




王牌例句(以下简写*):Finding a good job is not easy these days.

最常用3句(以下简写T1 T2 T3)

T1:Saying is easy.Doing is difficult.

T2:Seeing is believing.

T3:Teaching is learning.

1 Driving is exciting.

2 Lying is a bad habit.

3 finding your office isn\\\'\\\'t easy.

4 listening to his speech is boring.

5 Getting daily exercise is important.

6 parking is prohibited here.

7 Raising children is a big responsibility.

8 walking in the rain is romantic.

9 climbing the mountain in winter is dangerous.

10 driving to Shenzhen will take us 2hours.

11 Riding with a drunken driver is a risk.

12 Asking a woman\\\'\\\'s age is impolite in my country.

13 speaking in public is a challenge to a lot of people.

14 Hearing the other side of story would be interesting.

15 Reading neqspaper in the morning has become a routine for me.

16 Owning a car is becoming more and more common in china.

17 losing someone you love is a painful experience.

18 Meeting new people makes me nervous.

19 Working hard will produce good results.

20 making money is everyboby\\\'\\\'s dream.

21 Complaining doesn\\\'\\\'t solve problems.

22 falling in love is easy.Staying in love is hard.

23 Eating to live is more meaningful than living to eat.

24 Shouting English is very helpful in conquering your shyness.

25 Arguing with you all the time makes me tired.

26 Eating too much can make you fat.

27 Smoking cause a lot of health problems.

28 Having a cold isn\\\'\\\'t much fun.

29 Going to school is boring.Going to work is even more boring.Having money and doing nothingis my dream.

30 Fooling around is fun.

31 getting married costs a lot.Getting divorced costs much more.

32 Speaking correct English is beyond george Bush\\\'\\\'s capability.

33 Understanding each other is essential for a good relationship.

34 Spending money is easier than making money.

35 Learning English needs persistence.

36 Learning to speak English is a piece of cake.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------作者:马鲁斯--发布时间:2005-3-30 22:17:05


2今日句型:You are...

王牌例句:You are crazy.


T1:You are great!

T2:You are hopeless!

T3:You are out of your mind!


1 You are too much!

2 Tou are impossible!

3 You are a son of a娃哈哈.

4 You are a dead man!

5 You are disguesting.

6 You are such a nuisance.

7 you are fired.

8 you are the worst.

9 You are abnormal.

10 You are so frustrating.

11 You are so foolish.

12 You are beyond hope.

13 You are nothing/nobody.

14 You are useless/worthless.

15 You are good for nothing.

16 You are such a jerk.

17 You are daydreaming.

18 You are a pain in the ass.

19 Hey! you are a big help.

20 You are a loser.

21 You are the stupidest guy I have ever met!

22 You are too careless!

23 You are getting on my nerves!

24 You are so selfish.

25 You are so annoying.

26 You are too blame.

27 You are going to make it.

28 You are going to win.

29 You are my only hope.

30 You are almost there.Keep trying.Stick to it.

31 you are the best.

32 you are fantastic.

33 You are specisal.

34 You are amazing.

35 You are incredible.

36 You are one in a million.

37 You are so chever.

38 You are perfect!

39 you are a genius.

40 you are a nice guy.

41 you are really something.

42 you are a lucky dog!

43 You are everything to me.

44 You are so sweet.

45 You are my abgle.

46 You are so kind.

47 You are so considerate!

48 You are the one of me.

49 You are the prettiest girl in the world.

50 you are mine.I\\\'m yours.

51 You are breaking my heart.

52 You are sexy.

53 You are so hot.

54 You are turning me on.

55 You are kidding.

56 You are making fun of me.

57 You are liar.

58 You are a snake.

59 you are unbelievable.

60 You are always wrong.

61 You are always in trouble.

62 you are a mess.

63 You are shame to our family.

64 you are an embarrassment.

65 you are a disgrace.

66 a:Thank you so much.

b:You are welcome.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------作者:马鲁斯--发布时间:2005-3-30 22:20:45


3今日句型:I prefer...

王牌例句:I prefer hot weather to cold weather.


1:I prefer tea to coffee.

2: I prefer KFC to McDonald\\\'s

3: i prefer not to think about it


1 I prefer movies to VCDs.

2 I prefer you to your sister.

3 I prefermming to running.

4 I prefer cats to dogs.

5 I prefer winter to summer.

6 I prefer South China to North China.

7 I prefer Chinese food to Western food.

8 I prefer country music to jazz.

9 I prefer driving to travelling by train.

10 I prefer living in the country to living in the city.

11 I prefer to work than to rest.

12 I prefer living together to getting married.

13 I prefer health to money.

14 I prefer cash to cheak.

15 I prefer talking face to face to talking on the phone.

16 I prefer hand written letters to email.I\\\'m old fashioned I gass.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-3-30 22:23:18编辑过]

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------作者:马鲁斯--发布时间:2005-3-30 22:27:14



王牌例句:What I need is your understanding.



1 : what I want is money.

2: What you lack is patience.

3: what i did\\\'t like is his attitude.


1 What he just said is absolutely true.

2 what i mean is we shouldn\\\'t do it.

3 What I like about China is the hospitality of its people.

4 what I appreciated most was his friendliness.

5 What you don\\\'t understand is his "inner self"

6 What I want to know is how soon they will give us answer.

7 What he says is inconsistent with what he does.

8 What i saw and heard in Britain was very interesting.

9 What I\\\'m going to do is take the GRE exam.

10 What makes me unhappy is the fact that you didn\\\'t tell me the trueth.11 What will be discussed at the next meeting is not clear.

12 What annoys me is his carelessness.

13 What caused her death is still a mystery.

14 What attracts me is her personality,not her beauty.

15 What bothers me is the noise in Guangzhou.

16 What inspires me is the hard work of our employees.


A I don\\\'t believe you.

B Believe it or not,what i have told you is all ture.

A I\\\'m afraid I\\\'ll lose the game.

B Never mind.What matters is your courage to challenge him.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-3-30 22:29:31编辑过]


--发布时间:2005-3-30 22:27:58


5今日句型:I wonder if...

王牌例句:I wonder if you could lend me your car.


1 I wonder if he can speak English.

2 I wonder if I might have a glass of water.

3 I wonder if she has been invited.


1 I wonder if I should buy that book.

2 I wonder if we could call him now.

3 I wonder if Martin is in the studio.

4 I wonder if they can make it.

5 I wonder if you could pass me the salt?

6 I wonder if there’s a pay phone in this building.

7 I wonder if it will snow tomorrow.

8 I we can catch the first train.

9 I wonder if that store accepts credit cards.

10 I wonder if the library is open today.

11 I wonder if your mother likes me.

12 I was wondering if I could use your computer.(替换)

13 I was wondering if you could give me some information about places to visit in the area?14 I was wondering if you were busy Saterday night.If not,would you like to come to the moviewith me?

15 I wonder if I can learn to speak good English in a year.

16 I wonder who called me then hung up when I answered.


A:I wonder if he knows what he is doing.

B:I don’t think so.He looks very stupid.

A:I wonder if she is married.

B:To tell you truth,she has been married twice.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-3-30 22:41:49编辑过]

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------作者:马鲁斯--发布时间:2005-3-30 22:30:46


5今日句型:I wonder if...

王牌例句:I wonder if you could lend me your car.


1 I wonder if he can speak English.

2 I wonder if I might have a glass of water.

3 I wonder if she has been invited.


1 I wonder if I should buy that book.

2 I wonder if we could call him now.

3 I wonder if Martin is in the studio.

4 I wonder if they can make it.

5 I wonder if you could pass me the salt?

6 I wonder if there’s a pay phone in this building.

7 I wonder if it will snow tomorrow.

8 I we can catch the first train.

9 I wonder if that store accepts credit cards.

10 I wonder if the library is open today.

11 I wonder if your mother likes me.

12 I was wondering if I could use your computer.(替换)

13 I was wondering if you could give me some information about places to visit in the area?14 I was wondering if you were busy Saterday night.If not,would you like to come to the moviewith me?

15 I wonder if I can learn to speak good English in a year.

16 I wonder who called me then hung up when I answered.


A:I wonder if he knows what he is doing.

B:I don’t think so.He looks very stupid.

A:I wonder if she is married.

B:To tell you truth,she has been married twice.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-3-30 22:43:54编辑过]


--发布时间:2005-3-30 22:33:05


6今日句型:I guess ...

王牌例句:I guess it,s going to rain.


1 I guess so.

2 I guess not.

3 I guess you’re right.


1 I guess I need a doctor.

2 I guess he won’t come.

3 I guess she’ll come to the party.

4 I guess you can come over.

5 I guess I’ll pay for dinner.

6 I guess she will forgive you.

7 I guess she is wrong.

8 I’m hungry. I guess I’ll have a haumburger.

9 I guess it’s o key with me.

10 I guess she will be OK.

11 I guess jim did this.

12 I guess she is about fifty.

13 I guess I must be going now.

14 I guess they had a good time in Guilin.

15 I guess she will marry him.

16 I guess your daughter is dying to see you.

17 I gue ss we’ll have a good profit this year.

18 I guess Shanghai will become the most prosperous city in China/

19 I guess we need to hold another meeting to discuss this matter.

20 I guess we have to stay home Sunday.

21 I guess we won’t beable to finish this t oday.

22 I guess I’ll be late for the meeting.

23 I guess she has something to tell you.

24 I guess you want me to help you with your English.

25 I guess I don’t call you ,now that I ran into you!

26 I guess the share price will go up.


A:can I have the cheak please?

B:I guess you are paying for lunch.

A:You’ve been dating Jack for three months.What do you think of him? B:I guess he is the right man for me.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-3-30 22:45:58编辑过]

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------作者:马鲁斯--发布时间:2005-3-30 22:51:54


7今日句型:not as...as

王牌例句:Speaking good english is not as difficult as you think.


1 I\\\'m not as stupid as you think.

2 It\\\'s not as bad as you expected.

3 It\\\'s not as good as it could be.


1 The United States is not as great as I thought.

2 The weather is not as cold as I expected.

3 He\\\'s not as old as he looks.

4 She is not as pretty as her picture.

5 He is not as clever as his brother.

6 He is not as naive as he used to be.

7 Guangzhou is not as clean as Shenzhen.

8 The film is not as intersting as you told me.

9 Chinese is not as difficult as it seems.

10 It is not as successful as last time.

11 Michael Jackson is not as popular as he used to be.

12 His problem is not as serious as it seems.

13 This flight is not as long as the flight to Beijing.

14 I am not as upset as I was yesterday.

15 This restaurant\\\'s food is not as good as my cooking.

16 My score were not as good as I had hoped they would be. 疯狂实战:

A:What do you think of Linda?

B:She is not as pretty as her sister.

A:I can\\\'t learn English well.I think i\\\'m giving up.

B:Come on,it\\\'s not as difficult as you think.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-1 0:56:14编辑过]

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------作者:马鲁斯--发布时间:2005-3-30 22:52:41


8今日句型:I promise...

王牌例句:I promise I won\\\'t do it again.


1 I promise I won\\\'t do anything stupid.

2 I promise I\\\'ll never lie again.

3 I promise to pay you back.


1 I promise I\\\'ll be on time.

2 I promise I\\\'ll keep it secret.

3 I promise I won\\\'t be late again.

4 I promise I\\\'ll be quick.

5 I promise I\\\'ll be home by 10 o\\\'clock.

6 I promise I\\\'ll be good.

7 Mom,I promise U\\\'ll study harder.

8 I promise I\\\'ll remeber your birthday this time.

9 I promise I won\\\'t hurt you.

10 I promise I won\\\'t let you down.

11 I promise I\\\'ll come back to china.

12 Dear,I promise I\\\'ll get a better job.I promise I\\\'ll make more money.Don\\\'t leave me!13 I promise I\\\'ll pay more attention to you.

14 I promise I won\\\'t make you angry again.

15 I promise I\\\'ll never leave you.

16 I promise I\\\'ll keep my promise from now on!


A:Can you promise?

B:I\\\'ll try my best,but I can\\\'t promise anything.

A:It\\\'s the second time you are late.

B:please forgive me,I promise I won\\\'t be late again.


--发布时间:2005-3-30 22:53:51


9今日句型:I\\\'m crazy about...

王牌例句:I\\\'m crazy about American movies.


1 I\\\'m crazy about the internet.

2 I\\\'m crazy about learning English.

3 I\\\'m crazy about collecting telephone cards. 疯狂操练:

1 I’m crazy about making money.

2 I’m crazy about jazz.

3 I’m crazy about Chinese food.

4 I’m crazy about WangFeye.

5 I’m crazy about my English teacher.

6 I’m crazy about you.

7 I’m crazy about action movies.

8 I’m crazy about dancing.

9I’m crazy about my girlfriend.

10 I’m crazy about sports.

11 I’m crazy about our new boss.

12 I’m crazy about this computer software.

13 I’m crazy about the Olympics.

14 I’m crazy about shopping.

15 I’m crazy about fried chicken.

16 I’m crazy about Chineseguys.


A:what kind of music do you like?

B:I’m crazy about rock and roll.

A:I’m crazy about Sally,but she doesn’t know.

B:why don’t you tell her you love her?

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-1 0:57:54编辑过]

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------作者:马鲁斯--发布时间:2005-3-30 22:54:56


10今日句型:I’m dying to/for……

王牌例句:I’m dying to go home.


1 I’m duing for a cup oftea.

2 I’m dying to see my girlfriend.

3 I’m dying to hear your news.


1 I’m dying to sleep.

2 I’m dying for a change.

3 I’m dying to see him.

4 I’m dying to speak good English.

5 I’m dying for a new job.

6 I’m dying to become a teacher.

7 I’m dying to relax myself.

9 I’m dying to be with you again.

10I’m dying to learn crazy English.

11 I’m dying to go to college.

12 I’m dying to get a scholarship.

13 I’m dying to graduate.

14 I’m dying to go to the U.S.to study.

15 I’m dying to succeed.

16 I’m dying to be somebody.

17 I’m dying to make a lot of money.

18 I’m dying to buy my own car.

19 I’m dying to have my own house.

20 I’m dying to get married.

21 I’m dying to have a baby.

22 I’m dying for your love.

23 I’m dying to be yours.

24 I’m dying to kiss you.

25 I’m dying to hear you say you love me.

26 I’m dying to have a computer.

27 I’m dying to see my parents.

28 I’m dying to meet my idol.
