
AM335x 学习笔记1 硬件及其开发环境篇1.1 开发环境的搭建1.1.1 路由器方式的 NFS 启动1) 通过路由器的方式来启动 NFS 文件系统 设置路由器局域网的网关:,然后将开发板和 PC 都连接在路由器的 LAN 端口,并且采用 DCHP 的 方式来实现 tftp 和 nfs。
2) uEnv.txtserverip= rootpath=/opt/ti-sdk-am335x-evm/targetNFS bootfile=uImage-am335x-evm.bin ip_method=dhcp tftp_nfs_boot=echo Booting from network...; dhcp ${loadaddr} ${bootfile}; run net_args; bootm ${loadaddr} uenvcmd=run tftp_nfs_boot1.1.2 Root 用户登陆#sudo passwd root #****** #****** #sudo –s –H 切换到 root 用户 然后就可以重启虚拟机,以用户 root 来登陆1.1.3 中文字库问题#locale –a 查看 是否有 zh_CN,zh_CN.gb18030,zh_CN.gb2312 等 #vim /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local#dpkg-reconfigure locales #locale-gen zh_CN.GB18030 #locale-gen zh_CN.GB2312 #locale-gen zh_CN.GBK1.1.4 环境变量设置路径#vim /etc/envinoment 常用的 3 个永久设置路径 #vim /etc/envirnoment #vim /etc/profile #vim ~/.bashrc (/root/.bashrc)1.1.5 设置 ubuntu 的上网 ip设置为 bridge 连接方式,设定静态 IP 地址.1.1.6 更改 sh 工具#rm /bin/sh # ln –s /bin/bash /bin/sh #apt-get install fakeroot1.1.7 安装必须的工具#apt-get install vim #apt-get install build-essential #apt-get install libtool #apt-get install bsion(干什么用的还不清楚) GNU autotools 主要包括三个工具 autoconf, automake,libtool1.1.8 虚拟机开发工具的安装$ sudo apt-get install build-essential libncurses-dev flex bison autoconf automake libmpfr-dev texinfo nfs-kernel-server tftpd-hpa libcloog-ppl1.2 AM335x BeagleBone 的 NFS 启动Sd 卡的识别:在/media/下面显示内容 在/dev/sd* 下显示分区 卸载:#unmount /dev/sdb1 这个是在 AM335X-LINUX-PSP- 里面找的 1) 制作 sd 启动盘 MLO+uboot.img+uImage+rootfs#!/bin/bash if [[ -z $1 || -z $2 || -z $3 || -z $4 ]] then echo "mksd-am335x Usage:" echo " echo " exit fi if ! [[ -e $2 ]] then echo "Incorrect MLO location!" exit fi if ! [[ -e $3 ]] then echo "Incorrect u-boot.img location!" exit fi if ! [[ -e $4 ]] then echo "Incorrect uImage location!" exit fi if ! [[ -e $5 ]] then echo "Incorrect rootfs location!" exit fi echo "All data on "$1" now will be destroyed! Continue? [y/n]" read ans if ! [ $ans == 'y' ] then exit fi echo "[Partitioning $1...]" DRIVE=$1 dd if=/dev/zero of=$DRIVE bs=1024 count=1024 SIZE=`fdisk -l $DRIVE | grep Disk | awk '{print $5}'` echo DISK SIZE - $SIZE bytes CYLINDERS=`echo $SIZE/255/63/512 | bc` echo CYLINDERS - $CYLINDERS mksd-am335x <device> <MLO> <u-boot.img> <uImage> <rootfs tar.gz >" Example: mksd-am335x /dev/sdc MLO u-boot.img uImage nfs.tar.gz"{ echo ,9,0x0C,* echo ,,,} | sfdisk -D -H 255 -S 63 -C $CYLINDERS $DRIVE echo "[Making filesystems...]" mkfs.vfat -F 32 -n boot "$1"1 &> /dev/null mkfs.ext3 -L rootfs "$1"2 &> /dev/null echo "[Copying files...]" mount "$1"1 /mnt cp $2 /mnt/MLO cp $3 /mnt/u-boot.img cp $4 /mnt/uImage umount "$1"1 mount "$1"2 /mnt tar zxvf $5 -C /mnt &> /dev/null chmod 755 /mnt umount "$1"2 echo "[Done]"2) 建立 uEnv.txt (我是将 tf 卡放入读卡器,在虚拟机下面 vim 编写的。
AM335x 处理器 SDK RTOS 板库端口和启动说明书

Board Porting\Bring up using Processor SDK RTOS for AM335xProcessor SDK RTOS component known as board library consolidates all the board-specific information so that all the modifications made when moving to a new custom platform using the SOC can be made in the source of this library.There are three different components in PRSDK that help in porting and bring up of a custom board:∙Board library updatesa.PLL Clocking and PRCMb.Pin mux Updatec.DDR Configurationd.Peripheral instances updates∙Diagnostics tests∙Boot loader updatesBoard Library Updates in Processor SDK RTOS:PLL ClockingThere are two places where the device PLL configurations are performed when using Processor SDK RTOS and CCS.Debug environment:Debug environment refers to development setup where code is debugged using JTAG emulator on the SOC. The PRSDK software relies on the GEL file that is part of the target configuration to setup the clocks and the DDR for the device. The CCS GEL file for AM335x platforms is located in the CCS package at the location ccsv7\ccs_base\emulation\boards\<boardName>For example for beagle bone black, the files can be found atccsv7\ccs_base\emulation\boards\beaglebone\gelThe GEL is the first piece of software that should be brought up on a custom board.Production environment:Production environment refers to the setup when the base application is booted from a boot media like a flash memory or host interface. In this environment, the bootloader sets performs all the SOC and board initialization and copies the application from flash memory to the device memory.The clock setup in the bootloader code can be located atpdk_am335x_x_x_x\packages\ti\starterware\bootloader\src\am335xUsers can choose to use the platform clocking similar to one of TI reference platforms or can modify them as per their application requirements. By default the PLL settings are setup for OPP_NOM settings (MPU= 600 MHz.)TI provides Clock Tree tool to allow users to simulate the clocking on the SOC. For quick reference of the multiplier and divider settings to change the PLL setting is provided in the spreadsheetAM335x_DPLL_CALCv3.xlsx.After modifying the clocking in the bootloader, users need to rebuild the bootloader using instructions provided in Processor_SDK_RTOS_BOOT_AM335x/AM437xPRCM Modules Enable:PRCM Module Enable is required to turn on the power domain and the clocking to each of the modules on the SOC. The PRCM Enable calls to enable each module are made from the functionBoard_moduleClockInit which is found in the location.pdk_am335x_1_0_9\packages\ti\board\src\bbbAM335x\bbbAM335x.cCheck every instance and peripheral required in the application platform and enable the module in the board library.For example to use three UARTs 0, 1 and 4, ensure that you have the following code as part of the board library setup:/* UART */status = PRCMModuleEnable(CHIPDB_MOD_ID_UART, 0U, 0U);status = PRCMModuleEnable(CHIPDB_MOD_ID_UART, 1U, 0U);status = PRCMModuleEnable(CHIPDB_MOD_ID_UART, 4U, 0U);Note: PRCMEnable function is defined in pdk_am335x_1_0_9\packages\ti\starterware\soc\am335x Pinmux updates in the Board library:Generating a New PinMux Configuration Using the PinMux Utility: This procedure uses the cloud-based pinmux utilityNavigate to ${PDK_INSTALL_DIR}\packages\ti\starterware\tools\pinmux_config\am335x and Load beaglebone_black_configAdd and remove peripheral instances and select the appropriate use cases required for development based on the application platform requirements and resolve all conflicts.Refer Pin_Mux_Utility_for_ARM_MPU_ProcessorsPost Processing steps:1.Change the Category filter to starterware and download the pinmux files am335x_pimnmux.hand am335x_pinmux_data.c2.At the bottom of am335x_pinmux.h change extern pinmuxBoardCfg_t gAM335xPinmuxData[];to extern pinmuxBoardCfg_t gBbbPinmuxData[];3.Change am335x_pinmux_data.c to am335x_beagleboneblack_pinmux_data.c.4.Change gAM335xPinmuxData to gBbbPinmuxData at the end of the file in file5.am335x_beagleboneblack_pinmux_data.c.Replace the existing files with the new files and rebuild the board library using the instructions in the section Rebuilding board Library in Processor SDK RTOS:Updating DDR settings:Similar to clock and PLL settings, DDR initialization is configured in the Debug environment through GEL files and in production environment using bootloader source files.TI provides AM335x_EMIF_Configuration_tips which contains a spreadsheet to enter the timing from the DDR datasheet to compute the EMIF timing number required to initialize DDR.We strongly recommend changing the value and testing using GEL files before using them in the bootloader software. For Sanity test, you can perform read/write tests using CCS Memory Browser or run the diagnostic memory read/write test that we provide in diagnostics package here:PDK_INSTALL_PATH\packages\ti\board\diag\memOnce the DDR timings have been confirmed, you can use the settings in the file:PDK_INSTALL_PATH \packages\ti\starterware\bootloader\src\am335x\sbl_am335x_platform_ddr.c Peripheral initialization:The board library is responsible for most of the SOC initialization but it also setup some board level components such as ethernet PHY and debug UART and I2C for reading board ID from EEPROM. All of the other peripheral instances and initialization needs to be done from the application level.For example for beagleboneblack, the peripheral initialization are performed from the source filepdk_am335x_1_0_9\packages\ti\board\src\bbbAM335x\bbbAM335x_lld_init.cThe debug UART instance, I2C Addresses are set using the file board_cfg.h found under:pdk_am335x_1_0_9\packages\ti\board\src\bbbAM335x\includeDefault UART instance is set to 0 in the board library. The Board initialization will configure the UART instance 0 to send binary log data to serial console using the Board_UARTInit function. If you wish to use more UART instances then we recommend linking in the UART driver in the application and using UART_open() and UART_stdioInit API calls from the application.Each peripheral driver in the Processor SDK RTOS has a SOC configuration that provides the interrupt numbers, base address, EDMA channels which can be updated using the file <peripheral>_soc.c file. This is used as default setup for initializing the driver instance. It can be overridden from the application using peripheral_getSOCInitCfg() and peripheral_setSOCInitCfg()For Example: All instances of UART for AM335x have been mapped in the filepdk_am335x_1_0_9\packages\ti\drv\uart\soc\am335x\UART_soc.cSystem integrators need to ensure that no interrupt numbers and EDMA resource conflicts exist in the SOC configuration for all drivers used in the system.To exercise three UARTs in the system, users can use the following code://Setup Debug UARTboardCfg = BOARD_INIT_PINMUX_CONFIG |BOARD_INIT_MODULE_CLOCK |BOARD_INIT_UART_STDIO;Board_init(boardCfg);// Open Additional UART Instances:/* UART SoC init configuration */UART_initConfig(false);/* Initialize the default configuration params. */UART_Params_init(&uartParams);// Open UART Instance 1uartTestInstance =1;uart1 = UART_open(uartTestInstance, &uartParams);//Open UART Instance 4uartTestInstance = 4;uart4 = UART_open(uartTestInstance, &uartParams);BoardID Detect:TI supports multiple evaluation and reference platforms for AM335x hence the hardware platforms are populated with an EEPROM which contains information that identifies the hardware and its revision. The board library and software components read the boardID and initialize the platform based on the boardID. The BoardID_detect function can be found in the source in the file bbbAM335x_info.c in the board library and board_am335x.c in the bootloader source at:<PDK_INSTALL_PATH>\packages\ti\starterware\board\am335xRebuilding board Library in Processor SDK RTOS:While Creating a new folder for the custom board is an option users can explore, TI recommends that users make there changes in existing board package using either bbbAM335x, evmAM335x oriceAM335x folder to avoid spending additional effort to modify the build files for including the customBord.Once all the update to the board library are completed, the board library can be updated using the following instructions.Instructions to rebuild board library:Setup Processor SDK build environment before following steps provided pdk_am335x_1_0_9\packagesgmake board_libFor a specific board users are required to provide the LIMIT_BOARDS argument.LIMIT_BOARDS : evmAM335x icev2AM335x iceAMIC110 bbbAM335x skAM335xFor Example for beagleboneblack, users can use the following build option:gmake board_lib LIMIT_BOARDS=bbbAM335xDiagnostics:After the board library is built, we highly recommend that you create a diagnostics package similar to one provided in board library to test different interfaces functionally during board bring up.The diagnostics package can be located at pdk_am335x_1_0_9\packages\ti\board\diag. These are simple bare-metal tests that use peripheral drivers to help functionally validate the pins and interfaces.Documentation for all available diagnostic tests is provided here:/index.php/Processor_SDK_RTOS_DIAGBootloader in Processor SDK RTOS:As part of the production flow, users are required to develop/port flashing and booting utilities so the application can be launched on the custom board with JTAG. TI provides a bootloader mechanism where the ROM bootloader loads a secondary bootloader on the onchip memory that initializes the SOC and DDR and then copies the application into DDR memory.The boot process and flashing tools have been described in detail in the following article that is part of processor SDK RTOS Software developer`s guide:/index.php/Processor_SDK_RTOS_BOOT_AM335x/AM437x#Building_the_B ootloader。

图1-1 内核配置选项主菜单
上图显示的是一个主菜单,主菜单中还包含了很多子菜单,通过敲键盘的↑、↓键可以选择不同的子菜单,再敲回车键,进入这些子菜单,可以看到该子菜单下的一些功能选项,如我们进入System Type这个子菜单,便可以看到如图1-2 所示的界面:
[root@BC linux-]# make menuconfig
图2-6-1 内核配置界面
smdk2410_defconfig基础上,增删以下内核配置项:在配置菜单中,选择system type-->s3c2410 machines中的smdk2410,其他的arch-machines全部取消。
图2-6-2 内核配置选项(1)
图2-6-3 内核配置选项(2)
至于所有其他的选项都默认s3c2410_defconfig 给定的配置,这里暂时不做修改。
图2-6-5 保存内核配置选项(2)
extern struct platform_device s3c_device_ts;
EM335x Linux 内核用户烧写说明 - 工控主板,嵌入式主板,嵌入

EM335x Linux内核用户烧写说明EM335x内核的烧写不使用任何烧写工具软件,利用SD卡启动来实现自动烧写,将需要烧写的内核文件均复制到sd卡上即可。
一、PC机端准备1、作为PC机端需要运行一个串口终端程序:Tera Term VT终端程序,用于监测EM335x调试串口输出的信息,以及通过终端程序操作EM335x板卡,串口配置参数为115200-8-n-1。
#>nand erase.chip2、板卡出现异常,无法正常执行启动代码。
先用镊子短接EM335x板上的JP1,超级终端会不断提示“CCCCC”,此时在Tera Term VT终端程序下,选择File->Transfer->XMODEM->send,选择u-boot-spl.bin 文件正常执行的话应该显示下载文件的进度条,显示下载过程正常后,立即松开短接的镊子。
该文件下载完成后,再选择File->Transfer->YMODEM->send ,选择u-boot.img待该文件下载完成后,EM335x则可自动启动。
#>nand erase.chip三、micro SD卡启动制作制作SD卡会用到EM335x内核文件夹目录下文件包括:1) MLO2) u-boot.img3) emcfg.txt ( 注:该文件需要用户根据屏的分辨率进行配置)4) MLO15) u-boot1.img6) splash800480.bmp ( 注:该文件为emcfg.txt所指定的启动画面文件)7) am335x-em335x.dtb8) zImage9) ubifs-qt.img对用户来讲,emcfg.txt主要是用于配置需要烧写的启动画面文件名,以及dtb 、kernel内核文件、ubi文件系统等文件名,通过该文件来适应不同分辨率的LCD屏。

飞凌AM335x开发板Linux用户手册OK335X-Linux用户手册第一章OK335X简介OK335X开发板基于TI AM335X处理器,运行主频最高720M,支持Linux,WinCE,Android三大操作系统,可用于工业产品设计。
OK335X产品图片如下所示:核心板硬件资源:1CPU主频:720M(支持AM3352,AM3354,AM3356,AM3357,AM3358,AM3359)2NandFlash:256M(Micro SLC)3Memory:265M(Micro DDR2)4PowerManage IC:TPS65217B(TI AM335X专用电源IC)底板资源:14路串口(2个232电平,2个TTL电平,232电平已经使用DB9座子引出,其中COM0作为调试串口使用,注意:OK335X-V1底板中UART4暂时不能使用,下一硬件版本将修正这个问题)。
91路Can接口101路SDIO接口11多路用户IO接口12四路USB2.0接口,一路USB2.0OTG(目前板子为一路USB Host接口,后续会增加到四路USB HUB)131路SPI接口148路AD(其中4路用于电阻触摸,1路用于滑动变阻器AD测试,其余3路通过插针引出,另外滑动变阻器端有跳线设置,通过跳线可以设置这路AD用于插针引出,还是用于可调电阻测试)15引出总线接口(缺省未焊接底座)161个RESET按钮,用于系统复位。
MYD-AM335X-J Linux 开发手册说明书

MYD-AM335X-J Linux 开发手册版本V1.12014/10/23版本记录目录第1章概述及软件资源介绍 (1)1.1 概述 (1)1.2 软件资源 (1)第2章Linux开发环境搭建 (3)2.1 建立工作目录 (3)2.2 设置交叉编译工具 (3)2.3 安装工具 (3)第3章Linux系统编译 (4)3.1 编译Bootloader (4)3.2 编译Linux内核 (5)3.3 制作文件系统 (5)第4章Linux 系统烧写 (6)4.1 TF卡系统映像更新 (6)4.2 NAND Flash更新/恢复 (7)第5章Linux应用程序 (10)5.1 GPIO (10)5.2 NET (10)5.3 RTC (11)5.4 LCD (11)5.5 Audio (12)5.6 I2C总线测试 (12)5.7 串口 (12)5.8 RS485 (12)5.9 CAN (13)5.10 引脚功能切换 (13)5.10.1 RS485_1跟UART5_RTSCTS 切换145.10.2 RS485_2和UART3切换及CAN1和UART4切换15第6章Qt开发 (17)6.1 使用光盘提供的Qt SDK (17)6.2 交叉编译Qt开发环境 (17)6.3 移植Qt到开发板 (18)6.4 交叉编译Qt应用程序 (19)第1章概述及软件资源介绍1.1 概述MYD-AM335X-J提供了丰富的系统资源和软件资源,本手册将从环境搭建开始,一步步介绍如何进行MYD-AM335X-J Linux开发。
1.2 软件资源表1-1第2章Linux开发环境搭建2.1 建立工作目录拷贝MYD-AM335X-J光盘中的资料到主机中:$ mkdir -p <WORKDIR>$ cp -a <DVDROM>/05-Linux_Source/* <WORKDIR>2.2 设置交叉编译工具$ cd <WORKDIR>/Toolchain$ tar -xvjf \gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-4.7-2013.03-20130313_linux.tar.bz2$ export PATH=$PATH:<WORKDIR>/Toolchain/\gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-4.7-2013.03-20130313_linux/bin$ export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf-执行完“export”命令后输入arm按Tab键来检查是否设置成功,该设置只对当前终端有效,如需永久修改,请修改用户配置文件。

OK335X-Linux用户手册第一章OK335X简介OK335X开发板基于TI AM335X处理器,运行主频最高720M,支持Linux,WinCE,Android三大操作系统,可用于工业产品设计。
OK335X产品图片如下所示:核心板硬件资源:1CPU主频:720M(支持AM3352,AM3354,AM3356,AM3357,AM3358,AM3359)2NandFlash:256M(Micro SLC)3Memory:265M(Micro DDR2)4PowerManage IC:TPS65217B(TI AM335X专用电源IC)底板资源:14路串口(2个232电平,2个TTL电平,232电平已经使用DB9座子引出,其中COM0作为调试串口使用,注意:OK335X-V1底板中UART4暂时不能使用,下一硬件版本将修正这个问题)。
91路Can接口101路SDIO接口11多路用户IO接口12四路USB2.0接口,一路USB2.0OTG(目前板子为一路USB Host接口,后续会增加到四路USB HUB)131路SPI接口148路AD(其中4路用于电阻触摸,1路用于滑动变阻器AD测试,其余3路通过插针引出,另外滑动变阻器端有跳线设置,通过跳线可以设置这路AD用于插针引出,还是用于可调电阻测试)15引出总线接口(缺省未焊接底座)161个RESET按钮,用于系统复位。

本文主要描述在EVB335X-II以Device Tree的方式移植新TI官网AM335X系列最新的linux-3.14.43版本内核以及移植Debian文件系统的过程及遇到的一些问题。
整个Device Tree牵涉面比较广,即增加了新的用于描述设备硬件信息的文本格式(即.dts文件),又增加了编译这一文本的工具,同时Bootloader也需要支持将编译后的Device Tree传递给Linux内核。
以下是修改步骤:一、修改uboot,支持Device TreeEVB335X-II在linux-3.2版本内核移植的时候已经有uboot,因此只需在该uboot上增加Device Tree支持即可,以下是修改步骤:1、修改include/configs/com335x.h文件,增加支持DT的宏定义:/* Flattened Device Tree */#define CONFIG_OF_LIBFDT2、修改uboot启动参数,增加dtb文件的加载和启动(由于目前只是移植EMMC版本的EVB335X-II,因此只需修改EMMC的启动参数即可,大概在405行),修改如下:#elif defined(CONFIG_EMMC_BOOT)#define CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND \"run mmcboot;"#define CONFIG_EXTRA_ENV_SETTINGS \"lcdtype=AUO_AT070TN94\0" \"console=ttyO0,115200n8\0" \"mmcroot=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw\0" \"mmcrootfstype=ext4 rootwait\0" \"mmcargs=setenv bootargs console=${console} noinitrd root=${mmcroot} rootfstype=${mmcrootfstype} lcdtype=${lcdtype} consoleblank=0\0" \"mmcdev=" MMCDEV "\0" \"loadaddr=0x81000000\0" \"dtbfile=evb335x-ii-emmc.dtb\0" \"bootenv=uEnv.txt\0" \"bootpart=" BOOTPART "\0" \"loadbootenv=load mmc ${mmcdev} ${loadaddr} ${bootenv}\0" \"importbootenv=echo Importing environment from mmc ...; " \"env import -t $loadaddr ${filesize}\0" \"loadaddr-dtb=0x82000000\0" \"loadimage=load mmc ${bootpart} ${loadaddr} uImage\0" \"loaddtb=load mmc ${bootpart} ${loadaddr-dtb} ${dtbfile}\0" \"mmcboot=mmc dev ${mmcdev}; " \"if mmc rescan; then " \"echo SD/MMC found on device ${mmcdev};" \"if run loadbootenv; then " \"echo Loaded environment from ${bootenv};" \"run importbootenv;" \"fi;" \"run mmcargs;" \"if run loadimage; then " \"run loaddtb;" \"bootm ${loadaddr} - ${loadaddr-dtb};" \"fi;" \"fi; \0"#endif以上,红色为修改部分。

所以,这次的课题就以linux 内核为主题,使用的开发板是TI的beaglebone white。
关键词:Linux移植,嵌入式,arm目录1.嵌入式系统的概念 (4)1.1嵌入式系统定义 (4)1.2ATMEL9200开发平台 (4)2.BootLoader简介 (4)2.1 Boot Loader概念 (4)2.2 Boot Loader启动过程 (5)2.3 常用的Bootloader…………………………………………… .52.4 u-boot移植…………………………………………………… .53.嵌入式linux操作系统 (7)3.1 嵌入式Linux (7)3.2 嵌入式Linux的特点 (7)3.3 从Linux到嵌入式Linux (8)4. 基于BeagleBone的嵌入式linux系统移植 (9)4.1 移植概念 (9)4.2 Linux与移植相关内核结构 (9)4.3 嵌入式Linux 操作系统移植 (9)5 文件系统构建 (9)6 把u-boot、linux内核、文件系统下载到SD卡中 (11)7启动开发板,链接pc,查看效果 (11)8 参考文献 (13)1.嵌入式系统的概念1.1嵌入式系统定义在信息科学技术爆炸式增长的今天,嵌入式系统早已经融入了我们生活的方方面面。
这并不是一个哗众取宠或者夸张的说法,在真正感受这句话的震撼力之前,让我们先了解一下嵌入式系统(Embedded Systems)的定义:以应用为中心、以计算机技术为基础、软件硬件可裁剪、适应应用系统对功能、可靠性、成本、体积、功耗严格要求的专用计算机系统。

am335xu-boot启动过程分析 u-boot属于两阶段的bootloader,第⼀阶段的⽂件为 arch/arm/cpu/armv7/start.S 和 arch/arm/cpu/armv7/lowlevel_init.S,前者是平台相关的,后者是开发板相关的。
1. u-boot第⼀阶段代码分析 (1)硬件设备初始化 将CPU的⼯作模式设为管理模式(SVC); 关闭中断; 禁⽤MMU,TLB ; 板级初始化; (2)为加载Bootloader的第⼆阶段代码准备RAM空间 加载u-boot.img,跳转到u-boot.img; 上述⼯作,也就是uboot-spl代码流程的核⼼。
代码如下:arch/arm/cpu/armv7/start.S1/*2 * the actual reset code3*/4reset:5 bl save_boot_params6/*7 * disable interrupts (FIQ and IRQ), also set the cpu to SVC32 mode,8 * except if in HYP mode already9*/10 mrs r0, cpsr11 and r1, r0, #0x1f @ mask mode bits12 teq r1, #0x1a @ test for HYP mode13 bicne r0, r0, #0x1f @ clear all mode bits14 orrne r0, r0, #0x13 @ set SVC mode15 orr r0, r0, #0xc0 @ disable FIQ and IRQ16 msr cpsr,r017@@ 以上通过设置CPSR寄存器⾥设置CPU为SVC模式,禁⽌中断18@@ 具体操作可以参考《[kernel 启动流程] (第⼆章)第⼀阶段之——设置SVC、关闭中断》的分析1920/* the mask ROM code should have PLL and others stable */21#ifndef CONFIG_SKIP_LOWLEVEL_INIT22 bl cpu_init_cp1523@@ 调⽤cpu_init_cp15,初始化协处理器CP15,从⽽禁⽤MMU和TLB。

在root(需执行sudo su)下执行mount -t vmhgfs .host:/ /mnt/hgfs在windows共享文件夹存放TI安装包ti-sdk-am335x-evm-。
安装目录为/usr/local/ti-sdk-am335x-evm#,一般会自动加入环境变量,如果没有,在/etc/environment增加环境变量:(注意:6.0的安装包不支持ubunt14.04版本,只支持12.04以下的版本)PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local /ti-sdk-am335x-evm/linux-devkit/sysroots/i686-arago-linux/usr/bin:"输入命令arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc –v即可查询版本执行setup.sh配置linux环境,例如安装包更新,NFS,TFTP,minicom等。
下载了Uniflash V3,准备选择USB或者ETH接口进行FLASH编程。
执行命令make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- O=am335x ARCH=arm am335x_evm编译u-boot,生成MLO(spl)和u-boot.imgNandflash程序分区:1.0-0x1ffff 为SPL2.0x20000-0x3ffff为SPL backup13.0x40000-0x5ffff为SPL backup24.0x60000-0x7ffff为SPL backup35.0x80000-0x25ffff为uboot6.0x260000 -0x27ffff为env7.0x280000-0x77ffff为linux kernel8.0x780000- 为file system9.下载uboot软件并进行修改适应新设计的核心板,并把uboot下载到板子里调试运行。

1. 确定目标平台:首先需要确定要将Linux内核移植到哪个目标平台上,这个平台可以是嵌入式设备、服务器、桌面电脑等。
2. 获取源代码:从Linux官网或其他开源代码库获取Linux内核的源代码。
3. 配置内核:根据目标平台的硬件特性和需求,对内核进行配置。
可以使用make menuconfig、make xconfig或make config等命令进行配置。
4. 编译内核:使用交叉编译工具链对内核进行编译。
5. 生成镜像文件:将编译生成的内核、设备树、启动程序等文件打包成一个镜像文件。
6. 烧录镜像文件:将生成的镜像文件烧录到目标平台的存储设备上,例如闪存、SD卡、硬盘等。
7. 启动内核:将目标平台连接到开发主机,通过串口或网络连接进行调试和启动。
8. 调试内核:在目标平台上运行内核时,可能会遇到各种问题,例如驱动不兼容、内存泄漏、死锁等。
MYD-AM335X 快速使用手册

图 1-1
1.3 产品特性
以下简单列出 MYD-AM335X 开发板的一些基本特性。 第3页
MYD-AM335X 快速使用手册
电气参数: 工作温度: 工业级:-40℃ ~+85℃ 商业级:0℃ ~+ 70℃ 工作相对湿度:20%~90%,非冷凝 电气指标: 底板:+5V/2A 电源供电 核心板:3.3V/0.8A 电源供电 PCB 板层: 底板,4 层,喷锡工艺生产,独立的接地信号层,无铅 核心板,6 层,沉金工艺生产,独立的接地信号层,无铅 机械尺寸: 底板:【130*100】mm,厚 1.6mm 核心板:【70*50】mm,厚 1.6mm
音频接口: 一个音频 3.5mm 输入接口 一个双声道音频 3.5mm 输出接口
液晶触摸屏接口: 16 位真彩色 默认 480 x 272 分辨率(4.3 寸屏),支持 7 寸屏(800 x 480),芯片支持最大分辨 率 1366 x 768
2.2.1 CPU......................................................................................................................... 8 2.2.2 DDR3 SDRAM....................................................................................................... 9 2.2.3 NANDFLASH 模块................................................................................................ 9 2.2.4 ETHERNET 模块................................................................................................. 10 2.3 底板介绍 ..................................................................................................................... 10 2.3.1 系统供电模块与按键模块 .................................................................................. 12 2.3.2 CAN 收发器.......................................................................................................... 13 2.3.3 RS485 收发器...................................................................................................... 14 2.3.4 排针接口 ............................................................................................................... 15 2.3.5 音频模块 ............................................................................................................... 16 2.3.6 USB 模块.............................................................................................................. 17 2.3.7 SP3232 串口........................................................................................................ 19 2.4 跳线设置 ..................................................................................................................... 19 2.5 硬件勘误 ..................................................................................................................... 20 第 3 章 软件资源介绍 ........................................................................................................21 3.1 Linux 软件资源............................................................................................................ 21 3.2 Android 软件资源........................................................................................................ 22 3.3 Windows Embedded Compact 7 ............................................................................. 22 第 4 章 启动开发板 ............................................................................................................24
linux arm移植命令

linux arm移植命令1. 什么是ARMARM(Advanced RISC Machine)是一种基于RISC(Reduced Instruction Set Computer)架构的处理器设计,常被用于嵌入式系统领域。
2. 为什么需要ARM移植移植指的是将某个操作系统或软件移植到不同的硬件平台上。
3. ARM移植命令步骤ARM移植涉及多个步骤,以下是常见的移植命令及其说明:## 3.1. 配置内核源码### 3.1.1. make menuconfig执行`make menuconfig`命令可进入内核配置界面,通过界面可进行内核配置,包括硬件支持、设备驱动等。
### 3.1.2. make oldconfig执行`make oldconfig`命令可根据当前配置文件生成一个新的配置文件,用于更新配置文件中的新选项。
## 3.2. 编译内核执行`make`命令即可进行内核的编译,编译过程可能会持续一段时间。
## 3.3. 生成根文件系统根文件系统是指Linux运行时所需要的文件及目录结构。
## 3.4. 烧录内核及根文件系统编译完成后,将生成的内核镜像和根文件系统烧录到ARM设备的存储介质中,例如SD卡或eMMC存储器。
## 3.5. 启动ARM设备将存储介质插入到ARM设备中,通过开发板或串口终端连接到设备,随后可以启动ARM设备并进入Linux操作系统。
4. ARM移植的挑战和注意事项ARM移植相对复杂且涉及多方面的技术,以下是一些挑战和注意事项:- 硬件驱动:需要确保所选的硬件能与Linux内核进行良好的兼容性,并确保相关的设备驱动可用。

之前不能分区出现的错误:log:********************************************Sitara Flash Fetcher is complete. Executing /home/root/********************************************************************************************************Sitara Example Flashing Script - 02/11/20141+0 records in1+0 records out(standard_in) 1: parse errorNo partition found. Continuing.Partitioning the eMMC...Usage:sfdisk [options] <device> [...]Options:-s, --show-size list size of a partition-c, --id change or print partition Id--change-id change Id--print-id print Id-l, --list list partitions of each device-d, --dump idem, but in a format suitable for later input-i, --increment number cylinders etc. from1 instead of from0-u, --unit <letter> units to be used; <letter> can be one ofS (sectors), C (cylinders), B (blocks), or M (MB)-1, --one-only reserved option that does nothing currently-T, --list-types list the known partition types-D, --DOS for DOS-compatibility: waste a little space-E, --DOS-extended DOS extended partition compatibility-R, --re-read make the kernel reread the partition table-N <number> change only the partition with this <number>-n do not actually write to disk-O <file> save the sectors that will be overwritten to <file>-I <file> restore sectors from <file>-V, --verify check that the listed partitions are reasonable-v, --version display version information and exit-h, --help display this help text and exitDangerous options:-f, --force disable all consistency checking--no-reread do not check whether the partition is in use-q, --quiet suppress warning messages-L, --Linux do not complain about things irrelevant for Linux-g, --show-geometry print the kernel's idea of the geometry-G, --show-pt-geometry print geometry guessed from the partition table-A, --activate[=<device>] activate bootable flag-U, --unhide[=<dev>] set partition unhidden-x, --show-extended also list extended partitions in the output,or expect descriptors for them in the input--leave-last do not allocate the last cylinder--IBM same as --leave-last--in-order partitions are in order--not-in-order partitions are not in order--inside-outer all logicals inside outermost extended--not-inside-outer not all logicals inside outermost extended--nested every partition is disjoint from all others--chained like nested, but extended partitions may lie outside--onesector partitions are mutually disjointOverride the detected geometry using:-C, --cylinders <number> set the number of cylinders to use-H, --heads <number> set the number of heads to use-S, --sectors <number> set the number of sectors to useNo partition found. Continuing.1+0 records in1+0 records outFormatting the eMMC into 2 partitions...mkfs.vfat 2.11 (12 Mar 2005)mkfs.vfat: Too few blocks for viable file systemmke2fs 1.42.1 (17-Feb-2012)Could not stat /dev/mmcblk1p2 --- No such file or directoryThe device apparently does not exist; did you specify it correctly?Formatting done.[ 13.826364] FAT-fs (loop0): bogus number of reserved sectors[ 13.832343] FAT-fs (loop0): Can't find a valid FAT filesystemmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,missing codepage or helper program, or other errorIn some cases useful info is found in syslog - trydmesg | tail or somount: special device /dev/mmcblk1p2 does not existCopying Files...tar: can't open 'boot_partition.tar.gz': No such file or directoryCommand exited with non-zero status 1real 0m 0.00suser 0m 0.00ssys 0m 0.00sumount: /dev/mmcblk1p1: not mountedrm: can't remove 'boot_partition.tar.gz': No such file or directoryBoot partition done.tar: can't open 'rootfs_partition.tar.gz': No such file or directoryCommand exited with non-zero status 1real 0m 0.00suser 0m 0.00ssys 0m 0.00sumount: /dev/mmcblk1p2: not foundrm: can't remove 'rootfs_partition.tar.gz': No such file or directoryRootFS partition done.It took 2 seconds to complete this task...********************************************Sitara Example Flash Script is complete.经过多次试验依然是上⾯的log,最后不得已重现编译了内核⽤的是3.14.65,重新烧写对应的uImage。
AM335X核心板 AM335X核心板详细资料

335X核心板◆采用TI AM335X系列处理器,最高720MHz高速ARM Cortex-A8核心;◆准确定位工业控制领域,低功耗、低成本、高集成度核心模块+定制底板应用;◆提供管脚复用图表,客户可以精准匹配核心板管脚复用,实现更多应用;◆提供底板全部资源(含PCB文件)让您快速完成底板硬件设计,缩短研发周期;◆板载2路千兆网卡、多路RS232/485、2路CAN总线、GPMC总线等工业接口;◆核心板可全部升级工业级器件,邮票孔封装,稳定适用于各种现场环境;◆预装Linux3.2操作系统,提供丰富例程及源代码;产品参数核心板采用高密度6层板(沉金)设计,,集成了CPU、DDR2 RAM、NandFlash、千兆网卡、采用5V直流供电,超低功耗,邮票封引出各种常用接口资源,核心板与AM335x-ARM Cortex-A8系列处理器全部兼容,用户可根据需要选择不同型号的处理器芯片以适当降低成本,此种选择只适合于批量用户。
注意:标配A M3354处理器,以满足广大用户降低成本的要求,其余型号均为PIN脚兼容,仅供批量用户选择!AM335X系列处理器(批量用户可选):标号ARM CPUARMMHz(MAX.)ARMMIPS(MAX.)GraphicsAccelerationOther Hardware AccelerationAM3359 1 ARM Cortex-A8 275600720120014401 3D2 PRU-ICSSCrypto AcceleratorAM3358 1 ARM Cortex-A8 2756005007201000120014401 3D2 PRU-ICSSCrypto AcceleratorAM3357 1 ARM Cortex-A8 275600720550120014402 PRU-ICSSCrypto AcceleratorAM3356 1 ARM Cortex-A8 2756005007205501000120014402 PRU-ICSSCrypto AcceleratorAM3354 1 ARM Cortex-A8 2756005007201000120014401 3D Crypto AcceleratorAM3352 1 ARM Cortex-A8 275600500720100012001440Crypto Accelerator核心板资源说明:CPU处理器• TI AM335X,ARM Cortex-A8内核• 标配主频600MHZ,批量可选800MHZ、1GHZDDR RAM内存• 512MB DDR2 RAM,133MHz,16bit数据总线,FLASH存储板载512M*8bits NandFlash接口资源• 邮票封,稳定板载其他资源•AR8035网络芯片,完美支持10M/100M/1000M网口自适应,采用RGMII模式• 电源管理,单5V输入,输出核心板需要的所有电压PCB规格尺寸• 采用6层PCB板高精度工艺,具有最佳的电气性能和抗干扰性能• 58x 52x 1.6mm温湿度工作参数• 工作温度:-20°C~ 70°C 批量用户可定制-40°C~ 85°C工业级温宽• 工作湿度:5%到95%,非凝结超低功耗• 5V直流电压供电,单板超低功耗,小于2W操作系统支持• Linux3.2.0 + QT ouch(QT界面组态软件)核心板软件及技术支持:• 客户使用开发过程中遇到的和产品相关的问题• 根据客户需求进行系统的裁剪• QTOUCH软件基础应用,包含常用的ModbusRTU等通讯• 使用QTOUCH软件和其它设备通讯驱动开发(另收费)• 根据客户的需求,辅助开发相关驱动(另收费)• 根据客户的具体需求,进行底板的定制开发(另收费)。

Linux下AM335X的GPIO控制作者:chenzhufly QQ:36886052 ( 转载请注明出处)一路走来,熟悉硬件系统,搭建软件开发环境,编译Linux系统等等,现在也该到对硬件做一些事情了,这是我这几天的研究心得,与君共享。
1. GPIO的char型驱动,这里主要就是点个灯,感受一下驱动的设计和硬件的控制驱动程序:static int major =251;//定义主设备号/*******************************************/void led_on(void){gpio_set_value(GPIO_TO_PIN(1,22), 1);}void led_off(void){gpio_set_value(GPIO_TO_PIN(1,22), 0);}void led_init(void){int result;/* Allocating GPIOs and setting direction */result = gpio_request(GPIO_TO_PIN(1,22), \"Leds\");//usr1if (result != 0)printk(\"gpio_request(1_22) failed!\n\");result = gpio_direction_output(GPIO_TO_PIN(1,22), 1);if (result != 0)printk(\"gpio_direction(1_22) failed!\n\");}struct light_dev{struct cdev cdev;unsigned char value;};struct light_dev *light_devp;MODULE_AUTHOR(\"chenzhufly\");MODULE_LICENSE(\"Dual BSD/GPL\");// 打开和关闭函数int light_open(struct inode *inode,struct file *filp){struct light_dev *dev;// 获得设备结构体指针dev = container_of(inode->i_cdev,struct light_dev,cdev);// 让设备结构体作为设备的私有信息filp->private_data = dev;return 0;}int light_release(struct inode *inode,struct file *filp) {return 0;}// ioctlint light_ioctl(struct file *filp,unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg){struct light_dev *dev = filp->private_data;switch(cmd){case 0:dev->value = 0;led_off();break;case 1:dev->value = 1;led_on();break;default:return -ENOTTY;// break;}return 0;}struct file_operations light_fops ={.owner = THIS_MODULE,.unlocked_ioctl = light_ioctl,应用程序:Makefile文件:leds.sh脚本2. 使用echo命令,这个我在前面也说过3. 做个应用程序实现流水灯功能吧复制内容到剪贴板代码:#include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h>#include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/ipc.h>#include <sys/ioctl.h>#include <fcntl.h>#define LED1 \"/sys/class/leds/beaglebone::usr1/brightness\" // usr1 led #define LED2 \"/sys/class/leds/beaglebone::usr2/brightness\" // usr2 led #define LED3 \"/sys/class/leds/beaglebone::usr3/brightness\" // usr3 ledint main(void){int f_led1 = open(LED1, O_RDWR);int f_led2 = open(LED2, O_RDWR);int f_led3 = open(LED3, O_RDWR);unsigned char dat1, dat2, dat3;unsigned char i = 0;if (f_led1 < 0){printf(\"error in open %s\",LED1);return -1;}if (f_led2 < 0){printf(\"error in open %s\",LED2);return -1;}if (f_led3 < 0){printf(\"error in open %s\",LED3);return -1;}//add 10 timesfor(i=1; i<30; i++){dat1 = ((i%3) == 1) ? '1' : '0';dat2 = ((i%3) == 2) ? '1' : '0';dat3 = ((i%3) == 0) ? '1' : '0'; write(f_led1, &dat1, sizeof(dat1)); write(f_led2, &dat2, sizeof(dat2)); write(f_led3, &dat3, sizeof(dat3)); usleep(300000);}// all the bright{dat1 = '1';dat2 = '1';dat3 = '1';write(f_led1, &dat1, sizeof(dat1)); write(f_led2, &dat2, sizeof(dat2)); write(f_led3, &dat3, sizeof(dat3)); }}。

TI-AM335XGPMC7个config寄存器重点每个Config寄存器有32位Config1:1-0 GPMCFCLKDIVIDER Divides the GPMC.FCLK clock//⽤于设置时钟使⽤默认00 GPMC_CLK frequency = GPMC_FCLK frequency1h GPMC_CLK frequency = GPMC_FCLK frequency/22h GPMC_CLK frequency = GPMC_FCLK frequency/33h GPMC_CLK frequency = GPMC_FCLK frequency/44 TIMEPARAGRANULARITY Signals timing latencies scalar factor (Rd/WRCycleTime, AccessTime,PageBurstAccessTime, CSOnTime, CSRd/WrOffTime, ADVOnTime,//设置时间速度有关,没懂,默认0ADVRd/WrOffTime, OEOnTime, OEOffTime, WEOnTime, WEOffTime,Cycle2CycleDelay, BusTurnAround, TimeOutStartValue)0 ×1 latencies1 ×2 latencies9-8 MUXADDDATA Enables the Address and data multiplexed protocol (Reset value isCS0MUXDEVICE input pin sampled at IC reset for CS[0] and 0 for CS[1-5])//使⽤默认00 Non-multiplexed attached device1h AAD-multiplexed protocol device2h Address and data multiplexed attached device3h Reserved11-10 DEVICETYPE Selects the attached device type//默认0,我的是SRAM0 NOR Flash like, asynchronous and synchronous devices1h Reserved2h NAND Flash like devices, stream mode3h Reserved13-12 DEVICESIZE Selects the device size attached (Reset value is BOOTDEVICESIZE input //终于⾃⼰设置了,要操作的ram是16位的,当然以后操作别的ram就改为其它的pin sampled at IC reset for CS[0] and 01 for CS[1-5])0 8 bit1h 16 bit2h Reserved3h Reserved28 WRITEMULTIPLE Selects the write single or multiple access//28 30设置读写为单个或复⽤?有点不肯定,但这⾥都设置为00 Single access1 Multiple access (burst if synchronous, considered as single if asynchronous)30 READMULTIPLE Selects the read single or multiple access0 single access1 multiple access (burst if synchonous, page if asynchronous)config2-6://按照芯⽚⼿册757页时序图配置config7:5-0 BASEADDRESS 0-3Fh Chip-select base address.//设置为0x10;A24设置为有效CSi base address where i = 0 to 3 (16 Mbytes minimum granularity). Bits [5-0] correspondsto A29, A28, A27, A26, A25, and A24.11-8 MASKADDRESS Chip-select mask address. Values not listed must be avoided as they create holes in the chip-select address space.//默认设置为00 Chip-select size of 256 Mbytes8h Chip-select size of 128 MbytesCh Chip-select size of 64 MbytesEh Chip-select size of 32 MbytesFh Chip-select size of 16 Mbytes。
AM335x UBOOT移植记录

board_init_r 第 2 阶段的初始化,在 board.c 文件中
enable_caches 这个函数没有做什么内容
第 2 次初始化平台,这里可以初始化其他内容了,和平台相关
mem_malloc_init 初始化 malloc 内存
nanபைடு நூலகம்_init
uboot 的代码运行流程 u-boot-2011.09-psp04.06.00.08/arch/arm/cpu/armv7 start.s 入口运行文件
bl save_boot_params 跳转到 lowlevel_init.S 该 文 件 在 (arch\arm\cpu\armv7\omap-common) , 如 果 是 MLO 则 会 定 义
1、.boards.depend 2、include/config.h
/* Automatically generated - do not edit */ #define CONFIG_BOARDDIR board/ti/am335x #include <config_cmd_defaults.h> #include <config_defaults.h> #include <configs/am335x_evm.h> #include <asm/config.h> 3、include/ ARCH = arm CPU = armv7 BOARD = am335x VENDOR = ti SOC = ti81xx
这个目录下的几个文件,start.s 这个是程序的入口执行文件 u-boot-2011.09-psp04.06.00.08/arch/arm/cpu/armv7/omap-common u-boot-2011.09-psp04.06.00.08/arch/arm/cpu/armv7/ti81xx
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本文主要描述在EVB335X-II以Device Tree的方式移植新TI官网AM335X系列最新的linux-3.14.43版本内核以及移植Debian文件系统的过程及遇到的一些问题。
整个Device Tree牵涉面比较广,即增加了新的用于描述设备硬件信息的文本格式(即.dts文件),又增加了编译这一文本的工具,同时Bootloader也需要支持将编译后的Device Tree传递给Linux内核。
以下是修改步骤:一、修改uboot,支持Device TreeEVB335X-II在linux-3.2版本内核移植的时候已经有uboot,因此只需在该uboot上增加Device Tree支持即可,以下是修改步骤:1、修改include/configs/com335x.h文件,增加支持DT的宏定义:/* Flattened Device Tree */#define CONFIG_OF_LIBFDT2、修改uboot启动参数,增加dtb文件的加载和启动(由于目前只是移植EMMC版本的EVB335X-II,因此只需修改EMMC的启动参数即可,大概在405行),修改如下:#elif defined(CONFIG_EMMC_BOOT)#define CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND \"run mmcboot;"#define CONFIG_EXTRA_ENV_SETTINGS \"lcdtype=AUO_AT070TN94\0" \"console=ttyO0,115200n8\0" \"mmcroot=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw\0" \"mmcrootfstype=ext4 rootwait\0" \"mmcargs=setenv bootargs console=${console} noinitrd root=${mmcroot} rootfstype=${mmcrootfstype} lcdtype=${lcdtype} consoleblank=0\0" \"mmcdev=" MMCDEV "\0" \"loadaddr=0x81000000\0" \"dtbfile=evb335x-ii-emmc.dtb\0" \"bootenv=uEnv.txt\0" \"bootpart=" BOOTPART "\0" \"loadbootenv=load mmc ${mmcdev} ${loadaddr} ${bootenv}\0" \"importbootenv=echo Importing environment from mmc ...; " \"env import -t $loadaddr ${filesize}\0" \"loadaddr-dtb=0x82000000\0" \"loadimage=load mmc ${bootpart} ${loadaddr} uImage\0" \"loaddtb=load mmc ${bootpart} ${loadaddr-dtb} ${dtbfile}\0" \"mmcboot=mmc dev ${mmcdev}; " \"if mmc rescan; then " \"echo SD/MMC found on device ${mmcdev};" \"if run loadbootenv; then " \"echo Loaded environment from ${bootenv};" \"run importbootenv;" \"fi;" \"run mmcargs;" \"if run loadimage; then " \"run loaddtb;" \"bootm ${loadaddr} - ${loadaddr-dtb};" \"fi;" \"fi; \0"#endif以上,红色为修改部分。
#make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-4.7-2013.03-20130313_linux/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf- tisdk_am335x-evm_defconfig进入menuconfig,进行配置修改:#make ARCH=arm menuconfig内核配置注意事项:a、首先要修改的是串口,tisdk_am335x-evm_defconfig里的console串口(即调试串口)为8250的扩展串口,但EVB335X-II没有该扩展串口,因此需要取消该项配置,其console串口为CPU自带串口,配置选项为OMAP serial port:Device Drivers --->Character devices --->Serial drivers --->< > 8250/16550 and compatible serial support.........<*> OMAP serial port support[*] Console on OMAP serial port如果不做修改,系统启动后会出现can't open /dev/ttyO0: No such file or directory的提示,无法使用调试串口。
b、修改USB配置,原配置里的USB不能使用,修改配置如下:Device Drivers --->[*] USB support --->[*] OTG support.............<*> Inventra Highspeed Dual Role Controller (TI, ADI, ...)MUSB Mode Selection (Dual Role mode) ---><*> Platform Glue Layer (TI DSPS platforms) --->MUSB DMA mode (TI CPPI 4.1 (AM335x)) --->需要注意的是,Platform Glue Layer必须选为TI DSPS platforms,否则USB无法使用。
c、修改声卡配置,原配置为模块,现将其配置进内核:Device Drivers ---><*> Sound card support ---><*> Advanced Linux Sound Architecture ---><*> ALSA for SoC audio support ---><*> SoC Audio for Texas Instruments chips using eDMA(AM33XX/43XX)-*- Multichannel Audio Serial Port (McASP) support<*> SoC Audio for the AM33XX chip based boards-*- SoC Audio for the Texas Instruments OMAP chipsCODEC drivers --->-*- Texas Instruments TLV320AIC31xx CODECs-*- Texas Instruments TLV320AIC3x CODECs其它功能的具体配置这里不一一表述,具体参考evb335x-ii-demo_config。
编译内核:#make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-4.7-2013.03-20130313_linux/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf- LOADADDR=0x80008000 uImage注意:加上LOADADDR参数,否则会出以下错误:multiple (or no) load addresses:This is incompatible with uImagesSpecify LOADADDR on the commandline to build an uImage2、dts文件的制作和编译dts文件存放位置为arch/arm/boot/dts/目录。
编译dts文件:#make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-4.7-2013.03-20130313_linux/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-evb335x-ii-emmc.dtb编译完成后,在arch/arm/boot/dts/目录下生成evb335x-ii-emmc.dtb文件。