

询问病史 12case history

You need to get a detailed history including the timing and acuity of onset, exacerbating and alleviating factors and environment triggers to help you confirm a diagnosis or discard other diseases /develop a differential diagnosis. Ask your patient whether there is a history of tobacco use, or other toxic and environmental exposures and his occupational history.

General/biographical[,baiu'ɡrfik,-kl]data传记,marital婚姻status, nativity出生, occupation, informant提供消息的人, time of admission and record, chief complaint, history of present illness, previous health status(well, ordinary or bad), any infectious diseases, allergic history, history of trauma or surgery, smoking (about how many years, average how many pieces per day, ceased for how many years), alcohol intake(occasional or frequent),spouse’s[spaus] 配偶 health status, menorrhea[,men'ri:]月经(menarche[me'nɑ:ki:, m-] 初潮age , cycle lasting for how many days, menstrual cycle, last menstruation period or age of menopause, any menstrual['menstrul]月经周期 pain or irregular cycle), childbearing or pregnancy( times , natural labor, abortions流产 ,premature[,prem'tju, ,pri:-] delivery早产, stillbirths死产, difficult labor, family history (any congenital先天性 diseases, father and mother: still alive, illness ,or cause of death, siblings兄弟姐妹 and children)

常用的症状 symptoms


Cough 咳嗽

Sputum (dry, purulent['pjurjulnt]脓性的, copious['kupis] green sputum大量绿色痰,tenacious[ti'neis, t-] yellow sputum 黄粘痰,frothy white sputum 白色泡沫痰,rusty sputum 铁锈色痰


Dyspnea during exertion[iɡ'z:n] or at rest 呼吸困难


Paroxysmal[,prk'sizml] nocturnal[nk't:nl] dyspnea 夜间阵发性呼吸困难

Shortness of breath (SOB)

Chest tightness 胸部紧迫感

Exercise intolerance

pleuritic chest pain 胸膜型胸痛

Pharyngalgia[frin'gldi] ; pharyngodynia[,fri'ɡdini]咽痛

Hemoptysis 咯血

Bucking 呛咳


snore 打鼾

malaise [m'leiz]不舒服

myalgia[mai'ldi] 肌痛

insomnia [in'smni]失眠


dysphonia [dis'funi]发声困难

常见的体征 physical signs

clubbed fingers杵状指: increased longitudinal[,lndi'tju:dinl]and transverse横向 curvature['k:vt]弯曲 ,loss of concave[ 'knkeiv]凹面的 nail fold angle, bogginess of nail bed and increased soft tissue bulk of distal phalanx ['flks, 'fei-]趾骨,指骨, drumstick- like

nicotine staining

cyanosis [,sai'nusis]发绀:blue discolouration of mucosal membranes and skin ,caused when mean capillary concentration of deoxyhemoglobin [di:,ksi'hemu,ɡlubin]去氧血红蛋白 more than 5g/dl, O2 saturation less than 85%,PaO2 less than 8KPa

peripheral [p'rifrl]外围的,次要的 cyanosis: cold blue peripheries, e.g. nail beds due to cold exposures

central cyanosis: warm peripheries, blue tongue or lips

hand flap: due to CO2 retention潴留

asterixis 扑翼样震颤

papilloedema 视乳头水肿


enlarged supraclavicula锁骨上的r [kl'vikjul] and axillary[k'silri]腋窝lymph nodes

increased respiratory rate

tachycardia 心动过速

pulsus paradoxus: >10 mmHg ↓on inspiration (seen in severe asthma)

barrel chest

hyperexpanded, decreased expansion

kyphosis [kai'fusis]驼背,脊柱后凸


tachypnea [,tkip'ni:]呼吸急促

accessory muscles of respiration[,resp'rein]: sternocleidomastoid['st:nu,klaid'mstid] 胸锁乳突肌muscle, arm support, alae flaring

wide or narrow intercostal[,int'kstl] 肋间的 space

tactile触觉的 vocal声音的 fremitus震颤触觉语颤

subcutaneous crepitus 皮下捻发感







lower borders: scapular['skpjul]肩胛的line X left/right intercostal[,int'kstl] 肋间的 space

range of mobility[mu'bilti]移动


vocal resonance 语音共振

ronchi: wheeze , stridor['straid] 喘鸣 , crackles['krkl]发出细碎的爆裂声, Velcro-like soundes

moist rales : coarse粗的, medium中等的, fine好的, crepitus捻发音pleural friction rubs

complete absence of breath sounds

ankle edema

weight loss,cachexia[k'keksi]恶病质,cachectic[k'kektik]恶病质的

decreased food appetite, loss of appetite, anorexia[,n'reksi]食欲减退常做的检查 examinations or laboratory findings

(to take ,undergo, perform ,receive or have)

temperature charts 体温图(take one’s b ody temperature)

sputum pot 痰盂

Blood/urine/stool routine, occult['klt/ blood test潜隐血试验

Blood biochemistry

Sputum /blood culture and drug sensitivity test

sputum cytology[sai'tldi]细胞学

Pulse oximeter[k'simit]脉氧计:continuous monitoring of blood oxygen saturation

Arterial blood gas analysis(ABG): arterial blood sampling , radial/ femoral['femrl]股骨的 artery puncture穿刺

PaCO2: partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood hypercarbia PaO2: partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood hypoxemia[,haipk'si:mi]


respiratory failure:

type 1: decreased O2 supply, PaO2<60 mmHg(millimeters of mercury['m:kjuri]汞)

due to diffusion failure or V/Q dismatch (ventilation-perfusion(quotient)ratio)

pulmonary edema, pneumonia, infarction, fibrosis,or pulmonary embolism,pulmonary hypertension, shunt

type 2: decreased CO2 removal, PaCO2>50 mmHg(millimeters of mercury)

due to alveolar ventilation failure

obstructive: COPD, asthma, bronchiectasis

restrictive: neuromuscular[,njuru'mskjul]神经肌肉 (sedatives['sdtiv]镇静剂myasthenia[,mais'θi:ni]肌无力), structural['strktrl]结构的(ankylosing spondylitis[,ki'luzi,spndi'laitis]强直性脊柱炎), pleural diseases ,obesity

Chest X-ray/radiograph:

reticulo-nodular shadowing (reticular[ri'tikjul]网状的, linear['lini]线状的, military nodules粟粒样结节)

coin lesions 硬币样

cavities空腔:amphoric['mfrik]空翁音的(breathing like blowing over a bottle top)

opacification[u,psifi'kein]浑浊:consolidation (air space infiltrate):

confluent['knflunt]支流的,汇合的 shadowing and air bronchogramf支气管造影

collapse: lobar(upper, middle/lingual, lower)

segmental atelactasis肺不张

pleural effusion

mediastinal[,mi:dis'tainl]纵隔 mass: thyroid ,thymoma[θai'mum]胸腺瘤, teratoma[,ter'tum]畸胎瘤, TB lymph nodes,

terrible diagnoses including lymphoma[lim'fum]淋巴瘤 and aneurysm 动脉瘤

Chest CT scan( computed tomography)

Head MRI(magnetic resonance imaging)

PET-CT of the whole body(positron-emission tomography)['pzitrn]正电子

Abdominal ultrasound['ltrsaund]超声

skin prick test 皮肤点刺试验(dust mites尘螨,pollen花粉,cockroach蟑螂)

tuberculin skin test (purified protein derivative[di'rivtiv]纯蛋白衍生物(of tuberculin) test, PPD test)

Pulmonary function test : Spirometry [spai'rmitri]呼吸量测定法,肺量测定法

obstructive lung diseases: airflow limitation


< 0.7 ↓ ↑ ↓

restrictive lung diseases: decreased lung compliance and small lung volumes

intraparenchymal >0.75 ↓↓ ↓ ↓

extraparenchymal variable ↓↓ ↓ normal

FEV1: forced expiratory[iks'pairtri/ volume in 1 second

FVC: force vital capacity

TLC: total lung capacity

RV: residual volume

KCO: transfer factor ( diffusion rate)

PEFR: peak expiratory flow rate

flow-volume loop ( inspiration and expiration[,ekspi'rein])

bronchoprovocation/challenge test[,prv'kein] 支气管激发试验:histamine['histmmin]组胺or methacholine乙酰甲胆碱-inhalation[,inh'lein] bronchodilatation[,dail'tein]支气管舒张试验: salbutamol沙丁胺醇[sl'bju:tm(:)l]

fiberoptic bronchoscopy[br'kskpi]: biopsy['bai,psi]活组织检查bronchial brush samples for pathological examation, bronchial washings) bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL)

protected specimen brush (PS

transthoracic[,trnsθ'rsik,]经胸廓的percutaneous needle


percutanous needle biopsy under CT guidance ( for peripheral tumours)

video-assisted thoracoscopic-guided[θ'rkskup] 胸腔镜 lung biopsy

open lung biopsy

pleural biopsy

biopsy of enlarged lymph nodes


electrocardiogram (ECG)心电图


V/Q isotope['aisutup] 同位素scan ( ventilation/perfusion scanning)

spiral螺旋 CT/MRA (Magnetic Resonance Angiography[,ndi'ɡrfi]血管造影术)

pulmonary angiography

Doppler['dpl] 多普勒 USS thigh[θai]大腿 and pelvis['pelvis] 骨盆 (USS: ultrasound scanning)

cardiac monitor

PSG( polysommography)

常见的病名 diseases

acute upper respiratory tract infection 急性上呼吸道感染

common cold 普通感冒

influenza 流感[,influ'enz]

pharynigitis 咽炎pharyngalgia[frin'gldi]咽痛

acute broncho-bronchitis 急性气管-支气管炎

pneumonia 肺炎

community acquired pneumonia (CAP) 社区获得性肺炎

hospital acquired pneumonia (HAP) 医院获得性肺炎

nosocomical pneumonia (NP) 医院内肺炎

bronchiectasis 支气管扩张

chornic bronchitis 慢性支气管炎

pulmonary emphysema 肺气肿

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (acute exacerbating) AECOPD COPD急性发作

bronchial asthma 支气管哮喘

allergic rhinitis[rai'naitis]过敏性鼻炎

respiratory failure 呼吸衰竭

lung abscess 肺脓肿

pulmonary tuberculosis 肺结核病

lung cancer: 肺癌

primary bronchogenic carcinoma 原发性支气管肺癌

squamous['skweims] cell carcinoma 鳞癌

adenocarcinoma 腺癌['dnu,kɑ:si'num]

bronchoalveolar cell carcinoma 支气管肺泡细胞癌

small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC)小细胞肺癌

pulmonary metastasis 肺转移瘤[m'tstsis]

pulmonary embolism (PE)肺栓塞

pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE) 肺血栓栓塞症[,θrmbu'emblizm]

pulmonary infarction 肺梗死

deep venous thrombosis ,DVT 深静脉血栓形成

empyema 脓胸[,empai'i:m]


pyopneumothorax 脓气胸['paiu,nju:mu'θ:rks]

chronic suppurative disease 慢性化脓性疾病['spjurtiv, -reitiv]

congenital cyanotic disease 先天性紫绀性心脏病[,sai'ntik]

cor pulmonale 肺源性心脏病['k:,pum'nli]

pulmonary hypertension 肺动脉高压

pulmonary encephalopathy 肺性脑病[en,sef'lpθi]

right heart failure; right-sided heart failure 右心衰竭

pulmonary vascular diseases 肺血管疾病

interstitial lung disease, ILD 弥漫性间质性肺疾病

idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, IPF 特发性肺纤维化[,idi'pθik]

cryptogenic[,kriptu'denik] 隐源性的 fibrosing alveolitis, CFA 隐源性纤维化性肺泡炎

connective tissue related lung diseases 结缔组织相关性肺疾病

systemic lupus['lju:ps]狼疮 erythematosus, SLE 系统性红斑狼疮

rheumatoid arthritis, RA 类风湿性关节炎

systemic sclerosis, SSc 系统性硬化

scleroderma 硬皮病

sjoren’s syndrome 感知综合征

polymyositis 多发性肌炎

dermatomyositis 皮肌炎

sarcoidosis 结节病[,sɑ:ki'dusis]

Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis[,prutii'nusis], PAP 肺泡蛋白沉积症

Idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis ['hi:mu,sid'rusis, ,hem-]特发性肺含铁血黄素沉着病

Langerhans cell granulomatosis 朗格汉斯细胞肉芽肿病['ɡrnju,lum'tusis] Eosinophilic granuloma 嗜酸性肉芽肿[,i:sin'filik]

Histiocytosis X 组织细胞增多症X

Wegener granulomatosis Wegener肉芽肿

extrinsic allergic alveolitis 外源性过敏性肺泡炎

pneumoconiosis 尘肺['nju:m,kuni'usis]

drug-induced lung disease 药物性肺病

aspergillosis[,sp:di'lusis]曲菌病:allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA)

pleural disease 胸膜疾病

broncho-pleural fistula 支气管胸膜瘘['fistjul]

oral candidiasis 口腔念珠菌病,鹅口疮[,kndi'daisis]

osteoporotic bone change 骨质疏松样改变

glaucoma 青光眼


acute lung injury ,ALI 急性肺损伤

acute respiratory distress syndrome , ARDS 急性呼吸窘迫综合征

urticaria 荨麻疹

eczema 湿疹

hypertension 高血压

diabetes 糖尿病

常用的药物 drugs or agents

be administered, treat sb. with

empirical 经验性的, prophylactic[,prfi'lktik, ,pru-]预防性, remedial[ri'mi:dil]治疗性

Expectorant 祛痰药[eks'pektrnt]

Mucolytics 粘液溶解剂[,mju:ku'litik]


B2-agonists['ɡnist]兴奋剂: short-acting :salbutamol沙丁胺醇[sl'bju:tm(:)l]

long-acting: salmeterol 沙美特罗

muscarinic[,msk'rinik] 毒蕈碱样的antagonists[n'tɡnist]对抗剂: ipratropium bromide['brumaid] 异丙托溴胺

aminophylline 氨茶碱[,mi:nu'fili:n]

steroids['stirid]类固醇inhaled: budesonide 布地奈德,


systemic: prednisolone['pred'nislun] 强的松po(per os)., hydrocortisone[,haidru'k:tizun]氢化可的松iv.

mast cell stabilizers: cromoglycate sodium色甘酸钠

leukotriene[,lju:ku'train]白三烯 receptor antagonists: montelukast 孟鲁司特

respiratory stimulants:


nikethamide[ni'keθmaid, -mid]尼可刹米

cardiac tonic 强心剂

diuretics 利尿剂[,daiju'retik]

albumin 白蛋白['lbjumin]

antitussive agents 镇咳药[,nti'tsiv]

ammonium chloride 氯化铵['munjm]铵['kl:raid]氯化物

ambroxol 氨溴索(mucosolvan 沐舒坦)



low or high flow oxygen: nasal cannulae['knjuli:]鼻导管,Venturi[ven'tjuri]文里氏face-mask nebulizer['nebjulaiz]喷雾器: finer particle size (3 to 20um) allows tracheobronchial deposition

metered dose inhaler (MDI)定量雾化吸入器

continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)-tight-fitting mask


intermittent positive-pressure ventilation ( IPPV)

non-invasive positive-pressure ventilation (NIPPV)

mechanical ventilation: non-invasive or invasive

(via intubation[,intju:'bein]插管,tracheostomy [,trki'stmi, ,trei-]气管造口术,tracheotomy[,trki'tmi, ,trei-]气管切开术)

synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation, SIMV 同步间歇指令通气

pressure support ventilation, PSV 压力支持通气

thoracocentesis 胸腔穿刺术[,θ:rksen't esis]

chest drain/drainage 引流术

chemotherapy 化疗

radiation therapy 放疗

pneumonectomy 肺切除术[,nju:mu'nektmi]

lobectomy of lung,pulmonary lobectomy肺叶切除术[lu'bektmi]叶切除术

thoracotomy 开胸术,胸廓切开术[,θ:r'ktmi]


pleurectomy 胸膜切除术

pleural adhesion 胸膜粘连术


inferior vena cava filter 下腔静脉过滤器


chornic bronchitis: procuctive cough, most days of 3 months of the year, for at least 2 consecutive years, cough with white or purulent sputum bronchiectasis:



physiotherapy: chest wall percussion wirh head-down postural['pstrl] drainage

long term oxygen inhalation : to prevent cor pulmonale

medical: bronchodilators, mucolytics, rotating courses of antibiotics

surgical: resection, artery embolization for hemoptysis

lung abscess

usually on right side, as right bronchus is shorter and more vertical;

in the supine [ 'sju:pain]仰卧patient , abscess develops in apical lower lobe or posterial upper lobe.


accumulation of air in pleural space, with secondary partial collapse of subpleural胸膜下的 bleb [bleb]大疱 rupture ['rpt]破裂

lactrogenic: positive pressure ventilation, bronchoscopy [br'kskpi]

支气管镜检查 ,esp. biopsy

types: closed, open, tension

mediastinal deviation :trachea and apex['eipeks]尖端shift contralaterally对立的旁边

CXR: translucency[trnz'lju:snsi]半透明+collapse倒塌: visible rim 边缘 between lung and chest wall>2 cm(centimeter) =>50% lung volume loss aspiration [,sp'rein]吸引术,intercostal drain

refractory or recurrent周期性的: pleurodesis胸膜固定术, pleurectomy[plu'rektmi]胸膜切除术, bulla['bul] 大疱stapling装订or lasering激光

pleural effusion

chest pain and progressively worsening of shortness of breath

Transudate[,trnsju'deit]漏出液:redistribution of Starling forces across microcirculation, diuretics[,daiju'retik]利尿剂 can result in rapid resolution, protein <30g/L(gram/litre['li:t]) or pleura: serum['sirm]血清protein <1/2 or pleura: serum LDH<2/3;

often seen in cardiac failure, hypoalbuminemia[,haipul,bju:m'ni:mi]低蛋白血症, embolism, superior or inferior vena cava obstruction, hypothyroidism .[,haipu'θairidizm]甲状腺功能低下

Exudate['eksjudeit]渗出液:capillary permeability[,p:mi'biliti] 渗透increases or lymph drainage decreases

often seen in infection ,neoplasia[,ni:u'pleizi, -i]瘤形成, surgery or


CXR: meniscus[mi'nisks]弯液面-shaped,rises towards axilla[k'sil]腋温

Appearance: clear ,straw淡黄色的-coloured: suggests transduate

turbid['t:bid]浑浊的, green: indicates exudates(pus[ps]脓cells) or empyema[,empai'i:m]积脓症 (bacterial infection)

bloody( haemothorax[,hi:mu'θ:rks]血胸): tumor ,pulmonary embolism, acute pancreatitis['pnkri'taitis]胰腺炎, trauma

white( chylothorax[,kailu'θ:rks]乳糜胸):lymph ,blocked thoracic[θ:'rsik,] duct胸导管, usually due to tumour

Therapy: transudate: diuretics

exudates: repeated drainage (thoracocentesis)

intrathoracic[,intrθ'rsik]胸廓内的 streptokinase[,streptu'kaineis]链球菌激酶via chest drain: to lyse[lais]溶解 fibrinous['faibrins] 纤维蛋白的adhesions[d'hi:n]粘合

pleural adhesion: tetracycline[,tetr'saiklain]四环素. bleomycin[,bli:u'maisin]博莱霉素

lung cancer

hoarseness: due to left recurrent屡发的 laryngeal[,lrin'di:l] 喉的nerve palsy['p:lzi]麻痹


pancoast tumor infiltrates T1 stellate ['stelit, -leit] 星形的ganglion['ɡɡlin]神经节 resulting in Horner syndrome

hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy[,stiuɑ:'θrupθi]骨关节病

superior vena cava obstruction (SVCO): headache, shortness of breath; conjunctival e dema, [,kndk'taiv]结膜plethora['pleθr], vein dilation, pericardial tamponade[,tmp'neid]心包填塞( JVP↑,ABP↓,quiet HS

paraneoplastic syndromes: endocrine( ACTH: Cushing’s; B-HCG:gynaecomastia and body hair loss; PTH: hypercalcaemia especially squamous cell carcinoma),


immunocompromised e.g. shingles 带状疱疹

squamous cell carcinoma: 30% of all primary lung tumours, but decreasing incidence ,relatively good prognosis if localized, squamous metaplasia with keratin whorls, central location, clubbing, hypercalcemia( PTH-rp secretion)

adenocarcinoma: 30%,increasing incidence, esp. women, less association with smoking, poor prognosis, metastasis early, gland-like and mucin-secretion, peripheral location, pleural effusions, hypercoagulable state

small cell carcinoma:20%,poor prognosis, metastasis occur early, small AUPD cells with neurosecretory granules, central location, paraneoplastic syndromes common

bronchoalveolar cell carcinoma: variant of adenocarcinoma that is associated with chronic lung inflammation , e.g. fibrosing , copious clear

mucoid sputum

NSCLC: surgical resection possible at first, adjuvant chemotherapy

SCLC: radiotherapy + chemotherapy ( etoposide + cisplatin)

secondary lung cancer: breast, oesophago/gastric/head-neck(+colon if liver metastasis), melanoma, bone (sarcoma), thyroid, renal, prostate, ovary, choriocarcinoma, testes etc.

obstructive sleep apnoea

obstruction of upper airway occurs at night with loss of muscle tone in sleep, snoring, sleepiness during day, aponeic spells (O2↓,patient awakes from sleep), awakening with nocturia, daytime somnolence, decreased memory and attention, increased accident risk, polycythaemia, systemic hypertension and pulmonary hypertension

Causes: central obesity( fat deposition around upper airway leads to airway narrowing, abdominal fat elevates diaphragm),structural features of upper airway (nasal obstruction: rhinitis,polyps, deviated sputum; adenotonsillar hypertrophy, micrognathia; macroglossia due to hypothyrodism/amyloid/Down’s; cervical masses: goiter,laryngeal stenosis), smoking( exacerabates hypoxia), alcohol (acts as a sedative thereby reducing upper airway tone),neuromuscular or CNS diseases PSG( polysommography): overnight sleep study

Therapy: conservative: weight loss, avoid alcohol /smoking/sedatives, avoid supine position


doctor;physician 医生,cure;treat 医治,cure sb of his illness 医好某人的病 give sb medical treatment 给某人医病, medical ethics ['eθ?ks] 医德 medical courses in general; medicine 医科 principles of medical science; medical knowledge 医理 medical treatment 医疗,public health services 公费医 疗 medical team 医疗队,medical establishment 医疗机构 medicament [me'd?k?m?nt]; drug 药剂 pharmacist ['fɑ?m?s?st]; druggist ['dr?ɡ?st] 药剂师unskillful and faulty medical or surgical treatment malpractice 医疗事故 medical and health work 医疗卫生工作,medical station;health center 医疗站 obstetrician [?bst?'tr??n] 产科医生,pediatrician [pi?di?'tr??n]儿科医生ENT(ear-nose-throat)doctor 耳鼻喉科医生,radiologist 放射科医生 gynecologist [ga?n?'k?l?d??st]妇科医生,orthopedist [??θ??'pi?d?st]骨科医生 urologist 泌尿科医生, physician 内科医生 dermatologist [d??m?'t?l?d??st]皮肤科医生 intern 实习医生,surgeon 外科医生,dentist;dental surgeon 牙科医生 oculist ['?kj?list];eye-doctor 眼科医生,plastic surgeon 整形外科医生 oncologist 肿瘤科医生 doctor in charge,attending doctor 主治医生 the attending on call 当班的主治医师associate chief physician 副主任医师 Chief Physician主任医师resident doctor 住院医生 Bronchial [br??ki?l] asthma [?sm?]支气管哮喘 acidosis [?s?'d??s?s]酸中毒Allergen,allergic reaction 变异原,变态反应blood gas analysis 血气分析Anaemia [?'ni?mi?] 贫血 Alveolar 肺泡的antibiotic 抗生素Atelectasis [?t?'lekt?s?s]肺不张 Lung abscess 肺脓肿Atherosclerotic [?θ?r??skl?'r?t?k] heart disease 动脉粥样硬化性心脏病Beta2-agonist ['?g?nist] B2受体激动剂 Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis [?sp?d?i'l??s?s] 曲霉菌ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome 急性呼吸窘迫综合征 Percussion [p?'k??n] and auscultation [??sk?l'te??n] 叩/听诊 Pulmonary arterial stenosis [sti'n??s?s] 肺动脉狭窄 Adrenal [?d'ri?n?l] glucocorticoid [glu?k??'k??t?k??d]( 糖(肾上腺)皮质激素)肾上腺糖皮质激素β2-agonist ['?g?nist] β2激动剂Biopsy 活检Bronchiectasis [brɑ?k i'ekt?s?s] 支气管扩张 broncho[[b'r?nt???] dilator 支气管扩张Fiber optic (['?pt?k]光学的)bronchoscopic [,br??k?'sk?pik] biopsy 纤支镜活检BAL bronchoalveolar lavage 支气管肺泡灌洗Bronchitis,bronchiolitis [?br??k???'la?t?s]支气管炎,细支气管炎 Boop: bronchiolitis obliterans ([?b'l?t?r?nz] 闭塞性)with organizing pneunomia闭塞性细支气管炎伴机化性肺炎Bronchoscopy [b'r?nt??sk?p?]支气管镜检查 cavity 空洞CAHD coronary arteriosclerotic(英[ɑ:t??ri:??skl??'r?t?k ])heart disease 冠心病CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation( [r?s?s?'te??n]恢复知觉,苏醒)心肺复苏CDILD chronic diffuse interstitial lung disease 慢性间质性肺病COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 慢阻肺Clubbed( [kl?bd] 棒状的)finger 杵状指dry cough 干咳 Cyanosis [sa??'n??s?s]紫绀Nonproductive cough 干咳 Complication 并发症 crackling( [kr?kl??]轻微的爆裂声,噼啪声)rale 细捻发音 crepitant ['krep?t?nt]捻发音的 cough variant asthma 咳嗽变异性哮喘Dyspnea 呼吸困难 Differential [d?f?ren?l] diagnosis 鉴别诊断Discharge diagnosis 出院诊断 dry rale 干罗音Emphysema 肺气肿 pulmonary embolism 肺栓塞Acid base equilibrium [i:kw?'l?br??m]酸碱平衡 etiology 病因学


背吧!高考英语作文常用句式句型 Breanna 一.开头用语: 良好的开端等于成功的一半.在写作文时,通常以最简单也最常用的方式---开门见山法。也就是说, 直截了当地提出你对这个问题的看法或要求,点出文章的中心思想。 1.议论论文: A. Just as every coin has two sides, cars have both advantages and disadvantages. B.pared to/ In parison with letters, e-mails are more convenient. C. When it es to puters, some people think they have brought us a lot of convenience. However,... D.Opinions are divided on the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city and in the countryside. E. As is known to all/ As we all know, puters have played an important role/part in our daily life. F. Why do you go to university? Different people have different points of view. 2. 书信: A. I am writing to you to apply for admission to your university as a visiting scholar. B. I read an advertisement in today’s China Daily and I apply for the job... C. Thank you for your letter of May 5. D. How happy I am to receive your letter of January 9. E. How nice to hear from you again. 3. 口头通知或介绍情况: A. Ladies and gentlemen, May I have your attention, please. I have an announcement to make. B.Attention, please. I have something important to tell you. C. Mr.Green, Wele to our school. To begin with, let me introduce Mr. Wang to you. 4. 演讲稿: A. Ladies and gentlemen, I feel very much honored to have a chance here to make a speech on the subject -- A Balance Diet and Health. B. Good morning everyone! Allow me, first of all, on behalf of all present here, to extend our warm wele and cordial greeting to our distinguished guest. 二.并列用语: as well as, not only…but (also), including, A. Not only do puters play an important part in science and technology, but also play an informative role in our daily life. B. All of us, including the teachers / the teachers included, will attend the lecture. C. He speaks French as well as English.=He speaks English, and French as well.= He speaks not only English but also French. D. E-mail,as well as telephones, is playing an important part in daily munication. 三.对比用语: on one hand ,on the other hand, on the contrary/contrary to ..., though, for one thing ;for another, nevertheless A. I know the Internet can only be used at home or in the office, but on the other hand,it is being more and more popular for much information as well as clear and vivid pictures.


中考模拟英语试卷及答案 Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力) I. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (共6分) A B C D E F G II. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (共10分) 7. A) The man’s.B) The woman’s. C) The man’s son’s.D) The woman’s son’s. 8. A) In the classroom. B) At the airport. C) In the teachers’ office.D) At the railway station. 9. A) He is listening to the radio. B) He is playing a sports game. C) He is watching television. D) He is reading a newspaper. 10. A) 8:30. B) 9:00. C) 9:30. D) 10:30. 11. A) Ben. B) Alice. C) Jimmy. D) Linda.

12. A) In an hour. B) In half an hour. C) In ten minutes. D) In twenty minutes. 13. A) By taxi. B) By bike. C) By bus. D) On foot. 14. A) Twenty dollars. B) Twenty-five dollars. C) Fifty dollars. D) Thirty-five dollars. 15. A) Because he had to pay for his education. B) Because he had to study several subjects. C) Because he wanted to stay in America. D) Because he wanted to look for a good job. 16. A) It’s much newer, but noisier. B) It’s much bigger, but noisier. C) It’s bigger and quieter. D) It’s smaller and quieter. III. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (共7分) 17. Bill used to be the best student in his new school. 18. Nobody liked Bill because he liked being alone all the time. 19. Bill’s teacher asked his parents to come to the school. 20. Bill’s father went to see Bill and talked with him. 21. Bill’s father asked him some questions about his studies. 22. Bill’s father told Bill that he was the most important person for him. 23. From the passage we know that nobody cared for Bill in this world. IV. Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks (根据你听到的对话,完成下列句子,每空格限填一词): (共7分) 24. Jim can’t (24) asleep and he feels very tired in the morning. 25. Jim thinks about (25) a lot and he’s afraid he is going to fail. 26. If Jim makes a study plan, he can (26) his time better and feel more confident. 27. Jim often has all his books (27) at the same time, and he never knows which one to read first. 28. There are 1,800 students and (28) teachers in Jim’s school.


询问病史 12case history You need to get a detailed history including the timing and acuity of onset, exacerbating and alleviating factors and environment triggers to help you confirm a diagnosis or discard other diseases /develop a differential diagnosis. Ask your patient whether there is a history of tobacco use, or other toxic and environmental exposures and his occupational history. General/biographical[,baiu'ɡrfik,-kl]data传记,marital婚姻status, nativity出生, occupation, informant提供消息的人, time of admission and record, chief complaint, history of present illness, previous health status(well, ordinary or bad), any infectious diseases, allergic history, history of trauma or surgery, smoking (about how many years, average how many pieces per day, ceased for how many years), alcohol intake(occasional or frequent),spouse’s[spaus] 配偶 health status, menorrhea[,men'ri:]月经(menarche[me'nɑ:ki:, m-] 初潮age , cycle lasting for how many days, menstrual cycle, last menstruation period or age of menopause, any menstrual['menstrul]月经周期 pain or irregular cycle), childbearing or pregnancy( times , natural labor, abortions流产 ,premature[,prem'tju, ,pri:-] delivery早产, stillbirths死产, difficult labor, family history (any congenital先天性 diseases, father and mother: still alive, illness ,or cause of death, siblings兄弟姐妹 and children) 常用的症状 symptoms fever


高考英语常用句型归纳整理 1、 as 句型: (1)as 引导方式状语从句句型:“按照;正如” 例: We must do the work as we are asked to. As(it is)in your country, we grow wheat in the north and rice in the south. 正像你们国家一样,我们北方种植小麦,南方种植水稻。 (2) as+形容词/副词原级+( a / an)+名词+ as ;否定式:not as/so --- as 例: He is as good a player as his sister.他和他姐姐一样是位优秀的运动员。 (3) such + n. + as to do如此以致于 例: She is such a fool as to believe what he said.她是一个如此的一个笨蛋以致相信了他所说的话。 (4) so + adj./adv. + as to do sth如此以致于 例: He was so strong as to carry the heavy box.他是如此的强壮以致于能提起那重箱子。 (5)such --- as---象之类的(接名词或定语从句) 例: He wished to be such a man as Lei Feng was. 他希望成为一个像雷锋这样的人。 (6) the same +名词+ as 和一样的(接名词或定语从句) 例: He is not the same man as he used to be 他不是从前的那样子了。 (7) as 引导非限制性定语从句 例: As is known to all, knowledge is power. 众所周知,知识就是力量。 (8) 引导时间状语从句 , “随着 ... ” 例: We get wiser as we get older.随着我们长大,我们也变得越来越聪明。 (9)引导原因状语从句,与 because 的用法相近 例: As it was getting very late, we soon turned back. 因为越来越迟了,所以我们不久就回来了。 (10) 引导让步状语从句 例: Child as he is, he knows much about science. 尽管他是一个小孩,但他对科学了解得很多。 2、 prefer 句型: (1) prefer to do sth 例: I prefer to stay at home. 我宁愿呆在家里。 (2) prefer doing sth 例: I prefer playing in defence. 我喜欢打防守。 (3) prefer sb to do sth 例: Would you prefer me to stay? 你愿意我留下来吗? (4) prefer to do sth rather than do sth 宁愿 ... 而不愿 . ". 例: I prefer to stay at home rather than go out 我宁愿呆在家里而不愿出去 . (5) prefer doing sth to doing sth 例: I prefer watching football to playing it. 我喜欢看篮球,不喜欢打篮球。 (6) prefer sth to sth 例: I prefer tea to coffee. 我要茶不要咖啡。 3、 when 句型: (1) be doing sth ---- when --- 例: He was still smiling when the door opened and his wife came in. 他正笑着的时候门突然开了,他妻子走了进来。 (2) be about to do sth --- when --- 例: We were about to start when it began to rain. 我们刚要出发,天就开始下雨了。 (3) had not done sth --- when ---/ hardly --- when --- 例: He had not fallen asleep when the telephone rang. 他刚要入睡 xx 就响了。 (4) had just done ---- when --- 例: I had just gone to bed after a very hard day when the phone rang. 在劳累了一天之后我刚刚就寝,xx 铃就响了。 4、 seem 句型: (1) It +seems + that 从句例: It seemed that everyone was satisfied. 看来好像每个人都很满意。 (2) It seems to sb that --- 例: It seems to me that she is right. 我看她是对的, (3) There seems to be ---- 例: There seems to be a heavy rain. 看上去要有一场大雨。 (4) It seems as if ---- 例: It seemed that she couldn't e to class. 看样子她不能来上课了。 5、表示“相差;增加了;增加到”句型:


初中英语语法大全:英语五个基本句型1简单句、并列句、复合句 根据语法形式,即句子的结构,英语的句子可分为简单句、并列句和复合句。 1简单句 句型:主语+谓语 只包含一个主谓结构,而句子的各个结构都只由单词或短语表示。简单句有五种基本句型,详见第十七章。 They are playing baseball in the garden. 他们正在公园里打棒球。 Her brother and sister both are teachers. 她的哥哥和姐姐都是老师。 2并列句 句型:简单句+并列连词+简单句 (常见的并列连词有and,but,or) 并列句是由两个或两个以上的简单句连接而成。并列句中的各简单句意义同等重要,相互之间没有从属关系,是平行并列的关系。它们之间用连词连结。 My friend was at home,and we talked for along time. 我的朋友在家,我们谈了好长时间。 Her father is a doctor and her mother is a teacher.

她父亲是个医生,她母亲是个老师。I liked the story very much but Li Ming wasn't interested in it.我非常喜欢这个故事,可是李明却对它不感兴趣。 Hurry up,or you'll be late. 快点,否则你就会迟到的。 3复合句 句型:主句+连词+从句;或连词+从句+主句(包含一个主句、一个或一个以上的从句,或只包含一个从句,但有两个或两个以上的主句的句子叫复合句。) 句子的成分 组成句子的各个部分叫做句子的成分。句子成分包括:主语、谓语、表语、宾语(直接宾语、间接宾语)、宾语补足语、定语和状语。主语和谓语是句子主体部分(在英文中一般的句子必须有主语和谓语)。表语、宾语和宾语补足语是谓语里的组成部分。其他成分如定语和状语是句子的次要部分。下面我们分别讲述一下句子的各个成分: 1主语 主语是谓语讲述的对象,表示所说的“是什么”或“是谁”。一般由名词、代词、不定式或相当于名词的词或短语来充当。它在句首。 We study in No.1 Middle School.(讲述“谁”~) 我们在一中学习。 The classroom is very clean. (讲述“什么”很干净) 这间教室很干净。 Three were absent.(数词作主语)


医院科室英语翻译大全 2010-11-16 16:10:59 责任编辑:悠然来源:浏览次数:1539 ENT(ear-nose-throat)department: 耳鼻喉科 urology department: 泌尿科 dermatology department; skin department: 皮肤科 orthopedic surgery department: 矫形外科 traumatology department: 创伤外科 plastic surgery: 整形外科 anesthesiology department: 麻醉科 pathology department: 病理科 cardiology department: 心脏病科 psychiatry department: 精神病科 orthopedics department: 骨科 department of cardiac surgery: 心脏外科 department of cerebral surgery: 胸外科 neurology department: 神经科 neurosurgery department: 神经外科

thoracic surgery department: 脑外科department of traditional Chinese medicine: 中医科registration office: 挂号处 out-patient department: 门诊部 in-patient department: 住院部 nursing department: 护理部 consulting room: 诊室 waiting room: 候诊室 emergency room: 急诊室 admitting office: 住院处 operation room: 手术室 X-ray department: 放射科 blood bank: 血库 dispensary; pharmacy: 药房 ward: 病房 laboratory: 化验室牤


高考英语常用句型归纳整理1、as 句型: (1) as引导方式状语从句句型:“按照……;正如……” 例:We must do the work as we are asked to. As(it is)in your country, we grow wheat in the north and rice in the south. 正像你们国家一样,我们北方种植小麦,南方种植水稻。 (2) as+形容词/副词原级+(a /an)+名词+as ; 否定式:not as/so --- as 例:He is as good a player as his sister. 他和他姐姐一样是位优秀的运动员。 (3) such + n. + as to do 如此……以致于…… 例:She is such a fool as to believe what he said. 她是一个如此的一个笨蛋以致相信了他所说的话。 (4) so + adj./adv. + as to do sth 如此……以致于…… 例:He was so strong as to carry the heavy box. 他是如此的强壮以致于能提起那重箱子。 (5) such --- as--- 象……之类的…… (接名词或定语从句) 例:He wished to be such a man as Lei Feng was. 他希望成为一个像雷锋这样的人。

(6) the same +名词+as 和……一样的…… (接名词或定语从句) 例:He is not the same man as he used to be 他不是从前的那样子了。(7) as 引导非限制性定语从句 例:As is known to all, knowledge is power.众所周知,知识就是力量。(8)引导时间状语从句,“随着...” 例:We get wiser as we get older. 随着我们长大,我们也变得越来越聪明。 (9) 引导原因状语从句,与because的用法相近 例:As it was getting very late, we soon turned back. 因为越来越迟了,所以我们不久就回来了。 (10) 引导让步状语从句 例:Child as he is, he knows much about science. 尽管他是一个小孩,但他对科学了解得很多。 2、prefer 句型: (1) prefer to do sth 例:I prefer to stay at home. 我宁愿呆在家里。 (2) prefer doing sth 例:I prefer playing in defence. 我喜欢打防守。 (3) prefer sb to do sth 例:Would you prefer me to stay? 你愿意我留下来吗? (4) prefer to do sth rather than do sth ……宁愿…...而不愿.…".


2018英语中考模拟测试卷 一、单项选择(共10小题,每小题0.5分,满分5分) 1. The Presidents of China and the USA had_________interview a short time ago. And it was_________great success. A. an; / B. the; a C. an; a D. the; / 2. --- Could you please move over a little and make some _________ for me? --- Sure, please A. place B. seat C. room D. ground 3. --- When will he come back to China? ---__________ a month. A. In B. After C. Before D. For 4. ---Tony, have you stopped smoking? ---Yes, I have to because I can___________breathe when I run. A. often B. never C. hardly D. almost 5. It will be easier for people to realize their dreams if they _______ highly _______. A. have; educated B. will; educate C. are; educated D. were; educated 6.---Must I go to medical school and be a doctor like you, Dad? ---No, you____________. You’re free to make your own decision. A. can’t B. mustn’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t 7. ---- Will Jenny come tomorrow? ---- I’m not sure. She ______ an hour ago without saying anything. A. has left B. left C. leave D. will leave 8. On those foggy days, you could hardly see anything around you___________ it was at noon. A. and B. because C. though D. but 9. ---- Do you mind my _______ here? ---- _________. Look at the sign. It says, “No smoking”. A. to smoke; Of course not B. smoking; You’d better not C. to smoke; No, I don’t D. smoking; Never mind 10.---- What did the woman ask you just now? --- She asked___________. A. who was I waiting for B. whether could I help her to find the post office C. how she can get to the post office D. which was the way to the library 二、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) One of my best childhood memories is of going to the river and sitting quietly on the bank. There I would _____11____ the peace and quiet, watching the bamboo trees bend in the wind and then return to their original positions ____12____ the wind had died down. When I think about the bamboo tree’s ____13_____ to come back to its original position, the word resilience (顺应力)comes to my ____14____. When we use the word to talk about a person, it ___15___ the ability to easily recover from shock, sadness or any other____16___ situation. Have you ever felt like you are about to snap (垮掉)? Have you ever felt like you are _____17____ your breaking point? Thankfully, you have survived (坚持过来)the experience to live to talk about ___18_____. Life is a mixture of good times and bad times, happy moments and unhappy moments. The ___19____ time you are experiencing one of those unhappy moments that take you ____20____



高考英语常用句型归纳整理 1、as 句型: (1) as引导方式状语从句句型:“按照……;正如……” 例:We must do the work as we are asked to. As(it is)in your country, we grow wheat in the north and rice in the south. 正像你们国家一样,我们北方种植小麦,南方种植水稻。(2) as+形容词/副词原级+(a /an)+名词+as ; 否定式:not as/so --- as 例:He is as good a player as his sister.他和他姐姐一样是位优秀的运动员。 (3) such + n. + as to do 如此……以致于…… 例:She is such a fool as to believe what he said.她是一个如此的一个笨蛋以致相信了他所说的话。 (4) so + adj./adv. + as to do sth 如此……以致于…… 例:He was so strong as to carry the heavy box.他是如此的强壮以致于能提起那重箱子。 (5) such --- as--- 象……之类的…… (接名词或定语从句)例:He wished to be such a man as Lei Feng was.他希望成为一个像雷锋这样的人。 (6) the same +名词+as 和……一样的…… (接名词或定语从句) 例:He is not the same man as he used to be 他不是从前的那样子了。 (7) as 引导非限制性定语从句 例:As is known to all, knowledge is power.众所周知,知识就是力量。 (8)引导时间状语从句,“随着...” 例:We get wiser as we get older. 随着我们长大,我们也变得越来越聪明。 (9) 引导原因状语从句,与because的用法相近 例:As it was getting very late, we soon turned back.因为越来越迟了,所以我们不久就回来了。 (10) 引导让步状语从句 例:Child as he is, he knows much about science.尽管他是一个小孩,但他对科学了解得很多。 2、prefer 句型: (1) prefer to do sth 例:I prefer to stay at home. 我宁愿呆在家里。 (2) prefer doing sth 例:I prefer playing in defence. 我喜欢打防守。 (3) prefer sb to do sth 例:Would you prefer me to stay? 你愿意我留下来吗? (4) prefer to do sth rather t han do sth ……宁愿…...而不愿.…". 例:I prefer to stay at home rather than go out我宁愿呆在家


19种英语常用句型结构 [精] 初学英语的人常常感到在掌握一些英语单词和基本语法后,在英语说和写方面还是很难表达自己,其中一个原因是没有掌握一些英语句型,只有掌握了一些句型才能比较正确、完整地表达自己。下面是一些常用的句型及其例句。 1.否定句型 2.判断句型 3.祝愿祈使句式 4.感叹句型 5.疑问句型 6.数词句型 7.关联指代句型 8.比较句型 9.比喻类句型 10.条件假设句 11.时间句型 12.地点句型 13.原因句型 14.目的句型 15.结果句型 16.程度句型 17.让步句型

18.转折句型 19.省略句 1. 否定句型 1) 一般否定句 I don't know this. No news is good news. There is no person /not a person/not any person in the house. 2)特指否定 He went to his office, not to see him. I am sorry for not coming on time. I don't think/believe/suppose/feel/imagine you are right. 3)部分否定 I don't know all of them. I can't see everybody/everything. All the answers are not right.(并非所有答案都对。)All is not gold that glitters. (闪光的不一定都是金子。) Both of them are not right.(并非两人都对。) 4)全体否定 None of my friends smoke. I can see nothing/nobody.
