





Pacific Science Center Guide

◆Visit Pacific Science Center’s Store

Don’t forget to stop by Pacific Science Center’s Store while you are here to pick up a wonderful science activity or remember your visit. The store is located(位于)upstairs in Building

3 right next to the Laster Dome.


Our exhibits will feed your mind but what about your body? Our caféoffers a complete menu of lunch and snack options, in addition to seasonal. The café is located upstairs in Building

1 and is open daily until one hour Pacific Science Center closes.

◆Rental Information

Lockers are available to store any belongs during your visit. The lockers are located in Building 1 near the Information Desk and in Building 3. Pushchairs and wheelchairs are available to rent at the Information Desk and Denny Way entrance. ID required.

◆S upport Pacific Science Center

Since 1962 Pacific Science Center has been inspiring a passion(热情)for discovery and lifelong @ in science, math and technology. Today Pacific Science Center serves more than 1. 3 million people a year and beings inquiry based science education to classrooms and company events all over Washington State. It’s an amazing accomplishment and one we connect science without generous support from individuals, corporations, and other social organizations. Wish pacificorganzier. org to find various ways you can support Pacific Science Center.

21. Where can you buy at Science Center?

A. In Building 1.

B. In Building 3.

C. At the last Denny.

D. At the Denny Way entrance.

22. What does Pacific Science Center do for schools?

A. Train Science teachers.

B. Distribute science books.

C. Distribute scientific research.

D. Take science to the classroom.

23. What is the purpose of the last part of the text?

A. To encourage donations.

B. To advertise coming events.

C. To introduce special exhibits.

D. To tell about the Center’s history.


In the coming months, we are bringing together artists from all over the globe, to enjoy speaking Shakespeare’s plays in their own language, in our globe, within the architecture Shakespeare wrote for. Please come and join us.

National Theatre of China Beijing | Chinese

This great occasion(盛会)will be the national theatre of china’s first visit to the UK. The company’s productions show the new face of 21st century Chinese theatre. This production of Shakespeare’s Richard III will be directed by the National’s Associate Director, Wang Xiaoying.

Date & Time: Saturday 28 April, 2.30pm&Sunday 29 April, 1.30pm&6.30pm

Marjanishvili Theatre Tbilisi | Georgian

One of the most famous theatres in Georgia, the Marjanishvili, founded in 1928, appears regularly at theatre festivals all over the world. This new production of As You Like It is helmed (指导)by the company’s Artistic Director Levan Tsuladze.

Date & Time: Friday 18May, 2.30pm&Sunday 19May, 7.30pm

Definitely Theater London | British Sign Language (BSL)

By translating the rich and humorous text of Love’s Labor’s Lost into the physical language of BSL, Definitely Theater creates a new interpretation of Shakespeare’s comedy and aims to build a bridge between deaf and hearing worlds by performing to both groups as one audience.

Date & Time: Tuesday 22 May, 2.30pm&Wednesday 23 May, 7.30pm

Habima National Theatre Tel Aviv | Hebrew

The Habima is the center of Hebrew-language theatre worldwide, Founded in Moscow after the 1905 revolution, the company eventually settled in Tel Aviv in the late 1920s.Since 1958, they have been recognized as the national theatre of Israel. This production of Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice marks their first visit to the UK.

Date & Time: Monday 28May, 7.30&Tuesday 29 May, 7.30pm

21. Which play will be performed by the National Theatre of China?

A. Richard Ⅲ

B. Lover’s Labor’s Lost

C. As You Like It

D. The merchant of Venice

22. What is special about Definitely Theatre?

A. It has two groups of actors

B. It is the leading theatre in London

C. It performs plays in BSL

D. It is good at producing comedies

23. When can you see a play in Hebrew?

A. On Saturday 28Apil.

B. On Sunday 29 April

C. On Tuesday 22 May.

D. On Tuesday 29 May


San Francisco Fire Engine Tours

San Francisco Winery Tour

Running: February 1st through April 30th

This delicious tour goes through the city on its way to Treasure Island where we will stop at the famous Winery SF. Here you can enjoy 4 pours of some of the best wine San Francisco has to offer.(Included in tickets price)

Departing from the Cannery: Tell time upon request.

Duration(时长):2 hours

Price: $90

Back to the Fifties Tour

Running: August 16th through August 31st

This tour transports you back in time to one of San Francisco’s most fantastic periods, the 1950s! Enjoy fun history as we take you through San Francisco for a free taste of ice cream.

Departing form the Cannery 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm

Duration:2 hours


Spooky Halloween Tour

Running: October 10th through October 31st

Join us for a ride through the historical Presidio district. Authentic fire gear(服装)is provided for your warmth as our entertainers take you to some of the most thrilling parts of San Francisco

Departing from the Cannery:6:30 pm and 8:30 pm

Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes

Price: Available upon request

Holiday Lights Tour

Running: December 6th through December 23nd

This tractive four takes you to some of San Francis’s most cheerful holiday scenes. Authentic fire gear is provided for your warmth as you get into the holiday spirit.

Departing from the Cannery 7:00 pm and 9:00 pm

Duration: I hour and 30 minutes

Advance reservations required.

21. Which of the tours is available in March?

A. San Francisco Winery Tour.

B. Back to the Fifties Tour.

C. Spooky Halloween Tour.

D. Holiday Lights Tour.

22. What can tourists do on Back to the Fifties Tours?

A. Go to Treasure Island.

B. Enjoy the holiday scenes.

C. Have free ice cream.

D. Visit the Presidio district.

23. What are tourists required to do to go on Holiday Lights Tour?

A. Take some drinks.

B. Set off early in the morning.

C. Wear warm clothes.

D. Make reservations in advance.



Lost cities that have been found

The White City

In 2015, a team of explorers to Honduras in search of "the Lost City of the Monke God" led to the discovery of the White City. They found the ruins in the Mosquitia region of the Central American country which is known for poisonous snakes, vicious jaguars and deadly insects. It is believed that local people hid here when the Spanish conquerors(征服者)occupied their homeland in the16th century.

Canopus and Heracleion

Modern researchers were teased by the ancient writings about the Egyptian cities Canopus and Heracleion- where Queen Cleopatra often visited. But the cities weren’t found until 1992, when a search in Alexandria waters found that the two cities had been flooded for centuries. Artifacts(史前器物)showed that the cities once highly developed as a trade network, which helped researchers piece together more about the last queen of Egypt.

Machu Picchu

A Yale professor discovered "the Lost City in the Clouds" in 1911. A combination of palaces, plazas, temples and homes, Machu Picchu displays the Inca Empire at the height of its rule. The city, which was abandoned in the 16th century for unknown reasons, was hidden by the local people from the Spanish conquerors for centuries keeping it so well preserved.


The ancient city of Troy in homer's The Iliad was considered a fictional setting for his characters to run wild. But in 1871, explorations in northwestern Turkey exposed nine ancient cities layered(层叠)on top of each other, the earliest dating back to about 5,000 years before. It was later determined that the sixth or seventh layer contained the lost city of Troy and that it was actually destroyed by an earthquake, not a wooden horse.

21. Why did people hide in the White City in the 16th century?

A. To survive the war

B. To search for a lost city.

C. To protect their country.

D. To avoid dangerous animals

22. Which of the following was related to a royal family member?

A. The White City

B. Canopus and Heracleion

C. Machu Picchu

D. Troy

23. What can we learn about Troy?

A. It was built by Homer.

B. It consisted of nine cities

C. It had a history of 5,000 years

D. It was ruined by a natural disaster.



The following list includes some books that come highly recommended by millions of readers and also a short summary of the highlights of each work.

The Go-Giver, by Bob Burg and John David Mann

I didn’t even expect that such a short book could make a huge difference in my way towards life. It simply explains complex laws that direct mankind, and concludes that there is always truth in the opposite.

Dao De Jing, by Lao Zi

Dao De Jing is one of the finest books on philosophy written by Lao Zi, an ancient Chinese philosopher and poet. It is sincere, exciting and makes you think a lot. Read it and get in touch with the clear educative understandings that give you enough tips to pursue your life goal full of passion.

The Science of Getting Rich, by Wallace D. Wattles

I had my own misunderstandings of getting rich till I read this book. The book made a huge difference to my life after I discovered the secrets mentioned. Read it and it teaches you how to become rich, not immediately, but step by step.

The Power of Habit, by Charles Duhigg

I never knew habits played such an important role in shaping our future until I read this book. It says, you are what your habits are, and also suggests the proven techniques to create new habits that change our lifestyles and eventually our livers, It is must-read for everyone who wishes to form lifetime habits.


七下应用文练习(答案) 一、通知 1.指出下面一则通知在格式和内容上的五处错、漏。 全校共青团员 经研究,定于五月二日下午五时召开团员大会,布臵召开“五四”青年节纪念会的有关工作。希大家按时参加。 五月一日 升平中学团总支五处错、漏依次是: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 答案:(1)首行居中缺“通知”(2)、通知对象后未加冒号(3)、正文应空两格写(4)、未写明开会地点(5)、通知单位和时间的位置颠倒。 2.下面通知的格式有错误。请判断所列修改意见的正误。 各班班委会: 经研究,现把建设无蝇校第二阶段的工作布臵如下: (一)每星期六下午举行全校扫除,彻底清除苍蝇孳生地。 (二)各班定期在卫生责任区喷洒灭蝇药物。 (三)本月28日下午,在小礼堂举办学生自制诱杀苍蝇器具展览。 希望各班积极组织同学参加以上活动。我们要从身边的事做起,为把首都建设成无蝇城,为北京争办奥运会作贡献。 2014年5月21日 春晖中学学生会 修改意见: (1)第一行顶格写“通知”或“关于布置建设无蝇校工作的通知”。(×) (2)第一行中间写“通知”或“关于布置建设无蝇校工作的通知”。(√) (3)“各班班委会”应空两格写。(×) (4)文中的(一)(二)(三)均应顶格写。(×) (5)发通知时间应定在发出单位的下一行。(√) (6)发出单位和发通知时间应写在同一行。(×) 3.修改下面通知的说法,完全正确的是( C ) 通知 初一年级全体同学: 请于今日下午到礼堂开会。会议内容:总结本月份我年级各方面的情况。请带笔和笔记本。 ×××中学初一年级组 2014年5月23日

A.应写明开会时什么人讲话、发言;通知对象的名称应空两格开始写。 B.应写明开会的确切时间;发出通知单位的名称应写在日期下行。 C.应写明开会的确切时间。正文的第一行应空两格开始写。 D.应写明开会时的注意事项;应删去标题“通知”二字。 4.读下面的通知,完成后面的3个小题。 通知 ①“停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花”。为保证香山“红叶节”期间香颐路交通畅通,②北京市公安交通管理局决定,从10月15日至11月15日,③凡前往香山的各种型号的进口国产大小汽车,④其单位和个人的均需提前三日到北京市公安交通管理局办理通行证。无通行证车辆请绕行昆明湖南路。 ⑤北京市公安交通管理局2011年10月5日 (1)格式不正确的一处是(写画线处的序号)_____。 (2)不符合应用文语体,应删除的一处是(写画线处的序号)。 (3)语言不简明的一处是(写画线处的序号)______,应改为: (不改变原意)。 答案:(1)⑤(2)①(3)③凡前往香山的汽车 5.请根据下述内容代该校团委拟写一个通知的正文。 2014年4月7日下午,某中学团委会在该校第二会议室组织各年级团支部书记和委员开会。会议结束时主持人说:“后天下午四点半团支部书记还到这儿来开会。今天有两个年级同学外出参观,人到得不齐,请互相转告一下。明天我们再出一个正式通知。到时候都要来,别迟到了。散会!” 答案: 通知 各年级团支部书记: 九日下午四点半在校第二会议室召开各年级团支部书记会议,请准时参加。 校团委 ×月×日 二、启事 1.题目:修改应用文,回答文后的问题。 寻物启事 本人是供销社会会计,于5月15日骑车经过农科大学教授楼附近时,不小心丢失皮包一只,有拾到者交给本人,我愿意付出重金表示感谢。 此致 敬礼 江南供销社全体职工 5月16日 它在格式上有两个毛病:①② 它在内容上有三个问题:①②③ 答案:1标题应居中写2应删此致敬礼;3未写明皮包特征和所装何物4全体职工应改为失物者姓名5没有写失物者的联系方式


高一英语阅读理解 广告,图表等应用类阅读. (1) Now is the best time for Hong Kong shopping lovers, as most shops and markets are having their seasonal sales. With the same amount of money, you can find different kinds of goods in this city. Women, young and old, rarely resist the attraction of this shopping paradise(乐园) at this time of year. Lovers will surely have an exciting Christmas and New Year’s Eve celebrat at the Time Square or in the western styled bars. Spending your holiday in Hong Kong will be easy too, as several packing tours are available from CZL Travel Service, with four-day tours for less than 15,000 yuan. (住 Tour Package 1(3,200 yuan) : a 4-day –tour including three nights’ accommodation 宿), science helicopter flight, night ferrytour of Victoria Harbor and shuttle bus to the park to view the city at night. Tour package 2 (1,880 yuan) : a 4-day-shopping tour including three nights accommodation ,tour to Golden Beach and the Vexwork Museum, shuttle bus to the Peak and shopping opportunities. Tour package 3 (1,480 yuan ) : a 4-day-DIY- tour including three nights accommodation in a four-star hotel and total freedom to do what you want , when you went. 1.This advertisement is given by _________________. A. a shopping B. a hotel C. a Travel Service Company D. a tour guide 2. If you want to decide by yourself , you’d better choose Tour package ________. A. 2 B. 3 C. 1 D. both2&3 3. According to the text , if you want to visit the Victoria Harbor at night with the tour guide, you can choose your package____________. A. 1 B. 3 C. 2 D. 1&2 4. If you are a shopping lover and you want to go to the Golden Beach, you’d better choose Tour package ___________. A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 1&3 5. This advertisement probably was shown ______________. A. on New Year’s Day B. at Christmas C. between New Year’s Day and Christmas D. before Christmas and New Year’s Day ( c b a b d)

应用文复习题 (1)

应用文复习题 (1)

《应用文写作》复习题 一、单选(每小题1分) 1、单位对外行文时,公文标题的形式是( A ) A、发文机关+事由+文种 B、发文机关+文种 C、事由+文种 2、工作报告中( B )请示事项 A、可以写上 B、不能夹带 C、必要时可写 3、为维护正常的领导、指导、直接统属的关系,上行文一般采用( B )方式 A、多级行文 B、逐级行文 C、越级行文 4、函主要用于不相隶属机关之间( A ) A、商洽公务 B、汇报工作 C、传递文件 5、《河北银行公文处理办法》规定,公文正文应使用( C ) A、2号宋体 B、3号宋体 C、3号仿宋体 6、公文的成文时间一般应当是( A ) A、负责人签发的日期 B、拟写公文的日期 C、印制公文的日期 7、对公文负有主要答复办理责任的机关是( C ) A、制发机关 B、抄送机关 C、主送机关 8、公文正文的层次序数正确的是( A ) A、第一层为“一、”,第二层为“(一)”,第三层为“1.”第四层为 “(l)”。B、第一层为“(一)”,第二层为“1.”,第三层为“(l)” 第四层为“①”。 C、第一层为“一、”,第二层为“(一)、”,第三层为“1.”第四层为“①”。 9、公文主题词的排列顺序是( B ) A、文种、类别、类属 B、类别、类属、文种 C、类属、类别、文种 10、转发性通知主要用于( C ) A、印发本部门的文件 B、批转下级文件 C、转发上级、平级和不相隶属机关的文件 11、以下发文字号编写正确的是___A__

A、国发〔2010〕3号 B、国发[2010]3号 C、国发[2010]第3号 D、国发〔2010〕第3号 12、现行行政公文格式中,以下属于主体部分的项目是____D_ A、发文字号 B、成文日期 C、印发日期 D、题注 13、下级机关向上级机关请求指示或批准时所用的公文_C____ A、报告 B、商洽函 C、请示 D、批复 14、适用于对重要问题提出见解和处理办法的行政公文是__D____ A、意见 B、建议 C、报告 D、决议 15、撰写批复,文件开头应写明__D___ A、国家有关规定 B、引述来文 C、下级机关工作情况 D、单位的具体情况 16、《XX学校2010年工作计划》属于___A___ A、文章式标题 B、双行标题 C、新闻标题 D、公文标题 17、闭幕词的结尾相对固定,多以____C__为结束语。 A、总结大会主要内容 B、提出号召与希望 C、宣布大会胜利闭幕 D、感谢到场人员 18、撰写批复,主体开头应写明___B____ A、国家有关规定 B、下级机关的情况 C、引述来文 D、单位的具体情况 19、申请书在___D_已作为正式的公文文种。 A、澳门 B、香港 C、台湾 D、中国大陆


记叙文类作者:巩穹 (I)★★ Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821, and moved to New York City when she was ten years old. One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor. That was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth century. After writing many letters asking for admission(录取) to medical schools, she was finally accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia. She was so determined that she taught school and gave music lessons to get money for the cost of schooling. In 1849, after graduation from medical school. she decided to further her education in Paris. She wanted to be a surgeon(外科医师) , but a serious eye problem forced her to give up the idea. Upon returning to the United States, she found it difficult to start her own practice because she was a woman. By 1857 Elizabeth and her sister, also a doctor, along with another woman doctor, managed to open a new hospital, the first for women and children Besides being the first woman physician and founding her own hospital , she also set up the first medical school for women. 1. Why couldn't Elizabeth Blackwell realize her dream of becoming a surgeon? A. She couldn't get admitted to medical school B. She decided to further her education in Paris C. A serious eye problem stopped her D. It was difficult for her to start a practice in the United States 2. What main obstacle(障碍) almost destroyed Elizabeth's chances for becoming for a doctor? A. She was a woman. B. She wrote too many letters. C. She couldn't graduate from medical school. D. She couldn't set up her hospital. 3. How many years passed between her graduation from medical school and the opening of her hospital? A. Eight years B. Ten years C. Nineteen years D. Thirty-six years 4. According to the passage, all of the following are “firsts”in the life of Elizabeth Blacekwell except that she ______. A. became the first woman physician B. was the first woman doctor C. and several other women founded the first hospital for women and children D. set up the first medical school for women 5. Eilzabeth Blackwell spent most of her lift in _______. A. England B. Paris C. the United States D. New York City 1-5 CAABC (II)★★★ Europe is now the biggest market for organic food in the world, having grown by 25 percent a year over the past 10 years. Denmark's agriculture minister is herself an organic farmer.


A “You can use me as a last resort(选择), and if nobody else volunteers,then I will do it.” This was an actual reply from a parent after I put out a request for volunteers for my kids lacrosse(长曲棍球)club. I guess that there's probably some demanding work schedule, or social anxiety around stepping up to help for an unknown sport. She may just need a little persuading. So I try again and tug at the heartstrings. I mention the single parent with four kids running the show and I talk about the dad coaching a team that his kids aren’t even on … At this point the unwilling parent speaks up,“Alright. Yes, I’ll do it.” I’m secretly relieved because I know there’s real power in sharing volunteer responsibilities among many. The unwilling parent organizes the meal schedule, sends out emails, and collects money for end-of-season gifts. Somewhere along the way, the same parent ends up becoming an invaluable member of the team. The coach is able to focus on the kids while the other parents are relieved to be off the hook for another season. Handing out sliced oranges to bloodthirsty kids can be as exciting as watching your own kid score a goal. Still, most of us volunteers breathe a sigh of relief when the season comes to a close. That relief is coupled with a deep understanding of why the same people keep coming back for more: Connecting to the community(社区)as you freely give your time, money, skills, or services


模拟试卷(1) 参考答案 一、单项选择题(每小题1.5分,共45分。在备选答案中只有一个是正确的,将其选出并把它的标号写在题后的横线内) 1.01 公文中兼用的表达方式是______。 A.议论、描写,说明 B.说明、议论、抒情 C.叙述、议论,说明 D.说明、描写、叙述 答:C 1.02 抄送机关指______。 A.收文机关 B.办理或答复收文的机关 C.需要了解收文内容的机关 D.必须送达的机关 答:C 1.03 成文日期通常是指______。 A.草拟公文文稿的日期 B.公文印制完毕的日期 C.领导人在公文正本上签署的日期 D.领导人签发文稿的日期 答:D 1.04 文件处理的中心环节是____工作。 A.批办 B.批办 C.承办 D.注办 答:C

1.05 对来文的办理情况进行催促的公文处理程序称为______。 A.批办 B.催办 C.查办 D.注办 答:B 1.06 下面公文中,属于下行文的是______。 A.请示 B.函 C.决定 D.报告 答:C 1.07 正确的发文处理程序是______。 A.拟稿、核稿、缮印、签发、校对 B.拟稿、签发、核稿、缮印、校对 C.核稿、签发、拟稿、缮印、校对 D.拟稿、核稿、签发、缮印、校对 答:D 1.08 附件具有____。 A.与正件相同的法定效用 B.法定效用的看法是错误的 C.法定效用仅是某些特定的材料 D.对正件的补充说明作用,因而不具有法定效用 答:A 1.09 能够以“公告”形式发布的是______。 A.政府职能部门依法发布的规定 B.地方政府规章 C.各类规章制度

D.全国性法律 答:A 1.10 公文正文中的导语用来______。 A.引述领导人的讲话 B.表明制发公文的依据、目的或原因 C.表明公文撰写的时间和地点 D.作公文开头的谦语 答:B 1.11 不需标注密级的公文有______。 A.绝密件 B.秘密件 C.机密件 D.内部文书 答:D 1.12 下列公文用语没有语病的是________。 A.依法加强对集贸市场的监督管理,不断提高集贸市场的管理水平 B.依法进一步加强对集贸市场的商品质量的检验,打击不法商贩的假冒伪劣的欺诈行为 C.引导加强个体经济的健康发展,加强对个体经济的管理和监督 D.为了提高工商行政人员的管理队伍的素质,把廉政建设放在首位 答:A 1.13《春江饭店职工守则》的作者是______。 A.春江饭店 B.春江饭店人事部 C.签发人王总经理 D.春江饭店全体职工 答:A 1.14 在行政公文中全部使用阿拉伯数码的有:_______。


高三英语应用文阅读专题1 专题介绍 解读:应用文,顾名思义,是在生活、学习、工作中有所应用的文章,写作目的往往是为了让读者能够定向了解到某方面的信息,常见的形式有公告、说明书、指引等。高考中的应用文,往往难度不大,但是考察的点以细节为主,要求同学们细致的将选项与文章进行比较从而得出正确答案。 例题 Sunshine For All The Beijing Sunshine Secondary School students are holding a charity show at the school hall①of Beijing Sunshine Secondary School, Sunny Street, Sunshine Town. Date: 29 April Time: 7:30 p. m. — 9:00 p. m. We hope to raise money to help poor children go to school. Ticket price: $20 Donations are welcome. Programme: 7:30 p. m. Introduction 7:40 p. m. Songs 8:00 p. m. Break 8:15 p. m. Speech 8:30 p. m. Drama 9:00 p. m. End of the show Project Hope is an organization that raises money to build schools and buy books for poor students ②. We would like to thank the following for their help and support: The teachers at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School The Star Shopping Mall for the costumes

高考高中英语阅读理解专题及答案 百度文库

一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 China Small Group Tours Tour Route 1: 11 Days Private Beijing – Lhasa – Xi'an – Shanghai Tour Highlights: Must-see sights in China-the Great Wall, Forbidden City, Terracotta Warriors Follow us on a Buddhist pilgrimage to Tibet & appreciate the profound culture Have a leisurely walk or an exciting bicycle ride on the time-honored City Wall of Xi'an View the soaring city skylines and feel the pulse of modern Shanghai From $ 2, 459 per person Tour Route 2: 11 Days Private Bejing –Xi'an –Chonqing –Yangtze River Cruise –Yichang –Shanghai Tour Highlights: Must-see sights in China-the Great Wall, Forbidden City, Terracotta Warriors Try biking on the Ming Dynasty City Wall of Xi' an, or tour by electric car Enjoy the Three Gorges scenery on Yangtze River & feel totally relaxed From $ 1, 879 per person Tour Route 3: 12 Days Private Beijing – Shanghai – Xi'an – Guilin – Yangshuo – Guilin – Hong Kong Tour Highlights: Must-see sights in China-the Great Wall, Forbidden City, Terracotta Warriors Experience the Bund, classical garden, modern and old in contrast in Shanghai Feel the lively atmosphere & explore busy markets freely in Hong Kong Walk into a local family, learn to cook Chinese food & dine with the hosts in their home From $ 2, 499 per person Tour Route 4: 12 Days Private Beijing – Xi'an – Chengdu – Guilin – Shanghai Tour Highlights: Must-see sights in China-the Great Wall, Forbidden City, Terracotta Warriors, Giant Pandas Come to Chengdu,the hometown of giant pandas to visit and observe the cute creature Cruise on the meandering Li River & admire Guilin landscape Walk into a local Chinese family, interact & dine with the hosts in their home From $2, 079 per person (1)What do Tour Route 1 and Tour Route 2 have in common? A. They have cycling activities. B. They include a visit to Tibet. C. Visitors enjoy the Three Gorges scenery. D. Visitors pay the same amount of money. (2)What is special about Tour Route 2? A.Tourists can travel by bike. B.Tourists can visit a huge dam. C.Tourists can dine with a family.


Choose Y our One-Day-Tours! Tour A - Bath &Stonehenge:including entrance fees to the ancient Roman bathrooms and Stonehenge -£37 until 26 March and £39 thereafter. Visit the city with over 2,000 years of history and Bath Abbey, the Royal Crescent and the Costume Museum. Stonehenge is one of the world's most famous prehistoric monuments dating back over 5,000 years. Tour B - Oxford & Startford : including entrance fees to the University St Mary's Church Tower and Anne Hathaway's house----£32 until 12 March and £36 thereafter. Oxford:Includes a guided tour of England's oldest university city and colleges. Look over the "city of dreaming spires(尖顶)"from St Mary’s Church Tower. Stratford: Includes a guided tour exploring much of the Shakespeare wonder. Tour C - Windsor Castle &Hampton Court : including entrance fees to Hampton Court Palace -£34 until 11 March and £37 thereafter. Includes a guided tour of Windsor and Hampton Court, Henry VILL's favorite palace. Free time to visit Windsor Castle (entrance fees not included).With 500 years of history, Hampton Court was once the home of four Kings and one Queen. Now this former royal palace is open to the public as a major tourist attraction. Visit the palace and its various historic gardens, which include the famous maze(迷宫)where it is easy to get lost! Tour D –Cambridge: including entrance fees to the Tower of Saint Mary the Great -£33 until 18 March and £37 thereafter. Includes a guided tour of Cambridge, the famous university town, and the gardens of the 18th century.(2015全国2) 33. Which tour will you choose if you want to see England’s oldest university city? A.Tour A B. Tour B C. Tour C D. Tour D 34. Which of the following tours charges the lowest fee on 17 March? A. Windsor Castle & Hampton Court B. Oxford & Stratford C. Bath & Stonehenge D. Cambridge 35. Why is Hampton Court a major tourist attraction? A. It used to be the home of royal families B. It used to be a well-known maze C. It is the oldest palace in Britain D. It is a world-famous castle


中考复习应用文修改专题训练一 一、读下面的表扬信,按要求回答问题。 表扬信 光明中学校领导A: 贵校初三(1)班高远同学助人为乐,非常值得表扬B。 我的孩子方旭就读于贵校初三(1)班,一个月前因患急性肺炎住进了医院C。这期间他耽误了不少功课,我们焦急万分D。正在这时,高远同学主动来到我们家,热心为方旭补课E。整整二十天,每天晚上都是如此,直到帮助方旭补上落下的功课F。在高远同学面临中考的关键时刻,牺牲自己的宝贵时间来帮助同学G。这种助人为乐的精神让我们全家非常感动H。我们除再次向他表示感谢之外,还要求你们当领导的在全校给予表扬I! 此致J 敬礼K! 方旭的家长:方明杰李丹敬上 2003年4月29日 1这封表扬信在格式上有三处错误,它们是:__________________________ 2 有语病的是第_______________处。 3正文中语言有一处不得体,请标出序号_______________ 二、找出请假条中的两处毛病,将修改意见写在下面 请假条 张老师: 您好! 今日我因贵体欠安,故请假一天,望老师批准。 2003年5月20日 请假人:李明 修改: (1)语言:__________________________(2)格式:__________________________ 三、修改书信 敬爱的爷爷: 您好!近来身体好吗?我们已有几个月未见面了,我常常惦念着您。有时思念心切,我恨不得一下子很快飞到您的身旁,向您汇报我近来的情况,倾诉对您的思念之情。爷爷,通过您多年对我的谆谆教导,使我各方面都有了很大的进步。目前,我各科成绩都很好,请勿挂念。我即将毕业,不久就要填报升学志愿,我准备报考师范学校。您同意吗?请您务必来信谈谈意见。 此致敬礼 孙××敬上 ××年×月×日


外研版高中英语必修一《阅读理解》专项练习题(含答案) Graham and his friends preferred to shoot up in their arms, necks and legs. A dealer once said Graham was the type who would never be able to turn back and that he expected him to die from the drug. Wendy feared the same, but di dn’t know how to save her son. “ Once, after he’d disappeared for more than a month, I found him at a friend’s house with a bunch of other users,” she said, “I got down on my hands and knees, begging him to come home. He did, but the next morning he was go ne. I don’t know what made him do it, but I drove 20 miles to the nearest train station. Graham was headed for Seattle, his pockets full of drugs. If I hadn’t gotten there in time, I would never have seen him alive again.” The turning point came in 2007, after Graham was arrested yet again for possession. Wendy got a call from the Montana Drugs Project, which works with local law enforcement(强制执行)to keep track of youth-related crimes so it can help families in trouble. Following a counselor’s advice, Wendy hired two men to come to her home in the middle of the night, tie Graham and take him to a treatment program in Thompson Falls, Montana. “I was high when they came and really angry with my mom,” he said, “But if she hadn’t done that, drugs would have killed me.” After six months of treatment, Graham, now 19, came back to Kalispell, where he’s grown close to Wendy once again. “I still have the desires every day and attend support meetings every night,” he said, “But life is worth living again. My mom thinks that’s a miracle. I guess she is right.” 1.The underlined phrase “shoot up” in paragraph 1 probably means_________. A.increase very quickly and suddenly B.put illegal drugs into the body by using a needle C.kill or injure someone by using a gun D.try to achieve a particular aim 2.When the two men came to their home in the middle of the night, Graham _______. A.had just taken drugs and was in the state of excitement. B.was sleeping in a high bed above the ground. C.had just taken drugs and was in the state of suffering. D.was quarrelling with his mother.

最新应用文写作测试题 附答案

应用文写作练习题 一、判断改错题(先判断命题正误,如果是错误的,请改正过来) 1凡收到下级机关来文,上级机关必须用“批复”回复。( ) 2叙述是公文写作中最常用、最主要的表达方式。( ) 3紧急公文应根据紧急的程度分别标明“特急”、“急件”。( ) 4平行文只能在同级机关之间使用。() 5 XX公司向银行贷款应用请示行文。() 6请示一般只写一个主送机关,如需同时送其他机关,应当用抄送形式。( ) 7几个机关的联合发文,应当在公文版头部分标明几个机关的发文字号。() 8会议记录和会议纪要都是会议的产物,所以它们是一回事。 9各级党政机关的办公厅(室)向下直接行文,必须把握好隶属关系和授权范围。( ) 10几个机关或部门的联合发文,一般应由主办该公文的单位负责,送请有关联署机关或部门的承办人会签。() 11所有的机关单位之间都可以根据工作需要联合行文。() 12公告、通告一样,都具有发布的公开性的特点。() 13批复应有针对性地答复下级机关的请示和报告。() 14在任何情况下都不能越级请示。( ) 15附件说明位于成文日期的左下方,公文版记部分之上, 注明所附文件材料的名称及件数。( ) 16批转公文在标题中必须标明“批转”字样。( ) 17计划的标题同许多事务文书一样不必写明时限。() 18写批复和复函时应先引标题后引发文字号。() 19合同的标的是当事人双方权利和义务共同指向的对象。() 20计划目标确定要掌握一个度,既不能过高,也不能过低。 ( ) 21简报既可以上行,也可以平行或下行。 ( )

22写计划对任务要写得抽象一些,便于顺时修改。( ) 23国务院于2000年8月颁发的《国家行政机关公文处理办法》规定公文文种为12种。() 24向有关主管部门请求批准应用请示。() 25起诉状当事人的基本情况的写作一般包括姓名、性别、年龄、民族,工作单位,职业和家庭住址。() 26发布规章、转发公文、布置工作、传达事项应用通知。() 27事项性通告的内容不具有强制性和惩处作用。() 28计划主体的三要素是指目标、措施和步骤。() 29×市人民政府批转市教委的报告应用通知。() 30通知的作用重在指挥、指导,而通报的作用重在教育和启示。() 31上行文必须标注签发人姓名。() 32公文的成文日期以打印时间为准。() 一、判断改错题答案: 1×报告不需要回复 2√ 3√ 4×不相隶属机关也可使用 5×使用函 6√ 7×只标主办机关 的发文字号 8×会议记录是事务文书,会议纪要是法定公文 9√ 10√ 11×联合行文的机关必须是平级 12√ 13×批复只能针对下级机关的请示 14×特殊情况下可以 15×附件说明位于正文的左下方 16√ 17×计划的标题需要写明时限 18√ 19√ 20√ 21√ 22×任务要具体一些,便于执行 23×13种 24×应用函 25√ 26√ 27√ 28√ 29√ 30√ 31√ 32×一般以签发日期为准 二、单项选择题 1下列公文属于下行文的是( )A报告B请示C批复D函 2下列若干公文要素中,属于版记部分的是( )A.主题词B.附注C.附件说明D.成文日期 3不相隶属的机关之间联系工作,应当用( )A.通报B.通知C.函D.请示 4在下列各纸型中,目前国内各机关公文用纸一般推荐采用( )A.A5型B.B5型C.A4型D.B4型 5电信部门就本地区电话升位事项发文,宜用( )A通知B公告C通告D通报 6某单位因施工需要,须砍伐单位内的几株梧桐树,在给所在街道办事处绿化办公室行文时,宜用( )A.请示B请示报告C通知D函 7一般应标识签发负责人姓名的文件是( )A.上行文B.平行文C.下行文D.越级行文
