


I 阅读理解

Passage 1

The United States is full of automobiles. There are still many families without cars, but some families have two or even more. However, cars are used for more than pleasure. They are necessary part of life.

Cars are used for business. They are driven to offices and factories by workers who have no other way to get to their jobs. When salesmen are sent to different parts of the city, they have to drive in order to carry their products. Farmers have to drive into the city in order to get supplies.

Sometimes small children must be driven to school. In some cities school buses are used only when children live more than a mile from the school. When the children are too young to walk that far, their mothers take turns driving them to school. One mother drives on Mondays, taking her own children and neighbors’ children as well. Another drives on Tuesdays, another on Wednesdays, and so on. This is called forming a car pool. Men also form car pools, with three or four men taking turns driving to the place where they all work.

More car pools should be formed in order to put fewer automobiles on the road and to use less gasoline. Parking is a great problem, and so is the traffic in and around cities. Too many cars are being driven. Something will have to be done about the use of cars.

1. Many families in the U.S. own cars because ______.

A. cars are a source of pleasure for them

B. they need a car to form a car pool

C. they live more than a mile away from the school

D. cars form necessary part in their life

2. Which of the following groups is NOT mentioned though they certainly drive cars?

A. Office workers

B. Police and mail carriers

C. Salesmen and farmers

D. Factory workers

3. Paragraph 3 suggests that in the United States ______.

A. children have to walk to school

B. school buses take all the children to school

C. mothers drive children to school

D. families usually live within a mile from the school

4. “A car pool” most probably means ______.

A. a number of people sharing the use of a car

B. a place for parking cars

C. a group of tourists driving alternatively

D. a place for learning to drive

5. What is the author’s advice about the use of cars?

A. To provide larger parking spaces

B. To build better roads

C. To produce fewer automobiles

D. To form more car pools

Passage 2

Recent fires have destroyed much of Indonesian forests and pose the latest threat to the survival of the endangered orangutans (红毛猿). Thirty orangutans fleeing their burning forest home have been killed by villagers, who see the animals as crop raiders. Orangutan mothers have been killed so that their young can be captured and sold into the illegal wildlife pet trade. Orangutan experts continue to receive orangutan infants whose mothers have been killed while searching for food in plantations and fields.

The fires, caused by drought and coupled with fire-setting methods to clear forests, have destroyed more than two million acres. When fire gets into the rainforests’ layer of dry peat, it can burn slowly off and on for months or years after the original fire. These fires continue until heavy rainfall soaks the peat through and through. Orangutans once numbered in the hundreds of thousands, but their population has dropped to roughly 25000 due to fire, the destruction of forests from falling trees for timber and agriculture, and losses linked to the live-animal trade. Before the fires, only 40 percent of the orangutans’ original habitat remained, and now, their habitat has become even smaller.

1. What can be the best title for this passage?

A. Fires Drive Orangutans to Danger

B. Orangutans Are Precious Animals

C. Fires in Indonesia Keep on Flaming

D. Orangutans Endanger the Crops of Indonesia

2. Which of the following is true about villagers?

A. They set fire in order to kill orangutans for food

B. They are ignorant of wild life pets trade

C. They dislike orangutans because they destroy crops

D. They continue to receive orangutans infants

3. According to this passage, fires in Indonesia ______.

A. will not end until it starts to rain

B. will be eventually put out by human effort

C. will die out when the winds stop blowing

D. will only stop when the peat is totally wet

4. Some people buy orangutans because ______.

A. they want to save orangutans

B. they want to keep orangutans as pets

C. they want to build new homes for orangutans

D. they want to take care of orangutan infants

5. Which of the following is NOT a reason for the decreasing of orangutants in


A. The forests have been burned to make land for agriculture

B. Most of orangutans’ forests have been destroyed

C. Mother orangutans have been caught and sold in pet-animal market

D. Trees have been cut down for human profits

Passage 3

The structure of a family takes different forms around the world and even in the same society. The family’s form changes as it adapts to changing social and economic influences. Until recently, the most common form in North America was the nuclear family, consisting of a married couple with their minor children. The nuclear family is an independent unit. It must be prepared to fend for itself. Individual family members strongly depend on one another. There is little help from outside the family in emergencies. Elderly relatives of a nuclear family are cared for only if it is possible for the family to do so. In North America, the elderly often do not live with the family; they live in retirement communities and nursing homes.

There are many parallels between the nuclear family in industrial societies, such as North America, and families in societies such as that of the Inuits, who live in harsh environments. The nuclear family structure is well adapted to a life of mobility. In harsh conditions, mobility allows the family to hunt for food. For North Americans, the hunt for jobs and improved social status also requires mobility.

The nuclear family was not always the North American standard. In a more agrarian time, the small nuclear family was usually part of a larger extended family. This might have included grandparents, mother and father, brothers and sisters, uncles, aunts and cousins. In North America today, there is a dramatic rise in the number of single-parent households. Twice as many households in the United States are headed by divorced, separated, or never-married individuals as are comprised of nuclear families. The structure of the family, not just in North America, but throughout the world, continues to change as it adapts to changing conditions.

1.The title for this passage would be_________.

A. What Makes a Family.

B. The Life of the Inuits.

C. Living with Hardship

D. The Failure of the Nuclear Family.

2. A nuclear family is defined as__________.

A. a married couple with their minor children.

B. a single father with minor children.

C. parents, grandparents, and children.

D. parents, children, and aunts, and uncles.

3. The information in this passage would most likely be found in_________.

A. an anthropology textbook

B. a biology textbook

C. a mathematics textbook

D. a geography textbook

4. The information in the first paragraph is presented mainly through__________.

A. listing statistics

B. telling a story

C. pointing out similarities

D. pointing out differences

5. The word “mobility” means__________.

A. money

B. readiness to move

C. organization

D. skill Passage 4

As there are so many nationalities in America, people can find almost any kind of restaurants in most of the large cities. The telephone book lists restaurants for each city according to the name, area of the city, or kind of food. Restaurants in large cities vary greatly in price. Many restaurants put up their menus on the window so you can have some idea of the price and kind of food before you enter. If you can’t find the menu on the window, and you are not sure about how expensive the price is, ask to see a menu before you sit down at a table, or just ask about the price. Appearances from the outside can be misleading – what looks like a small, informal restaurant may really be very expensive, and what looks like a large, expensive one may be very reasonable.

You can get a meal for about $4 or $5 or a little more if you eat in a snack bar or coffee shop, but in most city restaurants you should expect to pay $8 to $ 10 a person for dinner, with alcoholic drinks and wine extra. Prices in New York City are even higher.

1.Restaurants in each city are listed in the telephone book according to the ___.

A. area of the city

B. name of the restaurant

C. kind of food

D. any of the above

2.Where can you see the menus in many restaurants?

A. on the tables

B. on the door

C. on the window

D. on the walls

3.To let people get some idea of ______ , many restaurants have their menu put up on the window.

A. the price of the food

B. the area of the city

C. the restaurant

D. the kind of service provided

4.In most city restaurants, what is the usual dinner price for a person?

A. $4to $6

B. $4to $8

C. $6to $8

D. $8 to $10

5.What does the passage intend to tell us?

A.P rices in New York are even higher

B.Restaurants in big cities vary greatly in price

C.Appearance of the restaurants from the outside can give you some wrong idea

D.A ny kind of restaurants can be found in most of the large cities

Passage 5

Your body works 24 hours a day. It’s alway s building and repairing, feeding and cleansing itself. Its goal is to be ready for your every movement, breath, and thought. The quality of your life depends on how well your body works. And how well your body works depends on how much energy it gets. Energy comes from the food you eat. Food contains nutrients that your body needs for growth and energy.

By eating a balanced diet, your body gets the six essential nutrients it needs. Minerals are nutrients that build bones and teeth. Minerals also form red blood cells and other substances. Water aids digestion and waste removal. Carbohydrates give your body its main source of energy. Two carbohydrates are sugars from foods such as fruits and vegetables and starches found in rice, potatoes, and bread. Fats help build cell membranes. Proteins repair and grow body tissues. Finally, vitamins help your

body use carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has created a nutritional food pyramid. It shows the daily number of servings you should eat from five food groups. The food pyramid has four levels. The base of the pyramid is the largest level. It contains the bread, cereal, rice, and pasta group from which you need six to eleven servings. The next level has two food groups: vegetables and fruits. The USDA recommends three to five servings of vegetables and two to four servings of fruit. The third level also has two groups: the milk, yogurt, and cheese group and the meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts group. You need two to three servings from each of these groups. The top of the pyramid is the smallest level. It contains fats, oils, and sweets. These foods have few nutrients, so eat them sparingly.

1.The title for this passage is________.

A.What You Need to Know About Fats

B.An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

C.Water: An Essential Nutrient

D.Eating for Life and Health

2.A balanced diet_________.

A. consists of foods from five food groups

B. includes many foods containing fat

C. includes six to eleven servings of fruit

D. can be obtained by taking vitamins

3.The first paragraph suggests that food__________.

A.is something that cleanses your body.

B.can improve the quality of your life.

C.should be eaten at night as well as during the day.

D.will make it easier for you to exercise.

4.To help the reader identify the six nutrients needed by the body, the author________.

A.describes the five basic food groups.

B.explains what a balanced diet is

C.writes the name of each nutrient

D.tells the number of daily servings needed from each food group

5.A nutrient is_________.

A. a substance that give the body energy.

B. a type of blood cell

C. a body tissue.

D. the quality of your life

Passage 6

Keep to the right. When they are walking on sidewalks, in hallways, or on stairways, in two opposite directions, Americans stay on the right side. This enables them to pass each other without physical contact and to go as quickly as possible.

Line up and wait your turn. When they are in the situations where a group of people want attention or service from someone, Americans line up. In the bank or at the theater box office, the latest person to arrive will step to the end of the line and

patiently wait their turn. This behavior shows that all people are equal, in the sense that no one has the privilege of going directly to the front of a line. It also shows they do not like touching, which is much less likely to happen in a line than in a crowd to get service.

First-come, first-served. Related to the “line up” rule is the first-come, first-served rule. Usually, people think that the person who arrives first gets attention first. Alternative ideas, such as giving priority to older people or richer ones or females, do not normally occur to equal-minded Americans.

Don’t block the traffic. Generally, Americans give priority to people who are moving rather than to those who are staying. A person who is in a moving crowd and who wishes to stop or to go more slowly than others is expected to move to the side or otherwise get out of the way of those who are continuing to move. It is considered inconsiderate to block people’s path.

In recent years an anti-smoking movement has made considerable headway in the United States. Some states and localities have prohibited smoking in certain public places. Large numbers of American smokers have discontinued doing so, and campaigns in the public schools are aimed at discouraging young people from taking up the habit. People who do smoke are likely to postpone having a cigarette until they are in a situation where they can smoke without “polluting” the air around non-smokers.

1.Which of the following can be inferred from Americans’ keeping to the right?

A.Americans dislike body touching

B.Americans love to make great progress in every field.

C.Most Americans are right-handed.

D.We can always find Americans walking in two different directions.

2.The behavior of lining up shows that Americans ______.

A.are patient except when they are in a hurry

B.are of the opinion that all people have equal rights

C.are not accustomed to a large population

D.need better service

3.Which of the following statements is true according to the text?

A.Americans often let old people be served first.

B.“Line up” rule is closely related to “keep to the right” rule.

C.If a person arrives first, he will get attention first.

D.Americans like to be served first.

4.From the text we know that Americans ______.

A.expect others to move to the side

B.often avoid blocking other people’s path

C.give way to the people who are standing instead of the people who are moving

D.fail to co nsider other people’s feelings

5.According to the text, campaigns in public schools are aimed at ______.

A.prohibiting young people from smoking

B.punishing young people for smoking when they are in non-smoking areas.

C.discouraging young people from smoking in public places

D.discouraging young people from establishing the habit of smoking

II 英译汉单选

1.The author wanted to modify the manuscript for a third time.





2.She even didn’t know the ABC of philosophy.





3.He was admitted to Harvard University and felt above himself.





4.The novel is above me.





5. I happened to be free last Wednesday.

A. 碰巧我上周三有空。

B. 上周三发生了免费的事情。

C. 下个周三我就自由了。

D. 上周三我发生太多事没有空。

6. The judge didn’t second his call although he had tried his best.

A. 法官并没有第二次给他打电话尽管他做的最好。

B. 尽管他尽了全力,也没能判断出是否支持他的请求。

C. 尽管他尽了全力,法官并没有支持他的请求。

D. 判断是否要给他打第二次电话要看他是否尽全力。

7. It’s estimated that about 30 passengers were killed in the bus accident.

A. 据估计大约30名乘客在公交车事故中丧生。

B. 他担心在公交车事故中丧生的30名乘客。

C. 他预计在公交车事故中丧生的乘客大约有30人。

D. 这30名乘客担心公交车会出交通事故。

8. Making full use of time doesn’t mean keeping on reading books from morning till night.

A. 时间都被从早到晚看书填满了。

B. 充分利用时间太没意思了,要从早到晚看书。

C. 从早到晚不停的看书的意思就是要充分利用时间。

D. 充分利用时间并不意味着从早到晚不停地看书。

9. The novel is so attractive that I can’t help staying up late to finish it.

A. 这本小说太吸引人了,我忍不住熬夜把它读完。

B. 这本小说太吸引人了,我晚上要熬夜不能帮你了。

C. 我今晚要留到很晚,不能读这本引人入胜的小说了。

D. 我要熬夜完成这本引人入胜的小说,就不帮忙了。

10. One false move may lose the game.

A. 一着不慎,满盘皆输。

B. 一旦失败永远失败。

C. 坚持不懈才能成功。

D 游戏当中不要掉以轻心。

11.There is kindness to be found everywhere.

A. 人间处处有温情。

B. 有种善良叫温暖。

C. 心存善良发现爱。

D. 心存善念。

12. Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.

A. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。

B. 世上并没有路,走的人多了,便有了路。

C. 没有追求就没有收获。

D. 时光流逝,不可复得。

13.A person's character isn't determined by how he or she enjoys victory, but rather how he or she endures defeat.





14.He is determined to continue his experiment,but this time he’ll do it another way.

A. 他继续他的实验,真是一个意志坚定的人,不过这次他将用另一种办法来做。

B. 他继续他的实验,真是一个意志坚定的人,不过在这个时间,他将用另一种


C. 他决心继续他的实验,不过在这个时间,他将用另一种办法来做。

D. 他决心继续他的实验,不过这次他将用另一种办法来做。

15. It is very important for nurses stick to this rule .

A. 对护士来说,把这项规定粘上是很重要的。

B. 对护士来说,反对这项规定是很重要的。

C. 对护士来说,推广这项规定是很重要的。

D. 对护士来说,坚持这项规定是很重要的。

16. Jane broke into tears when she learned that her husband had been injured in an ac cident.

A. 简得知丈夫在事故中受了伤便哭了起来。

B. 简摔倒哭了,她的丈夫也在一次事故中受伤了。

C. 简的丈夫得知简在事故中受了伤便哭了起来。

D. 简的丈夫摔倒哭了,简也在一次事故中受伤了。

17. Lennie was late for school again this morning. He must have stayed up too late l ast night.

A. 伦尼今天早晨上学又迟到了。肯定是昨晚又站了一宿。

B. 伦尼今天早晨上学又迟到了。肯定是昨晚又呆了一宿。

C. 伦尼今天早晨上学又迟到了。肯定是昨晚睡得太晚了。

D. 伦尼今天早晨上学又迟到了。肯定是昨晚玩得太晚了。

18. It was just too late, with all the details of preparing Christmas dinner and buying last-minute gifts, to take the time to select the “right bike” for our little girl.

A. 我们还要去准备复活节晚餐,购买最后的礼物,要去花时间为我们的小女儿选择一台合适的自行车,时间已经太晚了。

B. 我们还要去准备圣诞节晚餐,购买最后的礼物,要去花时间为我们的小女儿选择一台合适的滑板车,时间已经太晚了。

C. 我们还要去准备圣诞节晚餐,购买最后的礼物,要去花时间为我们的小女儿选择一台合适的自行车,时间已经太晚了。

D. 我们还要去准备复活节晚餐,购买最后的礼物,要去花时间为我们的小女儿选择一台合适的滑板车,时间已经太晚了。

19. Now there are people who are looking for immediate excitement from a risky activity which may only last a few minutes or even seconds.

A. 现如今有这样一群人,他们在从持续几小时甚至几天的极限运动中去寻找即时的快乐。

B. 现如今有这样一群人,他们在从持续几分钟甚至几秒钟的有趣运动中去寻找即时的快乐。

C. 现如今有这样一群人,他们在从持续几分钟甚至几秒钟的极限运动中去寻找


D. 现如今有这样一群人,他们在从持续几分钟甚至几秒钟的极限运动中去寻找即时的快乐。

20. You will find your teachers using English throughout your course.

A. 你会发现你的老师在会议中使用英语讲课。

B. 你会发现你的老师在整堂课中都使用英语讲课。

C. 你会发现你的老师在整堂课中都在使用德语讲课。

D. 你已经发现你的老师在整堂课中都在使用德语讲课。

III 英译汉段落(主观题)

To improve our English, it is critical to do more reading, writing, listening and speaking. Besides, learning by heart as many well-written essays as possible is also very important. Without an enormous store of good English writing in your head you cannot express yourself freely in English. It is also helpful to summarize our experience as we go along, for in so doing, we can figure out which way of learning is more effective and will produce the most desirable result. As long as we keep working hard on it, we will in due course accomplish the task of mastering English.

What does the Chinese Dream mean? To some, it is to buy a house in a big city and settle down there. To others, it is to have enough money to send their kids to college. As for me, the Chinese dream is to build her into a prosperous, wealthy and strong nation where people live a peaceful and happy life. In the past three decades, China has lifted some 600 million people out of poverty and a number of people have gotten very rich. However, there are still a large number of people being left behind. So I think we need to increase the income of the poorer sections of society and create a more egalitarian society, so that everyone is full of hopes for the future.

IV 汉译英段落(主观题)

2013年6月20日在中国各地,剧估计60万儿童和他们的老师观看了有宇航员(astronaut)王亚平在距离地球300公里的上空所讲授的科学课。王亚平与两个同事乘坐天宫一号实验舱(the Tiangon-1 laboratory module) 执行为期两周的任务。她在课上进行了一系列太空的物理演示。在有些演示中还对比了在地球上重力(one-gravity)环境下同样的实验。这堂物理课不仅让孩子们享受了一堂知识与乐趣兼具的物理课,也显示了我国通信科技的前进。


V 作文


第一章 1.GNP核算中的劳务包括() A.工人劳动 B.农民劳动 C.工程师劳动 D.保险业服务 2.下列产品中不属于中间产品的是:() A.某造船厂购进的钢材 B.某造船厂购进的厂房 C.某面包店购进的面粉 D.某服装厂购进的棉布 3.已知某国的期初资本存量为30000亿美元,它在该期生产了8000亿美元的资本品,资 本折旧为6000亿美元,则该国当期的总投资与净投资分别为()。 A.22 000亿美元和24 000亿美元 B.38 000亿美元和 36 000亿美元 C. 8 000亿美元和 6 000亿美元 D. 8000亿美元和2000亿美元 4.下列哪一项不是转移支付()? A. 退伍军人的津贴; B. 失业救济金; C. 贫困家庭补贴; D. 支付给公务员的工资 5.作为经济财富的一种测定,GDP的基本缺点是()。 A. 它测定的是一国国民生产的全部产品的市场价值; B. 它不能测定私人产出产量; D. 它不能测定与存货增加相联系的生产; C. 它所用的社会成本太多。 6.在国民收入核算体系中,计入GNP的政府支出是指()。 A.政府购买物品的支出; B.政府购买物品和劳务的支出,不包括转移支付; C.政府购买物品和劳务的支出加上政府的转移支付之和; D.政府工作人员的薪金和政府转移支付。 7.所谓净出口是指()。 A.出口减进口; B. 进口减出口; C. 出口加出口; D. GNP减进口。 8.在四部门经济中,如果用支出法来衡量,GNP等于()。 A.消费+投资; B. 消费+投资+政府支出; C.消费+投资+政府支出+净出口 D. 消费+投资+净出口。 9.计入国民生产总值的有()。 A. 家庭主妇的劳务折合成的收入; B. 出售股票的收入; C. 拍卖毕加索作品的收入; D. 为他人提供服务所得收入。 10.国民生产总值与国民生产净值之间的差别是()。 A. 直接税; B. 折旧; C. 间接税; D. 净出口。 11.按最终使用者类型,将最终产品和劳务的市场价值加总起来计算GDP的方法是()。 A. 支出法; B. 收入法; C. 生产法; D. 增加值法。 12.国内生产总值等于() A. 国民生产总值 B. 国民生产总值减本国居民国外投资的净收益 C. 国民生产总值加净出口 D. 国民生产总值加本国居民国外投资的净收益 13.下列哪一项不是公司间接税()。 A. 销售税; B. 公司所得税; C. 货物税; D. 公司财产税。 14.在统计中,社会保险税增加对()项有直接影响。 A. GDP; B. NDP; C. NI; D. PI。 15.在国民生产和国民收入中,哪种行为被经济学家视为投资?() A. 购买新公司的债券; B. 生产性活动而导致的当前消费; C. 在二级市场上购买公司债券; D. 上述都不对。


Unit 1 Task 1 【答案】 A. unusual, whatever, escape, traditions, present, grey, moulded, shape, here B. 1) Students were forbidden to play games, to sing (except sacred music), to hunt or fish or even to dance. 2) When people went anywhere on a visit, the pretty English girls all kissed them. 3) Erasmus, Bacon, Milton, Cromwell, and Newton (or Wordsworth, Byron, Tennyson, etc.) 【原文】 My coming to Cambridge has been an unusual experience. From whatever country one comes as a student one cannot escape the influence of the Cambridge traditions---and they go back so far! Here, perhaps, more than anywhere else, I have felt at one and the same time the past, the present and even the future. It’s easy to see in the old grey stone buildings how the past moulded the present and how the present is giving shape to the future. So let me tell you a little of what this university town looks like and how it came to be here at all. The story of the University began, so far as I know, in 1209 when several hundred students and scholars arrived in the little town of Cambridge after having walked 60 miles from Oxford. Of course there were no colleges in those early days and student life was very different from what it is now. Students were of all ages and came from anywhere and everywhere. They were armed; some even banded together to rob the people of the countryside. Gradually the idea of the college developed, and in 1284, Peterhouse, the oldest college in Cambridge, was founded. Life in college was strict; students were forbidden to play games, to sing (except sacred music), to hunt or fish or even to dance. Books were very scarce and all the lessons were in the Latin language which students were supposed to speak even among themselves. In 1440 King Henry VI founded King’s College, and the other colleges followed. Erasmus, the great Dutch scholar, was at one of these, Queens’ College, from 1511 to 1513, and though he wrote that the college beer was “weak and badly made”, he also mentioned a pleasant custom that unfor tunately seems to have ceased. “The English girls are extremely pretty,” Erasmus said, “soft, pleasant, gentle, and charming. When you go anywhere on a visit the girls all kiss you. They kiss you when you arrive. They kiss you when you go away and again when you return.” Many other great men studied at Cambridge, among them Bacon, Milton, Cromwell, Newton, Wordsworth, Byron and Tennyson. Task 2 【答案】 A. 1) a) 2) b) 3) a) 4) c) B. 1) They usually wear black gowns—long gowns that hang down to the feet are for graduates, and shorter ones for undergraduates. 2) Women students do not play a very active part in university life at Cambridge, but they work harder than men. C. 1) meadows, green, peaceful, bending into, intervals, deep coloured, reflection, contrasts, lawns 2) peace, scholarship, peace, suggest, stretches, charmingly cool, graceful 【原文】 Now let me give you some idea of what you would see if you were to talk around Cambridge. Let us imagine that I am seeing the sights for the first time. It is a quite market town and the shopping centre extends for quite a large area, but I notice more bookshops than one normally sees in country towns, and more tailors’ shops showing in their windows the black gowns that students must wear—long gowns that hang down to the feet for graduates and shorter


高校课程补考、重修管理办法 一、补考 (一)补考对象 每学期课程考核不合格者(包括重修考核不合格者)、缓考者、学位课程不达标者,可以参加下学期初学校组织的补考。学生应按时参加补考,如果没有参加当次补考的,则视为放弃补考机会。 (二)组织管理 1. 全校性的公共课补考,教务处负责统一协调安排补考的时间和试卷印制分发;二级学院负责安排考场、监考教师、出卷、批阅试卷并负责通知学生。 2.学科基础课、专业课等其他课程由开课二级学院按照考核要求组织安排。 (三)补考安排 补考时间原则上安排在下学期开学初进行。 (四)成绩规定 补考成绩计算方式与原来课程计算方式一致,平时成绩按原修读时的平时成绩计算。补考成绩不计入学生学分绩点,只作为课程合格、学位课程达标的依据。 二、重修 (一)重修对象

修读课程学生有下列情形之一者,均可申请重修: 1.补考不及格者、学位课程经补考后仍不达标者; 2.旷考或未参加补考者; 3.因缺、旷课或缺交作业(实验报告)等原因而被取消考试资格者; 4. 对首次修读取得的成绩(或绩点)不满意者。 (二)重修方式: 1.跟班重修学生按规定申请办理选课有关手续后,跟班听课,并参加期末考试。如重修时间与正常教学时间相冲突,无法听课时,学生可以根据本人对重修课程的掌握程度申请课程(理论部分)免听课,免听课经任课教师同意、报所在学院批准,在完成实践性环节学习任务后可参加该课程的期末考核。二级学院组织任课教师对教学内容难点、重点内容进行答疑、辅导和布置作业。未经同意批准,未参加听课者不得参加该课程考核。 2.组班重修凡累计补考不及格人数达15人以上的专业课程,经教务处批准可开设重修课程班,由开课二级学院组织重修班。重修班的任课教师应按规定的授课时数安排教学内容,需要开设重修班的课程,由开课学院排定。重修班实际授课学时不少于该课程计划学时的50%,教学任务完成后由开课学院组织考核。 (三)返校重修


哈尔滨学院关于加强重修生教学管理的暂行规定 院字[2004]35号 重修是指对学生在教学计划规定的课程期末(结业)考核中成绩不及格者,由学校统一安排的重新学习某门课程的教学活动。课程的重修是学分制教学管理的基本组成部分,也是主要教学形式之一。为了加强对重修课程的教学管理,现将有关事宜做如下规定: 一、重修时间 学生在某一学期出现课程考核不及格时,安排在下一年级同一学期进行重修。 二、重修方式 根据每门课程的重修人数,可安排为教师辅导和组班教学两种形式。 三、重修教学安排 1.重修的要求原则上按教学大纲进行。同一名称且教学要求相同或相近的课程,重修学生人数达到20人以上,可以组成重修班(单班以20-50人为宜),组班后由重修任课教师对授课作出统一要求。组班重修的任课教师由教务处安排授课时间,教师应编写好重修课程教案即《教学日记》。 2.重修学生人数在20人以下(不含20人)的课程,安排为教师辅导教学。由二级学院指定教师根据教学要求和学生特点采取集体或个别辅导答疑的形式进行。各教学单位可根据重修人数确定辅导次数,一般5人以下的课程,每学期三次,每次2 学时;6人-10人的课程,每月一次,每次2 学时;11-19人的课程,每月两次,每次2 学时。各院(系)务必于开学后第一周将重修生辅导计划报教务处。 3.非组班重修的学生以院(系)为单位到教务处领取《重修笔记本》,教师应填写好重修辅导的《辅导日记》,每辅导一次必须在学生《重修笔记本》上签字。学生的重修记录、练习、作业等均在《重修笔记本》进行。 4.学生必须参加学校统一组织的重修教学,无故不参加者取消重考资格,按重考不及格处理。 四、重修考试及成绩认定 1.重修课程考试,一律单独组织进行。重修结束后,任课老师的《教学日记》、《辅导日记》,学生的《重修笔记本》应提交教务处确定。重修学生凡缺课三次以上或缺做作业达三分之一以上者,不得参加重修考试。 2.按照学校课程学习成绩计算方法,重修成绩中,平时成绩占40%,期末考试成绩占60%。


I.Vocabulary and Structure. 1.I didn’t answer the phone ____D____ I didn’t hear it ring. A. if B. unless C. although D. because 2.In his report of the accident he ___A_____ some important details. A. missed B. wasted C. escaped D. failed 3._____C___ a wonderful trip he had when he traveled in China! A. Where B. How C. What D. That 4.We’re going to __B______ the task that we haven’t finished. A. take away B. carry on C. get onto D. keep off 5.Sh e didn’t receive the application form; it __C____ to the w 6.rong address. A. sent B. be sent C. was sent D. being sent 7.She gave up her __A______ as a reporter at the age of 25. A. career B. interest C. life D. habit 8.It is necessary to find an engineer ___D_____ has skills that meet your needs. A. whom B. which C. whose D. who 9.Time __B______ very fast and a new year will begin soon. A. takes off B. goes by C. pulls up D. gets along 10.T his new style of sports shoes is very popular and it is ___C_____ in all sizes. A. important B. active C. available D. famous 11.T he general manager sat there, ___D_____ to the report from each department. A. to listen B. listen C. being listened D. listening 12.A fter the robbery, the shop installed a sophisticated alarm system as an insurance ____C____ further losse s. A. for B. from C. towards D. against 13.A healthy life is frequently thought to be ______D__ with the open countryside and homegrown food. A. associated B. tied C. bound D. involved 14.F eatures such as height, weight, and skin color ____B____ from individual to individual and from face to face. A. change B. vary C. alter D. convert 15.____A____ might be expected, the response to the question was very mixed. A. As B. That C. It D. What 16.H e gives people the impression ___A_____ all his life abroad.


Unit 9 Task 1 【原文】 pere: And now for our first question. It es from Mrs. June Moore. Mrs. Moore? Mrs. Moore: Does the panel think that puters will change our lives? pere: Mrs. Moore wants to know if puters will change our lives. Philip Barnes? Philip Barnes: puters have already changed our lives. Business is more efficient. Planes and trains provide a better service... Miss Anderson: Just a moment, Mr. Barnes. You may be right about business, but how many people have lost their jobs because of puters? puters have changed our lives, but I don't want my life changed. Arthur Haines: Excuse me, Miss Anderson. We're talking about our lives, not your life. The puter will affect everyone in the world. Records can be kept of everything we do. Records will be kept of all our private lives. In my opinion, the puter is the greatest disaster of the 20th century. Phyllis Archer: Could I interrupt? Arthur Haines says the puter is a disaster, but the puter is a machine. It was invented by people; it is used by people. If the puter is a disaster, then people are a disaster. pere: Thank you, Phyllis Archer. Thank you, panel. And thank you, Mrs. Moore. Task 2 【答案】 A.


学分制学生课程重修管理办法 一、根据泸州职业技术学院关于《泸州职业技术学院学分制学生学籍管理实施细则》的规定,学生考试不合格,未获取相应学分,必须重修,原则上在学业期限内同一课程只能重修一次。 二、课程重修由教务处统一安排,各系教学管理人员、任课教师协同管理。 三、各系教学管理人员每学期期末应对本学期课程考核不合格的学生进行清理,并将其名单报教务处,教务处将全校学生名单汇总,并统计重修课程门数、课程学分数,教务处将在下一学期第一周公布重修课程的学生姓名及重修的课程,各系根据教务处提供的学生名单,通知学生本人。 四、凡课程重修的学生,在开学第二周内,到财务处缴纳课程学分费后,学生持交费单到教务处办理重修手续;第三周,教务处安排重修课程;从第四周起,学生参加重修课程的学习。未办理重修手续的学生不得参加课程重修的考核。 五、为避免学生滞后毕业,学生应重修的课程原则上不得缓修,若确有特殊原因不能及时重修的,应在每学期开学第一周内书面申请并附上有关证明,经所在系主任同意,报教务处备案,方可缓修。 六、重修的教学安排及管理办法 1、任选课和专业选修课的重修,一般同一轮的选课学生一起进行,教务处根据重修人数(一般在15人以上),确立编班教学。 2、公共课和各系开设的专业课的重修,教务处根据重修人数汇同相关系聘请教师确立编班教学或个别指导。 3、教务处教务科负责向重修课任课教师提供重修学生名单。 4、重修时间一般安排在晚上或双休日进行;个别指导教学的重修由指导教师根据学生具体情况安排指导时间。 5、编班教学的重修课程学时数一般为该课程教学计划的三分之一,个别指导教学的重修课程学时数一般为该课程教学计划的四分之一。 6、重修学生因病、因事不能上课者,必须按规定请假。无故缺课达到或超过重修学时数的三分之一者,不得参加重修课程的考核。 7、个别指导教学的学生,应积极主动接受教师的指导,完成指导教师提出的学习要求。指导教师应对个别指导的学生的出勤和学习情况作出记录,以作为评定学生重修课程成绩的依据之一。 七、成绩考核及记载 1、学生重修课程成绩考核按专业的教学计划规定执行,考核及成绩评定办法按《泸州职业技术学院学分制学生课程考核实施细则》中的有关规定执行。 2、重修课程考核在行课结束时进行考核,考核由教务处安排,各系教学管理人员协助组织考核。 3、重修成绩由任课教师负责填写“重修课程学分成绩表”一份,在考核三天之内交教务科,并由教务科将重修考核成绩登录计算机。同时教务科根据重修考核不及格的学生情况,作出相应的学籍处理。 八、重修管理 1、学生经过考核,不及格的课程必须重修,重修按学院规定缴纳重修学分费,并进行课程重新注册。未缴费注册者不得参加重修或成绩无效。 2、凡擅自缺考、作弊者,成绩均以无效计,对确有认错表现者,经所在系主任批准,可给一次重修机会,重修费按学院规定缴纳。具体办法按《泸州职业技术学院学分制学生课程考核实施细则》。


Test-1 Part One: short conversations 16% 1. A. She decided not to come. C. She forgot to come. B. She wasn’t invited. D. She is coming earlier. 2. A. Steve looks good in anything. B. He wishes he had a jacket like Steve’s C. He knew someone who looked like Steve. D. Steve should get a new jacket. 3. A. Turn left at the traffic lights. C. Go to the right on the Green Street. B. Take the second left. D. Turn right at the corner. 4. A. The man should study harder. C. The man should not wait so long to start. B. The man is doing better. D. The man should reconsider his ways. 5. A. At a department store. C. At an office building. B. At a railway station. D. At an airport. 6. A. Boss and receptionist. C. Boss and secretary B. Manager and customer. D. Dentist and patient. 7. A. The woman will not help the man because she is busy. B. The woman will help the man later. C. The woman will help the man immediately. D. The woman will stop to help the man soon. 8. A. The position of silverware. C. Sewing napkins. B. Setting the table. D. Doing some washing-up. Part Two Long conversations 14% Conversation One 1. A. The west of the city. C. The west of Europe B. The west of L.A. D. The West Coast 2. A. Its transportation. C. Its Suburb. B. Its environment. D. Its weather. 3. A. It was windy. C. It was cool. B. It was warm. D. It was too hot. 4. A. Golden Gate Park. C. Fishermen’s Wharf. B. The cable car ride. D. Old Victorian houses. Conversation Two 5. A. He dislikes his present job. B. He is afraid to take on a new job. C. He has no idea of how to find a job. D. He has to make a choice between two jobs. 6. A. It is more interesting. C. It is less demanding. B. It is not always busy. D. It has better hours. 7. A. He can drink coffee as he likes. B. He has already had some regular customers. C. He likes to meet people and get to know them. D. He can prepare his own breakfast in the morning.


Unit 1 Warming up 1. F 2.NG 3.T Listening Short conversations 1. C 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.B Long conversation 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.D Passage 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.C Radio program 1. a journalism degree 2. pretty good 3. about what she has 4. you just want more 5. protective of his family Homework Task 1 1.C 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B Task 2 1.A 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.D Task 3 1.slice 2.misunderstandings 3.beautiful 4.benefits 5.wellness 6.range 7.explicit 8.has been tracking more than a million sujects since 1979 9.have fewer heart attacks and lower cancer rates 10.a strong sense of connection to others and in satisfying relationship Unit 2 Warming up 1. Running, swimming, and lifting weights 2. Exercise makes him happy, keeps his stress level down, and gives him all sorts of energy for his work and family. 3. Well, there is no swimming pool near my home and i can't swim every day. But anyway, I


学生重修管理规定 为进一步加强学风建设,严格教学管理,提高人才培养质量,根据《武汉职业技术学院学分制学籍管理办法》,结合我院实际教学工作情况,特制定艺术设计学院学生重修管理规定。 一、重修对象 学生课程修读具有以下情况之一者,该门课程必须重修: 1、缺课(包括病、事假和旷课)时间超过该门课程所在学期总学时的三分之一及以上的课程(公共课、专业课、专业理论课、实践课); 2、专业课(含项目课程、专业理论及实践课)成绩总评未达到60分的; 3、公共必修课程经一次补考后仍不及格者; 4、考试违纪、作弊、擅自缺考者; 二、重修形式 专业课程重修教学采用跟班重修,即所有参加重修的学生必须跟正常开课班级完成重修课程,如重修课程有变动的由专业负责人重新指定相关课程进行重修。公共课重修由相关院系安排重修。 三、重修程序 1、由学院办公室于学期开学第一周统计重修学生名单后交由辅导员; 2、凡接到辅导员通知后须重修的学生,在一周内由本人提出书面重修申请提交到学院办公室,学院办公室填写《艺术设计学院课程重修通知单》,一式二份,一份留存院办公室,一份交学生,逾期均不予办理。 3、院办公室出具重修通知单后发放项目学习手册,并收取项目学习手册工本费10元,未办理重修手续私自找教师重修的视为无效。 4、学院办公室依据本学期的开课课程,安排重修学生跟随相应班级进行课程重修,如本学期未开设的重修课程进入到下学期重修安排,如因重修课程变更今后不再开设的课程由专业负责人重新指定相关课程在本学期重修。 5、重修的学生凭重修通知单及项目学习手册与重修课程指导老师见面,跟随班级该课程进度按质按量完成重修。

四、重修教学管理 1、学院办公室安排重修后,学生无故不参加重修者或未达到重修课程要求的,均视重修不合格; 2、同一门课程在校期间给予两次重修机会,在学习年限结束仍不能合格的不予毕业; 3、每学期最多只能重修三门课程,每门课程每次重修均需办理重修手续; 4、学生历年累计有课程重修的,在学习年限结束后给予一年重修时间,仍不能合格的不再给予重修机会,以肄业形式办理离校手续。 5、在规定重修的期限内不办理重修手续者,该课程作不合格课程累计,不予办理毕业手续。 6、因转学、转专业、休学后复学或插班等原因确需补修相关课程的,参照本规定执行。 五、重修课程的成绩考核 1、跟班重修学生的课程考核标准与所跟班级一致,重修指导老师根据学生重修情况在项目学习手册上填写相关记录,教师工作量记录到年终额外工作; 2、学生在重修完成后将项目学习手册上交办公室,由任课教师将成绩报送院办公室。院办公室负责在学生原所在班级登录成绩,在其实际成绩旁用红笔记载重修成绩,并标注“重修”字样。 3、重修成绩的给予原则上不超过65分,第二次重修合格者成绩一律以60分记。 六、附则 1、本规定自公布之日起施行,由院办公室负责解释。 2、此前有关规定凡与本规定不一致的,以本规定为准。 二O一二年二月二十日


2015-2016学年第一学期铁路车站自动控制系统维护重修复习题 一、判断题:(共20题,每题0.5分) 1、6502选岔规律仅适用于下行咽喉,不适用于上行咽喉。( ) 2接在1、2网路线上的FCJ优先于3、4网路线上的FCJ而动作。( ) 3、进路右端JXJ吸起说明进路全部选出。( ) 4、进路右端AJ落下,方向继电器落下复原。( ) 5、股道两端不能同时向该股道建立对向的任何进路。( ) 6、单置调作为进路始端时1AJ、AJ吸起,2AJ不会吸起。( ) 7、单置调作为进路始端时DXF组合里面的JXJ励磁吸起。( ) 8、六线制选岔网路每对网路线上的继电器总是从左到右顺序动作的,与所选进路的方向、 性质无关。( ) 9、7线进路终端送KF,始端局部电路送KZ。( ) 10、8线进路终端送KZ,始端局部电路送KF。( ) 11、14线是控制台白光带、15线是红光带表示灯用的网路线。( ) 12、XJJ检查进路空闲、道岔位置正确、敌对进路没有建立这三项开放信号的最基本联锁条件。............................................ ( ) 13、在6502网络线中是由第9线实现对超限绝缘的检查。( ) 14、DXJ受7线和11线控制,并且需要重新检查8线。( ) 15、正常解锁利用CJ快动特性、取消解锁利用CJ滞后特性。( ) 16.车站信号平面图是编制联锁表的依据。( ) 17列车进路上的无岔区段,应选用2/Q组合类型图。( ) 18.正线上的出站信号机未开放时,进站信号机的通过信号不允许开放。( ) 19.当排列经由交叉渡线的一组双动道岔反位时,对与其交叉的另一组双动道岔应将其防护在定位位置。( ) 20.并联传递选岔电路在JXJ吸起后,可证明进路已全部选出。( ) 21.在选排长调车进路时,因中间信号点的AJ不吸起,所以中间信号点的按钮表示灯不亮。................................... .( ) 22.道岔表示电路要求在室外联系线路混入其他电源时,保证DBJ和FBJ不会错误吸起。电路上是通过每组道岔设有专用的表示变压器,即采用了独立电源来实现的。( ) 24.调车信号机蓝灯断丝,复示器闪光,会影响排列以其作为始端的调车进路。( ) 25.进路正常解锁,总是1LJ先吸起,2LJ后吸起。( ) 26.6502电路中CJ平时处于吸起状态。( ) 27.某组道岔启动后,在转换过程中,拉出该组道岔CA切断1DQJ电路,道岔立即停止转动。..................................... .( ) 28.在6502电路中凡是进路始端都要设一个KJ。( ) 29.信号检查继电器1-2线圈自闭电路是专作防护用的。( ) 30.按压总人工按钮ZRA期间,单独操纵道岔不能使道岔转换。( ) 31.正常解锁时利用传递继电器的快吸特性接通解锁网络。( ) 32.对于电气集中车站,车站值班员负责控制台、人工解锁按钮盘的加封完整。( ) 33.某道岔发生挤岔事故,移位接触器接点断开时,控制台挤岔电铃响铃,挤岔表示灯亮红灯。........................................... .. ( ) 34.计算机联锁系统在进路已办理好的情况下可以进行联锁机和监控机的切换。( ) 35.当UPS电源故障时,可以将UPS甩掉,直接由参稳输出向设备供电。( ) 36.联锁机主备机同步工作时,系统出现故障,能进行热切换。( )

全新版大学英语3听力教程原文及答案 第三册

全新版大学英语3综合教程听力原文及答案第三册 Unit 1 Part B Text 1 Dating with My Mother (Part One) After 22 years of marriage, I have discovered the secret to keep love alive in my relationship with my wife, Peggy. I started dating with another woman. It was Peggy's idea. One day she said to me, 'Life is too short, you need to spend time with the people you love. You probably won't believe me, but I know you love her and I think that if the two of you spend more time together, it will make us closer.' The 'other' woman my wife was encouraging me to date is my mother, a 72-year-old widow who has lived alone since my father died 20 years ago. Right after his death, I moved 2,500 miles away to California and started my own life and career. When I moved back near my hometown six years ago, I promised myself that I would spend more time with mom. But with the demands of my job and three kids, I never got around to seeing her much beyond family get-togethers and holidays. Mom was surprised and suspicious when I called and suggested the two of us go out to dinner and a movie. 'What's wrong' she asked. 'I thought it would be nice to spend some time with you,' I said. 'Just the two of us.' 'I would like that a lot,' she said. When I pulled into her driveway, she was waiting by the door with her coat on. Her hair was curled, and she was smiling. 'I told my lady friends I was going out with my son, and they were all impressed. They can't wait to hear about our evening,' Mother said. Questions: 1. What would make the speaker closer to his wife, Peggy 2. What do you know about the speaker's mother 3. Which of the following adjectives best describes Peggy Text 2 Dating with My Mother (Part Two) We didn't go anywhere fancy, just a neighborhood place where we could talk. Since her eyes now see only large shapes and shadows, I had to read the menu for both of us. 'I used to be the reader when you were little,' she said. 'Then it is time for you to relax and let me return the favor,' I said. We had a nice talk over dinner, just catching up on each other's lives. We talked for so long that we missed the movie. 'I'll go out with you again,' my mother said as I dropped her off, 'but
