




I am applying for admission to the Ph.D. program in

Electrical and Computer

Engineering, at the University of California, Berkeley. I present my research

experience and study objectives in this statement of purpose.

I would like to

build on my solid education and experience as an engineer

for a Ph. D. degree in

computer science at a distinguished university. I wish in particular to be

trained at an advanced level in software systems, database systems, applied-AI

and knowledge-based systems. My ultimate goal is to become a professor teaching

computer science at a Chinese university. I believe that advanced training in a

quality graduate program will help me realize my goal.



My father is a chartered accountant and my mother is a banker. During my

days at Engineering College I used to go to my father's office and help him

manage his portfolio of equities and other financial instruments. This was the

time I learnt the first lesson of finance from my father i.e. risk and return

are proportionate. In 1998 when I was in the second year the China stock market

crashed. But fortunately, my father had a well-diversified portfolio because of

which our returns were protected from the downside risk.

This was when I learnt

the second principle of finance from my father i.e. diversification reduces

risk. While I understood these two principles intuitively,

it produced in me a

strong urge to learn and understand the complex theory

behind the working of

Finance. This, I believe, was a turning point in my career.

I made up my mind to

pursue a career in Finance and hence decided to do a Masters program in Business



As I was finishing college, my mother had both of her hips replaced with

artificial ones because all of the cartilage in her hip

joints had worn away and

it was very painful for her to walk. I found it fascinating that engineers,

orthopedic surgeons, and biologists had all worked together to design these

artificial joints that completely transform. people's lives by giving them back

pain-free mobility, and I knew at that moment that this was an area about which

I wanted to learn more. In China these days, university graduates who have not

been lucky enough to settle into their dream jobs often look to graduated

studies as a way to kill the time that they cannot otherwise spend meaningfully.

I am prepared to go against the social conventions by

putting on hold a

successful research career that promised to be even more successful. With eight

years of productive and highly valued practical research behind me, I now would

like to revert to a more intellectual life so that I can conduct more

theoretical discourses.


When asked how to manage to mask remarkable statues, the French sculptor

Auguste Rodin answered,“I choose a block of marble and chop off whatever I

don't need.(法国雕塑家罗丹说:“给我一块大理石,把多余的去掉。”)” For me, life is just a block of

marble---whether the marble can be turned into a remarkable statue depends on

your natural talents, diligence and a sense of duty. During over four years’ my

college life, I have been dreaming of being a perfect female researcher so that

I can enhance more young girls’ confidence in scientific research and encourage

them to promote the development of science as men do. For Knowledge Itself Is

Power.This is one of my favorite precepts and at this point in my life when I am

about to complete my graduation and my future spreads in front of me like a

dream, this adage has never influenced my life more than this before.


For the past three years, my undergraduate education has exposed me to the

various sub-fields of Computer Science (CS). However, our syllabus has focused

mainly on "traditional" CS topics, such as Operating systems and single-CPU

systems. We have had barely a glimpse of the newer technologies that are likely

to change the way computing is done in not-so-distant future. The desire to

examine such subjects in greater detail is what has prompted me to opt for

graduate study. Due to the comprehensiveness of

China’s“reform. and

open”policies, economics plays an increasingly important role in the development

of its global position. As a senior at Beijing University majoring in Economics,

I feel that my field is fundamental to the progress of my country. Yet, at the

same time, I realize only too well that what I have learned as an undergraduate

is far from enough. Therefore, it is my desire to pursue a graduate degree I

Economics at your university. If accepted, my intended concentration would be

Economic Development and Public Economics.



申请留学美国的流程及条件 第一步:了解基本学制 美国的大学,除了较少的学校采用Quarter制一年有四个Quarter 外,绝大多数都采用学期Semester 制,每年有两个学期,于8月底及1月份开学,分别称为秋季学期和春 季学期。与中国的高中学制相匹配的是秋季学期,但因为申请截止日期和申请材料完备的 问题,许多学生都没有办法申请到毕业当年的秋季学期。许多学校就设立春季学期,让学 生多了一个入学的机会。 因为有了两个学期,所以美国大学都有申请截止日期。一般情况下为Deadline和 Early Decision两种。Early Decision通常在头一年的10月底至12月;Deadline在1月到4月不定,多数学校集中在1月和4月,学生要按照学校的规定及时寄送申请材料。同时,还有一些学校采用了Rolling制度,即不设定申请截止日期,若一个学生太晚申请, 以致错过了秋季学期的申请时效,校方会自动将学生的申请资料延至招收春季班学生时再 审核,这样不仅使得申请的学生从此不用担心学校截止日太早,对校方而言,在招生时也 有较多学生可供筛选。 第二步:提供材料要全面 申请人需提供的材料包括:1、高中成绩单 Transcripts。要有中英文两份,加盖学 校的公章;2、三封学校老师的推荐信 Recommendations;3、由ETS寄送的托福考试成绩;4、个人陈述Essay 。要选定主题,展现个人风格,幽默,还要诚恳,要表达出适应不同文化对您的意义。进而显示出如果您成为学校的一分子,将如何嘉惠其他同学;5、SAT考试;6、财力证明;7、学校要求的申请费和填好的申请表格。 第三步:申请奖学金 美国大学吸引学生注意的地方就是奖学金。相对研究生来讲,本科的奖学金比较少。 但是优秀的学生还是可以申请到的。主要考察的还是学生本人的综合素质和全面的能力。 第四步:签证注意 签证官的注意力主要放在三方面: 1、学习动机。申请人要让签证官明白自己求学的决心和为之所做的准备。 2、财力证明。申请人要说明自己有能力支付在美国学习和生活的费用。 3、回国理由。这是比较关键的地方,此时,申请人要说明自己在国内和国外的各种 状况,从而肯定会回国发展。


出国留学意向书范文 出国留学的意向书就要写好才能让你更快通过申请,下面小编为大家带来了出国留学意向书范文,希望对你有所帮助! 英国留学申请如何写出一份漂亮的留学意向书 英国留学签证申请表第一部分: 填表须知本表格为免费索取,请用黑色墨水笔填写,必要的地方在方框内打勾短期居留的申请人须填写本表所有的内容长期居留的申请人须填写1-22项并填写指定的其它表格。与本表同时递交的还有:签证申请费、两张护照照片、目前使用的护照。除十六岁以下使用父母亲护照的申请人外,每一个申请人必须单独填写一张表格。 英国留学签证申请表第二部分:个人资料 去英国的理由:学生选Student;入境方式:选Single entry,选第一个No;申请人全名:按照护照上的英文和中文名称填写,如LIU LILI,刘丽丽后面需要填写姓名的电码,可到签证处免费查阅;曾用名;出生日期:按日、月、年的格式填写,如1984年12月1日应填为:09 08 1984;性别:M-男,F-女;出生地点:按照护照上的出生地填写,如SHANDONG;父亲全名:英文、中文;母亲全名:英文、中文; 护照和旅行证件:Issuing Government/authority :P.R.CHINA;Number:按照护照填写Naionality as shown in passport:CHINESE;Document type:ORDINARY

PASSPORT;Place of issue:按照护照填写,如Shandong ;Date of issue:按照护照填写;Valid until:按照护照填写;Is this your first passport:如果是,选Yes;如果不是,选No,并在下一行填上前一本护照的号码、签发日期和地点; 你目前的工作是什么?学生-STUDENT,政府工作人员-GOVERNMENT OFFICER,公司经理-MANAGER OF COMPANY,业务员-SALESMAN;工作单位名称及地址,学生不用填。What date did you start this job,What is your annual income?目前家庭住址:中文填写。婚否,Married,Single,Divorced,Widowed,Separated如果已婚,请填写配偶情况:Fullname of spouseDate of birthNationality of spouseWhere is your spouse now?Where is your spouse normally resident?你有几个18岁以下的子女?Please give their ages:你以前申请过去英国吗?No,YesIf yes,please give dates and places of application:如果有,请说明申请时间、地点你以前到过英国吗?No,Yes If yes,please give dates and lengths of each stay:如果有,请说明日期和停留时间a.你是否曾被英国外交部门拒签过?如果有,还需要填写IM2E号表格b.你是否曾被拒绝进入英国?如果有,还需要填写IM2E号表格c.你是否曾被驱逐、递解或以任何方式被要求离开英国?d.你是否曾被其他国家拒签过?如果有,请说明国家e.你是否曾被其他国家驱逐出境?如果有,请说明国家f.你是否曾在英国或其他国家有过犯罪记录? 常居国家:P.R.CHINAResidence Permit No.Date of


美国大学文书申请范文 I guess it was inevitable that I’d be on hockey skates at some point in my life, but I did not expect that I’d become one of a rare group of female ice hockey officials before I even reached high school. Being born into a family of hockey players and figure skaters, it seemed that my destiny had already been decided. Right from the beginning, my two older brothers and my father strapped me up and threw me onto the ice. I loved it and, in my mind, I was on my way to becoming a female Gretzky! But my mom had to think of something fast to drag her little girl away from this sport of ruffians. Enter my first hot pink figure skating dress! That was all it took to launch fifteen years of competitive figure skating. Even though figure skating soon became my passion, I always had an unsatisfied yearning for ice hockey. It took a great deal of convincing from my parents that competitive figure skating and ice hockey didn’t mix. My compromise became refereeing ice hockey; little did I know that I was beginning an activity that would influence my character and who I am today. When I began, I would only work with my dad and brothers. Everyone was friendly and accepting because I had just started. I soon realized though that to get better I needed to start refereeing with


英国留学申请书全英文范文 导读:本文英国留学申请书全英文范文,仅供参考,如果能帮助到您,欢迎点评和分享。 英国是世界上第一个工业化国家,首先完成工业革命,是西方国家中的老牌强国。英国资本高度发达,人民所得高,生活环境好,社 会福利好,教育制度优,是许多人留学移民的目标国家。2016 年 1 月20 日,全球最佳国家排名出炉,英国排名第3,可见英国在世界的影响力之大。今天为大家带来了英国留学申请的一则范文。 I have a few strong passions in life; Indie music, Chelsea FC and literature. Since there are no university courses for the former two my decision concerning what to study at university is a simple one. ' The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones mad to live' was once said by Jack Kerouac in his work On The Road; the opportunity to experience living while studying amongst s ome of the finest literary minds in the country is overwhelmingly exciting for me. Ifeel that for too long I have been confined to my suburban prison where my talent for English Literature is being wasted amongst the desolate, uninspiring confines of Mid Bedfordshire. Moreover, sidestepping the risk of sounding arrogant, I have been told I possess a flair for the subject and my grades would certainly


出国留学申请文书的中文及英文范文 如果要上法语授课的课程,必须参加法语水平测试,有TEF和TCF两种考试,学生在考试当天才会知道自己所要考试的类型,不能选择考哪种。两个考试在形式和内容上并没有太大区别。如果到法国以后上英语授课的课程,预签证程序中不要求参加法语水平考试,但要提供托福、雅思之类的考试成绩。在准备留学申请材料时,作为对外联系主要文件之一的简历,其质量高低将直接影响申请者的成功率,为了能让对方清晰地了解申请者,简历在写作方面应力求真实、全面、简洁、明了。下面,86留学为各位即将出国留学的学习们准备了出国留学的申请书范文,有中文和英文两种范文哦! 留学申请者的简历应包括以下几个方面的内容: 1.姓名:与各种学历证明的姓名相同,如有更改姓名的情况,务必在公证时予以声明,并附上公证书。 2.性别 3.出生年月日及地点。与各类学历证明的出生年月日一致,出生地点写明国别和省份。 4.国籍 5.婚否 6.现在工作单位及详细通信地址。

攻读研究生:具有本科学位的外国留学生,年龄18—27岁,通过韩国语三级或托福成绩550分,可读研究生专业。 7.个人教育背景。包括大学、硕士阶段的在读时间,所在大学的名称、专业和所获学位,参加工作后的受教育经历,主要指脱产接受专门的进修、培训或学习。 8.个人从事专业的经历。填写专业经历应力求抓住重点,突出研究方向。担任教学工作的可列出主讲、助讲课程的名称,担任研究工作的可列出参加各个研究项目的课题名称。 9.个人的著作、论文或研究成果要分门别类列出,并一定要与个人专业经历相一致。所列著作要注明名称、出版年月、出版单位。所列论文要注明论文题目,刊载杂志或期刊名称、期号、语种。对于在学术会议上发表的文章还要注明学术会议的名称、召开时间和地点等。如果其中有被外国学者评论过的,最好附上刊载评论文章的杂志名称及时间。 10.外语水平。注明参加TEF、TOEFL、GRE等考试的时间、地点及成绩。若申请者掌握多门外语,则要一一注明语种并说明熟练程度。 11.参加何种学术团体,得到何种荣誉。学术团体一般应是省、市或行业一级以下的专业学术团体,在学术团体中所担任的职务可加以注明。荣誉主要是指在专业、技术研究方面获得的奖励和荣誉,并要注明获奖名称,颁奖时间和颁


韩国入学申请书(精选多篇) 第一篇:韩国大学入学条件韩国大学:入学条件 韩日联合交流会为大家整理了关于韩国大学本科的录取条件: 1、必须在中国完成12年的教育,即中专、职高大概高中毕业。 2、达到学校和专业的语言要求。本科一般为4级。 3、申请材料完整(依照学校的具体材料要求) 除以上硬性条件之外,韩国大学还看重学生一下三点: 1)综合学习能力:韩国的教育体系和育人方式更为国际化、更科学。学校更加注重学生自身学习的本领造就与发掘,高考成绩不理想不代表学生的现实学习本领,对学生平时学习成绩的考量方面的看重也正因如此。 2)家庭经济能力:韩国大学非常看重学生家庭稳定经济收入和殷实的经济基础,这是留学生正常学习与稳固生存的保障,也可以有效遏制恶意打工和非法滞留题目产生。 3)韩语学习能力:韩国大学逐渐开始不再提倡零韩语底

子留学韩国,转而对留学前参加韩语强化的学生更为青睐。理由是:有韩语基础的学生比较容易融入韩国的留学生存,学习本领和结果容易进步。 第二篇:韩国留学入学申请表韩国留学入学申请者记录表个人情况 姓名 : 中文英文姓名: 出生年日:性别:身份证号码:民族: e-mail: 家庭地址: 身份证地址: 家庭电话:手机号码: 是否持有护照?○ 是○ 否护照号码是否申请过韩国签证?○ 是○ 否 是否申请韩国签证被拒签过?○ 是○ 否 被拒签的情况拒签理由申请年度签证种类 是否来过韩国?○ 是○ 否最近入境年度

签证种类 现在是否滞留在韩国?○ 是○ 否 滞留在韩国时,签证发行年月日签证到期年月日 所属机关名 签证种类○ 外交(a-1)签证○ 短期商用(c-2)签证○ 短期综合(c-3 观光)签证○ 短期就业(c-4)签证 ○ 留学(d-2)签证○ 产业研修(d-3)签证○ 一般研修(d-4 语言研修)签证○ 其他以前有没有申请过本校的本科或语言教育院○ 有○ 没有 申请过的情况区分○本科○ 语言教育院申请年月 有没有申请过韩国国内其他大学或语言教育院的入学许可书○ 有○ 没有 申请过入学允许书时,得到入学许可书区分○ 大学○ 语言教育院申请年月 大学名是否入学○ 是○ 否 申请过入学允许书时,得到入学许可书区分○ 大学○ 语言教育院申请年月


出国留学申请书精选范文 出国留学申请书范文格式 对于留学申请书而言,有几点是必须要写的,例如自我介绍,说明自己的在学情况;决定留学的起因,为什么会选择这个国家,对这个国家的初步认识;专业的选择,学习什么专业以及学习这个专业的理由; 父母或留学经费人对自己留学想法的支持和理解;出国留学后的打算;入学后的学习态度。写清楚了这些事情,才能让翻阅文书的人对你的印象深刻,加深对你的印象。ps(personal statement)是一个展示你个人风采的好时机。所以需要好好准备。 你可从以下着手: 1.你的家庭,生活,四周环境中有没有什么转折点或特殊事件影响你的人生选择和研究方向的选择。 2.你有什么特殊,与众不同的经历和才能;你曾经获得过什么奖项? 3。为什么你选择这个专业?你的研究经历;你的研究兴趣;你对这个研究的展望。 4.你有没有很强的工作能力,沟通能力,团对合作精神和组织管理才能?这些才能如何帮助你将来的学习和研究。 5.你的短期学习目的和长期事业目的。 6.你曾经遇到过大的挫折和苦难吗?你是如何走过来的? 7.你的个人爱好及个人特点;这些对你的学习和研究有帮助吗? 8。为什么选择这个学校?

9.假如你的一些成绩不理想(toefl,greorgpa),你能解释清楚为什么吗? 总之,你必须非常清楚地呈明为什么你就是admissioncommittee要找的人。突出你的背景和资格,充分展示你的成功经历。 假如有些学校需要你的ps是答复问习题的,你必须对每一个问习题都非常清晰,明确的答复。不能偷懒拿一篇ps申请所有的学校。事实上根据每个学校的特点和教授研究方向,有针对性地修改ps,会对你的申请帮助很大。 当你回忆了你的学习生涯及罗列了众多事例后,你基本可以理出一条主线(中心思想),这时候你可以试着下笔写firstdraft下面是一些写作的建议。 1。针对学校问习题答复;每个学校对ps都会有一些特殊的要求,所以你必须有问必答。 2。针对你的专业加强说明你的能力;每个专业对申请者的素质要求不同; 3.你的故事必须能打动人; 4。不要八面玲珑,但也不要放过任何一个你的最强项;不要从中小学开始讲故事除非这个故事惊天动地; 5。不要堆积形容词,空洞或过份夸大; 6.你的目的必须明确。 7.抓住主线展开;主习题不明确是一大忌。 8。对自己的研究洞若观火;


美国大学申请书格式 When I wake up to the ear-splittingsound of my alarm clock ,and blindly search for the snooze button ,a suddenthought dawns :“ What am I doing ?” The time is 5 :30 AM;all is dark andhushed. My weary body feels completely drained of energy. While straining toopen my eyes,still warm and snug in my comfortable bed,I amovercome with afeeling of lethargy. “Perhaps I should call in sick. ” Despite all mymusing,and my bed's magnetic pull ,I still manageto rise each morning at thisungodly hour to join the cross-country running team in rigorous training. Cross-country running , a sport thatrequires the fusing of body and mind ,strives to maximize your physical abilityby testing your mental tenacity. Everyday represents a new struggle to beatyesterday's maximum output ,an issue of mind over matter. I have known theagony of this conflict since I joined the newly established cross-country team.As convincing as


怎么写出国留学申请书 ⑴在准备申请文书之前,一定要先拟一份草稿。⑵学校需要充分的时间审核学生的信息及文案,学生一定要确定好院校的申请截止日期,尽可能提前准备并提交申请, ⑶通常情况下,学生其实不需要在工作经历及课外活动经验方面下太大功夫。在申请文书写作中,关于工作经历的方面,学生要表达出的应该是个人能力及领导力和创新能力的优势。 正如剑桥大学山姆博士(SamLucy)提到的:“我们学校其实不特别看重学生的工作经验,我们更加关注的是与你所学学科相关的任何知识及经历。我们看重的是学生的个人能力及潜力。因此,假如学生能向我们展示他具有某一方面的专长及特别优势,我们是非常欢迎的。” 牛津大学招生处负责人卡翠娜(CaitrionaWoolhouse)也提出了同样的观点,“当学生要申请顶尖大学的时候,尤其是类似于牛津大学这类的名校,我们希望学生能表现出的是至少75%至80%的优势都体现在学术知识方面,另外20%至25%的优势是在于课外活动的经验方面。课外活动,包括工作经历,也必须是与面试者所申请所读专业相关的。” ⑷申请文书切忌过分夸张个人能力及成绩。 ⑸申请文书论证及检查的重要性 学生必须想清楚申请院校及专业的目的,并在文书中表达出对所

学专业的优点及能力,必须让学校清楚的认识到学生对所申请专业的热情及潜力。 UCAS系统负责人法图玛(FatumaMahad)也强调了这一重要性。“让你的朋友同学及家长阅读你的文书,他们也许可以为你提供适宜的建议及看法。学生也可以试着将文书内容朗读出来,这样有助于让学生发现文书中的语言及表达错误。” ⑹最后一点关键性的建议是,学生一定要保持诚信的态度,切忌抄袭别人的文书内容,抄袭检查系统将会很智能的检查到任何作弊及抄袭行为。另外,学生在文书写作中,一定要明确观点及论据,要展示出申请者为何具备成功完成学业的能力,而其实不仅仅是陈述出学生有多么渴望申请所学的课程,能力是非常重要的一点。


No.3, Wenyuan Road, Yadong new Area, Nanjing, P.R.China School of Management Science and Engineering Nanjing University of Finance and Economics Nanjing 210023 Tel:+861875199283x email:youngppyy@https://www.360docs.net/doc/3a110506.html, April 23,2015 Byerly Hall, 8 Garden Street, Cambridge, USA P.C:02138 Tel:(617) 495-1000 Dear Prof. XX: I'm Yang, a master candidate from Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, P. R. China, supervised by Prof. Tang. And I ever contacted you for the password of your papers in the last time. I'm supported by a Chinese National Fund, which will support those PhD candidates in China to go abroad to some world class Universities of their fields. This programme will cover all living cost I need in USA. After I read a lot of papers of my research area, I understand that you are working on MAX phases and have published quite a lot of high level scientific papers. As such, you are the leading researcher in XX in the world. I find your area fits me well, so I write to you to see if you can give me a chance to study in your school. My CV and published papers have been attached. My research area is mainly about MAX phases. I have published 5 papers in the journals including J. Mater. Res. and Solid State Commun. In addition, 2 papers were


一个中国学生的美国大学申请个人陈述: “爸爸,为什么我们的工厂没有自己的品牌?”六岁那年,我忍不住把藏在心里很久的问题向爸爸提出来。 “这个问题一言难尽。虽然注册一个属于自己的品牌很简单,但是要把牌子真正的经营好很困难。首先涉及到创新设计的问题,市场缺乏这样的人才,而模仿加工容易,这是加工厂成批出现的原因。其次开发这些新产品需要耗费很大的财力和时间,还有很大风险。”虽然爸爸没有直接给我答案,可是他的回答却激发了我的兴趣,让我开始思考这个问题。 ….. (中间写了学生从小在爸妈的工厂生活成长,对爸妈工厂的发展的看法,以及对他们只是代加工国际品牌衣服而没有自己品牌的困惑。) “爸爸,为什么我们生产的衣服利润一件只有100多元,但是在杭州大厦卖的价格却是10倍这么高?”十二岁那年陪爸爸到杭州大厦给妈妈买生日礼物时,看到我们厂里代加工的衣服的售价,我忍不住问了爸爸。 “一个牌子能一直流行下来最核心的价值是它的品牌和设计。同一块面料,香奈儿的设计师设计出来的裙子会比普通牌子的设计师设计出来的裙子贵太多太多。”跟往常一样,爸爸的回答再次引发了我的思考。 ….. (中间写了学生在这之后,对爸妈的加工厂的利润和出路的思考) “爸爸,为什么你要卖了我们的工厂呢?”去年年底当得知爸爸居然要卖了他一手创办的存在了十几年的工厂时,我又震惊又难过的跑去问爸爸。 “因为近几年来中小企业融资难,招工难,同时管理成本越来越大(工资要求高,做事效率低)。由于没有自己的的品牌导致利润低,特别是09年金融风暴,外贸行业收到严重影响,许多中小企面临倒闭。”爸爸的回答充满无奈,迫使我直面这个困扰我很久的问题。 …. (最后写学生对此的想法,对家乡义乌那一片工业区的加工厂倒闭的想法,以及希望为此做出努力的决心)


出国留学申请书的写法及范文 在准备留学申请材料时,作为对外联系主要文件之一的简历,其质量高低将直接影响申请者的成功率,为了能让对方清晰地了解申请者,简历在写作方面应力求真实、全面、简洁、明了。 留学申请者的简历应包括以下几个方面的内容: 1.姓名:与各种学历证明的姓名相同,如有更改姓名的情况,务必在公证时予以声明,并附上公证书。 2.性别 3.出生年月日及地点。与各类学历证明的出生年月日一致,出生地点写明国别和省份。 4.国籍 5.婚否 6.现在工作单位及详细通信地址。 7.个人教育背景。包括大学、硕士阶段的在读时间,所在大学的名称、专业和所获学位,参加工作后的受教育经历,主要指脱产接受专门的进修、培训或学习。 8.个人从事专业的经历。填写专业经历应力求抓住重点,突出研究方向。担任教学工作的可列出主讲、助讲课程的名称,担任研究工作的可列出参加各个研究项目的课题名称。

9.个人的著作、论文或研究成果要分门别类列出,并一定要与个人专业经历相一致。所列著作要注明名称、出版年月、出版单位。所列论文要注明论文题目,刊载杂志或期刊名称、期号、语种。对于在学术会议上发表的文章还要注明学术会议的名称、召开时间和地点等。如果其中有被外国学者评论过的,最好附上刊载评论文章的杂志名称及时间。 10.外语水平。注明参加TEF、TOEFL、GRE等考试的时间、地点及成绩。若申请者掌握多门外语,则要一一注明语种并说明熟练程度。 11.参加何种学术团体,得到何种荣誉。学术团体一般应是省、市或行业一级以下的专业学术团体,在学术团体中所担任的职务可加以注明。荣誉主要是指在专业、技术研究方面获得的奖励和荣誉,并要注明获奖名称,颁奖时间和颁奖单位。 12.拟申请的大学和导师的姓名。可根据申请者查询的资料予以注明,并要注意按照每个单位、每位导师一份简历的原则,即在同一份自传中不必注明全部想要联系的单位和导师。 13.拟进行的研究方向和希望从事研究的题目。国外院校的专业面一般较宽,要根据国外情况,力求专业面与其一致。研究课题可根据自己的研究兴趣和需要,同时也要尽量考虑对方的条件。


【个人陈述】 什么是个人陈述? 个人陈述( ,简称)是申请英国大学时,由申请人写的一篇关于自我介绍的漫谈体文章,是申请英国大学本科课程和硕士课程必要且极其重要的申请材料之一,主要用于描述申请者的个人背景、申请目的、研究方向等信息,是申请材料中较重要却也比较难把握的。 ()介绍英国大学录取学生和发放奖学金,都是通过全面、综合考察申请人的条件来决定的。一篇成功的个人陈述不但应该语言流畅、逻辑严谨、层次分明,更要充分显示申请人的才华,并抓住审阅人的注意力。 个人陈述应当包含以下内容: 、为什么要申请这个课程? 、对申请学校和专业是否了解? 、是否有独特的人生经历? 、为什么对这个专业有兴趣? 、有哪些社会实践? 、最终的事业目标是什么? 、是否具备杰出的品格,比如诚实、可靠、善良、刻苦等等,能否提供 、真凭实据来加以证明? 、是否具备值得一提的很好的、特别的工作习惯和态度,以及禀性上的优势? 、具备什么样的特殊才能,如分析能力、领导才能和交流才能?为什么比别的申请者更具有在事业上成功的把握? 个人陈述的写作原则是什么? 、一定不要表现得自命不凡 、尽量不要以“”开头展开句子描述 、尽量用有趣的词组做开头和结尾 、尽量不要引用报纸杂志书籍上的名言警句 、一定不要撒谎,要真实、诚恳。

、不要尝试在个人陈述里面故作滑稽开玩笑 、不要谈与申请者的申请无关的兴趣爱好 、不要用生僻词汇 、不要重复那些在大学申请表格上就有的内容 、不要提及任何政治立场 这些原则可以让申请者知道该把焦点放在哪些事情上,使申请者在看过大量范文之后不至于迷失了自己。当然,如果申请者本人机智幽默、语言诙谐的话,也不反对申请者在个人陈述里巧妙地表现自己的这个风格。 个人陈述的结构: 一般来说,从开头的导论开始就需要申请者花一半的长度来讲述申请者对专业的认知以及申请者为什么要申请这个专业,后一半谈谈申请者自己以及申请者的特殊技能。 还有,另外一种办法就是分门别类,每一个类别写一段,比如: 第段:专业认识,以及其中吸引申请者的部分,谈谈为什么。 第段:在与这个专业相关的领域上都做了什么。(在申请者的学校申请表格当中还没有提到的) 第段:在校时期的工作经历。 第段:业余爱好以及个人能力。 第段:期望上贵校的决心及全文总结。 这仅仅是一个参考,怎么写作还是要取决于申请者自己。 最后一种办法就是,找一个申请者喜欢的个人陈述模板,然后直接用它的结构去写申请者的个人陈述,不过要非常当心,千万不要复制模板里的语言表述方式。 写个人陈述时的注意事项: 、个人陈述不宜过长 、避免目的不明确、结构不合理 、必须申请人原创。 【简历】 什么是简历?


注意: 1. 申请美国研究生课程,单凭托福成绩是远远不够滴,除非你本科阶段有超级本领; GRE 成绩是必要条件,美国大学里理论上接受雅思成绩,而实际操作中看的是GRE/GMAT; 2. 你的论文,研究能力,名人的推荐和是否参加过该校的活动; 3. 美国人特别看重学生的综合能力,所以在向大学询问时,不能光谈及你的成绩有多高,要把自己最独特的一面展示给人家;你的自愿者经历、演讲和辩论才能、模拟国际会议、摄影、舞蹈,体育等;千万不要用模板在做你的PS; Massachusetts Institute of Technology GRE: 1350 GMAT:720 Stanford University (CA) GRE: 1350 GMAT:720 University of California–Berkeley GRE: 1350 GMAT:707 Georgia Institute of Technology GRE: 1350 GMAT:720 University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign GRE: 1320 GMAT:652 Purdue University–West Lafayette (IN) GRE: 1280 GMAT:720 University of Michigan–Ann Arbor GRE: 1250 GMAT:701 Carnegie Mellon University (PA) GRE: 1350 GMAT:696 University of Southern California (Viterbi) GRE: 1350 GMAT:720 California Institute of Technology GRE: 1350 GMAT:720 Cornell University (NY) GRE: 1350 GMAT:720 Univ. of California–San Diego (Jacobs) GRE: 1350 GMAT:720 University of Texas–Austin GRE: 1350 GMAT:720 Texas A&M Univ.–College Station (Look) GRE: 1350 GMAT:720 Univ of California–Los Angeles (Samueli) GRE: 1350 GMAT:720 University of Maryland–College Park (Clark) GRE: 1350 GMAT:720 University of Wisconsin–Madison GRE: 1350 GMAT:720 Princeton University (NJ) GRE: 1350 GMAT:720 PennsylvaniaStateUniv–UniversityPark GRE: 1350 GMAT:720 ColumbiaUniversity (Fu Foundation) (NY) GRE:1350 GMAT:729 Harvard University (MA) GRE:1350 GMAT:743 JohnsHopkinsUniversity (Whiting) (MD) GRE:1350 GMAT:749


美国大学留学申请书范文 大家都知道,申请文书包括了很多,有申请书、个人陈述等等,那么留学申请书应该要怎么写呢,和我一起来看看美国大学留学申请书范文。 (一)自我陈诉、开门见山、直入主题型 I am applying for admission to the Ph.D. program in Electrical and Computer Engineering, at the University of California, Berkeley. I present my research experience and study objectives in this statement of purpose. I would like to build on my solid education and experience as an engineer for a Ph. D. degree in computer science at a distinguished university. I wish in particular to be trained at an advanced level in software systems, database systems, applied-AI and knowledge-based systems. My ultimate goal is to become a professor teaching computer science at a Chinese university. I believe that advanced training in a quality graduate program will help me realize my goal. (二)叙述故事,说理型 1.叙述自己的家庭故事 My father is a chartered accountant and my mother is a banker. During my days at Engineering College I used to go to my father's office and help him manage his portfolio of equities and other financial instruments. This was the time I learnt the first lesson of finance from my father i.e. risk and return are proportionate. In 1998 when I was in the second year the China stock market crashed. But fortunately, my father had a well-diversified portfolio because of


https://www.360docs.net/doc/3a110506.html, 立思辰留学360介绍,密歇根州立大学成立于1855年,位于密歇根州东兰辛市,是一所顶尖的研究性大学。密歇根州立大学被《美国新闻和世界报道》杂志评为全美公立大学第29名,并被《普林斯顿评论》杂志评为中西部最好的大学之一。在2006年,被《Kiplinger》杂志评为最有价值的公立大学前100强。密歇根州立大学不但是以教育/农业/传媒理论闻名,而且音乐治疗也是位于美国先锋地位。密歇根州立大学也拥有全美历史第二悠久的饭店管理学院。 同时密歇根州立大学传媒领域专业排名前四,其中包括国际与多元文化通讯、大众传播、以及人际通讯等。教育学院里的许多系排名已达到全美第一或前十名。其他著名的课程包括:犯罪科学、包装学、政治学等。密歇根州立大学的海外研修课程是全美单一校园大学中规模最大的一个,提供超过六十个国家总计两百多个课程,遍及所有的洲。 互联网留学360介绍,密歇根州立大学有17个学院,提供200多个专业,所以不管学生的兴趣是什么,密歇根州立大学总可以满足学生不同的需求。另外,密歇根州立大学为本科生参与研究提供了广泛的机会。在密歇根州立大学的校园中坐落着密歇根农业实验中心,该中心资助了学校和密西根州15个实地研究中心的300多名科学家的研究。 密歇根州立大学一共有47000名学生,来自135个国家,形成了一个多样化的友好社区。学校一直以来极为重视吸引国际学生,2009年在校的中国学生达到700名。国际学生可以在密歇根州立大学的校园里学习“非母语英语课程”。另外,学校给国际学生安排一名国际学生导师,并提供一个特别的国际学生新生会来帮助学生适应新的环境。 密歇根州立大学的毕业生都是策略性思考者和解决问题的专家,在美国受到雇主的欢迎。很多毕业生成了大机构的CEO,包括美国奥委会的CEO。 入学申请 申请提交指南 ⒈完成网上申请表格; ⒉准备个人陈述; ⒊通过Visa,MasterCard,Discover,American Express或者电子支票缴纳50美元申请费; ⒋高中、大学(如果有)或者考试主办方提供的成绩报告单、文凭、证书的原件或经学校证明的副本。如果原始文件语言不是英语,则要求提供正式的英文翻译件; ⒌如果大学期间完成学分少于28个学分,则需提供高中学习的官方成绩单; ⒍出具财产证明和银行对账单。(此表是申请表的一部分)账户持有人姓名必须以英文列示; ⒎如果申请人的母语不是英语,需递交英语水平证明,托福(TOEFL)、雅思( IELTS)、学术水平测试(SAT)、密歇根州立大学英语测试(MSUELT)或密歇根州英语测评(MELAB)均可,由考试机构直接


申请美国大学本科PS范例 Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you. I still remember when the monitor first lit up and the grey box roared to my life. She had me at hello, or in this ca se, with the first welcome screen, circa 1999. Initially no one knew how to operate her. Out of curiosity, I worked days in front of her foreign face, eventually coming closer to her intricate soul. Trying out new DOS commands and seeing results became my greatest happiness. The complex visual calculations and efficiency on the computer brought me immediate satisfaction. While some kids defined the high points of their adolescent lives as learning to ride a bike or hitting a home run, my moment of change was switching from Windows 98 to XP. It was during this childhood that I established a passion for Computer Science. Unfortunately, at the age of 13, I indulged in the online game, the Mysterious Land. The game played perfectly into my teenag e whims: when I sought a sense of accomplishment, it rewarded me. Where I sought friends, it gave me an entire network of people relying on me. With just a little bit of focus, I reached the highest level, the peak of gaming perfection! In the first two years of middle school, I burnt the midnight oil and slept less than three hours in the weekend for the first time; with great guilt, I played truant for the first time; I even starved in order to use my lunch money to buy rechargeable cards. It sounds crazy now, but that a ddiction scratched my soul and demanded more. Undoubtedly, my grades fell so much that I went from the top to bottom. After my astonishment when I first met with the crazily low scores, I became apathetic. After a ‘lovely’ summer vacation fulfilled with dazzling equipments and illusory friendships in Mysterious Land, I got in Grade Eight. I still played the whole night, sleeping in one class after another. Deeply addicted, I sometimes couldn’t find the differences between the real and the virtual world. So many times I acted like a bossy team leader while doing sports at school, thus many people had an unfavorable impression of me. However, the obstacles I met in real life only furthered my addiction: the less love and friends I got, the more I became convinced that I should devote myself to the game. Nevertheless, the nightmares all came to an end when my class adviser looked deeply in my eye on getting my final results in the 8th grade. When I got home, I yelled out in the game but people deemed me insane instead of consoling me. A somber sadness embraced me, restricting my breath. I was caught and could not escape. That reality brought me back to life. Feeling fresh air around me instead of the vacuum of virtual happiness, I was freed. Since then I began my struggle to abstain from Mysterious Land. I limited my game time from six hours to one hour step by step; I regulated my schedule and slept from 10p.m to 6a.m every day; I asked my parents to keep my pocket money, and I cleared all m y debts in the game. When I finally felt myself far enough away from Mysterious Land, I believed everything was set. I opened the Program Files, clicked on the familiar folder, and pressed the delete button. At last, I clicked on YES with my shaking hand. “Goodbye.” I said in my heart, deeply lost in mind. On finishing this, I sat on my bed and watched screen-saver changing irregularly all night long. As soon as the sun rose at 5:50a.m and shone me with its first beam, I saw a new world opening its door to me. Soon I rediscovered another aspect of my computer – programming. As I rode the tides of addiction, I also gained knowledge from the swelling sea of the internet, through which I met new programmer friends, exchanged ideas or even worked together for the common goal of understanding the cultural impact of technology. Devoting most my spare time to this aspect set off my passion, which burnt more fiercely than that of the game! Sharing my simple-functioned programs with friends, satisfaction enveloped me tighter than the Mysterious Land ever did. I kept learning the BASIC and other programming languages improving my logical thought process for academics and acting as a catalyst for the study of Mathematics and Science. With a new sense of determination, I managed to rediscover my past hobbies in engineering and rekindle my passion for art. With this acceleration, I returned to be one of the top students in my class. I shall never forget the power I got when I pressed the YES button on the uninstall menu. The strength I got that time, I believe, has never gone away.
