




Part One Listening Comprehension

Section I

Directions: In this section you will hear two students, Frank and Theresa, discussing a survey they have to write as an assignment. Listen to the conversation and complete the notes below which what you hear.

Notes about Frank’s survey:

Topic: ________________________________

Typical examples of violent programs: ______________________________________________

People’s suggestions: ____________________________________________________________

People’s reactions to violence on news broadcast: ______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

A possible problem with this survey: ________________________________________________

The advantage of the survey: _______________________________________________________

Section Two

Directions: In this section you will listen to some news program. Below are the summaries of the news items. Listen to the recording and fill in the missing words to complete the new summaries.

1.An orangutan stopped the traffic outside _________ . It took a keep from the zoo ________ minutes

to get downtown because of the traffic. The animal showed no interest in ________ but responded when the keeper ________ to it. It held the keeper’s _______ as they got into the car.

2. A new method for teaching singing has been developed. Most singers are unaware of how they

______________________. By wearing a ______________ over your head while you sing, you can hear your voice the way _____________ hear you. This can help you _________ your singing.

3.This year there are _______ contestants in theSunsetBeachsandcastle ________--aged from 8 to ____ .

The two favorites are Greg Wallace (who has won three times before), with his _______ castle, and newcomer David Bradley, with his Star Wars __________.

Section Three

In this section, you hear four telephone messages. What is each message about? When you hear each message, you should write in English the main information. Some callers’ names are: Alberto, Janine Ellis, and Jim Saunders. You will hear the recording only once.

Telephone message 1: _________________________________________________________


Telephone message 2: _________________________________________________________


Telephone message 3: _________________________________________________________


Telephone message 4:__________________________________________________________


Part Two Translation

Directions: Read the following passage carefully and translate it into Chinese. Write your translation clearly in the spaces provided below.

What’s in a name?

For thousands of years, humanity has classified the living thins of this world in much the same fashion; by their appearance. If it looks like a duck, walks and quacks like a duck, then it is a duck. But tackling millions of species in this way has proven to be a recipe for confusion. As scientists have found to their cost, what looks like a duck may in fact be a goose.

More recently, genetic techniques have been applied, particularly for distinguishing the more difficult-to-identity species such as viruses and bacteria by comparing pieces of DNA. Might this approach be more generally applicable? Paul Hebert and his colleagues inCanadathink it might be. Just as barcodes

and the “universal product code” numbering scheme uniquely identify differe nt items at a supermarket checkout, they suggest that some stretches of DNA could perform a similar function in living things. In a paper just published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B, they discuss how long such a genetic barcode needs to be, and where it might be found.

A universal product code found on the high street consists of a string of 11 digits, each of which is one of ten numerals, providing 100 billion unique combinations. Genetic material, however, uses a quaternary, rather than a denary, coding system. In theory, it would only be necessary to sample 15 of those letters to create one billion unique codes.

In practice, however, the characteristics of DNA mean that 15 letters are not enough. Unlike the arbitrary numbers of a universal product code, the letters of DNA are not random, because they code for something that a biological meaning.

Part Three Writing

Directions: Boshi Electronic (China) Co., Ltd. Is planning to recruit an assistant to the general manager. Read the job description and qualification and write to this co,pany to recomment yourself as a candidate. Your letter of application should not be less than 300 words.

Job descition:

Assit daily administration work

Collect and manage information Responsible for the correspondence and documents Make business travel plan

Involved in meeting aggangement

Make reports accurately

Qualification Master degree Good skill in communication

Good gomputer skills

Good skills in bothe written and spoken English Teamwork orientation

Some topics for Speaking Test

1.I. Opening Questions

2.Do you like music? What kind of music do you listen to these days? Why do you like this particular music?

3.Do you like sports? What kind of games do you often play? Why do you like that game?

4.Suppose you have won $100,000 ina lottery. What would you do with this money?

5.Why do you choose Tsinghua to do your graduate program? What are the most important factors in

choosing a school?

6.What kind of job do you plan to take upon graduation? Why?

7.How much time do you spend learning about the news everyday? How do you learn about the news, by

watching TV or reading newspaper?Talk about one piece of the latest new that impressed you a great deal.

8.I the development of human society, many kinds of inventions have greatly benefited our lives. Could you

give us some examples? What do you think are the top important inventions in the past 50 years?

9.In everyone’s life, he may experience many good and bad events. Please tell me some past events which made you feel good or bad.

10. Do you use e-mail or the Internet? What do you use them for?

1.II. Role plays or debate

1. As the job-hunting season is approaching, many graduates have to decide whether to remain

inBeijingand seek a job here (though it is not very easy to hunt a good job) or go to small cities to have an easy life.

Student A:It’s not advisable choice for us to work inBeijing, for the life inBeijing won’t be easy here.

Student B: I will try every effort to remain here to have a further develop and enjoy the exciting life here.

2. As the industry develops more rapidly in these years, people inChinabecome much more concerning

about the environmental protection.

Student A:I appeal to the government to postpone or stop some of the current projects, and punish the ones who are polluting our city. Industrialization brings us nothing but the stink of money and a dirty sky.

We should not develop our industry intensely. The industrialization should be slowed down at once, or we’ll get punished

Student B: .We shouldn’t reduce our production under any circumstance. I don’t mean to be

unconventional. But I do prefer industrial development to environmental protection. More exactly,

industrialization can be the motivation and also the supporter of environment protection, which may be the contrary to normal consideration.

3. Deputies from the National People's Congress, as well as members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, proposed changes to the holidays at this year's congress. They called for shortened Labor Day and National Day holidays, and the addition of the Mid-Autumn Festival and the Tomb Sweeping Day.

Student A:I’m strongly agree to the change of the holidays, the golden week has lots of disadvantages.

Student B:I don’t think the golden week holiday should be abrogated, because people ha ve been used to it. People need it.

4. Our country has stepped into the aging society (people who are 65 or older have taken up 14%).Who will take care of the very old and disable old? Where could they spend the last few years in their life?

Student A:The nursing home is the only way to solve the problem.

Student B:I can’t agree. Those who live in the nursing home are not as happy as those who live with their family.

5. Have you ever experienced a natural disaster? Work with your partner and discuss the disaster(s) that you experienced or heard of.

6. Student A:All the Chinese should join in the "Rejecting the Japanese Goods" side, because the Japanese have done too many things hurting our feelings.

Student B:"Rejecting the Japanese Goods" is not necessary. The Japanese goods, such as the Japanese notebook PCs, the Japanese cars and so on, are better and cheaper than ours.

7. Student A:English language is tool—we learn it for we’re going to use it. So the four skills of English are very important. We attend the English Class for improving our English Skills.

Student B:We attend the English class because the charm of a foreign culture often attracts us strongly. That is the very foundation stone of the interest of learning a foreign language. Further more, only by mastering the foreign language can one attain the charm of a culture.

8. Class discussion has become a common activity in our classroom nowadays. Many teachers use this activity to involve students in the class learning.

Student A: It's a waste of time to listen to other students who are as ignorant as us to talk nonsense; we prefer to listen to teachers.

Student B:Class discussion can get students more involved in class learning and can give us a chance to share what we know about the subjects.

9. Nowadays internet has penetrated into every aspect of out daily life. A lot of people have ever tried to buy something from the internet.

Student A: Shopping on internet is very convenient.

Student B: I love the traditional shopping method.

10. Student A: I worry about the future of human beings. We are facing so many problems in the development.

Student B: I do believe that our children will have a better life.

1.A: Computer games are the best way to kill time and can people can learn a lot from playing it. B: Computer games do more harm than good to young people.

1. A and B are two classmates who have never met after they graduated from the university 5 years ago. Now they meet at the classmates’ reunion party? What would you say? Role play the two old classmates.

13. Did you have to adhere to a dress code or wear a uniform when you went school? How did you feel about it then? How do you feel about it now? Work in pairs to discuss the topic.

14. Role Play: Where are you from? You and your partner may come from different regions inChina. Compare the lifestyles in each of your hometown by discussion what is hot (popular) and what is not in the city or town.

15. Role Play: Tell each other a past event which made you feel good or bad (e.g. A embarrassed situation, un unforgettable school event, a happy reunion, or meeting a famous person).

16. What qualities do heroes in movies and TV shows in your country have? Who are some of your own personal heroes? Why do you admire and respect these people? Tell each other you heroes you respect.

17. Nowadays, more and more parents choose to educate primary school children at home instead of sending them to school to get public education. How do you think about it?

A: strongly agree to it.

B: strongly against it.

18. Should the University Campus be open to tourist?

A: strongly agree to it.

B: strongly against it.

19.Talk about the marriage of the college students. A: strongly agree to it.

B: strongly against it.

20.How do you think the Clone technology?

A: It’s a breakthrough of the biological engineer. B: Human cloning would cause a lot of problems.


光电传感器测转速实验 实 验 指 导 书

简 介 一、本实验装置的设计宗旨: 本实验装置具有设计性、趣味性、开放性和拓展性,实验中大量重复的接线、调试和后续数据处理、分析、可以加深学生对实验仪器构造和原理的理解,有利于培养学生耐心仔细的实验习惯和严谨的实验态度。非常适合大中专院校开设开放性实验。本实验装置采用了性能比较稳定,品质较高的敏感器件,同时采用布局较为合理且十分成熟的电路设计。 二、光电传感器测转速实验实验装置 1.传感器实验台部分 2.九孔实验板接口平台部分:九孔实验板作为开放式和设计性实验的一个桥梁(平台); 3.JK-19型直流恒压电源部分:提供实验时所必须的电源; 4.处理电路模块部分:差动放大器、电压放大器、调零、增益、移相等模块组成。 三、主要技术参数、性能及说明: (1)光电传感器:由一只红外发射管与接收管组成。 (2)差动放大器:通频带kHz 10~0可接成同相、反相、差动结构,增益为100~1倍的直流放大器。 (3)电压放大器:增益约为5位,同相输入,通频带kHz 10~0。 (4)19JK -型直流恒压电源部分:直流V 15±,主要提供给各芯片电源: V 6 ,V 4 ,V 2±±±分三档输出,提供给实验时的直流激励源;V 12~0:A 1ax Im =作 为电机电源或作其它电源。 光电传感器测转速实验 【实验原理】 如图所示:光电传感器由红外发射二极管、红外接收管、达林顿出管及波形整形组成。

发射管发射红外光经电机转动叶片间隙,接收管接收到反射信号,经放大,波形整形输出方波,再经转换测出其频率,。 图1 【实验目的】 了解光电传感器测转速的基本原理及运用。 【实验仪器】 如图所示,光电式传感器、JK-19型直流恒压电源、示波器、差动放大器、电压放大器、频率计和九孔实验板接口平台。 图2 图3 【实验步骤】 1.先将差动放大器调零,按图1接线;

安防参考资料 (2) 2

一、单项选择题(共30分,每题3分) (1)适合工作于室内无照明的场所的摄像机是( B )。 A.针孔摄像机 B.红外摄像机 C.广角摄像机 D.彩色摄像机 (2)考虑到施工的二次操作,维护过程的障碍修理及部分路由的变动和其他外界因素影响的需要,对于光缆接头两侧预留( B )m。 A.10 B.15 C.20 D.25 (3)解码器AB线之间电压要求小于( C )。 A.220V B.24V C.5V D.36V (4)在环境噪声较小的仓库,博物馆,银行金库,机要室等处宜使用( C ) A.超声波探测器 B玻璃破碎探测器 C.声控探测器 D微波探测器 (5)当主动红外对射探测器的接收端接收发射端发射的红外线光束后,接收端会有电压输出,当电压达到( B )V时为正常工作状态。 A.3 B.5 C.10 D.12 (6)安全防范系统接地常采用( A )方式。 A多点接地 B一点接地 C.T型接地 D.中性接地 (7)总线制报警系统的电阻需要安装在( C ) A.报警主机内 B.传输线路中间 C.地址模块和探头之间 D.地址模块和总线间(8)进度控制的措施中并不包括( C ) A、组织措施 B、安全措施 C、合同措施 D、技术措施 (9)施工方进度控制的任务是( C ) A.按制整个项目实施阶层的进度 B.依据设计任务委托合同对设计工作进度的要求控制设计工作进度 C.依据施工任务委托合同对施工进度的要求控制施工进度 D.依据供货合同对供货的要求控制供货进度 (10)如果住户密码开门时输入的密码末位数加1(如果末位为9,加1后为0,不进位),则作为胁迫密码处理,胁迫密码开门时,不会发生的操作为( A ) A.与正常开门时的情形相同,门被打开 B.有声音及显示给予提示


实验一、测定金属材料拉伸时的力学性能 一、实验目的 1、测定低碳钢的屈服极限s σ,强度极限b σ,延伸率δ和面积收缩率ψ。 2、测定铸铁的强度极限b σ。 3、观察拉伸过程中的各种现象,并绘制拉伸图(l F ?-曲线)。 二、仪器设备 1、液压式万能试验机。 2、游标卡尺。 三、实验原理简要 材料的力学性质s σ、b σ、δ和ψ是由拉伸破坏试验来确定的。试验时,利用试验机自动绘出低碳钢拉伸图和铸铁拉伸图。对于低碳材料,确定屈服载荷s F 时,必须缓慢而均匀地使试件产生变形,同时还需要注意观察。测力回转后所指示的最小载荷即为屈服载荷s F ,继续加载,测得最大载荷b F 。试件在达到最大载荷前,伸长变形在标距范围内均匀分布。从最大载荷开始,产生局部伸长和颈缩。颈缩出现后,截面面积迅速减小,继续拉伸所需的载荷也变小了,直至断裂。 铸铁试件在极小变形时,就达到最大载荷,而突然发生断裂。没有流动和颈缩现象,其强度极限远低于碳钢的强度极限。 四、实验过程和步骤 1、用游标卡尺在试件的标距范围内测量三个截面的直径,取其平均值,填入记录表内。取三处中最小值作为计算试件横截面积的直径。 2、 按要求装夹试样(先选其中一根),并保持上下对中。 3、 按要求选择“试验方案”→“新建实验”→“金属圆棒拉伸实验”进行试验,详细操 作要求见万能试验机使用说明。 4、 试样拉断后拆下试样,根据试验机使用说明把试样的l F ?-曲线显示在微机显示屏 上。从低碳钢的l F ?-曲线上读取s F 、b F 值,从铸铁的l F ?-曲线上读取b F 值。 5、 测量低碳钢(铸铁)拉断后的断口最小直径及横截面面积。 6、 根据低碳钢(铸铁)断口的位置选择直接测量或移位方法测量标距段长度1l 。 7、 比较低碳钢和铸铁的断口特征。


参考文献实验报告格式 在这个阶段中,学生根据已有知识的经验,通过演绎、归纳、推理而提出的假设,不少带有猜测的性质。此时教师要引导学生积极作出假设,不应压抑学生的思维,不管是对是错,都不要忙于作出评价。下面是精心收集的参考文献实验报告格式,希望能对你有所帮助。 一、实验目的 1.干涉的实验目的 1)组装调节迈克尔逊干涉仪,观察点光源产生的非定域等厚、等倾干涉条纹记录。 2)观察干涉条纹反衬度随光程差变化。了解光源干涉长度的意义,检查防震台稳定性。 3)比较平面波和球面波产生干涉条纹的区别。 2.衍射的实验目的 1)验证夫琅禾费衍射图样的若干规律。 2)掌握测量利用光电元件测量光强的方法。 3)用Matlab模拟夫琅禾费衍射现象。 二、实验仪器 1.干涉实验仪器 He-Ne激光器,反射吧镜,衰减器,分光光楔,扩束器,显微物镜镜头,光阑,CCD,配备相关软件的计算机,白板。 2.衍射实验仪器

He-Ne激光器,反射镜,双凸透镜,狭缝,圆孔,一维光栅,衰减器,CCD,计算机。 三、基本原理 1.迈克尔逊干涉仪的非定域干涉条纹 本仪器是用分裂振幅的方法产生双光束干涉以实现光的干涉。从激光器岀射的光束经过准直扩束器系统,形成一束宽度合适的平行光束。这束平行光射入分光棱镜之后分为两束。一束由分光棱镜反射后到达发射镜,经反射后透过分光棱镜,形成岀射光束,这是第一光束;另一束透过分光棱镜,到达反射镜,经过反射后再次到达分光棱镜,形成反射光束,这是第二束光。在分光棱镜前方两束光的重叠区域放上CCD。 干涉原理,如有图所示,其中S为单色点源,M1、M2为互相垂直放置的平面反射镜。BS为分束镜,放在M1M2法线的交点上,并分别与M1、M2成45°角。电光源S发出球面波经BS的镀膜层分为两束光。这两束光分别经M1、M2反射又回到BS,在BS上透过和反射的这两束光在BS的右侧空间形成一非定域的干涉场。屏幕放在干涉场中垂直于光束方向,在屏幕 上可以看到干涉条纹。M2’与M1平行时(及M2与M1相互垂直),产生圆形干涉条纹,当M2’与M1之间有一定小的倾角时,屏幕上的干涉条纹不再是圆形的封闭曲线,而变成弯线或是接近直线(实际上是双曲线或椭圆的一部分)。 圆心条纹中心处的光强取决于M1M2相对的距离d,即:


近有人问我水平二有没有什么参考资料,我就想起了当时我们英语老师给我们的一份样题,题都考过,所以再考应该是不可能的,就挂在这里,下次就不用再我电脑上翻着找了~~ 题型可能还是有点出入大概就这样 综合练习(历次水平II试题精选) Part One Listening Comprehension Section I Directions: In this section you will hear two students, Frank and Theresa, discussing a survey they have to write as an assignment. Listen to the conversation and complete the notes below which what you hear. Notes about Frank’s survey: Topic: ________________________________ Typical examples of violent programs: ______________________________________________ People’s suggestions: ____________________________________________________________ People’s reactions to violence on news broadcast: ______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ A possible problem with this survey: ________________________________________________ The advantage of the survey: _______________________________________________________ Section Two Directions: In this section you will listen to some news program. Below are the summaries of the news items. Listen to the recording and fill in the missing words to complete the new summaries. 1.An orangutan stopped the traffic outside _________ . It took a keep from the zoo ________ minutes to get downtown because of the traffic. The animal showed no interest in ________ but responded when the keeper ________ to it. It held the keeper’s _______ as they got into the car. 2. A new method for teaching singing has been developed. Most singers are unaware of how they ______________________. By wearing a ______________ over your head while you sing, you can hear your voice the way _____________ hear you. This can help you _________ your singing. 3.This year there are _______ contestants in theSunsetBeachsandcastle ________--aged from 8 to ____ . The two favorites are Greg Wallace (who has won three times before), with his _______ castle, and newcomer David Bradley, with his Star Wars __________.


高电压技术实验参考资料 一、高电压实验课的目的和任务 1.熟悉和掌握高电压试验的基本技术。 2.通过实验,培养同学分析问题和解决问题的能力,使同学们初步掌握进行实验研究的一些基本方法。 3.树立安全第一的观点,保证人身和设备的安全是进行高压试验特别强调的问题,思想上必须自始至终保持高度的重视。 4.培养同学重视实际、遵守制度、爱护国家财产和严谨踏实的工作作风。 二、高电压试验的基本技术 1.掌握高电压试验的基本安全技术。 通过实验,同学们不仅在思想上要树立安全第一的观点,而且在实际工作中要养成严格的安全习惯。所以,要求同学们正确而熟练的掌握以下的基本安全技术。 a、掌握高压实验中必须的安全措施(防护栏、联锁、接地和安全距离)以及试验前的安全检查内容。 b、按照实验规则的要求,呼叫口令,并按实验程序进行操作。 c、掌握基本安全工具——接地杆的使用和检查。 2.学会安排试验条件和掌握工频试验变压器的正确使用。 3.掌握高电压试验的基本方法和典型仪器的使用。 a、掌握主要电力设备(套管、避雷器、电力变压器、线路绝缘子、电缆、电容器等)绝缘的基本检查和试验方法,包括绝缘电阻、泄漏电流、介质损耗因数、局部放电等的测量。以及击穿试验、耐压试验等。 b、掌握测量球隙、静电电压表、多种分压器、兆欧表、以及数字量的测量和使用方法。

三、对同学们的要求 1.预习:要求掌握实验内容、方法及基本原理,并选择试验所需设备、元件、仪器、仪表(包括使用方法)及试验点。画出试验线路图和原始记录表格。 2.实验:必须认真操作,观察实验中发生的现象,记录每次数据,注意安全,严格遵守实验规则,听从教师指导,实验后清理现场。 3.写出实验报告: 格式如下: a、实验目的 b、实验线路图,线路图要整齐、清楚(不得徒手画),并对图中设备的符号列表说明 c、实验内容及数据整理:数据应列表,对所用符号的含义和单位应加以说明,需计算部分应列出引用的公式和说明计算方法。必要时,应绘曲线。 d、现象描述:主要是放电现象,或在实验中遇到的其它现象(如故障现象),若无此内容,可省略。 e、分析讨论:对整个实验的数据、波形、实验现象用所学的知识进行分析讨论,并加以总结。 f、.严格遵守课堂纪律,不得迟到、早退。按时交报告。 四、高压实验室学生实验规则: (一) 实验前: 1.预习与组织: a、同学必须认真预习实验内容,教师要提问检查,不预习者不得参加实验,实验前应交前次实验报告。 b、每实验组推选组长一人,组内可轮流担任,并兼安全监护人。 2.实验前的检查: a、检查设备、仪表有元损坏。如有损坏.应立即向教师报告。


[1]Nancy Upton and William Petty:Venture capital in vestment and US family business,VENTURE CAPITAL,2000,vol.2,No.1,27 2]恩纳斯特·J·珀扎著,付彦等译.家族企业[M].中国人民大学出版社,2005,19. [3]韦前.我国今年有关家族企业与家族式管理问题的研究综述[J].学术研究,2001(2). [4]朱卫平.论企业家与家族企业[J].管理世界,2004(7):100~107. [5]陈灿.困境之谜[J].企业管理,2004(11):93. [6]陆兴发,吴宝林,翟德智.现代企业管理论[M].吉林大学出版社,2005.14. [7]熊毅.家族企业成长中的企业家特质变动与企业治理[J].中南财经政法大学学报,2004(6):117~121. [8]赵青竹.美国家族公司的五大成功因素[J].财会月刊(C财富),2004(6):17~18. [9]邵军,刘志远.管理层薪酬、多元化战略与公司价值[J].管理科学,2006(2):33~42. [10]陆兴发,王志刚.企业家的短视行为及其归因分析[J].企业研究,2006(8):70~71. [11]Jensen,M.C.and K.J.Murphy Performance pay and Topmanagement Incentives[J],Journal of Political Economy,XCV,1990:225~264 [12]陆兴发,翟勇洪.论家族企业的治理优势[J].中国民营科技与经济,2006(5):65~68. [13]余立智.家族企业的生成与变迁:一个契约观点[J].载陈凌主编.民营经济与中国家族企业成长.经济科学出版社,2006,33. [14]Littunen,H.,& Hyrsky,K.(2000).The early entrepreneurial stage in Finish family and non-family firms.Family Business Review,13(1):41~54. [15]Church,R.A.(1969).Kenricks in hardware:A family business,1791-1966.Newton Abbott:David & Charles. [16]Donckels,R.,& Frohlich,E.(1991).Are family businesses really different? European experiences from STRATOS.Family Business Review,4(2):149~160. [17]Sharma,P.(2003).Stakeholder mapping technique:toward the development of a family firm typology.Presented at the Academy of

格力标书 2参考资料

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1 格力挂壁空调机KFR-35GW/(35556) Ga-2 |空调类型:冷暖型分体壁挂式定频空调||产品功率:1.5P||冷暖 类型:冷暖型||制冷量(W):3500||制冷功率(W):1015||制冷电流 (A):4.61||制热量(W):3850(4850)||制热功率(W):1100(2100)||制热 电流(A):5.0||适用面积(制冷/制热)(㎡):16-24||内机尺寸(宽*深* 高)(mm):845/180/275||外机尺寸(宽*深*高)(mm):/848/320/592||净 质量(kg):(内/外)11/37||循环风量:630||除湿量:1.2L/h||噪音(内 机)dB(A):27-38||钢管基本配置:3米||加长价格:80元/米||颜色:白色|| 节能:节能2级||能效标识:2级能效||噪音(外机)dB(A):≤51| 22 2400 52800 3 格力空调柜机KFR-72LW/E(72 568L)A1-N1 |空调类型:冷暖型落地式定频空调||产品功率:3P||冷暖类型:冷暖 型||制冷量(W):7350||制冷功率(W):2170||制冷电流(A):4.1||制热量 (W):8100(10650)||制热功率(W):2260(4810)||制热电流(A):4.3||适用 面积(制冷/制热)(㎡):32-50||内机尺寸(宽*深* 高)(mm):520/349/1800||外机尺寸(宽*深*高)(mm):980/427/790||净 质量(kg):47/68||循环风量:1200||除湿量:2.5 L/H||噪音(内 机)dB(A):38-43||钢管基本配置:4米||加长价格:100元/米||颜色:白 色||节能:定频二级||能效标识:定频二级||噪音(外机)dB(A):≤56| 2 4900 9800 合计人民币:壹拾捌万捌仟元整小写:¥ 188000元格力KFR-35GW/(35570)Aa-3 品牌:格力 品目:空调 型号:KFR-35GW/(35570)Aa-3 生产厂商:珠海格力电器股份有限公司 规格: |空调类型:冷暖型分体壁挂式定频空调||产品功率:1.5P||冷暖类型:冷暖型||制冷量(W):3500||制冷功率(W):1015||制冷电流(A):4.61||制热量(W):3850(4850)||制热功率(W):1100(2100)||制热电流(A):5.0||适用面积(制冷/制热)(㎡):16-24||内机尺寸(宽*深*高)(mm):845/180/275||外机尺寸(宽*深* 高)(mm):/848/320/592||净质量(kg):(内/外)11/37||循环风量:630||除湿量:1.2L/h||噪音(内 机)dB(A):27-38||钢管基本配置:3米||加长价格:80元/米||颜色:白色||节能:节能2级||能效标识:2级能效||噪音(外机)dB(A):≤51| 产品优点简述:“智能+可控”电辅助加热 节能:节能3级 制热电流(A): 5.0 噪音(内机)dB(A):27-38 随机附件:遥控器、标配铜管 功率: 1.5P 制冷功率(W):1015 制冷量(W):3500 产品功能:冷暖型分体壁挂式定频空调 能效标识:2级能效 制热量(W):3850(4850) 环保:


Video Article Fluorescent in situ Hybridization on Mitotic Chromosomes of Mosquitoes Vladimir A. Timoshevskiy1, Atashi Sharma1, Igor V. Sharakhov1, Maria V. Sharakhova1 1Department of Entomology, Virginia Tech Correspondence to: Maria V. Sharakhova at msharakh@https://www.360docs.net/doc/0415182271.html, URL: https://www.360docs.net/doc/0415182271.html,/video/4215 DOI: doi:10.3791/4215 Keywords: Immunology, Issue 67, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Entomology, Infectious Disease, imaginal discs, mitotic chromosomes, genome mapping, FISH, fluorescent in situ hybridization, mosquitoes, Anopheles, Aedes, Culex Date Published: 9/17/2012 Citation: Timoshevskiy, V.A., Sharma, A., Sharakhov, I.V., Sharakhova, M.V. Fluorescent in situ Hybridization on Mitotic Chromosomes of Mosquitoes. J. Vis. Exp. (67), e4215, doi:10.3791/4215 (2012). Abstract Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) is a technique routinely used by many laboratories to determine the chromosomal position of DNA and RNA probes. One important application of this method is the development of high-quality physical maps useful for improving the genome assemblies for various organisms. The natural banding pattern of polytene and mitotic chromosomes provides guidance for the precise ordering and orientation of the genomic supercontigs. Among the three mosquito genera, namely Anopheles, Aedes, and Culex, a well-established chromosome-based mapping technique has been developed only for Anopheles, whose members possess readable polytene chromosomes 1. As a result of genome mapping efforts, 88% of the An. gambiae genome has been placed to precise chromosome positions 2,3 . Two other mosquito genera, Aedes and Culex, have poorly polytenized chromosomes because of significant overrepresentation of transposable elements in their genomes 4, 5, 6. Only 31 and 9% of the genomic supercontings have been assigned without order or orientation to chromosomes of Ae. aegypti 7 and Cx.quinquefasciatus 8, respectively. Mitotic chromosome preparation for these two species had previously been limited to brain ganglia and cell lines. However, chromosome slides prepared from the brain ganglia of mosquitoes usually contain low numbers of metaphase plates 9. Also, although a FISH technique has been developed for mitotic chromosomes from a cell line of Ae. aegypti 10, the accumulation of multiple chromosomal rearrangements in cell line chromosomes 11 makes them useless for genome mapping. Here we describe a simple, robust technique for obtaining high-quality mitotic chromosome preparations from imaginal discs (IDs) of 4th instar larvae which can be used for all three genera of mosquitoes. A standard FISH protocol 12 is optimized for using BAC clones of genomic DNA as a probe on mitotic chromosomes of Ae. aegypti and Cx.quinquefasciatus, and for utilizing an intergenic spacer (IGS) region of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) as a probe on An. gambiae chromosomes. In addition to physical mapping, the developed technique can be applied to population cytogenetics and chromosome taxonomy/systematics of mosquitoes and other insect groups. Video Link The video component of this article can be found at https://www.360docs.net/doc/0415182271.html,/video/4215/ Protocol 1. Chromosome Preparation Mosquito larvae were reared using a standard protocol described in Methods in Anopheles Research available at the website of the Malaria Research and Reference Reagent Resource Center(MR4) 13. The temperatures of mosquito rearing were modified to provide the highest number of chromosomes in imaginal discs and lowest mortality of the larvae. The stages of mosquito larvae development were determined based on the sizes of their head capsules 13. 1.Hatch mosquito eggs at 28 °C, and after 2-3 days, transfer 2nd or 3rd instar larvae to 16 °C for Ae. aegypti and Cx. quinquefasciatus and to 22 °C for An. gambiae. 2.Place 4th instar larvae on ice for several minutes for immobilization. 3.Transfer larva to a slide with a drop of cold hypotonic solution (0.5% sodium citrate or 0.075 M potassium chloride), and place it under the stereo microscope. 4.Select larva with oval IDs (Figure 1B) for further dissection. 5.Decapitate larva, and cut the cuticle from the ventral side of the larval thorax using dissecting scissors (Figure 2A). Make additional cut in second or third abdominal segment to dissect the gut from the larva. The directions of the cuts are shown by arrows. 6.Open the cuticle, and remove the gut and fat body from the larva. Remove the hypotonic solution from the slide using filter paper, and add a fresh drop of hypotonic solution directly to the IDs (Figure 2B). Keep larva in hypotonic solution for 10 min at RT. 7.Remove hypotonic solution using filter paper, and apply Carnoy's solution (ethanol/acetic acid in 3:1 ratio). After adding fixative solution, IDs immediately turn white and become easily visible under the microscope (Figure 2C). https://www.360docs.net/doc/0415182271.html,ing dissecting needles, remove IDs from the larva (Figure 2D), and transfer them to a drop of 50% propionic acid. Remove any other tissues, such as the gut and fat body, from the slide. Cover IDs with an unsiliconized 22x22 cover slip, and keep for 10 min at RT. 9.Cover the slide with filter paper, and squash the tissue by tapping the eraser of a pencil on the perimeter of the cover slip. 10.Briefly analyze the quality of the slide using the phase-contrast microscope at 100x or 200x magnification (Figure 3). Preparations with >50 chromosome spreads can be considered suitable for FISH.


《组织行为学》模拟试题及答案(三) 一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分) 1.被誉为管理心理学之父的是( B ) A.梅奥 B.莱维特 C.维卡 D.斯克伯兹 2.最早发现工作群体的重要性的是( A ) A.霍桑试验 B.莱维特的研究 C.维卡的研究 D.马斯洛的研究 3.管理者角色学派的代表人物是( D ) A.泰勒 B.韦伯 C.勒温 D.明兹伯格 4..领导的权力一般由三部分组成,即资源控制权、专长权和( B ) A.指挥权 B.奖惩权 C.决策权 D.人事权 5.在组织变革理论中,提出适应循环学说的学者是(C ) A.卢因(Kurt Lewin) B.卡斯特(E.Kast) C.沙恩(H.Sehein) D.唐纳利(H.Donnelly) 6.在激励理论类型中,重点研究动机形成和行为目标选择的理论是()A.内容型激励理论 B.行为改造型激励理论 C.过程型激励理论 D.综合型激励理论 7.在组织中,有效的领导者的权力影响力与非权力影响力的关系表现为()。 A.正比关系 B.反比关系 C.负相关关系 D.无相关关系 8.组织行为学中把企业家不断地调整既定的目标、方针、策略和管理方式以适应发生变化的环境的能力称为(C )。 A.决策能力 B.创新能力 C.应变能力 D.协调能力 9.倡导“胡萝卜加大棒”式的管理方式的理论是( A ) A.X理论 B.Y理论 C.超Y理论 D.Z理论 10.组织文化的核心是( D ) A.组织作风与传统习惯 B.组织目标与宗旨 C.组织的规章制度 D.组织共同的价值观

二、名词解释(每题4分,共20分) 1、价值观 2、群体规范 3、工作态度 4、人格 5、领导 三、简答题(本题本科20分,专科30分) 1、简述组织行为学与管理心理学的区别与联系 2、简述正式组织与非正式组织 3、简述组织文化的特点及功能 4、公平理论的内容及意义是什么? 四、论述题(本题本科20分,专科选答一题10分) 1、论述古典组织理论的基本特点。 2、联系实际,谈谈你对双因素理论的理解 五、案例分析(本题20分) 案例1: 50年代初,弗考夫和中学时代的伙伴创办了科维特公司。这家公司在益10年内把营业额从5500万美元提高到75000万美元,一跃成为零售史上发展最快的公司之一。在60年代初,这家公司平均每7个星期增设一家大的商店。很快扩充到了25家商店。 从一开始,科维特的管理就是集权式的。总部操纵着所有的经营活动和其它各项政策,商店经理和其它管理人员只被赋予少的可怜的权力。弗考夫经常四处巡视,直接管理相当大数量的商店,直到这一数量超出了他力所能及的范围。 科维特公司的规模越来越大,他所面临的问题也变得越来越复杂。当公司的商店还没有超过12家时,弗考夫及其总部的高级管理人员还能够亲临现场给各商店作领导。但是,随着公司的扩大,面对面的监控,控制等一系列问题变得难乎其难了。后来,科维特公司在经营上的开始日趋严重。最后公司不得不减少新


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单片机实验参考资料 (2)

实验一系统认识实验 一、实验目的 1.掌握SICElab-G2200实验/仿真系统的结构与使用方法; 2.熟悉单片机系统开发软件keilC51。 二、实验设备 1.G2200 实验平台 1 台 2.仿真器/ 仿真板 1 台 3.连线若干根 4.计算机 1 台 三、实验内容 P1端口接发光二极管,加1点亮。 四、连线方案: 五、实验步骤 1.仿真器与实验平台的连接 将Lab51板的DC34芯插座与G6W仿真器上的DC34插座用扁平电缆连接起来。 2.仿真器与计算机的连接 用随机配带的串口通讯电缆,将仿真器与计算机连接起来,串口1、串口2均可。 特别注意:在仿真器与计算机连接串口电缆时,两台机器必须都断电,否则易损坏计算机和仿真器。 3.实验连线 按连线方案,用随机配带的实验连线插入孔后,轻轻转动一下锁紧插头,保证良好接触。拆线时,应先回转一下,不要硬拨,以免损坏线路板。不管是拆线还是插线,都应在断电的情况下进行。实验中“连线方案”的粗线即为需用户动手接连的线。 4.检查接线是否有误,确信没有接错后,接上电源,打开电源开关。 5.在计算机上打开keil软件 建立新程序 ORG 0 MOV P1,#0 ;熄灭发光二极管 LOOP: INC P1 CALL Delay SJMP LOOP Delay: MOV R2,#3 ;延时程序

MOV R1,#0 MOV R0,#0 DLP: DJNZ R0,DLP DJNZ R1,DLP DJNZ R2,DLP RET END 6.建立新的项目 7.设置项目 8.编译程序 选择菜单[项目 | 编译]功能或按编译快捷图标或按F9键,编译项目。 在编译过程中,如果有错可以在信息窗口中显示出来。双击错误信息,可以在源程序中定位所在行。纠正错误后,再次编译直到没有错误。在编译之前,软件会自动将项目和程序存盘。在编译没有错误后,就可以执行、调试程序了。 9.执行、调试程序 六、实验结果 七、实验总结 实验二查表程序 一、实验目的 1.学习Keil uvision3单片机仿真软件的使用方法。 2.熟悉单片机实验操作步骤。 3.熟练掌握MOVC A,@A+DPTR和MOVC A,@A+PC两条查表指令的功能及应用原理。通过 实验进一步加深理解两条查表指令的异同。 4.掌握采用两条查表指令编写的实验程序的调试方法,验证程序的正确性。 二、实验设备 PC机一台,keil uvision3软件 三、实验内容 采用查表法求1~20的平方数。入口:自变量在累加器A中。出口:平方高位数在R7中,低位在R6中。分别采用MOVC A,@A+DPTR和MOVC A,@A+PC查表指令编写实验程序,并进行调试和验证; 四、实验原理 本次实验采用查表指令MOVC A , @A+DPTR实现上述字数据查表。因为最大的自变量20的平方数是400,为了查表后验证方便,自变量1~20对应的平方数用伪指令DW定义,并且定义为压缩BCD码。查表指令MOVC A , @A+DPTR只能进行字节查表,要查找一个字数据,必须进行两次查表。利用指令MOVC A, @A+DPTR查表,表可以存放在任何位置,查表前只需要将表的首地址用MOV指令送DPTR、累加器A中必须是要查找数据在表中的偏移地址即可,查找到的数据存放在累加器A中。编程时,首先将表的首地址送DPTR,累加器A中的自变量减1形成要查找数据在表中的序号,序号乘2得到表内偏移地址,将该偏移地址暂存到寄存器R6中,用MOVC A , @A+DPTR指令进行第一次查表,得到该自变量的平方高8位在累加器A中,并与R6进行交换,这样查找的平方高位数存放在寄存器R6中,累加器A中是第一次查表时的表内偏移地址;累加器A再加1,得到要查找的平方低位数在表内的偏移地址,再用MOVC A, @A+DPTR指令进行第二次查表,累加器A得到该自变量的平方低8位,送寄存器R7。 据此实验原理编写的实验源程序清单见附页。 ORG 0000H MOV A,#5 ;把要计算的自变量送入A
