


2009年3月和2011年3月,笔者先后接待了美国哥伦比亚大学的Jack Goets和哈佛大学的Brain Mendal(都为大学一年级学生)来苏州信息职业技术学院进行社会实践,在校园开展英语角活动,与学生在英语课堂中进行互动交流。期间两位青年志愿者住在笔者家里并和笔者的家人一起生活,在与他俩朝夕相处的几个月中,笔者切身感受到了中西方文化在教育、宗教、饮食、价值观念等诸多方面的差异。





社会里龙就是皇帝的象征,我们自称是“龙的传人”;但是,Jack却把头长角身披鳞的dragon看作灾难、凶恶的象征。当我儿子把“火龙果”翻译成“red dragon fruit”,就曾让Jack感到很不舒服,不等吃完就停下来纠正他的翻译。而对“亚洲四小龙”,译成英文就只能是“four- tigers”。所以我在选择送给这两个外国志愿者有中国特色的礼物时,也避免印有龙图案的礼物,以尊重他们的文化观念。


Jack和Brain住在我家时,每次洗好衣服之后,我总是习惯性把衣服晒在阳台外面。有天Jack对我说,能否不把他的衣服挂在外面,并说这是他的“隐私”,不希望别人看见他晾晒的衣服。我只能跟他解释,在中国人们习惯把衣服晒在外面,而且很多人觉得没有买烘干机的必要。还有一次,Brain 患红眼病,我带他去医院看医生时就站旁随听,回来后他告诉我,在美国,医生给病人诊断病情时,不允许无关人在旁边,因为病情是个人隐私,病人对医生讲述病情是为了治病,让其他人知道是不应该的事。在某种意义上,这是对他们隐私的侵犯。而在我们中国,凡此种种,根本就称不上是隐私,每家每户的阳台外面总是飘扬着各色“万国旗”,医生在诊断病情的时候,周围总是围满等候看病的其他病人。所以说,中西方人对于“隐私”的看法不同,也会造成文化冲突。


我们一般采用一日三餐制,将午餐作为三餐中的重点,饭菜比其两餐丰盛。在西方国家,多数是一日四餐,即早饭、午饭、茶点和晚饭。每天在家吃饭,家里老人总是习惯讲句客套话:“今天没有什么好菜,你们请随便吃!”Jack和Brain 总是听的一头雾水。每逢这时我都赶忙说“这是她最拿手的菜!”但尴尬的事情还是会不时的出现,饭桌上老人总喜欢给他们夹菜,表示主人对客人的待客热情,这让习惯于分餐制的Jack和Brain感到无所适从,我们在饭桌上的热情好客在他们看来,是不文明和不可思议的事情,饭桌上吃多吃少是由每个人的食量决定的,吃饭的碗里堆成小山似的,除了不雅,更是饭菜的浪费。





Brain住我家期间,有一次我带他去儿子的学校进行联欢活动,孩子们的表现非常出色,当Brain表扬他们时,孩子们齐声说“我们还做得不够好,下次会更好!”这让Brain感到不解,不知该说什么好。正是这种中国式的自我谦虚,让Brain觉得无法理解,这与西方文化重个人价值、强调自我意识有关。在Brain 看来,每个人都应该为自己取得的成就而自豪,不应该掩饰自己的自信心、荣誉感。还有一次,我发现Jack看上去不太舒服,因为平时自己管教惯了儿子,就很“关心”地询问Jack要不要去医院看看,并且好心劝告“多穿衣服”、“多喝水”等。没料想,自己的好心被婉言拒绝了。事后他与我沟通,说这样的劝告只有最亲密的人之间才会有,而在普通朋友之间是不会存在的,也是他不容易接受的。



中西节日文化差异英文 Revised by Liu Jing on January 12, 2021

The comparison between Chinese and Western festivals 中西方节日文化的差异比较 Abstract: the process of comparing the Chinese and Western festivals and studying Western histories and cultures can help people promote the communication and understanding of different cultures. With the further development of society and inter-cultures, globalization will affect many aspects of life in all countries. And western festivals are becoming more and more popular in China. We should respect them and select the essence. China boasts a brilliant history and splendid traditions. In modern times, Chinese tradition should be preserved and promoted. But it seems that young people no longer treasure the tradition. On the contrary, they turn to pursue enthusiastically a seemingly more modern culture. If this trend is allowed to continue, the priceless heritage of our ancestors will be replaced by western traditions. Nobody expects such a consequence. So let’s join hand in hand to protect and carry forward Chinese tradition. Key words: Traditional festivals; Chinese and Western cultures; difference; globalization Introduction: “A holiday of a nation represents a glorious culture and concentrated customs of a nation.” To understand a nation's



The comparison between Chinese and Western festivals 中西方节日文化的差异比较 Abstract: the process of comparing the Chinese and Western festivals and studying Western histories and cultures can help people promote the communication and understanding of different cultures. With the further development of society and inter-cultures, globalization will affect many aspects of life in all countries. And western festivals are becoming more and more popular in China. We should respect them and select the essence. China boasts a brilliant history and splendid traditions. In modern times, Chinese tradition should be preserved and promoted. But it seems that young people no longer treasure the tradition. On the contrary, they turn to pursue enthusiastically a seemingly more modern culture. If this trend is allowed to continue, the priceless heritage of our ancestors will be replaced by western traditions. Nobody expects such a consequence. So let’s join hand in hand to protect and carry forward Chinese tradition. Key words: Traditional festivals; Chinese and Western cultures; difference; globalization Introduction: “A holiday of a nation represents a glorious culture and concentrated customs of a nation.” To understand a nation's


T h e d i f f e r e n c e b e t w e e n c h i n e s e a n d w e s t e r n c u l t u r e With the rapidly challging word, people throughout the world have found it increasingly necessary to minimize the rate of misunderstanding due to miscommunication in their contacts with another. In the oast most human beings were born, lived, and died within a limited geoographical area, never encountering people of other cultural backgrounds. It might be said that technological advances have been most effective in creating the borderless word, the global community. As our world shrinks and its inhabitants become interdependent, people from remot cultures increasingly come into contact on a daily basis. It is no longer hard to find situations in which membes of ince isolared groups of people. Now these people may live thousands of miles away or right next door to each other. So all the people are faced with the challenge of understand this world. So when the east meet west, there are many problems. Some problems are listed as follows. First of all, the way of eating. All huaman beings have certain basic needs. Our fundamental needs for things that keep us alive. This is the physioligical need. All individuals must eat in order to survive. But what people eat, when they eat, and the manners in which they eat are all patterned by culture. No society views everything in its environment that is edible and might provide nurishment as food. Americans eat oysters but not snail. The French eat snails but not locusts. The Jews eat fish but not pork. The Hindus eat pork but not beef. The Russiand eat beef but not snake. We all have ideas about what kinds of food are good to eat. We also have ideas about what kinds of food are bad to eat. As a result, people from one culture often think the food that people from another culture eat are disgusting or nauseating. Dislike is not the only reason why some culture will not eat a certain food. In some clture, certain foods are taboo. Sometimes the food taboos may be so strong thrat just the thought of eating forbidden foods can cause an indivdual to feel ill. We can also find culture difference in way of bring up children treating the early, greeting each other, saying and spending money before other people do in everyday, but in some English-speaking countries, people do not agree with us. We chinese may enjoy something that is not usually consider as edible by the English-speaking people. Generally we perfer to have thing hot and much emphasis on the taste. We eat from one plate when we are eating with others, and we like to seat one by one, and in the shape of a round. On the


中西文化比较教学大纲 课程名称:中西文化比较 课程代码:EE3007 计划学时:34 学分: 2 课程性质:必修、考试面向专业:英语专业学生 课程负责人:梁洁 一、课程的性质、地位和作用 中西文化比较是英语专业本科必修课程之一。本课程主要讲授中西文化理论,文化基本模式,基本因素,中西文化对比,跨文化交际基本原理,跨文化交际能力以及文化冲突案例分析。通过对本课程学习,帮助学生理解中西文化,克服文化障碍,以减缓可能碰到的文化冲击,逐步提高学生跨文化交际的实际能力,使学生能够用文化的眼光,认识自己,包容他人。 二、教学目的和要求: 通过中西文化比较课程的教学, 培养学生以下能力: (1)英语理解能力——通过文化对比课程教学,使学生熟悉和了解中西文化差异,掌握跨文化交际的基本知识,从而提高英语理解能力。 (2)跨文化交际能力——通过课程教学,掌握跨文化交际的技巧,熟悉文化差异的表达方法,培养学生英语表达能力(包括口语表达和书面表达),从而提高跨文化交际能力。 (3)实践应用能力——通过课程教学,提高学生的跨文化交际意识,使学生接受和适应不同的文化差异,并使之为自己的社会实践服务。 三、素质培养目标 通过课程教学, 应注重培养学生以下素质:

(1)文化素养——通过课程教学,学生应能够认识中、西文化的基本异同点,以及语言、文化和交际三者之间的关系;培养学生对文化多元性的意识和对差异的宽容态度,从而提高学生的文化素养。 (2)鉴赏能力——通过对课程学习,使学生接触各种不同的文化,了解中西文化差异,促使学生对不同文化进行对比,激发学生对文化的审美热情,提高他们的鉴赏能力。 (3)创新和开拓精神——学生学习课程后,对各类交际形式有所认识;为了更有效地进行交流;预料和避免由于不同的文化期望而产生的误解,他们将会寻求更好、更恰当的交际形式,培养学生创新和开拓的精神。 四、课程内容的深度、广度、重点、难点 本课程的重点在于有关文化的定义,特性和作用,以及价值观对比。 本课程的难点首先在于实践教学环节很难操作。由于学生很少有机会接触外国人,很难有机会直接观察跨文化交际现象,更难直接参与。 五、教学方法与手段与主要内容 本课程共九个单元。每单元大概四课时,共34课。主要学习方法包括:典型实例分析,学Presentation展示,角色扮演,PPT演练,英汉双向练习等。 第一单元为绪论,总体介绍文化与交际、跨文化交际和跨文化交际学的基本知识。 第二、三单元介绍日常言语交际,着重介绍跨文化日常交际中经常出现的问题,如称呼、话题选择、拜访礼仪、赞语与赞语应答等。练习注重训练学生的日常交际的模式化习得。 第四单元介绍语言交际,着得讲解词语的文化内涵与文化思维模式。通过大量的实例,把语言与文化的关系生动有趣展现在学生面前,同时把文化深层结构引入学生的视野。 第五单元介绍非语言交际,主要概述非语言交际的三大内容:时间观念、空间的使用与身势语,用大量事例充分展示了非常语言交际在跨文化交际中的重要作用及应用规则。 第六单元介绍跨性别文化交际,介绍中外男女性别意识的差异所导致的文化差异,如谈话风


Differences between Chinese and Western culture As we know the differences between the our estern cultures and western cultures are quite obvious.I would like to state some of my opinions in this paper. I.difference in the thinking style People on the earth are homologous,but different people in different place have different performance on the way of thinking. Differences between Chinese and Western way of thinking reflected in many aspects.Such as the difference between abstract and concrete, reflected in their attitudes towards life can be understood as Westernersare more practical, and the Chinese are much more biased towards some spiritual experience. Westerners pay attention to logical thinking, but Chinese pay more attention to dialectical thinking and so on. As Chinese and western way of thinking are different, there are differences in expression of the order. For example,we can see that the names of western style are not like ours,they put their given names at the first place,while we put them after our family names,that is to say,we regard our family more important than ourselves,and it's the traditional way of estern thinking.Westerners have another way of thinking,they think that each person is important in our world and society,and a person should play a important role among our human beings. II.differences in daily communication Westerners are frank,but chinese are humility.The reflection between westerners and chinese on the treatment of praise is different.In the West, people can accept it generously. As the Chinese have long term impact of Confucian education, we treat others’ praise and recognition not often take the attitude of ourselves, or there is suspected of arrogant. When meeting acquaintances, chinese and westerners greet each other are also different. Chinese people often say "Have you eat ?" "Where are you going?"except the general asked”hello”. In western culture, this is not a greeting, but substantive issues. When British and American people meet,they usually use a polite phrase like "How are you?" or "Nice to meet you!" In addtion,when westerners accept gift from others,they are willing to open it and praise it directly,but chinese do not do like that. III.differences in customs Chinese people regard ourselves as descendants of the Dragon.Chinese have a supreme respect for the dragon, we think dragon is a symbol of our nation. In the dynasty time,Chinese emperors generally self-styled "dragon".However,in the West, the dragon was regarded as the devil, and it was killed by the legendary god of protection, so they set a day as a festival to celebrate the lifting of a disaster, and thank the protection of God.For this reason, when the students describe a person's lively, they say "He / She is full of vim and vigor." not"He / She is as lively as a dragon and tiger". Everyone has their favorite color, so does a country and a nation. Chinese like the red colour ,because chinese think red is a symbol of luck and enthusiam. But westerners perfer to the blue colour,they think blue can make themselves calm. Thus,the preferences of different colors can reflect the whole of a country’s aesthetic taste. IV. differences in eating cultrue Chinese and Western diets are very different, so the differences also have an impact on the national character. In China, a banquet, no matter what purpose, there will be only one form, that is, everyone sit around one table. People toast each other,and eat the same food in one plate,,It reflects the mutual respect between people even the traditional courteous virtue. Although from the health point of view, this dietary approach has obvious shortcomings, it is consistent with our


中西文化差异英文 Differences Betwween Chinese And Western Clture As we know,there are many obvious differences between chinese and western clture.Here I will epress some opinions about this. Chinese culture is the collectivist culture.Chinese put the benefit of groung the first place.The value of people can not be allowed to set up over the the benefit of the grounp.On the contrary,western culture is the individualist culture.They spare no efforts to show off themselves. 1、Differences in addressing Chinese put the given name after the family name.While in the western country,their given names were put at the place.We can see that Chinese regard the family name more important than the given name.It reflects that Westerners have a thought that each person is significant in our world and a person should play a important role among our beings. 2、Differences in rendering thanks Generaly,in China the family members hardly say “thanks”.If say it,we will feel strange and have distance beween each other.But Westerners can it on any occasion and beween any people.When someone give they a cup of drink,they will say“Thanks”.What,s more,when someone ask you“Would you like something to eat/dirnk,”Chinese would say a few words of courtesy although they would like.But in th e west,peole will say“Yes,please”if they would like and will say“No,thanks”if they would not.



The difference between chinese and western culture With the rapidly challging word, people throughout the world have found it increasingly necessary to minimize the rate of misunderstanding due to miscommunication in their contacts with another. In the oast most human beings were born, lived, and died within a limited geoographical area, never encountering people of other cultural backgrounds. It might be said that technological advances have been most effective in creating the borderless word, the global community. As our world shrinks and its inhabitants become interdependent, people from remot cultures increasingly come into contact on a daily basis. It is no longer hard to find situations in which membes of ince isolared groups of people. Now these people may live thousands of miles away or right next door to each other. So all the people are faced with the challenge of understand this world. So when the east meet west, there are many problems. Some problems are


综 合 191 # 浅谈中西方文化差异 文/黄文娟 摘 要:中西方文化差异导致了中西方交流中的误解,引起了很多不便。本文针对日常生活中中西方文化交流中的典型现象如婚姻家庭,餐厅礼仪和日常招呼等进行分析,阐述了这些文化现象后所隐藏的文化内涵和其所植根的文化根基,从个人主义和集体主义,平等概念和等级观念,自我中心和牺牲精神等方面做出解释,为困顿于中西方文化的学习者提供参考。关键词:中西方文化;现象;文化内涵;文化根基作 者:湖南对外经济贸易职业学院 ?1Cited phenomena A 1Mar riage A Chinese gir l got mar ried with an Amer ican boy and sett led down in Los Angeles not far away from wher e her par ents-in -law lived.T he fir st few months went by much smoothly and the Chinese girl got along very well with her new family. Six months later,she got pr egnant and infor med her par ents -in-law at the fir st moment.The r eady grandparents blessed her and her baby and went to Europe where they planned to enjoy a half -year holiday.The Chinese gir l was surprised at their decision:/Don .t you stay to take car e of me and my baby?Don .t you think the baby is the most import ant thing in the family now?0T he parents-in-law also got confused:/We love this baby,but does it mean we should give up our own life and do everything for it?0 B 1Rest aur ant customs A young Chinese tourist sat in a Par is caf and or der ed tea.Twice he asked for more hot water to top it up while putting the saucer on the cup to keep the tea warm,as he would have done at home. T he waiter grew impatient./This Chinese is too stingy t o pay for mor e tea.And doesn .t he know t he saucer goes under the cup to cat ch the dr ips?0 T he Chinese man noticed the displeasure on the wait er .s face and lost pat ience himself./This Wester n waiter is r ea lly stingy and silly!Why is he so reluctant to serve me hot water?Why does he put the lid under the cup?0he got angry,and left the caf st eam ing with resent ment. C 1Greeting An American student Charlie went to China and continued his study in Peking University.Ever ything went well with him except that the Chinese people were hard to understand for him somet imes. One day afternoon,he was on his way back from the super market when he encounter ed two Chinese classmates./H i,Charlie,wher e are you going?0one of the Chinese classmates greeted him./I .m just back from the supermar ket.0H e answer ed./What did you buy?0T he Chinese student continued./Er ,0Char lie felt ver y awkward,/I bought a bar of bread,five apples,a bott le of salad jam and ,0/You don .t have to tell us all these specific t hings,we ar e just greeting you by asking you questions.0/What?You confused me!0 ò.Analysis on the cited phenomenon and the cor responding cultur al implications In the fir st case,both the Chinese girl and her par ents-in -law can keep their own opinion.In China,it is par ents .dut y t o be responsible for their childr en and this responsibility will last (4)勤巡视病房,观察生命体征、面色、意识及有无感染、周围组织坏死等。当出现因插管技术而导致的并发症(如穿破脐血管造成出血插进或堵塞腹主动脉分支、空气栓塞、血栓形成、误插在门静脉沟处、穿破肝实质等)时,应通知医生尽早拔管,同时给予对症治疗,使症状得以改善。 (5)细菌学检测。每周1次分别做外周血和脐部穿刺处皮肤的细菌培养。本组病例共做16次外周血和脐部穿刺处皮肤的细菌培养,无1例发生院内感染等插管并发症。 参考文献: [1]余波,李莎莎.新生儿126例脐静脉插管末端细菌培养的临床分析[J]中国新生儿科杂志,2007(4) [2]宋新志,曹明艳,何咏梅,等.新生儿窒息血肌钙蛋白T 变化[J ]湘南学院学报,2005(1) [3]周宇,周晓光.新生儿胎粪吸入综合征临床分型与特点的初步探讨[J]中国当代儿科杂志,2000(5) [4]高树辉,周杰,张映辉,等.早产儿血脂水平与出生体重的关系[J]中国当代儿科杂志,2003(3)


《中西文化差异对比研究》教学方案 主讲人姓名陈娇 一、课程简介 1.课程的地位和作用: 中西文化存在着巨大的差异,但是,当前大学生由于受基础教育的影响,对中西文化了解非常少,即使对于身处于其中的中国文化也只是甚少,导致无法看清诸多问题,混淆了中西教育世界,也无法有效吸取西方文明并有机融入自己的文化,当前,中国文化处在了危机状态,因此,如何引导大学生对中西文化做一个全面了解是非常必要的,这可以为其它教育学科的学习奠定良好的基础,并为日后在中小学教育工作中,培养中小学生的全面素质奠定必要的知识和能力基础。 2.内容简介: 本课程主要以中西方之间的三个不同方面作为范本,从中引发出许多现实问题,从饮食文化文化、宗教差异以及建筑差异三个角度,对中西差异进行对比,并在古今历史变迁中为学生了解一些对现实生活产生重要影响的文化问题,并引导学生将其与其它课程结合在一起,为其它课程的学习奠定良好的基础。 3.教学目标及要求:目的是使学生在比较长的一段时间内,逐渐对重要中西文化中的差异做到理解,并运用所学习的知识进行相关问题的分析,逐渐形成一种思考问题的意识和能力。在不同方面需要做到以下几个方面: 了解:要求学生了解饮食文化的来龙去脉。 知道:知道相关作品在历史发展中的价值。

理解:理解作品的逻辑起点、逻辑结构和思维方式等。 熟悉:要求在理解的基础上,熟悉相关作品的核心思想。 学会:要求学生在熟悉的基础上,学会阅读经典的基本技巧,并运用相关理论综合分析和解决稍复杂的理论和实际问题 4.该门课程的课程师资队伍介绍: 主讲人:陈娇 资料制作人:陈娇、肖德凤、吴晓芳、张加丽、徐俊、罗进、郑宏伟。 二、教学方式方法 1.课程教学的基本方式方法: 教学方法:讲解法、看图法、列举法 教学手段:ppt讲解 2.学习、研究方法指导: 中西方文化差异问题比较的学习内容主要围绕着中西方的饮食文化差异、宗教差异、建筑差异三个方面的内容展开,在充分掌握资料基本内容的基础上,需要加大课外学习的力度和深度,内容主要基于课堂讲述的重点作为自学的要点,课外内容需要结合课上内容将自学的思路和范围加以相当程度的拓宽,在自学的同时,要不断锻炼自己的学习方法、思维方式,而不是仅仅局限于教材既有的内容,学生需要做的是突破教材既有知识体系,通过自学逐渐锻炼起自学的意识和能力,并逐渐突破现有知识的条条框框,实现自己知识体系以及思维体系的重新构建,为以后的学习和发展奠定基础。


《中西文化比较》课程教学大纲 课程代码:00002019 课程英文名称:China and the West culture compares 课程总学时:24 讲课:24 实验:0 上机:0 适用专业:全校所有专业 大纲编写(修订)时间:2017.12 一、大纲使用说明 (一)课程的地位及教学目标 本课程是选修类课程。本课程的教学目标在于通过学习提高学生的综合素质,引导学生树立正确的思维方式,形成正确的思想观念,提高学生明辨是非的能力,从而达到思想品德教育的目的。 (二)知识、能力及技能方面的基本要求 1.基本知识:通过本课程的学习,可以使学生掌握中西方文化的主要内容以及中西方文化之间的差异,拓宽学生的知识面,使学生能够全方位的、整体的了解中西方文化以及彼此的差异,找到中西方文化间沟通、交融和共同发展的途径。同时通过学习也可以提高学生的思想道德素质和科学文化素质。 2.能力及技能:通过本课程的学习,可以增强学生运用所学理论和知识解决现实生活中的相关问题的能力。 (三)实施说明 1.教学方法:在讲授时围绕本大纲,结合教材和现实生活中的实际去讲授,紧扣各部分的主题。采用启发式教学,培养学生思考问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力。 2.教学手段:在教学中采用多媒体教学系统进行教学,以确保在有限的学时内,全面、高质量地完成课程教学任务。 (四)对先修课的要求 无 (五)对习题课、实验环节的要求 在重点章节安排一次作业,作业成绩作为平时成绩的一部分。 (六)课程考核方式 1.考核方式:考查 2.考核目标:考核学生对于中西方文化的掌握情况以及利用所学知识解决问题和分析 问题的能力 3.成绩构成:本课程的总成绩主要由两部分组成:平时成绩(包括作业情况、出勤情况等)占40%,期末论文成绩占60%。 (七)参考书目 《中西文化比较》,周义编,人民教育出版社,2004年8月 二、中文摘要 本课程是一门选修类课程。本课程主要讲授的内容包括中西方文化的主要内容以及中西方文化之间的差异。通过对本课程的学习可以使学生对中西方文化有一定的了解,提高学生


中西文化差异具体举例 “吃穿住行”向来是国民最关心的问题,也是和民众息息相关的,不同的国家在这四个方面都有着本国的特色,中西方之间也存在着一定的差别。本文主要从饮食与建筑这两面来论述中西之间的差异。 (一) 饮食文化的差异 首先是饮食观念上的差异——中国人讲究排场,西方人提倡简单、随意。中国人无论是举行酒店宴会还是家庭宴会都十分重视菜式,讲究排场,酒菜要丰盛,一般的正式宴请至少要上七八道菜,这还不包括在主菜之前的冷盘,开胃菜,中间上的甜点以及最后的点心、主食和水果。食材越珍贵,菜肴越丰富,就越能体现主人的热情好客,也方可显示主人的身份。如果一桌菜全部被吃光,主人会觉得很没有面子,所以一般准备的菜的量远远超过客人所能消耗的量,这大概源于中国人的传统价值观念:“持家要检,待客要丰。”正是这一根深蒂固的观念影响了一代又一代的中国人,使得他们在请客吃饭时注重排场,最为典型的莫过于清朝出现的“满汉全席”。它是是集满族与汉族菜点之精华而形成的历史上最著名的中华大宴,满汉全席上菜一般起码一百零八种(南菜54道和北菜54道),分三天吃完,菜式有咸有甜,有荤有素,取材广泛,用料精细,山珍海味无所不包。而在西方,盛大的西餐宴席也只不过是六道菜,并且只有其中两道才算得上是真正意义上的菜,其余的不过是陪衬。若是普通的请客吃饭,饭菜则更为简单普通。例如,在美国,朋友聚餐会采用一种称之为“potluck”的方法,即每个人带一两样食物到主人家,然后大家一起分享。西方人将吃饭看作是聚会和交流的机会,是结交朋友的机会,这一观念使得他们更加关心宴会的自由化与多样化,也使得他们开动脑筋,从而能创造出一种轻松愉悦的就餐氛围,因此,西方人请客吃饭并不在意菜式是否丰盛,宴会的规模是否能彰显他们的身份。 其次是饮食内容上的差异——中国人追求美感,西方人则注重营养的均衡搭配。中华饮食文化博大精深,至今为止已产生了诸多菜系与流派,每一种菜系都毫无例外地体现出了一个“精”字。孔子说过“食不厌精,脍不厌细”,其中反映出的是古人对食物的内在品质的追求,这种意识存在于每个时期的中国人的脑海中,中国人受其影响,将
