







一、听力测试(共15小题,计15分) 注意:听力测试分四部分.共加小题。傲题时,请先将答案两在试卷上,录音内容结束后,将所选答案转涂到答题卡上。


A. B. C.

D. E. F.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


6. A. In the classroom. B. At the school theater. C. On the playground.

7. A. She hurt her foot. B. She had a sore back. C. She coughed badly.

8. A. A teacher. B. A dentist. C. A reporter.

9. A. Tina will drive him to school B. Mr. Green will give him a lift. C. He will go to school by bike.

10. A. On Tuesday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Friday.


11. Gina and Alice have been pen pals for 77 years.

12. Gina and Alice began to write to each other at the age of 12.

13. Gina is quite different from Alice.

14. Gina and Alice didn’t meet until 1987.

15. Gina and Alice still write to each other by e-mail now.


二、单项填空(共10小题。计10分) 选择最佳答案。

16. —Do you want tea or coffee?

—__________is OK. I really don’t mind.

A. Neither

B. Both

C. Either

17. Thanks for letting us borrow your camera. We__________ it to you next Monday.

A. return

B. will return

C. have returned

18. It’s hard to turn down a banana. They taste good and you don’t have to wash them__________ eating them.

A. until

B. after

C. before

19. Only plants and animals that need very little water__________ live in a desert.

A. can

B. need

C. must

20. Kelly White loves all sports, __________skating.

A. gradually

B. seriously

C. especially

21. Most of us enjoy__________ to our mothers speak, because our brains greatly prefer the voices of our own mothers.

A. listening

B. listen

C. to listen

22. We will cause less pollution _____________we can find ways to reuse or recycle more rubbish.

A. unless

B. if

C. though

23. ___________do people greet visitors? Some shake hands. Some say “hello” or “hi”. Some kiss.

A. Why

B. What

C. How

24. We have to ______________the school trip because of the bad weather.

A. put off

B. get off

C. turn off

25. In America, Thanksgiving is a holiday_____________ celebrates the love of family.

A. who


C. that



Martin Luther King, Jr. was born in Georgia in the south of the USA in 1929. In 1954 he began to work in a church (教堂). All through his life he tried to 26 make life better for African-Americans, whose ancestors came to America from Africa between 1640 and 1798. White people brought them to America in ships, sold 27 them as slaves (奴隶) and forced them to work. 28 Although they were set free (自由的) after the American Civil War, their lives didn’t change much for a long time. Some people still didn’t like them. In the 1950’s, African-Americans 29 were not allowed to do lots of things in the south of America. They could not walk on the footpath when a white person was on it. They could not eat in restaurants where white people ate. They could not go to the shops that were owned by white people. When they were on a bus, they had to 30 give their seats to white people.

In December of 1955, a lady called Rosa Parks 31 refused to give her seat to a white man. This made the bus driver angry and he called the police. The police took Rosa away. Martin Luther King, Jr. said this was wrong and told people they should stop it. He spoke to lots of people and told them what was happening. He said the law should be 32 fair and they should be able to do the same things as white people. He called for the African-Americans to 33 stop riding on the bus. His idea worked. The bus companies (公司) lost money. In December 1956, the Supreme Court (最高法院)made the city change the rules.

Martin Luther King, Jr. traveled across America to meet lots of important people and told them about the problems. In 1963 he led a big group of African-Americans in Washington. He 34 made a famous speech there. He said he had a dream that black and white people would live together 35 in peace. He was a really important person in history because he changed African-Americans’ lives a lot. American people and people around

the world remember him for what he has done.

答案: 26._______ 27._______ 28._______ 29._______ 30._______

31._______ 32._______ 33._______ 34._______ 35._______




Wearing a white blouse, Ai-Da studies her subject and begins to draw. She looks like any artist at work. However, the “beep ... beep ... beep” noise from her arm gives her away. Ai-Du is, in fact, a robot.

Ai-Da has been described as the world’s “first Al (人工智能) robot artist”. She takes her name from Ads Lovelace, the world’s first female computer programmer. Scientists at Oxford University developed AI systems (系统) for Ai-Da. The robot has cameras in her eyeballs. After she has studied a subject, she will use her left arm to draw. Now, Ai-Da can only use a pencil for sketches (素描).The plan is for her to paint.

Ai-Da is not the first AI system to produce artworks. Since 2006, scientists have been developing software (软件) to turn photos into drawings. Last year, an artwork created using Al was sold in New York for $432,500. However, Ai-Da’s human-like appearance brings something new to the field.

In June, Ai-Da opened her first exhibition at Oxford. There were about 30 drawings by the robot. Ai-da, standing next to her artworks, attracted (吸引) many visitors.

Ai-Da’s inventor, Aidan Meller, talked about the importance of the robit. “Ai-Da brings a new voice to the art world,”she said, “A I is going to be the big thing of the 2020s. That influences us greatly.”Meller hopes the exhibition was just the start and that more will follow to show how AI is influencing human life.


36. Ai-Da is a real artist who helps scientists at Oxford University develop Al systems. B

37. Last year, scientists began to develop software to turn photos into drawings. B

38. In June, Ai-Da opened her first exhibition at Oxford successfully. A

39. Aidan Teller thinks AI is going to influence human life more and more greatly. A



The longest river in the world is the Nile. It is 4,160 miles long. But the Nile is not the mightiest (浩荡的) river. The Amazon is. The Amazon is also the second longest river in the world. It is 3,900 miles long. How long is that? It is longer than a road going from New York City to San Francisco.

The Amazon is the mightiest for this reason. It has the greatest amount of water. More water runs out to sea than from the Nile. Mississippi, and Yangtze rivers combined. That’s a lot of fresh water! The force of its current (水流) is great too. The current can be seen 200 miles out in the sea. H ere’s a story to show the Amazon’s amazing current. A ship sailed (航行) far away from Brazil. It ran out of drinking water. Another ship passed by. The first ship asked for water. Someone on the second ship said, “Jus t put your buckets (桶) into the sea.”

Here are a few more facts. At its mouth, the Amazon is 90 miles wide. Even up the river, you can’t see the opposite bank. The river is also very deep—from 22 to 76 meters! During rainy season, the river rises about 16 meters more. Big ocean ships can sail about 1,800 miles upstream (向上游). Smaller ships can sail 1,000 miles farther.

What’s the most bloodthirsty fish in the world? No. It’s not the shark It’s the Amazon’s piranha. It is only about 10 cm to 20 cm long. It has sharp teeth. Thousands travel in a group. No animal can swim across the river. A 1,000-pound horse would be just bones (骨头) in three minutes. Are you planning a trip to the Amazon? Here’s a piece of advice. Leave your swimsuit at home!


40. After reading this passage it seems clear that______C_______.

A. people do not drink the Amazon’s water

B. it would not be good to visit the Amazon during rainy season

C. sailing on the Amazon requires a knowledge of its current

41. The writer helps you understand how long the Amazon is by____B________.

A.telling how long the Nile is

B. comparing it to a distance(距离)on land

C. comparing it with the Yangtze River

42. In Paragraph Four, the word “sharp”means”____A_____”in Chinese.




43. The passage mainly tells us______C_______.

A. piranha in the Amazon

B. traveling in the Amazon

C. interesting facts about the Amazon


Wake up, boys and girls! Put up your hand if you try to repair your tired body by sleeping in(睡懒觉) on weekends. A new study says the habit might not be a good idea for your health.

The ten-day study came out in the magazine Current Biology. V olunteers were divided into three groups. The first group enjoyed nine hours’ sleep each night. The second group was allowed to sleep only five hours each night. The third group was given five hours’ sleep Monday through Friday.44 E But they were put back on the short sleep schedule the next Monday.

Both the second and third groups ate more snacks at night and put on weight. They also saw a decrease (减少) in insulin sensitivity (胰岛素敏感性), a warning sign for diabetes (糖尿病). Researchers have long known a lack (缺乏) of sleep can increase health risks. 45 C

“Even though people in the third group slept as much as they could on the weekend, it was not enough,” said Dr Kenneth Wright, who led the study. “When they went back to the short sleep schedule the next week, their body failed to control blood sugar. 46 A

So what should we do if sleeping in over the weekend is not a good choice? 47 D Cut out the “sleep stealers” such as watching television shows or spending time on computers or mobile phones. Always remember. Getting enough sleep is as important as having good caring habits or doing exercise regularly.


答案:44. _______ 45. _______ 46. _______ 47. _______





五、听写(共5小题,计5分) 听对话,根据对话内容完成下列句子,每空词数不限。对话读三遍。听对话前.你们有20秒钟的时间阅读下列句子。

48. What’s Mark’s New Year’s resolution?

He’s going to be more _________ this year.

49. How is Mark going to improve his eating habits?

He’s going to____________chocolate completely.

50. What sport is Mark going to take up?

He’s going to take up____________.

51. What’s Amy’s first resolution?

She is going to be______________.

52. What’s Amy’s other resolution?

She is going to get on well with her___________.


53. After a busy morning at work, lunchtime gives____me______a chance to do many things, such as exercise, read and watch TV. (I )

54. The new plan asks residents (居民) to put their rubbish into four different _____boxes_____ one for each kind of rubbish. ( box )

35. After the Great Wall Station, Zhongshan, Kunlun and Taishan, China is now building its_____fifth_____research station in Antarctica (南极洲). ( five )

56. Growing up is hard for everyone. Laura has to face lots of stress as a_____teenager_____. ( teenage )

57. It’s_____impolite________to talk with your mouth full. (polite)

58. According to some studies, the______faster_______you read, the less you understand what you have read. (fast)

59. Recycling your rubbish is a great habit. However, it’s even better to turn your rubbish into something new and______useful_______. (use)

60. Why do we make mistakes more_____easily________when we feel tired? This happens because parts of our brain actually fall asleep when we’re awake and tired. (easy )



In Pontevedra, a city in Spain, people don’t shout. Since cars are banned (明令禁止) in the city, there are no noises from cars. People don’t have to try hard to make themselves heard. W hat you hear in the street, instead, is the singing of birds.

Miguel Lures, the mayor (市长). opens the windows of bib; office, and the sound of human voices rises61 (rise) from the street below. Lures says, “More than 14,000 cars used to pas s along this street every day. There 62were(be) more cars passing through the city in a day than people living here.”

Lores became mayor in 1999. He spent months 63walking(walk) around the city. “The historical city is dead,” he said one day. “It is full of cars. It64 is polluted(pollute) heavily. There are a lot of traffic accidents. The elderly and children aren’t able to use the streets because of cars. People who had a chance to leave have done so.”

At first, Lores thought of i mproving traffic conditions. However, he couldn’t come up with a good plan. After

lots of discussions, the government finally decided 65to take(take) action to ban cats.

The change 66has brought(bring) Pontevedra many advantages since then. Traffic accidents seldom happen. CO2 emissions (排放物) are down 70 percent. Many people are moving to the city, making it lively again. Most local people in the city like the change. Ramiro Armesto, a mother of two young children, said, “in the past, t he first thing to see in the morning was traffic jams. Now, the city is cleaner, quieter and safer.” Raquel Garcia, another parent, said she had stayed in many cities around the world. However, she had never lived in a city as “easy to live in” as Pontevedra. “Even while it67is raining(rain). I walk everywhere. The feeling is wonderful,” she added. “Pontevedra is paradise(天堂)”

答案: 61._______ 62._______ 63._______ 64._______ 65._______ 66._______ 67._______ 八、阅读表达(共5小题,计10分) 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。

On winter nights, the wind usually blows strongly. Most of us stay inside our warm homes. Few of us think about the homeless. These people have no choice but to sleep on the streets. Some of them are so poor that they have no money to buy food.

A young man in Birmingham, England, made a decision to do something about this. Every night, he puts on a Spider-Man suit and gives food to the homeless he meets. He makes sure that these people won’t go hungry.

The man refuses to make his name public. The local people call him the “Birmingham Spider-Man”. The young man hopes his action will show others that everybody deserves (应得) a helping hand.

The 25-year-old man started his night activities in 2015. Every night at 9, he buys some sandwiches. Then, he finds a quiet alley and puts on his “uniform”. After that, the“Spider-Man” starts handing his food out to people in need.

The man said, “I wear the Spider-Man suit in order to get attention.” Without the suit, few people took a second look at him when he was handing out food. When people see the “Spider-Stan”, however, they come over and ask what he is doing.

“The Birmingham Spider-Man” has already got lots of attention. Many people have offered to give away money to him. But the young man never accepts the money. Instead, he encourages people to go out and help peop le in need on their own. He said, “If more people offer a helping hand, the cold winter nights won’t be so cold any longer.”

68. How does the young man in Birmingham, England help the homeless people?

_He puts on a Spider-Man suit and gives food to the homeless he meets.

69. When did the young man start his night activities?

__In 2015./ He started his night activities in 2015. /The 25-year-old man started his night activities in 2015.

70. What does the young man hope his action will show others?

___Everybody deserves a helping hand./ The young man hopes his action will show others that everybody deserves a helping hand.

71. Why does the young man wear the Spider-Man suit when he helps the homeless people?

___In order to get attention./ He wears the Spider-Man suit in order to get attention.

72. Why does the young man never accept the money that many people have given away to him?

_____Because he encourages people to go out and help people in need on their own.


在初中三年的时光里,大家或多或少都会有一些不愉快的经历,请以”An Unhappy Experience”为题.根据以下要求与提示.用英语写一篇短文,描述一个令你不愉快的事件,分享你的体脸和感悟。





1. Tell a story about one of your unhappy experiences.

2. What did you learn from the experience?

An Unhappy Experience

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