







CGI具有扩充性能和克服的问题的能力,是微软公司开发的一种新的方式开发建设规模的应用。这就是所谓的替代high performance互联网服务器应用程式接口(ISAPI)。代替了housing功能编程档案,利用DLLs代替了复杂的编写程序的过程,同其它软件比较DLLs具有很大的优势,在性能上也有所扩充。

To overcome the performance and scalability problems that CGI brings, Microsoft developed a new way for developers to build scalable applications. This high performance alternative is called the Internet Server Application Programming Interface(ISAPI). Instead of housing functionality in executable files, ISAPI uses DLLs. Using DLLs instead of executable programs has some definite performance and scalability advantages

ISAPI在功能上有所扩展,它可以向用户提出要求,使单一ISAPI扩展执行多种任务。就像CGI的例子一样, ISAPI再使用时必须使用目录执行许可认证, 或利用DLL下载客户端,而不是直接在服务器上使用,ISAPI扩展通常用来处理用户的要求做出回应,这和使用CGI的方式非常类似。

The ISAPI extension could also be called with arguments that will allow a single ISAPI extension to perform multiple tasks. Just as in the CGI example, the directory must have execute permissions enabled, or the DLL will be downloaded to the client rather than run on the server. ISAPI extensions are typically used to process client requests and output a response as HTML, which is very similar to the way CGI programs are used.

凡是直接与CGI重复的申请必须经过ISAPI的过滤器。但是,ISAPI过滤器没有明确的要求,相反,它们被称为to certain针对IIS的生活事件要求,发展商在任何一种称为ISAPI过滤器的事件发生后,才能提出要求,具体发生事件如下:








ISAPI filters perform a function that can’t be directly duplicated with CGI applications. ISAPI filters are never explicitly called; instead, they are called by IIS in response to certain events in the life of a request. The developer can request that an ISAPI filter be called whenever any of the following events occur:

1.When the server has preprocessed the client headers

2.When the server authenticates the client

3.When the server is mapping a logical URL to a physical URL

4.Before raw data is sent from the client to the server

5.After raw data is sent from the client to the server but before the server processes it

6.When the server logs information

7.When the session is ending

作为过滤器,ISAPI过滤器只通知要求,然后服务器就会尽快处理要求。其中较常见的是给用户提供认证功能。另一个是使用HTML修改文本,然后服务器会自动将其送交给客户端。举个例子,可以用ISAPI过滤器的背景颜色来改变每一个页面的颜色,这是由于ISAPI过滤器几乎是共同的ISAPI扩展,但是由于本文的篇幅有限,所以,我们不能在这本书中进一步介绍它,如果你想了解更多的关于ISAPI扩展方面的知识,你可以看看我的书的服务器应用这一章节的内容,ISAPI几个具体的起点职务,必须由DLL输出,同时利用这些切入点, IIS可以负荷的DLL,功能要求它执行, 在经过必要的参数,接收数据和写回浏览器。ISAPI只需两起实施这些功能点切入点。

As with any filter, ISAPI filters should request only the notifications it requires and process them as quickly as possible. One of the more common uses of ISAPI filters is to provide custom authentication. Another use is to modify the HTML that will be sent to the client. For example, an ISAPI filter could be used to change the background color of each page. Because ISAPI filters aren’t nearly as common as ISAPI extensions, I won’t cover them any further in this book. If you want to learn more about ISAPI extensions, you can check out my book Inside Server-Based Applications (Microsoft Press, 1999).ISAPI specifies several entry-point functions that must be exported from the DLL. Using these entry points, IIS can load the DLL; call the functions that it implements, passing in parameters as required; and receive the data to write back to the browser. ISAPI requires only two entry-point functions to be implemented these entry points, IIS can load the DLL; call the functions that it implements, passing in parameters as required; and receive the data to write back to the browser. ISAPI requires only two entry-point functions to be implemented


A Better Solution: Active Server Pages



变得比较容易。创造CGI应用和ISAPI应用是一件非常困难的事情,但是程序员利用ASP进行编程却变得非常容易,ASP利用VB. NET开发. 几百万个程序开发人员多多少少有点熟悉Visual Basic、Visual Basic 同样重要的是通过微软启动Objects(ADO) 可以比较容易获得数据库资料。当程序开发人员需要产生动态内容,动态内容显然是需要来自某处,而使用ADO可以使访问数据库变得容易。

Just as important was the relatively easy access to databases allowed through Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO). When you need to generate dynamic content, that dynamic content obviously needs to come from somewhere, and ADO made it easy to get at that data.

最后,也许最重要的是, ASP

.NET Framework: The .NET Framework is an architecture that makes it easier to design Web and traditional applications.

scripting和COM objects相结合的程序设计员, 你会体会到穿梭多种编程语言的乐趣。

最新潮的语言Visual Basic:Visual Basic的最新版提供了一个新的, 简洁语法。C#是仿照C++设计出来的新语言,但一些不安全的特点使c++难以被用来建立可靠应用。这两种语言都能直接使用,但其他语言都要借助第

三方。到写本文为止, Cobol语言和Eiffel?语言应该都能通过Visual?Studio?.NET实现了。

Cool new languages Visual Basic: .NET is a completely new version of Visual Basic that provides a new, cleaner syntax. C# is a new language designed to look and feel a lot like C++, but without some of the unsafe features that make C++ difficult to use to create reliable applications. These two languages are available out of the box, but other languages will be available from third parties as well. As of this writing, COBOL and Eiffel implementations should be available for Visual Studio .NET as well.


Visual Studio .NET: Visual Studio .NET is a cool new development environment that brings rapid application development (RAD) to the server.


Improved components: The .NET Framework supports the use of new types of components that can be conveniently replaced in a running application.


Web Forms: Web Forms allow Visual Basic–like development, with event handlers for common HTML widgets.


XML Web services: XML Web services enable developers to create services and then make them available using industry standard protocols.



XML Web services 提供了远程访问服务器功能的途径。使用XML Web services,企业可以公开数据或业务逻辑的编程接口,而客户端和服务器应用程序则可以获取和操作这些编程接口。通过使用诸如HTTP 和XML

消息传递之类的标准跨越防火墙移动数据,XML Web services 可在客户端-服务器或服务器-服务器方案下实现

数据的交换。XML Web services 不用依靠特定的组件技术或对象调用约定。因此,用任何语言编写、使用任何组件模型并在任何操作系统上运行的程序,都可以访问XML Web services。

XML Web services provide a means of remote access server functions. Use XML Web services, enterprises can open data or business logic programming interface, and client-server applications and can acquire and operate these programming interfaces. Through the use of information such as web and XML standards such as the transmission of data across mobile firewall, XML Web services to customers - in-server or server-server programmed for data exchange. XML Web services without relying on specific components or technology transfer targets agreed. Therefore, the use of any language, using any component model, operating system and in any operating procedures can visit XML Web services.

