


(A卷和B卷只是选项的顺序不一样)Part1Vocabulary and Structure

Directions:There are20incomplete sentences in this section.For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

1.These are books and newspapers you asked yesterday.

A.in which

B.on which

C.for which

D.at which

2.Five kilometers a long distance for a five-year-old boy to run.





3.It is desired that new rules to the attention of all the students.

A.shall be brought

B.will be brought

C.would be brought

D.be brought

4.I'd like to a double-room with a bath in your hotel from June3to12.





5.He could not start the engine,no matter hard he had tried.





6.I forgot to give my regards to my manager in my letter.I wish I it.

A.should do


C.have done

D.had done

7.Writing a letter to the manager,he decided to talk to him in person.

A.Instead of

B.Because of

C.As for

D.due to

8.I can't find the key to my office.I have lost it on my way home.




D.ought to

9.As far as I'm concerned,I don't like in that way.

A.to be tread

B.to treat



10.The policeman stopped the driver and found that he alcohol.


B.has drunk

C.is drinking

D.had drunk

11.In Chinese culture,red happiness,so brides usually wear red on their wedding days.





12.This is the only practicable solution your problem at the moment.





13.We have been each other for20years.

A.in touch

B.in touch with


D.touching with

14.She failed her entrance examination for college and was unable to start her studies at






15.My mother and I always enjoyed our chat under a pine tree in the park,our childhood.





16.Many countries began to economic ties with China after its reform and opening-up






17.The doctor has warned time and again that smoking will his health,but Johnny just

won't listen.





18.the editor asked his journalists not to any details in their reports of the accident.

A.leave for

B.leave out

C.leave off

D.leave on

19.It wasn't very of you to drink all the milk when you know I need some for the baby!





20.At first the boss threatened to him from his job,but later it turned out to be a mere bluff.





Part2Reading Comprehension

Directions:In this part there are4passages followed by questions or unfinished statements,each with four suggested answers marked A,B,C and D.Choose the ONE you think is the best answer,then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line throuhg the center.


Of all the family members,grandparents are probably the least valued.They are just the people who have always been around.They make a fuss over the children in the family,show off to their friends the achievements of this child or that child,and show countless pictures of new babies.Grandfathers can fix anything,and grandmothers always have homemade biscuits around.

When you are small,it's fun to stay with your grandparents because they always let you do things you can't do at home,and,of course,they buy you things.They are always able to babysit because they don't go out much and actually prefer to see their grandchildren.They are usually good for a small loan now and then doesn't need to be paid back because they turn it into a gift.You respectfully listen to their advice but don't thank them politely for what they do for you,and then don't call or visit them until you need something else.And,of course,you never tell them how dear they are to you because they know how you feel about them anyway.Then all of a sudden,they are no longer there to do the things that only grandparents can do,and you find yourself wishing that you had told them what they meant to you as people and not just as grandparents.

21.What is the position of grandparents in the family according to the writer?

A.They are the most important people among family members.

B.They are the least important people among family members.

C.They are the ones at whom their children or grandchildren usually laugh.

D.They are the ones whom their children or grandchildren respect most.

22.Grandparents usually do many things except.

A.buy their grandchildren things

B.look after their grandchildren

C.let their grandchildren do things they can't do at home.

D.tell their grandchildren how dear they are to home.

23.Why don't children need to pay back the loan from their grandparents?

A.Their grandparents will forget the loan.

B.Their grandparents pay back the loan for them.

C.Their grandparents die before they have enough money to pay it back.

D.Their grandparents turn the loan into a gift.

24.Children never tell their grandparents how dear they are to them because.

A.they don't like their grandparents.

B.they take for granted everything their grandparents do for them.

C.their grandparents know how they feel

D.they do not respect their grandparents

25.How do children feel after their grandparents die?

A.They regret they didn't express their true feelings to them.

B.They feel sorry that grandparents are the least valued in the family.

C.They miss them very much because no one does the things that grandparents do.

D.They wish they had visited and called them more often.


Many American colleges permit foreign students to live in college housing or housing not owned by the university,such as an apartment.College housing is usually in a dormitory,or dorm for short.Many foreign students say that the dorms are less costly than apartments.They say dorms offer quiet study areas and areas for social activities or sports.They say dorms are close to places they go every day,like the library,computer center and classrooms.They also say that living in the room provides the best chance to get to know other students.

Dormitories may have as few as twelve students or as many as one thousand.Some dorms are organized into areas called suites.Suites have several bedrooms,a large living area and a bathroom.Six or more people may live in one suite.Other dorms have many rooms along a hallway.Two students usually live in each room.On each floor there is a large bathroom for all the students who live on that floor.Sometimes there is also a kitchen for preparing food.

In most universities,males and females live in the same dorm.They may even live on the same floor.But they usually may not live in the same room or suite.Most universities have some dorms for men and women.

26.Where do some foreign students in American colleges prefer to live?

A.In a hotel

B.In a house

C.In an apartment

D.In a friend's home

27.What may be the reason for a foreign student to choose to live in a dorm?

A.It is cheaper

B.It has a big living room

C.It is cleaner

D.It is owned by the university

28.How many students can a dorm hold at most according to the passage?




D.A thousand

29.One of the advantages of living in a dorm is that.

A.it is easier for the students to get in touch with other students

B.the students can go to school library every day

C.the students can use personal computers freely

D.more than two students may live in one room

30.Which of following statement is TURE according to the passage?

A.All the students in a dorm share one large bathroom

B.Students are not allowed to cook in the dorm

C.Female students and male students cannot live in the same dorm

D.Living in the dorm is helpful to develop your relation with others


Cars are an important part of life in th United States.Without a car,most people feel that they are poor.An even if a person is poor he doesn't feel really poor when he has a car.

Henry Ford was the man who first started making cars in large numbers.He probably didn't know how much the

car was going to affect American culture.The car made the Unite States a nation on wheels.And it helped make the United States what it is today.

There are three main reasons the car became so popular in the United States.First of all,the country is a huge one and Americans like to move around in it.The car provides the most comfortable and cheapest form of transportation.With a car people can go any place without spending a lot of money.

The second reason cars are popular is the fact that the United States never really developed an efficient and inexpensive form of public transportation.Long-distance have never been as common in the United States as they are in other parts of the world.Nowadays,there is a good system of air-service provided by planes.But it is too expensive to be used frequently.

The third reason is the most important one,though.The American spirit of independence is what really made cars popular.Americans don't like to wait for a bus or a train or even a plane.They don't like to have to follow an exact schedule.A car gives them the freedom to schedule their own time.And this is the freedom that Americans want most to have.

The gas shortage has caused a big problem for Americans.But the answer will not be a bigger system of public transportation.The real solution will have to be a new kind of car,one that does not use so much gas.

31,When do most Americans feel they are poor?

A.When they don't have a car

B.When they live in a huge country

C.When they don't planes.

D.When they have a car

32.Why do cars become popular in the United States?

A.The United States is huge.

B.Public transportation is not so good.

C.Americans like to be independent

D.Americans like to move around

33.What public transportation is good in the United States?





34.What has caused a big problem for Americans?

A.A new kind of car

B.Public transportation

C.The gas shortage

D.Poor people

35.Which of the following is NOT mentioned according to this passage?

A.Cars have made the nation on wheels.

B.Cars have made the United States have a gas shortge

C.Nearly80%of the American people have cars.

D.Cars have made American independent.


There is a difference between science and technology.Science is a method of answering theoretical questions;technology is a method of solving practical problem.Science has to do with the facts and relationships between observable phenomena in nature and with establishing theories that serve to organize these facts and relationships;technology has to do with tools,techniques,and procedures for implementing the finding of science.

Another distinction between science and technology has to do with the progress in each.Progress in science excludes the human factor.Scientists,who seek to comprehend the universe and know the truth with the highest degree of accuracy and certainty,cannot pay attention to their own or other people's likes or dislikes or to popular ideas about the fitness of things.What scientists discover may shock or anger people-as did Darwin's theory of evolution.But even an unpleasant truth is more than likely to be useful;besides,we have the choice of refusing to believe it!But it's hardly so with technology and we do not have the choice of refusing to hear the sonic boom produced by a supersonic aircraft flying overhead;we do not have the choice of refusing to breathe polluted air;and

we do not have the choice of living in a non-atomic age.Unlike science progress,technology must be measured in terms of the human factor.The legitimate purpose of technology is to serve people in general,not merely some people;and future generantions,not merely those who presently wish to gain advantage for themselves.Technology must be humanistic if it is to lead to a better world.

36.Which of the following statements about science is NOT true?

A.Scinece provides answers to theoretical questions.

B.Scinece seeks to comprehend the universe.

C.Scinece aims to discover the inter-connections of facts and rules that explain them.

D.Scinece serves people in general and can be measured in terms of the human factor.

37.Which of the followig statements about technology is NOT true?

A.Technology provides answer to practical problems.

B.Technology seeks to establish theories based on facts.

C.Technology helps change the material world.

D.Technology has to do with new desings and ways of making the we use in our daily life.

38.According to the author,scientific theories.

A.must be strictly objective.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/1c13006216.html,ually pay attention to people

C.should conform to popular opinions.

D.always convince everyone

39.The author states that technology itself.

A.is responsible for pollution and resource exhaustion

B.should serve those who wish to gain advantage for themselves

C.will lead to a better world if put to wise use

D.will inevitably be for bad motivation

40.The tone of the author in this passage is.






Directions:There are10blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are4choices marked A,B,C and D.You should choose the ONE answer that best fits into the passage.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Reading is pleasure of the mind,which means what it is a little like a sport:your eagerness and knowledge and quickness make you a good41.Reading is fun,not because the writer is telling you something,but because it makes your mind work.Your own42works along with the author's or even goes beyond his.Your experience,compared with his,brings you to the same or different43,and your ideas develop44you understand his.Every book stands by itself,like a one-family house,but books in a library are like house in a city.Although they are45,together they all add up to something,they are46with each other and with other cities.The same ideas,or47ones,turn up in different places;the human problems that repeat themselves in life repeat themselves in literature,but win different48according to different writings at different times.Books influence each other;they49the past,the present and the future and have their own50,like families.Wherever you start reading you connect yourself with one of the families of ideas,and in the long run,you not only find out about the world and the people in it,you find out about yourself,too.

41.A.sportsman B.reader C.man D.student

42.A.imagination B.ability C.quality D.skill

43.A.results B.places C.books D.conclusions

44.A.whereas B.unless C.as D.only if

45.A.separate B.divided C.lonely D.independent

46.A.related B.connected C.charged D.developed

47.A.different B.related C.opposite D.irrelevant

48.A.answers B.measures C.methods D.solutions

49.A.head B.link C.describe D.record

50.A.offspring B.friends C.generations D.relatives





B卷:1-5:AABDC6-10:DCCBD11-15:https://www.360docs.net/doc/1c13006216.html,AD16-20:BABBA21-25:ACCDA26-30:DCBDD31-35: CABCB36-40:DAABA41-45:ADDBA46-50.CADCB







My Attitude toward Private Cars

Nowadays,private cars can be seen everywhere in China as the life standard has been increasingly improved along with the economy.Several reasons are responsible for this.Owing a private car has many advantages.The greatest advantage of all is that the car gives its owners more convenience and saves them a lot of time,enables them to go where they please.People can cover long distances by car rapidly and comfortably.

However,too many private cars have caused a lot of social problems as well.The worst of all the disadvantages is the heavy traffic we face everyday.We may wait hours a day wasting our lives to struggle a way to work.

It is essential that effective measures should be taken to reduce the heavy traffic.Firstly, we should try bicycle as much as possible since it is a good way to keep fit.Then,we can share one with neighbors or relatives as much as possible when going to work or picking up children, which can also save us a lot money and time.


2011年湖北学位英语真题(A)卷 Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure Directions:There are 20 incomplete sentences in this each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and the ONE answer that best completes the mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1.These are books and newspapers you asked yesterday. which which which which 2.. 3.Five kilometers a long distance for a five-year-old boy to run. A .is 4.It is desired that new rules to the attention of all the students. be brought be brought be brought brought 5.$ 6.I'd like to a double-room with a bath in your hotel from June 3 to 12. 7.He could not start the engine,no matter hard he had tried. 8.I forgot to give my regards to my manager in my wish I it. . do done done 9. Writing a letter to the manager,he decided to talk to him in person. of of for to 10.I can't find the key to my have lost it on my way home. to 11.' 12.As far as I'm concerned,I don't like in that way. be tread treat policeman stopped the driver and found that he alcohol. drunk drinking drunk 11.In Chinese culture,red happiness,so brides usually wear red on their wedding days. } 12.This is the only practicable solution your problem at the moment. 13.We have been each other for 20 years. touch touch with with 14.* 15.She failed her entrance examination for college and was unable to start her studies at college. 16.My mother and I always enjoyed our chat under a pine tree in the park, our childhood.


2017年11月北京成人学士学位英语考试真题及答案 Part I Reading Comprehension (30%) Directions: There are three passages In this part Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: In 2014, older Americans fell 29 million times, leading to 7 million injuries, according to a report published last week. About million cases were treated in emergency department, and approximately 800,000 seniors went on to be hospitalized. More than 27,000 falls led to death. (76) And the problem is getting more and more serious. “Older adult falls are increas ing and, sadly, often indicate the end of independence,” said Dr. Tom Frieden. The fallsare preventable, Frieden stressed. He said individuals, families and health care providers can take steps to resist the trend.


2017 年4 月成人高等教育本科毕业生申请学士学位 外国语水平考试广东) A 英语试卷一 Part I Dialogue completion (15 points) Part II Reading Comprehension (40 points) Part III Vocabulary and Structure (20 points) Part IV Cloze (10 points) 考生须知 1.本试卷分试卷一和试卷二两部分,试卷一满分85分,试卷二满分15分,考试时间共 120分钟。 2. 本试卷一为A型试卷,请将答案用2B铅笔填涂在A型试卷一答题卡上,答在试卷或其他类型答题卡上的无效。答题前请核对试卷一答题卡是否为A型卡,若不是,请要求监考人员予以更换。 3. 答题卡上正确的填涂方法为:在代表答案的字母上划线,如[A] [B] [C] [D] Part I Dialogue Completion (l5 points) Directions: There are I5 short in complete dialogues in this part, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER Sheet. 1.Speaker A: ______ I guess I’m addicted to the Internet. Speaker B: So you’d better quit surfing the Net deep into the night. A.I knew it. B. Why, it’s a pity! C. I can't help it. D. What seems to be the problem? 2. Speaker A: Don't be sad, I'm sure things will change for the better soon. Speaker B: ______. A. That sounds awful. B. Yes you're probably right. C. I hope not! D. You are welcome! 3. Speaker A: Can I get some information about the training program here? Speaker B: _______ A. Yes, you do B. Go ahead C. You certainly can D. That's fun 4. Speaker A: Tom, would you like to go to a party this Saturday? SpeakerB:______ What kind of party? Speaker A: It's a birthday party. A. Sounds good B. Looks nice C. Seems all right D. Feels OK 5. Waiter: ______? Customer: Yes, I'll have a steak, medium rare, with French fries. A. What do you want to eat B. Have you decided what to do yet C. Excuse me, are you ready to order now D. Sorry, but who'd like to order

湖北省成人高等教育学士学位英语水平考试真题2013年 1

湖北省成人高等教育学士学位英语水平考试真题2013年 (总分:120.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、第Ⅰ卷选择题(总题数:0,分数:0.00) 二、Part Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure(总题数:20,分数:20.00) 1.By no means ______ our mistakes. (分数:1.00) A.we ought ignore B.we ought to ignore C.ought we ignore D.ought we to ignore √ 解析:[解析] 我们一定不能忽视我们所犯的错误。 本题考查倒装句的用法。by no means是“绝不,一定不”的意思,放在句首,句子应该倒装。ought to在倒装时,ought 放到主语的前面,to作为动词的标志,位置不变,仍在动词的前面。故选D。 2.This new instrument is far superior ______ the old one we bought three years ago. (分数:1.00) A.than B.to √ C.over D.of 解析:[解析] 这台新机器远比三年前买的那台要好。 本题考查固定搭配。be superior to为固定搭配,意为“优越于,胜过”。故选B。 3.No sooner had they got off the train ______ it started moving. (分数:1.00) A.when B.than √ C.then D.after 解析:[解析] 火车在他们刚下车的时候就发动了。 本题考查固定搭配。no sooner...than为固定搭配,意为“一…就…”,相当于hardly/scarcely...when...故选B。 4.You should be able to ______ right from wrong. (分数:1.00) A.perceive B.distinguish √ C.sight D.observe 解析:[解析] 你应该能明辨是非。 本题考查动词词义辨析。perceive察觉,感觉;distinguish区别,辨别;sight瞄准,观看;observe观察,遵守。distinguish right from wrong明辨是非。故选B。 5.Any student who ______ his homework is unlikely to pass the examination. (分数:1.00) A.reduces


广东省学位英语历年真题及答案 - 百度文库 百度文库 搜索文档或关键词 普通分享 > 广东省学位英语历年真题及答案 VIP专享文档 2020-05-09 66页 用App免费查看 I. 会话技能15道15分15分钟 II. 阅读理解20道40分40分钟 III. 词汇和语法40道20分25分钟 IV. 完形填空10道10分10分钟 V . 短文写作100~120个词15分30分钟 考试总时间:120分钟 2011年广东学位英语考试试题及答案 PartⅠ Vocabulary and Structure (25 points, 30 minutes) Directions: There are 50 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. By 1929, Mickey Mouse was as popular ____ children as Coca Cola. A) for B) with C) to D) in 2. When you buy anything expensive, never forget to ask for the ____ from the shop. A) receipt B) trust C) render D) tale 3. The financial support is decided not only according to your GRE score, but also according to your ____ in college. A) intelligence B) policy C) performance D) statement 4. Professor Smith is also the ____ of the international program office. If you have any problem when you study here, you may go to him for help. A) detective B) president C) manager D) director 5. We do not have a ____ school in our institute. The highest degree we provide for the students is a B. A. and a B. S. .


(90 minutes) Part I. Vocabulary and Structure (10 points; 15 minutes) Directions: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1. In no circumstances __________ a lie. A. you should tell B. shouldn't you tell C. you shouldn't tell D. should you tell 2.__________they managed to take from the tombs, there seemed to be no end to the valuable. A. What B. Which C. How much D. However much 3. The ten-page report may __________ one simple point: it ’s impractical to establish a chemical plant in that region with so many difficulties and oppositions. A. get down to B. come down to C. settle down D. take down 4. Don’ t do that again! You not only endangered yourself, but also put your friend __________. A. as a result B. at length C. at risk D. by mistake 5. “ Perhaps you should go home now. ” “ No, I __________ on staying here for a while longer. ” A. persist B. stick C. sit D. insist 6. __________ a major disaster will get us to realize that we can’ t go on destroying the rain forests of the world. A. Anything but B. Nothing but C. But that D. Everything hut 7. Wewent very often to Hyde Park __________ speakers addressed the passing crowds on different subjects. A. which B. where C. that D. for 8. The matter __________ you were arguing about last night had been settled. A. as B. that

学位英语考试真题答案 完整版

2015年11月1日学位英语考试真题答案(完整版)Part ⅠDialogue completion (10 points) Dialogue one Tom: Do you go to college? Mike: Yes. __1__ Tom: What college do you go to? Mike: I go to Pasadena City College. Tom: Do you like it? Mike: Oh, yes. __2__ Tom: why do you like it? Mike: Because it has great teachers. Tom: __3__ Mike: I like all my classmates, too. Tom: Anything else? Mike: Yes. __4__ A. It’s not expensive! B. You bet.

C. I think I do. D. what else? Dialogue Two Speaker A: I just recently moved into the neighborhood. Speaker B: __5__ How recently? Speaker A: Just last week. Speaker B: What kinds of things have you been doing out there? Speaker A: __6__ Speaker B: why not? Speaker A: I don't know what to do. Speaker B: There're all sort of things to do. Speaker A: __7__ Speaker B: Shopping, or seeing a movie, or even going to the beach. Speaker A: That sounds great. A. I haven't been doing much. B. Really? C. How are you doing? D. Like what? Dialogue Three


2016年湖北学位英语真题(A)卷 (A卷和B卷只是选项的顺序不一样)Part1Vocabulary and Structure Directions:There are20incomplete sentences in this section.For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1.These are books and newspapers you asked yesterday. A.in which B.on which C.for which D.at which 2.Five kilometers a long distance for a five-year-old boy to run. A.is B.are C.be D.would 3.It is desired that new rules to the attention of all the students. A.shall be brought B.will be brought C.would be brought D.be brought 4.I'd like to a double-room with a bath in your hotel from June3to12. A.promise B.propose C.book D.check 5.He could not start the engine,no matter hard he had tried. A.when B.where C.what D.how 6.I forgot to give my regards to my manager in my letter.I wish I it. A.should do B.did C.have done D.had done 7.Writing a letter to the manager,he decided to talk to him in person. A.Instead of B.Because of C.As for D.due to 8.I can't find the key to my office.I have lost it on my way home. A.would B.should C.must D.ought to 9.As far as I'm concerned,I don't like in that way. A.to be tread B.to treat C.treated D.treating 10.The policeman stopped the driver and found that he alcohol. A.drinks B.has drunk C.is drinking D.had drunk 11.In Chinese culture,red happiness,so brides usually wear red on their wedding days. A.stands B.represents C.presents D.resents 12.This is the only practicable solution your problem at the moment. A.about B.of C.for D.to 13.We have been each other for20years. A.in touch B.in touch with C.touching D.touching with 14.She failed her entrance examination for college and was unable to start her studies at college. A.furthermore B.consequently C.sequently D.moreover 15.My mother and I always enjoyed our chat under a pine tree in the park,our childhood. A.thinking B.memorizing C.reminding D.recalling 16.Many countries began to economic ties with China after its reform and opening-up policies. A.expand B.expend C.extend D.intend 17.The doctor has warned time and again that smoking will his health,but Johnny just won't listen.


成人本科学士学位英语统一考试题及答案 2011.11.05 PartⅠReading Comprehension (30%) Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: The reflective towers of New York City, which is on the Atlantic migrating(迁徙的)route , can be deadly for birds. “We live in an age of glass,”said https://www.360docs.net/doc/1c13006216.html,urel, an architect.(76)“It can be a perfect mirror in certain lights, and the larger the glass, the more dangerous it is.” About 90,000 birds are killed by flying into building in the city each year. Often, they strike the lower levels of glass towers after searching for food in nearby parks. Such crashes are the second-leading cause of death for migrating birds, after habitat(栖息地)loss, with an estimated number of death ranging up to a billion a year. (77)As glass office and apartment towers have increased in the last decade, so, too, have calls to make them less deadly to birds. San Francisco adopted bird-safety standard for new building in July. The United States Green Building Council, a nonprofit industry group that encourages the creation of environmentally conscious buildings, will introduce a bird-safety credit this as part of its environmental certification process. There are no easy fixes, however. A few researchers are exploring glass designs that use ultraviolet(紫外线的)signals, but they are still in their infancy. Covers, dot patterns, shades and net are the main options available. Often, only one section of a building needs to be changed. “You don't necessarily have to treat every window,”https://www.360docs.net/doc/1c13006216.html,urel said. “It would be too expensive to do the whole building.”The Jacob Convention Center, which has been undergoing alterations, is the most recent building to voluntarily correct the problem of bird crashes. The architects used less reflective glass and dot patterns. 1. What is the main idea of the passage? A. New York is a city of glass towers. B. Glass tower are dangerous for migrating birds. C. New York adopted new safety standards for buildings. D. Glass towers are a new trend in the United States. 2. What is the number one cause of death for migrating birds? A. Climate change B. Habitat loss C. Lack of food D. Crashing into buildings. 3. What does the word “fixes”in the third paragraph probably mean? A. Choices B. Explanations C. Solutions D. Developments 4. _____are used in the alteration of the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center. A. Dot patterns B. Shades C. Nets D. Covers 5. Which of the fowling statements is TRUE according to the passage? A. In many cases, the whole building needs to be altered to prevent bird crashes. B. The Jacob K.Javits Convention Center is the first building to deal with the problem of bird crashes. C. About 90,000 birds are killed due to habitat loss in New York City each year. D. Unfortunately, glass designs that use ultraviolet signals are still in their early stages. Passage 2 Question 6 to 10 are based on the fowling passage: Today's students have grown up hearing more about Bill Gates than F.D.R., and they live in a world where amazing innovations(革新)are common. The current 18-year-olds, after all, were 8 when Google was founded by two students at Stanford; Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook in 2004 while he was Harvard and they were entering high school. Having grown up digital(数字的),they are impatient to get on with life. The easiest way to find kids like these is to check in on entrepreneurship(企业家才能)education, in which colleges and universities try to prepare their students to recognize opportunities and seize them.


考试须知 1、本次考试试卷有试题册(试卷一)和答题纸(Answer Sheet)两种,答题时间 为120分钟。 2、请考生用钢笔在Answer Sheet上写上、学号、专业班级。 3、请考生在Answer Sheet上答题,写在试题册上的答案一律作废。 4、选择题每题只能选一个答案,多选作废。选定答案后,在Answer Sheet中找到相应题号,将答案对应字母(A\B\C\D)填写在题号后的括号里。注意保持字迹清晰工整,容易识别。由于字迹潦草、答案模棱两可甚至无法识别者,一律判为0分,责任由考生本人负责。 5、简答题、翻译和作文等主观题部分的答题请考生用钢笔书写在Answer Sheet 指定位置上。 6、考试结束,考生不得将试题册和答题纸带出考场。请把试题册和答题纸分别 上交监考老师。 Test 15 Part I. Situational Conversations (10%) Directions:In this part, there are ten short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that most appropriately suits the conversational context and best completes the dialogue. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center of the corresponding letter. 1. Vivian: Christina! I haven’t seen you for ages. How are you? Christina: Fine. And you? Vivian: Pretty good. How’s Christopher? Christina: Oh, don’t you know? We got divorced two years ago. Vivian: __________ A. Hope you’ll be better. B. It is really a problem. C. What a pity! D.Oh, I’m sorry. 2. Richard: How much is it to rent an economy car? Tina: $15.00 a day or $95.00 a week, unlimited mileage. Richard: Could I have one for tomorrow morning? Tina: ___________________________ Richard: Sure. Here it is.


湖北成人学位英语考试一年考几次? 日前有考生询问,前段时间工作繁忙,错过了上半年成人学士学位英语考试,不知道下半年有没有安排考试,什么时候可以报名?实际上,湖北成人本科学士学位英语一年考一次,错过了本次考试的考生只能等待明年。 成人学位英语考试并非全国统考,而是由各省教育考试院自行组织报名和考试,各省独立命题和阅卷。因此,全国各省的报名考试安排不尽相同,部分省市一年组织两次考试,比如北京、湖南、辽宁等地,每年5月和11月各组织一次考试,而更多的省市则是一年举行一次考试,具体的报名时间和报名方式各有不同。 湖北学位英语考试报名采用网上报名和现场确认相结合的形式,所有考生都要在湖北教育考试院网站学位英语报名平台上统一报名,报名时间在12月中旬。完成网上报名后,成人高校在校生在本校或其所就读高校联系的确认点现场确认,自考生在其所学专业的主考学校现场确认。现场确认时间和地点由各高校自行安排,时间一般在12月下旬,地点在各校继续教育学院。没有进行网上报名和现场确认的考生不能参加学位英语考试。 目前,2018年湖北成人学士学位英语考试成绩已经公布,成绩由湖北教育考试院网站公布,各高校也会公布考试结果,一般学院会在继续教育学院网站上公布合格考生名单。参加本次学位英语考试的考生可以登录湖北教育考试院网站或就读院校的继续教育学院网站查询成绩,或者直接去学院现场查询考试成绩。 准备报考2019年学位英语考试的考生,要及时关注所在学校继续教育学院公布的考试信息,并及时与学校保持联系。预计12月上旬,湖北教育考试院和各高校就会公布2019年学位英语考试通知,考生请注意关注并尽早做好考试准备。


北京地区成人本科学士学位英语统一考试(A) 2003.11 注意事项 一、将答题卡(纸)上的姓名及学生代号用中文和阿拉伯数字填好。 二、仔细阅读题目的说明。 三、在120分钟内答完全部试题。 四、答案一定写在答题卡上,凡是写在试题册上的答案一律作废。 五、用铅笔这样划答案:[A] [B] [C] [D],用其他符号答题者不记分。 六、如要改动答案,必须先用橡皮擦去原来选定的答案,然后再按上面的规定重新答题。Part I Reading Comprehension (30%) Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage 1 Questions I to 5 are based on the following passage: After a busy day of work and play, the body needs to rest. Sleep is necessary for good health. During this time, the body recovers from the activities of the previous day. (76) The rest that you get while sleeping enables your body to prepare itself for the next day. There are four levels of sleep, each being a little deeper than the one before. As you sleep, your muscles relax little by little. Your heart beats more slowly, and your brain slows down. After you reach the fourth level, your body shifts back and forth from one level of sleep to the other. Although your mind slows down, from time to time you will dream. Scientists who study sleep state that when dreaming occurs, your eyeballs begin to move more quickly (although your eyelids are closed). This stage of sleep is called REM, which stands for rapid eye movement. (77) If you have trouble falling asleep, some people recommend breathing very slowly and very deeply. Other people believe that drinking warm milk will help make you drowsy. There is also an old suggestion that counting sheep will put you to sleep! 1. A good title for this passage is . A. Sleep B. Good C. Dreams D. Work and Rest 2. The word drowsy in the last paragraph means .
