





A.清明节 B.中秋节 C.端午节 D.元宵节

2、在中国被人们认为是Lucky number(幸运数字)是。

A.5和6 B.6和8 C.7和9 D.2和3

3、在西方国家被认为Unlucky number(不吉利数字)的是。

A.11 B.12 C.13 D.14




A.餐具和汗 B.餐具和嘴巴 C.嘴巴和鼻涕 D.鼻涕和餐具


A.前座 B.后座


A.美元 B.美角 C.美分


A.五镑 B.二十镑 C.五十镑 D.一百磅


A.10月1日 B.12月25日 C.10月30日 D.1月20日

10、Thanksgiving Day(感恩节)是哪一天?

A.11月的第一个星期四 B.11月的第二个星期四 C.11月的第三个星期四 D.11月的第四个星期四


A.黑猫 B.白猫 C.花猫 D.小狗


A.黑猫 B.大象 C.蝙蝠 D.狼


A.松鼠 B.羊 C.兔子 D.猴子


A.日光浴和游泳 B.跑步和游泳 C.日光浴和跑步 D.赛马和跑步














































15、万圣节的口号是”Trick or treat”。()






































按要求完成下列各题。(Answer the following questions.) 101. Which city is different from the others London, Paris, Rome, Tokyo, New York, Beijing 102. What letter is two to the left of the letter to the right of the letter four to the left of the letter “F” A B C D E F G H 103. Which number should replace (代替)the “” 14, 19, 29, 40, 44, 52, 104. Which is the missing circle (缺少的圆圈), A, B, C, D, or E? 105. —Where are you going, Fred —I'm just going down to the post office. —Oh, do you think you could kill two birds with one stone, and post this letter for me please —Sure. What does “kill two birds with one stone” mean here You may answer it in English or Chinese. 97. Insert (插入) the correct mathematical signs to make the calculat ion work: 7 8 20 32=44 98. Which is correct, “All fish have warm blood” or “All fishes ar e warm-blooded”? 99. This box is 1m×1m×50cm. How many can be packed into a container of 9m×5m×3m (见左图) 100. ROSE is to BUSH as APPLE is to ________. 97. Turn the year 1961 upside down and it looks the same, when was th e last similar year before 1961


时集镇中心小学英语课外阅读竞赛试题 姓名学校班级 一、根据短文内容判断句子正误,正确用T,错误用F。(20分) (一)A mother and her daughter are washing dishes while the father and the son are watching TV in the living room. Suddenly, there is a crash of breaking dishes, then complete silence. The son looks at his father and says,“It is mom.” “How do you know?” “She doesn’t say anything.” (Tips: a crash of 一阵, complete 完全的, silence 沉默) ()1.There are three people in the family. ()2.The son is watching TV. ()3.The father is washing dishes. ()4.The mother doesn’t say anything. ()5.Most likely(最有可能的)the daughter breaks the dishes. (二)Mike: Hello. This is Mike. Is that Wu Fang? Wu: Yes, this Wu Fang. What are you doing, Mike? Mike: I'm watching TV. What are you doing? And how is everybody doing? Wu: Just fine. I'm doing the dishes. My father is writing an e-mail in the study. My mother is sweeping the floor. And my brother is playing chess with my sister. Mike: What do you do on the weekend? Wu: I visit grandparents and go shopping. Mike: Do you want to go to the nature park? Wu: Sure. What time? Mike: At 1:30. Wu: OK. See you later. Mike: Bye. ( )1. Wu Fang is watching TV and Mike is doing the dishes. ( ) 2. Wu Fang 's father is writing an e-mail in the bedroom. ( )3. Wu Fang visits grandparents and goes shopping on the weekend. ( )4. Wu Fang wants to go to the Children's Park at 1:30 with Mike. ( )5. Wu Fang’s brother is playing football.


尽供参考与学习用 全国中小学生英语综合能力竞赛小学六年级初赛试题 (满分100分,时间60分钟) 赛区__________________ 学校__________________ 姓名__________________ 考号__________________ 得分__________________ 全国中小学生英语综合能力竞赛组委会印制

Listening Part (50%) I.Listen and choose. (15%) A). Listen and choose the word you hear. (5%) ( ) 1. A. boring B. bring C. spring D. interesting ( ) 2. A. peach B. reach C. teach D. each ( ) 3. A. cheap B. ship C. tip D. pop ( ) 4. A. vest B. best C. least D. test ( ) 5. A. sun B. sing C. sea D. saw B).Listen and choose the different one.(5%) ( ) 1. A. soup B. group C. mouth D. tourist ( ) 2. A. book B. cool C. pool D. goose ( ) 3. A. ear B. dear C. bear D. near ( ) 4. A. grow B. row C. snow D. cow ( ) 5. A. says B. play C. today D. Monday C). Listen, look and choose. (5%) ( ) 1. What time did he arrive at school this morning? A B C ( ) 2.What is Lucy’s mother wearing today? A B C ( ) 3. What can’t Tom do?


第1页 (共4页) 第2页 (共4页) 密 学校 班级 姓名 学号 密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题 2018年秋五年级英语趣味知识竞赛题目 分数:________ 一.选择题。(每题3分,共60分) ( )1.小码衣服的标志是: A. S B.L C.M D.Y ( )2.麦当劳的英语是: A. McDonald's B. Madonna C.Mike D.My ( )3.中码衣服的标志是: A.S B.L C.M D.Y ( )4.鲁迅有一本书叫做《阿__正传》 A.P B.H C.G D.Q ( )5.护士手上的是:___光片。 A.S B.L C.C D.X ( )6. 选出既能表示水果,又是颜色的单词: A. red B. orange C. peach D. banana ( )7.肯德基的英语是: https://www.360docs.net/doc/102287024.html,A B.KFC C.MAC D.YSL ( )8. 字母组合______可表示长度单位“厘米”: A.cm B.kg C.mm D.m 2 ( )9. 英语字母中的大写形式有三笔完成,小写形式由两笔完成的是__和___。 A.E, N B.F, I C.H, F D.F, X ( )10. VIP 的意思是: A. 贵宾 B. 不明飞行物 C.人民币 D.英国 ( )11. What letter (字母) is a drink ? A. B B. V C.T D.G ( )11. What letter is an animal (动物)? A. B B. V C.T D.G ( )12. What letter is a question (问题)? A. B B. Q C.Y D.H ( )13. A 与 C 谁高: A. A B. B C.C D.D ( )14. “Love me ,love my do ”翻译成中文的意思是: A.爱屋及乌 B.爱我就爱我的小狗 C.爱我就更爱我的小狗 D.爱我,爱小狗 ( )15. 许多同学都有自己的电子邮箱,如123456@https://www.360docs.net/doc/102287024.html, 等。请问其中的 @表示什么意思,该怎么读? A. @ 的意思是“电脑”,读作“a 外一个圈”。 B. @ 的意思是“邮箱”,读作“圈内一个 a ”。 C. @ 的意思是“为”,读音与介词for 相同。 D. @ 的意思是“在”,读音与介词 at 相同。 ( )16. 英国人和中国人都喜欢喝茶,但英国人通常将中国人说的“红茶”,说 成 ______ tea 。 A. red B. white C. black D. green ( ) 17. 2008年北京奥运会的英文口号是 _______. A. One world, One dream B. New Beijing, Great Olympics C. Great China welcome you D. Faster, Higher, Stronger


源六年级英语阅读竞赛试题 一、选词填空。(20分,每空4分。) at football and basketball. He often goes 3._____( run\running) after school. He 4. _____(want\wants) to work in a gym.He wants to 5. ____(be\is)a coach. 二、阅读理解。(80分) 姓名 (一)阅读短文,选择正确答案。(20分,每小题2分。) (A) Jack is a night watchman. His work is to guard a factory. There is nobody to talk with at night. Jack likes his work. He knows it is important to guard the factory at night. He always walk around the factory. If he hears a noise, he goes quickly to see what it is. Tonight Jack hears a noise when he walks around the factory. He goes quickly to see if someone is there. But he sees only a small cat. Jack smiles and talks to the cat. It looks cold and hungry. He takes the cat inside the factory and the cat goes after him happily. Jack is happy, too. ( )6.Jack is a ______. A.gentleman B. policeman C. teacher D. night watchman ( )7. Jack has____ to talk with at night. A.a dog B. a boy C. a cat D. nobody ( )8. What does Jack do when he hears a noise?_____ A.He knows it is a cat there B. He knows there is a thief. C. He goes quickly to see what it is. D. He goes to bed quickly. ( )9.Tonight Jack finds______. A .a dog B. a boy C. a cat D. nobody ( )10.Which of the following is not right? A.Jack’s job is important. B.The cat is a good friend for Jack. C.Jack goes quickly to see what is happening when he hears a noise. D.Jack takes the cat to the factory. (B) Sue and Linda usually go to school by car. They drive past a


小学英语文化知识竞赛题 姓名:得分: 一、选一选,将正确的答案填入横线上。2*20 1、下列不属于中国汉族四大节日的是。 A.清明节 B.中秋节 C.端午节 D.元宵节 2、在中国被人们认为是Lucky number(幸运数字)是。 A.5和6 B.6和8 C.7和9 D.2和3 3、在西方国家被认为Unlucky number(不吉利数字)的是。 A.11 B.12 C.13 D. 14 4、在下列餐具中,哪一项在吃西餐中不需要用到的是。 A.chopsticks(筷子)B.spoon(勺子)C.knife(刀)D.fork(叉子)5、在欧美国家就餐时,餐巾纸只能用来擦。 A.餐具和汗 B.餐具和嘴巴 C.嘴巴和鼻涕 D.鼻涕和餐具 6、在美国打的坐在哪个位置,司机比较高兴。 A.前座 B.后座 7、下列不属于美国的货币。 A.美元 B.美角 C.美分 8、下列不属于英镑纸币面值的是。 A.五镑 B.二十镑 C.五十镑 D.一百磅 9、Halloween(万圣节)是哪一天? A.10月1日 B. 12月25日 C.10月30日 D.1月20日10、Thanksgiving Day(感恩节)是哪一天? A.11月的第一个星期四 B.11月的第二个星期四 C.11月的第三个星期四 D.11月的第四个星期四

11、在美国人们喜欢,他们认为它可以给人带来幸运。 A.黑猫 B.白猫 C.花猫 D.小狗 12、美国人讨厌,认为它是吸血鬼和凶神的象征。 A.黑猫 B.大象 C.蝙蝠 D.狼 13、在澳大利亚人眼里,是一种不吉利的象征。他们认为,碰到了它可能是厄运降临的预兆。 A.松鼠 B.羊 C.兔子 D.猴子 14、澳大利亚人喜欢体育活动,和是人们的癖好。 A.日光浴和游泳 B.跑步和游泳 C.日光浴和跑步 D.赛马和跑步 15、是世界上最早公开行亲吻礼的国家,也是使用亲吻礼频率最多的国家。 A、德国 B、美国 C、韩国 D、法国 16、德国人最爱吃,以它制成的香肠百吃不厌。 A、牛肉 B、猪肉 C、羊肉 D、兔肉 17、日本是以“礼仪之邦”著称的,在日本初次见面时要。 A、交换名片 B、送礼品 C、送鲜花 D、送酒 18、下列哪个国家的人们接受礼物时要当面打开的? A、中国 B、韩国 C、美国 D、日本 19、在日本送礼时一般不用下列哪个数字? A、3 B、4 C、5 D、7 20、韩国人见面时的传统礼节是。 A、鞠躬 B、点头 C、亲吻手 D、微笑 二、判断题2*20 1、在韩国,进完酒要鞠个躬才能离开。()


2018年全国小学生英语竞赛(六年级组)初赛试题及详解 听力部分(共四大题,计30分) Ⅰ. Words(听辨单词) (共5小题;每小题1分,计5分) 听音,从A,B,C三个选项中选出你所听到的单词。每个单词读两遍。 1. A. stage B. page C. cage 【答案】A 【解析】录音中单词为stage/ste?d?/(阶段,舞台),因此选A。B项page/pe?d?/(页),C项cage/ke?d?/(笼子)。 【录音原文】stage 2. A. few B. new C. hay 【答案】A 【解析】录音中单词为few/fju?/(少量的),因此选A。B项new/nju?/(新的),C项hay/he?/(干草)。

【录音原文】few 3. A. think B. thirteen C. thirsty 【答案】B 【解析】录音中单词为thirteen/θ??'ti?n/(十三),因此选B。A项think/θ??k/(想),C项thirsty/'θ??st?/(口渴的)。 【录音原文】thirteen 4. A. Wednesday B. Tuesday C. Saturday 【答案】C 【解析】录音中单词为Saturday/?s?t?de?/(周六),因此选C。A项Wednesday/?wenzde?/(周三),B项Tuesday/'tju?zde?/(周二)。 【录音原文】Saturday 5. A. jumping

B. hopping C. camping 【答案】B 【解析】录音中单词为hopping/'h?p??/(跳跃),因此选B。A项jumping/'d??mp??/(跳),C项camping/'k?mp??/(野餐)。 【录音原文】hopping Ⅱ. Sentences(句子理解) (共5小题;每小题1分,计5分) 听音,选出与你所听到的句子意思相符的图片。每个句子读两遍。 6. A. B. C. 【答案】C


小学英语 知识竞赛试题及答案 目录 小学英语知识竞赛试题 (1) 小学英语知识竞赛试题答案 (9) 小学英语知识竞赛试题 满分100分考试时间60分钟 考生注意事项: 本试卷分选择题与非选择题。 单项选择(共15小题,每小题0.5分,满分7.5分) 从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出填入空白处的最佳选项,并将所选答案的英文字母写在答题 卡相应位置。 1. Jane isn A. is play 't here now. She tennis on the playgro und. C. playi ng D. is playi ng B. is plays 2. you sick? / 3. A. Are …feel B. Do …feel C. Do …feeling D. Do ——Hi, every one! There a football match tomorrow. ——Wow! A. is going to have B will have C. is going to be D.will has 4. ——Must I return the books tomorrow? 第1页共10页

15. Frank to see his grandma if he _________ free tomorrow. 、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 16?25各题所给的A 、B 、C 和D 项中,选出最佳选项,并将 所选答案的英文字母写在答题卡相应位置。 Betty likes see ing movies very much. She has no less ons 16 homework on Sun days, so she always goes to the 17 that afternoon. She likes funny movies, but she often sees other kinds of movies. She usually goes with some of her school friends. And they 18_ sit together and eat someth ing and laugh whe n someth ing 19 . They are always happy at cinema. 20 a funny man. His n ame was Percy. Percy was fat. He midnight, a big dog ran 22 him and tore (撕破) his trousers pocket. Percy tried his best to escape and lost his 23 . He tried to climb in from the window, but he 24 down and made a terrible no ise. His wife 25 and cried, — Help! Thieves! II Some one called the police and a truck full 第2页共10页 went out 21 to play cards with his friends when his wife slept. When he was going home at 5. A. No, you can C. No, you n eed n t. t. ——It was wet and foggy. A. How was the weather like? B. No, you don D. No, you aren ' t. B. What ' s the air like? t. 6. I ' m the VCD is very A. surpris ing …in terest ing B. surpris ing …in terested C. surprised …in terest ing D. surprised …in terested 7. People usually —Hello I I to each other when they make a phone call. A. say B tell C.talk D.speak A. is B. does C. doesn ' t D. isn 't 9. I ofte n e-mail my pen friend, but e-mails me. A. everybody B.anybody C. somebody D. nobody 10. ---Our family are traveling to Germany for the Beer Festival. —— ! A. Con gratulati ons B. See you later 11. Why don ' t you come ____ earlier? A. a few B. a little C. Have fun C. much more D. Take care D. many more 12. This is _____ bedroom. The twin sisters like it very much. A. Anne and Jane B. Anne ' s and Jane ' s Anne and Jane ' s C.Anne ' s and Jane D. 13. There is ______ A. a; an II in _____ word B. an; the —foot II C. the; the D. an; / 14. There are few ____ in the fridge. L et ' s go and buy some carrots and cabbages. A. vegetables B. fruit C. meat D.eggs A.will come; will be B. comes; is C. will come; is D. comes; will be Last Sun day Betty saw a movie C. What ' s the temperature? D. What was the weather like? 8. I like pop music very much, but my father _______


南湾街道学校第三届. …__…__小学英语阅读竞赛试题…__…__…_选择正确的答案。一、根据短文内容,_…__ _.题_Zara got up at seven o'clock. But it was raining and Yesterday was Saturday. _.:…号…ke a cake. she couldn't go out to play, she felt bored. She helped her mum ma考…… 's delicious. She After that she was hungry. She ate the cake with her mum. That 答 . , so she drank some water. Then the rain stopped. Zara went out was very thirsty . … … to play, and she was very happy. … … 要 1. 根据文章内容,选择短文正确顺序的图片。)( . .… A. … …

:…名姓不. .…… … …

内B. . … … … …

线 .:.…级C. …班… … …

封 .. … … … … in Chinese? ”2. What's the meaning of the word “thirsty () 密 高兴的 C. 口渴的 A. 饥饿的 B. .. … :…3. The weather was ________ at seven a.m. )(校…学… B. sunny A. rainy C. cloudy …… 4. Who made the cake? )(. A. Zara's mum B. Zara C. Zara and her mum ()5. Did Zara go out at last? A. Yes, she did. B. No, she didn't. C. We don't know. 二、根据短文内容, 在横线上填上正确的信息。 Kate is a new student. She is twelve. She is from America. She can speak English very well and she can speak a little Chinese. She lives in Nanjing. Her parents are doctors. Kate is studying in a school near her home. She has classes from Monday to Friday. On Saturdays and Sundays, she often plays games with


PEP小学英语文化知识汇总 一、饮食文化 1、西餐礼仪 the knife is on the right . 刀放置于右边 the fork is on the left. 叉置于左边 The spoon is beside the knife. 勺子置于刀的旁边 The plate is in the middle.盘子放在中间 2、饭后甜点dessert 的介绍 It's something sweet, like pudding, fruit or ice-cream…饭后吃一些甜食,比如布丁、水果、冰激凌等等 3、Traditional Chinese food中国传统食品 sweet dumplings汤圆zongzi粽子mooncake月饼dumplings饺子 二、节日文化 1、Women's Day妇女节 2、Children's Day儿童节 3、Christmas 圣诞节 Merry Christmas圣诞快乐 Father Christmas圣诞老人 Christmas Tree 圣诞树turkey火鸡gifts礼物 4、西方节日 Mother's Day is the second Sunday in May.母亲节在五月份第二个星期天 Father's Day is the third Sunday in June.父亲节在六月份第三个星期天 In America Thanksgiving Day is the fourth Thursday in November. 在美国,感恩节在十一月份的第四个星期四 In Canada Thanksgiving Day is the second Monday in October. 在加拿大,感恩节在十月份的第二个星期一 三、生活常识及日常标志的认识 1、出口、入口和卫生间标志: entrance入口exit出口women's女卫生间men's男卫生间 2、不同国家的紧急求救码emergency number 3、水零度结冰膨胀


听力部分(共四大题,计40分) I. 听辨单词(Words)(共10小题,计10分) A) 听音,从A,B,C三个选项中选择你所听到的单词。每个单词只读一遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 1. A. cake B. coke C. cute 2. A. big B. bag C. bed 3. A. long B. like C. line 4. A. book B. look C. foot 5. A. great B. green C. grape B) 听音,选出与你听到的单词相符的图片。每个单词读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上 II. 句子理解(Sentences)(共10小题,计10分) A) 听音,选出你所听到的句子。每个句子读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 11. A. Hello!I'm Sam. B. Hi!My dad is Sam. C. Hi! My name is Sam. 12. A. Is this an apple? B. Is it an orange? C. Is that an apple? 13. A. Show me your ruler, please. B. Close your book, please. C. Open your bag, please. 14. A. Who is that tall girl? B. Where is the little girl? C. How old is the tall girl? 15. A. What a nice day! B. What day is it today? C. What's the date today? B) 听音,看图,请根据所听问题选择正确的答语。每个句子读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 16. A. It's fifteen. B. It's twelve. C. It's sixteen.


小学英语趣味知识大积累 一、给单词找家,请将中英意思相符合的序号填在相应括号里。20’ 灯( ) 教室( ) 十二( ) 来自于( ) 对( ) 同学( ) 地板( ) 瓶子( ) 二十( ) 也许( ) A、classroom B、floor C、light D、twelve E、right F、twenty G、from H、bottle I、classmate J 、perhaps 二、连线。将下列姓名与他相对应的中文翻译连起来。10’ Sarah Miss White Mike Amy John 艾米萨拉约翰怀特小姐迈克 三、选择,用正确的中文或英文来回答问题。20’ 1、What’s in your classroom ?() A、电扇电灯操场 B、一个教室 C、桌子、椅子、窗户 2、Who’s your English teacher ?() A、Mr Sun B、Mrs Wang C、Miss Zhang 3、How many storybooks do you have ? () A、Five B、Five notebooks C、I like them. 4、What colour is your English book ? () A、two B、blue C、black 5、Do you like balloons ? () A、No, I don’t. B、Yes. It is. C、OK. 6、May I have a look ? () A、Sure, here you are. B、No. C、Not at all. 7、我的座位在哪里?() A、Wow ! It’s so big ! B、It’s near the door. C、It’s on the wall. 8、你的好朋友喜欢什么?() A、She is quite . B、She is painting . C、She likes music . 9、今天谁值日?()


小学六年级英语阅读竞赛试题 学校班别姓名成绩 一、阅读短文,判断对错,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。(20分) Long long ago, there was a little mouse. On a sunny morning, the mouse rode a bike to the park. On his way to the park, he met a big fat cat. He was very afraid of the cat. So he rode his bike away. However(然而), his bike broke. He had to take a bus home. When he got home, he was very hungry. He ate a bowl of noodles and drank a cup of milk. He broke the cup just after drinking the milk. So, he had to clean the floor. When he was cleaning the floor, his grandma came. He was very happy to see his grandma. His grandma cooked him a very delicious dinner. After dinner, they took a long walk in the park. However, they saw a snake there and ran away at once. When they went back home, they were very tired. They took a bath and then went to bed. ()1、Long long ago, there was a small mouse. ()2、he mouse went to the park by bus on a cloudy morning. ()3、He met a big cat in the park. ()4、He was very happy to see the cat. ()5、He went home by bus. ()6、He ate noodles and drank milk because he was hungry. ()7、When he was cleaning the floor,his grandpa came. ()8、His had delicious food for dinner. ()9、He saw a tiger in the park after dinner and he ran away at once. ()10、In the evening he was very tired. 二、看图完成下列对话:(20分) 1. A: What are these ? 2. A: that man in the jeep?


小学英语文化知识的培养 谈起英语教学,人们往往会想到语音、词汇、语法或听、说、读、写等术语。这是传统英语教学只重视语言知识和技能传授的结果。而在新颁布的《英语课程标准》中,将文化意识与语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略作为综合语言运用能力一个必不可少的组成部分作了具体描述。强调文化意识是得体运用语言的保证。这五个方面共同促进综合语言运用能力的形成。这充分肯定了文化学习在语言学习中的必要性和重要性。美国语言学家E.Sapir说:“语言的背后是有东西的,而且语言不能离开文化而存在。” 语言和文化密不可分,语言有丰富的文化内涵,英语学习中有许多跨文化交际的因素,这些因素在很大程度上影响对英语的学习和使用。因此,要在跨文化交际中做到准确、无误和得体的交流,必须了解基本的文化背景知识。在英语学习的起始阶段,就应该重视文化教学,这其中包括两个方面的内容,一是文化知识的传授,一是跨文化意识的培养。在小学英语教学中,如何在语言教学过程中让学生了解一定的文化知识,渗透文化意识呢?在这里谈几点自己看法。 一、挖掘教材中隐含的文化背景知识 教材是教学的重要资源。我们现在使用的小学英语教材中,没有将文化知识单独列出来,而是通过语言知识体现出来。教师在课堂教学中要善于观察,激活教材内容,挖掘文化内涵,将教材中涉及到的具有文化特意性的内容加以介绍讲解。 1、利用词汇教学,传授文化知识。 词汇教学既是小学英语教学的一个重点,也是一个难点。提高词汇学习的趣味性和有效性,除了运用图片、实物、游戏这些教学方法以外,教师要努力探索,另辟奚径,挖掘单词所蕴涵的文化知识,将单词及相关的文化背景同时讲解给学生,它能激发学生的学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛,使学生不仅更好的掌握所学单词,而且从中了解更多的中外文化的异同。如在教授有关数字单词时,为了避免单词教学的枯燥乏味,教师可以把一些数字所承载的西方风俗、宗教等文化背景知识讲解给学生,以增强学生对单词的深刻理解。如“13”这个数字被西方一些国家和民族视为不吉利的数字,西方人千方百计避免和“13”接触。西方国家一些地方的高楼没有13层,房牌号没有13号。其中的原因据说来源于宗教典故,背叛耶稣的传道者犹大是最后的晚餐中的第13个客人,晚餐的日期恰逢13日,“13”给耶稣带来苦难和不幸。从此,“13”被认为是不幸的象征。在教授有关食物的单词“sandwich,cookies,ice cream”等时,教师可以先让学生列举出中国孩子经常吃的食物,通过中西方饮食文化的对比,加深对异国文化的理解。 2.通过课文对话,渗透文化意识。 小学英语教材中的对话内容,尽量为学生创设了一种真实的情景。让学生学到最自然、最地道的英语。其中所蕴涵的文化知识也最丰富,为我们进行跨文化教学创造了条件。教师可以结合对话内容适时介绍以英语作为母语国家或民族的风土人情、传统习俗、生活方式等。加深学生的印象,增强学习效果。河北版小学英语第二册第三课对话教学“Would you like some soup?”是关于饮食文化的。教师在教授对话时可以同时介绍一些西方的就餐礼仪。结合对话告诉学生当和外国朋友一起就餐时,当他问你是否需要哪种食物时,需要就说“Yes, please.”, 不需要就说“No, thanks.”.千万不要抱着别人这么热情,不要不好意思的心理。这样反而会让你很尴尬。因为西方人认为,凡是放到自己盘子里的都必须吃光。学生在了解了这些文化背景后,不仅能加深对对话内容的理解,而且能够在跨文化交际中更加游刃有余。 3、将文化教学融于歌曲教学中。 现在使用的小学英语教材中收录了许多动听的歌曲。其中有些歌曲旋律优美,歌词活泼有趣,除了供欣赏之外,里面还蕴藏着英语国家的风俗文化。如果将他们很好的融于英语教学之中,不仅能调节课堂气氛,并能让学生在轻松愉悦中感受到语言的文化内涵。如“`Old


2013年全国小学生英语能力竞赛试题 一. 词性转换 1. sick(名词) 2. present(同义词) 3. happy(反义词) 4. worry (形容词) 5. open(反义词) 6. sea(同音词) 二. 选择题 ( ) 1. My dog came out . A. to play B. playing C. play ( ) 2. My sister made room a mess. A. him B. her C. they ( ) 3. There is going to a test on Thursday. A. is B. are C. be ( ) 4. I’m happy because my aunt will tomorrow. A. to come B. come C. coming ( ) 5. You must home before 12 o’clock. A. be B. comes C. goes ( ) 6. the end of the day Sandra asked me “ How do you feel?” A. In B. On C. At ( ) 7. Once upon a time Cinderalla with her stepmother and her two stepsisters. A. lives B. live C. lived ( ) 8. You can tell me your day. A. about B. with C. to ( ) 9. the future, please take a picture of nature. A. On B. In C. At ( )10. He TV at 4:00 yesterday. A. was watching B. watched C. watches 三.按要求写词。 1.have(第三人称单数) 2.photo (复数) 3.he(形容词性物主代词) 4.first(基数词) 5.should not(缩写) 6.them(主格) 7.sing (现在分词)8.must(否定形式) 9.I’ll (完全形式)10.I (宾格) 四.用所给介词填空。 (about, with, in, to, at) 1.I bring a lunch box school. 2.Let me tell you something my daily life. 3.I go to bed 9:00. 4.He doesn’t go out the evening. 5.My brother enjoys playing toy cars. 五.连词成句。 1. painting, hobby, is, my ( .)
