六年级上册英语课文 (1)

六年级上册英语课文 (1)
六年级上册英语课文 (1)

Unit 1 P2-P3 What Are We Going To Do For Our Holiday

Mr Webb: Well, it’s your school holiday soon. What are we going to do?

Janet: Shall we go on the Pearl River Cruise?

Ben: A cruise? Boring! Let’s go to xiangjiang Zoo instead! I’m going to see white tigers.

Janet: Oh no. We have been to the zoos in Guangzhou many times. We’re going to the

Six Banyan Temple. We’re going to take photos, and all of us are going to have fun there.

Ben: It’s boring too.

Mr Webb: Let’s go to Baiyun Hill. We are going to watch birds there.


Mrs Webb: Shall we go shopping Then we can have dimsum at the famous Guangzhou Restaurant.

Janet: Good idea! I want to buy some new clothes. There are a lot of beautiful clothes there.

Ben: Great! I like Guangdong dimsum. Yummy, yummy!

Unit 2 P7-P8 What Shall We Do?

Janet: What are you going to do on Thursday morning, xiaoling?

Xiaoling: Mmm… let me see. I’m not going to do anything. Why?

Janet: My family are going fishing. Would you like to go with us?

Xiaoling: I’d love to, thanks a lot. When are you going to start?

Janet: We are going to leave our house at half past eight. Why don’t you come to our house at twenty past eight?

Xiaoling: Great! I’ll see you then!

Jiamin: Are you going to watch the football game on TV tomorrow evening, Ben?

Ben: Yes, we are. I’m going to watch it together with Mike and Yongxian.

Jiamin: My family are watching a stupid film when the football game is on. So I can’t watch it.

Ben: Why don’t you come to my house to watch it? We’re going to have dinner before the game.

You can eat with us too.

Jiamin: Thanks, Ben. I’ll ask my parents.

Xiaoling: Janet, do you want to play table tennis with me tonight?

Janet: I’m sorry, I can’t. I’m going to do my homework.

Xiaoling: What about tomorrow night?

Janet: I’m sorry, I can’t. I’m going swimming with my parents.

Xiaoling: What about Saturday night?

Janet: To tell you the truth. I don’t like playing table tennis.

Janet: I’m going to the cinema with Ben tonight!

Sally: What film are you going to see?

Janet: The Lion King.

Sally: Can I go with you?

Janet: Yes, of course. But you’d better ask your parents first.

Unit3 P12 Let’s Go Further

Bobby: Well, it’s winter holiday soon. What are you going to do, Koto?

Koto: I’m going back to Australia. I’m going to see my grandparents.

Bobby: What about you, Amy?

Amy: I’m going to fly to Beijing, I’m going to visit the Great Wall.

Bobby: My uncle has a big farm in India. I’m going to stay there for a month.

Amy: What are you going to do, Paggy?

Paggy: I don’t know. I failed the final exam. I have to go to my teacher’s and learn English during my holiday.

Children: Poor Paggy!

Unit 4 P16 I Know This City?

Mr Chen: Boys and girls, look at this flag please. What national flag is it?

Ben: Easy! It’s the Chinese national flag.

Mr Chen: Good. What’s the capital of China ?

Ben: That’s Easy too . The capital of China is Bei jing.

Mr Chen: Very good. Look at these three flags. What national flags are they?

Janet: That’s the national flag of the UK. The capital of the UK is London.

Xiaoling: That is the Italian national flag.

Mr Chen: What’s the capital city of Italy, do you know?

Yongxian: I know, Mr Chen. It’s Rome.

Janet: And that’s the French national flag. The capital of France is Paris. Mr Chen: Excellent! What about this one?

Jiamin: That’s the American national flag. New York is the capital of America.

Sally: No. The capital of the USA is Washington . New York is the biggest city of the USA.

Mr Chen: Fantastic! Look at this flag. What flag is it, Janet?

Janet: It’s the national flag of Australia.

Mr Chen: What’s the capital of Australia?

Janet: Sydney.

Mr Chen: No. Sydney is the largest city of Australia. The capital of Australia is Canberra.

Unit 5 P22 Where Whould They Like to Go on Holiday?

Mr Webb: Children, where would you like to go on holiday this summer? Ben: I’d like to go to Japan.

Mrs Webb: Tokyo. Yes, Tokyo is a good place to visit.

Janet: Yes, Mum. But Paris is more beautiful than Tokyo.

Mrs Webb: Well, maybe, Janet. But I think Tokyo is more interesting than Paris.

Mr Webb: Well, I’d like to go to a warmer place. What about Rome? Rome is warmer than Paris.

Mrs Webb: Yes, but Tokyo, Paris and Rome are so noisy and crowded. What about Wellington?

Ben: Wellington? That’s the capital of New Zealand.

Mrs Webb: Yes. Wellington is quieter than the other cities. I’d like to go to Wellington.

Ben: But Wellington is boring!

Mr Webb: No, it’s not. The mountains and the sea are beautiful.

Mrs Webb: And Wellington is cleaner than Tokyo.

Ben: Maybe. But I prefer to go to Tokyo.

Mrs Webb: There are so many beautiful places in the world ! Where shall we go?

Janet: Well. I’d like to go to Paris.

Ben: I’d like to go to Tokyo.

Mr Webb: I’d like to go to Rome.

Mrs Webb: I’d like to go to Wellington.

Janet: Why don’t we go back to England?

Ben: Let’s just visit Beijing. We can visit the Great Wall!

Unit6 P26 Let’s Go Further

“What’s that?” says Ben.

“It’s my photo album,” says Billy, the alien.

“May I have a look at it?” says Janet.

“Sure. My parents and I have been to more than twenty countries in the world.”

“Really?” Says Janet.

“Where’s that?”asks Janet. “It looks more interesting than Guangzhou.”

“Yes. That’s my father in Tokyo is bigger than Guangzhou,”says Billy. “Wow! I’d love to go to Tokyo,” says Ben.

“Look at that mountain!” says Janet. “It’s looks beautiful.”

“That’s near Wellington,”says Billy. “Where’s Wellington?”asks Ben. “ It’s the capital of New Zealand,” says Janet.

“Wow! Look at that ice cream says Ben. “Yes, that’s in Rome. Ice creams are bigger in Italy.”

“Right! I’m going to see mum and dad,” says Ben.

“Mum, Dad!” says Ben. “I know where we can go on holiday in the summer.”

“Where?” asks Mrs Webb. “Italy. Rome is so beautiful!” says Ben. “And so are the ice creams!” says Mr Webb laughing aloud.

Unit7 P2 Ben Wants to Play Football

Mr Webb: What’s the matter, Ben? You don’t look happy.

Ben: I’m bored! Dad, do you want to play football?

Mr Webb: We can’t! It’s raining. We’ll get wet.

Ben: Oh, Dad!

Ben: Janet! Shall we go to see the film the Lion King? It’s really good!

Janet: No! I’m watching TV.

Ben: But I’m bored. Would you like to go to the cinema with me?

Janet: Well, maybe later.

Ben: Oh, Mum, I’m so bored. It’s raining and dad won’t play football with me.

Mrs Webb: And what about Janet?

Ben: She’s watching TV.

Mrs Webb: Poor Ben.

Mrs Webb: I’m going shopping now. Ben, do you want to go with me?

Ben: Er… no, thanks, Mum.

Mrs Webb: Are you sure? We could buy hamburgers for lunch.

Ben: But Mum. I don’t like shopping! It’s so boring!

Ben: Hi, Mike! What are you doing?

Mike: Hi, Ben. I’m doing nothing. I’m really bored. Would you like to come to my house? We could play computer games.

Ben: Great! Dad, can I go to Mike’s house?

Mr Webb: Of course you can!

Unit8 P35-P36 Janet Is Going to Have a Party

Janet: Mum.

Mrs Webb: Yes, Janet?

Janet: It’s my birthday soon.

Mrs Webb: Yes, it is. What would you like to do? Would you to have a party?

Janet: Oh yes, please, Mum! A big party! Can we invite all my friends? And all the people in my class? And my teacher too?

Mrs Webb: Well, maybe. Let’s ask your father.

Mr Webb: That’s a lot of people! Our house is too small!

Janet: Oh please! I want them all to come!

Mrs Webb: Well, maybe we could have a picnic outside.

Janet: Yes! Yes! A picnic would be great! Oh please, Dad!

Mr Webb: Ok then. But you have to help your mother, Janet.

Janet: Oh yes, of course!

Janet: It’s birthday next Saturday. I’m going to have a big party! Would you like to come?

Sally: I’d love to. Shall I bring some food?

Janet: No, it’s Ok. My mum will make all the food. But you can bring some Coke. Sally: Right. What time is the party?

Janet: It starts at one o’clock. See you then!

Sally: See you.

Ben: Janet, would you like to come and listen to my new CD?

Janet: No, thanks, Ben. I don’t like your CDs.

Ben: Janet, do you want to play computer games with me?

Janet: No, thanks, Ben. I’m reading!

Ben: Janet….

Janet: Oh, all right, Ben! Do you want to come to my party?

Ben: Great! Can I bring a friend?

Janet: Who?

Ben: Billy, the alien.

Janet: The alien? No problem!

Unit9 P40 Let’s Go Further

Mike designs a big, beautiful poster and sticks it on his window. The poster says, “COME TO MIKE’S FOOTBALL PARTY!”

Then he calls Ben, Zhou Yongxian and Chen Jiamin. “I’m going to have a football party,”he says. “Do you want to come? We can play football in the park, and then have a picnic. Then we can play football again.”“I’d love to,” says Ben.

“Great!” says Zhou.

“Yes, please!” says Jiamin.

But Mike does n’t ask any girls. “Girls can’t play football,”he thinks. “They don’t like getting dirty. They won’t like my party. I’m not going to invite any girls.”

One day Zhang Xiaoling walks past the window with the poster. “A party!”she thinks. “Why doesn’t Mike invite me? I really like football. I’m better than a lot of boys!”

At school, Xiaoling asks Mike, “Are you going to have a party?”

“Not really a party,” Mike says. “It’s really a football party.”

“Oh, I love football!” says Xiaoling.

“Well, er, would you like to come?” says Mike.

“Yes, I’d love to,” says Xiaoling. “And Janet and Sally would too. They love football.”

So they all go to the football party and get dirty and have lots of fun.

“See? Girls DO like football,” says Zhang Xiaoling.

Unit10 P44 May I Speak to Miss White?

Mrs White: Hello. This is Mrs White speaking.

Xiaoling: May I speak to Miss White?

Mrs White: She’s not here. I’m afraid.

XiaoaLing: When will she come back?

Mrs White: At lunch time, I think. Can I take a message for her?

Xiaoling: No, thanks.

Miss White: Hello.

Xiaoling: Hello. Can I speak to Miss White?

Miss White: Speaking. Who’s that, please?

Xiaoling: It’s Xiaoling here.

Miss White: Hello. Xiaoling. How are you?

Xiaoling: Very well, thanks. And you?

Miss White: I’m fine too. Thanks.

Xiaoling: I called you this morning. But you weren’t at home.

Miss White: Sorry. I was at school this morning.

Xiaoling: It’s my birthday this Saturday. I’m having a big party at home! Would you like to come?

Miss White: I’d love to. At what time is the party?

Xiaoling: We’ll start at one o’clock. See you this Saturday!

Miss White: See you then.

Unit11 P49-50 Who’s Calling?

Mrs Green: Hello. Is that Guangzhou International School?

Voice: No.

Mrs Green: Is that ?

Voice: Wrong number.

Mrs Green: Sorry, goodbye.

Mrs Green dials again.

Mr Chen: . Guangzhou International School. Can I help you?

Mrs Green: Good morning. This is Mrs Green here. May I speak to Miss White, please?

Mr Chen: Sorry, Miss White is busy now. She ‘s teaching in the classroom. Can you call back later? She will be free at 9:..

Mrs Green: Thank you. Goodbye.

Miss White: Good morning. This is Mary White speaking. Who’s calling?

Mrs Green: Hello, Miss White. This is Sally’s mother here.

Miss White: Oh, hello, Mrs Green. Did you call me at about 8:00?

Mrs Green: Yes, I did. I’m sorry, Sally can’t go to school today because she doesn’t feel very well.

Miss White: I’m sorry to hear that. What’s the matter with her?

Mrs Green: She said she had a headache last night. Sometimes she felt hot and sometimes cold. And she has a fever this morning.

Miss White: I think she has cold. Did she see the doctor?

Mrs Green: No, she didn’t. But I’ll take her to hoepital.

Miss White: She needs to get plenty of rest. Don’t worry! She’ll be all right soon. Thank you for your call, Goodbye!

Mrs Green: Bye!

Unit12 P54 Let’s Go Further

One day Mr Knott’s telephone rang. He picked up the phone and said, “Hello,. Who’s calling, please?”

“Watt,” a man answered.

“What’s your name, please?” asked Mr Knott.

“Watt is my name,” was the answer.

“Yes, I asked you that. What’s your name?” Mr Knott said again.

“I told you. Watt’s my name,”said the man again. “Are you Jack Brown?”

“No, I’m Knott,” answered Mr Knott.

“Will you give me your name, please?” said Mr Watt.

“Will Knott,” answered Mr Knott.

Both Mr Watt and Mr Knott were angry and put their telephones down. They thought, “That was a stupid man!”

Unit13 P58-59 What Did You Do Yesterday?

Miss White: Children, please answer my questions. What’s the date today, Xiaoling?

Xiaoling: It’s Thursday, November 3rd.

Miss White: Yes, that’s right. And what was the date yesterday, Ben?

Ben: It was Wednesday, November 2nd.

Miss White: Good. Ok, can anybody talk about yesterday, please? Janet, what did you do yesterday after school?

Janet: I saw a film on TV. It was really good.

Miss White: Great! And Jiamin, what about you ?

Jiamin: I played football in the park with my dad.

Miss White: Oh, good. Sally, it’s your turn now.

Sally: I helped my mum clean the room.

Miss White: Good girls! And Ben?

Ben: I helped my mum too. We cooked a big meal.

Miss White: That was good. Xiaoling, your turn.

Xiaoling: I painted a picture of some horses.

Miss White: Excellent! And Yongxian, what about you ? Yongxian: I washed my dog. He was really dirty.

Miss White: Oh, that sounds different.

Yongxian: What about you, Miss White?

Miss White: I cleaned my house and did other housework. Yongxian: What did you do in the evening?

Miss White: I marked your homework and prepared today’s lessons. Jiamin: Did you go to bed late?

Miss White: Yes. I went to bed at quarter to one this morning. Everyone: You had a busy day!

Unit14 P63-64 What Was Judy’s School Like?

Mr Chen: Good morning , have a new classmate is ’s from the USA. Children : Hello,Judy.

Judy: Hello

Mike: Where was your old school,Judy?

Judy: Near NewYork.

Mike: What was it like?

Judy: It was was smaller and older than this school.

Yongxian: Was the timetable diffrent from ours?

Judy: started school later and finished earlier?

Sally: Anything else?

Judy: We worked for a short time in the morning before lunch break and we had sports every we had less homework.

Mr chen: It’s time to go ,children!

Children: Bye-bye.

Mr chen: How will you get home,Judy?

Judy: On house is really near the school.

Mr chen: That’s good.

Sally: How did you get home from school before、

Judy: I went home by bus.

Sally: Where’s your home? Where do you live now, I mean?

Judy: I live at 249 Renmin Road.

Sally: Really? We live in the same building!Which floor do you live on?

Judy: I live on the eighth floor.

Sally: I live on the eighth floor too!

UNIT 16 Christmas Is Coming

Mrs Brown: Hello!Welcom to our home. How are you?

Yongxian: Fine,thank you?

Mr Brown: We’re fine,thanks.

Jane: Is it your first time in London,Yongxian?

Yongxian: Yes,it is.

Jane:: Because Christmas is coming.

Yongxian: Is Christmas the most important

Festival in Britaim?

Mr Brown: Yes. And it’s the most popular

Festival in western countries.

David: We have lots of parties And no school,and Father Christmas brings presents To all the children.

Yongxian: I can’t wait!

David: Yongxian,put your stocking here.

Yongxian: Why?

David: Father Christmas puts presents in the stockings at night. Yongxian: Does he know me?

Mrs Brown: Of course,he does.

Yongxian: Wow!Look at all the presents!

David: Hurray!There’s a bike for me!

Jane: Come on, Yongxian. Open your presents.

Yongxian: Oh,a toy car!I think Father Christmas is fantastic!

UNIT 17 It’s the Spring Festival Soon

Yongxian: Welcome to China.

Jane: Thank you very much.

Yongxian: This is the best time to be in China. The day after tomorrow is Spring Festival.

Jane: Is it the most important and popular festival in China?

Yongxian: I think it’s the Chinese New Year’s Day. We’re cleaning our Chmese people usually clean and decorate our houses before Spring Festival.

David: It sounds like our Christmas.

Yongxian: There are famous Flower Fairs in Guangzhou before Spring go there and buy flowers.

David: Those pink flowers look flowers are they?

Mrs Zhou: They’re peach flowers.

Jane: Let’s take some photos here.

David: Good idea!

Mr Zhou: Good morning, morning,Jane! Happy Spring Festival. Here’s the lucky money for you

Yongxian: Adults usually give lucky money to children during Spring Festival.

Jane and David: Really? Thand you, Mr Zhou.

David: I hope every day is Spring Festival!

David: Pork,fish, goose,chicken, vegetables and soup too. There’s so much food.

Jane: What are those?

Mrs Zhou: They’re often have dumplings at Spring Festival.

Mr Zhou: Help yourself to some dumplings

Jane: Thank you .These dumplings are fantastic.

David: I like would like to eat dumplings every day!

Yongxian: I want to go to Britain for Christmsa and stay in China for Spring Festival.

David and Jane: Me too!

UNIT 18 Let’s Go Further

“We’re going to have a seven-day holiday.

Where are going?” Judy asked her mother.

“Are we going to Paris?”asked Judy’s brother John.

“No,it’s a surprise,children,”said their mother.

“Please tell us now”said Judy and John.

“a cold place,”said Judy.

“We’re going to Lapland,” said their mother.

Where is Lapland?”asked John.

“It’s in Christmas lives there,”said Judy.

The children visited Father Christmas. Father Christmas

Gave them a Christmas present each and the chidren saw the place where father Christmas and his helpers made all the Christmas toys for children.

“Wow!”said John.” This is wonderful!”

“Wow!” said John.”I love riding in a sleigh”

“Me too,”said Judy.

“I think Iprefer riding in the car,”said their mother.

“Lapland is the best place in the world”,said Judy.

“I love making snowmen. I prefer to have a snowball fight,”said John.

“I prefer to win the snowball fight,”said Judy.


Unit 1 What are those farmers doing?那些农民在做什么? Ben : What do you grow on your farm, Uncle Chen? 本:陈叔叔,您的农场种了些什么? Uncle Chen: So many things. These are fruit trees in this field. You can pick some apples or oranges from the trees if you want. They are delicious. And in that field we grow rice. 陈叔叔:很多东西。这片时水果树。如果你想吃,你可以从树上摘一些苹果或橘子。它们都很美味。那一片地,我们种的是水稻。Ben:What are those farmers doing? 本:那些农民正在干什么? Uncle Chen: They are cutting grass to feed the animals. We give it to the cows and sheep. 陈叔叔:他们正在割草来喂养动物。我们会用它来喂牛喂羊。Ben: Do you have any other animals on the farm? 本:农场上还有其他动物吗? Uncle Chen: Oh yes. We have a few goats and pigs. And we also have some geese. 陈叔叔:哦,是的。我们有一些山羊和猪。我们还养了一些鹅。Ben: I see them on the river. They look lovely. 本:我看到他们在河上。他们看起来很可爱。

一年级上册英语课文全 外研社版

☆☆☆Module1 ☆☆☆ ☆☆☆Unit1 Hello!☆☆☆Activity 1: Listen and point Hi! Aah (i) Hello! Ooh... Hello! Activity 2:Listen, point and find I'm… Hi,I'm Daming. Hello,I'm Amy. Hello,I'm Lingling. Hi,I'm Sam. Hi,I'm Sam. Hello,I'm Lingling. Hello. Hi. Goodbye! Bye! Bye! Goodbye! Activity 3:Listen and say. Hello,I'm Baobao. Hi,I'm Feifei. Goodbye,Feifei. Bye,Baobao. Activity 4:Practise. Hello. Hi. I'm Tingting. I'm Taotao. Goodbye! Bye!

☆☆☆Module 1 ☆☆☆ ☆☆☆Unit2 How are you?☆☆☆ Activity 1 : Listen and point. How are you? How are you? How are you? Woof! Activity 2 :Listen, point and say. How are you, Tingting? Tingting? No, I'm Lingling. Lingling? Yes, I'm Lingling. Sorry! How are you, Lingling? I'm fine. How are you? I'm fine, thank you. Activity 3 :Listen, tick and say. Hello. Goodbye. Hi. Hello. Activity 4 :Listen and say. Then sing. Hello, hello. Hello. Hello, how are you? I'm fine, I'm fine, and hello to you.


小学四年级上册英语课 文 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

第一课G o o d M o r n i n g,M o m Betty: Good morning,Mom. Mom: Good morning,Betty. Please put the milk on the table. Betty: OK,Mom Dad: What’s for breakfast? Betty: Toast,eggs,and oranges. Ken: Good! I like oranges. Betty: I don’t like oranges. Mom: Oranges are good for you. Try one. Betty: Um…… it’s good. Mom: Ken, pass me the jam, please. Robo: OK, here you are. 学习重点:I like oranges. I don’t like oranges. 第二课 How Do You Do? Ken: Who’s that? Jess: That’s Mrs. Smith. She’s a teacher. : Hi. Are you students here? Ken: Yes, we are. Mr. Brown: This is Mrs. Li and this is Li Li. Mrs. Li: How do you do? : How do you do , Mrs . Li? Hello, Li to meet you. Li Li: Nice to meet you,too. : Be quiet,please. This is Li Li. This is Ken Newton. Please sit down beside Ken, Li Li. Ken: Hi, My name’s Ken. Li Li: Hi. I’m Li Li. 学习重点:Who’s that? That’s Mrs. Smith. She’s a teacher. How do you do? How do you do , Mrs . Li? 第三课 Whoes bag is this?


六年级上册英语课文 Prepared on 22 November 2020

l e s s o n1j u s t r e a d a n d s p e a k Gao Wei is a good student. He knows everyone in school should obey the rules. He comes to school early. He listens to his teacher carefully. He never makes noise in calss. He's a group leader. His group is making a list of rules for the class. Class Rules: Listen to the teacher carefully Hand in your homework on time. Don't be late for class. Don't make noise in class.; lesson 3 just read and speak Peter is a good student at school. But sometimes he is not a good boy at home. He often makes a mess in his room. He doesn't like to help to set the dinner table. He watches TV the whole evening. He reads in bed and he goes to bed very late. Peter's mother writes some home rules for him: HOME RULES 一、 should help to set the dinner table. should go to bed early. should keep your room clean. 二、 shouldn't read in bed. shouldn't watch TV till late. shouldn't make a mess in your room. lesson 5 just read and speak look out!You mustn't cross the road now.


☆☆☆Unit1 Hello!☆☆☆ Activity 1: Listen and point Hi! Aah (i) Hello! Ooh... Hello! Activity 2:Listen, point and find "I'm…"Hi,I'm Daming. Hello,I'm Amy. Hello,I'm Lingling. Hi,I'm Sam. Hi,I'm Sam. Hello,I'm Lingling. Hello. Hi. Goodbye! Bye! Bye! Goodbye! Activity 3:Listen and say. Hello,I'm Baobao. Hi,I'm Feifei. Goodbye,Feifei. Bye,Baobao. Activity 4:Practise. Hello. Hi. I'm Tingting. I'm Taotao. Goodbye! Bye!

☆☆☆Unit2 How are you?☆☆☆Activity 1 : Listen and point. How are you? How are you? How are you? Woof! Activity 2 :Listen, point and say. How are you, Tingting? Tingting? No, I'm Lingling. Lingling? Yes, I'm Lingling. Sorry! How are you, Lingling? I'm fine. How are you? I'm fine, thank you. Activity 3 :Listen, tick and say. Hello. Goodbye. Hi. Hello. Activity 4 :Listen and say. Then sing. Hello, hello. Hello. Hello, how are you? I'm fine, I'm fine, and hello to you. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye to you. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye to you. Activity 5 :Play the game.Do and guess. Hello,Beibei. Feifei? No. Qiangqiang? Yes. How are you, Qiangqiang? I'm fine. Activity 6 :Do and say. Lucy Hello,I'm Lucy. Hi,Lucy. I'm Ben.


PEP四年级上册英语课文及翻译 Unit 1 My classroom A Let’s learn classroom 教室window窗户door门picture图画board写字板light灯,管灯 What’s in the classroom?教室里有什么? A board, two lights, many desks and chairs. 一个写字板,两盏灯,许多课桌和椅子。 Let’s talk Hello! Mike.你好!Mike. Hi, Amy. This is Zhang Peng, our new classroom. 你好,Amy。这是张朋,我们的新同学。 Mike, we have a new classroom.Mike, 我们有一个新教室。Really? Let’s go and have a look.真的吗?我们去看看吧!Wow! It’s so big.哇!它好大呀! We have 6 new lights.我们有六个新电灯。Look, this is my new desk.看,这是我的新课桌。Where is my seat?我的座位在哪儿? It’s near the door.在门的附近。 Let’s say A a ant apple hand B b beef boy ball C c cat cake car

D d doctor duck desk E e egg elephant bed B Let’s learn computer计算机fan风扇wall墙 teacher’s desk讲台floor地板 Look! This is my classroom. The wall is white. The floor is green. 看,这是我的教室,墙是白色的,地板是绿色的。 Let’s talk Good morning! Let’s clean the classroom.早上好!我们打扫教室吧!Good idea!好主意! Let’s clean th e desks and chairs.让我们打扫课桌和椅子吧。All right.好的。 Let me clean the window.让我来擦窗户。 Let me clean the board.让我来擦写字板。 Look at the picture.看这幅画。 It’s nice.它很漂亮。 Good morning! Miss White.早上好!Miss White. Wow! It’s nice and clean. Good job!哇!又漂亮又干净!干得好! Let’s say F f fish French fries farmer G g girl goose good H h hot dog hamburger hat I i ice-cream ice water ice


六年级上册课文(中文,辅助背诵英文) Unit 1 What are we going to do for our holiday? 韦布先生:奥,很快就到你们的学校假期了。我们做点儿什么呢? 珍妮特:我们去游珠江好吗? 本:游珠江?无聊!咱们去香江动物园吧!我打算去看白老虎。 珍妮特:哦,不。我们已经去过广州的动物园许多次了。我们去六榕寺吧。我们可以拍照,每个人都会在那儿玩得很开心。 本:那也很无聊。 韦布先生:咱们去白云山吧。我们可以在那里看鸟。 珍妮特:我们在动物园可以看到比白云山更多的鸟。

韦布夫人:我们去下九路购物好吗?然后我们可以去著名的广州餐馆吃点心。珍妮特:好主意!我想去买一些新衣服。那儿有许多漂亮的衣服。 本:太棒了!我喜欢广东点心。好吃,好吃! Unit 2 What should we do? 珍妮特:小玲,星期四上午你打算做什么? 小玲:嗯。。。让我想想。我没打算做什么。为什么问这个? 珍妮特:我的家人要去钓鱼。你愿意和我们一起去吗? 小玲:我愿意去,非常感谢。你们打算什么时候出发? 珍妮特:我们打算8:30从家里出发。你为什么不再8:20来我们家呢? 小玲:太好了!那到时再见!

家民:本,明晚你打算在电视上看足球比赛吗? 本:是的,我们打算看。我打算和迈克、永先一起看 家民:演足球比赛的时候我的家人要看很无聊的电影。所以我看不了。 本:你为什么不来我家里看呢?比赛开始前我们会吃晚饭。你也可以和我们一起吃。家民:谢谢,本。我要问问我的父母。 小玲:珍妮特,今晚你想和我打乒乓球吗? 珍妮特:对不起,我不能去。我打算做我的家庭作业。 小玲:明天晚上怎么样? 珍妮特:对不起,我不能去。我打算和我的父母去游泳。 小玲:星期六晚上怎么样?


PEP7最新六年级上册英语课文翻译 Unit1 How can I get there? Unit1单词表:科学,博物馆,邮局,书店,电影院,医院,十字路口,转弯,左,笔直地,右,问,先生,有趣的,意大利的,餐馆,比萨饼,街道,到达,全球定位系统,提供交给,特点,跟着,较远的,告诉。 P4Let’s talk.吴一凡:罗宾,博物馆商店在哪里?我想买一张明信片。罗宾:它在门附近。吴一凡:谢谢,邮局在哪里?我想今天把它寄出去。罗宾:我不知道,我将问问。打扰了,先生。男士:哇,一个会说话的机器人。多么棒的一个博物馆啊。罗宾:邮局在哪里?男士:它在博物馆旁边。罗宾:谢谢。 P5 l et’s learn.吴一凡:电影院在哪里?罗宾:它在书店旁边。 科学博物馆邮局书店电影院医院 P6 Let’s talk。迈克:多么有趣的一个电影啊!吴一凡:是的,但是我现在饿了。我知道一个很棒的意大利餐馆。迈克:噢,我喜欢披萨。餐馆在哪里?吴一凡:它在东方大街上,一个公园旁边。迈克:我们怎么到达那里?吴一凡:在书店左转,然后在医院右转。迈克:好的。让我们一起去吧。 P7Let’s learn.迈克:意大利餐馆在哪里?在这边右转?罗宾:不,左转。十字路口向左转直走向右转 P8 Read and write.地图指南针全球定位系统星星 罗宾有全球定位系统!吴一凡的爷爷给罗宾一个新特点。他现在有全球定位系统。他能帮男孩找到意大利餐馆。罗宾:我们在电影院的前面。让我们直走然后再书店左转。请跟着我。迈克:远吗?罗宾:不。现在我们在医院后面。让我们向右转然后再向右转。迈克:餐馆在这里。罗宾:我的全球定位系统起作用了。吴一凡:是的,我将告诉爷爷。但是首先让我们吃。我如此饿。 Unit2 Ways to go to school Unit2单词表。步行,乘,公共汽车,飞机,出租汽车,船,地铁,火车,慢的,减少降低,降下来,停下,夫人,早到的,头盔,必须,戴,注意,注意(词组),交通,交通信号灯,慕尼黑,德国,阿拉斯加州,雪橇,快的,轮渡,帕帕维斯特岛,苏格兰 P14 Let’s talk迈克:早上好。史密斯夫人。史密斯夫人:你好,孩子们。你们很早。你们是怎么来学校的?艾米:通常我步行来学校。有时我乘公共汽车来。迈克:我经常骑自行车来。艾米:您怎么来学校的?史密斯夫人?乘汽车?史密斯夫人:有时候,但我通常步行。迈克:那是好的运动。 P15Let’s learn 步行,乘公共汽车,乘飞机,乘出租车,乘船,乘火车,乘地铁。


lesson 1 just read and speak Gao Wei is a good student. He knows everyone in school should obey the rules. He comes to school early. He listens to his teacher carefully. He never makes noise in calss. He's a group leader. His group is making a list of rules for the class. Class Rules: Listen to the teacher carefully? Hand in your homework on time. Don't be late for class. Don't make noise in class.; lesson 3 just read and speak Peter is a good student at school. But sometimes he is not a good boy at home. He often makes a mess in his room. He doesn't like to help to set the dinner table. He watches TV the whole evening. He reads in bed and he goes to bed very late. 1

Peter's mother writes some home rules for him: HOME RULES 一、 1.You should help to set the dinner table. 2.You should go to bed early. 3.You should keep your room clean. 二、 1.You shouldn't read in bed. 2.You shouldn't watch TV till late. 3.You shouldn't make a mess in your room. lesson 5 just read and speak look out!You mustn't cross the road now. You must wait for the green light. You mustn't spit on the ground. You must keep off the grass. You mustn't pick the flowers. You mustn't litter .We must take good car -e of young children. lesson 7 Just read and speak What are you doing, Li Yan? I'm reading an e-mail from Lucy. She's my new friend. 2


四年级英语上册课文 Unit 1 This is my new friend Lesson 1 Hi, Gao wei! 你好,高伟! Hi, Peter! 你好,皮特! Nice to see you again!真高兴再次见到你 This is my new friend. 这是我的新朋友。 Hi, I’m Jim. I’m from America. 你好!我是吉姆。我是美国人。 Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴 Lesson 2 Hi! I’m Jim. I’m from America.你好。我是吉姆。我是美国人。 I’m Rani. I’m from Singapore.我是王妃。我是新加坡人。 Where are you from 你来自哪里? I’m from Beijing, China.我来自中国北京。 I’m from Shanghai.我是上海人。 We’re good friends! Yeah!我们是好朋友!是啊。 Lessom 3 Mum, this is my new friend, Jim.妈妈,这是我的新朋友,吉姆。 Hi, Jim. Where are you from嗨,吉姆。你来自哪里? I’m from America.我是美国人。 Come on, boys. Have some fruit.来吧,男孩。有一些水果。 Thank you.谢谢你。 Lesson 4 Look, Gao Wei! This is my father.看,高伟!这是我的父亲。 Wow! He’s cool!真的。他很酷! What’s your father你父亲干什么职业? Guess!猜! A driver一个司机吗? No, he’s a teacher.不,他是老师。 Lesson 5 Look! This is my mother.看看!这是我母亲。 Oh, she’s beautiful!哦,她很漂亮。 What’s your mother你妈妈干什么工作?


Unit1 What are those farmers doing? What do you grow on your farm,Uncle Chen? So many things.There are fruit trees in this field.You can pick some apples or oranges from the trees if you want.They are delicious.And in that field we grow rice. What are those farmers doing? They are cutting grass to feed the animals.We give it to the cows and sheep. Do you have any other animals on the farm? Oh yes.We have a few goats and pigs.And we also have some geese. I see them on the river.They look lovely. Unit2 A country life is a healthy life Hi.My name is Li Wei.I am eleven years old and I live on a small farm with my mum,dad and grandparents.I love living in the country,but I’m usually very busy.Every day I wake up 5 a.m. and help my father milk the cows.We have more than 50 cows,so I always have plenty of fresh milk for breakfast.After breakfast I ride my bike to school.It takes about 40 minutes.My school is very small.There are 48 pupils and only one classroom.We must all learn together.When I get home after school,there is still much work to do.After I finish my homework,I feed our chickens and help my parents with other housework.I am always busy but I never feel tired,because


☆☆☆Unit1 Hello!☆☆☆Activity 1: Listen and point Hi! Aah (i) Hello! Ooh... Hello! Activity 2:Listen, point and find "I'm…" Hi,I'm Daming. Hello,I'm Amy. Hello,I'm Lingling. Hi,I'm Sam. Hi,I'm Sam. Hello,I'm Lingling. Hello. Hi. Goodbye! Bye! Bye! Goodbye! Activity 3:Listen and say. Hello,I'm Baobao. Hi,I'm Feifei. Goodbye,Feifei. Bye,Baobao. Activity 4:Practise. Hello. Hi. I'm Tingting. I'm Taotao. Goodbye! Bye!

☆☆☆Unit2 How are you?☆☆☆Activity 1 : Listen and point. How are you? How are you? How are you? Woof! Activity 2 :Listen, point and say. How are you, Tingting? Tingting? No, I'm Lingling. Lingling? Yes, I'm Lingling. Sorry! How are you, Lingling? I'm fine. How are you? I'm fine, thank you. Activity 3 :Listen, tick and say. Hello. Goodbye. Hi. Hello. Activity 4 :Listen and say. Then sing. Hello, hello. Hello. Hello, how are you? I'm fine, I'm fine, and hello to you. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye to you. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye to you. Activity 5 :Play the game.Do and guess. Hello,Beibei. Feifei? No. Qiangqiang? Yes. How are you, Qiangqiang? I'm fine. Activity 6 :Do and say.


English book of grade 4 Unit 1 my classroom Ⅰ、LET′S TALK (Page5) Hello,Mike. Hi ,Amy.This is Zhang Peng,our new classmate. Mike,we have a new classroom. Really?let′s go and have a look. Wow!it′s so big! Look!this is my new desk. We have 6 new lights. where′s my seat? it′s near the door. (Page8) Good morning. let′s clean the classroom. Good idea.

let′s clean the desks and chairs. All right! Let me clean the window. Let me clean the board. Look at the picture. it′s nice. Good morning,Miss White. Wow!it′s nice and clean. Good job! Ⅱ、 ENGLISH WORDS Window 窗户 board Light 灯;管灯 picture Door 门 floor地板Classromm 教师 many许多的Our我们的 classmate同学Have a look看一看 seat座位

Near在…..的旁边△what什么 △in 在……的里面△the这个,那个 △we 我们△have(我们)有 △new 新的△go去 △where 在哪里computer电脑 teacher′s desk 讲台 wall墙 fan 扇子,电扇 clean V打扫,清洁,擦。Adj干净的good idea 好主意 all right好吧,好的 good job 干得好△you 你 △see 看见,看到△me我(宾格) △look at看… Unit 2 my schoolbag Ⅰ、LET′S TALK (Page17) Hi ,Chen jie .I have a new schoolbag. Really ? What colour is it?


小学四年级上册英语广州 版课文 The following text is amended on 12 November 2020.

小学四年级英语(广州版)上册 Until 1. Unit 1 Blouses and Jeans – Words Dialogue 1 Look,listen dand then act out thesse dialogues in pairs. A)Shop assistant: good morning. Can I help you 女售货员:早上好,有什么可以帮助你吗 Woman :yes , please. I’d like to buy that blouse. How much is it 女士:是的,我想要买一条女士衬衣。它要多少钱 Shop assistant: it’s ninety yuan. 女售货员:它需要九十元。 Woman: ok I’ll take it. 女士:好,我要了。 B) Shop assistant: good moring. Can I help you 女售货员:早上好,有什么可以帮助你吗 Man: yes, please. I’d like to buy that piar of jeans. 男士:是的,我想要买那一条牛仔裤。 Shop assistant: it’s forty-nine yuan. 女售货员:它需要49元。 Man: ok . I’ll take it. 男士:好,我要了。 Unit 2 Shirts Dresses and Trousers – Dialogue Dialogue 1 look, listen and then act out these dialoguses in pairs. Shop assistant: goog afternoon, sir. What can I do for you 女售货员:下午好,先生。可以为你做什么 Man: I’d like to buy that biue shirt. 男士:我想要买那条蓝色的衬衫。 Shop assistant: yes, you are. 女售货员:是的,先生。给你 Man: how much is it Shop assistant: forty-five yuan. Man: all ’ll take it. Shop assistant: here you you. Man: bye. Woman: I’d like to buy a black dress. Do you have any Shop assistant: yes,madam. Here you are.

六年级上册英语课文 (1)

Unit 1 P2-P3 What Are We Going To Do For Our Holiday Mr Webb: Well, it’s your school holiday soon. What are we going to do? Janet: Shall we go on the Pearl River Cruise? Ben: A cruise? Boring! Let’s go to xiangjiang Zoo instead! I’m going to see white tigers. Janet: Oh no. We have been to the zoos in Guangzhou many times. We’re going to the Six Banyan Temple. We’re going to take photos, and all of us are going to have fun there. Ben: It’s boring too. Mr Webb: Let’s go to Baiyun Hill. We are going to watch birds there. Janet: Mrs Webb: Shall we go shopping Then we can have dimsum at the famous Guangzhou Restaurant. Janet: Good idea! I want to buy some new clothes. There are a lot of beautiful clothes there. Ben: Great! I like Guangdong dimsum. Yummy, yummy! Unit 2 P7-P8 What Shall We Do? Janet: What are you going to do on Thursday morning, xiaoling? Xiaoling: Mmm… let me see. I’m not going to do anything. Why? Janet: My family are going fishing. Would you like to go with us?


PEP最新六年级上册英语课文翻译 Unit1 How can I get there? Unit1单词表:科学博物馆邮局书店电影院医院十字路口转弯左,笔直地,右,问,先生, 有趣的,意大利的,餐馆,比萨饼,街道, 到达,全球定位系统,提供交给,特点,跟着,较远的,告诉。 P4 Let’s talk. 吴一凡:罗宾,博物馆商店在哪里?我想买一张明信片。 罗宾:它在门附近。吴一凡:谢谢,邮局在哪里?我想今天把它寄出去。 罗宾:我不知道,我将问问。打扰了,先生。 男士:哇,一个会说话的机器人。多么棒的一个博物馆啊。 罗宾:邮局在哪里? 男士:它在博物馆旁边。罗宾:谢谢。P5 let’s learn. 吴一凡:电影院在哪里?罗宾:它在书店旁边。 P6 Let’s talk。 迈克:多么有趣的一个电影啊! 吴一凡:是的,但是我现在饿了。我知道一个很棒的意大利餐馆。 迈克:噢,我喜欢披萨。餐馆在哪里? 吴一凡:它在东方大街上,一个公园旁边。迈克:我们怎么到达那里?吴一凡:在书店左转,然后在医院右转。迈克:好的。让我们一起去吧。P7Let’s learn. 迈克:意大利餐馆在哪里?在这边右转? 罗宾:不,左转。十字路口向左转直走向右转 P8 Read and write. 地图指南针全球定位系统星星 罗宾有全球定位系统! 吴一凡的爷爷给罗宾一个新特点。

他现在有全球定位系统。 他能帮男孩找到意大利餐馆。 罗宾:我们在电影院的前面。让我们直走然后再书店左转。请跟着我。 迈克:远吗? 罗宾:不。现在我们在医院后面。让我们向右转然后再向右转。 迈克:餐馆在这里。 罗宾:我的全球定位系统起作用了。 吴一凡:是的,我将告诉爷爷。但是首先让我们吃。我如此饿。 Unit2 Ways to go to school Unit2单词表。步行,乘,公共汽车,飞机,出租汽车,船,地铁,火车,慢的,减少降低,降下来,停下,夫人,早到的,头盔,必须,戴,注意, 注意(词组),交通,交通信号灯,慕尼黑, 德国,阿拉斯加州,雪橇,快的,轮渡,帕帕维斯特岛,苏格兰 P14 Let’s talk迈克:早上好。史密斯夫人。史密斯夫人:你好,孩子们。你们很早。你们是怎么来学校的?艾米:通常我步行来学校。有时我乘公共汽车来。迈克:我经常骑自行车来。艾米:您怎么来学校的?史密斯夫人?乘汽车?史密斯夫人:有时候,但我通常步行。迈克:那是好的运动。 P15Let’s learn 步行,乘公共汽车,乘飞机,乘出租车,乘船,乘火车,乘地铁。 史密斯夫人:让我们去自然公园吧。 约翰:万岁。 莎拉:我们怎么去那儿? 史密斯夫人:乘公共汽车。 P16 Let’s talk 吴一凡:琼斯先生,我怎能到达复兴医院? 琼斯先生:在那边乘57路公共汽车。 吴一凡:谢谢。哇,如此多的自行车的照片。


四年级英语上册课文Unit 1 This is my new friend Lesson 1 Hi, Gao wei! 你好.高伟! Hi, Peter! 你好.皮特! Nice to see you again! 真高兴再次见到你 This is my new friend. 这是我的新朋友· Hi, I’m Jim. I’m from America. 你好!我是吉姆·我是美国人· Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴 Lesson 2 H i! I’m Jim. I’m from America. 你好·我是吉姆·我是美国人· I’m Rani. I’m from Singapore. 我是王妃·我是新加坡人· Where are you from? 你来自哪里? I’m from Beijing, China. 我来自中国北京· I’m from Shanghai. 我是上海人· We’re good friends! Yeah! 我们是好朋友!是啊· Lessom 3 Mum, this is my new friend, Jim. 妈妈.这是我的新朋友.吉姆· Hi, Jim. Where are you from? 嗨.吉姆·你来自哪里? I’m from America. 我是美国人· 来吧.男孩·有一些水果· Thank you. 谢谢你· Lesson 4 Look, Gao Wei! This is my father. 看.高伟!这是我的父亲· Wow! He’s cool! 真的·他很酷! What’s your father? 你父亲干什么职业?Guess! 猜! A driver? 一个司机吗?


Module 1 Getting to know you Gteetings Look and say Hello / Hi! Hello! Hi! Goodbye! Goodbye! Good morning! Good morning! Good afternoon! Good afternoon! Look and learn: morning afternoon Play a game Hi!I’m Danny. Say and act Hello! Good morning! Good afternoon! Goodbye! Listen and enjoy Good morning Good morning. Good morning. Nice to see you. Good morning. Good morning. Nice to see you. Hello, Peter Hello, John! Hello, Linda! Hello, Tom! Good morning. Good morning to you and to you. My classmate Look and say Give me…,please. Give me a rule, please. Here you are. Thank you. Give me a rubber, please. Here you are. Thank you. Look and learn: book ruler rubber pencil Play a game A book. Say and act On Sunday afternoon Good afternoon, Kitty. Good afternoon,
