第二章 练习答案 词法翻译的一般技巧

第二章 练习答案  词法翻译的一般技巧
第二章 练习答案  词法翻译的一般技巧




1. a faithful Christian

2. a loving parent

3. an obedient child

4. a virtuous wife

5. a dutiful husband

6. a hardworking student

7. strong wind 8. thick fog

9 heavy rain


1. Only when they find much n common and hope to keep in touch later on, will they offer their cards. (注意不要把“投机”翻译成speculative)

2. Another example. The reading of Chinese classics is a must for all Chinese. Nevertheless, it was not until I was over 30 that I came to realize the importance of self-study in the matter of classics.

3. Dear young friends, my advice to you is: Do physical exercises perseveringly. That has nothing to do with merry-making or time-wasting. Good health is the wherewithal for a successful life and career.


1. fish in troubled waters

2. be after one's own heart

3. skin and bones

4. touch and go

5. hit the nail on the head

6. be head and shoulders above others

7. turn a deaf ear to

8. burn one's boat

9. turn a blind eye to

10. look for a needle in a bundle of hay


1. Practice makes perfect.

2. More haste, less speed.

3. East or west, home is best.

4. All is fish that comes to the net.

5. Everything comes to him who waits

6. The moon is not seen when the sun shines

7. Look before you leap.

8. There is no smoke without fire.



1. Even a child can answer this question.

2. This is the head of our delegation

3. He put the paper aside and turned on the radio.

4. The Chinese people are industrious and brave.

5. We must have faith in the masses.

6. The compass was invented in China

7. The moon moves around the earth.


1. Hand in your exercise-books, please.

2. I can't express myself in English.

3. Liberalism manifests itself in various ways.

4. Don't overwork yourself.

5. I wish to avail myself of this opportunity to express our gratitude to you.


1. They are in high spirits.

2. They beamed with joy.

3. He is quick of eye and deft of hand.

4. This article is easy to read and understand

5. I stood aloof from him.


l. The book is very popular among young people.

2. She inquired about your illness.

3. The mountain is l,000 feet above the sea level.

4. Shut the door after/when you go out.

5. Dinner was at one o'clock.

6. We rejoice at every victory you win.


1. Promote physical culture and build up the people's health

2. Men and women, old and young, all joined in the battle.

3. We worked neither for fame nor for personal gain.

4. We should strike while the iron is hot.

5. I shall stay here until I've completed my studies.


1. You might have the genius of Li Bai or Du Fu, who was a great poet in the Tang Dynasty

and the moral worth of Yan Hui or Zeng Shen—both of them were disciples of Confucius no one would ask your advice.

2. to show off one's proficiency with the ax before Lu Ban the master carpenter

3. Jigong, Robin Hood in China, robbed the rich and helped the poor.

4. let a hundred flowers bloom, permit the airing of conflicting views

5. black children, who are born in violation of China's one-child policy



1. Reform and opening-up reversed the stagnation of national economy

2. His rudeness shocked me.

3. He has undertaken/taken up the translation of Lu Xun's works.

4. The export is not permitted to exceed its limit.

5. The discussion covers Sino-US relations.

6. In the summer of 1969, the Administration publicly urged an easing of tensions with China.

7. His arrogance made everyone dislike him.

8. Now birth control became a possibility.

9. China is carrying out nationwide pollution control and environmental protection.

10. During the talk, their discussion centered around the protection of intellectual properties rights.

11. promote peaceful reunification

12. Our import-export in the first half of this year has gone very well.


1. The two sides held that Sino-US relations should be viewed in a global context and from a

perspective of the future and the 21st century in particular.

2. When problems emerge, they can be easily put right.

3. distance/length/size/height

4. Increase the awareness about self-reliance, competition, efficiency, and democracy and the

rule of law, as well as the pioneering and innovation spirit.

5. Silence! Silence! Unless we burst out, we shall perish in this silence.

6. Productive forces are the most dynamic and the most revolutionary factors as well as the ultimate decisive force of social development.

7. Our party must always represent the development trend of China's advanced productive forces; the orientation of China's advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of people in China.


1. I went there to have a look. All I remember now is that the guards at the entrance were Swiss soldiers in yellow uniforms.

2. We need to import advanced industrial equipment.

3. Past experiences teach us….

4. That is a facade.

5. We must adhere to the principle of plain living and hard struggle.

6. We must carry forward and promote the spirit of practicality, truth-seeking and courage in


7. This shattered his illusion.

8. We demand that US government apologize to China for this incident.

9. Encourage both Chinese and overseas investments in the central and western regions.



1. fine words

2. glib tongue

3. exhausted

4. stumbling

5. move forces

6. burn one's boat


1. We must have this ambition.

2. I got into my old rags and my sugar-hogshead again, and was free and satisfied.

3. Each of the five performances enjoyed a full house, with many spectators having to stand.

4. He is determined to turn over a new leaf.

5. He worked hard at his studies even in early childhood.

6. The Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are of the same flesh and blood.

7. All the staff unite in absolute sincerity.

8. Before you came, I did nothing but idle and drift into anything that offered itself.

9. He sought the distraction of distance.



1. There is no difference in their views.

2. We found difficulty in solving this complicated problem.

3. The delegates unanimously expressed their determination to oppose the nuclear weapons

4. His new book is a great success.

5. He looked at me in amazement.

6. The sun shines over the earth.

7. The news quickly spread throughout the world.

8. Her voice rings through the house.

9. This area is densely populated.

10. Our government shows great concern for the Chinese students abroad.

11. They give this famous writer a warm welcome.

12. She acted as a reluctant tourist guide.

13. She has a strong desire to see him.

14. I will give an immediate reply.

15. Independent thinking is an absolute necessity in study.


1. Oxygen is one of the important elements in the physical world; it is very active chemically.

2. This kind of behavior characterizes the criminal mind.

3. The earth is shaped like a big ball.

4. He aims to be a successful writer.

5. This coffee tastes of chocolate.

6. All the students should develop morally, intellectually and physically.

7. The magnificent Great Hall of the People impressed us tremendously.

8. We can house you if the hotels are full.

9. Ignorance and negligence has caused this mistake.

10. Olive branch symbolizes peace.

11. We should respect the old and love the young.



1. A: Can I have a cup of black coffee with sugar, p/ease? B: Give me the same, please.

2. When the clock struck three, Elizabeth felt that she must go; and very unwillingly she said so.

3. A: Would you like this teapot? B: No, I want a square one.

4 This represented a great shift from the centuries-long history of reclaiming farmland from lakes to restoring it to them on a large scale.

5. This is the key workshop in our factory. Here we have comparatively complete equipment. Cooling-fan installations, heating devices and communications facilities are also equipped over

those machineries.


l. I do not know any more than you do. (do= know)

2. He did not often grumble, and when he did, no one paid much attention to him. (did= grumble)

3. He rose early, as he had always done. (had…done= had…risen early)

4. Although most of the people bowed to him, they spat into the dirt as they did so.

5. Peter is joining our group. I’m not sure whether David will do so or not.

6. I promised to get a ticket for him and I will do so.

7. They say that the Prime Minster will soon dissolve Parliament and call for new elections. I doubt very much if he will do so!

8. Are you busy this afternoon? If not,1 hope you would stay with me for a while.




1. He is always hankering after personal fame and gains

2. She is fond of figure skating.

3. He is in the fur trade.

4. You are peddling national nihilism.

5. He collaborated with the invaders and betrayed his motherland.

6. We should enhance our mutual cooperation.

7. He is deeply engrossed in medical research.

8. That chap is infatuated with fame and fortune.

9. It shall be strictly prohibited that more forests and pastures be turned onto farmland

10. China's economy is a major question.

11. The stubborn boy refused to listen to his parent's advice.

12. He accomplished the work with stubborn effort.


高考英语翻译技巧(很有用)及练习题 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Translation: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.究竟是什么激发小王学习电子工程的积极性?(motivate) 2.网上支付方便了客户,但是牺牲了他们的隐私。(at the cost of) 3.让我的父母非常满意的是,从这个公寓的餐厅可以俯视街对面的世纪公园,从起居室也可以。(so) 4.博物馆疏于管理,展品积灰,门厅冷落,急需改善。(whose) 【答案】 1.What on earth has motivated Xiao Wang’s enthusiasm/ initiative to major in electronic engineering? 2.Online payment brings convenience to consumers at the cost of their privacy. 3.To my parents’ satisfaction, the dining room of this apartment overlooks the Century Park opposite the street and so it is with the sitting room. 或者What makes my parents really satisfy is that they can see the Century Park from the dining room of this apartment, so can they from the living room. 4.This museum is not well managed, whose exhibits are covered with dust, and there are few visitors, so everything is badly in need of improvement. 或The museum whose management is reckless, whose exhibits are piled with dust and whose lobby is deserted, requires immediate improvement. 【解析】 1.motivate sb to do sth 激发某人做某事,on earth究竟,major in 以…为专业,enthusiasm/ initiative热情/积极性,故翻译为What on earth has motivated Xiao Wang’s enthusiasm/ initiative to major in electronic engineering? 2.online payment网上支付,brings convenience to给…带来方便,at the cost of以…为代价,privacy隐私,故翻译为Online payment brings convenience to consumers at the cost of their privacy. 3.To my parents’ satisfaction令我父母满意的是,后者也那样so it is with。也可以用主语从句What makes my parents really satisfy 表语从句thatthey can see the Century Park from the dining room of this apartment。overlooks俯视,opposite the street街对面,living room 起居室。故翻译为To my parents’ satisfaction, the dining room of this apartment overlooks the Century Park opposite the street and so it is with the sitting room.或者What makes my parents really satisfy is that they can see the Century Park from the dining room of this apartment, so can they from the living room. 4.not well managed/ management is reckless疏于管理,be covered with dust/ be piled with dust被灰尘覆盖,few visitors游客稀少,be badly in need of improvement/ requires immediate improvement亟需改善。故翻译为his museum is not well managed, whose exhibits


翻译技巧 【增词法】 他在那个大学里任语文教员。 He worked as a language teacher in that university. 他抓住了小偷的衣领。 He seized the pickpocket by the collar. 我们应当逐步消灭城乡差别。 We should gradually eliminate the differences between town and country. 学习外国的经验,必须有分析、有批判的地学,不能盲目地学。 We must learn foreign experience with an analytical and critical eye, not blindly. 交出翻译之前,必须读几遍,看看有没有需要修改的地方。 Before handing in your translation, you have to read it over and over again and see if there is anything in it to be corrected 其实世界上本没有路,走的人多了,也便有了路。 For actually the earth had no roads to begin with, but when many men pass one way, a road is made. 要提倡顾全大局。 We should advocate the spirit of taking the whole situation into consideration. 谁都知道朝鲜战场是艰苦些。 Every one knows that life on the Korean battlefield was rather hard. 班门弄斧。 Show off one’s proficiency with the axe before Lu Ban the master carpenter. 黑孩子 black children, who are born in violation of China’s one-child policy 【减词法】 紧张局势Tension 经营情况business 解决办法Solution 犯罪现象Crime 不必要的浪费Waste 极为可耻Shameful 完全征服Shameful 有个年轻人叫陈豪,家里很穷,缺吃少穿,住的房子又小。 There was a young man named Chen Hao. His family was so poor that they did not have enough food to eat or enough clothes to wear, and they lived in a small dilapidated house. There was a young man named Chen Hao, whose family was poor. They lived in a small dilapidated house and never had enough to eat or wear. 于是转喜为怒,转赞美为责备挑剔,转首肯为摇头。 Consequently, your joy would give way to anger; your praises to criticism or even faultfinding; and your nodding in agreement to shaking the head.


词法翻译1——词性转换的运用 1.事实胜于雄辩。 Facts speak louder than words. 2.眼见为实。 Seeing is believing. 3.不要怕犯错误。 Don't be afraid of making mistakes. 4.在中国,人们非常注重讲礼貌。 In China,people emphasize politeness much. 5.赞成还是反对我们的建议,请大家畅所欲言,表明立场。 Please everyone speaks up freely on whether you agree on our suggestion or not and states your stand. 6.独立思考对学习是绝对必需的。 Indendent thinking is absolutely needed for learning. 7.决不允许违反这个原则。 It is definitely not allowed to be contrary to this principle. 8.人口一直在不断增长。 The population increase continually all the time. 9.你赞成还是反对这项计划? Do you agree on this plan or not? 10.官方宣布,中国已经成功的实现了载人航天。 Declaring by the official,China has already accomplished the project of manned space flight. 11.就业形势不可避免地受金融危机的影响。 The situation of employment is unavoidably impacted by the financial crisis. 12.科学家对政治并不陌生。 Scientists are not unfamiliar with politics. 13.亚洲仍然是世界上最具经济活力的地区。 Economically,Asia is still the most dynamic region in the world 14.大幅削减税收有利于增加投资。 Slash tax in favor of investment promotion. 15.要想保护自然界,就要从根本上改变目前的生活方式。 Intending to protect the nature,changing the way of living fundamentally is needed.


高一英语翻译的技巧及练习题及练习题(含答案) 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Translate tbe following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.我们打篮球的时间到了。 (time) 2.他设法把游客及时送到了机场。 (manage) 3.你今晚能来参加我的生日聚会? (possible) 4.应该鼓励年轻人按照自己的特长选择职业。(encourage) 5.我对学生所谈的电子产品一无所知,我发现自己落伍了。(ignorant) 6.尽管遭受如重的自然灾害,但只要不灰心,我们终会克服暂时的困难。(Although...) 【答案】 1.It’s time for us to play basketball. 2.He managed to send the tourists to the airport in time. 3.Is it possible for you to attend my birthday party this evening? 4.Young people should be encouraged to choose their careers according to their own strong points. 5.Being ignorant of the electronic products the students are talking about, I find myself left behind. 6.Although we are suffering such a severe natural disaster, we will eventually overcome the temporary difficult as long as we don’t lose heart. 【解析】 1.考查time的用法。分析句子可知,本句为一般现在时,it is time for sb to do sth “该到某人做某事了”。为固定句型。再根据其它提示。故翻译为:It’s time for us to play basketball。2.考查manage的用法和一般过去时。分析句子可知,本句为一般过去时,manage to do sth“设法做某事”为固定短语。in time“ 及时”为介词短语,在句中作状语。再根据其它提示。故翻译为:He managed to send the tourists to the airport in time。 3.考查possible的用法和一般现在时。分析句子可知,本句为一般现在时,it is possible for sb to do sth “ 某人做某事是可能的”,it作为形式主语完成整个句子,不定式作为真正主语。再根据其它汉语提示。故翻译为:Is it possible for you to attend my birthday party this evening? 4.考查encourage的用法。encourage sb. to do sth.的被动语态形式就是sb. be encouraged to do sth.另外,此题还考查短语according to(按照)和strong points(长处,特长)。再根据其它提示。故翻译为:Young people should be encouraged to choose their careers according to their own strong points。 5.考查形容词短语作状语、定语从句以及find的用法。分析句子可知,本句为一般现在时,主语为I ,谓语为find, find oneself done表示“发现自己被…”,left behind是“被落在后面了”作宾语补足语。Being ignorant of the electronic products the students are talking about 为形容词短语作原因状语从句。products 为先行词,在后面的定语从句中,作talk about的


考研英语:增词译法让翻译更通达 刘正锋—英语教研室 增词法就是在翻译时按意义上和句法上的需要增加一些词来更忠实、更通顺地表达原文的思想内容。英汉两种语言,由于表达方式不尽相同,有些词在英语中省略而不会影响全句意思的完整表达,但是翻译成汉语后就可能出现意思不够明确或者句子不够通顺的现象,此时就需要使用增词法这种翻译技巧。例如增加原文中省略的部分,增动词,增名词,增加表示时态的词等等,下面跨考教育英语教研室的刘正锋老师将通过翻译真题来具体分析什么情况下使用增词法,以及如何使用增词法是翻译更加通顺。 (1) 增省略 英语中多省略,中文喜欢重复,所以在两种语言在转换时要汉语中要补充出英语中省略的内容。 比如,03年第四篇阅读第一句话It is said that in England death is pressing, in Canada inevitable and in California optional. 这句话中,in Canada 与inevitable,in California 与optional 之间,省略了主语death, 翻译是,必须补充出来。“据说,在英国死亡很紧迫,在加拿大死亡不可避免,在加利福尼亚死亡可以选择。” 又比如, How well the predictions will be validated by later performance// depends upon the amount, reliability, and appropriateness of the information used// and on the skill and wisdom// with which it is interpreted.(95年,72题) 句子结构是 How well...引导的被动结构是主语从句,How well是主语从句中的状语前置,depends是句子谓语,depends后面两个介词短语作并列宾语upon...and on..., the information used是名词+定语,with which it is interpreted定语从句,先行词是the skill and wisdom,代词it指代the information 这些测试在多大程度上为后来的表现所证实,这取决于所采用信息的数量、可靠性和适应性,还取决于解释这些信息的技能和才智。 本句主干的谓语部分是动词短语depend upon….and on….所带的两个并列的宾语部分,and on the skill and wisdom with which it is interpreted. 是谓语动词部分第二个并列的宾语,因为是与前面的depend upon相并列的,所以在翻译时,可以加上动词depend,翻译为“取决于…还取决于….” (2)增时态词

第二章 翻译技巧:词法翻译法

一、词的选择和意义引申 考研翻译的过程和核心解题策略 一、理解应以原文,拆分语法结构 二、改变原文顺序,组合汉语译文 词义选择和词义引申 词义的选择和词义引申是考研翻译中最常用的翻译技巧。 1.在1994年72)题a leader of the new school contends 中,school 是“学派”的意思,而不是“学校”的意思; 2.在1996年74)题elegant system 中,elegent是“完美,完善”的意思,而不是“优雅”的意思; 3.在2001年75)题And home appliances will become so smart that ...中,smart 是“智能化”的意思,而不是“聪明”的意思; 4.在2003年75)题like the concept of set in mathematics 中,set 是“集,集合”,而不是“一套,放置”等意思; 5.在2004年62)题we are obliged to them 中,obliged是“感谢,感激”,而不是“被迫”的意思。 词义的选择 例1.I’ll see her home tonight. 今晚我送她回家。 例2. India is the home of elephants. 印度是大象的生长地。 例3.He’s at home with the classics. 他精通古典文学。 例4.New homes are for sale. 新房出售。 例5.She’s at home where she is. 她在哪儿都自由自在。 例6.Maternity homr costs in America have gone up sharply. 美国妇产医院收费已经急剧上涨。 例7.Much is produced here for home market. 这里为国内市场生产了许多产品。 例8.He looks on London as his home. 他把伦敦看成是他的故乡。 在翻译时,词义的选择应从以下几个方面着手: (一)根据词性确定词义 forecast有“预报,预测”的意思,用作动词和用作名词时意思相同。 increase作动词时,表示“增加,增长,增进”的意思,用作名词时主要还是这些意思。book 这个单词,在作名词时,意思是“书,书籍”;用作动词却表示“预定,预约”的意思。


2012-2013(1)研究生英语翻译理论与实践1 词法翻译 一、词义的选择 (一)根据词在句中的词类来选择和确定词义。 ?Like charges repel; unlike charges attract. ?He likes mathematics more than physics. ?In the sunbeam passing through the window there are fine grains of dust shining like gold. ?Like knows like. (二)根据上下文联系以及词在句中的搭配关系选择和确定词义。 ?He is the last man to come. ?He is the last man to do it. ?He is the last person for such a job. ?He should be the last man to blame. ?He is the last man to consult. ?This is the last place where I expected to meet you. ?An area the si ze of the Hornet’s flight deck was marked off on an airstrip and they practiced taking off time after time from this restricted space. ?He always sits on the very edge of his chair when he is working, as though about to take off. 二、词义的引申 (一)将词义抽象化的引申 1. 将表示具体形象的词译成该形象所代表的属性的词。 ?There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of him. ?Every life has roses and thorns. ? 2. 将带有特征性形象的词译成该形象所代表的概念的词。 ?In fact, the Bavarian environment was so charged with Nazi sentiment throughout the 1920s that Hit ler’s storm troops goosestepped into power in Furth in 1930. ?See-sawing between partly good and faintly ominous, the news for the next four weeks was never distinct. (二)将词义具体化的引申 ?The car in front of me stalled and I missed the green. ?Jewish-owned shops were shut down. Swastikas replaced six-pointed stars. The walls of anti-Semitism were closing in. 三、词义的褒贬 ?(一)有些词本身就有褒贬意义,翻译时就应相应地表达出来。 ?He was a man of high renown. ?His notoriety as a rake did not come until his death. ?The tasks carried out by them are praiseworthy. ?Henry keeps boasting that he has talked to the President. ?“He was polite and always gave advice willingly,” she recalled. ?We were shocked by his coarse manners. ?(二) 有些词的词义是中立的,本身不表示褒义或贬义,但在一定的上下文中可能有


华中师范大学网络学院 《翻译理论与技巧》练习测试题 一.在下列句中空白处填上合适的词语。每空1分。共10分。 1.翻译是跨(语言)、跨(文化)、跨(社会)的交际活动。 2.篇章的粘连分(语义)粘连和(结构)粘连两大类,粘连的目的是实现篇章的(连贯)。 3.社会符号学的翻译标准是(语意)相符、(功能)相似。 4.格赖斯的(合作)原则和利奇的(礼貌)原则是促使语言交际成功的语用原则。 5. 社会符号学翻译法以韩礼德所述的语言的社会符号性为根据,以符号学的意 义观为核心。语言符号具备三种意义,它们是(言内)意义、(指称)意义和(语用)意义。 6. 语言对比是研究语言在(使用)中产生的意义。 7. 泰特勒在《翻译的原则》一书中提出了著名德三原则: A.译文应完整地再现原文的(思想内容)。 B.译文的(风格)(笔调)应与原文的性质相同。 C.译文应像原文一样(流畅自然)。 8. 汉语语法呈(隐含)性,英语语法呈(外显)性。 9. 严复的三字翻译标准是_信____、____达_、__雅__。 10. 鲁迅认为翻译标准可以用____忠实____和____通顺____这四个字来表示。11.翻译的过程是__理解____、____表达___和____校核____。 12.英语翻译成汉语时,英语称之为_译出语(原文)____,汉语称之为译入语(译文)__。 13.翻译按其工作方式来分,有___口译___ ____笔译____ ___机器翻译_______三种。 14.许渊冲提倡文学翻译要做到___意美__、_______音美______和__形美___。15.在译文语言条件许可时,在译文中既保持原文的内容,有保持原文的形式—特别是保持原文的比喻、形象和民族地方色彩等,这种译法叫做直译 __。 16.把原文中两个或两个以上的简单句译成一个单句是__合句___法。 17.翻译按其处理方式来分,有__全译_、_摘译__和__编译_。 18.翻译是“从语义到文体在译入语中用最(切近)而又最(自然)的对等语再现原语的(信息)。” 19.从翻译的手段来看,翻译可分为(口译)、(笔译)和(机器翻译)。 20.鲁迅先生认为:“凡是翻译,必须兼顾两面,一当然力求其(易解),一则保存着原作的(丰姿)。” 21.由于文化上的差异,英译汉时有时直译原文就会使译入语读者感到费解,甚至误解。这时,就有必要借用汉语中意义相同或相近、且具有自己文化 色彩的表达法对原文加以(归化)。 22.傅雷先生认为:“以效果而论,翻译应当像临画一样,所求的不在(形似)而在(神似)。


2020年MBA英语翻译方法:增词法 所谓增词法,就是在翻译时按意义上(或修辞上)和句法上的需要增加一些词来更忠实通顺地表达原文的思想内容。用增词法翻译技巧的目的是为了更加准确、通顺和完整的表达原文的内容。当然不能无中生有地随意增词,而是增加原文中虽无其词而有其意的一些词。 英汉两种语言,因为表达方式不尽相同,有些词在英语中能够省略而不会影响全句意思的完整表达,但是翻译成汉语后就可能出现意思不够明确或者句子不够通顺的现象;还有一些词,虽然在英语原文中意义明确而完整,但是翻译成汉语后却不通顺。在这种情况下,就需要使用增词法的翻译技巧。 一、增加原文中省略的部分 (一)增补回答句中省略的词语 Do you like sport? Yes, I do. 你喜欢体育运动吗?是的,我喜欢体育运动。 Are you tired? Not very. 你累了吗?不太累。 (二)增补并列结构中省略的词语 We don’t retreat, we never have and never will。 我们不后退,我们从没有后退过,将来也决不后退。(we never have and never will=we never have retreated and never will retreat) A fool and his words are soon parted; a man of genius and his money.

愚人会很快忘记说过的话,智者会很快放弃手里的钱。(a man of genius and his money=a man of genius and his money are soon parted) (三)增补表示逻辑关系或者平衡结构的词语 有时候英语原文中并没有表达逻辑关系的词语,但根据上文能够判断出其隐含的逻辑关系,如假设、让步、因果关系等,在翻译时要适当加以补充。 Without a sense of your fault, how can repentance and amendment be expected? 如果对自己的错误都不能理解到,怎么能指望你会悔改呢? 二、增加意义上或修辞上的需要上的部分 (一)增加动词 根据上下文的具体意义,在翻译时经常需要在某些名词及动词之前或之后增加动词,才能使译文的意思明确完整,读起来也较通顺自然,符合汉语习惯。 He dismissed the meeting without a closing speech. 他没有致闭幕辞就宣布结束会议。 He spoke hopefully of the success of the negotiation. 他满怀希望地说谈判会取得成功。 After the basketball match, the chairman still has an important meeting. 在观看篮球比赛之后,主席还有一个重要会议要参加。 (二)增加形容词或者副词


翻译技巧(二):加词法和减词法 加(增)词法 英汉两种语言,由于表达方法不尽相同,有些词在英语中可以省略而不会影响全句意思的完整表达,但译成汉语后就可能出现意思不够明确的语言现象;还有些词虽然在原文中意义明确而完整,但译成汉语后文字却不甚通顺流畅。在这种情况下,就需要使用增词译法。增词法就是在翻译时按照意义、修辞或句法上的需要,在原文的基础上添加必要的单词、词组、分句或完整句,从而使得译文在语法、语言形式上符合译文习惯和在文化背景、词语联想方面与原文一致,使得译文与原文在内容、形式和精神等三方面都对等起来,更忠实通顺地表达原文的思想内容。 S y n t a c t i c a l A m p l i f i c a t i o n(从句法结构上考虑的增词) This kind of amplification includes: amplification by supplying such kinds of words as verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, numerals, category words, generalization words, and the plural forms of nouns. (1) 增加量词(classifier) 英语中数词与可数名词往往可以直接连用,不用加量词。而汉语往往要加量词。 It was a nova! 这是一颗新星! The sun rose thinly from the sea. 一轮红日从海边淡淡升起。 A stream was winding its ways through the valley into the river. 一弯溪水蜿蜒流过山谷,汇到江里去了。 (2) 增加表达复数的词(convey the concept of plurality)


绪论 一、翻译小史: 学史以明智,翻译亦如此。据《圣经》记载,人类的祖先们曾经说同一种语言,在足以强大的时候,想要建造一座通天塔(the Babel)上天,从而激怒了上帝。上帝盛怒之下,摧毁通天塔,将人类分散到世界各地,由此产生了不同的种族和不同的语言。此后,人类各民族间的交流就要靠翻译了。事实上,不管是中国还是西方,翻译的历史都是源远流长的。 1.中国翻译史简述 中国的翻译活动源远流长,最早的传译之事可上溯至西周(C.1100-771B.C.)之前。“《礼记?王制》载:‘中国,夷、蛮、戎、狄……五方之民,言语不同,嗜欲不同。达其志,通其欲,东方曰象,西方曰狄,北方曰译。’寄、象、狄、译都是指通译言语的人。”(毛荣贵,2002∶3) 翻译事件对于一个国家的历史和社会发展往往产生重大影响。我国历史上翻译影响社会发展最大的有三次翻译高潮。 1)汉唐时期佛经的传译:西汉张骞;东汉安世高;时至唐代,佛经翻译达到了登峰造极的程度,玄奘(600-664)先后主持译出经论75部1335卷1300万字佛经,占唐代新译佛经总数的一半以上。(关键词:佛经,梵语,安世高,支谦,玄奘) 2)明末清初西欧科技翻译:利玛窦(Matteo Ricci, 1552-1660)组织翻译了相当数量的西方天文、数学、水法、测量等方面的著述;徐光启和利玛窦合译《测量法义》。力图使国人能借鉴西方的先进思想、文化或科技,从而富国强民。 3)清末民初西方思潮的翻译:严复《天演论》(T. H. Huxley: Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays)、《原富》(Adam Smith: An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth and Nations);康有为、梁启超、林纾(林琴南)、王国维等。马列主义经典著作、文艺理论、苏俄及各国的进步文艺作品,如鲁迅、瞿秋白等。 新中国成立后,文革前和文革中以俄语为主,改革开放后以英语为主;我们几乎所有学科的理论框架、术语都译自英语;西方文化进入我们的方方面面很大程度上来自翻译。2.西方翻译史要略 西方翻译史可以简要地分为三个阶段:古典翻译,近代翻译和当代翻译。 1)古典翻译(公元前三世纪――文艺复兴时期13-14世纪)。贺拉斯(Quintus Horatius Flaccus 前65年-前8年),罗马帝国奥古斯都统治时期著名的诗人、批评家,代表作有《诗艺》等。西塞罗(Marcus Tullius Cicero前106年—前43)古罗马著名政治家、演说家、雄辩家、法学家和哲学家。总的来说,西方的古典翻译活动主要围绕圣经进行。比如公元前三世纪七十二名犹太学者就翻译的《圣经?旧约》后被称为《七十子希腊文本圣经》。公元405年,哲罗姆(St. Jerome)对照希伯来原文翻译出了《通俗拉丁文本圣经》(The Vulgate),后来成为罗马天主教承认的唯一文本。中世纪时,由于宗教势力的加强,教会神职人员纷纷用自己的民族语言翻译《圣经》,以使普通老百姓也能读懂《圣经》。14世纪80年代,约翰?威克利夫(John Wyclif)翻译了《圣经》,《圣经》的英译本就此问世。1611年,英国国王詹姆斯一世同意的钦定本《圣经》正式问世。当然,古典翻译活动除了圣经翻译以外,还翻译古希腊、罗马的文学、艺术、科学等名家著作。至文艺复兴时期,圣经翻译和古典文学作品和其他人文科学著作的翻译达到了一个高潮。 近代翻译时期主要是从十七世纪至二十世纪初。在这一时期,翻译的规模虽然不比文艺复兴时期,但是翻译的题材不再局限于圣经或文学翻译,而是呈现了多样化的趋势。同时,


高考英语翻译技巧小结及练习题 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:翻译句子 1.只有当我们了解了不同的肢体语言我们才可以很好地跟人们交流。(only+状语从句) ________________________________________________________________________ 2.这就是我们未来的生活。(what引导的名词性从句) ________________________________________________________________________ 【答案】 1. Only when we have mastered the different body languages can we communicate well with them. 2. This is what our life will be like in the future. 【解析】 【分析】 本大题为根据括号内的要求把汉语句子翻译成英语。翻译时尽可能地精确,按照要求翻译还要注意某些特殊的语法项目。如倒装句式等。 1.考查倒装句式。本大题要求用only+状语从句来翻译。Only+状语从句置于句首,主句要部分倒装。因此本句要翻译成部分倒装。同时要注意运用短语如肢体语言可译成“body languages”,与某人交流可译为“ communicate with”。因此本句可译为Only when we have mastered the different body languages can we communicate well with them。 2.考查由what引导的名词从句。分析句子可知,本句是一个表语从句,表语从句中的介词like缺少宾语,可用what引导。因此本句可译为:This is what our life will be like in the future. 2.高中英语翻译题:Directions:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.为了安全起见,小孩不应该被单独留在家里。(leave) _________________ 2.深深吸了一口气,他面带微笑地走上了舞台。(with) _________________ 3.一个人待人处世的方式能反映出他是怎样的人。(the way) _________________ 4.只有当一系列奇数问题得到解决,到 2025 年,新能源汽车才能占汽车销量的百分之二十。(Only) _________________ 【答案】 1.For the sake of safety/ For safety, children / a child should not be left alone at home 2.Having taken a deep breath, he went up to the stage with a smile on his face.


2016年英语口译笔译初级笔译翻译技巧: 增词法(上) 所谓增词法,就是在翻译时按意义上(或修辞上)和句法上的需要增加一些词来更忠实通顺地表达原文的思想内容。用增词法翻译技巧的目的是为了更加准确、通顺和完整的表达原文的内容。当然不能无中生有地随意增词,而是增加原文中虽无其词而有其意的一些词。 英汉两种语言,由于表达方式不尽相同,有些词在英语中可以省略而不会影响全句意思的完整表达,但是翻译成汉语后就可能出现意思不够明确或者句子不够通顺的现象;还有一些词,虽然在英语原文中意义明确而完整,但是翻译成汉语后却不通顺。在这种情况下,就需要使用增词法的翻译技巧。 (一)、增加原文中省略的部分 (一)增补回答句中省略的词语 Do you like sport? Yes, I do. 你喜欢体育运动吗?是的,我喜欢体育运动。 Are you tired? Not very.

你累了吗?不太累。 (二)增补并列结构中省略的词语 We don’t retreat, we never have and never will。 我们不后退,我们从没有后退过,将来也决不后退。(we never have and never will=we never have retreated and never will retreat) A fool and his words are soon parted; a man of genius and his money. 愚人会很快忘记说过的话,智者会很快放弃手里的钱。(a man of genius and his money=a man of genius and his money are soon parted) (三)增补表示逻辑关系或者平衡结构的词语 有时候英语原文中并没有表达逻辑关系的词语,但根据上文可以判断出其隐含的逻辑关系,如假设、让步、因果关系等,在翻译时要适当加以补充。 Without a sense of your fault, how can repentance and amendment be expected? 如果对自己的错误都不能认识到,怎么能指望你会悔改呢? Students should learn from teachers and vice versa. 学生应该想老师学习,老师也应该向学生学习。


英汉翻译的基本方法和技巧 翻译是信息交流过程中极其复杂的社会心理现象。语言知识是翻译的基础。此外,翻译还涉及到推理、判断、分析和综合等复杂的心理认识过程。翻译的方法和技巧是翻译工作者在长期的实践中根据两种语言的特点总结归纳出来的一般规律。这些规律可以指导我们的翻译实践,使我们能更自觉、更灵活地处理翻译过程中所遇到的各种语言现象。下面就英译汉中的一些方法和技巧结合翻译实例作一概述。 1.词义的选择 一词多义和一词多类是英汉两种语言都有的一种语言现象。因此,在平日的翻译练习和测试中,我们在弄清原文句子结构后,务必注意选择和确定句中关键词的词类和词义,以保证译文的质量。通常可从以下三个方面来考虑词义选择: 1)根据词在句中的词类来选择词义 例如:Cen sorship is for the good of society as a whole. Like the law, it con tributes to the com mon good. [译文]:审查是为了整个社会的利益。它像法律一样维护公众利益。 [注释]:本句中like作介词,意为”像……一样”。但like作动词用,则意为”喜欢;想要”。例如:He likes films with happy endings.(他喜欢结局好的电影。)又如:Would you like to leave a message?(你要不要留个话儿?)此外,like 还可以作形容词用,意为 "相同的",如:Like charges repel; uni ike charges attract, 电荷同性相斥,异性相吸。)2)根据上下文和词在句中的搭配关系选择词义 例 1 Accord ing to the new school of scie ntists, tech no logy is an overlooked force in expa nding the horiz ons of scie ntific kno wledge. [译文]:新学派的科学家们认为,技术在扩大科学知识范围过程中是一种被忽视的力量。 [注释]:school 一词常被误译为”学校”,其实,school还有一个词义"学派”。可见,正确选择词义对译文质量有重要影响,而文章的上下文和逻辑联系是翻译中选择词义的重要
