《网络程序设计》期末总复习_最新版 苏大

《网络程序设计》期末总复习_最新版 苏大
《网络程序设计》期末总复习_最新版 苏大



另外,考试的读程序部分,要求能读懂Linux Berkeley Socket编写的程序、Windows Winsock编写的程序,其中Windows MFC程序要求能读懂书上的对话框界面的Talkc程序中的各个类的程序编写,也请转告各位同学。









2. 说明TCP/IP中,端口的概念和端口的分配机制。


对于TCP,或者UDP,将它们的全部65535个端口号分为保留端口号和自由端口号两部分。保留端口的范围是0—1023,又称为众所周知的端口或熟知端口(well-known port),其余的端口号,1024-65535,称为自由端口号,采用本地分配,又称为动态分配的方法。







3. 什么是网络应用进程的网络地址?说明三元组和五元组的概念。




4. 举例说明面向消息的协议与基于流动协议有什么不同。


















1. 实现套接字编程接口的两种方式是什么?



答: (p.29)





3. 什么是套接字?说明套接字特点。







4. 说明主机字节顺序和网络字节顺序的概念。










6. 原始套接字的编程基本步骤







7. 服务器端和客户机端操作流式套接口的工作过程。


8. 利用Unix操作系统的fork()系统调用,写出编制多进程并发执行服务器程序的基本编程框架。




1. WinSock规范与Berkeley套接口的区别是什么?


(b)select() 函数和FD_*宏。在Winsock中,使用select()函数时,应用程序应坚持用FD_XXX宏来设置,初始化,清除和检查fd_set结构。


(d)指针:所有应用程序与Windows Sockets使用的指针都必须是FAR指针。




(g)头文件:原来Berkeley套接字的多个头文件现在被包含在Winsock的一个头文件中:对Windows Sockets1.1的应用程序,只需简单地包含winsock.h就足够了,对

Windows Sockets2.x的应用程序,只需简单地包含winsock2.h就行了。



2. WinSock的注册和注销的过程


int WSAStartup( WORD wVersionRequested, LPWSADATA lpWSAData );


lpWSAData: 用来返回WinSockAPI实现细节的WSAData结构变量指针。


int WSACleanup ( void );

以解除与Winsock.DLL库的绑定,释放Winsock实现分配给应用程序的系统资源,中止对Windows Sockets DLL的使用。

3. 简要说明Unix/Linux操作系统和Windows操作系统对套接字网络编程接口的两种实现方式,这两种实现方式的差别体现在网络编程时有什么不同?

答:要想实现套接字编程接口,可以采用两种实现方式:一种是Unix/Linux的方法,在操作系统的内核中增加相应的软件来实现,在BSD Unix及起源于它的操作系统中,套接字函数是操作系统本身的功能调用,是操作系统内核的一部分。另一种是Windows的方法,通过开发操作系统之外的winsock函数库来实现,其中每个函数具有与Unix套接字函数相同的名字与参数,这样,套接字库就能向没有本机套接字的计算机上的应用程序提供套接字编程接口。


4. 画框图说明同步套接字的send函数的执行流程。



1. 说明构成应用程序的对象之间的关系。(有哪些对象以及各对象之间的关系)


2. 简述典型MDI(多文档)界面的MFC应用程序Test所包含的各个类及其基本功能。

答:(1) 应用程序类(CTestApp),派生于CWinApp,负责应用程序的初始化、运行和结束。

(2) 主边框窗口类(CMainFrame),由CMDIFrameWnd派生,用于管理菜单、工具条、加速键、文档边框窗口、视图窗口等,协调半模式状态等。

(3) 文档边框窗口类(CChildFrame),由CMDIChildWnd派生,MDI应用程序用文档边框窗口来包含视图窗口。




3. 说明MFC对象和Windows对象的关系。





4. 说明MFC对象和Windows对象的区别。(p.109 – p.110)







5. CObject类具有哪些特性?p.116






6. 说明应用程序、文档模板、边框窗口、视图和文档等的创建关系。






7. MFC应用程序的执行分为哪三个阶段?每个阶段主要做什么?








8. 以一个SDI界面的应用程序Test为例,说明该MFC程序由哪几个类构成,简述其启动、运行、退出的工作过程。





③在WinMain()中,该函数先取得本应用程序对象的指针pApp,此后会执行AFX内部初始化AfxWinInit()、应用程序全局初始化InitApplication(),然后,执行该应用程序实例对象自己特定的初始化InitInstance(),用户在此可重载该虚拟函数,做诸如创建文档模板、框架窗口、文档、视图, 建立它们之间的关联、显示窗口、更新窗口等窗口程序初始化工作;







③在WinMain()中执行的消息循环Run()中收到WM_QUIT消息后,则执行退出处理函数ExitInstance(),用户可重载此函数,如删除自己的对象(注意: MFC可以自动删除标准对象,如文档、视图和窗口框架等),退出消息循环,进而退出整个MFC应用程序。

9. 消息循环的过程是什么?p.124-125, 及图4.7


10. 应用程序的退出过程是什么?p.126


1)用户单击主窗口的关闭按钮,导致发送MFC发送标准命令消息ID_APP_EXIT,于是MFC 调用相应的CWinApp::OnAppExit()消息处理函数来完成对该命令消息的缺省处理,主要是向主窗口发送WM_CLOSE消息。



第五章MFC WinSocket类的编程













对应FD_READ事件,处理函数为OnReceive(); 将接收数据。

对应FD_WRITE事件,处理函数为OnSend(); 将发送数据。

对应FD_ACCEPT事件,处理函数为OnAccept(); 服务器端将接受待决的连接请求。

对应FD_CONNECT事件,处理函数为OnConnect(); 此时客户端将可使用该连接来传输


对应FD_CLOSE事件,处理函数为OnClose(); 将做该套接字被关闭时本方应做的结束善后工作。





(2)创建基于CSocketFile类的文件对象,并关联到套接字对象(使用已创建的CSocket 类对象的指针)。






(1)CSocket sockServ; // 创建空的服务器端监听套接字对象。

(2)sockServ.Create( nPort );

// 用众所周知的端口,创建监听套接字对象的底层套接字句柄。

(3)sockServ.Listen(); // 启动对于客户端连接请求的监听。

(4)CSocket sockRecv; // 创建空的服务器端连接套接字对象。

sockServ.Accept( sockRecv);

// 接收客户端的连接请求,并将其他的任务转交给连接套接字对象。

(5)CSocketFile* file ;

file= new CSocketFile( &sockRecv); //创建文件对象并关联到连接套接字对象。

(6)CArchive* arIn, arOut;

arIn = CArchive(&file, CArchive::load); // 创建用于输入的归档对象,

arOut = CArchive( &file, CArchive::store); // 创建用于输出的归档对象。

// 归档对象必须关联到文件对象。

(7)arIn >> dwValue; // 进行数据输入。

adOut << dwValue; // 进行数据输出。输入或输出可以反复进行。


sockServ.Close(); // 传输完毕,关闭监听和连接套接字对象。


(1)CSocket sockClient; // 创建空的客户机端套接字对象。

(2)sockClient.Create( ); // 创建套接字对象的底层套接字。

(3)sockClient.Connect( strAddr, nPort ); // 请求连接到服务器。

(4)CSockFile* file ;

file = new CSockFile( &sockClent); //创建文件对象,并关联到套接字对象。

(5)CArchive* arIn, arOut;

arIn = CArchive(&file, CArchive::load); // 创建用于输入的归档对象,

arOut = CArchive( &file, CArchive::store); // 创建用于输出的归档对象。

// 归档对象必须关联到文件对象。

(6)arIn >> dwValue; // 进行数据输入。

adOut << dwValue; // 进行数据输出。输入或输出可以反复进行。

(7)sockClient.Close(); // 传输完毕,关闭套接字对象。


1. MFC WinInet所包含的类有哪些,分别代表什么?

答:1. 会话类,为CInternetSession类,代表应用程序的一次Internet会话。


3. 文件类,首先包括CInternetFile类和由它派生的CHttpFile类和CGopherFile类,分别对应FTP文件、HTTP请求和Gopher文件的句柄封装;另外,由CFileFind类派生的用于文件查找的CFtpFileFind类和CGopherFileFind类也应归入文件类的层次。


2. MFC WinInet 各种类之间的关系













答:WinSock的两种I/O模式是:“阻塞”模式(Blocking Mode)或“非阻塞”模式,又称为同步模式或异步模式。



























①工作线程:执行完毕时用return 0;便会退出控制函数;

②用户界面线程:在某个事件处理函数中调用PostQuitMessage(),会发送出WM_QUIT 消息,在Run()消息循环中收到该消息便会自动退出消息循环、正常终止进程。








select(选择)-- 最基本的I/O模型,Unix/Linux Berkley Socket、Windows Winsock WSAAsyncSelect(异步选择)-- 窗口消息管理时

WSAEventSelect(事件选择)-- 同时管理一或多个套接字时

Overlapped I/O(重叠式I/O)-- 同时控制几个套接字时

Completion port(完成端口)-- 有大量I/O请求提供服务时










《英语语音》考试试卷(A卷、闭卷) I. , (15%) ()1. A. B. C. D. ()2. A. B. C. D. ()3. A. B. C. D. ()4. A. B. C. D. ()5. A. B. C. ()6. A. B. C. D. ()7. A. B. C. D. ()8. A. B. C. D. ()9. A. B. C. D. ()10. A. B. C. D. . (15%) ()1. A. B. C. D. ()2. A. B. C. D. ()3. A. B. C. D. ()4. A. B. C. D. ()5. A. B. C. D. ()6. A. B. C. D. ()7. A. B. C. D. ()8. A. B. C. D. ()9. A. B.

C. D. ()10. A. B. C. D. . . (15%) ( ) 1. A . ( ) 2. . ( ) 3. / i: / / ? /. ( ) 4. / k / / g / . ( ) 5. , . ( ) 6. . ( ) 7. a . ( ) 8. , . ( ) 9. A a a a . A . ( )10. . . . ( 1 , 20%) 1. () , , , , . , , ; , , . 2. A . 3. : , . 4. , a a , .

5. , : 1) ; 2) . V. . (20%). 1. “” . A. B. C. 2. . , . A. B. C. a 3. . A. B. C. 4. “”, “”, “”“”, “c”“k” . A. B. C. 5. “ .” . A. ’s . B. ’s . C. . 6. I’ . A. B. a C. 7. a ? A. B. C. 8. ? A. B. C. 9. a . A. B. C. ? 10. :


《模拟电子技术基础(一)》期末试题〔A 〕 一、填空题(15分) 1.由PN 结构成的半导体二极管具有的主要特性是 性。 2、双极性晶体三极管工作于放大模式的外部条件是 。 3.从信号的传输途径看,集成运放由 、 、 、 这几个部分组成。 4.某放大器的下限角频率L ω,上限角频率H ω,则带宽为 Hz 。 5.共发射极电路中采用恒流源做有源负载是利用其 的特点以获得较高增益。 6.在RC 桥式正弦波振荡电路中,当满足相位起振条件时,则其中电压放大电路的放大 倍数要略大于 才能起振。 7.电压比较器工作时,在输入电压从足够低逐渐增大到足够高的过程中,单限比较器的 输出状态发生 次跃变,迟滞比较器的输出状态发生 次跃变。 8.直流稳压电源的主要组成部分是 、 、 、 。 二、单项选择题(15分) 1.当温度升高时,二极管反向饱和电流将 。 [ ] A 增大 B 减小 C 不变 D 等于零 2.场效应管起放大作用时应工作在漏极特性的 。 [ ] A 非饱和区 B 饱和区 C 截止区 D 击穿区

3.直接耦合放大电路存在零点漂移的原因主要是 。 [ ] A 电阻阻值有误差 B 晶体管参数的分散性 C 晶体管参数受温度影响 D 受输入信号变化的影响 4.差动放大电路的主要特点是 。 [ ] A 有效放大差模信号,有力抑制共模信号;B 既放大差模信号,又放大共模信号 C 有效放大共模信号,有力抑制差模信号; D 既抑制差模信号,又抑制共模信号。 5.互补输出级采用射极输出方式是为了使 。 [ ] A 电压放大倍数高 B 输出电流小 C 输出电阻增大 D 带负载能力强 6.集成运放电路采用直接耦合方式是因为 。 [ ] A 可获得较高增益 B 可使温漂变小 C 在集成工艺中难于制造大电容 D 可以增大输入电阻 7.放大电路在高频信号作用下放大倍数下降的原因是 。 [ ] A 耦合电容和旁路电容的影响 B 晶体管极间电容和分布电容的影响 C 晶体管的非线性特性 D 放大电路的静态工作点设置不合适 8.当信号频率等于放大电路的L f 和H f 时,放大倍数的数值将下降到中频时的 。 A 0.5倍 B 0.7倍 C 0.9倍 D 1.2倍 [ ] 9.在输入量不变的情况下,若引入反馈后 ,则说明引入的是负反馈。[ ] A 输入电阻增大 B 输出量增大 C 净输入量增大 D 净输入量减小 10 [ ] A 、


高级英语期末考试题型: Lexical work: Unit 1 1.ego: self, especially as contrast with another self or the world 2.disparity: a noticeable difference 3.prestigious: having prestige,i.e. general respect or admiration felt for someone or something, because they have high quality, social influence, success, etc. 4.allot: give as a share or set apart for a purpose 5.typify: be a typical example of, show all the most usual characteristics of something Unit 2 1.minute: very small 2.chartered: hired for use by a particular group or person 3.a standing order: a permanent request(for something by a customer) 4.extract: obtain by much effort 5.trinket: a small ornament(as a jewel or ring)of little value 6.flapping: swaying loosely, and making a noise, especially when moved by wind Unit 3 1.disorientation: confusion, loss of one's bearings 2.vistas: sweeping views 3.eerie: frightening because of strangeness or gloominess 4.tactile: relating to the sense of touch 5.redemption: forgiveness from the consequences of sin and evil which Christians believe was made possible by Jesus Christ's death on the cross赎罪. This is a religious term. 6.congealed: stiffened 7.wino: one who is chronically addicted to drinking wine Unit 4 1.constraints: restrictions, limitations 2.scale: a graded series/scheme/system of rank of order; something graded especially when used as a measure or rule尺度 3.norm: a standard, e.g. of behaviour or ability, that is regarded as average or generally accepted 4.formalities: a way of writing letters in accordance with accepted rules for official occasion 5.tautologous:unnecessarily repetitive, obvious 6.veribage:too many unnecessary words in speech or writing Unit 5 1.sulk: be silently bad-tempered 2.surreal: having a strange dreamlike unreal quality 3.malevolent: having a wish to harm others, showing intense ill will; here, strong, adverse, harmful 4.torrential:(rain)pouring down rapidly and in great quantities 5.radically: drastically: severely 6.accentuate: make(something)more noticeable Unit 6


试卷代码: 南京城市职业学院2015-2016学年度第二学期 酒店管理专业酒店英语期末考试试题 班级:学号:姓名: 2016年6月 一、单选题(每题1分,共20分) 1、Good morning. _______ I help you? A、Would B、Must C、May D、Am 2、I would like to _________ a room, please. A.order B、book C、see D、look 3. It’s very kind __________ you to help me. A.of B、to C、by D、for 4. What’s the ________ for a double room? A. right B. rate C、money D、for 5. I would like to book a double room ________ bath. A. with B. of C、by D、for 6.Excuse me, sir. You need to ________ the form. A. fill in B. fill on C、fill of D、fill for 7.We are looking forward to __________ you. A. see B. saw C、seeing D、sees 8.I'm afraid we are fully booked _______ the 5th. A. with B. of C、by D、for 9.Do you want to pay _____ cash or _____ credit card. A. in in B. by by C、by in D、in by 10.The porter will show you _______ your room. A. with B. to C、by D、for 11.My flight will leave ______ 6 pm today. A. with B. on C、at D、for 12.The hotel is full and there is someone ________ your room. A. take B. To take C、takes D、taking 13.Let me _______ you with your luggage.


《模拟电子技术基础(1)》期末试题 (A 卷)参考答案及评分标准 一、填空(每空1分,共20分) 1. 双极型晶体管工作在放大区的偏置条件是发射结 正偏、集电结反偏。 2. 放大器级间耦合方式有三种: 直接 耦合; 阻容 耦合;变压器 耦合; 在集成电路中通常采用 直接耦合。 3. 差分放大器的基本特点是放大差模信号、抑制共模信号。 4. 乙类推挽放大器的主要失真是 _________ ,要消除此失真,应改 用甲乙类推挽放大器。 5. 图1所示两级放大电路,图中级间采用 阻容 耦合方式,h 接成 共基 组 态,T 2接成 共集 组态,R i 和R 2的作用是 为T1管提供基极偏置 。 I ------------ 1 ------------------------------ 曲叫 前卜L 6. 在阻容耦合放大器中,若要降低下限频率,应将耦合电容的值 增大。 7. 共射一共基组合电路中,由于共射电路的上限频率 小干 共基电路的上 限频率,故此组合电路的上限频率主要取决于 共射 电路。 8. 负反馈系统产生自激的条件是T (j ?) = -1,相应的振幅条件是T (j ) =1, 图1

相位条件是T 匸:吆

二、简答(共3小题,每小题5分,共15分) 1. 测得工作在放大电路中两个晶体管的三个电极电流如图 2所示 (1) 判断它们各是NPN 管还是PNP 管,在图中标出 答:见图中标识(判断NPN 管还是PNP 管各1分,标出e ,b ,c 极1 分, 共3 分) (2)估算(b)图晶体管的1和〉值 p 0.985 (各1分,共2分) 1 e , b ,c 极; I C 6 'LOT 60, 图2


2005 -2006 学年第二学期 《高级英语》期末考试试卷(A)参考答案 I.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words and phrases. (15%) 1. speaks volumes 2. in the vicinity of 3. at his disposal 4. acted as 5. oblivious 不知道的of 6. look up to 7. to no avail 8. follow suit 9. a battery of 10. in lieu of场所 11. unparalleled 12. reassuring 13. circulation 14. significance 15. engulfed II.Paraphrase the following sentences, especially paying attention to the underlined part. (20%)看要求评分 III.Proofreading (10%) The Great Depression first started in the New York Stork Exchange. In the 1920s, there were fatal flaws on the prosperity 1. in of the economy. Overproduction of crops depresses food prices, 2. depressed and farmers suffered. Industrial workers were earning better wages, but they still did not have enough purchased power to continue buying 3.purchasing the flood of goods that poured out of their factories. With profits soar and interest rates low, a great deal of money was available 4.soaring for investment, and much of tha t capital wen t into reckless 5. but speculation. Billions of dollars \that poured into the stock market, and 6 that frantic bidding boosted the price of share far above their real value. 7.shares As long as the market prospered, speculators could make fortunes overnight, but they could be ruined just as quick if stock 8.quickly prices fell. On October 24, 1929 –“Black Thursday” -- a wave of panic selling of stocks swept the New York Stock Exchange. Once started, the collapse of shares and other security prices could not be halted. By 1932, thousands of banks and over 100,000 businesses had been failed. Industrial 9. been production was cut in half, farm income had fallen by more than half, wages had increased 60%, new investment was 10. decreased down 90%, and one out of every four was unemployed in the USA. IV.Reading comprehension (25%) 1-5 BCADB 6-10 BCBCA 11-15 CCBCA 16-20 DDCCB 21-25 BAACA V. Text analysis (30%) 看要求评分。


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A. some modern women prefer a life of individual freedom. B. the family is no longer the basic unit of society in present-day Europe. C. some professional people have too much work to do to feel lonely. D. Most Europeans conceive living a single life as unacceptable. 5.What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage? A. To review the impact of women becoming high earners. B. To contemplate the philosophy underlying individualism. C. To examine the trend of young people living alone. D. To stress the rebuilding of personal relationships. Passage Two American dramas and sitcoms would have been candidates for prime time several years ago. But those programs -though some remain popular -increasingly occupy fringe times slots on foreign networks. Instead, a growing number of shows produced by local broadcasters are on the air at the best times. The shift counters longstanding assumptions that TV shows produced in the United States would continue to overshadow locally produced shows from Singapore to Sicily. The changes are coming at a time when the influence of the United States on international affairs has annoyed friends and foes alike, and some people are expressing relief that at least on television American culture is no longer quite the force it once was. “There has always been a concern that the image of the world would be shaped too much by American culture,” said Dr. Jo Groebek, director general of the European Institu te for the Media, a non-profit group. Given the choice, he adds, foreign viewers often prefer homegrown shows that better reflect local tastes, cultures and historical events. Unlike in the United States, commercial broadcasting in most regions of the world -including Asia, Europe, and a lesser extent Latin America, which has a long history of commercial TV -is a relatively recent development. A majority of broadcasters in many countries were either state-owned or state-subsidized for much of the last century. Governments began to relax their control in the 1980’s by privatizing national broadcasters and granting licenses to dozens of new commercial networks. The rise of cable and satellite pay-television increased the spectrum of channels. Relatively inexperienced and often financed on a shoestring, these new commercial stations needed hours of programming fast. The cheapest and easiest way to fill airtime was to buy shows from American studios, and the bidding wars for popular shows were fierce. The big American studios took advantage of that demand by raising prices and forcing foreign broadcasters to buy less popular programs if they wanted access to the best-selling shows and movies. “The studio priced themselves out of prime time,” said Harry Evans Sloan, chairman of SBS Broadcasting, a Pan-European broadcaster. Mr. Sloan estimates that over the last decade, the price of American programs has increased fivefold even as the international ratings for these shows have declined. American broadcasters are still the biggest buyers of American-made television shows, accounting for 90% of the $25 billion in 2001 sales. But international sales which totaled $2.5 billion last year often make the difference between a profit and a loss on show. As the pace of foreign sales slows -the market is now growing at 5% a year, down from the double-digit growth of the 1990’s -studio executives are rethinking production costs. 6. Which of the following best characterizes the image embodied in American shows? A. Self-contradictory B. Prejudice-free C. Culture-loaded D. Audience-targeted 7. The intervention of governments in the 1980’s resulted in __________ . A. the patenting of domination shows and movies B. the emergence of new commercial networks C. the promotion of cable and satellite pay-television D. the intense competition coming from the outside 8. The phrase “on a shoestring” (Para. 6) most probably means __________. A. in need of capital B. after a fashion C. on second thoughts D. in the interests of themselves 9. The main reason why American dramas and sitcoms are driven out of prime time is that ____. A. they lose competitiveness B. they are not market-oriented C. they are too much priced D. they fall short of audience expectations 10. American studio producers will give thought to production costs __________. A. if they have no access to popular shows B. because their endeavors come to no avail C. since bidding wars are no longer fierce D. as international sales pace slows down Passage Three How shops can exploit people's herd mentality to increase sales 1. A TRIP to the supermarket may not seem like an exercise in psychological warfare—but it is. Shopkeepers know that filling a store with the aroma of freshly baked bread makes people feel hungry and persuades them to buy more food than they had intended. Stocking the most expensive products at eye level makes them sell faster than cheaper but less visible competitors. Now researchers are investigating how “swarm intelligence” (th at is,how ants,bees or any social animal,including humans,behave in a crowd) can be used to influence what people buy. 2. At a recent conference on the simulation of adaptive behaviour in Rome,Zeeshan-ul-hassan Usmani,a computer scientist from the Florida Institute of Technology,described a new way to increase impulse buying using this phenomenon. Supermarkets already encourage shoppers to buy things they did not realise they wanted: for instance,by placing everyday items such as milk and eggs at the back of the store,forcing shoppers to walk past other tempting goods to reach them. Mr Usmani and Ronaldo Menezes,also of the Florida Institute of Technology, set out to enhance this tendency to buy more by playing on the herd instinct. The idea is that, if a certain product is seen to be popular, shoppers are likely to choose it too. The challenge is to keep customers informed about what others are buying. 3. Enter smart-cart technology. In Mr Usmani's supermarket every product has a radio frequency identification tag, a sort of barcode that uses radio waves to transmit information,and every trolley has a scanner that reads this information and relays it to a central computer. As a customer walks past a shelf of goods, a screen on the shelf tells him how many people currently in the shop have chosen that particular product. If the number is high, he is more likely to select it too.


模拟电路试题B卷 一.(24分) 1)射极输出器的特性归纳为:电压增益,电压跟随性好,输入阻抗,输出阻抗,而且具有一定的放大能力和功率放大能力,射极输出器的反馈类型是。 2)电压负反馈可以使放大器的输出稳定,电流负反馈可以使放大器的输出稳定。 3)在差分放大电路中,大小相等、极性或相位一致的两个输入信号称为信号;大小相等,极性 或相位相反的两个输入信号称为信号。 4)在导体中导电的是,在半导体中导电的不仅有,而且有,这是半导体区别于导 体导电的重要特征。 5)PN结正向偏置时,反向偏置时,这种特性称为PN结的。 6)晶体三极管有两个PN结,即结和结,在放大电路中结必须正偏, 结必须反偏。 7)晶体三极管有型和型两种类型。 8)画放大器的直流通路时,将视为开路,画交流通路时,将和视为短;.

路。 二.(1.9分,2.9分,3.6分,共24分) 1.放大电路如图所示,T为锗NPN管. (1)设V cc=12V,R c=3kΩ,β=70,如果要将静态工作点电流I c调至1.5mA,问R b要取多大? (2)电路参数同上,如果要将静态工作点的电压V CE调至3.3V,问R b应多大? (3)在调整静态工作点时,如稍不小心把R b调至零,这时三极管是否会损坏,为什么?为避免损坏,电路上可 采取什么措施? 得分 ;.

2.已知电路参数如图所示,R g1=300kΩ,R g2=100kΩ,R g3=2MΩ,R d=10kΩ,R2=10kΩ,+V DD=+20V,场效应 管工作点的互导g m=1ms,设r d>>R d (1)画出小信号等效电路; (2)求电压增益A v; (3)求放大器的输入电阻R i 3.下面电路其输入,输出波形如图所示 试问: a)此电路产生何种类型失真? (饱和?截止?) b)为消除此失真,应如何调节电阻R b? ;.


Final Test for English Majors of 2002 (Advanced English) I. Choose the best answer: 25% 1. She gave thanks for our contribution. A. procure B. profuse C. profound D. prodigious 2. and conspiracy will not succeed; the government will not be defeated. A. Subscription B. Subsidence C. Submission D. Subversion 3. A good friend will not desert one in time of . A. adversary B. adverse C. adversity D. advent 4. The psychiatrist gave that the man was insane at that time. A. evidence B. argument C. witness D. testimony 5. She is a woman of erect and handsome . A. carriage B. figure C. personage D. appearance 6. His with everything we suggest makes it hard to know what he really feels. A. alliance B. compliment C. compliance D. compassion 7. Diligent police work will help crime. A. endorse B. eradicate C. fluctuate D. radiate 8. Nutritionists food into seven basic groups. A. categorize B. clarify C. ratify D. separate 9. Only states are able to make treaties. A. sovereignty B. sovereign C. democratic D. democracy 10. diseases may be spread by viruses and bacteria. A. Deadly B. Mortal C. Fatal D. Infectious 11. His only is an occasional game of golf. A. diversification B. diversion C. diversity D. divergence 12. One of California?s most problems is an inadequate water supply. A. acute B. unusual C. persistent D. unexpected 13. Large areas of Alaskan land remain due to harsh climate. A. inaccessible B. immature C. desolate D. parched 14. Constant interruption of his work him. A. threshed B. tormented C. exasperated D. evaporated


Testing Paper Unit 1, 4, 5 Sky:陈人智、吴斌、马琴、苏红光 Group________ Name__________ Score_________ I. Listening (30%) I).Listen to the dialog between Gary and Paul and choose the best answer to each of the questions you hear on the recording. (2×5=10) (Unit 1 Part II Listening I) ()1.A.Eating and drinking. B. Dancing to the music. C. Standing around at the party. D. Talking with his girlfriend. ()2.A.Women who stay home doing housework. B. Women who stimulate his intellect. C. Women who pursue their own careers. D. Women who enjoy reading novels. ()3.A. Cleaning and cooking. B. Fixing things around the house. C. Washing the car and collecting the trash. D. Watching television and taking out the garbage. ()4.A.They are the same as his. B. They are quite progressive for the times. C. They reflect the views of earlier generations. D. They were shaped by their own family life. ()5.A. Visit his friend, Bob. B. Remain at the party to try to make new friends. C. Meet a woman who shares his interest in literature. D. Return home alone and spend the night with his dog. II).Listen to the passage and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write "T" for True and "F" for False in the spaces provided. (2×5=10) (Unit 4 Part III Practice One) ______6.Women and men play different roles in society because their physical structures are very different. ______7.Girl babies were found to differ a lot from boy babies in birth length, weight and irritability. ______8.Our parents, school, television and the Internet show us how we should behave. ______9.Male cartoon characters are usually more prominent than female characters. ______10.Nowadays, women are no longer expected to play their traditional roles. III).Listen to the interview and complete the following sentences with the exact words you hear(1×10=10) (Unit 1 Part Four Section III) 11. You throw a little boy a ball, and he will try to _______it 12. A baby boy will pick up a stick and _______it_______ a gun 13. When boys play with Barbie dolls, they like to _______their hair_______ 14. Boys couldn't_______ _______ if their hair is untidy 15. Boys grow their fingernails long because they're too _______ to _______ them. 16. At an early age, boys are attracted to _______ II Words and Expressions (40%) 1.assign __________________ 2.culturally__________________ 3.genetic _________________ 4.sex-biased__________________ 5.neatness ________________ 6.nursery_____________________ 7. carry over_______________ 8.fall behind __________________
