


文档大全Unit 8 Gender Difference


1. read a story about how men and women think differently;

2. Learn some pairs of words showing gender differences;

3. Get some idea of how men differ from women when shopping;

4. Get some tips about the predictive clause in English;

5. Learn how to respond to invitation cards or letters;


1. Vocabulary in words and expressions of Text A and Text B.

2. Comprehension of Text A and Text B.

3. Grammar (The Relative Clause)

4. Practical Writings: How to write an invitation letter


1. Background Information; study of words and expressions in Text A; Vocabulary Check (Band C)

2. Discussion of Text A and the follow-up exercises (A and B)

3. Active Words and Vocabulary Check; Grammar Tips

4. Discussion of Text B and the follow-up exercises

5. Comprehensive Exercises (Ask the students to do the translation exercises outside of the class beforehand)

6. Practical Writing


Classroom Activities

I. Warm-up Discussion

Question: In what ways do men and women differ?

Hint:Men differ women in numerous aspects, for instance(1)communication;

(2)thinking; (3)shopping habit.

II. Vocabulary in Text A

1. thought n.念头,想法;思想

e.g. After much thought he decided not to buy the car. 考虑再三后,他决定不买那


think v. 想,思考;认为

thoughtful adj 深思的;思考的;体贴的;关切的

thoughtless adj. 考虑不周的;粗心大意的;不顾及他人的

2. occur vi. 被想起,被想到;发生;出现

e.g: (1)An idea occurred to me. 我有主意了。

(2)The disease occurs most frequently in rural areas. 这种疾病多见于农村地区。Occurrence n. 发生;出现;发生的事情

e.g. The occurrence of this word is frequent. 这个词出现的频率很高。

3.exactly adv.准确地,确切地;恰恰,正好

e.g. That’s exactly what I expected. 那正是我所期望的。

exact adj. 正确的;准确的;精确地

e.g. He’s a very exact sholar. 他是一个一丝不苟的学者。

4. brother vt. 烦扰,打扰

e.g. I’m sorry to bother you, but could you tell me the way to the station?


Phrase:bother one’s head about 为……焦虑或操心

5. relationship n (感情上或肉体上的)关系;关联,关系

Synonym: relation n. (人或事物与他者的)联系,关联,关系

6. obligation n法律或道义上的义务、责任

Phrase: under the obligation to do. 有义务做某事

e.g. Adult children are under the obligation to provide for their parents.


Oblige vt. 约束,迫使,束缚

Obligatory adj. 强制性的

e.g.(1) The police obliged him to leave. 警察强迫他离开。

(2) Atttendance at tonight’s meeting is obligatory. 今天晚上的会议不得缺席。

7. head vi. 朝特定方向前进

e.g. He head straight for the restaurant. 他径直朝餐馆走去。

8. marriage n. 婚姻关系,婚姻生活

e.g. Eventually he proposed marriage to his beloved. 最终他向他的心上人求婚。Marry vi&vt. 结婚

e.g. (1)She married last year. 她去年结婚了。

(2)I am going to marry John. 我要嫁给约翰了。

Married adj. 结婚的;已婚的

Phrase: be (get) married to 与某人结婚

9. dealer n. 经营者,商人,商贩

e.g. furniture dealer 家具店

deal n. 买卖,交易

e.g. They finally closed the deal. 他们最终达成了交易。

10. meter n. 仪表(此处指显示油量的表)

An electricity meter 电表

A water meter 水表

A gas meter 煤气表

11. oil n. 机油

Crude oil 原油

Phrase: burn the midnight oil 挑灯夜战;开夜车

12. overdue adj. 逾期的,过期的

e.g. The train is overdue. 火车晚点了。

Antonym: due adj. 到期的,应付的

e.g. The assignment is due next Monday. 作业应于下周一交。

13.blame vt 归罪于,归咎于;责备,责怪n. (事故、过失等的)责任;责备

e.g. (1)She blamed him for the failure of their marriage. 她将婚姻的失败归咎于他。

(2)Which driver was to blame for the accident? 这次事故是哪个司机的责任?Phrase: lay the blame (for sth) on sb. 把某事归咎于某人

14. guilty adj 内疚的;有罪的;有过失的

e.g. (1)He was found guilty of negligence. 他被判犯有玩忽职守罪。

(2)He suffered terribly from a guilty conscience. 他遭受到良心的巨大谴责。

Antonym: guiltless adj 无辜的,无罪的

Guilt n. 内疚,负罪感;罪,犯罪

e.g. His face showed guilt. 他面露歉意。

15. train n. (一)连串,(一)系列;火车,列出v. 培养;训练

e.g.(1) His telephone call interrupted my train of thought. 他的电话打断了我的思路。

(2) The top star was followed by a train of admires.


16.warranty n. (有关商品质量的)保修单,保用单,保证书;承诺,担保

e.g. The machine is still under warranty. 这台机器仍在保修期内。

17.idealistic adj 理想化的,天真的

ideal n. 理想adj. 理想的,完美的

e.g.(1)He finds it hard to live up to his ideals. 他认为很难达到自己的理想。

(2)This dictionary is ideal---it’s exactly what I needed.


idealism n. 理想主义(尤指不切实际的追求或信奉的理想)

idealist n. 理想主义者;空想家;唯心论者

18. knight n. 骑士

knighthood n. 爵士或骑士的称号和身份

19. pain n. 痛苦;疼痛

e.g.His harse words caused her much pain. 他尖刻的言语刺痛了她。

Painful adj. 使痛苦的;疼痛的

e.g. His wound was very painful. 他的伤痛得要命。

20.self-centered adj. 自我为中心的

e.g. self-centered attitude 以自我为中心的态度

21.fantasy n. 幻想,白日梦

e.g. Stop looking for a perfect job---it’s just a fantasy.


Fantastic adj. 奇异的,幻想的;妙极的

e.g. We had a fantastic trip to Europe. 我们曾经有过一次美妙的欧洲之旅。

22.fool n. 傻瓜,笨蛋vt. 愚弄,欺骗

Phrase: make a fool of oneself/sb 使自己/某人出丑

e.g.Stop trying to fool me. I know you hid my lost key.


Foolish adj. 愚蠢的,笨的

e.g. I made a foolish decision. 我做了一个愚蠢的决定。

23.gaze vi. 专注地看,凝视n. 凝视,端详

e.g.She gazed at me in disbelief when I told her the news.


24.trust n. 信任,信赖vt. 信任,相信,信赖

e.g.(1)A happy marriage is based on mutual trust. 美满的婚姻建立在相互信任的基


(2)I fully trust your ability. 我充分相信你的能力。

25.occur to (突然)想到

e.g.It occurred to me that there is still lots of work to do. 我突然想起还有很多事情要做。

26. push sb into --- 是某人处于某种状态

e.g. Long-time unemployment pushed him into absolute poverty.


27. head toward / for 朝……前进

e.g. We’re heading toward the goal we set. 我们正朝既定目标前进。

28. lost in thought 陷入沉思

e.g. She was lost in thought and didn’t notice me come in. 她在沉思中,未发现我进门。

29. think of 想到……

e.g. I did think of resigning, but I decided not to. 我确实想过辞职,但后来放弃了这一念头。

30. find out (经研究或询问)获知(某事物)

e.g. Can you find out what time the train leaves? 你能查出火车什么时候开吗?

31. had better not do sth 最好不要做某事

e.g. You’d better not lie to me. 你最好不要对我撒谎。

32. blame ---on—将某事归咎于

e.g. He blamed the mistakes he made on his carelessness. 他将自己所犯的错误归咎于粗心。

33. train of thought 思路,思绪

e.g. He lost his train of thought when the doorbell rang. 门铃响起,打断了他的思路。

34. in pain 处于痛苦状态

e.g. He’s been in pain since he learned the shocking news.


35. gaze deeply into one’s eyes 凝视某人的眼睛

e.g. He enjoys gazing deeply into her eyes, speechless. 他喜欢一言不发凝视她的双眸。

36. form an opinion 形成观点

e.g. He forms his own opinion on the basis of facts. 他的观点以事实为依据。

37. have trouble doing sth. 做某事有困难

e.g. She has trouble dealing with strangers. 她不太擅长与陌生人打交道。

III. Language Points in Text A

1. that we’ve been seeing each other for exactly six months.

have been doing: a present perfect progressive tense indicating that a past action continues into the present and even the future.

e.g. What a day! It has been raining heavily for a whole week.


2. Elaine began to wonder if it bothered him that she said that:Elaine wanted to know if what she had said just now made him feel uncomfortable.

It borthered him that she had said that:an object clause

wonder: want to know

e.g. I was wondering whether or not/ if he’ll turn up in the meeting this afternoon. 我想知道今天下午的会议他是否出席。

it bothered him that she said that: Here”if”seves as a formal subject while the real subject is “that she said that”.

3. Maybe his feeling is that I ‘m trying to push him into some kind of obligation:Maybe he feels that I’m urging him to marry me so that he will assume more marital responsibility.

that I ‘m trying to push him into some kind of obligation: a predicative clause e.g.(1)What they strongly believes is that guys spend a certain amount of time

thinking about the relationship. 她们深信男人们应该花一点时间考虑一下男女之间的关系。

(2)The problem is that he refuses to admit his mistake. 问题是他拒绝承认自己的错误。

4.It was a day in February when we started going out---:

When we started going out: This is an attributive clause and “when”can be replaced by “on which.”

e.g. The days when people suffered a great deal from malnutrition are gone, never to return.


5. Silence filled the car:Everybody in the car was silent.

e.g. (1) The car filled with silence. 车里一片寂静。

(2)His family is full of joy and happiness. 他的家庭洋溢着幸福和快乐。

6.They’ll probably say it’s only a 90-day warranty: They’ll probably explain that the transmission is under warranty for 90 days.

7.I’m sitting next to a very good person who’s in pain because of my self-centered, school-girl fantasy: I’m sitting next to a very good person who feels bad because of my own selfish and unrealistic ideas about romance. “because of ”can only be followed by a noun or a noun phrase while “because”can be followed by an adverbial clause indicating a reason.

e.g.(1) He walked slowly because of a severely injured leg.


(2) He walked slowly because one of his legs was severely injured.


8.Elaine gazed deeply into his eyes, causing him to become very nervous: Elaine looked deeply into his eyes, which made him feel nervous.

causing him to become very nervous: a participle clause indicating the accompanying circumstance

9.Roger has a guy brain, which is not comfortable with such concepts as love, need and trust: As a man, Roger’s way of thinking is different from that of a woman. He feels awkward when expressing such feeling as love, need and trust. 10.If the guy brain has to form an opinion about another person, it perfers to base it on facts:

e.g. (1)He based his opninion on facts. 他的观点以事实为依据。

(2)His opninion is based on facts. 他的观点以事实为依据。

IV. Focus on Grammar

英语表语从句(The predicative clause in English)

当句子的表语是一个主谓结构(即一个分句)时,这个分句就被称为表语从句。表语从句一般由that,what, who, when, where, whether, why, how 等引导,充当系动词be等的表语。

e.g. The answer is simply that they aren’t interested in doing it.


The focus of public attention is who will most likely become U.S president in the

next four years.公众关注的焦点是谁将最有可能在四年后成为下届美国总统。

This is exactly where the differences between their characters become the most striking.


The major headache is how she can efficiently balance the relation between her beloved career and family responsibility.


注意:引导表语从句的系动词be一般为单数形式,视时态情况决定是用is还是用was。V. Vocabulary & Language Points in Text B

1. settle v 决定,解决;安顿,安居

e.g. We had settled on a date to leave. 我们已经确定了离开的日期。

Phrase: settle a dispute 解决争端

e.g. He eventually realized his dream by settling down in a bustling city.


Settlement n. 解决;处理;决定;和解

2. advance n.前进,进展,进步vi. 前进,进展,进步

e.g.(1) the continued advance of civilization 文明的不断进步

(2) advance one step 向前挪一步

Phrase: in advance 预先;提前;事先

e.g.The rent must be paid in advance. 租金须预付。

advanced adj. 先进的

e.g. advanced ideas 先进的思想

3.objective n.目标,目的adj. 客观的,不受个人情感或意见影响的;无偏见的

e.g. (1) Her objective was international fame as a scientist. 她的目标是成为享誉国际的科学家。

(2)an objective report/ account/assessment 客观的报道/叙述/评估

4. secondary adj.第二位的,次要的

e.g. Such considerations are secondary to our main aim if improving efficiency.


5. consideration n 需要考虑的事;考虑;顾及

e.g. Several considerations have influenced my decision. 好几个考虑因素影响了我的决定。

Phrase (1) under consideration 在考虑之中

e.g. The proposals are still under consideration. 那些提议仍在审议中。

(2) take sth in to consideration 将某事考虑在内

e.g. I always take fuel consumption into consideration when buying a car.


6.simply adv. 仅仅;简单地,简明地

e.g.(1)I bought the house simply because it was large. 就是因为这房子大我才把它买下来。

(2)He’s always simply dressed. 他的穿着总是很朴素。

7.stock n. 库存

Phrase: (1) in stock 有现货的

e.g. The book is in stock. 该书由库存。

(2)out of stock 没有现货的

e.g.The book is out of stock. 该书已经脱销了。

8.satisfaction n . 满意,满足

e.g. (1)She looks back on her past experiences with great satisfaction.


(2)She spent a whole day shopping to her satisfaction. 她足足购物一整天,这让她很尽兴。

satisfactory adj 让人感到满足的

e.g. The result of the experiment was satisfactory. 实验结果令人满意。

Satisfy vt. 使感到满意或满足

e.g. Nothing satisfies him; he ‘s alwasys complaining. 他对什么都不满意,总是抱怨。

9. imply vt. 暗示,隐含

e.g.His silence implied agreement. 他沉默不语意味着同意了。

implication n. 含义

10. skillfully adv 巧妙地

Skillful adj 有技巧的;熟练地

e.g.a skillful painter/driver/performer 技巧娴熟的画家/技术熟练的司机/技艺高超的表演者

skill n. 技能;技艺;技巧

11. style n. 款式,样式;风格

e.g.(1)language style 语言风格

(2)hairstyle 发型

(3) architectural style 建筑风格

(4)a typically British style of liviing 典型的英国生活方式

Phrase: (1) in style 时尚的,流行的(2) out of style 过时

12.mention vt. 提及,说起n. 提及

e.g.(1)He didn’t mention anything about what happened last night.


(2)Little was mentioned about her literary works. 关于她的文学作品几乎只字未提。Phrase: not to mention 更不用说;更不必说

e.g. He has a big house and an expensive car, not to mention a villa in France.


13.opposite adj. 相反的;对面的

e.g.(1)Finally they chose to travel in opposite directions.


(2)The person sitting opposite me is a complete stranger.


14.persuasion n. 说服,劝说

e.g. After a lot of persuasion, he agreed to come. 好说歹说,他才同意来。persuade vt. 说服或劝说某人做某事

e.g.How can we persuade him to join us? 怎么才能说服他参加我们的活动呢?

https://www.360docs.net/doc/083919114.html,panion n. 同伴,伙伴

e.g.A dog is a faithful companion to human beings. 狗是人类忠实的伙伴。companionship 友谊;朋友或伴侣的关系

16.contrary adj. 相反的

e.g. The results were contrary to expectation. 结果与预期的相反。

Phrase: on the contrary 与此相反;正相反

e.g. It doesn’t seem ugly to me ; on the contrary , I think it’s fairly beautiful.


17. excellent adj. 优秀的,极好的

e.g. She speaks excellent English. 她的英语说得非常漂亮。

Excellence n. 优秀;卓越;优点;长处

18.lookout n 密切注意;守望,监视

Phrase: be on the lookout for sb./sth 监视,注意

e.g. Scientists are on the lookout for the manned space mission heading into space right now.


19. bargain n. 便宜货;讨价还价v.讨价还价

e.g.(1)The bargain they reached with their employers was to reduce their wage claim in return for a shorter working week.


(2)Dealers bargain with growers over the price of coffee.


20.enjouable adj 令人愉快的

e.g.They spent an enjoyable weeken together. 他们在一起度过了一个愉快的周末。enjoyment n. 愉快;快乐;乐趣;满意

e.g. He spoiled my enjoyment of the film by talking all the time.。


21. in that case 在那种情况下;如果是那样的话

e.g.You don’t like the job. In that case, why don’t you leave?


22.as the name implies 顾名思义

e.g.Firemen, as the name implies, save people from fires.


23. in the opposite way 以相反的方式

e.g.He resolved the same problem in the opposite way. 他以相反的方式解决了同样的问题。

24. make up one’s mind 打定主意

e.g. He made up his mind to leave for New York and try his fortune there.


25. to and fro 来回地,往复地

e.g. He made journeys to and fro between London and Paris. 他经常往返于伦敦与巴黎之间。

Language Points

1. Shopping for clothes is not the same experience for a man as it is for a woman: Shopping for clothes is a different experience for a man from that for a woman.

not the same as: different from

shopping for clothes: a present participle serves as the subject of the sentence.

2. His purpose is settled and decided in advance: He has a clear idea about what to buy beforehand.

3. He knows what he wants, and his objective is to find it and buy it; the price is

a secondary consideration:

to find it and buy it: an infinitive that serves as the predicative

the price is a secondary consideration: Compared with his purpose of shopping for what he wants, the price is less important.

4. and the business of trying it on follows at once: He immediately tries it on. business: matter, affair

e.g. Your task is to finish the report. The business of polishing it is left to the editor. 你的任务就是写完这篇报道,至于修改和润色,那是编辑的事情。

Try on: to put on(clothing, etc) to see it fits and how it looks.

5. All being well, the deal can be and often is completed in less than five minutes, with hardly any chat and to everyone’s satisfaction:

If everything goes smoothly, the deal can be and oftern it completed in less than five minutes. During the process, the man seldom speaks to the salesperson and both parties feel satisfied.

All being well: a nominative absolute structure, meaning “if everything goes smoothly”

e.g. All being well, he will get permission soon to leave China and play in the NBA. 如果一切顺利,他将很快离开中国去美国打美国职业篮球联赛。

6.but would you like to try it for size? It happens to be the color you mentioned: But would you like to try it to see whether or not it suits you? By chance it is exactly the color you mentioned.

Happen to do sth: have (the good or bad) fortune; do sth by chance.

e.g.When I telephoned, he happened to be out. 我打电话时他碰巧出去了。

7. Now how does a woman go about buying clothes?:

Now how does a woman buy clothes?

Go about: do , conduct

8. Her shopping is not often based on need:A woman often buys things she does not need.

9.She is always open to persuade: She can be easily persuaded to buy something. Open to sth: willing to receive sth.

e.g. The suggestion is open to discussion. 这个建议可供讨论。

10. She will try on any number of things: She will try on as many clothes as she likes.

11.In her mind is the thought of finding something that evryone thinks suits her: This sentence is in inverted order to balance the sentence, and the normal order goes like this: “The thought of finding something that everyone thinks suits her is in her mind.”

that everyone thinks suits her: This is an attributive clause modifying “something”, “something”serves as the logical subject of “suits her”. 12. Contrary to a lot of jokes, most women have an excellent sense of value

when they buy clothes:

Unlike what is described in a lot of jokes, most women know exactly whether or not the clothes they buy are worth the money.

13. They are always on the lookout for the unexpected bargain: They are always keeping a close watch in the hope of finding unexpectedly cheap article.

On the lookout for: keeping a close watch on

VI. Focus on Practical Writing


Sentence patterns for expressing thanks in English:

We were delighted to receive your letter inviting us to---

How could we miss (turn down) the prospect of---?

We are excited (thrilled) about/ It would be wonderful/ We are looking forward to meeting you at---

Thank you for your invitation.

Some patterns for expressing regret in English:

I am awfully (terrilby)sorry for not being able to -----because----

It is a great pity that we will not be able to go because----

I hope you can understand.


大二(上) Vocabulary Check C Unit1 P9 1. They fought to liberate the black people from slavery. (liberation) 2. He watched helplessly as the train left without him. (help) 3. Prof.Ding is a very respectable person. (respect) 4. Thomas is an English historian . (historical) 5. I spoke to him concerning his behavior. (concern) 6. His room is in a state of confusion (confuse) 7. My mother cooked many tasty dishes today. (taste) 8. Sparing him is a merciful act. (mercy) Unit2 P25-26 1. You need to read the instructions carefully before you use the machine. (instruct) 2. The police found the deaths of the three men accidentally. (accident) 3. The rarity of air on a high mountain is bad for people with weak hearts. (rare) 4. I’ve had no response to my letter. (respond) 5. If you want to go to a movie, you’ll have to make a reservation or there will be no tickets. (reserve) 6. He is very proud of his spotless kitchen. (spot) 7. I have no inclination to be a doctor. (incline) 8. We put up pictures and other decorations in the classroom. (decorate) Unit3 P42 1. His father is an eye specialist (special) 2. Pushy parents get their children into the best schools. (push) 3. John kicked the door open , which was typical of him . (type) 4. My mother learned to operate a sewing machine at a very early age. (operation) 5. My sister is in charge of the registration of births. (register) 6. His mother is employed in a hospital. (employee) 7. The teacher was confused by what the student said. (confusion) 8. The two small shops combined to make a larger one. (combination) Unit4 P57 1. For further enquiries , please call us at 8333555 . (enquire) 2. Her mother is a fashion designer. (design) 3. After a lot of persuasion , she agreed to go. (persuade) 4. She walked from room to room , pretending to supervise the operations.


1、Don 'tlet the failure discourag y e ou.Try again. 2、He dropped out of college after only two weeks. 3、He spoke very highly of her. 4、Peter took advantage of his visit to London to improve his English. 5、The chairman agreed to conside r my suggestion. 6、The idea needs to be tried out. 7、The new road is a major government project. 8、This is our greatest and most encouraging progress; in short,a triumph. 9、The house has belonged to our family for a long time. 10、There was a pause in the talk when Mary came in. 11、We all look forward to your next visit to Nanjing. 12、She discovered that she had lost her purse. 13、The plane will land in five minutes. 14、It used to be thought that the earth was flat. 15、Everyone is fascinated by the singer 's amazing voice. 16、My parents are thinking of spending their holiday in France. 17、She's very modes t about her success. 18、Most plants require sunlight. 19、Be careful to your words when talking to elderly people. 20、Mother called again to make certain that the new air-conditioner would be delivered the next day. 21、I presented a bunch of flowers to Mrs.Link last Christmas. 22、Jack wrapped the gift in a piece of colored paper. 23、Shall I make the introduction?Robert,this is Julia. 24、My mom cleans the house every day and keeps everything in order. 25、This idea appeared in many books. 26、The People's Republic of China was founded in 1949. 27、When will the work on the highway be completed? 28、Oranges are my favorite fruit. 29、Hans Andersen created many lovely characters. 30、The business has expanded from having one office to having twelve. 31、Did you have fun at Disneyland last summer? 32、His lies brought to an end his friendship with Mike. 33、I'll help you as far as I can. 34、He had included a large number of funny stories in the speech. 35、These greenbelts protect 500,000 acres of farmland against moving sands. 36、The TV program is shown to call people's attention to water pollution in China. 37、 A soft wind caused ripples on the surface of the lake. 38、The children formed a circle around her. 39、My mother measured me for a new dress. 40、The park lies at the center of the city. 41、The train would pull out soon. We ran like mad to catch it. 42、My old grandmother has difficulty in remembering things. 43、The company employed about 100 men. 44、She checked the letter before sending it.


Unit Two Optimism and Positive Thinking Enhance Your Language Awareness Words in Action ▆Working with Words and Expressions 1.In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary. ▆Answers: 1)positive 2)startled 3)perspective 4)harden 5)shape 6)address 7)crises 8)curse 9)incredible 10)conversely 11)issue 12)response 13)prior 14)rare 15)accomplish 2.In the box below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand their meanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary. ▆Answers: 1)get the hang of 2)have lived through 3)makes a difference 4)have no idea 5)concerned with 6)slipped over 7)ran into 8)in reverse 9)mull over ▆Increasing Your Word Power 1.Decide whether “do”, “make” or “take” is needed to complete each of the following sentences. Change the verb form where necessary.


see 3 Rewrite the sentences using see . 1 In 1987 there was a major stock market crash. 1987 saw a major stock market crash. 2 The early 1980s was a period of steady economic growth. The early 1980s saw a period of steady economic growth. 3 Long hair made a brief return in the 1990s. The 1990s saw a brief return to long hair. 4 On the first day of the sales there were hundreds of people queuing in the streets. The first day of the sales saw hundreds of people queuing in the streets. 5 There was great techno logical change during our grandparents‘ generation. Our grandparents‘ generation saw a great technological change. turn out to be 4 Rewrite the sentences using turn out to be . 1 I thought the ring was made of gold, but in the end it proved to be silver. I thought the ring was made of gold, but it turned out to be silver. 2 She looked like my cousin, but she was actually a complete stranger. She looked like my cousin, but she turned out to be a complete stranger. 3 The house needed a lot of work doing on it, but it proved to be a good investment. The house needed a lot of work doing on it, but it turned out to be a good investment. 4 I saw smoke rising from the building, but it was a false alarm. I saw smoke rising from the building, but it turned out to be a false alarm. 5 I didn‘t want to move to England, but in the end it proved to be a wise decision. I didn‘t want to move to England, but it turned out to be a wise decision. collocations 5 Read the explanations of the words. Answer the questions. 1hint A hint can be something you say to show your feelings without saying directly what they are, a small amount of something, or a piece of advice. (a) If someone has a hint of a smile on their face, what do you see? You see just a small sign of a smile but not a proper smile. (b) What helpful hints would you give someone starting their own business? I‘d suggest that they need to have a clear focus on what the business is about and exactly how it will work, eg the person should identify a niche in the market that the new business can fill. (c) If you drop a hint about what you would like for your birthday, do you ask for it directly? No, of course not! You just find a way to join in with a normal conversation and say something about what you would like. 2range This word can mean a number of things of the same general type, the distance or limits of something, or to move freely. (a) What can you find in a shop which stocks a wide range of products? You can find products of all kinds, a good variety of them. (b) What would be the best thing to do if you were within range of someone with a gun? Run quickly away out of range if there is time; if not, take shelter. (c) Which is the biggest mountain range in China?


郑州信息工程职业学院基础部 《新编实用英语Ⅰ》课程教学大纲 课程编码:61 总学时:72 学时 实验学时:无 学分:3学分 适用对象:一年级学生 先修课程:基础英语 一、课程的性质与任务 (一)本课程的性质 大学英语课程是非英语专业学生必修的一门基础课程。旨在培养学生的英语综合应用能力,使他们在今后工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行书面信息交流,提高综合文化素养,以适应社会发展和经济建设的需要。《新编实用英语Ⅰ》是我院高职一年级学生第一学期所有学生学习和掌握英语听,说,读,写基本技能的基础课。 (二)本课程的任务 本课程在高职高专院校中人才培养计划中是必修课程。该课程理论与技能培养并重,相互结合,培养各类高职高专的应用型人才。经过学习,使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和技能,具有一定的听说读写译的能力,从而能借助词典翻译和阅读有关英语资料,使学生在今后的工作和社会交往日常活动中能用英语有效地进行口头和笔头交流,并为今后进一步提高英语的交际能力打下基础。为此,该课程将努力做到以下三个方面: 1、培养学生英语综合应用能力具有较强的阅读能力和良好的听、说、写、译能力,使他们能用英语交流信息。 2、增强学生的学习能力、特别是自主学习能力。 3、提高学生的综合文化素养。 (三)本课程培养人才的定位

该课程是我院各专业学生必修的一门公共基础课程,旨在培养学生的英语综合应用能力(听、说、读、写、译);培养学生使用英语处理日常和涉外业务活动能力。使他们在今后工作中与社会交往中能用英语有效地进行信息交流,提高综合文化素养,以适应社会发展日益国际化的需要。 (四)本课程在人才培养过程中的作用 经过本课程的学习,使学生扎实语音、语法、词汇和基本句型等语言基本功,强化并提高听、说、读、写、译的综合能力,提高学生就业竞争力。 二、课程的基本要求 通过学习本课程,学生应该达到以下要求: 1、词汇 认知2500 个英语单词(包括入学时要求掌握的1000 个词) 以及由这些词构成的常用词组,对其中1500个左右的单词能正确拼写,能进行英汉互译。 2、语法 掌握基本的英语语法规则,在听、说、读、写、译中能正确运用所学的语法知识。 3、听力 能听懂涉及日常交际的结构简单、发音清楚、语速较慢(每分钟120 词左右)的英语对话和不太复杂的陈述,理解基本正确。能理解具体信息,理解所听材料的背景,并能推断所听材料的含义。 4、口语 掌握一般的课堂用语,并能模拟或套用常用口头交际句型,就日常生活和有业务提出问题或做出简单回答,交流有困难时能采取简单的应变措施。 5、阅读 能阅读中等难度的一般题材的简短英文资料,理解正确。在阅读生词不超过数3% 的英文资料时,阅读速度不低于每分钟50 词,能读懂通用的简短文字材料,如信函、产品说明等,理解基本正确。并且掌握以下阅读技巧: 1)理解文章的主旨或要点; 2)理解文章中的具体信息; 3)根据上下文推断生词的意思;


Unit 1 The Information Age B.Fill in each of the following blanks with the proper form of the given words.(P9) 1. Though he is the youngest, he is the most conversational (conversation) guy in our office. 2. The form (formal) must be filled out in black ink. 3. He is well connected (connect) socially. 4. I shall be back in an instant. (instantly) 5. Ted Robinson has been worried (worry) all week. 6.Instant messaging can be abbreviated (abbreviation) as IM. 7. There’s been a great improvement (improve) in his math this term. 8. The teacher called the monitors (monitor) of the three classes for a meeting. B.Choose the best answer to complete each sentence(P11)语法直接引语与间接引语 1. He asked ___D_____ for the iPad. A. did I pay how much B. I paid how much C. how much did I pay D. how much I paid 2. She suggested that they should go to the movies B . A. after evening B. that evening C. the other evening D. yesterday evening 3. John asked me C to visit his uncle’s farm with him. A. how would I like B. if or not would I like C. whether I would like D. which I would like 4. He asked ____D____ with me. A.what the matter is B. what the matter was C. what’s the matter D. what was the matter 5. She wanted to know ___B_____ child it was at the door.


Unit 1 Persistence Full in each blank with a word given below、Change the form where necessary、(P8) 1.Although we have tried very hard to achieve the goal,we still encounter great difficulties in our work、虽然我们很努力来达到我们得目标,我们仍在我们得工作遇到很大得困难。 2.I have tried all kinds of ways , but still cannot bend my daughter to my will、 我已经尝试了各种方式,但仍然不能让我得女儿屈从于我得意志。 3.It is natural that babies tumble when they are learning to walk、 婴儿学步时摔倒就是很自然得。 https://www.360docs.net/doc/083919114.html,st time he failed in the exam, so this time he made a serious attempt to pass it、 上次她考试不及格,所以这次她认真地试图通过考试。 5.After so many misfortunes, the mother was not able to stand this heavy blow 在这么多得不幸之后,母亲不能忍受这次沉重得打击。 6.He suddenly took a swipe at her face and knocked her down on the ground、 她突然猛打她得脸,把她撞倒在地上。 7.I’m afraid that his efforts will be of no avail 我担心她得努力将不起作用 8.They attempted to escape from the prison, but failed、 她们试图逃离监狱,但失败了。 B、Full in the blanks with the proper form of the given words、(P9) 1、For years, his persistent (persistence )attempts had enabled him to gain the position in the government、 多年来,她坚持不懈得努力使她得以在政府中获得职位。 2.A severe flood struck the food base of the city and consequently (consequence)caused a shortage of food、 一场严重得洪水袭击了这个城市得食物基地,因此造成了食物短缺。


Unit 1 Never Give In, Never, Never, Never Winston Churchill Almost a year has passed since I came down here at your Head Master's kind invitation in order to cheer myself and cheer the hearts of a few of my friends by singing some of our own songs. The ten months that have passed have seen very terrible catastrophic events in the world—ups and downs, misfortunes—but can anyone sitting here this afternoon, this October afternoon, not feel deeply thankful for what has happened in the time that has passed and for the very great improvement in the position of our country and of our home? Why, when I was here last time we were quite alone, desperately alone, and we had been so for five or six months. We were poorly armed. We are not so poorly armed today; but then we were very poorly armed. We had the unmeasured menace of the enemy and their air attack still beating upon us, and you yourselves had had experience of this attack; and I expect you are beginning to feel impatient that there has been this long lull with nothing particular turning up! But we must learn to be equally good at what is short and sharp and what is long and tough. It is generally said that the British are often better at the last. They do not expect to move from crisis to crisis; they do not always expect that each day will bring up some noble chance of war; but when they very slowly make up their minds that the thing has to be done and the job put through and finished, then, even if it takes months—if it takes years—they do it. Another lesson I think we may take, just throwing our minds back to our meeting here ten months ago and now, is that appearances are often very deceptive, and as Kipling well says, we must "... meet with Triumph and Disaster. And treat those two impostors just the same." You cannot tell from appearances how things will go. Sometimes imagination makes things out far worse than they are; yet without imagination not much can be done. Those people who are imaginative see many more dangers than perhaps exist; certainly many more will happen; but then they must also pray to be given that extra courage to carry this far-reaching imagination. But for everyone, surely, what we have gone through in this period—I am addressing myself to the school—surely from this period of ten months this is the lesson: never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in except to convictions of honour and good


实用标准文案 文档大全Unit 8 Gender Difference Objective 1. read a story about how men and women think differently; 2. Learn some pairs of words showing gender differences; 3. Get some idea of how men differ from women when shopping; 4. Get some tips about the predictive clause in English; 5. Learn how to respond to invitation cards or letters; Focuses 1. Vocabulary in words and expressions of Text A and Text B. 2. Comprehension of Text A and Text B. 3. Grammar (The Relative Clause) 4. Practical Writings: How to write an invitation letter Outline: 1. Background Information; study of words and expressions in Text A; Vocabulary Check (Band C) 2. Discussion of Text A and the follow-up exercises (A and B) 3. Active Words and Vocabulary Check; Grammar Tips 4. Discussion of Text B and the follow-up exercises 5. Comprehensive Exercises (Ask the students to do the translation exercises outside of the class beforehand) 6. Practical Writing


全新版大学英语综合教程第二版课后练习答案精编W O R D版 IBM system office room 【A0816H-A0912AAAHH-GX8Q8-GNTHHJ8】

Unit1 Ways of Learning Vocabulary I 1. 1)insert 2)on occasion 3)investigate 4)In retrospect 5)initial 6)phenomen a 7)attached 8)make up for 9)is awaiting 10)not; in the least 11)promote 12)emerged 2. 1)a striking contrast between the standards of living in the north of the country and the south. 2)is said to be superior to synthetic fiber. 3)as a financial center has evolved slowly. 4)is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer.

5)by a little-known sixteen-century Italian poet have found their way into some English magazines. 3. 1)be picked up; can’t accomplish; am exaggerating 2)somewhat; the performance; have neglected; they apply to 3)assist; On the other hand; are valid; a superior II 1)continual 2)continuous 3)continual 4)continuous 5)principal 6)principal 7)principle 8)principles 9)principal III 1.themselves 2.himself/herself 3.herself/by herself/on her own 4.itself

(完整版)新标准高职公共英语系列教材:实用综合教程(第二版)第二册UNIT5-UNIT8 习题答案

(完整版)新标准高职公共英语系列教材:实用综合教程(第二版)第二册UNIT5-UNIT8 习题答案 Unit 05 : Modern Communication Text A / Comprehension A. Pair Work Complete the following sentences orally according to the text. 1. Where did Reilly come from? He came from a Chicago school . 2. How much time did Reilly typically spend on texting and calling every day before he started the Amish Project? He sent 1,500 texts a month and spent 600 to 900 minutes on the phone. 3. What did Reilly's friends play for fun? They played Words with Friends and Angry Birds.

4. What drives Reilly crazy? That nobody is really doing anything, just sitting quiet and indulging in their cell phones drives him crazy. B. Main Idea Read the text again. As you read, underline what you think are the most important ideas. Then, in one or two sentences, write the main idea of the text. It tells us what Reilly learned from living without electronic conveniences and how it changed his life. Vocabulary Building / Exercises A. Match each word with their proper Chinese meaning.


全新版大学英语综合教程 第二版课后练习答案 This manuscript was revised on November 28, 2020

Unit1 Ways of Learning Vocabulary I 1. 1)insert 2)on occasion 3)investig ate 4)In retrospect 5)initial 6)phenomen a 7)attached 8)make up for 9)is awaiting 10)not; in the least 11)promote 12)emerged 2. 1)a striking contrast between the standards of living in the north of the country and the south. 2)is said to be superior to synthetic fiber. 3)as a financial center has evolved slowly. 4)is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer. 5)by a little-known sixteen-century Italian poet have found their way into some English magazines. 3. 1)be picked up; can’t accomplish; am exaggerating 2)somewhat; the performance; have neglected; they apply to 3)assist; On the other hand; are valid; a superior II 1)continual 2)continuous 3)continual 4)continuous 5)principal 6)principal 7)principle 8)principles 9)principal III herself by herself/on her own by yourself/on your own Comprehensive Exercises
