














*创作编号: GB8878185555334563BT9125XW* 创作者: 凤呜大王* 解一元一次方程计算题训练 (x -2)-2(4x -1)=3(1-x). 152 4213-+=-x x 22 )5(54-=--+x x x 46333-=+--x x x x -= -]105)4(45-=-+-+-x x x x . 4x-3(20-x)=6x-768. 5 2 321+- =--y y y 6.12.04 5.03=+--x x

7 1 (2x+14)=4-15x 21 6x +=21 3 x - 13y -+2 4 y +=3+2y 2(1)3x +-5(1)6x += 1 0.10.03x -- x -= 1 )12(4 3 )]1(31[21+=--x x x 2233554--+=+-+x x x x 43(1)323322x x ??---=???? 20025100.132x x -+= 21101211 364x x x -++-=- 341125x x -+-= 34 1.6 0.5 0.2 x x -+- = x x 53231223=???? ??+??? ??- 432.50.2 0.05x x ---=

23 [32 (4 1 x-1)-2]-x=2 3x -5 = 25x - 3)1(2+x =6)1(5+x -1 51x +1 =4 )12(+x 225x - - 3)4(x + =1 3x -1 = 2 ) 1(x - 2)2(-x - 4 ) 23(-x = -1 (方案讨论题)“利海”通讯器材市场,计划用60000元从厂家购进若干部新型手机,以满足市场需求.已知该厂家生产三种不一同型号的手机,出厂价分别为甲种型号手机每部1800元,乙种型号手机每部600元,丙种型号手机每部1200元. (1)若商场同时购进其中两种不同型号的手机共40部,并将60000元恰好用完.请你帮助商场计算一下如何购买? (2)若商场同时购进三种不同型号的手机共40部,并将60000元恰好用完,并且要求乙种型号的手机购买数量不少于6部且不多于8部,请你求出每种型号手机的购买数量. 创作编号: GB8878185555334563BT9125XW 创作者: 凤呜大王*


配套问题 例1 某车间22名工人生产螺钉和螺母,每人每天平均生产螺钉1200个或螺母2000个,一个螺钉要配两个螺母,为了使每天生产的产品刚好配套,应该分配多少名工人生产螺钉,多少工人生产螺母? 例2、某工地需要派48人去挖土和运土,如果每人每天平均挖土5方或运土3方,那么应该怎样安排人员,正好能使挖的土及时运走? 例3. 用白铁皮做罐头盒,每张铁皮可制盒身25个,或制盒底40个,一个盒身与两个盒底配成一套. 现在有36张白铁皮,用多少张制盒身,多少张制盒底,可使盒身与盒底正好配套? 练习1、一张方桌由1个桌面、4条桌腿组成,如果1立方米木料可以做方桌的桌面50个或做桌腿300条,现有5立方米木料,那么用多少立方米木料做桌面、多少立方米木料做桌腿,做出的桌面和桌腿,恰好配成方桌?能配成多少方桌? 练习2.某车间有28名工人,生产一种螺栓和螺帽,平均每人每小时能生产螺栓12个或螺帽18个,两个螺栓要配三个螺帽,应分配多少人生产螺栓,多少人生产螺帽,才能使生产的螺栓和螺帽刚好配套? 练习3.某服装厂要生产某种型号的学生校服,已知3m长的某种布料可做上衣2件或裤子3条,一件上衣和一条裤子为一套,库内存这种布料600m,应如何分配布料做上衣和做裤子才能恰好配套?

调配问题 1 .一个三角形的三边长度的比是3:4:5,最短的边比最长边短4,则三边各是多少? 解:设最短边为3x ,则最长边为()由题意得方程() 2.甲队有32人,乙队有40人,现在从甲队抽调x人到乙队,使得甲队的人数是乙队人数的, 依题意得方程()。 例1.某部队开展支农活动,甲队27人,乙队19人,现另调26人去支援,使甲队是乙队的2倍,问应调往甲队、乙队各多少人? 练习1. 甲仓库储粮35吨,乙仓库储粮19吨,现调粮食15吨,应分配给两仓库各多少吨,才能使得甲仓库的粮食数量是乙仓库的两倍? 练习2.甲车队有50辆汽车,乙车队有41辆汽车,如果要使乙队汽车数比甲队汽车数的2倍还多1辆,应从甲队调多少辆到乙车队? 练习3.两个仓库装粮食,第一个仓库是第二个仓库存粮的3倍,如果从第一个仓库中取出20吨放入第二个仓库中,第二个仓库中的粮食是第一个中的2倍问每个仓库各有多少粮食? 练习4.甲队原有工人68人,乙队原有工人44人,现又有42名工人调入这两队,为了使乙队人数是甲队人数,应调往甲乙两队各多少人? 综合作业: 1.某车间42名工人生产螺钉和螺母,每人每天平均生产螺钉1000个或螺母2000个,一个螺钉要配一个螺母.为了使每天的产品刚好配套,应该分配多少名工人生产螺钉,多少名工人生产螺母?


九年级英语配套作业本答案参考 【Unit 1】 Section A 一、1.improve 2.vocabulary 3.flashcards 4.pronunciation 5.aloud 6.grammar 二、1.watching 2.speaking 3.listening 4.to finish 5.seen 6.frustrating 7.excited 三、1.making flashcards 2.by making vocabulary lists 3.by practicing conversations with his friends 4.ask the teacher for help 5.by working with a group 四、1.How does; learn 2.Why not 3.five years ago 4.doesn't;ask 5.Has;had;yet 五、1.Sure/Certainly 2.how 3.asking 4.yes 5.practicing 6.How 7.long 8.skills 9. at 10.welcome Section B 一、1.pronounces 2.slowly 3.spoken 4.mistake 5.solution 6.impressed 7.challenges 二、1.slowly 2.to use 3.spoken 4.pronunciation 5.writing 6.worried 7.right 三、1.First of all https://www.360docs.net/doc/386375453.html,ter on https://www.360docs.net/doc/386375453.html,ugh at 4.take lots of grammar notes 5.couldn't pronounce 6.already sung 7.special suggestions 8.wactching;boring 四、1.don't;either 2.to study 3.spent;on 4.too;to 5.How does 五、1.best 2.by 3.watching 4.voices 5.keeping 6.studied 7.conversations 8.improves


—How do you improve your ______? —By reading aloud every morning. A.sentence B.expression C.grammar D.pronunciation Emma was a good teacher. She was very ______ with her pupils. A.patient B.angry C.pleased D.careful —Tommy, you can never let others know what I have told you today.—Don’t worry. I will keep it ______. A.secret B.money C.address D.grade You don’t have to ______ every new word in the dictionary while reading. A.look for B.look up C.look at D.look after 跟谁学中考英语讲师贾菲菲

—I’m sorry I don’t catch what you said just now. —Don’t worry. I’ll ______ it. A.review B.repeat C.report D.realize Everyone is born ______ the ability to learn. A.at B.on C.with D.in When you visit a museum you should ______ the instructions and don’t be against them. https://www.360docs.net/doc/386375453.html,pare with B.look forward to C.pay attention to D.try out —Many young adults ?nd it hard to make their own decisions. —Well, they have to choose ______ and be responsible for their actions. A.wisely B.quietly C.totally D.loudly 跟谁学中考英语讲师贾菲菲


七年级数学-一元一次方程练习题 一、选择题 1. 对于非零的两个实数a 、b ,规定a b b a 11-= ?,若1)1(1=+?x ,则x 的值为( ) A .23 B .31 C . 21 D . 2 1- 2.下列变形错误的是( ) A.由x + 7= 5得x+7-7 = 5-7 ; B.由3x -2 =2x + 1得x= 3 C.由4-3x = 4x -3得4+3 = 4x+3x D.由-2x= 3得x= - 32 3. 解方程3x +1=5-x 时,下列移项正确的是( ) A.3x +x =5+1 B.3x-x=-5-1 C.1-5=-3x+x D.3x+x=5-1 4. 将(3x +2)-2(2x -1)去括号正确的是( ) A 3x +2-2x +1 B 3x +2-4x +1 C 3x +2-4x -2 D 3x +2-4x +2 5.下列解方程去分母正确的是( ) A .由1132x x --= ,得2x -1=3-3x . B .由44153 x y +-=,得12x -15=5y +4. C .由232124 x x ---=-,得2(x -2)-3x -2=-4. D .由131236y y y y +-=--,得3y +3=2y -3y +1-6y . 6.当x=2时,代数式ax -2x 的值为4,当x=-2时,这个代数式的值为( ) A.-8 B.-4 C.-2 D.8 7.在下列方程中,解是x=2的方程是( ) A.错误!未找到引用源。 B.错误!未找到引用源。 C.错误!未找到引 用源。 D.错误!未找到引用源。 8.如果错误!未找到引用源。是方程错误!未找到引用源。的解,那么错误!未找 到引用源。的值是( ) A.-8 B.0 C.2 D.8 9.若x =a 是方程4x +3a =-7的解,则a 的值为( ) A.7 B.-7 C.1 D.-1


第四章自测卷 一、填空题(每题3分,共30分) 1.方程x x -=-33的解是 . 2.已知03)1(=-+m x m 是关于x 的一元一次方程,则m = . 3.若方程01=+x 的解也是方程a ax =+83的解,则=-a a 22 . 4.当x = 时,代数式53-x 的值与0.1互为倒数. 5.在公式202 1at t v s +=中,若60s =、5t =、2a =,则=0v . 6.设n 是自然数,则关于x 的方程0)1()1(1=-+-+n n x 的解是 . 7.若规定两数a 、b 通过“?”运算得到4ab ,如4862462=??=?. (1)34?= ;(2)若不论x 是什么数,总有x x a =?,则a = . 8.当x 的值为3-时,代数式2 37x ax -+-的值是25-,则当1x =-时,这个代数式的值为 . 9.某商品提价25%后,为了恢复原价,再降价x %,则x = . 10.一张试卷只有25道选择题,做对一题得4分,做错1题倒扣1分,某学生做了全部试题共得70分,他做对了 道题. 二、选择题(每题4分,共24分) 11.下列各式中是一元一次方程的是( ) A 、0123 12=+-x x B 、1358=+x C 、523=+y x D 、6)3(21=+x 12.解方程14 1273=---x x 时,去分母正确的是( ) A 、41)73(2=---x x B 、1)1(73=---x x C 、1)1()73(2=---x x D 、4)1()73(2=---x x 13.一个长方形的周长为26,这个长方形的长减少1,宽增加2,就可以成为一个正方形,设长方形的长为x ,则可列方程( ) A 、2)26(1+-=-x x B 、2)13(1+-=-x x C 、2)26(1+-=+x x D 、2)26(1--=+x x 14.某商贩在一次买卖中,同时卖出两套衣服,每套135元。若按成本计算,其中一套盈利25%,另一套亏本25%,总的来看,该商贩( ) A 、不赚不赔 B 、赚9元 C 、赔18元 D 、赚18元 15.方程65=-x 的解是( )


U2B 一选词填空 1. Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils(天龙八部) is a famous _______written by Jin Yong . 2. Jacob is a naughty boy and he like playing ______ on his classmates. 3. China is developing so quickly at _____. 4. I think that ______ are very scary animals. I don’t like them at all. 5. Clara’s father is a _____ man. So he’s busy day and night. 6. Do you believe that there are ____in the world? 7.I get on well with my relatives and they ____me warmly? 8. This is a ____ house. Nobody wants to live in it. 9. He ____ me to follow the school rules if I don’t want to be punished. 二单项选择 1----What do you ____Halloween? -----It’s little scary. A. feel about B. think of C. think D. like 2Don’t forget to____ the lights when you leave the room. A. turn off B.turn up C.turn down D.turn on 3Christmas Day is ______December 25th. A. at B.in C.on D.under 4. My grandfather is so loving. He always treats others_____. A.badly B.nice C.good D.nicely 5Could you _____ these things to your brother ?He needs them tomorrow. A. takes B.bring C.take D.fetch 6. The spiders and snakes make girl ____ sick. A. feels B.feel C.feeling D.to feel 7. The Greens decided _____ to Hong Kong the next week. A. travels B.travel C.travelling D.to travel 三适当形式填空 1. Linyi ____ (lie) in the southeast of Shandong Provingce. 2. Do you know the Chinese ____ (mean) of this word? 3. I have a lovely dog _____ (name) Dick..I like playing. 4. Our teacher often tells us the ______ (important) of having good study habits. 5. Journey to the West is an interesting novel ___(write) by Wu Cheng’en. 6. Eric refused ____(learn) his new bike to Frank. 7. Although Chairman Mao(毛主席) has been _____(die) for a long time,he will live in our heart forever. 8. My mother warns me ____(have) dinner quickly if I don’t want to wash the dishes. 9. Tom was late for school this morning,so he ____(punish) by his head teacher. 10.My host family treated me with kindness and ____(warm) , but there was still “no place like home”. 四.完成句子


实用标准文档 文案大全 一.选择题 1.已知关于x 的方程2x —a —5=0的解是x=—2,则a 的值为( ) 2.小亮在解方程时,由于粗心,错把—x 看成了 +x ,结果解得x=—2,求a 的值为( ) D 3.墨墨在解方程+=时,不小心用橡皮把其中的 一项擦掉了,他只记得那一项是不含x 的,看答案知道这个方程的解是x=5,那么“”处的数应该是( ) 4.关于x 的方程5x —a=0的解比关于y 的方程3y+a=0的解小2,则a 的值是( ) B ﹣ D ﹣ 5.下列方程中,解为x=3的方程是( ) .. . 6.一元一次方程的解是( ) 7.下列方程变形中,正确的是( ) ,未知数系数化为8.已知是关于x 的一元一次方程,则( ) 9.墨墨在解方程 + = 时,不小心用橡皮把其中的 一项擦掉了,他只记得那一项是不含x 的,看答案知道这个方程的解是x=5,那么“ ”处的数应该是( ) 10.如图所示,天平右盘里放了一块砖,左盘里放了半块砖和2kg 的砝码,天平两端正好平衡,那么一块砖的重量是( ) 11.下列变形中,错误的是( ) 12.下列方程,变形错误的是( ) )13.下列方程变形正确的是( ) 由方程由方程由方程由方程

﹣ 9.下列说法中:①若ax=ay,则x=y(其中a是有理数);②若 ,则 ,则 与﹣a ,则 .在公式 二.解答题(共24小题) 1、解方程 (1)()() 641521668 x x x +-=-- (2)()()() 32181 y y y ---=- (3)()()() 22152412 x x x --+=-+-(4)()()() 32321241 y y y ---=+(5)()()() 72134153210 x x x -+--++= 2


从算式到方程—一元一次方程 扎实基础 1.下列叙述中,正确的是( ) A 含有未知数的式子是方程 B 方程是等式 C 含有字母x ,y 的等式才叫方程 D 带等号和字母的式子叫方程 2.判断下列各式是不是方程,如果是方程,指出已知数和未知数;如果不是,说明为什么. (1) 2x-1=5; (2) 5+7=12; (3) 5y 2 -2 1 y+1; (4) 3x+2y=1; (5) x-1≠10. 3.已知下列方程:①x+1= x 3;②5x=8;③x 3=4x+1;④4x 2 +2x-3=0;⑤x=1;⑤3x+y=6.其中一元一次方程的个数是( ) A 2 B 3 C 4 D 6 4.如果方程(k-1)x |k| +3=0是关于x 的一元一次方程,则k 的值是_______. 5.若x=2是关于x 的方程2x+3m-1=0的解,则m 的值为( ) A -1 B 0 C 1 D 3 1 6.下列说法中,正确的是( ) A x=-2是方程x-2=0的解 B x=6是方程3x+18=0的解 C x=-1是方程- 2x =2的解 D x=10 1是方程10x=1的解 7.写一个解是x=-2的一元一次方程_______. 8.一套服装,原价每件x 元,现7折(即原价的70%)出售,现在每件售价为84元,则列方程为( ) A x=84×70% B x=(1+70%)·84 C 70%x=84 D (1-70%)x=84 9.根据下列条件,列出关于x 的方程. (1)x 的20%与15的差的一半等于-2; (2)x 的4倍与3的差比x 多1. 10.根据下列问题,设出未知数,并列出方程(不必求解). (1)小强买笔记本需用20元钱,付款时恰好用了1元和5元的纸币共8张,问小强用了1元的纸币几张? (2)用12m 长的围栏,建一个长方形小花圃,如果要使花圃的长比宽多1m ,求此花圃的长 综合提升 1若x=2是方程3x-4= 2x -a 的解,则a 2017 +20171a 的值是( ) A -1 B 1 C 2 D -2 2.若方程(a+2)x 2 +5x m-3 -2=3是关于x 的一元次方程,则a 和m 的值分别为( ) A 2和4 B -2和4 C 2和-4 D -2和-4


【人教版】英语配套练习册(上册)答案 【Statement】 Unit1---Unit5(Not including essay) 【Unit 1】 Section A 一、1.improve 2.vocabulary 3.flashcards 4.pronunciation 5.aloud 6.grammar 二、1.watching 2.speaking 3.listening 4.to finish 5.seen 6.frustrating 7.excited 三、1.making flashcards 2.by making vocabulary lists 3.by practicing conversations with his friends 4.ask the teacher for help 5.by working with a group 四、1.How does; learn 2.Why not 3.five years ago 4.doesn't;ask 5.Has;had;yet 五、1.Sure/Certainly 2.how 3.asking 4.yes 5.practicing 6.How 7.long 8.skills 9. at 10.welcome Section B 一、1.pronounces 2.slowly 3.spoken 4.mistake 5.solution 6.impressed 7.challenges 二、1.slowly 2.to use 3.spoken 4.pronunciation 5.writing 6.worried 7.right 三、1.First of all https://www.360docs.net/doc/386375453.html,ter on https://www.360docs.net/doc/386375453.html,ugh at 4.take lots of grammar notes 5.couldn't pronounce 6.already sung 7.special suggestions 8.wactching;boring 四、1.don't;either 2.to study 3.spent;on 4.too;to 5.How does 五、1.best 2.by 3.watching 4.voices 5.keeping 6.studied 7.conversations 8.improves 9.pronunciation 10.dictionary Self Check and Reading 一、1~5 CDCBD 6~10 BADCC 二、1.wactching 2.playing 3.making 4.singing 5.developing 6.would come 7.read 8.truly 9.speaking 10.(to) carry 三、1.Where to buy 2.pronunciation right 3.How often 4.How long 5.instead of 6.What was 四、1.worrying about 2.regard their pets as 3.goes by 4.try our best to 5.with the help of 6.look up 7.make up 五、1~5 ABCCD 6~10 ACBDC 六、1~5 BCADD Ⅶ.(One possible version) As a student, you may know the importance of English. I believe that learning English is just like learning to play the piano; by practicing every day. We must use English every day. I not only answer the teacher’s questions in English, but also speak English as much as I can after class.


综合练习题 一、单项选择。(20×1) 1. She looks _______ than she does. A. the more older B. very older C. much older D. more older 2. The garden is becoming ________. A. more beautiful and more B. more beautiful and beautiful C. more and more beautiful D. most beautiful and beautiful 3. They competed(比赛)to see who could work ________. A. the fastest and best B. the faster and the better C. fastest and better D. faster and better 4. China is _________ country in the world. A. the third largest B. the largest third C. the third large D. the three largest 5. I study English as_________as my brother. A.hard B. harder C. hardest D. the hardest 6. He said that they _________ Yunnan. A. have been to B. had gone to C. have gone to D. has gone to 7. Jack isn’t sure ________ students there are in his class. A. how many B. what C. which D. whether 8. Can you tell me _________ yesterday? A. what they do B. what they did C. what do they do D. what did they do 9. I want to know ________ his homework yesterday evening. A. if he finished B. whether he had finished C. had she finished D. has she finished 10. Do you know what _______ this time yesterday? A. they are doing B. are they doing C. they were doing D. were they doing 11. The People's Republic of China ________ on October 1, 1949. A. found B. was founded C. is founded D. was found 12. English ________ in Britain. A. speaks B. are spoken C. is speaking D. is spoken 13. This popular song________ by us after class. A. often sings B. often sang C. is often sang D. is often sung 14. –Mum, must I wash the dishes right now? –No, you _______. A. shouldn’t B. wouldn’t C. mustn’t D. needn’t 15. –Whose notebook is this? –It _________ Jim’s. It has his name on it. A. can’t be B. must be C. can be D. may be 16. –John, you __________ go out to play until your homework __________. –OK, Mum. A. must; finishes B. can’t; is finished C. can’t; has finished D. needn’t; finishes 17. –Look! The man at the gate ______ be our teacher. He is always standing there every morning. –No, it _______ be him. He is having a meeting in the office now.


一元一次方程练习题(提高) 一、 解下列方程 (1)12(31)6x --= (2)43(20)67(11)y y y y --=-- (3)215436x x -+= (4)()112 2(1)1223 x x x x ??---=-???? (5)()22462133x x ?? --=+???? (6)432.4 2.55x x --= (7)12225y y y -+-=- (8)2123 134 x x ---= (9)21101211364x x x --+-=- (10)0.10.2130.020.5 x x -+-=

二、 思考?运用 (11)代数式1322 y y +-的值与1互为相反数,试求y 的值。 (12)当3x =时,代数式()54x a +的值比()4x a -的值的2倍多1,求a 的值。 (13)若6x =是关于x 的方程2()136 ax x a -=-的解,求代数式221a a ++的值。 三、 列一元一次方程解决应用问题 (14)某校七年级共有65名同学在植树节活动中担任运土工作,现有45根扁担,请你安排一下有多少人抬土,多少人运土,可使扁担和人数恰好相配 (15)某课外活动小组的女学生人数占全组人数的一半,如果再增加6个女学生,那么女生人数就占全组人数的2 3 ,求这个课外活动小组的人数。

(16)食堂有煤若干,原来每天烧煤3t,用去15t后,改进设备,耗煤量为原来的一半,结果多烧了10天,求原来存煤量。 (17)徐程的舅舅来看他,徐程问舅舅多少岁,舅舅说:“我像你这么大时,你才3岁;等你到了我这么大时,我就36岁了。”问徐程和舅舅现在各几岁 (18)一个邮递员骑自行车在规定时间内把特快专递送到单位,他每小时行15千米,可以早到24分钟,如果每小时行12千米,就要迟到15分钟。求原来的时间是多少 (19)用火车运送一批货物,如果每节车厢装34吨,还有18吨装不下;如果每节多装4吨,那么还可以多装26吨,问共有几节火车车厢 (20)体育馆入场券3元一张,若降价后观众增加一半,收入增加1 4 ,那么每张入场券降 价多少元


一元一次方程应用题专题训练 一、列方程解应用题的一般步骤(解题思路) (1)审——审题:认真审题,弄清题意,找出能够表示本题含义的相等关系(找出等量关系).(2)设——设出未知数:根据提问,巧设未知数. (3)列——列出方程:设出未知数后,表示出有关的含字母的式子,然后利用已找出的等量关系列出方程. (4)解——解方程:解所列的方程,求出未知数的值. (5)答——检验,写答案:检验所求出的未知数的值是否是方程的解,是否符合实际,检验后写出答案.(注意带上单位) 二、各类题型解法分析 (一)和、差、倍、分问题 1、一般和差倍分问题 例1:某单位今年为灾区捐款2万5千元,比去年的2倍还多1000元,去年该单位为灾区捐款多少元? 例2:旅行社的一辆汽车在第一次旅程中用去油箱里汽油的25%,第二次旅程中用去剩余汽油的40%,这样油箱中剩的汽油比两次所用的汽油少1公斤,求油箱里原有汽油多少公斤? 2、年龄问题 例3:兄弟二人今年分别为15岁和9岁,多少年后兄的年龄是弟的年龄的2倍? 例4:三位同学甲乙丙,甲比乙大1岁,乙比丙大2岁,三人的年龄之和是41,求乙同学的年龄? 3、等积变形问题 例5:现有直径为0.8米的圆柱形钢坯30米,可足够锻造直径为0.4米,长为3米的圆柱形机轴多少根?例6:在一只底面直径为30厘米,高为8厘米的圆锥形容器中倒满水,然后将水倒入一只底面直径为10厘米的圆柱形空容器里,圆柱形容器中的水有多高? 4、比赛积分问题 例:7:某企业对应聘人员进行英语考试,试题由50道选择题组成,评分标准规定:每道题的答案选对得3分,不选得0分,选错倒扣1分。已知某人有5道题未作,得了103分,则这个人选错了多少道题? 例8:某学校七年级8个班进行足球友谊赛,采用胜一场得3分,平一场得1分,负一场得0分的记分制。某班与其他7个队各赛1场后,以不败的战绩积17分,那么该班共胜了几场比赛? 随堂训练: 1、甲、乙、丙三种货物共有167吨,甲种货物比乙种货物的2倍少5吨,丙种货物比甲种货物的 1 5 多3吨,求甲、乙、丙三种货物各多少吨? 2、小华的爸爸现在的年龄比小华大25岁,8年后小华爸爸的年龄是小华的3倍多5岁,求小华现在的年龄? 3、将棱长为20cm的正方体铁块锻造成一个长为100cm,宽为5cm的长方体铁块,求长方体铁块的高度? 4、有一次数学竞赛共20题,规定做对一题得5分,做错或不做的题每题扣2分,小景得了86分,问小景对了几题?


Section A 一、https://www.360docs.net/doc/386375453.html,lion 2.charity 3.tie 4.medical 5.nervous 二、1.medical 2.going 3.friendly 4.won 5.to work 三、1~5 DFBGA 四、1.had;would go 2.what to write 3.What if someone else 4.would give; to charity Section B 一、1.circle 2.herself 3.bother 4.annoy 5.fairly 6.plenty 7.listener 二、1~5 BCDBA 三、1.energetic 2.not to run 3.speech 4.listener 5.would have 四、1.What if 2.doesn't;in the slightest 3.rather than/instead of 4.to get along; with 5.what to say 6.so that 五、1~5 ACDEB Self Check and Reading 一、knowledge 2.represent 3.correct 4.deep 5.offered 6.covers 二、1~5 CBDAD 三、1.in public 2.are sure 3.bother 4.get along with 5.in front of https://www.360docs.net/doc/386375453.html,es top 7.right away 8.plenty of 四、1.cut yourself by accident 2.make her comfortable https://www.360docs.net/doc/386375453.html,e up with https://www.360docs.net/doc/386375453.html,e out 5.stop working 五、1~5 DFEAB 六、1.were 2.would try 3.would not say 4.would allow 5.were 6.would give 7.would set 七、1.If I becameill rich/had lots of money, I would give you 1,000,000 dollars. 2. He fell seriously and couldn't afford to go to hospital. 3.肯鼓励他不要放弃希望。4. Because he knew about Tony’s illness from one of his classmates. 5. 1,000,000 dollars.


一元一次方程练习题 基本题型: 一、选择题: 1、下列各式中是一元一次方程的是( ) A. y x -=-5 4121 B. 835-=-- C. 3+x D. 1465 34+=-+x x x 2、方程x x 23 1=+-的解是( ) A. 31- B. 3 1 C. 1 D. -1 3、若关于x 的方程m x 342=-的解满足方程m x =+2,则m 的值为( ) A. 10 B. 8 C. 10- D. 8- 4、下列根据等式的性质正确的是( ) A. 由y x 3 231=- ,得y x 2= B. 由2223+=-x x ,得4=x C. 由x x 332=-,得3=x D. 由753=-x ,得573-=x 5、解方程16 110312=+-+x x 时,去分母后,正确结果是( ) A. 111014=+-+x x B. 111024=--+x x C. 611024=--+x x C. 611024=+-+x x 6、电视机售价连续两次降价10%,降价后每台电视机的售价为a 元,则该电视机的原价为( ) A. 0.81a 元 B. 1.21a 元 C. 21 .1a 元 D. 81.0a 元 8、某商店卖出两件衣服,每件60元,其中一件赚25%,另一件亏25%,那么这两件衣服卖出后,商店是 ( ) A .不赚不亏 B .赚8元 C .亏8元 D . 赚8元 9、下列方程中,是一元一次方程的是( ) (A );342=-x x (B );0=x (C );12=+y x (D ).11x x =- 10、方程212= -x 的解是( ) (A );41-=x (B );4-=x (C );4 1=x (D ).4-=x 11、已知等式523+=b a ,则下列等式中不一定... 成立的是( ) (A );253b a =- (B );6213+=+b a (C );523+=bc ac (D ).3 532+=b a 12、方程042=-+a x 的解是2-=x ,则a 等于( ) (A );8- (B );0 (C );2 (D ).8


七年级数学解一元一次方程同步练习题及答案 班级 姓名 学号 成绩_______ 【基础过关】 一、 选择题 1、方程3x+6=2x -8移项后,正确的是( ) A .3x+2x=6-8 B .3x -2x=-8+6 C .3x -2x=-6-8 D .3x -2x=8-6 2、方程7(2x-1)-3(4x-1)=11去括号后,正确的是( ) A .14x-7-12x+1=11 B. 14x-1-12x-3=11 C. 14x-7-12x+3=11 D. 14x-1-12x+3=11 3、如果代数式75-x 与94+x 的值互为相反数,则x 的值等于 ( ) A.29 B.29- C.92 D. 9 2- 4、如果123-n ab 与1+n ab 是同类项,则n 是( ) A.2 B.1 C.1- D.0 5、已知矩形周长为20cm ,设长为x cm ,则宽为 ( ) A.x -20 B.x -10 C.x 220- D. 220x - 二、 填空题 1、方程2x-0.3=1.2+3x 移项得 . 2、方程12-(2x -4)= -(x -7)去括号得 . 3、若︱a ﹣1︱+(b+2)2=0,则a b = .

4、若3x+2与﹣2x+1互为相反数,则x-2的值是 . 5、若2(4a ﹣2)﹣6 = 3(4a ﹣2),则代数式a 2﹣3a + 4= . 三、 解答题 1、解下列方程 (1)3(2x+5)=2(4x+3)-3 (2)4y ﹣3(20﹣y)=6y ﹣7(9﹣y) (3)7(2x-1)-3(4x-1)=4(3x+2)-1 1、 观察方程32[2 3(x -4)-6]=2x+1的特点,你有好的解法吗?写出你的解法. 【知能升级】 1、 已知a 是整数,且a 比0大,比10小.请你设法找出a 的一些数值,使关于x 的方程
