


二、 Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案):(共20分)

1. Our teacher asked us to write down the ________ points of the speech. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?()

A /main/

B /men/

C /ma:n /

D /metn/

2. The doctor suggested to the fat boy that he should go on______diet to keep healthy.()

A a

B an

C the

D /

3. The children picked some strawberries on the farm and look________home.()

A themselves

B their

C them

D they

4. There are some cakes on the table, but you can only take__.()

A it

B one

C any

D those

5. We shared our learning methods with each other____half an hour at the last class meeting.()

A in

B for

C with

D from

6. My father has decided to take____a hobby like painting after he retires.()

A up

B out

C away

D in

7. The poor old man looks______and he has nobody to talk with.()

A seriously

B lonely

C gently

D quietly

8. During a holiday season, hotels are __than they are off season.()

A crowded

B more crowded

C too crowded

D the most crowded

9. ﹣______you take a message for my parents. Simon?


K () A May B Must C Could D Should

10. My aunt has worked as a teacher for 20years, so she has___experience in leaching.()

A many

B much

C few

D little

11. _______dangerous it is for children lo play with electricity!()

A What

B What a

C What an

D How

12. You look very tired. Why not____to some light music to relax yourself?()

A to listen

B listening

C listen

D to listening

13. Although Alice was busy_____in college, she never forgot to phone her parents every day.()

A studying

B study

C to study

D studied

14. British people and Australian people speak the same language,__________they have different customs and cultures.()

A and

B but

C so

D for

15. I went over my latest papers again and again_______I could get full marks.()

A after

B since

C unless

D so that

16. By the end of last Friday, we____hundreds of books for the children in poor areas.()

A have raised

B raised

C would raise

D had raised

17. Don't read Wechat while you_____across the street.()

A walk

B are walking

C were walking

D have walked

18. One of our school rules is that smart phones____in class.()

A aren't allowed

B don't allow

C isn't allowed

D won't allow

19. ﹣I will go to Beijing on business this weekend, so I can't go camping with you.


A With pleasure.

B Never mind.

C What a pity!

D I'm sorry.

20. ﹣What about doing something helpful for the sick children?


A Good idea!

B I'm afraid I can't

C That's all right.

D I think so, too.

三、Complete the following passage with (he words or phrases in the box. Each can be only once (将下列单词或词组填入空格.每空格限填一词,毎词只能填一次)(共8分)


For the good of our children, given them better food! The number of children who are obese or overweight is on the rise and the problem is clearly (1)_______. These children have many sick days from school, and might get bullied(受辱) because of their weight. So (2)_______their health will help solve these problems.

From my point of view, the main cause of these health problems is the poor quality of the school lunches the children get. A typical student will have,(3)_______, a burger, fires,a chocolate bar and sofa for lunch every day. That is (4)_______to 75% of the recommended calorie intake(推荐的卡路里摄入量)and 90% of the recommended fat intake. Giving students chicken, pasta, an apple and son=me milk will decrease the calories by 78% and fat by 80%.


I don't mean to (1)________the lunch ladies of America. They are under a lot of pressure (压力)to prepare food for a lot of students every day. but they(2)________very little money. Who wants to work under such conditions? I also don't think we should slop children from eating some fast food (3)________﹣just not every day.

From now on, we have to(4)________our children eat healthily. The government should give schools more money for school lunches and make schools teach students how to cook. Students will get better food and know how to make better food.Let's change school lunches for our children!

四、 Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词


23. Most________in Shanghai now have enough place for people to exercise,(community)

24. Every class will prepare a programme to celebrate the________birthday of our school,


25. The famous________has given us three lectures on law this month,(law)

26. My parents keep on encouraging me to be confident, independeni


27. I plan to learn a little________before I go to Rome.(Italy)

28. Unfortunately, the serious flood________destroyed the whole village,(complete)

29. One serious________of the area is the lack of public transport,(advantage)

30. Students are encouraged to take an________part in different kinds of school activities,(act)

五、Rewrite the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,改写下列句子.每空格限填一词(14分)

31. The professor preferred to speak French during his speech.(改为一般疑问句)

________the professor________to speak French during his speech?

32. The volunteers go to the kindergarten to play with kids twice a week.(对划线部分提闷>

________do the volunteers go to the kindergarten to play with kids?

33. The policeman showed the tourists the way to the railway station.(改为被动语态)The tourists________the way to the railway station by the policeman.

34. There could be some reasons why the machine didn't work.(改为反意疑问句} There could be some reasons why the machine didn't work.________?

35. What do you think of the TV programme called Running Man?(保持句意基本不变)________do you________the TV programme called Running Man?

36. ‘Did you write a letter to your parents?" The teacher asked the students.(改为宾语从句)

The teacher asked the students if they________a letter to their parents.

37. deal with the. I. to.serious,don't know, how,.situation (.)(连词成句)


六、 Reading comprehension (阅读理解)(共 50 分}

38. Choose the best answer (根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案)

(1). If you are free on the evening of May 5th. you can attend________?

A Test like a Champion

B Be Confident!

C Get Organized Now

D Good﹣bye 10Procrastination.

(2). You often gee into arguments with people around you."________"might be useful.A Good﹣bye to Procrastination B Be Confident! C Calm Down! D Test like a Champion.

(3). Kale Yang, the professor you like best, will give a lecture at the learning


A at 13:00﹣4:00 p.m. May 4th

B at 8:00 p.m. May 5th

C at 8:00 a.m.May 4th

D at 7:00 p.m. May 5th.

(4). The underlined word procrastination in the passage means________.

A 拖延

B 浪费

C 懒惰

D 麻烦.

(5). Which of the following subtitles can be filled in the blank in the passage?________

A Stop Worrying

B Make It Happen

C Don't Waste Time!

D Keep It in Order!.

(6). The purpose of the upcoming events is to________.

A help apply for a new job

B help find important information quickly

C help get started on big project

D help people reach their goals.

39. Choose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最洽当的选项完成短文)

Imagine going to your doctor with frequent headaches. Your doctor takes a prescription pad (药方) and writes a word on it.The word isn't ‘aspirin',it's ‘Mozart'.

The idea isn't so far﹣fetched. Many kinds of music can stir (激发) the imagination and (1)_______strong feeling. Scientists have found Mozart's music to be remarkable in its ability to calm its listeners.

Many amazing cases have been known using Mozart as a healing aid.(2)_______, a tiny newly﹣born baby named Krissy, who weighed just pounds at birth, was on total life support. Doctors thought she had little chance of survival. Her mother insisted on playing Mozart for Krissy, and thinks it saved her daughter's life. Krissy lived, but she was very small for her (3)_______and slower than the average child. At the age of four, she showed an interest in music and her parents gave her violin lessons. To their astonishment, Krissy was able to play musical pieces from memory that were far beyond the ability of an average four﹣year﹣old. Playing music (4)_______her improve in all areas of her life.

And there are other stories. Officials in Washington State report that new arrivals from Asia learn English more (5)_______when they listen to Mozart. Even animals respond to Mozart. In France, cows listening to Mozart give more milk.

Why Mozart, rather than Bach or the Beatles? Any kind of music can have an effect on some people. But Mozart has more (6)_______. It isn't too fast or too show; it's just right. Don Campbell, who wrote a book called The Mozart Effect, says, "It's like food. A hot spicy meal will affect you differently than a sweet dessert. And while you might love these foods, they aren't good for you to eat every day. You need simple, nutritious (营养的) food on a steady basis. That's the way Mozart is. It's like a nutritionally balanced meal that does good to your body."


A prove

B Predict

C prevent

D produce


A In fact

B At first

C For example

D After all


A age

B height

C weight

D body


A required

B helped

C invited

D ordered


A happily

B correctly

C quickly

D loudly


A balance

B energy

C power

D wonder

40. Fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入进当的词,使其内容通顺.每空格限填一词,首字母己给)

"Au pair," originally a French term, refers to a foreigner who lives with a family so he/she can learn the family's language and culture, while at the same time he/she takes care of the family's children and/or cleans the house in return for food, accommodations and a small s (1)________. In recent years, many young Chinese have become au pairs in other countries, and many young foreigners have moved to China to work as au pairs.

The magazine ,Women of China recently interviewed three young Chinese, and three foreigners in China, each of whom shared his/her respective experiences as an au pairs.The following is from an au pair called Natalia Martinez Perez, Republic of Colombia

I am 19 years old, and I come from Cali, a city in the Republic of Colombia. I have good relations with my brother and cousins. I love children, and I consider myself to be a happy person, who is able to make others happy as well. My dream is to travel around the w (2)________, and to learn about different cultures and languages.

I saw the beautiful scenery of China and I learned about Chinese culture from m (3)

________and dramas that I watched. I have always been keen to travel to China since I fell in love with China and its culture. I respect the Chinese culture, and I want to know more about it.

I was an au pair in some other countries before I moved to China in October 2015. When I heard about the opportunity to go to China, via Outuo (OT) International, a Shanghai ﹣based au pair agency, in 2015, I immediately applied.

Now, I live with my host family in Shanghai. The family has a daughter. I have d (4)________a good relationship with the girl, her parents and their relatives. The girl says she really likes me. She asks me to tell her a story before she goes to sleep each night.

I teach the girl English after she finishes her homework. I teach her in various interesting ways, and she has developed a great interest in learning English. I cook Colombian food for the girl sometimes, and we also like to go shopping together.

Becoming an au pair has p(5)________a good opportunity for me to experience different cultures in different countries. I think I am having an a (6)________experience in China.41. Answer the questions (报据以下内容回答问越)

We all form first impressions when we use new products, go to new places, and meet new people.We sometimes call these impressions or feelings ‘gut react and our intuition (直觉) or instinct causes them. Some people believe that intuition is very important and can help us live better lives. Shannon Healy is one such person.

Healy is a strong believer that all people have natural powers of intuition. In her book,she says that most people, however, don't pay enough attention to (heir "gut feelings." Her new book. Use Your Intuition, is full of stories of people who used their intuition to find love and success. For example, a young woman made a quick decision between two job offers. She chose one by paying attention to her "gut feeling'*that she would enjoy the work more, even though the pay was lower. I( turned out lo be a good choice. Each chapter of Healy's book has a specific focus, such as love. work, children, or health. The exercises in the book give people practice on how

to use their intuition to have success in all these areas.

Sometimes Healy also leaches students about using the power of intuition in workshops where she lives ﹣ In Jacksonville. Florida. Some people travel hundreds of miles to attend her workshops.Use your Intuition is already a bestseller!

(88). What do some people think of intuition?


(89).Most people pay much attention to their "gut feelings", don't they?


(90).What kind of stories can you find in her new book?


(91).Why did the young woman accept the job with lower pay?


(92).How can Shannon Healy's book help its readers?


(93).Do you think people will always be successful with the help of intuition? Why or why not?


七、riting (作文)(共20分)

42. Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic "My joy of living"(以"我的生活乐趣"为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)



My joy of living


1. B

2. A

3. C

4. B

5. B

6. A

7. B

8. B

9. C

10. B

11. D

12. C

13. A

14. B

15. D

16. D

17. B

18. A

19. C

20. A

21. C,D,E,A

22. E,A,C,B

23. communities

24. fiftieth

25. lawer

26. powerful

27. Italian

28. completely

29. disadvantage

30. active

31. Did,prefer

32. How often

33. were showed

34. couldn't there

35. How,like

36. had written

37. I don't know how to deal with the serious situation.

38. B






39. D






40. alary,orld,ovies,eveloped,rovided,mazing

41. believe that intuition is very important and can help us live better lives.,No,they

don't.,The stories of people who used their intuition to find love and

success.,Becauseher"gutfeeling'thatshewouldenjoytheworkmore,The exercises in the book give people practice on how to use their intuition to have success in all these areas.,No,Idon'tBecauseintuitionisnotthetruth

42. My joy of living

My joy of living is Hope. Hope is a cat. I first saw her on a street and it was raining. She looked dirty, cold and hungry. Obviously she had nowhere to go. So I decided to take it

home.(如何得到Hope的) In the following days, we had a wonderful time together. Although I knew she might not understand, I fed her and talked to her sometimes.【高分句型一】 She always followed me wherever I went.(我和Hope相处的乐趣) She brings me happiness. Since I have Hope, my life is full of sunshine.(为什么感到有乐趣)I regard her as my good friend.【高分句型二】Sometimes, I say something about my school to her.(我是怎么想和做的)


25.(12分)如图(1)所示,E为矩形ABCD的边AD上一点,动点P、Q同时从点B出发,点P以1cm/秒的速度沿折线BE﹣ED﹣DC运动到点C时停止,点Q以2cm/秒的速度沿BC运动到点C时停止.设P、Q同时出发t秒时,△BPQ 的面积为ycm2.已知y与t的函数关系图象如图(2)(其中曲线OG为抛物线的一部分,其余各部分均为线段). (1)试根据图(2)求0<t≤5时,△BPQ的面积y关于t的函数解析式;(2)求出线段BC、BE、ED的长度; (3)当t为多少秒时,以B、P、Q为顶点的三角形和△ABE相似; (4)如图(3)过E作EF⊥BC于F,△BEF绕点B按顺时针方向旋转一定角度,如果△BEF中E、F的对应点H、I恰好和射线BE、CD的交点G在一条直线,求此时C、I两点之间的距离.

25.已知,如图,Rt△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,BC=8,cot∠BAC=,点D在边BC上(不与点B、C重合),点E在边BC的延长线上,∠DAE=∠BAC,点F 在线段AE上,∠ACF=∠B.设BD=x. (1)若点F恰好是AE的中点,求线段BD的长; (2)若y=,求y关于x的函数关系式,并写出它的定义域; (3)当△ADE是以AD为腰的等腰三角形时,求线段BD的长.

25.(14分)如图,△ABC边AB上点D、E(不与点A、B重合),满足∠DCE=∠ABC,∠ACB=90°,AC=3,BC=4; (1)当CD⊥AB时,求线段BE的长; (2)当△CDE是等腰三角形时,求线段AD的长; (3)设AD=x,BE=y,求y关于x的函数解析式,并写出定义域.


2017年上海市中考数学试卷 参考答案与试题解析 一、选择题(本大题共6小题,每小题4分,共24分) 1.下列实数中,无理数是() A.0 B.C.﹣2 D. 【分析】根据无理数、有理数的定义即可判定选择项. 【解答】解:0,﹣2,是有理数, 数无理数, 故选:B. 【点评】此题主要考查了无理数的定义,注意带根号的要开不尽方才是无理数,无限不循 环小数为无理数.如π,,0.8080080008…(每两个8之间依次多1个0)等形式. 2.下列方程中,没有实数根的是() A.x2﹣2x=0 B.x2﹣2x﹣1=0 C.x2﹣2x+1=0 D.x2﹣2x+2=0 【分析】分别计算各方程的判别式的值,然后根据判别式的意义判定方程根的情况即可.【解答】解:A、△=(﹣2)2﹣4×1×0=4>0,方程有两个不相等的实数根,所以A选项错误; B、△=(﹣2)2﹣4×1×(﹣1)=8>0,方程有两个不相等的实数根,所以B选项错误; C、△=(﹣2)2﹣4×1×1=0,方程有两个相等的实数根,所以C选项错误; D、△=(﹣2)2﹣4×1×2=﹣4<0,方程没有实数根,所以D选项正确. 故选D. 【点评】本题考查了根的判别式:一元二次方程ax2+bx+c=0(a≠0)的根与△=b2﹣4ac有如下关系:当△>0时,方程有两个不相等的实数根;当△=0时,方程有两个相等的实数根;当△<0时,方程无实数根. 3.如果一次函数y=kx+b(k、b是常数,k≠0)的图象经过第一、二、四象限,那么k、b 应满足的条件是() A.k>0,且b>0 B.k<0,且b>0 C.k>0,且b<0 D.k<0,且b<0


2016学年第二学期徐汇区初三模拟考 英语试卷 2017.4 Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分语音、词汇和语法) II. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案):(共20分) 26. Which of the following words matches the sound /nju:/? A. now B. nor C. new D. near 27. Brooklyn Beckham, ______ eldest child of the Beckhams, will sell his photo book in May, 2017. A. a B. an C. the D. / 28. Nobody can stop a person with a strong will _______ realizing his dreams. A. of B. from C. with D. by 29. If they don’t prepare _______ well for the interview, they may fail to get the offer. A. they B. them C. theirs D. themselves 30. When Frank complained about the cold winter, Jane ________ the sunny summer days in Australia. A. enjoys B. was enjoying C. has enjoyed D. will enjoy 31. Joe can only take two of his family members into the studio and leave ______ waiting outside. A. the others B. others C. other D. the other 32. _______ the end of yesterday, there had been more than 10 car accidents because of the typhoon. A. By B. From C. At D. To 33. The old ______ enjoy the convenience of technologies because they don’t accept new things quickly. A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. can’t D. sh ouldn’t 34. The panda _____ to get used to the new environment since he returned from America. A. learns B. is learning C. learned D. has learnt 35. The audience were attracted by ________ the stories and the reading at the new program “Readers” . A. both B. neither C. either D. none 36. After the operation on Grandma’s heart, she becomes much ______ at present. A. good B. well C. better D. best 37. Every picture in the coloring book Secret Garden was not drawn by computer ______ all by hand. A. and B. so C. but D. or 38. The year’s best picture was wrongly awarded to La La Land, which ______ never ______ before. A. would…happen B. was…happening C. has…happened D. had…happened 39. A:________can we get the chance to join the party? B:To join this party, you have to dress up like a Superhero. A. Why B. What C. How D. Where 40. Jenny is an independent girl and she is considering ______ a boarding school(寄宿学校). A. enter B. entering C. to enter D. entered 41. Every Monday morning all the staff members have a meeting to report their recent work, _____? A. haven’t they B. don’t they C. aren’t they D. won’t they 42. Alex had no interest in painting _______ he met a creative and patient art teacher one day.


2017年上海市中考英语试卷 I. Listening comprehension(听力理解)(共30分) A.Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) 1. B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) 7.A.Pink. B.Blue. C.White. D.Brown. 8.A.For one week. B.For one year. C.For two weeks. D.For two years. 9.A.By making a call.B.By sending an email.C.By writing a letter.D.By leaving a message.

10.A.On Monday.B.On Wednesday.C.On Thursday.D.On Friday. 11.A.To visit China. B.To try something new. C.To make friends. D.To learn something easy. 12.A.Work on her project. B.Go to the school dance. C.Take a physics exam. D.Meet her dance teacher. 13.A.In a hotel. B.In a bookshop. C.In a cinema. D.In a classroom. 14.A.The food. B.Their car. C.The supermarket. D.Their house. C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following sentences are true or false 15.判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T“表示,不符合的用“F“表示 15.Peter makes hamburgers for customers in a fast food restaurant. 16.Once,Peter delivered 30 sets of hamburger meals to a school with his partner.17.The students were waiting at the school gate when Peter arrived. 18.There would be a sports meeting for the student the next day. 19.The teacher ordered the hamburger meals to encourage the students.20.Peter loves his job as he gains happiness from his working experiences.


2017年上海市长宁区中考数学二模试卷 一、选择题(共6小题,每小题4分,满分24分) 1.已知=,那么下列各式中正确的是() A. = B. =3 C. =D. = 2.不等式组的解集在数轴上可表示为() A.B. C.D. 3.在正方形网格中,△ABC的位置如图所示,则cos∠B的值为() A.B.C.D. 4.如图,在四边形ABCD中,动点P从点A开始沿A→B→C→D的路径匀速前进到D为止.在这个过程中,△APD的面积S随时间t的变化关系用图象表示正确的是() A.B. C.D. 5.已知P为线段AB的黄金分割点,且AP<PB,则()

A.AP2=AB?PB B.AB2=AP?PB C.PB2=AP?AB D.AP2+BP2=AB2 6.下列说法中,正确的是() A.一组数据﹣2,﹣1,0,1,1,2的中位数是0 B.质检部门要了解一批灯泡的使用寿命,应当采用普查的调查方式 C.购买一张福利彩票中奖是一个确定事件 D.分别写有三个数字﹣1,﹣2,4的三张卡片(卡片的大小形状都相同),从中任意抽取两张,则卡片上的两数之积为正数的概率为 二、填空题(本大题共12题,每题4分,满分48分) 7.计算:(a b)3= . 8.在实数范围内分解因式:x2﹣3= . 9.已知函数f(x)=,那么f(﹣1)= . 10.已知反比例函数y=的图象经过一、三象限,则实数k的取值范围是. 11.抛物线y=﹣x2+2x+a的对称轴是. 12.方程=1的解为. 13.已知关于x的方程x2﹣2kx+k=0有两个相等的实数根,那么实数k= . 14.某物流仓储公司用A、B两种型号的机器人搬运物品,已知A型机器人比B型机器人每小时多搬运20千克物品,A型机器人搬运1000千克物品所用时间与B型机器人搬运800千克物品所用时间相等,设A型机器人每小时搬运物品x千克,列出关于x的方程为. 15.化简:2﹣3(﹣)= . 16.如图,在菱形ABCD中,EF∥BC, =,EF=3,则CD的长为. 17.在△ABC中,已知BC=4cm,以边AC的中点P为圆心1cm为半径画⊙P,以边AB的中点Q为圆心x cm长为半径画⊙Q,如果⊙P与⊙Q相切,那么x= cm. 18.如图,在Rt△ABC中,AB=AC,D、E是斜边BC上的两点,且∠DAE=45°.设BE=a,DC=b,那么AB= (用含a、b的式子表示AB).


1.本试卷含三个大题,共 25 题.答题时,考生务必按答题要求在答题纸规定的位置上作答,在草稿纸、 2.除第一、二大题外,其余各题如无特别说明,都必须在答题纸的相应位置上写出证明或计算的主要步 4.已知非零向量 a , b , c ,下列条件中,不能判定向量 a 与向量 b 平行的是( ) ; (B ) ; (D ) 浦东新区 2017 学年第一学期初三教学质量检测 数 学 试 卷 (完卷时间:100 分钟,满分:150 分) 2018.1 考生注意: ... 本试卷上答题一律无效. ... 骤. 一、选择题:(本大题共 6 题,每题 4 分,满分 24 分) 【下列各题的四个选项中,有且只有一个选项是正确的,选择正确项的代号并填涂在答题纸的相应位置 上】 1.如果把一个锐角三角形三边的长都扩大为原来的两倍,那么锐角 A 的余切值( ) (A )扩大为原来的两倍; (B )缩小为原来的 (C )不变; (D )不能确定. 2.下列函数中,二次函数是( ) 1 2 ; (A ) y = -4 x + 5 ; (B ) y = x (2 x - 3) ; (C ) y = ( x + 4) 2 - x 2 ;(D ) y = 1 x 2 . 3.已知在 Rt △ABC 中, ∠C = 90? , AB = 7 , BC = 5 ,那么下列式子中正确的是( ) 5 5 5 5 (A ) sin A = ; (B ) cos A = ; (C ) tan A = ; (D ) cot A = . 7 7 7 7 (A ) a / /c , b / /c ; (B ) a = 3 b ; (C ) a = c , b = 2c ; (D ) a + b = 0 . 5.如果二次函数 y = ax 2 + bx + c 的图像全部在 x 轴的下方,那么下列判断中正确的是( ) (A ) a < 0 , b < 0 ; (C ) a < 0 , c > 0 ; (B ) a > 0 , b < 0 ; (D ) a < 0 , c < 0 . 6.如图,已知点 D 、 F 在 △ABC 的边 AB 上,点 E 在边 AC 上,且 DE ∥BC ,要使得 EF ∥CD ,还需添 加一个条件,这个条件可以是( ) A (A ) EF AD AE AD = = CD AB AC AB ; F (C ) AF AD AF AD = = AD AB AD DB . D E C 二、填空题:(本大题共 12 题,每题 4 分,满分 48 分) x 3 x - y 7.已知 = ,则 的值是 . y 2 x + y B (第 6 题图) 8.已知线段 MN 的长是 4cm ,点 P 是线段 MN 的黄金分割点,则较长线段 MP 的长是 cm .


2016学年第二学期闵行区初三模拟考 英语试卷2017.4 Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分语音、词汇和语法) 26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others ? A. Smoking is harmful to our health. B. There is a warning a sign on the wall . C. Tom is a big fan of cartoon films D. My mother bought some fish in the market . 27. Kitty is _______honest girl . She never tells lies and we like her very much . A. a B. an C. the D. / 28. Some Chinese tourists lost _________lives in Malasin?s boat accident. A. them B. themselves C. their D. theirs 29. Many young people enjoy drinking coffee while _________prefer to drink tea. A. others B.other C. another D. the others 30. Look , there are so many ________on the farm in the countryside . A. duck B. sheep C. horse D. pig 31. All students must wear summer uniforms ________September , early October , late April , May and June . A. in B. by C. at D. of 32. Sam?s father travels to Toky o , the capital of Japan , ________business once a month . A. from B. about C. to D. on 33. ---_________is fifteen minus five ? ----Fifteen minus five is ten . A. How long B. How soon C. How much D. How often 34. _________interesting it is to welcome the first snow in the Year of the Rooster! A. What B. How C.What a D. What an 35. The young dancer from France looks ________in the long skirt . A. happily B. gently C. beautifully D. lovely 36. The two men used to argue with each other to prove who is ________. A. strong B. stronger C. strongest D. the strongest 37. The plan ________be discussed any more . We have made our decision . A. musn?t B. can?t C. needn?t D. oughtn?t 38. Beijing has made history in winning the bids to host both the summer ________winter Olympic games. A. but B. or C. so D. and 39. ___________the training in the wilderness is not easy , I still want to have a try . A. If B. Although C. When D. Until


2016上海中考一模语文题型分类汇编(16区全) 说明文篇 【松江区】 (一)阅读下文,完成13-17题。(20分) 上海田子坊 ①“上海新地标”田子坊建成开坊已逾十年。如今田子坊创意文化产业园区已成为上海文化产业创新发展的都市坐标之一。从上世纪30年代初的“小里弄街坊”志成坊,到本世纪伊始的“国际文艺范”田子坊,这一华丽转身,不仅折射着时代的嬗变、商家的创意,更体现着文化的传承,彰显着海派风情的人文底蕴。 ②成就田子坊文化艺术特色的原因是多方面的。 ③田子坊地处原来的法国租界和华人居住区,是商业居住街区和工业区的过渡地带。由于这一独有的地理位置使得田子坊集中了上海从乡村到租界再到现代城市发展的各个时期各种类型的历史建筑:既有上层社会居住的花园住宅区,也有中产阶层居住的普通新式里弄住区,同时还有下层社会阶层人员和工人居住的拥挤的简陋里弄住区,以及建筑空间尺度较大的工厂生产区。建筑风格包容了折中主义、英国新文艺复兴风格、现代主义风格、中国传统砖木结构风格,还有西班牙建筑风格、英国城堡建筑风格等等。田子坊由此也成为上海保存历史文化遗存类型最丰富的街区之一。不仅如此,田子坊内还有大片的石库门建筑,而且还有上海少见的“面对面”石库门。 ④更难能可贵的是,至今田子坊依然居住着一些原有居民,他们弄堂里的生活形态,展现了原汁原味的旧上海生活方式,为田子坊增添了许多生活情趣。

⑤原来的居民将住宅租借给创意产业,艺术家们通过自己的创意对内部进行装修,而红砖墙、黒木门、条石门框、天井、厢房等建筑外观没有改变。而工业时代遗留下来的厂房建筑为创意产业提供了资源优势。这些厂房外观高大宽敞、布局疏密有致、红灰外色体现着独特的时代印迹,颇受具有先锋观念创意人士的青睐。内部则空间庞大,适宜改造以适合艺术家们的工作需求。而且,这些旧厂房租金低廉,适合那些对租金敏感的艺术家们。厂房改成的工作室经过艺术的再现,体现出不同的风格和氛围:陈逸飞的工作室展现了古朴、凝重的建筑特点;尔冬强的工作室则具有后工业革命时留下的痕迹,两台吊车不只是摆设,它照常能启动,而天棚的进口透光板更能体现现代建材的运用,这是工业革命的成果,而版画的手工制作,使你在时光穿梭中来回奔跑。 ⑥这种“旧瓶装新酒 .....”的整体模式不仅使历史文化遗迹得以完好地保存,而且这一创举使中国的文化创意产业与国外发达国家的差距缩短到只有7年,使上海的文化创意产业得以如火如荼地发展,同时也使我们看到了文化创意产业的美好前景。 ⑦如今的田子坊成了各种文化的聚宝盆。结合老弄堂、工厂和石库门衍生出老上海时的旗袍、丝巾、老日历等商品,彰显了浓郁的老上海风情;剪纸、刺绣、戏曲脸谱、雕刻等元素的应用,展现了中国传统民间艺术的生命力;回力鞋、老铅笔盒、搪瓷缸和毛主席像、红色标语等,则刮起一股复古的文化风潮;更有深受白领和学生青睐的音乐、咖啡、摄影、品茶等溢满小资风情的慢节奏西洋文化。 13.第⑥加点词“旧瓶装新酒”在文中的含义是。(3分) 14.第⑥段主要采用了说明方法,作用是。(4分) 15.工业时代遗留下来的厂房建筑为创意产业提供的优势是:(6分) (1) (2) (3) 16.下列从文中提取的信息错误的一项是(3分)


2017年上海中考语文试题 一、文言文(40分) (一)默写(15分) 1.斗折蛇行,。(柳宗元《小石潭记》) 2.锦帽貂裘,。(苏轼《江城子·密州出猎》 3. ,落日故人情。(李白《送友人》) 4.试问卷帘人,。(李淸照《如梦令》) 5. ,草盛豆苗稀。(陶渊明《归园田居》) (二)阅读下面的元曲,完成第6-7题(4分) 四块玉〃别情 自送别,心难舍,一点相思几时绝?凭阑袖拂杨花雪。溪又斜,山又遮,人去也! 6.这首元曲的作者是。(2分) 7.下列对这首元曲的内容理解,不正确一项是()(2分) A. “一点相思几时绝”表现出相思之苦。 B. “袖拂”是为了避免杨花妨碍视线。 C. “溪又斜”中的“斜”指溪流拐弯。 D.对离别情景的描写贯穿了整首曲子。 (三)阅读下文,宪成第8一10题(9分) 登泰山记(节选) 姚鼐 泰山正南面有三谷。中谷绕泰安城下,郦道元所谓环水也。余始循以入,道少半,越中岭,复循西谷,隧至其巅。古时登山,循东谷入,道有天门。东谷者,古谓之天门溪水,余所不至也。今所经中岭及山巅,崖限当道者,世皆谓之天门云。道中迷雾冰滑,蹬几不可登。及既上,苍山负雪,明烛天南;望晚日照城郭,汶水、徂徕如画,而半山居雾若带然。 8.下列说法不正确的一项是()(2分) A.泰山是“五岳之首”。 B.姚鼐是“唐宋八大家”之一。 C.泰山又称“岱宗”。 D.姚鼐是桐城派古文家。 9.用现代汉语翻译下面的句子。(3分) 蹬几不可登 10.这段文字主要写了和。(4分) (四)阅读下文,完成第11—13题(12分〉 人有馈一木者,家僮曰:“留以为.梁。”余曰:“木小不堪也。”僮曰:“留以为栋。”余曰:“木大不宜也。”僮笑曰:“木一也,忽病其大,又病其小。”余曰:“小子听之,物各有


2017年上海各区二模说明文汇编 【徐汇区】 青花瓷之美 李清舫 ①中国青花瓷除了众所周知的流光溢彩的外观造型美之外,还有二美可以一说。 ②其一是兼收并蓄的绘画意境美。青花瓷画继承沿袭了中国传统水墨画的表现技法,但又不拘泥于它的绘画程式,相反地善于灵活自如地运用多种笔法,形成刚柔相济、动静相结、疏密相间的艺术效果,因而能在瓷器的器型上,表现出完全不同于宣纸上的那种色调明快、蓝白相映的鲜明风格,给人以强烈的视觉冲击力和魅力蕴藉的审美感受。 ③从形式上来看,青花瓷画突破了宣纸等介质的束缚,在光滑有弧度的瓷胎上作画虽然增加了难度,但也赋予了青花瓷器独特的艺术mèi()力,表现出具有灵动率真的审美内涵。青花瓷器上的水墨画画法精细、墨色层次鲜明,立体感强,达到“墨分五色”的高超境界,给人以疏朗清新、幽静雅致的艺术美感,令人倾心迷恋。 ④从内容上来看,青花瓷画丰富并提升了中国水墨画反映生活的广度,洋溢着浓郁的生活气息。如传世民窑中最常见的青花“双喜纹罐”,图案简练活泼,风格清丽洒脱,那粗犷的“双喜”大字与茂密的缠枝花纹有机地融汇一体,不仅能给民间的婚嫁喜事增添喜庆吉祥的色彩,而且也反映了普通百姓对幸福生活的无限憧憬和质朴淳厚的审美情趣。 ⑤青花瓷画还拓展了中国水墨画在揭示民族特性上的深度,表现出了具有民族文化色彩的审美内涵,呈现出不同的意境。“龙”是中华民族的图腾,但是,“龙”的形象在中国水墨画中刻划得较为少见,而与之形成鲜明反差的是,“龙”的矫健身姿与丰满形象却在青花瓷画中屡见不鲜。其中既有纹饰繁缛、工艺豪华精美,刻画出一种神秘威严狞厉美的官窑青花龙纹瓷器;也有线条简朴,手法夸张奔放,刻划出一种随和亲切平易美的民窑青花龙纹瓷器。 ⑥青花瓷画注重______________,突出____________,挖掘_____________,因此青花瓷千百年来长盛不衰,具有独特审美价值。 ⑦其二为秀外慧中的人文精神美。和我国传统诗词、书画等许多艺术一样,青花瓷器富有鲜明的民族特色和深厚的文化底蕴。历代能工巧匠将源远流长的中华民族性格和民族感情,自觉地溶入青花瓷器的外观造型与图案绘画中,寄寓了中华民族最传统的审美观念与审美情怀。因此青花瓷器除了实用、欣赏之功能外,还浸透了中国人的精、气、神以及淳厚的人文理想。


物理试卷 第1页(共14页) 物理试卷 第2页(共14页) 绝密★启用前 上海市2017年初中毕业统一学业考试物理 .......................................................................... 1 上海市2017年初中毕业统一学业考试物理答案解析 . (4) 上海市2017年初中毕业统一学业考试物理 本试卷满分90分,考试时间60分钟。 一、选择题(本题共8小题,每小题2分,共16分。每小题只有一个正确选项,不选、多 选、错选均不得分) 1.在太阳系中,月球属于 ( ) A .恒星 B .行星 C .卫星 D .彗星 2.新“七不规范”中,“言语不喧哗”提醒大家要控制声音的 ( ) A .响度 B .音调 C .音色 D .频率 3.家用电能表抄见数所用的单位是 ( ) A .千瓦 B .千瓦时 C .库仑 D .伏特 4.光从空气斜射入玻璃中,入射角为60,折射角可能为 ( ) A . 0 B .35 C .60 D .90 5.四冲程柴油机在工作过程中,将内能转化为机械能的冲程是 ( ) A .吸气冲程 B .压缩冲程 C .做功冲程 D .排气冲程 6.两个质量不同的金属块,放出相同热量,降低相同温度,则 ( ) A .质量大的金属块的比热容一定大 B .质量大的金属块的比热容一定小 C .质量大的金属块的比热容可能大 D .两个金属块的比热容有可能相同 7.甲车从M 点、乙车从N 点同时相向运动,它们的s -t 图象分别如图(a )、(b )所示。当甲、乙相遇时,乙距M 点12米。若甲、乙的速度分别为v 甲、v 乙,M 、N 间的距离为s ,则 ( ) A .v v 乙甲<,36s =米 B .v v 乙甲<,12s =米 C .v v 乙甲>,36s =米 D .v v 乙甲>,18s =米 8.在如图所示的电路中,电源电压保持不变。闭合开关S ,向右移动滑动变阻器滑片P 的过程中 ( ) A .电流表A 的示数变大 B .电压表V 2的示数变小 C .电压表V 1示数与电压表V 2示数的差值变大 D .电压表V 1示数与电流表A 示数的比值变大 二、填空题(本题共7小题,共22分) 9.上海地区家庭电路中,电灯、电视机、电扇等用电器正常工作的电压为 伏,这些用电器是 (填“串联”或“并联”)的,工作时将 能分别转化为光能、机械能等。 10.2017年5月,我国自主研制的C919大型客机在上海首飞成功。客机飞行时,以地面为 参照物,客机是 (填“运动”或“静止”)的;客机下降过程中,其重力势能 (填“增大”“不变”或“减小”);客机着陆后减速滑行过程中,客机轮胎表面的温度会升高,这是通过 的方式改变其内能的。 11.生活中蕴含着很多物理知识:老花眼镜是利用凸透镜对光的 (填“会聚”或“发散”)作用制成的;运动员把铅球掷出,这主要表明力可以改变物体的 ;用吸管吸饮料,是利用 的作用。 12.某导体两端的电压为9伏,10秒内通过该导体横截面的电荷量为6库,通过该导体的电流为 安,这段时间内电流做功为 焦;若将该导体两端的电压调整为12伏,其电阻为 欧。 13.如图甲、乙所示,分别用力F 1、F 2匀速提升重为10牛的物体。图 中的滑轮可以看作省力杠杆;图甲中,若不计摩擦和滑轮重力,力F 1的大小为 牛,物体受到合力的大小为 牛。 毕业学校_____________ 姓名________________ 考生号________________ ________________ ___________ -------------在 --------------------此-------------------- 卷-------------------- 上-------------------- 答-------------------- 题-------------------- 无-------------------- 效----------------


2016学年宝山区第二学期期中考试九年级英语试卷 (满分150分,考试时间100分钟) Part 2 Phonetics,Grammar and Vocabulary(第二部分语音、语法和词汇)Ⅱ. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(共20分) 26. Which of the following word matches the sound /?pe?r?nt/? A. parent B. present C. pleasant D. peasant 27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others? A. He arrived there half an hour late. B. Tom is the most honest boy in his class. C. I really hope to win. D. It’s a great honour for me to be here. 28. ______ old man in blue is Susan’s physics teacher. A. A B. An C. The D. / 29. There were so many ______ in the streets yesterday because it was a national holiday. A. people B. traffic C. policeman D. student 30. Mr. Smith can’t attend the meeting because he has ______ to do. A. nothing urgent B. anything urgent C. something urgent D. urgent something 31. Mike likes coins very much. He has collected about five _____ coins from different countries so far. A. hundred of B. hundred C. hundreds of D. hundreds 32. Liu Yang became the first Chinese woman astronaut to fly into space ____ June 16,2012. A. on B. in C. by D. at 33. The CN TV Tower(which is in Canada)is a _______ building. A. 553 meters tall B. 553-meters tall C. 553-meters-tall D. 553-meter-tall


答案 第1页,共5页 2017年上海市中考试卷(答案) 第I 卷(选择题) 第II 卷(非选择题) 9. 220;并联;电 10. 运动;减小;做功 11. 会聚;运动状态;大气压强 12. 0.6;54;15 13. b ;10;0 14. 若电压表的示数为U ,说明R 2断路或R 1短路;若电压表的示数为0,说明R 1断路 15. a ;电流周围有磁场,人体内也有电流 三、实验探究题(本大题共4小题,共24.0分) 16. 0.2;3.2;动力;水平 17. 竖直;不同;光屏;小于 18. 容器底部受到水的压力增加量△F 小于重力G ;当放入的球体在水中漂浮时,容器底部受到水的压力增加量△F 等于重力G ;D 、E 、F ;物体排开液体的 19.0.24;电源电压为6V ,灯泡的额定功率为1.064W ; 四、作图题(本大题共3小题,共15.0分) 20.在图中,小球受到的重力G 为20牛,用力的图示法画出重力G . 解:重力的大小为20N ,取标度为10N ,方向竖直向下,作用在小球的重心,如图所示: 21.在图中,根据给出的反射光线OB 画出入射光线AO ,并标出入射角的大小. 解:由图知,反射角为30°,可得入射角也为30°,在法线左侧画出入射光线,度数等于反射角为30°即可,如图所示: 22.在如图所示电路的○里填上适当的电表符号,要求:闭合电键S ,两灯均能发光. 解: 根据电路图可知,上面的电表串联在干路中,因此为电流表;中间的电表与灯泡L 1串联,因此为电流表;下面的电表与灯泡L 1并联,因此为电压表.如下图所示:

Myq教研资料---中考试题 故答案为:见上图. 五、计算题(本大题共4小题,共32.0分) 23.金属块排开水的体积为2×l0-3米3,求金属块受到浮力F浮的大小. 解:金属块所受浮力: F浮=ρ水gV排=1.0×103kg/m3×9.8N/kg×2×10-3m3=19.6N. 答:金属块受到浮力的大小为19.6N. 24.物体在50牛的水平拉力作用下沿拉力方向做匀速直线运动,10秒内前进了20米,求此过程中拉力做的功W和拉力的功率P. 解:拉力做的功: W=Fs=50N×20m=1000J; 拉力的功率: P===100W. 答:此过程中拉力做的功为1000J,功率为100W. 25.甲、乙两个薄壁圆柱形容器(容器足够高)置于水平地面上.甲容器底面积为6×10-2米2,盛有质量为8千克的水,乙容器盛有深度为0.1米、质量为2千克的水. ①求乙容器中水的体积V乙. ②求乙容器底部受到水的压强P乙. ③现从甲容器中抽取部分水注入乙容器后,甲、乙两容器底部受到水的压力相同,求抽水前后甲容器底部受到水的压强变化量△P 甲. 解:①因为ρ=, 所以乙容器中水的体积: V乙===2×10-3m3; ②乙容器中水对容器底的压强: p乙=ρ水gh乙=1.0×103kg/m3×9.8N/kg×0.1m=980Pa; ③已知从甲容器中抽取部分水注入乙容器后,甲、乙两容器底部受到水的压力相同,也就是剩余水的重力相同, 甲容器剩余水的质量: m剩==5kg, 甲抽出水的质量: △m=m甲-m剩=8kg-5kg=3kg, 甲容器中水对容器底减小的压力: △F=△G=△mg=3kg×9.8N/kg=29.4N, 甲容器中水对容器底压强的变化量: △p===490Pa. 答:①乙容器中水的体积为2×10-3m3; 初中物理试卷第2页,共5页


崇明区2017-2018学年第一学期教学质量调研测试卷 九年级数学 (完卷时间:100分钟,满分:150分) 一、选择题:(本大题共6题,每题4分,满分24分) 【下列各题的四个选项中,有且只有一个选项是正确的,选择正确项的代号并填涂在答题纸的相应位置上】 1.在Rt ABC △中,90C ∠=?,5AB =,3BC =,那么tan A 的值是………………………( ▲ ) (A)34; (B)43; (C)35; (D)4 5. 2.抛物线22(3)4y x =+-的顶点坐标是 ……………………………………………………( ▲ ) (A)(3,4); (B)(3,4)-; (C)(3,4)-; (D)(3,4)--. 3.如图,在ABC △中,点D ,E 分别在边AB ,AC 上,DE BC ∥.已知6AE =, 3 4 AD DB =, 那么EC 的长是 ………………………………………………………………………………( ▲ ) (A) 4.5; (B) 8; (C) 10.5; (D) 14. 4.如图,在平行四边形ABCD 中,点E 在边DC 上,:3:1DE EC =,联结AE 交BD 于点F ,那么 DEF △的面积与BAF △的面积之比为………………………………………………( ▲ ) (A)3:4; (B)9:16; (C)9:1; (D)3:1. 5.如果两圆的半径分别为2和5,圆心距为3,那么这两个圆的位置关系是……………( ▲ ) (A) 外离; (B) 外切; (C) 相交; (D) 内切. 6.如图,在Rt ABC △中,90ABC ∠=?,6AB =,10AC =,BAC ∠和ACB ∠的平分线相交于点E , 过点E 作EF BC ∥交AC 于点F ,那么EF 的长为………………………………( ▲ ) (A)52; (B)83; (C)103; (D)15 4 . 二、填空题:(本大题共12题,每题4分,满分48分) 7.已知23x y =(0)y ≠,那么 x y y += ▲ .


上海市各区2017年中考二模语文试卷分类汇编:说明文阅读专题2017年初三二模徐汇区 (一)阅读下文,完成第15-19题(19分) 青花瓷之美 李青舫 ①中国青花瓷除了众所周知的流光溢彩的外观造型美之外,还有二美可以一说。 ②其一是兼收并蓄的绘画意境美。青花瓷画继承沿袭了中国传统水墨画的表现技法,但又不拘泥于它的绘画程式,相反地善于灵活自如地运用多种笔法,形成刚柔并济、动静相宜、疏密相间的艺术效果,因而能在瓷器的器形上,表现出完全不同于宣纸上的那种色调明快、蓝白相映的鲜明风格,给人以强烈的视觉冲击力和审美感受。 ③从形式上看,青花瓷画突破宣纸等介质的束缚,在光滑有弧度的瓷胎上作画虽然增加了难度,但也赋予青花瓷器独特的艺术mèi()力,表现出灵动率真的审美内涵。青花瓷器上的水墨画画法精细,墨色层次鲜明、立体感强,达到“墨分五色”的高超境界,给人以疏朗清新、幽静雅致的艺术美感,令人倾心迷恋。 ④就内容而已,青花瓷画丰富并提升了中国水墨画反映生活的广度,洋溢着浓郁的生活气息,如传世民窑中最常见的青花“双喜纹罐”,图案简练活泼、风格清丽洒脱,那粗犷的“双喜”大字与茂密的缠枝花纹有其的融汇于一体,不仅给民间的婚嫁喜事增添了喜庆吉祥的色彩,也反映了普通百姓对幸福生活的无限憧憬和质朴淳厚的审美情趣。 ⑤青花瓷画还拓展了中国水墨画在揭示民族特性上的深度,表现出具有民族文化色彩的审美内涵,呈现出不同的意境,龙是中华民族的图腾。但是“龙”的形象在中国水墨画中较为少见,而与之形成鲜明反差的是,“龙”的矫健身姿与丰满形象却在青花瓷画中屡见不鲜。其中既有纹饰繁缛、工艺豪华精美,刻画出一种神秘庄严狞厉美的官窑青花龙纹瓷器;也有线条简朴、手法夸张奔放,刻画出一种随和亲切平易美的民窑青花龙纹瓷器。 ⑥青花瓷画注重①,突出②,挖掘③,因此青花瓷千百年来长盛不衰,具有独特审美价值。 ⑦其二为秀外慧中的人文精神美,和我国传统诗词、书画等许多艺术一样,青花瓷器具有鲜明的民族特色和深厚的文化底蕴,历代能工巧匠将渊远流长的中华民族性格和民族感情,自觉的融入青花瓷器的外观造型与图案绘画中,寄寓了中华民族最传统的审美观念与审美情怀,因此青花瓷器除了实用、欣赏之功能外,还浸透了中国人的精、气、神以及淳厚的人文理想。 ⑧当然,由于人的社会阶级地位、文化修养学识各不相同,对于精神、气质的理解也难免各异其趣。帝王将相崇尚高贵、华丽、豪气的秉性,所以促成官窑青花瓷表现出雍容华贵、典雅大度的皇家气质;文人墨客追求淡泊明志、宁静致远的人文理想,所以促成民
