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November 1, 2011


At 75, Seminal US Composer Still Inspires

Gail Wein | New York

In the early 1960s, when Reich was at the beginning of his career , the contemporary classical music scene was dominated by atonal music.

"It fell to my generation to basically say,

'Basta. Enough.' to music which you could

not tap your foot to," Reich says, "to

music to which you could not possibly

walk out humming anything, and music

which had no harmonic center ."

Reich was studying composition at Mills College in California, a hotbed of avant-garde creativity. Experimenting with lengths of audio tape, he spliced them together to form a loop and put them on a tape player so they would continuously run over and over again.

Reich went to San Francisco's Union Square and recorded a charismatic street preacher , whose sermon hovered between speech and song.

"As he said, 'It's gonna rain,' a pigeon took off," Reich says. "So you had a pigeon drummer and this incredible voice and sort of low traffic in the background. Well, I thought, 'Oh, wouldn't it be great if it were two loops, and they were going, ‘it's gonna, it's gonna, it's gonna rain rain rain rain,' and the pigeon would just be drumming away."

According to Tim Page, professor of journalism and music at the

US composer Steve Reich, who turns 75 this year, continues to inspire a new generation of musicians.

University of Southern California, Reich's work was the opposite of what was going on at the time.

"It was very repetitive, it was very quote-unquote tonal. And it had a very steady pulse," Page says. "So it was pretty much setting pretty much all the traditional modernisms that were in fashion in the 70s on their head. For a lot of us, hearing his music was literally a


One of those whose life was changed after hearing compositions by Reich was fellow composer David Lang. He first heard "Its Gonna Rain" on an album he came across at the record store where he worked.

"I had never been prepared to hear anything like this," Lang recalls. "It didn't have a melody; it didn't have harmony - at least the way I had been prepared to understand it. It didn't have a way of progressing. And I remember thinking, 'This is the coolest thing I ever heard in my life.' I was 17 years old."

Reich became influential, and not just for classical musicians. Rockers like Brian Eno and David Bowie, as well as hip-hop artists, all owe something to him.

Younger rock musicians - like guitarist Bryce Dessner with the band, The National - are also interested in Reich's music. "For a lot of musicians like myself, I think Steve Reich's appeal is quite broad, and, in a way, just to open this big space for musicians to move in." Dessner is also a classical guitarist and composer. He says The National enjoys a daily connection to Reich's music. Drummer Brian Devendorf is obsessed with the composition "Clapping Music."

"He plays it every night before the show. He'll play it for an hour to warm up, and it's kind of fun. It's like this constant pattern looping through our heads before we go out on stage, is Steve Reich's "Clapping Music" as played by Brian."

But it's not just Reich's past that intrigues fans.

VOA News


"One of the things that's really sort of extraordinary about Steve Reich is that he's 75 and yet he's still somebody to whom everybody looks with great interest to see what he'll do next," says Page. "And that's a rarity."

Reich himself is still looking forward, even after celebrating his 75th birthday.

"That young musicians around the world want to and actually do play my music very well and to go around and hear that, in reality, is the best present a composer could ask for."

Concerts and festivals celebrating the composer's 75th birthday continue through the year in North America, Europe and Australia.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/2c6671001.html, 3


11.常用新闻英语词汇. 政治、法律、外交 1. Abortive coup attempt流产政变 2. Absent trial缺席审判 3. Absentee voting缺席投票 1 4. Absolute majority绝对多数 5. Absolute monarchy君主专制政体 6. Abstain from voting放弃,不投票 7. Abstention弃权 8. Accord协定,一致 9. Accredited journalist特记者 10. Acting president代总统 11. Action platform行动纲领 12. Action policy行动方针,实施方针 13. Administration party执政党 14. Administrative authorities行政当局 15. Administrative injunction行政命令 16. Administrative policy speech施政演 17. Advanced countries发达国家 18. Advisory body顾问团 19. Advisory committee咨询委员会 20. Agenda会议事项,议事日程 21. Agreed formula商定的方安 22. Aid-giving agency援助机构 23. Alien domination外国统治 24. Allied powers同盟国 25. All-out ban全面禁止 26. Ambassador-at-large巡回大使 27. Ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary特命全权大使 28. Amendment修正案,附加条款 29. Amicable relation友好关系 30. Amnesty 31. Anarchy大赦 32. Annex(领土)合并,兼并 33. Anxious澳、新、美三国防御体系 34. Appeasement policy绥靖政策 35. Appropriate authorities有关当局


VOA新闻词汇表 accredited journalist n.特派记者advertisement n.广告 advance n.预发消息;预写消息 affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻 anecdote n.趣闻轶事 assignment n.采写任务attribution n.消息出处;消息来源 back alley news n.小道消息backgrounding n.新闻背景Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里banner n.通栏标题beat n.采写X围blank vt.“开天窗” body n.新闻正文 boil vt.压缩(篇幅) box n.花边新闻 brief n.简讯bulletin n.新闻简报byline n.署名文章

caption n.图片说明 caricature n.漫画carry vt.刊登 cartoon n.漫画censor vt.新闻审查 chart n.(每周流行音乐等)排行榜 clipping n.剪报column n.专栏,栏目 columnist n.专栏作家 continued story 连载故事,连载小说contributing editor 特约编辑 contribution n.(投给报刊的)稿件,投稿contributor n.投稿人 copy desk n.新闻编辑部 copy editor n.文字编辑 correction n.更正(启事)

correspondence column 读者来信专栏correspondent n.驻外记者,常驻外埠记者cover vt.采访,采写 cover girl n.封面女郎covert coverage 秘密采访 crop vt.剪辑(图片) crusade n.宣传攻势cut n.插图 vt.删减(字数) cut line n.插图说明daily n.日报dateline n.新闻电头deadline n.截稿时间dig vt.深入采访,追踪(新闻线索),“挖”(新闻)


accredited journalist n.特派记者advertisement n.广告 advance n.预发消息;预写消息 affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻 anecdote n.趣闻轶事 assignment n.采写任务 attribution n.消息出处;消息来源 back alley news n.小道消息backgrounding n.新闻背景 Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里banner n.通栏标题 beat n.采写范围 blank vt.“开天窗” body n.新闻正文 boil vt.压缩(篇幅) box n.花边新闻 brief n.简讯 bulletin n.新闻简报 byline n.署名文章 caption n.图片说明 caricature n.漫画 carry vt.刊登 cartoon n.漫画 censor vt.审查(新闻稿件),新闻审查chart n.(每周流行音乐等)排行榜 clipping n.剪报 column n.专栏,栏目 columnist n.专栏作家 continued story 连载故事,连载小说contributing editor 特约编辑contribution n.(投给报刊的)稿件,投稿contributor n.投稿人 copy desk n.新闻编辑部 copy editor n.文字编辑 correction n.更正(启事) correspondence column 读者来信专栏correspondent n.驻外记者,常驻外埠记者cover vt.采访,采写 cover girl n.封面女郎covert coverage 隐性采访,秘密采访 crop vt.剪辑(图片) crusade n.宣传攻势 cut n.插图 vt.删减(字数) cut line n.插图说明 daily n.日报 dateline n.新闻电头 deadline n.截稿时间 dig vt.深入采访,追踪(新闻线索),“挖”(新闻) digest n.文摘 editorial n.社论 editorial office 编辑部 editor's notes 编者按 exclusive n.独家新闻 expose n.揭丑新闻,新闻曝光 extra n.号外 eye-account n.目击记,记者见闻 faxed photo 传真照片 feature n.特写,专稿 feedback n.信息反馈 file n.发送消息,发稿 filler n.补白 First Amendment (美国宪法)第一修正案(内容有关新闻、出版自由等) five "W's" of news 新闻五要素(注:请知道5W含义者联系编辑 flag n.报头,报名 folo (=follow-up) n.连续报道 Fourth Estate 第四等级(新闻界的别称) freedom of the Press 新闻自由 free-lancer n.自由撰稿人 full position 醒目位置 Good news comes on crutches.好事不出门。 grapevine n.小道消息 gutter n.中缝 hard news 硬新闻,纯消息 headline n.新闻标题,内容提要 hearsay n.小道消息 highlights n.要闻 hot news 热点新闻 human interest 人情味

常用BBC VOA新闻词汇

常用BBC,VOA英语新闻词汇1)名词+现在分词。如: cancer-causing drug 制癌药物 oil-producing country 产油国 peace-keeping force 维和部队 policy-making body 决策机构 2)形容词+现在分词。如: far-reaching significance 深远意义 high-ranking official 高级官员 long-standing issue 由来己久的问题 wide-spreading AIDS 到处蔓延的艾滋病 3)名词+过去分词。如: blood-cemented friendship 鲜血凝成的友谊 export-oriented economy 外向型经济 poverty-stricken area 贫困地区 wasp-waisted road 蜂腰路段 4)形容词+过去分词。如: deep-rooted social problems 根深蒂固的社会问题foreign-owned enterprise 外资企业 long-faced job loser 愁眉苦脸的失业者 quick-frozen food 速冻食品 5)副词+过去分词。如: dimly-lit room 光线昏暗的房间 highly-sophisticated technology 尖端技术 richly-paid job 薪水丰厚的工作 well-informed source 消息灵通人士 6)名词+形容词。如: inflation-proof deposit 保值储昔 interest-free loan 无息贷款 labour-intensive enterprise 劳动力密集型企业 vehicle-free promenade 步行街 7)名词+名词.如: arms-reduction talks 裁军谈判 labour-management conflict 劳资冲突 supply-demand imbalance 供求失调 year-endreport 年终报告 8)形容词+名词。如:


VOA.BBC--------新闻常用词汇,强援我羸弱的听力................P到W P parachute - n. a device that permits a person or thing to fall slowly from an airplane or helicopter to the ground降落伞 parade - n. a group of people and vehicles moving together to celebrate a special event or anniversary游行 parliament - n. a government lawmaking group议会 passport - n. a document permitting a person to travel to another country护照 patient - n. a person being treated by a doctor for a health problem病人 peace - n. the condition of freedom from war, fighting or noise; rest; quiet和平 perfrom- v. to speak, dance or sing in front of others表演 permanent - ad. never changing; lasting for a very long time or for all time永久的 permit - v. to let; to make possible允许 physical - ad. of the body身体的 physics - n. the study of motion, matter and energy物理 pilot - n. one who guides or flies an airplane or helicopter飞行员 planet - n. a large object in space that orbits the sun ("Earth is a planet.")行星 plot - v. to make secret plans密谋; n. a secret plan to do something wrong or illegal阴谋poem - n. words and their sounds organized in a special way to express emotions诗 point - v. to aim one's finger toward; to aim指向; n. the sharp end of something尖端policy - n. an established set of plans or goals used to develop and make decisions in politics, economics or business制度 politics - n. the activities of government and of those who are in public office政治pollute - v. to release dangerous or unpleasant substances into the air, soil or water污染popular - ad. liked by many people; generally approved by the public流行的,受欢迎的port - n. a city where ships load or unload goods; a place on a coast where ships can be safe from a storm港口 position - n. a place; the way of holding the body; the way a thing is set or placed; a job (or level of a job) in an organization位置 possess - v. to have; to own; to control or be controlled by拥有 postpone - v. to delay action until a later time拖延 pour - v. to flow; to cause to flow倾泻 praise - v. to say good things about; to approve赞扬 pray - v. to make a request to a god or spirit; to praise a god or spirit祈祷 pregnant - ad. carrying a child within the body before it is born; expecting to give birth to a baby怀孕的 present - v. to offer for consideration表明("We will present our idea to the committee."); n. a gift礼物("I gave them a present for their anniversary."); now ("The present time is a good time."); ad. to be at a place出席的("I was present at school yesterday.") press - v. to urge strongly逼迫; n. newspapers, magazines and other publications出版pressure - n. the force produced when something is pushed down or against


VOA新闻100篇[精华] VOA新闻听力100篇 News Item 1 This week, the chairman of America’s nuclear agency said there is little chance that harmful radiation from Japan could reach the United States. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chairman Gregory Jaczko also said America has a strong program in place to deal with earthquake threats. No new nuclear power centers have been built in the United States since nineteen seventy-nine. That was when America’s worst nuclear accident happened at the Three Mile Island center in Pennsylvania. The accident began to turn public opinion against nuclear energy. News Item 2 Most restaurants in the United States offer their customers a glass of tap water at no charge with their meal, but this week many restaurants are asking diners to pay a dollar, or more, for a glass of water. Placards on their tables explain that this small amount helps bring clean water to children around the world. It’s called the UNICEF Tap Project. News Item 3 Japan has confirmed radiation contamination of some agricultural products near a nuclear power plant crippled by last week’s earthquake and tsunami that is still spewing radiation. Yukio Edano, the chief


VOA和BBC的新闻词汇accredited journalist n.特派记者 advertisement n.广告 advance n.预发消息;预写消息 affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻 anecdote n.趣闻轶事 assignment n.采写任务 attribution n.消息出处;消息来源 back alley news n.小道消息 backgrounding n.新闻背景 Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里 banner n.通栏标题 beat n.采写范围 blank vt.“开天窗” body n.新闻正文 boil vt.压缩(篇幅) box n.花边新闻 brief n.简讯 bulletin n.新闻简报 byline n.署名文章 caption n.图片说明 caricature n.漫画 carry vt.刊登 cartoon n.漫画 censor vt.审查(新闻稿件),新闻审查 chart n.(每周流行音乐等)排行榜 clipping n.剪报 column n.专栏,栏目 columnist n.专栏作家 continued story 连载故事,连载小说 contributing editor 特约编辑 contribution n.(投给报刊的)稿件,投稿 contributor n.投稿人 copy desk n.新闻编辑部

copy editor n.文字编辑 correction n.更正(启事) correspondence column 读者来信专栏 correspondent n.驻外记者,常驻外埠记者 cover vt.采访,采写 cover girl n.封面女郎 covert coverage 隐性采访,秘密采访 crop vt.剪辑(图片) crusade n.宣传攻势 cut n.插图 vt.删减(字数) cut line n.插图说明 daily n.日报 dateline n.新闻电头 deadline n.截稿时间 dig vt.深入采访,追踪(新闻线索),“挖”(新闻) digest n.文摘 editorial n.社论 editorial office 编辑部 editor's notes 编者按 exclusive n.独家新闻 expose n.揭丑新闻,新闻曝光 extra n.号外 eye-account n.目击记,记者见闻 faxed photo 传真照片 feature n.特写,专稿 feedback n.信息反馈 file n.发送消息,发稿 filler n.补白 First Amendment (美国宪法)第一修正案(内容有关新闻、出版自由等) five "W's" of news 新闻五要素(注:请知道5W含义者联系编辑 flag n.报头,报名 folo (=follow-up) n.连续报道 Fourth Estate 第四等级(新闻界的别称) freedom of the Press 新闻自由 free-lancer n.自由撰稿人


1, hijack ['haid??k] n. 劫持;威逼;敲诈 vt. 抢劫;揩油 vi. 拦路抢劫 hijack: 劫机|劫机事件|抢劫 IFEO hijack: 映像劫持 Hijack Outdoor: 户外劫持 2, overshadow [,?uv?'??d?u] vt. 使失色;使阴暗;遮阴;夺去的光彩 overshadow: 使相形见绌|遮蔽|投上阴影 GetWord("overshadow"): 使相形见绌 3, amplified ['?mplifai] adj. 放大的;扩充的 v. 放大;详述(amplify的过去分词) amplified: 放大的|扩大,详述|被放大的 amplified verification: 扩大核查 amplified telephone: 扩音电话 4, signalled ['sign?ld] adj. 暗示的;告知的 v. 标志着(signal的过去分词形式);给发信号;用信号传递signalled: 告知|向...发射|成为预兆 track signalled in both directions: 双向信号线路 track signalled in one direction: 单向信号线路 5, Saudi Arabia n. 沙特阿拉伯 Saudi Arabia: 沙乌地阿拉伯|沙特|沙地阿拉伯 Saud av Saudi-Arabia: 沙特·本·阿卜杜勒-阿齐兹·阿勒沙特Saudi Arabia-- Riyadh: 沙特阿拉伯 - 利雅得 6, Jewish ['d?u:i?] adj. 犹太人的;犹太族的 Jewish: 犹太人的|犹太教|犹太语 Jewish cowboy: 犹太牛仔 Jewish Talmud: 塔木德经|犹太法典 7, palestinian [,p?lis'tini?n] n. 巴勒斯坦人 adj. 巴勒斯坦的;巴勒斯坦人的 Palestinian: 巴勒斯坦人|巴勒斯坦|巴勒斯坦的 Palestinian canon: 巴勒斯坦正典 Palestinian Talmud: 巴勒斯坦塔木德 8, Venezuela [,veni'zweil?] n. 委内瑞拉 VENEZUELA: 委内瑞拉|委內瑞拉|委瑞内拉 Streptomyces venezuela: 由委内瑞拉链霉菌|链丝菌venezuela": 委内瑞拉的平顶山区


【OA自动化】VOA常用新闻 词汇

intangible cultural heritage: 非物质文化遗产 hold off:保持距离 barrage:接连发问 sound-detection gear:声音探测器 spam:垃圾邮件 hideout: 藏身点 snap: 仓促的 coup plotter: 政变策划者 lip synching: 假唱 stem cell: 干细胞 play up: 大肆渲染 graffiti: 涂鸦 fever pitch: 高度兴奋, 狂热 overstaff: 人员过多 peace saboteur: 和平破坏者 comatose:昏迷的 crackdown:取缔,制裁 down-to-earth:实际的,切实的 错误的正确:关于名称含有Time的刊物名及其他专有名称的翻译美国报刊用语社会篇 Ballistic Missile Test:弹道导弹试验 Ordeal:严峻的考验 Kidnapper:拐子、绑匪 Atomic Nucleus:原子核 Confidence Vote:信任票 Denuclearization:非核化 Blast:爆炸,冲击波 Green Belt Movement:绿带运动 Argumentative:爱争论的 Cram:塞满、拥挤 Snap Poll:即席调查 Premature:过早的,仓促的 Paralyzed:瘫痪的 Lift An Embargo:解除禁运 Barbecue stoppage: 中止;中断 abstention: 弃权 clinical trial: 临床试验 Chrysanthemum Throne:天皇王位 Vaccinate Blockbuster Mascot Sleasy CULL Out of whack hot words: field work 时事热词:riot Red tape:繁文缛节 Cold front Abduct:诱拐,绑架

VOA新闻英文文本 (2)

By Anna Matteo 30 October, 2017 From VOA Learning English, this is the Health & Lifestyle report. Fear, anger, hate and sadness: These are four emotions that can affect how we think and how we act. When we are under pressure -- mental or physical -- our emotions are even more difficult to control. But what if there was a quick and easy plan for dealing with your emotions every time you faced a stressful situation? Well, there may be such a plan. And it involves a grammatical term: third person singular. Teachers use this term when talking about verbs and the form they take with the third person pronouns "he," "she" or "it." Now, an American researcher thinks he may have found a way to help control stress: talk to yourself in the third-person. Jason Moser is a clinical psychologist and neuroscientist. He serves as an associate professor of psychology at Michigan State University. Moser says that talking to yourself in the third-person seems to put a kind of psychological distance between you and your emotions. He thinks this distance is all some people need to control how they react to stress. "'Jason' doesn't just refer to myself. ‘Jason' is the name of lots of other Jasons I've met before, and it has many other references. Whereas, ‘I' and ‘me' can only ref er to the self, Jason can refer to others. And I think that distance from the self towards others gives people different perspectives. It allows them to manage stress better." Talking to yourself in the third-person is like giving yourself advice. Moser uses himself in an example. He does not like flying, but he must fly often for his work. So, when he is feeling nervous or afraid during a flight, he talks to himself -- only silently. "And what I find myself doing, if I use third-person self-talk, is that I then start kind of giving myself advice. I start saying, ‘Well, you know, Jason knows air travel is very safe. And Jason's been on thousands of flights before with no issue.' And so this little bit of psychological distance you gain by using your own name – it's almost as if you're giving advice to somebody else even though it really does end up being you you're giving advice to." Moser admits that talking out loud to yourself could look and sound strange to other people. So, he suggests using your brain and having that discussion inside your head. Thinking through that dialogue enables you to use this strategy anytime, anywhere.


VOA新闻10篇 VOA News Item1科技:转基因作物在美国获得好评(Special English) American farmers first planted genetically engineered crops in nineteen ninety-six.Today eighty percent of the cropland for soybeans,maize and cotton in the United States is transgenic. Genetic engineering adds or changes genes in a plant to produce desired qualities. The United States is one of twenty-five countries where farmers planted genetically engineered crops in two thousand nine.An agricultural biotechnology group says planting decreased in Europe.But the amount of cropland planted with the crops rose by an estimated seven percent worldwide. The National Research Council,part of the National Academies in Washington,recently published a study.The study examined how genetically engineered crops have affected farming in the United States.It found that many farmers have better harvests,better weed control and fewer losses from insect damage compared to traditional crops. LaReesa Wolfenbarger is a University of Nebraska biology professor and a member of the committee that wrote the report.She says they found that genetically engineered crops can be better for the environment. For example,she noted that crops designed to resist damage by glyphosate need fewer pesticides that are more toxic to the soil.Glyphosate is a chemical used in Round-Up and other weed killing products. But some farmers have used so much glyphosate that a number of kinds of weeds can now resist it.David Ervin of Portland State University in Oregon led the committee that wrote the report.Professor Ervin says this means that some farmers are again using the more toxic herbicides to control weeds.He says the problem needs immediate attention. VOA News Item2人物:多萝西·海特,美国民权之星陨落(Special English)Dorothy Height died Tuesday at the age of ninety-eight.She witnessed more civil rights history than any other African-American leader of her time.She said the greatest change she witnessed was the ending of racial segregation laws in the United States. She was the longtime chairwoman of the National Council of Negro Women.She was an activist,humanitarian and adviser to presidents including Barack Obama.He remembered her as “the godmother of the Civil Rights Movement.” Dorothy Height grew up in Pennsylvania.She won a four-year college scholarship,the top prize nationally in a public speaking contest on the Constitution. She arrived at school in New York City—only to learn that an unwritten limit of“two Negro students per year”had already been met. Dorothy Height went on to earn bachelor and master’s degrees in four years at New York University.She worked with Martin Luther King Junior in the push for civil rights for blacks in the nineteen fifties and sixties. Yet she had to push to make herself heard as a woman among mostly male civil rights leaders. She was the only woman standing nearby as Martin Luther King gave his“I Have a Dream”speech in Washington.


VOA NEWS 20130315 1.Thursday marks the first anniversary of the political unrest in Syria. State television showed large demonstrations in support the President Bashar al—Assad. Syrian activists reported Thursday that 23 bodies were found in the Edlib area of northern Syria. Some of the bodies were said to show signs of torture. Activists also said security forces carried out raids in several areas .A state media report said government forces clashed with armed terrorists groups in the Edlib countryside. It said a number of terrorists were killed. Separately, Turkey reported that 1000 refugees had entered the nation from Syria within 24 hours. It’s said 14,000 Syrian refugees are now living in Turkey. 2.Afghan president Hamid Karzai has called American troops to pull back from Afghan villages and return to their bases. His call followed the killing of 13 Afghan civilians earlier this week. An American soldier reportedly carried out the attack. Mr. Karzai also said his government wants full control of the nation’s security in 2013, not 2014 as planned. He spoke to American Defense Secretary Leon Panetta in Kabul. Separately, the Taliban announced it was suspending peace talks with the US. The two sides were said to be meeting in Qatar over a political settlement to end the Afghan war. The Taliban said it wants the Americans to clear up their position on the issues. Also on Thursday, Afghan official said at least 10 women and children were killed when their vehicle hit a road side bomb. 3.Ethiopia says it’s forces have attacked a military base inside Eritrea in what Ethiopia calls an act of defense. And Ethiopian Spokesman said Ethiopian troops moved 16 kilometers into Eritrea late Wednesday. He said they launched a successful attack against two military positions used by what he called subversive groups. The spokesman said the groups are receiving support from the Eritrean government .He spoke Thursday at a press conference in Addis Ababa, and the Eritrean diplomat told VOA he had no comment about the incident. The US has urged both sides to exercise self-control. Ethiopia and Eritrea fought a war between 1998 and 2000. An estimated 80,000 people were killed during the conflict. 4.Italian police have arrested a Moroccan man suspected planning an attack on a Jewish religious center in Milan. The man is said to be 20 years old, he grow up in Italy. The country anti-terrorism agency says the suspect was arrested early Thursday in the northern city of ______. Official said they found evidence on his computer detailing security at the religious center. In Britain police arrested a Yemeni woman who had been in contact with the Moroccan suspect. She is suspected of gathering information useful for terrorism. 5.The Communist Party leader in the Chinese city of Chongqing has been removed from his position. China’s Xinhua news agency reported Thursday that Bo Xilai has been replaced by Vice-premier Zhang Dejiang. The news agency did not provide a reason for his removal. However it is believed he was removed because an incident involving a former aid, his former police chief Wang Lijun went to the American diplomatic office in Chendu last month in what said to be
