英语现在进行时看图造句趣味练习——daily action

英语现在进行时看图造句趣味练习——daily action
英语现在进行时看图造句趣味练习——daily action


英语造句大全之怎样用英语造句 很多同学在英语写作时,经常出现个体英语句子不规范,语法错误等问题,这些小地方的问题会导致作文整体的缺陷,从而造成十分。如何写好英语句子呢,在这里先容8中要领,供各人参 考。 代入法 这是进行英语写作时最经常使用的要领。同学们在掌握一定的辞汇和短语之后,结合一定的语 法知识,按照句子的结构特点,直接用英语代人相应的句式即可。如: ◎他从不承认自己的失败。 He never admits his failure. ◎那项角逐吸引了多量观众。 The match attracted alarge crowd.

◎他把蛋糕分成4块。 He divided the cake into four pieces. 还原法 即把疑问句、强调句、倒装句等还原成基本结构。这是避免写错句子的一种有效的措施。如: ◎这是开往格拉斯哥的火车吗? Is this the train for Glasgow? 还原为陈述句his is the train for Glasgow. ◎他是因为爱我的钱才同我结了婚。 It was because he loved my money that he married me. 还原为非强调句:Because he loved my money,he married me.

◎光速很快,我们几乎没法想像它的速度。 So fast does light travel that we can hardly imagine its speed. 还原为正常语序ight travels so fast that we can hardly imagine its speed. 分解法 就是把一个句子分成两个或两个以上的句子。这样既能把意思表达得更明了,又能减少写错句 子的几率。如: ◎我们要干就要干好。 If we do athing,we should do it well. ◎从各地来的学生中有许多是北方人。


中考英语看图写句子专项练习 1. Jim, good, but, Tom 2. Jack, worker, since 1990 3. happy, because, graduate 1. _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________________________________ 4. fly, river, yesterday 5. come back, cook 6. often, go, with 4. _______________________________________________________________________________ 5. _______________________________________________________________________________ 6. _______________________________________________________________________________ 7. factory, pour, waste, river 8. often, noodle, lunch 9. Mr Green, work, car 7. _______________________________________________________________________________ 8. _______________________________________________________________________________ 9. _______________________________________________________________________________


英语造句 英语造句是怎么回事呢?很显然就是把多个单词放在 一起组成一个英语句子。英语造句的能力很重要,如果学英语而不会英语造句,你的英语水平就会卡在单词的级别上,永远也达不到出口成章、下笔成文的级别。那么英语造句难不难呢?这就要看你是否掌握了其中的诀窍,不掌握诀窍难死你,学一辈子英语也不会造句,掌握了诀窍简单得要命,甚至觉得是好玩的游戏。今天我就要告诉你这个诀窍了,为了牢牢吸引住你的眼球,我一开始就抛给你一个特难特长的汉语大长句子,请相信看完了这篇文章后,你立刻就能掌握英语造句的诀窍,并立刻把下面这个“巨难”的句子说成英语,请认真看,这个大句子就是: 中国政府赞扬了非洲共同组织在帮助非洲国家赢得民族独 立和政治解放中所做的贡献。 把这个大句子翻译成英语,不会把你吓坏吧?其实仔细研究一下就会发现,这句话里的英语单词并不是难得吓人,比如“中国、政府、赞扬、贡献、非洲、解放、政治、独立”,这些单词均是中国的高中同学就学过的单词,只是要把这些单词连成英语句子,就觉得无从下手,比登天

还难。别害怕,请跟我一步一步地做一个造句游戏,叫“积木式英语造句法”,这个游戏做完了,以上大句子不知不觉就变成英语句子了。 首先,把以下四个小零件翻译出来,这一定巨简单,它们是: 第一个零件:中国政府赞扬贡献,翻成英语是: Chinese government praised the contribution。 第二个零件:非洲共同组织的,翻成英语是: of Africa Union。 第三个零件:在帮助非洲国家当中,翻成英语是: in helping African countries。 第四个零件:赢得民族独立和政治解放,翻成英语是:to win national independence and political liberation。 把以上四个零件翻译成英语绝对简单得一塌糊涂,因为他们都是最标准的英语语法零件,什么主谓宾啊、介词短语啊,to v结构啊,都是简单得不能再简单的东西,只要会了其中的单词,马上都可以翻译出来。但你是否相信,前面那个大句子就是由这四个小零件连接起来组成的。不信的话,就请你把上面的四个零件顺序连接起来,看看会是什么,那就是:


中考英语看图写句子专项练习 Jim T om 1.Jim,good,but,T om 2.Jack,worker,since1990 3.happy,because,grad uate 1._______________________________________________________________________________ 2._______________________________________________________________________________ 3._______________________________________________________________________________ 4.fly,river,yesterday https://www.360docs.net/doc/3612032020.html,e back,cook 6.often,go,with 4._______________________________________________________________________________ 5._______________________________________________________________________________ 6._______________________________________________________________________________ 7.factory,pour,waste,river8.often,noodle,lunch9.Mr Green,work,car 7._______________________________________________________________________________ 8._______________________________________________________________________________ 9._______________________________________________________________________________


练习 1.He is my brother. Who is your brother? Who is he? 2.The tall boy is Tom. Who is tom? Who is the tall boy? 3.She helps me study English . Who helps you study English? Who does she help studying English? 4.He teaches us physics. Who teaches you physics? Who does he teache physics? 5.My father is a worker. What does your father do? 6.The woman is a teacher. What does the women do? 7.The girl is sixteen years old. How old is the girl? 8.I am thirty. How old are you 9.It's twelve. How old is it? 10.It's Sunday today. What day is it today? 11.It was Saturday yesterday. What day was it yesterday?

12. It is September 10th today. What is the date today? What date is it today? 12.It was September 9th yesterday. What was the date yesterday? What date was it yesterday? 13.They have supper at six in the evening. When do they have supper? 15.He works in the library. Where does he work? 16.He is under the tree. Where is he? 17.The boy under the tree is his friend. 18. The girl in a red coat is her sister. 19. The red coat is mine. Which one is your coat? 20.My coat is red. What color is your coat? 21 Your shoes are white. What color are your shoes? 22.There are seven days in a week. How many days are there in a week? 23.They eat eight pears. How many pears do they eat? 24.There is an apple on the table. How many apples are there on the table? 25.There is some tea in the cup.


英语看图作文的写作方法 英语是一种语言,从语言学角度来看,学生在掌握一定数量的词汇与语法知识后,就要用来表达自己的思想、见解,这些落实到纸面上就是书面表达。针对初中生的实际能力,书面表达为初中英语教学的一大难题,其常见形式多为看图作文。结合自己教学与写作的经验,对看图作文谈几点体会。 看图作文的写作从整体上可分为两个过程:一,感性认识过程,即通过画面直接获得信息的过程(究竟画面展示了一个什么情景);二,理性认识过程,即针对画面让学生发挥想象力,挖掘画面间的内在联系融入自己的思想与见解(画面的内涵是什么)。在实际教学过程中我将这两个过程具体渗透到五个环节(一"抓",二"列",三"变",四"连",五"检")中去。 一"抓"为抓主题。首先,根据图片内容确定好题材与体裁—是写人还是写景,是说理还是叙事,是书信还是日记或其他应用文体。这一环节可采用 a, 求同法,即寻找画面中相同的人物、地点或时间等,来帮助学生确定主线,不致于跑题; b ,求异法,即启发学生观察几幅图的不同之处,挖掘出它们之间的内在联系从而确定体裁。 二"列"为列要点。由于书面表达是以一定的情景为基础,考查具有一定的针对性,因此要点要全面,无遗漏。要点主要是结合图片中的情景用自己熟悉的结构与词汇列出,忌用生疏的结

构与词汇按汉语思维盲目罗列,原则"不求难,不求异,唯求准"。 三"变"为变要点为句子。将第二个环节中所罗列的要点,先按一定的时间、空间及逻辑顺序排列;然后选定恰当的主语与人称,再根据动作发生的时间与主谓关系拓词成句。结合初中生的实际,要求用他们熟悉、简单的结构来表达,避免因用长句和大量的复合句而出现过多的语法错误。如果遇到必须用长句表达时,可仿照、套用课本或各种阅读材料中出现的句型,切勿用汉语思维生造句子。 四"连"为连句成篇。这一环节是最关键的一环。首先,要根据题目所要求及画面展示确定好题材与体裁。其次,要确定好行文的人称与时态的基调。再次,要在句与句以及段与段之间加一些表转折、递进和因果等关系的关联词与过渡句,使文章前后照应,行文流畅。最后结合题目要求字数适当加入一些表达自己思想、见解的内容,使文章丰满显得有血有肉。 五"检"为文章检查。文章写成之后错误在所难免,检查这一环节不能省。检查可从如下几方面入手: 1 ,文章的体裁格式是否正确。 2 ,要点有无遗漏。 3 ,句子(人称、时态、语态、主谓一致、结构、词语搭配等)。 4 ,词汇(意义、拼写、时态语态,形容词与动词的形式,名词单复数)。 5 ,标点符号是否有遗漏与错误。 在经过以上几个环节之后,一篇符合要求的看图作文就算完成了。在这里还要提到的是,英语做为一门语言基本功的训练


一般过去式 时间状语:yesterday just now (刚刚) the day before three days ag0 a week ago in 1880 last month last year 1. I was in the classroom yesterday. I was not in the classroom yesterday. Were you in the classroom yesterday. 2. They went to see the film the day before. Did they go to see the film the day before. They did go to see the film the day before. 3. The man beat his wife yesterday. The man didn’t beat his wife yesterday. 4. I was a high student three years ago. 5. She became a teacher in 2009. 6. They began to study english a week ago 7. My mother brought a book from Canada last year. 8.My parents build a house to me four years ago . 9.He was husband ago. She was a cooker last mouth. My father was in the Xinjiang half a year ago. 10.My grandfather was a famer six years ago. 11.He burned in 1991


1.time英音:[taim]时间n. Time after time 一次又一次 Time's up 时间到了 Lunch time 午饭时间到了 Do you have time tomorrow? 你明天有时间吗? When was the last time? 最近一次是什么时候? The future is our time. 未来是我们的时代。 2.what time[ ]几点;什么时候 What time did your plane land? 你的飞机几时到达的? What time did you get here? 你什么时候到这里的? What time will he is back? 他将于何时会回来呢? 3.go to school []去上学 Where did you go to school? 你是在哪里上学的? I usually go to school at seven. 我通常七点上学。 I go to school on Thursday. 星期四,我上学。 4.get up[ ]起床 All students must get up. 所有的学生必须起床。 When will you get up tomorrow? 你明天什么时候起床? I usually get up at six. 我一般六点起床。 5.shower英音:['?au?] 淋浴;淋浴器n. Cold shower 冷水淋浴

Shower bath 淋浴 A hot shower 一个热水澡 Does the bathroom have a shower? 洗澡间有淋浴吗? I want a room with a shower. 我要一个带淋浴的房间。 6.take a shower[]淋浴;洗澡 He went into the bath to take a shower. 他进浴室去洗淋浴 Less time to take a shower 用更少的时间洗淋浴 I take a shower in the bathroom. 我在浴室里冲澡 https://www.360docs.net/doc/3612032020.html,ually 英音:['ju:?u?li] 通常adv. I usually walk 我通常步行 Usually not. 不常晕 Usually uninvited 通常未被邀请 We usually go by train. 我们通常坐火车去。 She usually sings in the shower. 她常常边冲澡边唱歌 Usually, I get up at six. 平时我一般6点起床。 8.o’clock [](只用于正点)……点钟 Why are you here at eight o’ clock in the morning? 你为什么早晨8点钟就来这儿? Her bedtime is nine o’ clock. 她的就寝时间是九点钟。 It began to rain at five o’clock. 5点钟开始下雨。


初一下英语期中考试看图写句子专练 1. Kangkang, usually, ride 2. they, on foot 3. Sally, by subway, home,every day 4. Kate, take, zoo, ? 5. my father, never, work,by plane 1. Kangkang usually rides a bike to shool. 2. They often go to the park on foot. 3. Sally goes home by subway every day. 4. Does Kate take a bus to the zoo ? 5. My father never goes to work by plane. 6. often, after school 7. love…very much 8. play computer games, now 9. look, swim 10. have lunch, at the moment 6. I often play football with my friends after school. 7. She loves listening to music. 8. He is playing computer games now. 9. Look, they are swimming in the swimming pool. The boy is having lunch in the dining hall at the moment. 11. listen, sing 12. run, playground, now, ? 13. not, have an art class, now 14. often, he, watch TV, evening 15. like…best 11. Listen, she is singing songs. 12. Are they running on the playground now ? 13. We are not having an art class now. 14. He often watches TV in the evening. 15. I like history best. 16. car, house 17. not, guitar, the window 18. knife, desk, three 19. shoes, bed, any, ? 20. soccer, chair 16. There is a car in front of the house. 17. There isn’t a guitar near the window. 18. There are three knives on the desk. 19. Are there any shoes under the bed ? 20. A soccer is under the chair. 21. water, bottle 22. bird, tree / apples, tree 23. live in 24. library,corner 25. across from 21. There is a little water in the bottle. 22. There are some birds in the tree. / There are some apples on the tree. 23. I live in an apartment building. 24. The library is on the corner of Xinhua Street and Zhongshan Road. 25. The bookstore is across from the school. 26. how, get to, Xihu Park,? 27. which, way, train station,? 28. turn, second crossing 29. across, here 30. not, late 31. not, park 32. it’s good to… 26. Excuse me, how can I get to Xihu Park ? 27. Excuse me, which is the way to the train station ? 28. Turn left at the second crossing. 29. Go across the road here. 30. Don’t be late for class. 31. Don’t park your car here. 32. It’s good to help old people cross the road. 1


英语和英语造句大全 英语和英语造句大全 篇一: 英语常用句子大全英语常用句子大全 1. I see.我明白了 2. I quit! 我不干了! 3. Let go! 放手! 4. Me too( 我也是。 5. My god! 天哪! 6. No way! 不行! 7. Come on( 来吧(赶快) 8. Hold on( 等一等。 9. I agree。 我同意。 10. Not bad( 还不错。 11. Not yet( 还没。 12. See you( 再见。 13. Shut up! 闭嘴! 14. So long( 再见。 15. Why not? 好呀! (为什么不呢?) 16. Allow me( 让我来。 17. Be quiet! 安静点! 18. Cheer up! 振作起来! 19. Good job! 做得好! 20. Have fun! 玩得开心! 2 1. How much? 多少钱? 2 2. I m full( 我饱了。 23. I m home( 我回来了。 24. I m lost( 我迷路了。 25. My treat( 我请客。 我也一样。 26. So do I( 27. This way。

这边请。 28. After you( 您先。 29. Bless you! 祝福你! 30. Follow me( 跟我来。 3 1. Forget it! 休想! (算了!) 3 2. Good luck! 祝好运! 3 3. I decline! 我 拒绝! 34. I promise( 我保证。 35. Of course! 当然了! 36. Slow down! 慢点! 37. Take care! 保重! 38. They hurt( (伤口)疼。 39. Try again( 再试试。 40. Watch out! 当心。 4 1. What s up? 有什么事吗?4 2. Be careful! 注意! 4 3. Bottoms up! 干杯(见底)! 4 4. Don t move! 不许动! 4 5. Guess what? 猜猜看? 4 6. I doubt it 我怀疑。 47. I think so( 我也这么想。 48. I m single( 我是单身贵族。49. Keep it up! 坚持下去! 50. Let me see(让我想想。 5 1. Never mind(不要紧。 52. No problem! 没问题! 53. That s all! 就这样! 54. Time is up( 时 间快到了。 55. What s new? 有什么新鲜事吗? 56. Count me on 算上我。 57. Don t worry( 别担心。 58. Feel better? 好点了吗? 59. I love you! 我爱你! 60. I m his fan。


I. 文章首句 1. 不用说?… It goes without saying that子句 = (It is) needless to say (that)子句 = It is obvious that子句 = Obviously, S. + V. 例︰不用说早睡早起是值得的。 It goes without saying that it pays to keep early hours. 2. …是不可能的; 无法… There is no Ving = There is no way of Ving. = There is no possibility of Ving. = It is impossible to V. = It is out of the question to V. = No one can V. = We cannot V. 例︰不可否认的?成功的事业关键在于健康的身心。 There is not denying that successful business lies in a healthy body and mind. 3. 我深信… I am greatly convinced (that)子句 = I am greatly assured (that)子句 例︰我深信预防是于治疗。 I am greatly convinced that prevention is better than cure. 4. 在各种…之中?… Among various kinds of …, … = Of all the …, … 例︰在各种运动中?我尤其喜欢慢跑。 Among various kinds of sports, I like jogging in particular. 5. …是很容易证明的。 It can be easily proved (that)子句 例︰时间最珍贵是很容易证明的。 It can be easily proved that nothing is more precious than time. 6. …无论如何强调都不为过 … cannot be overemphasized 例︰交通安全的重要性无论如何强调都不为过。 The importance of traffic safety cannot be overemphasized. 7. 就我的看法?…;我认为… In my opinion, … = To my mind, …. = As far as I am concerned, … = I am of the opinion that子句 例︰就我的看法?打电动玩具既花费时间也有害健康。 In my opinion, playing video games not only takes much time but is also

英语 看图造句

1.water, flowers 2.hiking 3.farm machines 4. homeless people 1. __________________________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________________________________________________ 5. while 6. play games 7. traffic congestion 8. population, world 5. __________________________________________________________________________________ 6. __________________________________________________________________________________ 7. __________________________________________________________________________________ 8. __________________________________________________________________________________ 9. live a hard life 10. education , important 11. fresher , greener 12. childhood ,work 9. __________________________________________________________________________________ 10. __________________________________________________________________________________ 11. __________________________________________________________________________________ 12. __________________________________________________________________________________

英语造句 .doc

英语造句 1.她英语已经学得很好。 2.这不是一个威胁,而是某种信息,是采用通俗易懂的白话英语传递出来的一个信息。 3.你真真对我英语学习有很大的帮助,是百里挑一的好老师啊。 4.她不但擅长数学,而且对英语也感到兴趣。 5.像你这样东读一点,西背一点地记单词,就像盲人摸象,是学不好英语的。 6.我早上为了不浪费时间,一边听英语一边写作业,真是一举两得。 7.英语课堂上我们经常使用录音机。 8.可是高投入未必有高回报,中学英语阅读教学的现状是事倍功半,效果差强人意。 9.我认为:语言、计算机就是工具。中国的外语教授讲英语还不如美国卖菜的农民!怎么看待这个问题?日本博士、德国教授说不出英语的多得是!我们怎么能说一个人不会说英语就是文盲呢?语言就是一个工具!你没有那个环境,他怎么能讲这个语言呢? 10.我们安下心来讨论英语俚语的用法。 11.温厚的声音,字正腔圆,学英语的好典范。 12.他英语说得棒极了。 13.她是埃克塞特大学英语和意大利语专业的本科生,在满是之乎

者也的课堂上她本是个受钟爱的学生。 14.英语、数学、信息与通信技术和科学是必修科目。 15.她顺利通过了英语考试。 16.在英语中,动名词以“-ing”结尾。 17.法语不同于英语,所有的名词都有性。 18.随后还包括当事人和见证人的签字。签字日期一般在英语合同最搬弄是非是找不到的。 19.附有英语字幕的波兰影片 20.要说到国际文学,英语阅读者是西方世界最孤陋寡闻的群体。 21.她既是英语老师,也是数学老师。 22.我没有放弃英语,我只是放弃了英语老师。 23.那天考完理综和英语后心情很是郁闷,因为眼睁睁的看着一张张试卷上留下了许多的空白却是那么的无能为力。才发现自己在一张纸上都是显的多么的无力。 24.英语很多词源出于拉丁文和希腊文。 25.你的英语学得怎样? 26.小时候学语文经常被老师布置造句,其实学英语也一样的道理,最有效的方法就是见到单词造句,信口开河的逮到一个词说个一大通。 27.英语口语熟练,普通话运用自如,有较强的文字功底,熟悉各种应用文章的写作格式。 28.T:目前我认为可以的,一个高质量标准化的英语考试是测试


abandon v. 放弃,中止;抛弃。 例:Abandoned dogs often turn into handsome and horny men after being taken in by kind boys. 被善良小受捡回家的弃犬通常会变身为饥渴帅小攻。 abate v. 减弱;趋缓。 例:The panic purchase of H doujinshi shows no sign of abating. 对8CJ同人志的疯狂抢购丝毫没有减缓的趋势。 abbreviate v. 缩写;缩短,删节。 例:Because of explicit H scenes, her BL novel had to be abreviated before it hit the market. 她的小说太不CJ,导致部分内容在出书前被河蟹鸟。 abduct v. 绑架。 例:Koji's brothers abducted Izumi in order to break up the love birds. 晃司的哥哥们棒打鸳鸯,绑架了泉。 aberration n. 反常的事或举动。 例:In a moment of aberration, he almost agreed to let the younger man move in with him. 他一时糊涂,差点答应让那小子搬进来一起住。 abhor v. 憎恶,憎恨。 例:Thou shall abhor the ignorant and self-centered lolis. 汝当憎恶无知自大的LOLI。 abide v. 容忍,遵守;居留,逗留。 例:Thou shall not abide the authors' laziness. 汝不可忍耐作者的懒惰。


英语造句大全English sentence 在句子中,更好的记忆单词! 1、(1)、able adj. 能 句子:We are able to live under the sea in the future. (2)、ability n. 能力 句子:Most school care for children of different abilities. (3)、enable v. 使。。。能句子:This pass enables me to travel half-price on trains. 2、(1)、accurate adj. 精确的句子:We must have the accurate calculation. (2)、accurately adv. 精确地 句子:His calculation is accurately. 3、(1)、act v. 扮演 句子:He act the interesting character. (2)、actor n. 演员 句子:He was a famous actor. (3)、actress n. 女演员 句子:She was a famous actress. (4)、active adj. 积极的 句子:He is an active boy. 4、add v. 加 句子:He adds a little sugar in the milk. 5、advantage n. 优势 句子:His advantage is fight. 6、age 年龄n. 句子:His age is 15. 7、amusing 娱人的adj. 句子:This story is amusing. 8、angry 生气的adj. 句子:He is angry. 9、America 美国n.


初中英语看图写句子(1)根据所给的图片,完成下列英语句子。每空一词。 (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) 1. Lucy likes to _________ _________in class. 2. _________ __________is shining. What a bright day it is! 3. Students __________ _________in the pool during their summer holidays. 4. __________ __________is one of the most popular animals in the world. 5. Don’t throw away___________ everywhere. We should keep our environment clean. (6)(7)(8)(9)(10) 6. His father is a taxi ________ _________. He works 10 hours every day. 7. It’s raining now. You’d better_________ __________ _________ with you. 8. My grandfather __________ __________ very much and he often do that. 9. Do you usually _________ ___________ after you finish your homework? 10. I have_________ __________ ___________at home. It’s very clever. Keys: 1. ask questions 2. The sun 3. like/love swimming 4. A panda 5. rubbish 6. bus driver 7. take an umbrella 8. likes fishing 9. watch TV 10. a pet dog


根据中文意思完成句子。 1.汤姆一进房间就看到了礼物。 Tom saw the gift ____________________________ he entered the room. 2.迈克非常喜欢唱歌。 Mike _________________________________ very much 3.你最好每天运动一个小时。 _______________________________ do exercises for an hour every day. 4.恐怖我得早点起床了。 【 I’m __________________________________. 5.我认为他的家长不会阻止他帮助我学习英语。 I _________________________________ my English. 6.很高兴你按时完成了报告。 ________________________________ you have finished the report on time. 7.她向我要了一份报纸。 She ________________________________ a newspaper. 8. 他们已经为植树做好了准备。 " _______________________________ planting trees. 9. 他让我等了很久。 ___________________________ for a long time. 10. 莉莉不仅自己喜欢画画,而且有时在放学之后花很多时间教我画画。 Lily __________________________________. 11 别怕犯错误,没有人会嘲笑你。 Don’t _______________________________________making mistakes. Nobody will laugh at you. 12北京首都机场三号航站楼长2900米,宽790米。 } Beijing Capital International Airport Terminal 3 is ______________________________. 13 她不会介意帮我们能完成这项工作的。 She won’t _________________________ the job. 14 我认为冬天总是关着窗户不利于你的健康。 I don’t think it _______________________________ in winter. 15 托尼经过和老师长时间的反复讨论之后,才下定决心尝试这个新想法。 Tony didn’t _________________________________ discussing it with his teacher again and again. 16 很高兴我的英语取得了很大的进步。 ! _________________________________________ I’ve made great progress in English. 17 请你在父亲节给爸爸最美好的祝福。 Please ___________________________ on Father’s Day.
