

一. 欢迎词:

Good morning (Afternoon,Evening)Ladies and gentlemen :

The crew member of XX Airlines has the pleasure of welcoming you aborad. Would you please put your seat in the upright position,

fasten your seat belts and lock your table in place.

We will be taking off in a few mimutes.You are reminded that smoking

and telephone-operation are not permitted at any time during flight.

Please use your "call button" if you require assistance-our crew

will attend to your needs.

We hope you enjoy a pleasant flight and thank you for choosing XX Airlines. Ladies and gentlemen:

Welcome aboard___Airlines FLT___to___. (With an intermediate stop in___).

Your flight is under the command of


I am the chief purser___,in addition,

we have___cabin attendants,___from Thailand,

who will be available through the flight to serve you.

Please let us know if you need assistance. Thank you.







Ladies and gentlemen :

Your cabin attendants have just demonstrated the proper method

of using the life jacket(and oxygen mask.) Please refer to the emergency instruction

card in the seat pocket

for more information.Thank you.


Ladies and gentlemen :

For your safety,this aircraft is fully equipped with emergency equipments. We will explain the location and method of use.There are

eight emergency exits located on the left and right sides respectively. (taxi出租text 课文)

They are identified by the exit signs.

Life jackets are under your seats.In case of emergency,

put the jacket over your head,then bring the straps from behind

you to the front as the attendant is demonstrating.

Fasten the straps and pull tight. The jacket will be automatically

inflated by pulling the two red tabs at the bottom.

There are two mouth pieces inside the life jacket which can be

used to inflate the vest by blowing air into them.The oxygen masks are

in panel over your head. If there is any change in the pressure,

the masks will fall automatically.The masks are as shown.

When the masks fall,pull one of them to your face.

Cover your nose and mouth then breath normally.

Place the strap over your head to keep the mask in place.

If you have an infant,put your mask on first,then put the infant's mask on.

Each seat is provided wiht seat belts. Please keep them fasted

whenever seated. Just pull the buckle to unfasten them.

Please refer to the emergency instruction card in seat pocket

for more imformation. Thank you.


Ladies and gentlemen :

We will be taking off shortly.Please make sure that your

seat belts are fastened. Thank you.


Ladies and gentlemen :

We will be passing through turbulent air.For your safety,

please remain seated and fasten your seat belts.

Thank you.


We will be passing through turbulence.For your own safety,

please remain seated and fasten your seat belt.

Thank you.




Ladies and gentlemen :

We will soon be landing at the____ (Interational) Airport,

would you please put you seat in the upright position ,

fasten your seat belts and lock yourtable in place.

Thank you.


Ladies and gentlemen :

We have landed at ____(Interational) Airport.

The present outside temperature

is ____degrees Centigrade,and the local time is______.

Please remain seated until the airplane has come to a complete stop and

don't forget your personal belongings.

All crew members thank you for choosing XX Airlines.

We hope to see youin the near future.

Thank you and good-bye.




Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentleme: We expect to land at ___:___ PM. Please fasten your seat belt.

I would like to thank you for flying with XX airlines,

I do hope you have enjoyed your flight.






Ladies and Gentleme:

We have landed at XX Airport, please remain seated until the

"FASTEN SEAT BELT" sign is turned off and the aircraft has come to a complete stop.

Please don't forget to take along your personal belongings.

When opening the overhead bins;

please take care to ensure the contents do not fall out.

Once again, we would like to thank you

for flying with XX Airlines and hope to serving you again soon.


(1)aircraft (2) belly机腹(3)nose gear鼻轮

(4) retractable landing gear 伸缩起落架

(5)rudder 尾舵

(6)propeller 推进器(7)wing 机翼(8)fuel 油料(9)tank 油箱

(10)radome 雷达(11) fuselage 机身(12)break-in area 逃生窗

(13)undercarrage bay 货舱(14)air brake 煞车(15)panel 仪表板

(16)flight deck(cockpit) 前舱(17)galley 厨房(18)seat belt安全带

(19)slide 充气滑梯(逃生用) (20)survival kit(first aid kit) 救生品

(21)water extinguisher 灭火器(22)dry chemical extinguisher 乾粉灭火器

(23)latch 栓子(24)tray table 餐桌(25)smoke hood 防烟面罩

(26)waste bin 垃圾桶(27)grab handle 扶手(28) sink 水槽

(29)observers seat 观察位(前舱)

(30)telescopic viewer 门孔

(31)soap dispenser 给皂器(32)bassinet婴幼儿睡床(33)ditching水上迫降

(34)water evacuation 水上逃生(35)land evacuation 陆上逃生

(36)axe 斧头(在驾驶舱) (37)trolly 餐车(38)torch 手电筒

(39)armrest 扶手(40)reading light阅读灯(41)call button呼叫钮

(42)air traffic control 航路管制(43)control tower 塔台

(44)operation & dispatcher 签派员

(45)cruize 平航(46) runway 跑道

(47)taxiway 滑行道(48)I.D.L 国际日线

(49)time zone 时区

(50)estimated time of arrival (ETA)预计到达时间

(51) estimated time of departure (ETD)预计起飞时间

(52)apron围裙(53)jet lag 飞机时差症(54)tail wind 顺风(55)head wind 逆风

(56)jetway(passenger bridge) 空桥

(57)crew 机组员(58)infant 婴儿

(59)unaccompanied minor(UM)没有家长同行ㄉ小孩(60)briefing 任务提示

(61)home base 基地(62)pilot(captain) 机长(63)co-pilot(first officer)副机长

(64)clear air turbulence 晴空乱流(65)air current气流(66)non-endorsable 禁止转让(票)

(67)stand-by 地面待命(68)stop-over 中站停留(69)layover 外站过夜

(70)refueling stop 加油停留(71)transit passenger 转机旅客

(72)waiting lounge 候机室(73)baggage inspection 行李检验

(74)hand baggage 手提行李

(75)umaccompanied baggage 托运行李

(76)custom 海关(77)quarantine 检疫

(78)immigeration 移民局

(79)baggage tag 行李签(80)connection 班机接驳(81)destination 目的地

(82)free baggage allowance 行李重量限制

(83)general declaration 舱单

(84)load factor 载客率(85)on time performance 准点率

(86)LOST-N-FOUND 失物招领

(87)confirmation 确定(88)reissued ticket 重开的票

(89)passenger manifst 旅客名单

(90)wheelchair 轮椅

(91)ground staff 地勤(92)take off 起飞

(93)live vest救生衣

(94)non-stop flight 直飞班机

(95)immigeration card 入境表格

(96)terminal航空站(97)hijack 劫机

(98)demonstration 示范

(99)evacuate 疏散(100)traffic congestion 航路拥挤

二. 夜间飞行




Ladies and Gentlemen:

TO ensure a good rest for you,we will be dimming the cabin lights. If you wish to read,

please turn on the reading light.

Because your safety is our primary concern,we strongly recommend you to keep your

seat belt fastened throughout the flight.

Your cooperation in keeping the cabin quiet is appreciated Should you need any assistance,please contact us! Thank you!


青春励志广播稿范文精选 夜深了,月光透进了窗扉,撒了一地。我独自坐在书桌前,任凭眼泪“叭嗒,叭嗒”地打湿那份分数少得可怜的试卷。 这次期末考试,我又是远远没有达到预想的结果。我委屈,为什么我付出了那么多,但每次连一点收获都没有,我怨老天不公。不 觉又想起了那挑灯夜读的情景,又想起父母为我送来面包和牛奶的 情景。为什么,为什么,难道我真不是学习的那块料吗? 我突然领悟到,连这么小的蚂蚁面对挫折都毫不丧气,我们人类更应该敢于面对挫折,我又想起:爱迪生的实验室被炸,面对这样 的挫折,爱迪生没有丧失斗志,而在短短的三周内,便成功地发明 了留声机;贝多芬双耳失聪,对一个音乐家这无疑是最大的挫折,而 贝多芬面对挫折却丝毫没有退缩之意,他说:“我要扼住命运的咽喉。”就这样贝多芬创作了举世闻名的《命运》交响曲。 人生路上有风有雨,到处是荆棘丛生,只有我们去奋斗,去拼搏,就一定会有鲜花和掌声在等待着我们。名人说过,挫折对无能的人 是一个无底深渊,而对那些敢于面对挫折的人来说,它是一块成功 的踮脚石。 我又再一次打开课本,这时清晨的第一缕阳光射进屋内,在哪摔倒,就在那爬起来。我笑了,挫折,我向你挑战,生活因挫折更精彩。 后记:我后来的成绩如芝麻开花节节高,我感谢那个不眠夜,在那个夜晚我品味了挫折,读懂了它的内函,我感谢挫折! 尝闻一说曰:鹰鹫之属,本为同族,其名曰隼。岁逢大旱,草木尽枯,獐兔皆死,群隼枵腹。或搏苍穹,徒鸿蒙,求索于重峦之颠; 或敛翅羽,扑尘埃,偏安于腐尸殍肉。则前者傲而化鹰,后者鄙而

称鹫也。余闻此而有言曰:大旱之岁,乃隼族直面挫折与痛苦之际也,志不同则前途殊也。归属若何,唯志所谋。 然天地万物,苦痛挫折非仅此一案,广袤乾坤,何处不有。君曾见清泉流于大石者乎?此泉之挫折也。择退者,蔽于石阴,遁于林洼,而久之腐,不名于世也;而进者不畏险阻,旋而复击百万遭,竟成深 谷疾流而遏舟舸。君亦见清风之阻于绝壁者乎?此风之挫折也择趋避者,散于群峦之外,须臾而无形,倾刻而泯灭;择挺进者,继往削磨 千亿载,乃得赤漠飞沙之掩白日。物之形貌,择于何,择于挫折也。 而青史之上,举大业者亦莫不有择于苦痛挫折也。百里奚之举,孙叔敖之仕,皆自其不辍于逆境之苦也。而史迁之心,笃大志而不易,遭酷刑而不馁,于大辱重挫之下毅然择生,终有绝唱之史,无 韵之骚,令后世文客抚卷喟叹;亦有武侯之志,承先帝之德,尽报国 之忠,剑指中原,不胜不休,虽失大计于街亭,义不择退,再回出师,终塑英豪之名而得千古慨叹。 人生之不如意者居多,直面挫折,化解而微言苦痛,惟怀大志而不言败者,可转而为人杰;逢小挫抑或夸言痛苦而逡巡而返者,茫茫 千载间未可计数,而留其名者未之有也。乃知骅骝浩,必有跌扑尘 泥者,偃志者死,其奋起者得利足;猿猱攀于绝壁,必有失手折臂者,其灰心者亡,其拼搏者得神技;人必有踬踣于疾风骤雨者,其苟安者 寻一穴而居,闭塞而昧昧一生,傲立者跳跋淖而行,待霁虹如画, 而后登坦途,沐清风。不为斗米折腰,陶潜择归隐,弃荣华,于是《归去来兮》传诵千古;临危厄而不屈,文天祥择死国,弃官爵,乃 有灼目丹心永耀汗青! 成功是你梦寐以求的那朵红玫瑰,挫折正是那遍及周围的针刺。快乐是你辛勤耕耘获得的果实,悲伤正是那成熟前的秕粒。 ②成功是白天的太阳,那么失败就是黑夜中的星辰,没有星辰的降落也就不会有太阳的升起,耀眼的太阳也会有被乌云遮掉的时候; 成功是甜果,那么失败就是酸果,甜果在最初却是酸苦的,也有不 少甜果会甜得发苦发烂。 ③成功要用理想去引路,要用创造力去开拓,要用汗水去浇灌。


国内航班中英文广播词 ⑴欢迎词 女士们,先生们: 欢迎您乘坐中国XX航空公司航班XX_____前往_____(中途降落_____)。由_____至____的飞行距离就是_______,预计空中飞行时间就是________小时_______分。飞行高度______米,飞行速度平均每小时_______公里。 为了保障飞机导航及通讯系统的正常工作,在飞机起飞与下降过程中请不要使用手提式电脑,在整个航程中请不要使用手提电话,遥控玩具,电子游戏机,激光唱机与电音频接收机等电子设备。 飞机很快就要起飞了,现在有客舱乘务员进行安全检查。请您坐好,系好安全带,收起座椅靠背与小桌板。请您确认您的手提物品就是否妥善安放在头顶上方的行李价内或座椅下发。(本次航班全程禁烟,在飞行途中请不要吸烟。) 本次航班的乘务长将协同机上_______名乘务员竭诚为为您提供及时周到的服务。 谢谢! Good morning (afternon, evening), Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome aboard XX Airlines flight XX______to______(via______) The distance between______and_______is______kilometers、 Our flight will take ________ hours and_______minutes、 We will be flying at an altitude of________meters and the average speed is_______ kilometers per hour、 In order to ensure the normal operation of aircraft navigation and communication systems, passengers are toys, and other electronic devices throughout the flight and the lap computers are not allowed to use during take-off and landing、 We will take off immediately, Please be seated, fasten your seat belt, and make sure your seat back is straight up, your tray table is closed and your carry-on items are securely stowed in the overhead bin or under the seat in front of you、(This is a non-smoking flight, please do not smoke on board、) The (chief) purser _________with all your crew members will be sincerely at your service、 We hope you enjoy the flight! Thank you! ⑵起飞后广播 女士们,先生们: 我们的飞机已经离开_____前往_____,沿这条航线,我们飞经的省份有_______,经过的主要城市有_______,我们还将飞越_____。在这段旅途中,我们为您准备了XX餐。供餐时我们将广播通知您。 下面将向您介绍客舱设备的使用方法: 今天您乘坐的就是XX型飞机。 您的座椅靠背可以调节,调节时请按座椅扶手上的按钮,在您前方座椅靠背的口袋里有清洁袋,供您扔置杂物时使用。 在您座椅的上方备有阅读灯开关与呼叫按钮。如果您需要乘务员的帮助,请按呼唤铃。 在您座位上方还有空气调节设备,您如果需要新鲜空气,请转动通风口。 洗手间在飞机的前部与后部,在洗手间内请不要吸烟。


青春励志校园广播稿400字 青春励志校园广播稿400字什么才叫青春呢? 我找遍了新华字典,却也没找到这个词的解释。 但我想,我们这些零零后的青春是以另一种形式表现出来的。 我们叛逆。学好语文,只为没完成作业想好理由;学好数学,只为在别人还钱的时候快速地说出要还的数字;学好英语,只为和别人说话中时不时加两句英语。 我们与家长玩‘藏猫猫’,实行‘敌来我躲,敌攻我守’。虽然没次跟家长保证好前十名,可每次都在十名以外。站在老妈跟前,享受她的唾沫,落在我的脸上。 我们和最好的朋友一起受老师的惩罚,和父母用一个小时解释为什么回家很晚,和老师辩解作业本为什么是空白的。上体育课时,跑到厕所躲起来。上语文课时,写昨天的数学罚写。上英语课时,吃早上买的棒棒糖。上物理课时,睡我的美容觉。 我们就是这样做自己喜欢的事,不去管任何事情。 或许,在茫茫人海中。有一群最显眼的,最特殊的一群人。他们正在展示他们最美丽的青春,它很特别。在夕阳下,它显得那样耀眼。 青春励志校园广播稿400字不管什么时代,不管在世界的什么地方,革命的先驱总是青年,尤其是学生,或者是年

龄与现在在校学习的学生相仿的年轻人。这到底说明了什么呢?它说明学生有走在时代前面的传统和气概。他们有毫不妥协的批判力,有理想以及向着理想勇往直前的激-情,有摧毁既成权威、既成体制的莫大力量。当他们信仰某种思想时,就会以宁死不屈的精神,为主义和理想而献身。这就是青年,尤其是学生的特点。当这些青年和学生的意志为了一个共同的目标统一起来时,就会变成大海的怒涛,可以改变社会,改变历史。一旦这怒涛形成排山倒海之势,谁也无法阻挡,谁也不能改变,而且当着怒涛愈发汹涌澎湃的时候,所有的人都将不约而同地汇入这股激流,向着一个方向前进。 青年就是不断建设和革新的象征,就是顽强、纯洁,而且包含着无限可能的年轻生命的跃动。 无论在什么时候,在什么地方,像灿烂的太阳一样明丽,像天空翱翔的年轻的鹰一样豁达,像大海一样包罗万象,而在一旦需要的时候,会毅然奋起,如疾风怒涛般与邪-恶战斗——这就是青年。 青年是打基础的时代。在基础打好之前,见异思迁,或流于懒散,就会永远建不起房屋。在这一时期,总觉得接受别人的指导,不如自己随心所欲痛快。然而,倘若以为青春时代只是自由和轻松,那么就会像断了线的风筝,最终是自己受害。对于青年自身的成长来说,激-情和上进心是至关重要的。


Today we would like to talk something about the movie of . A is Luna(柳思典) B is Dolores(黄莹莹) A:Hello boys and girls,welcome to our today’s english broadcasting.’m your friend Luna. B:Long time no see !I’m your friend Dolores.It's really a nice day . A:Have you heard about the movie that was shown half a year agow ,and it is really worth for seeing. B:yeah,maybe I have realized that it is “To our bloom that will fade away after all”. A:So clever you are!today we will talk about some movie.So expected aren’t you? B:yes,very much!OK,let’s begin our today’s topic.

A:How do you think of youth? B:I think youth, is used to miss for unforgettable, only youth, only that part of heartless, youth dare to love and hate, it is life's most enthusiastic years. A:And what the main idea of this movie? B:In this movie,it mainly told the youth about the starring.zhenwei had changed from a happy and fearless girl into a shrewed and competent woman.Ruanguan sacrificed for love,not only her youth but also her life.chenxiaozheng turned to that kind of man he used to annoy. A:zhenwei fell in love with the boy live beside her,she try her best to pass the college entrance exam to get into the college that beside her lover,and then got her wish. B:but when she went to the college with all her expectation,she was attacked by the information that linjing study abroad,and had no news about him. A:zhenwei felt very upset in this hard time,but she got a profound friendship with her roommate ruanguan,zhuxiaobei,liweijuan. B:then,xukaiyang,a rich kid,spread out a lively pursuit.At that


青春励志的广播稿200 范文一 是男儿总要走向远方, 走向远方是为了让生命更辉煌。 走在崎岖不平的路上,年轻的眼眸里装着梦更装着思想。 当我走向着神圣的讲演台的时候,我觉得的十分的激动,同时也伴有很大的惭愧。我 知道,面对默默奉献了和奉献着自己青春年华的我的前辈和同事,我自惭形秽,我是踏着 他们的肩膀走上来的。也正是他们那无私的奉献和无悔的爱,给我以鼓舞,给我以力量, 这也正是我今天要汇报的主题——无私的奉献,无悔的爱。 不论是孤独地走着还是结伴同行, 让每一个脚印都坚实而有力量。 青春,是个朝气蓬勃的字眼;青春,写满自豪与骄傲,让我们与青春同行,追寻C盘,S盘,追随大地,让我们在职高中描绘青春的风景图。我想高唱:青春是美丽的!因为青春并不会太长!昙花一现是短暂的,可是谁能说他不美正因为它的短暂,因而带给人无限的 留恋!可是昙花一现有无数次,而每个人的青春只有一次,何不牢牢把它握住! 我们学着承受痛苦。 学着把眼泪像珍珠一样收藏, 把眼泪都贮存在成功的那一天流, 那一天,哪怕流它个大海汪洋。 我们学着对待误解。 学着把生活的苦酒当成饮料一样慢慢品尝, 不论生命经过多少委屈和艰辛, 我们总是以一个朝气蓬勃的面孔,醒来在每一个早上。 我们学着对待流言。 学着从容而冷静地面对世事沧桑,

当鸦片战争击破“天朝上国”迷梦,当西方文明剧烈冲击“天不变,道亦不变”的心理,当中华民族面临“千年未有之变局”、面对“千年未有之强敌”,中华儿女就有一个梦想,一个民族复兴的梦想。 "猝然临死而不惊,无故加这而不怒", 这便是我们的大勇,我们的修养。 我们学着只争朝夕。 人生苦短,道路漫长,我们走向并珍爱每一处风光, 我们不停地走着,不停地走着的我们也成了一处风光。 走向远方,从少年到青年, 大学怎样度过?希望不要像军训一样,不知不觉竟过了一大半。军训我感觉有点祖逖的味道了,不闻鸡起舞是不行的。以后是一千多个日日夜夜的大学生活,我现在就这样的躺在床上,慢慢地划着一叶小舟面向左岸。 大多数人都想改造这个世界,却罕有人想改造自己。其实改造自己才是最难的事情。只要我们每天改变一点点,每天进步一点点,我们离成功,离腾飞的日子就会更近一点。无论岁月给我们留下了多少遗憾,无论世事在我们胸口划过多少道伤痕,只要我们还有呼吸的力气,就拥有实现梦想的可能!只要我们还有生存的氧气,就拥有缔造激情的勇气! 从青年到老年,我们从星星走成了夕阳。 范文二 是种子就该有绿色的希望; 是种子就该有金色的梦想。 亲爱的同学们,我们从哪里来?听到这个问题,大家肯定都会说,是父母把我们带到世界上来的。是啊,十多年前的某一天,我们的父母用泪水和幸福的笑容迎接了我们的到来。但当我们来到世上的那一刻起,父母们却多了一项繁重的工作——照顾我们。 不要躺在封闭的暖房, 怕什么秋日薄薄的风霜, 既然已走上了运动场, 心里就不要多想,

英文 机上广播词

1.In-Flight Announcements(机上广播词) (1)Welcome Speech(欢迎词) Good morning (afternoon,evening),ladies and gentlemen: Welcome aboard____Airlines Flight____to (via____). The distance between____and____is____kilometers. It will take____hours and minutes for the whole flight. We will be flying at an altitude of____meters and the average speed is____kilometers per hour. In order to ensure the normal operation of aircraft navigation and communication systems,passengers are not allowed to use mobile phone,remote controlled toys and other electronic devices throughout the flight,and the laptop computers are not allowed to use during takeoff and landing. We will take off immediately. Now the cabin attendants are going to have a security check. Please be seated,fasten your seat belt and make sure your seat back is straight up,your tray table is closed and your carry-on items are securely stowed in the overhead bin or under the seat in front of you. (Since this is a non-smoking flight,please do not smoke on board.) The (chief) purser and other crew members will be sincerely


青春励志英文演讲稿(精选多篇) 尊敬的老师们、同学们: 大家好! 青春是什么,难道是携子之手,浪漫而温馨地漫步于桃红柳绿之中吗难道是把头发染成五颜六色,在大街上旁若无人地大跳千奇百怪的街舞吗难道是无休止地泡吧,疯狂地蹦迪吗有些人一直在成长的十字路口徘徊。但是,我要问:难道青春仅仅就只剩下这些了吗青春可以是远大的志向和崇高的理想;青春还可以是面对峰回路转,霹雳斩棘,举步探索的毅力。 青春不仅仅是一声声的赞美,它更是拥有使命并为之奋斗不息的源泉。因为生命的光环一个个被践踏的躯体赋予

了新的灵魂;因为青春的绚丽,一个个飞舞的思绪会聚成一首悲壮的挽歌。 时光的老人又一次送来了五月,迎来了又一个“五四”青年节。在这阳光灿烂,安宁详和的幸福生活之时,我不禁想起了那些曾为中华民族的民主,科学,独立而抛头颅洒热血的青年们,是他们,在民族遭受屈辱的时刻挺身而出,以力挽狂澜之势救黎民于苦难。在斗争中,青年们敢于直面惨淡的人生,敢于正视淋漓的鲜血,他们以燃烧的激情和鲜血凝聚成精神的火炬,点燃了未来。这种青春是多么绚丽夺目呀,这种使命是多么震撼人心啊! 青春是美好的,没有使命感的青春便是贫血的青春。青年是祖国的未来,是民族的希望。在任何一个时代,青年都是社会上最富有朝气最富有创造性,最富有生命力的群体。我们要怎样才能实践自己肩负的历史使命,怎么样才能使自己的青春光彩照人呢 放眼看吧,在我们社会主义现代化

建设的征途中,涌现出许多新时代青年的楷模。从伟大的共产主义战士雷锋到以服务祖国需要为乐的王杰,从自学成才的张海迪到科技创新的秦文贵……他们在平凡的岗位上,用五四精神诠释了青春的使命!演绎了一幕幕惊天动地的话剧!谱写了一曲曲壮丽雄浑的青春赞歌! 作为新世纪的我们,要树立远大的理想,人的一生只能享受一次青春,当一个人在年轻是就把自己的人生与人民的事业紧紧相连,他所创造的就是永恒的青春。我们要坚持勤奋学习,立志成才。二十一世纪,信息交流日益广泛,知识更新大大加快。形势逼人自强。催人奋进。我们要跟上时代步伐,更好的为现代化建设贡献力量就必须学习学习再学习,打下坚实的知识功底。在学习中,还要善于创新,善于实践,善于把所学的知识运用到改造主观世界客观世界活动中去,不断成才。同时我们应树立正确的世界观,人生观,价值观,努


太山中学“校园之声”广播稿 校园(合)Good afternoon, everyone! 亲爱的同学们,大家下午好!Welcome to TaiShan campus radio! 欢迎收听太山中学校园之声广播。It’s time for our English Program! 现在是我们的英语播音时间。 英语广播稿1: A: Good afternoon, everyone! My name is .I?m from Class…Grade… ( 大家好。我是年级班的 .) B: Good afternoon. My name is. I?m from Class 3,Grade 3. (大家好。我是年级班的。) A、B: Nice to meet you. Welcome to the English broadcast. (欢迎大家收听校园英语广播) 我们是你们的朋友,很高兴在这里和你度过午间的15分钟。在今天的节目里首先带给你的是 第一个板块:英语小百科; 我们来了解一些关于中国食品的英语表述。 A:你还记得我们上课都学了哪些食品的英语表述吗? B::当然记得,我们学了.Hot dog(热狗)hamburger(汉堡)chicken (鸡肉)等等 A::我来考考你。我喜欢汉堡该怎么说? B: :这太简单了。I like hamburgers. A: Great!那我喜欢汉堡、热狗、鸡肉又该怎么说呢? B:I like hamburgers、hot dogs and chicken .A::Super!你知道中国食品的英语表述吗? B:不太知道。 A::那今天我们来学一学其他的有关中国食品的英语表述吧。 B::OK,我喜欢吃饺子。你知道饺子的英语该怎么说吗? A::我知道是dumplings,Do you like dumplings? B::Yes,I like it.A::请同学们跟我念:dumplings dumplings是饺子。B::我也知道了饺子是dumplings。I like dumplings. what do you like?A::恩,I like dumplings,米饭and 粥。B::哈哈,你不知道米饭和粥的英语该怎么说。米饭和粥可是我们的主食,今天就让我来教你吧。A::那太好了,我洗耳恭听。B:英语中的米饭的表述是rice。A::哦rice rice 是米饭,那么粥呢?B::porridge,porridge是粥。请同学们跟我念:rice rice 是米饭;porridge porridge 是粥;dumplings dumplings 是饺子。A::你们学会了吗?我已经学会了。I like dumplings porridge and rice。B::Me too.A::今天我们学了三个新单词,我们再重复一遍,rice rice 是米饭;porridge porridge 是粥;dumplings dumplings 是饺子。B::rice rice 是米饭;porridge porridge 是粥;dumplings dumplings 是


青春励志向上的广播稿 每个人的生命中都有很多星星,有的是恒星,有的是流星。随着岁月变换、生活变迁,大多曾共同走过一段岁月的人都只能是流星。流星虽然短暂,却发出耀眼的光芒。以下是小编整理的关于青春励志向上的广播稿,欢迎阅读参考。 青春励志向上的广播稿:月光微凉,青春散扬青春是一道明媚的忧伤,那些素面朝天的城市,那些洗尽铅华的容颜,在命运的齿轮翻滚中,全部沦陷,从今以后,擦肩而过的人,各自辗转在不同的命运里,各自匍匐在不同的伤痕中。当火车隆隆的碾碎我们明媚的青春,有没有,难过的,哭了。 总有那么一个人,在自己心中留下淡淡伤痕;总有那么一个故事,让我们难以忘怀;总有那样的青春,让我们想起来,嘴角都是甜甜的微笑。可是,经年掠影,我们都会成长,我们在成长中失去,在失去中懂得,没有什么是永恒不变的。 黑夜中,撕心裂肺地哭着,才发现眼泪是咸的,笑容是苦的。原以为与我们牵手一起在阳光下走的朋友会是今生的陪伴,哪知道,他只是自己的一个重要的过客人。原以为一直可以笑着走下去,哪知道,却一直在强颜欢笑中流着自己的眼泪。 青春,让我们知道笑容多甜,眼泪多苦,心多痛。

年少的我们不懂青春的易逝,追尾的年华想要留住它却只能站在风中静默,原来它不经意间从我们的指缝间略过。然后我们不停的追逐风的足迹,在金色的海滩上静静聆听大海的声音,那一步步的脚印瞬间被风沙覆盖,不留一丝痕迹。 时间的沙漏沉淀着无法逃离的过往,记忆的双手总是拾起那些明媚的忧伤。如果没有如果,时间是否会为我们停留?曾经看过的夕阳听过的潮落被时间埋葬幻化成泡沫,在空气中消散。 青春,是我手中的一抹色彩,我为它添加了许多莫名的色彩,每天都在没心没肺地笑中度过属于青春,忽然间,青春即将散场,谁会知道青春的模样。也许它很完美,也许它曾经会为我笑过,也许,一切都是幻想。 遇见的人,错过的青春,早已盛大落幕。无需别人理解,更不会去在意别人的议论。一个个曾经相识的人,一件件曾经经历的事,渐渐淹没在了岁月的流沙之中。许多该遗忘的偏偏记住了,许多该记住的却又怎么也想不起来。最初的梦想,转身回头、隐隐约约,弹指间灰飞烟灭。 青春励志向上的广播稿2:流逝着的青春不知不觉,窗外的梧桐树黄了又绿,绿了又黄。我已不再是当初那个小女孩,而是一名正风华正茂的青少年。 处在青春期的我们。有自己的小秘密,再也不是原来和同伴们一起分享的样子;有了自己的个性,再也不是原来对

民航广播稿 中英对照

1关门后安全检查 女士们、先生们: 您今天乘坐的是天合联盟成员—中国南方航空公司前往___的CZ___航班(中途降落___)。我们的飞机将要推出滑行,为了保证驾驶舱导航系统的正常工作,请您关闭手提电话及包括具有“飞行模式”功能的所有电子设备。现在客舱乘务员将进行安全检查,请系好安全带,调直座椅靠背,收起小桌板(和座椅脚踏板),靠窗边的旅客请协助将遮光板拉开。 本次航班全程禁烟,请不要在机上任何区域吸烟。 感谢您的合作! Ladies and Gentlemen, This is China Southern Airlines,a Sky Team Member flight CZ ___To___(Via___).Our aircraft will be pushing back shortly. To ensure cockpit navigation system safety operation, please do not use your mobile phones and certain electronic devices throughout the flight, including those with flying mode electronic devices. For your safety, please fasten your seat belts, close your tray table, (return your footrest to its initial position)and put your seat back to the upright position. If you are sitting beside a window, please help us by opening the sunshades. This is a non-smoking flight, please do not smoke onboard. Thank you for your cooperation!


关于青春励志英文演讲稿 everyone has his ownunderstanding of young,it is a period of time of beauty and wonders,only after you have experienced the sour ,sweet ,bitter and salty can you really become a person of significance.thre time of young is limitted,it may pass by without your attention,and when you discover what has happened ,it is always too late.grasping the young well means a better time is waiting for you in the near future,or the situation may be opposite . having a view on these great men in the history of hunmanbeing,they all made full use of their youth time ,to do things that are useful to society,to the whole mankind,and as a cosquence ,they are remembered by later generations,admired by everyone.so do something in the time of young,although you may not get achievements as these greatmen did ,though not for the whole word,just for youeself,for those around! the young is just like blooming flowers,they are so beautiful when blooming,they make people feel happy,but with time passing by,after they withers ,moet people think they are ugly.and so it is the same with young,we are enthusiastic when we are young,then we may lose our passion when getting older and older.so we must treasure it ,don't let the limitted time pass by ,leaving nothing of significance.


Hot POt College A:Hello,everyone!Welcome to the Hot Pot College.I'm your friend ## B:I'm your friend ## A:##,Do you remember the University of Pittsburgh (匹兹堡大学)introuduced in our video last week? B:Oh,of course!What's matter? A:So ,but you shouldn't learn about the University of Pittsburgh nest. haha.. B:Okey,e..I really don't known.(无奈与他的自大。。) A:啊哈。。This is Carnegie Mellon University(卡内基美隆大学)that we will talk about in a moment.卡内卡内基美隆大学与匹兹堡大学比邻,相距,步行,也就是十几分种的距离。图书资料可以互相借阅。 基美隆大学与匹兹堡大学比邻,相距,步行,也就是十几分种的距离。图书资料可以互相借阅的! B:Yes,yes!As far as I'm concerned,Carnegie Mellon University is a private university.And it covers an area of 103 acres in America.There are 5300 undergraduate students , 3500 graduate students and teachers 778. A:卡内基美隆大学是一所私立大学,占地103英亩。有本科生5300名;研究生3500名;教师778名。地处匹兹堡市(Pittsburgh)的奥克兰地区(Oakland),距市中心5英里。(轻缓的语气,重复一遍。。)B:卡内基美隆大学目前拥有7个学院,包括卡内基工学院(Carnegie Institute of Technology)、艺术学院(College of Fine Arts)、人文社会科学学院(College of Humanities and Social Science)、梅隆自然科学学院(Mellon College of Science)、泰珀商学院(Tepper School of Business)、计算机科学学院(School of Computer Science)、公共管理学院(H John Heinz III College)。 (#这里想用一同学说汉,一同学译英@@) A:In the world of various ranks, Carnegie Mellon University have come out in front. B:在全世界各种排名中,卡内基美隆大学均名列前茅.如在US News排名中,其工学院排名第6,艺术学院排名第7,商学院MBA排名第15,计算机排名第1,公共管理学院排名第8,其他如心理学、统计、应用数学、决策科学、计算生物学等专业也都居于世界顶尖水平. A:并且,在上海交大发布的2009年世界大学学术排名中,卡内基美隆大学在工程技术及计算机领域排名世界第5,在经济学和商科专业排名世界第11,在社会科学领域排名世界第15。 B:Ok!So ,it's achievement is not to be underestimated.And many man y Chinese are knowed to world that related with the college. A:Now,For example.... B: 茅以升---中国现代桥梁之父,中科院院士,美国科学院外籍院士,卡内基梅隆历史上授予的第一个博士, PhD 1919,还有吴自良啊,更有被我们孰知的前Google全球副总裁兼中国总裁,前微软全球副总裁,微软亚洲研究院首任院长---李开复。 A:More interestingly, in order to connect mountains between the distance, it has a lot of bridges.古乡味特别浓哦! B:Ok!Now we are going to say goodbye . A:Bye!See you nest week!


青春励志广播稿 青春励志广播稿一:青春励志广播稿 我们渴望心灵的宁静,却没有谁愿意活得无息无声,既然已经走出生命的黎明,那就干吧,并甩掉手中为防磕绊的灯笼,经过恩索的追求,并不是梦,没有我们走不出的灌木丛,朝着阳光与阴影响亮的打个唿哨,不仅有表情还有心情。 >青春励志广播稿二:青春励志广播稿>>(447字) 听众朋友们: 大家好,今天我们谈话的主题是励志。 我有一个比喻,每一条河流都有自己不同的生命曲线,每一条河流都有自己的梦想,那就是奔向大海,当我们遇到困难的时候,不管是冲过去还是绕过去,只要我们能过去就行,我希望大家能使自己的生命向梦想流过去,像长江黄河一样,能流到自己梦想的尽头,进入宽阔的海洋,使自己的事业也变得开阔,但是并不是说你想流就能流动过去的,其实这里面要具备一种精神,这就是水的精神,我们的生命有的时候会是泥沙,尽管你也跟着水一直往前流,但是由于你个性的缺陷,面对困难的腿部或者说胆怯,你可能慢慢的就会想泥沙一样,沉淀下去了,一旦你沉淀下去了,也许你不用再为了前进而努力了,但是你却永远见不到阳光了,上面的泥沙会不断的把你压住,最后你会暗无天日,所以我会建议大家,不管你现在的生命是怎么样的,一定要有水的精神,哪怕被污染了也能洗净自己,像水一样不断的继续自己的力量,不断的冲破障碍,当你发现时机不到的时候,把自己的厚度积累起来,当有一天时机来临的时候,你就能够奔腾入海成就自己的生命。 >青春励志广播稿三:青春励志广播稿>>(275字) 我是在五年前学滑雪的,刚开始一上雪道就摔,后来我发现我得学会停,滑雪有两种停法,初学滑雪的人生八字停法,但是当这个雪道达到一定坡度的时候,这个八字停法就不管用了,一定是要用两个滑雪板侧过来侧停,我就用了整整一个星期的时间专门练停,当我发现我的停已经做到非常好的时候,我就直接扛着滑雪板上了高级道,我有一个朋


“飞地经济”这种区域间合作的新型经济模式,如今在各地日渐勃兴。20 广播词 ⑴欢迎词 女士们,先生们: 欢迎你乘坐中国XX航空公司航班XX_____前往_____(中途降落_____)。由_____至____的飞行距离是_______,预计空中飞行时间是________小时_______分。飞行高度______米,飞行速度平均每小时_______公里。 为了保障飞机导航及通讯系统的正常工作,在飞机起飞和下降过程中请不要使用手提式电脑,在整个航程中请不要使用手提电话,遥控玩具,电子游戏机,激光唱机和电音频接收机等电子设备。 飞机很快就要起飞了,现在由客舱乘务员进行安全检查。请您坐好,系好安全带,收起座椅靠背和小桌板。请您确认您的手提物品是否妥善安放在头顶上方的行李架内或座椅下方。(本次航班全程禁烟,在飞行途中请不要吸烟。) 本次航班的乘务长_______将协同机上所有乘务员竭诚为您提供及时周到的服务。 谢谢! Welcome Good morning (afternon, evening), Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome aboard XX Airlines flight XX______to______(via______) The distance between______and_______is______kilometers. Our flight will take ________ hours and_______minutes. We will be flying at an altitude of________meters and the average speed is_______ kilometers per hour. In order to ensure the normal operation of aircraft navigation and communication systems,mobile phones,toys and other electronic devices throughout the flight and the laptop computers are not allowed to use during take-off and landing. We will take off immediately, Please be seated, fasten your seat belt, and make sure your seat back is straight up, your tray table is closed and your carry-on items are securely stowed in the overhead bin or under the seat in front of you. (This is a non-smoking flight, please do not smoke on board.) The (chief) purser _________with all your crew members will be sincerely at your service. We hope you enjoy the flight! Thank you! ⑵起飞后广播

励志的短篇英文演讲稿-Never, Never Give Up

励志的短篇英文演讲稿:Never, Never Give Up 本文是关于励志的短篇英文演讲稿:Never, Never Give Up,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 励志短篇演讲稿:Never, Never Give Up we often hear people say, “never give up.” these can be encouraging words and words of determination. a person who believes in them will keep trying to reach his goal no matter how many times he fails. in my opinion, the quality of determination to succeed is an important one to have. therefore, i believe that we should never give up. one reason is that if we give up too easily, we will rarely achieve anything. it is not unusual for us to fail in our first attempt at something new, so we should not feel discouraged and should try again. besides, if we always give up when we fail, we will not be able to develop new skills and grow as people. another reason we should never give up is that we can learn from our mistakes only if we make a new effort. if we do not try again, the lesson we have learned is wasted. finally, we should never give up because as we work to reach our goals, we develop confidence, and this confidence can help us succeed in other areas of our lives. if we never challenge ourselves, we will begin to doubt our abilities. in short, it is important that we do not give up when working for our goals. whether we succeed in the end or not, we will learn something, and what we learn will help us to become better, more confident people. furthermore, if we give up, we have non chance of attaining our goals, but if we keep trying, there is always a chance that we will succeed one day.
