





Truman was a man, ordinary, like the life around us. He

has manydesires,and very easy to meet. Therefore,he sometimes ecstatic, sometimes Rusangkaobi, most of the time the loss depressed,overwhelmed. At this time, there has been a director of genius useless,and he constantly create new stimuli,so that he bees ups and downs in the long drama, appetizing. Truman

happy he would give him time to create some trouble, when in

its depressed, then seize the opportunity to open it alive.He made such romantic novels as blonde suddenly appeared in the

sight of Truman, his erotic valve open, letting her sudden

departure, so the mind fall into a bottomless abyss; he had

never met before to Truman "late father"suddenly appeared,to recognize exaggerated ic scenes make it in your eyes,but also make the TV viewing audience tears; he brought Truman's close friends in their emotional bad time to care for him,enlighten He, so that it felt the "Oasis in the Desert" and rebirth of

confidence, although the friend is an actor, and is carrying

a large segment of lines??

Who admire the film brilliant and arrogant genius director, he leads people to think of God, also saw the weak, tired,

helpless and confusion Truman was the hypocrisy of the play

again, or for life and the future with optimism when the waves in my heart to sorrow and grief, I could not bear to face - can

not bear to face a real "us"!

"Life is like a play, movie is like life," so lamented

philosopher, but the actors on the stage of life - we, is not

always an act of consciousness has it? Or deception and the arrangement of God, selflessly doing meaningless things? Happy, do not

Enough to make us love this world; setbacks, not enough

to make us abandon this world. God is like the genius as a

director, holds a very good degree, he knew that when a blow

to us, when we gave a warm fire burned, he allows us to maintain hope in pain, in hope endure pain, the pain making the story

as waves, but also making the ratings, the hope is to train and gave us the appearance fees, so we are not so half-way stop play.

The end of the movie, Truman is awake, and he told the

camera, really the "God" strike played out. Panic talented

director,he will lose the audience, he strove to retain Truman, the director told him to leave the control of the world is very dangerous, but Truman was out of that door, walks over to the

dark unknown world, he said that the world waiting for him no

matter what, he did not care.Buddhism, the "epiphany"one said, and that a plete self-sufficiency of human nature is dead in

the dust covering it, it lost.Truman is the insight it seems, he should get back the lost self,the self-contained plete and carefree nature.

"Diamond Sutra" language: "Where all the phases are all

false, if seen in the phase of non-relative, then see the Tathagata."Costume sooner or later to fade,set to be removed sooner or later, when the act is performed in a lively manner, but Do not forget to watch a movie than ever addiction, feel

free to let another "I"- the I,off the stage,in the audience, sipping tea, take a look at the stage of "I" and "them", a few

drum Under the palm, a few drops of tears flow,understand this, that will insight a. In fact,we not taken the door across what is the relationship? Because our hearts have been cross-out.

As the movie started ,Trueman's life was peaceful and warm,filled with happyness,of which we may be envious.Everything went on wheels ,such as the first footstep,the first time to

go to school,the first kiss and the first marriage.This life

should be pretty fortable ,and it's just the one which most

people want.

However ,everyone in the movie knew Truemanin detail.They watched him raised up.Outside the island,people watched it

just like a interesting movie focus on one's privacy.On the

island,people acted all the roles in society ,they did the same thing with sham day after day ,for instance ,that twins seems like good oldies ,said so much to pleasure Trueman,but they didn't really want to help him,that is ,didn't want to buy any insurance.So,they were politely,say hello to him "Good morning ,good afternoon ,good evening and goodnight!"His mother ,wife ,even the best friend pretended to encourage and

understand him.what's a pity!

Where are your spirit and soul? How can a person

live without freedom and ideality?

Trueman found that his father still alive,and he still

love the first girl deeply in his heart.Finally,he wanted to

go Fiji and left this "lucky homeland".He went to several

agencies of transporting,while the ships were gone or destroyed,the airport had no ticket.Then he drove his own car,but the road was round and round.When he found one way to escape,amazing

that ,the police knew him and brought him home.He realize he

must do it all by himself.The faith of love and freedom gave him

the brave heart to defeat the stormy sea.

At the end,Christopher try to persuade him back to the

island ,Trueman made his choice,"In case I don't see you,good afternoon goodevening and goodnight"

There may be more dangerous,sham and cheat out of the island ,but all of this e from nature and society not from the people stared him all the day.

We learn from Trueman that we should have a brave heart

to pursuit the thing which in our inner heart instead of setting for the surface of our life!

When I first saw 'The Truman Show' I cameout of the theatre amazed. This is your first clue that you are watching something different from your normal Jim Carrey movie. I love the dialogue ,camera shot , performances, direction, music , and running time of this movie. There is nothing I would do to change it.

I came away from 'The Truman Show' feeling inspired which is

the goal of good filmmaking Jim Carrey was outstanding as Truman,

underplaying him, not making him too ic or too dramatic , but giving true sincerity when asked. He deserved an Oscar

nomination. Ed Harris has always been a good actor , but in this

movie he's a great and bullheadedness actor.


He plays

you don't

Christof with

know whether

such arrogance

he's helping or

destroying Truman. He and the director, Peter Weir, deserved their Oscar nods.

Weir , who directed the great 'Witness',uses different camera angles to make you feel like you're actually watching

'The Truman Show' and not a movie. He ends it before you

get tired of the concept and helped Carrey and Harris give

immaculate performances. Andrew Niol script is a real star in

the movie too because of it's inventiveness and ingenuity.

Overall , 'The Truman Show' is what I like to call a true

American classic.


楚门的世界电影观后感1000字5篇 #楚##门的世界电影观后感1000字# 《楚门的世界》有点残忍,又有点激动的故事,给我们留下一个耐人寻味的结局,让我们不由的会想想当楚门逃出这个小世界后又会发生怎样的故事,是过着幸福的生活,还是过着颠沛流离的生活呢这也确实让我更加投入这部电影的观看。 楚门的世界一个被操控的世界。楚门从被领养的那一刻,就注定被操控,他的成长、成熟、喜怒哀乐都被人操控和设计好的一场生活舞台秀!其实有一点也挺好,全世界17亿的观众一齐见证这他的成长,一齐见证他生活的点滴,像掉的第一颗门牙,初吻等等。可惜的事有些事情确实虚假的做着他生活的主角! 最让我气氛的是他身边的亲人、朋友们!一向欺骗着楚门整整快30年之久,我想说不的不佩服他们的演技啊。亲情、友情、感情是能够欺骗的吗更可恶的是他的父亲陪着那些残忍的人一齐去设计他的人生!楚门因为父亲的失去,背上了沉重的包袱,也从此让他害怕大海!戏剧性的,他发现了自我父亲还活着,还有自我的初吻女友给自我说的一些奇怪的话,他开始怀疑自我的生活是否真实。他想办法逃离这个城市,可是,飞机没有,汽车坏掉,自我驾车走的时候,又

发现核泄漏,一切都那么顺理成章。 可是,任何人都有失误的时候,一个不认识的人轻而易举叫出自我的名字,自我妻子害怕死时说的话,更勾起了他的怀疑。他开始明白自我在一个不真实的世界里,他设了一个圈套让自我逃离。当他消失的时候,所有的演员都在搜索着,但万万没有想到他藏身的地方,居然是楚门害怕已久的大海可是,导演不选择放出楚门,不仅仅是因为楚门是他的高收视率的保障演员,更是他亲眼看着长大的孩子。导演给海上的楚门加上了狂风暴雨,可是,却没有打败楚门前进的心。这时候,也是最激动人心的,那种坚持,很值得发扬。 导演最终还是被打败了,他放弃了,停止了所谓的狂风暴雨,让楚门走了。楚门走到尽头的时候,迎来的不是岸边,而是,一个硬硬的墙。他最终明白,自我的一生都被禁锢在了一个空间里。是种失望的感觉。他沿着岸边走,走到片场的门口。导演给楚门说了很多他的真心话,他期望楚门留下来。一方面为了他的收视率,一方面楚门真的没有接触过外面世界的虚伪,他害怕他受到伤害。这能够说,也是一种另类的疼爱吧。故事的结局如大家所想的一样,楚门逃出了这个虚假的世界,去寻找属于自我的生活和真爱!也留下了一个完美的念想…… 电影拍摄的方法很独特,让人们明白这个电影的结构和独特的视


电影楚门的世界观后感英语 《楚门的世界》这部电影大家有没有看,讲述的是关于很乐观的人,慢慢地发现周围世界都是安排好的,通过一段时间的探索,楚门最终做出了自己的选择。给大家了楚门的世界观后感英语,仅供参考。 Truman was a man, ordinary, like the life around us. He has many desires, and very easy to meet. Therefore, he sometimes ecstatic, sometimes Rusangkaobi, most of the time the loss depressed, overwhelmed. At this time, there has been a director of genius useless, and he constantly create new stimuli, so that he bees ups and downs in the long drama, appetizing. Truman happy he would give him time to create some trouble, when in its depressed, then seize the opportunity to open it alive. He made such romantic novels as blonde suddenly appeared in the sight of Truman, his erotic valve open, letting her sudden departure, so the mind fall into a bottomless abyss; he had never met before to Truman "late father" suddenly appeared, to recognize exaggerated ic scenes make it in your eyes, but also make the TV viewing audience tears; he brought Truman's close friends in their emotional bad time to care for him, enlighten He, so that it felt the "Oasis in the Desert" and rebirth of


电影楚门的世界观后感 英文名The Trueman Show。真人秀。前几天还查了一下真人秀的百度百科,真人秀是有规则但是没有剧本的电视节目,举个例子超级女声非诚勿扰都是,在一个场景中,在场人物的一言一行透过摄像机便成了观众眼中的电视节目。 电影里的楚门是一个从出生就开始生活在美丽岛上的明星,这个小岛是人工的巨大摄影棚,岛上的居民都是职业演员,日升日落四季交替都由编导调控,只不过身为主角的楚门并不知情。楚门在年界30的时候察觉到异样,并且在细致观察之后决定出海去地球的另一端寻找自己的初恋女友,在经历了导演设置的旨在阻止他出行的狂风大浪之后,载着楚门奔向自由的船撞到了摄影棚的蓝天幕布,至此楚门明白了一切,导演在与他的对话中告诉他:外面的世界和他赋予他的这个世界一样虚假,一样有谎言甚至肮脏,但是在这个世界里他是安全的。楚门拒绝了导演的要求转身走进了通往真实世界的黑暗之门。 我有点羡慕楚门。本来这部电影是传播学中一个“洞壁效应”的案例,是来佐证议程设置理论的。但是我还是羡慕楚门,即使在大多数人看来楚门是导演的囚徒。但是谁又能说这个世界的我们不是楚门呢? 影片很鲜明的在宣扬一种存在主义哲学:没有主权的生活,是没有意义的,没有意义的活着,不如去死。 很不明白为什么最后楚门的离开会让那么多人雀跃。试想如果真有这样的一个24小时直播的真人秀,那么守在电视机前的忠实观众到底是何居心呢?看热闹是必须的,渴望楚门发现骗局并挣脱这种被安排好的生活,是对节目可能的无休止进行感到厌倦?还是把自己和楚门在意念中进行了换位,想借楚门宣泄一下自己对自由的理想渴望? 回归到我们的世界,我们从出生开始一点点认识的这个世界,绝大多数的绝大多数都是借助于他人。父母,亲朋好友,老师,读物,电影,电视,音乐,互联网,甚至自然。我们对世界的认知来自于世界给我们提供的信息,换过来说,世界告诉了我们什么,我们就认为它是什么。 这不禁让人想起了《盗梦空间》里的女主角莫尔,她临死的情绪一定走了两个极端:对此世界的无限不信任和对彼世界的无限向往。她至死都在寻找真实。而什么是真实?我们从这个世界获知的是科学知识还是游戏规则?圣经里说上 帝创造了世界,就像影片中的导演,只不过这个导演没有上帝的大能,不能创造出足够让人探索不完的空间罢了。 而换一个角度,往小了点说,新闻联播每天都告诉我们:国内和平安定,领导日理万机,人民安乐富足,国外战乱、天灾、经济萧条、反华……政治,科技,甚至道德和价值观都在大众媒介中不断的抽自己的嘴巴。他们说的就是真实的吗?今天信誓旦旦的这样说,那么明天又会出怎样的说辞呢?现实永远比电影复杂。如果真有这样一个美丽、简单并承诺没有伤害的虚拟世界摆在你面前,和你眼前这个充满谎言充满利益与欺诈的真实世界相比,你还会选择跨进这个黑暗之门吗?何况谁又能说所谓的真实世界不是别有用心的人用媒介和舆论编制的无 需负责的场景实验呢? 影片中,除了导演和楚门,其他的人都有病,不管是酒馆里热切讨论剧情的看客还是沙发上老态龙钟抱着印有楚门头像抱枕的老太婆,不管是躺在浴缸里为楚门的命运情绪大起大落的胡须男还是警卫室里守着电视机废寝忘食的保安,甚至试图提醒并鼓励楚门逃离摄影棚的罗拉,都统统有病,并且我相信影片中对这些人的特写并不是出于对感染力的追求,而是导演别出心裁的讽刺。设想一下,


第一篇:100部英文电影 100 部超级好看的英文电影 1,魔法灰姑娘〔超级推荐〕(安妮海瑟薇主演) 2,贱女孩〔超级推荐〕(林赛罗汉主演) 3,灰姑娘的玻璃手机〔超级推荐〕 4,美人鱼〔超级推荐〕(里面音乐也很好听) 5,舞出我人生〔超级推荐〕(励志的!刚出了第二部) 6,录取通知书 7,水瓶座女孩 8,倒霉爱神(林赛罗汉主演) 9,儿女一箩筐 10,冰雪公主〔超级推荐〕 11,我的朋友是明星〔超级推荐〕 12,辣妈辣妹〔超级推荐〕(林赛罗汉主演) 13,物质女孩〔超级推荐〕 14,疯狂金龟车(林赛罗汉主演) 15,平民天后〔超级推荐〕 16,公主日记(不用说勒)〔超级推荐〕(还有第二部哟!) 17,歌舞青春〔超级推荐〕[很热的电影!(ⅰ和ⅱ都喜欢) 18,律政俏佳人 19,麻辣宝贝〔超级推荐〕 20,恋爱刺客 21,美少女啦啦队〔超级推荐〕 22,12月男孩〔超级推荐〕(哈利波特演的哟)

23,足球尤物 24,魔法双星 25,超完美男人〔超级推荐〕 25,劲歌飞扬〔超级推荐〕 26,纽约时刻 27,奶牛美女 28,穿prada的恶魔〔超级推荐〕 29,天生一对 30,高校天后〔超级推荐〕 31,像乔丹一样 32,牛仔裤的夏天〔超级推荐超感人~〕 33,初恋的回忆〔超级推荐欣慰~〕 34,甜心辣舞〔超级推荐〕 35,花豹美眉 36,女兵报道 37,女生向前翻〔超级推荐很立志!〕 38,小姐好辣 39,欧洲任我行 40,留级之王 41,风云才女(希尔顿酒店继承人之一尼克?希尔顿首部主打影片!这是一部有关大学女生校园生活的喜剧,影片描述大学校园里一群正处于青春叛逆期、蠢蠢欲动的特权阶层少男少女平日里生活的点点滴滴……有点点sex)〔超级推荐i love hilton sisters〕 42,谁领风骚〔超级推荐女生的可怕和可爱〕

楚门的世界 The Truman Show 英文影评 review by Kevin Lally

楚门的世界 The Truman Show 英文影评review by Kevin Lally 2008-03-14 23:11:23 来源:Internet 浏览次数:2903 文字大小:【大】【中】【小】 简介:Jim Carrey proved he could play it straight (well, at least a portion of the time) as a family man in Liar Liar, his 1997 comedy blockbuster. With The Truman Show, the elastic-faced, loose-limbed dyna ... Jim Carrey proved he could play it straight (well, at least a portion of the time) as a family man in Liar Liar, his 1997 comedy blockbuster. With The Truman Show, the elastic-faced, loose-limbed dynamo shows he can also be as serious as needed, in the title role of this imaginative tale of an electronic-age guinea pig. Screenwriter Andrew Niccol, whose directing debut, Gattaca, cautioned against the potential tyranny of genetic advances, again finds reasons for paranoia in technological progress, as an innocent named Truman Burbank becomes the unknowing, all-consuming subject of a 24-hour television network. Niccol's unconventional fable is superbly realized by director Peter Weir (Fearless, Dead Poets Society, Witness), who fashions a disorienting visual style to fit the artifice and pent-up anxiety of Truman's world. Niccol and Weir shrewdly immerse the audience in this oddly cheerful environment, without immediate explanations of what's really going on behind its sunny fa?ade. Truman lives with his wholesome wife Meryl (Laura Linney) in a picture-perfect house in the squeaky-clean island community of Seahaven, where he works for a large insurance firm. His days pass by uneventfully, until a series of incidents shake him out of his complacency: A huge piece of lighting equipment falls out of the sky. A homeless man appears who looks just like Truman's dead father. Strange radio transmissions, like stage directions, come out of his car radio. For the first time, Truman begins to suspect that something is rotten in Seahaven. Nearly halfway through the film, we learn the truth: Since birth, Truman has been watched by a phalanx of hidden cameras, his every waking move transmitted to an increasingly addicted, international television audience. Seahaven is actually the world's largest studio set; the sky, the ocean, the stars and the sunsets are fakes, and the weather is controlled by outside forces. What's more, everyone Truman encounters in his daily routine is an actor-even his wife and his best friend Marlon (Noah Emmerich) are on the payroll. This enormous charade is the handiwork of Christof (Ed Harris), a megalomaniacal conceptual artist who sees nothing wrong with the mass-appeal social experiment he's concocted.


小王子电影观后感英文版 本文为小王子电影观后感英文版范文,让我们通过以下的文章来了解。 Recently, I read a fairy story book, Little Prince. This book tells the adventurous experiences of little prince from his planet to the earth. Little prince comes from the outer space and he is hurt by a rose. So he leaves there and travels into space. He comes to the earth and be the friend of a fox. The fox tells his secret to little prince and he helps a pilot in the desert. In the end, he dies under the help of a snake and his soul goes back to his planet. This book is very interesting and teaches me a lot. I like little price adventures. He teaches me to be honest and love others. All of us should never loss the pureness of childhood. This is a fairytale whose distribution volume is only second to The Bible. It’s been translated to versions of many other languages. And I gather there must be something special, something really great about it. It’s this conviction that drove me to read it at the first beginning. Well, with due respect to the author, I failed to see how this fairytale be worthy


《楚门的世界》—观后感 《楚门的世界》很精彩的一部电影,虽然前半部分看的云里雾里,但随着情节的深入,电影的框架逐渐呈现在我们眼前,同时,对这部电影的兴趣也越来越大。 本电影是个虚构的故事,楚门是这个故事的主人公,他是一个电视长剧的主角,却不知道自己的演员身份。电视剧的导演是个超级天才,他让楚门从刚出生起就在他的镜头前长大,竟让他蒙在鼓里近30年,在这么多年的时间里,这个电视直播节目全天24小时滚动播出,从不间断。这个天才导演制造了整个“楚门的世界”,他派出了许多演员去充当楚门的母亲、朋友、同学、同事、初恋的情人、失而复得的父亲、缺乏共同语言的妻子……他的摄影棚是个庞大的空间,他让楚门每天生活在这个虚拟的空间中,一切都是制造出来的,包括空气、大海、城市、打雷和下雨……当楚门发现这虚假的一切之后,为了追求他心中真正的自由,选择离开这座桃源小城,并且在冲破导演给他造成的种种困难后,最终走了出去。 电影的布局很巧妙,导演并没有从一开始就把事件的整个脉络讲述给大家,以致让人刚开始感觉云里雾里,不过当人们逐渐明白整个事件的来龙去脉后,就会被电影独特的情节所吸引(至少我个人是这种感觉)。以这样的方式把故事讲述给大家,未免有些冒险。因为当人们耐心不是很强时,可能看到电影的一半就已经看不下去了,并且感觉电影乱七八糟。但也许这正是电影成功的原因所在,假设导演以一种直叙的很普通的方式把故事讲述给大家,我们现在也许就不可能在这讨论这部电影了,这部电影在人们心中的印象也许只是昙花一现。虽然这种方式可能有些冒险,但我很赞同导演的这种方法,事实也证明这部电影很成功。每个人一生不知道会看多少部电影,但真正能让人记住的能有几部?我相信《楚门的世界》会是其中之一,其中原因不仅仅是独特的故事情节,巧妙的讲述方式也占了很大一部分。也许我们还可以想象,那些看到电影一半就走的人,当他们听到那些把电影看完的人的所讲之后,可能又会把电影再看一遍,这样看来,电影以这种方式讲述真是再值不过了。 也许,很多人会羡慕电影中的楚门,因为在导演的安排下,楚门可以过一种安稳平静的生活,并且一生的东西都可以不用发愁,这也许正是很多人想要的。


看英语电影观后感英文版 电影大家看过许多了,观后感大家也写过许多,那么偶尔看一 看写一写英语的观后感也是不错的。下面是的关于英语电影观后感, 希望对您有所帮助 ! Avatar is directed by James Cameron.The two main characters are Jake Sully,played by Sam Worthington,and Neytiri,played by Zoe Saldana. Clones named Avatars are sent to Pandora Pla to persuade people there to leave the pla so that human beings can exploit a rare mineral.Jake is sent there to control his Avatar.However,he es across Neytiri and they fall in love with each other.Jake begins to see that nature and the pla should be protected.At last he and the people there work together to defeat human beings and send them back to the earth. 3D technology and the beautiful natural scenery are the two highlights of the film.The message of the film is simple — human beings should protect nature and live in harmony with it. am honored today watched the United States , 3D cartoon animated film The story is the old manCarl and his wife Eliza has always been thought of children in South America


《楚门的世界》影评观后感 《楚门的世界》影评观后感 这是人自由的天性与整个猥琐世界的较量。 偷窥是人类内心邪恶肮脏的发泄口,它源于黑暗,却光明的 出现在我们的生活中,因为每个人都有这种接近变态的心理,自 然不好意思多说什么。2011年《世界新闻报》窃听门,2013美国 棱镜门,从小报到大国,一派正义政府和道德媒体面具,背后是 令人发指的可耻行径。当然,偷窥不是公共机构的专利,每个人 都有这种欲望,他们只是利用权力把这种欲望的实现达到了顶峰。今年我们在茶余饭后的话题颇多,出轨的、嫖娼的、吸毒的都有,就这么一桌麻将的人数能让某圈人持续半年处于高潮状态之中, 只为满足下面一群人饥渴的欲望。我们就是这一群人。现在仔细 想想,这些事情在我们生活中每天都在发生,听到这些事就像吃 饭睡觉一样稀松平常,但为何换了人就大不一样呢?因为人类内 心阴暗的偷窥欲。我们就像《楚门的世界》那些观众,我们强烈想观察楚门的一举一动,那些偷窥镜头就是现实中我们内心想要的 眼睛。 楚门自小梦想探险,基斯督在楚门小时候用老师打击和恶狗 狂吠的方式使楚门慢慢打消探险的念头,但这显然不够,因此只 能安排楚门的“父亲”却克浸水而死,这种残酷的方法很奏效, 使得楚门从小怕水,天真的基斯督认为这样就可以使楚门安心地

在桃源岛上度过一生,可天性岂能如此容易因为这个而退步?基 斯督控制了楚门的世界,桃源岛上除楚门之外的所有人都是他的 演员,包括楚门的同事、妻子、母亲和从小到大的朋友,甚至连 日出降雨都由他来操控。五千多部摄像机使基斯督能够监视一切,但就差一部摄像机没装,导致了他最终困不住楚门,但不怪基斯督,因为他没法在楚门的脑中装摄像机。 再万能的基斯督也不能保证他的“真人秀”完美无瑕,正是 这些根本无法避免的穿帮镜头让楚门一步步怀疑自己的世界,怀 疑自己周围的人,此时他唯有相信自己,事实上也唯有自己可以 相信。虚假毕竟是虚假,总有露出破绽的时候,瞒得了一时瞒不 了一世,最多只能瞒半世。在楚门三十岁的时候,他的世界发生 了许多匪夷所思的事情,使得他不得不离开这个变态的桃源岛。 天上掉下来的天狼星和沙滩上只跟随楚门降的雨只是告诉大家,楚门的这个世界不同寻常,加上这解释成飞机零件故障脱落,因此楚门本身并没放在心上。但从头也可以看出楚门的矛盾,一 方面想离开桃源岛去斐济,另一方面又怕水,在意愿不强烈的情 况下被马龙和妻子说服,这暂时告一段落。但很快,楚门的世界 越来越不平静。 饰演楚门已逝父亲却克的演员逃回片场,楚门刚刚大吃一惊 还没反应过来的同时被两个人带上公车,楚门追上去的同时又被 突然出来的人群以及路人汽车阻拦,虽然楚门不知道这是基斯督 的演员,更不知道这事实。解释这个漏洞的是楚门的“妈妈”,


导语《楚门的世界》是派拉蒙影业公司于1998年出品的一部电影。由彼得·威尔执导,金·凯瑞、劳拉·琳妮、诺亚·艾默里奇、艾德·哈里斯等联袂主演。影片讲述了楚门是一档热门剧的主人公,他身边的所有事情都是虚假的,他的亲人和朋友全都是演员,但他本人对此一无所知。最终楚门不惜一切代价走出了这个虚拟的世界。下面是收集的《楚门的世界》,欢迎大家参考。 【篇一《楚门的世界》观后感】 为了消磨暑假那些无聊的时间,我又将那些曾经令我感动过的电影拿出来与大家分享。 楚门的世界是我看的唯一一部让我感动到一回想就要哭的影片。影片是说楚门,一个从小就生活在电视节目中的男人,他的出生、长大、成人,都是在众目睽睽之下进行的——他是一个电视节目的“特邀嘉宾”。从出生就在“拍戏”,拍摄真人秀。每一个摄像机都摄下了他的一举一动,供观众“欣赏”。但他——楚门却一无所知,毕竟“当局者迷,旁观者清。”他的忠实观众玛丽十分同情,所以便给了楚门一些提示。 从此,楚门发现了生活的不对劲,他所工作的员工都是从他到来之后才开始工作;他所在小区的所有车和人都在反复行走同样的路线;他所爱的妻子说去医院上班但是她竟不是医生……楚门开始畏惧,畏惧这个城市,畏惧自己的生活……

楚门决定出逃,在无数次出逃的失败后,楚门决定渡海。在到了这个城市的尽头的时候,他才发现自己住在一个聚到的摄影棚里,这时,这场“大戏”的导演克里斯托弗走了出来,向楚门讲述了事情的来龙去脉,并劝楚门继续留下拍戏,因为他是明星,留下来就可以继走他的明星路,但是楚门选择了自由、自己的自由…… 看我后我早已泪流满面。看!人的自由多么重要,人就是不能没有自由。大家一定买过什么小兔子呀、小老鼠一类的宠物吧。虽然你给他们的住所是非常之好,但是他们任然想回到大自然,获得自由,若是将你困在一个笼子里,你一定也会受不了的。 但是,我又从侧面想了想,这不也正说明“无知是福”么!若是楚门不知道这些事情,不知道自己是一个二十多年来一直被“戏弄着”的演员,他也就会继续过下去,继续走他的明星路,直到他死去,都一直过的快乐悠闲。这不是很好么? 我不知导演金·凯瑞是否有过这样的想法,但是他着实给了我很大的启发。 【篇二楚门的世界观后感】 说实话,我一开始还真没怎么看懂,还以为是纪录片,实在是领悟能力不行啊。


功夫熊猫 Or the dream factory has always been the high standard, the screen exquisite detail, vivid characters vivid, touching story twists and turns, the most important thing is it in the most simple and easy to understand that the way of a token, that is - there is no shortcut to the world and Cheats, the only winning Famen is believe in themselves.? 这个杀手不太冷 This film was absolutely amazing. I have spent hours re-watching various scenes and noticing all the perfection with which they are acted and directed. It's not the violence or action sequences that make this movie so great (although they are well done...), but rather moments like where Mathilda knocks on Leon's door. It would be so easy to just film the door opening, but instead we see light illuminating Natalie Portman's face, symbolizing something angelic. And the moment has so much more meaning.? I know a lot of people who have seen this film because they are action fans. I'm not. But I'm glad I finally found it, because it's a wonderful film in so many other ways. 哈利波特 Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by British author J. K. Rowling. The books chronicle the adventures of the eponymous adolescent wizard Harry Potter, together with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, his best friends. The central story arc concerns Harry's struggle against the evil wizard Lord Voldemort, who killed Harry's parents in his quest to conquer the wizarding world, after which he seeks to subjugate the Muggle (non-magical) world to his rule. 动画喜剧海底总动员 Somewhere, under the sea, weak-finned clown fish Nemo (Alexander Gould) lives with his fretful father, Marlin (Albert Brooks). Smothered by pop's paranoia, he ventures away from the reef, but his dad's dread is justified when a passing diver whisks him away.? Taken to a tank in a Sydney dentists, Nemo meets Gill (Willem Dafoe) and co - friendly fish who dream of escaping to the ocean. Meanwhile, Marlin bumps into a blue tang named Dory (Ellen DeGeneres), and sets out to save his son...? The splendour of natural history hit The Blue Planet is matched by the wit of the script and stars. Barry Humphries has a terrific cameo as a great white shark who's sworn off killing (Remember, fish are friends, not food!), while DeGeneres provides perfect timing and tone as Dory, whose short-term memory loss is a gag that never stops running? 世界末日 There are so many amazing things in the world.这个世界上有太多不可思议的事情.If tomorrow is the end of the world,what can we do?如果明天是世界末日,我们可以做什么?So now,i think we should keep smile everyday.所以现在,我觉得我们应该每天都微笑.After i finish the movie of "2012The end of the world",I feel very upset about that.我看完“2012世界末日”这电影之后,我感到很悲伤.When I saw the people die in the movie,I thought about if this event will happen to us,will we die very helpless?当我看到人类在这个电影里死了,我想到了如果这件事情发生在我们身上,我们会死得很无助吗?If we have to die,I'll choose the one happy ending,like we


电影楚门的世界观后感三篇 导语:好电影总是让人惊喜,甚至震撼。下面是电影楚门的世界观后感,欢迎参考。 篇一:电影楚门的世界观后感 楚门的世界是一部成名已久的电影,这部由金凯瑞主演的电影可谓家喻户晓,虽然对这部电影早有耳闻,但我却因为总总原因一直没有去欣赏这部电影。终于在这周末填补了这个空缺,让我也受到了一些启发,有了一些思考。 先来说说我们的主角楚门,他从一出生就从几个婴儿中被选中,一出生就是明星”在这个围绕着他来运转的世界中,无论有夫妻之实的妻子,还是从小玩到大的玩伴,甚至是将他抚养大的父母,这些的一切都是拿着薪水工作的演员,对于他们来说这仅仅是一份工作,以及成名的机会。想到这里,我不禁对这些演员的内心情感充满了疑问,即使这些演员与楚门非亲非故,但是在经历这么多年的朝夕相处,他们不会对楚门产生感情吗?俗话说的日久生情”难道对于他们来说是不适用的吗?我实在无法理解影片中这一部分的逻辑。 躲在月亮”上操作着这个世界的导演就像这个世界的上帝一样,可以任意操纵人的生死,为了扼杀楚门的探索欲望,他设计了楚门父亲葬生大海的这一幕戏,从此楚门便与水绝缘,在长

达20多年的生活中,未曾敢踏出这个桃源镇半步,直到一系列的意外事件,才使得楚门选择踏上了冲出这个世界的道路。对于这个世界,楚门一直都抱有着绝对的信赖,在他看来一切是那么的美好,早上兴冲冲的出门,与邻里街坊打着同样的招呼,和卖报人每日的寒暄,工作上颇为照顾的上司,这个世界对于他来说没有一丝恶意,也正是他的单纯善良,让那些看起来漏洞百出,只需要细细推敲一番就能看出的剧组破绽变得天衣无缝。楚门即使这个世界的主角,也是这个世界的囚徒。 楚门在影片的最后一刻毅然的走出那扇通往真实世界的大门,这个片段相信能在不少人的心中掀起思想的巨浪。这个决定没有所谓的对与错,也许是出于对真实世界残酷的无知,又或者是出于对真实世界的向往,或者是出于对只见过几面的初恋女友的思念。但无论如何,楚门是一定会踏上这条道路的,因为人性的使然,自由纯真的楚门在世外桃源”的环境下长大,在他的身上一直留存着人的最原始的探索的欲望,对自由的渴望。面对导演的劝诫,如果是我,我会如何选择呢?或许我会更倾向于生活安定,无忧无虑的桃源生活”。外面的世界又何尝不是另一个牢笼呢?这让我想起了《围城》中的一句话,城外的人想进去,城里的人想出来。” 克里斯托导演,能够操控桃源镇的一切,小到人员事件,大


《楚门的世界》——观后感 专业班级:电气11-3班 姓名:雷春俊 学号:11053311 2013年5月19日星期日

《楚门的世界》是一个很有哲理的电影,因为他给我的启示就像上了一节哲学课。虽然电影早已经结束,但是它对我的影响从未间断,也让我对自己的思考从未间断——我们每个人在某些方面何尝不是被囚禁呢! 电影刚开始由于场面比较乱,让我不知所云,无法进入情节,所以感觉特别的乏味。但是就在我要是去再继续看下去的勇气时,转折点出现了。让我身临其境的看完了这部含义深刻、韵味无穷的哲学电影——这或许就是这部电影的艺术所在。 《楚门的世界》讲了30年前奥姆尼康电视制作公司收养了一名婴儿,他们刻意培养他使其成为全球最受欢迎的纪实性肥皂剧《楚门的世界》中的主人公,公司为此取得了巨大的成功。然而这一切却只有一人全然不知,他就是该剧的唯一主角——楚门。楚门从小到大一直生活在一座叫桃源岛的小城(实际上是一座巨大的摄影棚),他是这座小城里的一家保险公司的经纪人,楚门看上去似乎过着与常人完全相同的生活,但他却不知道生活中的每一秒钟都有上千部摄像机在对着他,每时每刻全世界都在注视着他,更不知道身边包括妻子和朋友在内的所有人都是《楚门的世界》的演员。虽然感觉到每个人似乎都很注意他,而且从小到大所做的每一件事却都有着一些意想不到的戏剧性的效果,但这些都没有使这位天性淳朴的小伙子太过于在意。可节目的制作组由于一时的疏忽,竟让在楚门小时候因他而“死”的“父亲”再次露面,“父亲”立即被工作人员带走,直到楚门悲痛万分开始怀疑后他们编织了一个完美的谎言让他们“父子”相见,从而达到他们满意的效果。多年前一位既是《楚门的世界》的忠实观众又是该节目群众演员的年轻姑娘施维亚十分同情楚门,楚门对她一见钟情。她给了楚门一些善意的暗示,自己却被强行带离片场。回忆起施维亚的楚门开始重新认识自己的生活。渐渐地楚门发现他工作的公司每一个人都在他出现后才开始真正的工作,他家附近的路上每天都有相同的人和车在反复来往,更让他不敢相信的是,自称是医生并每天都去医院工作的妻子竟不是医生。楚门开始怀疑他所生活的这个世界,包括他妻子、朋友、父亲等所有的人都在骗他,一种发自内心的恐惧油然而生。痛定思痛,他决定不惜一切代价逃出海景这个令他噤若寒蝉的小城,去寻找属于自己真正的生活和真正爱他的人。然而,楚门却低估了集这个肥皂剧的制作人、导演和监制大权于一身的克里斯托弗的力量。克里斯托弗将一切都设计得近乎完美,近30年里牢牢地把楚门控制在海景的超现实世界之中。经过几次逃脱的努力失败后,楚门决定从海上离开这座小城,然而他却绝望地发现他面前的大海和天空竟然也是这个巨大摄影棚的一部分,这时克里斯托弗在天上巨大的控制室里向楚门讲述了事情的来龙去脉,并告诉楚门他如今已经是世界上最受欢迎的明星,他今天所取得的一切是常人无法想象的,如果他愿留在海景就可继续明星生活,楚门不为所动,毅然走向远方的自由之路。 整部影片向我们展现了一个平凡的小人物是怎样在自己毫不知情的情况下被制造成闻名的电视明星,却完全被剥夺了自由、隐私乃至尊严,成为大众娱乐工业的牺牲品,这就好像是在演绎一则荒诞无稽的人生寓言,我们在同情男主角楚门被强行束缚的生活方式之余,更从内心激发出一种强烈的情感,那就是对惟利是图、践踏人权的社会现象的强烈讽刺。影片集中反映了人类的希望和焦虑,


《楚门的世界》观后感5篇 楚门的世界观后感(1) 楚门的世界是我看的唯一一部让我感动到一回想就要哭的影片。影片是说楚门,一个从小就生活在电视节目中的男人,他的出生、长大、成人,都是在众目睽睽之下进行的——他是一个电视节目的“特邀嘉宾”。从出生就在“拍戏”,拍摄真人秀。每一个摄像机都摄下了他的一举一动,供观众“欣赏”。但他——楚门却一无所知,毕竟“当局者迷,旁观者清。”他的忠实观众玛丽十分同情,所以便给了楚门一些提示。从此,楚门发现了生活的不对劲,他所工作的员工都是从他到来之后才开始工作;他所在小区的所有车和人都在反复行走同样的路线;他所爱的妻子说去医院上班可是她竟不是医生……楚门开始畏惧,畏惧这个城市,畏惧自我的生活…… 楚门决定出逃,在无数次出逃的失败后,楚门决定渡海。在到了这个城市的尽头的时候,他才发现自我住在一个聚到的摄影棚里,这时,这场“大戏”的导演克里斯托弗走了出来,向楚门讲述了事情的来龙去脉,并劝楚门继续留下拍戏,因为他是明星,留下来就能够继走他的明星路,可是楚门选择了自由、自我的自由…… 看我后我早已泪流满面。看!人的自由多么重要,人就是不能没有自由。大家必须买过什么小兔子呀、小老鼠一类的宠物吧。虽然你给他们的住所是十分之好,可是他们任然想回到大自然,获得自由,若是将你困在一个笼子里,你必须也会受不了的。

可是,我又从侧面想了想,这不也正说明“无知是福”么!若是楚门不明白这些事情,不明白自我是一个二十多年来一向被“戏弄着”的演员,他也就会继续过下去,继续走他的明星路,直到他死去,都一向过的欢乐悠闲。这不是很好么 楚门的世界观后感(2) 今日向大家介绍一部电影,名叫《楚门的世界》。顾名思义,这部电影描绘的就是一个以“楚门”为中心的“世界”。 “楚门”,一个普通的年轻人,在一次事件发现了自我生活的世界是虚假的,小镇上的一切都是人演出来的。开始藯是想要逃离这个“完美”的世界,几经波折,楚门最终克服了领导成为,从这个世界逃离了出去。 除“楚门”外,整部电影最受争议性的人物就是《楚门的世界》的导演基斯督。基斯督,这个在幕后控制楚门一生的人,在影中得到了前任演员(楚门的初恋女友)的痛斥,在影外更是得到观众的无数差评。 但仔细想想,基斯叔其实人并不坏,他除了为了真人秀而欺骗楚门外,并没有做出其他的伤害楚门的事情。 说实话,基斯督是那般地接近为人父母。不是吗,他在“暗处”默默地陪伴着楚门,看着他出生,看着他学会走路,看着他入学,看着他走入婚姻的殿堂······能够说是他见证了楚门的一生,这完美地贴合了一个为人父母的形象。 更何况他给楚门的爱并不少于其它父母。从楚门刚出生,基
