


Comprehension (30 minutes, 20 points)

ⅡVocabulary (10 points)

Part A (5 Points)

Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four

choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the

sentence and mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the

square bracket on ANSWER SHEET


She prefers foreign wine to that produced__________.

A. previously

B. virtually

C. primarily

D. domestically

The sentence should read, “She prefers foreign wine to that produced

domestically.” Therefore, you should choose D.

Sample Answer


1. He seemed reluctant to send his troops in an effort to discourage


A. animated

B. rebellious

C. creased

D. impassive

2. The company will__________to its agreement, no matter how costly the

process may be.

A. retain

B. alter

C. abandon

D. adhere

3. The drug store at the corner of our street sells aspirins and

__________penicillin prescriptions.

A. dispenses

B. disposes

C. disperses

D. dispatches

4. AIDS is causing great public concern because the__________fatal disease hits primarily young people.

A. invariably

B. imperatively

C. transiently

D. deceptively

5. The houses in this area were all erected in__________of housing


A. compliance

B. defiance

C. alliance

D. obedience

6. He had wanted a 25% raise in pay, but after talking to his boss, he

decided that a 5% raise would have to__________.

A. suffice

B. satisfy

C. gratify

D. delight

7. The two delegates had an in-depth exchange of views on how to enhance their__________.cooperation

A. ethical

B. bilateral

C. mandatory

D. subsidiary

8. It is agreed that all nations should take measures against terrorism on the basis of the UN__________and other international laws.

A. Charter

B. Constitution

C. Concordance

D. Custody

9. When we credit the successful people with intelligence, physical

strength or good luck we are making excuses for ourselves because we

fall__________in all three.

A. rare

B. lacking

C. short

D. scarce

10. Three weeks after the suicide bombing, the police were still hunting for bombers for they believe more were__________.

A. on the verge

B. on the sly

C. on the spot

D. on the loose

Part B (5 points)

Directions: In each of the following sentences there is one word or phrase underlined. Below the sentence are four choices marked A, B, C and

D.Choose the one that is closest in meaning to the underlined part.

Markthe corresponding lettr with a single bar across the square bracket on ANSWER SHEET Ⅰ.


The secretary is very competent; she can finish all these letters within one hour.

A. careful

B. industrious

C. clever

D. capable

In this sentence, “competent” is closest in meaning to “capable”.

Therefore you Should choose

Sample Answer


11. As there was not enough money to bury all dead AIDS orphans, 23 babies were interred in a modest cemetery in South Africal before World AIDS Day.

A. parentless children

B. miserable victims

C. contagious bodies


infectious patient

12. In his opinion, the objection to barbarity does not mean that capital punishment should not go on.

A. adversity

B. savagery

C. habitat

D. integrity

13. What is at fault in our present system is not the outcome but the

fallible procedure.

A. sublime

B. erroneous

C. plausible

D. impeccable

14. It could not be ruled out that, sooner or later, the country would

break out of the treaty.

A. confirmed

B. tolerated

C. excluded

D. refuted

15. Now researchers are directing more attention to the social andcultural impetus that propelled university graduates into careers in management.

A. implication

B. propaganda

C. impulse

D. refuted

16. Lincoln, former president of the United States, is a conspicuous

example of a poor boy who succeeded. A. sturdy B. obstinate C. permanent

D. manifest

17. Research should continue on controlled nuclear fusion, but no energy program should be premised on its existence until it has proved


A. focused

B. concentrated

C. agreed

D. based

18. He displayed a complete lack of courtesy and tact in dealing with his employer.

A. tenacity

B. curiosity

C. civility

D. hostility

19. Pirated compact disks and floppy disks remained the second biggest

vehicle for the spread of computer viruses despite the governments'

determined efforts to quash software piracy.

A. boost

B. prevent

C. crush

D. restrict

20. It is reported that the latest outbreak of the bird flu in

Pennsylvania in the United States has prompted China to slap a ban on

poultry imports from the sate.

A. marine products

B. dairy products

C. industrial products

D. avian


Cloze (10 points)

The effect of the baby boom on the schools helped to make possible a shift in thinking about the role of public education in the 1920 's. In the 1920 's, but especially __1__the Depression of the 1930's, the United States

experienced a__2__birth rate. Then with theprosperity__3__on by the Second World War and the economic boom that followed it, young people married

and__4__households earlier and began to__5__larger families than had

their__6__during the Depression. Birthrates rose to 102 per thousand in

1946, 106.2 in 1950, and 118 in 1955.__7__economics was probably the most important__8__, it is not the only explanation for the baby boom. The

increased value placed__9__the idea of the family also helps to__10__this rise in birth rates. The baby boomers began streaming__11__the first grade by the mid -1940's and became a__12__by 1950. The public school system

suddenly found itself __13__Thewartime economy meant that few new schools were built between 1940 and1945.__14__, large numbers of teachers left

their profession during that period for better-paying jobs

elsewhere.__15__, in the 1950's, the baby boom hit an antiquated and

inadequate school system. Consequently, the custodial rhetoric of the

1930's no longer made__16__; keeping youths ages sixteen and older out of the labor market by keeping them in school could no longer be a

high__17__for an institution unable to find space and staff to teach

younger children. With the baby boom, the focus of educators__18__turned toward the lower grade sand back to basic academic skills and__19__. The system no longer hadmuch__20__in offering nontraditional, new, and extra services to older youths.

1. A. in B. for C. at D. on

2. A. accelerating B. strengthening C.

declining D. fluctuating 3. A. took B. produced C. brought D. carried


A. adopted

B. incorporated

C. administered

D. established 5. A. increase

B. raise

C. erect

D. generate 6. A. predecessors B. successors C.

processors D. oppressors 7. A. Since B. Despite C. Although D. Unless


A. tenant

B. determinant

C. lubricant

D. repentant 9. A. at B. on C. for D. with 10. A. demonstrate B. interpret C. exhibit D. explain 11. A.

through B. across C. into D. towards 12. A. creek B. flood C. bonus D. pledge13. A. overtaxed B. overdosed C. overweighed D. overlapped 14. A. Moreover B. However C. Otherwise D. Thus 15. A. Nevertheless B. Therefore C. Furthermore D. Hence fore 16. A. sense B. meaning C. sensible D.

meaningful 17. A. notoriety B. compatibility C. proximity D. priority


A. refutably

B. indispensably

C. inevitably

D. respectively 19. A.

conference B. symposium C. seminar D. discipline 20. A. ability B.

advantage C. benefit D. interest

Ⅳ Reading Comprehension (20 points)


Read the following passages, decide on the best one of the choices marked A, B, C and D for each question or unfinished statement and then mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square bracket on ANSWER SHEET Ⅰ.

Passage 1

When I was a kid, I never knew what my parents—or anyone else's—did for a living. As far as I could tell, all grownups had mysterious jobs that

involved drinking lots of coffee and arguing about Richard Nixon. If they had job-related stress, they kept it private. Now American families are

expected to be more intimate. While this has resulted in alot more hugs, “I love you's,” and attendance at kids' football games, unfortunately we parents also insist on sharing the frustrations of our work lives. While we have complained about our jobs or fallen asleep in car-pool lines, our children have been noticing. They are worried about us. A new survey, ”Ask the children ,“conducted by the Families and Work Institute of New York City, queried more than 1, 000 kids between the ages of 8 and18 about

their parents' work lives. “If you were granted one wish to change the way your parents' work affected your life,” the survey asked kids,“what would that wish be?” Most parents assumed that children would want more time

with them, but only 10% did. Instead, the most common wish (among 34%) was that parents would be less stressed and tired by work. Allison Levin is the mother of three young children and a professional in the growing field of “work/life quality”. Levin counsels employees who are overwhelmed by their work and family obligations to carefully review their

commitments-not only at the office but at home and in the community

too—and start paring them down. “It's not about getting up earlier in the morning so you can get more done,” she says. “It's about saying no and making choices.” We can start by leaving work, and thoughts of work,

behind as soon as we start the trip home. Do something to get yourself in a good mood, like listening to music, rather than returning calls on the cell phone. When you get home, change out of your work clothes, let the

answering machine take your calls, and stay away from e-mail. When your

kids ask about your day, tell them about something good that happened. (In

the survey, 69% of moms said they liked their work, but only 42% of kids thought their mothers really did.) Parents can also de-stress by cutting back on their children's activities. If keeping up with your kid's

schedule is killing you, insist that he choose between karate lessons and the theater troupe. Parents should also sneak away from work and family

occasionally to have some fun .I keep a basketball in the trunk of my can.

I might never be able to fix everything at work or at home, but at least I can work on my jump shot.

1. Which of the following sentences can be the best title of this passage?

A. Kids Say: Chill

B. Kids Stress Parents

C. Parents Complain about work

D. Parents Get in Good Mood

2. The author mentions her own childhood experience to show


A. she never understood why her parents had odd jobs and argued about the president

B. she didn't know what her parents did to earn money to support the

family when she was young

C. she did understand why the American became more and more close

and hugged a lot

D. she could see that the American parents keep the stress and tiredness from work to themselves

3. We can infer from the second paragraph that nowadays the


A. are very anxious about their parents for their hard work

B. are looking forward to being with their parents

C. are very considerate about their parents

D. are very ambitious to change their parents' work

4. The phrase “paring them down” in the third paragraph most

likely means__________.

A. gathering the work and family duties together

B. matching the work quality to life quality

C. decreasing the defeating commitments

D. denying to fulfill their work and family obligations

5. Which of the following is not the way to de-stress the parents' heavy burden?

A. Forgetting about the job as soon as leaving the office.

B. Reducing participating the activities for the office.

C. Sharing with the children some happy experience.

D. Taking part more actively in community activities.

Passage 2

There are a number of formats for reporting research, such as articles to

appear in journals, reports addressed to funding agencies, theses or

dissertations as part of the requirements for university degrees, and

papers to be presented at conferences. These formats differ from one

another mostly in their purposes and the audiences whom they address. We will now briefly describe them. The journal article is a way of reporting research for professional journals or edited collections. The research is reporting in a brief, yet in formative way, focusing mostly on the main

features of the research such as the purpose, review of the literature

(often referred to as“background&rdquo, procedures used for carrying out the research accompanied by tables, charts, and graphs, and

interpretations of the results (often referred to as discussion). The

content and emphasis of the journal article will vary according to the

intended readers (research or practitioners) and it is important for the researcher to be aware of the background and interest of the readers of

the journal. Articles intended to be read by practitioners will emphasize the practical implications and recommendations of the research, while

articles intended to be read by researchers will describe in detail the

method used to collect data, the construction of data collection

procedures, and the techniques used for analyzing the data. It is

important for the novice researcher to be aware of the fact that articles submitted to journals go through a process of evaluation by experts who

make a judgment and recommend whether they should be published or not.

The thesis or dissertation is a format for reporting research which

graduate students write as part of fulfilling the requirements for an

advanced academic degree. The student is expected to describe in great

detail all the phases of the research so it can be examined and evaluated carefully by the reader. Thus the thesis or dissertation includes the

purpose and significance of the study, the rationale, a thorough review of the literature, detailed information as to the research tools and the

procedures involved in their development, a description of data analysis and the results, and an interpretation of the results in the form of

conclusions, implications, and recommendation. This detailed description of the process of the research is needed to provide the professors with an indication of the student's ability to carry out research. The conference paper is a way of reporting research at conferences, seminars and

colloquia. At such meetings research papers are usually presented orally. They are similar to the research article since research is reported in a concise, yet informative way, focusing on the most essential elements of the research. Handouts and transparencies can also accompany the

presentations. As with the research article, here too, the content and

emphasis of the oral report will depend to a large extent on the type of audience present at the meeting, and whether they are researchers or


6. The best title for this passage could be__________.

A. Types of Research Reports

B. Types of Journal Articles

C. Writing of research Reports

D. Writing of Different Articles

7. The common aspect for the journal articles, these and conference papers lies in that__________.

A. they are all for the practitioners

B. they are all to be read by researchers

C. they are all for being published

D. they are all forms of reporting research

8. We can distinguish those research reports from each other mainly


A. their writing style and length

B. their aims and possible audiences

C. their presented places and time

D. their content and purposes

9. Which of the following statements is not mentioned in this passage?

A. Both journal articles and conference papers are reported in a brief and informative way.

B. All the theses or dissertations and conference papers are reported in spoken languages.

C. Both the journal articles and conference papers are influenced greatly by the intended receivers.

D. The various formats of research reports may be presented in different ways.

10. How can a professor evaluate a student's capability of implementing

the research?

A. By concentrating on the main factors like the purpose, background,

procedures and disscussion.

B. By emphasizing the practical implications and recommendations of the


C. By focusing on the detailed description of the process of the research such as the tools, procedures, the process of data analysis, the results, and conclusions etc.

D. By noticing the detailed method used to collect the data, the

construction of the data collection procedures, the techniques for

analyzing the date and results etc.

Passage 3

What do consumers really want? That's a question market researchers would love to answer. But since people don't always say what they think,

marketers would need direct access to consumers' thoughts to get the


Now, in a way, that is possible. At the “Mind of the Market” laboratory at Harvard Business School, researchers are looking inside shoppers' skulls

to develop more effective advertisements and marketing pitches. Using

imaging techniques that measure blood flow to various parts of the brain, the Harvard team hopes to predict how consumers will react to particular products and to discover the most effective ways to present information. Stephen Kosslyn, a professor of psychology at Harvard, and business school professor Gerald Zaltman, oversee the lab. “The goal is not to manipulate peoples' preferences,” says Kosslyn, “just to speak to their actual

desires.” The group's findings, though still preliminary, could radically change how firms develop and market new products. The Harvard group use position emission topography (PET) scans to monitor the brain activity.

These PET scans, along with other non-invasive imaging techniques; enable researchers to see which parts of the brain are active during specific

tasks (such as remembering a word..Correlations have been found between

blood flow to specifc areas and future behavior. Because of this, Harvard researchers believe the scans can also predict future purchasing patterns. According to an unpublished paper the group produced, “It is possible to use these techniques to predict not only whether people will remember and have specific emotional reactions to certain materials, but also whether they will be inclined to want those materials months later.” The Harvard group is now moving into the next stage of experiments. They will explore how people remember advertisements as part of an effort to predict how

they will react to a product after having seen an ad. The researchers

believe that once key areas of the brain are identified, scans on about

two dozen volunteers will be enough to draw conclusions about the

reactions of specific segments of the population. Large

corporations-including Coca Cola, Eastman Kodak, General Motors, and

Hallmark-have already signed up to fund further investigations. For their financial support, these firms gain access to the experiments but cannot control them. If Kosslyn and Zaltman and their team really can read the

mind of the market, then consumers may find it even harder to get those

advertising jingles out of their heads.

11. Which of the following statements can be the best title for this


A. Reading the Mind of the Market

B. Controlling the Consumers' Preferences

C. Improving the Styles of Advertising

D. Finding Out the Way to Predict

12. Why do the Harvard researchers use scientific technology in the


A. Because they don't believe the surveys done by the marketers can lead to the truth.

B. Because they are asked by the marketers to find a direct way to read

the consumers' thoughts.

C. Because they want to find out how the ads influence people's brain

activity and emotional responses etc.

D. Because they expect that their experiments can basically alter the

marketing strategies of products.

13. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?

A. Sometimes people will conceal what they think when being questioned by the market researchers.

B. Stephen Kosslyn and Gerald Zaltman overlook the experiments and

criticize the purpose of the study.

C. Harvard researchers have found the corresponding relations between

people's brain and behavior.

D. There are many large organizations endorsing and financing the Harvard group's further investigation.

14. What does “to speak to” in the last sentence of the second paragraph mean?

A. to talk to

B. to say to

C. C. to communicate to

D. to respond to

15. The last sentence of this passage implies that__________.

A. If the experiments' results can be applied to the practice, the

customers will be very likely to buy things according to the ads.

B. If the Harvard group can succeed in finishing the research, they will use it in attracting more and more and more and more consumers into the


C. The financial supporting corporations such as Coca Cola, General Motors can employ the experiments in their own marketing.

D. The consumers may discover that those ads will always annoy them by

jingling out of their heads and cause them headaches.

Passage 4

Real policemen, both Britain and the United States hardly recognize any

resemblance between their lives and what they see on TV—if they ever get home in time. There are similarities, of course, but the cops don't think much of them.

The first difference is that a policeman's real life revolves round the

law. Most of his training is in criminal law. He has to know exactly what actions are crimes and what evidence can be used to prove them in court. He has to know nearly as much law as a professional lawyer, and what is

more, he has to apply it on his feet, in the dark and rain, running down an alley after someone he has to talk to. Little of his time is spent in chatting to scantily clad ladies or in dramatic confrontations with

desperate criminal. He will spend most of his working life typing millions of words on thousands of forms about hundreds of sad, unimportant people who are guilty—or not—of stupid, petty crimes.

Most television crime drama is about finding the criminal; as soon as he's arrested, the story is over. In real life, finding criminals is seldom

much of a problem. Except in very serious cases like murders and terrorist

attacks—where failure to produce results reflects on the standing of the police—little effort is spent on searching. The police have an elaborate machinery which eventually shows up most wanted men.

Having made an arrest, a detective really starts to work. He has to prove his case in court and to do that he often has to gather a lot of different evidence. Much of this has to be given by people who don't want to get

involved in a court case. So as well as being overworked, a detective has to be out at all hours of the day and night interviewing his witnesses and persuading them, usually against their own best interests, to help him. A third big difference between the drama detective and the real one is the unpleasant moral twilight in which the real one lives. Detectives are

subject to two opposing pressures: first as members of a police force they always have to behave with absolute legality, secondly, as expensive

public servants they have to get results. They can hardly ever do both.

Most of the time some of them have to break the rules in small ways.

If the detective has to deceive the world, the world often deceiveshim.

Hardly anyone he meets tells him the truth. And this separation the

detective feels between himself and the rest of the world is deepened by the simple mindedness—as he sees it—of citizens, social workers, doctors, law makers, and judges, who, instead of stamping out crime punish the

criminals less severely in the hope that this will make them reform. The result, detectives feel, is that nine tenths of their work is reaching

people who should have stayed behind bars. This makes them rather cynical.

16. It is essential for a policeman to be trained in criminal


A. so that he can catch criminals in the streets

B. because many of the criminals he has to catch are dangerous

C. so that he can justify his arrests in court

D. because he has to know nearly as much about law as a professional


17. The everyday life of a policeman or detective is__________.

A. exciting and glamorous

B. full of danger

C. devoted mostly to routine matters

D. wasted on unimportant matters

18. When murders and terrorist attacks occur the police__________.

A. prefer to wait for the criminal to give himself away

B. spend a lot of effort on trying to track down their man

C. try to make a quick arrest in order to keep up their reputation

D. usually fail to produce results

19. The real detective lives in “an unpleasant moral twilight”

because__________. DOIcYwu TW

A. he is an expensive public servant

B. he must always behave with absolute legality

C. he is obliged to break the law in order to preserve it

D. he feels himself to be cut off from the rest of the world

20. Detectives are rather cynical because__________.

A. nine tenths of their work involves arresting people

C. hardly anyone tells them the truth

C. society does not punish criminals severely enough

D. too many criminals escape from jail

Ⅴ Translation (20 points)

Part A. (10 points)

Direction: Translate the following English passage into Chinese on your


The Basis for Social Order

Man, said Aristotle, is a social animal. This sociability requires

peaceful congregation, and the history of mankind is mainly a movement

through time of human collectivities that range from migrant tribal bands to large and complex civilizations. Survival has been due to the ability to create the means by which men in groups retain their unity and

allegiance to one another.

Order was caused by the need and desire to survive the challenge of the

environment. This orderly condition called the “state”, and the rules that maintained it, the “law”. With time the partner to this tranquility, man marched across the centuries of his evolution to the brink of exploring

the boundaries of his own galaxy. Of all living organisms, only man has

the capacity to interpret his own evolution as progress. As social life

changed, the worth and rights of each member in the larger group, of which he was a part, increased. As the groups grew from clans to civilizations, the value of the individual did not diminish, but became instead a guide to the rules that govern all men.

Part B. (10 points)

Direction: Translate the following Chinese passage into English on your ANSWER SHEET.




Ⅵ Writing (20 points) Directions: Write an essay in no less than 200 words with the title“Opportunities and challenges with the coming of



分组讨论市人大常委会和 “两院”工作报告的发言 市人大常委会的工作报告突出一个“实”字:一是篇幅短、文风朴实;二是内容充实,反映人大常委会在过去一年做了大量扎实有效的工作;三是部署20XX年的四项主要任务,紧密联系**实际,思路清晰、重点突出,具有很强的实操性。尤其是围绕推进法治**建设,市人大去年在开展执法检查、加强司法监督、推进法治文化建设和争取地方立法权的前期准备等方面做了很多卓有成效的工作,今年又把推进法治**建设摆在更加突出的位置,并就申报地方立法权工作提出有针对性、可行性的工作措施。同时,报告也强调依法履行监督职权、加强自身作风建设等,可谓抓住了今年工作的“方向盘”和“牛鼻子”。 市中级人民法院的报告总结工作内容实、成效好,部署工作思路清、方向明,特别是针对队伍中存在的问题,市中院不回避、不推责,积极配合纪检监察机关查处违纪违法问题,对相关人员作出严肃处理。同时,积极推进“以案治本”,利用反面典型开展警示教育,并进一步完善规章制度,堵塞监管漏洞,强化对法官、审委委员履行职责的监督等,这些工作都值得充分肯定。 市人民检察院的工作报告无论是回顾去年的工作,还是部署下一步工作,都体现了围绕中心、服务大局的思想,突

出了“法治建设”、“法律监督”、“自身建设”等关键词。其中在自身建设方面,在总结的六个部分中占了两个部分,相当于三分之一的篇幅,可见市检察院对这方面的工作态度鲜明、措施有力、成效明显。 此外,过去一年,法检两院还认真履行反腐败协调小组成员单位职责。检察系统加大了查办和预防职务犯罪工作力度,保持惩治贪腐行为的高压态势。法院系统依法审结一批贪污、贿赂、渎职犯罪案件。“两家”通过联合办案、线索和案件移送、证据互认、信息共享等方面与纪检监察机关相互支持、有效协作,在反腐败斗争中也是功不可没。因此,对法院、检察院去年的工作,我是满意的,也完全同意“两长”的工作报告。同时,我也代表市纪委监察局对“两家”一直以来特别是去年以来给予纪检监察机关的大力支持和密切配合表示衷心的感谢。


中国人民大学企业管理考研招生人数专业目录、参考书目、真题、复试分数线 及复习经验指导 中国人民大学企业管理考研 招生目录 专业研究方向招生人数考试科目 企业管理(120202) 35101-思想政治理论201英语一 303-数学三 838-管理综合 中国人民大学企业管理考研参考书目 1《市场营销学通论(第三版)》郭国庆主编2007-1-1出版 2《市场营销学通论》(第三版)学习辅导书2007-12-17出版 3《市场营销学经典教材习题详解--财经类经典教材习题详解系列》陈胜权主编(选用)

4《管理学原理(修订版或第三版)》王利平主编, 5《管理学》罗宾斯第七版或者第九版 6《财务管理学(第四版)--中国人民大学会计系列教材荆新、王化成主编 7《财务管理学》教学辅导书(学生用书)作者:荆新等主编中国人民大学出版社2006年11月 企业管理考研复习经验指导 立足2100余位成功学子的辅导经验,易研教育将考研专业课的复习分为六大阶段(六大模块),这六大模块是考研专业课复习成功的“六部曲”。 正确的阶段做正确的事,优化每个阶段的复习才是考研专业课成功的坚实保障。 (一)选择预备阶段(1月中旬——3月初):这一阶段的最重要的任务是在全面的自我分析基础上,定下自己考研的目标院校和专业,并进一步明确自己报考专业的参考书目、报考人数、招生人数、复试分数线、考研专业必备相关资料等。易研教育提醒广大考生选择院校和专业要综合考虑自己的兴趣、未来职业规划、本科专业基础、英语水平、报考专业就业状况等因素,无论跨考与否,报考名校与否,考研就是给自己一次机会,择校、择专业都要建立在全面自我分析的基础上。一旦决定切勿轻易中途换学校、转专业! 易研教育认为,这种摇摆不定会极大浪费有限的考研时间和精力。易研教育咨询部每年免费为广大考生提供择校、择专业的相关建议指导,欢迎广大考生来电垂询。 (二)基础理解阶段(3月上旬——7月初):这一阶段最重要的任务是建立完整理解。理解是记忆和运用的基础。这一阶段主要工作是将参考书目完整地看至少3遍以上。将主要的知识点全部理解,不必刻意记忆,达到心中有数、理解参考书目的主要内容,实在不理解的知识点标记下来即可。此外,


2012年中国人民大学金融硕士431考研 真题整理 2012年中国人民大学硕士生入学考试试题431金融学综合 一、单项选择题每小题一分共二十分 1.国内只流通银行券且不能兑换黄金,国际储备除黄金外还有一定比重外汇,外汇在国外才可兑换黄金,黄金是最后的支付手段,这是——制度的特点。 A金块本位B金币本位C金条本位D金汇兑本位 2.下列说法哪项不属于法定货币的特征—— A可代替金属货币B代表实质商品或货物C发行者无将其兑现为实物的义务D不是足值货币 3.我国的货币层次划分中M2等于M1与准货币的加总,准货币包括___ A长期存款B短期存款C长短期存款之和D公众持有的现金 4我国货币当局资产负债表中的“储备货币”就是指—— A外汇储备B基础货币C法定存款准备D超额存款准备 5在影响我国基础货币增减变动的因素中最主要的是—— A国外资产B央行对政府债权C央行对其他存款性公司债权D央行对其他金融性公司债权6美联储通过公开市场操作主要调整的是—— A货币供应增长率B联邦基金利率C再贴现率D银行法定存款准备率 7如果你共买了W公司股票的欧式看涨期权,协议价格是每股20美元,合约期限为3个月,期权价格为每股1.5元。若W公司股票市场价格在到期日为每股21元,则你将—— A不行使期权,没有亏损B行使期权,获得盈利C行使期权,亏损小于期权费D不行使期权,亏损等于期权费 8以下产品进行场外交易的是—— A股指期货B欧式期权C外汇掉期D ETF基金 9.下列关于货币有限法偿说法正确的是—— A在交易支付中,收款人有权拒绝接受辅币B有限法偿主要是针对辅币而言的C在法定限额内,收款人有权拒绝接受辅币D有限法偿一般是指单次最高支付总额度的规定。 10系列关于政策性银行说法正确的是—— A发达国家也有政策性银行B中国农业银行是针对农业发展的政策性银行C我国目前有一家政策性银行D盈利性只是政策性银行经营目标之一 11标志着现代中央银行制度产生的重要事件发生在—— A意大利B瑞典C英国D美国 12我国中央银行的最终目标不包括—— A经济增长B币值稳定C利率稳定D促进就业 13下列货币政策操作中,可以增加货币供给的是—— A增加法定存款准备金率B提高再贴现率C提高超额存款准备金率D央票回购


人大工作汇报材料 【篇一:乡镇人大工作汇报】 换届以来旧城镇人大工作开展情况的 汇报 各位领导、同志们: 自换届以来,我镇的人大工作在上级人大的指导下,在镇党委的直 接领导和人大代表的监督下,立足本镇实际,紧紧围绕经济发展、 社会稳定、新农村建设等工作重点,较好地发挥了镇人大主席团的 作用,为坚持和完善人民代表大会制度,推进全镇政治、经济持续 健康发展作出了积极的贡献,现就以下几个方面进行汇报: 一、换届以来基本情况 全镇现有市人大代表1人,县人大代表12名,镇人大代表87名, 人大代表的年龄、性别、学历、基层代表所占比例等均符合上级要求。代表产生后,在镇第一次全会预备会议上经代表推荐、表决, 产生了人大主席团成员,镇人大主席团根据年龄、性别、方便联系 选民的原则,将87名镇人大代表和13名市、县人大代表划分为10 个人大代表活动小组,推荐产生了各代表活动小组组长1名,联络 员2名,负责镇人代会闭会期间的工作任务。 二、镇人大站室和自身建设方面 (一)、积极改善条件,为人大代表履职搭建平台为使代表更好的 行使权利,全面开展好日常工作,镇党委高度重视人大的规范化建设,按照“六有”要求,成立了 专门的人大办公室,人大代表活动室,购置了微机、桌椅、档案柜 等相关办公设备,做到档案专柜存放,规范管理。为充实人大力量,镇党委及时配备了人大专职工作人员。制定、完善了代表培训、议 案督办、代表述职、信访接待和联系代表等制度,高标准制作并全 部上墙,用制度保证了工作的有序开展。严格落实代表活动经费, 确保代表工作的正常开展。通过以上的各项举措,为人大代表权利 的行使提供了有效的平台。 (二)、强化自身建设,努力提高工作水平 一是重视培训,为使新当选的市、县、镇约100名人大代表尽快转 变角色,更好的履行职能,镇人大主席团邀请经验丰富市、县领导 来我镇开展代表履职培训工作,通过对党的政策、路线、方针和相 关法律法规的学习,切实提高代表的思想素质,增强了代表的责任


人大考研复试班-中国人民大学企业管理考研复试经验分享 简单来说考研复试是考生在通过初试的基础上,对考生业务水平和实际能力的进一步考察。考研复试关系到研究生是否能最终入选,是最后一道程序,因此在考研过程中有举足轻重的作用。 中国人民大学(Renmin University of China),简称“人大”,由中华人民共和国教育部直属、中央直管副部级建制,教育部与北京市共建,位列国家首批“双一流”(A类)、“211工程”、“985工程”,入选“111计划”、“2011计划”、“卓越法律人才教育培养计划”、“卓越农林人才教育培养计划”、“海外高层次人才引进计划”、“国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目”、“中国政府奖学金来华留学生接收院校”,为世界大学联盟、亚太国际教育协会、京港大学联盟成员,是一所以人文社会科学为主的综合性研究型全国重点大学。被誉为“人民共和国建设者”的摇篮、人文社会科学高等教育的重镇。 面对这一情况,启道考研复试班根据历年辅导经验,编辑整理以下关于考研复试相关内容,希望能对广大复试学子有所帮助,提前预祝大家复试金榜题名! 专业介绍 中国人民大学商学院是国内顶尖商学院之一,是新中国最早开办管理教育的机构,学科综合实力在国内高校中名列前茅。 商学院共开设企业管理、市场营销管理、会计学三个专业,每个专业均设置18门课程。自1998年开办至今,已经为上万名无暇脱产学习而又希望上进的在职人员提供了继续深造、进一步提高学术水平的机会,使他们在边工作、边学习、提高业务水平的同时也能有机会获得学位。 企业管理、市场营销管理、会计学专业属国家重点二级学科,按照国家学科门类划分属于管理学学科,因此授予管理学学位。 招生人数与考试科目


2017年中国人民大学431金融硕士真题本内容凯程崔老师有重要贡献 金融学 一、选择题(每题1分,共30分) 1、哪个国际金融机构成立的初始目的是帮助二战战后国家重建? 2、面值100,价格95的半年债券,年化收益率是多少? a.5.26% b.5% c.10% d.2% 3、哪一个选项不是商业银行传统的中间业务? A.汇兑b.代收买卖c.信用证业务d.承兑 4、最早全面发挥中央银行职能的银行是 a.英国 b.法国 c.意大利 d.德国 5、美国的联邦基金利率本质上是什么利率? a.同业拆借利率 b.基准利率 6、执行价格高对看涨期权和看跌期权价格的影响? 7、____更能聚沙成塔,续短为长?(后一个词大概是这个意思) a.银行票据比股票市场 b.股票市场比银行票据 c.资本市场比货币市场 d.货币市场比资本市场 8、TED利差与美国国债利差扩大说明啥? A.信贷市场风险上升 美国国债价格上升 9、抨击相机抉择不连续不能起作用的是哪个学派? a.古典学派 b.理性预期学派 10、扩大资产业务不以负债业务的增加为前提是谁的特点? a.央行 b.商行 c.证券市场 11、货币供给公式中谁既能影响通货存款比也能影响准备存款比? a.央行 b.商行 d.个人 12、人民币有效汇率由120变为128,说明 a人民币对美元升值b人民币兑美元贬值c人民币对一篮子货币升值d对一篮子货币贬值 13、.信贷市场信用紧缩/扩张,国债需求上升/下降 14、企业和企业的三角债是什么信用形式 a.商业信用 b.国家信用 c.企业信用 d.货币信用 15、下列哪个国家不是亚投行的意向创始国? A.日本 B.韩国c.俄国d.英国 二、名词解释(每题2分,共16分) 欧洲美元 宏观谨慎监管 资本市场 商业银行资产 回购协议


人大工作报告讨论发言 第一代表团 朱友芳代表:过去的一年,市人大常委会在四个方面成效明显:一是围绕发展大局和目标任务,重督查和服务;二是围绕民-主法制建设,重依法和有序;三是围绕促进代表履职,重服务和支持;四是围绕民生和实事,重评议和实效。建议深化人大监督职能;加强对基层人大的工作指导和支持。 王玲卉代表:“两院”报告实事求是,数字翔实,说服力强。建议加大力度,开展多种形式的法律宣传,如是否可以在建德电视台开设“新安说法”栏目,在社区开展“送法进社区”活动,支持和推进“和-谐社区”创建工作。 沈斌代表:市人大常委会工作报告语言简洁、结构严谨、主题鲜明。2008年人大工作紧紧围绕“发展、民-主、民生”,坚持“依法、规范、高效”,切实履行职责,不断完善工作制度,加大监督力度,发挥代表作用,强化自身建设,成效有目共睹。2009年人大工作的总体思路和目标任务符合人民群众意愿,符合新时期对人大工作的要求。对新一年的工作提出“四个新”的要求,振奋人心,令人鼓舞。建议市人大常委会在促进经济发展和保障民生方面多实施一些创新举措。“两院”报告总结客观实在,在查找问题和不足时不回避,体现了四个特点:一是积极服务大局,强化依法审判、

依法监督,维护社会和-谐稳定,保障经济社会发展;二是深化改革,健全机制,进一步规范了依法审判和依法监督工作;三是注重领导和干部队伍建设,领导力量坚强有力,队伍素质逐年提高;四是广大群众对“两院”的满意度和信任度明显提高。建议“两院”在新的一年开拓创新,切实履行好工作职责,为建设秀美繁荣和-谐新建德保驾护航。 叶志莲代表:过去的一年,市人大常委会在帮助企业解困方面做了大量工作,成绩显著,人大在广大群众中的威望和形象进一步提升,我作为一名人大代表,感到十分光荣。新的一年,我要严格按照这次会议精神,切实履行好一名人大代表的工作职责,在关爱民工和弱势群体、新农村建设中发挥自己的力量。 王英姿代表:“两院”在过去的一年做了大量工作,值得肯定。建议政法部门要把打击赌博行为作为一项重要工作来抓。 叶余有代表:两个建议,一是要把人大的监督工作与督办代表议案建议意见很好地结合起来;二是人大监督要始终围绕中心工作。 第二代表团 邱秀根代表:发展需要良好的社会环境。当前赌博现象屡禁不止,且涉及面越来越广,不仅有普通群众,甚至有少数企业主参与赌博集资、放贷,数额很大,社会影响恶劣。


公司管理人员竞聘考试题库附答案 管理类 1.企业管理的依据是() A.国家计划和指导 B.国家政策和法规 C.企业的特性和由此表现 出来的生产经营规律 D.市场反映出来的社会需求答案:C 2.按照管理论,企业管理具有两种基本职能,即() A.合理组织生产力职能和维护生产关系职能 B.计划职能和组织职能 C.领导职能和控制职能 D.计划职能和控制职能答案:A 3.企业管理的具体职能有() A.计划职能 B.组织职能 C.领导职能 D.控制职能答案:A、B、C、D 4.企业决策的基础是() A.既定目标 B.强有力的领导 C.矛盾性意见 D.多种可以相互替代的方 案答案:A 5.企业的生产管理是以()为对象的计划、组织、领导、控制活动。 A.生产产品 B.提供服务 C.销售产品 D.生产产品或提供服务的 生产过程答案:D 综合类: 一、填空题: 1.科学发展观的根本要。 答案:统筹兼顾 2.我公司被列入2007年某市第一批10个重点建设项目的是。 答案: 3.2007年我公司的经营目标是:完成工业总产值亿元,实现工业销售收入亿元,利润亿元,税金亿元。

答案: 4.2007年公司十项重点工作之一是以加强生产管理为切入点,以节能贯标为基础,大力开展活动,力争实现某种产品的主要能耗下降以上。 答案: 5.今年公司将全面推进企业管理创新。继续深入开展等活动,提升企业综合管理水平。 答案: 6.公司目前主要产品的生产能力:电解铅吨,电解锌吨,硫酸吨,黄金千克,吨。 答案: 7.2007年是公司建厂年,股票上市年,公司股票代码为。 答案: 8.2007年某市召开了暨集中教育活动。 答案: 9.2007年3月5日—16日,十届全国人大五次会议在举行。会议表决通过了两部法律分别是:和。 答案:物权法、企业所得税法 10.根据第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十八次会议修改后的个人所得税法第十二条的规定,国务院决定自2007年8月15日起,将储蓄存款利息所得个人所得税的适用税率由现行的调减为。 答案:20%、5% 二、逻辑思维测试题 1.你让某些人为你工作了七天,你要用一根金条作为报酬。这根金条要被分成七块。你必须在每天的活干完后交给他们一块。如果你只能将这根金条切割两次,你怎样给这些工人分?请写出分法。


第一部分金融学 一.选择题1分*20 1. 央行资产负债表中,储备货币指 2. 自由输出自由兑换自由铸造是哪种金本位 3. 信用货币的特点是以前的原题 4. 弱有效市场定义 5. 资产组合理论由谁提出?选项给的是英文名 6. 我国哪年设立了政策性银行? 7. 以下和开放经济下内外均衡无关的是选货币幻觉 8. 人民币实际有效汇率上升,人民币将升值还是贬值? 9. 若中国的资产收益率高于美国的资产收益率,人民币通胀高于美国,用购买力平价理论和利率平价条件来看,人民币将升值、贬值、还是不能确定? 10. 以下那个国家的金融体系结构属于银行主导型?选德国 11. 金本位下汇率波动受什么因素的影响?选黄金输送点 12. 欧洲美元指的是:A. 是美元B。是欧元C。受美国监管 D 对美国来说是不是外汇选项大概是意思 二.名词解释2分*10 1. 格雷欣法则 2. 商业银行净息差 3. 凯恩斯的流动性偏好理论 4. 金融抑制 5. 金融脱媒 6. 贷款五类分级法 7. 格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法案 8. 宏观审慎监管 9. 央行逆回购 10. 铸币税 三.简答:共26分 1. 题中给出了托宾Q的定义,要求简述托宾Q的货币政策传导机制 13分 2. 题中给出了利率期限结构的定义,要求写出两到三种利率期限结构的解释理论,并比较13分 四.论述:共24分 2012下半年和2013年全年,我国出现实际和名义GDP增速双下降,然而贷款理论去走高,这种现象称为“利率逆反”。央行11月降息 (1)你认为利率逆反的原因是什么?8分 (2)利率逆反与我国利率市场化进程有什么联系?8分 (3)此次降息将对利率市场化和宏观经济将产生什么影响?8分 第二部分公司财务 一.选择题1分*10 注:每个题是五个选项的,D选项一般是”以上都对”,E选项一般是”以上都不对” 1. 给出某公司买了工行股票,发了多少钱红利,问应该交多少税实际上问的是中国的股利税是百分之几 2. 固定成本较小,若销量变动大,增大了还是减少了EBIT的波动 3. 每次央行降息、降准,我国A股都受到强烈冲击,这违反了以下哪个?


2020 年企业管理知识答案与题目二 单选题 1、消费者购买行为可以概括为从确定需要到产生购买动机,再到产生购买行为的过程.具体来说,可以分为() 几个阶段。 A.确定需要、收集信息、评估选择、购买决定、购后感受 B.确定需要、形成动机、市场调查、购买决定、购后服务C?确定需要、收集信息、市场调查、购买行为、购后感受 D.确定需要、形成动机、评估选择、购买行为、购后服务 答案:A 暂无解析 单选题 2、下列选项中,哪种行为属于行政许可行为() A.四川省人民代表大会对该省人民政府工作报告进行审议并表决通过的行为 B.山东省交通厅批准了梁山市交通局在其管辖范围内收取养路费的申请 C.哈尔滨市政府经招标赋予某单位自来水供应的独家经营权 D.宁夏市公证处对福利彩票的开奖进行公证的行为 答案:C [解析]本题考查行政许可的含义。《行政许可法》第2条规定:“本法所称行政许可,是指行政机关根据公民、法人或者其他组织的申请,经依法审查,准予其从事特定活动的行为。”根据该条规定,行政许可的实施机关是行政机关,这是最基本的一点,而A项中省级人大是权力机关,其审议政府报告的行为是行使权力机关职权的行为,并不是行政许可行为,因此,A项错误。 单选题 3、企业采取集权与分权相结合型财务管理体制时通常应对下列权利实施分散的是() 。 A.费用开支的审批权

B.固定资产购置权 C?收益分配权 D.制度制定权 答案:A [ 解析] 集权与分权相结合型财务管理体制具体应集中制度制定权,筹资、融资权,投资权,用资、担保权,固定资产购置权,财务机构设置权,收益分配权;分散经营自主权,人员管理权,业务定价权,费用开支的审批权。 单选题 4、产品价格的上升通常会使其销量减少,除非价格上升的同时伴随着质量的提高。时装却是一个例外。在某时装店,一款女装标价86 元无人问津,老板灵机一动改为286 元,衣服却很快售出。如果以下陈述为真,哪一项最能解释上述反常现象 A.在时装市场上,服装产品是充分竞争性产品 B.许多消费者在购买服装时,看重电视广告或名人对服装的评价 C.有的女士购买时装时往往不买最好,只买最贵 D.消费者常常以价格的高低作为判断服装质量的主要标尺 答案:D [ 解析] 解释型题目。题干的反常现象是“女装价格的上升导致其销量的增加”。充分竞争性产品价格上升应该导致销量下降,A项无法解释题干现象;B项如果为真,则价格的变化不会对消费者产生影响,无法解释题干现象;C项只是部分 女士的价值取向,且对这部分女士来说,该女装也很可能不是最贵的,无法解释题干现象;只有D项说明因为女装价格上升使顾客以为该女装的质量更好,从而导致了销量的增加,解释了题干的现象。 单选题 5、关于房地产开发项目目标市场的说法,错误的是()。 A.目标市场是市场规模最大的细分市场 B.目标市场是企业决定进入的细分市场 C.目标市场的选择依赖于细分市场的评估结果 D.目标市场选择的原则是让目标市场与项目自身最佳结合


中国人民大学431金融学综合公司财务真题 第二部分(公司财务,共60分) 一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共10分) 1、以下哪项将减少公司的净营运资本? A应付账款减少B固定资产减少C应收账款减少D银行存款减少 2、如果弱型有效市场成立,那么: A技术分析无用B股票价格反映了历史价格中的信息C股票价格是不可预期的D以上所有都是 3、股票A的期望收益率为20%,股票B的期望收益率为12%。以方差表示的股票A的风险是股票B的3倍。如果两只股票之间的相关系数为0,那么有两只股票组成的最小方差组合的预期收益率为: A16%B14%C12%D以上都不是 4、A公司去年支付现金股利400万元,留存比率为1/3,去年的销售收入为12000万元,总资产平均余额为10000万元,A公司去年的总资产收益率(ROA)是: A6%B5%C12%D以上都不是 5、股票A和市场组合的相关系数为0.4股票A收益的标准差为40%,市场组合收益的标准差为20%,股票A的Beta系数为: A0.8B1.0C0.4D0.2 6、如果有效市场假说不成立,那么公司就可以: A选择发行股票或债券的时机B选择不同会计方法提升价格C收购被低估的其他公司D以上所有都是 7、长期财务规划中,通常不包括: A调节变量B折现现金流量C销售收入增长率D固定资产投资 8、在计算新产品投资后的增量现金流时,应考虑: A在过去一年中对新产品的研发费用B未来每年新计提的折旧C以承诺的增加的红利D以上都不考虑

9、提高财务杠杆会影响公司的业绩表现,因为: A增加公司EBIT的波动B降低公司EBIT的波动C增加公司净利润的波动D降低公司净利润的波动 10、下列哪一行业可能具有最低的资产负债率? A银行B造纸C航空运输D医药 二、判断题(每小题1分,共10分。) 1、在资本预算时,如果使用公司的加权平均资产成交来对公司所有的投资项目进行折现,那么就有可能拒绝过多的高风险项目,而接受过多的低风险项目。() 2、MM命题I(无税)的一个关键假设是个人的借贷利率与公司相同。() 3、属于同一行业、规模相同且利润率相同的公司的股票一般对市场指数的反应程度相同。() 4、作为公司制企业的目标,当债权人的利益得到保障时,公司价值最大化与股票价格最大化是一致的。() 5、资本预算时,项目使用的折现率应等于同等风险水平的金融资产的期望收益率。() 6、如果一家公司不打算进行新的权益融资,且资本结构保持不变,那么该公司可能实现的增长率仅有一个,即可持续增长率。() 7、套利定价理论(APT)和资本资产定价模型(CAPM)都表现证券的期望收益只与它的系统性风险相关。() 8、假设可以比较准确地估计公司破产的可能性和破产成本,那么这些预期破产成本将由债权人和股东共同承担。() 9、公司如果增加借债,随着杠杆的提高,权益和负债的风险都会增大,公司整体的风险随之提高,在经营性现金流量不变的情况下,公司的价值将会降低。() 10、公司与债权人签订保护性条款,虽然限制了公司的经营活动,但可以降低破产成本,最终会提高公司的价值。() 三、分析与计算(共40分) 1.(10分)根据苹果公司(Apple Inc.)财务报告,截止到2011年6月25日。其现金及有价证券达到760多亿美元,它除经营中发生的应付账款、应计费


XX讨论人大工作报告发言 XX讨论人大工作报告发言一:尊敬的主任、各位副主任、各位委员: 我是拜丽德集团董事长郑秀东,民进党员,温州市第十二届人大代表。在我当选市人大代表期间,深切地感受到这份职责的神圣,一直告诫自己要努力学习,开拓视野和思路、提升自身素养,积极参政议政,责无旁贷地为民代言,履行好应尽的职责,无愧人大代表这个称号。下面,我就担任人大代表近年来的工作和体会作如下报告,请予以审议: 一、履职情况 1、加强学习,提高自身素质,提高参政议政水平。 作为企业界的代表,我更深刻的体会到学习对参政、议政能力提高的重要性。自担任人大代表一职以来,在日常工作中更多地关注和了解国家及地方制定的各类法律法规,经常阅读《浙江人大》、《温州人大》等期刊杂志,充分理解和解读与人大代表有关的知识内容,利用各种渠道虚心向老同志、业内专家、老代表请教和学习,积极参加市人大组织的各类、各次人大代表知识培训。同时,细致地学习和理解政府工作报告中陌生领取的知识。我深知,没有过硬的理论知识和政治素质,就不能合法、合理、合情的分析各类问题,无法优质地履行好代表一职。 随着理论知识的不断充实,有效地提高了自己参政议

政的能力,几年来,我一直特别重视以下两个方面的参政议政。一是站在优化环境,加速温州社会秩序发展的高度参政议政,比如城乡结合部棚屋搭建问题、工业区的环境卫生问题,出租行业形象问题等等,除了以议案形式,或在每次的人大会议召开期间的讨论会上提出来,也会在人大会议闭幕期间以人大代表身份去反映情况,推进问题的解决落实。二是站在解决群众关注的热点问题的角度参政议政,作为一名企业家,我不仅要用心经营好自己的企业,同时也要利用自身的资源,通过媒体报道、民众谈论、员工面临等所反映的社会问题,去了解、去调研,为参政议政收集第一手资料。 2、立足实际、接触基层各界、发挥代表作用。 “人民代表为人民”,不把民众的利益放在首位,就不是一个好代表。基于此认识,我自始至终要求自己把当代表作为一种责任,深入了解民众关注的问题,努力为民众的利益体现好、维护好。在担任市人大代表期间,多次提交议案,积极参加代表小组的各项调研活动,充分利用业余时间利用走访或电话沟通等方式,针对百姓和员工关注的民生问题做细致的调查和研究。比如为了切实解决蛟凤北路通行问题,多次走访沿路村民、企业,记录实际难点,听取解决意见,将民众的心声、呼声形成议案向市人代会提出,最终解决了蛟凤北路建成5、6年未能通行的问题。比如为了解温州出租车行业面临的脏、乱、差的现象,多次乘坐出租车与司机


*县县委支持人大工作情况汇报提纲 勉县县委支持人大工作情况汇报提纲(XX年12月15日) 近年来,勉县县委坚持以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,认真贯彻中央和省、市委关于加强人大工作的一系列方针、政策,积极从各方面为县人大及其常委会依法行使职权、发挥职能作用创造有利条件,提供有力支持,促进了人大工作整体水平的不断提高,为全县改革、发展、稳定做出了重要贡献。县委对人大工作的支持主要体现在四个方面:一、切实加强对人大工作的领导,确保人民代表大会制度县乡两级的贯彻落实。针对人大工作面临的新形势、新任务,县委专门研究制定了《关于进一步加强人大工作的决定》,就加强党对人大工作的领导、支持人大依法履行职责等提出了明确的要求。县委带头执行《决定》,坚持把人大工作列入重要议事日程,每年至少专题听取两次人大常委会党组的工作汇报,了解和掌握人大工作的新情况,研究解决工作中遇到的困难和问题。在召开党代会、县委工作会、经济工作会时,邀请县人大常委会主要领导参加,并将人大工作作为其中一项重要内容,与经济工作、党建工作一同安排和强调。年终,县人大常委会参照县委、县政府部门工作考核办法对其工作部门进行综合考核评比,县上按一个标准奖励,奖惩兑现。县委中心组学习时,通知县人大常委班子全体成员参加,这已



中国人民大学2008年管理学综合试题 一、名词解释(每小题3分,共15分) 1、权变管理学派 2、创业精神 3、市场定位 4、公共关系 5、净现值 二、简答题(每小题10分,共60分) 1、简述产品组合策略。 2、简述非营利组织市场营销的特点。 3、简述计划制定的意义。 4、简述学习型组织的特点。 5、简述控制的过程。 6、简述企业的信用政策。 三、计算题(两选一,15分) 1、乙公司股票前三年每年股利2元,第四年起股利固定增长率为4%,无风险收益率3%,证券市场平均收益率13%,乙公司贝塔系数为1.5,股票现价14元。 (1)计算乙公司股票的必要投资报酬率 (2)股价估算,并进行投资决策。 (3)如果按现价买入该股票,计算股票收益率 2、此题是做会计分录的,估计专门考会计专业的,反正我没做过类似的题。 四、论述题(共3道,每题20分,共60分) 1、试述企业文化的构成与功能。 2、论述产品生命周期成长期与成熟期特点以及营销策略的差异。 3、论述企业筹资决策、投资决策、与分配政策的关系。 2007年中国人民大学商学院研究生入学考试管理综合试卷 1、名词解释 1、市场渗透 2、广告 3、需求价格弹性 4、核心价值观 5、营运资金 2、简答 1、简述产品生命周期衰退期特点及营销对策 2、简述主要的市场调查方法

3、简述非正式组织的作用 4、简述战略性人力资源规划管理 5、简述西蒙的决策理论 6、简述评价企业短期偿债能力的比率 3、计算 1、环宇公司2001年销售收入为800万元,利润总额为70万元,变动成本400万元。固定成本为150万元(不含利息费用),该公司总资本为1000万元,资产负债率为50%,债务利息率为10%。 要求:(1)计算营业杠杆系数、财务杠杆系数、联合杠杆系数。 (2)说明营业杠杆系数、财务杠杆系数、联合杠杆系数与相关风险的关系。 2、此题是做会计分录的,估计专门考会计专业的,反正我没做过类似的题。 4、论述 1、试述品牌延伸在市场拓展中的作用 2、试述管理理论创新与管理实践的关系 3、4题选做一题 3、在什么情况下净现值与内含报酬率的结果不一致,试分析其原因 4、按照我国企业会计准则,净利润与现金流量在有哪些不同? 2006年中国人民大学商学院研究生入学考试管理综合试卷 一名词解释(每题3分,共15分) 1 学习型组织 2 票据贴现 3 密集分销 4 组织市场 5 筹资渠道 二简答(每题12分,共60分) 1 营运租赁与融资租赁的关系 2 简述新产品开发过程 3 论述企业资源与能力 4 影响分销渠道设计的主要因素 5 技术对结构设计的影响 三论述(每题20分,共60分) 1 试述企业文化是如何形成的 2 营运杠杆,财务杠杆和联合杠杆的内涵及其衡量方法 3 试述目标市场(涵盖)战略及其选择应考虑的因素 四计算(15分)


人大常委会党组工作报告 人大常委会党组工作报告 下面是我们站的小编给大家推荐的人大常委会党组工作报告供大家参阅! xxxx年,区人大常委会党组在区委的领导下,深入贯彻党的十八届三中、四中全会和市委十届七次会议、区委九届七次会议精神,充分发挥党组的核心保障作用,依法履行各项职责,认真开展代表工作,全力推进自身建设,不断推动区域经济社会发展和法治城区建设。 一、xxxx年上半年主要工作 (一)围绕中心工作,贯彻“六项制度” 党组注重围绕区的各项中心工作,将去年区人大常委会通过的六项制度贯彻到位。落实“双重大”制度,上半年4次常委会会议听取和审议“一府两院”工作报告15项;17次主任会议讨论议题50项。首次听取本区xxxx年国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况与xxxx年国民经济和社会发展计划的报告,并对国有土地使用权出让收支预决算、区政府投资项目及资金安排、设立天使投资引导基金、安全生产、街镇招商体制改革、市场监督管理体制改革、重大项目和旧区改造、区政府实事项目、食品安全监管、贯彻《老年人权益保障法》、居委会换届选举、出入境管理等工作开展调研监督。特别是围绕科创中心建设及社会治理、社区建设、街道体制改革,以及区行政审批制度改革、教育综合改革等重点工作,开展调研、视察,听取专项报告或到工作一线进行“现场审议”。为将回应社会关切的办法落实到位,主任会议定期研讨回应阶段性社会关切事项。针对居民反映的嘉善路菜场拆除事项,要求相关工委负责人与有关部门沟通,了解情况,并走访提出意见的代表及市民群众,当面做好宣传解释工作,同时也向有关方面反馈了代表的建议。在工作实践中,注重协商民主方式的运用,除了运用听证会的方式收集多方意见外,还不定期与“一府两院”开展沟通协商,达成认识上的统一和实践中的互动。落实代表建议、批评和意见处理办法,重点督办跨部门、跨年度、跨管理层级的书面意见,如锦馨苑污水管道改造、天平路179弄公房地下室管理、挹翠苑小区违章搭建拆除等意见办理情况,推动问题解决。区十五届人大六次会议期间代表提出的79件书面意见目前均已答复完毕,6件闭会期间代表提出的书面意见也正在督办过程中。根据决议决定执行、意见建议处理及其反馈的监督办法以及提高常委会审议质量的规定的要求,进一步改进常委会审议意见的质量,努力提升所提意见的操作性,并将意见细化成项目化方式,向区政府发函,要求区政府有针对性地逐一回复,提高回函质量,推动实际问题解决。


人大商学院博士研究生入学考试试题—企业管理(2002-2005) 专业:技术经济和管理 科目:企业管理 时间:2002年 1、从理论与实践结合上论述中国企业信息化建设(50分) 2、论入世后中国企业管理创新(50分) 时间:2003年 1、论述现代企业管理学派的形成和演变(40分) 2、论述企业核心能力及其理论基础(40分) 3、简述市场营销组合策略(10分) 4、简述企业人力资源管理的内涵(10分) 时间:2004年 1、试述知识管理的目标和主要内容(10分) 2、试析“平衡计分卡”原理(10分) 3、论述“以人为本”管理理论和实践(40分) 4、论述企业可持续成长战略(40分) 时间:2005年 1、试用国家竞争力理论分析我国企业跨国经营的条件和障碍(30分) 2、论民营企业的的再创业(30分) 3、论信息化和管理变革(40分) 中国人民大学博士研究生入学考试试题—经济学(2002-2005) 专业:技术经济和管理 科目:经济学 时间:2002年 1、论市场经济理论与实践(50分) 2、入世与我国产业结构调整(50分) 时间:2003年 1、分析通货紧缩的成因及治理对策(40分) 2、试析中国大陆对外开放政策的经济含义(30分) 3、试论国有经济管理体制改革与经济发展的关系(30分) 时间:2004年 1、论述经济活动中边际效益递增的条件和选择策略(25分) 2、试述技术变革对市场结构的影响(25分) 3、试分析我国经济高速增长下劳动工资趋向(25分)

4、试分析我国生产要素总供给和总需求及当前经济情况(25分) 时间:2005年 1、试分析周期理论主要流派(25分) 2、试用结构—行为—绩效框架分析我国市场经济结构及其效应(25分) 3、试用社会成本、企业成本(私人成本)和政府矫正外部性政策原理,论述循环经济与可持续发展的关系(25分) 4、试用规模经济理论,分析企业兼并或收购的经济效应(25分) 2009 经济学 1. 需求的价格弹性,中值公式计算(20分) 2. 全球性金融危机,各国都对企业高管年薪进行了限制,试用委托代理理论对此进行分析。并预测效果(20分) 3. 评述现代经济学的企业理论(30分) 4. 我国提出了4万亿的投资方案,讨论其对宏观经济的影响,以及你的建议。(30分) 华大、汪兴东 策略一,找到导师并经常和其沟通 策略二,报二个以上学校。 策略三,多关心导师的研究动向 考的基本是市场细分,营销战略,差异化等等 经济学一共6个题目垄断定价有一个弹性考了一个 市场营销和战略管理是六个大题


2017年中国人民大学431金融硕士金融学综合真题凯程首发(凯程首发) 特别感谢凯程考研辅导班郑老师对本文的重要贡献 金融学 一、选择题(每题1分,共30分) 1、哪个国际金融机构成立的初始目的是帮助二战战后国家重建? 2、面值100,价格95的半年债券,年化收益率是多少? a.5.26% b.5% c.10% d.2% 3、哪一个选项不是商业银行传统的中间业务? A.汇兑b.代收买卖c.信用证业务d.承兑 4、最早全面发挥中央银行职能的银行是 a.英国 b.法国 c.意大利 d.德国 5、美国的联邦基金利率本质上是什么利率? a.同业拆借利率 b.基准利率 6、执行价格高对看涨期权和看跌期权价格的影响? 7、____更能聚沙成塔,续短为长?(后一个词大概是这个意思) a.银行票据比股票市场 b.股票市场比银行票据 c.资本市场比货币市场 d.货币市场比资本市场 8、TED利差与美国国债利差扩大说明啥? A.信贷市场风险上升 美国国债价格上升 9、抨击相机抉择不连续不能起作用的是哪个学派? a.古典学派 b.理性预期学派 10、扩大资产业务不以负债业务的增加为前提是谁的特点? a.央行 b.商行 c.证券市场 11、货币供给公式中谁既能影响通货存款比也能影响准备存款比? a.央行 b.商行 d.个人 12、人民币有效汇率由120变为128,说明 a人民币对美元升值b人民币兑美元贬值c人民币对一篮子货币升值d对一篮子货币贬值

13、.信贷市场信用紧缩/扩张,国债需求上升/下降 14、企业和企业的三角债是什么信用形式 a.商业信用 b.国家信用 c.企业信用 d.货币信用 15、下列哪个国家不是亚投行的意向创始国? A.日本 B.韩国c.俄国d.英国 二、名词解释(每题2分,共16分) 欧洲美元 宏观谨慎监管 资本市场 商业银行资产 回购协议 基础货币 五级贷款分类 购买力平价 三、简答题(每题12分,共24分) 1、市场上只有一家商业银行,初期有5亿存款,法定存款准备金率10%,之后降为8%,商业银行将超额准备金的75%用于贷款。问降准以后,商业银行和中央银行的资产负债表怎么变化。 2、20世纪90年代的泰勒规则反映了典型的现代货币政策反应机制,请阐述其主要内容。 四、论述题(每题20分,共20分) 请说明利率的影响因素,并分析利率变动对投资规模和投资结构的影响。 公司理财 一、选择题(每题1分,共10分)五选一 1、代理问题 二、判断题(每题1分,共10分) 三、分析题(每题10分,共10分) 1、债券融资和银行贷款相比的优缺点分别是什么?(6分) 2、如果现在的市场利率很低,请问公司应该进行长期融资还是短期融资?(4分) 四、计算题(每题15分,共30分) (一)、一家上市公司在当前市场上流通50万股,市价5元的股票,负债权益比是3(为市场价值),权益β是1.7 负债β为0.4,而后债转股,,无风险利率为2%,风险溢价为10%,所得税25%,请计算 1、企业当前的Rwacc 2、无杠杆贝塔β(u)是多少 3、将三分之一的债转为股票,转换价格为当前股票价格,每股价值是多少? 4、(接第三问)债转股后的Rwacc和公司价值。(6分) (二)、一个公司要开发一个新生产线,无形资产账面价6亿,可以折旧10年,市场价值10亿,生产线市价50亿,5年折旧完,5年后可买35亿元,另外要投入1亿的净营运资本(第0年),场地现阶段可每年收到5000元,未来可用于安装生产线,折现率10%,税率25%。 1、求第0年的增量现金流(3分) 2、求无形资产和50亿的生产线的五年后的税后残值(4分) 3、求公司的经营性现金流(4分)


人民大学商学院企业管理专业历年真题 中国人民大学1999年研究生入学考试试题 考试科目:管理学原理 (略去管理经济学部分) 一,简答题: 1.说明不同类型决策问题的特点 2.阐述组织设计中部门化的集中主要方式。 3.简述需求层次理论 二,论述题: 论述泰罗科学管理原理对提高我国企业管理水平的现实意义 中国人民大学2000年硕士研究生入学考试试题: 科目:管理经济学与管理学 一、名词解释:(每题5分,共20分) 1.机会成本 2.需求弹性 3.风险价值链 4.劳伦茨曲线 二、简答题:(每题10分,共40分) 1.边际收益递减规律和规模收益递增原理是否矛盾,为什么? 2.简述管理过程中非正式组织的作用。 3。说明权变领导理论的基本观点和现实意义。 4.简述企业管理者的角色理论。 三、论述题:(每题20分,共40分)

1.试述有效的组织沟通。 2.试述市场的价格机制在引导资源合理配置中失灵的主要原因? 中国人民大学2001年研究生入学考试试题 考试科目:管理经济学与管理学原理 (略去管理经济学部分) 一,简答题: 1、比较个体决策与群体决策的优缺点。 2、简述水平性组织与扁平化组织这两种结构形态的区别和联系。 说明采用并行工程法进行新产品开发工作组织的原理和意义(任选其一) 3,推行目标管理法的企业,其控制的的主要方式和特点是什么? 二,论述题: 推进企业变革的领导者,与传统的领导者相比较,他们在管理工作全过程中的行为有什么重要区别? 中国人民大学2002年研究生入学考试试题 考试科目:管理经济学与管理学原理 一、名词解释(每题5分,共20分): 1.交叉弹性 2.消费效用 3.隐性成本 4.技术进步 二、简述题(每题10分,共40分): 1.简述垄断竞争市场的特点及竞争手段的基本容。 2.简述制约组织结构设计和选择的因素。 3.简述有效信息沟通。 4.说明管理的社会责任。
