

类型8| 演讲稿


1.开始时对听众的称呼语。最常用的是ladies and gentlemen,也可根据不同情况,选用fellow students,distinguished guests,Mr.chairman,honorable judges(评委)等等。




5.结尾。结尾要简洁,不要拉拉扯扯,说个没完。最普通的结尾就是:Thank you very much for your attention.。






Good morning,ladies and gentlemen!

I am an easy-going and optimistic girl.I'm not a top student ① and I'm happy and full ② with confidence.Now I'll tell you why.

As a child,I ③ show an interest in painting.With my parents' support and encouragement,I have been practicing drawing with joy and ④ my painting makes progress every day.Now I am a designer for blackboard and wall newspapers of our class.

I usually send nice postcards made by myself ⑤for my friends and relatives.They are glad to accept my gifts,⑥ I am proud of them.

I'm sure everyone is special and unique in the world.Let's 1.避免词汇搭配错误





③处show改为showed ⑥处需要加并列连词and


④处为中式英语,应改为I make progress in my painting

be proud of ourselves

!Thank you.

Good morning,ladies and gentlemen!

Here,①(在你前面站着的是一个随和、乐观的小女孩).I'm not a top student but I'm happy and full of confidence.Now I'll tell you why.

As a child,I showed a ② interest in painting.With my parents' support and encouragement,I have been practicing drawing with joy and make progress every day.Now I am a designer for blackboard and wall newspapers of our class.③,I usually send nice postcards made by myself to my friends and relatives.

They are glad to accept my gifts,④ I am proud.

I'm sure everyone is special and unique in the world.Let's be proud of ourselves!

Thank you. 1.高级词汇

在③处加过渡词Besides 2.高级句型

用倒装句式补全句①:in front of you stands a girl,easy-going and optimistic

在④处添加“介词+关系代词”以构成定语从句of which













参考词汇:non-profit非营利性的couch surfers沙发客

Dear Sir/Madam,

I'm Li Hua,a student from China.I have learned that Couchsurfing is a non-profit international network


Li Hua 【写作指导】



参考词汇:apply for申请;be eager to do sth.渴望做某事;look forward to sth.盼望某事


Dear Sir/Madam,

I'm Li Hua,a student from China.I have learned that Cou chsurfing is a non-profit international network through which members in different places can offer accommodation to each other.Greatly interested,I'm writing to apply for its membership.

With three bedrooms available,my two-storey house can admit several “couch surfers”.Besides,I'm eager to befriend tourists of the same interests,enjoy their wonderful travelling stories and get immersed in diverse cultures.

Thanks for reading my letter and I'm looking forward to your approval.


Li Hua





应用文写作-演讲稿与发言稿 1、假设你正在参加全省中学生英语演讲比赛,请你针对有些父母经常翻看孩子日记或书包这一现象,写一篇演讲稿,陈述你的观点。 演讲稿的主要内容应包括: ①认为同学们不必为此苦恼 ②希望能够体谅父母的苦衷 ③建议与父母进行交流和沟通 注意: 1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。 Good morning, ladies and gentleman. Some of us are having problems with our parents, as they often look into our school bags or read our diaries. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Thank you! 2、假设你是高三学生,你的英语老师每天上课前都要请一位学生结合自己身边发生的事情用英语作三分钟的演讲。你发现近来有些同学熬夜做作业,而且午休时间也用来学习,却在课堂上打瞌睡。更为严重的是,他们早上赖床,以至于常常来不及吃早餐。请针对这种情况写一篇英文演讲稿,内容包括以下方面: 1. 描述这种现象;


1.例文《××市国家税务局关于印发的通知》正文是:"现将《××市国家税务局金税工程考核暂行办法》印发你们,请遵照执行。"由此可以将该通知归类于(B) A、指示性通知 B、批示性通知 C、知照性通知 D、事务性通知 2."请示事项"是请示正文的核心,它应该(ABC) A、实事求是 B、具体清楚 C、提出一种解决问题的意见 D、语气坚决 3.向上级领导机关写报告汇报工作时,可在其中顺便将自己难以解决问题请求领导帮助解决。标准答案:错 4.某单位请示A问题,但上级机关发现B问题更为严重,更需要及时解决,于是在行文时搁置了A问题,而给B问题做了明确的批复。标准答案:错 5.XX市国家税务局关于开展2002年度增值税专用发票清理工作的通知是一典型的指示性通知。标准答案:对 6.我们不仅增进了了解,沟通了感情,也获得了启示,工作能力也得到了提高(A) A、这是一个递进句 B、这是一个并列句 C、这是一个因果句 D、这是一个条件句 7.竞选是"毛遂自荐"。撰写竞选演讲稿一定要充分展示自己。为了取得良好的效果,既要注意内容的客观性,又要开展合理的想象,对某些材料进行典型的艺术加工。标准答案:错 16.请示必须事前行文,否则就是"先斩后奏",不符合规定。标准答案:对 17.调查报告写作时,一般先摆出观点,再叙述事实。标准答案:错 18.制度的制定强调摆事实、讲道理。标准答案:错 20.写作调查报告的一条毋庸置疑的准则是( B ) A、罗列事实 B、用事实说话 C、用观点说话 D、条列观点 21.批复的正文一般由(BCD)部分组成。 A、主送机关 B、批复依据 C、批复事项 D、执行要求标准答案: 22.报告是向上级机关汇报工作,反映情况,答复上级机关的询问时使用的上行文。在这种公文中行文机关(C) A、可以要求上级对报告的质量表明态度 B、可以借此机会要求上级对某个问题作出答复 C、不得夹带请示事项


高考英语作文范文:演讲稿 导读:本文高考英语作文范文:演讲稿,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 假设你正在参加全省中学生演讲比赛,请你针对有些父母经常翻开孩子的日记或书包这一现象,写一篇演讲稿,陈述你的观点。资料包括:1.认为同学们不必为此烦恼2.期望能够体谅父母的苦衷3.推荐与父母进行交流沟通 范文:Good morning , ladies and gentlemen , Some of us are having problems with our parents , as they often look into our school bags or read our diaries . I fully understand why we are not fortable about it , but there's no need to feel too sad. Our parents are checking our bags or diaries to make sure we are not getting into any trouble . They have probably heard some horrible stories about other kids and thought we might do the same . Or perhaps they just want to connect with us but are doing it all wrong . My suggestion is : Tell them we want them to trust us as much as we'd like to trust them .If you don't think you can talk to them , write them a letter and leave it lying around ---they are bound to read it . Thank you!


高中英语3分钟演讲稿范文:高中英 语应用文演讲稿 英语演讲越来越受到重视,各种英语演 讲比赛层出不穷,极大的推动了高校英语学 习的热潮,高中英语3分钟演讲稿范文怎么写呢?本文是X整理的高中英语3分钟演讲 稿范文,欢迎阅读。篇1:高中英语3 分钟演讲稿范文 Dear teacher and classmates: I am very glad to say something here. At this time, I'd like to talk about my hobbies. I have many hobbies. First, I like playing video games. Computer games are cool. I like CS best. I could play it all day. Secound, I like all kinds of sports. I like being outdoors. I love fresh air and sunshine. Playing football with friends is fun. Swimming in the sea is my favorite. In

addition, I like to draw pictures at home. I often read comics on the bed in the evening. It's my secret. Hey, buddy. Please don't tell my parents. Furthermore, I like music. I like singing. I ofen sing film songs while I walk in the street. Of course, I learn English everyday. As you know, English is used everywhere in the world. So I learn English very hard. I hope I can travel around the world and speak English with foreigners someday. Then I can talk about the Beijing 20XX Olympic Games with them. It's my colorful dream in the English world. There is more I like to do. There is more I want to say. maybe I can tell you more next time. Thank you for listening 篇2:高中英语3分钟演讲稿范文 Good afternoon, Honorable Judges, Ladies and Gentlemen, the title of my speech is Defeat makes me more confident.

2017高考英语二轮复习与策略讲练:专题3 应用文写作 类型8 演讲稿 含解析

类型8| 演讲稿 英语演讲稿实际上是属于一种特殊的说明文或议论文,其基本组成部分是:1.开始时对听众的称呼语。最常用的是ladies and gentlemen,也可根据不同情况,选用fellow students,distinguished guests,Mr.chairman,honorable judges(评委)等等。 2.提出论题。由于演讲的时间限制,必须开门见山,提出论题。 3.论证。对提出的论题,不可主观地妄下结论,而要进行客观的论证。这是演讲中最需要下功夫的部分。关键是要把道理讲清楚。 4.结论。结论要简明扼要,以给听众留下深刻印象。 5.结尾。结尾要简洁,不要拉拉扯扯,说个没完。最普通的结尾就是:Thank you very much for your attention.。 你校将举办“我为自己感到自豪”的演讲比赛,请用英语写一篇演讲稿,包括以下内容: 1.简单介绍自己的性格; 2.记述一件或几件自己引以为豪的事例; 3.自我认识。 注意:词数80左右。 [习作评阅]——自我修改三档作文

A (2016·浙江省名校协作体联考) https://www.360docs.net/doc/1b10691410.html,,中文含义为“沙发客”,是一个旨在帮助旅行者与当地人建立联系的国际性非营利网站。通俗地说,当你旅行时你可以住在当地会员家;当有会员来你的城市时你可以接待他们住你家。

假设你是李华,你想成为该网站的会员,请用英文写一份申请,内容应包括:1.写信目的; 2.你的条件(住宿情况等); 3.希望获准。 注意: 1.词数80左右; 2.书信格式及开头已给出(不计入总词数),可适当增加细节以使行文连贯。 参考词汇:non-profit非营利性的couch surfers沙发客 Dear Sir/Madam, I'm Li Hua,a student from China.I have learned that Couchsurfing is a non-profit international network Yours, Li Hua 【写作指导】 本篇应用文写作要求写一封申请信,属于半开放性写作。首先说明写信目的,由于开头已给出“沙发客”的简介,因此续写时,先要把题干内容表达出来,即通过该组织,不同地方的会员可相互提供住宿,顺理成章地说明写信目的;然后陈述你的条件,该要点为开放性内容,要详细介绍自己的住宿情况和意愿,比如可提供三室,渴望和有共同兴趣的人交朋友,分享旅途趣事和多元文化等;最后表达自己的愿望和感谢。 全文主体时态是一般现在时,也可根据行文需要灵活变化。另外,注意恰当使用高级词汇和句式,如定语从句、非谓语动词等。语言要简洁委婉,符合申请信的需要。 参考词汇:apply for申请;be eager to do sth.渴望做某事;look forward to sth.盼望某事 【参考范文】


高中生英语演讲稿范文(四) 在线网校:点击进入t;t;t; 考试书库:点击进入t;t;t; 网校以及考试书库开发及拥有课件范围涉及公务员/财会类/学历类/建筑工程类 等9大类考试的在线网络培训辅导和全新引进高清3D电子书考试用书。 results are not important, but they can persist for many years as a memoration of . many years ago, as a result of habits and overeating formed one of obesity, as well as indicators of overall physical disorders, so that affects my work and life. in friends to encourage and supervise, the participated in the team now considered to have been more than three years, neither the fine rain, regardless of winter heat, a day out with 5:00 time. the beginning, have been discouraged, suffering, and disappointment, but in the end of the urging of friends, to re-get up, stand on the playground. in fact, i did not build big, nor strong muscles, not a sport-born people. over the past few years to adhere to it, because i have a team behind, the strength of a strong team here, very grateful to our team, for a long time, we encourage each other, and with sweat, enjoying mon health happy. for exle, friends of the several run in order to maintain order and unable to


高三英语演讲稿范文 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 《高三的英语演讲稿范文》由演讲稿频道为大家整理,欢迎参考。 ,,whenIam16yearsold,standinghere,m ydreamshavealreadychangedalot. ,,jumpingintheheavysnow,,,ofcourse,I ’manathlete,I’msoproudofthatallthetime. whenIwas10yearsold,,Icouldn’”godon lyhel pthosewhohelpthemselves”.Duringthoseha rddays,,’twanttostopmysportscareeranyway . TodayIsaytoyoumyfriendsthateventhoughI mustfacethedifficultiesofyesterday, Ihaveadreamthatoneday,Icanrun,jumpandp itchjustlikeIusedtobe.

Ihaveadreamthatoneday,Icangobacktomydr eamsportsandjointhenationalteam. Ihaveadreamthatoneday,’msoproudtobeach ineseathlete! !!! withthisfaith,Iwilllivethoughthestrongwind andheavyrain,nevergiveup! Soletvictoryringfrommyheart,! Inmyimagination,I’mabird,,thoughthefores ts,overthesea,tothesun,thewarmestplaceint heaerospace! Everynight,Ihaveadream,Iseeagirl---smilin g 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢


高中英语演讲稿范文 篇一:高中英语口语演讲稿 中学英语口语演讲稿 没主题吗? 你是要中学的还是大学的?第一篇: 中学版 ibelievemydream我相信我的梦想hellogoodeveningeveryone!mynameis....你好晚上好大家好!我的名字是 (i) msohappythaticanbeadmittedbymydreamedschool.thenewcampusgiv es meanewstartsoihaveadreamthatthefuturemecanriseoutthissmallw orld

andholdaplaceofmyself,afterseveralyears’experience.我太高兴了,我可以承认我的梦想学校。新校园给了我一个新的开始,所以我有一个梦 想,今后我可以摆脱这个小世界和举行地点的我,经过几年的经验。为了使这一梦想成真,我问自己,不仅集中了我的注意学习,因为我应该面对所有的社 会不仅是我的教科书或我的同学。ithinkcollegeisalsoasmallsocietywhereicanimprovemyself.fore xampleishouldlearnhowtogetalongwithotherthoughimaydisliketh em,orhowtodealwiththingsthatiusedregardasworthleand soon.. 我认为,大学也是一个小社会里,我可以提高自己。例如我应该学会如何相处与其他虽 然我可能不喜欢他们,或如何处理的事情,我使用方面的毫无价值的,等 等..thenisincerelyhopeicanfindmytruefriendssothatwecanstrug gleforour

2017高考英语一轮复习 专题突破40 写作之应用文-演讲稿

专题技能突破(40) 写作之应用文——演讲稿【技能讲解】有的演讲是为了在正式场合表示对客人的欢迎、欢送、感谢或祝愿等而进行的热情友好的发言,有的演讲是为了向听众讲述一下道理、发起一些倡议,使听众能接受自己的见解或在行动上有所改变。一般来说,演讲稿由称呼语 greetings 、正文 body 和结束语 closing 三部分组成。演讲稿的语言一定要有感染力,可以使用祈使句、感叹句、强调句、虚拟语气等来达到这种目的。 [常用表达方式] It is my honor to be here to share with you my opinions on... I'm honored to have a chance here to make a speech on... Personally, it's meaning for us to..., which helps us realize... 典例剖析 [2014·江西高考]假定你是星光中学的高中毕业生李华,母校将为高一新生举办主题为“What to learn in senior high school?”的英语沙龙活动,特邀请你结合自身经历谈谈自己的体会。请根据以下提示准备一份英语发言稿。 1.学会学习:方法、习惯等; 2.学会做人:真诚、友善; 3.其他方面:考生自拟。 注意: 1.词数120左右; 2.发言稿开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Good morning, everyone! It is my honor to be here to share with you my opinions on what to learn in senior high school. Thank you! [范文] Good morning, everyone! It is my honor to be here to share with you my opinions on what to learn in senior high school. As the saying goes, “A good beginning is half the battle”.① To all of you, fresh students, how to adapt yourself to the new environment is the first thing that you have to face.② In senior high school you will study more courses which are different from your junior middle school courses.③Don't worry, and everything will be easy if you make a proper plan for your study. How to get along well with others is the second thing you should learn. Be friendly to your classmates, and you will make more friends.④In addition, you should respect all the teachers who unselfishly help you to gain much knowledge.⑤All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. So I suggest you should keep the balance between your study and entertainment,⑥such as doing sports, listening to


篇一:高中英语演讲稿范文 高中英语演讲稿范文 introduce our great places to the english spoken people, i hope that they can love our country like us.i know, rome was not built in a day. i believe that after continuous hard study, one day i can speak english very well.if you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. so i believe as i love english everyday , it will love me too.i am sure that i will realize my dream one day!thank you!英语演讲稿范文ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon!i’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is “youth”. i hope you will like it, and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it.first i want to ask you some questions:一、do you know what is youth?二、how do you master your youth?youthyouth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life .youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite, for adventure over the love of ease. t你好s often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . nobody grows old merely by a number of years. we grow old by deserting our ideals.years wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. worry, fear, self –distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.whether 60 of 16, there is in every human being ‘s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing c你好ldlike appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living . in the center of your heart and my heart there’s a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope ,cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young .when the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80.thank you!芳华芳华不是指岁月,而是指心态。粉嫩的脸,红而滋润的唇,矫健的膝并不是芳华。芳华表此决意志的坚强与脆弱。想象的富厚与惨白、感情的充足与贫乏等方面。芳华是生命深处清泉的喷涌。芳华是寻求。只有当勇气盖过胆小软弱、进取压倒苟安之时,芳华才存在。果云云,则60见之父老比20岁之少年更具芳华活力。仅仅岁月的流逝并不能使他们衰老。而一朝抛弃抱负和信念,则垂老迈也。岁月只能使肤质起皱。而一朝丧掉生活的激情,则连魂灵枯老,令人的生活枯如死水,毫无活力。60岁父老也好,16岁少年也罢,每个人的心田深处都巴望奇迹,都如孩子一般眨着期待的双眼,期待着下一次,期待着生活的情趣,你我魂灵深处都有一座无线电中转站------只有你我年轻,则总能听到希望的呼唤,总能拍发欣忭的欢乐的度过,总能传达勇气的讯号,总能表现出芳华的活力???一朝芳华的天线倒下,你的魂灵即为玩世不恭之雪、悲 不雅厌弃人生之冰覆盖;即使你年方20.其实你已垂老迈也。而只要你芳华的天线高高耸起,就能够任何时间吸收到乐不雅的电波-----即使你年过八旬,风烛残年,而你却仍然拥有芳华,你仍然年轻。谢谢!i have a dreamevery one has 你好s own dream. when i was a little kid ,my dream was even to have a candy shop of my own .but now ,when i am 16 years old ,standing here ,my dreams have already changed a lot.i have got quite different experience from other girls. w你好le they were playing toys at home, w你好le they were dreaming


高三英语演讲稿优秀范文 文章《高三英语演讲稿优秀范文》由演讲稿网为大家整理,欢迎参考。 in my 18 years of life, there have been many things. university days are the best part of them. i can never forget the days when i stepped into my university. i was impressed by its garden-like campus, its enthusiastic students and especially its learning atmosphere. i at once fell in love with it. after the arduous military training, i get absolutely absorbed in my studies. the classes given by the teachers are excellent. they provide us with information not only from our textbooks but from many other sources as well. they easily arouse my insatiable desire to take in as much as i can. frankly speaking, at first i had some difficulty following the teachers. however, through my own efforts and thanks to my teachers\’ guidance, i made remarkable progress. now i\’ve benefited a lot from lectures and many other academic reports. learning is a long process; i\’ll keep exploring in the treasure house of knowledge to enrich myself. this summer i got out of the ivory tower and entered the real world. a publishing house offered me a part-time job in compilation and revision. at the beginning i was belittled by my colleagues. but they were really surprised when i translated seven english articles over 5,000 words on only one day. gradually, they began to look at me with respectful eyes. in their opinion i turned out to be a useful and trustworthy colleague. i also realize that only those who bring happiness for others can be truly happy. so i often take part in activities concerning public welfare. i once went to a barren mountain village with my classmates. we taught the kids there who could not afford school. while showing them how broad and how civilized the outer world is, i was deeply touched by their eagerness to learn, their honesty and their purity. i couldn\’t control my tears on the day when we left. the precious experience with the poor kids made me aware of the responsibility on the shoulders of us, future teachers. besides study and social practice, there are entertainments as well. i do body building every day, hoping to keep healthy and energetic. we also write a play and put it on in our spare time. campus life is the most splendid time. but different people have different choices. the majority of students cherish their beautiful season and cherish the hope that one day they\’ll become outstanding. but there are indeed some students still under ignorance. they gather together for eating, drinking or playing cards. they\’re b usy in searching for a girlfriend or a boyfriend. they forget completely about their mission as college students and the hope of their motherland. finally, i do hope everybody can try their best to become a worthy citizen of the country. i do hope everybody can become the backbone of our nation and make great contributions to society!


高中英语演讲稿范文【5篇】 【导语】演讲稿又叫演说词,它是在大会上或其他公开场合发表个人的观点,见解和主张的文稿。演讲稿的好坏直接决定了演讲的成功与失败。演讲稿像议论文一样论点鲜明,逻辑性强,富有特点。本篇文章是为大家整理的高中英语演讲稿范文【5篇】,欢迎您阅读参考! 【篇一】高中英语演讲稿范文 Ladies and Gentlemen: Today I’m glad that I’m standing here talking to you all. As the title given, I am going to talk you about a way of treating people and things in life. My speech here basically includes 2 parts, in the former of which I‘ll describe you the present occasion we teenagers are in, as well as the reason behind. Then it’s about the several opinions of mine toward the case above. Undoubtedly, every one of us has stepped into adolescence, a period of time where the most exciting and mysterious changes take place. Boys, apparently become more ambitious. Girls, in some ways, start to dream and become more sensitive about the world. All in all, as if our emotions become much stronger, somehow we’re always trapped in circles and struggling against something that


最新高中英语作文>>点击查看 高一范文 高二范文 高三范文 万能模板 高中词汇表 高中英语语法 阅读100篇 英语听力情景 假设你和几位同学成了一个英语俱乐部,开展了为期2个月的活动。现在,你将代表俱乐部在课堂上进行经验交流,请写一份英语发言稿。1.简要描述俱乐部开展的一项与英语有关的活动 2. 谈谈你们开展活动的收获。 范文: Boys and girls , Today I’ll talk about our English club . Our English club was set up two months ago . Now we have members of 25 . We meet once a week on Saturday afternoon. So far we have conducted a variety of activities on English learning , such as watching English films , holding a Christmas party and getting together with foreign students . Last week we held an English story-telling competition . We required that the entries be original and interesting and be presented in English within five minutes . Every member took an active part in the activity . Two foreign English


高考作文练习(6)应用文:写信之感谢信 作文:假设你是李明,暑假期间在美国参加夏令营活动(Summer camp),现已回国。 在美国两周期间,你住在Johnson夫妇家中,他们为你提供了吃、住、行级旅游方面的帮助。请给他们写一封大约120字的电子邮件。内容包括以下要点: 1.已安全到家,对他们的帮助表示感谢; 2.谈谈在美国期间的感受; 3.希望保持联系。 范文(1) Dear Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, I’m writing to you from my home in China. I returned home safe and sound. When I think of the wonderful two weeks I spent in America, I just can’t help thinking of both of you. It was so kind of you to have provided everything to make my staying there such a happy and lucky experienc e. I’ve learned so much , not only English but also culture. And I really enjoyed a great deal of the fun and laughter we shared with each other. Thank you very much. I’ll al ways remember this trip as well as your kindness. I’ll keep in touch and write to you later. Please take care! Yours, Li Ming ?实用词句 感谢信信体结构及内容 第一段:开头:对向对方写信表示高兴,并对写信提供帮助的事件主题进行点题并表示谢意 1.I‘m writing to express my thanks to you for… 第二段:正文:对对方所提意见或建议所达到的作用进行有层次描述或赞扬。 1.It was nice kind of you to…. 2.If it had not been for your help, I wouldn't have…(虚拟语气) 3.On the one hand, the help/advice you gave me make my studying English /visiting in china su ccessful…, 4.On the other hand, it helps me know how to do…well, 5.In all,with your useful and helpful help/advice, I’ve got good time in my life…. 第三段:结语:对对方表示再次的感谢及期盼对方的回信并表达祝愿 1.I sincerely express my thanks to you for your help/advice again, 2.and I’m looking forward to hearing from you . 3.Best wishes for you. 范文(2)写给父母的感谢信。 Dear Mum and Dad, I am writing to express my sincere gratitude to you for your great efforts. No words are strong enough to express my thanks. Above all, I’d like to thank you for your encouragement and love.It is you who first give me encouragement when I deal with difficulties, especially when I am not getting along well with my studies. I still remember the day when I stepped into the high school, you encouraged me to study hard and take care of myself. Besides, I’m grateful to you for your great efforts. .I am now a grade three student, enjoying many successes as well as going through a number of failures, which shows that I have really grown up. More importantly, without your caring and efforts, I could not make great progress in school. It seems as if you were a lamp(灯),which offers me light of hope. All in all, I’m grateful to you for your sincere love. No words are strong enough to express my thanks. Yours sincerely,
