

Name:_________ Class:________ 1. Where were you last month? (China)

___________________________________ 2. Where were you yesterday? (Zhuhai)


3. Where was Peter last Sunday? (Zhongshan) ___________________________________

4. Where did you go last month? (Canada) ___________________________________

5. Where do you come from? (Thailand)

___________________________________ 6. Where did you come from?( Thailand)

___________________________________ 7. What was the food like in Zhuhai? (tasty) ___________________________________ 8. What is the food like in Thailand? (spicy) ___________________________________ 9. Were you happy in Zhuhai last winter holiday?

___________________________________ 10. Are you going to school on summer vacation?

___________________________________ 11. Was your father at home yesterday evening?

___________________________________ 12. What did you do yesterday? (read)

___________________________________ 13. What did you eat this morning?

(rice and tofu)

___________________________________ 14. What did Ben have for breakfast? (bread and juice)

___________________________________ 15. What did Lisa do yesterday?

(make a model)

___________________________________ 16. What did they do after that?( sing songs) ___________________________________ 17. Where did you go last Sunday? (beach) ___________________________________ 18. Where did they go? ( park.)

___________________________________ 19. Where did Ben and Lisa go on the weekend? (shopping mall)

___________________________________ 20. Did you go to the beach last week?

___________________________________ 21. Did Gogo ride his scooter at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday?

___________________________________ 22. Did Jenny play video games at home on Thursday?

___________________________________ 23. When did Gogo ride his skateboard last week? (4 p.m. Friday)

___________________________________ 24. When did your mother go to bed?

(10 o’clock)


25. What happened?

a)___________________ (typhoon)


(Many trees fall)

c)___________________ (hat)

26. What did you see?

(see chairs in the air)

___________________________________ 27. What happened to the windows?

(Many windows break)

___________________________________ 28. What happened to the girl?(see a snake)___________________________________ 29. What did people do the next day? (sweep the glass)


30. What are you going to do tonight?

(get a haircut)

___________________________________. 31. Are you going to write to your uncle?


32. Is your uncle going to meet some friends? ___________________________________.

33. Is your mother going to surf the net on vacation?


Name:_________ Class:________

34. What is your father going to do tomorrow? ( work)

___________________________________ 35. What’s the matter with you? (toothache) ___________________________________ 36. What was the matter with you? (cold)

___________________________________ 37. What should I do? (see the dentist)

___________________________________ 38. What's the matter with your mother? (earache)

___________________________________ 39. What should she do? (see the doctor)

___________________________________ 40. What's the matter with your father?

(a sore throat)

___________________________________ 41. What should he do? (take some medicine) ___________________________________ 42. Did you go to the hospital before?

___________________________________ 43. Did you take some medicine?

___________________________________ 44. Do you brush your teeth every day?

___________________________________ 45. What was the weather like last night? (nice)

___________________________________ 46. What is the weather like today? (fine)

___________________________________ 47. What will the weather be like on Friday? (sun, sunny)

___________________________________ 48. What are you going to do tomorrow? (take some photos)

___________________________________ 49. What will you do there? (see a movie)

___________________________________ 50. What will you eat tomorrow morning? (bread)

___________________________________ 51. Will you take some photos tomorrow?

___________________________________ 53. Will your dad play basketball the day after tomorrow?

___________________________________ 54. Will Susan plant trees next week?

___________________________________ 55. What will you need in rainy day? (umbrella and raincoat)

___________________________________ 56. What will you need in sunny day?( (sunglasses and a raincoat)


57. What will you do in a park?

a)________________ (kites)

b)________________ (ride my bike)

58. When will the rain stop? (Friday)

___________________________________ 59. When will the class begin? (8:30)

___________________________________ 60. When can you go swimming? (summer) ___________________________________ 61. Where will you go on Thursday?

(go to school)

___________________________________ 62. Can you go to the park on Friday?

___________________________________ 63. What will the weather be like tomorrow? (rain, rainy)

___________________________________ 64. What will the weather be like tomorrow morning? (wind, windy)

___________________________________ 65. What will the weather be like tomorrow afternoon? (snow, snowy)

___________________________________ 66. Will it be hot and sunny on Friday?

___________________________________ 67. Will there be wind in the evening?

___________________________________ 68. Will you take your sunglasses on Monday? ___________________________________ 69. What will you wear on Tuesday?

(T-shirt and shorts)


Name:_________ Class:________ 70. Will there be a living room in your new apartment?

___________________________________ 71. Will there be a balcony in your bedroom? ___________________________________ 72. Will your bedroom be big?

___________________________________ 73. Is there a living room?

___________________________________ 74. Are there any balconies?


75. How many bedrooms are there?

a)______________________ (three)


76. How many bedrooms will there be in your new apartment?

a) _____________________ (two)

b) ________________________(Two)

77. Do you often play video games?

___________________________________ 78. Does your father like watching TV in the living room?

___________________________________ 79. Does your aunt like surfing the net in the bathroom?

___________________________________ 80. Where can you do your homework in your apartment? (bedroom)

___________________________________ 81. Where can you watch TV? (bedroom)

___________________________________ 82. Who cook the dinner in your apartment? (father, mother)


83. What can you do in the living room?

a)_______________________________ (do my homework)

b) ______________________ (watch TV)

84. What can you do in your bedroom?

a)________________________ (clean up)


(put away my books)


(put away my toys)


(hang up my clothes)

85. Can you take out the trash? (sure,it)

___________________________________ 86. Can you hang up your clothes? (sure,them) ___________________________________ 87. Can you clean up your room, please? (sorry, busy)

___________________________________ 88. Can you put on your coat? (sure, it)


89. Can you put away your books?

a)__________________________(sure, them)


(sure, do it later)


语文五年级下册句子练习(1) P4 六按要求写句子 1,车窗外是没有山,没有水,也没有人烟的茫茫大戈壁。(缩句) P10 六按要求写句子 1,我是多么想念童年住在北京城南的那些景色和人物啊!(改为陈述句) 2,骆驼不声不响地咀嚼着从胃里倒出来的食物.(缩句) 3,我承认自己佩服骆驼的沉稳性格。(改为双重否定句) P12五、句子训练乐园. 1、“蜻蜓飞得那么快,哪里会追得上?”这是一个句。 把这个句子改为陈述句: 2、“蜜蜂则嗡嗡地飞着,满身绒毛,落到一朵花上,胖乎乎,圆滚滚,就像一个小毛球,停在上面一动不动了。”这是一个句,把比作。P14六、按要求写句子。 1、我在九岁的时候就发现了有关胚胎发育的规律。(缩句) 2、你知不知道下雨的时候,蝴蝶躲藏在哪里。(改为反问句) 3、老师向我们解释说:“梦里飞行,说明你们是在长身体呀。”(改为陈述句) 4、我忽然想起了自己的发现,忍不住情不自禁地笑出了声音。(修改病句) 班级姓名 P18六、按要求写句子。 |、大王怎么说齐国没有人呢?(改为陈述句) 2、从这以后,楚王不敢不尊重晏子了。(改为肯定句) 3、楚王说:“我原来想取笑大夫,没想到反让大夫取笑了。”(改为转述句)

1、难道他会从柴房里搬来一窝兔子吗?(改为陈述句) P21四、下面的语句都有重复啰嗦的毛病,请改正。 1、打电话时,我们要有礼貌,语气要简洁,表达要精炼。 2、我觉得这是想法不对的错误想法。 3,奶奶经常回忆过去的往事。 4,同学们要及时、尽快改正作业中的错误。 P22 五把下列反问句改为陈述句,体会表达感情的不同。 1、这比山还高比海还深的情谊,我们怎么能忘怀? 2、难道您担心我们会把您这位朝鲜阿妈妮忘怀? 语文五年级下册句子练习(2)P26 五按要求改句子。 1、你还算是个党员吗?(改为陈述句) 2、老汉冷冷地说:“可以退党,到我这儿报名。”(改为转述句) 3、老汉清瘦的脸上淌着雨水。(缩句) 4、全村人都过了桥,只剩下了他和小伙子。(修改病句) P29 五按要求写句子。 1、蔺相如想了一会儿,说:“我愿意带着和氏璧到秦国去。”(改为转述句)2,秦王我都不怕,会怕廉将军吗?(改为陈述句) P33五将下列反问句改为陈述句。 1,这时候天快晚了,你还过冈,岂不白白送了自家性命? 2,如果再跳出一只大虫来,却怎么斗得过?


五年级英语下册句子 1.When do you finish class in the morning ? We finish class at 1 o’clock. 2.When do you go back to school after lunch? At 2:30. 3.When do you usually eat dinner in Spain? Usually at 9:30 or 10 o’clock. 4.When do you do morning exercises? At 7 o’clock . 5.When do you get up ? I get up at 6:00 a.m. 6.Why are you shopping today ? My mum worked last night . 7.What do you do on the weekend ? I often watch TV and play ping-pong with my father . 8.Do you like the music , children ? Yes , we do . 9.Which season do you like best ? Summer . 10.Why do you like summer? Because I like summer vacation. 11.When is Tree Planting Day ? It’s in March . 12.When is the trip this year ? It’s in October . We’ll go to the Great Wall . 13.When is Mid-Autumn Day ? It’s usually in September or October . 14.When is April Fool’s Day ? It’s on April 1st . 15.When is your birthday ? My birthday is on April 4th .


精品文档 Unit1 人教版五年级下册单词表和常用表达法 饭eat breakfast 吃早a.m. 午前;上午 课have …class上……p.m. 午后;下午 行体育play sports 进运动why 为什么 动;运动exercise 活shop 去买东西;购物 锻炼do morning exercises 早work 工作 eat dinner 吃晚饭last 上一个的;刚过去的 clean my room 间打扫我的房sound 听起来好像 go for a walk 散步also 还;也 物买东go shopping 去西;购busy忙的 ;上(take 学习课)need 需要 take a dancing class 上舞蹈课play 戏剧;剧本 候;何时么时when 什letter 信 after 在()后时间居住live 开start 始island 岛 通常地;usually 惯常地是,一直always 总 Spain西班牙山洞;洞穴cave 迟晚late;获胜win 3.What do you usually do on the weekend? 1.When do you get up ? 你什么时候起床?你周末通常做什么? 4.I usually watch TVand play ping-pong. '2.I often get up at 7oclock.

我经常点起床。7我通常会看电视和打乒乓球。精品文档. 精品文档 Unit2 which 哪一个spring 春天best 最好地夏天summer snow 雪autumn 秋天good job做得好winter 冬天because 因为节season 季vacation 假期picnic 野餐all 全,完全去野餐go on a picnic pink 粉色;粉色的pick 摘;采集lovely 可爱的;美丽的摘苹果pick apples leaf 叶子雪人snowman fall 落下;【美】秋天make a snowman 堆雪人paint 用颜料绘画,日常安排 3.What do you often do in summer? 1.Which season do you like best? 你在夏天经常做什么?你最喜欢哪一个季节? 4.I often go swimming. 2.Autumn./I like autumn best. 我经常去游泳/秋天。我最喜欢秋天。 精品文档. 精品文档


第一课 按要求写句子 1、深红的太阳发出夺目的亮光。(缩句) 2、微风吹拂着千万条才展开带黄色的嫩叶的柳。(缩句) 3、马克思和恩格斯在长期的共同斗争中建立了伟大的友谊。(缩句) 4、小河流过原野。(扩句) 5、几匹牦牛在草滩上慢慢地走来走去。(改拟人句) 6、老师对小明说:“小明,你帮我把作业本端到办公室去。”(转述句) 第二课 按要求写句子。 1、一座古朴典雅的“丝绸之路”巨型石雕,矗立在西安市玉祥门外。(缩句) 2、这真是一条伟大的路啊!(改反问句) 3、古井像一位温情的母亲,用甜美的乳汁,培养着故乡的儿女。(改病句) 4、我们像百灵鸟一样在祖国的大花园里放声歌唱。(缩句) 5、暴风雨像一片巨人的瀑布遮天盖地卷过来。(缩句) 6、雨下起来。(扩句) 第四课 按要求写句子。 1、经过反复观测、分析和实验,他们终于制服了逞凶一时的冻土。(缩句) 2、在极度缺氧的高原环境中修建青藏铁路是艰难的。(改反问句) 3、我觉得这个碗很重,怎么也送不到嘴边。(用夸张手法)

4、我们必须认真克服并善于发现学习上的毛病。(改病句) 5、他凑到我的耳边轻轻地问我见过电灯吗。(改直接引语) 6、诸葛亮对鲁肃说:“你借给我二十条船。不过不能让都督知道,他要是知道了,我的计划就完了。”(改转述句) 第五课 按要求写句子 1、曹操说,江上雾很大,他们看不清虚实,不要轻易出动。(改直接引语) 2、小明对小红说:“如果我明天早上没来,请帮我请假。”(改转述句) 3、充足的氧气沿着长长的管道,源源不断的送进隧道里。(缩句) 4、作为一名少先队员,一定要讲一点文明。(改双重否定句) 5、我很喜欢参加自然博物馆。(改病句) 6、春风吹遍了大地。(扩句) 第六课 按要求写句子 1、骆驼在沙漠里不声不响地咀嚼着从胃里倒出来的食物。(缩句) 2、我想念童年住在北京城南的哪些景色和人物。 改为感叹句: 改为反问句: 3、我的幼稚心灵中却充满和大人不同的稀奇古怪的想法。(缩句) 4、母亲低声对我说,记住,昨天是我爹被害的日子。(改直接引语) 5、蔺相如对秦王说:“我看您并不想交付十五座城。现在璧在我手里,您要是强逼我,我的脑袋和璧就要向柱子上撞。”第七课


Starter Unit 预备单元 1.Do you like read ing books? 2.Do you like stickers? Yes, I do. No,I don’t. 3. Does your sister like listening to music? 4. Does your sister like music? Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t. 5. Is your mother a teacher(职业)? Yes,She is. No,she isn’t. 6. Are you a student(职业)? Yes,I am. No,I am not. 7. Have you got many shells? Yes,I have. No, I haven’t. 8. Has he got a little brother? Yes,he has. He hasn’t. 9. Is there a ghost in the room ? Yes,there is. No, there isn’t. 10. Are there any chairs in the room? Yes, there are. There aren’t . 11. How are you feeling today? I’m happy\angry\ scared\tired. 12. How does he (your father) go to work?

He goes to work by car。(他乘小车上班) 13. Where are you from? He’s from the UK. 14. Where is the phone- box(电话亭)? It’s near your school. 15. Where are the postcards(明信片) They’re in your desk. 16. When do you get up? I get up at half past seven. 17. When is your birthday? It’s on the 20st of November. 18. When does she get up? He gets up at quarter to eight. 19. I dream I can get up at nine o’clock. I dream there is a magic pen (神笔) in my hand. 20. What is your favourite season? It’s summer. 21. What day is it? It’s Monday. 22. Whose new dress is it? It’s Emma’s. 23. Welcome back to now ,everyone. 24. Enjoy your time in class! 25. Let’s Rock until the English lesson ends. 26. Sing,dance and rock with me. 27. Come on , It’s a lovely day!


Unit 1 一天的活动 1. eat breakfast 吃早饭 2. have…class 上……课 3. play sports 进行体育运动 4. exercise 活动;运动 5. do morning exercises 做早操 6. eat dinner 吃晚饭 7. clean my room 打扫我的房间 8. go for a walk 散步 9. go shopping 去买东西;购物 10. take 学习;上(课) 11. dancing 跳舞;舞蹈 12. take a dancing class 上舞蹈课 13. when 什么时候;何时 14. after 在(时间)后 15. start 开始 16. usually 通常地;惯常地 17. Spain 西班牙 18. late 晚;迟 19. a.m. 午前;上午 20. p.m. 午后;下午 21. why 为什么 22. shop 去买东西;购物 23. work 工作 24. last 上一个的;刚过去的 25. sound 听起来好像 26. also 还;也 27. busy 忙的 28. need 需要 29. play 戏剧;剧本 30. letter 信 31. live 居住 32. island 岛 33. always 总是;一直 34. cave 山洞;洞穴 35. go swimming 去游泳 36. win 获胜

Unit 2 季节及其活动 1.spring 春天 2.summer 夏天 3.autumn 秋天 4.winter 冬天 5.season 季节 6.picnic 野餐 7.go on a picnic 去野餐 8.pick 摘;采集 9.pick apples 摘苹果 10.snowman 雪人 11.make a snowman 堆雪人 12.go swimming 去游泳 13.which 哪一个 14.best 最;最高程度地 15.snow 雪 16.good job 做得好 17.because 因为 18.vacation 假期 19.all 全;完全 20.pink 粉色;粉色的 21.lovely 可爱的;美丽的 22.leaf (复数leaves) 叶子 23.fall 落下;【美】秋天 24.paint 用颜料绘画 Unit 3 月份和节日 1.January 一月 2.February 二月 3.March 三月 4.April 四月 5.May 五月 6.June 六月





P13 The World’s Biggest Library The biggest library in the America . It is the Library of Congress in Washington D.C. The library was started in 1800.Today ,it has over 118 million items---books,maps,important old papers ,films ,DVDs,CD-ROMs and other things. The library is a wonderful place for reading and studying .Every day many people go there to ask for their studies.They can borrow books from the library.They can also read quietly in the library all day . Also , hundreds of people ask questions and get answers over the phone .Throungh the Internet ,the library can help can help more and more people around the world . P25 Special Shops in the World Wu Di’s grandma doesn’t like green tea or black tea . She only like Wulong


五年级下册句子练习 班级姓名 一、按要求改写句子。 1、这是一条伟大的路。 改为感叹句: 改为反问句: 2、魔术师的精彩表演,让在场的人们惊呆了。 改为把字句: 改为被字句: 3、一座古朴典雅的“丝绸之路”巨型石雕,矗立在西安市玉祥门外。 缩句: 4、全长1338米的风火山隧道终于胜利贯通了! 5、两千多年后的今天,每当人们凝望“丝绸之路”巨型石雕,无不引起对往日商贸、文化繁荣的遐想…… 改为肯定句: 6、我的幼稚心灵中却充满了和大人不同的稀奇古怪的想法。 缩句: 7、我是多么想念童年住在北京城南的那些景色和人物啊! 改为反问句: 8、母腹中的胎儿再现了从简单生命进化成人类的过程。 缩句: 9、我的身体是那样轻盈,可以随心所欲。 改为比喻句: 10、樱桃树和李子树都不大结果子。觉得他们并不存在。 (从“虽然……但是……”“因为……所以……”中选一组将这两个句子连成一句话。)

11、我往往把谷穗当作野草割掉。 改为被字句: 12、我看骆驼咀嚼。 扩句: 13、从这以后,楚王不敢不尊重晏子了。 改为肯定句: 14、接待的人把晏子的话传给了楚王。 改为被字句: 15、她的眼睛在烛光下显得异常可爱。 改成比喻句: 16、难道你不用蜡烛就不行吗? 改成陈述句: 17、楚王只好吩咐大开城门,迎接晏子。 改为双重否定句: 18、大王怎么能说齐国没有人呢? 改陈述句: 19、这比山还高比海还深的情谊,我们怎么能忘怀? 改为陈述句: 20、您为我们付出了这样搞的代价,难道还不足以表达您对中国人民的友谊? 改为陈述句: 21、蔺相如说:“秦王我都不怕,会怕廉将军吗?” 画横线的句子改写成陈述句: 22、蔺相如走到秦王面前,说:“请您为赵王击缶。” 改转述句: 23、周瑜长叹一声,说:“诸葛亮神机妙算,我真比不上他!” 改转述句: 24、小嘎子围着胖墩儿蹦来蹦去。


五年级下册单词、句型 This is My Day 单词: do morning exercises 晨练eat breakfast 吃早饭 have Engllish class 上英语课play sports 进行体育活动climb mountains 爬山go shopping 买东西 play the piano 弹钢琴visit grandparents 看望(外)祖父母go hiking 去远足when 什么时候 evening 晚上get up 起床 at 在……点钟usually 通常 weekend 周末often 经常 sometimes 有时候 句子: When do you eat dinner? 你几点钟吃晚餐? I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening. 我晚上7:00吃晚餐。 When do you get up? 你几点钟起床? I usually get up at 12:00 noon. 我通常中午12点钟起床。 What do you do on the weekend? 你周末通常做什么? Usually I watch TV and go shopping. Sometimes I visit my grandparents. 我通常看电视和购物。有时我会去看望我的外祖父母。 I often play football. Sometimes I go hiking. 我经常踢足球。有时我去远足。

Unit 2 My Favourite Season 四会单词: spring春天summer夏天fall秋天winter冬天season季节which哪一个best最;极swim游泳fly kites放风筝skate滑冰make a snowman 堆雪人plant trees种树why为什么because因为sleep睡觉 重点句子: 话题2:季节时态:一般现在时 1.Which season do you like best ? I like spring best.(Spring.) 你最喜欢是什么季节?我最喜欢春季。 2.What is your favourite season? My favourite seson is spring.(Spring.) 你最喜爱的季节是什么季节?我最喜爱的季节是春季。 3.Why do you like summer? Because I can…….(Because it’s warm ,windy and sunny.) 你为什么喜欢夏天?因为我可以……(因为天气是……) 4.I like summer, because I can swim in the lake. 我喜欢夏天。因为我可以在湖里游泳。 5.Spring is good ,but fall is my favourite season. 6.春天是好的。但秋天是我最喜欢的季节。 6.What’s the weather like in fall in Beijing? It’s sunny and cool. 秋天的北京是什么天气?是晴朗和凉爽的。 7.What season is it in March in Beijing? It’s spring.


五年级第二学期单词表Get up 起床 do morning exer cises 做早操 do the dishes 洗碗碟 do an experiment 做实验 eat breakfast 吃早餐 eat lunch 吃午餐 eat dinner 吃晚餐 cook dinner 做饭 clean the room 清洁房间 listen to music 听音乐 Take pictures 照相 answer the phone 听电话 draw pictrures 画画 read a book 读书 write a letter 写信 write an e—mail 写电子邮件 write a report 写报告 Have English class 上英语课 have a picnic 野炊 play sport 做运动 play the piano 弹钢琴 play chess 下棋 plant tress 种树 Climb tress 爬树 climb mountains 爬山 fly kites 放风筝 go shopping 购物 go hiking 郊游 visit grandparents 探望外祖母 Count insects 书昆虫 watch insects 看昆虫 wash clothes 洗衣服 catch butterflies 捉蝴蝶 pick up leaves 摘树叶 collect leaves 搜集树叶 Fly 飞 Fight 打架 Jump 跳 run 跑

walk 走 climb 爬 sleep 睡觉 swing 荡秋千 swim 游泳 skate 滑雪 drink water 喝水 Sping 春天 Summer 夏天 Fall 秋天 winter 冬天 season 季节 hot 炎热 cold 严寒 cool 凉爽 warm 暖和 windy 有风 cloudy 多云 snowy 下雪 January一月June六月March三月April四September九月November十一月 February二月July七月May五月August八月October十月December十二月 First一号fifth五号ninth九号twelfth十二号 Third三号fourth四号eighth八号twentieth二十号 Second二号 mom妈 kangaroo袋鼠 honey 蜜糖 he他she她it它they他们we我们(are is am)是 his他的her她的their他们的our我们的my我的your 你的which when what where why because best 哪一个什么时候什么哪里为什么因为最


人教版五年级下册句子练习 1、热情好客的主人来到几十里外欢迎远客。(缩句) 2、歌声似乎好像比什么语言都要更响亮,都更感人。(修改病句) 3、大家的眼睛都集中到了主席台上。(修改病句) 4、妈妈对我说:“你好好养病吧,我已经向你的老师请假了。”(改写为第三人称转述句) 5、经过反复观测、分析和实验,他们终于制服了逞凶一时的冻土。(缩句) 6、风火山,这座万年冰山露出了狰狞的面目,给筑路大军来了一个下马威!(仿写拟人句) 7、在极度缺氧的高原环境中修建青藏铁路是艰难的。(改为反问句) 8、鄂温克姑娘们戴着尖尖的帽子,既大方,又稍有点儿羞涩,来给客人们唱民歌。(缩句) 9、骆驼也脱掉它的旧驼绒袍子啦!(改为“把”字句) 10、我的幼稚心灵中却充满了和大人不同的稀奇古怪的想法。(缩句) 11、我是多么想念童年住在北京城南的那些景色和人物啊!(改为反问句) 12、从这以后,楚王不敢不尊重晏子了。(改为肯定句)

13、橘树一种到淮北,就只能结又小又苦的枳,还不是因为水土不同吗?(改为陈述句) 14、楚王说:“我原来想取笑大夫,没想到反让大夫取笑了。”(改为转述句) 15、春秋末期,大国都是齐国和楚国。(修改病句) 16、她的眼睛显得异常可爱。(改为比喻句) 17、他们懂得要不惜生命去保护这个秘密。(改为反问句) 18、在这个安全的地方。不至于被该死的德国佬发现。(用恰当关联词连成一句话) 19、橘树一种到淮北,就只能结又小又苦的枳,这是因为水土不同。(改为反问句) 20、德国军官那几双饿狼般的眼睛正盯在越来越短的蜡烛上。(缩句) 21、打电话很方便。打电话的时候要注意一个问题。(用恰当的关联词连成一句话) 22、猛然间,一个浪头也吞没了他。(改为“把”字句) 23、老汉冷冷地说:“可以退党,到我这儿报名。”(改为转述句) 24、山洪咆哮着,像一群受惊的野马,从山谷里狂奔而来,势不可当。(仿写句子) 25、全村人都过了桥,只剩下了他和小伙子。(修改病句) 26、捐出70元。能帮助非洲的孩子挖一口井。(用恰当的关联词连成一句话)


五年级下册英语单词句 子练习 公司内部编号:(GOOD-TMMT-MMUT-UUPTY-UUYY-DTTI-

五年级下册单词与句子练习卷一单元知识点一、主要单词: 晨练,做早操___________________ 吃早饭___________________ 去远足 ___________________ 上英语课___________________ 进行体育活动___________________ 吃晚饭___________________ 吃午饭 ___________________ 爬山 __________________ 购物___________________ 弹钢琴 ___________________ 看望(外)祖父母___________________ 二、主要句子: 你什么时候吃晚饭 _________________________________________________________ 我晚上七点吃晚餐 _________________________________________________________ 你什么时候起床 _________________________________________________________ 我通常在中午12点起床。 _________________________________________________________

你在周末干什么_________________________________________________________我通常看电视和购物。 _________________________________________________________ 有时候我去看望我的外祖父母。 _________________________________________________________ 我经常踢足球。_________________________________________________________有时候我去远足。 ________________________________________________________ 第二单元知识点一、主要单词: 季节___________春天_____________夏天____________ 秋天_____________冬天____________游泳_____________ 放风筝 _____________ 滑冰_____________ 堆雪人_____________种树_____________ 主要句子: 你最喜欢哪个季节 ____________________________________________________ 我最喜欢冬天。 _________________________________________________________ 夏天是很好,但是冬天是我最喜爱的季节。 _____________________________________________________________________ _________ 你为什么喜欢夏天 _________________________________________________________


五年级英语下册单词表第一单元 1.eat breakfast 2.have …class 3.play sports 4.exercise 5.do morning exercises 6.eat dinner 7.clean my room 8.go for a walk 9.go shopping 10.take 11.dancing 12.take a dancing class 13.when 14.after 15.start https://www.360docs.net/doc/1214168208.html,ually 17.Spain https://www.360docs.net/doc/1214168208.html,te 19. a.m. 20.p.m. 21.why 22.shop 23.work https://www.360docs.net/doc/1214168208.html,st 25.sound 26.also 27.busy 28.need 29.play 30.letter 31.live 32.island 33.always 34.cave 35.go swimming 36.win 1.吃早饭 2.上……课 3.进行体育活动 4.活动运动 5.做早操 6.吃完饭 7.打扫我的房间 8.散步 9.去买东西购物 10.学习上课 11.跳舞舞蹈 12.上舞蹈课 13.什么时候何时 14.在(时间)后 15.开始 16.通常地惯常地 17.西班牙 18.晚迟 19.五千上午 20.午后下午 21.为什么 22.去买东西购物 23.工作 24.上一个的刚过去的 25.听起来好像 26.还也 27.忙的 28.需要 29.戏剧剧本 30.信 31.居住 32.岛 33.总是一直 34.山洞洞穴 35.去游泳 36.获胜

1.spring 2.summer 3.autumn 4.winter 5.season 6.picnic 7.go on a picnic 8.pick 9.pick apples 10.snowman 11.make a snowman 12.go swimming 13.which 14.best 15.snow 16.good job 17.because 18.vacation 19.all 20.pink 21.lovely 22.leaf leaves 23.fall 24.paint 1.春天 2.夏天 3.秋天 4.冬天 5.季节 6.野餐 7.去野餐 8.摘采集 9.摘苹果 10.雪人 11.堆雪人 12.去游泳 13.哪一个 14.最最高程度地 15.雪 16.做得好 17.因为 18.假期 19.全完全 20.粉色粉色的 21.可爱的美丽的 22.叶子 23.落下秋天(美语) 24.用颜料绘画


最新人教版五年级下册语文句子专项练习及答案 一、按要求完成下列句子练习。 1.《西游记》的作者是吴承恩写的。 修改病句:__________________________________________________。 2.我永远感到读书是我生命中最大的快乐! 改为双重否定句:______________________________________ 3.我之所以把“诸”念作“者”,是因为我只学过“者”字。(改成先因后果的句子) ______________________________________________________________。4.冰心说:“我给一个儿童刊物写了‘读书好,多读书,读好书’九个字。”(改为转述句) ______________________________________________________________。5.读《三国演义》,我们可以领略到诸葛亮舌战群儒的风采。(仿写句子)(1)读《西游记》,________________________。 (2)读《_____》,_______________。 6.此后,我决定咬了牙拿起一本《三国演义》,自己一知半解地读了起来,居然越看越明白。“___”一词表明作者暗下决心,“_______”表示作者读书的结果出乎意料。 7.同时,书看多了,我也学会挑选、比较。句中的“挑选、比较"能否调换位置?为什么? ______________________________________________________________。8.“读书好,多读书,读好书”这句话有三层意思,请试着说一说。 ______________________________________________________________。 二、按要求完成句子练习。 1.这样,它们可以带着儿女住在里面,既.舒适又.安全。(用加点的关联词语造句) _________________________________________________________


英语主要句子 Module 1 1、Life was very different in China many years ago、许多年前中国的生活很不同。 2、We lived in a small house、We didn’t have enough food、 我们住在一个小房子里。我们没有足够的食物。 3、Look,lingling!It’s a progamme about China、瞧,玲玲!它就是一个关于中国的节目。 4、Thank you for talking to us、 谢谢您对我说这些。 5、China is changing、 中国正在变化。 6、Lingling is still in the with Sam and Amy、 玲玲仍然与萨姆、埃米在英国。 7、Yesterday I watched TV with my grandchildren、昨天我与我(外)孙子(女)一起瞧电视了。 8、He has got strong legs、He can jump really far、她有强壮的腿、她能跳的很远。 9、She didn’t have television or a radio、 她没有电视机,也没有收音机。 10、I hope you are well、 我希望您(们)一切都好。 11、How was it different? 它就是怎样不同的? Module 2 1、Did your grandma learn any foreigh languages? 您(外)祖母学习过外语不? 2、Twenty years ago,Mr Li was a teacher、He taught Chinese、二十年前,李先生就是一位老师。她教语文。 3、It’s my grandma、She was a dancer、She danced in lots of Chinese cities、 这就是我(外)祖母。她(曾经)就是一位舞蹈演员。她在中 国的许多城市跳过舞。 4、Did she learn any foreigh languages? 她学习过外语不? 5、They’re my grandparents、 她们就是我(外)祖父母。 6、He’s learning English now、 她现在正在学习英语。 7、He’s leaning English、Chen Hai is an English teacher、He’s teaching Mr Li、 她正在学习英语。陈海就是一位英语老师。她正在教李先 生。 Module 3 1、It’s a traditional English dish、 它就是一道传统的英国菜。 2、Look! I’ve got an email from Lingling、It’s about English food、 瞧!我收到一封来自玲玲的电子邮件。它就是关于英国食 物的。 3、Yesterday she had an English breakfast、 昨天她吃了一顿英式早餐。 4、What did she have for dinner? 她晚餐吃了什么? 5、Lingling had a sandwich because she does’t like hamburgers、She gave her hamburgers to Sam、 玲玲吃了一个三明治,因为她不喜欢汉堡包。她把她的汉 堡包给萨姆了。 6、I miss Chinese food、Tonight Mum is going to cook Chinese food for me、 我想念中国食物。今晚妈妈将要给我们做中国食物。 7、She had sandwiches、 她吃了三明治。 8、What did she have for breakfast? 她早餐吃了什么? Module 4 1、A friend sent these books and CDs to us、Let’s make a home library、 一位朋友寄了这些书与光盘给我们。让我们建一个家庭图 书馆。 2、There are lots of different ways to find formation on this topic、 有很多不同的方式可以找到关于这个话题的信息。 3、That’s a good idea、 那就是一个好主意。 4、These are all books about science、 这些都就是关于科学的书。 5、Let’s put them on this shelf、 让我们把它们放在这个架子上。 6、What are these big books? They’re heavy、 这些书就是什么?她们很重。 7、These are the library cards for our friends、 这些就是给我们的朋友的借书证。 8、Now we can ask them to come、 现在我们能邀请她们来了。 9、Where are the books about sports,please? 请问关于体育运动的书在哪里? 10、Oh,they’re in the wrong place、


新人教版五年级英语下册单元词汇表 Unit 1 一天的活动 1.eat breakfast 吃早饭 2.have…class 上……课 3.play sports 进行体育运动 4.exercise 活动;运动 5.do morning exercises 做早操 6.eat dinner 吃晚饭 7.clean my room 打扫我的房间 8.go for a walk 散步 9.go shopping 去买东西购物 10.take 学习;上(课) 11.dancing 跳舞;舞蹈 12.take a dancing class 上舞蹈课 13.when 什么时候;何时 14.after 在(时间)后 15.start 开始 https://www.360docs.net/doc/1214168208.html,ually 通常地;惯常地 17.Spain 西班牙 https://www.360docs.net/doc/1214168208.html,te 晚;迟

19.a.m. 午前;上午 20.p.m. 午后;下午 21.why 为什么 22.shop 去买东西;购物 23.work 工作 https://www.360docs.net/doc/1214168208.html,st 上一个的;刚过去的 25.sound 听起来好像 26.also 还;也 27.busy 忙的 28.need 需要 29.play 戏剧;剧本 30.letter 信 31.live 居住 32.island 岛 33.always 总是;一直 34.cave 山洞;洞穴 35.go swimming 去游泳 36.win 获胜 Unit 2 季节及其活动 1.spring 春天

2.summer 夏天 3.autumn 秋天 4.winter 冬天 5.season 季节 6.picnic 野餐 7.go on a picnic 去野餐 8.pick 摘;采集 9.pick apples 摘苹果 10.snowman 雪人 11.make a snowman 堆雪人 12.go swimming 去游泳 13.which 哪一个 14.best 最;最高程度地 15.snow 雪 16.good job 做得好 17.because 因为 18.vacation 假期 19.all 全;完全 20.pink 粉色;粉色的 21.lovely 可爱的;美丽的 22.leaf (复数leaves)叶子 23.fall 落下;【美】秋天
