ICAO陆空对话 Test 4A

陆空通话/单选塔台:1.Can you accept (exit NO.)for departure?2.Hold shorter of RWY NO.,RWY inspection is on progress, estimate TIME delay.3.Bird strike reported on the RWY. We will send vehicle to check the RWY out ,expect TIMEdelay.4.We are informed by the coustense /police/airport that you need taxi to the bay due to5.passenger`s problem.6.Taxi into the position and hold=line up RWY NO.7.Line up with on delay RWY NO.8.Expect a TIME delay for wake turbulence (caution wake turbulence.)9.Line up and wait for weather ,say your intentions.机载气象雷达观察不准确。
10.The preceding traffic has vacated RWY due to weather say your intention.11.Confirm preceding traffic in sight.(Confirm rolling traffic on RWY in sight.)12.Reduce speed MO. For separation.13.No speed restriction/keep speed up as much as feasible.14.Expedite vacate RWY after landing.15.Plan to turn L/R at NO. exit for traffic minimum time on the RWY.16.Continue approach RWY NO. roll to the end is not available/allowed due to traffic.17.Confirm the light/approach light/sequence flashy light are suitable.18.Dim/turn down 调暗brighten up /turn up 调亮switch off/on 打开/关闭19.The light are on minimum settings.20.Show the light 让机组开灯21.Breaking action good/medium/poor/unreliable TYPE. TIME.22.Wind shear warning light/moderate/serious in vicinity.23.What`s the reason for miss approach?24.Caution a flock of birds reported on final/on departure RWY TIME.Caution large flock of birds direction of RWY TIME.Caution bird concentration exists on RWY/TWY.25.Cross RWY NO. report vacated/leaving.26.Cross RWY NO. after crossed turn L/R join TWY NO.27.Expedite cross RWY NO.28.Can you taxi by yourself /Do you need assistance?29.RWY NO. cleared NDB/VOR localizer approach/clear touch and go.30.Make full stop RWY NO. clear to land.31.Unable to approve due traffic congestion make full stop RWY NO. clear to land.32.Air taxi/hover taxi via ... direct to WHERE.33.Air taxi/hover taxi via ... required/specified route to (location heliport operatingarea/movement area active RWY/inactive RWY)RVSM:1.unable RVSM due to WX climb/descent/maintain......2.unable issue clearance into RVSM airspace climb/descent/maintain.........3.convert altitude with China RVSM flight level chart协调移交:callsign, squawk, transmission limit, time放行:1.We have not plan on the FIPS. Report your destination2.Could you report the four letter of destination?3.Clearance can not be issued due to your flight plan is not submitted to the Report Office. Could you check your flight plan again?4.The report office did not receive your flight plan, check with your company operators.5.Stay with me, report ready. I remain on this frequency, call ready.6.Clearance can not be issued at this time due to system failure. Keep you advised.7.departure/airborne time is not determined due to........you are No.1 in the sequence.8.due to WX in vicinity, departures are temporarily restricted. Delay are not determined.9.the departure flights are required to maintain 3miles separation by approach control ,due to WX. Continue wait l will advise.地面:1.start one engine approved, report push back2.confirm the tow bar is available3.after the traffic behind passing by(cleared) push back and start up approved.RNAV:1.unable RNAV radar vector for arrival2.all stations caution, RNAV terminated due to facility unserviceable.紧急避让:1.turn left/right 30 degrees immediately due traffic2.climb/descent and maintain immediately due traffic3.emergency climb/descent due traffic放油耗油:1,confirm you intend to dump fuel before landing.2.confirm you intend to waste/consume fuel before landing.3.clear to fuel dumping area, turn left/right heading.......vector to fuel dumping area.4.fuel dumping approved advise when dumping complete.进近:Turn left/right, radar vector for ILS approach, runway _ _.After/depart+point heading ___,radar vector for ILS approach, runway_ _.Report established on the glide path.Maintain level until establish on the glide path/ILS, report established.Expect vector across the final for spacing.This vector will take u through the localizer due spacing.This turn may take u through the localizer due spacing.You have crossed the localizer, turn left/right heading ___to return the localizer.Orbit left/right for weather.Clear to point, climb /descend and maintain __.hold as published, expect approach time__.地面管制员指挥航空器跟随某一架航空器滑行Taxi behind follow the track on your left.指挥让路Give way to XXX on your left加快滑行速度Expedite taxi, you’re NO.1Taxi without delay, you’re NO.加快滑行速度,由于起飞时间限制Due to flow control timeDue to departure restriction用于滑行道不熟悉时的用语Are not family withTaxiing straight ahead make the left turn at XXX intersection指挥向某一方向滑行Taxi eastbound发现滑错滑行道,立刻停止Stop taxi, you are taxiing the wrong direction原地等待Hold position原地掉头BacktrackMake a 180 on the ramp飞机做大转弯Make a hard left\right turn飞机所在位置不能自主滑行,地面管制员询问Hold position, confirm your need tug service, advise engine shut down.保持频率Continue taxiing, stay with me.按次序等待Hold in sequence, remain on this frequency.地面雷达显示有机组开了应答机,为了避免与塔台五遍飞机STCA,指挥稍后开启应答机Squawk standby小心滑行Caution taxi, work in progress清扫车cleaner 巡视车inspection vehicle地面滑行灯不工作Centerline\side-line taxiway light system un-serviceable航空器与车辆的相关信息Register number、report the positionDo you get its tug number进近的陆空通话1、管制员没有识别航空器,向机组通报Not identified, reset transponder\code and identNo ident observedNot identified, squawk ident2、进近管制员没有识别决定使用程序管制Unable establish radar contact, resume non-radar reporting procedure 3、进近管制员使用转弯识别For identification turn left\right XXX4、两架以上同方向的航班标牌重叠,管制员用调速航向等来识别。
ICAO 考试 介绍

PEPEC 是一项基于网络和计算机的航空英语能力考试 ,在系统设计上必须满足语言测试理论对英语水平考 试的质量要求,是一项“标准关联参照测试”,其依 据是国际民航组织公布的语言能力考试评分量表。根 据国际民航组织要求,英语能力体现在发音、结构、 词汇、流畅程度、理解能力和应对能力等六个方面。
评分标准采用ICAO 评定标准表,语言能力评估以发音、结构、词汇
、流畅程度、理解能力和语言应对能力等六方面标准为根据,被测 试人的英语能力从最高的6 级到最低的1 级,共以6 个等级评估; PEPEC 测试评估被测试人的英语听说能力,而不评估其阅读、写作 技能; 被测试人英语水平由多个评分员评定,充分体现考试结果的公平性 和可信性; 民航局专家组通过对考试结果的数据分析,严格监控PEPEC测试的信 度和效度;11) 考试成绩评定及报告程序由局方控制,以便保证考 试系统的安全性和考试质量;12) 面试考试员和评分员经过专业培 训,并具备民航局认证的资格。
所有具备一定英语语言基础的民航飞行人员、飞行学 员和其他相关专业人员可以申请参加考试。
PEPEC 的测试结构、测试形式及评分方式等符合国际民航组织语言测 试文件和标准与建议措施中的相关要求和规定。PEPEC 测试满足《国 际民航组织语言能力要求实施手册》(Doc.9835)中的标准,具有以 下特点: PEPEC 考试系统、题型结构和评分程序按照ICAO 语言能力测试要求而 设计; PEPEC 试题来源于航空院校、语言培训机构和航空公司,并经过民航 局专家组审定; PEPEC 考试以航空相关主题及情景为基础,进行计算机考试、录音并 由获得民航局资质的评分员评级; PEPEC 考试由计算机考试和以计算机为媒介的、半直接的面对面口语 水平测试两部分组成; 通过被测试人在考试中的语音回答对其进行英语听力和口语的能力评 估; 在模拟无线电通讯的情景中既评估被测试人应用标准无线电通话术语 的能力,又评估航空英语的应用能力;

飞行员ICAO考试简介2010-09-21 16:271. 什么是ICAO根据国际民航组织(ICAO)关于飞行人员英语语言能力的要求,飞标司组织开发了民航飞行人员英语等级考试系统,并组织民航英语方面的专家,对考试系统题库进行了专业审定。
该系统作为中国民航推进ICAO 关于飞行员英语水平的重要工程,于2007年7月份开始立项,筹备以来,国内多家航空院校和国际知名语言培训机构参与到该系统的建设。
2. ICAO考试内容如图所示分为四个板块:第一部分:听力理解你会听到若干组长达10秒或20秒的对话或陈述,在每组对话或陈述后,会相应地提出一个问题。
建议大学在准备第一部分时,多多阅读《民航英语阅读教程》,熟悉一些key words,for example, depressurization(释压) fire engine(救火车), emergency assistance(紧急救援)。

民航飞行人员英语等级考试(ICAO)模拟题-题目-049Aviation English Proficiency TestSIMULATION PAPER 5Part I . 20%Directions: There are twenty exchanges in this part. After each exchange a question will be asked, Listen carefully and choose a most appropriate answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Each exchange will be spoken only once.1. 10秒听力题1.1.1. 专业英语10秒听力(5题)1.a.Main gear failure.b.Traffic conflict.c.Request taxi.d.Runway blocked.2.a.ACA 432 is a few minutes late.b.ACA 432 is ready for takeoff.c.ACA 432 has taken off.d.ACA 432 has a tow bar problem.3.a.OAT too high.b.Cabin temperature too high.c.Undercarriage overheating.d.Instruments temperature high.4.a.Runway 27.b.Runway 09.c.Either of the runway.d.The crew will not takeoff.5.a.The first officerb.The captainc.The commander of the airlinesd.The commander of ATC1.1.2 陆空对话10秒题(5题)6.a.The pilot is establishing communication with Wuhan.b.The controller tells the pilot his frequency.c.The flight is going to be handed over to next controller.d.The pilot is making a position report.7.a.Wind becomes mildb.Wind becomes gentle.c.Wind becomes slightd.All of above8.a.Five minutesb.Thirty minutesc.Thirty five minutesd.Not mentioned9.a.The taxiway is covered with floodb.The taxiway is covered with fogc.The taxiway is covered with standing waterd.The taxiway is covered with ice10.a.To turn on the approach lights.b.To turn off the approach lights.c.To brighten the approach lights.d.To dim the approach lights.1.2.1 专业英语20秒听力(5题)11.a.The taxiway is not in use.b.Hold short of runway.c.Work in progress near runway.d.Work in progress near taxiway.12.a.clear.b.Dark.c.Cloudy.d.Low ceiling.13.a.The weight of the aircraftb.The cruising levelc.The aircraft on board equipmentd.The aircraft and the operator is RVSM qualified14.a.Visibility 11.6b.QNH 1011c.Sky is obscuredd.RVR 30015.a.They do need a follow-me- van.b.He likes a follow-me van in a dense fog day.c.He wishes the controller send a follow-me van to them.d.They can solve the problem by themselves.1.2.2 非正常陆空对话20秒听力(5题)16.a.Rudder, elevator,b.Elevator, throttle.c.Throttle, elevator, attitude.d.All of above17.a.Something wrong with the main gear wheel well.b.Something wrong with nose gear wheel well.c.The aircraft has run over one of the ground personnel.d.A boy got into the main landing gear bay.18. The runway is being foamed.1.An emergency is not completed.2.The runway is being cleaned.3.All of above19.a.The controllerb.The security officialc.The pilot.d.An unknown person20.a.To hold before approach.b.To dump fuel before approach.c.To attempt to approach again.d.To go directly to the holding point.。

陆空通话特情案例陆空通话特情案例上海东方飞行培训有限公司2013年9月目录序:2-31. 陆空通话运行提示4-52. 两个重要特情的讨论6-103. 哥航92折戟异乡11-124. 飞行中的紧急通讯13-155. 如何宣告紧急情况16-196. 无线电通话造成的事故(一)20-267. 无线电通话造成的事故(二)27-308. 不利气象条件下飞行通讯关键词和例句31-389. 附:PEPEC考试专栏:第三部分模拟陆空通话应注意的答题规范性39-41 PEPEC考试题型分析及应试技巧探讨42-43 PEPEC考试技巧浅谈规范性44-45PEPEC考试点津46-47附录二、ICAO 考试范畴细目表48-55 10 附:陆空通话特情词组、句子摘抄56-65序ICAO飞行员英语工程是国际民航组织为继续提高国际航空运输运行安全所采取的一项重要措施。


ICAO英语四级面试内容ORAL PROFICIENCY INTERVIEW (OPI)Directions: In this part, two testers will accompany you through the whole process of the interview. One of them will act as the interlocutor and the other will be the assessor. Only the interlocutor will talk with you in the interview with possible elicitation. The assessor will not join the conversation and only evaluate your performance according to the ICAO rating scale. Remember that the total interview time will be from a minimum of 15 minutes to a maximum of 20 minutes.Original question list:1.How did you become a pilot?When I was a student in my high school about 30 years ago, the navy selected pilots from students of high school, I took part in the check-up, and fortunately I became a navy pilot.2.Please describe a success in your life?The true success in my life includes tow things. First, I chose the job of pilot, that’s to say I realize my dream . Second, I have a good family, my wife is very virtuous and my son is very handsome.3, please tell of a great achievement you have made in your career?If there was achievement in my pilot career, I became a commercial airplane captain.4, please tell something about a great change in your pilot career?A biggest change was that I transferred from navy to the commercial airline.5, do you have any future plan? What is it?I wish each of my flights is on time and safe.6,Describe your typical working day?Every working day I have to get up early, and then I go to my base by car. When I arrive at my base, I need to prepare the flight plan with my crew members. We usually get in the aircraft one hour before taking-off and begin pre-fly check .During the flight; we work carefully and finish my flight safely then do debriefing7. What do you find most challenging about your job/I think the most challenging thing is I have to control the aircraft and make the taking-off and landing safe under different weather conditions.8. What would be your ideal job?I think nothing is better than my present job that’s to say my ideal job is to be a pilot.9. Is your job promising or not?Of course it is, with the development of civil aviation, pilots play an important role in it and it can bring a lot of positive effects to the country. So it is surely promising.10. Have you received any training related English?Yes, I have received the training of radio-telephony communication and this ICAO level-4.11. Please tell something about a short course you have taken or would like to take?This ICAO course I am taking teach me a lot of things and help me to pass the level-4 test .Moreover this course gives me a chance to improve my English and receive the face-to –face English training which has some foreign teachers12. What do you think about the importance in learning English?In my opinion, the importance is good listening and fluent speaking. If you don’t understand the message, so you can’t have a good comprehension and can’t speak intention correctly.13. Do you think ICAO English proficiency test is necessary?Yes, sure. I suppose on one hand, it make our English more standard; on the other hand, it let civil aviation of China keep pace of ICAO.14. What are the important factors that determine a good radio-telephony communication?The important factors are standard words and clear expressions and brief intentions and instructions.15. Do you think our ICAO English test is difficult? Which part is most difficult?I think it is really difficult for me, especially listening and describe, because it needs large vocabulary and listening ability.16. What do you plan to do to improve your English in the near future?I decide to keep learning English all the time and catch every minute to improve my English. Listen more, speak more and practice more.17. What are the most difficult things in learning English according to your own experience?For me, I think the most difficult thing is listening .As every time I listen to the radio English program ,but I can get nothing and have difficulties in understanding it.18. How to do get along with your family.We know each other, we have fun and play together, and we share our joy and sorrow together, and we love each other.19. What are the fondest memories of your family?The fondest memory of my family is the time that my son came to the world. The first eyesight I caught of him, I felt extremely proud of him, because I became a real father.20. What do you and family like to do together?My family like to chat together to know better about each other and share joy and happiness.21. Are you pressured by your family? How?No, I am not. Because my family is always behind me, no matter what happen, they all support me and relieve my pressure.22. Does your family support your job? How?My wife never wants me to involve into the housework, she always give me enough time to relax, and my son never wants me to worry about his study, he can take care of himself.23. How do you get along with your colleagues?I think we should get along with my colleagues frankly and friendlily, and try my best to avoid unhappy things happening and show my love to everyone.24. Are you good at communicating with others?Sure, because I am so outgoing and optimistic, then I like to communicate with others because I can learn something from them.25. If there is a disagreement in the cockpit, how do you deal with it?First, the discussion is encouraged in the cockpit, if there are different opinions, they should follow the right way to solve the problem or obey the captain’s instructions.26. Describe a teacher who has taught you?He is a tall man who has brown hair; he is so outgoing and humorous who has a Chinese girl friend? Can you guess who he is? Yes it’s Michael.27. What factors will affect flight safety?I think weather conditions; human errors and mechanic problems will affect flight safety.28. Tell me something about yourself?My name is Mao Liyang, I was born in 1961. I am a captain and work fore Deer Jet that is a business airline and belongs to Hai Nan group. I fly Hawker800xp and B737. My hometown is Haerbin….29. Would you prefer to work in your hometown or the base you are at now?I prefer to work in my base in Bei Jing. Because my family is located in there. So I can work intently and can get with my family more time. Other ways, Bei Jing is a capital of China, and a center of politics, economy and culture. There is a lot of30. Do you think RVSM why/why not?RVSM is the short of reduce vertical separationI supers, RVSM is very necessary in China. Because the aviation industry in China is developed very fast, many routes are congested. RVSM is able to increase the capacity of the routes, and insure the flight on time.31. Do you think RVSM is a permanent solution?No, I don’t think so. Follow the aviation industry develop, there is new problem maybe come forth.32. Do you fly busy routes like Shanghai to Beijing?Yes, I did.33. Do you find these routes too congested?Yes, I did. Those routes are congested too much.34. How do you think ATC can make it easier for you on these routes?I think, this problem is very difficult to solve. Videlicet: Easier said than done.35. If you faced an emergency situation during flight, how would you explain it to the passengers (e.g. engine failure and returning to departure airport)?I think, we should follow our company procedures to explain it to the passengers. And according to the situation, we’ll notify the passengers to do something and not to do something.36. How important is the Captain/ First Officer to you during an emergency? What are your tasks? How dependent are you to each other?I think at that time the most important thing is to keep calm.The captain should control the aircraft and keep attitude, altitude and speed. Then must make a right judgment and use proper procedure and checklist to ensure the safety of aircraft.The First Officer should follow the instructions to do, and report to ATC and request ATC instructions and ground helps.37.。

1.Which airline are you from? 你来自于哪家航空公司?I am from CHINA SOUTHEN AIRLINS.2.Are you a captain or a first officer? 你是一名机长还是副驾驶?I am a captain of A300.3.When did you become a captain?你什麽时候成为机长的?I became the captain of A300 in last year.4.Can you tell me where you live?你能告诉我你住哪吗?I live in Shanghai,it's a beautiful city.我住在上海,她是一座美丽的城市。
5.Can you tell me about your hometown?你能讲讲你的家乡吗?My hometown is Shanghai, it's beautiful. About 20 millionpeople call it their home. It's famouse as Oriental pearlall over the world. There are many tall buildings.Comercial districts such as Nanjing Road ,Huaihai Road andSichuan Road are always bustling. Waitan is a name that isfamiliar for foreigners. It’s the commerce, economy ,finance and culture centre of china. 我的家乡是上海,她很漂亮。
ICAO四级资料 4

模拟题7Part one: Listen to the main idea1. P: ground, your instruction regarding to A5 goes against the latest NOTAMC: Oh…yes A5 is under maintenance use taxiway A6 instead.Q: what does the pilot mean? AA. Taxi instruction is not rightB. The pilot wants taxiway A5C. The pilot asked the latest NOTAMSD. Taxi instruction is right with NOTAMS2. C: CES5213 Wuhan tower, caution wake turbulence from arriving B747P: Roger,CES5213Q:what does the controller warn the pilot about? CA. TurbulenceB. TrafficC. V ortexD. Wind-shear3. P: Control, CSN 3342, just pass HBU,2000 climbing, request expedite to 5400meters.C: CSN 3342,negative, climb 4800meters, I can give you a higher altitude after LKO.Q: What the altitude did the controller clear the pilot to? CA. 2000mB. 3600mC. 4800mD. 5400m4. C: AFR188,continue approach ,traffic departing in one ahead to land, report on 4 miles final.P: Wilco,AFR188.Q:what does the controller's message mean? CA. The aircraft is number one to landB. The aircraft can not continue to approachC. The aircraft continues the approachD. The aircraft should report the traffic ahead5. This is Beijing at the time 2000, information H, wind 280 8 knots, CA VOK, temperature 22, QNH 1008, runway in use 18R, expect 3F departure, caution flock of birds on airfield, initial contact you have information H.Q: What’s name of the SID? DA. 3VB. 7FC. 4CD. 3F6—8C: CSN5321, continue to descend to 3300 meters, QNH 1002.P: continue down to 3300 meters on QNH 1002, CES 5321,C: CES 5321 hold over ZF due to traffic.P: hold over ZF, CES5321, request holding instructions.C: CES 5321, hold 10 km, on 120 radial JKI VOR, inbound track 090, maintain 3300 meters, left hand pattern, outbound time 1 minute.Q6 : What is the holding fix? BA. 10km radial JKL VORB. 10km 120 radial JKI VORC. 10km 120 radial IJK VORD. 10km 210 radial KIJVORQ7 : What is the first maneuver of CES5321? AA. DescentB. Report positionC. HoldD. Inbound to fixQ 8: What is the inbound track? BA. Left hand patternB. 090C. 120D. 3009—11P: Wuhan approach, CCA4106, 2100 meters maintaining.C: CCA4106, maintain 2100 meters due to opposite traffic.P: Roger maintaining 2100 meters, CCA4106.P:Wuhan approach, AFR 188 cabin fire, request priority landing at Wuhan international airport.C: AFR188, continue present heading, break, break, CCA4106, turn right heading 360 to avoid emergency traffic,P: Continue present heading, AFR188,P: Right heading 360,roger CCA 4106,C: AFR 188, can you maintain altitude,P: Affirmative, AFR 188.C: AFR188 maintain 2400 meters, break, how much souls on board and how much fuel on board?P: Oh we have 124 passengers, and 7 crew members, AFR 188.C:AFR 188 after AD, clear direct to intercept localizer. ILS 36L. descend at your own discretions, you are number one.Q9 : Why are CCA 4106 requested to maintain 2100 meters? DA. Due separationB. Due distress trafficC. For ILS approachD. Due conflicting trafficQ10 : What is the reason for AFR 188 priority landing? AA. Fire in the cabinB. Fire in the cockpitC. Something breaksD. Passenger heart attackQ11 : How many people are there on board? CA. 188B. 124C. 131D. 10612--15P: Wuhan approach DAL 303, request down to 900 meters.C: DAL 303 descend and maintain 900 meters, turn left 250, report over HG.P: descend and maintain 900 meters, turn left 250, report over HG, DAL 303.P: CCA 101, 4500 maintaining, estimated HG 05, information F,C: CCA 101 descent to 2700 meters, expect ILS approach, runway 36R.P: WUHAN, verify altitude in your message, CCA101.C: CCA 101 descent to 2700 meters.P: Roger, descent to 2700 A 101, thank you.P: DAL 303 over HG.C: DAL 303, clear to ILS approach, runway 36L.P: 36L DAL 303.P: Mayday, mayday, mayday, DAL303, landing gear can not be extended. We would try manual extensions, request instructions.C: DAL 303, roger mayday, turn right heading 340, maintain present altitude to FD, standard pattern. right heading 340, maintain present altitude to FD, standard pattern.P: roger DAL303.C: CCA 101 maintain present heading, and hold over HG, standard pattern, call you back.P: Hold at HG, roger CCA 101.Q12 : What is the landing runway for DAL 303? AA. 36LB. 36RC. 03LD. 03RQ13 : What happen to DAL 303? BA. Landing gear cannot be retractedB. Landing gear cannot be extendedC. Manual extension is not functioningD. Expecting hold instructionsQ14 : What does the controller tell the crew of CCA 101 to do? BA. To try the manual extension procedures.B. To hold at HG.C. To hold at FD.D. To wait for the further instructions.Q15 : What does CCA 101 have to do? AA. Have to hold before approachB. Continue the approachC. Manual extension problemD. Landing gear problemPart 2 RetellOne day, electricity generator broke down at the airport; electric lines went out all over the airport. Machines stop working, computers failed. There was no video; no TV the situation was very serious. The loss of power caused the airport company tens of thousands of dollars. The technicians work nonstop for hours try to get the generator to start again, nothing happened. The generator had fault that no one understood. In despair, the manager of the electric company of the airport sent for a world famous expert on generators. A few hours later, the expert flew to the town by a private helicopter, he went to the airport and walked around the generator, inspected it carefully, then he took a hammer out of his pocket, and hit part of the generator with it, immediately, it started work again. The generator expert gave the bill to the manager of electric company of the airport, it read, for restarting one generator 5000 dollors. The manager was very angry and jump from the chair, 5000 dollors, he explained, for hitting the generator with the hammer. It is too much money for it. I refuse to pay it. The expert took the bill back and changed it slightly, now it read, for hitting one generator 5dollors, for knowing where to ht it 4995dollors.Part 4 Oral Interactive simulation test。

陆空通话作业ICAO4 笔试题目Part 1 Listening1. C: CSN 981 contact 125.25 correction 135.25.P: 135.25 CSN 981.What is the frequency? BA. 125.25B. 135.25C. 125.35D.135.352. P: Nanjing Ground CES 4410 bay 20 request taxi information CC: CES 4410 taxi beyond the 310 on your left then turn right to taxiway B.What should CES4410 do at last? CA. turn left to taxiway BB. turn left to taxiway CC. turn right to taxiway BD. turn right to taxiway C3. P: Wuhan Tower, CCA 105 approaching holding point runway 35L.C: CCA 105 hold short of runway 35L, report B737 on final in sight.What should CCA105 do? BA. hold short of runway 35L, report B757 in sightB. hold short of runway 35l, report B737 in sightC. hold at holding point, report B757 in sightD. hold at holding point, report B737 in sight4. C: CSN 122 turn right heading 040 for separationP: right 040 CSN122What is the situation in the dialogue? DA. CSN 122 should turn right heading 050 for separationB. CSN 122 should turn right heading 040 for navigationC. CSN 122 should turn right heading 050 for navigationD. CSN 122 should turn right heading 040 for separation5. P: Guangzhou control, we have to accept their requirement to fly to Hong Kong, CSN 221C: CSN 221, roger, direct to VYK, any message we can pass to the police for you?What’s the reason causing the aircraft fly to Hong Kong? CA. because of the weatherB. because of flight conflictC. because of hijackingD. because of low visibility6---8P:Beijing control, JAL727,we have an indication of weather about 50 km ahead of us ,request turn left to go round it.C: JAL727, negative due dangerous area, turn right 40 degrees, track out 30km,report clear ofbuild-up.P: Turning 40 degrees right for 30km, JAL727.C: JAL727, keep us advised if conditions continue or get worse.P: Roger, Beijing control, I will call you back when cleared of CB , coming back to the course.P: Beijing control, JAL727, now cleared of CB and coming back to the course.C: JAL727, roger, report joining.P: JAL727, now on course at 8100m ETO VYK 27.QUESTION:6. What is the position of the weather? AA. 50km ahead of the A/CB. 15km ahead of the A/CC. 25km ahead of the A/CD. 50km ahead of the A/C7. What will the A/C do to go round the weather? CA. Turning 40 degrees right for 40kmB. Turning 40 degrees left for 30kmC. Turning 40 degrees right for 30kmD. Turning 30 degrees right for 40km8. Which flight level the A/C will use when pass VYK? CA. 8100mB. 900mC. 9100mD. 800m9---11C: CES907, Beijing Control, confirm squawk.P: Beijing Control, ten hijackers attempted to hijack our aircraft.C: CES907, Beijing control, what kind of weapons they have?P: Not only do they have guns but also a bomb, CES907.C: CES907, what’s their intention?P: The hijacks intimidated us to fly to TOKYO, and threatened to kill the hostage, if we fail to comply with their requirement.C: CES907, report you intentions.P: Beijing Control, we have to accept their requirement to fly to Tokyo, CES907.C: CES907, roger, direct to VYK, any message we can pass to the police for you?P: I will call you back if the condition improved.QUESTION:9. What kind of weapons do the hijackers take? CA. a bombB. ten gunsC. some guns and a bombD. knife10. What will the hijackers do if the pilots fail to comply with their requirement? BA. they will blow up the aircraftB. they will kill the hostageC. they will kill the stewardessD. they will kill everyone in the aircraft11. Where will the aircraft fly to? CA. BeijingB. Hong KongC. TokyoD. Shanghai12---15P: Beijing Tower, ILS approach runway 18L established, CCA2763C: CCA2763, Beijing Tower, continue approach, report out marker.P: Continue approach, report out marker. CCA2763.P: Beijing tower, out marker, CCA2763.C: CCA2763, you are cleared to land runway 18L, surface wind160, 7m, landing (vacated) report P: cleared to land runway 18L, surface wind160, 7m/s, landing (vacated) /doc/07cc11287dd184254b35eefdc8d376 eeafaa1750.html A2763P: Beijing tower, CCA2763, we have a full emergency now. We are unable to lower the nose wheel; we would like to make a low pass so that you can check whether nose wheel is down.C: CCA2763, Beijing tower, nose wheel does not appear down.P: Beijing tower, we have trouble with extending the nose wheel.C: CCA2763, what is your intention?P: request holding procedure, checking the undercarriage will take a while.C: All stations, tower, stop transmitting, MAYDAY.P: we cannot even crank it down, request foam carpet at the touchdown zone of runway16LC: CCA2763, ground is ready .clear to land.P: Roger. Clear to land CCA2763.QUESTION:12. Which runway did the ATC plan to use? CA: 18RB: 16RC: 18LD: 16L13. What caused the aircraft to claim MAYDAY? DA: bird strikeB: instrument failureC: missed approachD: undercarriage failure14. What is the ATC clearance? DA: straight landB: divert to alternateC: foam carpet at the touchdown zoneD: holding15. What problem will lead to nose wheel failure? BA .mid—air fireB. hydraulic system failureC .engine failureD. control system failurePART 2 RetellingFlight attendant Michelle Honda, who was standing near rows #15 and #16, was thrown violently to the floor during the decompression. Despite her injuries, she was able to crawl up and down the aisle to assist and calm the terrified passengers. Flight attendant Jane Sato-Tomita, who was at the front of the plane, was seriously injured by flying debris and was thrown to the floor. Passengers held onto her during the descent into Maui. The explosive decompression severed the electrical wiring from the nose gear to the indicator light on the cockpit instrument panel. As a result, the light did not illuminate when the nose gear was lowered, and the pilots had no way of knowing if it had fully lowered. Before landing, passengers were instructed to don their life jackets, in case the aircraft did not make it to Kabuli.The crew performed an emergency landing on Kabuli Airport's runway 2 at 13:58. Upon landing, the crew deployed the aircraft's emergency evacuation slides and evacuated passengers from the aircraft quickly. First Officer Mimi Tompkins assisted passengers down the evacuation slide. In all, 65 people were reported injured, eight seriously. At the time, Maui had no plan for a disaster of this type. The injured were taken to the hospital by the tour vans from Aramaic T ours (now defunct) driven by office personnel and mechanics, since the island only had a couple of ambulances. Air traffic control radioed Kamahi and requested as many of their 15 passenger vans as they could spareto go to the airport to transport the injured. Two of the Aramaic drivers were former medics and established a triage on the runway. The aircraft was a write-off.PART 3 Listening and Answer the QuestionP: Wuhan Approach, CES277, 6000m descending, estimated HZ 30.C: CES277, Wuhan Approach, roger, report over HZ.P: Roger, Report over HZ, CES277.P: Wuhan Approach, CES277, over HZ 5100m, estimate time arrival 44.C: CES277, descend and maintain altitude 2700 meters on QNH1017, report reaching.P: Descend and maintain 2700m on QNH1017 CES277.C: CES277 please copy landing information: follow the HZ-01, runway 04.....P: MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY, Wuhan Approach, CES277, number one engine is overheating due unknown object strike. Request priority landing and emergency services on arrival.C: CES277, descend to 900m, cleared for ILS approach RWY04, you are NO.1, emergency equipment is standing by.QUESTION:NO.1: When will the plane pass HZ? 44NO.2: What is the runway in landing information? Runway04 NO.3: Why is the engine overheating? Due to unknown object strike.A Pakistani passenger aircraft on the way to the Islamabad international airport form Karachi with131 onboard busted into flames while making an emergency landing due to a bad weather.The Pakistani airliner with up to 131 people on board crashedin bad weather as it came in to land in Islamabad on Friday, scattering wreckage and leaving no sign of survivors. The Boeing 737, operated by local airline Bhoja Air, rammed into a wheat field near a village on the suburbs of Islamabad, about 9 km from the airport. The magnitude of the crash leaves no possibility of survivors.However, the rescue operations are going on. So far the rescue officials have collected as many as 110 bodies from the wreckage of ill-fated crashed aircraft. The local people have also joined the search operation to help the authorities in find the passengers' remains. The lighting facility was done in the accident spot to carry out the search operation in the night.The government has no word on whether air mishap was due to any foul play. The initial reports, however, have indicated the bad weather for this tragedy.Meanwhile, the TV channels in Pakistan have reported the recovery of the black box of crashed passenger plane. However, there was no official confirmation on the speculation.Questions to consider:1. What may have caused the tragedy?Answer:The bad weather.2. Has it been confirmed that the black box has been found?Answer: the TV channels in Pakistan have reported the recovery of the black box of crashed passenger plane3. How many people died in this accident and are there any survivor?Answer: All of the 131 people onboard was died and there were no survivor.Part 4 Oral Interactive SimulationP: Beijing Delivery, CCA1475, radio check 118.1, How do youread.C: CCA1475, Beijing Delivery, your signal is unstable, check your transmitter and give me a short count.P: Roger, CCA1475, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, how do you read.C: CCA1475, read you 4, go ahead.P: CCA1475, destination Wuhan, gate 1, request ATC clearance.C: CCA1475, confirm you have got information B.P: Affirm, ready to push-back and start.C: Approved, CCA1475 cleared to Wuhan via Bekol, fight planned route maintain 8900m, Bekol One Alpha Departure, Squawk 5325.P: Cleared to Wuhan via Bekol, flight planned route, maintain 8900m, Bekol One Alpha Departure, Squawk 5325.C: Read back correct.P:Beijing Delivery, all engines have been started, check everything normal, request taxi, CCA1475. C: Approved, CCA1475, taxi via taxiway M and C to holding point,Runway 36L.P: Taxiway M and C, CCA1475.……P: Beijing Delivery, approaching holding point, request take off.C: Negative, hold short of runway, give way to the landing B747.P: Wilco, traffic in sight.C: CCA1475, are you ready for immediate departure.P: Affirm, CCA1475.C: CCA1475, line up, be ready for immediate departure.P: CCA1475, lining up.C: CCA1475 cleared for take-off.P: Cleared for take-off, CCA1475.C: CCA1475, Beijing Tower, cancel take-off, I say again, cancel take-off, suspected bomb on board, after the FOLLOW ME car, taxi back to the apron.P: Wilco, CCA1475.……After examination and take-off.C: CCA1475, expedite climb to 8900m due traffic, contact Beijing Control 128.3, good-day.P: Expediting to 8900m, 128.3, CCA1475, good-day.C: CCA1475, report distance from VYK.P: 50km to VYK.C: CCA1475, maintain 8900m until further advertised.P: Maintain 8900m, CCA1475.……C: CCA1475, 40 DME 351 radial WXI.P: CCA1475.P: CCA1475, 40 DME 351 radial WXI, WXI 48.C: Roger, CCA1475, contact Zhengzhou Control on 122.20, good-day.P: 122.20 for Zhengzhou Control, CCA1475, good-day.……P: Zhengzhou Control, CCA1475.C: CCA1475, go ahead.P: CCA1475, request clearance to join A461 at 8900m.C: CCA1475 cleared to join A461 at 8900m.……P: Zhengzhou Control, CCA 1475, we have established contact with Wuhan Control, good-day. C: CCA1475, good-day.P: MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY, Wuhan Control, CCA1475,8900m, request emergency descent due to cabin altitude rising fast, position 15 miles north of ZF.C: CCA1475, descend to 3000m.Shall we call medical assistance for you?P: Affirm, request oxygen supply on landing for about 10 passengers because several oxygen masks did not drop at decompression.C: CCA1475, roger, oxygen will be ready for you on landing.C: CCA1475, contact Wuhan Approach 112.2.P: 112.2, CCA1475.P: Wuhan Approach, CCA1475, request priority landing.C: Approved, continue descend to 1200m, join right hand downwind, you are number 1.P: Wlico.C: CCA1475, expect ILS approach, runway 04, QNH 1004.P: Runway 04, QNH 1004, request straight in approach on ILS, CCA1475. C: CCA1475, cleared straight in approach, report established.P: CCA1475.P: CCA1475 established, runway in sight.C: CCA1475 contact Tower 110.1.P: 110.1 CCA1475.C: CCA1475, vacate runway next left, after the FOLLOW ME car.P: Wlico.ICAO4 口试题目热身1、Tell us something about your family.2、Why do you choose this job?初步校验3、How do you cope with pressure in your daily life?4、Do you think teamwork is very important to your work?5、How do define the relationship between controller and pilot?深度校验6、What is the purpose of ATC?7、Say something about the ILS.8、How to deal with control system failure situation?结束9、What is the most important thing is dealing with the unusual events?10、Say something about the prospect of civil aviation.看图说话。
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❖Exchange 1❖(Your callsign is CCA101. Now you are at Wuhan Airport and your destination is Beijing . Ask for ATC clearance.)❖PIL: Wuhan Delivery, CCA101, destination Beijing. Ready for ATC clearance.❖CTL: CCA101, have you got departure information?❖(Tell t he controller you’ve got the information L and expect departure on time.)❖PIL: Affirmative. We’ve got information L and we anticipate on-time departure.❖CTL: CCA101, you are cleared as filed, climb 9000ft initially, follow FU002 departure until 3,000ft, request level change en route, squawk 2541.❖(Read back the ATC clearance)❖PIL: cleared as filed, climb 9000ft initially, follow FU002 departure until 3,000ft, request level change en route, squawk 2541., CCA101.❖( According to the flight plan, you are puzzled by flying northwest or northeast after departure. T ell the controller you want to make sure of it.)❖PIL: Wuhan Delivery, CCA101, confirm after departure flying northwest.1❖CTL: Negative northeast. Here is traffic information: a glider is over in the vicinity of west airport.❖Exchange 2❖(Your callsign is CSN 3342, stand M7 .Make an initial contact with Wuhan Ground.)❖PIL: Wuhan Ground, CSN 3342, good morning.❖CTL: Station calling ground, say again your callsign. Your transmission is broken.❖(Radio check on 119.1)❖PIL: Wuhan Ground , CSN 3342, radio check on 119.1, how do you read?❖CTL: CSN 3342, your voice is loud and clear.❖CTL: CSN 3342, are you ready for pushback?❖(Tell the controller you are not ready because the purser reported two passengers were quarrelling.)争吵❖PIL: Negative. The purser came to report that two passengers were quarrelling now. CSN 3342.❖(Later, the flight attendants solved the problem and everything is done. You may push back.)2❖PIL: Ground, CSN 3342, we are ready for pushback from stand M7.❖(After pushing back, you were advised that your slot time was put off from 12:00 to 12:30. So you have to wait. But now, it is 12:40. Please issue your complaints to the controller).❖PIL: Wuhan Ground, CSN 3342, can you confirm that you have got our flight plan? We were originally scheduled to depart at 12:00, then putoff until12:30, now it is 12:40. What’s up?―――抱怨管制员❖CTL: CSN 3342, I am sorry to keep you waiting. But delays have been building up on your route, so there may be another 10 minutes wait.❖(10 minutes later, finally you may start up and taxi, ask for start up )❖PIL: Wuhan Ground, CSN 3342, request engine start.❖CTL: CSN 3342,starting approved. Starting sequence is at your own discretion.❖(Engine start has been completed, ask for taxi instruction.)指令❖PIL: Ground, CSN 3342, request detailed taxi instruction.❖CTL: CSN 3342, taxiway A4, A to the holding point runway 36R.Exchange 1n[Your callsign is CES3342, you are in the holding position of runway 18L. Make an initial contact with Wuhan T ower.]3n PIL: Wuhan T ower, CES3342, holding point runway 18L, good morning.n CTL: CES3342, good morning. Hold short of runway. You’re NO.2 for departure after B737.n[It’s your turn to enter the runway. Ask for that.]n P: T ower, CES3342, request lining up.n C: CES3342, line up and wait.n Exchange 2 (现状)n[You lift off at 33, altitude 120 m, report your current status to the ATC]n PIL: Wuhan T ower, CES3342, airborne 33, 120m climbing.n CTL: CES3342, maintain runway heading until 900 m, contact Departure on 126.1. Good day.n[Make an initial contact with Departure.]n PIL: Wuhan Departure, CES3342 good morning. Airborne 33, reaching 900m climbing. Request further instruction.n CTL: CES3342, stand by.n Exchang 3n[CCA101, you are approaching the holding point runway 22, contact the4n PIL: Wuhan T ower, CCA101, reaching holding point runway 22.n CTL: CCA101, hold at holding point runway 22, call you back.n CTL: CCA101, Wuhan T ower, behind the landing aircraft, line up and wait.n[Read back]n PIL: Line up and wait, traffic in sight. CCA101n CTL: CCA101, stop immediately, I say again. Stop lining up immediately. The landing a/c is rushing out of the runway 。

民航飞行人员英语等级考试(ICAO)模拟题-文本Aviation English Proficiency TestSIMULATION PAPER 1Part I . 20%Directions: There are twenty exchanges in this part. After each exchange a question will be asked.Listen carefully and choose the most appropriate answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Each exchange will be spoken only once.1. 10秒听力题1.1.1. 专业英语10秒听力(5题)1.UA L919, we’ve just been struck by lightning and we’ll have to go back to the ramp to check our electrics and make sure there is no damage on the fuselage.Question: What will the crew do?a.Check the lighting systemb.Make sure the systems are ok.c.Make sure if anyone is struck.d.Make sure airframe is not electrified. Answer: b2. CES5152 returned to the airport after taking off from Beijing, because a passenger was found not on board while the luggage was on the airplane.Question: What happened to CES5152 ?a.One passenger was lost.b.The luggage was lost.c.The flight returned to Beijing.d.One passenger lost the luggage. Answer: a3. PIL: Tower, HDA305, we cannot extend the nose gear due to a hydraulic problem. Request making a low pass for a visualcheck.CTL: HDA305, make a low pass not below 45 m over runway 36.Question: What is the level for low pass?a.45mb.55mc.65m.d.all of above. Answer: d4. A controller instructed CCA101 to leave 9,500 m for 8,900 m. He then found his instruction was not correctand changed the instruction by asking CCA101 descending to 9,200 m.Question: Which word can be used to express the controller's meaning?a.negativeb.disregardc.correctiond.all above Answer: c5. Shortly after the engine lost power, its speed decreased to about 1,000-1,100RPM. The pilot pushed the throttle forward but obtained no response from the engine.Question: What is the reason for no response from the engine?a.RPM decreased.b.The throttle decreased.c.The engine lost power.d.The speed decreased. Answer: c1.1.2 陆空对话10秒题(5题)1.CTL: CCA4106, expedite climb to 9,800 m. report HZ.PIL: Unable to accept 9,800 m due weight. CCA4106.Question: What does the controller mean?a.Issuing a further climb instruction./doc/f815798991.html,plaining about the weight of the flight.c.He cannot accept the weight.d.Giving a position report. Answer: a2. P: Delta 303, we’ll have to go back to the maintenance apron to check our flight controls. We found therudder pedals are a bit tight.C: Delta 303,, roger, taxi to stand 12. We’ll contact maintenance department.Question: What is the problem?a.The rudder pedals are jammedb.The rudder controls are loosec.The rudder pedals are lostd.The rudder controls are quit Answer: a3. P: CCA101, we are now 4800 meters, passing WZF, information E received.C: CCA101, radar contact, descend to 3000 meters, turn right heading 040, radar vectoring ILS approach runway 36R.Question: What are the controller’s instructions on new altitude, flight heading, and runway in use?a.4800, 040, 36L;b.4800, 040, 36Rc.3000, 080, 36L;d.3000, 040, 36R. Answer: d4. CTL: BAW 141 continue on the inner; at Mike join the outer; cross three one left at Kilo.PIL: OK by the inner and uh, Mike outer and uh, Kilo Alpha,cross three one left uh, BAW 141. Question: What is the controller’s taxi instruc tion?a.K to inner, outer, cross 31L at Mb.Inner, M to outer, cross 31L at Kc.M to outer, inner, cross 31L at Kd.M to inner, outer, cross 31L at K Answer: b5. C: CSN 345, your departure time is 1610, is that correct?P: Affirm. that is our planned departure, I will call you fifteen minutes before start-up.Question: When will the pilot contact ATC?a.Fifty minutes before start-upb.Fifty minutes before departurec.Fifteen minutes before departured.Fifteen minutes before start-up Answer: d1.2.1 专业英语20秒听力(5题)1. PIL: Tower, CSN3308, holding short of runway 36 right.CTL: CSN3308, line up after the landing 747, number two for departure.PIL: Roger, looking for traffic, traffic in sight. CSN3308.Question: What is the pilot doing?a.Waiting for takeoff roll.b.Waiting to get on the runway.c.Waiting for land.d. Waiting for departure clearance. Answer: b2. C: UAL 342, Wuhan Radar, for identification, turn left 30 degrees, heading 360.P: Wuhan Radar, UAL342, we have a transponder on board. Request the transponder code.C: UAL342, squawk 2234.P: Squawk 2234, UAL342.Question: What does the pilot mean by saying he has a transponder on board?a.To get a SSR codeb.To confirm that the transponder is workingc.To inform the controller the type of the aircraftd.To change the SSR mode Answer: a3. PIL: Wuhan Control, BAW782, we have a fast moving traffic in front us. It looks like a fighter from here. Wedon't have it on our TCAS, have you observed it?C: We didn't see it on our radar either, probably a fighter without a transponder or not using transponder. Question: What are they talking about?a.Radar identificationb.TCASc.Conflicting aircraftd.Aircraft speed Answer: c4. P: Hong Kong approach, China Southern 305, w hat are the delays like? We’ve be en hol ding for over 50 minutes?C: 305, expect another 10 minutes delay due ground accident.Question: What is the total waiting time for the crew?a.50 minutesb.10 minutes.c.40 minutes.d.60 minutes. Answer: d5. PIL: CSN5402 holding point 22, request line up and immediate takeoff.CTL: CSN 5402 hold short of runway, line up after the landing Airbus on final.Question: What will the pilot of CSN 5402 do ?a.After the Airbus on final, line up.b.Before the Airbus, line up.c.Line up with the Airbus.d.Line up immediately. Answer: a1.2.2 非正常陆空对话20秒听力(5题)1. PIL: Wuhan Approach, HAD306, we have just found a note on board saying a bomb has been planted in the hold, request landing priority and emergency assistance.APP: HDA306, Wuhan Approach, roger, descend to 900 m, fly heading 050.Question:What happened on board?a. A passenger on board is very sick.b.There is a bomb threat on board.c. A note was found in the hold.d.There is a bomb on board. Answer: b2.CTL: Air china 981, stop immediately, I say again, stop now. flames coming from right main gear.PIL: stopping, 981.CTL: 981, fire engines and ambulance will be available in a few minutes.Question: What happened?a.Engine fire.b.Undercarriage fire.c.Engine flame out.d.Nose gear fire. Answer: b3. PIL: Control, JAL785, TCAS descending, we have a fast moving traffic on my TCAS indication. I amfollowing the TCAS RA instructions to avoid the conflicting traffic.C: JAL785, I just saw it on my radar. It must be a fighter according to its speed. Report TCAS altitude resumed.Question: What did the aircraft encounter?a. A TCASb.An altitude loss on the airborne radarc.An intruderd.Depressurization Answer: c4. P: Tower, SIA895, we missed the outer marker and going around, can you check the outer marker at you endbefore we make another attempt to land.C: SIA895, roger, standard procedure.C: SIA895, the outer marker operations normal.Question:What is the pilot’s request?a.Examine the outer markerb.Receive the outer markerc.Missed approach procedured.Make another landing Answer: a5. P: Wuhan Approach, Air Canada 226, fire now under control, cancel distress.C: Roger, Air Canada 226. Break, all stations, distress cancelled.Question: What are they talking about?a.Distress trafficb.Cancellation of distressc.Fire controld.Mayday Answer: bPart II:30%Directions: There are ? exchanges in this part. After eachexchange there are three questions. Listen carefully and then answer the questions. Each exchange will be spoken twice.1、对话Non-routine 通话PIL: Wuhan Ground, UAL303, we are taxiing in, and have a display unit failure.CTL: UAL303, taxi to Apron number 5 next to DC-10 on your right.PIL: Taxi to Apron No 5, DC-10 in sight, taxi close to the DC-10 on our right. Request the maintenance there. CTL:UAL303, maintenance engineers are on their way.M: Good morning, captain. What is the problem?PIL: We noticed the display is distorted or sometimes the DU is blank.M: Which Display Unit, the ECAM or EFIS?PIL: It is the ECAM display unit.M: Don’t wor ry, we will check it thoroughly.M: Have you done any troubleshooting?PIL: We switched off the affected Display Unit, then we used the ECAM/ND transfer switch to transfer Engine Warning Display to the First Officer and ND to the captain as well. We have done everything according to the checklist.M: You have done a good job.P: I hope the maintenance will not take long. (161 words)Question 1: Where will UAL303 park?They will park at number 5 next to the DC-10 on the right.Question 2: What is the abnormal situation that the aircraft experiencing?The display is distorted or sometimes the DU is blank.Question 3: What did the flight crew do to troubleshoot the problem?They switched off the affected Display Unit. Then they used the ECAM/ND transfer switch to transfer the Engine Warning Display to the First Officer and the ND to the captain. They have done everything according to the abnormal procedure checklist.Part III 20%15-20个来回,只有10点用于评分Directions: There is a conversation between pilot and controller. Listen to the controller s’ instructions and prompts carefully and then complete the conversation with pilots’responses. The conversation will be spoken only once.A/C callsign: ACA909.Departure Airport: WuhanDestination Airport: BeijingLanding runway: 36RWuhan APP: 118.9Wuhan CTL: 118.1Wuhan TWR: 124.35第1来回[Your callsign is ACA909; your destination is Beijing, and you are leaving 12,000m and say good-bye to Wuhan tower. Contact Wuhan Approach, and request to climb.]1 P: Wuhan Approach, ACA909, leaving 12,000m, request further climb.第2来回C: ACA909, Wuhan Approach, good morning, radar contact, follow ZF-1D departure, climb to 1,800 m on QNH 1013.P: Follow ZF-1D departure, climb to 1,800 m on QNH1013, ACA909第3来回[You just reached 1,800 m, and you got some moderate chopat the level, inform the controller about that and request 4,500 m.]2 P: Wuhan Approach, ACA909, maintaining 1,800 m, we have encountered moderate turbulence, request 4,500 m.第4来回C: ACA909, Approach, unable to approve 4,500 m due traffic, 3,900 m available[Tell the controller that you want to climb to 3,900 m]P: We accept 3,900 m, ACA909第5来回[Inform the controller that the weather radar shows a cumulonimbus on route ahead about 30 Km, and your level is 3,900 m.]3 P: Wuhan Approach, ACA909, maintaining 3,900 m; the radar indicates a CB ahead of us, about 30 km第6来回C: Roger, report your intentions.[Tell the controller that you want radar guidance to go around the CB.]4 P: Request radar vector to circumnavigate the WX ahead. ACA909第7来回C: ACA909, turn left heading 300.P: Roger, turn left heading 300, ACA909.第8来回C: ACA909, now you are cleared of the WX, climb to 4,500 m, turn right heading 030 to rejoin the ZF-1D departure.[Acknowledge the controller’s instruction and tell him you want to fly to ZF directly from present position.]5 P: Roger, climb to 4,500 m. request direct to ZF. ACA909第9来回C: ACA909, cleared direct to ZF.P: Roger, direct to ZF.第10来回C: ACA909, maintain 4,500 m, contact Wuhan Control on 118.1P: Roger, maintain 4,500 m, contact Wuhan Control 118.1, ACA909.第11来回[You are just over ZF, make an initial contact with Wuhan Control.]P: Wuhan Control, ACA909, 4,500 m, over ZF.第12来回C: ACA909, Wuhan Control, radar contact, climb to 8,900 m P: Roger, climb to 8,900 m, ACA909.第13来回[A flight attendant told you that there is a male passenger suffering a heart attack. Inform the controller about that, and tell him you want to go back to Wuhan. This is an urgent call.]6 P: Panpan, Panpan, Panpan, Wuhan Control, ACA909, we have a male passenger suffering heart attack, request direct back to Wuhan.第14来回C: ACA909, Wuhan Control, roger Panpan. Turn right direct to ZF, and descend to 4,200 m.P: Roger, descend to 4,200 m, direct to ZF, ACA909.第15来回C: ACA909, do you need any medical assistance?[Tell the controller that you need a physician and an ambulance upon landing or after landing. ]7 P: We need an ambulance and a physician upon arrival. ACA909第16来回C: Roger, an ambulance and a physician will be ready.C: ACA909, Wuhan Control, maintain 4,200 m, contact Approach on 118.9P: Maintain 4,200 m, Approach 118.9, ACA909第17来回[Inform Wuhan Approach that you have a passenger suffering heart attack, and request landing priority. .]8 P: Wuhan Approach, ACA909, we have a passenger suffering heart attack, request priority for landing.第18来回C: ACA909, Wuhan Approach, Roger radar contact, follow ZF-1A arrival, and descend to 1,800 m on QNH 1013. Information D is valid.[Readback the controller’s instruction, and ask the detail of information D because you could not receive the information on the radio.]9 P: Roger, follow ZF01 arrival; descend to 1,800 m on QNH 1013. can you repeat the ATIS being unable to pick up on the radio第19来回C: ACA909, Approach, surface wind 350 degrees at 3 m/s, visibility 8 Km, ILS approach runway in use 36R, QNH 1013 Hpa.P: Surface wind 350 at 3 m/s, visibility 8 Km, ILS approach runway in use 36R, QNH 1013 Hpa. ACA909第20来回[Inform the controller that you want to land at runway 18L visually to save time.]10 P: Approach, ACA909, request to make a visual approach and land for runway 18L to save time.Part IV: 30%Directions: You are going to hear a story in this part. Listen to the story carefully and then retell the story in your own words. You are going to hear the recording of the story twice. Your voice will be recorded. Passage oneOn 15 June 2006, scheduled cargo flight from Rome to London, the crew diverted to alternative airport due to unexpectedly poor weather conditions in London. The weather conditions of alternative airport was not good, requiring a CAT III approach and landing. On approach, at approximately 500 feet, the crew were passed a message by ATC advising them to go around. The commander inadvertently disconnected both autopilots while attempting to reply to ATC. He then attempted to re-engage the autopilot in order to continue the approach.The aircraft drifted to the left of the runway centreline and developed a high rate of descent. The commander commenced a go-around but was too late to prevent the aircraft contacting the grass about 90 m to the left of the runway centreline. The aircraft became airborne again, but during contact with the ground, the right main landing gear had broken. (146words)。

1.Tell me something about yourself.My name isXXXXX. I come from Beijing .2.Tell me something about your hometown.My hometown is Beijing . It’s a modern and big city. Have you been there?Welcome to Beijing! You can go to the Great wall, Summer palace, Tian an men square(this is biggest square of world) and Forbidden City. You can go shopping in WangFuJing Street and Qian men Road. Also there are a lot of famous universities, such as Peking university, Qing hua university and Beijing Foreign Language university and so on. There is only one international airport in BeiJing, Capital Airport . There are 3 runways in the Airport now. and there will be five runways in the future. There are some large terminal buildings. BeiJing will become the aviation center in the world.It is a big event in china.Olympic Games will be held in August this year. Chinese are very happy then I should work very hard.many people want to go to china to see the Olympic games ,they should come here by air ,so it is a big chance for the china civil aviation.3.What’s the weather like there?No, I don’t like it.in spring there are sandstorms, in winter it is too cold and strong wind ,in summer it is very hot ,autumn is just ok .4.Which company do you work for?Air China.5.How long have you been working there?I have been working there for 20 years.6.How many hours have you flown?I have flown about 17,000 hours.7.What are advantages of being a pilot?I think the job is well-paid. It is very challenging. I can visit many places. So I enjoy my job very much.8.If you didn’t become a pilot, what job would you be doing now?Why?I want to be a doctor,because my mother is a doctor ,she wants me to be a doctor. we can service the patients and save the sick9.What kind of aircraft do you fly?I fly B747-400。

Test OneCall si ng: AFR 126Desti nati on: ZBAAOrig in: LFPG[Your call sign is AFR126, destination Beijing, 8900m maintaining, over TMR, TZH 10, squawk 6021, now con tact Beiji ng Con trol.]1. P: ______ B eijing Control, AFR126, 8900m maintaining, over TMR,TZH 10, squawk 6021. ___C: AFR126, Beijing Control, squawk 6021, radar contact, negative short cut, over fly TZH due to Air Force activity.[Read back]2. P: __ Radar con tact, over fly TZH due to Air Force moveme nt,AFR126. ___[Ask the con troller which run way is in use.]3. P: __ Beijing Control, AFR126, request runway inon RWY 01, for change of over KM,use. __________________C: AFR126, expect KM01 arrival, run way in use 36L.[Read back]4. P: __ Expect KM01 arrival, run way 36L, AFR126 __[Ask whether you can use KM03 arrival and land on run way 01.]5. P: _ If available, request KM03 arrival, landingAFR126. ___C: AFR126, after KM, you can request Beijing Approach run way.[Read back]6. P: _ After KM, request cha nge run way, AFR126. __C: AFR126, desce nd to and main tai n 4500m over KM.[Read back]7. P: _ Descend to and maintain 4500mAFR126. _______________ .一祖"千里之行 始于足下C: AFR126, con tact Beiji ng Approach 119.7, good day.[Read back]8. P: __ 19.7, good day, AFR126. _______________________________ .[Over Km, maintaining 4500m, con tact Beiji ng Approach and request run way 01, KM03 arrival.]9. 9. P: _ Beijing Approach, over KM, 4500m maintaining, requestrun way 01, KM03 arrival,AFR126. _______________________________________ .C: AFR126, n egative due to spaci ng, KM01 arrival, ru nway in use 36L, in formatio n A. [Read back]10. P: _ KM01 arrival, run way in use 36L, in formatio n A,AFR126. ___________[Tell the con troller that your flap has some problem.]11. P: _ Beijing Control, we' re having trouble with our flaps,AFR126.C: AFR126, roger, say intention.[You have to hold for a check.]12. P: __ Request holing for a check, AFR126. ________________ .C: AFR126, descend to and maintain 3000m on QNH 1012, turn left direct to HUR, hold as published.[Read back]13. P: __ Desce nd to and mai ntai n 3000m on QNH 1012, turn leftdirect to HUR, hold as published,AFR126. _______________________________________ .[Operati ons are now no rmal, request landin g.]14. P: _ Beiji ng Approach, operatio ns are now n ormal, request can celhold, AFR126. ________________________________________C: AFR126, Beiji ng Approach, continue holdi ng. Run way is being clea neddue thick sno w, la nding acti on poor.[Read back]15. P: _Holding position, AFR126. _______________________________________4 " 朴"千里之行始于足下[There is somethi ng wrong with the nose wheel steeri ng system, requesta tug after landin g.]16. P: _Beijing Approach, request a tug after landing, our nosewheel steeri ng system failed,AFR126. _______________________________________ .C: Roger, AFR126, is there any thi ng else abno rmal?[Other systems normal, ask the controller how long the delay is.]17. P: _ Negative, other systems normal, how long is the delay?AFR126. ________________________________________ .C: AFR126, snow is getting heavier, you have to hold about 1 hour.[The remaining fuel can hold for half hour, you have to request diversi on.]18. P: _ Our en dura nee is 0030, request diversio n, AFR126. _________C: AFR126, sta nd by.[Your fuel temperature indicates abnormal, you can only hold 10 minutes, request divert to Dalia n airport.]。

一、SPEED BIRD 621,武汉到伦敦,正常申请放行,使用36R跑道,因为后面有一架B747通过,等待一分钟。
滑行过程中ATC 通知跑道有施工,需要注意。
WuHan Ground BAW621,Gate 3 request pushback.BAW 621 standby,expect one minute delay due B747 taxiing behind,call you back.Ground BAW621 the tow bar was broken during push back we are waiting for a replacement.BAW621 caution, B737 overtaking you on your left,he is NO.1 departure.Roger BAW621.BAW621 taxi with caution ,work in progress adjacent to stand 36.BAW621 roger.二、CA101在武汉机场。
起飞后航路有气球,10 O’CLOCK 3NM,风挡玻璃破裂,返场。
CA101 fllow the centerline.Wilco CA101.CA101 Your left engine is on fire.Roger We will shut down the engine and request ground assistance.Wuhan Tower CA101 balloon 10 O’clock 3 miles crossing left to rightCA101 looking.CA 101 Cockpit Window cracked,request return to airport.三、BAW725,进跑道后请求起飞。
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Test Four
Call sign: AFR101
Destination: LFPB
Origin: ZBAA
[Your call sign is AFR101, your destination is Paris, you are going to depart from Beijing airport at Gate 301. Now call Beijing Delivery, and request ATC clearance.] 1.P: Beijing Delivery, AFR101, Gate 301, request ATC clearance.
C: AFR101, cleared to Paris, via flight planned route, initially climb to 6600m, RENOB32 departure, request level change for 10,400m en route, squawk 1725, runway 36R, departure frequency 127.75.
[Read back]
2.P: Cleared to Paris, via flight planned route, initially climb to 6600m,
RENOB32 departure, request level change for 10,400m en route, squawk 1725, runway 36R, departure frequency 127.75, AFR101.
C: AFR101, correct. Contact Ground 121.9 for pushback and startup.
[Read back]
3.P: 121.9, good day, AFR101.
[Contact Ground 121.9 for pushback and startup.]
4.P: Beijing Ground, AFR101, Gate 301, request pushback and startup.
C: AFR101, Beijing Ground, short delay for pushback, an A340 inbound for Gate 302.
[Read back]
5.P: Roger, standing by, AFR101.
C: AFR101, pushback approved.
[Ask ATC the direction of pushback.]
6.P: Roger, in which direction should we push back? AFR101.
C: AFR101, my apologies, pushback and startup approved, facing east.
[Read back]
7.P: Roger pushback approved facing east, AFR101.
[All engines have been started, everything checked out normal, received information G, request taxi for Beijing Ground.]
8.P: Ready for taxi, information G, AFR101.
C: AFR101, information G changed, intersection departure from H is available. [Report that you have received H but you want to change runway 01 for a short course.]
9.P: Roger, AFR101, information H received, request runway 01 for a short
C: AFR101, roger, B737 inbound approaching from left for Gate 303, once that aircraft is cleared, taxi via B and D, hold short of RWY 01.
[You received report from information H that B is closed.]
10.P: Indications say that taxiway B is closed, confirm taxi via B. AFR101.
C: AFR101, correction taxi via M and D, hold short of RWY 01.
[Read back]
11.P: Once B737 cleared, taxi via M and D, wilco, AFR101.
[Now you are airborne. Contact Beijing Departure, you are passing 1200m and climbing to 1800m.]
12.P: Beijing Departure, AFR101, passing 1200m climbing to 1800m.
C: AFR101, Beijing Departure, identified, climb to 6000m on standard.
[Read back]
13.P: Climb to 6000m on standard, AFR101.
[Flight attendant reports that there is a man carrying explosives on his body and attempting to detonate them. Require emergency descent to 3000m.]
14.P: MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY, Beijing Departure, AFR101, request
descent to 3000m, a man is attempting to detonate explosives strapped to his body, the flight attendants are trying to get him under control.
C: AFR101, roger, descend to 3000m on QNH 1011. Say endurance.
[Read back an d report that you can hold for 2 hours more.]
15.P: Descend to 3000m on QNH 1011, endurance 0200, AFR101.
C: AFR101, roger, divert immediately to Tongzhou.
[Request radar vector to Tongzhou.]
16.P: Beijing Approach, request radar vector to Tongzhou, AFR101.
C: AFR101, turn right heading 180, maintain 3000m. When able, report current conditions on board.
[Read back and then give a report that the dangerous man is still struggling and has hurt two passengers.]
17.P: Turn right heading 180, maintain 3000m, AFR101. The man is struggling
with the crew and two passengers are badly hurt.
C: AFR101, roger, say intentions.
[Tell the ATC that the man has finally surrendered, the two passengers are in
dangerous situation, request return to Beijing airport and priority landing.]
18.P: The man is under control now, request return to Beijing airport and
priority landing, two passengers are in critical condition, require medical assistance on arrival, AFR101.
C: AFR101, roger. Cleared RWY 18R, you are number one. Police officers and medical services will be ready on arrival.
[Read back]
19.P: Runway 18R, thanks, AFR101.。