


1、单项选择 A 1.Although many young people are B.keen on going abroad, he prefers to stay and work in his own country. 2.After my mother finished cleaning up the house, she C.went on read today’s newspaper. 3.After the lecture,the students participating in it had a B.heated discussion on it. 4.All those expensive shoes are made C.by hand. 5.Anybody who has broken the law won’t escape D.being punished. 6.As a result, he succeeded B.reaching the castle but failed B.to find the way to enter it. 7.Although her marriage was very unhappy, Mrs.Stephens remained with her husband for the B.sake of the children. 8.American blacks were D.denied equal rights with the whites until the 1970s after many years of hard struggle 9. A baby learns to C.creep before it learns to walk. 10.As a result of the neglect of all safety rules, the workers C.were exposed to considerable danger. 11. A good dictionary is D.indispensable to the study of a foreign language. 12. B.By way of an excuse he said he was tired. 13.As they crossed Broadway, he came D.face to face with a new problem. 14.After Tom passed his driving test he B.filled out an application for his driver’s license. B 1.By improving his learning habits a C.average student can be a top one. 2. A.Followed by his students, the teacher entered the classroom. 3.But, because Barbary is all that D.matters to me for the time, I don’t suggest going away. 4.Because he stammered slightly, the other boys D.made fun of him. C 1.Chinese brown medicine has little side C.effect. 2.Children are very curious D.by nature 3.Candidates who wish to D.withdraw from the examination must notify the secretary immediately. 4.“B.Enjoy yourselves, children,” Mother urged the guests at our party. D 1.Do you enjoy listening to records? I find records are often D.as good as or better than an actual performance. 2.Don’t eat anything that will spoil your appetite D.for dinner. E 1.Everyone seemed to B.warn a blind eye to the rubbish on the floor. 2.Einstein was mathematical A.genius. F 1.Fruit in best and cheapest when it is D.in season. 2. D.Far from admiring his paintings, I dislike them intensely. 3.First the curtain D.caught fire and then the bedclothes. H 1.He is always kind, never cruel, B.either to people B.or to animals. 2. A.considering his age, he is unable to take the job. 3.He slipped and broke his leg. A.As a result he would have to away from school for two weeks. 4.His heart stopped C.beating just when we reached the hospital. 5.His parents couldn’t A.get through to him on the telephone, so they decided to go to his school and see what’s wrong. 6.How is Mary getting on C.with her study? 7.His father is very busy ever day. He can’t help complaining of the rapid B.pace of modern life. 8.He is the best candidate D.to carry out the plan. 9.He hurried to the railway station A.in the hope of catching the early train. 10.–Have you D.heard about Mr.Johnson? ----Yes, I read about him in a newspaper. 11.How about D.staying at home if we meet with a stormy day? 12.His D.total income of a year is $500. His yearly income D.totals $500. It reached D.atotal of $500 a year. 13.Her deeds are worthy C.of being praised. 14.He said the situation there was not bad as had been A.painted. 15.He said it in such clear terms that nobody was in any A.doubt about what was meant. 16.His business is growing so fast that he must take B.on more workers. 17.He is the manager of the company. He’s D.ind charge of it. 18.He said he had every D.confidence in his secretary; she would do the right thing. 19.He is said to be generous D.with his money. 20.He considers himself a great singer, and A.in a way he is justified. 21.He restricts himself C.to smoking two cigarettes a day. 22.Harris turned a page to two and the title of a poem D.caught his eye. I 1.It C.took millions of people several years to build the Great Wall. 2.I have always B.considered you my best friend. 3.If I take this medicine twice a day, it should B.cure my cold 4.It is B.considerate of you to turn down the radio while your sister is still ill in bed. 5.It’s not quite C.certain that he will be present at the meeting. 6.It was natural that he A.count the days before going home. 7.It was difficult to guess what her B.reaction to the news would be. 8.If you have a house full of children and rubbish, you will next keep it B.clean. 9.I was ashamed C.of when I lived. 10.It is impossible to know A.in advance what will happen. 11.If you A.check your paper carefully, some grammar mistakes can be avoided. 12.–I suppose you have got the post.----You B.have guessed it. 13. A.To be honest, I didn’t agree with what you said. 14.It has been raining for a week. I hope C.it will clear up. 15.I’m going to have my car A.repaired tomorrow morning. 16.I D.heard her talking about Mrs.Handerson whom I had never D.heard of. 17.If Mary B.is aware of all the dangers, she should change her mind. 18.If you were in my position, you would B.have some idea how I feel. 19.I prefer A.staying at home to A.playing outside. 20.If a person is exposed to constant noise, he may gradually B.suffer from a loss of hearing. 21.If it wasn’t an accident, he must have done it on C.purpose. 22.It is forecast that heavy rains are D.threatening to flood the area in a few days. 23.In his boyhood, he was slow C.in learning to read and write. 24.I never expected you do D.turn up at the meeting; I thought you were abroad. 25.I couldn’t find A.a large enough coat, and so I took this one. 26.I tried to call you A.up last night, but no one answered the phone. 27.I had not even a vague idea D.of what was going to happen. 28.If this is the case, how is he B.justified in blaming her? 29.In the D.preface to this book, we are given the reason why it has been republished. 30.I A.disapproved of the way he behaved at the meeting 31.“I don’t see that I have deserved any fame and I have no C.taste for it,” he once said. 32.I didn’t expect that these few books would come C.to so much. 33.I speak B.for my colleagues as well as myself when I thank you all for your great kindness. 34.Industrial countries A.consume a great amount of raw materials. 35.It’s no use ringing me at the office this week because I’m D.on holiday. 36.“I’ve been away a long time, and that name is not familiar A.to me.” 37.It si encouraging to note that in recent years, cigarette smokers have been B.on the decline, especially among older people. 38.I must count D.up how much money I’ve spent today. 39.If George cannot earn money for a bicycle, he will have to C.do without. 40.If you can make C.friends with her, so much the better. J 1.John’s sudden death was a great blow to his mother and it took her a long time to D.get over the grief. 2.Jimmy is the oldest boy and is taller than B.any other boy in the class. 3.Jim threatened to take C.revenge on the shirt factory that had fired him. L 1.---look! The flowers in the garden are growing lovely.------ how I wish I had a small piece of D.ground when I could plant some flowers of my own! 2.Let me see all the official A.documents concerning the sale of this land. 3.Let’s begin the lesson at the place where we left A.off last time. 4.Libyan demonstrators C.set fire to the U.S. embassy in Tripoli. M 1.---Mum, why do you always make me drink a cup of fresh milk.-----B.To get enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up. 2.My brother was such a C.handsome young man that many girls like him. 3.Mary’s parents couldn’t help C.worrying about her. 4.My family bought a second-hand car B.at the price of 500 dollars. 5.Many people complain of the rapid C.pace of modern life. 6.“My mother asked C.after you.”“How kind of her!” 7.Mary was not promoted because she dreamed too much and fell C.behind in her lessons. 8.Mike thought that he could get B.by with the minimum of work. His tutor quickly disabused him! N 1.Nearly all weather occurs in the lowest layer of the A.atmosphere. 2.Never D.tuouble trouble until D.trouble troubles you. O 1.Only when the rain stopped C.did the sports meeting start again. 2.Once he decided what he wanted, he would go C.after in with a single mindedness. R 1.Remember to turn off the gas when you go C.on holiday. S 1.Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology C.is changing go rapidly. 2.She took a A.glance at her watch and saw that it was already lunch time. 3. D. Grown-ups should be responsible for their own behavior. 4.She was caught spitting in public and fined ten yuan on the A.spot. 5.such customs were D.handed down from father to son. 6. B.Hundreds of students attended the party last night. 7.She A.held back, not knowing what to do or say. 8.She likes wearing D.boots at home, for they are very comfortable. 9.Since the boss of the department wasn’t in, we decided to have a meeting B.another day. 10.She changes her mind so A.constantly that no one wants to work with


国家电网公司招聘考试试题及答案 一、填空题 1、供电企业的服务宗旨是人民电业为人民,供电服务的八字方针是优质、方便、规范、真诚。 2、国家电网公司电力推进“内质外形”建设,树立真诚服务共谋发展的服务理念,全面加强“四个服务”,即服务于党和国家工作大局,服务于发电企业、服务于电力客户、服务于社会发展。 3、国家电网公司的企业精神是努力超越、追求卓越。 4、2005年4月8日,国家电网公司召开三公调度供电服务电视电话会议,向社会公开发布“三个十条”。这三个十条是指员工服务行为十个不准、三公调度“十项措施”、供电服务十项承诺。 5、建立以地市供电企业为核心的95598客户服务系统,为供电营业区内电力客户提供业务受理、用电咨询和查询、故障报修、投诉举报等服务。 6、营业场所单位名称按规定使用统一、规范的国家电网公司标识,公布营业时间。 7、国家电网公司大力推进特高压骨干电网建设,特高压电网是指交流1000千伏、直流800千伏电压等级的电网。 8、国家电网公司承诺,城市地区供电可*率不低于99.9%,居民客户端电压合格率不低于96%。 9、在电力系统正常状态下,客户受电端的供电电压允许偏差10KV及以下三相供电的,为额定值的+-7%;220V单相供电的,为额定值的+7%、-10% 10、供用电合同是指供电人向用电人供电、用电人支付电费的合同。《合同法》第一百七十六条供用电合同是供电人向用电人供电,用电人支付电费的合同。 11、用户依法破产时,供电企业应予销户,终止用电,在破产用户原址上用电的,按新装用电办理。 12、供电企业供电的额定频率为50HZ。 13、以变压器容量计算基本电费的用户,其备用的变压器属冷备用状态并经供电企业加封的,不收基本电费;属热备用状态或未经加封的,不论使用与否都计收基本电费。 14、用电计量装置包括计费电能表、电流电压互感器及二次连接线导线。 15、供电企业和用电应当根据平等自愿、协商一致的原则签定供用电合同。 16、电流互感器器的误差分为两种:一种为相位误差、一种为变比误差。 17、没有灭弧罩的刀开关不应分断带电流的负荷、而只作刀闸使用。 18、变压器在运行中,当铁损和铜损相等时效率最高。 19、人体与10KV及以下带电设备的安全距离为0.7米。 20、大工业用电的电价由基本电费、电度电费、功率因数调整电费三部分组成。 二、判断题 1、县及以上供电营业场所实行无周休日制度(√)。 2、因计算机系统出现故障而影响业务办理时,请客户留下联系电话,以便另约服务时间。(×) 3、接到客户报修时,应详细询问故障情况,如判断属客户内部故障,应立即通知抢修部门前去处理。(×) 4、供电企业必须配备用于临时供电的发电车,以加快故障抢修速度,缩短故障处理时间。(×)《国家电网公司供电服务规范》第二十条第(二)加快故障抢修速度,缩短故障处理时间。有条件的地区应配备用于临时供电的发电车。 5、按用户提出的电压、容量等要求提供电力是供电企业的法定义务。(×) 6、当电力供应不足,不能保证连续供电时,供电企业可自行制定限电序位。(×) 7、居民家用电器因电力运行事故造成损坏的,从损坏之日起十五天内,向供电企业提出索赔要求,供电企业都应受理。(×) 8、用电负荷是指客户的用电设备在某一时刻实际取用的功率总和,是客户在某一时刻对电力系统所要求的功率。(√)用电负荷是指用户在某一时刻用电设备实际取用的总功率


国家电网招聘考试笔试真题复习资料 考试形式: 从2013年开始,国家电网的校园招聘就采用“全国统考”的形式了,考试方式为“上机考试”,但是考试题都是客观题(选择和判断),预计未来也绝对不会有主观题了。 考试题型: 总共是155道题 其中专业部分: 单选50 多选25 判断25道题。 其他是55道是综合能力测试占35分。 考试题型基本就这样了,建议报考的同学做好复习准备,考试复习资料可以到资料网上面找一下,里面的资料还是非常齐全、详细的,比较有针对性!考试范围: 国家电网采取分专业统考的方式,所有专业都考行测+电网战略+企业文化+专业,其中其它专业类只考综合能力测试(行测+电网战略+企业文化),电网战略和企业文化是考试新加入的考点,各专业的重点科目如下(电网的大纲在官网上给出来了,所以我这里也就大致说下,不赘述); 1)电气专业:分为研究生、本科、专科,研究生重点为:电路原理、电力系统分析、电网络分析、高等电力系统分析;本科、专科重点为:电路原理、继电保护、电力系统分析、高电压技术; 2)计算机专业:重点科目为组成原理、操作系统、网络、数据库、数据结构; 3)电信通信专业:重点科目为电磁、通信原理、信号、计算机通信与网络、现代交换、宽带接入、数字传输等; 4)财务会计专业:重点科目为成本会计、财务管理、审计、税法等; 5)管理专业:管理专业是比较特殊的,因为今年的大纲并未给出具体的科

目,但是报名的时候还是给了2个方向,一个是人力资源管理,一个是技术经济管理(工程管理),重点要看好人力资源管理体系、薪酬管理、绩效管理、电力市场营销管理、管理统筹和现代管理等; 考试复习方法: 建议按照以下步骤复习: 1、走马观花看一遍知识点,了解大概的重点内容,让自己能大概蒙对题目; 2、做各知识点附带的练习题,把握出题的方向和方式; 3、认真细致的抠字眼式的看每一个知识点,熟练掌握知识; 4、做题海题库练习题,把握考试的重点知识分布; 5、对重点薄弱项目再看知识点; 考试大纲: 1.综合能力(35%)


2018国家电网考试题库、考试资料 11.诋毁商誉行为,是指经营者通过捏造、散布虚假事实等不正当手段,损害竞争对手的商业信誉和商品声誉,削弱对手竞争能力的行为。 根据上述定义,下列选项中不属于诋毁商誉行为构成要件的是: A.散布具有故意诋毁性质的言论 B.竞争对手受到了削弱 C.客体是同业竞争者的商业信誉和商品声誉 D.经营者采用了捏造、散布虚假信息的手段 12.海底:隧道:汽车 A.深山:洞穴:大炮 B.空中:航线:飞机 C.地下:管道:电缆 D.建筑:管道:雨水 13.下面哪一项立方体能由左面的图形折叠而成?

14.有甲、乙、丙三种花卉,分别是玫瑰、郁金香、风铃草,这三种花卉是从三个不同的国家运来的,分别是A国、B国和C国。下列条件是已知的:(1)花卉乙不是风铃草;(2)花卉乙不是从C国运来的;(3)花卉丙不是从A国运来的;(4)玫瑰不是从B国运来的;(5)风铃草是从A国运来的。 根据上述条件,可以推出花卉乙是: A.玫瑰 B.郁金香 C.玫瑰或郁金香 D.无法判断 15.附近的小区居住的几乎都是年轻人,有老人的家庭很少。但是绿柳路附近却有很多专门经营老年用品的商店,并且生意还相当不错。 以下最能解释这一现象的是: A.专门经营老年用品的商店是从绿柳路以外的批发商那里进货

B.居住在绿柳路附近的老年人虽然不多,但经常互相拜访 C.绿柳路附近的居民经常要回家看望父母,并为父母购买礼物 D.绿柳路附近的专门经营老年用品的商店所出售的商品物美价廉 16.国家电网公司自主创新的发展目标包括2030年实现()和谐统一,支撑构建全球能源互联网。 A.电网与资源环境 B.电力与资源环境 C.电网与交易环境 D.电力与交易环境 17.中国国家电网公司和有关机构在进行的中国-俄罗斯-欧洲电网互联项目可行性研究中,规划建设以中国()为起点。 A.西部 B.中部 C.东部 D.其他选项均不正确 18.党的十八届五中全会提出了“()”的五大发展理念,集中反映了我们党对经济社会发展规律认识的深化,


奕诚教育武汉校区国家电网校园招聘考试行测题(判断推理) 奕诚教育武汉校区国家电网校园招聘考试行测包含:言语理解、数理思维、判断推理、资料分析。 以下为奕诚教育武汉校区国家电网校园招聘考试行测题(判断推理) 1、下列古谚、古训不蕴含同一哲学原理的一组是() A.郑人买履;按图索骥;邯郸学步;对牛弹琴 B.鲁侯养鸟;张冠李戴;良莠不分;指鹿为马 C.千里之行,始于足下;千里之堤,溃于蚁穴;水滴石穿;防微杜渐 D.入山问樵,入水问渔;不入虎穴,焉得虎子;凡事要好,须问“三老”;百闻不如一见2、“曲高和寡”出自战国宋玉的《对楚王问》,这一成语的本义是曲调高深,能跟着唱的人就少,多指知音难得。引申义是言论或作品不通俗,能了解的人很少。如果从经济学的角度来理解,它所体现的道理是() A.价格应定在边际成本上 B.价格应定在消费者的需求线上 C.价格应该由政府整合调控好 D.价格应定在社会实际需求上 奕诚教育武汉校区国家电网校园招聘考试笔试行测题(推理判断)答案: 1、【解析】D。 A项,郑人买履,指郑人犯了教条主义错误,造成了买不到鞋子的后果,讽刺了那些墨守成规的教条主义者,说明因循守旧,不思变通,终将一事无成;按图索骥,用来比喻办事机械、死板,不求事物本质;邯郸学步,比喻模仿不成,反把自己原有的长处失去了;对牛弹琴,比喻说话不看对象,或对愚蠢的人讲深奥的道理。这四个成语均说明了一个哲学原理,即做

事情要实事求是,具体情况具体分析。 B项,鲁侯养鸟,说明好的愿望必须符合事实,如果只有主观愿望而违背客观实际,好事便会变成坏事;张冠李戴,比喻认错了对象,弄错了事实;良莠不分,比喻好人坏人混杂在一起,难以区分;指鹿为马,比喻故意颠倒黑白,混淆是非。这四个成语均说明一个哲学原理,即从客观情况出发,实事求是。 C项,千里之行,始于足下,比喻事情的成功,是从小到大逐渐积累起来的;千里之堤,溃于蚁穴,比喻小事不注意会酿成大祸或造成严重的损失;水滴石穿,比喻只要坚持不懈,细微之力也能做出很难办的事,也比喻只要有恒心,不断努力,事情就一定能成功;防微杜渐,指在错误或坏事萌芽的时候及时制止,不让它发展。这四个成语均说明一个哲学原理,即量变引起质变。 D项,入山问樵,入水问渔,指一切从实际出发,具体问题具体分析;不入虎穴,焉得虎子,比喻不经历最艰苦的实践,就不能取得真知;凡事要好,须问“三老”,体现的是经验来自实践的原理;百闻不如一见,表示亲眼看到的远比听人家说得更为确切可靠。第一个、第三个词语,主要说明的是经验的重要性,第二个、第四个词语,主要强调的是实践的重要性,所以D项符合题意。 2、【解析】A。 “曲高和寡”在经济学角度,想说明的情况是,如果我们出售一种产品把价格底线订得太高,无论是商家也好,还是广大消费者也好,肯定也会出现“曲高和寡”的现象。从经济学来分析这一现象,说明商品有两种价格,一是它的生产成本;二是消费者愿意出的价格。前者位于商品的边际成本线上,后者位于消费者的需求线上。这两种价格是彼此独立的,互相不发生影响。微观经济学的全套理论证明了一条重要原理,即价格应定在边际成本上(边际成本就是指在一定产量水平下,增加或减少一个单位产量所引起成本总额的变动数,用以判断增、



1、(D)没有专门的灭弧装置,它不能带负荷关合或拉开。A 负荷开关 B 断路器 C 自动开关 D 隔离开关 2、(A)类缺陷为紧急缺陷,使设备不能继续运行,必须立即处理。A I类 B II 类 C III 类 3、用做保护接地线或保护接中性线的绝缘导线的颜色为(C)A 黑色 B 淡蓝色 C 绿/黄双色线 4、高压导线断落地面,救护人员要进入距落地点8-10米范围内抢救触电者救护人员必须(E). A 快步进入 B 戴绝缘手套 C 小步迈 进 D 戴安全帽 E 穿绝缘靴、双脚并拢、稳步跃进 5、在拉、拽、搬动触电者时,应(D),使触电者脱离电源。 A 用金属或潮湿的物品做工具 B 赤手迅速动作 C 可触及触电者的皮肤或其贴身衣 服 D 用干燥、绝缘的木棒、竹竿、衣物、手套和绳索

6、人站在干燥的木梯上带电安装灯具,为了站稳,可以一手安装,另一手(C) A 也不能扶墙 B 可扶墙 C 可戴绝缘手套扶墙 7、高压设备接地,室内不得接近接地点(E)以内A 20米 B 10米 C 80米 D 6 米 E 4米 8、围绕计费电能表窃电,窃电量按(B)计算。 A 窃电者用电设备容量*窃电时间 B 计费电能表标定电流值所指的容量*窃电时间 9、窃电时间无法查明,则每日窃电时间,动力用户按(D)计算。 A 4H B 6H C 8H D 12H E 24H 10、发、供电设备容量是按系统最大负荷需求量安排的,它对应电力成本中的容量成本,是以(C)计算基本电费。 A 用户实际用电量 B 用户实际用电量/功 率因数 C 用户用电的最高需求量或变压器容量


2018国家电网电气专业考试资料、考试试题题库2018国家电网第一批招聘专业中电气专业招聘人数最多,二本及以上都有机会报名参加考试,电气资料在各大专业中也是资料最多的一个专业。下面分享一部分新出版的国家电网电气资料及模拟题: 1.标明“100Ω,4W”和“100Ω,25W”的两个电阻串联时,允许加的最大电压是()。 A.40V B.70V C.60V D.140V 2.在三相四线制供电线路中,三相负载越接近对称负载,中线上的电流() A.越小 B.越大 C.不变 D.无法确定 9.静电场是()。 A.无散场 B.漩涡场 C.无旋场 D.既是有散场又是漩涡场 10.导体在静电平衡下,其内部电场强度()。 A.为零 B.为常数 C.不为零 D.不确定 11.静电场中,点电荷所产生的电场强度的大小与场点到点电荷的距离大小() A.成正比 B.成反比 C.平方成正比 D.平方成反比 12.小电流接地电网中线路电流保护常用()接线方式。 A.两相不完全星形 B.三相完全星形 C.两相电流差 D.单相式 13.变压器重瓦斯保护动作时将()

A.延时动作于跳闸 B.跳开变压器各侧断路器 C.跳开变压器负荷侧断路器 D.不确定 14.为了保护本线路的全长,限时电流速断保护的灵敏系数计算为() A.最小运行方式下本线路末端两相短路电流与动作电流之比。 B.最大运行方式下本线路末端两相短路电流与动作电流之比。 C.最小运行方式下本线路末端三相短路电流与动作电流之比。 D.最大运行方式下本线路末端三相短路电流与动作电流之比。 15.距离保护中的阻抗继电器,需要采用记忆回路和引入第三相电压的是() A.全阻抗继电器 B.方向阻抗继电器 C.偏移特性的阻抗继电器 D.上抛圆阻抗继电器 16.在给方向阻抗继电器接入电流、电压时,一定要注意不要接错极性,如果接错极性,就会出现 ()的后果。 A.拒动 B.误动 C.正方向故障拒动或反方向误动 D.损坏 17.继电保护反映电力系统元件和电气设备的(),根据运


国家电网招聘考试历年真题 中公国企招聘网为您提供招聘信息、备考资料、考试题库,历年真题等,国家电网招聘考试历年真题供学员参考,中公国企预祝各位考生考试顺利!以下信息仅供参考,一切以官方发布信息为准。 以下题均为2015年国家电网电工类考生回忆真题: 1:电路可以分为线性和非线性,也可以分为时变和() 考试回忆:选项有:时不变等等 2:有8条节点,9条支路,那么可以列出()个独立的节点电压方程 3:4条支路,6个节点,有()个网孔方程 4:Y型电阻转换成星型电阻,如何用语言描述公式 考试回忆:此题为判断题 5:并联的电容器两端()相等(选项有:电量、电压等等) 6:3个电阻值为3Ω的电阻并联后的电阻是多少? 7:电阻电感串联电路中,电阻为3Ω,电感为4Ω,那么总阻抗值为多少? 8:相量法是用来分析()电路 考试回忆:选项有:正弦稳态电路 9:一阶电路全响应的三要素 考试回忆:此题为多选题

10:RLC串联电路发生谐振的条件 考试回忆:(选项有:阻抗为0;WL>1/WC等等) 11:最大功率传输条件 12:二阶动态电路零输入,当R>2√L/C,方程有两个不等实根时,属于衰减振荡考试回忆:此题为判断 提13:电路理论里要用到哪些物理量? 考试回忆:选项:频率、电荷、弧度等等 14:一阶电路全响应是有()组成的 考试回忆:A强制响应+稳态响应 B零输出响应+稳态响应 C零输出响应+自由响应 D稳态响应+暂态响应 15:电路图的基本要求() 考试回忆:此题为多选,选项A 电压B 电流C节点D 支路 16:电路中不消耗能量的原件(多选) 考试回忆:A.电阻。B.电容。C.电感。D.非线性电阻 更多招聘信息,关注国企招聘网。


模拟试题一 Part I.单选(45%) 1.There’s something wrong with the thermometer. Don’t worry . I’ll make it works 。 2.Now people can learn huge amounts of information from the computer。 3.The expert you saw at the liaison meeting is a friend of mine 。 4.You have worked more carefully this week, for there are few mistakes in your calculation 。 5.Although the three workers got very tired in repairing the boiler, none of them would give it up。 6.Now computers can work out problems much faster than human beings。 7.There is too much cream on the cake。 8.Don’t worry. It is not difficult for us to treat the fault。 9.Ms, Chang doesn’t look well today . What is wrong with her? 10.I’d like to lend you my electrical engineering handbook, but you’d better not lend it to others。 11.I think English is quite different from Chinese。 12.— Excuse me, is this the way to Shanghai power Company? —No, I’m afraid it isn’t 。You’ve got the wrong road。 13.—Can you tell me where Shanghai power Company is? —sure, go down the street and turn left at the first crossing。 14.My wife is always busy with the housework 。 15.Engineer Zhou has learned English for five years 。 16.It is true that light travels faster than sound 。 17.The old man was so exited that he could hardly believe his eyes. The underlined part means almost not 。 18.—How can I get to your office? —You can take a taxi instead of walking there 。 19.Technicians are interested in the interesting introduction of advanced technology 。 20.Would you mind me using your calculator for a while? 21.pumps are widely used in coal-fired power plant to transport carious liquids 。 22.The thermocouple thermometers are used for temperature measurement 。 23.When we run a plastic comb through our dry hair the comb and the hair may have static electricity 。 24.Do not touch anything that runs electricity with your wet hands。 25.The sun is one of thousands of stars in the sky。 26.The equipment in substations protecting against direct thunder strikes is called lightning arrestor 。 27.The power transformer is used to change the voltage of the power grid for the purpose of power transmission 。 28.According to distribution equipment location ,it can be divided into indoor power distribution equipment and outdoor ones 。 29.The control panel of the steam turbine must be kept clean every day 。 30.In respect of environment protection the emission of dust, NO×,SO× etc must be limited。 Part II. 判断(15%) The Earth The earth is the home for us all. The earth turns round itself once every day, that’s why some people see sunrise and others see sunset at the same time。
