



Legend tells of a legendary warrior,


whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend.浪迹江湖一路行侠仗义

He traveled the land in search of worthy foes.


I see you like to chew. Maybe you should chew on my fist. 武士一言未发因为他嘴里塞满了食物

The warrior said anything for his mouth was full.

但他一口把食物吞下然后说"少啰唆! 接招吧!" 看招Then he swallowed. And then he spoke. Enough talk. Let's fight.

他的致命招数无人能挡敌人都被他的正义之光闪瞎了眼He was so deadly in fact, that his enemies will go blind, from over exposure to pure awesomeness.令人敬畏的可怕的我看不见了! 他武功盖世! 极具魅力

My eyes! He's too awesome! And attractive.


How can we re-pay you?

"路见不平,拔刀相助" 无需回报! There is no charge for awesomeness. Or attractiveness.

爆发吧! 千军万马全被踏在足下艺高人胆大

It mattered not how many foes he faced.

They were no match for his voracity. 贪食,贪婪;


Never before had a panda been so feared, and so loved.



Even the most heroic heroes in all of China, the Furious Five. Bowed in respect to this great master. 狂怒的


We should hang out. Agreed.

但现在不是放松的时候,面对石门山一万疯狂恶魔大军时But hanging out would have to wait. Because when you're facing the ten thousand demons of demon mountain.


There is only one thing that matters and that’s...


Get up! You'll be late for work.

啥? 阿波快起床

Po... Get up!


Hey, Po. What are you doing up there?


Ahh.. nothing.

猴子! 螳螂! 仙鹤! 毒蛇! 老虎!

Monkey, Mantis, Crane, Viper, Tigress ... Roarrrr! Ahh...


Po. Let's go. You're late for work.



Sorry Dad. Sorry, doesn't make the Noodles.


What were you doing up there? All that noise?


Oh...nothing. Just had a crazy dream.

关于什么的梦? 你梦到什么了?

About what? Uh? What were you dreaming about?

我梦到... What was I...aah... ... I was dreaming about a... 面条了面条? 你真的梦到面条了?

Noodles. Noodles? You were really dreaming about noodles?


Uhh... Ya, what else would I be dreaming about?

当心面汤很"烫" Oh, careful. That soup is - sharp!


Oh... happy day. My son finally having the noodle dream. 你不知道为了这一刻我已经等待了多久

You don't know how long I have been waiting for this moment.

这是个好兆头阿波This is a sign, Po.

什么事情的兆头? Uh... a sign of what?


You are almost ready to be entrusted with the secret ingredient, of my secret ingredient soup.


And then you will fulfill your destiny and take over the restaurant.


Just as I took over from my father who took over from his father.

他又继承自他的父亲最早是他和朋友打麻将赢来的who won it from a friend over a game of mahjong.


Dad, dad, dad. It was just a dream.

不这不是一般的梦No, it was the Dream.


We are noodle folk. Po, broth runs through our veins.

但是老爸你有没有想过... 去干点别的

But Dad, didn't you ever wanted to do something else?

除了做面条之外Something, beside noodles.


Actually, when I was young and crazy.


I thought of running away and learning how to make tofu.

为什么没去呢? So why didn't you?


Oh, because it was a stupid dream.


Can you imagine me making tofu?


Ha, ha, ha. Tofu!


No, we all have our place in this world.


My is here and yours is... ..

我知道也是这 . I know "is here".


No, it’s at tables 2, 5 ,7 and 12.

别忘了微笑Service with a smile.



Well done, students... ... if you were trying to disappoint me.


Tigress, you need more ferocity. Monkey greater speed. 老鹤再高点毒蛇不够灵巧螳螂...

Crane, height. Viper, subtlety. Mantis... Master Shifu...

- 师傅- 干嘛? Master Shifu... What?

龟仙人有请It...its Master Oogway, he wants to see you. 龟仙人您召见我有何贵干?

Master Oogway, you summoned me? Is something wrong?

一定得有要事才能见见自己的老朋友吗Why must something be wrong for me to want to see my old friend?

这么说来...没事? So, nothing is wrong?

我可没那么说Well, I didn't say that.

你是想说... You were saying?


I have had a vision. Tai Lung will return.

这不可能! 他身处狱中

That is impossible. He's in prison.

万事皆有可能Nothing is impossible.


Zeng, fly to Chordom Prison. Tell them to double the guards,

叫他们把狱守数量加倍把武器加倍把一切都加倍Double the weapons. Double everything.

- 绝不能让太郎逃出来

Tai Lung does not leave that prison.

- 是! 师傅Yes, Master Shifu.


One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it. 我们必须有所行动如果太郎真的回到和平谷报仇

We have to do something. We can't just have him march in the valley. And take his revenge.

他会... 他会...He'll, he'll...


Your mind is like this water my friend. When it is agitated...


... it becomes difficult to see.

但如果平静下来But if you allow it to settle,

解决之道必将自现the answer becomes clear.

龙之典The Dragon's scroll.

时候到了... It is time.

但是谁呢? But who?


Who is worthy to be trusted with the secret to limitless power?

谁有资格成为龙斗士? To become the Dragon Warrior.

我不知道I don't know.

不好意思借过Excuse me. Sorry.

- 嘿看着点阿波Oo...oo sorry. Hey, watch it Po.

- 对不起卡住了Sorry. Aah... Oop!

抱歉没关系我洗过澡了... Sorry, a thousand pardon.

快看! What?


Master Oogway is choosing a Dragon Warrior, today.


Everyone, everyone, go! Get to the Jade Palace!


One of the five is going to get the Dragon's Scroll.

等了几千年终于等到今天赶快吃吃完快走快去呀!! We have been waiting a thousand years for this. Just take the bowl!


This is the greatest day in Kung Fu history!


Don't worry about it. Just go!


Po! Where are you going?


To the Jade Palace.

带上你的面条小车But you're forgetting your noodle cart.


The whole valley will be there and you will sell noodle to all of them.



Selling noodles?

- 老爸我在想...

But Dad. You know I was kind of thinking, maybe I... .

- 什么? Ya?

- 或许我可以..

I was kind of thinking, maybe I... Ahh...Haa..?


Could also sell the bean buns. They're about to go bad.

这才是我的儿子! That's my boy!

我就说那个梦是个好兆头I told you that dream was a sign.

没错做这个梦真好... Ya... I'm glad I had it.

我是武林高手! 我也是! 加油加油就快到了

Almost there.


别这么对我What? No! No ! No!

我们先走了阿波Sorry Po.


We'll bring you back a souvenir. No, I'll bring you back a souvenir.

今天将会是历史性的一天是吧? 龟仙人

It's a historic day. Isn't it Master Oogway?


Yes. The one I feared I would not live to see.

你的徒弟们准备好了吗? Are your students ready?

一切就绪了龟仙人Yes, Master Oogway.

记好了老朋友Now know this old friend...

选中的人不但会给山谷带来安宁还能抚平你的心灵Whomever I chose will not only bring peace to the valley, but also to you.

武林大会正式开始! Let the tournament begin!

别关别关我来了该死No, no, no, wait! I'm coming. 把门打开Hey! Open the door.

让我进去Let me in!

和平谷的村民们Citizens of the Valley of Peace.


It is my great honour to present to you,


Tigress, Viper, Crane, Monkey, Mantis.


The Furious Five! Ah...Ah...Ahh...

哇! 中原五侠客

They're The Furious Five! Aah..aah... ouch!

请各就各位Warriors prepare!

先等等别开始Blast, No, Quick Po.

比武即将开始Ready for battle.


The thousand tons of fire! Ho...ha...howw!

快看那招式嘿! 闪开点

Wow... Look at that! Hey! Get out of the way! Uhh...Oh...ohh! Ah...ah...aah! Hiyaah...ouch!


And finally, Master Tigress.


Believe me citizens, you have not seen anything yet.

还用你说I know! 她的杀手?除了强壮的体魄和犀利的眼神外还有其致命的虎爪功

Master Tigress faces Iron Arms and its Blades of Death.


I sense the Dragon Warrior is among us.


Citizens of the Valley of Peace,


Master Oogway will now choose the Dragon Warrior.

就选了! 等一等

Hah...butta... No, no, no wait! Yaa...ahh.




Po! What are you doing?

你说我是在干嘛? What does it look like I'm doing?


Stop! Stop! I'm going to see the Dragon Warrior.

我不明白你怎么了你好不容易才做了关于面条的梦But I don't understand, you finally have the noodle dream. 我撒谎了老爸我没梦到面条

I lied. I don't dream about noodles, Dad.

我爱武功I love Kung Fu...uuu!


Oh come on son. Let's get back to work.

好吧Heay...okay. Ahh...aahh...aah.

儿子! Po!...Heay...heay...hey.


Oh...Somebody... Oh. What's going on? ... Where?

你在指什么? Why are you pointing...?


Oh. Okay. Sorry. I just wanted to see who the Dragon Warrior was?

真有意思How interesting?

龟仙人您是在指我吗? Master, are you pointing at me? - 我在指他Him.

- 指谁? Who?

- 就是你You.

- 我? Me?


The universe has brought us the Dragon Warrior.

怎么可能? What? What?

怎么可能? What? What!

等等停下来谁让你们... Stop wait. Who told you to...

龟仙人等一下Master Oogway, wait.


That crabby panda can't possibly be the answer to our problem.



You were about to appoint the Tigress.

and that thing fell in front of her.

完全是个巧合! That was just an accident.

世间无巧合There are no accidents.


Forgive us Master. We have failed you.


No. If the panda has not quit by morning, then I would have failed you.


Wait, wait, wait! I bring a message from Master Shifu. 你说什么? 要我们把狱守数量加倍?

What? Double the guard.


Extra precautions.


Your prison may not be adequate?


You doubt my prison security?

当然不是Absolutely not!


Shifu does. I'm just the messenger.


I'll give you a message for your Master Shifu.


Escape from Chordom prison is impossible.


Impressive isn't it?


Yes, very impressive.

It is very impressive.

进出都只有一条道One way in. And one way out.


One thousand guards and one prisoner.


Yes, except that prisoner is Tai Lung.


Take us down. Ahh...ahh...ahh...ahh Oh...oo...oh..

天哪Oh my...

这就是太郎Behold Tai Lung.

我还是在这里等你吧I'll umm...I'll just wait right here. 没什么好怕的安全的很

It's nothing to worry about. It's perfectly safe.


Both posts. At the ready.


Hey tough guy. Did you hear... Oogway is finally going to give someone the Dragon Scroll...

而这个人肯定不会是你...and it's not going to be you.


What are you doing? Don't get him mad.


What is he going to do about it?

I've got him completely immobilised. Haa...haa...haa...haa!


Oh...Did I step on the wooly kiddy's tail?

行了我已经看够了I'm gonna... I've seen enough.


I'm gonna tell Shifu that he has nothing to worry about. - 没错他完全不必担心No, he doesn't.

- 我会传达的Okay I'll tell him that.

能离开这了吗? Hmm... Can we please go now?

等一下Oh. Wait a second.


I think there has been a slight mistake.


Err...Everyone seems to think I'm err...

哇塞! 这不是隐秘的侠者之殿吗?

Ahh...The sacred Hall of Warriors.

No way.

看看这个地方Look at this place.

犀牛大侠的盔甲Master Flying-Rhino's armour. 连打仗时受的损伤都还在!

With authentic battle damage!

英雄剑Wow...the Sword of Heroes.


Said to be so sharp, you can cut yourself just by looking ... Aah!...Oww!


The invisible Dragon of Destiny.


Uuhhs... I've only seen paintings of that painting. Aah...ah...ha...ha...ha... Heeyah...yah.. Aah...ah...ah..

不会吧Noo..! Ho...oh, oh, oh...


The legendary Urn of Whispering Warriors.


Said to contain souls of the entire Tenshu army.


Hello? Have you finished sightseeing?

你游览完了吗? 对不起我应该第一个就来看你的Sorry. I should have come to see you first.


My patience is running thin.



Well. I mean, it's not like you are going anywhere.

- 转过身来

- 好的

You turn around.



Hey, how is it going?

How do you get 500...Master Shifu!... Ooh!...


Ohh...whooo... Someone broke that...

我会把它补好的But I'm going to fix it...I...

你有胶水吗? Do you have some glue...

啊! 噢~ 噢~ 扎到我了

Whooo.... Aah...ouch...ooo! I've a splinter.


So you are the legendary Dragon Warrior?


- 呃! 大概是吧Ahh, I guess so?

- 错Wrong!


You are not the Dragon Warrior.

You will never be the Dragon Warrior...


... until you've learned the secret of the Dragon scroll.

哇噢! Wow...so...

那么该怎么做? How does this work?


Do you have a ladder? a trampoline or...?


Umph...You think it is that easy? That I'm just going to hand you the secret to limitless power?

不是我.. No! I...


One must first master the highest level of Kung Fu and that is clearly impossible if that one is someone like you.

- 我这样的人? Someone like me? - 是啊Yes!

看看你自己Look at you!


This fat blob. Flabby arms.


Those are sensitive. in the flabby parts.

还有这个傻呼呼的肚子And this ridiculous belly.


And utter disregard for personal hygiene.

嘿等等Hey...whooo... Now wait a minute.

这不公平That's a little uncalled for.


Don't stand that close. I can smell your breath.


Listen, Oogway said that I was the...

无极拈花指Uh... the Wushi Finger Hold.

别别无极拈花指Never... Master Shifu don't...

噢! 你也知道这一招? Haa...oh... You know this hold?


Developed by Master Wushi in the 3rd dynasty. Yes.


Oh. Then you must know what happens when I flex my pinky.

不要! 不要! No, no, no...


You know the hardest part of this?...


The hardest part is cleaning up afterwards.

好的好的别冲动Humm... Okay. Okay, take it easy.

你给我听好了熊猫Now listen closely, Panda.


Oogway may have picked you,

but when I'm through with you,... I promise you,


you're going to wish he hadn't.


Are we clear?


Yes, we're clear, we're clear. We are so clear.


Good. Hmm, Hmm, Hmm. I can't wait to get started.


Let's begin.

等等Wait, wait, wait.

--什么现在? Now?

--是的现在Yes now.


Unless you think that the great Oogway was wrong and you are not the Dragon Warrior.

好吧! 我不知道我能不能做完那些动作

Okay. Well, I don't know if I can do all of those moves.


Well, if we don't try, we will never know, will we?


Yes, it's just, maybe we can find something more suited to my level.

你是什么水平? And what level is that?

你知道...我不是大师... Well you know...


I'm not a master, but let's just start at zero.


Level zero. There is no such thing as level zero. - 嗨! 也许我可以从这里起步

Hey, maybe I can start with that.

- 那个? That?

这是训练小孩子用的We use that for training children.


And popping the door open when it is hot.

但如果你坚持的话But if you insist.

哇噢! 五侠客Wow... The Furious Five.


You're so much bigger than your action figures.

Except for you, Mantis. You're about the same.


Go ahead, Panda. Show us what you can do.

他们也要看? 还是等他们回去练功后我再开始Ahh...Are they going to watch? Or should I just wait until they get back to work or something?


Hit it. Okay, I mean, I just ate,


and so I'm still digesting, so my Kung Fu may not be as good as later on.

出招就是了! Just hit it.

唔! 你算什么你什么都不是因为高手在此

What'd you got? You've got nothing cos' I got it right here.

看到我的兄弟们了吗? 想尝尝我的雷霆之怒吗?

You picking on my friends? Get ready to fell the thunder.


Come on, crazy feet. What're you going to do about

crazy feet?


Come on. I'm a blur. I'm a blur. You've never seen Bear style.


You've only seen Praying Mantis. Or Monkey style. Imagine snake-kiddy Snake.

你到底打还是不打! Would you hit it!

好的好的Alright. Alright.


Why don't you try it again? A little harder.

这下怎么样... How's that? Oohhh...

疼死了Oh, that hurts!


This will be easier than I thought. Feeling a little nausea... Ouch, ouch, ouch!


Oohh... My tenders.


How did I do?


There is now a level zero.


Don't deny that.


I don't understand what Master Oogway was thinking.


Poor guy is going to get himself killed. He is so fighty.


The Dragon Warrior fell out of the sky in a ball of fire.

翱翔于九天口吐烈火他的脚步让大地颤抖When he walks, the very ground shakes.


One would think that Master Oogway would choose someone who actually knew Kung Fu.

至少也是能摸到自己脚趾的人啊或者能看到自己的脚趾Yes. Or could at least touch his toes. Or even see his toes.


别出动静!! Great. Ooouuch!

- 嗨! 还没睡啊? Oh hey. Hi. You're up?

- 现在醒了Am now.


I was just..er...someday...eh? The Kung Fu stuff is hard work, right?

你二头肌酸了吗? Your biceps sore.


I've had a long day and rather disappointing day, so...er...


Ya...I should probably get to sleep now.

- 是! 是! 当然Ya... Ya...of course.

- 谢谢Okay. Thanks.

我太崇拜你们了It's just, I'm such a big fan...


You guys were so totally amazing at the battle of the Weeping River.


Outnumbered. A thousand to one. But, you didn't stop. You just,....

不好意思Oh. Sorry about that.


Ahh... Look you don't belong here.


Er...I know, I know. You're right.


I don't have it. It's just, my whole life, I dream of...


No, no, no. I meant you don't belong here, I mean in this room.


But this is my room. Property of Crane.

好的好的Oh, okay right, right.


So...Ya, you want to get to sleep. Keeping you up.

明天还有很多事We've got big things tomorrow.


Alright. You are awesome. The last thing I'm going to say. Okay, bye-bye.

什么? What was that?


I didn't say anything.


Okay. Alright. Goodnight. Sleep well.


Seem a little bit awkward.


Master Tigress, didn't mean to wake you. Just a...


You don't belong here.


Ah ya...ya, of course... This is your room...


I mean you don't belong in the Jade Palace. 你不尊重武功如果你真的尊敬我们尊敬武功

You're a disgrace to Kung Fu and if

you have any respect of who we are, and what we do,


you will be gone by morning.


Big fan.


I see you've found the Sacred Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom.

这是智慧桃树? Is that what this is?


I'm so sorry. I thought it was just a regular peach tree.


I understand, you eat when you are upset.


Upset? I'm not upset. Why would I be upset?

那么你为什么不开心呢? So, why are you upset?


I probably sucked more today than anyone in the history of Kung Fu.

中原史上最差劲的In the history of China.

- 差劲史上最差劲的In the history of sucking.

- 大概吧Probably.


And the Five...man, you should have seen them,

they totally hate me.


Totally. How's Shifu ever going to turn me into the Dragon Warrior?


I mean I'm not like the Five, I've got no claws.

我没有利爪没有翅膀没有毒液No wings, no venom. 就连幻影螳螂都有那样的胳膊

Even Mantis got those thingies.


May be I should just quit and go back to making noodles. 放弃别放弃面条别做面条

Quit. Don't quit. Noodles. Don't noodles.


You are too concerned with what was and what will be. 俗语说过去的已经过去了

There's a saying. Yesterday is history,

未来的还未可知现在今天却是上苍的礼赠Tomorrow is a mystery, But today is a gift.


That is why it is called the "present".

- 噢! 不Oh No!

- 发生什么了? What's happening?


To your battle stations! Go! Go! Go!

发射Fire Cross-Bow! Fire! Fire!


Tai Lung's free. I must warn Shifu.

- 哪也不准去You are not going anywhere.

- 可是他... Neither is he!

升起来Let go of me. Bring it up!

把他打回去Wait! Bring it back!

- 他过来了He's going this way.

- 他过不来的He won't get far.


我们死定了这下死无全尸了We Dead. So very, very dead.


Ha..Ha. Not yet, we're not. Now!

- 现在能跑了吗? Can we run now?

- 是的Yes.


I am glad Shifu sent you.


I was beginning to feel I'm being forgotten.


Fly back there and tell them, the real Dragon Warrior is coming home.

早安师父Good Morning, Master.




Panda! Wake up!

Hmm, hmm, hmm...


He's quitted.

现在该怎么办师父? 熊猫走了那谁来做龙斗士呢? What do we do now Master with the Panda gone? Who will be the Dragon Warrior?


All we can do is resume our training and trust that in time... 真正的龙斗士自然会出现

the true Dragon Warrior will be revealed.

你在这干什么? What are you doing here?


Haa...hey. Good Morning Master. I thought I'll warm up a little.

是卡住了吧? You're stuck.

卡住了? 不不是怎么会

Stuck?...No...What?...Stuck? No...This is one of the...

是的我是被卡住了Ya...I'm stuck.

- 帮帮他Help him.

- 天哪Oh dear.

数三声一起用力一...二... 三!

Lift me on three. One, two, ....

- 谢谢Thank you.

- 不客气Don't mention it.

- 不我真的很感谢... No really. I appreciate it...

- 不要跟我说谢谢...Ever.


You actually thought you could learn to do a full split in one night.


It takes years to develop ones flexibility.


And years longer to apply it in combat.

放下Put that down!


The only souvenirs we collect down here are bloody knuckles and broken bones.

好的很好Yaa...ha...ha...ha. Excellent!

我们开始吧Let's get started.

- 准备好了吗Are you ready?

- 一生下来就准备好了I was born ready...Oww!

抱歉! 我以为你准备好了

Oww!...Oh!. I'm sorry brother. I thought you said you're ready.

太酷了! 再来一次行吗? That was awesome! Let's go again!

之前都是手下留情熊猫! 但是到此为止

I've been taking it easy on you Panda but no more.


Your next opponent... ...will be me.

太好了耶! 开始吧

Alright. Ya...Let's go!

来啊Step forth!


The true path to victory is to find your opponent's weakness.

然后狠狠打击And make him suffer for it.

耶! 借力打力

Oh yeah. To take his strength and use it against him.

直到他倒下或是认输Until he finally falls or quits.


But a real warrior never quits.


Don't worry Master, I'll never quit.


If he is smart he won't come back those steps.

但他会再来的But he will.


He's not going to quit, is he?


He's not going to quit bouncing. I'll tell you that.


Oouch! I thought you said accupuncture will make me feel better.


Trust me it will. It's just not easy finding right nerve points

特别是在这身... 肥肉...

under all this...fat?

皮毛我要说的是皮毛Fur! I was going to say fur.

当然了Sure you were.

我怎么会凭体形裁定谁是高手呢? 看看我....

Who am I to judge a warrior based on his size?

So I mean, look at me.


I'm over here. Haa...aah...


Maybe you should take a look at this again.


Ohh... Okay. Oouch!


Stop! Stop it! Eee...ouch!


I know Master Shifu is trying to inspire me and all.


But if I didn't know any better I'll say he's trying to get rid of me.


I know he can seem like heartless. Aaahh...!


But you know he wasn't always like that.


According to legend there was once a time when Master Shifu actually used to spy...

- 不可能No...

- 真的- 但是在那件事发生之后

Yes, but that was before...

- 什么事? Before what? 太郎叛乱Before Tai Lung.


Aah...ya. We are not really suppose to talk about him.


Well if he is going to stay here he should now.

我知道太郎Guys, guys, I know about Tai Lung.


He was a student. The first to ever master the 1000 scrolls of Kung Fu.


And then he turned bad and now he's in jail.

他不只是一个普通徒弟He wasn't just a student.

他是个弃婴师父收留了他Shifu found him as a cub.


And he raised him as his son.


And when the child showed talent in Kung Fu

师父就将武艺传授给了他Shifu trained him.


He believed in him. He told him he was destined for greatness.


It was never enough for Tai Lung.

他渴望得到龙之典He wanted the Dragon Scroll.


But Oogway saw darkness in his heart and refused.


Outraged, Tai Lung laid waste to the Valley.

企图强夺龙之典He tried to take the Scroll by force.


And Shifu has to destroy what he had created.

可又怎么下的了手呢? But how could he?


Shifu loved Tai Lung like he has never love anyone before. 也许以后也不会再爱What's it?


And now he has a chance to make things right.


To train the true Dragon Warrior.


And he is stuck with you.


A big fat Panda who treats it like a joke.


Ohh... That's it!

等等我的错Wait! My fault!


I accidentally tweaked his facial nerves.


And may have also stopped his heart.

内心的平静...内心的平静Inner peace. Inner peace.


Inner...in...in...in inner peace.


Look whoever is making that flapping sound quiet down. 内心的... Inner...Quaaa!

哦! 平先生太棒了Oh, Zeng, excellent.

我正想听点好消息I could use some good news now. Aaahh....

大师! 大师! Master. Master.

嗯? Hmm...

我有个...很坏的消息I...I..have ...It's a... It's a very bad news.

啊...宗师只是消息而已Aah... Shifu. There's just news. 没有好坏之分No good or bad.

师父你的预见没错Master, your vision was right.


Tai Lung has broken out of prison.

正朝这边赶过来He's on his way.

这的确是一个坏消息That is bad news...


... if you do not believe that the Dragon Warrior can stop him.

那只熊猫?! Panda?


Master, that Panda is not the Dragon Warrior.


He wasn't even meant to be here.

完全是巧合It was an accident.

世间无巧合There are no accidents.

是啊我知道Yes, I know.

您已经说过...两次了You said that already. Twice.

- 这也不是巧合Well, that was no accident either.

- 三次!! Thrice.

老朋友如果你不看清控制的幻象同样My old friend. Until you let go of the illusion of control.


The Panda will never fulfill his destiny, nor you, yours.

- 幻象? Illusion?

- 没错Yes.

看看这棵树宗师Look at this tree, Shifu.


I cannot make it blossom when it suits me.


Nor make it bear fruit before it's time.


But there are things we can control.


I can control when the fruit will fall.


I can control where to plant the seed.


That is no illusion, Master.

没错! 可是无论你做什么

Ah...yes, but no matter what you do


That seed will grow to be a peach tree.


You may wish for an apple or an orange.


But you will get a peach.


But a peach cannot defeat Tai Lung.

也许可以呢? Maybe it can,


if you are willing to guide it, to nurture it. To believe in it. 那么我该怎么做呢? But how? How?

我需要您的帮助仙人I need your help, Master.

你不需要我你只需要相信No, you just need to believe. 答应我宗师Promise me, Shifu.

答应我你会相信Promise me, you will believe.

我...我会尽力的I... I will try. Hmm..


我的时辰已到My time has come. 你必须单独一人继续奋战

You must continue your journey without me.


What?...what?...what are you...


仙人您不能离开我Master. You can't leave me.

你必须要相信You must believe.

仙人! Master.

I'm not scared...yet.

Sound like fun. He maybe a wolf.


You may be the scariest bandit in Harjin Province.


But you're a lousy tipper.



So, how did you get out of there alive?


I mean I didn't actually said that,


but I thought it, in my mind.


If he could read my mind he would have been like...what? Order up!

喜欢吗? You like it?

这味道真是太棒了! This is really good.


Now, come on. You should try my dad's secret ingredient soup.


He actually knows the secret ingredient.


What are you talking about? This is amazing.

你真是个伟大的厨师! Wow...you are really a good cook. 我希望我的嘴能再大一点I wish my mouth was bigger. 小虎你真该尝尝这面条Tigress, you got to try this. Hmm...


It is said that the Dragon Warrior can survive for months at a time on nothing but the dew of a single Gingko leaf

and the energy of the universe.


I guess my body doesn't know it's the Dragon Warrior yet. 我需要更多的"精华"和宇宙的"液"态能量...

I need lard more than dew and the universe juice.

- 怎么了? What?

- 啊! 没什么师父Oh nothing, Master Shifu.



You will never be the Dragon Warrior unless you lose 500 pounds. and brush your teeth.


What is the noise you're making?

笑声! 我从来没听过

Laughter? I have never heard of it.


Work hard Panda and maybe someday you'll have ears like mine. That's good. Oh...oh, yup.

耳朵Ears? 不好笑吗?It's not working for you.



I thought they're pretty good. It's Shifu!


Of course it's Shifu. What do you think I'm doing?

喔喔喔...师父您来了Master Shifu. Aahh...

你们认为这很好笑吗You think this is funny!


- 你们却还表现的像顽童

Tai Lung has escaped from prison! And you all are acting like children!

- 什么? What?


He's coming for the Dragon Scroll and you're the only one who can stop him.


Ha...and here I am saying you've got no a sense of humour. 我还是...我不说了... I am gonna... step down.

您是认真的? 而我必须...

What? You're serious?And I have to...aaa...not...

龟仙人可以降伏他Master Oogway will stop him.


He did it before. He'll do it again.

龟仙人不能! 再也不能了...

Oogway cannot! Not anymore.



Our only hope is the Dragon Warrior.

- 那头熊猫? The Panda?

- 没错! 就是那头熊猫Yes, the Panda!


Master please, let us stop Tai Lung?


This is what you train us for!

不! 击败太郎不是你们的使命是他的使命

No! It is not your destiny to defeat Tai Lung! It is his!

他去哪里了? Where did he go?

你不准走You cannot leave!

真正的勇士是永不放弃的A real warrior never quit!

看着吧! Watch me!


Come on! How am I suppose to beat Tai Lung?


I can't even beat you to the stairs.


You will beat him because you are the Dragon Warrior.



You don't believe that!

Oh! You never believed that.


From the first moment I got here, you've been trying to get rid of me.

没错我曾经不相信Yes, I was!


But now I ask you to trust in your Master

就像我相信我的师父一样as I have come to trust in mine. 你不是我的师父我也不是龙斗士

You are not my Master. And I am not the Dragon Warrior. 那你怎么不放弃

Then why didn't you quit? 你也知道我一直想赶你走啊可你留了下来

You knew I was trying to get rid of you.

Yet you stayed.

是的我没走因为... 因为你动不动打我头或说我很臭都很伤自尊

Ya. I stayed. I stayed because every time you threw a brick at my head Or said I smelled, it hurt!


But it could never hurt more than it did everyday in my life just being me.


I stayed because I thought if anyone could change me, could make me not me... ...it was you.

怎么训练? 怎么训练?


The greatest Kung Fu teacher of all of China.


But I can change you! I can turn you into the Dragon Warrior. And I will!


Come on, Tai Lung is on his way right now.


And even if it takes him a hundred years to get here.

How are you going to change this into the Dragon Warrior? Hah?


- 怎样?

- 我不知道


I don't know!

我不知道I do not know

我就说嘛! That's what I thought.

这就是您训练我的目的所在This is what she trains for it 小虎! Tigress!

别拦我Don't try and stop me.

- 我们不是来拦你的

- 什么?

We are not trying to stop you.


我们是跟你一起去We are coming with you.

怎么了? 我一不开心就会吃东西

What? I eat when I am upset, okay!

不用解释Oh! No need to explain.

我还以为你是大猴呢I just thought you might be monkey. 他把饼干藏在最高的架子上

He hides his almond cookies in the top-shelf.

别告诉大猴Don't tell Monkey.

看看你Look at you.


我知道我又打扰到你了I know I disgust you.


No, I mean, how did you get up there?

我不知道我... I don't know,...I...


I don't know. Just get the cookies.


And yet you are 10 feet off the ground and have done a perfect split.

不这个... 只是个...巧合

No, this? This is just an accident! 世间无巧合



I know you are trying to be all mystical and Kung Fu-ee.


But could you least tell me where we are going?

你带我走了这么久... 就是来洗澡的啊?

You drag me all the way out here for a bath?


Panda, we do not wash our pits in the pool of sacred tears. 这个池子是...

Uuh?...The pool of...


This is where Oogway unraveled the mysteries of harmony and focus.


This is the birth place of Kung Fu.

- 你想学武吗?

- 当然

Do you want to learn Kung Fu?



Then I am your Master. Okay!

- 别哭

- 好的

Don't cry.



When you focus on Kung Fu, when you concentrate, you stink.

但这可能是我的错But perhaps that is my fault.


I cannot train you the way I trained the Five.


I see now that the way to get through to you is with this. 太好了我正好饿了

Aah great, cause I am hungry.

哈哈... 好! Good,


when you have been trained you may eat.

我们开始吧Let's begin.

吃吧熊猫After you, Panda.

就这么简单? 没有啥机关不用先徒步十里?

Just like that. No sit-ups. No, ten-mile hike.


I vowed to train you and you've been


可以随便来吃了You are free to eat.

好好吃Enjoy Hey!


I said you are free to eat. Have a dumpling.

你可以随便吃了You are free to eat.

- 我可以吗? Am I?

- 你可以吗? Are you?

我不饿了I am not hungry.


割断绳索Cut it!

龙斗士在哪里? Where is the Dragon Warrior?


How do you know you are not looking at her?

哈哈你以为我是傻子吗You think I'm a fool.

我知道你不是龙斗士I know you are not the Dragon Warrior.

你们都不是None of you!


I heard how he fell out of the sky on a ball of fire.


But he's a warrior unlike anything in the world has ever seen.

阿波? Po?

他叫这个名字啊阿波! So that is his name. Po!


Finally, a worthy opponent.


The battle will be legendary.

我们来抓你去帮她We got this, help her.

大猴! 去吧~ Monkey! Jump!




Shifu, taught you well.


But he didn't teach you everything.


You have done well, Panda.


Done well?

很棒! 我表现棒极了我干的超级棒

Done well! I have done awesome!


The mark of a true hero is humility.


But yes, you have done, awesome.


我只希望朱莉?贝克能离我远点All I ever wanted was for Juli Baker to leave me alone. 故事始于一年级暑假年的夏天It all began in the summer of , before the start of second grade. 于我而言这意味着我从此步入了For me, it was the beginning of what would be长达五年的不安与逃避生涯more than half a decade of strategic avoidance and social discomfort. 显然这姑娘也太不识趣了It didn't take long to realize this girl could not take a hint. 咱们仨在这儿有点挤吧不要紧啊It's crowded in here with three people. I don't mind. 毫无自知之明我们一起推吧? Of any kind. You wanna push this one together? 布莱斯你妈妈还等着你去帮忙吧? Bryce, isn't it time for you to go help your mother? 是啊是啊Oh, yeah. 我真是拿她没辙I mean, nothing would stop her. 我终于忍无可忍这时候诡异的事情却发生了I was about to tell her to get lost when the weirdest thing happened. 我真是难以置信I couldn't believe it. 我居然会牵着陌生女孩的手There I was holding hands with this strange girl. 我咋就惹上了这种麻烦? 你好呀How did I get into this mess? Well, hello. 看来你已经认识我儿子了I see you've met my son我不得


Titanic 中英文剧本 第一幕: - (Music Box Playing Tune) - (Knock At Door) (Door Opens) 罗斯男友:I know you've been melancholy. 我知道你心情不好 罗斯男友:I don't pretend to know why. 我也不会假装知道原因 罗斯男友:I intended to save this 原本想等到… 罗斯男友:until the engagement gala next week.下星期的订婚宴会才拿出来罗斯男友:But I thought tonight. 但我觉得…今天晚上… 罗斯:Good gracious. 我的天啊! 罗斯男友:Perhaps as a reminder of my feelings for you. 让你知道我对你的真心 罗斯:- Is it a... 这是… 罗斯男友:- Diamond Yes. 对,是钻石 罗斯男友:56 carats to be exact. 五十六克拉 罗斯男友:It was worn by Louis XVI and they called it "Le Coeur DeLa Mer. "原属于路易十六世,他们称它为“海洋之星” 罗斯:The Heart of the Ocean. “海洋之星” 罗斯男友:Yes. 罗斯:It's over whelming. 好贵重 罗斯:Well, it's for royalty. 这是为皇室做的 罗斯男友:We are royalty, Rose. 我们就是皇室

罗斯男友:You know, there's nothing I couldn't give you. 我什么都能给你罗斯男友:There's nothing I'd deny you 我什么都愿意给你 罗斯男友: if you would not deny me. 只要你接受我 罗斯男友:Now open your heart to me, Rose. 用心来爱我,萝丝 第二幕: 旁白:I saw my whole life as if l'd already lived it-- 我当时觉得自己的生活了无生趣 an endless parade of parties and cotillions 不是餐会就是舞会 yachts and polo matches 游艇赛、马球赛 always the same narrow people, the same mindless chatter. 老是跟同一批思想狭隘的人 永远言不及义 Ifelt likel was standing at a great precipice 我仿佛站在悬崖上 with no one to pull me back 没人要拉我一把 no one who cared or even noticed. 没人关心或甚至注意到我 - (Woman Grunts) - (Rose Sobbing) (Running Feet And Sobbing) (Taking Short, Anxious Breaths) 杰克:Don't do it. 别跳 罗斯:Stay back. 退回去 罗斯:Don't come any closer. 别靠近 杰克:Come on. Just give me your hand. I'll pull you back over. 手伸出


Trask: Mr. Simms, you are a cover-up artist and you are a liar. 西门斯先生,你是一个狡猾的包庇者,是一个说谎者。 Frank: But not a snitch! 却不是告密者。 Trask: Excuse me 请原谅,再说一遍。 Frank: No, I don't think I will. 我不会原谅你 Trask: Mr. Slade 斯莱德先生 Frank: This is such a crock of shit! 这纯粹是一堆狗屁话。 Trask: Please watch your language, Mr. Slade; you are in the Baird School, not a barracks. Mr. Simms, I'll give you one final opportunity to speak up. 请注意你的语言斯莱德先生,这里是拜尔德中学不是军营。西门斯先生我给你最后一次机会申辩。Frank: Mr. Simms doesn't want it. He doesn't need to be labeled, still worthy of being a Baird man! What the hell is that What is your motto here Boys, inform on your classmates, save your hide, anything short of that, we're gonna burn you at the stake Well, gentleman, when the shit hits the fan some guys run and some guys stay, here's Charlie, facing the fire and there's George hiding in big daddy's pocket. And what are you doing And you are gonna reward George, and destroy Charlie. 西门斯先生不需要申辩,他不需要被贴上无愧于拜尔德人的标签。这到底是什么你们的校训是什么孩子们,给你们的同学打小报告,要是隐瞒不能撒底的交待,就把你放在火上烤。看吧!子弹扫来的时候,有些人 跑了,有些人毅力不动。这位查理迎上去面对火刑,而乔治躲到他老爸的卵翼之下去了,你要怎么做,奖 赏乔治,还是毁掉查理。 Trask: Are you finished, Mr. Slade 你讲完了没有斯莱德中校。 Frank: No, I'm just getting warmed up! I don't know who went to this place, William Howard Taft, William Jennings Bryant, William Tell, whoever, their spirit is dead, if they ever had one. It's gone. You're building a rat ship here, a vessel for seagoing snitches. And if you think you're preparing these minnows for manhood, you better think again, because I say you're killing the very spirit this institution proclaims it instills. What a sham! What kind of a show are you guys putting on here today I mean, the only class in this act is sitting next to me, I'm here to tell you this boy's soul is intact, it's non-negotiable, you know how I know, someone here, and I'm not gonna say who, offered to buy it, only Charlie here wasn't selling.不~~~我才刚刚开了个头,我不知道那些有名的校友是谁—威廉霍华德塔夫、威廉詹尼斯布莱克、威廉蒂尔,管他呢;他们的精神已经死了,就算有也不在了。你眼下正在打造用来运送告密者的远洋轮,要是你以为 正在把他们培养成男子汉,那么你想错了,因为你杀死了恰恰是这种精神,也就这学校所声称的立校精神~ 多么可耻,你们今天上演的到底是一出什么样的闹剧,在这件事情当中唯一值得夸奖的人就坐在我身边, 让我告诉你们这个孩子的品行无可挑剔,这是毋庸置疑,以为我不知道,这里有人~我不说是谁,想收买他。查理不会出卖自己的灵魂 Trask: Sir, you're out of order.


教父The Godfather 中英文双语剧本 I believe in America. 我相信美国 America has made my fortune. 美国使我发了财 And I raised my daughter in the American fashion. 而我以美国方式教养我的女儿 I gave her freedom, but I taught her never to dishonour her family. 我给她自由但也告诉她永远不要有辱家门 She found a boyfriend, not an ltalian. 她交了位男友但不是意大利人 She went to the movies with him. She stayed out late. 她跟他去看电影,深夜才回家 I didn't protest.

我并没有责骂她 Two months ago he took her for a drive with another boyfriend. 两个月前他与另一个男孩 带她去兜风 They made her drink whiskey 他们强灌她喝威士忌 and then they tried to take advantage of her. 然后他们想要占她便宜 She resisted, she kept her honour. 她抵抗,她保住了名节 So they beat her like an animal. 于是他们像对动物般的毒打她 When I went to the hospital, her nose was broken, 当我到医院时 她的鼻梁断了 her jaw was shattered, held together by wire. 她的下巴被打碎了 必须用钢丝绑着才不会掉下来 She couldn't even weep because of the pain. 她痛得不能哭 But I wept. Why did I weep? 但我却哭了,我为什么哭呢?


片名:新龙凤配 从前在长岛的北滩Once upon a time,on the north shore of Long Island... 离纽约不远not far from New York... 有座深宅大院,像是座城堡there was a very, very large mansion almost a castle-- 其中住着赖瑞毕一家人where there lived a family by the name of Larrabee. 宅内有仆人,宅外也有仆人There were servants inside the mansion and servants outside the mansion. 船夫看管游艇Boatmen to tend the boats and six crews of gardeners六组园丁照顾花园 two for the solarium...两组负责后庭,其他负责园地the rest for the grounds... 其中还有名树医and a tree surgeon on retainer. 还有专人打理室内网球场There were specialists for the indoor tennis courts... and the outdoor tennis courts...室外网球场 室外游泳池和室内游泳池the outdoor swimming pool and the indoor swimming pool. And over the garage... 车房住着姓费契的司机there lived a chauffeur by the name of Fairchild... 多年前从英国进口imported from England years ago together with a Rolls-Royce带着一辆劳斯莱斯and a daughter named Sabrina.还有一个女儿,名叫莎宾娜 In the moonlight When the shadows play When the thought of what could happen Takes your breath away Sighs and whispers Quiet laughter in the air Can make it seem that love is everywhere 赖家举办的舞会盛名远播Among other things the Larrabees were noted for the parties they gave.现在很少有这么好的派对Few people anymore give parties the way they did. 赖家派对从不曾下雨It never rained on the night of a Larrabee party.The Larrabees wouldn't have stood for it.赖家绝不允许In the half-light Can we trust-- There was Maude Larrabee... 当她丈夫在高球场上去世后 who inherited the Larrabee Corporation... when her husband died on the 1 3th hole at Pebble Beach. 摩蒂赖瑞毕便继承赖氏公司 甜心,跟莫主教聊聊天Sweetheart, go talk to Colonel Morgan. 他看来很无聊He looks bored. Senator! 议员,我要你见… Have I got somebody I want you to meet. 摩蒂曾上过“财富”杂志封面Maude was on the cover of Fortune. 赖家长子莱纳斯There was Linus, the older son... 十九岁即从耶鲁大学毕业who graduated from Yale at 1 9... 将赖氏公司开上光纤高速公路and took his mother and the company for a ride... on the fiber-optic highway... 把上亿的家产扩展到天文数字and turned a hundred-million-dollar family business... into some serious money. 今年我不想再收购电视网I just don't feel like buying any more networks this year. 老是没有好节目There's never anything good on. 十点是最后时限,十点零八分了I said the offer expired at 1 0:00. It's 1 0:08, Robert. 莱纳斯上过“时代”杂志封面Linus was on the cover of Time.


人物安排:一人引述旁白总结角色:father mother daughter grandmother Arrangement of the characters: one quote unquote summarize roles: father mother daughter grandmother 每个角色将在剧前有一段简短独白,说明自己扮演的角色。 Each character will play before a short monologue, explain their role. 爸爸:I play the part of father.,David.and football is my favorite.And to my daughter ,at the most time,Ican’t understand what she think and what she want.Maybe we need more communication. Dad: I play the part of father David.and football is my favorite.And to, my daughter, at the most time, Ican t understand what she ' think and what she want.Maybe we need more communication. 我扮演父亲的角色,足球是我的最爱。而在很多时候,我不能理解我女儿的想法,不知道她想要什么。也许我们要多多交流。 I play the role of a father, football is my most loved. In most of the time, I can not understand my daughter's idea, do not know what she wants. Maybe we should exchange a lot. 妈妈:I have the role of mother,Kelly. and busy for this family .It’s difficult to chat with my daughter.Yes, very diffcult.. Mom: I have the role of mother, Kelly . And busy for this family . It s difficult to chat ' with my daughter.Yes, very diffcult. 我扮演妈妈,为这个家而忙碌。我与女儿无法聊天。 I play my mother, for the home and busy. My daughter and I can chat. 女儿:I act the role of daughter.Anne.I like everything about fashion and star.I love michael jackson best!!!!!!!! Daughter: I act the role of daughter.Anne.I like everything about fashion and star.I love Michael Jackson best!!!!!!!! 我演女儿。安妮,我热爱每件关于时尚与明星的事情。迈克尔杰克逊是我的最爱!!!!! My daughter. Anne, I love everything about fashion and celebrity. Michael Jackson is my best love!!!!!


经典的电影台词(中英对照) 来源:普特英语 ㈠《Shawshank Redemption肖申克的救赎》 1.You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright. 你知道,有些鸟儿是注定不会被关在牢笼里的,它们的每一片羽毛都闪耀着自由的光辉。 2.There is something inside ,that they can't get to , that they can't touch. That's yours. 那是一种内在的东西, 他们到达不了,也无法触及的,那是你的。 3.Hope is a good thing and maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies. 希望是一个好东西,也许是最好的,好东西是不会消亡的。 ㈡《Forrest Gump 阿甘正传》 1.Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. 生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料。 2.Stupid is as stupid does. 蠢人做蠢事(也可理解为傻人有傻福)。 3.Miracles happen every day. 奇迹每天都在发生。 4.Jenny and I was like peas and carrots. 我和珍妮形影不离。 5.Have you given any thought to your future? 你有没有为将来打算过呢? 6.You just stay away from me please. 求你离开我。 7.If you are ever in trouble, don't try to be brave, just run, just run away. 你若遇上麻烦,不要逞强,你就跑,远远跑开。 8.It made me look like a duck in water. 它让我如鱼得水。 9.Death is just a part of life, something we're all destined to do. 死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要做的一件事。 10.I was messed up for a long time. 这些年我一塌糊涂。 11.I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidentally——like on a breeze. 我不懂我们是否有着各自的命运,还是只是到处随风飘荡。 ㈢《The Lion King狮子王》 1.Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. 世界上所有的生命都在微妙的平衡中生存。 2.I laugh in the face of danger.

了不起的盖茨比 中英文台词对照

1、每当你觉得想要批评什么人的时候,你切要记着,这个世界上的人并非都具备你禀有的条件。Whenever you feel like criticizing any one, just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had. 2、人们的善恶感一生下来就有差异。 A sense of the fundamental decencies is parceled out unequally at birth. 3、人们的品行有的好像建筑在坚硬的岩石上,有的好像建筑在泥沼里,不过超过一定的限度,我就不在乎它建在什么之上了。Conduct may be founded on the hard rock or the wet marshes, but after a certain point I don't care what it's founded on. 4、这时,天色已经暗了下来,我们这排高高地俯瞰着城市的灯火通明的窗户,一定让街头偶尔抬头眺望的人感到了,人类的秘密也有其一份在这里吧,我也是这样的一个过路人,举头望着诧异着。我既在事内又在事外,几杯永无枯竭的五彩纷呈的生活所吸引,同时又被其排斥着。Yet high over the city our line of yellow windows must have contributed their share of human secrecy to the casual watcher in the darkening streets, and I was him too, looking up and wondering. I was within and without, simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life. 5、他理解体谅地笑了——这笑比理解和体谅有的含义。这是那种不多见的使你忐忑不安的情绪能很快地平静下来的笑,这种笑容人的一生中顶多能碰上四五次。它先是再一刹那间面对——或者说似乎在面对——整个外部世界,然后他就全副心神地倾注到你的身上,对你充满一种不可抵御的偏爱之情。它对你的理解恰是你想被人理解的那么多,它对你的信任恰像你平时愿意对自己所信任到的那种程度,它叫你确信它对你的印象恰是你所希望造成的那么多。He smiled understandingly——much more than understandingly. It was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, which you may come across four or five times in life. It faced—or seemed to face—the whole external world for an instant, and then concentrated on you with an irresistible prejudice in your favor. It understood you just so far as you wanted to be understood, believed in you as you would like to believe in yourself, and assured you that it h ad precisely the impression of you that, at your best, you hope to convey. 7、世界上只有被追求者和追求者,忙碌者和疲惫者。There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired. 8、他怀着一种创造性的情感将自己全身心地投入到它的中间,不断地为它增添内容,用飘浮到他路上的每一根漂亮羽毛去装扮它。有谁知道在一个人的波诡云谲的心里,能蓄下多少火一样的激情和新鲜的念头。He had thrown himself into it with a creative passion, adding to it all the time, decking it out with every bright feather that drifted his way. No amount of fire or freshness can challenge what a man will store up in his ghostly heart.


葡萄园占地面♥积♥超过三千英亩 The vineyards currently take up over thirty thousand acres, 共育有五种不同的葡萄 where we grow five different varieties of wine, 即解百纳苏维浓梅洛设拉子 Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Shiraz, 佳美娜和白苏维浓 Carmenere, and Sauvignon Blanc. 现在请跟我走注意脚下 Now please follow me and watch your step. 我讨厌你的美♥国♥佬♥朋友 I hate your gringo friend. 我也是 Right now, so do I. 星期三 几百年来都会举办盛大的庆祝活动 Centuries ago huge festivals were held 每逢葡萄采摘季节尾声 at the end of the grape harvest. 来自不同村落的少女们 And the virgins of the different towns 会踩踏新鲜葡萄 would stomp the grapes 来获取葡萄原液 to make the wine. 而今的葡萄酿酒工艺已经进化到极其 As you have seen today now it's a much more 精湛复杂 sophisticated process. 大家有什么问题吗没有吗 Do you have any questions? No? 那好大家可自♥由♥活动并拍照 OK, feel free to look around and take pictures. 我有个问题 Actually I have a question, 您能给我和我的朋友们照张相吗 can you take a photo of me and my friends? -当然可以 -谢谢 -Sure. -Thanks. 按右边就可以了 Just push right there.


Snow white (旁:寒冬,怀孕的王后在皇宫的花园里散步) (In a cold winter, the pregnant queen was walking in the garden of the palace.) 母后:好大的雪啊!如果我能拥有一个皮肤像雪般洁白,脸颊如鲜血红润,而头发跟黑檀木一样乌黑的孩子,那该多好啊!! (What heavy snow! if only I could have a girl, whose skin is as white as snow, cheeks as rosy as blood, hair is as black as ebony! ) (旁:不久王后果然如愿地生下一个公主,而公主的皮肤真如雪般洁白,王后想起那天花园散步的情景,便为她取名为“白雪公主”。她们常常在皇宫里散步,但是幸福的时光太短暂,白雪公主出生不久皇后就死掉了。第二年,国王又娶了一位新王后。她漂亮、顽固又好强,最糟糕的是她心地狠毒。她有一面从不说谎的魔镜,每天,她都要对着魔镜问) (The queen gave birth to a princess as she expected. the skin of the girl is as white as snow. thinking of the day when she was in the garden, the queen named her princess “snow white”. They often walked in the palace, however, unluckily, the queen died. The next year, the king married another woman. The new queen was beautiful, but stubborn and strong. The worst thing is she is very evil-minded. She had a magic which never told lies. Every day, she asked it the same


Forrest Gump 阿甘正传中英双语剧本 你好。我叫福雷斯,福雷斯甘Hello. My name's Forrest - Forrest Gump. 要吃巧克力吗? Do you want a chocolate? 我能吃掉上百万块巧克力I could eat about a million and a half of these. 我妈妈常说My mama always said 人生就像一盒各式各样的巧克力Life was like a box of chocolates. 你永远不知道下一块将会是哪种You never know what you're going to get. 那双鞋子一定很舒适Those must be comfortable shoes. 穿这样的鞋子你可以走上一整天I bet you could walk all day in shoes like that 脚都不会痛and not feel a thing. 我希望能有一双这样的鞋子I wish I had shoes like that.其实我的脚很痛My feet hurt . 妈妈常说要想知道一个人的很多事情Mama always said there's an awful lot 只要看看他穿的鞋就能知道you can tell about a person by their shoes. 他会往哪里走Where they're going, 他住在哪里where they've been. 我穿过很多双鞋子I've worn lots of shoes. 如果我仔细想的话I bet if I think about it real hard 我能记得我第一双鞋子的模样I could remember my first pair of shoes. 妈妈说它会带我到任何地方Mama said they'd take me anywhere . 她说它是双魔鞋She said they was my magic shoes. 好的,福雷斯,张开双眼All right, Forrest, Open your eyes now . 你走几步看看Let's take a little walk around. 感觉如何?How do those feel? 他的双腿很强壮,甘太太His legs are strong, Mrs. Gump, 是我见过最强壮的as strong as I've ever seen. 但是他的背象政客一样弯But his back's as crooked as a politician. crooked英[?kr?k?d] 美[?kr?k?d] adj. 弯曲的;不正当的;歪扭的;用不正当手段得来的 v. 弯成钩形(crook的过去式和过去分词) politician英[?p?l??t??n] 美[?pɑ:l??t??n] n. 政治家;政客,玩弄权术者;<蔑>政客,<美>政治贩复数:politicians 记忆技巧:polit 政治+ ician 表人→搞政治之人→政客 但我们会让他再直起来,对吧?But we're going to straighten him right up, aren't we, Forrest?


NO.1 Forrest Gump 阿甘正传 Forrest Gump 1.Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get. (生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料) 2.Stupid is as stupid does. (蠢人做蠢事,也可理解为傻人有傻福) 3.Miracles happen every day. (奇迹每天都在发生) 4.Jenny and I was like peas and carrots.(我和珍妮形影不离) 5.Have you given any thought to your future?(你有没有为将来打算过呢) 6.You just stay away from me please.(求你离开我) 7.If you are ever in trouble, don’t try to be brave, just run, just run away.(你若遇上麻烦,不要逞强,你就跑,远远跑开) 8.It made me look like a duck in water.(它让我如鱼得水) 9.Death is just a part of life, something we’re all destined to do.(死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要做的一件事) 10.I was messed up for a long time.(这些年我一塌糊涂) 11.I don’t know if we each have a destiny, or if we’re all just floating arou nd accidental—like on a breeze.(我不懂我们是否有着各自的命运,还是只是到处随风飘荡) NO.2 The Lion King 狮子王 1. Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. 世界上所有的生命都在微妙的平衡中生存。 2. I laugh in the face of danger. 越危险就越合我心意。 3. I’m only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn’t mean you go looking fo r trouble. 我只是在必要的时候才会勇敢,勇敢并不代表你要到处闯祸。 4. When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world. 如果这个世界对你不理不睬,你也可以这样对待它。 5. It’s like you are back from the dead. 好像你是死而复生似的。 6. You can’t change the past. 过去的事是不可以改变的。 7. Yes, the past can hurt. But I think you can either run from it or learn from it. 对,过去是痛楚的,但我认为你要么可以逃避,要么可以向它学习。 8. This is my kingdom. If I don’t fight for it, who will? 这是我的国土,我不为她而战斗,谁为呢? 9. Why should I believe you? Everything you ever told me was a lie. 我为何要相信你?你所说的一切都是谎话。 10. I’ll make it up to you, I promise. 我会补偿你的,我保证。 NO.3 Gone with The Wind 飘 https://www.360docs.net/doc/28602118.html,nd is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for. Because i t’s the only thing that lasts.(土地是世界上唯一值得你去为之工作, 为之战斗, 为之牺牲的东西,因为它是唯一永恒的东西)


There was once a young shepherd who lived in a small village. One day, the young man was so bored that he thought of an idea to trick the other villagers. He shouted to the villagers that a wolf was coming and called for help. After the helpful villagers came with all their 'weapons' prepared, they realised that they were fooled by the shepherd, who laughed loudly at them for being tricked. The shepherd was so naughty that he repeated the same thing the second day. The villagers were tricked once more. Being so angry, the villagers decided not to believe in the young shepherd anymore. One day, a huge wolf really came to the farm and was about to eat up all the shepherd's sheep. Upon seeing the situation,the shepherd shouted loudly for help. Yet because of his previous behaviors, no one was there to help him. The shepherd finally realised that he was wrong, yet there was no way to save the sheep from being eaten. In the end, all the sheep were eaten by the wolf. This story tells us that we cannot tell lies. Character: a boy; a wolf; some farmers, a group of sheep, a storyteller 道具:鞭子、一棵大树、一座小山、三顶草帽、三根扁担、三把 锄头、 Scene One: farmers working in the field (第一场:三个农民在地 里劳动) 1、音乐起,三个农民边唱边跳出场 歌词:We are farmers, we are farmers, happy happy happy! 2、三个农民在地里劳动
