

Organic Letters投稿模板说明书

Organic Letters投稿模板说明书

Instructions for Using the Organic Letters Manuscript TemplateWord 2010 for WindowsThe Organic Letters manuscript template is a guide to be used to prepare manuscripts for submission to Organic Letters. There are a number of paragraph styles available for use with this template to identify the different parts of your manuscript, i.e., Title, Author Names, Abstract, etc. In Microsoft Word, the name of the current paragraph style is displayed in the Styles section of the home tab. Use the styles provided in the template for each corresponding section of your paper. The template is designed to closely approximate a composed manuscript. A manuscript may not exceed 2200 words, including abstract, main text, and titles/footnotes of approximately five to eight graphics. Additional graphics will require areduced word count. To calculate the word count, select all text from the abstract through the end of the main text (excluding title, authors, affiliations, and content after main text) and view the word processor word count data NOTE: references are NOT included in the word count.. For best approximation, do not manipulate elements of the template such as font size, margins, spacing,etc. to suit your word processed draft. Formatting in the Organic Letters journal style will occur as part of the editorial production process.Authors should refer to the documentation for their individual word processor or graphics package for answers to questions directly related to those programs.Downloading the template1.From the Organic Letters Information for Authors page, click on the manuscripttemplate that corresponds to the version of word-processing software you will be using to prepare your manuscript.2.Save the template in the Templates folder. With the template open in Word, click Filethen Save As. Scroll to the top of the folder list, Click Microsoft Word, then clickTemplates. In the Save as type drop down list, select Word Template, then click Save.This places the template in the proper folder so it will be listed as an available template for manuscript preparation.Working with the templateThere are several ways to use this template to generate your final manuscript to be submitted for publication. Two of the most straightforward are to (a) type your manuscript directly in the template or (b) attach the template to a working document. Instructions are given below for each of these methods as well as general instructions for all methods. Be sure to frequently check the Organic Letters Information for Authors page to ensure that you are using the most recent version of the template.For best results, template method A is recommended.A.Typing directly into the template1.Open the saved OL template and create your manuscript directly in the template bychoosing File, New. Click My Templates to locate the OL template. NOTE: If it does not appear, open the template file from the location where you saved it and resave it as aDocument Template using the same file name. This should make it so that it does appear on the My Templates tab in the New dialog box.2.Select the OL template and make sure the option Create New: Document (not Template)is selected. Click OK. You will see a file containing sample text sections with tips forusing the template and guidelines for what each section contains. This text is formattedwith the paragraph style appropriate for the section. In addition, a Styles toolbar can bedisplayed listing the Word Styles available in the template. The Styles toolbar can beopened from the Styles menu on the ribbon or by the shortcut Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S. Whenyou use the template to create a document, the new document will be a document copy(.docx) of the template containing your manuscript text, and the original template file will remain unchanged.3.Select (highlight) the text of the template that you want to replace and begin typing yourmanuscript (i.e., select the Title section for typing in your title), ensuring that you haveselected text from the appropriate section (i.e., the Author Names section for typing inyour author names).B.Attaching the template to a documentIf you have prepared your document in a file not using the template, you can attach the template to your working document and apply the Word style tags. If attaching the template to your document, it is helpful to print a copy of the template first so that you can identify which Word style should be applied to the different sections of your manuscript (File, New, My Templates and select the OL template).1.Open your manuscript file.2.Select File on the toolbar and then Options. NOTE: There are several ways to importtemplates/styles into working documents within Word. See the "templates" section ofMicrosoft Word Help for further instructions.3.Choose Add-Ins in the Word Options dialog box.4.Select Templates from the Manage drop-down list, then click Go.5.Click the Attach button and choose the appropriate template, then select Open.6.Click Automatically update document styles, then clikc OK. This will return you to theworking document. The OL template styles will be available for this manuscript.7. A popup Styles toolbar has been generated that will display the different Word styles foreasier use. If you do not see this toolbar, do (Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S), and it should appear.You can close this at any time and reopen it when needed.8.Attaching the OL template sytles does not automatically change the page layout to matchthe template dimensions; you must make the following adjustments for the best fit. Under Page Layout, select the Margins drop down list. Select Custom Margins tab, type in the following dimensions: Top 0.5”, Bottom 0.5”, Left0.76”, Right 0.76”, Gutter 0”. On the Paper Size drop-down select More Paper Sizes,in Paper tab set size Letter, Width 8.5”, Height 11”, then on the Layout tab set the Header 0.5”, and Footer 0.5”.NOTE: Page layout settings other than those prescribed here will not give accurate layout estimates.9.Place the cursor in the title section of your document. Using the Word Style menu on theformatting toolbar, select Word Style “BA_Titl e”. This will apply the Word Style to the title.Do this for the author names and addresses using the appropriate style.10.Insert TOC/Abstract graphic (sized at desired publication size).11.Place the cursor in the abstract section of your document and apply the Word Style“BD_Abstract”.12.After the last word of the abstract, enter a continuous page break (Page Layout, Breaks,select Continuous from Breaks drop- down) then change the page format for the rest of the manuscript to two-column text. Click on the Columns drop-down from the Page Setupsection in Page Layout and select More Columns. Make the following changes in thiswindow: Number of Columns 2, Width 3.33”, Spacing 0.32”. Click OK. Assign theappropriate Word Styles to the remaining paragraphs/text of the manuscript.13.Insert figures, schemes, and tables by creating a blank line (style Normal) where you wanteach to appear, making sure the image is sized appropriately for desired reproduction in publication.Additional Guidelines (see Organic Letters Author Guidelines for complete details)1.Include a graphical entry for the Table of Contents (TOC) that, in conjunction with themanuscript title, should give the reader a representative idea of one of the following: akey structure, reaction, equation, concept, or theorem, etc., or an ingeniousrepresentation, thereof, that is discussed in the manuscript. Insert this graphic, atpublication size, above the abstract text on the first page of the template.2.Submit a concise, self-contained, one-paragraph abstract (75 words or less).Space for this is provided on the first page of the template.e paragraph returns to end headings and paragraphs only. Do not use paragraphreturns to break lines. Use a spell checker to detect any typos and eliminate any spacesbefore punctuation.4.Pay particular attention to the format of the references to ensure that they comply withjournal style. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references.5.Present tabular material by using the table-formatting feature in your word-processingpackage. Enter each data element in its own cell. Apply template table styles to tabletitles, footnotes, and table body text.6.Ensure all characters are correctly represented throughout the manuscript: for example, 1(one) and l (ell), 0 (zero) and O (oh). Use symbol font for all Greek letters and mathsymbols. Use only characters in your file that came with the character sets in your wordprocessor.Working with graphics in the templateTo insert a graphic within the text or as a figure, scheme, or table, create a new line (Wordstyle “Normal”) and insert the graphic where desired.Size and place the graphics at the size they should be in the journal. For best results, most artwork should be sized to fit in a single journal column. NOTE: If your artwork is larger than the width of a column, Word may reduce the size so that it fits within the column. This will alter the resolution of your graphic and may make it unacceptable for publication.For double column artwork, enter a continuous page break, change number of columns from 2 to 1, place the artwork, then insert another continuous page break and configure two columns with previous settings.If your artwork does not appear where you placed it and is floating over text, select the piece of artwork by clicking on it. Under Picture Tools, select Picture or Object and then select the Position tab. Make sure the Float over text box is NOT selected. If it is, deselect it and select OK. This should make your artwork appear where you originally placed it.ChemDraw directionsFollow the drawing settings in the ACS-1996 Style Sheet for preparing your artwork. It is best to copy the actual artwork and paste it into Word rather than saving it as a file and inserting the file. In addition, for versions later than 2.1.3, in the ChemDraw Preferences (File, Preferences), ensure that the Optimize for High-Resolution non-Postscript Printing, Include ChemDraw LaserPrep, and Include PostScript Preferences are ON. Use of ChemDraw versions 2.1.3 or below and any version of ChemDraw Plus is not encouraged, as they are not compatible with the process that generates the PDF file for your manuscript. If it is absolutely necessary to use one of these older versions of ChemDraw, deselect Include PostScript Atom Labels (File, Preferences). This will prevent incompatible PostScript information from being embedded in the structure. NOTE: this may result in structures of inferior quality; thus, the use of an updated version of ChemDraw is strongly encouraged.Saving your manuscript in the templateWhen you are finished and are ready to save your document, if necessary, delete all sections from the template that are not needed, including the first page of instructions. Assign the file a name that will identify your manuscript, one that is different than that of the template. Save the file with the graphics in place. In Microsoft Word, click Save As (File menu) and save it as a “docume nt” file (.docx).NOTE: To use the template with Microsoft Word 2007 (PC version) and Microsoft Word 2008 (Macintosh version), Save your Word files in the compatibility format (Word 97-2003) using the “Save As” option.Checking your manuscript for completenessReview a printout of the manuscript (from a 600 dpi or higher laser printer) to ensure that all parts of the manuscript are present and clearly legible.Submitting your manuscriptFollow the Author Guidelines link from the Organic Letters home page for the latest instructions on how to proceed with the submission of your manuscript. If submitting electronically, your manuscript will be converted to a PDF file. This file is used strictly for peer review. The length of the file when converted to the PDF version may change. Additional formatting changes may occur in prodouction. In addition, the appearance of footnote numbers does not need to be changed to match the journal style.Additional resourcesAuthors should refer to the User's Guides for their individual word processor and graphics programs for more specific instructions on how to use these packages. In addition, most software manufacturers maintain on-line help resources. Two good sources of additional information are the Microsoft Web site (/) and the ChemDraw Web site (/software/ChemDraw/).Appendix: ReferencesGiven below are the recommended formats to be used for the various reference types. Journals: Author 1; Author 2. Journal Abbreviation year, volume, pages. For example: Smith, J.A.; Jones, B. R. Article . Lett. 1999, 1, 1.Books with Editors: Author 1; Author 2. In Book Title; Editor 1, Editor 2, Eds.; Publisher: Place of Publication, year; volume, pages. For example: The ACS Style Guide, 2nd ed.; Dodd, J. S., Ed.; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.Books without Editors: Author 1; Author 2. Book Title; Publisher: Place of Publication, year; volume, chapter, pages. For example: Stothers, J. B. Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy; Academic: New York, 1972; Chapter 2.U.S. Government Publications: Author 1; Author 2. Document Title; Government Publication Number; Publisher: Place of Publication, year; pages. For example: National Handbook of Recommended Methods for Water Data Acquisition; Office of Water Data Coordination, U.S. Geological Survey: Reston, VA, 1977; Chapter 5.Technical Reports: Author 1; Author 2. Title; Technical Report Number; Publisher: Place of Publication, year; volume, pages. For example: Schneider, A. B. Expert Systems in Analytical Chemistry; Technical Report No. 1234-56; ABC Company: New York, 1985.Patents: Author. Patent number, year. (Patent number with reference to country granting the patent.) For example: Lyle, F. R. U.S. Patent 5 973 257, 1985; Chem. Abstr. 1985, 65, 2870.Thesis: Author. Level of Thesis, Degree-Granting University, Location of University, date. For example: Fleissner, W. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, 1984. Series: Author 1; Author 2. In Title; Editor 1, Editor 2, Eds.; Series Title and Number; Publisher: Place of Publication, year; volume, pages. For example: Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic Polymeric Materials; Williams, D. J., Ed.; ACS Symposium Series 233; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1983.Citation to Meetings: Author 1; Author 2. Title of Presentation. Published Title of Collected Work, Proceedings of the Name of the Meeting, Location of the Meeting, Date of the Meeting; Editor 1, Editor 2, Eds.; Publisher: Place of Publication, year; abstract number, pages. For example: Baisden, P. A. Abstracts of Papers, 188th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Philadelphia, PA; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1984; NUCL 9。





在这书香班级,老师与学生以真情相互交流,将情理与智趣演绎成一段段精彩的时空;把真、善、美,氤氲为薰人的芬芳,弥漫向每一间心灵的小屋;让酸甜苦辣酝酿成一坛坛心酒,细品甘醇的生命内在乐章……在这书香班级,我们荡涤浮躁的尘埃污秽,过滤出一幅幅沁人心脾的春日宁馨;我们沉醉其间的香醇,将心中的那份执着化作满腔热忱,一路相伴,踏寻梦想的足迹;在激情飞扬的岁月,一起去跋涉,一起去跨越,走出一片属于自己的天空!目 录1 ××××……………………………………………………………………………××× 4 ×××××××……………………………………………………………………××× 4 ×××………………………………………………………………………………××× 5 ××××……………………………………………………………………………××× 6 ××××……………………………………………………………………………××× 7 ×××××…………………………………………………………………………××× 7 8 ××××——××…………………………………………………………………××× 9 ×××××…………………………………………………………………………××× 924××××……………………………………………………………………………××× 11 ×××××…………………………………………………………………………××× 15 ××…………………………………………………………………………………××× 20 ×××……………………………………………………………………………××× 24 ×××××…………………………………………………………………………××× 26 ×……………………………………………………………………………………×××30 ×××………………………………………………………………………………××× 36××…………………………………………………………………………………××× 25 ××××××××…………………………………………………………………××× 26 ×××××…………………………………………………………………………××× 27 ×××………………………………………………………………………………××× 27×××××××……………………………………………………………………××× 36本刊编委×××××□×××中秋节的夜晚,我想起了许多关于月亮的故事,如嫦娥,吴刚,玉兔……我心中纳闷:“故事中这些主人公们都住在月亮上的广寒宫里头吗?他们在和我们一样团聚在一起吗?”对于我们来说,中秋节最让人觉得幸福的,莫过于一家人团圆在一起。


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目录列表1. 《艺术研究》:该期刊聚焦于艺术研究领域的前沿议题,包括艺术史、美术理论、美术教育等方面的学术研究成果。


2. 《现代美术评论》:该期刊致力于对当代艺术的研究与评论,覆盖了绘画、雕塑、装置艺术、摄影等多个艺术门类。


3. 《设计创新研究》:该期刊聚焦于设计领域的探索与创新,涵盖了平面设计、工业设计、数字设计等多个设计领域。


4. 《音乐研究》:该期刊专注于音乐领域的学术研究,包括音乐史、音乐理论、音乐教育等方面的内容。


5. 《舞蹈艺术研究》:该期刊研究舞蹈艺术领域的创新与发展,探索了舞蹈表演、编舞理论、舞蹈教育等方面的话题。


6. 《电影与电视研究》:该期刊关注电影和电视领域的研究与评析,涉及电影史、电影美学、电视剧等方面的内容。


7. 《戏剧艺术研究》:该期刊致力于研究戏剧艺术的理论与实践,包括戏剧文学、表演艺术、戏剧教育等方面的内容。

































Limited effect of recombinant human mannose-binding lectinon the infection of novel influenza A(H7N9)virus in vitroJinlei Guo a,1,Yang Cao b,1,Kun Qin a,Xiaopeng Zhao a,Donghong Wang a,Zi Li a,Li Xin a, Yuelong Shu a,Jianfang Zhou a,*a National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention,Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Key Laboratory for Medical Virology, National Health and Family Planning Commission,Beijing102206,PR Chinab Center of Growth,Metabolism and Aging,Key Laboratory of Bio-Resource and Eco-Environment,Ministry of Education,College of Life Sciences,Sichuan University,No.29Wangjiang Road,Chengdu610064,PR Chinaa r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received23December2014 Available online26January2015Keywords:Mannose-binding lectinInfluenza A virusInnate immunityH7N9a b s t r a c tMannose-binding lectin(MBL),a pattern-recognition molecule in serum,recognizes specific hexose sugars rich in mannose and N-acetylglucosamine on bacterium,yeasts,viruses as well as apoptotic cells. It has been well-identified that MBL has antiviral effects via binding to seasonal influenza H1and H3 subtype viruses.Influenza A(H7N9)virus,a novel reassortant virus to human population,possesses the surface hemagglutinin(HA)and neuraminidase(NA)genes from duck and wild-bird influenza viruses and internal genes from poultry H9N2viruses.As of Dec7th,2014,a total of467human infections and 183fatal cases have been identified.Here,recombinant human(rh)MBL was tested for its binding and effects on hemagglutination inhibition(HI)and NA activity inhibition(NAI)of avian H7N9,H9N2and human H3N2viruses.We discovered that rhMBL exhibited a strong binding to H7N9virus as human H3N2did at high virus titers.However,it performed a significantly weaker HI activity effect on H7N9 comparing to those of H3N2and H9N2,even at a much higher concentration(3.67±0.33vs.0.026±0.001and0.083±0.02m g/mL,respectively).Similarly,minor NAI effect of rhMBL,even at up to 10m g/mL,was found on H7N9virus while it displayed significant effects on both H3N2and H9N2at a lowest concentration of0.0807±0.009and0.0625m g/mL,respectively.The HI and NAI effects of rhMBL were calcium-dependent and mediated by lectin domain.Ourfindings suggest that MBL,the host innate molecule,has differential interference effects with human and avian influenza virus and limited antiviral effect against H7N9virus.©2015The Authors.Published by Elsevier Inc.This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-NDlicense(/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).1.IntroductionHost innate immunity plays a critical role in the early phase of infection.Thisfirst-line defense against pathogens is mediated by a variety of pattern-recognition molecules including collectins,toll-like receptors andficolins as well as inflammatory cytokines and type I interferon or macrophages and natural killer cells.Mannose-binding lectin(MBL)is one of collectins circulating in the serum and synthesized by liver.It consists of collagenous domains and carbohydrate recognition domains(CRD).The CRDs recognize sugars including D-mannose,N-acetylmannosamine,N-acetylglu-cosamine and L-fucose on the surface of many pathogens in a calcium-dependent manner[1].Previous studies showed that MBL can bind to a range of clinically relevant microorganisms such as Staphylococcus aureus,Candida Albicans[2],HIV,SARS-CoV,Ebola virus,HSV,influenza virus[3e6].The binding of MBL to microor-ganisms is presumed to induce MBL conformational changes that allow the molecule to initiate viral neutralization or kill virus via opsonization or complement activation[7].Influenza A virus,a segmented single-stranded negative-sense RNA virus,belongs to orthomyxoviridae and is subtyped according to the antigenic properties of their envelope glycoproteins,HA and NA.Currently,16HA subtypes and9NA subtypes circulate in birds. Among them,only seasonal H1N1and H3N2viruses circulate in human population[8].Occasionally,some subtypes of avian*Corresponding author.National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Preven-tion,Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Key Laboratory for Medical Virology,National Health and Family Planning Commission,155Changbai Road, Beijing102206,PR China.Fax:þ8601063580764.E-mail address:jfz@(J.Zhou).1These authors contributed equally in thisstudy.Contents lists available at ScienceDirectBiochemical and Biophysical Research Communications jou rn al homepage:/locate/ybbrc/10.1016/j.bbrc.2015.01.0700006-291X/©2015The Authors.Published by Elsevier Inc.This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license(/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications458(2015)77e81influenza A virus can jump into human and cause diseases with a range of clinical symptoms and outcomes,such as conjunctivitis, mild upper respiratory tract disease,as well as severe pneumonia and death[9e12].Viral HA and NA assist virus binding,entry and releasing during infection cycle.Their potential N-linked glycosyl-ation sites(NGS)can be glycosylated,which might allow their binding to host MBL.It has been found that the glycan at residue 165in H3N2HA was of high-mannose and MBL neutralized viral infectivity via it.Many lines of evidences have shown that the MBL plays an important role infighting against seasonalflu[13e15]. However,little is known about the interactions between avian influenza virus and the innate molecules.Avian influenza H7N9 virus is novel to human population[16,17],which contains the surface HA and NA genes from duck and wild-bird influenza viruses and internal genes from poultry H9N2viruses.Unlike other H7 viruses that generally cause mild symptoms such as conjunctivitis or influenza-like illness(except one fatal case infected with H7N7 in Netherlands in2003),H7N9virus usually results in severe pneumonia or respiratory failure in human.Here,we examined the interactions of MBL with avian influenza virus H7N9,H9N2and human virus H3N2.Furthermore,we studied the molecule mech-anisms for them by structure modeling.2.Materials and methods2.1.VirusThe vaccine strain A/Anhui/1/2013(H7N9)(NIBRG-268)was ob-tained from National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (UK),namely H7N9Vac.The virus bears the HA and NA of A/Anhui/1/ 2013(H7N9)and internal genes of A/Puerto Rico/8/1934(PR8,H1N1); A/Brisbane/10/2007(H3N2)was named as H3N2WT in the study; H9N2virus,a reassortant bearing the HA,NA from A/Hongkong/ 33982/2009(H9N2)and internal genes of PR8,was named as H9N2RG.The reassortant H7N1AH1HAþPR8NA was with HA of A/ Anhui/1/2013and seven genes of PR8,which is rescued as previously reported[18].H7N9Vac,H3N2WT and H7N1AH1HAþPR8NA were propagated in9e11-day-old embryonated chicken eggs,H9N2RG was grown in Madin-Darby canine kidney(MDCK)cells(ATCC,USA) with Modified Eagle's Medium(invitrogen,USA)containing2m g/mL N-tosyl-L-phenylalanine chloromethyl ketone(TPCK)e treated trypsin(Sigma,USA).Virus stocks were purified by adsorption to and elution from turkey red blood cells(TRBCs)and stored atÀ80 Cuntil use[19].Virus titer was determined by titration in MDCK cells and the tissue culture infectious dose affecting50%of the cultures (TCID50)is calculated by the Reed e Muench formula[20].2.2.Detection of MBL binding to influenza virusRecombinant human MBL(rhMBL)was purchased from Sino Biological Inc(Beijing,China).Ninety-six-well plates were coated with2Â105TCID50influenza virus at a volume of100m l/well for overnight at4 C,then were blocked for1h with1%Bovine Serum Albumin(BSA,Roche,Switzerland)at37 C.Different concentra-tions of rhMBL(0,1,3,5,7m g/mL)were added and incubated for 1h at37 C.The virus-dose dependent binding assay was con-ducted as that wells were precoated with2Â102,2Â103,2Â104 and2Â105TCID50influenza viruses per well.Then3m g/mL rhMBL was added and incubated for1h at37 C.The binding was detected by the biotinylated human MBL pAb(0.2m g/mL)(R&D, USA),followed by streptavidin-horseradish peroxidase(HRP) (1:200)(R&D,USA)and tetramethylbenzidine substrate solution (BD,USA),the reaction was stopped by2M H2SO4and the Optical Density(OD)at450nm was measured by ELISA reader(Perkin-Elmer,USA).The wells coated with10m g/mL mannan from Saccharomyces cerevisiae(Sigma,USA)or coating buffer(Kirke-gaard&Perry Laboratories,USA)were used as positive control and negative control respectively.The test was performed in duplicates and in three independent experiments,absorbance from negative control was subtracted and results were normalized to positive control,data was expressed as a relative absorbance value using mean±SEM(%).2.3.Hemagglutination inhibition(HI)assaysHI assay was performed in V-bottom96-well plates as previ-ously described[20].Briefly,25m L influenza virus(4HAU)was mixed with25m L rhMBL of different concentrations diluted in Hank's Balanced Salt Solution(HBSS)containing1.26mM Ca2þfor 1h at37 C,then50m L1%TRBC was added to the mixture and incubate at room temperature for30min.For HI reverse assay: rhMBL was diluted in HBSS containing10mM EDTA or10mg/mL mannan,then incubated with4HAU of influenza virus.The results were expressed as the minimum inhibitory concentration(MIC)of rhMBL that exhibited HI effect.2.4.Neuraminidase activity inhibition(NAI)assaysInfluenza virus NA activity was measured by ELISA in which peanut agglutinin conjugated with HRP was used to detect b-D-galactose-N-acetylglucosamine exposed after removal of sialic acid from fetuin[21].Appropriate amounts of virus in Dulbecco's1X PBS with CaCl2and MgCl2(Life Technologies,USA)were used to perform the NAI assays.Different concentrations of rhMBL were diluted in HBSS containing Ca2þand mixed with influenza virus in a total volume of100m L and preincubated at37 C for1h,and then transferred to wells precoated with fetuin(Sigma,USA)and incu-bated at37 C for4h,After washing,100m L of HRP-labeled peanut lectin(3m g/mL)was added and after1h at room temperature,the wells were washed and o-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride in citrate buffer was added,reaction was stopped by2M H2SO4,and the OD at492nm was measured.The wells only with virus were used as the positive control,the OD of wells with HBSS used as a negative control was subtracted.Results were expressed as relative NA activity(%)calculated as the OD of the tested wells with virus and rhMBL divided by the OD of the wells with only virus.Table1Distances from the potential N-linked glycosylation sites(NGS)to receptor binding domain or NA activity region(Å).NGS Protein Distances from the NGS to functional region(Å)H3N2WT H9N2RG H7N9Vac63HA27.3e e95HA e23.2e122HA26.9e e128HA e17.6e126HA24.3e e133HA16e e144HA18.9e e165HA24.1e e198HA e16.2e240HA e e37.3246HA22.2e e86NA29.429.430146NA20.821.228.9200NA18.118.418.4234NA29.429.5e329NA26.5e e402NA22.422.7ee:Denotes the absence of NGS in the corresponding virus.J.Guo et al./Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications458(2015)77e81 782.5.Structure modelingThe HA and NA 3D structures were predicted by using the ho-mology modeling method of SWISS-MODEL [22].The modeling structures,corresponding templates and identities are shown in Supplementary Table S1.Potential NGS were identi fied with the NetNGlyc 1.0server (http://www.cbs.dtu.dk/services/NetNGlyc/)using arti ficial neural networks that examine the context of Asn-Xaa-Ser/Thr sequences.The predicted NGS include 86,146,200,234,329and 402of NA,79,105,138,141,142,149,160,181,206,249and 262of HA (H3N2numbering)(Table 1).The NGS at the modeling structures were highlighted in Fig.S1with Pymol (DeLano Scienti fic).The trimer structure of MBL was assembled using MBL crystal structure (PDB code:1HUP)with PISA [23]which generate the oligomeric forms of protein according to the symmetry information.To quantify the distance between RBD/NA activity region and each NGS,we employed the average Euclidean distance of the center (C alpha atom)of every RBD/NA activity region and the center (C alpha atom)of NGS.2.6.Statistical analysisDifferences between groups were tested using non-parametric Kruskal e Wallis analysis of variance (ANOVA)for multiple com-parisons using IBM SPSS Statistics 20.0(IBM,USA)and p <0.05was considered statistically signi ficant.3.Results3.1.Binding of rhMBL with seasonal and avian in fluenza viruses The ELISA results showed that rhMBL bound both seasonal and avian in fluenza viruses in vitro .Incubation with increasingconcentrations of rhMBL resulted in elevated levels of MBL bound to immobilized in fluenza virus,reaching a plateau at 3m g/mL (Fig.1A).Then,3m g/mL rhMBL was used to determine the af finity to increasing amounts of virus,revealing the virus-dose depen-dent binding feature (Fig.1B).High binding of rhMBL to the hu-man H3N2virus might be due to a relatively more NGS in its HA and NA (Table S2),in addition to the glycans attached at the site of 165as previously reported [14].Beyond our expectation,H7N9virus exhibited stronger binding than H9N2virus,reaching a comparable level as human H3N2at higher titers of 2Â104and 2Â105,although fewer NGS was observed in avian H7N9than avian H9N2(Table S2).The differential binding of rhMBL to avian virus might result from the types of oligosaccharide attached and further investigations are needed.The finding demonstrated here implied a possible antiviral effect initiated by rhMBL at early stage of novel avian virus infection since naïve host lacked the pre-existed cross-reactive or speci fic anti-HA or anti-NA antibodies.3.2.Weak HI interference with H7N9virus by rhMBLInitially,we discovered that the lowest concentration for rhMBL (m g/mL,mean ±SEM)to abolish virus-mediated TRBC agglutination was 1.42±0.239,0.083±0.02,0.026±0.005for H7N9vac,H9N2RG and H3N2WT (Table 2),respectively.The HI effect could be reversed in the presence of 5mM EDTA or 5mg/mL mannan,which indicates that HI was calcium-dependent and mannan-inhibitable.We then used a H7N1reassortant obtained HA from H7N9and other seven segments from PR8to exclude a possible hemadsorption by N9reported elsewhere [24].The MIC against the H7N1was 3.67±0.33m g/mL (Table 2),which was remarkably higher than those against H3N2or H9N2virus,indicating a weaker HI effect of rhMBL onH7.Fig.1.Binding of rhMBL to puri fied in fluenza A virus.A.The dose-dependent binding of rhMBL to in fluenza virus.Wells were precoated with 2Â105TCID 50in fluenza virus H7N9Vac (C ),H9N2RG (-),H3N2WT (:),1%BSA (;).B.The bindings of rhMBL to in fluenza virus increase with viral titer.Wells were precoated with 2Â102,2Â103,2Â104,2Â105TCID 50in fluenza viruses H7N9Vac (C ),H9N2RG (-)and H3N2WT (:),3m g/mL rhMBL was used to detect the binding.Levels of rhMBL bound to immobilized in fluenza virus were detected by ELISA,as described in Materials and methods.The absorbance from negative control was subtracted and the results were normalized to positive control,the mannan.Data are expressed as mean ±SEM (%)from three independent experiments.Table 2HI titer of rhMBL against in fluenza A viruses.Concentrations inhibiting hemagglutination of IAV by rhMBL (m g/mL)H3N2WTH9N2RG H7N9Vac H7N1AH1HA þPR8NAMBL 0.026±0.0050.083±0.02 1.42±0.239 3.67±0.33þEDTA a >0.5ND ND ND þmannan b>0.5NDNDNDResults are expressed as mean ±SEM of three independent experiments.ND:not determined.H3N2WT:A/Brisbane/10/2007(H3N2)wild-type;H9N2RG:virus with the HA,NA from A/Hongkong/33982/2009(H9N2)and internal genes from A/Puerto Rico/8/1934(H1N1);H7N9Vac:virus with the HA,NA from A/Anhui/1/2013(H7N9)and internal genes from A/Puerto Rico/8/1934(H1N1);H7N1AH1HA þPR8NA :virus with HA from A/Anhui/1/2013(H7N9)and other seven genes from A/Puerto Rico/8/1934(H1N1).aThe HI test was performed in the presence of 5mM EDTA and rhMBL of different concentrations.The maxim concentration of MBL for testing is 0.5m g/mL.bThe HI test was performed in the presence of 5mg/mL mannan and rhMBL of different concentrations.The maxim concentration of MBL for testing is 0.5m g/mL.J.Guo et al./Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 458(2015)77e 81793.3.NAI of H3N2and H9N2by rhMBL not H7N9virusAs shown in Fig.2A,NA activity of H3N2was inhibited by rhMBL in a dose-dependent manner,and the IC 50was 0.0807±0.009m g/mL.Similarly,the rhMBL,at a concentration of 0.0625m g/mL,could inhibit the NA activity of H9N2(Fig.2B).Nevertheless,the relative NA activity of H7N9remained above 50%in the presence of increasing concentration of rhMBL even at up to 10m g/mL.By contrast,the positive control,oseltamivir (Roche,Switzerland)at the concentration of 25m M (equivalent to 7.109m g/mL),could signi ficantly inhibit the NA activity of H7N9(Fig.2C).Furthermore,the inhibition of H3N2NA activity by rhMBL could also be abolished in the presence of 5mM EDTA or 5mg/mL mannan,suggesting that the NAI was calcium-dependent and mediated by lectin domain.3.4.Steric interference between MBL and NGS in HA and NA head RBD in HA,including the motifs of 190-helix,130-and 220-loop,is one of important functional domains [25].NA activity region is composed of 8functional residues (R118,D151,R152,R224,E276,R292,R371and Y406)and 11framework residues (E119,R156,W178,S179,D198,I222,E227,H274,E277,N294and E425)[18].To elucidate a possible interference between MBL and the NGS around the functional motifs:RBD in HA or the NA activity domain,we compared NGS distribution in them by structure modeling (Fig.S1).We also obtained the trimer form of MBL using the crystal structure (PDB code:1HUP)and measured the radius of MBL CRD which is at least 30Å.Although there are indications that trimers of MBL are not biologically active and at least a tetramer form is needed for activation of complement [26],30Åcan be regard as the minimum value.We subsequently calculated the average distances between the NGS located around RBD or NA activity region (Table 1)and speculated that their distance within the size of human MBL CRD,30Å,might affect the functions of HA or NA.As listed in Table S2and Fig.S1,only one conserved NGS on HA head was detected at position 240in the avian H7N9while different pattern was found in H3and H9(63,122,126,133,144,165,246for H3;95,128,198for H9).The distances of NGS located in H3and H9from its individual RBD all are within 30Åwhile it is of 37.3Åat 240NGS in H7N9.Furthermore,the NGS at residue 165,246[14,27]were indeed associated with the sensitivity of human H3N2virus to MBL and 144for 2009pdm H1N1[28].Notably,additional NGS at Site 133in HA emerged in some H7N9strain (4out of 269)and the effect of MBL on it needed further tests.Similarly,only three NGS at 86,146and 200on NA head were found in H7N9and additional sites including 239,329and 402in H3N2and 239and 402in H9N2.Even the distances of NGS in H7N9NA were less than 30Å,we could not detect any NAI effect of MBL on it.The findings might attribute to the absence of effective NGS adjacent to NA functional region,such as 239and 402in both H3N2and H9N2virus,or different glycan type attached.4.DiscussionIn fluenza A virus circulating in animal reservoirs is a continual cause for public health concern.In addition to the ever-present threat of seasonal in fluenza,we also face the threats from novel viruses such as H5N1and H7N9,2009pdm H1N1virus in recent years.Since the viruses can escape from the protection of anti-HA or anti-NA antibodies due to antigenic shift,the innate immunity in naïve host is crucial for battling against newly-emerging viruses.MBL,a pattern-recognition molecule in innate immunity,is known as a b inhibitor for seasonal in fluenza A virus.The average concentration of MBL in healthy human plasma (aged 18e 87years)is 1.72±1.51m g/mL [29],with about 30%of individuals present MBL levels below 0.5m g/mL [30].The antiviral activity of MBL against seasonal in fluenza A virus is via its interactions with viral HA or NA by blocking viral entry,fusion or releasing [15,31].MBL could neutralize the virus either in a complement dependent or inde-pendent manner [13,15],However,the effects of MBL may vary depending on speci fic strains.It also plays an important role in modulating in flammation and has been reported to contribute to deleterious in flammatory response to pdmH1N1and a H9N2avian isolate (A/Quail/Hong Kong/G1/97)[32].Here,we found differential binding of rhMBL to human in flu-enza H3N2and avian H7N9,H9N2viruses.Speci fically,rhMBL exhibited signi ficant HI activity against H3N2and H9N2virus at a relatively low concentration (0.026±0.005,0.083±0.02,respec-tively),while its HI activity on H7N9virus was around 3.67±0.33m g/mL,reaching the upper limit in plasma of healthy population.In contrast,for NAI on H7N9virus,the rhMBL showed little effect even at a high concentration as 10m g/mL.As MBL is supposed to display a steric interference with HA or NA when binding to the speci fic hexose sugars across or adjacent to RBD in HA or activity region in NA,the limited impact of MBL on H7N9might result from its property of few NGS adjacent to functional region on the HA and NA.Of note,a serial of pathotypings including higher virus load,excess chemokine/cytokine responseandFig.2.Inhibition of in fluenza virus Neuraminidase activity by rhMBL.A.Inhibition of H3N2NA activity by rhMBL.Virus was incubated with increasing concentrations of rhMBL (:),or with EDTA at final concentration of 5mM (◊),mannan at final concentration of 5mg/mL (B ).B.Inhibition of H7N9,H9N2NA activity by rhMBL.H7N9Vac (C )and H9N2RG (-)were incubated with increasing concentrations of rhMBL.NA activity was measured by ELISA,as described in Materials and methods.C.The effects of 10m g/mL rhMBL and 25m M oseltamivir on NA activity of H7N9Vac.Results were expressed as relative NA activity (%)calculated as the OD of the tested wells with virus and rhMBL divided by the OD of the wells only with virus.The dashed line represents 50%of the original NA activity.Data are expressed as mean ±SEM of three independent experiments.*p <0.05.J.Guo et al./Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 458(2015)77e 8180functional impairments of B and T cells have been observed in H7N9infection cases,particularly in fatal cases[33,34].The aber-rant inflammatory response in H7N9-infected animals could be reversed partially by anti-C5a,indicating a hyperactivated com-plement mediated[35].Therefore,the strong MBL-H7N9virus interaction whereas limited effects on viral HA-receptor binding or NA-mediated releasing,might amplify immune dysfunctions in vivo and confer clinical severity of H7N9infection via activating com-plement pathway and further investigates are needed.Conflict of interestNone reported.AcknowledgmentsWe thank National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (UK)and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(USA)for providing the viruses used in our study.We greatly appreciate Yu Lan for instructions on influenza bioinformatics.This work was supported by National Mega-projects for Infectious Diseases (2014ZX10004002-001-004).Appendix A.Supplementary dataSupplementary data related to this article can be found at http:// /10.1016/j.bbrc.2015.01.070.Transparency documentThe transparency document associated with this article can be found in the online version at 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PS3专辑 攻略透解索引(1-28)

PS3专辑 攻略透解索引(1-28)

《PS3专辑》攻略透解索引(1-28)PS3428 被封锁的涩谷白1 金6 银12 铜8 总27 点数1200极易72.72%完美第7辑、第218页、攻略透解PS3使命召唤 黑色行动白1 金1 银18 铜51 总71 点数1575噩梦2.37%完美第12辑、第159页、攻略透解PS3使命召唤 现代战争2白1 金2 银10 铜38 总51 点数1230麻烦21.9%完美第8辑、第203页、攻略透解PS3使命召唤 现代战争3白1 金1 银25 铜50 总77 点数1770噩梦2.72%完美第17辑、第143页、攻略透解PS3使命召唤 战火世界白1 金2 银18 铜44 总65 点数1560困难5.58%完美第3辑、第208页、攻略透解 第6辑、第165页、攻略透解PS3古堡迷踪白1 金9 银4 铜2 总16 点数1140麻烦18.59%完美第16辑、第163页、攻略透解PS3阿修罗之怒白1 金4 银7 铜41 总53 点数1365困难6.97%完美第18辑、第81页、攻略透解PS3白骑士物语 古之鼓动白1 金8 银7 铜8 总24 点数1230困难8.43%完美第4辑、第75页、攻略透解PS3白骑士物语 光与暗的觉醒白1 金8 银6 铜10 总25 点数1230困难11.96%完美第10辑、第87页、攻略透解 第11辑、第123页、攻略透解PS3暴雨白1 金2 银4 铜50 总57 点数1230普通28.6%完美第9辑、第159页、攻略透解PS3波斯王子 时之沙白1 金9 银6 铜0 总16 点数1170容易44.1%完美第13辑、第103页、攻略透解PS3波斯王子:武者之心白1 金7 银10 铜2 总20 点数1140普通30.05%完美第13辑、第103页、攻略透解PS3波斯王子 王者无双白1 金8 银8 铜1 总18 点数1155普通29.6%完美第13辑、第103页、攻略透解PS3薄暮传说白1 金2 银7 铜44 总54 点数1230麻烦20.46%完美第7辑、第151页、攻略透解PS3苍翼默示录白1 金2 银10 铜38 总51 点数1230麻烦17.36%完美第6辑、第192页、攻略透解PS3苍翼默示录 连续变换白1 金3 银5 铜51 总60 点数1365困难6.24%完美第10辑、第191页、攻略透解PSV 苍翼默示录 连续变换 扩展版白1 金2 银10 铜38 总51 点数1230噩梦3.98%完美第18辑、第161页、攻略透解PS3超次元游戏 海王星白1 金3 银8 铜34 总46 点数1200麻烦24.26%完美第11辑、第202页、攻略透解PS3超次元游戏 海王星mk2白1 金3 银7 铜36 总47 点数1200容易41.87%完美第16辑、第137页、攻略透解PS3白色相簿 被点缀的冬之回忆白1 金2 银16 铜25 总44 点数1215麻烦22.98%完美第10辑、第159页、攻略透解PS3抵抗2白1 金4 银8 铜26 总39 点数1170噩梦4.16%完美第3辑、第149页、攻略透解PS3抵抗3白1 金1 银4 铜53 总59 点数1185麻烦22.52%完美第16辑、第220页、攻略透解PS3多乐猫欢乐喵派对白1 金2 银8 铜42 总53 点数1230麻烦16.63%完美第7辑、第230页、攻略透解PS3恶魔之魂白1 金5 银5 铜27 总38 点数1185普通25.96%完美第5辑、第144页、攻略透解PS3二进制领域白1 金3 银4 铜42 总50 点数1200噩梦2.33%完美第18辑、第137页、攻略透解PS3二之国 白色圣灰的女王白1 金5 银9 铜19 总34 点数1185麻烦21.7%完美第17辑、第107页、攻略透解PS3非洲白1 金4 银6 铜34 总45 点数1230容易54.97%完美第3辑、第198页、攻略透解PS3古墓丽影 周年纪念白1 金2 银17 铜22 总42 点数1200普通34.02%完美第14辑、第213页、攻略透解PS3古墓丽影 传奇白1 金3 银14 铜24 总42 点数1230容易40.52%完美第14辑、第213页、攻略透解PS3古墓丽影 地下世界白1 金5 银10 铜17 总33 点数1185容易40.88%完美第14辑、第213页、攻略透解PS3鬼泣 HD白1 金6 银7 铜20 总34 点数1230困难13.99%完美第19辑、第211页、攻略透解PS3鬼泣2 HD白1 金4 银17 铜12 总34 点数1230麻烦17.49%完美第19辑、第211页、攻略透解PS3鬼泣3 HD白1 金5 银12 铜16 总34 点数1230麻烦17.57%完美第19辑、第211页、攻略透解PS3SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs白1 金4 银6 铜34 总45 点数1230麻烦17.28%完美第15辑、第80页、攻略透解PS3海贼无双白1 金3 银13 铜20 总37 点数1140麻烦22.65%完美第18辑、第122页、攻略透解PS3黑暗之魂白1 金2 银20 铜18 总41 点数1230普通34.53%完美第17辑、第219页、攻略透解PS3荒野大镖客 赎罪白1 金2 银17 铜71 总91 点数1935噩梦2.59%完美第10辑、第174页、攻略透解PS3火影忍者疾风传 究极风暴世代白1 金3 银5 铜41 总50 点数1215普通33.72%完美第18辑、第202页、攻略透解PS3火影忍者疾风传 究极风暴2白1 金3 银4 铜42 总50 点数1200麻烦19.11%完美第12辑、第123页、攻略透解PS3机车风暴 太平洋大峡白1 金4 银11 铜50 总66 点数1620噩梦1.44%完美第3辑、第138页、攻略透解PS3机车风暴启示录白1 金3 银8 铜36 总48 点数1230困难11.53%完美第14辑、第181页、攻略透解PS3机动战士高达 EXTREME VS.白1 金3 银8 铜36 总48 点数1230麻烦18.39%完美第17辑、第193页、攻略透解PS3机动战士高达战记白1 金4 银12 铜22 总39 点数1230困难7.63%完美第7辑、第96页、攻略透解PS3寂静岭2 HD白1 金5 银12 铜10 总28 点数1140困难12.45%完美第19辑、第96页、攻略透解PS3寂静岭3 HD白1 金6 银13 铜2 总22 点数1140普通33.37%完美第19辑、第96页、攻略透解PS3Cross Edge白1 金7 银11 铜5 总24 点数1215困难13.11%完美第5辑、第192页、攻略透解PS3阿加雷斯特战记 2白1 金4 银9 铜24 总38 点数1170麻烦16.96%完美第13辑76页-102页PS3Sly 1白1 金5 银8 铜22 总36 点数1200极易74.4%完美第13辑、第204页、攻略透解PS3Sly Minigames白0 金2 银2 铜4 总8 点数300极易64.35%完美第13辑、第204页、攻略透解PS3Sly 2白1 金5 银9 铜21 总36 点数1215极易75.69%完美第13辑、第204页、攻略透解PS3Sly 3白1 金5 银8 铜22 总36 点数1200极易64.11%完美第13辑、第204页、攻略透解PS3超级街头霸王4白1 金2 银14 铜50 总67 点数1530噩梦1.98%完美第4辑、第113页、攻略透解PS3街霸X 铁拳白1 金3 银6 铜40 总50 点数1230困难5.56%完美第18辑、第93页、攻略透解PS3杰克与达斯特 旧世界的遗产白1 金4 银12 铜22 总39 点数1230容易50.63%完美第18辑、第212页、攻略透解PS3杰克II白1 金4 银10 铜26 总41 点数1230普通36.17%完美第18辑、第212页、攻略透解PS3杰克3白1 金3 银9 铜34 总47 点数1230容易42.38%完美第18辑、第212页、攻略透解PS3镜之边缘白1 金4 银10 铜36 总51 点数1380噩梦3.63%完美第5辑、第99页、攻略透解PS3ティアーズ・トゥ・ティアラ 外伝 アヴァロンの謎白1 金3 银5 铜42 总51 点数1230麻烦20.02%完美第7辑、第181页、攻略透解PS3猎天使魔女白1 金2 银10 铜38 总51 点数1230麻烦23.48%完美第8辑、第91页、攻略透解PS3龙士传说 三位一体 零白1 金4 银9 铜28 总42 点数1230普通39.21%完美第13辑、第180页、攻略透解PS3龙之信条白1 金3 银5 铜42 总51 点数1230普通25.31%完美第19辑、第107页、攻略透解PS3罗罗娜的工作室 雅兰德的炼金术士白1 金2 银8 铜42 总53 点数1230麻烦20.52%完美第6辑、第138页、攻略透解PS3梅露露的工作室 雅兰德的炼金术士3白1 金6 银5 铜24 总36 点数1230普通34.83%完美第15辑、第111页、攻略透解PS3马克思佩恩3白1 金4 银15 铜48 总68 点数1710噩梦2.01%完美第19辑、第137页、攻略透解PS3魔法奇境大冒险白1 金4 银11 铜18 总34 点数1140普通29.02%完美第19辑、第86页、攻略透解PS3魔界战记3白1 金3 银5 铜42 总51 点数1230困难12.99%完美第3辑、第218页、攻略透解PS3魔界战记4白1 金3 银5 铜42 总51 点数1230噩梦3.72%完美第14辑、第127页、攻略透解PS3魔塔大陆3 终结世界的少女诗歌白1 金1 银7 铜50 总59 点数1230麻烦17.76%完美第9辑、第173页、攻略透解PS3ENSLAVED™: Odyssey to the West™白1 金3 银6 铜49 总59 点数1365困难9.69%完美第12辑、第181页、攻略透解PS3合金装备4 爱国者之枪白1 金5 银9 铜19 总34 点数1185困难12.22%完美第2辑、第94页、攻略透解PS3忍者龙剑传Σ2白1 金2 银10 铜38 总51 点数1230困难8.48%完美第7辑、第203页、攻略透解PS3如龙 终焉白1 金3 银7 铜38 总49 点数1230麻烦18.5%完美第15辑、第143页、攻略透解PS3如龙3白1 金3 银3 铜43 总50 点数1185困难10.42%完美第4辑、第167页、攻略透解PS3如龙4 传说继承者白1 金3 银7 铜38 总49 点数1230麻烦22.45%完美第9辑、第129页、攻略透解PS3瑞奇与叮当 四位一体白1 金4 银6 铜34 总45 点数1230麻烦22.46%完美第16辑、第186页、攻略透解PS3瑞奇与叮当 时空裂痕白1 金5 银6 铜25 总37 点数1185普通39.49%完美第9辑、第88页、攻略透解PS3三重宇宙白1 金5 银9 铜22 总37 点数1230麻烦15.39%完美第8辑、第170页、攻略透解PS3丧尸围城2白1 金3 银4 铜43 总51 点数1215困难8.07%完美第12辑、第106页、攻略透解PS3杀戮地带2白1 金3 银8 铜72 总84 点数1770噩梦2.71%完美第4辑、第186页、攻略透解PS3杀戮地带3白1 金3 银16 铜59 总79 点数1815噩梦2.6%完美第14辑、第87页、攻略透解PS3生化危机5白1 金1 银16 铜53 总71 点数1545困难5.17%完美第6辑、第202页、攻略透解PS3圣斗士星矢战记白1 金3 银6 铜40 总50 点数1230普通31.72%完美第17辑、第132页、攻略透解PS3圣恩传说F白1 金2 银10 铜37 总50 点数1215普通26.03%完美第13辑、第154页、攻略透解PS3侍道3白1 金3 银5 铜42 总51 点数1230困难10.27%完美第12辑、第218页、攻略透解PS3侍道4白1 金1 银11 铜38 总51 点数1170困难5.66%完美第14辑、第161页、攻略透解PS3特洛伊无双白1 金2 银10 铜38 总51 点数1230普通26.19%完美第15辑、第203页、攻略透解PS3托托莉的工作室 雅兰德的炼金术士2白1 金4 银17 铜7 总29 点数1155普通28.78%完美第11辑、第69页、攻略透解PS3铁拳6白1 金2 银11 铜36 总50 点数1230普通28.41%完美第10辑、第139页、攻略透解 第11辑、第103页、攻略透解PS3汪达与巨像白1 金6 银6 铜18 总31 点数1170困难8.15%完美第16辑、第169页、攻略透解PS3神秘海域 德雷克的宝藏白1 金3 银8 铜36 总48 点数1230普通36.46%完美第1辑、第111页、攻略透解PS3神秘海域2 纵横四海白1 金3 银10 铜57 总71 点数1605噩梦2.19%完美第7辑、第117页、攻略透解PS3神秘海域3 德雷克的诡计白1 金1 银25 铜78 总105 点数2190噩梦1.38%完美第17辑、第81页、攻略透解PS3无尽传说白1 金3 银10 铜32 总46 点数1230普通30.26%完美第16辑、第91页、攻略透解PS3恶名昭彰白1 金1 银11 铜37 总50 点数1155麻烦21.4%完美第6辑、第95页、攻略透解PS3恶名昭彰2白1 金2 银9 铜40 总52 点数1230普通31.43%完美第15辑、第183页、攻略透解PS3无双大蛇Z白1 金8 银9 铜4 总22 点数1230麻烦21.73%完美第6辑、第129页、攻略透解PS3小小大星球白1 金3 银12 铜54 总70 点数1620噩梦4.31%完美第4辑、第207页、攻略透解PS3小小大星球2白1 金6 银12 铜60 总79 点数1980噩梦1.17%完美第13辑、第131页、攻略透解PS3星际战鹰白1 金1 银11 铜37 总50 点数1155噩梦2.84%完美第19辑、第197页、攻略透解PS3星之海洋4国际版白1 金2 银14 铜30 总47 点数1230噩梦3.67%完美第9辑、第199页、攻略透解PS3王牌机师 异世纪传说R白1 金4 银4 铜37 总46 点数1215困难13.2%完美第11辑、第188页、攻略透解PS3幽灵行动 未来战士白1 金3 银8 铜48 总60 点数1410地狱0.87%完美第19辑、第168页、攻略透解PS3战国BASARA3白1 金2 银6 铜46 总55 点数1230麻烦17.73%完美第11辑、第146页、攻略透解PS3战国BASARA3 宴白1 金1 银6 铜50 总58 点数1200麻烦22.41%完美第17辑、第172页、攻略透解PS3创意族赛车白1 金6 银11 铜51 总69 点数1815噩梦1.65%完美第11辑224-239页PS3战国无双3 帝国白1 金4 银5 铜36 总46 点数1230麻烦24.02%完美第16辑、第178页、攻略透解PS3战神 奥林匹斯之链白1 金5 银10 铜20 总36 点数1230容易57.71%完美第16辑、第199页、攻略透解PS3战神 斯巴达之魂白1 金5 银10 铜20 总36 点数1230容易57.57%完美第16辑、第199页、攻略透解PS3战神白1 金5 银10 铜20 总36 点数1230普通38.29%完美第8辑、第71页、攻略透解PS3战神2白1 金5 银11 铜18 总35 点数1230容易44.31%完美第8辑、第71页、攻略透解PS3战神3白1 金5 银10 铜20 总36 点数1230普通37%完美第9辑、第109页、攻略透解PS3真・三国无双 联合突袭白1 金4 银15 铜12 总32 点数1170麻烦19.89%完美第8辑、第196页、攻略透解PS3真・三国无双6白1 金3 银5 铜41 总50 点数1215普通37.39%完美第14辑、第109页、攻略透解PS3真・三国无双6 猛将传白1 金2 银6 铜41 总50 点数1155普通29.35%完美第16辑、第123页、攻略透解PS3绝对征服白1 金3 银5 铜42 总51 点数1230困难11.28%完美第12辑、第203页、攻略透解PS3最终幻想13白1 金5 银9 铜21 总36 点数1215麻烦22.61%完美第8辑、第131页、攻略透解PS3生化危机6白1 金6 银15 铜49 总71 点数1905噩梦2.7%完美第20辑65页PS3女神异闻录4 午夜竞技场白1 金3 银5 铜42 总51 点数1230噩梦2.32%完美第20辑93页PS3爱夏的工作室 黄昏大地之炼金术士白1 金5 银7 铜26 总39 点数1230普通34.03%完美第20辑127页PS3战国BASARA HD白1 金2 银7 铜39 总49 点数1155普通27.35%完美第20辑153页PS3战国BASARA2 HD白1 金1 银6 铜47 总55 点数1155普通29.57%完美第20辑160页PS3战国BASARA2 英雄外传 HD白1 金1 银8 铜45 总55 点数1185麻烦22.32%完美第20辑167页PS3神次元游戏 海王星V白1 金2 银15 铜24 总42 点数1170普通35.86%完美第20辑176页PS3铁拳 TT2白1 金2 银11 铜36 总50 点数1230麻烦22.04%完美第20辑199页PS3杀手已死白1 金1 银14 铜32 总48 点数1170麻烦16.12%完美第23辑129页PS3高达破坏者白1 金4 银11 铜24 总40 点数1230麻烦23.26%完美第23辑146页PS3PSV 魔龙宝冠白1 金3 银7 铜38 总49 点数1230麻烦18.7%完美第23辑183页PS3爱丝卡与罗吉的工作室 黄昏天空之炼金术士白1 金2 银8 铜42 总53 点数1230普通25.88%完美第23辑204页PS3魔界战记D2白1 金2 银5 铜66 总74 点数1500噩梦3.23%完美第23辑97页PS3最后生还者白1 金9 银18 铜22 总50 点数1860噩梦4.08%完美第23辑67页PS3魔女与百骑兵白1 金3 银8 铜36 总48 点数1230普通26.23%完美第23辑163页PS3PSV 海贼无双2白1 金3 银13 铜23 总40 点数1185普通28.3%完美第22辑71页PS3真・三国无双7白1 金2 银20 铜18 总41 点数1230麻烦20.37%完美第22辑85页PS3王国之心 最终混合版白1 金2 银4 铜49 总56 点数1215困难11.15%完美第22辑105页PS3王国之心 Re 记忆之链白1 金2 银9 铜36 总48 点数1170困难11.65%完美第22辑130页PS3忍者龙剑传3白1 金3 银8 铜44 总56 点数1350噩梦2.98%完美第22辑177页PS3战神 登天之路白1 金5 银10 铜20 总36 点数1230普通30.94%完美第22辑195页PS3狡狐大冒险 岁月神偷白1 金3 银5 铜41 总50 点数1215普通38.46%完美第22辑210页PS3杀手2 沉默刺客白1 金5 银15 铜5 总26 点数1155普通29.67%完美第22辑149页PS3杀手3 契约白1 金6 银10 铜12 总29 点数1200普通32.27%完美第22辑161页PS3杀手4 血钱白1 金9 银0 铜15 总25 点数1215普通35.78%完美第22辑168页PS3如龙白1 金3 银6 铜40 总50 点数1230麻烦19.29%完美第21辑64页PS3如龙2白1 金3 银6 铜40 总50 点数1230普通27%完美第21辑78页PS3无尽传说2白1 金3 银7 铜38 总49 点数1230麻烦20.2%完美第21辑95页PS3第二次超级机器人大战OG白1 金4 银11 铜24 总40 点数1230麻烦16.67%完美第21辑125页PS3如龙5 圆梦者白1 金2 银4 铜50 总57 点数1230困难12.8%完美第21辑151页PS3杀手5 赦免白1 金2 银12 铜32 总47 点数1200麻烦18.9%完美第21辑205页PS3超凡 双生白1 金3 银6 铜36 总46 点数1170麻烦19.99%完美第24辑63页-73页PS3苍翼默示录 刻之幻影白1 金3 银5 铜48 总57 点数1320困难6.52%完美第24辑74页-98页PS3侠盗猎车手5白1 金3 银8 铜47 总59 点数1395噩梦2.14%完美第24辑99页-130页PS3使命召唤 幽灵白1 金4 银10 铜77 总92 点数1995噩梦2.95%完美第24辑131页-147页PS3提亚拉之泪2 霸王的末裔白1 金2 银3 铜51 总57 点数1215困难13.15%完美第24辑148页-170页 第25辑98页-121页PS3剪刀王子白1 金1 银3 铜58 总63 点数1230困难10.58%完美第24辑171页-186页PS3妖精剑士f白1 金5 银11 铜12 总29 点数1140麻烦20.03%完美第24辑187页-196页PS3战地风云4白1 金3 银22 铜42 总68 点数1740噩梦1.6%完美第24辑197页-223页PS3PSVPS4最终幻想10 HD白1 金5 银8 铜20 总34 点数1170困难11.83%完美第25辑47-72页PS3PSVPS4最终幻想10-2 HD白1 金5 银7 铜22 总35 点数1170困难9.48%完美第25辑73-97页PS3机动战士高达EXTREME VS. FULL BOOST白1 金2 银11 铜36 总50 点数1230麻烦18.87%完美第25辑122页-130页 第26辑146-182页PS3战国BASARA4白1 金2 银6 铜46 总55 点数1230麻烦18.12%完美第25辑131页-162页PS3秋叶脱物语2白1 金3 银10 铜32 总46 点数1230普通25.42%完美第25辑163-179页PS3誓血龙骑士3白1 金8 银14 铜49 总72 点数2055困难9.78%完美第25辑180-202页PS3恶魔城 暗影之王2白1 金3 银10 铜43 总57 点数1395困难13.16%完美第25辑203-223页PS3皇牌空战 无限白0 金1 银1 铜13 总15 点数315噩梦2.4%完美第26辑26-31页PS3德军总部 新秩序白1 金1 银15 铜34 总51 点数1230容易42.6%完美第26辑32-54页PS3PSV 影牢 暗影公主白1 金3 银15 铜22 总41 点数1230噩梦4.35%完美第26辑55-90页PS3魔都红色幽击队白1 金1 银8 铜45 总55 点数1185困难11.48%完美第26辑91-118页PS3梦幻俱乐部Gogo白1 金1 银11 铜42 总55 点数1230麻烦16.15%完美第26辑119-145页PS3Ratchet & Clank白1 金5 银10 铜19 总35 点数1215容易48.93%完美第26辑183-188页PS3Ratchet & Clank 2白1 金5 银9 铜20 总35 点数1200容易55.97%完美第26辑189-192页PS3Ratchet & Clank 3: Up Your Arsenal白1 金5 银9 铜18 总33 点数1170容易58.03%完美第26辑193-196页PS3静籁永恒~献给诞生之星的祈祷诗~白1 金5 银14 铜6 总26 点数1140普通31.88%完美第26辑197-223页PS3超级机器人大战OG 传说魔装机神F 完结篇 白1 金5 银10 铜20 总36 点数1230麻烦20.34%完美第27辑48-67页PS3PSV 信长之野望 创造白1 金4 银20 铜14 总39 点数1350困难7.86%完美第27辑68-90页(攻略对应日文威力加强版)PS3夏莉的工作室 黄昏之海的炼金术士白1 金4 银10 铜24 总39 点数1200普通30.35%完美第27辑91-111页(攻略对应日文版)PS3PSV 英雄传说 闪之轨迹白1 金2 银10 铜38 总51 点数1230麻烦22.33%完美第27辑112-134页PS3PSV 英雄传说 闪之轨迹2白1 金2 银10 铜38 总51 点数1230普通25.71%完美第27辑135-158页PS3刺客信条 叛变白1 金2 银14 铜30 总47 点数1230普通37.04%完美第27辑159-170页PS3光明之响白1 金1 银16 铜32 总50 点数1230麻烦 21.1%完美 第27辑171-193页PS3火影忍者疾风传 究极风暴革命 白1 金2 银7 铜40 总50 点数1170普通 36.95%完美 第27辑194-202页PS3PSV 海贼王 无尽世界R 白1 金1 银9 铜46 总57 点数1230困难 10.76%完美 第27辑203-223页PS3勇者斗恶龙 英雄集结 白1 金2 银11 铜36 总50 点数1230普通 27.33%完美 第28辑28-25页(攻略对应日文版)PS3PS4如龙0 誓约的场所 白1 金2 银6 铜46 总55 点数1230困难 14.17%完美 第28辑53-101页(攻略对应日文版)PS3PSVPS4战国无双4-2 白1 金2 银7 铜44 总54 点数1230麻烦 15.41%完美 第28辑102-136页(攻略对应日文版)PS3热情传说白1 金4 银8 铜43 总56 点数1425困难 13.94%完美 第28辑137-194页PS3生化危机 启示录2白1 金4 银7 铜32 总44 点数1230麻烦 19.27%完美 第28辑195-223页。



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Journal of Power Electronics期刊投稿模板

Journal of Power Electronics期刊投稿模板

Preparation of Final Manuscript for Journal of PowerElectronicsFirst Author†, Second Author*, and Third Author**†**School of Electrical Engineering, Seoul University, Seoul, Korea *Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, These guidelines are specified by the JPE Editor-in-Chief. All authors are responsible for understanding these guidelines before submitting a final manuscript for publication to the JPE on-line review system. This document was written using Microsoft Word 2010. If you are using Microsoft 2010 or later version of the program, please use this file as a template. Otherwise, please use this document as an instruction. Please do not correct the bibliographic information in the header of the first page. Please put a running title in the header of every odd page except the first page. When you write the title, please capitalize the first letter of each word except prepositions, articles and conjunctions. When you write a compound word in the title, please capitalize the first letter of the next word either. Please write full names in author filed. If the authors are more than two persons, please insert a comma followed by ‘and’before the last author’s name. If the authors are two persons, please insert ‘and’ between two names without a comma. Please define all acronyms at their first mention in the abstract. If it is commonly in use, you do not define the acronym. Please do not cite references in the abstract. The abstract should be one single paragraph.Key words:Please capitalize the first letter of key words and separate key words by commas. Please place key words in alphabetical order. Please do not insert a period at the end of the list of key wordsI.I NTRODUCTIONOnce a manuscript has been accepted for publication, the authors will be notified by the JPE Editorial board. Your final manuscript for publication must contain author biographies and photos. Submit your final manuscript and a signed copyright transfer agreement form to the JPE on-line review system and also send them to the JPE Editor by e-mail at As for the final manuscript, please send both DOC file and PDF file.The final paper should be submitted within two weeks from the day of the final decision. Another two weeks may be allowed if the corresponding author requests. Otherwise, a late submission will be regarded as a new submission.You can download this format from JPE website at submission/ We provide a sample paper and copyright transfer agreement form as well. If you have a hard time to find this format in the website, please send an e-mail toPlease do not insert figures in the first page as far as you can.If Nomenclature section is needed, please put it before the Introduction section without a section number.II.G UIDELINES FOR F INAL M ANUSCRIPTP REPARATIONA.Style of Manuscript for Publication-Size of manuscript: 21cm x-Page margin: Top and bottom –2cmLeft and right –Header –Footer – 0cm-Main text: Times New Roman, point fonts-Formatted double columns with spaced.Manuscript received Month. Date, Year; accepted Month. Date, YearRecommended for publication by Associate Editor Gil-Dong Hong.†Corresponding AuthorTel: +82-2-554-0185, Fax: +82-2-554-0186, Hangook University-Include authors' names, affiliations, biography, photos (size: (h)x (w)) in the manuscript.-All figures, tables, equations and legends should be clear and viewable.If a table or figure is too large fora single column,Fig. 1. Number of submitted papers to JPE from 2010 to 2013.make it span the width of the entire page.-Eight pages would be a preferable length for the JPE manuscripts.-Manuscripts in JPE and reprints are printed in black and white. But JPEencourages the use of color for the onlineversion of its articles.B.Section HeadingsI.P RIMARY H EADINGPrimary headings should be centered and enumerated by Roman numerals. Please capitalize the first letter of each word except prepositions, articles and conjunctions. The font size is 11 point.A.Secondary HeadingSecondary headings should be aligned to the left and enumerated by “A”“B”“C”, etc. Please capitalize the first letter of each word except prepositions, articles and conjunctions. The font size is 10 point.1) Tertiary Heading:Tertiary headings should be aligned to the left and enumerated by Roman numerals. Please capitalize the first letter of each word except prepositions, articles and conjunctions. The font size is point.a) Quaternary Heading:Quaternary headings should be aligned to the left and enumerated by “a”“b”“c”, etc. Please capitalize the first letter of each word except prepositions, articles and conjunctions. The font size is point.Nomenclature, Appendix, Acknowledgment and References do not have section numbers.C.Figures and TablesFigures and tables should be placed in the top of the page. Figures should be of the highest possible quality. When you mention figures in the main text, please refer them like Fig. 1, Fig. 2(a), Figs. 2-5, etc. When you write the legend of figure,TABLE IQuantityUnitSymbol length meter mmass kilogram kgtime second selectrical current ampere A thermodynamic temperature kelvin K amount of substance mole molluminous intensity candela cdIf you need to define acronyms, please use this space.A = ampere, K=kelvin, m = meter.please capitalize the first letter of the first word. Please put a period at the end of its legend.Please refer tables like Table I, Table II, Table III-VI when you mention them in the main text.When you write the legend of table, please capitalize the first letter of each word except prepositions, articles and conjunctions. Please do not put a period at the end of the legend.You should mention each figure and table more than once in the main text if you want to include it in the manuscript. Please place figures and tables in numeral order and be careful not to miss a number. Please place all the figures and tables before the conclusions section begins.D.EquationsEquations shoud be aligned to the center. Please refer equations like Equ. (1), Equs. (2)-(5) when you mention them in the main text.Please be careful not to miss an equation number.E.Acronyms and AbbreviationsDefine all acronyms at their first mention in the text. Please use acronyms only thereafter. If it is already been defined in the abstract, define it again in the main text.ex) tapped-inductor boost (TIB)If some acronym is commonly in use, you don’t need to define it.F.ConsistencyFor example, when indicating the status of the signal as “on” or “off”, you can either be lower-cased (on, off) or upper-cased (ON, OFF). However, regardless of which form you choose, keep it consistent throughout the paper. It applies to technical terms, expressions and capitalization.G.ReferencesWhen references are cited in text, number citations and put them in square brackets inside the punctuation. Multiple references are each numbered with separate brackets.ex) [1][2], [3][4]-[7](a) Front cover.(b) Back cover.Fig. 2. Cover of JPE.[1], [4], [5]H.PDF ConvertingSome pictures may cause some error when a word file is converted to a PDF file. Please convert the DOC file of your final manuscript to PDF file by yourself. If everything looks fine, then you may upload the final manuscript in JPE online review system.I.CopyrightYou cannot use other researcher’s contributions without permissions. If you want to use pictures or tables from other author’s paper or book, please contact them and ask a permission before sending us the final manuscript.III.P AGE C HARGES AND R EPRINTS O RDER After the final manuscript has been submitted, the JPE editor will estimate the length of the paper. The authors will be notified in advance of page charges. Page charges will be billed at $30 per page. Authors must commit to paying page charges before publication.Authors and co-authors have an opportunity to purchase reprints of their articles published in JPE journals. Please visit - submission/ for more information.IV.E LECTRONIC V ERSION OF PAPERSPlease visit JPE homepage after the publication date. You can download the PDF file of your paper.V.C ONCLUSIONS3Editing by authors is the basic policy of JPE publication. Please fully cooperate in the publication process. The responsibility for the paper is upon the authors not upon the manuscript editor. Please review and correct English in your manuscript before sending it to us. Manuscript Editors can’t change the content of the final manuscript a lot, please send us manuscripts in a highly completed version.A PPENDIXIf needed, put appendices before acknowledgment. Please number equations continuously from the main text.A CKNOWLEDGMENTWe spell the word “Acknowledgment” following American English. “e” is not after “g.” Use the singular form even if you have more than one acknowledgment.R EFERENCESAuthors have a responsibility of editing reference list according to the JPE editing rule. If an author doesn’t cite other researcher’s contributions accurately, it may bring a plagiarism issue. Please devote the same amount of time for editing reference list when you write a paper.The size of fonts is 9 point for references.Basic Format for Journals (Periodicals):[1] A. B. Authors, “Title of thepaper,”Title of the Journal, Vol. 0, No. 0, pp.000-000, Abbreviated Month. year.[2]M. Nakamura, K. Ogura, and M.Nakaoka, “Soft- switching PWM boost chopper-feddc-dc power converter with load side auxiliarypassive resonant snubber,”Journal of PowerElectronics, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 161-168, Jul. 2004[3]. Wai and . Duan, “High step-upconverter with coupled-inductor,” IEEE Trans.Power Electron., Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 1025-1035, Sep.2005.[4]M. Schweizer, T. Friedli, and J.W. Kolar, “Comparative evaluation of advancedthree-phase three-level inverter/convertertopologies against two-level systems,” IEEETrans. Ind. Electron., Vol. 60, No. 12, pp.5515-5527, Dec. 2013.[5]G. Sikha, P. Ramadass, . Haran, R.E. White, and B. N. Popov, “Comparison of the capacity fade of Sony US 18650 cells charged with different protocols,” Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 122, No. 1, pp. 67-76, Jul. 2003.[6]T. Sammaljarvi, F. Lakhdari, M. Karppanen, and T. Suntio, “Modeling and dynamic characterization of peak current mode controlled superboost converter,” IET Power Electronics, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 527-536, Dec. 2008.[7]H. Nagayoshi, “I-V curve simulation by multi-module simulator using I-V magnifier circuit,” Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, Vol. 82, No. 1-2, pp. 159-167, May 2004.[8] F. Tahami, S. Poshtkouhi, and H. M. Ahmadian, “Pi ecewise affine control design for power factor correction rectifiers,” Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 327-334, May 2011.Basic Format for Conference Papers:[9] A. B. Authors, “Title of the conference paper,”Title of the Conference, Vol. 0, pp. 000-000, Year.[10]. Kang, . Han, and J. Han, “Lossless snubber for tapped-inductor boost converter for high step-up application,”in Proc. ICIT, pp. 253-260, 2014.[11]N. Vazquez, L. Estrada, C. Hernandez, and E. Rodriguez, “The tapped-inductor boost converter,”in Proc. ISIE, pp. 538-543, 2007.[12] A. M. Osama, H. A. Abdel Fattah and A. M. Sakr, “Variable structure flux linkage controller for torque ripple minimization in switched reluctance motors,” in Proc. American Control Conference, Vol. 4, pp. 3105-3110, 2002.[13]K. Chaniago, N. A. Rahim, and J. Selvaraj, “Novel fundamental-frequency-modulated modified H-bridge single-phase seven-level inverter for stand-alone photovoltaic system,” in Conference on Clean Energy and Technology (CET), pp. 225-230, 2011.[14]R. Letor, G. Di Caro, A. Russo, and N. Liporace, ”Mixed system integration simplifies the design and the architecture of automotive power actuators,” IEEE Industry Applications Annual Meeting, Vol. 2, pp. 1259-1263, 2003.[15]W. Wang, . Lu, and G. Chu, “Digital cont rol of bridgeless buck pfc converter in discontinuous input voltage mode,” in Conf. IECON 2011, pp. 1312-1317, 2011.Basic Format for Books:[16] A. B. Authors, Title of the Book,x th ed., Publisher Name, Chapter, pp. 000-000, Year.[17] A. B. Authors, “Title of chaptorin the book,”in Title of the Book, Publisher Name, Chapter, pp. 000-000, Year.[18]Texas Instrument, TMS320F28x Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) Reference Guide, Aug. 2003.[19]P. C. Krause, Analysis of Electric Machinery, McGraw-Hill, Chap. 4, pp.35-78, 1995.[20] A. Emadi, Handbook of Automotive Power Electronics and Motor Drives, CRC Taylor & Francis, 2006.[21]R. E. Best, Phase-Locked Loops: Design, Simulation, and Applications, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill Professional, Chap. 2, 2003.[22] C. W. T. Mcl yman, “Transformer design trade-offs,” in Transformer and Inductor Design Handbook, 3th ed., Marcel Dekker Inc, pp.5-6, 2004.Basic Format for Webpages:[23]Title of Website, Page address, date of access.[24]Title of Website, Title of the document, Page address, date.[25]Clean Energy Ministerial - Global LEAP awards -, Dec. 24, 2013.[26]Micrometals Iron Powder Cores, 2013.[27]Fairchild Semiconductor, FAN9611 Datasheet, 2008.[28]Our Finite World, World Energy Consumption Since 1820 in Charts-2012/03/12/world -energy- consumption-since-1820-in-charts, 2014.[29]United Electronic Industries, PowerDNA PPC8 data acquisition cube product manual, 2014.Basic Format for Patents:[30] A. B. Author, “Title of the patent,”. Patent 0000000, Abbreviated Month. day, year.[31]J. L. Lassen, “Sensorless control o f two phase brushless dc motor,”. Patent7 183 734 B2, Feb. 27, 2007.[32] A. A. Nostwick and B. L. Hesterman, “Power factor correction circuit,” . Patent 5 614 810, Mar. 25, 1997.Basic Format for Theses .) and dissertations .):[33] A. B. Authors, “Title of thesis,” . Thesis, University, Country, year.[34] A. B. Authors, “Title of thesis,” . Dissertation, University, Country,Year.[35]T. N. Ramasamy, “BidirectionalDC-DC converter for aircraft electric energy storage systems,” . Dissertation, University of Manchester, ., 2010.Basic Format for Standards:[36]Title of Standards, Standardnumber, date.[37]IEEE Recommended Practices andRequirements for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power System, IEEE Std 519-1992, 1992.Basic Format for Unpublished:[38] A. B. Authors, “Title of thepaper,”Title of the Journal, to be published.First Author and other authors mayinclude biographies and photographs atthe end of the manuscript. The size ofphotograph is (h) x (w). The size offont is 9 point. Biography should beone paragraph. First sentence shouldinclude the author’s name.The article “the” should precede and the word “degree” should succeed to indicate the degree. Capitalize the name of the job title, but don’t capitalize the word “member.”Place the definite article “the” befo re the name of the department. Pluralize the word “electronics” when it comes before engineering. The order of the words is “electrical and electronics.”Use the adverb “currently” after “is.”Use the phrasal verb “working toward” instead of “pursuing.” Us e the phrase like “work with,”“is with,”and “joined” instead of “work in” or “work for.”Use the preposition “with” or “at” instead of “for” or “in” when indicating the work place.If possible, please indicate the name of the city and country after the name of the school where you received your degree.Second Author was born in Daegu,Korea. He received his . degree inElectronics Engineering from KyungpookNational University, Daegu, Korea, in1998, and his . and . degrees inElectrical Engineering from the PohangUniversity of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Pohang, Korea, in 2000 and 2005, respectively. From 2005 to 2007, he was with LG Electronics, Seoul, Korea. From 2008 to 2014, he worked as a Managerial Researcher at the Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Bucheon, Korea. In 2014, he joined Kyungpook National University as an Assistant Professor in the School of Energy Engineering. His current research interests include AC motor control, DC-DC converters, and PWM converter/inverter systems.5Third Author was born in Marand,Iran, in 1953. He received his . degreefrom the Faculty of Engineering,University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, in1976. He received his DEA and . degreesin Electrical Engineering from theInstitute National Polytechnique de Lorraine (INPL), Lorraine, France, in 1978 and 1981, respectively. In 1982, he joined the University of Tabriz, as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electric Engineering, where he was an Associate Professor from 1990 to 1995, and where he has been a Professor since 1995. From September 1990 to September 1991, he was a Visiting Professor in the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. From September 1996 to September 1997, he was a Visiting Professor in the University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada. His current research interests include power electronic converters, matrix converters, active and hybrid filters, the application of power electronics in renewable energy systems and electrified railway systems, reactive power control, harmonics, and power quality compensation systems such as SVC, UPQC, FACTS devices.。






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浦东新区名师工作室、教师培训基地学员手册学员姓名叶申华学员单位上海市杨思中学所在工作室、基地瞿美芳政治教师培训基地培训时间2010年7 月——2012 年 6 月浦东教育发展研究院二O一0年七月目录1. 浦东新区名师工作室、教师培训基地学员管理办法(试行)2. 浦东新区名师工作室、教师培训基地学员专业发展规划3. 浦东新区名师工作室、教师培训基地活动记载样表4. 参加名师工作室、教师培训基地活动汇总表6.名师工作室、教师培训基地培训期间学员成果登记表5. 浦东新区名师工作室、教师培训基地学习年度小结7. 浦东新区名师工作室、教师培训基地学员综合评价浦东新区名师工作室、教师培训基地学员管理办法(试行)为保证名师工作室、教师培训基地的正常运行,督促学员积极参加基地、工作室组织的各项活动,促进学员综合素质的提升,特制订本办法。














姓名:王丽娜 籍贯:江苏 连云港 部门:电学部计算机系统室 毕业院校:苏州大学集成电路工 程 兴趣爱好:书法和美食 姓名:孙福洲 籍贯:江苏盐城 部门:光电部 毕业院校:苏州大学 爱好:骑行、网络小说、唱歌、 篮球、足球 自我介绍:一个阳光开朗(+暴 躁)的吃货,也经常有狂躁不安 的时候,喜欢和家人朋友出去游 山玩水 姓名:冉凡坤 籍贯:山东德州 部门:电学部计算机系统室 毕业院校:中国地质大学(北京) 兴趣爱好:篮球
剥开层层的伪装与掩饰,正视 生命的一张底牌。所有精神的, 物质的,崇高的,卑贱的,勤 奋的,懒惰的,聪慧的,愚蠢 的,一切能够进入你生命的东 西,都是经历而已。所以赞美 世界,赞美黎明和黄昏,因为 不止推衍的时间让我遇到了你, 从而有了同你一起不平凡的经 历。
国家知识产权局专利局 专利审查协作江苏中心
姓名:于国良 籍贯:山东泰安 部门科室:光电部光学室 毕业院校:南开大学 兴趣爱好:游泳、羽毛球、乒乓球 审查领域:U5039 工作心得:认真不纠结
姓名:陈安邦 籍贯:湖南祁东 部门:电学部 元器件室 毕业院校:苏州大学凝聚态物理 爱好:游泳、篮球、唱歌、旅游、 乒乓球。
姓名:李晶晶 籍贯:浙江嘉兴 部门科室:光电部医疗室 毕业院校:清华大学 兴趣爱好:宅、养花 审查领域:U5051 最喜欢的格言:生活的理想是为了 理想的生活 姓名:刘星倜 籍贯:河南南阳 部门科室:光电部分析室 毕业院校:山东大学 兴趣爱好:听听歌旅旅游,看看电 影打打球(请自行读出韵律) 审查领域:物理分析 最喜欢的格言:这也会过去
姓名:徐飞 籍贯:江苏 扬州 部门科室:控制室 毕业院校:南京工业大学 兴趣爱好:旅游 审查领域:U5022 工作心得:认真仔细,快乐审查 最喜欢的格言:just do it



Sample manuscript for Physics of PlasmasA. Author,1,2,a)B. Author,2,b,c) andC. Author3,c)1Department, University, City, Postal code, Country2Corporation or Laboratory, Street address, Postal code, City, Country3Department, University, City, State (spell out full name), Zip code, USAThis is an abstract. It gives the reader an overview of the manuscript. Abstracts are required for all manuscripts. The Abstract should be self-contained (contain no footnotes or citations to references). It should be adequate as an index (giving all subjects, major and minor, about which new information is given), and as a summary (giving the conclusions and all results of general interest in the article). It should be approximately 250 words. The abstract should be written as one paragraph and should not contain displayed mathematical equations or tabular material. In this sample article we provide instructions on how to prepare and submit your paper to Physics of Plasmas, a journal published by AIP Publishing LLC. The AIP Publishing staff appreciates your effort to follow our style when preparing your manuscript.I. INTRODUCTION: THE MANUSCRIPTPlease use this “sample manuscript” as a guide for preparing your article. This will ensure that your submission will be in the required format for Peer Review. Please read all of the following manuscript preparation instructions carefully and in their entirety. The manuscript must be in good scientific American English; this is the author's responsibility. All files will be submitted through our online electronic submission system at .A. Manuscript preparationArticles can be prepared as either a Microsoft Word .doc/.docx file or a REVTeX/LaTeX file. The entire manuscript, should be set up for 21.6 × 28 cm (8-1/2 × 11 in. or A4) pages with 2.54 cm (1 in.) margins all the way around. The font and the point size will be reset according to the journal’s specs, but authors most commonly use the Times Roman font and point size 12. The manuscript begins with a title, names of all authors and their affiliations, and an abstract, followed by the body of the paper, tables and figures, if any, included, and the reference section. Consecutively number all tables (I, II, III, etc.) and figures (1, 2, 3, etc.), including those in an Appendix. Figures, with figure captions, may be embedded within the manuscript to assist the reviewers. Number all pages consecutively, beginning with 1._____________________________Note: This is an example of a footnote to the title if the paper was part of a conference: Contributed paper, published as part of the Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Physics, Anytown, State, May 2010.a)This is an example of a footnote to an author’s name: Authortowhomcorrespondenceshouldbeaddressed.Electronicmail:********************.b) This research was performed while B. Author was at Anywhere National Laboratory, City, State, Postal code, Country.c) B. Author and C. Author contributed equally to this work.B. Manuscript submissionAll files will be submitted through the online system: /. Each version of the manuscript (the original and subsequent revisions) should be submitted with its own complete set of files: a cover letter (indicating the title, authors, and contact information), a complete article file, and separate figure files (see Sec. I X―FIGURES). When uploading a revised manuscript, also include a response/rebuttal letter (indicating the changes made to address the Editor’s and Reviewers’ comments).II. MANUSCRIPT LENGTHRegular Articles should be no longer than 11 composed pages.Letters/Brief Communications should be no longer than 4 composed pages.Comments/Responses should be no longer than 2 composed pages.III. TITLEThe title of a paper should be as concise as possible but informative enough to facilitate information retrieval. Acronyms are not allowed in the title; they must be spelled out (exception to this rule is DNA). Chemical compounds are allowed in the title.I V. AUTHORS’ NAMES AND ADDRESSESAuthors’ names should preferably be written in a standard form for all publications to facilitate indexing and to avoid ambiguities. Include the names and postal addresses of all institutions, followed by city, state, zip code, and USA if in the United States or by postal code, city, and country if not in the U.S. Please provide the complete address for each author. See the byline of this sample article for examples.Authors with Chinese, Japanese, or Korean names may choose to have their names published in their own language alongside the English versions of their names in the author list of their publications. For Chinese, authors may use either Simplified or Traditional characters. Chinese, Japanese, or Korean characters must be included within the author list of the manuscript when submitting or resubmitting. The manuscript must be prepared using Microsoft Word or using the CJK LaTeX package. Specific guidelines are given here.V. FOOTNOTESFootnotes are generally unacceptable in Physics of Plasmas, with the exception of footnotes to the title and the author’s names. Footnotes to the title should be set as a Note above the byline footnotes. All other footnotes should be converted to text or should be included in the reference section. Use a), b), c), etc., for footnotes to authors. The following list shows some examples:Note: Contributed paper, published as part of the Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Physics, Anytown, State, January 2011.a)A. Author and B. Author contributed equally to this work.b)This research was performed while C. Author was at Anywhere National Laboratory, City, State, Postal code, Country.c)This is an example of a footnote to an author’s name: Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail:********************.VI. HEADINGSHeadings are not mandatory in regular articles but are preferred. Letters and Brief Communications should not have headings. It is best to maintain a consistent heading style within the article. Numbered section headings are preferred in Physics of Plasmas. Following is a list that shows the four different levels and style for each heading:I. PRINCIPAL HEADINGA. First subheading1. Second subheadinga. Third subheadingVII. EQUATIONSEquations need to be editable so we recommend that you create them with the built-in Microsoft® Equation Editor included with your version of Word. If you wish to use Mathtype, check for compatibility at /lzny753.o Users of the Windows version of Word: Please embed all fonts.o Users of Macintosh Word: Please save all files in DOCX format, as the use of DOC is not supported.Additionally, because font embedding is not possible, Mac Word users should limit their font selection tothose available from the basic installation.Equations should be punctuated and aligned to bring out their structure and should be numbered on the right. Mathematical operation signs indicating continuity of the expression should be placed at the left of the second and succeeding lines. Use (×) rather than a centered dot, except for scalar products of vectors. A solidus (/) instead of built-up fractions is preferred in running text and in display wherever clarity would not be jeopardized. Use “exp” for complicated exponents. Some examples follow:()i NB N 2sin 2n n θ+21()egJ d ρρΦr r()⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-=Tk E T c dB exp .(4)Equation numberingEquations are numbered consecutively through the entire paper as simply (1), (2), (3).... In appendixes, the numbering starts over as (A1), (A2), (A3). If there is more than one appendix, use (A1), (A2), etc. for equations in Appendix A; (B1), (B2), etc., for equations in Appendix B.When a numbered equation has more than one part and that (those) part(s) consecutively follow, then they are indicated as follows:(21) (22a) (22b) (22c)If, however, they do not follow consecutively, primes are used: (21) (22a) (22b) (21') (21'')VIII. ACRONYMS AND NOTATIONAcronyms, except for the most common (such as 2D, rms, or ac) must be spelled out when they first appear both in the abstract and again in the text. Spell out machine names, except for those not considered acronyms (such as ITER or DIII-D). Try to avoid the excessive use of acronyms or specialized jargon.presentation. Choose CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) for any figure that will appear in color in the print version.submitted at 600 dpi for the best presentation. Choose RGB (red, green, blue) for any figure that will appear in color only online.FIG. 3. This is a good example of information that was presented clearly. When this figure appeared in the printed journal it was in black and white print, but the reader was able to discern the “red” triangles, the closed “green” circles, and the open “black” cir cles. A description as well as the color is needed. If the caption had simp ly discussed “the red and green symbols,” the reader of the print version would notunderstand because he/she would be seeing the figure without the color.FIG. 4. This is an example of line art. Figures should be created at 600 dpi and submitted at 600 dpi for the best presentation. Save line art as black/white bitmap, not grayscale..FIG. 5. This is an example of a halftone. Figures should be created at 265 dpi and submitted at 265 dpi for the best presentation.the best presentation.TABLE I.This table provides instructions on how to prepare figures.(a) General guidelines for preparing illustrations•Number figures in the order in which they appear in the text.•Label all figure parts with (a), (b), etc. Each figure file should contain all parts of the figure. For example, if Fig.1 contains three parts [(a), (b), and (c)], then all parts should be combined in a single file for Fig. 1.•Avoid any large disparity in size of lettering and labels used within one illustration.•Prepare illustrations in the final published size, not oversized. The maximum published width for a one-column illustration is 8.5 cm (3-3/8 in.). The maximum width for a two-column figure is 17 cm (7.0 in.).•In cases where reduction is required, avoid small open symbols that tend to fill in and avoid small lettering; ensure that, in the final published illustration, there is a minimum of 8-point type size (2.8 mm high; 1/8 in. high) for lettering and 0.5-point width for lines.•Ensure that lettering and lines are dark enough, and thick enough, to reproduce clearly. Remember that fine lines tend to disappear upon reduction.•It is preferred that authors embed figures and captions in the manuscript file. Embed the figures in the approximate position and size you think is appropriate.• In addition, separate figure files must be provided (see below for accepted file formats) along with the manuscript.(b) Guidelines for preparation of electronic graphics files•Acceptable formats for figures: Portable Document Files (PDF), Encapsulated PostScript Files (EPS), PostScript, or Tagged Image File (TIF), and JPEG (.jpg) Microsoft Word files are not acceptable.•More detailed information is given about figure preparation on the website in the Preparing Graphics instructions.•Settings: Set the graphic for 600 dpi resolution for line art, 265 dpi for halftones, and 600 dpi for combinations (line art + halftone).•Save line art as black/white bitmap, not grayscale.•Save halftones and combinations as grayscale, not black/white bitmap.•Click the link to “Publication Charges & Open Access Fees” on the About tab for publication charge information.•Submit color files at 300 dpi in one of the accepted file formats: PDF, EPS, PS, or TIF. 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Full credit lines are needed for figures that are used with permission. An example of the recommended format for crediting material from a journal article is: “Repr inted with permission from [FULL CITATION]. Copyright [PUBLICATION YEAR], AIP Publishing.” Full citation format is as follows: Author names, journal title, Vol. #, Issue #, Page # (or CID#), Year of publication. For example, the credit line would appear as: “Reprinted with permission from J. Chem.X. TABLESSeparate tables (numbered with Roman numerals in the order of their appearance in the text) should be used for all tabular material. Tables must be embedded in the article file, not uploaded like figure files. The structure should be clear. Use simple column headings and include units of measure. Table captions are positioned above the table and should be styled as “TABLE I. This is a table caption.” A caption should make its table intelligible without reference to the text. Capitalize the fir st word in the table headings and subheadings. References within tables are designated by lowercase Roman letter superscripts and given at the end of the table. Unaltered computer output and notation should be uploaded as supplementary files. See Table II for an example of correct table styling.TABLE II. Bond distances for alkene molecules (atomic units).No. C a RI,I+1b SRI,I+1c RI−1,I+RI,I+1SRI−1,I+RI,I+12 2.5255 ………4 2.6175 0.123 5.306 …6 2.6314 0.0999 5.3025 0.01128 2.6368 0.0876 5.3009 0.011110 2.6396 0.0795 5.2999 0.010614 2.6424 0.0689 5.2989 0.009618 2.6437 0.0623 5.2982 0.008822 2.6443 0.0573 5.2973 0.00826 2.6448 0.0536 5.2968 0.0074C is the number of carbon atoms.b RI,I+1 is the distance between two neighboring carbon atoms, while ‹RI,I+1› is the averageof RI,I+1 for a given molecule.c SRI,I+1 is the standard deviation of RI,I+1 within the given molecule.XI. MULTIMEDIA SUBMISSIONSMultimedia files can be included in the online version of published papers. All such files are peer reviewed. When published, these files can be viewed by clicking on a link from the figure caption, provided that the reader has a video player installed, such as Windows Media PlayerTM, Quick Time PlayerTM, or RealOne PlayerTM. Please click on Supporting Data in our Author Resource Center. Please note the following important information when preparing your manuscript:•When incorporating multimedia, note that the paper should be written so that the printed version can be understood on its own.•Submit all multimedia files initially with the manuscript.•Treat all multimedia files as figures, numbered in sequence as they are referred to in text.•For each multimedia file, provide a figure, which is a static representation of the multimedia file. Also provide an accompanying caption. At the end of the caption, include the phrase, "(multimedia view)."Video and other enhanced files should be in a format that the majority of readers can view without too much difficulty. Please click on Supporting Data in our Author Resource Center for specific submission requirements.XII. CONCLUSION: SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALText material that may not be of interest to all readers, long data tables, multimedia, and computer programs may be deposited as supplementary materials.An article can have only one reference citing the supplementary material within the article. All citations of the supplementary material in the text must link to that reference. Information about depositing supplementary material may be found in Supporting Data in our Author Resource Center.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSTypically, standard acknowledgments include financial support and technical assistance, and may include dedications, memorials, and awards. Check with the Editorial Office for suitability of an acknowledgment if there is any question. To indicate the author, use initials. For example, “B.A. wishes to thank A. Loudon for technical assistance. C.A. wishes to thank Anytown University for use of their equipment.”Note: the Acknowledgment section is not a numbered section.APPENDIXAppendixes are placed after the acknowledgments section and before the listing of references. Appendixes must have a Level One heading as illustrated below and must include a descriptive title to follow the appendix heading. They do not follow the sequential heading numbering given in the rest of the paper. If there is only one appendix, then the heading is set as follows: APPENDIX: DESCRIPTIONIf there is more than one appendix, the headings are set as:APPENDIX A: DESCRIPTIONAPPENDIX B: DESCRIPTIONSubheadings in an Appendix are labeled 1, 2, etc. Remember that equations in appendices are numbered differently than those in the body of the text (see Sec. VIII).REFERENCESReferences may be styled as numerical, bibliographic, or numerical bibliographic.Duplicate references are not permitted.Note that numerical references should be numbered consecutively in order of first appearance in the text and should be given in a separate double-spaced list at the end of the text material. A numerical reference may be cited within other references; however, it must also be cited at least once in the main body of the paper.See Table III for acceptable reference formats.TABLE III.This table provides instructions on how to prepare references.to books and journal articles, listed at the end of the paper, should appear in one of theseformats:(1) Numerical: By number, in the order of first appearance, giving the names of the authors, thejournal name, volume, year, and first page number only, as in:53V. Bargmann, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 38, 961 (1952).This paper will be listed as the 53rd in the list of references and cited as 53.(2) Bibliographic: In alphabetical order according to the first author's last name, giving, inaddition to the name, volume, year, and first and last page, also the title of the paper cited, as in:Bargmann, V., "On the number of bound states in a central field of force,"' Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.USA 38, 961–966 (1952).Within the body of the paper, this reference will be cited as "Bargmann (1952)." If there are severalarticles by the same author(s) and the same year, they should be distinguished by letters, as in(1952a).(3) Numerical Bibliographic: Alphabetically listed references (with full titles and page ranges)may be numbered according to their alphabetical order and cited by their number.1Berger, A., "Instabilities and waves on a columnar vortex in a strongly stratified and rotatingfluid,"' Phys. Fluids 25, 961–966 (2013).•Articles “submitted to” or “accepted for publication” (but not yet published) in ajournal must include article title: When possible, these references should be updated inthe galley proof.Samples of Numerical References:Books: List authors and editors. Must include publisher, city and year of publication, and the pagenumbers (unless the entire book is being cited).2R. J. Hunter, Zeta Potential in Colloid Science (Academic, New York, 1981) p.120.AIAA Papers: AIAA Papers: The usual format is: {Author’s names}, {Paper Title}, AIAA Pap.{usual formats are 99-1111 or 2004-2222}, {year -- corresponds to numbers on left side of papernumber}..3M.S. Narayan and A. Banaszuk, “Experimental study of a novel active separation controlapproach,” AIAA Paper No. 2003-0060, 2003.Conference proceedings: Include the list of authors, the title of the proceedings, the city and year of the conference, the name of the publisher (cannot be a laboratory or institution), city and year of publication (or the words “to be published”), and the page numbers. Inclu de the full list of editors, if they are given.4R. K. Ahrenkiel, in Gallium Arsenide and Related Compounds 1993: Proceedings of the20th International Symposium on Gallium Arsenide and Related Compounds, Freiburg, Germany, 29 August–2 September 1993, edited by H. S. Rupprecht and G. Weimann (Institute of Physics, London, 1994), pp. 685–690.Government publications:Format as for a book citation. Each must include the author(s), title of the publication, name of the publisher, city and year of publication, and page numbers (unless the entire publication is being cited).5D. Nunes, The Brillouin Effect (U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, DC, 1992). Journal citations: Include authors (see author rule above), volume number, beginning page number, and publication year:6J. D. Kiely and J. E. Houston, Phys. Rev. B 57, 12588 (1998).Laboratory report: May only be used if first deposited with a national depository such as the National Technical Information Service. (Check with the NTIS librarian at 703-605-6000.) Materials or reports in electronic form—codes, data tables, etc.—may be uploaded as supplementary material files (see Sec. XIII). If the paper is on deposit with NTIS, use the following format:7See National Technical Information Service Document No. DE132450 L. (R. Newchuck, SESAME Tables, LANL Rep. 23453, 1983). Copies may be ordered from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161.MOLPRO:8H.-J. Werner, P. J. Knowles, R. Lindh, F. R. Manby, M. Schütz, et al., Molpro, version 2006.1, a package of ab initio programs, 2006, see Multiple citations are acceptable:8D.-Y. Choi, S. Madden, A. Rode, R. Wang, and B. Luther-Davies, J. Non-Cryst. Solids354, 3179 (2008); J. Appl. Phys. 104, 113305 (2008).(same authors, different journals)or9J.Scaroni and T. Mckee, Solid State Technol. 40, 245 (1997); M. G. Lawrence, Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc. 86, 225 (2005).(two completely different references)or10Y. de Carlan, A. Alamo, M. H. Mathon, G. Geoffroy, and A. Castaing, J. Nucl. Mater.283–287, 762 (2000); M. H. Mathon, Y. de Carlan, G. Geoffroy, X. Averty, A. Alamo, and C. H. de Novion, ibid.312, 236 (2003).(different authors, same journal)Patents: Titles are allowed.47K. Inoue, U.S. patent 3,508,029 (22 March 1970).48 W. L. Tolin and A. M. Laud, U.S. patent pending (5 October 1996).49 J. R. Smith, U.S. patent application 037/123,456 (18 May 2010).Preprints and electronic postings:Preprints or eprints that have not been submitted to a journal for publication (i.e., are only posted on a preprint server) cannot be used as references.Private communication:May not be one of the authors of the article. Must include the year in which the communication took place.11A. Einstein (private communication, 1954).Software manuals: If published, use the book format; if not published, give the entire address for the software maker.Thesis/dissertation: Include the author, school, and year, but not the title.12S. L. Goldschmidt, Ph.D. thesis, University of California, Los Angeles, 1985.Web sites: Due to their perishable nature, web sites are not generally acceptable as references unless the site is maintained as an archival site. It is permissible to include web sites as adjuncts to acceptable references.。



工作室寄语Poem for HopeThis这is our own magazine是一份属于我们自己的教研期刊!Every time, a new beginning more than a summary每一次,既是一次盘点,更是一个新的起点。

She她is a bridge是一座桥,String our hearts of devotion for education把我们奉献教育的心together串在一起,Put practice and experience把实践与体验into one融为一体,Here大家在这里we share experience, open wisdom, recall achievements共享经验、共启智慧、共忆辉煌。

she她is a door是一扇门Lead us onto a new study platform引领大家进入全新学习平台,Here, we study problems, exchange ideas, passion collision 研究问题、交流思想、激情碰撞on theory and thinking …理论的、思辨的……she她is a window是一扇窗listen to outside让我们聆听窗外,feel the pulsation from the frontier感受来自最前沿的脉动,get the fresh breath品读最鲜活的信息。

Here这里is our common paradise to grow是我们共同成长的乐园。

We plough, explore, strive我们耕耘,我们探索,我们拼搏!We spread sweet, sow hope我们撒下汗水,播种希望;We let the dream fly, harvest joy;我们放飞梦想,收获喜悦;We advance with the times, we innovate! 我们与时俱进,开拓创新!目录工作室简介主持人简介李立新,男,1974年5月生,河北邯郸人,课程与教学论(英语教学方向)研究生毕业,中学英语高级教师,海南省教育研究培训院小学英语教研员。



学校月刊模板篇一:学校重点期刊信阳师范学院权威期刊目录(试行)人文社科类一、顶级权威期刊1. 中国社会科学2. SSCI、A&amp;HCI源期刊二、一级权威期刊(一)综合类1. 新华文摘2. 学术月刊3. 社会科学4. 江海学刊5. 开放时代6. 江苏社会科学7. 浙江社会科学8. 学术研究9. 文史10. 南京社会科学11. 中国人民大学学报12. 北京师范大学学报13. 华中师范大学学报14. 北京大学学报15. 南京大学学报16. 中山大学学报17. 清华大学学报18. 吉林大学学报19. 浙江大学学报20. 复旦大学学报21. 光明日报、人民日报理论版(2000字以上)(二)管理学类1. 管理世界2. 南开管理评论3. 中国软科学4. 科研管理— 1 —5. 科学学研究6. 公共管理学报(三)马列·科社类1. 马克思主义研究2. 求是3. 马克思主义与现实(四)哲学、宗教学类1. 哲学研究2.3. 世界宗教研究(五)中国语言文学类1. 文学评论2.3. 文艺理论研究4.5. 世界汉语教学6.(六)外国语言文学类1. 外语教学与研究2.3. 外国文学评论4.(七)艺术学类1. 文艺研究2.3. 美术研究4.5. 中国音乐学(八)历史学、考古学类1. 历史研究2.3. 中国史研究4.5. 清史研究6.— 2 —哲学动态文学遗产中国语文民族语文外语界外国语音乐研究电影艺术近代史研究中国农史文物7.世界历史(九)经济学类(含统计、审计学)1. 经济研究2. 世界经济3. 经济学4. 中国工业经济5. 数量经济技术经济研究6. 金融研究7. 会计研究8. 中国农村经济9. 经济科学10. 世界经济文汇11. 财经研究12. 国际经济评论13. 中国农村观察14. 财贸经济15. 国际经济评论16. 南开经济研究17. 统计研究(十)政治学、社会学类(含民族学、人口学)1. 政治学研究2. 世界经济与政治3. 当代亚太4. 东北亚论坛5. 外交评论6. 公共行政评论7. 社会学研究8. 中国人口科学9. 民族研究10. 西南民族大学学报11. 中央民族大学学报(十一)法学类1. 中国法学2. 法学研究3. 中外法学4. 法学家(十二)新闻传播、图书情报类— 3 —1. 编辑学报2. 新闻与传播研究3. 中国科技期刊研究4. 中国图书馆学报5. 大学图书馆学报6. 图书情报工作7. 情报学报(十三)教育学、心理学类1. 教育研究2.清华大学教育研究3. 教育研究与实验4. 心理学报5. 电化教育研究6. 课程·教材·教法7. 北京大学教育评论(十四)体育学类1. 体育科学2. 天津体育学院学报(十五)环境学、地理学类1. 地理研究2. 中国人口·资源与环境三、二级权威期刊(一(来自: 小龙文档网:学校月刊模板))综合类1. 社会科学研究2. 社会科学战线3. 学习与探索4. 文史哲5. 天津社会科学6. 学海7. 广东社会科学8. 探索与争鸣9. 国外社会科学10. 浙江学刊11. 东南学术12. 东岳论丛— 4 —8.华东师范大学学报(教科版) 9. 高等教育研究(武汉)10. 心理发展与教育13. 河北学刊14. 厦门大学学报15. 武汉大学学报16. 四川大学学报17. 南开大学学报18. 山东大学学报19. 华东师范大学学报(二)管理学类1. 管理科学学报2.3. 科学学与科学技术管理5. 外国经济管理6.7. 管理学报8.9. 管理评论10.11.中国管理科学(三)马列·科社类1. 国外理论动态2.3. 社会主义研究4.5. 当代世界与社会主义(四)哲学、宗教学类1. 自然辩证法研究2.3. 世界哲学4.5. 宗教学研究(五)中国语言文学类1. 文艺争鸣2.3. 中国比较文学4. 管理科学研究与发展管理管理工程学报中国行政管理旅游学刊教学与研究红旗文稿道德与文明自然辩证法通讯当代作家评论文艺理论与批评— 5 — 4.篇二:期刊模板学术期刊模版题目*作者姓名, 作者姓名,作者姓名12(1.单位全名部门(系)全名,市邮政编码;2. 单位全名部门(系)全名,市邮政编码;3. 单位全名部门(系)全名,市邮政编码[摘要TitleAuthor Name1, Author Name2&amp; Author NameKeywords:前言1一级标题1.1二级标题1.1.1三级标题正文内容2 一级标题2.1 二级标题2.1.1 三级标题公式全文统一编号,如公式为uvw0 (1)?x?y?z式中:u为××××;v为×××;w为×××。



期刊论文标准格式范例:某中文学报投稿模版中文题目*作者一1,2,作者二2,作者三1(1.单位名称,省市邮编;2. 单位名称,省市邮编)摘要:中文摘要必须200字,概括论文内容,写明研究目的、方法、结果和结论,文摘要具体化,如结果的百分比等。











关键词:三个左右为宜,用分号;分开TitleName1,2, Name2 ,Name1(1.Unit ,city, province zip code, China ; 2. Unit, city, province zip code ,China)Abstract: 与中文文摘相对应,英文文摘应符合英文语法,概括论文内容,写明研究目的、方法、结果和结论。



避免以下字句出现:如”It is reported …” “Extensive investigations show that…”“The author discusses …” “This paper concerned with …” ;文摘开头的”In this paper,”。

一些不必要的修饰词,如“in detail”、“briefly”、“here”、“new”、“mainly”也尽量不要。





2、目标(1)名班主任工作室的挂牌负责人与核心成员的个人提升与工作室初步建成并发挥作用,服务我校- 促进挂牌负责人及核心成员的专业成长,使其在德育管理、教育教学、科研能力等方面得到显著提升;- 工作室成立初期,通过组织各类活动,搭建交流平台,为我校班主任提供专业支持,助力学校德育工作;- 发挥工作室成员的示范引领作用,推动班主任队伍整体素质的提升。

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3、名班主任的专业化发展成效与辐射带动效应- 通过工作室的运行,推动名班主任在德育、教学、科研等方面取得显著成果;- 发挥名班主任的辐射作用,带动全校班主任共同成长,提升学校德育工作整体水平;- 促进学校教育教学质量的持续提升,为学校品牌建设贡献力量。

二、教师培养1、对拟招聘的工作室成员的要求和期望- 热爱教育事业,具有强烈的事业心和责任感,愿意投身于班主任工作,有志于在德育领域做出贡献;- 具备较强的教育教学能力和研究能力,有较高的班主任工作理论水平和实践经验;- 具有良好的团队合作精神,能够积极参与工作室的各项活动,乐于分享和交流;- 拥护党的教育方针,遵守学校规章制度,为人师表,具有良好的职业道德;- 具备一定的信息技术应用能力,能够适应工作室的信息化工作要求。

2、工作室成员专业成长和专业发展的目标- 理论提升:掌握先进的德育理论,更新教育观念,提高班主任工作的理论素养;- 实践能力:提升班主任在班级管理、学生辅导、活动组织等方面的实践能力;- 科研能力:通过参与课题研究,提升教育教学研究的意识和能力,形成个人教育教学特色;- 专业影响力:通过工作室平台,提升个人在班主任领域的影响力和认可度。

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□□□□□□□□□□□□□□(正标题,自拟)——×××(姓名)××(学科)教师培训基地(工作室)巡礼基地剪影1. 主持人相册——学员眼中的主持人(学员对主持人的学术个性和人格魅力的解读,或对自己的影响。

要言不烦,传神写照,或几个词,或一句话,不求全,避俗套,不歌德,不颂功,力求真、切、实)………………………………………………请每位学员写一句描述眼中的主持人……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(约500字) 2. 学员相册——主持人眼中的学员们 (用比较活泼的笔调概括基地工作室的整体气质以及每个学员的教学个性、特点或专长)……………………请每位学员提供一张生活近照,和自我描述……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(约500字)3. 秘书相册——那些令人难忘的瞬间(撷取基地工作室活动中有趣而又有意义的瞬间,通过几个鲜明生动的镜头,诠释基地工作室的整体气质和精神风貌)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(约500字)活动聚焦1.教师培训聚焦点(主要从教师专业发展的角度阐述该基地工作室对教师实施培训的主要着眼点,为什么要立足于这一着眼点?效果如何?)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(约500字)2.学科培训聚焦点(主要从学科教学研究和实践的角度阐述该基地工作室在学科领域内的着力点或主攻点,如,是教材解读,还是习题研究,或教学内容选择?抑或教学策略的调控?等等这一着眼点的背后更加本质的是什么?为什么以此为聚焦点?聚焦于此后的收获和效果如何?)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(约500字)特色描述1.教师培训特色描述(主要从教师培训的角度,淡化学科色彩,阐述该基地工作室在培训思路、培训模式上的创新之处,在培训具体做法上的突破。


