Protective Effects of Paeoniflorin Against

Protective Effects of Paeoniflorin Against
Protective Effects of Paeoniflorin Against

Protective Effects of Paeoniflorin Against Corticosterone-induced Neurotoxicity in PC12Cells

Qing-Qiu Mao,1,2Xiao-Ming Zhong,1Feng-Mei Qiu,1Zhao-Yi Li 1and Zhen Huang 1*

1College of Pharmacy,Zhejiang Chinese Medicine University,Hangzhou,310053Zhejiang,China 2

School of Chinese Medicine,The Chinese University of Hong Kong,Shatin,N.T.Hong Kong,China

Neuroprotection has been proposed as one of the acting mechanisms of antidepressants.Paeoni ?orin,a monoterpene glycoside,has been reported to display antidepressant-like effects in animal models of behavioural despair.The present study aimed to examine the protective effect of paeoni ?orin treatment on corticosterone-induced neurotox-icity in cultured rat pheochromocytoma (PC12)cells.Paeoni ?orin was shown to elevate cell viability,decrease levels of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS)and malondialdehyde (MDA)in corticosterone-treated PC12cells.Paeoni ?orin also reversed the reduced nerve growth factor (NGF)mRNA level caused by corticosterone in PC12cells.The results suggest that paeoni ?orin exerts a neuroprotective effect on corticosterone-induced neurotoxicity in PC12cells,at least in part,via the inhibition of oxidative stress and the up-regulation of NGF expression.This neuroprotective effect may be one of the action pathways that accounts for the in vivo antidepressant activity of paeoni ?orin.Copyright ?2011John Wiley &Sons,Ltd.

Keywords:Paeoni ?orin;antidepressant;corticosterone;PC12cells;neuroprotection


Depression is a common,debilitating,life-threatening psychiatric disorder with a high prevalence.In spite of the introduction of various drugs,such as the tricyclic antidepressants,monoamine oxidase inhibitor,selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor,noradrenergic reuptake inhibitor and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor,depression continues to be a major medical problem.Consequently,search for a safer,better-tolerated and powerful anti-depressant drug continues (Yu et al .,2006;Bouvier et al .,2003).The root part of Paeonia lacti ?ora Pall.(Family:Ranunculaceae),commonly known as peony,is one of the most commonly used medicinal herbs in China,Korea and Japan.Previous studies in our laboratory have demonstrated the antidepressant-like effect of peony extract in mice (Mao et al .,2008a).Peoni ?orin (structure shown in Fig.1),a monoterpene glycoside isolated from peony root,has been identi ?ed as a main active ingredient responsible for the biological activities (Zhong et al .,2009).In recent years,peoni ?orin has been widely studied as an antioxidant,anticonvulsant,antithrombotic agent,cognitive enhancer or learning impairment attenuating agent and neuroprotecting agent (Ye et al .,2001;Xiao et al .,2005;Zhong et al .,2009).Moveover,peoni ?orin and its enriched glycosides have been demonstrated to produce an antidepressant-like effect in animal models of behavioural despair (Mao et al .,2008b;Cui,2009;Mao et al .,2009a).However,the molecular mechanisms by which paeoni ?orin exerts its antidepressant-like effect are still unknown.

It is generally believed that neuronal atrophy and destruction in the hippocampus have a causal role in the development and progress of depression (Manji and Duman,2001;Fuchs et al .,2004).To date,the mech-anism of neuronal degeneration in depression still remains to be uncovered,several lines of evidence support the involvement of the hyperactivation of the hypothalamic –pituitary –adrenal (HPA)axis,with the latter being characterized by elevated levels of circulat-ing glucocorticoids in blood (Aihara et al .,2007;Murray et al .,2008).The rat pheochromocytoma (PC12)cell line,derived from rat pheochromocytoma tumours,is one of the neuronal cell lines widely used in a variety of studies.Treatment of the PC12cell line with high concentrations of glucocorticoid to induce nuronal dam-age in depressive disorder has been undertaken using an in vitro experimental model of depression (Li et al .,2003a,2003b;Li et al .,2004;Zhu et al .,2006).Different types of classic antidepressants have been shown to have a protective effect against cytotoxicity induced by glucocorticoid in PC12cells (Li et al .,2003b),suggesting that cytoprotection against glucocorticoid-induced neuro-toxicity may represent one of the action pathways of antidepressants.

Therefore,the present study aimed to examine the neuroprotective effect of paeoni ?orin on PC12cells exposed to corticosterone,which is a principal gluco-corticoid.Given that oxidative stress and neurotrophins are both considered to be the possible molecular mechanisms involved in corticosterone-induced neuro-toxicity and are also known to play an important role in the pathogenesis of depression (Angelucci et al .,2003;Bilici et al .,2001;Li et al .,2003a,2003b;Za ?r and Banu,2009),this study also investigated the mechanisms underlying the antidepressant-like and neu-roprotective effects of paeoni ?orin by measuring the

*Correspondence to:Zhen Huang,College of Pharmacy,Zhejiang Chinese Medicine University,Hangzhou,310053,China.E-mail:zhen626@,;hzm1001@,


Published online in Wiley Online Library

(,)DOI :10.1002/ptr.3673

intracellular reactive oxygen species(ROS)level, malondialdehyde(MDA)level and nerve growth factor (NGF)mRNA level in corticosterone-treated PC12 cells with and without paeoni?orin co-treatment. MATERIALS AND METHODS

Drugs and reagents.Paeoni?orin(purity≥98%)was purchased from National Institute for the Control of Pharmaceutical and Biological Products(Beijing, China).2′,7′-dichloro?uorescin diacetate(DCFH-DA) was obtained from Invitrogen(Carlsbad,CA,USA). Corticosterone was obtained from Sigma-Aldrich(St Louis,MO,USA).Dulbecco’s modi?ed Eagle’s medium(DMEM),fetal bovine serum,heat-inactivated horse serum,penicillin and streptomycin were pur-chased from Gibco(Grand Island,NY,USA).All other chemicals and reagents were of analytical grade.

Cell culture and treatment.PC12cells were obtained from the American Type Culture Collection(Rockville, MD,USA).The procedure for culturing PC12cells has been described elsewhere(Huang et al.,2009;Mao et al., 2009b).The experimental design contained six treat-ment groups:non-treated control,paeoni?orin(50m M), 200m M corticosterone and200m M corticosterone plus paeoni?orin(1,10or50m M).The cells were seeded onto 96-well culture plates at2?104cells/well,unless speci?ed otherwise.The cells were stabilized at37 C for48h.Then they were cultured in serum-free medium and incubated with corresponding drugs for another48h.

Cell viability assay.Cell survival was evaluated by a CellTiter96W AQueous One Solution cell proliferation kit(Promega,Madison,WI,USA)according to the manufacturer’s instructions.Brie?y,at the end of treat-ment,the mediium was removed,the cells were washed with D-Hanks,and then suspended in100m L of serum-free media.Subsequently,20m L of CellTiter96W AQueous One Solution was added into each well of the96-well assay plate and allowed to incubate for1h in a humidi?ed atmosphere of95%air with5%CO2 at37 C.The absorbance of each well was measured at 490nm.Cell viability was expressed as a percentage of non-treated control.

Measurement of intracellular ROS level.The ROS level was measured using the2′,7′-dichloro?uorescin diace-tate(DCFH-DA)method(Shen et al.,2011).Brie?y, at the end of drug treatment,the cells were washed with D-Hanks and incubated with DCFH-DA at a?nal con-

centration of10m M for30min at37 C in darkness.After

the cells were washed twice with D-Hanks solution to

remove the extracellular DCFH-DA,the?uorescence

intensity was measured in a microplate reader at an

excitation wavelength of485nm and an emission wave-

length of538nm.The level of intracellular ROS was

expressed as a percentage of non-treated control. Measurement of MDA level.PC12cells were seeded onto100-mm2dishes at5?106cells/dish.At the end

of drug treatment,the cells were washed with D-Hanks,

then scraped from the plates into1mL ice cold phos-

phate buffer solution(PBS;0.1M,containing0.05m M

EDTA)and homogenized.Thehomogenate was centri-

fuged at4000?g for30min at4 C.The resulting super-

natant was stored atà80 C until the following analyses.

Protein content was measured using the Bradford method

with bovine serum albumin as a standard(Bradford,

1976).The MDA content was measured as previously

described(Mao et al.,2011).Brie?y,an aliquot

(100m L)of supernatant was mixed with1.5mL acetic

acid(20%[v/v],pH 3.5), 1.5mL thiobarbituric

acid(0.8%,w/v)and200m l sodium dodecyl sulphate

(8%,w/v).Each reaction mixture was heated for

60min at95 C and cooled to room temperature.Next,

5mL n-butanol was added.After mixing and centrifu-

gation at3000?g for10min,the organic layer was

collected and the absorbance measured at532nm.

The MDA level was normalized to the protein concen-

tration of each sample and expressed as a percentage

of non-treated control.

Measurement of nerve growth factor mRNA level.The NGF mRNA level was measured using TaqMan real-time reverse transcription-PCR analysis.Brie?y,PC12 cells were seeded onto100mm2dishes at a density of 5?106cells/dish.At the end of treatment,the cells were harvested and the total RNA was isolated with TRIzol Reagent.The concentration of extracted RNA was mea-sured spectrophotometrically at260nm.The quality of RNA was assessed by the ratio of absorbance at 260nm and280nm.The values of A260/A280from1.9 to 2.1were considered as acceptable.Total RNA (1.5m g)was transcribed using a High Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription Kit(Applied Biosystems,Inc., Foster City,CA)according to the manufacturer’s protocol.Assays-on-Demand primers for NGF (Rn01533872_m1)and b-actin(Rn00667869_m1)were purchased from Applied Biosystems,Inc(Foster City, CA).Real-time quantitative PCR analysis was performed with a TaqMan W Fast Universal PCR Master Mix Kit by using StepOnePlus?Real-Time PCR System(Applied Biosystems,Inc.,Foster City,CA)with the following pro?le:2min held at50 C,10min held at95 C,fol-lowed by40cycles of15s at95 C and1min at60 C. Sequence Detection Software 2.0(Applied Biosys-tems,Inc.,Foster City,CA)was used for data analysis. The relative expression of NGF mRNA was normal-ized to the amount of b-actin in the same cDNA using the relative quanti?cation method(2-ΔΔCT method) described by the manufacturer.

Statistical analysis.Data are expressed as mean?SEM. Multiple group comparisons were performed using one-way analysis of variance(ANOVA)followed by

Figure1.Chemical structure of paeoniflorin.


Dunnett ’s test in order to detect intergroup differences.Difference was considered statistically signi ?cant when the p <0.05.


As shown in Fig.2it was found that corticosterone treat-ment at 200m M for 48h caused cytotoxicity in PC12cells,as evidenced by the cell viability reduction from 100%(control)to 41%of the control value.In this in vitro model,paeoni ?orin (1,10and 50m M )co-treatment signi ?cantly enhanced the cell viability (49%,55%and 61%of the control value respectively)in cortico-sterone-treated PC12cells.In addition,treatment of paeoni ?orin at the dose of 50m M did not have signi ?-cant effects on the cell viability of PC12cell when the cells were cultured in vehicle control medium.These results suggest that paeoni ?orin exerts a neuroprotec-tive effect on corticosterone-induced neurotoxicity in PC12cells,supporting the antidepressant-like effect of paeoni ?orin as reported in vivo .Consistently,animal studies have demonstrated that abnormally high cor-ticosteroid levels could induce depression-like behav-iour (Johnson et al .,2006;Murray et al .,2008)and cause many functional changes in hippocampal neurons (Magari?os and McEwen,1995;Sapolsky,2000;Murray et al .,2008).Furthermore,i n vitro studies reported that high concentration of corticosterone induced damage in primary cultured hippocampal neurons as well as in the cultured PC12cells (Li et al .,2003b,2004;Zhu et al .,2006;Li et al .,2007).

As shown in Fig.3,treating PC12cells with 200m M of corticosterone for 48h caused a signi ?cant increase in the levels of intracellular ROS (205%of the control value)and MDA (212%of the control value)as com-pared with the control (100%).However,co-treatment with paeoni ?orin (1,10and 50m M )signi ?cantly decreased intracellular ROS level (169%,149%and 132%of the control value respectively)and MDA content (180%,161%and 146%of the control value,respectively)in corticosterone-treated PC12cells.In addition,treatment of paeoni ?orin at the dose of 50m M did not have signi ?cant effects on the levels of intracellular ROS and MDA of PC12cells when the cells were cultured in vehicle control medium.These results suggest that the neuroprotective effect of

paeoni ?orin may be related to the inhibition of oxida-tive stress.Indeed,previous studies have shown that oxidative stress,which is de ?ned as a disturbance in the balance between the production of ROS and the antioxidant defence system,might contribute to neur-onal injury induced by corticosterone (Goodman et al .,1996;McIntosh et al .,1998a,1998b;Schmidt et al .,2002;Za ?r and Banu,2009).Reactive oxygen species,which mainly include superoxide anion,hydrogen per-oxide and hydroxyl radical,are produced when the cells generate energy by reducing molecular oxygen to water (Wakamatsu et al .,2008).Previous in vitro and in vivo studies have shown that corticosterone treatment caused a signi ?cant increase in the level of ROS (Goodman et al .,1996;Za ?r and Banu,2009;Mao et al .,2011).Excessive ROS levels are known to cause damage to major macromolecules in cells,including lipids,proteins and nucleic acids (Niebrój-Dobosz et al .,2004;Zhao et al .,2008),culminating in neuronal dysfunction and depression.Malondialdehyde,a by-product of lipid per-oxidation,is produced under oxidative stress and re ?ects oxidative damage of plasma membrane and resultant thiobarbituric acid reactive substances,which are propor-tional to lipid peroxidation and oxidative stress (Xiao et al .,2008).It has been reported that corticosterone treat-ment caused a signi ?cant increase in MDA content in PC12cells,which could be reversed by antidepressants (Mao et al .,2011).

As shown in Fig.4,it was found that corticosterone treatment at 200m M for 48h caused a signi ?cant decrease in the level of NGF mRNA (51%of the control value)as compared with the control (100%),while co-treatment with paeoni ?orin (1,10and 50m M )signi ?cantly increased NGF mRNA level (72%,82%and 87%of the control value respectively)in corticosterone-treated PC12cells.



C e l l v i a b i l i t y (% o f C o n t r o l )



Figure 2.Effect of paeoniflorin on the cell viability in cor-ticosterone-treated PC12cells.Values given are the mean ?SEM (n =6).#p <0.01as compared with the control group;*p <0.05,**

p <0.01as compared with the corticosterone group.0



I n t r a c e l l u l a r R O S l e v e l (% o f C o n t r o l )


M D A c o n t e n t (% o f C o n t r o l )


Figure 3.Effect of paeoniflorin on corticosterone-induced oxida-tive stress in PC12cells.Oxidative stress was assessed by meas-uring (A)intracellular ROS level and (B)MDA level.Values given are the mean ?SEM (n =6).#p <0.01as compared with the control group;*p <0.05,**p <0.01as compared with the corticosterone group.


In addition,treatment of paeoni ?orin at the dose of 50m M did not have signi ?cant effects on the level of NGF mRNA when the cells were cultured in vehicle control medium.The NGF belongs to the family of neurotro-phins,which modulate neuronal plasticity,inhibit cell death cascades and increase cell survival proteins that are responsible for proliferation and maintenance of cen-tral nervous system neurons (Blum and Konnerth,2005).In recent years it has been demonstrated that NGF is involved in the pathophysiology of depression (Nestler et al .,2002;Angelucci et al .,2003;von Richthofen et al .,

2003;Lang et al .,2004),and antidepressant treatment might exert their bene ?cial action by regulating synthesis and/or release of NGF (Hellweg et al .,2002;Angelucci et al .,2003).Furthermore,several studies reported that corticosterone treatment signi ?cantly decreased NGF mRNA expression in PC12cells,which could be reversed by antidepressants (Li et al .,2003b,2004;Zhu et al .,2006).In summary,paeoni ?orin treatment could protect against corticosterone-induced cell death in PC12cells.The protective effect of paeoni ?orin was mediated by the inhibition of oxidative stress and the up-regulation of NGF expression,which may be one of the action pathways that accounts for the in vivo antidepressant activity of paeoni ?orin.


This study was supported by the Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (Y2101288)and the Zhejiang Provincial Programme for the Cultivation of High-level Innovative Health talents (awarded to Professor Huang Zhen).

Con ?ict of Interest

The authors have declared that there is no con ?ict of interest.


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N G F m R N A l e v e l (% o f C o n t r o l )

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大学生毕业晚会主持词 A:青春是一曲荡气回肠的歌,三年前我们怀着彩色梦想走进了鄂大,三年中我们有过欢笑,流过泪水,经历磨炼,得到成长 B:三年后的今天,我们在这里重温青春过往,因为明天就将各奔天涯。也正因为此,今夜,我们承载了太多的祝福与惦念,寄托了太多的关怀与企盼。 C:今晚,让我们再一次重温,那些感动过我们的人和事:灯火通明的教学楼里用功的身影,篮球场上捍卫集体尊严的男儿霸气,满是欢声笑语的宿舍边不着边际的闲谈…… D:又一个三年轮回之后,在同样微凉的夏夜,你是否会记起校园里的梧桐树,你是否会记起日记本里的书签,那些五彩缤纷的日子? A:无数个三年之后,你们的思念是否会有增无减?在你成长的岁月里,在你闯荡社会的每一天,是否会有那么几个瞬间让你渴望回到过去 B:让我们静静享受一下挑战,在日复一日与时间的赛跑中,你会变得更加坚强,更加神采奕奕!又一个青春之旅从今晚启航,又一个光阴的故事在今晚讲述 C:亲爱的同窗,不要带着离别的愁绪,因为明天又是一个新的起点,因为我们相信再次相逢,我们还是一首动人的歌!D:很高兴今天能有这个机会同大家相聚一堂,共叙离别。就让今天铭刻在我们心间,让母校留住我们的风采! A:今天,我们也非常荣幸的请到了…… B:下面让我们用热烈的掌声有请……上台讲话 结束语A:欢快的舞蹈表达不尽我们对母校的敬意 B:热情的赞歌唱不尽我们对母校的一腔深情

C:流火的六月,我们将带着恩师的叮咛,怀着必胜的信心,走向新的征程 D:绚烂的七月,我们将载着母校的祝愿,带着亲人的希望,向着新的征程扬帆起航A:老师们,同学们,欢送10级毕业生联欢晚会合:到此结束 A李:毕业,是一个沉重的动词; 刘:毕业,是一个让人一生难忘的名词; 李:毕业,是感动时流泪的形容词; 刘:毕业,是当我们以后孤寂时候,带着微笑和遗憾去回想时的副词; 李:毕业,是我们夜半梦醒,触碰不到而无限感伤的虚词。 刘:若干年后,假如我们还能够想起那段时光,也许这不属于难忘,也不属于永远,而仅仅是一段记录了成长经历的回忆。 李:尊敬的各位领导老师 刘:亲爱的各位同学们 合:大家晚上好! 李:很荣幸和大家相聚在这激情如火的六月,在这充满忧伤的六月! 刘:很高兴和大家相聚在“放心去飞,20年后再相聚—毕业晚会”现场! 李:我是李扬 刘:我是刘伟清 李:今天晚会现场非常荣幸的邀请到院系的各位领导和老师们。 刘:让我们首先欢迎…… 李:灿烂的星空曾经铭刻你我的笑容


湘艺版五年级音乐《长白山下的歌谣》 教学设计 《长白山下的歌谣》教学设计 教材版本:湘艺版音乐教材 教学对象:五年级上期 一、教学案例: (一)题:《长白山下的歌谣》音乐综合 (二)教材版本:湘版新标实验教材 (三)年级:五年级 (四)教具准备:钢琴、AI、打击乐器、朝鲜族服饰、长鼓、金达莱花。 (五)教学目标: ①、认知目标:认真听赏朝鲜民歌《道拉基》,学习三拍子节奏特点。 ②、能力目标:通过小组合作学习(设计身势节奏、用长鼓为歌曲伴奏、即兴歌舞等形式)培养学生的创新能力、合作能力,体验朝鲜族民歌的韵律。 ③、情感目标:通过感受性学习歌曲《金达莱花开朵朵红》,了解朝鲜族人民勤劳淳朴、团结互助、热情好客、能歌善舞的优良传统与民族风情。 (六)设计思路: 五十六个民族五十六枝花,生活在吉林省长白山脚下的

朝鲜族,其歌舞有着独特的节奏韵律。湘版新标实验教材五年级上册第八单元题为:《长白山下的歌谣》,它引起了我的研究兴趣。本单元的教育主题为:用民族音乐激发学生的爱国情感,实现多元文化的交流。即:通过音乐去感受民族文化,进而去了解民族文化;反之,通过文化,我们才可以去体验民族音乐,整体地去认识民族音乐。本时选用听赏《桔梗谣》和演唱歌曲《金达莱花开朵朵红》这两部分内容,教学设计的基本思路是:使学生通过多种形式听、唱“长白山下的歌谣”,深刻体验民族音乐“原生态”的美,以及其歌舞文化、思想内涵;在师生平等互动的学习氛围里,通过实践创作、对歌曲的再表现等形式,激发学生热爱民族音乐、热爱我们伟大祖国的情感。 堂教学中我以“新程”为指导思想,对教学设计进行了一些新的尝试。以下结合自己教学实践中的堂教学个案,和大家共同评析与探讨。 (七)教学过程 ᠄ 导入新过程:即“看风景”。 、AI播放《大长今》影片,背景音乐:《大长今》的主题曲《希望》。 (学生起立,跟随老师自由律动。) 师:刚才同学们听到的旋律出自?


大学毕业晚会主持词四人 四个主持人主持的大学毕业晚会应该怎么说主持词呢下面小编跟大家分享几篇大学毕业晚会主持词,以供参考! 大学毕业晚会主持词一 1.节奏引领时尚,余音环绕广场,新鲜的韵律,高难度的声响,一样为您缔造不一样的完美想象,下面请欣赏来自07音乐班的xxx为您带来的《》相信会给您带来意外的惊喜。 2.铃声清脆鼓铿锵,天山铃舞尽展情,来自天山的自然是蝶飞花影动,美丽各不同,那就让我们停下脚步,一饱眼福,欣赏由xxx为我们带来的舞蹈《天山铃舞》 3. 军中有歌,歌才动情,军旅里飞来一只熟悉的百灵,不错下面就由请xxx为大家献上一首耳熟能详的老歌,《军中飞来一只百灵》 4.炫酷才叫时尚,八零后心之向往,相信大家都一样,需要个性张扬。今天我们特意请来了城市建设学院的武状元优秀团队,为大家献上一段充满活力的XXX,感谢他们的到来,大家掌声欢迎! 5.相信大家都看过一部曾经风靡一时的电影,那是周杰伦曾经推出的一部年度巨献《不能说的秘密》.里面的四手联弹一定给大家留下了不可磨灭的深刻印象,旋律依旧在脑中回响。不过经典一样可以复制,精彩一样能够粘贴,下面给大家带来的这个惊喜,可谓是非常具有特色,一样是所见

不多,机会难得。下面请欣赏xxxx为大家带来的,钢琴四手连弹《军队进行曲》 6.幽幽云水意.漫漫古典情. 诗情画境的晕染为我们带来流动的娴静。请大家随着动人的舞蹈穿越书法的妙境,伴随优雅的琴韵体会超越喧嚣的古韵墨香。下面请欣赏xxx为您带来的xxxx 7.四年的岁月流光见证了你我在辽东学院的欢欣成长,相信由很多即将走出校园的同学都想倾诉衷肠,下面我们就请出来自05对外汉语的毕业生代表xxx听听她如何表达。 8.当你离开的时候,我送走你的只有沉默。当你离开我的时候,我绝不会把泪滴落。这是金达莱花的歌词大意,相信朝鲜族金达莱花的舞姿会像歌词一样优美,让人回味。下面请欣赏xxxx金达莱花。 9.是谁带来远古的呼唤,是谁留下千年的期盼,这首歌自打年初就开始被人重新无数次的翻唱,不过下面的歌曲,同样青藏高原的演唱,绝对会给您用实力带来不一样。由请xxxx 10.因为有爱,我们才牵手,因为有爱,我们才会风雨同舟。与身边爱自己的人共同牵手,一同遨游,幸福生活才能没有尽头。下面欣赏牵手。 11. 我对你的敬仰之情,如滔滔江水,连绵不绝;又如黄河之水,一发不可收拾;相信大家对电影《月光宝盒》中这一


精彩的大学毕业晚会主持词示范文格式本推荐 A:青春是一曲荡气回肠的歌,三年前我们怀着彩色梦想走进了鄂大,三年中我们有过欢笑,流过泪水,经历磨炼,得到成长B:三年后的今天,我们在这里重温青春过往,因为明天就将各奔天涯。也正因为此,今夜,我们承载了太多的祝福与惦念,寄托了太多的关心与企盼。 C:今晚,让我们再一次重温,那些感动过我们的人和事:灯火通明的教学楼里用功的身影,篮球场上保卫集体尊严的男儿霸气,满是欢声笑语的宿舍边不着边际的闲谈…… D:又一个三年轮回之后,在同样微凉的夏夜,你是否会记起校园里的梧桐树,你是否会记起日记本里的书签,那些五彩缤纷的日子? A:无数个三年之后,你们的思念是否会有增无减?在你成长的岁月里,在你闯荡社会的每一天,是否会有那么几个霎时让你渴望回到过去 B:让我们静静享受一下挑战,在日复一日与时间的赛跑中,你会变得更加坚强,更加神采奕奕!又一个青春之旅从今晚启航,又一个光阴的故事在今晚讲述 C:亲爱的同窗,不要带着离别的愁绪,因为明天又是一个新的起点,因为我们相信再次相逢,我们还是一首动人的歌!D:很快乐今天能有这个时机同大家相聚一堂,共叙离别。就让今天铭刻在我们心间,让母校留住我们的风采!

A:今天,我们也非常荣幸的请到了…… B:下面让我们用热烈的掌声有请……上台讲话 结束语A:愉快的舞蹈表达不尽我们对母校的敬意 B:热情的赞歌唱不尽我们对母校的一腔深情 C:流火的六月,我们将带着恩师的叮咛,怀着必胜的信心,走向新的征程 D:绚烂的七月,我们将载着母校的祝愿,带着亲人的希望,向着新的征程扬帆起航 A:教师们,同学们,欢送10级毕业生联欢晚会合:到此结束A李:毕业,是一个沉重的动词; 刘:毕业,是一个让人一生难忘的名词; 李:毕业,是感动时流泪的形容词; 刘:毕业,是当我们以后孤寂时候,带着浅笑和遗憾去回想时的副词; 李:毕业,是我们夜半梦醒,触碰不到而无限感伤的虚词。 刘:若干年后,假设我们还能够想起那段时光,也许这不属于难忘,也不属于永远,而仅仅是一段记录了成长经历的回忆。 李:尊敬的各位领导教师 刘:亲爱的各位同学们 合:大家晚上好! 李:很荣幸和大家相聚在这激情如火的六月,在这充满忧伤的六月!

金达莱花 谐音

na bu gei ma ya kiu 那不给妈呀久儿我 ga xi yi dai gei no 噶西带给路 ma lou xi bu yi mu lei du gei you li da 吗楼西不一木类度给有大 na bu gei ma ya kiu 那不给妈呀久儿我 ga xi yi dai gei no 噶西带给路 qiu kou lo a ni nu mu nu li you li na 求口咯啊你奴木奴里又里那 na dou na han bu ka qi 那都那汗不卡气 yi jian gu dai a ni ji 一见古带啊你几 ku dai pa la bu miao 苦带怕拉不秒 ca la wu dai ka 擦拉屋带卡 ku niao ti yi ka niao ji 苦鸟提一卡鸟几 ca la gu a gu mi no mu kou 擦拉古啊古米闹木口 cu wu xi wu s ka wo so 粗屋西屋丝卡我收 ku dai han bu ka gei 苦带汗不卡给 yi lu jiur gei you 一路酒给又 nei you mu nu lo 内有木奴咯 yi lu jiu gei you 一路就给又 na bu gei ma ya kiu 那不给妈呀久我 ga xi yi dai gei no 噶西带给路 ma lou xi bu yi mu lei du gei you li da 吗楼西不一木类度给有里大yang gou li ya sang jin dang nei gu wu 羊够里呀桑金当内古 a long da ma de xi gei lei gu li you li da 啊龙大吗的西给类古里有里大ka xi le gong long no yin ku kou qiu 卡西了工龙木因哭口求 na bu li qiu liu ma pu ma xi you so sou 那不里求留吗扑吗西有否搜 na bu gei ga ya piao ka xi dei you nu 那不给妈呀久我噶西带给路 qiu kou lo a ni nu mu nu li you li na 求口咯啊你奴木奴里又里那 nei ga dou na ba leng dei you 内噶都那吧冷给又 ku dai lu man du la wu 苦带路满度啦舞 ku dan ku miao sa la han gei ji 苦但苦秒撒拉汗给几 na bu gei ma ya kiu 那不给妈呀久我 ga xi yi dai gei no 噶西带给路 ma lou xi bu yi mu lei du gei you li da 吗楼西不一木类度给有里大 yang gou li ya sang jin dang nei gu wu 羊够里呀桑金当内古 a long da ma de xi gei lei gu li you li da 啊龙大吗的西给类古里有里大ka xi le gong long no yin ku kou qiu 卡西了工龙木因哭口求 na bu li qiu liu ma pu ma xi you so sou 那不里求留吗扑吗西有否搜na bu gei ga ya piao ka xi dei you nu 那不给妈呀久我噶西带给路 qiu kou lo a ni nu mu nu li you li na 求口咯啊你奴木奴里又里那 na bu gei ga ya piao ka xi dei you nu 那不给妈呀久我噶西带给路 qiu kou lo a ni nu mu nu li you li na 求口咯啊你奴木奴里又里那

主持词 2020年大学毕业晚会主持词

xx年大学毕业晚会主持词 b:让我们静静享受一下挑战,在日复一日与时间的赛跑中,你会变得更加坚强,更加神采奕奕!又一个青春之旅从今晚启航,又一个光阴的故事在今晚讲述 c:亲爱的同窗,不要带着离别的愁绪,因为明天又是一个新的起点,因为我们相信再次相逢,我们还是一首动人的歌!d:很高兴今天能有这个机会同大家相聚一堂,共叙离别。就让今天铭刻在我们心间,让母校留住我们的风采! a:今天,我们也非常荣幸的请到了 b:下面让我们用热烈的掌声有请上台讲话 结束语a:欢快的舞蹈表达不尽我们对母校的敬意 b:热情的赞歌唱不尽我们对母校的一腔深情 c:流火的六月,我们将带着恩师的叮咛,怀着必胜的信心,走向新的征程 d:绚烂的七月,我们将载着母校的祝愿,带着亲人的希望,向着新的征程扬帆起航 a:老师们,同学们,欢送10级毕业生联欢晚会合:到此结束a李:毕业,是一个沉重的动词; 刘:毕业,是一个让人一生难忘的名词; 李:毕业,是感动时流泪的形容词; 刘:毕业,是当我们以后孤寂时候,带着微笑和遗憾去回想时的副词;

李:毕业,是我们夜半梦醒,触碰不到而无限感伤的虚词。 刘:若干年后,假如我们还能够想起那段时光,也许这不属于难忘,也不属于永远,而仅仅是一段记录了成长经历的回忆。 李:尊敬的各位领导老师 刘:亲爱的各位同学们 合:大家晚上好! 李:很荣幸和大家相聚在这激情如火的六月,在这充满忧伤的六月! 刘:很高兴和大家相聚在放心去飞,20年后再相聚毕业晚会现场! 李:我是李扬 刘:我是刘伟清 李:今天晚会现场非常荣幸的邀请到院系的各位领导和老师们。 刘:让我们首先欢迎 李:灿烂的星空曾经铭刻你我的笑容 刘:美丽的海岸曾经珍藏你我的背影。 李:连绵起伏的山川,像一双腾飞的翅膀支撑起我们坚韧不屈的信念, 刘:沸腾的黄海血脉,像千万奔涌的旋律连绵成我们亘古不灭的传说。 李:在这个光荣同梦想交融的时刻,让我们共同祈祷 合:环保的明天更美好!


毕业生晚会主持稿 毕业生晚会主持稿(一) A:青春是一曲荡气回肠的歌,三年前我们怀着彩色梦想走进了鄂大,三年中我们有过欢笑,流过泪水,经历磨炼,得到成长:三年后的今天,我们在这里重温青春过往,因为明天就将各奔天涯。也正因为此,今夜,我们承载了太多的祝福与惦念,寄托了太多的关怀与企盼。 C:今晚,让我们再一次重温,那些感动过我们的人和事:灯火通明的教学楼里用功的身影,篮球场上捍卫集体尊严的男儿霸气,满是欢声笑语的宿舍边不着边际的闲谈 D:又一个三年轮回之后,在同样微凉的夏夜,你是否会记起校园里的梧桐树,你是否会记起日记本里的书签,那些五彩缤纷的日子? A:无数个三年之后,你们的思念是否会有增无减?在你成长的岁月里,在你闯荡社会的每一天,是否会有那么几个瞬间让你渴望回到过去 :让我们静静享受一下挑战,在日复一日与时间的赛跑中,你会变得更加坚强,更加神采奕奕!又一个青春之旅从今晚启航,又一个光阴的故事在今晚讲述 C:亲爱的同窗,不要带着离别的愁绪,因为明天又是一个新的起点,因为我们相信再次相逢,我们还是一首动人的歌!D:很

高兴今天能有这个机会同大家相聚一堂,共叙离别。就让今天铭刻在我们心间,让母校留住我们的风采! A:今天,我们也非常荣幸的请到了 :下面让我们用热烈的掌声有请上台讲话 结束语A:欢快的舞蹈表达不尽我们对母校的敬意 :热情的赞歌唱不尽我们对母校的一腔深情 C:流火的六月,我们将带着恩师的叮咛,怀着必胜的信心,走向新的征程 D:绚烂的七月,我们将载着母校的祝愿,带着亲人的希望,向着新的征程扬帆起航 A:老师们,同学们,欢送10级毕业生联欢晚会合:到此结束 A李:毕业,是一个沉重的动词; 刘:毕业,是一个让人一生难忘的名词; 李:毕业,是感动时流泪的形容词; 刘:毕业,是当我们以后孤寂时候,带着微笑和遗憾去回想时的副词; 李:毕业,是我们夜半梦醒,触碰不到而无限感伤的虚词。 刘:若干年后,假如我们还能够想起那段时光,也许这不属于难忘,也不属于永远,而仅仅是一段记录了成长经历的回忆。 李:尊敬的各位领导老师 刘:亲爱的各位同学们


大学生精彩毕业晚会主持词 大学生精彩毕业晚会主持词 A:六月、江畔的微风情深意暖,校园涌动的花海流溢飘香。 B:六月、想起毕业带来的奔忙,满怀即将失去的无限感伤。 C:六月、拾起曾经蕴藏的过往,体味相伴四年的欢欣成长。 D:六月、让你我懂得了珍惜,珍惜在校的每一段岁月流光。 A:毕业,是一沉重的动词,行动里带着眷恋与不舍。 B:毕业,是一难忘的名词,话语里带着心酸与苦涩。 C:毕业,是一流泪的形容词,不可或缺但又不能推辞。 D:毕业,是个遗憾的副词,历练成长却又让生活充实。 A:四年前,大家相遇相知,温暖胸膛、怀揣梦想。 B:四年里,大家共同努力,激越青春、欢乐成长。 C:四年后,即将天各一方,各自打造梦想的天堂。 D:朋友们,不要让泪水打湿容颜,火热激情即将绽放当晚,让我们的心于空中翱翔,在青春的蓬勃下生长,在岁月流光中温暖启航。 A:下面我宣布,20XX年师范学院青春启航文化节之毕业生晚会正式开始。 1.节奏引领时尚,余音环绕广场,新鲜的韵律,高难度的声响,一样为您缔造不一样的完美想象,下面请欣赏来自XX音乐班的xxx为您带来的《》相信会给您带来意外的惊喜。

2.铃声清脆鼓铿锵,天山铃舞尽展情,来自天山的自然是蝶飞花影动,美丽各不同,那就让我们停下脚步,一饱眼福,欣赏由xxx为我们带来的舞蹈《天山铃舞》 3. 军中有歌,歌才动情,军旅里飞来一只熟悉的百灵,不错下面就由请xxx为大家献上一首耳熟能详的老歌,《军中飞来一只百灵》 4.炫酷才叫时尚,八零后心之向往,相信大家都一样,需要个性张扬。今天我们特意请来了城市建设学院的武状元优秀团队,为大家献上一段充满活力的XXX,感谢他们的到来,大家掌声欢迎! 5.相信大家都看过一部曾经风靡一时的电影,那是周杰伦曾经推出的一部年度巨献《不能说的秘密》.里面的四手联弹一定给大家留下了不可磨灭的深刻印象,旋律依旧在脑中回响。不过经典一样可以复制,精彩一样能够粘贴,下面给大家带来的这个惊喜,可谓是非常具有特色,一样是所见不多,机会难得。下面请欣赏xxxx为大家带来的,钢琴四手连弹《军队进行曲》 6.幽幽云水意.漫漫古典情. 诗情画境的晕染为我们带来流动的娴静。请大家随着动人的舞蹈穿越书法的妙境,伴随优雅的琴韵体会超越喧嚣的古韵墨香。下面请欣赏xxx为您带来的xxxx 7.四年的岁月流光见证了你我在XX学院的欢欣成长,相信由很多即将走出校园的`同学都想倾诉衷肠,下面我们就请出来自05对外汉语的毕业生代表xxx听听她如何表达。


校园艺术节主持词开场白(一) 男:尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾。 女:亲爱的老师们、同学们。 合:大家好! 男:聆听十月的讯息,秋风吹拂大地; 女:走进十月的校园,我们充满活力! 男:今天,我们相聚这儿,绽放灿烂的笑容;凝聚我们的勇气; 女:今天,我们相聚这儿,放飞我们的希望,追求我们的梦想! 男:校园的艺术是知识的一种新的升华,校园的生活是多彩的音乐的合奏。 女:校园艺术节是师生展示各自文艺风采、凸显个性魅力的一个最佳舞台。 合:xx中学第x届校园艺术节开幕式现在开始!(鸣礼炮) 男:下面进行升旗仪式,请仪仗队入场。 女:请全体起立,升国旗、奏国歌! 男:请大家入座。今天来到我们会场的领导有:xx、xx、xx…… 女:让我们用热烈的掌声对他们的到来表示欢迎! 男:另外许多家长代表也来到了我们的会场,一个成功的学生背后总有辛勤付出的家长,您辛苦了! 女:让我们用热烈的掌声对他们表示感谢! 男:回首我们走过的这一个学年,经过全校师生上下一心、卓有成效的努力,我校各项工作都取得了骄人的成绩:校容校貌焕然一新,常规管理扎实有效,教学质量跃上新高。

女:成绩已然过去,面对未来,我们信心百倍。下面有请x校长讲话。 (鼓掌感谢x校长的精彩致辞) 环节一:教师合唱《走进新时代》、《团结就是力量》 男:我们xx人是这样的热情奔放! 女:我们xx人是这样的团结激昂! 男:我们的手牵在一起,就是战胜困难的力量! 女:我们的心连在一起,就是坚不可摧的铜壁铁墙! 男:让我们与优美同行,与高雅同行,与时代同行 女:请欣赏教师合唱《走进新时代》和《团结就是力量》。 指挥:xx 领唱:xx 环节二:舞蹈《开门红》 女:扬起你欢乐的嘴角,带上你的好心情,在这个特别的日子里跟我们一起感受这花样年华。


毕业典礼晚会主持词X 花开花落,又是一年毕业季,我们毕业典礼就要开始举办,下面是搜集整理的毕业典礼晚会主持词,欢迎阅读。更多资讯请继续关注毕业典礼栏目! 毕业典礼晚会主持词(一) A:青春是一曲荡气回肠的歌,三年前我们怀着彩色梦想走进了鄂大,三年中我们有过欢笑,流过泪水,经历磨炼,得到成长 B:三年后的今天,我们在这里重温青春过往,因为明天就将各奔天涯。也正因为此,今夜,我们承载了太多的祝福与惦念,寄托了太多的关怀与企盼。 C:今晚,让我们再一次重温,那些感动过我们的人和事:灯火通明的教学楼里用功的身影,篮球场上捍卫集体尊严的男儿霸气,满是欢声笑语的宿舍边不着边际的闲谈…… D:又一个三年轮回之后,在同样微凉的夏夜,你是否会记起校园里的梧桐树,你是否会记起日记本里的书签,那些五彩缤纷的日子? A:无数个三年之后,你们的思念是否会有增无减?在你成长的岁月里,在你闯荡社会的每一天,是否会有那么几个瞬间让你渴望回到过去 B:让我们静静享受一下挑战,在日复一日与时间的赛跑中,你会变得更加坚强,更加神采奕奕!又一个青春之旅从今晚启航,又一个光阴的故事在今晚讲述 C:亲爱的同窗,不要带着离别的愁绪,因为明天又是一个新的起点,因为我们相信再次相逢,我们还是一首动人的歌!D:很高兴今天能有这个机会同大家相聚一堂,共叙离别。就让今天铭刻在我们心间,让母校留住我们的风采! A:今天,我们也非常荣幸的请到了…… B:下面让我们用热烈的掌声有请……上台讲话

结束语 A:欢快的舞蹈表达不尽我们对母校的敬意 B:热情的赞歌唱不尽我们对母校的一腔深情 C:流火的六月,我们将带着恩师的叮咛,怀着必胜的信心,走向新的征程 D:绚烂的七月,我们将载着母校的祝愿,带着亲人的希望,向着新的征程扬帆起航 A:老师们,同学们,欢送10级毕业生联欢晚会合:到此结束 A李:毕业,是一个沉重的动词; 刘:毕业,是一个让人一生难忘的名词; 李:毕业,是感动时流泪的形容词; 刘:毕业,是当我们以后孤寂时候,带着微笑和遗憾去回想时的副词; 李:毕业,是我们夜半梦醒,触碰不到而无限感伤的虚词。 刘:若干年后,假如我们还能够想起那段时光,也许这不属于难忘,也不属于永远,而仅仅是一段记录了成长经历的回忆。 李:尊敬的各位领导老师 刘:亲爱的各位同学们 合:大家晚上好! 李:很荣幸和大家相聚在这激情如火的六月,在这充满忧伤的六月! 刘:很高兴和大家相聚在“放心去飞,20年后再相聚—毕业晚会”现场! 李:我是李扬
