and see how well it conforms to the hypothesis.

3.According to the text, what are the two major sectors of the media?

One is the mass media such as Hollywood productions and most of the newspapers in the country. The other is the elite media such as The New York Times and CBS.

4.Why are the elite media also called the “agenda-setting” media?

The elite media are sometimes called the ―agenda-setting‖ media because they are the ones with the big resources, they set the framework in which everyone else in the industry operates. Their audience are mostly privileged people, who are wealthy and often involved in the political system.

5.What would happen if a local newspaper published contents that the big press

does not like?

The big press or the elite media would drive the local newspaper right back into line if they moved out. If the latter tried to break the mold, it would not be able to survive for very long.

◆Reading for specific information (P7)

1.To Chomsky, it is almost impossible to study the media in the manner of

scholarship. ( F )

2.Almost all work in the media analysis is in making the assumptions about the

nature and structure of the media. ( F )


人教版→五年级英语下册(新起点) 课文翻译 Unit 1 Lesson 2-A Look,listen and say.英语课文翻译Nurse: Hello, Frank.What' s wrong? 护士:你好,弗兰克。怎么了? Frank: I' ve got a stomachache.I often have stomachaches.What should I do? 弗兰克:我胃疼。我经常胃疼。我该怎么办? Nurse: You should drink some water.Here you are.Do you eat a lot of candy? 护士:你应该喝一些水。给你。你吃很多糖果吗? Frank: Yes, I eat some after every class. 弗兰克:是的,我每节课后都吃一些。 Nurse: You shouldn' t eat too much candy. Do you wash your hands before eating? 护士:你不应该吃太多糖果。你吃东西之前洗手吗? Frank: Not always. 弗兰克:不总洗。 Nurse: You shouldn' t eat with dirty hands.You should always wash your hands before eating. 护士:你不应该用脏手吃东西。你吃东西前应该总洗手。 Frank: OK! 弗兰克:好的! Unit 1 Lesson 3-A Let’s read.英语课文翻译 Dear Linda, I always feel tired and sleepy.I sometimes sleep in class.I like my teachers and I like all my subjects, but I don' t get good marks.At night I can' t sleep, so I go on the computer or watch TV.It' s not good.What should I do? Worried


2020年人教新起点版英语小升初毕业考试模拟试卷 一、听录音,选择你所听到的内容 1.选出你所听到的单词 A. see B. bee C. he 2.听录音,选出你所听到的单词() A. meat B. cream C. team 3.选出所听单词的中文() A. 拍摄 B. 风筝 C. 信件 4.听录音,选出你所听到的单词 A. Saturday B. Sunday C. salad 5.听录音,选出所听到的字母或单词() A. good B. night C. hello 6.— Does the boy's pen pal live in China? — _____________ A. Yes, he does. B. No, he does. C. No, he doesn't. 7.根据所听到的内容,选出句子所含有的信息() A. Thursday B. Monday C. Friday 8.There is a ________ in the zoo. A. panda B. tiger 9.听录音,排序。 ________I'm hungry. ________Get up. Get up! It's time to go to school. ________Have some milk, please. ________I go to school at seven thirty. ________Can I have fish and rice, please? ________Can I use your towel? 10.听对话。听一听对话表达的是哪幅图。

2014新版译林版6A Unit2 What a day教案

了: 2. 写出下列单词的过去式: go fly become rain can bring 我学会了什么 我的疑问 评价自我评价☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆组内评价☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆教师评价☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ 学情分析 教学过程 教学流程自主性学习内容及安排1. Free talk: 1) Self-introduction 2) What day is it today? 3) Today is the … of September. Read: September 2. While-reading: 1) Watch the cartoon 2) Fast reading. Read the story individually and try to find out: a. the weather: What was the weather like? (Learn: sunny) b. the main characters: What did Yang Ling 让孩子初步认识动词过去式的不规则形式。 天气是和孩子的生活息息相关的,所以通过学习能让孩子用英语根据不同的天气情况,安排不同的活动。在指导学生朗读的基础上初步掌握其意义,给过去式语法的学习打下一点基础。

do ? 3) Paragraph 1: show picture 1 and learn. a. Listen to the story and answer: What was the weather like this morning? What did the children do? How did they go there? What did they see? Then, what did they do? Why? Teach: weather, cloudy, windy, b. Read it together. (pay attention to the pronunciation of the words: became flew.) 4) Paragraph 2: read and learn. a. Listen and repeat. b. Let some students try to act. c. Try to say some sentences like these. 5) Paragraph 2: read in pairs/groups and act. a. What was for lunch? Learn: honey. b. Could they eat them? Why? Try to act and say (pay attention to the pronunciation of the words: could, brought). 学生自读,并能根据所学句型,以及以前学习的积累,举一反三,尝试说一说自己过去的某一天的活动。 学习cartoon time时,一定要让孩子观看光碟,让孩子初步感知文章,并且通过生动的画面让孩子体验出有趣之处,并且带着老师提出的问题去感知文章,通过有效性的问题,能更加简单的了解课文,学习 课文,并运用课文。


Revision2 Let’s Review教程设计 【内容来源】人民教育出版社(一起点)五年级下册Revision2 【主题】Revision2 【课时】第1课时:Let’s Review 一、本单元复习目标 1. 能够综合复习第四至六单元的重点词汇和功能句,完成听力活动,并展开交流和讨论。 2. 能够读懂描述他人某次旅行的短文,完成相关练习。 3. 能够根据提示和要求,综合运用语言,描写自己的某次旅行。 教学建议 A. Listen and number. 1. 热身、导入 (1) 教师播放四至六单元Fun Time中的歌曲,让学生跟唱,复习这几个单元的重点词汇。 (2) 词汇和功能句复习。 ①教师快速闪现词卡,让学生朗读。 ②学生从教师的卡片中抽取词语,快速造句。 ③师生示范。教师出示一张图片,与一名学生进行问答,如出示婴儿的照片时教师提问:When were you born? 出示骑马的照片时教师问:What did you do last year? 学生回答。之后学生结对,进行问答游戏。 2. 听音标号 (1) 教师引导学生观察图片,然后让学生结对,尝试用一两句话描述图片,初步熟悉听力内容。 (2) 教师播放录音,学生认真听。 (3) 教师再次播放录音,学生听音标号。 (4) 学生结对,核对答案。

B. Let’s play. 1. 教师可以事先请学生制作一张旅行表格,如: 2. 教师引导学生观察B项的图片并阅读对话。 3. 操练对话,步骤如下。 (1) 教师示范,出示事先准备好的话题并提问学生,帮助学生复习第五单元所有的功能句,如:How was your last vacation? What did you do? Where did you go? When did you go there? How did you go there? Who did you go with? (2) 教师也可以根据课堂情况适当融入其他单元的句型进行复习,如:How was your weekend? What did you do last weekend? When were you born? When did you...? (3) 学生走下座位与其他同学进行交际,通过询问及回答,找到与自己所去地方相同的人。交际过程中,学生可以运用以下问句:Where did you go? When did you go there? What did you do there? How did you go there? How was your trip? (4) 最后学生统计并填写和自己所做事情一样的同学的名字。 C. Read and write. 1. 教师引导学生观察Jane和Ann的照片,猜猜短文的大意,然后阅读短文。 2. 学生结对,围绕以下问题互相交流:Where did they go? What did they do there? Who did they go with? How did they go there? 3. 学生再次阅读短文,然后完成表格的填写。 4. 学生结对,核对答案,并尝试按照表格信息描述Jane和Ann的假期。 5. 学生自己朗读短文。


2017—2018学年度下学期人教版英语六年级下册备课 铁西小学 于涵

Unit1 单元教学目标 【内容 民教育 出版社 (一起 点)六年 级下册 Unit1 语言技 能目标 第一层 次: 1. 通 过听、 说、读、 写等形 式的语 言活动, 帮助学 生复习 以前所 学话题 的重点 词汇和

功能句,引导学生综合运用所学语言知识和技能进行交流。 2. 引导学生就所听或所读内容与他人展开对话交流。 3. 引导学生仿照阅读文段,按相应的提示或要求写几个意义连贯的句子。 第二层次: 引导学生借助图片和其他阅读策略读懂Story Time的小故事,根据故事内容回答相关问题,并尝试复述小故事。 其他目标 1. 引导学生积极参与课堂上的各种活动或游戏,并与同伴合作完成活动或游戏。 2. 引导学生在活动中认真倾听同伴发言,并尝试表达自己的观点。 本单元各课所复习知识点列表 Lesson1

Lesson2 Lesson3

【教学反思】 Unit1 Lesson1教学设计 【内容来源】人民教育出版社(一起点)六年级下册Unit1 【主题】Visiting Canada 【课时】第1课时:Lesson1 一、本课教学目标 1. 通过听、说、读、写等形式的语言活动,帮助学生复习前几册学过的有关Weather, Seasons, Clothes和Feelings等话题的重点词汇和功能句,引导学生综合运用所学语言知识和技能进行交流。 2. 引导学生就所听材料或所读短文的内容与他人展开对话交流。 3. 引导学生仿照阅读文段,按相应的提示或要求写几个意义连贯的句子。 教学建议 A. Listen and number.


2011-2012学年度第二学期五年级词汇表姓名班级 Unit 9 一类词: go for a picnic去野餐go shopping买东西play in the school band参加校乐队play the flute吹笛子do the dishes洗碗make a model plane制作航模learn to act学表演walk the dog 遛狗go to the drama club参加戏剧社 go roller-skating去滚轴溜冰play badminton打羽毛球sometimes 有时 how often多久every day每天once一次twice两次never从未always总是once a week一周一次twice a week一周两次three times a week一周三次 二类词: visit grandparents 看望(外)祖父母watch TV看电视pen pal 笔友kick a shuttlecock踢毽子do homework 做作业after school 放学后after supper晚饭后on/at weekends 在周末go to the cinema 看电影go to the movies 看电影read books 看书go to the concert去听音乐会play ping-pong 打乒乓球play tennis 打网球play the piano 弹钢琴play table tennis 打乒乓球play the violin 拉小提琴play the horn吹小号go swimming 游泳go to the park 去公园 Unit 10 一类词: set the table摆放餐具clean the living room打扫客厅take out the garbage倒垃圾sweep the floor扫地make the bed铺床clear the table收拾桌子 have to不得不do chores做家务look after照看;照顾 finish the art project完成手工制作practice the piano练习弹钢琴study for a test复习准备考试do the dishes洗碗feed the pet喂宠物go ahead(对做某事的)许可tomorrow明天the day after tomorrow后天on the weekend在周末 二类词: wash clothes 洗衣服feed the fish 喂金鱼Monday 星期一Tuesday 星期二 Wednesday 星期三Thursday星期四Friday星期五Saturday 星期六 Sunday星期日go to the library 去图书馆newspaper报纸magazine 杂志bottle 瓶子Unit 11 一类词: keep fit保持健康tired疲倦的plenty of许多;大量sleep睡眠before在……之前 drink喝exercise锻炼too much太多pop汽水stay up late熬夜 should应该shouldn’t不应该headache头痛sleepy困的toothache牙痛stomachache胃痛;肚子疼have a cold患了感冒 a running nose流鼻涕medicine药take some medicine吃药more更多的candy糖果vegetable蔬菜junk food不利健康的食品right after刚……就health健康 healthy健康的habit习惯leave garbage everywhere乱扔垃圾a few/a little 还有一点儿few/little 几乎没有plenty of/a lot of/lots of 大量的problem 问题 二类词: wash your hands 洗手keep healthy 保持健康hamburger 汉堡fruit 水果hungry 饿的 see a doctor 看病drink more water 多喝水sweets 糖果chocolate 巧克力brush teeth 刷牙 try 尝试some advice 一些建议good habits 好习惯play football/play soccer 踢足球

Unit2What a day! 单元知识整理

Unit2What a day!单元知识整理 一、单词(黑色为四会): sunny晴朗的show 展示、展览 interesting 有趣的,有意思的weather 天气 become变成,变为windy有风的 cloudy多云的high 在高处 sky天空bring带来 honey 蜂蜜drink饮料 ant 蚂蚁bee 蜜蜂 cloud 云rain 雨 rainy多雨的meet 遇见 lose 丢失know 知道 What happened?出了什么事?Climb up 爬上 hold onto 抓紧fly away 飞走 September 9月parrot 鹦鹉 dumpling 饺子wet 潮湿的 nearly 差不多,几乎cheer 欢呼 sad 难过的的last 上一个(一般表示过去时) 二、四会词组: 1、go to the park by bike 骑自行车去公园 2、a parrot show 一场鹦鹉表演 3、some interesting parrots 一些有趣的鹦鹉 4、become windy and cloudy 变得多风并且多云 5、5.fly kites high 风筝放的很高 6、in the sky 在天空中 7、black clouds 乌云8、hungry and wet 又饿又(浑身)湿透 9、play basketball 打篮球10、in the playground 在操场上 11、Well done!做得好。12、go away 走开 13、look sad 看上去难过14、lose my new kite 丢了我的新风筝 15、want to know why 想要知道为什么16、climb up the hill 爬上山 17、fly too high (放风筝)放的太高了18、hold onto 抓紧 19、fly away 飞走20、near the hill 在小山附近 21、watch a film 看电影22、have a picnic 野餐 23、do the housework 做家务24、in the morning 在早上 25、in the park 在公园里26、time for lunch 吃午饭的时候 三、三会词组 1、bring some dumplings 带一些饺子 2、some bread and honey 一些面包和蜂蜜


人教版新起点五年级英语(下册)知识要点汇总,预习必 备 Unit 1 Keep Healthy 一、单元词汇(小朋友,千里之行,始于单词哦!) too much 太多candy 糖果 go to bed 去睡;就寝early 早 exercise 锻炼tired 困倦的;疲倦的 drink 喝;饮before 在......之前 dirty 肮脏的always 总是 stomachache 胃疼headache 头疼 toothache 牙痛a lot of 大量;许多 sleepy 困的;欲睡的subject 学科 mark 分数advice 建议more 更多的 二、单元句型(小朋友,学会了这些句子,会变得更加优秀哦!) 1. A: What's wrong? 怎么了? B: I've got a stomachache. 我肚子疼。 2. A: I often have stomachaches. What should I do? 我经常肚子疼。我应该怎么办? B: You should drink some water. 你应该喝些水。 3. Here you are. 给你。 4. A: Do you eat a lot of candy? 你吃了很多糖吗?

B: Yes, I eat some after every class. 是的,我每节课后都吃很多。 5. You shouldn't eat too much candy. 你不该吃太多糖。 6. A: Do you wash your hands before eating? 你饭前洗手了吗? B: Not always. 不总洗。 7. You shouldn't eat with dirty hands. 你不该用脏手吃饭。 8. You should always wash your hands before eating. 你应该坚持饭前洗手。 9. I always feel tired and sleepy. 我总觉得很累很困。 10. I have some advice for you. 我给你一些建议。 11. Try these things. I think you'll soon feel better. 尝试这些。我觉得你很快就会感觉好起来的。 三、四会单词和四会句型(“听说读写”全都会!感觉自己棒棒哒!) too much 太多candy 糖果 go to bed 去睡;就寝early 早 exercise 锻炼tired 困倦的;疲倦的 drink 喝;饮before 在......之前 dirty 肮脏的always 总是 stomachache 胃疼headache 头疼 toothache 牙痛 1. A: What's wrong? 怎么了? B: I've got a stomachache. 我肚子疼。 2. A: I often have stomachaches. What should I do?


Unit 9 一、词汇: 1.season: spring summer autumn/fall winter 2.weather: sunny rainy windy cloudy snowy clear cold hot warm cool 3.clothes: T-shirt shorts jacket jeans scarf glove boot sweater shoe sock down coat 4.family: mother father sister brother uncle aunt son daughter cousin parent grandma grandpa 5.feeling: happy excited surprised nervous proud worried angry sad 6.job: artist doctor teacher professor dentist lawyer writer astronaut president computer programmer 7.look like: pretty tall short fat thin slim straight curly blond hair 8.house: bedroom living room bathroom

kitchen balcony floor door window sofa telephone desk table armchair bed wardrobe lamp light TV computer bookshelf piano 二、短语: 1.my story 我的故事 2. take sth with sb 某人随身携带某物 3.a going away party 一个欢送会 4. a Grade 6 student 一名六年级学生 5.keep in touch (with) 与……保持联系 6.have a good trip 旅途愉快 7.kind and hardworking 既友善又勤奋 8.arrive in/at 到达 9.at the airport 在飞机场 10.on the first floor 在一楼 11.nice and warm 既漂亮又温暖 12.invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事 13.show… around… 带……参观…… 14.personal computer个人电脑


Uint 2 What time is it? B Read and write 教学设计 教学目标: 1、能在图片的帮助下读懂四组句子并完成正确选择图片的任务。 2、能够按意群和正确的语音语调朗读该组句子。 3、在有意义的语境中抄写单元的核心句型What time is it? It’s ...o’clock.并能根据实际独立书写核心句型。 4、引导学生养成自觉遵守时间并合理安排时间的良好习惯。 教学重点: 1、理解四组句子的意思并按意群正确朗读。 2、完成仿写句子的活动,做到书写正确规范,注意句子开头首字母 要大写。 3、复习巩固本单元的核心句型和词汇,并能运用所学知识完成学习 任务。 教学难点: 1、按意群正确朗读句子。 2、正确书写核心句型。 教学过程: Step 1: Warm-up/Revision (1) Song: Round the clock. (2) 将全班学生分为两组:Boys/Girls will have a PK. 引导学生说:Come on. (3) Free talk a:What’s your name? b: How are you? c: Show the clock and ask: What time is it? (4) Play a game:(PPT出示表盘,然后转动时针,停止时让学生说出 几点钟和该做的事情。如:It’s ... o’clock. It’s time for/to....)师先给学生示范。 (5) Let’s do

What time is it? It’s 12 o’clock. It’s time for lunch. What time is it? It’s 3 o’clock. It’s time for PE class. What time is it? It’s 6 o’clock. It’ s time to get up. What time is it? It’s 9 o’clock. It’ s time for bed. Step 2: Presentation (1) T: I have a good friend. Do you know what time she gets up, has music class...? Who is she? Listen and choose: Who is she? A: Sarah B: Amy. Then check the answer. (2) Look at Amy’s day. a: Ss read the passage and finish Amy’s timetable. b: Ss look at the timetable and ask and answer in pairs. c: Listen and number. d: Let’s chant. 10 o’clock. 10 o’clock. It’s time for music class. 6 o’clock. 6 o’clock. It’s time for dinner. 9 o’clock. 9 o’clock. It’s time for bed. (3) Listen and follow the tape. (听录音后,处理句子Just a minute.) Step 3: Practice (1) 4 Ss a group practice the dialogue. (2) Ss come to the blackboard and act out the dialogue. Step 4: Let’s write (1) T: Now Amy wants to go to bed. What time is it now?(PPT shows the clock.) Ss: It’s ten o’clock. Then T writes the sentences on the blackboard and Ss follow the

人教版(SL新起点)六年级英语下册教案-《free time》教学设计

人教版(SL新起点)英语—《free time》教学设计 教学目标 1. 学生能将打乱顺序的图文匹配,并能根据图文中的关键信息将图片排序。 2. 学生能结合自己实际情况谈谈自己喜欢的课外活动以及原因。 学情分析 1. 知识储备 学生已经在本单元前几节课中复习过有关课余活动,爱好,周末活动等话题的相关词汇和句型,具备一定的语言基础。 2. 心理基础 六年级的学生思维活跃,善于表达自己的观点和想法。 3. 本班实际情况 本课涉及到“club”与学生真实的经验不符,本班学生(65%)在课外去的大多都是一些旨在提高其某种知识和技能的training courses(语、数、英、舞蹈等)。通过口头调查,大部分学生缺乏参加俱乐部的经验,有些学生甚至不愿意聊培训班的事情。所以在输出部分,我只引导学生讨论自己想要参加的课外活动以及原因。最后再补充一个有关儿童俱乐部的绘本,让学生了解国外的孩子在俱乐部里的一些活动。 重点难点 学生能运用所学语言对自己喜欢的活动进行真实的表达。 教学过程 4.1第一学时 教学活动 活动1【导入】(一)Warm up Warm up: 1. 出示有关Free Time活动的图片,让学生看图说词。 2. 利用Free Time这一主题与学生进行日常口语交流,作为阅读前热身活动。 T: I like music. I usually listen to music and read books. It’s interesting. What do you do in your free time?

活动2【导入】(二)Pre-reading: Pre-reading: 问题导入读前预测。 T: This is Jack. Look, why is he so happy? What is he going to do?What clubs did he go? 活动3【讲授】(三)While-reading: While-reading: 1. 第一遍,图文匹配 T: Now, please take out the worksheet, match the pictures and the sentences. What clubs did Jack go? 核对答案并板书俱乐部的名称。 【设计意图】通过这个活动让学生了解Jack参加俱乐部的情况。 2.第二遍,句子排序 T: Let’s read and number the pictures, circle the day he went to these clubs. 排序之后,相互检查。 全班核对答案,板书去各个俱乐部的时间。 【设计意图】学生通过这个活动自己建构出故事文本,同时还训练了学生的排序能力。 3. 第三遍,观看故事视频,回答问题。 T: Let’s watch the whole story and try to answer the questions. a. What can Jack do in these clubs? b. What did he do on Friday? How did he feel? Why? c. What chores did he have to do? 核对答案,请学生猜一猜Jack在俱乐部的活动。 【设计意图】学生通过推测Jack的感受,了解到参加俱乐部是用来相互学习和交流经验,是一种快乐的体验。 活动4【活动】(四)Post-reading Post-reading


M7Unit 2 What’s that? 知识目标: 1、复习句型:What’s this/that?及其回答方式:It's a ... 2、复习单词this,school,pupil,classroom,English,teacher... 3、学会单词:bag,book,pen,pencil,that. 情感目标:学生们通过相互之间的询问,学会用英语介绍自己身边的物品,了解外国人是如何进行介绍的,进而比较中西方文化的差异。 教学重难点 重点:学会新单词bag,book,pen,pencil. 难点:用英语询问、介绍物品。 突破措施:运用What’s this/that? It’s...句型询问实物,引出本课的新授单词。 课前准备 教师准备:单词卡片、句型卡片、录音机、磁带 学生准备:书包、书、铅笔、钢笔等学习用品 预习学案 同学们:请看一看下列单词和句型,你们认识他们吗? this,school,pupil,classroom,English ,teacher What’s this? It’s a window. 活动设计 一、复习导入

师生间用What’s this/that? It’s...句型进行自由交谈,采用开火车的方式进行学生间的接力交流。 六.课文教学 五、听音指图 (1)听两遍课文录音,学生自主感知新单词和课文。 (2)比一比,谁听得认真,学得准确,展示自主学习成果。 (3)师娇正错误的发音,并利用单词卡教授新单词bag,book,pen,pencil. (4)放录音让学生指出相应的图片。 (5)利用学生已准备的学习用品,练习“What’s this?”和“What’s that?”句型。 2. 听说 (1)放录音让学生跟读,注意句子的重音。 (2)多放几次后,让学生两人一组进行练习。 3.小组练习 利用身边的学习用品,小组内练习重点句型What’s this/that? It’s...并展示,评出最佳展示小组。 三、课文小结 (1)教师带领学生随板书内容,巩固本课的知识点。 (2)引导学生根据板书,总结本课主要内容。 四、课堂检测 五、课后拓展 六、板书设计


人教新起点六年级下册期末知识点汇总 Unit 1 Visiting Canada(访问加拿大) 一、单元词汇(千里之行,始于单词哦!) live 居住;生活 quite 有点scarf 围巾airport 机场pupil 小学生 arrive 到达 meet 迎接;遇见;会面 wardrobe 衣柜 二、单元句型(学会了这些句子,会变得更加优秀哦!)(一)将要/会...... 1. Bill is going to Canada and is going to stay there for five months. 比尔要去加拿大待五个月。 2. He is going to stay at Ted's house. 他将要待在泰德家。 3. Bill will miss his father and mother, so he takes a photo of his family. 比尔会想念他的父亲和母亲,所以他带了他的家庭照片。 4. He will miss his teachers and friends. 他会想念自己的老师和朋友的。 (二)在某地某个季节的天气 It is very cold and snowy in Canada in the winter. 在冬天,加拿大是非常寒冷和多雪的。 (三)询问家庭成员 1. A: Is this your uncle's family? 这是你叔叔的一家吗? B: Yes. That is my uncle Bob and aunt Lisa. 是的。那是我的舅舅鲍勃和阿姨丽萨。

2. A: Who is that girl? 那个女孩是谁? B: That's Jenny,my cousin. 那是珍妮,我的表妹。 3. A: Who are the people in this photo? 这张照片里的人是谁? B: They are my grandparents. 他们是我的祖父母。 (四)职业 1. My uncle is a famous artist. 我的叔叔是一位著名的艺术家。 2. My aunt is a doctor in a hospital. 我的姑姑是医院里的一个医生。 3. My grandpa is an artist, too. 我爷爷也是个艺术家。 4. My grandma is a writer. 我的奶奶是个作家。 (五)人物特征 1. She is ten years old. 她十岁。 2. She's good at singing, dancing and drawing. 她擅长唱歌,跳舞和画画。 3. He is very funny. 他很有趣。 4. She is very kind and friendly. 她很友善。 5. She is very pretty. 她很漂亮。 (六)过去发生的事 1. I arrived in Toronto this morning. 我今天早上到达多伦多。 2. Ted and his dad met me at the airport. 泰德和他的爸爸在机场接我。 3. Ted showed me my room. 泰德向我展示了我的房间。 4. In the evening, they held a welcome party for me.


(初一)教案设计城南中学孙静 Unit 2 What’s this in English 教学目标: 1.利用各种教学形式,学习新字母。 2.利用图片和学生自己准备的东西,学习一些物品的英文名称, 提高学习兴趣。 3.通过小组活动,增强同学间的相互了解和友谊。 教学重点和难点: 1.熟练掌握十个英文字母的读音和书写,并且知道他们在所有 字母中的位置。 2.熟练掌握以下物品的英文名称。地图、被子、夹克衫、尺子、 钢笔、钥匙和橘子。 3.掌握一个问句,并能回答。 教学过程: Task One: 十个新字母 1.字母歌。放 flash 动画,学生学唱,然后齐唱。(表扬) 2.学习十个新字母的读音。(1)会读的学生,先鼓励自己去读。 (表扬)(2)纠正不规范的发音。(3)学生再次自己去读。(4)自己练习,同位互相倾听,自己纠正错误。(5)倾听练习的结果。 (表扬)。

3.做游。答每个字母在字母表中的序。(1)先字母,在迅速答出 字母排第几。(2)先某个字母排第几,再是哪个字母。(鼓励和 表) 4.十个字母的写。(1)教演示,学生学。(2)本 P8 2a ①听音,重复 音。②把字母描。(教巡)( 3)P8 2b 写出字母的小写。( 4)2d 把 大写描,然后写出相的小写。(教巡) 5.自己的耳越来越明。 2c Listen and number the letters you hear. 听两遍,正答案。 Task Two: 地、被子、克衫、尺子、笔、匙和橘子的英文名称。并且利用些物品 What’s this in English It ’s a an ?? 1.出示所有物品的片。反复物品的名称。 map,quilt,jacket,ruler,pen,key,orange 并且会用 a 或 an. a map , a quilt, a jacket, a ruler, a pen, a key, an orange知道什么用 a 或 an. 2.引出What’s this in English It ’s a an ?? 3.充分。 生,同位,小,个人,展示自己的 成果。 4. 展。加上以前学的日常用,成一个新的。能


小学英语词汇:人教版新起点六年级下册必背单词 以下是小编整理的“小学英语词汇:人教版新起点六年级下册必背单词”内容,供大家参考学习,希望大家可以仔细阅读。若想了解更多“小学英语短语”的相关内容,可以关注小编,小编会持续为大家更新。 Unit 1 live 居住 quite 相当 scarf 围巾 airport 机场 pupil 小学生 arrive 到达 meet 会面 wardrobe 衣柜 Unit 2 show... around 带领……参观 Queen's Park 女王公园 art gallery 艺术馆 public library 公共图书馆 downtown 市中心 Lake Ontario 安大略湖

stadium 体育场 Unit 3 volunteer 志愿者sandwich 三明治top 上边 habit 习惯 idea 主意 less 更少 at least 至少 Unit 4 talk about 谈论hockey 曲棍球together 一起special 特殊beaver 海狸raccoon 浣熊moose 驼鹿 Unit 5 countryside 乡下

Thanksgiving 感恩节 roast turkey 烤火鸡 squirrel 松鼠 swan 天鹅 wild goose 大雁 frog 青蛙 Unit 6 English-Chinese dictionary 英汉词典shopping center 购物中心shopping mall 大型综合商业中心amazing 惊人的 hot pot 火锅

(人教新起点)五年级英语下册 专项练习

五年级下册专项练习 Name: Class: No: 一、 Listen and choose (听录音选单词,每空一词.) 1. Wait for the rain to _______ a rainbow. ( A. plane B. paint ) 2. Say that we ______ play today. ( A. may B. make ) 3. Grandpa gladly grows great ______ grapes. ( A. green B. glue ) 4. A ______ without hair does not care what he wears. ( A. beer B. bear ) 5. Six sheep skied with ______ and speed. ( A. still B. skill ) 6. I ______ with my ear that a deer is clearly near. ( A. hair B. hear ) 7. ______ chips sell in cheap chip shops. ( A. sheep B. cheap ) 8. Should ______ and fish sit on chairs ? ( A. sheep B. cheap ) 9. That cool ______ is wearing my boots. ( A. goose B. good ) 10. You ate ______ with my group. ( A. soup B. super ) 11. Twenty trains tried to trek ______. ( A. trees B. twist ) 12. A class of ______ are inside my pants. ( A. ants B. aunt ) 13. It’s hard to ______ a car on a star. ( A. bark B. park ) 14. Smart snails smile ______ smiles. ( A. small B. slow ) 15. Why do I cry when I try to ______ high ? ( A. fly B. fight ) 16. Put out the light during the ______ flight. ( A. light B. night ) 17. The queen is ______ quiet. ( A. quite B. quit ) 18. Hay , it’s Kay ’s birth day that ______. ( A. day B. date ) 二、 Read and choose (1) Jack: Hello , this is Jack! Zhang Peng: This is Zhang Peng. ______________________________? ?例: 假如你将听到: A brown cow has a crown. 题目: A brown cow has a _________ (A. crown B. crook ) 根据句子中brown , cow 的发音和构词,以及听力内容,可以推出应选择A. ?.Can I speak to John? B. When do you go to the playground C. What is John doing? D. What do you do after you get up? E. When do you get up? F. See you. G . OK.
