


Measures for the Administration of Examination and Approval of Foreigners' Permanent Residence in China

(Approved by the State Council on December 13, 2003, and promulgated by Order No.74 of the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on August 15, 2004)

Article 1 In order to standardize the examination and approval of foreigners' permanent residence in China, these Measures are formulated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Control of Entry and Exit of Foreigners and the Detailed Rules for its implementation.

Article 2 Foreigners' permanent residence in China refers to that the period of foreigners' residence in China is not limited.

Article 3 The Foreigner's Permanent Residence Card is a valid ID certificate for a foreigner who has obtained permanent residence status in China and may be used independently.

Article 4 A foreigner with permanent residence status in China may enter and leave China with his valid passport and Foreigner's Permanent Residence Card.

Article 5 The authorities to accept the applications of foreigners for permanent residence in China are the public security organs of the people's governments of cities with subordinate districts and the public security branch bureaus and county-level bureaus of municipalities directly under the Central Government. The authorities to examine foreigners' applications for permanent residence in China are the departments and bureaus of public security of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. The authority to examine and approve foreigners' applications for permanent residence in China is the Ministry of Public Security.

Article 6 Foreigners applying for permanent residence in China must abide by Chinese laws, be in good health and without any criminal record, and must meet at least one of the following requirements:

(1) having made direct investment in China with stable operation and a good tax paying record for three successive years;

(2) having been holding the post of deputy general manager, deputy factory director or above or of associate professor, associate research fellow and other associate senior titles of professional post or above or enjoying an equal treatment, for at least four successive years, with a minimum period of residence in China for three cumulative years within four years and with a good tax paying record;

(3) having made a great and outstanding contribution to and being specially needed

by China;

(4) being the spouse or unmarried child under 18 years old of a person with reference to the item(1), (2) or (3) of this paragraph;

(5) being the spouse of a Chinese citizen or of a foreigner with permanent residence status in China, in a marriage relationship for at least five years, with at least five successive years of residence in China and at least nine months of residence in China each year, and having stable source of subsistence and a dwelling place;

(6) being an unmarried person under 18 years old turning to his parent; or

(7) being a person who is or above 60 years old, who has no direct relative abroad and is to turn to any directive relative in China, and has stayed in China for at least five successive years with at least nine- month residence in China each year, and has stable source of subsistence and a dwelling place.

The periods of time in this Article mean the successive ones till the date of application.

Article 7 In the case of a foreigner under item (1) of the first paragraph of Article 6 herein, the registered capital paid by him as investment in China shall meet any of the following requirements:

(1) in the case of investment in any industry encouraged under the Catalogue for Guidance of Foreign Investment Industries, at least US$500,000 in total;

(2) in the case of investment in the western area of China or any key county under poverty reduction and development program, at least US$500,000 in total;

(3) in the case of investment in the central area of China, at least US$1 million in total; or

(4) in the case of investment in China, at least US$2 million in total.

Article 8 In the case of a foreigner under item (2) of the first paragraph of Article 6 herein, the entity in which he holds a post must be any of the following:

(1) an institution subordinate to any department of the State Council or to the people's government at the provincial level;

(2) a key college or university;

(3) an enterprise or government-sponsored institution implementing a key engineering project or major scientific research project of the state; or

(4) a high-tech enterprise, foreign invested enterprise in encouraged fields, technologically advanced enterprise with foreign investment or export-oriented enterprise with foreign investment.

Article 9 The applicant shall faithfully fill in the Form of Application for Foreigner's Permanent Residence in China and submit the following materials:

(1) a copy of his valid passport or other certificate that may be used instead of the passport;

(2) a health certificate issued by a health quarantine agency designated by the Chinese government or by a foreign health quarantine agency recognized by the relevant Chinese embassy or consulate;

(3) a certificate of no criminal record in the country concerned as issued by the relevant Chinese embassy or consulate;

(4) four recent full-face color photos (2 by 2 inches, bareheaded) of the applicant; and

(5) other relevant materials provided herein.

Article 10 An applicant under Item (1) of the first paragraph of Article 6 herein shall submit a certificate of approval for the foreign-invested enterprise, certificate of registration and a joint annual inspection certificate, report on the verification capital and personal tax payment receipt in addition.

In the case of a foreign-invested enterprise in encouraged fields, a letter of confirmation in respect of the foreign-invested project as encouraged by the state shall be submitted in addition.

Article 11 An applicant under Item (2) of the first paragraph of Article 6 herein shall submit the following materials in addition:

(1) a certificate certifying his position or professional title as issued by his employer;

(2) the Foreign Expert Card or Foreigner Employment Card;

(3) a certificate of registration and certificate of annual inspection of his employer, certificate of personal tax payment issued to him; where the employer is a foreign-invested enterprise, a certificate of approval for the foreign-invested enterprise and a joint annual inspection certificate is required in addition; and

(4) in the case of an applicant who holds a post in an enterprise or institution that carries out a key engineering project or major scientific research project of the state, a certificate certifying the project as issued by the competent authority of the government at the provincial or ministry level; in the case of an applicant who holds a post in a high-tech enterprise, a high-tech enterprise certificate; in the case of a foreign-invested enterprise in encouraged fields, technologically advanced enterprise with foreign investment or export-oriented enterprise with foreign investment, a certificate certifying the foreign-invested enterprise in encouraged fields, advanced-tech enterprise with foreign investment or export-oriented enterprise with foreign investment.

Article 12 An applicant under Item (3) of the first paragraph of Article 6 herein shall submit a letter of recommendation and the relevant certificates as issued by the competent authority of the Chinese government in addition.

Article 13 An applicant under Item (4) of the first paragraph of Article 6 herein shall, in addition, submit a marriage certificate in the case of a spouse, his birth certificate or parentage certificate in the case of an unmarried child under 18 years old, and a adoption certificate in the case of an adopted child. The above-mentioned certificates as issued by a foreign agency shall be subject to the authentication of the Chinese embassy or consulate in the country concerned.

Article 14 An applicant under Item (5) of the first paragraph of Article 6 herein shall, in addition, submit his (her) Chinese spouse's registered permanent residence certificate or foreign spouse's Foreigner's Permanent Residence Card, marriage certificate, and a notarized certificate of source of subsistence and house leasing certificate or muniments of title. The above-mentioned certificates as issued by a foreign agency shall be subject to the authentication of the Chinese embassy or consulate in the country concerned.

Article 15 An applicant under Item (6) of the first paragraph of Article 6 herein shall, in addition, submit his Chinese parent's registered permanent residence certificate or foreign parent's Foreigner's Permanent Resident Card, his birth certificate or parentage certificate and, in the case of an adopted child, the adoption certificate in addition. The above-mentioned certificates as issued by a foreign agency shall be subject to the authentication of the Chinese embassy or consulate in the country concerned.

Article 16 An applicant under Item (7) of the first paragraph of Article 6 herein shall, in addition, submit the registered permanent residence certificate of the Chinese citizen, or the Foreigner's Permanent Residence Card of the foreigner, to whom he is to turn, a notarized certificate of kindred and a certificate certifying that the applicant has no direct relative abroad, a notarized certificate certifying the applicant's financial source or notarized certificate of financial guarantee by the person to whom the applicant is to turn, and notarized house leasing certificate or muniments of title of the applicant or the person to whom the applicant is to turn. The above-mentioned certificates as issued by a foreign agency shall be subject to the authentication of the Chinese embassy or consulate in the country concerned.

Article 17 An application for foreigner's permanent residence in China shall be submitted by the applicant himself or his parent if he is unmarried and under 18 years old or his attorney to the public security organ of the people's government of the city with subordinate districts, or the branch or county bureau of public security of the municipality directly under the Central Government, in the place where the principal investment was made or of long-term residence.

In the case of applying through an attorney, a power of attorney issued by

the applicant shall be submitted. A power of attorney issued by the applicant abroad shall be subject to the authentication of the Chinese embassy or consulate in the country concerned.

Article 18 The public security organ shall make an approval or disapproval decision within six months from the date of the acceptance of the application .

Article 19 The Ministry of Public Security shall issue a Foreigner's Permanent Residence Card to the applicant whose permanent residence status in China has been approved. If the applicant is not in China, the Ministry of Public Security shall issue a Confirmation Form of Foreigner's Permanent Residence Status to the applicant, who shall apply for a "D" visa to the Chinese embassy or consulate in the country concerned by producing such Conformation Form and, within 30 days from his entry into China, get the Foreigner's Permanent Residence Card from the public security organ that accepted his application.

Article 20 A foreigner who has been approved to permanently reside in China must stay in China for at least three cumulative months a year. If the foreigner is unable to stay in China for such minimum period due to any reason, he shall apply for the approval of the department or bureau of public security of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government where he reside in, provided that the cumulative period of his residence in China shall not be less than one cumulative year in five years.

Article 21 A Foreigner's Permanent Residence Card shall be valid for five or ten years.

In the case of a foreigner under 18 years old approved to permanently reside in China shall have a Foreigner's Permanent Residence Card valid for five years; those being or above 18 years old shall have one valid for ten years.

Article 22 In the case of expiry of, any change of particulars in, damage to or loss of a Foreigner's Permanent Residence Card, the holder shall apply for renewal or reissue of the Card to the public security organ of the people's government of the city with subordinate districts, or the branch or county bureau of public security of the municipality directly under the Central Government in the place of his long-term residence. The public security organ shall make such renewal or reissue within one month if, upon examination, it holds that the holder still meets the requirements for a foreigner to be approved to permanently reside in China.

Article 23 The holder of a Foreigner's Permanent Residence Card shall apply for a renewal of the Card within a month before the expiry of the old one, for a renewal within a month after any change of particulars in the Card, or for a renewal or reissue promptly in the case of any damage to or loss of the Card.

Article 24 The Ministry of Public Security may cancel such status of him and withdraw or revoke his Foreigner's Permanent Residence Card in the case of a foreigner with permanent residence status in China under any of the following circumstances:

(1) being likely to threaten the national security and interests;

(2) being expelled from China by the people's court;

(3) having obtained the permanent residence status in China by submitting false materials or by other illegal means; and

(4) having stayed in China without approval for a period less than three cumulative months a year or less than a cumulative year in five years.

Article 25 Foreigners who have been approved to permanently reside in China before the implementation of these Measures shall, within six months from the implementation, renew his Foreigner's Permanent Residence Card with the public security organ of the people's government of the city with subordinate districts or the branch and county bureau of public security of the municipality directly under the Central Government that issued the original Card or in the place of his long-term residence.

Article 26 The items and rates of charge in respect of a foreigner's application for permanent residence status in China and the issue, renewal and reissue of a Foreigner's Permanent Residence Card shall conform to the relevant provisions of the departments of price control and finance of the State Council.

Article 27 In these Measures:

(1) "direct relative" shall include parents (spouse's parents), grandparents, child being at least 18 years old and his (her) spouse, and grandchild being at least 18 years old and his (her) spouse; and

(2) both "above" and "within" shall include the given figure.

Article 28 The power to interpret these Measures shall be vested in the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Article 29 These Measures shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation.


中国人这些习惯让外国人百思不得其解 文化习俗对人类社会生活影响深刻,从空间角度看,文化祢散于社会生活的每一个角落;从时间纬度看,它又延续在整个历史长河之中。中西方文化分别产生于中国和欧洲,属于不同的民族,存在着很大的差异,反应到日常生活中,自然在生活习惯上也有很多不同。下面这些中国人的生活习惯,就令西方人百思不得其解。 大多中国人喜欢把遥控器包裹在塑料袋中使用。 1、电视、DVD等电器的遥控器,买来时都包装在塑料袋内,西方人使用时,会丢掉塑料袋,直接用,但大多中国人却依然把遥控器包裹在塑料袋中使用,这样既可保护遥控器,也更卫生。 2、不论是中国,还是西方国家,都有赌场和彩票,但比起大多数西方人,中国人更喜欢小赌博或买彩票。 中国人认为,洗碗机当碗橱更合适,洗碗还是亲手洗干净。(fotolia) 3、在西方社会,洗碗机司空见惯,几乎家家必备,但中国人认为,洗碗机当碗橱更合适,洗碗还是亲手洗干净。

4、西方人喜欢在大餐厅的大餐桌上进餐。但对中国人来说,做好饭,直接在厨房的小餐桌上用餐,多方便。 5、茶文化在中国源远流长,并且,在中国长大的人是喝热水长大的,即使出了国,也要喝热水和热茶,所以每家都有热水瓶。 6、果酱和咖啡吃完了,西方人直接丢掉瓶子,但中国人却变废为宝,把空的果酱瓶或咖啡瓶改做水杯,并随身带着。 中国人用筷子打鸡蛋。(网络图片) 7、搅蛋器现在也很普及了,但中国人依然觉得不好用,打鸡蛋还是用筷子利索。 8、泡茶一定要用杯盖,所以中国人家里的茶杯大多有盖子。但对海外的中国人来说,买个磁的杯盖可不容易,不行的话,就求助国内的亲友了。

9、生孩子对中西家庭都是大事,但外国女人生孩子2、3天就出门。中国女人分娩后一个月内不让出门,叫“坐月子”。 10、西方人身上卡多现金少,数钱的机会不多,银行数钱,也是机器上阵,而中国人数钱,喜欢用手指沾着口水数,而且点钞的速度大多比机器还快,银行出纳更是技高一筹。 11、西方人办事按照规章制度,不可违反。中国人办事则以人情为重,先找熟人,求人办事前往往还要送点小礼。 12、热情的中国人送客,会送出家门很远。西方人就不会这样了。 中国人居安思危,有点余钱就存银行。(fotolia)


外国人签证和居留许可工作规范 公安部公境[2004]30号 第一章总则 【第一条】为了加强外国人签证和居留管理工作,根据《中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理法》、《中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理法实施细则》及有关规定,制定本规范。 【第二条】受理、审批、制作和签发外国人签证和居留许可的机关是直辖市公安局出入境管理处(局)以及设有出入境管理专门机构的地市公安机关出入境管理部门。 省、自治区公安厅出入境管理处(局)在特殊情况下也可以受理、审批、制作和签发外国人签证和居留许可。 【第三条】外国人申请签证和居留许可延期、加签、变更(以下统称签证、居留许可申请)适用本规范。 第二章受理与审批 【第四条】出入境管理部门受理外国人签证、居留许可申请,应当询问有关情况并要求申请人提供下列材料: (一)有效国际旅行证件,包括外交、公务(官员、特别)、因公普通、普通护照等证件; (二)填写《外国人签证、居留许可申请表》,交一张近期二寸半身正面免冠照片; (三)与签证、居留许可申请有关的证明材料。 【第五条】出入境管理部门只受理经本人提出的签证、居留许可申请,但下列情形除外: (一)签证:探亲者可以由其在华亲属代办;团体旅游者可以由接待旅行社代办;看病者可以由亲属或者接待单位代办; (二)F签证:可以由接待单位代办; (三)居留许可:可以由工作单位或者就读院校代办,但受理外国人的首次居留许可申请,必须面见本人。 【第六条】出入境管理部门受理和审批签证、居留许可申请,应当认真核对不准入境人员名单,核查申请材料。申请材料与实际情况相符的方可签发相应的签证或者居留许可。 签证、居留许可的有效期,不得超过外国人所持国际旅行证件的有效期。 【第七条】出入境管理部门对审批同意的签证、居留许可申请,应当在受理后的5个工作日以内签发。


外国人在中国永久居留审批管理办法(英文版) Measures for the Administration of Examination and Approval of Foreigners' Permanent Residence in China (Approved by the State Council on December 13, 2003, and promulgated by Order No.74 of the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on August 15, 2004) Article 1 In order to standardize the examination and approval of foreigners' permanent residence in China, these Measures are formulated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Control of Entry and Exit of Foreigners and the Detailed Rules for its implementation. Article 2 Foreigners' permanent residence in China refers to that the period of foreigners' residence in China is not limited. Article 3 The Foreigner's Permanent Residence Card is a valid ID certificate for a foreigner who has obtained permanent residence status in China and may be used independently. Article 4 A foreigner with permanent residence status in China may enter and leave China with his valid passport and Foreigner's Permanent Residence Card. Article 5 The authorities to accept the applications of foreigners for permanent residence in China are the public security organs of the people's governments of cities with subordinate districts and the public security branch bureaus and county-level bureaus of municipalities directly under the Central Government. The authorities to examine foreigners' applications for permanent residence in China are the departments and bureaus of public security of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. The authority to examine and approve foreigners' applications for permanent residence in China is the Ministry of Public Security. Article 6 Foreigners applying for permanent residence in China must abide by Chinese laws, be in good health and without any criminal record, and must meet at least one of the following requirements: (1) having made direct investment in China with stable operation and a good tax paying record for three successive years; (2) having been holding the post of deputy general manager, deputy factory director or above or of associate professor, associate research fellow and other associate senior titles of professional post or above or enjoying an equal treatment, for at least four successive years, with a minimum period of residence in China for three cumulative years within four years and with a good tax paying record; (3) having made a great and outstanding contribution to and being specially needed


外国人签证、居留许可申请表 VISA AND RESIDENCE PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 1、英文姓名___________________________________________________ Name in En glish (as it appears in your passport) 中文姓名________________________ 国籍 ______________________ 2、护照或者证件种类外交□ 公务口普通□其他____________________________ Type of passport of certificate Diplomatic Service Ordinary Others 护照或者证件号码 ___________________________ 有效期至_________ —月—日Passport or certificate number Valid until Y M D 3、现持签证或者居留许可号码___________________ 签发机关_____________________ Current visa or reside nee permit nu mber lssued by 签证种类或者居留事由 _________________ 有效期至___________ 年_月_日 Type of visa or purpose of reside nee Valid un til Y M D 4、在华邀请单位名称或者个人的姓名、地址和电话_________________________________ Compa ny or pers on to vistit in China ,n ame (s), address and teleph one nu mber 申请人在华住址、电话Address and teleph one nu mber of applica nt inn China 5、使用同一护照的偕行人Accompa nying persons in cluded in psaaport 姓名性别出生日期与申请人关系 Name Sex applica nt Date of birth Relati on ship to 昭 八、 、 片 性别男□女□职业 Sex M F Occupati on 出生日期年月日出生地Date of birth Y M D Place of birth Name in Chin ese (if applicable) Nati on ality


中华人民共和国外国人出入境管理条例 2017/05/27 第一章总则 第一条为了规范签证的签发和外国人在中国境内停留居留的服务和管理,根据《中华人民共和国出境入境管理法》(以下简称出境入境管理法)制定本条例。 第二条国家建立外国人入境出境服务和管理工作协调机制,加强外国人入境出境服务和管理工作的统筹、协调与配合。 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府可以根据需要建立外国人入境出境服务和管理工作协调机制,加强信息交流与协调配合,做好本行政区域的外国人入境出境服务和管理工作。 第三条公安部应当会同国务院有关部门建立外国人入境出境服务和管理信息平台,实现有关信息的共享。 第四条在签证签发管理和外国人在中国境内停留居留管理工作中,外交部、公安部等国务院部门应当在部门门户网站、受理出境入境证件申请的地点等场所,提供外国人入境出境管理法律法规和其他需要外国人知悉的信息。 第二章签证的类别和签发 第五条外交签证、礼遇签证、公务签证的签发范围和签发办法由外交部规定。 第六条普通签证分为以下类别,并在签证上标明相应的汉语拼音字母: (一)C字签证,发给执行乘务、航空、航运任务的国际列车乘务员、国际航空器机组人员、国际航行船舶的船员及船员随行家属和从事国际道路运输的汽车驾驶员。 (二)D字签证,发给入境永久居留的人员。 (三)F字签证,发给入境从事交流、访问、考察等活动的人员。 (四)G字签证,发给经中国过境的人员。 (五)J1字签证,发给外国常驻中国新闻机构的外国常驻记者;J2字签证,发给入境进行短期采访报道的外国记者。 (六)L字签证,发给入境旅游的人员;以团体形式入境旅游的,可以签发团体L 字签证。 (七)M字签证,发给入境进行商业贸易活动的人员。 (八)Q1字签证,发给因家庭团聚申请入境居留的中国公民的家庭成员和具有中国永久居留资格的外国人的家庭成员,以及因寄养等原因申请入境居留的人员;Q2字签证,发给申请入境短期探亲的居住在中国境内的中国公民的亲属和具有中国永久居留资格的外国人的亲属。 (九)R字签证,发给国家需要的外国高层次人才和急需紧缺专门人才。 (十)S1字签证,发给申请入境长期探亲的因工作、学习等事由在中国境内居留的

【2018-2019】外国人永久居留,结婚证,认证,6个月以上-word范文 (28页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 外国人永久居留,结婚证,认证,6个月以上 篇一:外国人在中国永久居留申请 外国人在中国永久居留申请服务指引 ★夫妻团聚 ●申请条件 须同时满足以下所有条件: 1、申请在中国永久居留的外国人应当遵守中国法律,身体健康,无犯罪记录。(本条件所指年限指申请之日前连续的年限) 2、为具有广州市常住户籍的中国公民或者在中国获得永久居留资格的外国人 的配偶; 3、婚姻关系存续满五年; 4、婚后已在中国连续居留满五年、每年在中国居留不少于九个月; 5、有稳定生活保障和住所。 ●所需材料 须回答有关询问,并提交以下基本材料(一式两份): 1、如实填写的《外国人在中国永久居留申请表》(夫妻团聚类); 2、本人有效的外国护照复印件(须核对原件); 3、广东出入境检验检疫局出具的《健康证明》; 4、经中国驻外使、领馆认证的国外无犯罪记录证明; 5、提交广东省外国人签证相片5张及该相片的《检测回执》; 6、本人书写的申请永久居留的申请书;

除基本材料外,还须提交以下材料: 1、提交中国籍配偶的广州市常住户籍证明及身份证明或者外国籍配偶的《外国人永久居留证》复印件(须核对原件); 2、婚姻证明; 3、经公证的银行存款证明; 4、经公证的房屋租赁或产权证明; 5、外籍华人还需提供: 1) 出国时使用的中国护照复印件; 2) 原户口注销证明; 3) 经我公证处翻译的所在国的入籍证明。 6、公安机关认为必须提交的其他证明。 外国有关机构出具证明需经中国驻该国使、领馆认证并经我公证处翻译。 ★亲子团聚 ●申请条件 须同时满足以下所有条件: 1、未满18周岁且未婚; 2、父母双方或一方为中国公民且具有广州市常住户籍,或者父母双方或一方为具有中国永久居留资格的外国人; 3、根据我国国籍法审查确认具有外国国籍的。●所需材料 须回答有关询问,并提交以下基本材料(一式两份): 1、如实填写的《外国人在中国永久居留申请表》(亲子团聚类); 2、本人有效的外国护照复印件(须核对原件); 3、提交广东省外国人签证相片5张及该相片的《检测回执》; 4、本人申请永久居留的申请书。 除基本材料外,还须提供以下材料:


外国人对中国人的评价 我和一位喜爱亚洲文化的欧洲朋友交流,他对中国人做了正、中、反三方面评价,整理后诸位看看可否客观。 正面: 1、中国人吃苦耐劳,尤其生活较苦的家庭,吃苦耐劳、意志坚韧的精神更为著。 2、注重家庭。中国很多家庭不像西方人只为个人生活,中国夫妇考虑孩子更多,婚姻不美满为不伤害孩子,仍选择共同生活,一定程度减轻了单亲家庭对孩子的不良影响。 3、中国人比较讲交情。开始时可能对你有防范,只要你入了圈子,他们就会对你真诚相待,把你当作知心朋友。 4、注重孩子教育。中国社会竞争激烈,家长十分注重孩子的教育,除正常文化课也很重视文体美等素质,因为中国家庭寄予孩子太多希望。 5、中国人各个好厨师。你要去中国人家里做客,每家都能做出好多好吃又可口的饭菜,外国人去一趟就中国在中国城吃中餐不是中餐,只有到中国才能吃到最纯正的中餐。很多西方人从中国回来后,很多年仍对中国餐年年不忘。 中性: 1、中国人爱虚荣,好面子、讲攀比。中国人与人交往的时候,一般先看对方穿戴,衣帽取人。中国人爱炫耀,披金戴银,不像西方社会看重个人举止、修养和个性内涵。中国人爱面子,所有行为原则都能与“面子”挂钩,有时候面子比生命还重要。中国人爱攀重,亲戚朋友、邻居同事互相之间明争暗攀,攀比范围包括工作、生活、学习,孩子等等,几乎到了“无所不攀”的地步。 2、官迷,中国人爱当官,古代“学而优则仕”,现代做官更富优越感。当官能名利双收,一个人当官,全家受益,能得到几代人打拼而得不到的东西。所以中国人明争暗斗、你争我夺,都为“当官”,中国人认为这是“人往高处走”,当官是一切价值的最高体现。 3、中国最崇拜名人。中国可能是世界上最崇拜名人的国度,名人在中国的日子最好过,可以躺在过去的名声上吃一辈子。不比西方社会名声只代表过去,即便获过诺贝尔奖而再无创造,就会被淘汰。想名人躺在过去的名声上过好生活,好似痴人说梦。 4、中国人好客,但总有私人目的。一般而言,中国人请你多了,不拿你当外人的时候,也就是要求你办事了,中国人好客之外,总有个人目的。 5、中国人说话声音大。这是外国人到中国最深的感触之一,中国还把这个习惯带到了国外。走在西方国家街头,不用多问只听他们说话就知道他们是哪儿个


外国人在华申请工作居留许可 第一步:用人单位聘用外国人须为该外国人申请就业许可,经获准并取得《中华人民共和国外国人就业许可证书》- 15天左右 用人单位聘用外国人,须向其与劳动行政主管部门提出申 请(北京市人力资源社会保障局),并提供下列有效文件: 1.《外国人就业申请表》 2.拟聘用外国人原因的报告; 3.聘用意向书 4.拟聘用外国人履历证明(学位证书) 5.拟聘用外国人从事该工作资格证明(相关工作经验的 简历) 6.拟聘用外国人健康状况证明- 北京出入境卫生检疫部 门(北京国际旅行卫生保健中心)出具的身体健康证明 (有可能在办理Z签证时才要) 7.拟聘用外国人的无犯罪记录证明 8.外国人护照复印件 9.企业营业执照、批准证书、组织机构代码证(复印件 提交-可能要看一下原件) 第二步:用人单位凭取得的《中华人民共和国外国人就业许可证书》申请签证通知函 1.用人单位须向市外事办或商务委申请签证通知函(具 体城市有所不同) 2.应凭有关省、自治区、直辖市人民政府外事办公室的通 知函电(径发有关驻外使、领馆处)申请职业签证。

第三步:出境(一般去香港)申请职业签证 申请人(获准来中国就业的外国人)凭劳动部签发 的许可证书、被授权单位的通知函电及本国有效护 照或能代替护照的证件,到中国驻外使、领馆、处 申请职业签证。 申请签证时,您需要准备好以下材料: 1.护照:有效期为6个月以上、有空白签证页的 护照原件及护照照片资料页复印件1份。 2.签证申请表及照片:1份《中华人民共和国签 证申请表》及1张粘贴在申请表上的近期、正面、彩色(浅色背景)、免冠、护照照片。 3.合法停留或居留证明(适用于不在国籍国申请签证者):如您不在国籍国申请签证,您 需提供在所在国合法停留、居留、工作、学习的有效证明或有效签证的原件和复印件。 4.原中国护照或原中国签证(适用于曾有中国国籍,后加入外国国籍者):如您系首次申 请中国签证,须提供原中国护照原件及护照照片资料页复印件;如您曾获中国签证并持新换发的外国护照申请签证,须提供原外国护照照片资料页及曾获得的中国签证复印件(如果新护照所记载的姓名与原护照不一致,还须提供有关官方出具的更改姓名的证明文件)。 5.人力资源和社会保障部门签发的《外国人就业许可证书》 6.《被授权单位邀请函》或《邀请确认函》; 7.外国人健康状况证明- 北京出入境卫生检疫部门(北京国际旅行卫生保健中心)出具的身 体健康证明(可能) 第四步:申请《外国人就业证》 在中国就业的外国人应持职业签证入境,入境后取得《外国人就业证》(以下简称就业证)和外国人居留证件,方可在中国境内就业。用人单位应在被聘用的外国人入境后十五日内,到原发证机关(北京人社局)为外国人办理就业证。 企业办理外国人就业证所需材料 1.《外国人就业登记表》(盖单位公章)一份, 2.近期二寸证件彩色照片两张; 3.《外国人就业许可证书》原件; 4.体检证明原件(由北京国际旅行卫生保健中心出具 的健康证明); 5.有效护照原件及复印件(复印护照首页和“Z”签证 页); 6.在京居住地派出所开具的有效《临时住宿登记表》原 件和复印件; 7.《劳动合同》复印件(注意事项:①属境外单位派 遣,应由境外派遣单位出具相应的相应证明,并注明聘 用期限;②劳动合同或其他材料如是外文,需提交专业 翻译公司确认盖章<应为公章>的翻译原件);


文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持. 附件2 持《外国人永久居留证》办理《上海市海外人才居住证》办事指南 一、适用范围 本指南适用于持有《外国人永久居留证》的海外人才办理《上海市居住证》B证 二、事项名称和代码 事项名称:办理《上海市居住证》B证 事项代码:0340 三、办理依据 上海市人民政府关于印发修订后的《上海市海外人才居住证管理办法》的通知(沪府发〔2015〕32号) 关于印发《上海市海外人才居住证管理办法实施细则》的通知(沪人社外发〔2015〕33号) 关于印发《关于持有〈外国人永久居留证〉的海外高层次人才直接办理〈上海市海外人才居住证〉的实施办法》的通知(沪人社外发〔2016〕41号) 四、办理机构 (一)办理机构名称及权限 上海市人力资源和社会保障局,负责管理审核;市人才服务中心、浦东新区高层次人才服务中心、杨浦区海外高层次人才创新创业服务中心、中国(上海)自由贸易试验区国际人才服务中心等负责受理。 (二)审批内容

文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持. 《上海市居住证》B证的新办、续签换证、信息变更、挂失和补办、注销。 (三)法律效力 取得《上海市居住证》B证的人员,可以按规定在社会保险、子女就读等方面,享受相应的待遇。 (四)审批对象 持有《外国人永久居留证》,需要申请办理《上海市居住证》B证的自然人及聘用该当事人的企事业单位。 五、申办材料 (一)新办 1. 业务情形 用人单位为申请人首次申请《上海市居住证》B证。 2. 准予批准的条件 (1)具有本科(学士)及以上学历(学位),在本市合法工作或创业,持有《外国人永久居留证》的海外高层次人才; (2)符合上述条件的,配偶和未满18周岁或高中在读的子女; (3)申请单位应当是信誉良好,具有人事档案管理权限,在本市行政区域内注册登记,符合本市产业发展方向的各类企业、事业、社团、民办非企业机构,以及有法人授权的在沪依法注册设立的分支机构。 3. 不予批准的情形


外国人眼中的xx 留学生 在美国学习的外国学生, 2011 年中国占世界第一位: 总人数 12.8万,中国留学生带来的花费大概 31 亿美元,随着人数的增加,影响力和出事率也增大。 前几天,有感于加拿大华裔留学生林俊惨案的启发,写了博文: xx 留学生在海外该怎样保护自己? 很多博友在评论区踊跃留言,发表自己的看法。很多人提到,中国留学生在海外是一个弱势群体,同时有些留学生也很难融入当地社会,这其中,有地域文化的差别因素,也有留学生自身的问题。 留学生到了国外,并不是每个人都适应,有些人如鱼得水,游刃有余,有些人很不习惯,度日如年。 学业的繁重,生活习惯截然不同,文化难以融合,再加上语言问题,导致有些留学生困在自己中国同学的圈子里,没法融入到美国当地的文化中。 问题到底出在哪?俺高娓娓不是社会学家,也不是专家学者,只是听到一下说法,看到一些报道。 那些中国留学生身边的老外们,是怎么看中国留学生的呢?或许我们也能从他们的眼中看到自己的不足。 看到 yahoo 上一篇报道,讲几点老外关于中国留学生的评价,不完全准确,但很有意思。 评价一: 读书用功,看重成绩,却缺乏创造力 美国学生认为中国学生学习太用功,对考试过于重视,对创造力和独立思考却不注重。只顾埋头学习,却对自己的人生和将来缺乏思考。 有一个老外说,中国学生都是“用功狂”。他们学校的老师有时候会列出一些建议阅读的书目,但经常都是只有中国学生会认真看完的。而且中国学生的总分却还是

比不上外国学生,因为他们不会积极地参加课堂讨论,那也占分数的 50%。 我有几个教授朋友,他们也和我聊过,说中国学生不太喜欢在课堂讨论不太喜欢发言。 其实很多时候并不是他们不知道说什么,而是不敢说。网上有一个留学生说: 课堂讨论时,我经常知道问题答案或有个不错的点子,但憋死也不举手说,当老师把目光转移到我身上时,我却或装痴呆状,或做羞涩状,等到老师把这个话题结束了,才后悔刚才没说两句露露脸儿。

评价二: 缺乏幽默感,开不起玩笑


