





1. 开头简述写信目的,表达感谢之情并说明原因;即感谢的具体原因和内容(如感谢对方的礼物、热情招待、帮助、支持或推荐等)。

2. 正文部分可指出由于对方的帮助自己受到的益处,或表达对所受礼物的喜爱等。




1.I am writing this letter to thank you for …

2.I am writing to express my sincere thanks for

3.I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt (adj. 衷心的) thanks to you for…

4.With deepest gratitude I write you this letter for …

5.I am writing this letter because I am indebted to you for …



1.It was nice/kind/thoughtful (adj. 考虑周到的) of you to..

2.Thank you very much for your kind hospitality (n. 好客, 热情招待) and the honor you showed me during my visit…

3.It was your kind help that … (强调句型)

4.If it had not been for your (help/guidance/ assistance), I wouldnt have (won the prize) (虚拟语气)

5.But for/Without …



1.Thanks again for your generous help.

2.I appreciate it more than I can say.

3.My true gratitude is beyond the word’s description.

4.I feel deeply indebted to you and I really do not know how to thank you enough for your help.

5.Please accept my sincere thanks for your help, which I will never forget.

6.Nothing could ever return the favor you gave me.

7.Please do not hesitate to let me know if there is anything I could do to pay you back (回报).

8.Please have no hesitation in writing to me should you want (虚拟语气倒装) me to do something for you…

9.Please do allow me to return your favor (报答)

10.Best wishes for your health and every happiness.



假定你是李华,去年是一名交换生(exchange student)去美国学习,得到布朗一家的照顾,回国后写一封感谢信给布朗夫妇,要点如下:1. 感谢生活上的关心,克服了思乡病。2. 感谢学习上的帮助,口语进步很大。

3. 欢迎到中国做客。注意:1. 词数100左右。2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3. 开头语和结束语已为你写好。

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Brown,

How are things going with you recently? Thank you so much for giving me a chance to live in your family while I was an exchange student in America! That was such a hard time for me, but your kindness and warm heart did let me overcome my homesickness. Besides, you tutored me in my spoken English in daily life.

With your help, I made such rapid progress that I won the first place in the English Speaking Competition of the city. My achievement is owed to your help. If there is a chance, welcome to China, I am looking forward to your coming.

All the best.


Li Hua


1. 活动中的收获;

2. 难忘在Kelly家的美好日子;

3. 感谢她送你的英文词典。

提示词:文化交流周Cultural Exchange Week

___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Dear Kelly,

I’ve been back home safely from England. Thank you for the warm help during my stay in England.

Last week, I participated in the Cultural Exchange Week. I enjoyed myself in your country. We paid a visit to the city museum and some places of interest, which made me have a better understanding of the English society, culture and history. Of course, I also made many new friends. What’s more, I was lucky enough to stay at your home. And I’ll never forget the days we spent together. Here I especially thank you for the dictionary you offer me as a gift, which is a great help for me to learn English well. I will treasure and make full use of it.

Best wishes for your health and every happiness. Welcome to China when it’s convenient for you !


感谢信开头段常用句式和套话 i am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for...i am writing to express my thanks for... i am writing to show my sincere appreciation for...i would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for... i feel deeply indebted to you and i really dont know how to thank you enough for your help. 感谢信结尾段常用句式和套话 i must thank you again for your generous help.i am most grateful for your selfless donation. my true gratitude is beyond the words description.i feel most obliged to thank you once more.please accept my gratitude, now and always.★例: directions: after being involved in an accident, you were looked after by another person. write a letter: 1)mentioning what happened in the accident, 2)telling the person about your recovery, and 3)expressing your thanks. you should write with no less than 100 words on answer sheet 2. do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. use li ming instead. you do not need to write the address. 范文: dear john, i am writing to thank you for looking after me after that unfortunate accident the other day, when i was knocked off my bike by a taxi. if it had not been for your assistance in giving me first aid and taking me to a nearby hospital, i fear that the consequences might have been much more serious dear staff, i am writing to show my sincere gratitude for all of you. now that i am home and on my own again i feel extremely happy. during the time i lived at the rehabilitation center and was under your tender care, i promised myself i would write a letter of thanks as soon as i was able. abundant thanks to each one of you for your patience, expertise and genuine concern. it was you who helped me believe in myself and gave me assurance that i could walk again. i would never forget each word you said to me and the things you have done to me. forgive me for the times i lashed out at you in frustration and thank you for understanding and remaining firm with me. never stop your beautiful way of working with people. your help really means a lot to me and anyone who in trouble as well. affectionately, wang fang 译文 亲爱的全体工作人员: 我写这封信是为了表达我对你们的真诚感谢。现在我又可以一个人在家了,我真的非常高兴。我在康复中心接受你们的关照时,就已经决心只要一有时间就给你们写感谢信了。 对于你们每个人的耐心、专业精神和关心我表示深深地感谢。是你们使我相信自己能够站着走路。你们说的每一句话、做过的每一件事我都不会忘记。请原谅我在受挫时对你们大发脾气,谢谢你们的理解和对我的严格要求。


员工对公司的感谢信 员工对公司的感谢信1亲爱的xxxx伙伴: 你好!你好! 首先,公司代表全休同仁衷心向你和你的家人表示感谢!首先,公司代表全休同仁衷心向你和你的家人表示感谢!感谢你在公司任职期间的兢表示感谢兢业业、默默奉献!感谢你对xxxx的认可与信赖!感谢你对xxxx的忠诚和敬业!感兢业业、默默奉献!的认可与信赖!的忠诚和敬业!付出的辛勤和汗水!谢你对xxxx付出的辛勤和汗水! 可能是因为公司平台及发展方向与你个人对未来规划暂时不能保持一致,可能是因为公司平台及发展方向与你个人对未来规划暂时不能保持一致,而让你选择离开你曾为之奋斗的工作岗位。但是我们相信,离开你曾为之奋斗的工作岗位。但是我们相信,在xxxx这些日子的成长能让你比昨天更自信、朋友更多、笑容更美!在未来的日子里,因为你的努力拼搏、自信、朋友更多、笑容更美!在未来的日子里,因为你的努力拼搏、踏实肯干的精神让你在任何岗位都能成就不平凡的事业,无论是在工作中或生活中,你都是最优秀的!在任何岗位都能成就不平凡的事业,无论是在工作中或生活中,你都是最优秀的! 作中或生活中优秀员工是企业的财富,当你决定离开时,我们的心里都有一种说不出的感受——优秀员工是企业的财富,当你决定离开时,我们的心里都有一种说不出的感受——是遗憾!是惋惜!是祝

福!但是天下没有不散的筵席,我们衷心祝福你:家庭和睦,是遗憾!是惋惜!是祝福!但是天下没有不散的筵席,我们衷心祝福你:家庭和睦,健康幸福!同时请你记住:公司全体伙伴非常高兴地欢迎你有时间常回家看看,幸福!同时请你记住:公司全体伙伴非常高兴地欢迎你有时间常回家看看,希望你能把当成你永远的“娘家”xxxx当成你永远的“娘家”! 再次向你和你的家人表示真挚的感谢和深深的祝福!再次向你和你的家人表示真挚的感谢和深深的祝福! 此致 敬礼 xxx 20xx年x月x日 员工对公司的感谢信2尊敬的各位领导、亲爱的朋友们、同事们:你们好! 首先我要表达我最诚挚的谢意和最真挚感激之情! 20xx年12月13日对我来说是一个阴暗的日子,那天我被确诊为:慢性肾功能不全晚期。我整个人都掉进了冰窖,完全崩溃了。我知道自己将面临的是一大笔医疗费用和换肾的费用。对我一个农村家庭的人来说这无疑是一个天文数字!父母已是年老体衰,又没固定收入,儿子尚还年幼。我本应是家里的顶梁柱,现却因病成了家里的经济负担。我沮丧的想放弃治疗。就在这时我们华北经营总部任总发起了募捐的倡议书,让我看到了生命的曙光,点燃了我生存的希望。


最新高中英语作文感谢信 高中英语作文感谢同学的信篇1 Dear Mr John, 亲爱约翰先生, How are things going with you in Beijing? 你在北京一切安好吗? I am writing to show my thanks to you. You tutored me in my spoken english before you went to Beijing. With your help I made such rapid progress that i won the first place in the spoken english competition of the city. My achievement is owed to your help. Thank you very much. 我写这封信是为了表达我对你的感谢。在你去北京之前,你辅导我学习英语口语。由于你的帮助,我进步很快,在市英语口语比赛中我获得了第一名。我的成就都是源于你的帮助。非常感谢。

I have heard that you and your wife will pay a visit to my school. I am very glad at the news.In that case we can see each other again. I am looking forward to your coming. I am sending you a telescope as a small gift. I hope you will like it. 我听说你和你妻子将要来拜访我们学校。我很开心听到这个消息。如果那样的话我们又可以再见到彼此了。期待你们的到来。我给你寄了一个望远镜作为一份小小的礼物。希望你喜欢。 All the best. Yours,liu jie 最好的祝愿, 刘杰 高中英语作文感谢同学的信篇2 Dear Jane, I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for you and

英文感谢信格式及范文Letter of Thanks (大学英语作文)

英文感谢信格式及范文Letter of Thanks 大学英语作文 感谢信的写作主要分以下三个部分。首先开头要明确的对对方提供的帮助或赠送的礼品表示谢意。主体部分则需列举对方提供的帮助,说明该帮助所起的作用,或表达对所受礼品的喜爱以及以后如何使用及收藏等。结尾部分需再次表达诚挚的谢意并问候对方。 我们为大家提供一个感谢信的范文: Thanks for One’s Hospitality 感谢信 Directions: 说明: Your delegation has just returned from a visit to a university in Great Britain. And you were warmly treated there by Professor Herthwell. Please write a letter to express your thanks to him for his hospitality and hope for further cooperation. 您的代表团刚刚造访了英国一所大学。你受到了Herthwell教授的热烈欢迎。请写一封信来表达你对他盛情款待的感谢以及希望进一步的合作。 --------------------------------

Dear Prof. Herthwell, 亲爱的Herthwell教授: Many thanks for your kind hospitality and the honor you showed me during our delegation’s recent visit to your university. It was nice of you to introduce me to so many famous professors and celebrated scholars at your university. We had a safe and sound trip home. Now we have resumed our work. 非常感谢你的盛情款待,以及在你在我们的代表团最近访问你的大学时对我们的尊敬。谢谢你把我介绍给那么多您大学里的知名教授和著名的学者。我们已经平安愉悦得回到家了。现在,我们继续我们的工作了。 Meanwhile, I hope you will someday pay a short visit to our university and give us some lectures on “Modern Western Economics”. 同时,我希望有一天你能够对我校进行一个短暂的访问并给我们开一些关于“现代西方经济学”的讲座。 Please have no hesitation in writing to me if you want me to do something for you in China. 如果你要我为你在中国做些事情,请不要犹豫,写信给我。 Best wishes, Li Dong


篇一:英文感谢信模板+范文 感 谢信 dear______, i am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for _________ (感谢的原因). if it had not been for your assistance in ___________ (对方给你的具体帮助), i fear that i would have been_________(没有对方帮助时的后果). ever y one agrees that it was you who______________(给出细节).again, i would like to express my warm thanks to you! please accept my gratitude. yours sincerely 你的 姓名 exte nd [?kstend] vt. 延伸;扩大;推广;伸出;给予;使竭尽全力;对…估价 vi. 延伸;扩大;伸展;使疏开 grat itude [gr?t?tju?d] n. 感谢(的心情);感激 assi stance [?s?st(?)ns] n. 援助,帮助;辅助设备 谢信 1)感 谢信的写法 人们 在交往中常需要相互致谢,收到别人赠送的礼物,得到别人的帮助、受到别人的慰问,都应该 表示感谢。感谢信是人们常用的一种感谢方式。 感谢 信最主要的特点是真诚。缺乏真挚的感情答谢他人,收信人将对你的谢意产生怀疑,感谢的目 的也就失去了。因此,写感谢信首先得真心诚意。 感谢 信另一个特点是具体。写感谢信切忌泛泛而谈,而应着重于具体的感谢事由。其次一个特点 是及时。收到别人礼物、得到别人帮助,应及时写信予以答谢。否则,人家会对你的谢意大打 折扣。


给公司的感谢信精选 感谢信是重要礼仪文书,是向帮助、关心和支持过自己集体或个人表示感谢专业书信,有感谢和表扬双重意思。下面是小编整理个人给公司感谢信,希望对你有所帮助! 亲爱的xxxx伙伴: 你好!你好! 首先,公司代表全休同仁衷心向你和你家人表示感谢!首先,公司代表全休同仁衷心向你和你家人表示感谢!感谢你在公司任职期间兢表示感谢兢业业、默默奉献!感谢你对xxxx认可与信赖!感谢你对xxxx忠诚和敬业!感兢业业、默默奉献!认可与信赖!忠诚和敬业!付出辛勤和汗水!谢你对xxxx付出辛勤和汗水! 可能是因为公司平台及发展方向与你个人对未来规划暂时不能保持一致,可能是因为公司平台及发展方向与你个人对未来规划暂时不能保持一致,而让你选择离开你曾为之奋斗工作岗位。但是我们相信,离开你曾为之奋斗工作岗位。但是我们相信,在xxxx这些日子成长能让你比昨天更自信、朋友更多、笑容更美!在未来日子里,因为你努力拼搏、自信、朋友更多、笑容更美!在未来日子里,因为你努力拼搏、踏实肯干精神让你在任何岗位都能成就不平凡事业,无论是在工作中或生活中,你都是最优秀!在任何岗位都能成就不平凡事业,无论是在工作中或生活中,你都是最优秀!

作中或生活中优秀员工是企业财富,当你决定离开时,我们心里都有一种说不出感受—————优秀员工是企业财富,当你决定离开时,我们心里都有一种说不出感受—————是遗憾!是惋惜!是祝福!但是天下没有不散筵席,我们衷心祝福你:家庭和睦,是遗憾!是惋惜!是祝福!但是天下没有不散筵席,我们衷心祝福你:家庭和睦,健康幸福!同时请你记住:公司全体伙伴非常高兴地欢迎你有时间常回家看看,幸福!同时请你记住:公司全体伙伴非常高兴地欢迎你有时间常回家看看,希望你能把当成你永远“娘家”xxxx当成你永远“娘家”! 再次向你和你家人表示真挚感谢和深深祝福!再次向你和你家人表示真挚感谢和深深祝福! 此致 敬礼 xxx 20xx年x月x日 尊敬的员工以及员工家属们: 新年好! 在XX年新春佳节来临之际,xxx向你们致以新春问候和吉祥祝福,祝您新春愉快、万事如意、合家欢乐! XX年经过全体员工共同努力,公司圆满完成了全年目标,在金融危机大环境下,公司依然稳健增长,这一年,我们经

备战2018年高考英语 书面表达万能模板 06 感谢信

06感谢信 模板① Dear ________(对象), I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for________________________________(感谢的原因). If it had not been for your assistance in________________________________(对方给你的具体帮助), I fear that I would have been________________________________(没有对方帮助会产生的后果). Everyone agrees that it was you who ________________________________(给出细节). Again, I would like to express my sincere thanks to you. Please accept my sincere thanks. Yours Sincerely, Li Hua 模板② Dear ______, How about you r life/ study/ work? I’m writing to express my thanks for your _____(感谢的原因). If it had not been your assistance in _____(对方给你的具体帮助), I fear that I would have been_____ (没有对方帮助时的后果). During the ______, you gave me generous help and continuous guidance by _____. First, you _____.What’s more, you ______. There is still one thing that I can’t forget. That is _______. (原因) Thanks a lot for your kindness again. (再次致谢) Give my best regards to ______. (祝愿) Yours sincerely _______ 感谢信是用于致谢他人的馈赠、款待、帮助、以及对慰问信和祝贺信的回复。信件不 适宜过长,只需写明感谢他人的理由,信文要感情真挚,措辞得体。


篇一:英语感谢信套路范文 感谢 信开头段常用句式和套话 i am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for... i am writing to express my thanks for... i am writing to show my sincere appreciation for... i would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for... i feel deeply indebted to you and i really dont know how to thank you enough for your help. 感谢信结尾段常用 句式和套话 i must thank you again for your generous help. i am most grateful for your selfless donation. my true gratitude is beyond the words description. i feel most obliged to thank you once more. please accept my gratitude, now and always. ★例: directions: after being involved in an accident, you were looked after by another person. write a letter: 1) mentioning what happened in the accident, 2) telling the person about your recovery, and 3) expressing your thanks. you should write with no less than 100 words on answer sheet 2. do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. use li ming instead. you do not need to write the address. 范文: dear john, i am writing to thank you for looking after me after that unfortunate accident the other day, when i was knocked off my bike by a taxi. if it had not been for your assistance in giving me first aid and taking me to a nearby hospital, i fear that the consequences might have been much more serious dear staff, i am writing to show my sincere gratitude for all of you. now that i am home and on my own again i feel extremely happy. during the time i lived at the rehabilitation center and was under your tender care, i promised myself i would write a letter of thanks as soon as i was able. abundant thanks to each one of you for your patience, expertise and genuine concern. it was you who


公司慰问家属感谢信 公司慰问家属感谢信 第一篇: 201X公司慰问家属感谢信 xxx女士: 您好!玉蛇摆尾意未尽,金马昂首迎春来。值此新春佳节来临之际,xxxxxx有限公司总经理率全体员工给您拜个早年,祝您:身体健康、万事如意! 过去的201X年,面对变幻莫测的市场环境,您的爱人充分发挥伯乐相马精神,让下属人尽其才;各项工作认真部署,兵马未动,粮草先行;工作上,一马当先;工作中,鞍不离马,甲不离身;面对责任,从不指鹿为马;面对问题,绝不走马观花。公司持续招兵买马,离不开您爱人的汗马功劳,更离不开您的鞍前马后。 在此,对爱人的无私支持致以崇高的敬意! 金马狂跳,吉祥如意到;金马摇摆,生活更精彩。 衷心祝福您及您的家人: 接力马年,福气连连! 第二篇: 201X公司慰问干部家属感谢信 xxx女士: 您好!玉蛇摆尾意未尽,金马昂首迎春来。值此新春佳节来临之际,xxxxxx有限公司总经理xxx先生率全体员工给您拜个早年,祝您:

身体健康、万事如意! 过去的201X年,面对变幻莫测的市场环境,您的爱人充分发挥伯乐相马精神,让下属人尽其才;各项工作认真部署,兵马未动,粮草先行;工作上,一马当先;工作中,鞍不离马,甲不离身;面对责任,从不指鹿为马;面对问题,绝不走马观花。公司持续招兵买马,离不开您爱人的汗马功劳,更离不开您的鞍前马后。 在此,对爱人的无私支持致以崇高的敬意! 金马狂跳,吉祥如意到;金马摇摆,生活更精彩。衷心祝福您及您的家人: 接力马年,福气连连! 给力马年,好运绵绵! xxxxxx有限公司 二0一四年元月 第三篇: 中秋节家属慰问感谢信 亲爱的 你们好! 首先,谢谢您给我们培养了一个如此优秀的好同事! xx公司工作表现的很出色、很优秀。他在工作中用自己的热情和专业知识做出了贡献,并受到同事和领导的好评。我们深深以他为荣! 作为一个远离家人出门在外工作的孩子或亲人,我们能深深体会到家人的牵挂!不过,请您放心! 您的亲人所在的企业是当地行业的龙头企业,现在有220名的员工。大家相处的都很好,很融洽,像一


英语感谢信万能模板(共6篇) Directions: After being involved in an accident, you were looked after by Mr. Shakespeare. Write a special letter to express your thanks. Dear Mr. Shakespeare, I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude. I am referring to that unfortunate accident the other day, when I was knocked off my bike by a taxi. If it had not been for your timely assistance in giving me first aid, I fear that the consequences might have been much serious. Everyone agrees that it was your quick-witted response in that emergency that has led to this satisfactory outcome. Although nowadays people in mounting numbers talk about the need to be unselfish, we see very few people practice what they preach. If there were more people like you, this world would be a much nicer place. 感谢信 感谢信主要组成部分: 1 开门见山地交代写信目的 引出感谢


感谢信英语作文 篇一:感谢信英语作文带翻译 dear mr. liu, 亲爱的刘先生, 谢谢你购买我们的卫星系列电脑。 we are dedicated to manufacturing the most advanced business machines and hope that our products are meeting with your approval. 我们致力于生产最先进的商业机器,希望我们的产品与你的批准。 你的评论对我们来说也是很重要的,因为他们帮助我们提供最好的服务。 please take a moment to fill out the enclosed card in order to receive lifetime technical support,special prices and updates. 请花点时间填写附件卡为了获得终身技术支持,特殊的价格和更新。 if you have any questions concerning our products, please call our customer service department at 1234-567. 如果你有任何问题关于我们的产品,请致电我们的客户服务部门在1234 - 567。 1 ————来源网络整理,仅供供参考

again, thank you for your purchase. 再次感谢您的购买。 篇二:感谢信英语作文范文 dear mary , in this letter i would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to you for your books about band four to me. the book is very useful especially for my reading and writing .i want to buy this book for a long time. your generous help and tender care made me feel warmly. thank you once more. 篇三:英语作文感谢信 dear laura, i was truly eaptured beyond expression to receive your flowers which turned our living room into a garden. how considerate and wonderful of you to remember my birthday. you just couldnt have selected anything i had have liked more! you have a positive genius for selecting the right gift! the four years i spent with you at the college have been the pleasantest period in my life. i will cherish this memory forever. how nice it would be to see you again. ————来源网络整理,仅供供参考 2


公司对公司感谢信 【篇一:写给公司的感谢信】 感谢信 尊敬的中国联通股份有限公司陕西分公司: 首先感谢贵司长期以来对世纪互联的关心与支持。 做为中立的互联网基础设施服务提供商,世纪互联一直致力于为客 户提供高品质的服务,其中,网络质量是保证客户感知的重要基础,响应速度是提升客户感知的关键环节。在过去2013年中,贵司给予 了世纪互联非常有力的支撑和保障,尤其是贵司集团客户部,作为 具体业务接口部门,扎扎实实做工作、勤勤恳恳保质量,集中展现 出高度的敬业和专业精神,针对我司一些专线客户,不断优化网络 质量,全年网络故障由2012年的50余次减少为9次,网络品质大 幅改善。同时,响应效率也得到极大的提升,针对一些突发状况, 曾连续两天奋战到凌晨两点,各级领导亲自过问抢修进度,让我们 十分感动,也获得了客户普遍的认可和好评。在此,我们由衷的感 谢贵司对世纪互联的关心和爱护,同时向那些曾经帮忙过世纪互联 的一线人员、各级领导表示最真挚的敬意,我们真切的感受到双方 合作日益紧密、发展环境越来越好。 在新的一年里,我们有信心与贵司一起抓住机遇,合作共赢,不断 开拓市场,创造更好成绩。 再次感谢。 此致 敬礼 世纪互联(西安)信息服务外包产业园有限公司 二〇一四年二月十三日 【篇二:公司感谢信范本】 xxxxx工程有限公司 尊敬的各位店员: 您们好! 饮水思源,我们深知,装饰部所取得的每一点进步和成功都离不开 广大店员的关注、信任、支持和参与。您们的理解和信任是我们进 步的强大动力,您们的支持和参与是我们成长的不竭源泉。您们的 每一次参与,每一个建议,都让我们激动不已,促使我们不断奋进。


感谢信 感谢信是指在日常学习和生活中,当收到馈赠、邀请、赴宴、照顾、慰问、祝贺时,给对方道谢的信件。感谢信应写得真诚、具体、及时。通常包括以下内容:感谢的原因→对方给予的帮助或礼物→对方的作用和对自己的意义→给出细节→再次致谢。 写作格式 第一段:表达感谢之情并说明原因; 第二段:细述并赞赏对方给与的帮助; 第三段:再次阐述谢意并表达回报愿望。 V ocabulary:(感谢) 动词:Thank, appreciate; 名词:Thanks, gratitude, appreciation; 形容词:Thankful, grateful, appreciative. owe v. 欠债, 感激/ indebt v. 负债, 蒙受恩惠 ?短语:因…而感激sb. 1.thank you for … 2.appreciate one’s doing … 3.be grateful/thankful to sb. for … 4.many thanks for … 5.express my thanks/gratitude for … 6.owe sb. a lot for … 7.be indebted to sb. for … 第一段:表达感谢之情并说明原因; 常用句式 1. I am writing this letter to thank you for … 2. I am writing to express my sincere thanks for 3. I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt (衷心的) thanks to you for… 4. With deepest gratitude I write you this let ter for … 5. I am writing this letter because I am indebted to you for … 6. I am obliged to you for/I owe you a great deal for … 第二段:细述并赞赏对方给与的帮助; 常用句式 1. It was nice/kind/thoughtful of you to.. 2. Thank you very much for your kind hospitality and the honor you showed me during my visit… 3. It was your kind help that … (强调句型) 4 If it had not been for your (help/guidance/ assistance), I wouldn’t have (won the prize) 5. (虚拟语气) But for/Without … 第三段:再次阐述谢意并表达回报愿望。 常用句式


辞职后献写给公司的感谢信范文 辞职后献给公司的感谢信一 尊敬的各位领导、各位同事: 感谢你们在这一年多的时间里对我的关心和帮助,谢谢。 尊敬的董事长,还记得我刚来公司的时候你找我进行的谈话吗?那次谈话的内容我至 今没忘,工作时间久了,就越觉得你的那次谈话,不是老板对员工的谈话,而是长辈对晚 辈的教诲。你说新来到一个公司,要看它的环境氛围是不是能够适应;你说人要随时随地 的用心观察,小事情里面有大学问;你说要善于了解其他人最需要什么......,这些我都 记得,而且觉得很有道理。感谢你在一个学生刚毕业开始工作的时候给了她指导,你说的 这些话,我会终生受用的。 尊敬的张经理,感谢你一直默默地关心我,像兄长一样帮助我,这些我都感受的得到,只是我不善于表达而已,这次辞职,觉得很对不起你,也觉得很没面子,希望你见谅啊。 亲爱的同事们,离开你们的日子我会想你们的。 这份工作算是我的第一份工作,以后的路上,我会时刻以我在**工作过为荣的,再次 感谢大家! 辞职后献给公司的感谢信二 尊敬领导和各位同事: 您们好! 我因个人原因,辞去OA开发工程师的职务,即将离开我们的xx集团了。 感谢xx集团带给我的机遇与挑战! 感谢各位领导对我的关心与信赖! 感谢各位同事对我的工作的支持与帮助! 能够来到xx这一偌大的企业,我想我是幸运的,在这里学习了很多,感受了很多, 和去年刚从学校出来的时候相比,也成熟了很多…… 在xx的一年,对我来说是一生中重要的一段经历。在这里我经历了失败,也取得了 成绩,有过郁闷,也有过欢喜。失败是刻骨铭心的,它将成为一枚警钟、一块基石鞭策我 不断进取;成绩是另人欣喜的,它们会幻化成为一个个新的目标,指引我前进的方向。


高中英语作文感谢信句式 1.I am writing to expremy thanks for … 我写这封信是为了表达我对……的谢意。 2.I’d like to take this opportunity to expremy great appreciation for your timely help and assistance . 我谨借此机会感谢您给予我们的及时帮助和支持。 3.Thanks again for your kind help . 对你的帮助再次表示感谢。 4.I am grateful to you for… 感谢你…… 5.I appreciate it more than I can say. 感激不荆 6. I can never thank you enough. 感激不荆 7.I deeply appreciate your sincere help. 我深深地感谢你诚恳的帮助。 8.Many thanks for your kindneand hospitality. 多谢你的好意和好客。 9.Thank you from the bottom of my heart for.. 从心底里感谢你,因为…… 10.Again, I would like to expreour warm thanks to you. 再次向你表示谢意。 1、Thank you very much for .... 十分感谢... 2、Many thanks for your ... 3、Please accept my sincere appreciation for ... 请接受我对...真挚的感谢 4、I am truly grateful to you for ... 为了...,我真心感激您 5、It was good thoughtful of you ... 承蒙好意关心... 6、You were so kind to send ... 承蒙好意送来... 7、Thank you again for your wonderful hospitality and I am looking forward to seeing you soon.


英文作文感谢信文档2篇 English composition thank you letter document 编订:JinTai College

英文作文感谢信文档2篇 前言:感谢信是向帮助、关心和支持过自己的集体(党政机关、企事业单位、社会团体等)或个人表示感谢的专业书信,有感谢和表扬双重意思。广泛应用于个人与个人之间个人与组织之间,组织与组织之间,用于向给予自己帮助、关心和支持的对方表示感谢。本文档根据感谢信内容要求和特点展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意调整修改及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:英文作文感谢信文档 2、篇章2:2020考研英语小作文范文感谢信 篇章1:英文作文感谢信文档 dear sir herj, i have hesitated long time to write to you. not only want to express my thanks to you to let me pass in this examination,but also i want to tell you how much confidence i get in learning english from this pass .

as we reviewed my background, i hope that you came to a similar conclusion. it was indeed a pleasure to discuss the opportunities with you. i thank you again for the opportunity and look forward to our next interaction. i am convinced that i could make an impact and add value as a (job title) in your department. again, you can reach me (when)(call time) at (telephone), or you may leave a message on my answering machine, and i will return your call promptly. thank you dear sirherj again,i will take the english learning as a life long learning process! yours sincerely. 篇章2:2020考研英语小作文范文感谢信【按住Ctrl键点此返回目录】 XX考研英语小作文范文感谢信(一): directions:
