

An Existential Analysis of Catch-22


Acknowledgements......................................................................................... . (i)

Abstract(English)........................................................................................... .. (ii)

Abstract(Chinese).......................................................................................... .. (iii)

1. Introduction.................................................................................................. .. (1)


Catch-22.......................................................................................................... (1)

1.2 Writing

Background ...........................................................................................


2. The



2.1 “I think, so I a m” and “e xistence before

essence” (2)

2.2 The initiative of the soldiers (3)

3. Free

Choice .........................................................................................................


3.1 Orr................................................................................................................... . (5)


Yossarian ......................................................................................................... (6)

4. The Absurdity of the

World (7)

4.1 The Absolute power of the Bureaucracy (7)

4.2 The Moral Insanity (8)

4.3 The Inevitability of Death (9)


Conclusion ....................................................................................................






This paper is going to talk about the existentialism in Joseph Heller’s masterpiece Catch-22. As regards to the influence of existentialism on literature, Jean Paul Sartre’s theories are the one of the great significance, which is the main concern in this thesis.

Joseph Heller (1923-1999) is one of the most representative writers of Black Humor, which forecasts the dominating of American post-modernism literature. The heart of Black Humor is the description of the absurdity of the world, which is also a doctrine of existentialism. So it is said that existentialism is one of the origins of Black Humor.

In Catch-22, there are bounds of freedom and the struggles to get off from them, which is a main theme of the book. And as regard to Sartre’s existentialism, the central thought is the freedom to choose what one wants to be or to do, which agrees with the theme of Catch-22 above I have mentioned. So in this paper I just choose Sartre’s existentialist thoughts to analyze it, despite other existentialists. Existentialism is a different point of view to look at the traditional war-novel, from which I think a deeper and more theoretical criticism of the war as well as that of the world can be obtained.

For the value of this paper, first of all, it will prove Catch-22 an existential novel. Both centered on the theme of freedom, this novel and existentialism share the same basis, so it’s natural to connect them together. Also, there is chapter four on absurdity to illustrate this point. Thirdly, I want to stress the subjectivity and advantages of existentialism. Although many people think it as

superficial and spiritual, it stresses on humanism, paying attention to initiative and subjectivity, which are still hot centers of discussion till now.

Key words: Catch-22;Existentialism; Free choice; Absurdity







An Existential Analysis of Catch-22


Thesis Statement: This paper is meant to talk about the existentialism in Joseph Heller’s masterpiece Catch-22. As regards to the influence of

existentialism on literature, Jean Paul Sartre’s theories are

the one of the outstanding significance, which is the main

concern in this thesis. In Catch-22, there are bounds of

freedom as well as the struggles to get off from them, which is a

main theme of the book. And for Sartre’s existentialism, the

central thought is the freedom to choose what one wants to be

or to do, which agrees with the theme of Catch-22 above I have

mentioned. So here I just choose Sartre’s existentialist

thoughts to analyze it.

Ⅰ. Introduction: Catch-22 and its writing background

Ⅱ. The Existentialism

A. “I think, so I a m” and “e x istence before essence”

B. The initiative of the soldiers

Ⅲ. Free Choice

A. Orr

B. Yossarian

Ⅳ. The Absurdity of the World

A. The Absolute power of the Bureaucracy

B. The Moral Insanity

C. The Inevitability of Death

Ⅴ. Conclusion

1.结合毕业论文课题情况,根据所查阅的文献资料,每人撰写500 字左右的文献综述,阐述当前的研究现状:

Literature Review

Joseph Heller, one of the most outstanding American novelists and the representative of Black Humor, His first and best known novel Catch-22 is now widely recognized as one of the most important books written by Americans since World War II. term "Catch-22" has entered the American vocabulary to express the frustration of encountering absurd obstacles. Therefore a thorough existentialist reading of Joseph Heller’s Catch-22 may give us some enlightenment and inspiration.

According to Brian Czech in her essay A potential catch-22 for a sustainable American ideology, the history of American ideology includes elements of increasing sustainability. Laissez-faire, racism, sexism, and anthropocentrism have been declining throughout the 20th century, as indicated by various social movements and institutional developments.

Economic growth has proceeded concurrently and the material standard of living has generally done likewise. Proponents of an environmental Kuznets curve posit that continued economic growth and associated increases in the standard of living will have the effect of, and are required for, producing an increasingly sustainable ideology.

In the paper of From Modernism to Postmodernism, the auther Zhao Guofan says it is widely accepted that the emergence of Black Humor was under the influence of Existentialism. Existentialism is a philosophy which grew out of France around World War II, with Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus as its representatives. The two world wars exerted great influence on Existentialism and Black Humor, both of which share a common viewpoint of the artistic demand of facing up an absurd universe without intrinsic values. Joseph Heller, as a Black Humorist, was inevitably influenced by the existentialist philosophy and presented it in his Catch-22

There was a study by Gary w . Davis, in A detailed Summary of Catch 22, he criticized that through Catch-22Joseph Heller permeates the idea that there is no single definitive truth, that the world is the form of a continual clash of truths. Heller permeates his ideas of existentialism throughout the novel. Each character lives within his/her own world where each creates their individual ideas of right and wrong. Through this no single truth remains a constant. The principal behind existentialism states that oneself is the only definitive reference to what may be perceived of the world. The only truths that remain become those created by the individual. Each character within Catch-22 lives within the world perceived by their mind, the ideas of right and wrong perpetuated by the individual.

Catch-22 is an extraordinary novel whose basic assumption is that all













1. Introduction


Before Catch-22, Joseph Heller has written several works, including many short stories, three plays and several novels. But it is after the publication of Catch-22 that Heller as a specialized writer is remembered by the world. This work is called the epic in the 1960s.By describing a apparently crazy world, he exposes the corruption of American society, where the social bureaucrats, related to capital power, brought suffering and death to the ordinary people.

The novel Catch-22 mainly tells a story about a pilot soldier named Yossarian. This story happens in World War II. Serving in the army for a long time, he gets tired of it, and wants to go back home away from the war and from the threat to be killed. After the death of his friend Snowden, Yossarian begins to try to be grounded, to be an ordinary person away from the cruel world. In order to accomplish his dream, he pretends to be insane; to be ill and even behaves in insane manners. At last, he, obeying his own authentic self, refuses to work together with the upper officials and deserts from the army. Also there are some sub-stories about other soldiers beside Yossarian, such as his co-pilot Orr, who deserts successfully at last, another one, Nately, who falls in love with a whore, etc.

1.2Writing Background

Joseph Heller was born in Brooklyn, New York, as the son of poor Jewish parents. His father, who was a bakery truck driver, died in 1927. After graduating from Abraham Lincoln High School in 1941, Heller joined the Twelfth Air Force. He was posted in Corsica, where he flew 60 combat missions as a B-25 bombardier. In 1949 Heller received his M.A. from Columbia University. He

was a Fulbright scholar at Oxford in 1949-1950. Heller worked as a teacher at Pennsylvania State University (1950-1952), copywriter for the magazines Time (1952-56), Look (1956-58), and promotion manager for McCall’s. He left McC all’s in 1961 to teach fiction and dramatic writing at Yale University and the University of Pennsylvania. All those experiences contribute to Heller’s writing.

After WWⅡ, American government didn’t pay much attention to social reforms, and instead it lent much money to Europe and carried out commercialism, which dissatisfied the people deeply. In politics, the horror of McCarthyism swept every corner of America. Those conditions mentioned above are the writing background of Catch-22. At the very beginning of the story, Heller told that it is not just an anti-war story. Wayne Charles Miller, in his An Armed American: Its Face in Fiction, said that Pianosa, where the story Catch-22 happened, is a mirror of America, a tool that allowed Heller to criticize justice, romantic love, heroism, the military, and capitalism. People in this background are calling for true freedom and responsibility of the government as well as themselves. So Sartre’s theories just pleased what those people needed. All those above mentioned are the background reasons why I choose existentialism to analyze Catch-22.

2. Existentialism

Existentialists tend, for example, to highlight the unique and particular in human experience; they put the individual person at the centre of their pictures of the world, and are suspicious of philosophical or psychological doctrines that obscure this existential individuality by speaking as if there were some abstract “human nature”, some set of general laws or principles, to which men are


英语专业毕业论文范文两篇 英语专业毕业论文范文两篇 篇一 摘要:提高中专学生的听力水平,是教师关注的重点。本文提出影响中专学生英语听力水平的两大因素:知识性障碍与非知识性障碍。笔者在分析这两大因素是如何影响学生听力的基础上,得出提高学生英语听力水平的途径,主要从课堂教学及课外活动进行说明。 关键词: 中专英语教育越来越侧重培养英语综合应用的能力,而英语听力是英语学习的基础,也是英语教学过程中比较薄弱的环节。那么影响听力的因素有哪些呢? 一、影响中专学生听力水平的因素 一般而言,影响中专学生听力的因素很多,对这些因素归类整理,主要分为两类:知识性障碍和非知识性障碍。 (一)知识性障碍包括语言知识性障碍和文化背景障碍。 1.语言障碍包括语音、语速、词汇、语法、语言思维等环节存在问题。 (1)发音不标准导致语音的辨别能力低。学生掌握不好英语标准发音,在听的过程中即使是自己认识的单词,会由于发音不同也难以听辨出来。此外英语中发音相似仅有微小差别的单词很多,于是由于发音不标准很容易使单词混淆。 (2)语速连贯能力弱,导致辨音能力差。英语单词有弱读、重读、连读、爆破、语气、语调的升降等,在连贯的语流中该词的发音会发生变化。学生缺乏辨识这些单词的能力,同时英文正常速度比中文正常速度快10倍,因此学生平时能正确发音的单词也不能正确分辨出来。 (3)词汇量的大小,对词汇的熟练掌握程度会影响听力的效果。大多数单词在字典上有多种意思,单词在不同的环境中词义会不同。学生对单词的掌握不够全面,只是知晓某单词的部分意思,他们听的过程中只能根据自己熟悉的词义去理解,往往与听力内容不相符,会误解了听到的句子意思。 (4)语法的掌握程度影响听力理解。学生对句子的结构,英语中的进行时、完成时等没

英文文献综述样本 威尼斯商人

毕业论文 (或毕业设计) 文献综述 文献综述题目 (中文小二号黑体居中或英文Times New Roman小二号加粗居中或日文明朝体小二号加粗) 学生姓名指导教师 二级学院专业名称 班级学号 年月日

(标题Times New Roman三号加粗) The Literature Review of The Mystery of Antonio’s Sadness in The Merchant of Venice (正文用Times New Roman小四,1.5倍行距,各段首行空4个字符,书名用斜体加粗) Written sometime between 1596 and 1598, The Merchant of Venice is classified as both an early Shakespearean comedy (more specifically, as a "Christian comedy") and as one of the Bard's problem plays; it is a work in which good triumphs over evil, but serious themes are examined and some issues remain unresolved. In The Merchant of Venice , Shakespeare wove together two ancient folk tales, one involving a vengeful, greedy creditor trying to exact a pound of flesh, the other involving a marriage suitor's choice among three chests and thereby winning his (or her) mate. Shakespeare's treatment of the first standard plot scheme centers around the villain of Merchant, the Jewish moneylender Shylock, who seeks a literal pound of flesh from his Christian opposite, the generous, faithful Antonio. Shakespeare's version of the chest-choosing device revolves around the play's Christian heroine Portia, who steers her lover Bassanio toward the correct humble casket and then successfully defends his bosom friend Antonio from Shylock's horrid legal suit. Antonio, as the title character, is sad from the beginning to the end of the play but never names the cause of his melancholy even when his friends ask him. Antonio plays the role as an outcast in the play. Shakespeare uses Antonio’s sadness simply as the device to set the tragic tone in the comedy or make Antonio be one of his melancholic characters in his works? Or Antonio is the representative of the complicated human nature? Antonio's unexplained melancholy is a significant element in understanding the play. 1. Studies on The Merchant of V enice(Times New Roman + 四号+首缩进4字符,下同) Karl Marx once cited that Shakespeare is the greatest playwright in the world.


浙商二十二条军规 1. 坚持看CCTV-1新闻联播 要想把握经济局,必须关注政局,新闻联播图文并茂,有声有色,着实为中国商人的最佳晴雨表;你可以不看财经报道,也可以不看焦点访谈,如果你不是做石油和外汇的,甚至你都可以不去管类似9.11事件和中东局势,但新闻联播一定要看。 2. 不要轻易相信和约或合同 哪怕合约让你的律师看过了,公证处公证了都不要轻易相信,甚至当你客户把钱已经汇入你指定的帐户以后你都必须确认,这笔钱你能不能拿出来,能不能动。而和约以外的涉及到利益冲突的任何口头承诺与解释你都必须当他是放屁,无论香还是臭。在对方兑现承诺以前,不要沉湎其中,无论对方是谁,哪怕那是你交了十年的朋友甚至是和你身为暧昧的女人都必须如此。 3. 必须守信,一诺千斤,但对不守信的人例外 你确认你一定能够做到的事情你才可以承诺,但不要夸大其辞;你如果想一直做个商人,那么你必须树立自己的信誉!虽然你可以不在乎外界对你的争议甚至你也可以制造争议但你不能失去信誉,否则你就不是一个商人而是一个骗子;信誉具体包括你如果和别人约了2:00见面,那么你绝对不可以1:50以前或者2:01以后出现,如遇交通堵塞或以外事件,那你必须及时通知对方,除非你出了车祸遇到空难昏迷不醒或者已经死亡,否则你都没有理由爽约、早到太早或迟到太迟,而你的涵养则体现在守不守时、守不守承诺等方面;而一旦当你确认对方是在为了利益而一再欺骗你,那么你对对方做出的一切行为都不过分,甚至你可以将计就计,反过来给他画一个饼! 4. 你能赢得起但你可能输不起的生意,最好不做 在做任何生意以前,你都必须考虑清楚,如果你输了,那么你是否输得起,而不是去考虑你如果赢了会怎样怎样,输不起的事情你最好别做!而考虑输的范围时,你也不要只考虑钱财方面,作为半个商人,有些东西你永远都输不起,包括你爱的女人,你的家人,你的江湖地位甚至你的信誉;所以你必须在做任何生意以前全面考虑清楚你究竟输得起、输不起?如果输得起,那么OK,你去义无返顾的DO IT吧! 5. 不要先期投入太多,给自己留够底牌 不要把自己手里所有的牌全部亮出来,因为牌局随时会中途停止,而对方也随时会出新的牌,不到最后关键时刻,最好不要亮出你手里最有分量的牌,最后


An Existential Analysis of Catch-22 Contents Acknowledgements......................................................................................... . (i) Abstract(English)........................................................................................... .. (ii) Abstract(Chinese).......................................................................................... .. (iii) 1. Introduction.................................................................................................. .. (1) 1.1 Catch-22.......................................................................................................... (1) 1.2 Writing Background ........................................................................................... ...1 2. The Existentialism…........................................................................................... (2) 2.1 “I think, so I a m” and “e xistence before


XX学院本科生英语专业毕业论文装订顺序(APA格式)(注:此格式用于文学、翻译方向之外的所有论文) 1.毕业论文封面(汉语) 2.毕业论文首页(英语) 3.致谢(英文) 4.毕业论文中文摘要及关键词 5.毕业论文英文摘要及关键词 6.目录 7.正文 8.尾注(可选) 9.参考文献(英语文献在前,汉语文献在后) 10.附录(可选) 附:论文模板(模板内容仅供参考,毕业生可根据实际情况填写)

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文档来源为: .欢迎下载支持. like to thank all those who have given me their generous helps, commitment and enthusiasm, which have been the major driving force to complete the current paper. … 多使用的倾向。影响中国大学英语学习者使用连接副词的因素是多方面的,如母 (

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山东财经大学学士学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 日期填写定稿日期5月1日。教师学生都要手写签名 学位论文作者签名: 年月日 山东财经大学关于论文使用授权的说明本人完全了解山东财经大学有关保留、使用学士学位论文的规定,即:学校有权保留、送交论文的复印件,允许论文被查阅,学校可以公布论文的全部或部分内容,可以采用影印或其他复制手段保存论文。日期填写定稿日期5月1日。教师学生都要手写签名 指导教师签名:论文作者签名: 年月日年月日

On Anti-Gothicism in Northanger Abbey by Li Xiaohui Under the Supervision of Wang Junhua Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts School of Foreign Studies Shandong University of Finance and Economics May 2012


《第二十二条军规》赏析 翻着一部关于描写疯子生活的书,一个个荒诞无比的故事跃入眼帘,但人们又告诉你这些都是真实的,你会有何感想?美国作家海勒的《第二十二条军规》便是如此——一部在幽默下悲伤的后现代经典之作。读者在看本书时想笑不难,但笑后内心的酸楚却常油然而生。作者运用了在谈笑之间对荒诞性进行异常深刻披露的手法,典型地代表了黑色幽默小说的艺术风格。 《第二十二条军规》既是一部讽刺现代战争的“黑色幽默”小说,又是一部揭示战后美国荒诞现实的社会小说。作者海勒不但继承而且进一步发展了现代主义的创作风格,他用异乎寻常的艺术手法表现了自己对西方现代生活的新的体验,具有一定的认识价值和审美价值,同时还包含追求自我生命价值的意义。下面本人从四个方面浅析《第二十二条军规》,不足之处希望大家多给予指教。 (一)荒诞的故事,荒诞的人物 一大堆光怪陆离、形形色色、不可理喻的事件、场面、人物,展现了一个疯狂的世界、一种荒谬的现实和一群异化了的军人。《第二十二条军规》全书凡42章,各章一般以某个人物为中心向读者讲述这样一个个故事。其中又以尤索林这个人的经历贯穿始终,从而串联起一组滑稽的浮雕式人物画像展览。作品中的人物分别属于军事官僚集团和普通军人两大部分。军事官僚集团利用战争满足私欲,为求得个人的飞黄腾达,置他人的生命于不顾。他们操纵着第二十二条军规,利用它制造悖谬来维护权威,愚弄下属,主宰普通人的命运。而普通士兵则是被大人物任意摆布的对象。飞行大队司令官卡思卡特上校是军事官僚集团中一个典型代表。他冷酷残忍,对军阶无限向往,一心想当将军。为此,他千方百计要设法博取上级的欢心。上级一皱眉,他就惶惶不安。他企图利用部下的全部生命去换取自己的晋级升迁,他的主要手段是任意把飞行次数一次一次地增加。而卡思卡特下属的官兵虽然言行各不相同,但人人却为自己盘算,没有一个具有献身精神。食堂管理员迈洛则是卡思卡特上校众多荒诞残酷下属中的荒诞典例。他貌似“忠厚老实”,可是赚钱有术,以伙食采购为名,大搞投机倒把,办起了一个跨国公司。他用大批飞机走私,甚至还雇用敌人的飞机为公司运输,向敌人承包保卫桥梁等等。后来居然成为国际知名人物,当上欧洲不少城市的市长和马耳他的副总督。在迈洛的心中只有金钱和利润,根本就没有祖国的概念。 书中大部分人物的性格都如以上两位一样残酷与荒诞,他们已失去了军人的职责与尊严,变成了赤裸裸的剥削者或被蹂躏者,而心中的爱国意识更是丧失殆尽。如此的荒诞在当今社会现实却无处不在,这着实为现实的悲哀。当权者失去了良知,何谈为人民谋幸福?一


论文中的引用格式 1.1 间接引用(citations) A.如果引用只涉及一个作家的某本专著或文章,而作家的名字在自己的行 文中没有出现, 将该作家的姓氏和出版的时间用括弧括起来,放在句子结尾,注意该括弧算作句子的一部分,标点符号应放在括弧之后。 例: It has been argued that teachers’ role is to provide the students with optimal condition that can facilitate learning so that students can achieve similar results (Bloom, 1976). B.如果引用所涉及到的作家的名字已经出现在行文中, 只需要在名字后面 加上括弧, 填入出版时间即可。 例:Gould (1988) attributes Darwin’s success to his gift for making the appropriate metaphor. C.如果引用涉及到的作家和著作的出版时间在行文中已出现,那就不再需 要单独的夹注了。 例:In a 1988 article, Gould explores some of Darwin’s most effective metaphors. D.如果引用涉及到的著作是由两位作者合著,则每次引用时都需把两位作 者的姓氏注出来,在夹注中用“&”,在行文中则用“and”连接两个作者。例:The disadvantages of the multiple regression analysis is that it cannot show the complex interrelations between independent variable (Bryman & Cramer, 1990). Bryman and Cramer (ibid.) also pointed out that… E.如涉及到的作者超过两人,少于六人,第一次加夹注时,写出所有作者 的姓氏,以后每次引用,只需写出第一作者的姓氏,其后加上“et al.” 即可。 例:Scientists have isolated a gene connected to circadian rhythms in plants (Millar, Straum, Chory, Chua, & Kay, 1995: 1163). They identified the mutations that activated light-dependent pathways (Millar, et al., 1995: 1165) F.如果引用涉及到的著作由六位以上的作者合著,加注时只需写出第一作 者的姓氏,其后加上“et al.”即可。 例:Naiman et al. (1978)found a similar relationship, although I this case effo rt’on the part of the learners was also associated with instrumental motivation (subsequent citations) (Ellis, 1954: 512).


编号:_____ 英语毕业论文参考范文 学校:_________ 教师:_________ ____年___月___日 (此文内容仅供参考,可自行修改) 第1 页共8 页

英语毕业论文参考范文 内容摘要: 英美文学是我国高校英语专业高年级的一门重要必修课,是学生学习和研究英语语言文化的必要途径。同时它又是一门比较特殊的课程:既不是单纯的历史课,也非纯粹的文学欣赏课,它需要授课教师个人的智慧和学生的积极参与。本文以英美文学的教育价值分析为基础,结合目前英美文学教学中的问题,对英美文学课程的教学方法进行了建设性的探讨。 关键词: 英美文学;教育价值;模式;方法 一、英美文学的教育价值 英美文学是一面镜子,它反映着英语民族的历史与文化,英美文学也是一束光芒,照亮着人们追求真、善、美的路途。英美文学课作为高校英语专业高年级学生的专业必修课,其意义和作用在于通过阅读和分析英美文学作品,深化学生在基础阶段所学的知识,提高学生语言的运用能力,增强对西方文学及文化的了解,培养学生的文学鉴赏力和审美的敏感性,以及敏锐感受生活、认知生活的能力,进而从整体上促进其人文素质的提高。具体来说,开设本教程的目的是直接提高学生的英语语言水平,使学生掌握英语文学和文化知识以及培养学生的人文素养和健全人格。首先,文学是语言的精髓,文学欣赏会直接有助于英语水平的提高。在经过基础的语言教学之后,文学作品的阅读和欣赏无疑是学习外语的一个系统有效途径和必要阶段。文学阅读能使语言学习有质的飞跃。 随着时代的前进,现代社会的多元化发展。弘扬人的主体性成为时代发展的主旋律。因此,在课堂教学过程中,让学生成为教学的主体是现 第 2 页共 8 页



文献综述(2000字以上) In the early reviews of this novel reveals a variety of attitudes toward and assessments. Some early reviewers suspected strongly that Sons and Lovers is an autobiographical work. “We suspect that Paul is a projection of the writer’s own personality,” Harold Massingham said. Others did not explicitly make a direct to the passionately personal style of Sons and Lovers. Some of Lawrence’s contemporaries insist on seeing the novel Sons and Lovers as the author’s only-slightly-revised personal history; others do not, although one complains about the writer’s lack of “scientific detachment.” Some of the reviews believe the book to be about the tragic “wastage” of Walter Morel; others think the author is writing against his own biological father. Then, too, there are critics who seemed to sense that the inconsistent reviews of the book are made possible by the work itself, which is about emotional oxymoron, passionate contradictions. Before any reviewers fully insisted upon the autobiographical nature of Sons and Lovers. “In order to understand Mr. Lawrence fully, we must go beyond his works,” Alfred Kuttner suggested in A Freudian Appreciation in Sons and Lovers. Insisting on the strong similarity between Sons and Lovers and Lawrence’s earlier novels and love poems, Kuttner declared all these works to be “expressions of the same personal experience,”namely,Lawrence’s “hatred”for his “father.” Having said this, Kuttner went even further, suggesting that what Lawrence “particularizes so passionately” is what Freud, more generally, “has proved beyond cavil,” namely, that “the child’s attachment to the parent of the opposite sex becomes the prototype of all later love relations.” According to Showalter E, said in Sexual Anarchy, that Lawrence was difficult to accept women have their own thoughts, in the poems he had written have shown the anger, resentment,fear and pity of female. At the same time, this figure also expressed the view that male should be the dominant position in the relationship between men and women, Lawrence also expressed in the text the resentment of possessive, strong and feisty women. Lawrence articulated a unique view of religion: That the only way to save mankind is the unification of body and mind, the perfect harmony of sex and the male-dominated marriage. Only when it reaches the natural balance between the two and the respect with each other,


读评《第二十二条军规》 海勒是美国文学的一面旗帜,于1961年出版长篇小说《第二十二条军规》,开创了“黑色幽默”文学之先河。小说出版后却反响平平,它能声誉日重竟然是依靠越南战争,因为美国国内反战情绪高涨,该小说成了当时美国青年反战运动的精神食粮。 《第二十二条军规》是一部很有意思的小说。它几乎没有完整的情节,也没有明显的线索——不像许多小说按照一定顺序,比如时间展开故事;却又塑造了一大堆鲜活的人物。这是小说留给人们的第一印象。小说读起来有趣,联系起来思想头疼,看完之后方觉开朗。作者构思布局实在之高。他起笔开篇不是建立一个叙事起点,而是剖开一个横切面,就像铺开一个簸箕,把所有相关情节全都呈现出来,一个人物引出另一个人物,一件事情引出另一件事情,如是反复,形成一条链,环环相扣,既不紊乱,也无次序,只有关联。无疑是对传统逻辑结构的一个突破! 小说主要情节非常简单。“皮亚诺萨岛位于厄尔巴岛以南八英里的地中海中,这是一个很小的岛屿。”(译林出版社1999年2月第一版《第二十二条军规》卷首语。下文引用此书句子系同一版本)主人公约塞连上尉像只惊弓之鸟,在一片混乱、荒谬与恐怖中,为保全性命而进行疯狂的努力——生活的唯一目的就是逃避作战飞行,一次一次装病住进医院,最后逃往瑞典,成功与否就不得而知。当然不能把约塞连当作海勒。但皮亚诺萨岛上的故事却无疑是对当时美军以及更宽范

围的影射。克莱文杰、哈尔福特、麦克沃特、温特格林、内特利、斯诺登……一个个丰满的人物,突然间命就没了,这是对战争最好不过的解释。我想,这些正是海勒自身战争经历至深的记忆。 海勒青年时期参加了第二次世界大战,战后生活在矛盾的西方社会里,他以参战的经历写下了大战在心里撒下的阴影。在海勒眼中,西方社会是“一片有组织的混乱”和“一种制度化了的疯狂”。在这个疯狂的世界里,人变得“全疯了”。《第二十二条军规》正是要揭示这样的社会现实。在皮亚诺萨岛上,荒唐事层出不穷:卡思卡特上校可以任意增加作战飞行次数;丹尼卡医生因为飞机失事被宣布死了,活着不被认可,明明死了的人又还活在官方名单上;梅杰少校在屋子里时不见任何人,只有自己不在屋子里才允许部下进屋见他;规定只有从来不提问题的人才可以在开会时提问。这里一切都不可理喻、令人绝望,到处是一片混乱与疯狂的景象,人欲横流,道德沦丧,人们似乎都变成了没有人性的东西。疯人受勋,坏人得道,正义与理性受到嘲弄,无辜的人们被一种异己的力量所支配、吞噬,而那些当官的却藉了战争大发横财,飞黄腾达。在这样的社会环境中,传统的道德原则和社会正义感反被视为异端,人们始终处于一种惴惴不安的敌对环境中,就如小说中的主人公约塞连所感觉到的那样。为逃离这个荒唐世界,保全性命,约塞连作了种种努力。可是每作一次挣扎只不过发现被箍得越紧。这条绳索就是第二十二条军规。这条看不见、摸不着的军规,实际却是一个圈套。 海勒在《第二十二条军规》扉页开头写道:只有一个圈套……那便是第二十二条军规。实质上它只是一个圈套,是一个套在弱者身上的枷锁。看这段文字:


英语专业本科毕业论文范文 [摘要]英语专业本科写作是本科生在毕业之前最重要的一项学习任务。文章针对目 前毕业论文中存在的主要问题,如写作基本功欠缺、学术基础和意识薄弱、选题不合适及论文缺乏深度和创新等问题并对其原因进行了探讨,据此提出相应的改进措施,以期提高毕业的质量。 [关键词]毕业论文;问题;改进措施 高校英语专业英语教学大纲认为毕业论文是考察学生综合能力、评估学业成绩的一个重要方式。在2004年开始实行的高等学校外语专业本科教学评估方案中毕业论文的质量 被列为一级指标“学生创新能力”的主要观测点(教育部高等教育司, 2004)。根据英语专业教学大纲的精神,学生的毕业论文写作不仅是对学生学业和专业成绩的一次综合测评,也是对学校设置和培养方案以及教师教学活动的一次考验。毕业论文写作是高等院校英语专业教学计划中一个不可缺少的组成部分和实践性环节,是考查学生综合能力、评价学生成绩的一个重要方式。 一、毕业论文写作的现状 在国内,近年来各高校英语专业对学生毕业论文的撰写比较重视。为了提高论文的质量,加强论文的严谨性和规范性,各高校近年来都出台了一系列政策,如的撰写、中期检查、抽查评估,有些高等院校从三年级开始增设学年论文教学环节等等。英语专业本科毕业论文的质量虽然有一定的进步,但也存在着一些问题。原上海外国语大学校长戴炜栋教授等的研究和调查证实了高等学校英语专业毕业论文质量的滑坡趋势(戴炜栋2007)。学 生在论文实际的撰写过程中,出现了写作基本功、格式规范、选题、论文的深度、外文资料不足的问题。其中的原因是多方面的,例如:在培养中偏重技能训练,轻视知识吸纳的 连贯性,使学生缺乏学术的内涵和深度,缺乏认识能力和思辨能力(文秋芳2006);在第八 学期才开始毕业论文的写作,不仅毕业生在短时间内无从选题,而且导致论文质量下降。这种现象对本科教学带来的负面影响应引起各高校英语专业的高度关注。 二、毕业论文写作存在的主要问题 目前高校毕业论文存在不少问题,如语言技能较弱,查阅文献资料的能力比较差,不知道怎样确立自己的观点等等,但以下几个方面的问题尤为明显:第一,写作基本功欠缺。英语专业毕业论文中一个显著的问题就是学生的写作能力较差,反映出学生英语语言能力欠缺。例如:论文结构不严谨、松散;一篇论文有多个中心论点;章节之间缺乏连贯性;语法、拼写错误多;学生随意使用非正式文体,书面语和口语混用的现象比比皆是。


毕业综合实训(毕业设计)指导书 2012.10 [建筑施工技术专业(专科)适用] 一、毕业设计的指导思想 根据泉州华光摄影艺术职业学院建筑工程技术学院建筑施工技术专业(专科)教学计划的要求,为培养良好的工程素质和较强的岗位技能,获得建设行业工程师基本素质和实际工作能力的训练,能进行建设项目的可行性研究、建筑结构设计,建筑工程预决算、施工组织设计等,面向建筑企业和社会企、事业单位工程管理部门的高等应用型专门人才。 二、毕业设计的目的和要求 通过毕业设计,使学生在建设项目结构设计、造价确定和控制的实践过程中,学习和理解本专业所学的各科知识,培养学生综合运用理论知识和专业技能的能力,学会分析和解决在工程中的实际问题,并熟悉其工作程序和施工方法;为今后走上工作岗位打下扎实的基础。 三、毕业设计事项 1.准备阶段 包括:了解毕业设计的要求,认真阅读毕业设计指导书的内容、调查了解相关的资料;收集相关的工具书。包括:结构设计规范、施工规范、工程量清单计价规范、标准图集、相关的造价文件和有关材料的市场价格等。 2、毕业设计时间 毕业综合设计的时间一般为60天;学生应该按毕业任务书的安排;在规定的时间内完成毕业设计任务,由毕业设计指导教师集中进行指导、检查和答疑。对部分不能集中进行毕业设计的学生,可以通过电话或者E-mail方式和指导教师进行交互式指导。为培养建设行业的高等应用型专门人才尽职尽力。 3、成果鉴定 (1)上交内容:A、一份内容完整、格式规范的结构设计文件,B、一份内容完整、格式规范的土建、安装工程的预算书,C、一份完整的工程施工组织设计;这三部分内容分三份上交,需要有三个封面,每位学生必须上交这3部分毕业设计内容,否则不能毕业。


英语专业毕业论文文献综述样例 参考范文1 Distance Learning This paper will summarize two articles on distance learning and give the author’s views on the benefits and obstacles of implementing distance-learning in a junior and senior high school learning environment. Jeannette McDonald, in her article: Is “As good as face-to-face” as good as it gets? (2002), raises a very important question as to whether “[the] goal [of online learning should be] to meet existing standards of traditional education”(McDonald, 2002) or “has distance learning, and especially online education opened the door to enhanced strategies in teaching and learning”(McDonald, 2002)? Online learning may just be “doing different things” (McDonald, 2002). What are these different things? Jeannette McDonald claims that “distance education can be a frontier for new methods of communication giving rise to innovative teaching and learning practices that may not be possible in traditional, place-bound education”(2002). The article discusses both the positive and “potential negative impacts of online education” (McDonald, 2002). There are many benefits to using online distance learning environments. Online education is available “anyplace, anytime [for] global communities of learners based on shared interests”(McDonald, 2002). Jeannette McDonald claims that “online education [with its] group-based instruction [and] computer mediated communication (CMC) provides an opportunity for new development and understanding in teaching and learning” (2002). CMC encourages “collaborative learning [by not providing] cues regarding appearance, race, gender, education, or social status bestowing a sort of anonymity to participants” (McDonald, 2002). Distance also “permits the expression of emotion (both positive and negative) and promotes discussion that normally would be inhibited. [Yet, this same] text-based [positive aspect of online learning], makes online education more cumbersome and therefore takes more time than face-to-face learning. [In addition,] the sheer bulk of messages can be overwhelming”(McDonald, 2002). The learner only has the written text and no other “non-verbal”(McDonald, 2002) cues. This may confuse the learner and cause “misunderstanding” (McDonald, 2002). The article lists the “seven principles of good practice in undergraduate education” (McDonald, 2004) published in 1987 by the American Association of Higher Education Bulletin. Jeannette McDonald claims that “online education has the potential to achiever all of these practices”(2002). There is a need for quality and standards for distance learning. “In April 2000, the institute of Higher Education Policy produced a study with 24 benchmarks for the success in Internet-based distance education”(The Institute for Higher Education Policy, 2000). Although Jeannette McDonald feels that there are “biases against distance learning programs”(2002), her recommendation is “to take advantage of the potential of online education [by striving] to understand the technology and how it affects human communication and interaction” (2002). “In the road to dotcom in education” (2004), Mark David Milliron deals with
