

Business English A Reading course(整理版)



1)阿迪达斯Impossible Is Nothing. 没有什么是不可能

2)香奈儿Fashion passes, style remains. 流行稍纵即逝,风格永存

3)飞利浦Let us make things better. 让我们做得更好

4)麦氏咖啡Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽

This Bill of exchange shall be accepted first and then can be honored by the acceptor.


Words & expressions:

Transnational road warriors 从事跨国商务活动的人

Faculty and alumni

Performance-review process 绩效考核过程

Make an assessment of sb 对某人作出评价

In a group setting 公共场合

Have a one-on-one session with sb 进行单独会话

Tone down 缓和语气

Career progression 事业发展

Cultural gulf 文化鸿沟

In the arena of international commerce 在国际商务的平台上

Common ground 共同点

At the institutional level 制度层面

Fall short 结果,后果

Ongoing cross-pollination 不断学习他国先进事物

Trait 特征

Be customer-centric 以客户为本

Implement 实施

Commonality 共性

The integration of the global economy 全球经济一体化

See local context ad integral 本土文化语境知识


Procter & Gamble Company 宝洁公司

Johnson & Johnson Ltd. 强生公司

Carrefour China Inc. 家乐福

Bayerische Motor en Werhe AG宝马公司

Coca-Cola Enterprises可口可乐企业

China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation Sinopec Group中国石油化工集团公司China Ocean Shipping Company COSCO中国远洋运输总公司

Standard Chartered Bank 渣打银行

Words & expressions:

To name a few 举例

A medical practice 诊所

A successful new venture 成功的新企业

The critical ingredients for success 主要的结构

Distinguish…..from…. 把。。和。。区别开来

Enrolling in college 上大学

Have something in common 有共同语言

Sensitivity to 对。。敏感

Awareness of 认识到

We lead, Others copy. 理光复印机

Obey your thirst. Sprite 雪碧

Everyday Low Price 沃尔玛Wal-Mart

Life is a journey. Travel it well. United Airlines联合航空

Your Future Is Our Future HSBC---汇丰银行

Taking the lead in a Digital World SAMSUNG三星

Rap up a brainstorming session 自由研讨会

Be dismayed at 对什么感到沮丧

Tucson-based company


Big-box retailers 大面积超市

Feel loyal to his staff 不相违背他的员工

Irreverent undergrads 放荡不羁的本科生

Take a pass 接受,处理

Find one’s lost sparks 找回他们失去的活力,火花

Be supervised by 被监督

Grade on their work 打分,定级别

Ask for a donation 捐赠

Hardware store 五金店

A circular cutout 圆形缺口

A gaggle of 散漫的一群

Part-timer 兼职者

Rub sb the wrong way 使恼怒

Feel defensive 抵触情绪

Expose sb to a bit of brashness 让某人接触

Don’t be a Jerk about it 不要简单用事

Escort sb out the door 护送出门

Security guard 保安

Take a clinical approach 冷静处理

Get sued 被起诉

Executive coach 高管教练

Factor into your decision 在考虑范围之内

Refrain from 尽量不要

Take in everything 吸收一切

At such a tough time 艰难时刻

Reach out to 接触联系

A career counselor 事业顾问

A prospective employer 老板

Newly laid-off employees 刚下岗的职员

A short detour 短期内

Act out 实行

1. No business too small, no problem too big (IBM)没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题

2. Take TOSHIBA, take the world.拥有东芝,拥有世界

3. For the Road Ahead.(本田)走向康庄大道

4. Time is what you make of it.(Swath)天长地久

5. Apple thinks different. (苹果)不同凡想

Soft landing 软着陆

E-shopping; 网购

Mouse potato 电脑迷

Hot-button 热点问题

Small Office Home Office 在家办公族

Business Improvement District 经济开发区

On the job hunt 找工作

Committed 坚定的

Passionate 热情的

Failure-is-not-an-option 失败不是一个选项

Entail 带来,使成为必需

Productivity 生产力

Come right out 直接,突然,立刻?

Provocative 挑衅的

Take a pay cut ?付出代价

Build an adaptable skill set 技能组合

pull out all the stops 全力以赴


1. Tell me about you!

2. What do you know about our company?

3. Why do you want to work for us?

4. What would you do for us? What can you do for us that someone else can't?

5. What about the job offered do you find the most attractive? Least attractive?

6. Why should we hire you?

7. What do you look for in a job?

8. Please give me your definition of a secretary. (the position for which you are being interviewed).

9. What’s your greatest weakness?

10. What kind of salary did you have in mind?

M&Ms melt in your mouth, not in your hand. 只溶在口,不溶在手

Be a perfect fit 完全合适

Fire away 问我吧

Outside-the-box thinking 突破性思维

Be generally attributed to 归功于

Parallels between…….and……. 在什么和什么方面是可以并存的

Have their place 有它们的位置

Fare with 处理

Brain-tingling questions 令人头疼的问题

Layered chocolate shell 一层一层的巧克力外衣

Be cast in little moulds 扔到小模型里

A cement mixer 水泥搅拌车

Congealing into a big lump 凝固成一大块

Be squirted with 被喷

Be imprinted by a bank of rubber dies 跟着皮带传送

Be on its way out 过时

Due to overexposure 过度曝光

Fraction 分数

incorporate 合并

Stand your ground 坚持你的立场

Click 吻合

Come in 提交

Top reality 最现实的

A hands-free notepad 无需手动的笔记本

Modest advantages 普普通通的优势

Low-tech 低端的

Power blackouts 断电

Checking account; 查看账户

Drain out 消耗消费

Hold on to 省钱

Don’t let savings bonds sit 不要把钱放在银行

Series EE bonds 系列电子储蓄债券

Series I bonds 低风险储蓄债券

Built-in adjustments for inflation ?

Through payroll deduction 通过扣除薪水的方式购买债劵National average 全国平均值

Bond fund 公债基金

Be equivalent to 等同于

Take a bite out of 大幅度削减

Tax-Exempt 免税债券

Drop your PMI (私人不动产抵押借款保险)

Down payment 首付

An equity stake 股权

Roll back car insurance premiums 终止汽车保险费

Bargaining for bucks 讨价还价

A hand-beaded silk dinner suit 手工钉珠的晚宴西装

With some exceptions 除个别例外

Less for Uncle Sam 交少一点钱给政府

Count on 指望,依靠

Shave up 去除。除掉

Study up on 认真研究

Communication takedown 除掉通讯费

Bar charts: 柱形图

histograms: 直方图

line graphs/line charts: 曲线图

pie charts: 饼图

forms/tables/lists: 表格

It’s not just spam. 垃圾电子邮件

Writing a press release 写新闻稿件

Who still needs to weigh in? 谁需要参与其中?

Through a hosted site on the Internet (主页面)

E-mail woes 电子邮件的困扰

The online encyclopedia 网上百科全书

Restrict access to a limited group of people限制某些人群进入

In addition to the scores of (论点,理由)free, open-source wikis

New breeds of wiki software 维基软件的新种类

Integrate with network directories 整合网站目录

Plug into his network 连接网络

Pull up the wiki ?

Web browser 网站浏览器

Prospect pipeline 客户渠道

Proprietary information 个人绝密信息

Spring for 求助于

Lock down 安全防范

Back up 备份

Draft a code of conduct 起草一套行为准则

Hard drive 硬盘

Write a press release 写新闻稿件

A piece of server software 一种服务器软件

A hosted site on the Internet 网站主页

A bulletin board 公告栏

Plug into the network 连接网络

Web browser 浏览器

Prospect pipeline 客户渠道

Hosted version 主机版本

security muscle 安全性能

Sensitive customer data 涉及客人隐私的客户数据

Back up sensitive pages 备份敏感的页面信息

A training program 培训计划

Draft a code of conduct 起草一套行为准则

Store information on hard drives 把信息储存在硬盘


The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.


Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money, it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative efforts.


The world can be changed by man's endeavor, and that this endeavor can lead to something new and better.


The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.


Was sworn into office 宣誓就职

The depths of the Depression 大萧条

In a state of shock 休克状态

Board of trade 商品交易所

The terrifying “runs”挤兑

Failing banks 每况愈下的银行

Go bust 破产

Inaugural address 就职演讲

With his standout line 以他那杰出的话语

Executive power 行政权力

Owe much to 归功于,多亏

Diplomatic Reception Room 外事接待厅

Was obsessed with 被。。。困扰

Fireside Chat 炉边谈话

On the air 广播正在播

Walk people through the basics of banking 银行运作的基本原理

Lifted the shame 轻轻把羞愧抹掉

Strike a patriotic blow 让民众可以做出一个爱国的举措

Were gently thrown in with an unsavory lot 被温柔的扣上不道德的帽子

Call forth 唤起,激励

Metaphor 隐喻

Offspring 产物

In rapt attention 全神贯注


GM (General Manager)总经理

VP (Vice President)副总裁

FVP (First Vice President)第一副总裁

A VP (Assistant Vice President)副总裁助理

CEO (Chief Executive Officer)首席执行官,类似总经理、总裁,是企业的法人代表。

COO (Chief Operations Officer)首席运营官,类似常务总经理

CFO (Chief Financial Officer)首席财务官,类似财务总经理

CIO (Chief Information Officer)首席信息官,主管企业信息的收集和发布CTO (Chief technology officer)首席技术官类似总工程师

HRD (Human Resource Director)人力资源总监

OD (Operations Director)运营总监

MD (Marketing Director)市场总监

OM (Operations Manager)运作经理

PM (Product Manager)产品经理(Production Manager)生产经理

TM ( Team Manager )

PM ( Project Manager ) 项目经理

PL ( Project Leader ) 项目组长

TSE ( System Engineer ) 系统工程师

BSE ( Bridge System Engineer)

PG ( Programmer ) 程序员


CAO: Art 艺术总监

CBO: Business 商务总监

CCO: Content 内容总监

CDO: Development 开发总监L ( Team Leader )

In the arena of international commerce 国际商务平台Performance-review process 绩效考核过程Customer insight 客户洞察

The integration of the global economy 全球经济一体化A brainstorming session 自由研讨会

Big-box retailer 大面积超市

Lifetime warranty 终身保修

Executive coaches 高管教练

突破性思维outside-the-box thinking

潜在客户potential customer

求职者job hunter

高度竞争的世界hyper competitive world

打造个人品牌personal branding

目标受众target audience


initiative 主动性

Make its mark 打上。。。烙印

Greenwashing 绿色粉饰

Environmentally friendly 对环境无害

Under a huge amount of fire 最近受到强烈抨击environmental credential 环保认证

The general public 公众

Marketing campaign 营销活动

Executive director 执行总监

Window dressing 摆摆样子

Walking the walk 光说不做

PR campaign 公关活动

When it comes to green issues 当谈到环保问题Making a stand 坚持,站稳立场

Relatively few and far between 少之又少

Official figures 官方数据

Design discipline 设计准则

Solve sustainability problem 解决可持续问题Embrace this fresh new approach 接受新的做法

A hosted site 主网址

Bulletin board 公告栏

Web browser 网页浏览器

Prospective pipeline 客户渠道

The online encyclopedia 网上百科全书

A press release 新闻稿

Security muscle 安全能力

Back up sensitive pages 备份敏感资料

Hard drives 硬盘驱动器


1. We offer 3-R guarantee, namely guaranteed repair, replacement and refund. 我们实行“三包”:包修、包换、包退.

2. Applying “Dabao”morning and night ,Makes your skincare a real delight. 要想皮肤好,早晚用大宝.

3. It gives me hair super shine, super body and leaves it smelling fresh as a meadow.


4. Hand in Hand, Future in Your Hand.


英语广告中很多是使用固定的短语和词组,在这一点上恰好和汉语的四字结构相对应,例如:价廉物美cheap and fine。

1)reasonable charges收费合理

2)attractive and durable美观耐用

3)courteous service服务周到

4)superior quality质地优良

5)perfect in craftsmanship制作精巧

6)convenient to carry携带方便

7)popular both at home and abroad驰名中外

8)great variety款式繁多

9)with a high reputation久负盛名

10)pretty and colorful瑰丽多彩

New York Stock Exchange 纽约证券交易所

Chicago Board of Trade 芝加哥商品交易所

Diplomatic Reception Room 外事招待处

Friends of the Earth 地球之友

World Wildlife Fund 世界野生动物基金会

The depths of the Depression 大萧条

Inaugural address 就职演讲

Fireside Chat 炉边谈话

The basics of banking 银行运作的基本原理

An eco-friendly corporation 环保型企业

Environmental credential 环保认证Marketing campaign 营销活动

Third-party endorsement 第三方认证

PR campaign 公关活动

Global warming 全球变暖

Organic growth 内增长

Existing customers 现有客户

Bake into 整合

Stock market valuation 股市估值

Come up the ranks 提升

Turn over 转换

Economic downturn 经济下滑Customer expertise 客户专家

Customer insights 客户洞察

Ballot box 投票箱

Home turf 地盘

Reinstitute 重新制定

All hands on deck 所有员工Government regulators 政府监管职能部门Customer intimacy 客户亲密关系

Close a major sale

Balance sheet 资产负债表

Indicators of sales

Profit performance 利润绩效

A lagging indicator


商务英语整理笔记 询价还价(询盘还盘) inquiry 询盘 offer/quotation 报盘 ※firm offer 实盘 ※non-firm offer 虚盘 ※subject to 以---为准例:我方向你放报实盘,以你方在下周前回复为准。We send you firm offer subject to your reply reaching us before next week. subject to our final confirmation/prior sale/goods being unsold 以我们最后的确认/以前的销售/未出售货物为准(了解即可) This offer is valid/open/good/firm for 3 days.该报价有效期为3天。 counter offer 还盘 offerer 发盘人 offeree 受盘人 ※superior to 比---好superior quality 质量上乘inferior to 不如---- 考点在to The goods is of superior quality.产品质量上乘。 ※sale by trademark/brand/name of origin 按照商标/品牌/产地名销售 discount 打折 e.g. 打7折30% discount Your price is rather at the high side/low side.你的价格高/低。 ※out of stock 缺货 ※supply from stock 供现货 ※supply sb with 例:我方向你方提供100吨核桃现货。We supply you with 100 tons of walnuts from stock. market is firm 市场趋升market is active 市场活跃market is strong 市场坚挺 specialize in +名词专营---- line 行业或职业What’s you line?你从事什么行业? line 行情out of line of the market 与市场不符合 in line with 和---一致 considerable business 大量生意 Chamber of Commerce 商会 ※CIFC3% London=成本、保险加运费及3%的佣金运至伦敦港口 price list 价目表 平等互利的基础上on the basis of equality and mutual benefit We owe your name and address to +人或公司承蒙-----告知贵公司的名称和地址 有竞争力的价格competitive price ※和其他供应商比较起来,我们的价格更有竞争力。Our prices are more competitive than those of other suppliers.或Our prices compare favorably with those of other suppliers. ※首批订单initial order ※试订单trial order ※place/book an order with sb.向某人订货 常用的贸易术语

商务英语阅读(1-2)1 2013本科英语(商务英语方向) B卷 20140521

electric solutions during the survival course. A. practice B. produce C. approach D. Popularize 9.Why the company wants to relocate to Ireland still remains a brainteaser to a majority of staff. A.enigma B.disaster C. secret D. Burden 10. The purported function of the massage chair is that it can dispel your fatigue. A. supposed b. reclaimed C. publicized D. advertised 11. This is the era of the ―personal brand‖. A. time B. period C. aged D. Phase 12. Others felt it too outlandish to take seriously A. crazy B. outstanding C. strange D. Great 13. Her services are in demand from bankers, lawyers and other business people, all pondering ways to improve how they are perceived at work. A. deliberating B. concerning about C. considering D. thinking over 14. The outside world offers a little more illumination. A. enlightenment B. explanation C. strange D. Inspiration 15.She says there is evidence that Brand Stern is credible and respected, but she wonders if the markets aren‘t looking for something a bit meatier: ?Are you damping down your personality? Do they want more of you?‖ A. fatter B. more informative C. fleshier D. more important 16.Wouldn‘t it be cool if… I want to harness those ideas and let people have a forum? A.Discover B. make use of C. search for D. think about 17.Instead of setting up a traditional display booth at last year‘s Macworld convention, Kaufman handed out pads and pencils and invited attendees to sketch the products they wanted. A. box B. room C. stall D. Desk 18.Says his mother, Mindy, ?‖When you see someone who has a dream and a great idea, you don‘t want to stifle it ,, A. hurt B. smother C. damage D. safeguard 19. He sold the Mophie product line and rolled the proceeds into Kluster, a virtual forum that al-lows consumers and businesses to collaborate on the design of products and services. A. theoretic B. fake C. false D. fictitious 20. As Kaufman envisions Kluster, companies that want to create a new product vvill use the plat-form (https://www.360docs.net/doc/3e8137412.html,) to put out a challenge to a relevant group of consumers. A. theoretic B. fake C. false D. Fictitious 21. It‘s harder to estimate than you may think. A. guess B. Tell C. assess D. Imagine 22. But it‘s unavoidable, so what‘s the smart way to think about it now?

新编商务英语基础教程Unit 6

Unit 6 The Quality and Quantity I Teaching Aim 1. Cognitive Information(认知信息): Quality and Quantity of Customers 2. Language Focus(内容重点): 1)Word Study: A. cast, complex, relatively, critical, matter, conversely, specific, seminar, initially; B. income, budget, straightforward, cost, beneficial, individual, prospective, overall 2)Phrases: A. in the hopes of, depend on, result in, instead of, be exposed to;B. seek to 3)Key Words: A. spread;B. Specify 3. Grammar: There be 结构 4. Writing (写作技巧): 英语写作的语气 5. Translation (翻译技巧): 句子主语的翻译 III Background Information The Marketing Plan营销计划 营销决策的核心部分就是营销计划。营销计划的作用是:需要营销人员充分地了解营销决策的结果。需要营销人员充分地了解他们所经营的市场。制定目标并且为企业内部人员提供指导。 营销计划无论是计划一年或更长,都要求进行市场研究,以便更好地了解市场。随着对市场的了解,营销人员可以根据以下要点进行计划: 企业任务——企业长期发展的目标。这是企业高层领导的意愿并且长期不变。 宗旨——反映出企业的希望。与企业任务一样,企业宗旨也是从上贯彻到下的。宗旨可能是以财政目标(比如,赢利)或营销目标的形式(比如,达到市场份额的某一水平)。 营销战略——为达到目标,要求营销人员参与制定资源(比如,营销资金)的利用。但是,在营销决策之前(比如,在哪里做广告),营销人员需要制定全面的行动计划。 营销预算——执行营销策略几乎总意味着费用。营销费用必须与营销战术策略相配合。营销部门先制定出全部费用的预算,最终由管理层来决定预算的多少。 IV language and Culture Focus (语言文化要点) Text A 1 .W ord study 1)cast v. to throw (sth.),esp deliberately or with force 扔,投,掷,抛 e.g. cast a stone 扔石头 The angler cast his line (into the water). 钓鱼的人把鱼线抛入水中。 2)complex a. difficult to understand or explain because there are many different parts 复杂的,难懂的 e.g. a complex argument, theory, subject 复杂的论证、理论、学科

商务英语阅读(第二版)参考译文 王关富编

Chapter 1 Why China Works 中国是今年唯一呈现出重大发展的主要经济体(economy),由于它通常是唯一敢于打破经济教科书中每一条例的经济体。事实上,中国不像其他五大经济体那样发展缓慢的主要原因是,它宏观调控的能力(its capacity for macro-economic control)。 为什么中国市场经济体系奏效?(market economic system)目前,欧美等国正通过银行及汽车业国有化及金融业实施新的有力规定(regulations),走向宏观调控。但问题更加紧迫(the question has a new urgency)。中国看上去最能驾驭(navigate)七十年内最糟的经济滑坡(downturn)。 在危机中,中国官员既能吸取像西方同行(counterparts)的传统市场工具,也能吸取中国市场经济体系的积累经验(arsenal)。去年早期,由于房地产市场(housing market)过热,中国官员仅命令银行削减房贷(cut back on housing loans),然后随着房屋销售量下降(fall),他们提供类似更低的房屋购置税(lower taxes on home purchases)。最近几周,他们展开类似西方的经济救援行动(launch economic rescue efforts),其中包括价值6000亿的大计划以增加政府开支和大幅利率削减(ramp up government spending)(big interests cuts)。但同时,他们也发布在西方国家眼里是不合理的干涉的命令,例如,上周中国官员召集包括钢铁建筑等行业的国有行业并购(buy up)国内外新资产(at home and abroad)以积极(actively)发挥在经济中的作用。 曾把中国宏观调控视为不成熟经济的弊病(immature economy),现在是稳定的保障(bulwark of stability)。CLSA经济学家AR说,”政府对大多数资本密集型产业的控制,让我看好中国的未来。政府会对这些领域的公司说,继续花吧,不要由于你们的投资计划“。尽管最大的出口及股票市场出现下滑,中国经济在09年看上去增加7%多,虽比近些年两位数(double-digit)增速有所下滑,但与其他国家相比仍然坚挺。随着国有银行放松信贷(loose credit),企业贷款率切实(actually)增加。摩根斯坦利的亚洲首席SR说,在一个投资支持可持续发展,并占GDP的40%的国家,政府再次增加投资以抵抗对增长的威胁。他又说,在危机时期,中国的指挥控制系统切实比其他市场基础系统有效。


商务英语阅读课堂笔 记整理版

Business English A Reading course(整理版) 商务英语阅读的主要内容: 商务英语阅读主要包括世界经济形势、经济全球化、国际贸易与投资、金融风险与管理、商业文化、企业管理等。这些阅读材料不但传递最新的世界经济和国际商务信息,开阔学生的视野,还提供最新、最典型的商务语言和词汇,有助于学生熟悉并掌握商务英语文章的典型语言用法、语言风格及语言特点等。1)阿迪达斯 Impossible Is Nothing. 没有什么是不可能 2)香奈儿 Fashion passes, style remains. 流行稍纵即逝,风格永存 3)飞利浦 Let us make things better. 让我们做得更好 4)麦氏咖啡 Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽 This Bill of exchange shall be accepted first and then can be honored by the acceptor. (该汇票应先承兑,然后由承兑方进行支付) Words & expressions: Transnational road warriors 从事跨国商务活动的人 Faculty and alumni Performance-review process 绩效考核过程 Make an assessment of sb 对某人作出评价 In a group setting 公共场合 Have a one-on-one session with sb 进行单独会话 Tone down 缓和语气 Career progression 事业发展 Cultural gulf 文化鸿沟


Business English A Reading course(整理版) 商务英语阅读的主要内容: 商务英语阅读主要包括世界经济形势、经济全球化、国际贸易与投资、金融风险与管理、商业文化、企业管理等。这些阅读材料不但传递最新的世界经济和国际商务信息,开阔学生的视野,还提供最新、最典型的商务语言和词汇,有助于学生熟悉并掌握商务英语文章的典型语言用法、语言风格及语言特点等。 1)阿迪达斯Impossible Is Nothing. 没有什么是不可能 2)香奈儿Fashion passes, style remains. 流行稍纵即逝,风格永存 3)飞利浦Let us make things better. 让我们做得更好 4)麦氏咖啡Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽 This Bill of exchange shall be accepted first and then can be honored by the acceptor. (该汇票应先承兑,然后由承兑方进行支付) Words & expressions: Transnational road warriors 从事跨国商务活动的人 Faculty and alumni Performance-review process 绩效考核过程 Make an assessment of sb 对某人作出评价 In a group setting 公共场合 Have a one-on-one session with sb 进行单独会话 Tone down 缓和语气 Career progression 事业发展 Cultural gulf 文化鸿沟 In the arena of international commerce 在国际商务的平台上 Common ground 共同点 At the institutional level 制度层面 Fall short 结果,后果 Ongoing cross-pollination 不断学习他国先进事物 Trait 特征 Be customer-centric 以客户为本 Implement 实施 Commonality 共性 The integration of the global economy 全球经济一体化 See local context ad integral 本土文化语境知识 一些跨国公司英文名称: Procter & Gamble Company 宝洁公司 Johnson & Johnson Ltd. 强生公司 Carrefour China Inc. 家乐福 Bayerische Motor en Werhe AG宝马公司


新编国际商务英语阅读教程译文 第一单元国际贸易理论 重商主义 世界上第一个国际贸易理论——重商主义,产生于16世纪中期。重商主义宣 称金银是一国财富的支柱,是繁荣商业所不可或缺的。当时,金银是国家间的贸易 货币,出口国赚取金银,同样从他国进口货物,导致金银的外流。重商主义认为出 口大于进口从而保持贸易顺差是一国的根本利益。这样,一国积累金银,最终使国 家财富增加,国家地位得以提升。正如1930年,英国重商主义学者托马斯?孟所说: 增加一国财富的最普遍的做法是对外贸易,而且我们必须遵守这样的规则:每 年出口产品的价值要大于进口产品的价值。 遵循这一说法,重商主义提倡政府干涉,以确保贸易顺差。重商主义认为大量 的贸易额并没有什么益处。他们建议颁布政策以扩大出口,限制进口。具体做法可 以是对进口施加关税和对配额进行限制,对出口则给予补贴。 1752年古典经济学 家大卫?休谟指出了重商主义学说的缺陷。据休谟所说,如果英国对法国贸易顺差(即出口大于进口),相应的金银的流入会导致英国国内货币供应充足,从而产生通 货膨胀。而法国会因为金银的外流产生相反的效应——通货紧缩,价格降低。英法 之间相对价格的变化将促使法国的进口商购买的英国货物数量减少(因为英国货物 变得昂贵),英国的进口商将购买更多法国的货物(因为法国货物价格降低)。结 果,英国贸易收支状况不断恶化,法国贸易收支逐步得到改善,这种情况一直持续 到英国的顺差被抵消。因此,休谟认为,长期来看,没有国家能够如重商主义者所 想象的那样保持贸易顺差。 除了休谟指出的缺陷之外,重商主义的另一缺限在于其视国际贸易为零和博弈(零和博弈是指一国得益必导致另一国受损)。亚当?斯密和大卫?李嘉图指出了重商


Text A 令狐文艳 II. Choose the best answer from the following. 1.C 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. D III. Translate the following into Chinese. 1.经过数月在网上搜寻研究西北大学和仔细询问到访过西 北大学的朋友、老师和咨询顾问,玛克辛最终希望自己能被西北大学录取。 2.对于像玛克辛一样正在申请秋季入学的学生来说,他们 会沮丧地发现这一梦想难以实现。考入一所知名院校的机会从未如此渺茫。 3.但是招生主管们已经开始担忧申请者数量缩减的问题, 尤其是为数不多每年有能力支付4万美金费用的那部分申请者。 Text B II. Decidewhether the following statements are true or falseaccording to the text. 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. F III. Translate the following into Chinese 1.20世纪80年代和90年代初期私立中学毕业生能够期 望一生的收入比国立中学同时期毕业生多35%,他们

发现这其中大约一半可以归因于他们所接受的教育,而非他们的背景。 2.研究人员也尽量精确地描述私立中学施展魔力的办法: 凭借更优秀的考试成绩,而不是凭借关系网带来的各种机会或者质量更高的诸如礼仪或领导方法等软技巧的教学。 3.一位知情人士认为如下的操作不太可能:许多父母通过 再抵押贷款来支付学费,但由于不稳定的房价和银行日益紧缩的信贷条件,这条路很快就走不通了。 Fast Reading Practice 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. B

Business English Reading 商务英语阅读

Business English reading I have learned a lot in the Business English Reading classes. This course mainly analyses business stratages during the development of some famous companies, and introduces some main influencial factors. We talked about P&G Company at the very beginning. P&G is a well-known and successful company all over the world. It produces various products of different brands, for example VS, Pantene, OLAY, Crest, Pampers, Safeguard, Tide, Whisper and Gilllete and so on. These products are trusted generally by consumers and used almost in each family. P&G is a successful example in the same kind of company absolutely. However, it is not easy to gain the big success. It has ever been in danger of becoming another Eastman Kodak Co., a once great company that had lost its way. Thank to Lafley, the current CEO, taking some effective measures, the P&G could get through the trouble. Different with the former CEO, the first thing he told his managers when he took the job was just what they were thinking: focus on selling the company’s major brands, instead of trying to develop new brands. He has replaced more than half of the company’s top 30 officers and cut 9,600 jobs. And he has move more women into senior positions. He wants a focused, flexible company, that’s why he does all the things. To reach this goal, he has adopted the policy of outsourcing: he outsourced P&G’s information-technology operation to Hewlett Packard Co.. As to sales, Lafley suggests that they should remain the biggest retailer Wal-Mart stores, and develop more wholesalers to promote sales quotas. All these correct decisions owe to Lafley’s significant cognition and well preparation. Of course, there are many other successful examples. Too much factors can have effects on a company’s destiny.Of all the factors, the most important is the ability of leadership in management and decision making. Leadership includes the top leaders, CEO or president or general manager, and managers of each department. These leaders can be regarded as the main body of a company, so the quality of the body directly influences the whole company’s development. Every department has its own responsibility, only all departments work well can the whole company goes well. No matter what happened, capable leaders always catch up with proper methods to solve those problems to keep company running normally. Although sometimes it may be suffer a big shock, like economic crisis, good leadership must be able to negotiate a countermeature to avoid loss or reduce loss. This’s the most important function of leaders. Therefore, if we want to know whether a company can go further or not, we just need to realize what kind of leadershis it has. In my opinion, if a company wants to become a success, it should have the following points: first, it is based on quality-reliable products; second, it should win a good credit by considerate service and reasonable products price; third, keep communicating with consumers in order to know what the product that consumers really want is; forth, it should have an outstanding leading group to manage the company. For this reason, I think P&G is really an example of success.


关于《世纪商务英语阅读教程》系列教材浅析 关于《世纪商务英语阅读教程》系列教材浅析 摘要:自教育部批准设立商务英语专业以来,该专业蓬勃发展,教学探索日益精进,各系列教材应运而生。本文以青岛理工大学琴岛学院外语系商务英语专业《商务英语阅读》系列课程所用教材为例,分析此套教材的优缺点,希望为商务英语专业教材的改进及专业的发展做出一定的贡献。 关键词:商务英语阅读课程;商务英语阅读教程;世纪商务英语阅读教程 2009年,《高等学校商务英语专业本科教学要求》(试行)推出,明确提出了商务英语专业本科层次的人才培养目标,并确认了该专业的课程设置,将阅读课程设置为十二门专业核心课之一。自青岛理工大学琴岛学院外语系成立商务英语专业以来,一直对其阅读课程进行教改,不断研究和分析市场各类阅读教程,现使用教材为“十二五职业教育国家规划教材”系列中的大连理工大学出版社出版的《世纪商务英语阅读教程》。该套教材主编为刘杰英,共4册,分为基础篇和专业篇系列,每系列各两册,现已更新至2014年第五版。在使用该套教材过程中,作为工作在一线教学的笔者对此套教材有比较浅薄的认识,现针对此套教材,作出如下分析: 一、教材优点 (一)基础性强 该套教材课程设置结构合理,循序渐进。其基础篇内容以商务文化及礼仪、企业商务工作为主线,让学生学习英语国家文化和商务礼仪,了解企业工作内容及工作环境,提升职业素养,以适应未来的外事及商务工作。此外,基础篇教材还融入了英语专业普通阅读教材的特色一一培养学生阅读技巧、注重学生阅读能力。每个单元配有阅读技巧训练,涵盖了自我阅读技巧、速度技能、理解及应用技能,如:词义猜测、归纳主旨、细节理解、略读、跳读等,使学生在大一阶段能够学习到各种常见的阅读技巧,提高对普通英语材料的`阅读理解能力、商务材料的阅读理解能力和阅读技巧的运用能力,不仅可以满足学生应对大学英语四六级及英语专业四级八级等考试的需要,更能为其英语语言的基础学习打下坚实的基础。 (二)专业度高 商务英语学科是一门跨学科跨专业的综合性学科,该套教材充分抓住了商务英语专业的核心特点,在承接基础篇的基础上,专业篇的学习内容涉及到市场营销、商品定价、风险管理、国际贸易、物流、电子商务、商务法等各方面。商务知识的补充深入、综合而广泛,为学生进行学习提供了更为丰富的宏观经济内容,使学生了解商务相关行业,具备一定的专业知识,为将来从事相关领域工作打下坚实的理论基础。 (三)创新性强 商务英语是一门不断发展的学科,与时俱进是对该专业教学的基础要求。该套教材不满足于固步自封,而是通过对企业进行深入调研,结合学生就业需求与社会发展的需要,及时更新教材版本。我系现使用版本为2014年最新修订的第五版,阅读材料选自最前沿的报刊、杂志等,这就保证了学生能够接触到最实用最前沿的商务专业知识,同时也对授课教师提出挑战,消除了授课教案一成不变的不良教学现象,使得教师与学生共同学习和进步,真正做到与时俱进,符合事物变化发展规律。 (四)实践性强 该套教材每个单元配有相关习题,既有对文章内容的理解又有对所学知识的拓展,题型丰富多样,可以充分检验学生的学习效果。更设置了期中和期末测试环节,可以分阶段地检验学生宏观学习情况。此外,每个单元还有与所学内容相关的实践环节,如:保险单据的制作、模拟公司运作等,这也充分调动了学生的学习积极性和动手能力,使学生在掌握丰富的


1、This pa per studies how market segmentation between neighboring provinces affects provincial-level economic growth.We find that market segmentation has inverse-U-shape effect on current and future economic growth.For more than 96% of the observations,market segmentation increases growth.We also find that for observations with higher economic opening,market segmentation has stronger pro-growth effect.This means that the provincial governments have given up domestic scale effects when enjoying scale economy from international trade. To avoid the“Prisoner’s Dilemma” in the inter-provincial fragmented growth,only coordination from the central government and the development of private economy can integrate domestic market,so that China as a whole may benefit from domestic scale economy. 本文研究市场细分在相邻省份如何影响省级经济增长。我们发现市场细分呈倒U形状影响当前和未来的经济增长。96%以上的观察显示,市场细分增加经济增长。我们还发现,更高的经济开放,市场细分具有较强的促进增长的效果。这意味着地方政府享受规模经济与国际贸易时放弃国内规模效应。 避免“囚徒困境”跨省的支离破碎的增长,只有协调从中央政府和私营经济的发展才可以整合国内市场,因此,中国作为一个整体可能会受益于国内规模经济。 2、In Japan,the cyclical showing of investment was probably the dominant factor in weaker growth .but a slump in construction of rental housing and the fading of a tax-cut-induced boom in auto sales also contributed. In Germany,the role of investment,was dominant as well. Unification further boosted investment,which then appeared to diminish,as expectations of profitability were dampened by higher wages and high short-term nominal and real interest rates .Upward pressures on wages and interest rates generally dampened economic activity in Germany during 2001.The special factor there was the pressure on interest rates that arose from the financing of unification and from anti-inflationary monetary policy.Inflation as measured by the GDP deflationary slackened in most of the G-7.It continued to decelerate in North America and edged down in Japan. 在日本,投资周期性显示可能是弱增长的主导因素。建设租赁住房的下滑,汽车销量由减税引发的繁荣的衰弱,也起到了推波助澜的作用。 在德国,投资的作用,也占主导地位。统一进一步增加投资,然后出现被更高的工资和高短期名义利率和实际利率所抑制的预期盈利减少,。工资和利率的上行压力通常抑制经济活动在2001年在德国。特殊的因素有从统一的融资和反通胀的货币政策中出现的利率的压力。以国内生产总值衡量的通货膨胀放缓大部分的七国集团通货紧缩并且在北美和日本继续减速。 3、Even more striking ,China's entrepreneurs are starting to hunt for opportunities abroad.In the past year,capital steel,a state-owned conglomerate with 205000,employees,purchased steel operation in the United States and announced plans to build Semiconductor chips in cooperation with NEC of Japan.In December Capital outbid a Japanese-Mexican-Chilton consortium to buy Peru's leading iron-and-steel complex,Hierroperu. The $312 million purchase makes capital the second largest foreign investor in Peru.Other state-affiliated companies,including CITIC and China Resources,Inc.,are branching out from Hong Kong to establish overseas posts as varied as diamond-trading operations in Slilanka and brokerage services in New York. 更令人吃惊的是,中国的企业家们开始寻找海外机会。在过去的一年中,首都钢铁、拥有205000美国员工国有企业集团, 从美国购买钢铁交易,宣布计划建立与日本电气合作的半导体芯片。12月首钢出价高于


商务英语阅读 In 1993 ,New York State ordered stores to charge a deposit on (饮料)containers. Within a year, consumers had returned millions of aluminium cans and glass and plastic bottles. Plenty of companies were eager to accept the aluminum and glass as raw materials for new products,but because few could figure out what to do with the plastic, much of it would be buried in land fills (垃圾填埋场). The problem was not limited to New York. Unfortunately, there were too few uses for second-hand plastic. Today,one out of five plastic soda bottles is recycled (回收利用)in the United States. The reason for the change is that now there are dozens of companies across the country buying discarded plastic soda bottles and turning them into fence posts,paint brushes,etc. As the New York experience shows,recycling involves more than simply separating valuable materials from the rest of the rubbish. A discard remains a discard until somebody


商务英语 商务英语是以适应职场生活的语言要求为目的,内容涉及到商务活动的方方面面。商务英语课程不只是简单地对学员的英文水平、能力的提高,它更多地是向学员传授一种西方的企业管理理念、工作心理,甚至是如何和外国人打交道,如何和他们合作、工作的方式方法,以及他们的生活习惯等,从某种程度上说是包含在文化概念里的。 简要介绍 “商务英语”的概念从提出到今天,起始时间已经不短了,但在国际化大趋势下,英语学习市场风起云涌的今天,很多培训机构又把商务英语作为了其主要的培训项目。究竟什么是商务英语?它又适合什么人读呢?我们仅仅从我们的角度来进行一些阐述,供大家参考。 从英语培训的目的来看,既有考试培训,又有能力培训,商务英语界乎两者之间。 在中国的市场更加深入地融入到国际经济社会之中时,国内人才市场由于大批外资公司的登陆,对商务英语的人才的需求也愈来愈大。不过我们再次要说明商务英语并不是万能的,也不是独立存在的,许多外企需要员工具有更加专业性的英语能力--“职业英语”,比如ETS 的TOEIC和TOPE,也有人把TOEIC统称为商务英语,其实二者是有区别的,他们的含义与作用都不同。对于职业英语而言,学员参加

某一项测试并得到一定的分数来证明其对英语语言的应用能力。学生需要和得到的是一个分数,证明其有能力承担相关的工作。而事实上,比如托福,得到高分的考生并不证明其拥有了相对应的能力。而商务英语,作为一种特定的教程,强调的不仅仅是语言的水平,而是一种实际综合素质的提高。B E C会帮助学员学会如何利用英语语言达到更高的职业目标。例如西方的管理理念、工作心理、如何与外国人打交道等等,实际的在工作中给学员以帮助。 “商务”、“英语”、若即若离 关于商务英语,不少人会有疑问,究竟是“商务中的英语”还是“商务加英语”,“商务”与“英语”两者内部到底是什么关系?确实纠缠不清!我们的汉语老师曾少波就说过:“从构词上看,‘商务英语’有点儿怪怪的--为什么这样说呢?道理很简单,难道你也认可了‘商务汉语’?” 相信大家学习语言的目的不会是为了研究吧?大部分人都是为了用这个语言工具去跟别人交流。商务英语的培训也一样,其核心在于沟通的培训。当今的商务活动强调人实际的商务沟通能力,能否用最准确、清晰的商务语言来与老板和客户进行沟通、交流在很大程度上决定你成功与否。当然,达到沟通的理想状态和以“商务”为核心的这样一个语言培训过程,商务英语的教师应该有扎实的英语功底和丰富的商业背景。只有具备语言、商业知识、商务技能的老师,在课堂上
