

1..Section A基础练习参考答案

一、1. exercises 2. program 3. active 4. result 5. about / around

二、1. skateboarding 2. Twice 3. activity / activities 4. interesting 5. shops

三、1—5 CABBC

四、1. surfs the Internet 2. As for, hardly ever 3. once or twice

4. The result of

5. never does homework

五、1. What, do 2. How often does 3. doesn’t do 4. What, like watching

5. How often

Section B基础练习参考答案

二、1. healthy 2. to drink 3. interviewer 4. better 5. differences

三、1—5CBAAD 6—10CCBCD

四、1. come home from 2. a lot of 3. Of course 4. look after 5. got good grades

五、1. Does, go 2. may be 3. look different from 4. How many, sleep

5. favorite, is

Self Check基础练习参考答案

一、1. gets 2. to join 3. helps 4. does, do 5. shopping

6. is

7. listen

8. playing

9. (to) wash 10. doesn’t have

二、1. days 2. once 3. times 4. healthy 5. differences

6. less

7. her

8. better

9. skateboarding 10. activities


2..Section A基础练习参考答案

一、1. necks 2. ears, stomach 3. eyes 4. legs 5. noses 6. teeth

7. mouth 8. feet 9. hands 10. back

二、1. have a headache 2. have a stomachache 3. have a cold

4. have a sore throat

5. have a toothache

6. have a sore back

7. have a fever

三、1. lie down, rest 2. goes to bed 3. see a dentist

4. two years ago

5. drink lots of water

四、1. What’s the matter with 2. How did, start

3. shouldn’t, anything

4. Does, have

5. Drink


Section B基础练习参考答案

一、1. stressed out 2. early 3. angry 4. tired 5. important

6. thirsty

7. traditional

8. weak

9. western 10. hungry

二、1. headache 2. healthy 3. more 4. western 5. teeth

6. medicine

7. illness

8. balanced

9. traditional 10. to stay

三、1—6 DBDACA

四、1. It’s, to go 2. don’t believe, can 3. the matter

4. may be

5. doesn’t have

五、1. a sore throat, some hot tea with honey

2. to stay / keep healthy, keep the balance of diet

3. feel stressed out, too much

4. Listening to music, relaxed

5. to drink more water

Self Check基础练习参考答案

一、1. has 2. go 3. to have 4. believe 5. to relax 二、1—5BCDAD

三、1. at the moment 2. a lot of 3. don’t think / believe, is

4. need some, practice

5. to stay / keep healthy

四、1. shouldn’t, anything 2. What does, have 3. to be

4. don’t think

5. the matter

3..Section A基础练习参考答案

一、1. postcards 2. camping 3. vacation 4. plan 5. visit

二、1. is babysitting 2. are, going 3. hiking 4. get 5. are staying

6. are relaxing

7. interesting

8. is singing

9. watching 10. is coming

三、1—5 CAADB

四、1. are you doing for 2. is babysitting 3. relaxing / resting at home

4. going camping, for

5. me, get back to

五、1. Who is, going 2. What are, doing 3. How long, staying

4. What is, visiting

5. is going

Section B基础练习参考答案

一、1. go fishing 2. go camping 3. go skateboarding 4. go hiking

5. go sightseeing

6. go bike riding

7. go shopping

8. go swimming

9. go climbing 10. go boating

二、1. doing 2. taking 3. sightseeing 4. to send 5. relaxing 6. to write 7. are visiting 8. is listening 9. riding 10. living

三、1. some questions about 2. decide / decided on 3. thinking about going 4. take a walk 5. can’t wait 6. is leaving

7. finished making, last 8. This time, something different

9. sleeping a lot 10. to spend time

四、1. What’s, weather like 2. Where are 3. Don’t forget

4. Where is

5. who speak French

Self Check 基础练习参考答案

一、1—5DBAAB 6—10CBBAD

二、1. ask 2. leaving 3. hear 4. hope 5. take

6. to go

7. visiting

8.are staying

9. got 10. takes

4..Section A基础练习参考答案

一、1. boat 2. plane 3. car 4. bike 5. taxi 6. train / subway 7. bus

二、1. twenty-two 2. thirty 3. forty-five 4. fifty-one 5. sixty-eight

6. seventy-three

7. eighty-four

8. ninety-six

9. one hundred and twenty

10. fifteen

三、1. walk to school 2. takes twenty minutes, by subway

3. How far, from, to

4. rides a / the / his bike / bicycle

5. leaves for, about / around

四、1. takes a / the bus 2. How long does, take 3. How does, want

4. How far

5. goes, by bike

Section B基础练习参考答案

一、1. ride / rode 2. take 3. transportation 4. leaves for 5. How far 6. depend on 7. ways 8. lives 9. think of 10. Taking boasts

二、1. A small number 2. Not all players 3. go hiking, depends on

4. are different from

5. most popular means


Self Check基础练习参考答案

一、1—5 CBDAA 6—10 CADAD

二、1. rides 2. took 3. live ,4. has 5. to walk 6. are singing

7. to buy 8. Don’t worry 9. playing 10. getting

5..Section A基础练习参考答案

一、1—5 BACCB

二、1. does, have 2. are, talking 3. to trouble 4. finish 5. to go

三、1. Do, have 2. When does, have 3. can’t

4. What is, doing

5. Thanks, helping

四、1. busy, too much 2. can’t, study for

3. see / visit my aunt

4. has to look after

5. Can, come to

Section B基础练习参考答案

一、1. inviting 2. really 3. training 4. cousin’s 5. America

二、1. for 2. for 3. with 4. On 5. to, for 6. on

7. at, at 8. On 9. by 10. at

三、1. go to the doctor 2. What day 3. What’s, date 4. your invitation 5. Are, free

四、1. would like to go 2. come over to 3. has to babysit 4. call, after

5. a lot, coming

Self Check基础练习参考答案

一、1. invitation 2. report 3. fifth 4. Mother’s 5. training

二、1. come 2. visiting 3. discuss 4. babysit 5. play 6. studying

7. help 8. join 9. finished 10. have to

三、1. keep / be quiet 2. Why not go 3. going to the mall

4. have to practice

5. On, going to

6..Section A基础练习参考答案

一、1. tall / long 2. beautiful / pretty 3. free 4. calm 5. old

6. thin

7. late

8. same

9. bad 10. hot

二、1. more outgoing 2. smarter 3. calmer 4. quieter 5. thinner 6. heavier

7. funnier 8. more serious 9. more athletic 10. more

三、1. old, younger 2. tall 3. curlier 4. more 5. more popular 6. busy

7. friendlier 8. more beautiful 9. bigger 10. easier, interesting

四、1. as cheap as 2. What, look like 3. younger than 4. Both of them

5. look different

五、1. In some ways 2. looks the same as 3. As you can see

4. However, both enjoy going

5. a little more athletic

Section B基础练习参考答案

一、1. funny 2. wild 3. really 4. best 5. friendly 6. difference

7. call / ring 8. smart / lovely 9. interesting 10. said

二、1. information 2. friendship 3. care 4. necessary 5. opposite

三、1. funny 2. popular 3. tall 4. calm 5. smart 6. same 7. important

8. athletic 9. wild 10. heavy

四、1. better at, than 2. enjoys / likes tell jokes 3. is good with

4. call, at, for more

5. be friends, are different from

Self Check基础练习参考答案

一、1. bigger 2. better 3. careful 4. warmer, warmer 5. more, less

6. talking

7. differences

8. parties

9. more outgoing 10. worse


7..Section A基础练习参考答案

一、1. 可数名词:banana, apple, watermelon, noodle, tomato, ingredient

2. 不可数名词:milk, yogurt, salt, honey, beef, popcorn, salad

3. 既可是可数也可是复数:ice cream, orange,

二、1. How many 2. How much 3. How many 4. How much

5. How much 6 How much

三、1. take 2. have 3. eat 4. make 5. Add 6. peel

7. cut 8. pour 9. put 10. turn

四、1. for, turn on 2. How many cups of 3. make fruit salad

4. cut up

5. mix, up

五、1. Don’t put 2. How many, are there 3. How much, do, need

4. are, bottles

5. Drink some

Section B基础练习参考答案

一、Vegetable: tomato, onion, lettuce Fruit: banana, orange

Meat: turkey, beef Food: bread, sandwich, noodle Others: butter, relish,

二、1. shake 2. blender 3. instruction 4. sandwiches 5. butter

6. relish

7. turkey

8. finally

9. super 10. top

三、1. a teaspoon of yogurt 2. two slices of bread

3. three bowls of noodles

4. four cups of tea

5. five bags of salt

6. six bottles of milk

7. seven boxes of pencils 8. eight kilos of eggs

9. nine glasses of water 10. ten baskets of oranges

四、1—5 BCACB

Self Check基础练习参考答案

一、1. salt 2. fruit 3. teaspoons 4. tomatoes 5. slices

二、1. peal 2. check 3. mix up 4. turn on 5. add 6. Pour 7. cut up

三、1—5 ABDAA 6—10 BBADC

8..Section A基础练习参考答案

一、1. was 2. went 3. had 4. did 5. were 6. took 7. saw

8. visited 9. studied 10. stopped

二、1. gifts 2. outdoor 3. visitors 4. won 5. aquarium 6. souvenirs

7. monitor 8. autograph 9. prize 10. hang

三、1. were 2. dancing 3. bought 4. took 5. is sleeping 6. Are, traveling

7. helps 8. stayed 9. are going / will go 10. Did, write

四、1. took photos 2. hung out 3. At the end of 4. went to the beach

5. had a good / great / wonderful time

五、1. Did, have 2. weren’t any 3. What did, do 4. How was 5. What else Section B基础练习参考答案

一、1. boring 2. camping 3. sale 4. visitor 5. Luckily

二、1. umbrella 2. late 3. drive 4. terrible 5. wet

三、1. last day off 2. go for a drive 3. have fun playing

4. was bad / terrible, all day

5. slept late

四、1. didn’t do some 2. Where were 3. Did, have any

4. How was

5. had fun

Self Check基础练习参考答案

一、1. bought 2. Did, have 3. didn’t win 4. likes 5. make 6. Playing

7. went 8. was 9. were 10. are leaving / will leave

二、1—5 DCADB

9..Section A基础练习参考答案

一、1. international 2. record 3. Brazilian 4. achievement 5. performed

6. became

7. call

8. national

9. golfer 10. gold

二、1. came 2. lived 3. found 4. went 5. had 6. got 7. joined

8. became 9. was 10. hiccupped

三、1. What is 2. When was 3. How long did, live 4. too, to answer

5. When did, become

四、1. achievement, become, famous / great person / man

2. great Chinese player

3. never too, to start doing

4. learned to ride

5. did, start learning

一、1. talented 2. loving 3. creative 4. outstanding 5. kind 6. well-known

7. alive 8. accordion 9. athletics 10. toured

二、1. unusual 2. violinist 3. skating 4. pianist 5. could

三、1. his free time 2. could, pieces of 3. at the age of 4. took part in

5. became a skating champion

四、1. Is, or 2. When did, tour 3. at the age of 4. Who did, go 5. because of Self Check基础练习参考答案

一、1. Asia 2. university 3. management 4. number 5. women’s

二、1. became 2. pianist 3. alive 4. athletes 5. sneezing 6. took part in

7. majored in 8. was born 9. rode a bicycle 10. practicing the accordion

三、1—5 DCBAC 6—10 BCABD

10..Section A基础练习参考答案

一、1. engineer 2. professional 3. dream 4. somewhere 5. exhibition

6. actor

7. rich

8. part-time

9. retires 10. save

二、1. up 2. to 3. like 4. for 5. at / in 6. with

7. to 8. of 9. about 10. from

三、1. Is he going 2. aren’t going 3. What is, going to do 4. When are, going

5. grows up

四、1. lots of fashion shows 2. grow up, what I 3. Finally, retire somewhere

4. at the same time

5. travel all over the world

一、1. resolutions 2. instrument 3. foreign 4. communicate 5. build

6. readers

7. teach

8. over

9. exchange 10. healthy

二、1. swimming 2. readers 3. interesting 4. built 5. is going to be

6. listening

7. goes

8. to play

9. grows 10. are going to visit

三、1. more than 2. Are, going 3. No, they aren’t 4. What is, do

5. Does, want

四、1. make a soccer team 2. get good grades

3. keep fit / healthy, get / take lots of exercise

4. communicate with

5. as, foreign language teacher

Self Check基础练习参考答案

一、1—5 BCDBA 6—10 ABDAC

二、1. practice 2. are, going to be 3. are going to take / are taking

4. Are, going to have / are having

5. is, going to work

6. is going to be

7. are, going to do

8. are going to play / are playing

9. is going to start / is starting 10. are, going to travel / are, traveling
