

English Test

I. Multiple Choice

Directions: Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. (115 points)

1. This young woman would have ________ curiosity because she was well dressed and

looked very attractive.

A. risen

B. stimulated

C. caused

D. woken

2. A recent ________ was that about 20 per cent of college graduates joined the army of the

unemployed last year.

A. estimate

B. number

C. figure

D. statistic

3. He said he was a policeman and therefore had the ________ to stop speeding drivers.

A. control

B. influence

C. authority

D. priority

4. On the coast the weather is ________ with day after day of hot sun, in the mountains,

however, the air cools quickly and until the end of June you can still find snow on the

mountain tops.

A. funny

B. interesting

C. romantic

D. good

5. The door closed behind Tom as he scanned the handsomely furnished (装饰的) double

room which ________ Albemarle Street.

A. saw

B. overlooked

C. watched

D. sighted

6. The same question was usually set in two forms: one that had ________ answers to choose

from, and the other where the pupil had to supply their own answer.

A. some

B. weak

C. strong

D. different

7. Some artists are able to ________ a likeness in a sketch while others are gifted to ________

a fleeting expression.

A. grasp… get

B. hold… capture

C. catch… capture

D. capture… catch

8. The boy ________ his friend out of the apple by insisting that it was rotten, if not


A. deceived

B. fooled

C. misled

D. cheated

9. I would like to ________ you of the following changes we’ve made in the plans for the

development of our company.

A. notice

B. note

C. inform

D. suggest

10. Once you have made your booking and paid a ________, then the cost of your holiday

cannot be changed.

A. fee

B. saving

C. money

D. loan

11. The ________ of the man who beat the girl to death was not money but sheer killing.

A. intention

B. reaction

C. push

D. drive

12. By the fact that he stayed in the United States for more than ten years, he developed an

American ________.

A. stress

B. sound

C. voice

D. accent

13. The criminal ________ himself so well as an old lady that he escaped the sharp eyes of the


A. hid

B. covered

C. deceived

D. disguised

14. A phenomenon is ________ if it has elements that stimulate one’s curiosity and make it

difficult to explain it.

A. odd

B. curious

C. unknown

D. strange

15. A soap ________ is a popular television series about the daily lives and problems of a

group of people.

A. drama

B. play

C. opera

D. program

16. Will you go to the party ________ me, so that our host won’t be too offended?

A. instead of

B. rather than

C. no other than

D. except for

17. I feel that when there are so many better people for the chairmanship, I should step


A. apart

B. outside

C. off

D. down

18. In response to my wish that he go to the party, he said he would like to ________ his


A. apart from

B. besides

C. but

D. except for

19. Now that the director has a good ________, you can talk to him about more money for your


A. feeling

B. attribute

C. attitude

D. status

20. ——“I’m certain David told you his business troubles.”

——“________, it’s no secret that he needs to pay money to more than two banks.”

A. Anyhow

B. However

C. Therefore

D. Somewhat

21. ——“I don’t like being in the house on my own.”

——“________ at night? Do you mind being by yourself at night?”

A. What about

B. What with

C. What if

D. So what

22. He came back late, ________ which time all the guests had already left.

A. after

B. at

C. by

D. during

23. ________ money from his department, Mr. Williams would have been promoted to the

position as director.

A. If he did not steal

B. Had he not stolen

C. Did he not steal

D. Should he not steal

24. ________ it was on the side of a mountain, the village was very quiet.

A. Isolated as

B. Isolating if

C. Being isolated as

D. Having been isolated if

25. I hope all the measures against air pollution, ________ suggested by the local government,

will be seriously considered here.

A. while

B. since

C. that

D. as

26. We have been told that under no occasion ________ the telephone in the office for personal


A. may we use

B. we may use

C. we could use

D. did we use

27. In no country ________ Britain, it has been said, can one experience four seasons in the

course of a single day.

A. more than

B. other than

C. fewer than

D. less than

28. ________ data (数据) that the language-acquiring ability must be stimulated.

A. It being

B. It is

C. There is

D. There being

29. The project ________ by the end of 2020 will expand the city’s telephone network to cover

3,000,000 users.

A. accomplished

B. being accomplished

C. to be accomplished

D. having been accomplished

30. ________, they managed to finish the job on time.

A. Difficult as it was

B. Difficult if it was

C. As difficult it was

D. If it was difficult

31. While a ________ amount of stress can be beneficial, too much stress can exhaust you.

A. moderate

B. modern

C. large

D. striking

32. If you your demand, then maybe you will have more chance of getting what you


A. conduct

B. deny

C. grant

D. moderate

33. I don’t think he is old ________ to do the job.

A. sufficient

B. plentiful

C. enough

D. approximate

34. The ________ year begins when school opens in September.

A. studying

B. learning

C. teacher

D. academic

35. The physicist needed more ________ before his theory could be accepted.

A. finance

B. publications

C. evidence

D. recognition

36. Students of ________ grades are those studying in the first three grades of elementary


A. entry

B. basic

C. main

D. primary

37. The museum is ________ a valuable group of coins.

A. displaying

B. exhibiting

C. presenting

D. giving

38. Many cookbooks have very ________ directions.

A. common

B. confirmed

C. complicated

D. compound

39. The ________ for speeding is a fine of one hundred and fifty dollars.

A. penalty

B. benefit

C. criticism

D. remedy

40. The two brothers are very much _______, not only in appearance but also in thinking.

A. like

B. likely

C. alike

D. alive

41. The Great Wall winds its way ________ the mountains.

A. through

B. across

C. past

D. behind

42. These areas rely on agriculture almost , having few mineral resources and a

minimum of industrial development.

A. respectively

B. relatively

C. incredibly

D. exclusively

43. A ________ slowing in reaction time will occur if a senior doesn’t stay active.

A. unique

B. obvious

C. beautiful

D. striking

44. The survival of some wild animals is not very high as they are often killed for

their skins.

A. rate

B. degree

C. ratio

D. scale

45. From this material we can hundreds of useful products.

A. derive

B. reduce

C. employ

D. replace

46. The judge considers a financial to be an appropriate way of punishing him.

A. option

B. duty

C. responsibility

D. penalty

47. His grandfather is still ________ and lively, full of energy.

A. vigorous

B. violent

C. intense

D. high-impact

48. We are all for your proposal that the discussion ________.

A. was put off

B. is to put off

C. be put off

D. should put off

49. Frequently single-parent children ________ some of the housework.

A. take off

B. take after

C. take on

D. take in

50. He’ll be angry if you try to ________ him. He is very busy now.

A. interfere with

B. interfere in

C. disturb with

D. worry about

51. People ________ will support us in having a change of the educational system.

A. in particular

B. in general

C. as usual

D. in common

52. Physical exercise is particularly necessary to primary pupils ________ it helps them power

up their brains.

A. by that

B. on that

C. in that

D. for that

53. You are not in stage 3—the last and most dangerous one—________ your iron reserves go

to zero.

A. till

B. until

C. after

D. while

54. The British are not so familiar with different cultures and other ways of doing things,

________ is often the case in other countries.

A. so

B. as

C. it

D. that

55. I’d rather you ________ make any comment on the issue for the time being.

A. didn’t

B. don’t

C. wouldn’t

D. shouldn’t

56. Americans consume ________ as they actually need every day.

A. twice protein as much

B. twice protein as many

C. twice as much protein

D. protein as twice much

57. Jane never dreams of ________ for her to be sent abroad very soon.

A. there to be a chance

B. there being a chance

C. there be a chance

D. being a chance

58. It was very kind of you to do the washing-up, but you ________ it.

A. wouldn’t have done

B. mustn’t have done

C. didn’t have to do

D. mightn’t have done

59. If tap water were as dangerous as some think, ________ would be getting sick.

A. a lot of more us

B. a lot more of us

C. more a lot of us

D. a lot us of more

60. Neither of the young men who had applied for a position in the university ________.

A. was accepted

B. were accepted

C. are accepted

D. have been accepted

61. Can you give me a (an) of how much it will cost to take the journey?

A. assessment

B. evaluation

C. admission

D. estimate

62. Because a degree from a good university is the means to a better job, education is one of the

most areas in Japanese life.

A. sophisticated

B. competitive

C. considerate

D. superficial

63. He badly his back digging in the public garden on Children’s Day.

A. stretched

B. exerted

C. pulled

D. strained

64. His plan sounds ________, so you’d better carry out.

A. feasible

B. useless

C. worthy

D. weak

65. When we shook hands I was conscious of his firm .

A. fist

B. handhold

C. style

D. grip

66. As a defense against air-pollution damage, many plants and animals a substance

to absorb harmful chemicals.

A. avoid

B. employ

C. dismiss

D. discard

67. After a short holiday, he himself once more to his studies.

A. applied

B. converted

C. engaged

D. exerted

68. It is a joy to hear ________ apologies that are from the bottom of one’s heart.

A. real

B. true

C. sincere

D. realistic

69. Drinking alcohol can ________ your ability to drive properly.

A. effect

B. affect

C. remove

D. avoid

70. The purpose of the seminar is to train some of the employees to work ________ in the

branch offices abroad.

A. later

B. late

C. lately

D. latest

71. As the door to China is open, Western ideas and ________ come in.

A. moral

B. valuable

C. morals

D. value

72. Climate and weather affect every ________ of our lives.

A. factor

B. respect

C. aspect

D. consideration

73. The East and the West can work together for their ________ benefit and progress.

A. common

B. mutual

C. same

D. together

74. English is the necessary foreign language in our school’s ________.

A. class

B. course

C. lesson

D. curriculum

75. It might be ________ to give your attitude towards study a second thought.

A. worth

B. worthy

C. worthwhile

D. worthily

76. Over half of the population of the country ________ in traditional sports.

A. takes

B. practices

C. goes for

D. participates

77. She isn’t beautiful. But she is ________ pretty.

A. kind of

B. a kind of

C. of a kind

D. a sort of

78. We must ________ a better way to save money if we are to buy a new house.

A. work out

B. work at

C. work by

D. work for

79. If he had been more careful with the details, his plan would not have ________.

A. fallen off

B. fallen through

C. fallen away

D. fallen over

80. In a time of social reform, people’s state of mind tends to keep ________ with the rapid

changes of society.

A. step

B. progress

C. pace

D. touch

81. Remember that customers don’t ________ about prices in that city.

A. disagree

B. pay

C. consult

D. bargain

82. Our journey was slow because the train stopped ________ at different villages.

A. continually

B. continuously

C. gradually

D. unceasingly

83. This crop does not do well in soils ________ the one for which it has been specially


A. further than

B. other than

C. beyond

D. rather than

84. The singer was certainly loud. But I wasn’t bothered by his loudness ________ by his lack

of talent.

A. than

B. so much as

C. as

D. more than

85. We’ll visit Europe next year ________ we have enough money.

A. provided

B. until

C. but

D. unless

86. These two areas are similar ________ they both have a high rainfall during this season.

A. to that

B. in that

C. besides that

D. except that

87. If I hadn’t stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell, you ________ now.

A. wouldn’t be smiling

B. couldn’t have smiled

C. won’t smile

D. didn’t smile

88. ________ in the conditions of simple living was what her parents wished for.

A. The girl was educated

B. The girl to be educated

C. The girl educated

D. The girl’s being educated

89. ________ the calculation is right, scientists can never be sure that they have included all

variables and modeled them accurately.

A. Even if

B. As far as

C. If only

D. So long as

90. All flights ________ because of the snowstorm, many passengers could do nothing but take

the train.

A. were canceled

B. had been canceled

C. having been canceled

D. have been canceled

91. In the 1700’s North American colonists proclaimed their wealth and social ________by

wearing elaborate clothing.

A. responsibility

B. events

C. organization

D. status

92. A to this problem is expected to be found before long.

A. solution

B. settlement

C. response

D. result

93. A good deal of the __________ for their success must go to John Francis, the captain.

A. reputation

B. respect

C. credit

D. fame

94. This rapid growth has been achieved by a handful of people.

A. simple

B. scarce

C. slight

D. bare

95. I like my teacher, but feel no ________ for her.

A. affection

B. like

C. feeling

D. motion

96. The grandfather ________ all the members of the family for the annual picnic.

A. put

B. assembled

C. collected

D. had

97. Many old readers do not like the modern ________ of The Holy Bible; they’ve gotten used

to the traditional one.

A. publication

B. vision

C. version

D. copyright

98. The investigation demonstrates that his enemies ________ false stories about him.

A. encouraged

B. caused

C. inspired

D. enlightened

99. She goes to the dentist to have her teeth ________ twice a week.

A. looked

B. watched

C. observed

D. inspected

100. The country’s first act would be to ________ for the navy.

A. employ

B. invite

C. recruit

D. supply

101. Policemen wear a uniform that makes them __________ from others.

A. distinctive

B. straight

C. distinguished

D. clear

102. He asked me to get her ________ of blue silk for a new dress.

A. models

B. samples

C. examples

D. types

103. Like all the plans I will suggest, it is not ______; this is part of a long, north-east facing border in my own garden.

A. imaginary

B. imagine

C. marine

D. imaginable

104. As we can no longer wait for the rain to stop before taking our vacation, we have to ________ our plans.

A. accept

B. cancel

C. refuse

D. stop

105. Most broadcasters believe that TV has been unfairly criticized and argue that the power of the medium is ________.

A. granted

B. remedied

C. implied

D. exaggerated

106. ________, he does get angry with her sometimes.

A. Much although he likes her

B. As much as he likes her

C. As he likes her much

D. Although much he likes her

107. In the ________ of the project not being a success, the manager stands to lose up to $30 million.

A. face

B. time

C. event

D. course

108. Living in the western part of the country has its problems, ________ obtaining fresh water is not the least.

A. which

B. with which

C. for which

D. of which

109. You ________ him so closely; you should have kept your distance.

A. shouldn’t have been following

B. shouldn’t follow

C. mustn’t follow

D. couldn’t have been following

110. I think I was at school, ________ I was staying with a friend during the vacation when I heard the news.

A. and then

B. or else

C. or so

D. even so

111. The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds ________ his arguments in favour of the new theory.

A. to be based on

B. to base on

C. on which to base

D. which to base on

112. Peter, who had been driving all day, suggested ________ at the next town.

A. to stop

B. stopping

C. stop

D. having stopped

113. The early pioneers had to ________ many hardships to settle on the new land.

A. go along with

B. go through

C. go back on

D. go into

114. There are signs ________ restaurants are becoming more popular with families.

A. which

B. those

C. in which

D. that

115. You will see this product ________ wherever you go.

A. to be advertised

B. advertised

C. advertise

D. advertising

I. Multiple Choice(每题1分,共115分)

1. B

2. A

3. C

4. D

5. B

6. D

7. C

8. D

9. C

11. A

12. D

13. D

14. D

15. C

16. A

17. D

18. D

19. C

20. A

21. A

22. C

23. B

24. A

25. D

26. A

27. B

28. C

29. C

30. A

31. A

32. D

33. C

34. D

35. C

36. D

37. B

38. C

39. A

40. C

41. A

42. D

43. D

45. A

46. D

47. A

48. C

49. C

50. A

51. B

52. C

53. B

54. B

55. A

56. C

57. B

58. C

59. B

60. A

61. D

62. B

63. D

64. A

65. D

66. B

67. A

68. C

69. B

70. A

71. C

72. C

73. B

74. D

75. C

76. D

77. A

79. B

80. C

81. D

82. A

83. B

84. B

85. A

86. B

87. A

88. D

89. A

90. C

91. D

92. A

93. C

94. D

95. A

96. B

97. C

98. C

99. D 100. C 101. A 102. B 103. A 104. B 105. D 106. B 107. C 108. D 109. A 110. B 111. C

113. B 114. D 115. B

English Test

I. Translation from Chinese into English

Directions: Translate the following Chinese into English, using the expressions (or following the instructions) given in the brackets. (62 points)

1. 在记者招待会上,那女演员说:“不论我表演什么,我都有那种特别的感觉。”(using

“no matter” for emphasis)

2. 生日那天,吉米将很高兴收到礼物,无论是什么礼物。(using “no matter” for emphasis)

3. 对姐姐来说无论怎样困难,她都千方百计地帮助大脑受伤的弟弟。(using “no matter” for


4. 我们必须给足球队找最好的球员,不管他们来自什么地方。(using “no matter”for


5. 就像今天我以这所大学为荣一样,明天这所大学将以我为荣。(using “as” to mean “in the

way that someone says, or in the condition something is in”)

6. 在电影中,就像丈夫改变了妻子一样,妻子也改变了丈夫。(using “as” to mean “in the

way that someone says, or in the condition something is in”)

7. 这情节(plot) 围绕着典型的三角恋爱而展开,没有什么特别的。(revolve around)

8. 小孩子应该学会自立,这样他们将来就能自己处理事情。(on one’s own)

9. 在国外生活了20年后,看到自己的家乡令他很兴奋。(send one’s spirits soaring)

10. 我不明白为什么我楼下的那对夫妇不吵架就没法过日子。(get through)

11. 老太太给警察发了个信号,暗示他就是那个需要对付的人。(reckon with)

12. 他办事决不冲动,从来都是三思而后行。(on impulse)

13. 要清楚自己要写什么,不然到后来写出的是自己不想要的东西。(end up doing


14. 在这里,我想特别感谢我的妻子,她在我最困难的时候从未对我失去信心。(give up on)

15. 你知道的,生活充满失意与得意。因此,错过了晋升(promotion) 的机会不要太难过。

(ups and downs)

16. 费利克斯(Felix) 已经通过他的旧地址找到他并给他留了一张便条。(track down)

17. 想到他们要在那个无辜的女孩身上找茬我就义愤填膺。(pick on)

18. 不用担心,我不会向经理告发你的。(tell on)

19. 我不想误导任何人,让人家觉得这研究并不困难。(mislead someone into doing


20. 有时我们就是要学会顺其自然。(let go)

21. 我已经竭尽全力不让我们的婚姻破裂。(fall apart)

22. Bill Gates 是微软(Microsoft) 的董事长和执行总裁(CEO)。当他给他的员工讲话时,

他们就像一个被打开的开关似的。(using an appositive)

23. 他曾经和杰克一道工作,开发他们的新产品。杰克是他的副职(deputy),后来取代他

做了公司的总经理。(using an appositive)

24. 我们所有的积蓄都用完了,因此开始找工作。(using an absolute structure)

25. 天气允许的话,野餐就定在星期六。(using an absolute structure)

26. 她对100位不锻炼的妇女做了两年研究,这些妇女年龄在30至60岁之间,均显示出缺

铁的症状。(make a study of)

27. 一个铁质已经很低的妇女可能会患有因剧烈耐力运动而造成的更严重的缺铁。(suffer)

28. 如果育龄妇女拒绝食牛肉、羊肉,她们流失铁质的危险就更大。(at risk)

29. 从事剧烈体育运动的运动员必须有足够的铁质,以构成血蛋白分子,这些分子将氧送

至运动的肌肉。(transport to)

30. 一般说来,解决缺铁问题的较好办法是在食谱中添加铁质丰富的食物。(in general)

31. 铁质补剂的一个明显副作用,是它们可能使人有想呕吐的感觉,有时还可能中毒。

(throw up)

32. 有两条建议缺铁的人应该遵循:一、选择那些标有“加铁”字样的面包和麦片;二、

吃饭时不要喝咖啡或饮茶。(a piece of advice)

33. 由五个大学的教授组成的小组所进行的研究表明,即使是适度的锻炼,也可能会降低

女性血液中的铁质含量。(lead to)

34. 缺铁的人如果增食肉类食品或服用铁质补剂,他们就能够恢复到健康状态。(bounce


35. 我们期望出席“论铁质和运动效果之关系”讲座的研究生达到80名。(up to)

36. 高强度的耐力运动可能导致铁质流失,因此铁质补剂对有些人来说有时是必要的。

(result in)

37. 我觉得各行各业的妇女加入工会对她们是有好处的。(benefit from)

38. 它们当然还需要吸收足够量的水。(take in)

39. 主席的工作是介绍各发言人并在会议结束时作总结。(sum up)

40. 他表现不佳的原因可能是缺乏兴趣而非阅读障碍。(attribute to)

41. 工业巨头希望科学家致力于基础研究而非应用研究。(engage in)

42. 我们所有的积蓄都用完了,于是我们开始找工作。(using an absolute)

43. 她一动不动地站在跳水板的端头,脸上流着眼泪。(using an absolute)

44. 有位警官尽管身穿制服,却没戴帽子。(using the structure of “conjunction + prepositional


45. 尽管没有执照,他却已开了三年的出租车了。(using the structure of “conjunction +

prepositional phrase”)

46. 20世纪50年代中期,他开始设计一个大项目,名为“自由的火炬”。这是一座庆祝国

家解放的纪念碑。(work on)

47. 公司将美国原型改造成日本模式,并以想出这主意的工程师的名字命名它。(name after)

48. 这位据说拒绝接受采访的女演员如今已经七十多岁了,她演过50部电影,现在作为导

演还很活跃。(turn down)

49. 家乡美丽的风景给了他灵感,于是他便写了部小说《啊,家乡》,小说立即引起了国

人的关注。(capture one’s attention)

50. 她的第一部小说非常出色(extraordinary),藉此她几年前就出了名。(rise to fame)

51. 完全是出于偶然,两人都想出了相同的办法解决自己的问题。(come up with)

52. 这里所做的变动违背了我的原则,我不能同意。(go against)

53. 他还是娶了那位他父母既没见过也没同意过的姑娘。(go ahead)

54. 在这方面,他需要脚踏实地,不要给弄晕了头(carry away)。(keep one’s feet on the


55. 这些建筑是19世纪90年代的了,有几个近些年来进行了修缮(renovate)。(date back)

56. 有报道说这个著名女演员讲过,当电影明星最糟糕的地方是摆姿态让人拍照。(pose for)

57. 他为了镍币另一面上的野牛,只好到中央公园的动物园里画一只老野牛,这只老野牛

后来被宰杀用于墙上的装饰。(be killed for)

58. 大约65%的纸袋由木材制成,用的主要是木材废料。(make from)

59. 令平民百姓着迷的不是别的而是赛马。(capture one’s attention)

60. 我假装多读一会儿这字条,好给自己机会想出一个他们赞同的东西。(come up with;

approve of)

61. 他们害怕邀请女孩跳舞时会遭到拒绝。(turn down)

62. 他买这房子是想把它改造成宾馆。(with an eye to)

I. Translation from Chinese into English(每题1分,共62分)

1. At the press conference, the actress said: "I always get that special feeling no matter what I play."

2. Jimmy would be happy to get gifts on his birthday, no matter what they were.

3. The sister tried her best to help her brother whose brain was damaged, no matter how difficult it was for her.

4. We must get the best players for the football team, no matter where they are from.

5. Just as I feel proud of it today, the university will be proud of me tomorrow.

6. In the film, just as the man changed his wife, his wife changed him.

7. There is nothing remarkable about the plot, which revolves around the classic love triangle.

8. Children have to learn to be on their own so that they will be able to manage things by themselves in the future.

9. After 20 years of living abroad, the sight of his hometown sent his spirits soaring.

10. I don't see why the couple beneath my flat couldn't get through a day without arguing.

11. The old lady gave the signal to the policeman that he was the person to be reckoned with.

12. He never acts on impulse; he always looks before he leaps.

13. Be clear about what you are going to write, or you'll end up getting something you don't want.

14. Here I want to thank particularly my wife who never gave up on me in my most difficult times.

15. As you know, life is full of ups and downs. So you needn't feel so sorry about missing the chance for promotion.

16. Felix had tracked him down through his old address and left a note.

17. It makes my blood boil to think they decided to pick on that innocent young girl.

18. Never mind, I won't tell the manager on you.

19. I would not want to mislead anyone into thinking that the research is easy.

20. Sometimes we just have to learn to let go.

21. I've tried everything to stop our marriage from falling apart.

22. When Bill Gates, the chairman and CEO of Microsoft, talks to his staff, they are like a switch being turned on.

23. He worked with Jack, his deputy and later the one who replaced him as the general manager of the company, to develop their new products.

24. All our savings gone, we started looking for jobs.

25. The picnic is scheduled for Saturday, weather permitting.

26. She made a two-year study of 100 inactive women aged from 30 to 60 who showed evidence of iron loss.

27. A woman who already has a poor iron status may suffer a more serious iron deficiency caused by intense endurance exercise.

28. If women of child-bearing age reject red meat, they will be at greater risk of iron loss.

29. It is necessary for athletes in high-impact sports to have enough iron to form the molecules of blood protein that transport oxygen to the working muscle.

30. In general, the better way to tackle the problem of iron deficiency is to add more iron-rich foods to the diet.

31. One striking side effect of iron supplements is that they may produce a feeling of wanting to throw up, and may be poisonous in some cases.

32. There are two pieces of advice for those who have iron deficiency to follow: first, select breads and cereals with the words "iron-added" on the label, and second, don't drink coffee or tea with meals.

33. The study made by a team of professors from five universities suggests that even moderate exercise may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women.

34. If people who have iron deficiency consume additional meat or take iron supplements, they
