




























初二关于旅行英语作文80词【7篇】 一个人的旅行,在路上遇见最真实的自己...下面给大家带来一些初二关于旅行英语作文80词,希望对大家有所帮助。 初二关于旅行英语作文80词1 Last vacation,I went to Beijing with my family. We went there by train. The train was comfortable. We spent five days visiting Beijing. On the first day,we went to Tian"an Men Square,It is so big. and there were lots of people taking photos. Then we went to the Palace Museum. We saw thousands of houses. Kings lived there before. I felt interesting. The second day was cloudy,so we went to the museums. We saw many old things. On teh third day we went to the Great Wall. It was so great! We were tired. So the next day we stayed at the hotel. The last day we went shopping and bought lots of things. I had a happy vacation. 初二关于旅行英语作文80词2 Since I was very small, there was a song about Guilin“I want to Guilin, but when I have money, I don’t have time…’’, this is the first impression I have on Guilin, it is so attracting. As the song’s great power, I said to myself, when I grew up, I must go toGuilin. When I


去成都旅游的精选作文4篇 关于成都旅游的精选作文一 大年初三,我和爸爸、妈妈来到了“天府之国”四川的成都。 我们住的地方离成都有名的“宽窄巷子”很近,放下行李,我们直奔那里,虽然已经是晚上11点多了,但那里灯火通明、人声鼎沸,各种小吃店、礼品店、茶社、酒吧让我看的应接不暇。在那里我们品尝了各种四川小吃,有川北凉粉、肥肠粉、酸辣粉、兔头等,虽然很辣,但我还是忍不住都尝了几口,然后再不停地喝水,那种又麻又辣的味道真的很好吃。 接下来的几天我们去了黄龙溪古镇、四川大熊猫基地、武侯祠、都江堰……我最喜欢的是大熊猫基地。 我们沿着参观指示牌首先来到成年大熊猫别墅:几只胖嘟嘟的大熊猫在悠闲地漫步,还有一只懒洋洋的趴在树上睡大觉,那么多人吵吵嚷嚷的竟然吵不醒它。再往里走是熊猫“幼稚园”,这里的熊猫两个一伙,三个一群的边吃边玩,有两只熊猫为了抢竹子还打的起来,你推我一下,我推你一下,胖乎乎的身体东倒西歪特别好玩。最心爱的要数未成年的小熊猫了,因为它们太小,所以都在房间里呆着,有只在竹床上玩的小熊猫想下来,可是怎么才能下来呢?你看它,一会儿先把前爪放下来试试,觉得不行,一会儿又把后爪放下来试试,还是不行,这样反复试了几次,决定把后爪先下来,再把屁股挪下来,前爪抓住床帮“哧溜”一下,终于下来了,真是一只聪明的熊猫,我

们都被它憨态可掬的样子逗得哈哈大笑。 几天快乐的旅行就要结束了,希望以后有时机再来成都游玩。 关于成都旅游的精选作文二 我的祖籍在四川,今天,我们全家来到了四川的省会城市——成都。我对成都的第一印象是环境优美,干净文明,成都还是个旅游的圣地,我要为你们介绍几个值得一看的景点。 这段时间我正在读《三国演义》的连环画,游览“武侯祠”令我获益匪浅。武侯祠是纪念三国蜀国丞相诸葛亮的祠堂。诸葛亮生前封武乡侯,死后溢号忠武侯,后人便尊称他为武侯。这里是刘、关、张三兄弟结义的地方。在这里面还有“结义庙”、“桃园”、“刘备墓”…… 我们先从正门进入武侯祠,跟着导游,沿着林荫小道,来到走廊中,走廊边雕刻着所有为蜀汉出过力的将军,有功绩大的,流芳百世;有功绩小的,默默无闻。第一个是赵云,第二个是关羽,然后是马超、王忠、姜维……然后,我们又来到了右手边的文臣廊,这里排列着蜀汉的文臣、谋士。有诸葛亮、马良、马畏、庞统等。武将们一个个脑满肠肥、手拿武器,有的坐着,有的站着,我被武将们身上所具备的英雄气概所震慑;而文臣呢,端端正正的坐在椅子上,手那拿一块牌子,肚子也小小的。文臣们脸上流露出的聪明才智使我深深佩服。 走出文臣廊,我们来到了刘备殿。殿正中坐着的就是刘备,旁边还有两个侍从。刘备头戴王冠,手拿文书,大概正在听朝吧!参观了刘备殿我们又游览了关羽、张飞殿以及碑碣、匾联等。最后,我们来到了诸葛亮殿。这儿雕刻着一座高大而又威严的诸葛亮像,诸葛亮手


《关于旅游的英语作文》 关于旅游的英语作文(一): I took a trip to Shanghai with my mother during the seven-day holiday. It took us more than two hours to drive to Shanghai from my home in Haimen. We stayed in a large hotel on the eighth floor. On the first day, I just stayed in the hotel and rested. On the second day, my brother and I went to Nanjing Road. Its the busiest street in Shanghai. When we got there,there were lots of people. We walked from one shop to another. I bought two T-shirts and two pairs of trousers for the ing summer. The T-shirts and trousers I bought are all white because white is my favourite colour. My brother also bought some clothes. On the third day, my mother took me to Jinjiang Entertainment Centre. It was full of people. I played many kinds of gamesthere. I had a good time. The other days, I went to some other interesting places, such as the Oriental Bright Pearl TV Tower, the Huangpu River and Shanghai International Conference Centre. I didnt forget to do my homework in the evening. I had a full an d happy holiday. 关于旅游的英语作文(二): This summer vacation, I went to Beijing. It was a very great city! We went to the Great Wall first.Like its name,it was very great.We can see many mountians around. Then we went to visit Tian'an Men Square.It was also fantastic. We lived in a small house in a Beijing Hutung, it was a traditional Beijing building called 'four-section pound'. I enjoyed myself a lot. I love Beijing! 关于旅游的英语作文(三): I went to three cities to play during last summer holidays. They are Beijing, Dalian and HuHehot.


暑假去北京的英语作文 北京是我国的首都,有许多历史文化建筑,那么关于暑假去北京的英语作文怎么写呢?以下是为大家整理的暑假去北京游玩的英语作文,欢迎大家阅读。 暑假去北京游玩的英语作文篇一This summer holiday I visited to Beijing with my aunt. We visited to many famous places such as Tian'ann Men Square the Imperial Palace the Summer Palace the Great Wall and so on. Before that I just saw them on TV but this summer holiday they were all in front of my eyes. I was so exciting. Among them I like theSummerPalacethe most because it's so amazing and the scenery is very beautiful. BesidesBeijingis a modern city. There are many tall buildings. I like this city very much and I hope I can visit there again. 翻译: 这个暑假,我和叔叔到北京旅游。我们参观了很多地方,比如天安门广场,故宫,颐和园和长城等等。 在那之前我只是在电视上看见过它们,但是这个暑假我亲眼看到它们就在我的前面,我很兴奋。

一场说走就走的旅行 A Trip Without Plan(大学英语作文)

一场说走就走的旅行A Trip Without Plan 大学英语作文 Today, as the life standard has improved, people have more money to chase amusement, travel is their first choice. So there are a lot of people on the journey during the public vacation, some people even quit their jobs to do it. The trip without plan was favored by many people since a few years ago, it was the attitude towards life.今天,随着生活水平的提高,人们有更多的钱去追逐娱乐,旅行是他们的第一选择。因此在公共假期期间,有很多人在旅途中,有些人甚至放弃自己的工作去旅游。说走就走的旅行在几年前就受到了欢迎,这是一种生活态度。 Though people are proud of taking the independent travel, especially when they just go anytime and anywhere, only a few people take action. Some day, as I had the long summer vacation, I suddenly had the idea that I could take a trip without plan. So I asked two of my friends to joined my team. We booked the tickets and and hotel, then the next day, we took the train. We talked and appreciated the scenery


A Brief Introduction of Chengdu & Surrounding Tourist Attractions Chengdu Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province, lies in the hinterland of the Chengdu Plain, in central Sichuan. Covering a total land area of 12,400 square kilometers, Chengdu has a jurisdiction of over 7 districts, 4 cities and 8 counties. By the end of 1999, the population of Chengdu had reached 10.036 million, of which 3.30 million were urban residents. Chengdu enjoys a long history. 2500 years ago, Kaiming IX, king of ancient Shu in the Zhou Dynasty (11th century 256BC), started to set up the capital in Chengdu. "A town was built in this area in the first year and the capital in the second year, so the ancestor named the city as Chengdu, which means to become a capital. Later on, Chengdu gradually became one of the most important centers of politics, economy and culture in China. It has been the capital for the feudal dynasties five times and twice for the peasant uprising regimes, known as Dashu and Daxi. As early as in the Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD), Chengdu began to enjoy the fame of one of the Top Five Capitals. In the Tang Dynasty (618-907), Chengdu was reputed as the Yang (Yangzhou) first, yi (Chengdu) second; it had by then became the economic center just after Yangzhou. In the Western Han Dynasty (206BC-8AD), brocades produced in Chengdu were very popular in China. So Chengdu was also called the City of Brocade. In the Five Kingdoms Period (907-960), Mengchang, king of the Houshu Kingdom, decreed to plant hibiscuses on the protective wall of the city, so Chengdu was also called the City of Hibiscus. As one of China's famous historical and cultural cities, Chengdu enjoys rich tourist resources. 1500 years ago, a well-known poet in the Jin Kingdom, Zuo Si extolled Chengdu as lofty and pretty. This city has also gained the eulogium by both Li Bai, the poet immortal and Du Fu, the poet sage. With rich cultural heritage and beautiful scenic spots, Chengdu is a peaceful and prosperous city.


【关于旅游的英语作文:篇一】 Last summer holiday, I went to Hainan with my family. The weather was terrific! The sky was blue more than I could describe, the sea was blue and bright more than I could believe. Walking by the sea is just like being in the oil painting! We sailed to an island called Xiao. I swam there. Swimming is the sea is quite different from that in a pool. Because the depth is various all the time. Maybe the water can't afford you this minute, and then it will flow over your head! Bedsides the swimming, we also had a good meal there. We had a nice seafood dish. I forgot the name of that conch, but I bought back the shell. I f you want to have a look, you may ask me. Or, we may go to Hainan together, for I am always hoping to come to that place again. I really like that place, a place of blue and brightness. 【关于旅游的英语作文:篇二】 This summer vacation, I went to Beijing. It was a very great city! We went to the Great Wall first. Like its name, it was very great. We can see many mountains around. Then we went to visit Tian'an Men Square. It was also fantastic. We lived in a small house in a Beijing Hutung, it was a traditional Beijing building called 'four-section compound'. I enjoyed myself a lot.


关于去北京的英语作文 北京是中国的首都,是经济、政治、文化的中心,也是一座历史悠久的现代化城市。下面小编为大家搜集整理有关北京的英语作文,仅供阅读! 北京Beijing Id like to go to a beautiful place. I think it would be Beijing. Beijing is not only our capital city, but also a famous city with long history and wonderful culture. Beijing is also Chinas political and cultural center. Therere many old places of great interest, such as the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven, and Tiananmen Square. Once you see Tiananmen Square, you will think of Beijing. It has been the symbol of Beijing since 1949. 我想去一个美丽的地方。我觉得那应该是北京。北京不仅仅是我们的首都,也是有着悠久的历史和精彩地文化的著名城市。北京也是中国的政治和文化中心。有很多古迹,比如,长城,颐和园,紫禁城,天坛,天安门广场。只要你看到天安门广场,你就会想起北京。自从1949年起它就是北京的象征了。 北京之旅Journey to Beijing This summer holiday, I visited toBeijingwith my aunt. We visited to many famous places, such as TiananMen Square, theImperialPalace,


英语作文:旅行的意义 导语:你认为旅行有什么意义?下面是小编为备考的同学准备的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! 旅行的意义TheMeaningofTravel Travelisagoodwaytorefreshandbroadenourhorizon.Duringyou rtravel,youcanturnoffyourcellphoneandkeepfarfromtheInte rnet.Youcanforgetyourwork,yourstudyoryourfamily,andjust enjoytheleisuretime.Fromthemomentwhenyoustartyourjourne y,allthetriflesshouldbelockedatyourhouse.Duringthetrave l,youcankillyourtimeslowlytohaveagoodrest,andyoucancont actwithdifferentpeople.Theymaybeawindowforyoutoknowadif ferentworld.Meetvariouspeople,experiencethings,whichmak eyourworldbigger.Youjustcleanupyourentiremindandyoucang etthetruemeaningoftravel. 【参考译文】 旅行是消除疲劳开阔眼界的好方式。在旅行中,你可以关掉手机,远离网络,可以忘记你的工作、学习或家庭,只需静静地享受旅行的闲暇。从踏上旅程的那一刻起,所有的琐事都应该被紧锁在家里。旅行的时刻,你可以慢慢打发时间,好好休息,也可以和不同的人打交道,这些人可能是你开启另一个世界的窗口。遇见不同的人,经历不同的事,这都可以使你的世界更宽广。


成都旅游不得不去的景点排行榜 NO.1:成都杜甫草堂 杜甫草堂位于四川省成都市西郊的浣花溪畔。杜甫,字子美,唐玄宗先天元年(712年)出生于河南">河南">河南巩县,代宗大历五 年(770年)病死在湘江船上,因其曾任工部之官,所以后世亦称 “杜工部”。杜甫生活在唐朝由盛至衰的交替时代,经历了唐中期 的“安史之乱”,他的许多诗篇,真实反映了这一时代的种种社会 现象,被誉为“诗史”。杜甫的诗对中国文学的发展也产生了极其 深远的影响,后世尊他为“诗圣”。唐乾元二年(759年),杜甫流 寓成都,在浣花溪畔筑起茅屋,在此居住历时近四年,在这四年之中,他著作了大量的诗文达240篇,许多脍炙人口的著名诗篇如 《茅屋为秋风所破歌》就是在居草堂时作出的。从北宋开始,后人 在诗人的故居建园立祠,并多次修葺,现在的建筑规模是在明弘治 十三年(1500年)和清嘉庆十六年(1811年)的两次较大规模的修建中 确立的,现存主要建筑有大廨、诗史堂、柴门、工部祠等。 NO.2:青城山 青城山道教名山,著名旅游景点。古称天谷山。在都江堰市西南。因青山四合,状若城廓,故名。属邛崃山系,处邛崃山东坡与成都 平原交接处,背靠岷山雪岭,面向成都平原,山体主要由砾岸组成,有36峰,最高峰海拔1600余米。为道教第五洞天,全称洞天第五 宝仙九室之天。相传东汉张陵在此后山(即大邑鹤鸣山)结茅,传五 斗米道,其子张衡、孙张鲁也嗣法于此。晋范长生、隋赵昱及赵冕、唐杜光庭等相继来此修道。有张天师降摩的掷笔槽、试剑石、天师 手植银杏树、天师池、唐玄宗手诏碑、唐雕三皇石像、唐铸飞龙铁鼎、杜光庭读书台、唐薛昌丹井、五代天师像、明代木雕门屏等文 物遗迹。历代宫观林立,至今尚存遗迹38处。现存主要宫观有建福宫、天师洞、朝阳">朝阳洞、祖师殿、上清宫、圆明宫、玉清宫等,其中天师洞和祖师殿为道教全国重点宫观。


关于旅游的英语作文 关于旅游的英语作文 篇一:关于旅游的.英语作文His time most unforgettable was the first time traveling with his wife, as this is the first time, therefore, was extremely excited. On May 20 this particular day I have to play as early as 7:00 in the morning we arrived at the place to be on the train, the 6:00 bell on my wife and finishing up a good point. 7:01 to start on time. The coach and I was full of a sense of curiosity, for the first time for everyone to do there is always a special feeling. Coach travel on the highway, the window quickly from the scene before flying, I have been looking out the window, could not feel happy. Over time, unconsciously I fell asleep. After about four hours by car, we have finally reached the destination - Nanbei Hu. We arranged to stay in the Expo in Hangzhou Hotel, the room is very spacious, this is the first time I was admitted to a five-star hotel, I am excited about the West, Zhang Zhang looked at, to see that the door opened, the door opened Look Look, everything I feel very fresh. After lunch,


关于难忘的旅行英语作文【三篇】 【篇一】关于难忘的旅行英语作文 I went Chong Qing in July 22.It is a city which was built near mountains. So people call it Mountain City\. In Chong Qing,I went to the Red Stone Center, to see the places which the prisoners lived in the past. It is a terrible and awful trip. There are a lot of dogs, and soldiers with guns near the prisons. And most of the prisons are good, they didn't want to tell the bad people where the other people were. They lived in very small houses. No good food to eat, no good water to drink.They had only twenty minutes to stay out side per day but they still said nothing. I think they are the heros in that century. I will follow their spirit. 【篇二】关于难忘的旅行英语作文 I went Chong Qing in July 22.It is a city which was built near mountains. So people call it Mountain City\. In Chong Qing,I went to the Red Stone Center, to see the places which the prisoners lived in the past. It is a terrible and awful trip. There are a lot of dogs, and soldiers with guns near the prisons. And most of the prisons are good, they didn't want to tell the bad people where the other people were. They lived in very small houses. No good food to eat, no good water to drink.They had only twenty minutes to stay out side per day but they still said nothing.


成都的旅游景点范文 唐代大诗人杜甫流寓成都市的故居,面积16平方米,是格局典雅、建筑古朴、庭园幽美的文化古迹名胜,以下内容是为您精心的成都的旅游景点,欢迎参考! 都江堰 都江堰始建于公元前256年,位于距四川省省会成都以西38KM 的岷江干流上。世界自然、文化遗产,国家首批“5A”级景区。都江堰水利工程在都江堰市城西,是全世界至今为止,年代最久、唯一留存、以无坝引水为特征的宏大水利工程,附近景色秀丽,文物古迹众多,主要有伏龙观、二王庙、安澜索桥、玉垒关、离堆公园、玉垒山公园和灵岩寺等。属全国重点文物保护单位。 都江堰水利创建时的鱼嘴分水堤、飞沙堰溢洪道、宝瓶口引水口三大主体工程和百丈堤、人字堤等附属工程构成,科学地解决了江水自动分流、自动排沙、控制进水流量等问题,消除了水患,使川西平原成为“水旱从人”的“天府之国”。两千多年来,一直发挥着防洪灌溉作用。截至1998年,都江堰灌溉面积已达40余县,灌溉面积达到到66.87万公顷。 都江堰水利工程充分利用当地西北高、东南低的地理条件,根据江河出山口处特殊的地形、水脉、水势,乘势利导,无坝引水,自流灌溉,使堤防、分水、泄洪、排沙、控流相互依存,共为体系,保证了防洪、灌溉、水运和社会用水综合效益的充分发挥。最伟大之处是建堰两千多年来经久不衰,而且发挥着愈来愈大的效益。都江堰的

创建,以不破坏自然资源,充分利用自然资源为人类服务为前提,变害为利,使人、地、水三者高度协合统一。都江堰工程至今犹存。随着科学技术的发展和灌区范围的扩大,从1936年开始,逐步改用混凝土浆砌卵石技术对渠首工程进行维修、加固,增加了部分水利设施,古堰的工程布局和"深淘滩、低作堰","乘势利导、因时制宜","遇湾截角、逢正抽心"等治水方略没有改变,都江堰水利工程成为世界最佳水资源利用的典范。 主要景观:鱼嘴、宝瓶口、飞少堰、伏龙观、二王庙、离堆古园、安澜索桥等。 锦里 锦里是完全草根的,本土的,家常的。商店里卖的些是筷子、茶叶、灯笼、蚕丝被和土特产。餐厅里的美食有张飞牛肉、三大炮、肥肠粉,一箸一杯都是冲着味道去的,不花俏,没有噱头,讲究的是实惠。还有手艺人的玩艺儿,捏个泥人,转个糖画儿,买张剪纸,都是包含童趣的东西,怀旧也是怀念童年淳朴的快乐。一条街色彩缤纷的花灯和幌子,是大俗,图的是个热闹。而街上最吸抓眼球的,还是那些让人热烈思慕的成都粉子。她们在酒吧里嗑瓜子和打牌,喝着外国酒,说的还是绵软成都话。都之代称。 杜甫草堂 唐代大诗人杜甫流寓成都市的故居,面积16平方米,是格局典雅、建筑古朴、庭园幽美的文化古迹名胜,也是杜甫行踪足迹中规模


【关于旅游】It is exciting to visit different places. As you travel, you will see beautiful sceneries typical of the region. Besides, you can meet and make friends with people of different colors and races. Finally, you can get to know the customs and living habits of the local people. Today people are so fond of traveling that to urism has become one of the faster growing industries in most countries. The main reason why people travel is, perhaps, for pleasure. For example, having worked hard throughout the weekdays, people will find a widened trip to the nearby mountains or beaches a real relaxation. For another example, spending an annual holiday traveling abroad is an especially satisfying experience for those who do not have much of an opportunity to be away from their homelands. When people return from their travel, they will generally feel fresh and energetic, ready to work harder. Traveling is also one of the best means for learning. You may have read or heard about something but you can never get an accurate picture of it until you see it for yourself. Seeing is believing. Furthermore, if you area careful observer, you can learn much during your travel about the geography, biology, and history of the places you visit. No matter how well educated you are, there is always a lot for you to learn through traveling. The knowledge acquired from travel, as you will have found in your life, is no less valuable than that from any influential reference book.


成都旅游攻略2012最新图文版 一、成都旅游攻略——最佳旅游时机 春季 春天的成都是最迷人的,此时正值花期,四十里芙蓉花海如同一片锦绣,蓉城称号名至实归。 夏季 炎热躁动的夏日,自有清凉的避暑胜地,青城山、西岭雪山、邛崃天台山,绿荫蔽日,冰雪夹道,一片清幽。 秋季 秋高气爽的天气,去洛带领略古镇风情,或是去望江楼体会秋意的浸染,都不失为一个好的选择。 冬季 到成都来吃火锅吧,这正是冬天之于成都的意义。在这个小吃与火锅的城市里,感受到的永远都是暖洋洋。 成都高海拔地区日照强,早晚温差大,建议带好防晒用品以及长袖衣裤、羊毛衫、夹克衫等。由于海拔较高,也应带好雨具和常用药品。 另外,到成都建议购买一份地图,打车的时候可以威慑一下司机以防绕路,或向别人打听好大概多少钱,以供参考。 二、成都旅游的七大玩点 1、泡在茶馆里的巴适生活

据说茶馆是成都人的第二居所,第二办公区,第一休闲地。把自己埋在藤椅里,捧一壶盖碗茶,看着熙来攘往的街市发呆,不以为然地将大把时光挥霍掉。这样的生活真是令匆匆路过的外来人又艳羡又无奈。 2、吃火锅,品味麻辣川西 来成都不吃火锅,那可算白来了。在成都,火锅随处可见,只要闻着香就可找到火锅。成都是真正的吃的城市,成都的火锅,口味鲜香,成都的辣不会火烧火燎,却能给味蕾足够的刺激。 3、变脸,一眼千面的惊叹 变脸之于川剧,一如喷火之于秦腔,皆属看家绝技。川剧的这一绝活,真会让人匪夷所思:一张脸刹那间可以变幻出十几张,真是值得惊叹的事。这一传统文化精髓如今早已蜚声中外,既然来到它的起源地,不去看一看,实在可惜。 4、散打,成都自嘲式幽默

散打段子,是在评书基础上发展出来的,由川渝地区著名的民间艺术家李伯清创造出来的新的艺术形式。来到成都,有机会就必定要听听李伯清的散打段子,体会成都人自嘲式的幽默。 5、赏美女,艳遇成都 成都自古出美女,还得到了“红粉第一城”的美名。既然来到这里,无论男女老少,看看美女总是养眼的。川师是公认的美女云集的高校,在校园广场停留片刻,看各色美女往来聚散,岂不快哉! 6、看熊猫,憨厚姿态面面观 熊猫可是国宝,来到这里,自然要去一睹国宝的风采。看他们圆滚滚的身材,了解它们的生活习性,也是乐趣一桩。 7、蜀锦,东方瑰宝,中华一绝 蜀锦工艺独特,有中国四大名锦之首的美誉。国外人来到成都,都是争相购买,国人当然也不能少了这绝佳礼品。诸葛亮曾说过:“敌之资,唯仰锦耳。” 三、成都旅游景点介绍 1、武侯祠 武侯祠,位于南门武侯祠大街,是中国唯一的君臣合祀祠庙,由刘备、诸葛亮蜀汉君臣合祀祠宇及惠陵组成。 武侯祠主体建筑分大门、二门、刘备殿、过厅、诸葛亮殿五重,依次排列在从南到北的一条中轴线上。武侯祠享有“三国圣地”之美誉,这里是众多三国迷的圣地。来到此处,在郁郁葱葱的松柏掩映下,仿佛回


关于旅行的英语作文50字 Yesterday, mom and dad took me to follow tour group to visit the west lake together. To the west lake, I saw the beautiful west lake scenery, attracts many tourists. From a distance, the west lake lake calm like a big mirror bright. After a while, we followed the guide on the ship. Boat, tour guide will introduce us to the west lake. The west lake have broken bridge, why called middle-east? Actually broken bridge isn't broken, it is snow in winter, snow on the broken bridge. Melting, seen from the sky, I feel like a broken. There is leifeng pagoda, gem mountain west lake... We listened with relish. The ship stopped, we went to the just, saw many green lotus leaves, they each other, like small handfuls of umbrella. Some lotus flowers in bud, some lotus in full bloom already. Beside the lotus has two mandarin duck to swimming merrily on the surface of the lake. Then we saw quite a few big carp. Visitors to give food to big carp, carp jump up and splash water around
