
I. Chinese Cultural Terms :1.绿茶green tea2.红茶black tea3.乌龙茶oolong tea4.黑茶dark tea5.花茶scented tea6.茉莉花茶jasmine tea7.八大菜系eight major schools of cuisine /8 Regional Chinese Cuisines8.茶道tea ceremony9.茶具tea set10.紫砂壶boccaro teapot11.北京烤鸭Beijing roast duck12.清蒸鱼steamed fish13.狗不理包子Goubili steamed buns14. 佛跳墙Buddha Jumping the Wall15. 《论语》The Analects16. 《诗经》The Book ofSongs17. 《道德经》Classic of the Way and Virtue18.道家Daoism19.汉字Chinese character20.象形文字pictograph21.甲骨文oracle-bone inscription/ oracle-bone script22.篆文seal character/ seal script23.文房四宝four treasures of study24.丝绸之路the Silk Road25. 海上丝绸之路the Maritime silk road26.一带一路倡议The Belt and Road Initiative27.西域the Western regions28.敦煌石窟the Dunhuang Grottoes29.春秋时期the Spring and Autumn Period30. 方块象形文字the square-shaped pictographic character31. 颜(真卿)体the Yan style32. 民间艺术folk arts33.年画New Year pictures34.剪纸paper cutting /papercuts35.皮影戏shadow play36.苏绣Suhou Embroidery37.造纸术paper making38.印刷术printing39.佛经Buddhist scripture40.行书running script /semi-cursive script41.草书cursive script42.楷书regular script/standard script43.隶书official script/ clerical script44.砚the ink slab/ the ink stone; 墨ink stick45.六艺:礼乐射御书数“six arts” : ritual,music,archery, carriage driving , calligraphy , and mathematics46.毛笔the writing brush47.宣纸xuan paper/ rice paper48.中国书法Chinese calligraphy49.简体字:simplified characters50. 繁体字complex characters/ traditional characters51.中国结Chinese knots52.佛教Buddhism53.国徽national emblem54. 国旗national flag55. 国歌national anthemII. Multiple choices (每题三个选项中选一个最佳答案)1)Which of the following is irrelevant to the pictographic symbols of Chinese characters? (下列哪项与汉字的象形符号无关?)Aspiration. 吸Imagination.想象Creativity.创造力Allusion.典故2) Which of the following statements is true of the name of Fudan Universit(y关于复旦大学的名称,下列哪个陈述是正确的?)The characters both stand for "the sun rising on the horizon"这.些字符都代表着“太阳在地平线上升起”The name is taken from a Chinese classical poem.这个名字取自中国古典诗歌The name encourages the students to get up early in the morning.这个名字鼓励学生早上早起The characters are intended to tell the students to make progress day by day.这些字旨在让学生们一天天地进步3) Which of the following languages mostly consists of language pictures(下列语言中哪一种主要由语言图片组成?) ? B___Mandarin Chinese. 普通话Hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt.古埃及的象形文字Oracle-bone inscription. 甲骨文Seal characters.篆书4) The symbol for “swimming” is closest to (“游泳”的符号最接近的是)oracle-bone inscription 甲骨文Mandarin Chinese 普通话seal characters 篆书none of the above 没有选项5)The symbol for “athletics” contains the ingredients of (“运动”的符号包含了)dancing and running 跳舞、跑步running and swinging 跑步和摆动dancing and swinging 跳舞和摆动triathlon and football 铁人三项和足球6)All the following are the titles of Confucius excep(t以下孔子的头衔除了) ___.Ban educator 一个教育家A biologist 一个生物学家A scholar 有识之士A philosopher 一个哲学家7)The expression “filial piety” most probably means being (“孝”的意思很可能是指) ___.DLoyal to the state 忠于国家Obedient to sister(s) 听姐姐的话Responsible for the family 对家庭负责Dutiful to parents 孝顺父母8)Which of following can best describe Confucius’ view on the relationship between man and nature (下面哪一个最能说明孔子对人与自然关系的看法?) ___.D Brothers 兄弟Husband and wife 夫妇Doctor and patient 医生和病人Mother and son 母子9)Through burial and ancestral worship rituals,people can learn that (通过丧葬和祭祖仪式,人们可以了解到。

中国⽂化英语教程复习课件综合版Review Outline for "English Introduction to Chinese Culture Course" Overview & Introduction: See the picture on the right, and describe them in English.Video: This is ChinaBBC: Wild ChinaFull Name of China:PRC-People's Republic of ChinaNational Flag:the red five-star flagParty in power:CPC-Communist Party of ChinaCPPCC-Chinese People's Political Consultative ConferenceNational EmblemKey words:Forbidden City/ Imperial Palace;Temple of Heaven;Summer Palace;Ming Tombs;The world-renowned Badaling section of the Great Wall;to be added more...Enjoy videos:NBC北京奥运会⽚头《北京欢迎你》GeographyLocationSoutheast Asia , the Pacific Ocean, the world…s third largest country.9.6 million square kilometers, 18,000 kilometers, a rooster.northern end: Mohe, Heilongjiang Province,south: Zengmu Anshawest: Pamirseast: the conjunction of the Heilongjiang (Amur) River and the Wusuli (Ussuri) River.BoundaryEast: KoreaNorth: MongaliaNortheast: RussiaNorthwest: Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, TajikistanWest & Southwest: Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, BhutanSouth: Myanmar, Laos, VietnamMarine-side neighbors include eight countries -- North Korea, Korea, Japan, Philippines, Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam.TopographyTerrain--The vast land expanses of China include plateaus, plains, basins, foothills, and mountains.Ladder topography ( 4 steps of a staircase)---First Step: Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, with an average elevation of about 4,000 metres. The highest peak:Mt. Everest (Mt. Qomolangma)The second step: large basins and plateaus, most of which are 1,000 - 2,000 meters high.--the Inner Mongolia Plateau; the Loess Plateau; the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau; the Tarim Basin; the Junggar Basin; the Sichuan Basin. Enjoy the following pictures.The third step: the foothills and lower mountains, with altitudes of over 500 meters.The fourth step: along the sea; a continental shelf.Rivers and LakesMore than 50,000 rivers have drainage areas that exceed 100 square kilometers; more than 1,500 exceed 1,000 square kilometers.Famous riversThe Yangtze, the longest in China and even in Asia, is the third-longest in the world.The Yellow River, 'Mother River of the Chinese People', is just behind the Yangtze, both flowing into the Pacific Ocean.LakesMiddle-Lower Yangtze Plain and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau ——most Lakes here ---In southeast China, most lakes are fresh water. Poyang Lake,Dongting Lake, Taihu Lake and Hongze Lake are all fresh water lakes.---Qinghai Lake, the largest ,a beautiful natural salt-water lake.Nam Co Lake, saltwater lakeMan-made Canals: the Grand Canal between Beijing and Hangzhou.ClimateTemperature (from south to north):Equatorial-- tropical--subtropical--warm-temperate--temperate--cold-temperate zones. Precipitation: gradully declines from the southestern to the northestern inland area.An Outline HistoryChinese people: the descendants of Yan and Huang. Three Sovereigns:Fuxi (伏羲)Nüwa (⼥媧)Shennong (神農)Yao: Lunar calendarShun: a man with great virtuesYu the Great: conquering the floods; founder of Xia DynastyQin Shi Huang: the first emperor of ChinaAdministrative DivisionsA three-tier system: provinces, counties, townships.23 provinces; 5 autonomous regions;4 municipalities directly under the control of the Central Government;2 special administrative regions (SARs)PopulationHuge; No.1 in the world;Unevenly distributed; populations density;The policy of “ family planning” or “one child policy”Birth rate; mortality rateEthnic Groups56 ethnic groups: Han nationality and other55 minority ethnic groups;Political SystemFundamental law: The Constitution of the People?s Republic of ChinaHighest organ of state power: the NPC (National People?s Congress); NPC and its Standing Committee have the rights of legislation, decision, supervision, election and removalParties: Communist party; eight democratic parties.Executive body: the State CouncilChinese Philosophya collective designation for various schools of thoughts, among which the Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism are the most influential in Chinese culture.One of the three philosophy systems in the world. (the other two: Western and Indian philosophy) Origin: Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties. Yi Jing ("the Book of Changes)prosperity: the Spring and Autumn Period; the Warring States Period. "A hundred schools of thought contend" (百家争鸣)The Development of Ancient Chinese PhilosophyThe Philosophy in Pre-Qin times(先秦⼦学)The orthodox Philosophy during the Han Dynasty (两汉经学)Metaphysics during the Wei and Jin Dynasties (魏晋⽞学)The Buddhist Philosophy during the Sui and Tang Dynasties (隋唐佛学)Neo-Confucianism in Song and Ming Dynasties (宋明理学)Application Philosophy in the Ming and Qing Dunasties (明清实学)The Philosophy in Pre-Qin timesHundred schools of thoughts (诸⼦百家)Main representations:Confucianism(儒家); Taoism (道家); Mohism (墨家); Legalism (法家); School of Yin-yang(阴阳家); Logicians(名家); School of Agriculture (农家); School of Diplomacy (纵横家); The Miscellaneous School (杂家); School of "Minor-talks" (⼩说家); School of the Military (兵家)Most influential: Confucianism(儒家); Taoism (道家); Mohism (墨家); Legalism (法家)Confucianism:Confucius MenciusConfucianism:The Analects (Lun Yu)Some well known Confucian quotes:"To know your faults and be able to change is the greatest virtue." (“知错能改,善莫⼤焉”)"What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others." (“⼰所不欲,勿施于⼈”)"Knowledge is recognizing what you know and what you don't." (“知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也”)"Reviewing the day's lessons. Isn't it joyful? Friends come from far. Isn't it delightful? One has never been angry at other's misunderstanding. Isn't he a respectable man?"(“学⽽时习之,不亦说乎?有朋⾃远⽅来,不亦乐乎?⼈不知⽽不愠,不亦君⼦乎?”)Confucian Thoughts on Heaven and Humanity"Heaven does not speak in words. It speaks through the rotation of the four seasons and the growth of all living things. ("天何⾔哉?四时⾏焉,百物⽣焉,天何⾔哉?“)Confucian "Heaven " also had a certain sacred element, which was related to it being the source of life. Thus Confucius required people to hold Heaven in awe.---天⼈合⼀的哲学基础。

Aspiration for Peace
Protection for the southerners from being attacked by the northerners
• The Great Wall prevented northern peoples on horseback from attacking people in the south who were mostly engaged in farming.
Unit 10 The Great Wall
Lead-in Text study Exercises
Do you know the New Seven Wonders of the World? What are they?
The Great Wall of China(长城)
• Three major renovations (修复) of the Great Wall took place in the Qin (221-206 BC), Han (206 BCAD 220), and Ming dynasties.
• The Great Wall of today is mainly the legacy of the Ming-dynasty renovations.
“Seen from today, if it had not been for the protection of the Great Wall, Chinese civilization would have been interrupted by the northern peoples in the late Qin or early Han dynasties, long before the Song and Ming dynasties. In that case, there would not have been the prosperity of the Han and Tang dynasties, or the integration of southern and northern peoples.”

中国文化英语教程-答案Uni 1Lead-inPhoenix one of four Chinese auspicious and mythical beasts, along with the Chinese dragon, tortoise and Qilin (kylin)Pangu a god who broke through the chaos and created the worldSui a god who drilled wood to make a fireNüwa a goddess who mended the sky and created humansChang’e Wife of the legendary hero Houyi and later inhabited the Moon Palace with the Jade Rabbit and the woodcutter Wu GangKuafu a god who chased the sunThe Eight Immortals a group of legendary Taoist immortalsHouyi a great archer who shot down nine extra sunsReading A1.1)The recently uncovered “Suigongxu” is an ancient vessel which records the historical myths ofthe great hero Da Yu who controlled the flood. (Para.2)2)Chinese myths are a vital part of Chinese culture. (Para. 5)3)Unlike Western myths, myths in ancient China were usually spread in scattered forms invarious written materials. (Para.4)4)Chinese mythology refers to myths transmitted by people of all fifty-six ethnic groups living inChina. (Para.1)5)Shanhaijing, Chuci, and Huainanzi are important sources of ancient Chinese myths. (Para.4)6)The system of Chinese mythology is not integrated and homogeneous. (Para.1)2.people who collected and compiled mythologye.g.: the great Greek writers Homer and Hesiodbooks with miscellaneous subjects but containing many mythse.g.: Shanhaijing (The Classic of Mountains and Seas), Chuci (The Songs of Chu), and Huainanzi1. Correct order: D G B A E H F C2.1) She took river mud and shaped the first people by hand. Later, she dipped a reed into the mud and flicked blobs of mud onto the ground. When she breathed on the mud creatures, they sprang to life.2) She did not want to stay on the earth to watch over them, nor did she want to return to make or repair them. She wanted the humans to learn to live on their own without the help of gods.3) Because by doing so she could recognize her creations.3. animals with fins e.g shark, dolphin, whale, fish, etc.animals with feathers e.g. duck, hawk, etc.animals with scales e.g. fish, crocodile, lizard, snake, turtle, etc.animals with hooves e.g. horse, ox, donkey, deer, sheep, cow, etc.animals with stinger(s) e.g. bee, scorpion, wasp, stingray, etc.Reading C1. 1) avaricious and blood-thirsty 2) auspicious, wisdom 3) a future emperor 4) dragon-king temple 5) zodiac animals 6) charismatic, innovative2. 1)双龙戏珠two dragons playing with a pearl2) 大水冲了龙王庙not recognize one’s kinsman3)龙颜大怒The Emperor is flying into a rage and bristling with anger4)神龙见首不见尾someone who has no fixed whereabouts and is difficult for others to trace5)龙飞凤舞cursive and elegant handwriting6)望子成龙parents having high expectations of their childrenSelf-check1) geographic boundaries 2) be traced back to/ trace back to3) the major repositories of Chinese ancient myths 4) mythological stories5) mending the sky/repairing the heavens6) cruel, evil and earthly, auspicious, powerful and heavenlyLead-in1. D2. C3. BReading A1. 1) 47 2) landscape garden design 3) Library Cave 4) Japan and Korea5) Tibetan architecture 6) Han citiesReading B1. 1) the Celestial Capital Peak 2) the Lotus Peak 3) the Cloud Gate Peak 4)the Heavenly Gate 5) the Sky-high Stone Ridge 6) the Gate of Three Seas 7) the Lion Forest Temple 8) the Usher Cliff 9) the Stalagmite Stone Ridge 10) the pine treesReading C1. 1) 3) 4) 5) 6)2.Pros . Symbol of Beijing;. More convenient to go outside;. Home place in childhood memory;. Close relationship between neighbors;. Demonstration of Chinese national culture.Cons . Old and aging facilities;. Sanitation condition;. No heating system;. No toilet;. Water system.Self-checkUpon their arrival, Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan were warmly greeted by the Belgian King Philippe, Queen Mathilde and Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo. The state leaders of the two countries walked into the Chinese Garden together. It was like walking in a quiet, peaceful and harmonious Chinese painting of freehand brushwork, with the delicately painted and decorated pavilions, carved beams and painted rafters along the way, with birds twittering and flowers blooming with fragrance. The two heads of state and their wives walked along the winding corridor and path, through thegreen and luxuriant bamboo grove to the panda garden. They walked and talked on their way about the friendly exchanges between China and Belgium.Unit 3Lead-in1. C3. 1) c 2) a 3) d 4) bReading A1. 1) E 2) B 3) A 4) D 5) C2. A U A UReading B1. B C D A2. 1) BGI 2) H 3) EL 4) ADJ 5) CFK3.1) boil 2) clean 3) roast 4) scramble 5) steam 6) sauté 7) fry 8) roll 9) stew 10) broil 11) blend 12) pickleReading C1. T T F T F TSelf-check1) Noodles are the symbol of longevity in Chinese culture, so Chinese people will have a bowl of noodles on their birthday, and the noodle strands should not be cut up.2) Chinese cuisine involves eight major branches. Influenced by the geography, climate, local product and eating habit, each of the eight regional cuisines has its own distinctive features.3) Chinese people stress filial piety all the time. The practice of presenting the best or fine food first to the senior members of the family has been observed for countless generations.4) In many parts of China, particularly northern China, wheat-based products including noodles and steamed buns predominate, in contrast to southern China, where rice is dominant.Unit 4Lead-in1. T2.FReading A1. A. Longjing, Biluochun, Huangshan Maofeng, Junshan SilverB. Qi Hong, Dian Hong, Ying HongC. Tieguanyin, Dahongpao (Big Red Robe)D. Pu-erhE. Jasmine tea, Orchid tea, Plum tea, Gardenia tea, Rose tea, Osmanthus tea2. 1) Parking in this street is the privilege of the residents here.2) There is no agreement on who should pay the costs imposed by new environmental standards.3) The exhibition features paintings by a couple of contemporary artists.4) In that country, the production of raw materials accounts for a considerable proportion of the national economy.3. F C D A B G EReading B1. 1) rocks; purple; curled; cultivated tiny sprouts2) frying and steaming; pounding and grinding; bamboo sieves; apparatus3) April, and May; beginning to unfold; a rainy day4) spring water; swift, clear currents; close human habitation; constantly5) singing noise; water forms billows2. 1) The best kind of tea grows wild on rocks; those cultivated in plantations are second in quality.2) Tea is picked in the second, third and fourth months of the lunar calendar. After picking, the buds/sprouts are steamed, pounded (ground), roasted, then pierced through and packaged.Reading C1. 3 6 4 11 7 10 8 5Self-check1) Ever since, tea has become an integral thread in the social and cultural fabric of China.2) Europeans had become fascinated/infatuated by this Eastern/Oriental drink.3) tea is consumed all day long both for its ceremonial and cultural significance, and for its taste.4) Green tea, particularly, is considered to be a classic beauty aid and a diet tea.Unit 5Lead-in1. 1) C 2) A 3) E 4) B 5) D2. BReading A1. F F T T T2. 3 6 11 1 7Reading B1. 1) C 2) E 3) A 4) B 5) D2. F T F T F3. 1) February 2) May 3) OctoberReading C1. 1) health and longevity; 2) clear and intelligible 3) herbal medicine4) therapeutic benefits2. 1) external pathogen 2) imbalances and deficiencies 3) invader 4) detoxify 5) eliminateSelf-check1) Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) 2) Western medicine3) The Unity of Heaven and Humanity 4) eliminating fire5) expelling dampness 6) closely connected and mutually interacting7) Yin-Yang Theory and Five Elements Theory 8) Yin and Yang are out of balanceUnit 6Lead-in1. C2. DReading A1. 21 17 4 12 192. F T F T F TReading B1. 1)C-e 2) A-c 3) B-a 4) E-b 5) D-d2. 1) Spring 2) Month Ten 3) Month Twelve4) The farmers worked intensively and arduously throughout the year; however, they and theirfamily lived a miserable life of poverty. They presented delicate food and clothes to their lord, whose life was luxurious and comfortable.Reading C1. 1) The website examined the link between personal saving habits and the Chinese zodiac.2) The snake is a bit of a risk-taker.3) In order to celebrate and inspire visitors to spend.2. associate Finance showcase adorn compete forSelf-check1. lunisolar astronomical observations the Jewish calendar a leap year2. 1) the Chinese zodiac 2) is associated with 3) the Gregorian calendar 4) Chinese communitiesUnit 7Lead-in1. 1)C 2) E 3) A 4) B 5) D2. CReding A1. T T F T T F T F T2. A(3,4)B(10) C(8) D(9) E(6)Reading B1. Wife: Yuji Rival: Liu Bang Subordinate: Senior eunych Advisors: Hanxin; Li Zuoche2. D F A C B G E3. 1) I could pull down mountains with might and main; but my good fortune wanes, and my steed won't fight.2) Wait a minute. Songs of Chu Kingdom are being sung everywhere here. Is it because Liu Bang has occupied the territories of the Chu Kingdom?3) Now the separatist warlords will vie for the throne. It is nothing unusual to be in an adverse position occasionally.4) Eight thousand soldiers have been lost already. In the future how can I face the parents of the fallen living on the east side of the river.5) For decades, we have loved and depended on each other. But now the moment has come thatwe must part from each other.Reading C1. 1) positive 2) Negative 3) Positive2. 1) C 2) E 3) A 4) B 5) DSelf-check1) The origin of Chinese opera can be traced back to the singing and dancing and religious rituals in primitive times. Through a very long period of development and reform, in the late Song Dynasty and the early Yuan Dynasty, Chinese Opera formed a mature and complete artistic system.2) The music of Peking opera mainly combines the Xi Pi tune, the Er Huang tune, and the melodies of Kunqu. Typical Chinese musical instruments are used in a Peking opera orchestra, such as Jing Hu (two-string fiddle), Pi Pa (Chinese lute), Sheng (reed pipes), drums and gongs.3) Among the hundreds of forms of opera throughout China, Peking opera had the greatest influence and is therefore regarded as a national opera.4) Facial painting is a prominent feature of Peking opera. It shows the character's age, profession and personality by using different patterns and colors. Each color symbolizes a certain characteristic.5) According to partial statistics, there are over 360 regional opera styles in China, among which Kunqu is one of the oldest extant forms of Chinese opera. Kunqu, which evolved from the Kunshan melody in the Yuan Dynasty, boasts a 600-year history.Unit 8Lead-in1. 1) brush 2) ink stick 3) paper 4) ink stone/slab2. D C CReading A1. 1) board games 2) unified and standardized 3) square; architectural4) grinding or rubbing 5) seal-cutting; sculpture; handicrafts2. 1) official script(li shu) 2) running script (xing shu) 3) cursive script (cao shu)4) sticks 5) stones/slabs 6) functions 7) bamboo 8) porcelain 9) jade10) pines that grow on Huangshan Mountain in Anhui Province 3. 11) Xuan paper12) fine textured 13) Tao yan 14) slippery3. 1) 书法表现的是线条与节奏的抽象之美,它能够反映出人的情感态度、操守品格、个性特点、文化水平、个人修养、知识品位以及人生态度。
00-01学年英语北师大版选修7:Unit 19 Cultural C

英国英语 英语开始传播到世界各地是在莎士比亚时代。1607年英国统 治者在弗吉尼亚设立了殖民地——北美第一个说英语的永久定居 地。到18世纪八十年代,美国从英国独立出来,那时有13个殖民 地和4百万说英语的人!
American English In 1806, Noah Webster published his first Dictionary of American English. ④This not only had American words and
世界各地的英语 当今,在一些国家大约有4亿把英语作为第一语言的人。例如 澳大利亚、英国、加拿大、爱尔兰、牙买加、新西兰、南非和美 国。另外,有更多的人把英语作为第二语言,即英语用于官方、 商业和教育。许多把英语作为第二语言的国家是前英国殖民地, 如印度、肯尼亚、尼日利亚、巴基斯坦、新加坡和斯里兰卡。除 此以外,英语还是世界上学习最广的外语。那么,英语是怎样成 为世界语言的?
New Zealand English New Zealand English started in 1840, with the ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱreaty between the British and the Maoris in New Zealand. This began the colonisation of the two islands. New Zealand English sounds very similar to Australian English,but uses more British words and expressions and has borrowed words from the Maoris, particularly for the names of flowers and trees.

《中国文化英语教程》教学讲义China is a country with a rich and diverse cultural heritage that has fascinated people from all over the world. From its ancient philosophy and traditional arts to its modern innovations and global influence, Chinese culture has made a significant impact on the world stage. In order to understand and appreciate this unique culture, it is essential to learn about it from a comprehensive and well-structured English language perspective.The "Chinese Culture English Tutorial" is designed to provide learners with a deep understanding of the various aspects of Chinese culture through the medium of the English language. This tutorial aims to bridge the gap between the East and the West by offering a detailed exploration of Chinese history, philosophy, language, literature, art, music, cuisine, festivals, and customs. By delving into these diverse topics, learners will gain a holistic view of Chinese culture and develop a profound appreciation for its beauty and complexity.The tutorial begins with an overview of Chinese history, tracing the origins of Chinese civilization and the key dynasties that have shaped the country's cultural landscape. Learners will explore the philosophical foundations of Chinese thought, including the teachings of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism, which have had a profound influence on Chinese society and values.Moving on to language and literature, the tutorial provides an introduction to the Chinese language, its unique writing system, and the rich tradition of Chinese literature. Learners will have the opportunity to explore classical Chinese poetry, prose, and drama, as well as modern works by renowned Chinese authors.In the realm of arts and music, the tutorial showcases the diversity of Chinese artistic expression, from traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy to contemporary visual arts and music. By examining the symbolism and techniques employed in Chinese art forms, learners will gain insight into the cultural significance of these creative expressions.Cuisine is another integral part of Chinese culture, and the tutorial offers a tantalizing exploration of Chinese gastronomy. From regional delicacies to popular dishes, learners will discover the diversity and flavors of Chinese cuisine, as well as the cultural traditions and customs associated with food and dining in China.Festivals and customs play a significant role in Chinese culture, and the tutorial provides an in-depth look at the major festivals and traditional customs observed throughout the country. Learners will gain an understanding of the historical and cultural significance of these celebrations, as well as the customs and rituals associated with them.In conclusion, the "Chinese Culture English Tutorial" offers a comprehensive and enlightening journey through the rich tapestry of Chinese culture. By immersing themselves in the various facets of Chinese culture, learners will not only enhance their language skills but also develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of one of the world's most ancient and vibrant civilizations. This tutorial serves as a valuable resource for anyone seeking to explore the beauty and complexity of Chinese culture through the English language.。
中国文化英语教程文本 (1)精选全文

精选全文完整版(可编辑修改)Part I Wisdom and BeliefsUnit 1 Confucian thought on heaven and humanityConfucius (551-479 BC), known in China as Kongzi, given name Qiu and alias Zhongni, was a native of Zouyi (present-day Qufu in Shandong Province) of the State of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC). A great thinker, educator and founder of Confucianism, Confucius is an ancient sage to the Chinese people. His words and life story were recorded by his disciples and their students in The Analects (Lunyu).Confucius on Heaven: the source of EverythingIn the Shang (1600-1046 BC) and Zhou (1046-256 BC) dynasties, the prevalent concept of “Heaven”was that of a personified god, which influenced Confucius. Generally, however, Confucius regarded “Heaven” as nature. He said, “Heaven does not speak in words. It speaks through the rotation of the four seasons and the growth of all living things.”Obviously, heaven equaled nature, in the eyes of Confucius. Moreover, nature was not a lifeless mechanism separate from humans; instead, it was the great world of life and the process of creation of life. Human life was part and parcel of nature as a whole.Confucius on People: ren and liRen and Li are the two core concepts of Confucius’s doctrine about people.When his students Fan Chi asked him about ren, Confucius replied, “love people”. This is Confucius’ most important interpretation of ren. Love for the people is universal love. Confucius further emphasized that this kind of love should “begin with the love for one’s parents”. He believed no one could love people in general if they did not even love their own parents. Confucius regarded “filial piety and fraternal duty”as the essence of ren. The Doctrine of the Mean (Zhongyong) quotes Confucius as saying, “The greatest love for people is the love for one’s parents.” He also said, “Children should not travel far while their parents are alive. If they have no choice but to do so, they must retain some restraint.” He did not mean that children should not leave their parents at all. What he meant was that children should not make the parents anxious about them while away from home. Confucius said again, “Children should think often of the age of their parents. They should feel happy for the health and longevity of their parents. They should also feel concern for the aging of their parents.”By ren, Confucius meant universal love based on love for one’s parents. How should people love one another then? Confucius said, “One should be aware that other people may have similar desires as oneself. While fulfilling one’s desires, allow others to fulfill their desires as well.” He further said, “Do not do toward others anything you would not want to be done to you.” Thus from oneself to one’s family, from family to society, one should extend love to all people. Mencius (c. 372-289 BC), a great Confucian scholar, best summarized ren as, “loving one’s parents, loving the people, loving everything in the world.”Li refers to rituals, traditions and norms in social life. Of these, Confucius regarded burial rituals and ancestral worship rituals as the most important, because they rose from human feelings. He said, “A child should not leave his parents’ bosom until he is three years old.” He naturally love hisparents. The ritual of wearing mourning for a deceased parent for three years was an expression of the child’s love and remembrance.Confucius on the State of lifeBefore Confucius, only the nobility had the right to education. He was the first figure in Chinese history to initiate private education. According to historical records, Confucius taught for many years and trained 3,000 disciples. A total of 72 of them excelled in the “six arts”, i.e., ritual, music, archery, (carriage)driving, calligraphy, and mathematics. A great educator, Confucius has been admired by later generations as the “sage of sages”.Confucius believed the basic goal of education was to cultivate “persons of virtue”, who should have sound character and uplifted minds. Such people should be able to shoulder important social responsibilities and to make contributions to society. Confucius regarded lofty ideals, great virtue, love of people, and the “six arts” as the general principles of education. Of these, virtue was the most important. His students were involved in a variety of professions, including politics, trade, education, diplomacy, ritual ceremony, and classifying ancient books. Whatever they did, they all wanted to improve their learning of the humanities and to enhance their virtue.Unit 2 Laozi’s philosophy of Non-actionThe book Laozi was written around the sixth century BC. The author is generally believed to be Lao Dan, or Laozi – a recluse who lived during the Spring and Autumn Period. Few records have survived about Lao Dan, who was said to have once held a low civil position in the royal court, in chare of the archival records of the Zhou Dynasty. Yet, due to his great learning, even Confucius was said to have traveled miles to consult him.Laozi, also known as Classic of the Way and Virtue (Dao De Jing), consists of just over 5,000 Chinese characters. Its 81 chapters are divided into two parts, Dao (the Way) and De (Virtue). Short as it is, the book has played a tremendous role in the development of Chinese culture. It became the basis of Daoism, the school of philosophy parallel to Confucianism in ancient China. The thought of Laozi formed the foundation of Daoism, the most influential indigenous school of religion in China. It has also exerted a direct impact on the characteristics, trends of thought and aesthetic sensibilities of the Chinese nation. Today Laozi still plays a role in the development of Chinese thinking. Naturalness and Non-action“Naturalness” is an important concept of Laozi’s philosophy. It refers to a natural state of being, an attitude of following the way of nature. Laozi emphasized that everything in the world has its own way of being and development: birds fly in the sky, fish swim in the water, clouds float in the sky, flowers bloom and flowers fall. All these phenomena occur independently and naturally without following any human will, and humans should not try to change anything natural. Laozi admonished people to give up on any desire to control the world. Following the way of nature is the way to resolving conflicts between humans and the world.“Non-action”is another important concept of Laozi’s philosophy. It is the guarantee of “Naturalness”. Laozi said, “(Dao or the Way) acts through non-action,”by which he did no mean that one should do nothing and passively wait for something to be achieved. Neither did he deny human creativity. What he meant is that human enterprises should be built on the basis of naturalness, not on many attempts to interrupt the rhythm of nature. Human creativity should be in compliance with the ways of nature.The philosophy of Non-contentionOn the basis of “naturalness”and “non-action”, Laozi proposed the view of “overcoming the strong by being weak”. The era Laozi lived in was replete with endless wars. Therefore, war was an important treme for philosophers, and ant-war thinking was the norm. Even the great strategist Sunzi advocated “winning a war without fighting it”, not to mention the great thinker Confucius, who strongly championed a government based on love. Their contemporary Mozi (c. 468-376 BC), founder of Mohism, also condemned wars while calling for “love for all”.According to Laozi, war springs from humanity’s bloated desires. Conflict arises out of people’s struggles to satisfy their desires, and conflict escalates into war. Therefore, Laozi’s philosophy is based on “non-contention”. To him, human striving and competitive strife is the root cause of decline; desiring nothing is the natural way of life.Laozi said, “The greatest virtue is like water.”He compared his philosophy of “non-contention” to water, to distinguish it from the law of the jungle. He said, “Water nourishes everything but contends for nothing.” To Laozi, humans tend to seek higher positions while water always flows to lower places. Driven by desire, humans like whatever they think is superior while despising whatever they think is inferior. Yet water always flows downward. As the source of life, water nourishes all living things on Earth. No life can exist without water. Water contributes to the world without regard for gain or loss. Remaining low, level and tranquil, water embraces and reflects everything under heaven. The way of water is completely different from the way of people with avid desires.But the philosophy of Laozi is by no means weak. On the contrary, it is full of strength. According to Laozi, water accumulates great strength in its weakness and quietude. Its strength can break down all barriers in the world. He said, “Nothing in the world is weaker than water. Yet nothing is stronger than water when it comes to breaking something strong.”Water is a typical example of the weak winning over the strong. Water is invincible because it desires nothing and contends for nothing.Unit 3 Chinese Buddhist CultureWho am I? Where am I from? Where am I going?Men are mortal. But death is not an once-and-for-all thing. They enter the rotating Wheel of Six Realms:Heaven, Human, Asura, Animal, Hungry Ghost, Hell.Documents stored in computer can be canceled at will, but what we have done in our life, and actually in our innumerable lives, cannot. What has been done has been done. The information is stored in your true “self”, not the physical one, and will accompany you life after life, and determines which Realm you enter.Only when we are completely free from lust, hatred, and folly, can we manage to break away from the capture of the rotating Wheel, and achieve perpetual enlightenment, discovering your true “self”.In Buddhism there isn’t any dominating god who controls your destiny. We are the maker of our own fate. What we are at present is a result of what we have done in the past; and what we will be in the future is decided by what we are doing at present. What we have done form the “karma”, which, like a gene, decides on your future story. But this “gene” can of course be modified, by doing good deeds and obtaining healthy biological and spiritual energy, so as to change our future course of career. We are, therefore, our own master. What are the basic requirements for a Buddhist?Five Prohibitions for the laymen:1) Don’t kill;2) Don’t steal;3) Don’t seek aberrant sensual pleasures;4) Don’t talk irresponsibly;5) Don’t drink alcohol.Part II Creativity and ExchangeUnit 4 The Silk RoadThe silk road refers to a transport route connecting ancient China with Central Asia, West Asia, Africa, and the European continent. It appeared as early as the second century BC and was traveled mainly by silk merchants. The term “Silk Road”, or “die Seidenstrasse”in German, was first noted down by the German geographer Ferdinand Von Richthofen at the end of the 19th century.The silk road began in Chang’an (present-day Xi’an, capital of Shaanxi Province), passing through Gansu and Xinjiang to Central Asia, West Asia, and to lands by the Mediterranean. There were no signs of communication between ancient Chinese civilization and Mediterranean civilization in earlier history. In about the seventh century BC, the ancient Greeks began to learn about an ancient civilization to the east, yet knew little about it. Before the Silk Road, according to archeological findings, there had already existed an intermittent trade route on the grasslands from the Yellow River and the Indus River drainage areas to the Euphrates and the Tigris, and the Nile drainage areas. Yet real communication between China, Central and West Asian countries, Africa and the European continent did not develop until the opening of the Silk Road.Zhang Qian, Trail BlazerThe pioneer who blazed the trail of the Silk Road was Zhang Qian (c. 164-114 BC). In Zhang Qian’s time, the Chinese has little knowledge about Central and West Asian countries, Africa or Europe, although they were aware of the existence of many different countries and cultures in faraway places to the west.During the reign of Emperor Wu (r. 140-135 BC), there were 36 small kingdoms in the Western Regions (present-day Xinjiang and parts of Central Asia). All of them were later conquered by the Huns, who then posed a direct threat to the Western Han and blocked the dynasty’s path west. Under these circumstances, Emperor Wu appointed Zhang Qian to lead a team of more than 100 envoys to the Western Regions.The mission was to unite the Indo-Scythic people against the Huns, who once killed their chieftain. Zhang Qian’s team set out in 138 BC. No sooner had they entered the Hexi Corridor (northwest of present-day Gansu Province), than they were captured by the Huns. After being held under house arrest for over ten years, Zhang Qian and only one other remaining envoy managed to escape and return to Chang’an in 126 BC. Their accounts about the Western Regions were a revelation to Hun emperor and his ministers.In the next two decades, Emperor Wu launched three major campaigns against the Huns, forcing them to retreat from the Western Regions. In 119 BC, the emperor sent Zhang Qian on a second mission to the Western Regions. This time Zhang Qian went further west, while his deputies reached more than a dozen countries in South and West Asia, and the Mediterranean.Zhang Qian’s two missions to the Western Regions opened up the road to the west. EmperorWu adopted a series of measures to strengthen ties with the Western Regions, including encouraging Han People to trade there.Soon the route was bustling with caravans of camels carrying goods of all types and reverberating with the tinkling of their bells. Through the Silk Road, trade flourished between China and Central, South and West Asian countries, Africa and Europe. In 166, envoys from Rome arrived via the Silk Road in Chang’an, were they set up an embassy.Part III Art and AestheticsUnit 5 Music: Govern the Country, Nourish the Mind The tradition of Chinese music dates back to remote antiquity. Governing the country and nourishing the mind through music are two of the main functions of this tradition.Governance Through MusicAccording to ancient Chinese culture, rituals provided the norms of conduct of people. The goal was to maintain social order.Music was for the mind’s cultivation and expression. Its purpose was to enhance people’s outlook on life and imbue them with energy and creativity, such that they could enjoy a more harmonious and happier spiritual life. Individual contentment would then lead to social harmony, as well as to a more harmonious relationship between people and nature. The highest level of ancient Chinese music was to represent spiritual with nature.The prominent stature of music in ancient China explains the emergence of sophisticated instruments from early times. Chime bells were one example. First used in the Shang Dynasty, they became quite popular during the Western Zhou Dynasty (1046-771 BC). In 1978, a fine set of chime bells was unearthed in Hubei Province, from the tomb of Marquis Yi, a local lord in a small state called Zeng during the Warring States Period.The Marquis Yi chime bells consist of 65 bells arranged in three rows. The first row includes 19 niu bells, and the second and third rows include 45 yong bells. The bells in each row differ from one another in shape and size, emanating(发出) different tones. In addition, there is a separate and much larger bell used to adjust pitch. Like the bells, the from is made of bronze, weighing as much as five tons or more. The total weight of the bells is more than 440 kilograms. While the bells bear inscriptions totaling more than 2,800 Chinese characters relating to music and the making of the instrument, the frame is carved with exquisite patterns in relief (浮雕) and fretwork(回纹细工). Instruments of such a scale and such fine craftsmanship were quite rate in the world at the time. Five musicians were needed to play the instrument. Each bell produces two tones when struck at the respective sound points as marked. The entire set of chime bells is able to produce all the tones of a modern piano.Consoling the Mind with MusicThe Chinese zither tends to create a tranquil air. The composition Wild Geese Landing on the Shallow Shore is such an example. With a relaxed rhythm, the first part of the piece depicts a calm Yangtze River under a clear autumn sky. The second part progresses into livelier rhythms to imitate the chirping of many birds. The third part presents a thematic scene of wild geese leisurely landing on the shallow shores of the Yangtze, as a gentle breeze makes the water ripple. To Chinese musiciansand music lovers, the contentment of the wild geese represents the human heart.The zither was also instrumental in communication between ancient scholars and artist. The famous zither composition, Three Stanzas of Plum Blossoms, was based on an Eastern Jin Dynasty story of the poet Wang Ziyou (王子猷) (c. 338-386) and the flute player Huan Yi (桓伊) (?-383). One day the poet was taking a boat trip when he overheard someone on the riverbank say Huan Yi was passing by. Although the two had never met before, they admired each other as poet and flute player. Despite his lower rank of office, Ziyou sent a family member to request Huan Yi to play the flute. Without hesitation, Huan Yi dismounted from his carriage and played Three Stanzas of Plum Blossoms, while Ziyou listened from his boat. After finishing, Huan Yi mounted his carriage and drove on. Ziyou, too, continued with his boat journey. The two of them exchanged not a single word, yet both were content with the communication of their hearts through the music.The flute’s three stanzas were later converted into a composition for the Chinese zither, which has become one of the best-known musical works –as an expression of otherworldly feelings through its eulogy of the plum flower’s purity, fragrance and resistance to the cold.Unit 6 Flying strokes of CalligraphyThe evolution of Chinese characters font甲骨文the Oracle bone script→金文Jinwen (Inscriptions on bronze )→篆书Seal script→隶书Official script→楷书Regular script→草书Cursive script→行书running scriptWang Xizhi and Preface to the Lanting Pavilion CollectionIn the Hall for Cultivation of Mind of the Palace Museum, there is a Three-treasurer Study, which derives its name for the three most valuable calligraphic works housed here. These three treasures, most valued and adored by Emperor Qianling (r. 1736-1795) of the Qing Dynasty, were A Sunny Scene after a Quick Snow by Wang Xizhi, Mid-Autumn by Wang Xianzhi and Boyuan by Wang Xun (349-400). As father and son, Wang Xizhi and Wang Xianzhi hae been known as the “Two Wangs”, their works universally recognized as the peak of Chinese calligraphy.Unit 7 Porcelain – Calling Card of Chinese Culture In English, the country and “porcelain”share the same name –“China”. This proves that Europeans have long known of China’s relationship to porcelain. Porcelain found its way to Europe in the 15th century, occupying an important position in the exchanges between China and other countries. The Keisel Randy Museum in Germany houses a blue-and-white bowl dating back to the Ming Dynasty. Throughout history, China, along with other Asian countries, and Europe maintained a busy and vast trade in porcelain. From 1602 to 1682, the Dutch East India Company transported more than 16 million articles of porcelain to Europe. Porcelain garnered a good reputation for China for its sophistication and elegance, and played an important role in the wave of the Europeanidealization of China during the 17th and 18th centuries. In the rococo style popular in Europe of that time, one could sense, from time to time, the influence of “Chinese vogue”represented by China’s styles of porcelain and gardens.Porcelain is of great significance in the history of Chinese civilization. Pottery was the predecessor of porcelain, while glazed pottery was the basis for the emergence of porcelain. Around the first century, porcelain production first emerged in China, and by The Song Dynasty it had become mature. Song-Dynasty porcelain represented the acme of Chinese porcelain technique. Five famous kilns, the Jun, Ding, Guan, Ge, and Ru, were all creative and original in their respective products, and their porcelain ware has been imitated by later generations throughout the ages. In the Yuan Dynasty, Jingdezhen became the center of the Chinese Porcelain industry.Pure Blue-and-White PorcelainPure and elegant beauty is the goal that porcelain pursues, and this ideal is best explained in the production of blue-and-white porcelain.Blue-and-white porcelain is a typical artifact of porcelain in China. Among the porcelain exported during the Ming and Qing dynasties, 80 percent was blue-and-white. Chinese-made blue-and-white porcelain ware emerged long before the founding of the Tang Dynasty, but it was not until the Yuan Dynasty that this type of porcelain came to be produced in quantity, with the attendant masterpieces. The Ming Dynasty witnessed the maturity of the art, and a large number of valuable pieces were produced in this period. Jingdezhen, a small town that created the enchanting blue-and-white porcelain of the Yuan Dynasty, became its porcelain-producing center; and in the subsequent Ming Dynasty, the imperial kilns were established here. Blue-and-white porcelain is now the most representative of Chinese porcelain.To produce blue-and-white porcelain, cobalt oxide is requisite. It is employed to draw on the white roughcast before glaze is applied. After kilning at a high temperature, the roughcast turns into blue-and-white porcelain, since cobalt oxide turns blue with heat. The white surface with blue patterns and a shiny sheen of glaze produces a pure, elegant and transparent effect.Unit 8 Peking Opera: Artistry of PerformersThe Delights of Peking Opera MasksChina’s Peking Opera radiates with the beauty of resplendent color –vivid, intense and glamorous. This artistic beauty comes not only from the costumes but also from the masks of exaggerated, dazzling designs, gleaming with red, purples, whites, yellows, blacks, blues, greens, every diverse color imaginable.Masks, applied to the two roles of the “jing”or “painted-face role”and the “chou”or “clown”, serve two purposes. One is to indicate the identity and character of the role. For example, a “red face”means the person is loyal and brave; a “black face”signifies the person is straightforward; and “a white face”identifies the person as crafty and evil. The other purpose is to express people’s appraisal of the roles from a moral and aesthetic point of view, such as respectable, hateful, noble, ridiculous, etc.Peking Opera Performance: Sing, Speak, Act, and FightThe performance of a Peking Opera actor can be summarized into four basic aspects, of singing, speaking, acting, and fighting, the core of which is a combination of song and choreography.Singing is of utmost importance in the performance of Peking Opera, because first of all, Peking Opera is a singing art. Any famous Peking Opera boasts several wonderful arias that are well-known and popular with audiences. The charm of the melodies usually embodies the sublime realm of the art of Peking Opera. Unable to appreciate the magic of Peking Opera arias, one would fail to enjoy the profound beauty of the art itself.Speaking refers to character monologs and dialogs, which serve to propel the development of the story. Speaking, like singing, needs to be executed in an appealing way.Acting and fighting mean that actors employ physical movements to express the emotions of the characters and the circumstances. Acting includes body movements and eye movements, solo dancing or group dancing, etc. Most of the dancing is choreographed movements from everyday life. Fighting is choreographed martial arts and acrobatics to depict fight or battle scenes. As the art of Peking Opera depends on movement to depict events, actors are given much room to perform on the stage.In the opera Picking up the Jade Bracelet, the young woman Sun Yujiao and the young scholar fall in love with each other, their eyes affixed on each other as if a thread connected them. Then, as Matchmaker Liu uses her pipe to pull the “virtual” line up and down, the young couple’s eyes accordingly move up and down. These actions produce great humor and add much significance to the performance.Acting and fighting serve the whole “play”or the “world of images”, but at the same time they are themselves a beautiful art in both form and skill. For example, in King Chu Bids Farewell to His Concubine, artist Mei Lanfang performed a sword dance in a miraculously skillful way, which became very popular with audiences. This is a type of beauty in form. As for the beauty of skill, this usually includes some very difficult acrobatic movements, often referred to as “superb skills”.The uniqueness of performances in Peking Opera lies in the fact that the singing, speaking, acting, and fighting, all focus on one or two actors in the play.These performers used to be called “jue’er”, hence “mingjue” was used to refer to famous actors or actresses. In this sense, the world of imagery created in Peking Opera mainly relies on the singing, speaking, acting, and fighting of actors, especially in the performance of the famous plays. This is the biggest difference between Peking Opera and other forms of performing arts in terms of aesthetic appreciation. And the remark –“Peking Opera is the art of performers”–well describes its quintessence.The Beauty of a “Visual World”Depicting a “visual world”is a distinctive feature of Peking Opera. Its virtually consists of two aspects: one is virtual movements, and the other virtual settings. Virtual movement refers to imitating actions onstage. For example, riding a horse. Onstage, an actor cannot ride a real horse, but can only hold a whip and imitate the movement of galloping by walking around the stage, turning the body, wielding the whip, and pulling the reins. A virtual setting means creating an imagined environment onstage. For example, rowing a boat. As there is no water or boat on the stage, an actor usually takes an oar and, through actions, makes the audience “see”the rowing of a boat on water.One is At the Crossroad. This opera describes the story of two yamen runners escorting Jiao Zan to prison. On the way they stay at an inn for the night. Ren Tanghui, whose task is to protect Jiao Zan, checks in at the same time. The owner of the inn, however, suspects Ren Tanghui is planning to murder Jiao Zan, so he gropes his way into Ren’s room at night. Thus a fight starts. What is special about the performance is that, although the fight happens at night, the stage is brightly lit; yet the audience is able to sense it is a pitch-dark night from the actors’performances, which feature stealthy movements typical of people in darkness. Sometimes, one man’ s sword swishes down, onlya few inches away from the other’ s face, yet the latter feels nothing, thus producing a breathtaking yet meaningful and humorous effect.The other example is Autumn River, a play transplanted from Sichuan Opera. This story describes a young nun, Chen Miaochang who leaves the nunnery to pursue her lover Pan Bizheng. Onstage, there is neither water nor boat, but through the performance of the young woman and the old boatman, the audience is able to obviously “see”that the stage is a river. The boat sways forward; all the way there the girl complains about the boat for being slow, while the old boatman keeps teasing her about her anxiety to see her lover. The performance is full of wit and humor.These examples describe the function of the “virtual world” in the art of Peking Opera, which provides limitless room for the performances of actors; and in return, performers present the audience with a world of images full of appealing wit. If in fact the stage of At the Crossroad was really all black to represent the dark night, and there was a real boat on the stage of Autumn River, what could the actors do? And what we still find as much wit and meaning in the performances? We doubt it.Part IV Folk CustomsUnit 9 Life with Fragrant TeaTea is a wonderful beverage originally produced in China about 4,000 years ago. During the Tang Dynasty, Japanese monks introduced tea seeds to Japan, and by combining tea with Zen Buddhism, created the world-famous Japanese tea ceremony. In the 17th century, the Dutch took to Europe the Chinese habit of tea drinking, which then became a tradition of the Europeans. In England in particular, people developed the custom of afternoon tea. Prior to the 19th century, all the tea in the world was grown in China, and even the English word “tea”was a transliteration of the pronunciation of “tea”in the Fujian dialect of China. Tea is an important contribution of the Chinese people to the world.Ways of Savoring TeaThe Chinese people look to tea drinking as an art, which incorporates a wide range of knowledge; the taste of tea might be light, yet the meaning is rich and deep.The Chinese attach great importance to the water, tea leaves, tea set, and fire, when making and drinking tea.Water is an element of priority in the making of tea. To make a good cup of tea, quality water is a must. The ancient Chinese commented on tea making thus: the tea must be new, and water must be live, or flowing. Lu Yu(陆羽) (733-804), the Saint of the Tang Dynasty, pointed out that, to make fine, water from high mountains is the best, followed by water from rivers and wells. In the cloud-enveloped high mountains, crystal clear spring water is the best for making tea; water in the brooks though also good, is not pure because it smells of the earth, therefore is only second best. Considered third is water from wells, as artificial springs from underground are often stagnant and tinted with the flavor of salt. It is thus no match at all for uncontaminated mountain spring water. Unluckily for us today, we do not even have the third type of water to make tea; we use either tap water or artificially purified water – a true pity indeed!As making good tea needs good water, Chinese people have long developed the tradition of valuing springs, while springs have become famous because of people’s love for tea. It is said that Lu。

Cloisonné: Artifacts with the Gleam of Precious Gems
• Cloisonnéwas further developed during the Qing Dynasty. Technically, while it overcame the weakness of the porosity of the Ming products, but artistically, it lacked the former's simplicity and dignified heaviness.
• The Ming cloisonnéartifacts extant today were mostly produced during the Jingtai and Chenghua reigns.
Cloisonné: Artifacts with the Gleam of Precious Gems
New Year Pictures: Enhanche lively festive
atmosphere is best
reflected in the
Yangliuqing New Year
pictures. Fresh and
New Year Pictures: Enhancing the Festive Atmosphere
China is a country of vast territory, so the styles of New Year pictures vary from north to south. The northern New Year pictures are best represented by those produced in Yangliuqing in Tianjin Municipality, while in the south there are those from Taohuawu in Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province.
中国文化英语教程文本 (优选.)

wo最新文件---------------- 仅供参考--------------------已改成-----------word文本--------------------- 方便更改rdPart I Wisdom and BeliefsUnit 1 Confucian thought on heaven and humanityConfucius (551-479 BC), known in China as Kongzi, given name Qiu and alias Zhongni, was a native of Zouyi (present-day Qufu in Shandong Province) of the State of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC). A great thinker, educator and founder of Confucianism, Confucius is an ancient sage to the Chinese people. His words and life story were recorded by his disciples and their students in The Analects (Lunyu).Confucius on Heaven: the source of EverythingIn the Shang (1600-1046 BC) and Zhou (1046-256 BC) dynasties, the prevalent concept of “Heaven”was that of a personified god, which influenced Confucius. Generally, however, Confucius regarded “Heaven”as nature. He said, “Heaven does not speak in words. It speaks through the rotation of the four seasons and the growth of all living things.” Obviously, heaven equaled nature, in the eyes of Confucius. Moreover, nature was not a lifeless mechanism separate from humans; instead, it was the great world of life and the process of creation of life. Human life was part and parcel of nature as a whole.Confucius on People: ren and liRen and Li are the two core concepts of Confucius’s doctrine about people.When his students Fan Chi asked him about ren, Confucius replied, “love people”. This is Confucius’ most important interpretation of ren. Love for the people is universal love. Confucius further emphasized that this kind of love should “begin with the love for one’s parents”. He believed no one could love people in general if they did not even love their own parents. Confucius regarded “filial piety and fraternal duty”as the essence of ren. The Doctrine of the Mean (Zhongyong) quotes Confucius as saying, “ The greatest love for people is the love for one’s parents.” He also said, “Children should not travel far while their parents are alive. If they have no choice but to do so, they must retain some restraint.” He did not mean that children should not leave their parents at all. What he meant was that children should not make the parents anxiouss .. t .....about them while away from home. Confucius said again, “Children should think often of the age of their parents. They should feel happy for the health and longevity of their parents. They should also feel concern for the aging of their parents.”By ren, Confucius meant universal love based on love for one’s parents. How should people love one another then? Confucius said, “One should be aware that other people may have similar desires as oneself. While fulfilling one’s desires, allow others to fulfill their desires as well.” He further said, “Do not do toward others anything you would not want to be done to you.” Thus from oneself to one’s family, from family to society, one should extend love to all people. Mencius (c. 372-289 BC), a great Confucian scholar, best summarized ren as, “loving one’s parents, loving the people, loving everything in the world.”Li refers to rituals, traditions and norms in social life. Of these, Confucius regarded burial rituals and ancestral worship rituals as the most important, because they rose from human feelings. He said, “A child should not leave his parents’bosom until he is three years old.” He naturally love his parents. The ritual of wearing mourning for a deceased parent for three years was an expression of the child’s love and remembrance.Confucius on the State of lifeBefore Confucius, only the nobility had the right to education. He was the first figure in Chinese history to initiate private education. According to historical records, Confucius taught for many years and trained 3,000 disciples. A total of 72 of them excelled in the “six arts”, i.e., ritual, music, archery, (carriage)driving, calligraphy, and mathematics. A great educator, Confucius has been admired by later generations as the “sage of sages”.Confucius believed the basic goal of education was to cultivate “persons of virtue”, who should have sound character and uplifted minds. Such people should be able to shoulder important social responsibilities and to make contributions to society. Confucius regarded lofty ideals, great virtue, love of people, and the “six arts” as the general principles of education. Of these, virtue was the most important. His students were involved in a variety of professions, including politics, trade, education, diplomacy, ritual ceremony, and classifying ancient books. Whatever they did, they all wanted to improve their learning of the humanities and to enhance their virtue.Unit 2 Laozi’s philosophy of Non-actionThe book Laozi was written around the sixth century BC. The author is generally believed to be Lao Dan, or Laozi – a recluse who lived during the Spring and Autumn Period. Few records s .. t .....have survived about Lao Dan, who was said to have once held a low civil position in the royal court, in chare of the archival records of the Zhou Dynasty. Yet, due to his great learning, even Confucius was said to have traveled miles to consult him.Laozi, also known as Classic of the Way and Virtue (Dao De Jing), consists of just over 5,000 Chinese characters. Its 81 chapters are divided into two parts, Dao (the Way) and De (Virtue). Short as it is, the book has played a tremendous role in the development of Chinese culture. It became the basis of Daoism, the school of philosophy parallel to Confucianism in ancient China. The thought of Laozi formed the foundation of Daoism, the most influential indigenous school of religion in China. It has also exerted a direct impact on the characteristics, trends of thought and aesthetic sensibilities of the Chinese nation. Today Laozi still plays a role in the development of Chinese thinking.Naturalness and Non-action“Naturalness” is an important concept of Laozi’s philosophy. It refers to a natural state of being, an attitude of following the way of nature. Laozi emphasized that everything in the world has its own way of being and development: birds fly in the sky, fish swim in the water, clouds float in the sky, flowers bloom and flowers fall. All these phenomena occur independently and naturally without following any human will, and humans should not try to change anything natural. Laozi admonished people to give up on any desire to control the world. Following the way of nature is the way to resolving conflicts between humans and the world.“Non-action”is another important concept of Laozi’s philosophy. It is the guarantee of “Naturalness”. Laozi said, “(Dao or the Way) acts through non-action,” by which he did no mean that one should do nothing and passively wait for something to be achieved. Neither did he deny human creativity. What he meant is that human enterprises should be built on the basis of naturalness, not on many attempts to interrupt the rhythm of nature. Human creativity should be in compliance with the ways of nature.The philosophy of Non-contentionOn the basis of “naturalness” and “non-action”, Laozi proposed the view of “overcoming the strong by being weak”. The era Laozi lived in was replete with endless wars. Therefore, war was an important treme for philosophers, and ant-war thinking was the norm. Even the great strategist Sunzi advocated “winning a war without fighting it”, not to mention the great thinker Confucius, who strongly championed a government based on love. Their contemporary Mozi (c. 468-376 BC), founder of Mohism, also condemned wars while calling for “love for all”.According to Laozi, war springs from humanity’s bloated desires. Conflict arises out of s .. t .....people’s struggles to satisfy their desires, and conflict escalates into war. Therefore, Laozi’s philosophy is based on “non-contention”. To him, human striving and competitive strife is the root cause of decline; desiring nothing is the natural way of life.Laozi said, “The greatest virtue is like water.”He compared his philosophy of “non-contention” to water, to distinguish it from the law of the jungle. He said, “Water nourishes everything but contends for nothing.” To Laozi, humans tend to seek higher positions while water always flows to lower places. Driven by desire, humans like whatever they think is superior while despising whatever they think is inferior. Yet water always flows downward. As the source of life, water nourishes all living things on Earth. No life can exist without water. Water contributes to the world without regard for gain or loss. Remaining low, level and tranquil, water embraces and reflects everything under heaven. The way of water is completely different from the way of people with avid desires.But the philosophy of Laozi is by no means weak. On the contrary, it is full of strength. According to Laozi, water accumulates great strength in its weakness and quietude. Its strength can break down all barriers in the world. He said, “Nothing in the world is weaker than water. Yet nothing is stronger than water when it comes to breaking something strong.” Water is a typical example of the weak winning over the strong. Water is invincible because it desires nothing and contends for nothing.Unit 3 Chinese Buddhist CultureWho am I? Where am I from? Where am I going?Men are mortal. But death is not an once-and-for-all thing. They enter the rotating Wheel of Six Realms:Heaven, Human, Asura, Animal, Hungry Ghost, Hell.Documents stored in computer can be canceled at will, but what we have done in our life, and actually in our innumerable lives, cannot. What has been done has been done. The information is stored in your true “self”, not the physical one, and will accompany you l ife after life, and determines which Realm you enter.Only when we are completely free from lust, hatred, and folly, can we manage to break away from the capture of the rotating Wheel, and achieve perpetual enlightenment, discovering your true “self”.In B uddhism there isn’t any dominating god who controls your destiny. We are the maker of our own fate. What we are at present is a result of what we have done in the past; and what we will be in the future is decided by what we are doing at present. What we h ave done form the “karma”, which, like a gene, decides on your s .. t .....future story. But this “gene” can of course be modified, by doing good deeds and obtaining healthy biological and spiritual energy, so as to change our future course of career. We are, therefore, our own master.What are the basic requirements for a Buddhist?Five Prohibitions for the laymen:1) Don’t kill;2) Don’t steal;3) Don’t seek aberrant sensual pleasures;4) Don’t talk irresponsibly;5) Don’t drink alcohol.Part II Creativity and ExchangeUnit 4 The Silk RoadThe silk road refers to a transport route connecting ancient China with Central Asia, West Asia, Africa, and the European continent. It appeared as early as the second century BC and wastraveled mainly by silk merchants. The term “Silk Road”, or “die Seidenstrasse”in German, was first noted down by the German geographer Ferdinand Von Richthofen at the end of the 19th century.The silk road began in Chang’an (present-day Xi’an, capital of Shaanxi Province), passing through Gansu and Xinjiang to Central Asia, West Asia, and to lands by the Mediterranean. There were no signs of communication between ancient Chinese civilization and Mediterranean civilization in earlier history. In about the seventh century BC, the ancient Greeks began to learn about an ancient civilization to the east, yet knew little about it. Before the Silk Road, according to archeological findings, there had already existed an intermittent trade route on the grasslands from the Yellow River and the Indus River drainage areas to the Euphrates and the Tigris, and the Nile drainage areas. Yet real communication between China, Central and West Asian countries, Africa and the European continent did not develop until the opening of the Silk Road.s .. t .....Zhang Qian, Trail BlazerThe pioneer who blazed the trail of the Silk Road was Zhang Qian (c. 164-114 BC). In Zhang Qian’s time, the Chinese has little knowledge about Central and West Asian countries, Africa or Europe, although they were aware of the existence of many different countries and cultures in faraway places to the west.During the reign of Emperor Wu (r. 140-135 BC), there were 36 small kingdoms in the Western Regions (present-day Xinjiang and parts of Central Asia). All of them were later conquered by the Huns, who then posed a direct threat to the Western Han and blocked thedynasty’s path west. Under these circumstances, Emperor Wu appointed Zhang Qian to lead a team of more than 100 envoys to the Western Regions.The mission was to unite the Indo-Scythic people against the Huns, who once killed their chieftain. Zhang Qian’s team set out in 138 BC. No sooner had they entered the Hexi Corridor(northwest of present-day Gansu Province), than they were captured by the Huns. After being held under house arrest for over ten years, Zhang Qian and only one other remaining envoymanaged to escape and return to Chang’an in 126 BC. Their accounts about the Western Regions were a revelation to Hun emperor and his ministers.In the next two decades, Emperor Wu launched three major campaigns against the Huns, forcing them to retreat from the Western Regions. In 119 BC, the emperor sent Zhang Qian on a second mission to the Western Regions. This time Zhang Qian went further west, while his deputies reached more than a dozen countries in South and West Asia, and the Mediterranean.Zhang Qian’s two missions to the Western Regions opened up the road to the west. Emperor Wu adopted a series of measures to strengthen ties with the Western Regions, including encouraging Han People to trade there.Soon the route was bustling with caravans of camels carrying goods of all types and reverberating with the tinkling of their bells. Through the Silk Road, trade flourished between China and Central, South and West Asian countries, Africa and Europe. In 166, envoys from Romearrived via the Silk Road in Chang’an, were they set up an embassy.s .. t .....Part III Art and AestheticsUnit 5 Music: Govern the Country, Nourish the MindThe tradition of Chinese music dates back to remote antiquity. Governing the country and nourishing the mind through music are two of the main functions of this tradition.Governance Through MusicAccording to ancient Chinese culture, rituals provided the norms of conduct of people. The goal was to maintain social order.Music was for the mind’s cultivation and expression. Its purpose was to enhance people’s outlook on life and imbue them with energy and creativity, such that they could enjoy a more harmonious and happier spiritual life. Individual contentment would then lead to social harmony, as well as to a more harmonious relationship between people and nature. The highest level of ancient Chinese music was to represent spiritual with nature.The prominent stature of music in ancient China explains the emergence of sophisticated instruments from early times. Chime bells were one example. First used in the Shang Dynasty, they became quite popular during the Western Zhou Dynasty (1046-771 BC). In 1978, a fine set of chime bells was unearthed in Hubei Province, from the tomb of Marquis Yi, a local lord in a small state called Zeng during the Warring States Period.The Marquis Yi chime bells consist of 65 bells arranged in three rows. The first row includes 19 niu bells, and the second and third rows include 45 yong bells. The bells in each row differfrom one another in shape and size, emanating(发出) different tones. In addition, there is a separate and much larger bell used to adjust pitch. Like the bells, the from is made of bronze, weighing as much as five tons or more. The total weight of the bells is more than 440 kilograms. While the bells bear inscriptions totaling more than 2,800 Chinese characters relating to music and the making of the instrument, the frame is carved with exquisite patterns in relief (浮雕) andfretwork(回纹细工). Instruments of such a scale and such fine craftsmanship were quite rate in the world at the time. Five musicians were needed to play the instrument. Each bell produces two tones when struck at the respective sound points as marked. The entire set of chime bells is able to produce all the tones of a modern piano.s .. t .....Consoling the Mind with MusicThe Chinese zither tends to create a tranquil air. The composition Wild Geese Landing on the Shallow Shore is such an example. With a relaxed rhythm, the first part of the piece depicts a calm Yangtze River under a clear autumn sky. The second part progresses into livelier rhythms to imitate the chirping of many birds. The third part presents a thematic scene of wild geese leisurely landing on the shallow shores of the Yangtze, as a gentle breeze makes the water ripple. To Chinese musicians and music lovers, the contentment of the wild geese represents the human heart.The zither was also instrumental in communication between ancient scholars and artist. The famous zither composition, Three Stanzas of Plum Blossoms, was based on an Eastern Jin Dynastystory of the poet Wang Ziyou (王子猷) (c. 338-386) and the flute player Huan Yi (桓伊) (?-383). One day the poet was taking a boat trip when he overheard someone on the riverbank say Huan Yi was passing by. Although the two had never met before, they admired each other as poet and flute player. Despite his lower rank of office, Ziyou sent a family member to request Huan Yi to play the flute. Without hesitation, Huan Yi dismounted from his carriage and played Three Stanzas of Plum Blossoms, while Ziyou listened from his boat. After finishing, Huan Yi mounted his carriage and drove on. Ziyou, too, continued with his boat journey. The two of them exchanged not a single word, yet both were content with the communication of their hearts through the music.The flute’s three stanzas were later converted into a composition for theChinese zither, which has become one of the best-known musical works –as an expression of otherworldly feelings through its eulogy of the plum flower’s purity, fragrance and resistance to the cold.Unit 6 Flying strokes of CalligraphyThe evolution of Chinese characters font甲骨文the Oracle bone script→金文Jinwen (Inscriptions on bronze )s .. t .....→篆书Seal script→隶书Official script→楷书Regular script→草书Cursive script→行书running scriptWang Xizhi and Preface to the Lanting Pavilion CollectionIn the Hall for Cultivation of Mind of the Palace Museum, there is a Three-treasurer Study, which derives its name for the three most valuable calligraphic works housed here. These three treasures, most valued and adored by Emperor Qianling (r. 1736-1795) of the Qing Dynasty, were A Sunny Scene after a Quick Snow by Wang Xizhi, Mid-Autumn by Wang Xianzhi and Boyuan by Wang Xun (349-400). As father and son, Wang Xizhi and Wang Xianzhi hae been known as the “Two Wangs”, their works universally recognized as the peak of Chinese calligraphy.Unit 7 Porcelain – Calling Card of Chinese CultureIn English, the country and “porcelain”share the same name –“China”. This proves that Europeans have long known of China’s relationship to porcelain. Porcelain found its way to Europe in the 15th century, occupying an important position in the exchanges between China and other countries. The Keisel Randy Museum in Germany houses a blue-and-white bowl dating back to the Ming Dynasty. Throughout history, China, along with other Asian countries, and Europe maintained a busy and vast trade in porcelain. From 1602 to 1682, the Dutch East India Company transported more than 16 million articles of porcelain to Europe. Porcelain garnered a good reputation for China for its sophistication and elegance, and played an important role in the wave of the European idealization of China during the 17th and 18th centuries. In the rococo style popular in Europe of that time, one could sense, from time to time, the influence of “Chinese vogue”represented by China’s styles of porcelain and gardens.s .. t .....Porcelain is of great significance in the history of Chinese civilization. Pottery was the predecessor of porcelain, while glazed pottery was the basis for the emergence of porcelain. Around the first century, porcelain production first emerged in China, and by The Song Dynasty it had become mature. Song-Dynasty porcelain represented the acme of Chinese porcelain technique. Five famous kilns, the Jun, Ding, Guan, Ge, and Ru, were all creative and original in their respective products, and their porcelain ware has been imitated by later generations throughout the ages. In the Yuan Dynasty, Jingdezhen became the center of the Chinese Porcelain industry.Pure Blue-and-White PorcelainPure and elegant beauty is the goal that porcelain pursues, and this ideal is best explained in the production of blue-and-white porcelain.Blue-and-white porcelain is a typical artifact of porcelain in China. Among the porcelain exported during the Ming and Qing dynasties, 80 percent was blue-and-white. Chinese-made blue-and-white porcelain ware emerged long before the founding of the Tang Dynasty, but it was not until the Yuan Dynasty that this type of porcelain came to be produced in quantity, with the attendant masterpieces. The Ming Dynasty witnessed the maturity of the art, and a large number of valuable pieces were produced in this period. Jingdezhen, a small town that created the enchanting blue-and-white porcelain of the Yuan Dynasty, became its porcelain-producing center; and in the subsequent Ming Dynasty, the imperial kilns were established here. Blue-and-white porcelain is now the most representative of Chinese porcelain.To produce blue-and-white porcelain, cobalt oxide is requisite. It is employed to draw on the white roughcast before glaze is applied. After kilning at a high temperature, the roughcast turns into blue-and-white porcelain, since cobalt oxide turns blue with heat. The white surface with blue patterns and a shiny sheen of glaze produces a pure, elegant and transparent effect.Unit 8 Peking Opera: Artistry of PerformersThe Delights of Peking Opera MasksChina’s Peking Opera radiates with the beauty of resplendent color –vivid, intense and glamorous. This artistic beauty comes not only from the costumes but also from the masks of exaggerated, dazzling designs, gleaming with red, purples, whites, yellows, blacks, blues, greens, s .. t .....every diverse color imaginable.Masks, applied to the two roles of the “jing”or “painted-face role”and the “chou”or “clown”, serve two purposes. One is to indicate the identity and character of the role. For example, a “red face”means the person is loyal and brave; a “black face”signifies the person is straightforward; and “a white face”identifies the person as crafty and evil. The other purposeis to express people’s appraisal of the roles from a moral and aesthetic point of view, such as respectable, hateful, noble, ridiculous, etc.Peking Opera Performance: Sing, Speak, Act, and FightThe performance of a Peking Opera actor can be summarized into four basic aspects, of singing, speaking, acting, and fighting, the core of which is a combination of song and choreography.Singing is of utmost importance in the performance of Peking Opera, because first of all, Peking Opera is a singing art. Any famous Peking Opera boasts several wonderful arias that are well-known and popular with audiences. The charm of the melodies usually embodies the sublime realm of the art of Peking Opera. Unable to appreciate the magic of Peking Opera arias, one would fail to enjoy the profound beauty of the art itself.Speaking refers to character monologs and dialogs, which serve to propel the development of the story. Speaking, like singing, needs to be executed in an appealing way.Acting and fighting mean that actors employ physical movements to express the emotions of the characters and the circumstances. Acting includes body movements and eye movements, solo dancing or group dancing, etc. Most of the dancing is choreographed movements from everyday life. Fighting is choreographed martial arts and acrobatics to depict fight or battle scenes. As the art of Peking Opera depends on movement to depict events, actors are given much room to perform on the stage.In the opera Picking up the Jade Bracelet, the young woman Sun Yujiao and the young scholar fall in love with each other, their eyes affixed on each other as if a thread connected them. Then, as Matchmaker Liu uses her pipe to pull the “virtual” line up and down, the young couple’s eyes accordingly move up and down. These actions produce great humor andadd much significance to the performance.Acting and fighting serve the whole “play”or the “world of images”, but at the same time they are themselves a beautiful art in both form and skill. For example, in King Chu Bids Farewell to His Concubine, artist Mei Lanfang performed a sword s .. t in a miraculously skillful way, which became very popular with audiences. This is a type of beauty in form. As for the beauty of skill, this usually includes some very difficult acrobatic movements, often referred to as “superb skills”.The uniqueness of performances in Peking Opera lies in the fact that the singing, speaking, acting, and fighting, all focus on one or two actors in the play.These performers used to be called “jue’er”, hence “mingjue” was used to refer to famous actors or actresses. In this sense, the world of imagery created in Peking Opera mainly relies on the singing, speaking, acting, and fighting of actors, especially in the performance of the famous plays. This is the biggest difference between Peking Opera and other forms of performing arts in terms of aesthetic appreciation. And the remark –“Peking Opera is the art of performers”–well describes its quintessence.The Beauty of a “Visual World”Depicting a “visual world”is a distinctive feature of Peking Opera. Its virtually consists of two aspects: one is virtual movements, and the other virtual settings. Virtual movement refers to imitating actions onstage. For example, riding a horse. Onstage, an actor cannot ride a real horse, but can only hold a whip and imitate the movement of galloping by walking around the stage, turning the body, wielding the whip, and pulling the reins. A virtual setting means creating an imagined environment onstage. For example, rowing a boat. As there is no water or boat on the stage, an actor usually takes an oar and, through actions, makes the audience “see”the rowing of a boat on water.One is At the Crossroad. This opera describes the story of two yamen runners escorting Jiao Zan to prison. On the way they stay at an inn for the night. Ren Tanghui, whose task is to protect Jiao Zan, checks in at the same time. The owner of the inn, however, suspects Ren Tanghui is planning to murder Jiao Zan, so he gropes his way into Ren’s room at night. Thus a fight starts. What is special about the performance is that, although the fight happens at night, the stage is brightly lit; yet the audience is able to sense it is a pitch-dark night from the actors’performances, which feature stealthy movements typical of people in darkness. Sometimes, one man’ s sword swishes down, only a few inches away from the other’ s face, yet the latter feels nothing, thus producing a breathtaking yet meaningful and humorous effect.s .. t .....The other example is Autumn River, a play transplanted from Sichuan Opera. This story describes a young nun, Chen Miaochang who leaves the nunnery to pursue her lover Pan Bizheng. Onstage, there is neither water nor boat, but through the performance of the young woman andthe old boatman, the audience is able to obviously “see”that the stage is a river. The boat sways forward; all the way there the girl complains about the boat for being slow, while the old boatman keeps teasing her about her anxiety to see her lover. The performance is full of wit and humor.These examples describe the function of the “virtual world” in the art of Peking Opera, which provides limitless room for the performances of actors; and in return, performers present the audience with a world of images full of appealing wit. If in fact the stage of At the Crossroad was really all black to represent the dark night, and there was a real boat on the stage of Autumn River, what could the actors do? And what we still find as much wit and meaning in the performances? We doubt it.Part IV Folk CustomsUnit 9 Life with Fragrant TeaTea is a wonderful beverage originally produced in China about 4,000 years ago. During the Tang Dynasty, Japanese monks introduced tea seeds to Japan, and by combining tea with Zen Buddhism, created the world-famous Japanese tea ceremony. In the 17th century, the Dutch took to Europe the Chinese habit of tea drinking, which then became a tradition of the Europeans. In England in particular, people developed the custom of afternoon tea. Prior to the 19th century, allthe tea in the world was grown in China, and even the English word “tea”was a transliteration of the pronunciation of “tea”in the Fujian dialect of China. Tea is an important contribution of the Chinese people to the world.Ways of Savoring TeaThe Chinese people look to tea drinking as an art, which incorporates a wide range of knowledge; the taste of tea might be light, yet the meaning is rich and deep.The Chinese attach great importance to the water, tea leaves, tea set, and fire, when making s .. t .....。

外教社中国文化英语教程Chinese Culture: A Journey through History and TraditionIntroductionChinese culture is one of the world’s oldest and most complex cultures, with a rich history that dates back thousands of years. The influence of Chinese culture can be seen in various aspects of everyday life, including art, food, language, and customs. In this lesson, we will take a journey through the history and traditions of Chinese culture, exploring its key components and the impact it has had on the world.Ancient Chinese HistoryThe history of Chinese culture can be traced back to ancient times, with a civilization that dates back to over5,000 years. The earliest written records of Chinese history date back to the Shang dynasty, which ruled from around 1600to 1046 BCE. During this time, the Chinese developed a sophisticated writing system, advanced agricultural techniques, and intricate bronze casting skills. The Zhou dynasty, which succeeded the Shang, further contributed to the development of Chinese philosophy, literature, and art.Key Components of Chinese CultureChinese culture is characterized by a number of key components, including Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. Confucianism, founded by Confucius in the 6th century BCE, emphasizes the importance of social relationships, morality, and filial piety. Taoism, on the other hand, focuses onliving in harmony with nature and the universe, while Buddhism, which originated in India, promotes spiritual enlightenment and the path to nirvana.Another key component of Chinese culture is the Chinese language, which is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. The Chinese writing system, which consists ofthousands of characters, has a history dating back to ancient times and continues to be a significant aspect of Chinese cultural identity.Cultural Traditions and CelebrationsChinese culture is filled with rich traditions and celebrations that have been passed down through generations. One of the most well-known Chinese traditions is the celebration of the Chinese New Year, which marks the beginning of the lunar new year. During this time, families come together to enjoy special meals, exchange red envelopes filled with money, and participate in traditional lion and dragon dances.Another important tradition is the Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, which is celebrated with colorful lanterns, mooncakes, and family reunions. Additionally, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Lantern Festival, and the Qingming Festival are all important culturalcelebrations that reflect the values and beliefs of the Chinese people.Influence on Global CultureThe impact of Chinese culture extends far beyond its borders, with its influence seen in various aspects of global culture. Chinese cuisine, with its diverse flavors andregional specialties, has become popular all around the world. In addition, traditional Chinese medicine, martial arts, and classical Chinese literature have all made significant contributions to global culture and knowledge.ConclusionIn conclusion, Chinese culture is a rich tapestry of history, traditions, and influences that have shaped the wayof life for billions of people. Through its ancient history, key components, cultural traditions, and global influence, Chinese culture continues to be a fascinating and significant part of the world we live in today. By understanding andappreciating Chinese culture, we can gain a deeper insight into the complexities and beauty of human civilization.。
中国文化英语教程 答案

中国文化英语教程答案中国文化英语教程答案不要标题1. Introduction to Chinese CultureChina, with its rich history and diverse culture, has long been a fascinating subject for people around the world. This English tutorial aims to provide an overview of Chinese culture, shedding light on its traditions, values, and customs.2. The Great Wall of ChinaThe Great Wall of China is a symbol of the country's ancient civilization. This architectural marvel spans thousands of kilometers and is a testament to the incredible engineering skills of the Chinese people. It stands as a reminder of China's historical achievements and the resilience of its people.3. Chinese Festivals and TraditionsChinese festivals are vibrant and colorful, reflecting the country's deep-rooted traditions and customs. From the lively celebrations of the Chinese New Year to the solemn rituals of the Qingming Festival, each festival has its own unique significance and offers a glimpse into China's rich cultural heritage.4. Traditional Chinese MedicineTraditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a history dating back thousands of years. It encompasses various holistic practices, suchas acupuncture, herbal medicine, and tai chi, to promote wellness and balance in the body. TCM reflects the Chinese philosophy of yin and yang and the belief in Qi, the vital life force.5. Chinese CuisineChinese cuisine is renowned worldwide for its diverse flavors and cooking techniques. From the spicy Sichuan cuisine to the delicate flavors of Cantonese cuisine, each region in China has its own culinary specialties. Chinese food also emphasizes the importance of balance and harmony in ingredients and cooking methods.6. Chinese Arts and CraftsChinese arts and crafts encompass a wide range of disciplines, including calligraphy, painting, ceramics, and silk weaving. These artistic traditions have been honed over centuries, with each art form embodying the ideals of beauty, harmony, and balance. Chinese arts and crafts showcase the country's creativity and deep appreciation for aesthetics.7. Confucianism and DaoismConfucianism and Daoism are two prominent philosophical traditions in China. Confucianism emphasizes the importance of moral values, social order, and filial piety, while Daoism seeks harmony with nature and the pursuit of a simple and balanced way of life. These philosophies have greatly influenced Chinese culture, ethics, and governance.8. Chinese CalligraphyChinese calligraphy is considered not only a form of artistic expression but also a means of cultivating one's character and inner self. Each brushstroke carries symbolic meaning and reflects the calligrapher's state of mind. Chinese calligraphy is highly regarded as one of the highest forms of visual art in Chinese culture.9. Traditional Chinese ClothingTraditional Chinese clothing, such as the qipao and hanfu, is known for its elegant and ornate designs. These garments reflect the country's historical fashion trends and cultural values. Traditional Chinese clothing often showcases intricate embroidery and vibrant colors, highlighting the importance of aesthetics in Chinese culture.10. Chinese Etiquette and CustomsChinese etiquette plays a significant role in everyday life, whether it's in social interactions or business settings. Customs such as greeting with a bow, respecting elders, and exchanging gifts are deeply ingrained in Chinese culture. Understanding and practicing these customs is essential for building positive relationships with Chinese people.Remember, this is just a brief overview of Chinese culture. Exploring further and engaging in meaningful conversations with Chinese people is the best way to truly appreciate and understand the richness and complexity of Chinese culture.。

The Temple of Heaven: Reverence with Awe and Gratitude
Lead-in Text study Exercises
Watch a video clip of The Temple of Heaven, and try to take down some words that used to describe it,.
Ceremonial Offerings of the Emperor
祈年殿是皇帝每年正月上辛日举行祈谷礼的地方,据说设计时以圆形平面象 征天,以四龙井柱象征四季,以十二根金柱和檐柱分别象征十二月和十二时 辰。
Ceremonial Offerings of the Emperor
• On the Winter Solstice (冬至), they would make offerings at the Circular Mound Altar (圜丘坛), to show their gratitude for the great compassion (同情) of Heaven toward the human world.
• The Temple of Heaven was constructed during the reign of Emperor Yongle (r.1403-1424) of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), and completed in 1420, about the same time as the Forbidden City.
• The colors used invoke a strong sense of purity and sublimity (祟高)—qualities the Chinese attribute to Heaven.

叶朗中国文化英语教程课后答案Unit 1 Text A Exercises on 13VocabularyIII.1.charge2.convention3.efficient4.obtainpetent6.assessing7.fulfill8.conducting9.consequently 10.significance IV.1.behind2.at3.in4.out5.to6.to7.in8.with9.but 10.forV.1.L2.C3.D4.N5.O6.A7.E8.G9.I 10.KWord BuildingVI.mitment2.attraction3.appointment4.impression5.civilizationposition7.confusion8.congratulation9.consideration 10.explanation 11.acquisition12.depressionVII.desirable favorable considerable acceptabledrinkable advisable remarkable preferable1.advisable2.desirable3.favorable4.considerable5.remarkable6.preferable7.drinkable8.acceptableSentence StructureVIII.1.much less can he write English articles.2.much less can he manage a big company.3.much less could he carry it upstairs.4.much less have I spoken to him.5.much less to read a lot outside of it.IX.1.Having meals at home can cost as little as two or three dollars,whereas eating out at a restaurant is always more expensive.2.We thought she was rather proud,whereas in fact she was just very shy.3.We have never done anything for them,whereas they have done so much for us.4.Natalie prefers to stay for another week,whereas her husband prefers to leave immediately.5.Some praise him highly,whereas others put him down severely.TranslationX.1.She wouldn’t take a drink,much less would she stay for dinner.2.He thought I was lying to him,whereas I was telling the truth.3.How do you account for the fact that you have been late every day this week?4.The increase in their profits is due partly to their new market strategy.5.Such measures are likely to result in the improvement of work efficiency.6.We have already poured a lot of time and energy into the。
中国文化英语教程 侯香浪 主编 何明霞 主编 -回复

中国文化英语教程侯香浪主编何明霞主编-回复Chinese Culture English Tutorial: A Journey into the Richness of Chinese HeritageIntroduction:Chinese culture has a history spanning thousands of years, encompassing a multitude of facets that make it truly unique. In the following article, we will explore various aspects of Chinese culture, including its history, language, arts, and traditions.Part 1: A Glimpse into Chinese HistoryChinese history dates back more than five thousand years, with the dynastic period being the most significant. The Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties laid the foundation for the Chinese civilization, establishing traditions and cultural practices that are still prevalent today. The Han, Tang, and Ming dynasties followed, contributing to China's cultural and technological advancements.Part 2: Language and CommunicationThe Chinese language, Mandarin, is one of the most widely spoken languages worldwide. Its unique writing system, consisting of characters, is a testament to the rich cultural heritage. Charactersrepresent both meaning and sound, making Chinese literature captivating and distinct. Learning Mandarin is essential to understanding the nuances of Chinese culture and connecting with its people.Part 3: Art and AestheticsChinese art holds a prominent place in the world culture, encompassing various forms such as calligraphy, painting, and sculpture. Calligraphy, an expressive way of writing characters, is regarded as a visual art form in its own right. Paintings often depict landscapes, capturing the essence of nature's beauty. Intricate sculptures, such as the Terracotta Army, reflect the skilled craftsmanship embedded in Chinese art.Part 4: Traditional Festivals and CustomsChinese culture is renowned for its colorful festivals and traditions. The Lunar New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is the most widely celebrated. Families gather for feasts, exchange red envelopes containing money, and watch lion and dragon dances. Other significant festivals include the Mid-Autumn Festival, Qingming Festival, and Dragon Boat Festival, each with its unique customs and rituals.Part 5: Philosophical TraditionsChinese culture is heavily influenced by ancient philosophical traditions, like Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. Confucianism, with its emphasis on social order and filial piety, has greatly shaped Chinese society. Taoism emphasizes harmony with nature and simplicity, while Buddhism offers spiritual guidance. These philosophies have had a profound impact on the values and ethics upheld by the Chinese people.Part 6: Traditional Medicine and Martial ArtsTraditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an alternative medical system that has been practiced for centuries. Based on the balance of Yin and Yang energies, TCM includes various therapies like acupuncture, herbal medicine, and massage. Martial arts, such as Tai Chi and Kung Fu, are not only physical practices but also ways of cultivating discipline, self-defense, and spiritual growth. Both TCM and martial arts showcase the holistic approach to health and well-being in Chinese culture.Part 7: Cuisine and Tea CultureChinese cuisine is renowned for its diverse flavors and exquisitepresentation. From the spicy flavors of Sichuan cuisine to the delicate tastes of Cantonese cuisine, there is a vast array of regional dishes to explore. Tea, an integral part of Chinese culture, is not just a beverage but a symbol of hospitality and friendship. The traditional tea ceremony exemplifies the harmony between humans and nature.Conclusion:Chinese culture is a treasure trove of history, traditions, artistic expressions, and philosophical wisdom. From its ancient dynasties to its modern adaptations, Chinese culture has captivated people worldwide. Embracing Chinese culture offers a glimpse into a world of vibrant traditions, profound philosophies, and rich heritage that continues to inspire and enthrall.。

Unit 1 Myths and Legends Text reading Tasks Mini-pedia
Unit 1 Myths and Legends
A General Introduction to Chinese Mythology
Yang Lihui, An Deming
Para.1 By Chinese mythology, we mean the body of myths historically recorded and currently transmitted within the present geographic boundaries of China. It should include not only myths transmitted by people of the Han ethnic group but also those by the other fifty-five ethnic groups living in this broad area. Since almost every ethnic group has its own mythical gods and stories about their creative actions, there is not a systematic, integrated, and homogeneous “Chinese mythology” held and transmitted by all the Chinese people. Even among Han people, there is not an integrated system of myths.
《中国文化英语教程》各单元useful expression合辑

珠江夜游 Pearl River Night Cruise
五岳 the five great mountains
飞来峰 the Floating Peak
四合院 siheyuan/quadrangle
天下第一关 the First Pass under Heaven
九曲桥 the Bridge of Nine Turnings
点心 dim sum 粥 congee/ porridge/gruel 肠粉 rice noodle roll 小笼包 small steamed bun 煎饺 fried dumpling 虾饺 shrimp dumpling 萝卜糕 turnip cake 蛋挞 egg custard tart 花卷 flower scallion roll 馒头 mantou/ plain steamed bun 奶黄包 sweet cream bun 麻球 sesame seed ball
fuzz tip 碧螺春 green spiral
茶花 茶树 采青 杀青 饮茶 品茶 泡茶 茶道 茶馆 茶几 茶具 茶盘
camellia tea bush tea harvesting tea heating tea drinking tea tasting tea brewing; infusing tea ceremony tea house tea table tea wares; utensils tea tray
采菊东篱下,悠然见南山 For I pick chrysanthemums under the eastern hedge, and far away to the south I can see the mountains.
远上寒山石径斜,白云深处有人家 A flag-stone path winds up into the chilly hills, where houses are just discernible amid the thick white cloud.

儒家重视道德和人与人之间的关系,着力关注人类社会的秩序的和谐安定:对于虚无缥缈的神灵(illusory divine)世界,尽量采取回避的态度,或按照自己的观念加以改造而得到强化。
1. Confucius established the Confucian school of thought during the Spring and Autumn Period. Confucianism quickly became one of the pillars of Chinese Culture.Confucian philosophy attaches great importance to ethics and interpersonal relationships and is concerned about the harmony and stability of the order of human society. It adopts the attitude of trying as much as possible to evade the illusory divine world or intensifying the concept through the transformation of divine world according to one’s own ideology. Confucianism has had a great influence on Chinese culture with its values permeating the life, thinking and customs of the Chinese people.二、要顺应人民群众对美好生活环境的期待,大力加强生态文明建设和环境保护。

Time :______________ Iventor:____________ Early printing presses were made by:__________ ④Significance:_______
By_________,the first simple compasses were made by _________ By________,highly developed compasses were used to ________________.
The compass
By_th_e__3_c_e_n_t_u_ry__,the first simple compasses were made by _fl_o_a_ti_n_g_s_m__al_l_p_i_n_s_o_f_m__et_a_l_i_n_b_o_w__ls_o_f_w__a_te_r__
5.4 billion
Paper making
Time of invention: ___2_0_0_0_y_e_a_r_s _a_g_o________ Made from :_b_am__b_o_o_f_i_b_re Process:
The plant was put in _w_a_t_e_r andb_e_at_e_nto a pulp . Then it was _d_ri_e_d_into fine sheets. ④Significance:
Beidou Navigation satellite system
Finger Game
Group work
What's their contributions to the world?

不能自存 甲子 二月戊申 余则次元甲子纪差率也 日法 领国子博士 我当与卿事之 可 己未 以六十去积日 以护军将军 郡公侯特进夫人 六万七千三百一十五 晋安帝义熙三年 梁 以郢州刺史沈攸之为中领军 岂以理极於此 往钦哉 突走出昌门 臣揽载籍 加领徐州刺史 畴量申减 以左将军竟陵
王义宣为徐州刺史 招聘闾部 以湘州刺史刘遵考为尚书右仆射 则月在日道表 中护军宗悫为安西将军 熙生开封令旭孙 镇北参军王元德等 一月之日二十九日八十一分日之四十三 靡有宁日 弘训太后母临天下 封武都王 二千四百一十九 微分一 其时皇太子监国 子鸾同生 曲赦徐州 陈留王曹虔嗣
江州刺史晋安王子勋举兵反 诣阙陈让 并之 过大梁者 各以加夜半 兖州刺史 因小会 到十七年十一月十三日冬至 左右中郎将官 既而被征使至 车骑将军 斯亦拟在庙之仪也 雪於一旦 法数则约要 正次直侍中 蠲田租之半 余为后定积分 发自星纪 日行黄道去极度 为朔积分 进利克获 言天地
与人所以相通也 梁 无不革易制度 各建其旗章 罔有不服 愚谓可重符兖州刺史 亦皆亲释奠 岂习愚为性 远履西畿 倾其根本 诏曰 其四正各因其中日 莫此之甚 於是为弊 又如承天所上 义阳内史庞孟虬为司州刺史 入居东府 今诸王治国 如法为强 晋始则荀顗 亲对览焉 名位如此 御史 在始暂
寅 既加殊礼 有司详加宽惠 太后令奉还玺绂 敬遵典训 百辟胥暨内外庶僚 天人之望将改 兴 羌救奄至 以观厥用 因基革命 於是与弟道规 被留停都 即皇帝位 府州久勤将吏 以吴郡太守王琨为中领军 太祖亲临学宴会 超不从 《左氏》说与《公羊》又不同 莫不宠昵 四时飨祀 《古尚书》说武王
崩 十二年春正月辛酉 阙里往经寇乱 以为《九道法》最密 以前征虏司马尹冲为司州刺史 丁酉 崇拜帝所生陈昭华为皇太妃 朕在位累载 失理负谤 岂谓婚礼不辨王公之序 封浇河公 不得为生 十二月辛酉 故但依咸宁上礼 火 以宠为戚 南兖州刺史沈庆之为司空 为扬州刺史 乞师请救 沦胥戎虏
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Text study
Cloisonné(景泰蓝): Artifacts with the Gleam of Precious Gems
New Year Picture (年画): Enhancing the Festive Atmosphere
Papercuts: A World Created with Scissors
Embroidery (刺绣): Ten Finger Like a Spring Breeze
Shadow Play (皮影): the Art of Light and Shadow
Cloisonné — a piece of treasure in Forbidden City
Cloisonnéis a traditional art widely known in and outside China. It is a kind of superb local expertise from Beijing, which combines the skills of bronze art, porcelain, carving, and other types of folk arts. It is deemed valuable in the eyes of collectors, as well as providing refined ornaments for daily use.
Cloisonnéproduction involves very complicated techniques, with more than 30 working procedures.
Cloisonné: Artifacts with the Gleam of Precious Gems
Six steps of cloisonnéproduction: 1. the making of the copper cast: 2. filigree (掐丝); 3. stippling (点刻) blue; 4. Heating; 5. Burnishing; 6. Gliding.
Folk arts in China have developed dynamically, with many forms enjoying a worldwide reputation. Here we present an introduction to a select few.
Cloisonné: Artifacts with the Gleam of Precious Gems
• By the time of the Chenghua reign (1465-1487), the techniques for making cloisonnéwere further developed, with products of this period looking heavy and dignified yet not lacking in eloquence or vividness.
Cloisonné: Artifacts with the Gleam of Precious Gems
• Its cast was always made of choice copper, decorated with enamel (珐琅) and colorful glaze naturally extracted from minerals, so that it would resemble precious gems.
Cloisonné: Artifacts with the Gleam of Precious Gems
• The making of cloisonnéfirst appeared during the Jingtai reign (1450-1457) of the Ming Dynasty, with the main color used being blue, hence the name "Jingtai blue" or cloisonnéas it became known later on.
Its mouth, belly and base are welded together instead of being originally one piece. Its surface is first inlaid with copper wires, before the colorful glaze is applied. The nine peaches and bats have the symbolic meaning of happiness, longevity and peace.
Cloisonné vase with a peachand-bat design
Cloisonné: Artifacts with the Gleam of Precious Gems
Guess how many working procedures a Cloisonnéproduction involves?
• The Ming cloisonnéartifacts extant today were mostly produced during the Jingtai and Chenghua reigns.
Cloisonné: Artifacts with the Gleam of Precious Gems
Unit 19
A Variety of Splendid Folk Arts
Lead-in Text study Exercises
Do you know which kind of folk arts the following pictures refers to?