商务英语模拟谈判大赛 对话

商务英语模拟谈判大赛 对话
商务英语模拟谈判大赛 对话


卖方Sales Administrator销售主管A Project Manager项目经理B

买方Vending Manager售买经理C Merchandising Manager采购经理D

Wholesale Buyer 批发采购员E

保险manager of the People’s Insurance Company of China

PICC的经理F (江来)


旁白:Miss A is the Sales Administrator(销售主管) of Japanese CASIO corporation ; Miss B is the Project Manager(项目经理) of Japanese CASIO corporation ; Miss C is the Vending Manager(售买经理) of Chinese Agcy agency ; Miss D is the Merchandising Manager (采购经理) of Chinese Agcy agency;Miss E is Wholesale Buyer(批发采购员) of Chinese Agcy agency.

B:We warmly welcome you .Do you had a very restful night ?

S: Actually, we feel quite rested. I would like to thank you for your kind invitation to visit your beautiful country.

B: We’ve been looking forward to your visit. We are waiting for your reply about the suggestion of the CASIO’s (卡西欧) sole agency in China.

S: T o tell you the truth,your proposal surprised us. As you know our annual turnover is more than one million. so it is difficult for us to believe you can play the role of the CASIO’s (卡西欧) sole agency in China.

B: As we know , In China your main markets are big cities such as, Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and so on. About 60% turnover were sold in these big cities last year. We have extensive channel-0f-distribution, specifically covering these big cities. So As a selling agent we can take good care of your export business.

S: Yes, I think so. but your sales are not more than 400,000. how can you explain it for us. B:I understand you are selling the same products to some other Chinese importers. this tends to complicate my business. as you know, I am experienced in the business of slippers and enjoy a good business relationship with all the leading whole- salers and retailers in that line. I have a mind to expand this business in the years to come.

S: Ok, We will take what you said into consideration and do some investigation by ourselves and you can also provide some information to proof your ability.

B:Well , we’ll continue the negotiation after your investigation . could you give us an exact time.

S: How about 3 days latter ?

B: OK , we look forward for the further negotiation .

旁白:Three days later, they continue to the talk.

S: Let’s take the ball rollin g by talking about the sole agency

B: Ok, what’s your decision?

S: After paying due consideration to your proposals and investigating your business standing, we think you are able to play the role as our sole agent in China.

B: Thank you, we are glade to hear that. How about the commission ?

S:As practice ,our sole agent in other areas usually get a 3%-5% commission .

B: How about 10% commission if we sold more than 1 million ?

S: In order to conclude the transaction, we’ll give you 10% commission if y ou can sell more than 1.2 million, otherwise we can only give you 7% commission . Do you think so? B:OK , that’s a deal.(看看表) It's high time to have lunch .Let's go and have a big meal , and tomorrow go on to talk about the terms of payment .

S:OK. That's a good idea .

旁白:The next day ,B invited S to Starbucks and carry on the negotiation. When S have a seat .The waiter is coming .

A(服务员):Would you like a cup of coffee with milk or suger ?

S:(对服务员)Suger, thank you .(对买方)The Starbucks has a pleasant ambience,thank you for your invitation .

B:It's a pleasure that you like here . Now, let's continue to talk ,all right?

S:With pleasure.You see, the present transaction is the first step in trade between us . I feel sure more business can be expected if this initial deal works out.

B:How about the terms of payment ?

S:If it's OK with you, we would like payment prior to delivery, since this is your first order.

B: I understand why you would like it that way, but we prefer payment after delivery, because these goods are very expensive.

S:I know they are very expensive, but why does that mean you should pay after delivery? B:As you know ,our order is such an sizable one , it is beyond our financial capability. If we give an advance payment, we will have money trouble, because it will take three or four months to sell the goods and start to make a profit. I advise that we would adopt the terms of "payment by instalments"for our purchase.

S:We don't agree that. But as exports of a complete plant, we would like to have our investments returned as early and safely as possible.

B: you are doubtless aware that "payment by instalments" is one of the terms of payment that has been accepted and very often used by several of our sellers abroad, and our adoption of this system of payment for some specific items of our imports is not in contradiction with the usual practice in international trade .

S:You are driving a hard bargain. We accept it .

B:You are so wise. OK,let's begin to talk about the shipment. How about making Shanghai the port of destination instead of Dalian?

S:Why? We wish to point out that all the orders accepted by us are shipped to Dalian .Shanghai is out of the question.

B:It's like this . There are only one or two sailing a month from Osaka to Dalian, while sailing to Shanghai are quite frequent. If shipment were effected to Shanghai ,we could receive the goods much earlier.

S:I see. You want to transport the goods to Shanghai directly .

B:Yes, exactly, because I want these goods on our market at the earliest possible date. S: Your idea may be a good one .

B:If I choose Shanghai , will it be possible for you to ship the goods by the end of May ? S: We'll try our best .Anyway , we assure you that shipment will be made not later than the first part of June .

旁白:Received the goods , B found that the goods has suffered from pilfer ,so he filed a complaint with S for compensation. T o clarify the matter, S invited Miss A to Osaka to explain the unfortunate affair about the insurance.

S: Thank you for coming, Miss A,MissB.

B: Nice to meet you,Miss S,Miss A.As you know,the loss though pilfer was over 20% of the consignment. We‘ve presented a claim to the underwriters(保险公司) through your firm,but the insurance company refused to admit liability, as there was no insurance on pilfer.We naturally were not satisfied with such a reply.

S: I have heard about it. Of course you know,we are merely acting as mediators in this matter.If only within the scope of coverage,the Insurance Company is responsible for the claim.

A: That’s just the point.The loss in question was beyond the coverage granted by us. B: why?

A:According to your covering L/C, we made out an insurance certificate covering all marine risks but not mentioned the pilfer in it.

B: All right ,we think the pilfer should be included in the all marine risks.That is,with particular average ,I should t hink the risk of pilfer is a particular average,isn’t it? A: The pilfer is belong to particular average indeed .All marine risks including general loss caused by external factors,but especially the loss does not belong to the scope of protection.

B: But the risk of pilfer is covered by marine insurance,isn’t it?

A: The pilfer is not owned in the all marine risks.

B: well,I have heard something about it but I can’t say that it is very clear to me.I must admit I’m a layman as far as insurance is concern ed.

S: Miss B ,would you like to have a cup of tea or coffee ?

B: No,thank you ,I’d like to have a cup of tea.And now,let me hear more about the problem of insurance.

A: Ok. (具体解释)表演。

B:I see, Miss A,I must say that you have corrected my ideas about the insurance. This is far more complicated than I ever imagined.

S: Now, you realize about the insurance. What are you to do about it? We must keep to the stipulations of the contract and the letter of credit.

B: This is a loss which is caused by unclear understand to insurance clause. We will remember the lesson and bear all costs.

S: Hope you in later trading will be more attention.

B: T o compensate a part of the loss, as you suggested,may I ask you to make us a firm offer for 5,000 pieces of CASIO’s watch CIF Dalian including the risk of pilfer?

S: We’ll make you an offer tom https://www.360docs.net/doc/2d8593891.html,e and see us at 10 am

B: Thank you ,see you .

A and S: See you. (卖方一起说)


常:Welcome negotiators coming from中国国际旅行社 to 汉庭 for conducting the business negotiation. I am the General Manager of 汉庭连锁酒店--Amy. First, let me introduce our negotiators. This is Swimming—our CFO(财务总监). This is 杨丽荣英文名—our Market Minister and my secretary. 欢迎来自中国国际旅行社的各位谈判代表来汉庭进行业务洽谈,我是汉庭连锁酒店的总经理Amy,首先,由我来介绍我方的谈判代表,这位是Swimming,这位是杨丽荣。师: 常:好的,下面请我的秘书来跟贵公司介绍一下我们公司的具体情况。 Ok. Let my secretary introduce the specific status of our company. 杨丽荣: 师: 游: 中国国际旅行社讨论阶段。 杨婉: 游: 华:The price is not reasonable, we can’t accept it. 价格不是很合理,我们不能接受。 师: 游: 杨婉: 游: 华:I think that you can’t make sure that your hotel can cover every line we have and that will trouble us,and we have to find other hotel to meet our demands. 我认为你们不能确保我们的每条线路上都有你们的酒店,这会给我们带来麻烦,我们必须寻找其他的酒店来满足我们的需求。 杨丽荣: 华:Y our reasons are very sufficient, but we still want to have a lower price. Are you negotiable? 你们的理由很充分,但是我们仍渴望更低的价格。还有可商量的余地么? 常:Ok. Give us some minutes to discuss. 给我们一些时间,我们商讨一下。 汉庭连锁酒店讨论阶段。 游: 师: 常:We accept your offer, but I prefer you can advertise our company in your company. 对方所提的报价我们可以接受,但是我们希望贵方能够在贵公司对我们进行广告宣传。 杨婉: 师: 常:We accept that you can pay in installments. Our bank is Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. One thing we have to point out is that you must fax to us 3 days before if you want to cancel the reservation, or we will take back all the subscription as the debit. 我们同意分期付款的方式。我们的开户银行是中国工商银行。有一点需要指出的是,取消预订必须于团队抵店前至少三天传真通知本酒店,否则30%的定金将归我方所有作为违约金。华:We will accept your requirements, but if the tourists we bring are beyond your limits, what you


Jason: Nice to meet you, my name is Jason Brown, the human resource manager of Pangda Company, this is our general manager Jason. Jerry: Nice to meet you, Mr. Brown, I am Jerry White the deputy of Qihang training company and this is my assistant Neil. Jason: Glad to see you Neil. Now that we are all here, let's begin the talk, shall we?Jerry: That is OK, Mr. Brown. Since we have receive your request, we have made a proposal on the training project, can we show it to you right now? Jason: Y es, please. Neil: Well, we have prepared a variety of training projects and we plan complete it in 100 days. The cost of this project will depend on the types of training, the manage training will cost 600 ponds per day and the sale training will cost 500 ponds per day. If you don't have any questions, we would like start this agreement at any time you like. Jason: We truly consider your company will do a good work and have no question on the training project, But I'm a little worried about the prices you're asking. Jerry: Y ou think we about be asking for more? Jason: That's not exactly what I had in mind. We think the price is a little high, as a matter of fact, our company will send dozens of people in this training. We want you can reduce the price with number up. Jerry: I am sorry, we can not agree it. As the training prepared, we will begin the class no matter how many people attend it. It really makes no difference. Jason: Y es, we know this problem; however, with so many people trained dozens of days, it is really a volume sale. We need a discount is reasonable. Jerry: OK, we can understand you, in that case, we'd like give you a 5 percent discount if you can attend 80 days' training; if more than 100 days, we can give you another 5 percent discount. Jason: Thank you for your understanding, but as a large company, many things may happen in some days, it is really difficult for us to ensure 80 days no more than 100 days. We will appreciate it very much if you can reduce 100 ponds per day.


Dialogue 2:Negotiation on Commission and Agency Situation: Miss Huang, a Chinese handicraft sales company and Mr、White, a sales manager of a handicraft company in Abuja, Nigeria are talking about the commission of agency、 Huang: 怀特先生,很高兴见到您。最近怎么样? White: Glad to meet you too、What can I do for you?(我也很高兴见到您。能为您做些什么不?) Huang: 根据我们的协议,这个月就就是试销期的最后一个月了。我想就是时候讨论中国北方独家代理权的问题了。 White: Yes、Your sales performance in the trial period is good and the plan of advertising and promotion have been well practiced、Your company is qualified for the sole agency in north of China、(就是的。在试销期内,您们的销售业绩很好,广告与宣传计划也有效地落实了。您们公司可以做我们公司在北方的独家代理了。) Huang: 太好了。能得到您的认可我们很高兴。我们谈谈代理合同的细节吧?White: Yes, of course、As we have talked befote, the territory to be covered is the north of China、How about the commission fee?(好的,当然。就像我们先前谈过的,代理区域就是中国北方。您收取多少佣金?) Huang: 在试销期内,佣金就是4%。我认为可以提高到7%。 White: The rate of commission is too high、The commission fee we provide to other agencies is 5%、If they know we give you a 7% commission, it will be embrassing、(佣金太高了,我们给其她代理商的佣金就是5%。如果她们知道了,就很尴尬了。) Hunag: 我认为我们公司的销售策略与宣传策略都就是很好的,这一点可以从我们的销售业绩中瞧出来。而且,与其她代理商相比,我们的木雕销量就是最多的。White:There is some truth in what you said, but we can only give you 6% commission、(您说的有些道理,但就是我们只能给您6%的佣金。) Huang:超过定额每多销5000件,多给我们0、5%的佣金,这样可以不? White: Ok、For every 5000 pieces sold in excess of the quote, you will get 0、5% commission 、(好吧,每超过定额5000件,我们就多给0、5%的佣金。) Huang:Good、Thank you for your consideration、(太好了,谢谢您的关照。) White: 我们会起草合同,如果没有问题,下午签字吧? Huang:Fine、We look forward to happy and successful cooperation between us、(好的。希望我们今后合作愉快。) Dialogue3 Negotiation on Packing and Shipment Situation: Miss Huang, a Chinese handicraft sales company and Mr、White, a sales manager of a handicraft company in Abuja, Nigeria are talking about the Packing and


商务英语模拟谈判 卖方 Sales Administrator销售主管 A Project Manager项目经理 B 买方 Vending Manager售买经理 C Merchandising Manager采购经理 D Wholesale Buyer 批发采购员 E 保险manager of the People’s Insurance Company of China PICC的经理 F (江来) S代表卖方 b代表买方 旁白:Miss A is the Sales Administrator(销售主管) of Japanese CASIO corporation ; Miss B is the Project Manager(项目经理) of Japanese CASIO corporation ; Miss C is the Vending Manager(售买经理) of Chinese Agcy agency ; Miss D is the Merchandising Manager(采购经理) of Chinese Agcy agency;Miss E is Wholesale Buyer(批发采购员) of Chinese Agcy agency. B:We warmly welcome you .Do you had a very restful night ? S: Actually, we feel quite rested. I would like to thank you for your kind invitation to visit your beautiful country. B: We’ve been looking forward to your visit. We are waiting for your reply about the suggestion of the CASIO’s (卡西欧) sole agency in China. S: To tell you the truth, your proposal surprised us. As you know our annual turnover is more than one million. so it is difficult for us to believe you can play the role of the CASIO’s (卡西欧) sole agency in China. B: As we know , In China your main markets are big cities such as, Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and so on. About 60% turnover were sold in these big cities last year. We have extensive channel-0f-distribution, specifically covering these big cities. So As a selling agent we can take good care of your export business. S: Yes, I think so. but your sales are not more than 400,000. how can you explain it for us. B:I understand you are selling the same products to some other Chinese importers. this tends to complicate my business. as you know, I am experienced in the business of slippers and enjoy a good business relationship with all the leading whole-


《商务英语谈判》实训场景 甲方(A-BUYER): 刘云(A-Candy),贺小娟(A-Mariah) 乙方(B-SELLER): 岳志平(B-Zoe),黄真真(B–Miss.H) (Introduction) A-Candy: How do you do. B-Zoe: How do you do. A-Candy: On behalf of Luoyang Reisen Electronic C o.Ltd, I’m very glad to see you here. Since we are not familiar, shall we just go round the table, making sure we know each other. Mariah, why don’t you start. A-Mariah:OK, nice to meet you. This is our Purchasing Manager, Candy. I’m the assistant, Mariah. I will be in charge of preparing our negotiation and arrange the routine work. B-H:Nice to meet you too. This is our Sales Manager, Zoe. I’m the assistant, H. Welcome to our head office. A-Candy/Mariah: Thank you. B-Zoe: Before we start, would you like something to drink? A-Candy: That would be nice, just tea please. Thank you. (At the office, small talk) A-Candy: Well, how is business in your sector? B-Zoe: Not too bad, we have got a lot of work to do for the new budget in this year. And we’ve seen a obvious rise in sale. A-Candy: Un, sounds good. B-H: Is this your first time to America, Candy? A-Candy: No, this is my second time to come here. I am very impressed on this city. B-H: I am very glad to hear that. I hope you have a good time these days. What about you, Mariah? A-Mariah: This is my first visit. I am so happy to have the opportunity to visit this beautiful city. I like it very much. B-Zoe: I hope you like this beautiful city. I wish to thank you for coming here .Shall we start? ALL: Y es! (The beginning of the negotiation) A-Candy: Here we go. I think everyone has got the agenda. Today, we have a lot to discuss. We mainly talk about three points: the price, payment method, and delivery. Would you like to talk about price firstly, He? A-Mariah: Y es, I’d like to, this is our first cooperation. we know you are the leading company of office furniture in the USA, and have been in this line for many years. So we are happy and previledged to have this chance to cooperate with you. However, from your letter of Oct. 1st, we know that your quotation is too high for us to accept. I hope you can give us some


商务谈判剧本 模拟案例2 汽油添加剂进出口谈判剧本 一谈判背景 1.谈判主题: 签订汽油添加剂进出口合同,建立双方长期合作关系。 地点:青岛 时间:9月 人物:卖方(北京光华进出口公司) 买方(日本山崎化工公司) 2. 谈判人员 决策人:团队人员组成,重大问题共同商量决策; 谈判主谈:谈判人员的核心,代表公司; 副主谈:负责协助主谈; 营销总监:负责相关的营销,价格问题, 法律顾问:负责相关法律问题; 运输经理:负责相关运输问题。 安全顾问:负责相关程序中的安全问题 卖方: 主谈:(总经理)副主谈:(副经理)营销总监: 法律顾问:运输经理:安全顾问: 买方: 主谈:(总经理)副主谈:(副经理)营销总监: 法律顾问:运输经理:安全顾问

题外话:日本商人比较注重友情,与其谈判应注意先交朋友,后谈生意,打交道时,必须先争取他们的好感和信任,建立朋友关系,创造谈判气氛,只有这样,下一步的交易才会进展顺利。日本人在商务活动中很注意名片的作用,他们认为名片表明一个人的社会地位,因此总是随身携带。他们在商务谈判中十分注意维护对方的面子,同时希望对方也这样做。赠送礼品时,非常注重阶层或等级,因此不要给他们赠送太昂贵的礼品,以免他们为此而误认为你的身份比他们高。 剧本概要:双方就汽油添加剂进出口合同进行谈判,谈判的核心是关于运输成本与销售成本。双方就这一核心利益进行了激烈的辩论。 场景一 某某大酒店的一个房间,沈经理与中方相关人员在房间等候日方的先行人员,包括副主谈及其助手等。 吉经理你好。(伸出右手) 沈经理你好。(伸出右手) 吉经理这是我们公司的朱雯律师。这是日本山崎公司的吉经理。 律师相互握手之后,大家都坐了下来。 我很高兴见到你,欢迎您来到青岛,希望你们的团队这几天在青岛过的愉快,给你们留下美好的回忆 谢谢,我也很高兴见到你。中国是一个历史悠久的国家,具有深厚的历史文化,能来到这里我很荣幸。青岛也是一个美丽的城市,风景优美,我很喜欢这里。 真的!那是我们的荣幸。希望我们这次的谈判成功,并且合作愉快,能建立长久的合作关系。 希望如此。 我们已经准备好了会议室,就等贵公司的总经理到达。 感谢您细心周到的安排。 (双方交谈中……交谈过程中拉近了双方的距离) 对方电话响起,告知总经理已经到达酒店门口。 场景二 某某大酒店门口:沈经理与先行人员到门口接待。 周经理,你好。欢迎欢迎!长途跋涉,你们辛苦了。 沈经理,你好。日中两国离得这么近,飞机几小时就到达了,不辛苦。(双方握手,微笑)这边请。 (大约十分钟后,到达准备好的会议室。提前到达会议室的助理马上开门请他们进来。里面有中方的副经理等相关人员。)


(准备好礼物、签约合同、双方谈判者的名牌,两国国旗) 1、进场、落座(握手欢迎,面带微笑) A1.B1总,您好!欢迎欢迎欢迎(随行人员:您好,您好,您好……) 2、寒暄 A1.B1总你们今天辛苦了。昨天晚上休息得怎么样,还习惯吗?对我们的安排还满意吗? B1.贵公司给我们安排的酒店非常舒适。 A1.饭菜还和您胃口吗? B1.哈哈哈,中国饮食文化博大精深,昨天我们真是大饱口福呀~ A1.我们公司呢特意给您准备了一份中国小礼物(起立,双手递上),希望您能够喜欢(此处应该有礼物,加亮!!) B1.(起立,双手接过)A1总,您真是太客气了,礼物我非常喜欢。 3、切入主题,介绍谈判代表 A1.再次欢迎各位谈判代表来中国进行业务洽谈,希望我们这次能够合作愉快。B1总,那我们现在可以开始了吗? B1.好的,可以开始了。 A1.首先呢,我想请我的助理来介绍下我方的代表。 A2.(起立)现在呢,由我来介绍下我方的代表。这是我方总经理A1(A1起立,你们好); 这是我方市场部经理A3,这是我方采购部部长A4,这是我方技术总监A5,还有这是我方法律顾问A6。我是总经理助理A2,你们好!(坐下) B1.现在呢由我方秘书来介绍一下我方的人员。 B2.这是我们的执行总监B1(B1起立,大家好),这是我们的销售部经理B3,这是我方财务总监B4,这是我方技术总监B5,还有这是我方法律顾问B6。我是助理B2。(坐下) 4、双方进行第一轮磋商(旁白A2) B1.在前期的谈判中,我们对你方提出的合同价格并不是十分满意,为了尽快促成合作,我方在“十一”之际与贵方谈判,希望这次双方能达成一致的意见。 A1.我方对贵方所表现的诚意再次表示感谢。经过慎重的考虑,决定在原来的报价基础上再提高10万美元,也就是225万美元。您看怎么样? B4. 贵方报价实在太低,恕我们对这次报价很难认同。我方建议合同报价为240万美元。 下面由我公司的销售部经理B3给出最新的市场调查情况。 B3. 好的,下面由我来说一下。我公司一直致力于开发高端的技术产品,研发的技术产品在美国、欧洲以致世界市场上都得到很好的反响。根据市场部分析,近年来我公司在中国市


Dialogue 2:Negotiation on Commission and Agency Situation: Miss Huang, a Chinese handicraft sales company and Mr. White, a sales manager of a handicraft company in Abuja, Nigeria are talking about the commission of agency. Huang: 怀特先生,很高兴见到你。最近怎么样? White: Glad to meet you too. What can I do for you?(我也很高兴见到你。能为你做些什么吗?) Huang: 根据我们的协议,这个月就是试销期的最后一个月了。我想是时候讨论中国北方独家代理权的问题了。 White: Yes. Your sales performance in the trial period is good and the plan of advertising and promotion have been well practiced. Your company is qualified for the sole agency in north of China.(是的。在试销期内,你们的销售业绩很好,广告和宣传计划也有效地落实了。你们公司可以做我们公司在北方的独家代理了。)Huang: 太好了。能得到你的认可我们很高兴。我们谈谈代理合同的细节吧?White: Yes, of course. As we have talked befote, the territory to be covered is the north of China. How about the commission fee?(好的,当然。就像我们先前谈过的,代理区域是中国北方。你收取多少佣金?) Huang: 在试销期内,佣金是4%。我认为可以提高到7%。 White: The rate of commission is too high. The commission fee we provide to other agencies is 5%. If they know we give you a 7% commission, it will be embrassing.(佣金太高了,我们给其他代理商的佣金是5%。如果他们知道了,就很尴尬了。)Hunag: 我认为我们公司的销售策略和宣传策略都是很好的,这一点可以从我们的销售业绩中看出来。而且,和其他代理商相比,我们的木雕销量是最多的。White:There is some truth in what you said, but we can only give you 6% commission. (你说的有些道理,但是我们只能给你6%的佣金。) Huang:超过定额每多销5000件,多给我们0.5%的佣金,这样可以吗?White: Ok. For every 5000 pieces sold in excess of the quote, you will get 0.5% commission . (好吧,每超过定额5000件,我们就多给0.5%的佣金。) Huang:Good. Thank you for your consideration.(太好了,谢谢你的关照。) White: 我们会起草合同,如果没有问题,下午签字吧? Huang:Fine. We look forward to happy and successful cooperation between us.(好的。希望我们今后合作愉快。)


商务英语谈判经典句 1 If you take quality into consideration, you will find our price reasonable. 如果您把质量考虑进去的话,您会发现我方价格是合理的。 2 We guarantee quality products which can stand fierce competition. 我们保证提供能经得起激烈竞争的高质量产品。 3 I still have some questions concerning our contract. 就合同方面我还有些问题要问。 4 We are always willing to cooperate with you and if necessary make some concessions. 我们总是愿意合作的,如果需要还可以做些让步。 5 If you have any comment about these clauses, do not hesitate to make. 对这些条款有何意见,请尽管提,不必客气。 6 Do you think there is something wrong with the contract? 你认为合同有问题吗? 7 We'd like you to consider our request once again. 我们希望贵方再次考虑我们的要求。 8 We'd like to clear up some points connected with the technical part of the contract. 我们希望搞清楚有关合同中技术方面的几个问题。 9 The negotiations on the rights and obligations of the parties under contract turned out to be very successful. 就合同保方的权利和义务方面的谈判非常成功。 10 We can't agree with the alterations and amendments to the contract. 我们无法同意对合同工的变动和修改。 11 We hope that the next negotiation will be the last one before signing the contract. 我们希望下一交谈判将是签订合同前的最后一轮谈判。 12 We don't have any different opinions about the contractual obligations of both parties. 就合同双方要承担的义务方面,我们没有什幺意见。 13 That's international practice. We can't break it.


中新猕猴桃贸易商务谈判剧本 金色阳光农业科技发展有限公司新西兰佳沛国际有限公司 Golden Sunshine Agricultural Science and Technology Development Company Zespri International Limited Company 总经理:吴晚霞亚洲区副总经理:弗龙·斯密斯 General Manager:Wu Wanxia Deputy General Manager of Asia: Vernon Smith 财务总监:宋沛柯财务总监:玛格丽特·墨菲 CFO: Song Peike CFO: Margaret Murphy 市场部部长:蔡英杰采购部部长:Aaliyah White Market Minister: Cai Yingjie Procurement Minister:艾里亚·怀特 秘书:周亚秘书:波特 Secretary: Zhou Ya Secretary: Potter 法律顾问:王涛法律顾问:托尼·威廉森 Counselor: Wang Tao Counselor: Tony Williamson 技术总监:周泳淘技术总监:特蕾西·普瑞特 CTO: Zhou Yongtao CTO:Tracy Pratt 翻译:毕鹭娟翻译:露西·桑顿 Interpretator:Bi Lujuan Interpretator: Lucy Thornton 中方总经理:欢迎来自新西兰佳沛国际有限公司的各位谈判代表来都江堰进行业务洽谈,我是金色阳光农业科技发展有限公司的总经理XX,首先,由我来介绍我方的谈判代表,这位是~~,这位是 ~~ CGM:Welcome negotiators coming from Zespri International Limited to Dujiangyan for conducting the business negotiation.I am the General Manager of Golden Sunshine Agricultural Science and Technology Development Company.First,let me introduce our negotiators.This isXX.This is XX. 新方副总:非常高兴来到美丽的都江堰。我是新西兰佳沛国际有限公司亚洲区副总经理~~。下面由我来介绍我方谈判代表。这位是~~,这位是~~ DGM:very pleased to come to the beautiful Dujiangyan.I’m Zespri International Limited Company’s Deputy General Manager of Asia .Now,let me introduce our delegates. This isXX.This is XX. 中方总经理:贵方代表从新西兰远道而来,南北半球骤然的气候变化还适应吗?想必此时的贵国定是艳阳高照吧? CGM:Coming from far New Zealand,have you being adapted to the climate change caused by transferring from Southern hemispheres to the Northern.Is your country immersed in the wonderful sunshine? 新方副总:一切都好!四川气候宜人,山清水秀。“天府之国”的美誉果真名不虚传。 DGM:Everything is well! Sichuan is a place with pleasant weather and beautiful scenery. The reputation of"Land of Abundance" is really well-deserved . 中方总经理:谢谢贵方的称赞。不知贵方代表对我方安排的都江堰之行还满意吗? CGM: Thank you for your praise. I wish all of you could be satisfied with the arrangement of your trip to Dujiangyan? 新方副总:满意,非常满意。我们此行真是“问道青城山,拜水都江堰”。贵方考虑的真是周到!不过最让我方人员称道的还是贵公司的千亩种植基地,真是蜀中一绝啊! DGM: Oh! yes! very excellent. Our trip is really "asked Qingcheng mountain, thanks to the water Dujiangyan." Your consideration is really thoughtful! However,the most satisfactory for our staff is your company's acres of planting base, which is really a splendiferous located in Shu! 中方总经理:XX先生过奖了。希望我们此次谈判也能够让双方如此满意! CGM: Mr. XX.It is overpraised.We just hope that we can also enable both parties in the treaty! 新方副总:当然会的。我方也很期待啊! DGM: Oh,yes.Of course. We are also looking forward to! 中方总经理:(微笑点头)好的,那么我们开始吧!


一、人物介绍: 大家好,我方是此次空调设备的采购团,我是财务总监,负责此次谈判中的财务问题。今天,我方出席本次谈判的有我方主谈:李翠,此次谈判全权代表;法律顾问:李婧,负责谈判及合同的法律问题。我们的团队是非常优秀的团队,相信我们一定可以取得此次谈判的成功!场景一:开局寒暄 A:欢迎你们来到我们公司,路上辛苦了。 B:不辛苦不辛苦,你们公司很漂亮啊。 A:还可以吧,江西是一个美丽的城市,这里风景独特、气候宜人,还希望您多在我市歇息几日,同时也好让我校略尽地主之谊。 B:早就听说了你们江西的庐山,那有时间一定要去领略一番。 A:好说好说。不知道你们这次来打算留几天啊,我们尽快给您安排一下旅游行程怎样? B:感谢贵公司的一片好意,但由于我们公务还比较繁忙,就不宜多打扰了。 A:理解理解……那我们就尽快办完正事吧。 场景二:中期谈判 甲:我方政府预计将购买100台空调,以方便办公使用。经政府批准,我们便与贵公司取得联系,以便我校对贵公司的产品有更加详细的了解。 乙:谢谢贵校的赏识,那我就现介绍一下我公司的产品情况吧。我公司属于国内大型的家电企业,以生产和销售“海尔”品牌为主的空调产品。这是该几款产品的详细资料。 (递资料) 甲:(翻阅产品资料)贵公司的产品确实不错,不知贵公司产品是否能达到我方的配置要求?乙:我公司产品都是按照国家标准生产,并且通过国家产品质量检查,产品品质是绝对保证的。但不知贵校所说的配置有什么特殊要求? 甲:贵公司可以参考一下这份分析资料。(递资料) 乙:(翻阅资料)我公司在生产时也综合考虑了这类因素,所以在产品配置上是绝对符合标准的,还请贵校不用担心。而且我们会按照该要求加强产品配置生产的。 甲:我们通过私下探讨,看中了贵公司XX型号空调,产品感觉很不错。 乙:当然这款可是今年的热销产品,许多商家都已经脱销了,货源可能很紧张。不过,最近我们新到了一批YY型号的空调,比xx型号各方面的功能更优越。你们可以看看.(递给对方一张宣传单) 甲:这个……,我们再仔细看看,倒是挺吸引人的,似乎不错啊 东西倒是挺好,不知道价格怎么样啊? 乙:官方报价是4000。 甲:等等!价钱这么高?比我们选定那款高1000呢,是不是太贵了,好像不太合适。 乙:我们这可是原装的,质量有保证的! 甲:我们还是要之前这款吧。 乙:既然如此,我们也不强求,只是个建议嘛! 场景三:最后磋商 甲:在我们收集的资料中,贵公司报价偏高。我们这里有一份同系列产品的报价表。希望贵公司参考一下,提出一个令我方容易接受的价格。(递报表) 乙:(翻阅资料)我方报价是考虑了多方面因素的综合报价,比如贵方的一些特殊的配置,这些配置在生产上需要增大一定的生产投入。 甲:但在报价表中,别家报价比贵公司低1%左右,产品的配置也符合我们的要求。而且现在我方只是先试购一部分,如果效果很好,我方将大量购置。还望贵公司给出合理报价。乙:考虑到贵方的实际需要和我们的长期合作,我方同意降价1%。


商务英语谈判对话 900句

英语谈判对话900句,商务洽谈英语对话,签订外贸合同英语对话 --- Such data is confidential. 这样的资料为机密资料。 --- I am not sure such data does exist. 我不确定是否有这样的资料存在。 --- It would depend on what is on the list. 这要看列表内容。 --- We need them urgently. 我们急需这些资料。 --- All right. I will send the information on a piecemeal basis as we acquire it. 好。我们收齐之后会立即寄给你。 --- I'd like to introduce you to our company. Is there anything in particular you' d like to know?

我将向你介绍我们的公司,你有什么特别想知道的吗? --- I'd like to know some information about the current investment environment in your country? 我想了解一下贵国的投资环境。 --- I'd like to know something about your foreign trade policy. 我非常想了解有关贵国对外贸易的政策。 --- It is said that a new policy is being put into practice in your foreign trade. 据说你们正在实施一种新的对外贸易政策。 --- Our foreign trade policy has always been based on equality and mutual be nefit and exchange of needed goods. 我们的对外贸易政策一向是以平等互利、互通有无为基础的。 --- We have adopted much more flexible methods in our dealings. 我们在具体操作方法上灵活多了。 --- We have mainly adopted some usual international practices. 我们主要采取了一些国际上的惯例做法。
