2007年政府工作报告 建议译文(北外)

2007年政府工作报告 建议译文(北外)
2007年政府工作报告 建议译文(北外)


星期一, 10/12/2009 - 14:13 —李长栓

说明:有LCS标记的为李长栓的建议,其余均为周蕴仪(Chow Wan Ee)修改


Employ a scientific approach to development, and maintain harmony and peace during development

LCS: pursue development based on the scientific approach, harmony and peace

LCS: Adopt a scientific approach to development, a process that emphasizes harmony and peace 2.全面落实科学发展观(LCS: 全面是指从各个方面)

LCS: Comprehensively implement the scientific approach to development


Economic and social development to adopt scientific approaches

LCS: Steer economic and social development into a scientific course.


Develop with a scientific approach


Employ a scientific approach to development


Rational and democratic decisions

Scientific decisions 没什么意义。

LCS: 在此文件中,建议保留scientific。关于科学的含义,有许多争议。


The national leadership/the central Party and government authorities(原为:the central authorities) 要看上下文。


The proposed GDP growth target this year is around 8%.

LCS: This year, the GDP growth target is set at round 8%.(强调“提出”)


Culture and sports made further progress.


Support programs for the physically and mentally challenged persons.

LCS: Support programs for people with disabilities.

LCS: 几个词的演变:disabled persons, physically and mentally challenged persons, persons with disabilities


We will develop old age programs.

或者:…Programmes for the elderly.


Key issues in economic activities


We made safe drinking water available to an additional thirty million rural residents.

或者:We provided access to safe-drinking water for an additional thirty million rural residents. 14.制定措施解决农民工问题

Formulate policies to address migrant worker discrimination in cities


We need to provide reemployment for laid-off workers.

LCS: We must act promptly to get the laid-off workers reemployed.

LCS: …to help laid-off workers find jobs


The perennial problems with SOEs

LCS: The chronic/lingering problems with SOEs


Address public concerns in access to medical service


Resolve issues of greatest practical interest to the people.

LCS: Address the biggest concerns of the people


We must be responsible to the country and the people by effectively resolving these problems. LCS: We must resolve these problems with a strong sense of responsibility to the nation and the people(强调精神)


Resolving the San-nong Issue (farmers, agriculture & countryside) is most important

LCS: We must give top priority to the san-nong issue (agriculture, rural community, and farmers). 21.着力解决民生问题

Focus on improving livelihoods.

LCS: ….improving living conditions


Address the problems of defaults in construction payments and migrant worker wages.

LCS: Address defaults on payment to construction companies and their workers.

23. 政府自身建设存在一些问题

Re-engineering of the government is incomplete.

LCS: There are problems in transforming the government itself.

24. 存在这些问题根本在于制度不健全,监管不到位

The fundamental problems are institutional deficiencies and poor oversight.

25. 基层民主政治建设加强

Buttressed grassroots democracy..

LCS: Political democracy at the grassroots level was buttressed.

LCS: 下面的这段话表达的意思,欧盟有一个术语,叫subsidiarity,即尽量把决策权下放,上级政府仅仅起到辅助作用(我译为“从下不从上”原则)。与中国的不同。外交部不用grassroots,也许出于这个考虑。

Grassroots democracy is a tendency towards designing political processes where as much decision-making authority as practical is shifted to the organization's lowest geographic level of


26. 领导干部要深入基层了解群众疾苦

Leadership should conduct grassroots visits to better empathise with the people

LCS: Leaders should not lose touch with the people.

27. 加强基层民主

Buttress grassroots democracy

28. 经济结构矛盾突出

(There are) serious economic structural problems

29. 银行资金流动性过剩问题突出

excess liquidity (如果excessive,问题一定突出)

LCS: liquidity in the banking system is excessive

30. 国际收支不平衡矛盾比较突出

Pronounced (international –可以省略) payments imbalance.

31. 着力解决外贸顺差过大的矛盾

Reduce the excess trade surplus

LCS: Make major efforts to reduce the excess trade surplus…

32. 从各方面采取措施缓解国际收支不平衡的矛盾

Resolve payments imbalance from various fronts

33. 引发投资增长过快的因素仍然存在

Causes of investment overdrive remain.

34. 法定支出

Statutory expenditure

35. 政策性企业破产

Administrative bankruptcy


LCS: Policy-based bankruptcy

LCS: Administrative closure

36. 不少支出增长是刚性的

Many expenditure increases are inevitable.

LCS: Many expenditure increases are rigid.

37. 积极稳妥推进企业政策性破产工作

Prudent management of administrative bankruptcy

LCS: Steadily push ahead with policy-based bankruptcy

38. 外贸顺差较大

Large foreign trade surplus

39. 中央财政2003-2006年超收较多

Central fiscal revenue between 2003 – 2006 exceeded their respective fiscal targets substantially 40. 当前财政形势较好

The current fiscal state is healthy.

LCS: The central government is now in good financial shape

41. 重点领域和关键环节改革取得新进展

Critical reforms found new inroads.

42. 加强财政税收对经济运行的调节

Greater use of fiscal tools to regulate the economy.


Fiscal Policy is the deliberate change in government spending, government borrowing or taxes to stimulate or slow down the economy. It contrasts with monetary policy, which describes the policies about the supply of money to the economy.

43. 严肃查处土地使用违法行为

Punish violators of land use laws and regulations(把prosecute改为punish)

LCS: Take tough measures against breaches of land use laws and regulations

LCS: Be tough with offenders of land use legislation

44. 固定资产投资增幅回落

Slower growth in fixed asset investment.

45. 避免经济增长由偏快转为过热

Prevent the economy from becoming overheated.

LCS: Avoid economic overheat

46. 这些措施进一步调动了农民种粮的积极性

These are incentives for farmers to produce grains

LCS: These measures have boosted grain production.

47. 加快经济结构调整

Step up economic restructuring

48. 对产能过剩行业进行重组

Restructure industries with overcapacity

49. 淘汰煤炭行业落后产能

Shut down outdated coal production facilities

LCS: …sub-standard…

50. 关系国民经济全局的重大工程

projects vital to the national economy (were completed). (原为key projects bearing on the national economy were completed)

51. 为增强经济增长后劲发挥重要作用

important for sustaining China’s economic development

LCS: Important for sustaining the economy

52. 整顿小煤矿取得了阶段性成果

Small coalmines were preliminarily reorganised

LCS: Preliminary results were thus achieved in straightening out small coalmines.

53. 振兴东北工作顺利开展

Rejuvenation of north-eastern China is underway.

LCS: Revival of…

54. 国有经济布局调整取得新的进展(LCS: 指国有经济有进有退,主要是退出某些领域)The state-owned economy was further restructured.

LCS: The industrial distribution of the state sector was further adjusted.

55. 上市公司股权分制改革基本完成(LCS: 股权分置改革方案)

Reform of the split share structure of listed companies is generally completed.


LCS: 股权分置也称为股权分裂,是指上市公司的一部分股份上市流通,另一部分股份暂时不上市流通。前者主要称为流通股,主要成分为社会公众股;后者为非流通股,大多为国有


56. 规范收入分配秩序

Ensure equitable income distribution

57. 整顿和规范市场秩序

Improve market order (原为improve and standardize market order)

58. 改革深化为经济社会发展注入了新的动力

Further reform added impetus to economic and social development.

59. 我们优先发展教育

Education is priority.

60. 高等学校在校总人数达到两千三百万.

The number of tertiary students totalled 23 million.

61. 这标志高等教育发展达到了一个新水平.

This is a milestone in the development of tertiary education in China.

62. 历史罕见的严重自然灾害

Natural disaster(s) of (an) unprecedented magnitude

63. 政务、厂务、村务公开不断扩大

Government, factory and village affairs/administrations were more transparent.

64. 颁布了29个行政法规

Promulgated 29 administrative regulations

65. 实施治理商业贿赂专项行动

Launched a special action to fight commercial bribery.

66. 依法打击经济犯罪

Economic criminals were punished.

Economic crimes were punished

67. 民族宗教工作进一步加强

More work was done to improve ethnic and religious affairs.

68. 实事求是

Be pragmatic

69. 解放思想

Be liberal

70. 政府工作中还有一些缺点和不足

The government has its shortcomings and inadequacies.

71. 一二三产业比例不合理

Imbalance among primary, secondary and tertiary industries.

72. 投资消费关系不协调

Investment far exceeds consumption

73. 经济增长模式粗放

Inefficient economic growth

74. 政府职能转变滞后

Government functions have been slow to change

75. 政企不分现象仍然突出

The government continues to interfere with enterprise management

LCS: Government and businesses are still not fully separated

76. 向人民交出满意的答卷

LCS: Live up to the expectation of the people

77. 政府工作的基本思路是:

The government’s primary f ocus is:

LCS: The rough plan of the government is:

78. 着力调整经济结构

Focus on economic restructuring

79. 努力实现国民经济又好又快发展

Achieve sound and rapid economic growth

80. 电视覆盖从行政村向自然村延伸

TV penetration extends from the village administrative units right down to the village level LCS: TV penetration extends from main villages serving as administrative centres to all villages/settlements

81. 认真贯彻行政许可法

Implement the Administrative Licensing Law

82. 关心中国现代化建设

Care bout China’s modernization / Modernise (可能指海外华侨的关心)

83. 城市最低生活保障制度

Basic living allowance for urban residents

84. 最低工资制度

minimum-wage system

85. 加快建设法治政府

Establish the rule of law in government.

LCS: Improve rule-based governance

86. 全面推进依法行政

Implement law-based administration(与上个短语如果出现在同一句,可以仅译其一)

87. 全面推进社会主义经济建设、政治建设、文化建设

Promote socialist economic, political and cultural development

88. 调整投资与消费的关系

Balance investment and consumption


Adjust the GDP composition of investment and consumption (见第72条)

89. 稳定消费预期,扩大即期消费

We should build consumer confidence to encourage immediate consumption.

90. 培养旅游、休闲、健身等消费热点

Develop the tourism, recreation and health & fitness sectors to spur consumption

Develop the tourism, the leisure industry, and the health and fitness sector to spur consumption 91. 坚持区别对待

Employ differentiated approaches

92. 实现现代化的宏伟目标


93. 目前我们正在采取一系列措施节能

We have implemented energy-saving measures.

94. 重工业增长过快

The heavy industry is growing too quickly.

或者:Over-rapid growth of the heavy industry (取决于原文结构)

95. 监管不到位/监管不力

Poor oversight

96. 以更高昂的精神状态恪尽职守

We must honour our duties

.LCS: We must honour our duties with higher morale

97. 降低消耗

Reduce energy and resource consumption

98. 根据经济运行的新情况完善政策

Improve policies based on new economic conditions

99. 把各项政策落到实处

Effective implementation of all policies

100. 重点是加强宏观调控

Focus on greater macroeconomic regulation

101. 有保有压, 不搞一刀切

(Be) differentiated and situation-specific

LCS: Decide on a case-by-case basis and not impose uniformity

102. 妥善处理内需和外需的关系

Balance domestic and international demand


Induce domestic demand to reduce dependence on external demand

103. 统筹考虑国内外经济发展的相互联系和影响

Consider the interdependence of domestic and international economic development

LCS: …the interaction between …

104. 我们未能完成去年年初确定的节能目标

We missed the energy consumption reduction targets set early last year

LCS: We failed to save as much energy as we planned early last year

105. 国务院将每年如实向全国人大报告节能进展情况

The State Council will submit energy-saving progress report to the NPC annually.

或者:The State Council will submit annual progress report on energy-saving to the NPC.

LCS: The State Council will report to the NPC each year on energy saved

106. 把节能放在更突出的位置

Saving energy must be of a higher priority

107. 维护社会公正正义

Safeguard social equity and justice

108. 使全体人民共享改革发展成果

…for the people to share the fruits of reform and development

109. 以改革开放为动力推进各项工作

Reform and opening-up to be the overall driving force

Improve our work through reform and opening up

最近一位新加坡人问我:“改革开放”为什么不叫Gaige Kaifang而叫reform and opening-up。他认为opening-up 很难懂;反而认为汉语拼音的抽象名词更能传达一个特定的概念,不会造成混淆。因此,他特别赞同Xiaokang的翻译。(LCS: 我们外交部缺乏音译的传统。像“三讲”等两个音节的概念,最宜音译)

LCS: Make reform and opening-up the driving force in all our efforts

110. 坚持社会主义市场经济改革的方向

Continue with the development of a socialist market economy

111. 抓好以下几个方面:

We should concentrate on the following areas:

112. 解决出口退税历史欠帐

Pay off arrears in export tax rebates

113. 放宽市场准入

Relax controls over market entry

114. 鼓励个体经营

Encourage sole proprietorships

LCS: Encourage self-employment

115. 非公有制经济

Non-public sectors of the economy

116. 市场主体产权日趋多元化

Greater diversification in ownership of market entities

LCS: ownership of market players has diversified

117. 两种企业所得税并存的历史条件发生的根本性变化

Dual corporate tax rates are no longer necessary

LCS: Conditions justifying dual corporate tax rates have changed

118. 统一企业所得税的时机和条件现已成熟

It is time to unify corporate tax rates.

119. 这将使内外企业处于平等竞争地位。

This will level the playing field for local and foreign companies.

120. 这项改革涉及制定一项新的法律

This requires a new law.


A new law is required.

121. 农村金融

Rural finance/financing

Rural finance is considered by IFAD as a vital tool in poverty reduction and rural development. https://www.360docs.net/doc/4114087887.html,/ruralfinance/

LCS: Rural credit

122. 加快股票债券发行制度市场化改革

Stock and bond issues to be increasingly market-driven.

LCS: Establish a market-based system for issuing stocks and bonds

123. 改变外贸增长方式

Change the growth model of China’s foreign trade

LCS: …mode of growth…

124. 进一步控制高耗能产品出口

LCS: Tighten controls on the export of energy-intensive products(不是指产品的使用耗能高,二是指产品本身的生产耗能高,如化肥,电解铝等。High energy-consuming有歧义)125. 关键零部件

Major spare parts and accessories

LCS: Major parts and components

126. 厉行勤俭节约

Practice conscientious thrift

127. 实行稳健的财政政策

Employ a prudent fiscal policy

128. 运用多种货币政策工具

Utilise a variety of monetary policy tools

129. 引导银行加大对农业贷款支持

Encourage banks to provide more agricultural financing

130. 严把土地、信贷闸门和市场准入门槛

Impose strict controls on land, credit and market entry

131. 积极引导社会资金投向农业

Channel non-state funds into agriculture

132. 决策责任制

Decision accountability

133. 保证人民的知情权﹑参与权﹑表达权和监督权

Ensure the peopl e’s right of information, right to participate in decision-making, right to communicate and right to supervise government

LCS: Ensure the people’s right to information, participation, expression, and supervision

134. 执法部门要严格按照法定权限和程序行使权利(权力)

Law enforcement agencies must observe their statutory authorities and procedures during governance.

LCS: Law enforcement departments shall not overstep their statutory authorities and legal procedures in exercising their power.

135. 推行政务公开

Promote open-government

136. 治安混乱地区

Areas of poor public security

137. 按照有进有退,合理流动的原则推动国有资本向关系国家安全和国民经济命脉的重要行业流动(真实含义是国有资本离开不重要的行业。重要的行业本来就是国有资本的天下,汉语十分含蓄)

Channel state capital into industries pertinent to national security and economy through discretionary and rational capital injection or withdrawal.

LCS: Divert state capital to industries relevant to national and economic security.

LCS: Divert state capital from non-strategic to strategic sectors.(“有进有退,合理流动”已经包含在divert与from…to之中了。Divert不应当是盲目的决定,所以推断为合理的)

138. 支持优势企业和特大型企业

Support enterprises with comparative advantage and conglomerates

LCS: support competitive and super-large enterprises

139. 改革大型国企股份制改造,实现投资主体多元化

Convert large state-owned enterprises into a shareholding system for diversification of investing entities.

LCS: …to di versify investments

140. 企业改制

Enterprise Reform

“企业改制”涵盖的内容更广,所以原译的turn…into shareholding enterprises不合适。LCS: Enterprise transformation

141. 现代企业制度

Modern corporate system

142. 加大国企改革力度

Step up SOE reform

143. 区别不同情况分别对待

Be situation-specific

或者:differentiated treatment by specificities

LCS: Be treated differently according to specific circumstances

144. 投资风险控制机制

Investment risk controls

145. 激励约束机制

Incentives and restrictions

LCS: Incentive and disincentives

146. 规范国有产权转让(LCS: 旨在防止国有资产流失)

Standardize criteria for assignment of state assets

LCS: Regulate assignment of state assets

147. 资不抵债


148. 清理债务

Repay debts / Debt repayment

149. 适度消费

Moderate consumption

150. 使保护环境成为每个企业、单位和个人的自觉行动

…so that environmental protection becomes intrinsic in every enterprise, organization and individual.

LCS: …so that environmental protection becomes voluntary actions of enterprises, organizations and individuals.

151. 发展以服务经济为主的产业结构

Develop a service-based economy (原为develop an industrial structure dominated by service sector)

Develop a service economy

152. 促进工业由大变强是一项紧迫任务

LCS: Converting industrial scale into industrial strength is imperative.

LCS: It is imperative to help industries turn from quantity-based growth to quality-based growth 153. 建立以企业为主体、市场为导向的技术创新体系

Develop technological innovation - performed by enterprises and directed by market forces. LCS: Develop an enterprise-led and market-based innovation system (CWE: 这个更好)154. 教育是国家发展的基石

Education is the bedrock of development.

155. 教育公平是最重要的社会公平

equity in education is the most important form of social equity.

156. 确保教育拨款足额及时到位

To ensure that budgetary education funds are fully and promptly delivered.

To ensure that funds ear-marked for education funds are fully and promptly disbursed

157. 努力培养大批杰出人才

Build a talent pool

158. 高素质人才

High-calibre people (talent 是天生的)

159. 宏扬尊重人才的良好风气

Build a meritocratic environment

或者:Promote meritocracy

160. 实施人才强国战略

“Strengthen the Country with men of talent” (Rencai Qiangguo).

考虑过用“Strengthen the Country with talents”,但不押韵,故选前者。

161. 支持民办教育发展

Support the development of non-state schools

LCS: …private schools(中文都没有忌讳“民”字)

162. 重点做好以下四个方面的工作:

We should focus on the following four areas:

163. 完善农村卫生服务机构经费保障机制

Improve the funding mechanism for rural public health services

164. 国务院组织力量进行调查,广泛征求个方面意见

The State Council has conducted an extensive survey to obtain feedback on…

165. 实行农村计划生育奖励制度

Implement a rural family planning reward system

166. 少生快富工程

Shaosheng-Kuaifu Project (Fewer-Kids-Faster-Wealth)

167. 加强青少年思想道德建设

Cultivate ideological and ethical standards among the youth

LCS: Improve the ethical standards of the youth

168. 社会和谐稳定, 百姓安居乐业是广大人民的共同愿望

Social harmony, and peace and contentment are the people’s wishes.

169. 在全社会树立共同理想

Establish common goals

Foster 经常被滥用

170. 深化退役军人安置改革

Fine-tune resettlement programme for discharged military personnel

171. 城镇职工

Urban workers (原为urban employees, 但专家认为该词只指政府或公司雇员,范围太窄,认为urban workers已不只指工厂工人)

172. 使困难群众享受到公共财政的阳光, 感受到党和政府的温暖(指社会救济)

We should ensure that the poor population receive benefits from public finance and care from the Party and government.

173. 遏制重特大安全事故的发生

Reduce the occurrence of major safety contingencies

LCS: Prevent “major”and “extraordinary”accidents(重和特各有定义)

174. 层层落实生产安全责任制制度

Implement a safety production accountability system at every level.

175. 打好煤矿瓦斯治理攻坚战

Develop (industrial) processes to utilise coal-bed methane to improve mining safety.

Attack the chronic problem of coal-bed methane explosion

176. 依法严肃查处安全生产事故

Violators of industrial accidents will be prosecuted under the law

Prosecute industrial accident cases under the law (处理必定有调查)

177. 依法打击传销

Crack down on pyramid-selling

LCS: pyramid-schemes

CWE:能不“依法打击”吗?“依法”是否有必要?(LCS: 英文无必要。汉语强调依法,是因为政府很多行为违法)

178. 积极稳妥推进政治体制改革

Active but prudent reform of political institution

LCS: Steadily advance reform of political institutions

179. 减轻农民的经济负担

Reduce the financial burden of farmers

180. 经济适用房

Affordable housing

181. 防止房价上涨过快

Prevent upsurge of housing prices

182. 工业反哺农业

Industry contributes back to agriculture

183. 统筹城乡发展的要求

The need for balanced urban and rural development

184. 稳定粮食播种面积

LCS: Stabilize food crop acreage

185. 稳定粮食市场

Stabilize the grain market

186. 促进农业产业化经营

Promote industrialization of agriculture / agricultural integration

187. 加强支农、惠农政策

Increase agricultural support and incentives

Strengthen pro-farming policies

188. 因地制宜

Adapt measures to local specificities/conditions

Adopt localized measures

Take case-specific measures

189. 把节能降耗作为转变经济增长方式的突破口和重要抓手

Reduction in energy and resource-use shall be the turning point of the economic growth pattern. LCS: Reduction in energy and resource-use shall be the focus in transforming the mode of growth …shall be the gateway to transformation of…

190. 在节能环保方面重点是做好以下几项工作:

Energy saving and environmental protection will focus on:

191. 优先发展城市公交系统

Development of the urban public transport system is a priority

192. 使用价格﹑财税﹑信贷等经济手段

Use economic levers such as price, tax and credit

193. 节约集约用地

Efficient land use

194. 在土地问题上,我们绝不能再犯不可改正的错误遗祸子孙后代

On the land issue, we shall never repeat mistakes that cause irreparable damages to the interests of future generations

195. 一定要守住全国耕地面积不少于18亿亩的红线

Farmland must be maintained above the minimum threshold of 120 million hectares.

196. 坚决实行最严格的土地管理制度

Observe stringent land management.

197. 盘活土地存量

LCS: Optimise the use of land reserves

198. 倡导文明工作和生活方式、消费模式

Advocate advanced work patterns, urbane lifestyles and consumption habits (原为consumption models)

LCS: Advocate cultured style of working, living and consumption

199. 单位

Organizations and institutions

200. 产业结构升级

Upgrade industrial structure

201. 完善自主创新激励机制

Improve incentives for true innovation

LCS: 这里的自主是指中国企业拥有知识产权的创新,不是靠引进技术)

LCS: Improve incentives for proprietary innovation

202. 娱乐场所

Entertainment venues (或spots)

203. 是我们必须长期坚持的政策

…is a long-term policy.

204. 今后一个时期

In the near future

205. 人民赋予我们的权利

The powers given to us by the people

LCS: powers delegated to us by the people

206. 破坏活动

Disruptive activities (原为sabotage activities)

207. 防止国有资产流失(asset erosion 指因外部因素而造成资产价值减少)

Prevent loss of state assets

208. 研究制定有关措施

Design relevant/necessary(按上下文,有时候necessary更合适)measures

209. 鼓励中国企业走出去

Encourage Chinese enterprises to go global

210. 避免境外盲目投资和恶性竞争

Avoid unplanned offshore investment and vicious competition


211. 反腐倡廉

Combat corruption/ build a clean government

212. 廉政建设深入推进

The building of a clean government is full steam ahead

213. 机构臃肿、人浮于事, 公务接待不规范, 奢侈浪费, 行政成本高

Overstaffing, overspending on official entertainment, and waste increase administrative costs. 214. 不少地方讲排场,比阔气,花钱大手大脚,奢侈之风盛行,群众反映强烈Ostentation and extravagance of certain local governments have roused public fury/outrage/outcry/anger.

215. 政府自身建设取得重要进展

Major progress is achieved in the government’s re-engineering.

LCS: Major progress is achieved in the g overnment’s self-transformation

216. 作为…的出发点和落脚点

will be the start as well as the end of …

217. 建设行为规范、公正、透明、勤政高效廉洁的政府

Build a rule-based, just, transparent, diligent, efficient and clean government

218. 改进政府服务

Improve the government’s service delivery

219. 加强公务员队伍建设

Build a team of abled civil servants

LCS: Improve the competence of civil servants

220. 增强政府公信力

Improve the government’s credibility

221. 规范公务接待

Establish an official entertainment protocol

LCS: set basic rules and protocols for official entertainment/regulate official entertainment

222. 降低行政成本

Reduce administrative costs

223. 坚持以…为指导

…shall guide/direct/be our beacon

LCS: We shall be guided/directed by…

224. 把军队政治思想建设放在首位

Prioritize ideological education in the military

225. 香港各界人士

All Hong Kong people (Hong Kongers)

LCS: All segments/communities of the Hong Kong society)

226. 团结广大台湾同胞坚决反对“台独”活动

We will unite with our Taiwan compatriots to fight off any “Taiwan independence” activity. 227. 推动两岸关系向和平稳定的方向发展

Work towards greater peace and stability in cross-Straits relations

Steer cross-Straits relations towards greater peace and stability

228. 全面提高对外开放的水平

Open our doors wider

Further liberalize the economy

229. 树立中国公正,民主,文明,进步的形象

Raise China’s profile as a just, democratic, civilized and progressi ve society 230. 开拓进取

Scale new heights

231. 展望将来,伟大祖国前程似锦

The future looks bright for our great motherland.

232. 在新形势下

At this new juncture

233. 牢牢把握两岸关系和平发展的主题

We are committed to peaceful development of cross-Straits relations. 234. 维护我国发展的重要战略机遇期

Hold on to / Defend the strategic opportunity for development

235. 捍卫国家的主权,安全和发展利益

Safeguard our sovereignty, security and development


北外英语翻译xx考试XX年试题(一) (一)初级笔译考试时间:180分钟 Part 1 Translation from English into Chinese 1 hour 30 minutes ? Read the following two passages. ? Translate them into Chinese. ? Write you answers on this paper. ? You ___y use the additional paper for any rough work but you must copy your answers onto this paper. . Passage 1 Head injuries Ali ___ was a B-plus student through her first three years at college. During the winter holidays in her senior year, while she was driving during a storm, her car ran off the road and hit a tree. Ali ___ banged her head on the steering wheel but never lost consciousness. She was treated for bruises and discharged from the hospital within a day. But, back at her stu ___s, she began to have difficulties. Suddenly her As and Bs were being Cs. She had trouble remembering what she’d read and was irritable and easily distracted. Ali ___ was referred to a neuropsychologist for further examination. Although her IQ hadn’t changed and standard neurological tests were nor ___l, detailed neuropsychological tests showed she was having memory problems. She could still pro ___ss new infor


政府工作报告热词——宏观经济篇 从紧货币政策 tight monetary policy 稳健财政政策 prudent fiscal policy 宏观经济调控 macroeconomic regulation 政府临时调控 government interim intervention 经济增长模式 mode of economic development 固定资产投资反弹 a resurgence in fixed asset investment 货币信贷投放仍然偏多 continued excessive supplies of money and credit 流动性过剩 excessive liquidity 转型过程 transformation process 行政手段 administrative measures 螺旋式通胀 spiraling inflation 通胀压力 inflationary pressure 抑制通胀to hold down inflation 次贷危机 subprime mortgage crisis 经济剧烈波动 drastic fluctuations in the economy 经济过热 economic overheating 防止经济过热to prevent the economy from overheating 促进结构调整和协调发展 to promote structural adjustment and balanced development 减轻弱势群体负担 ease the burden on the disadvantaged group 增加对薄弱环节、改善民生、深化改革等方面的支出 to increase expenditures necessary "to shore up weak links, improve people's lives and deepen reform" 政府工作报告热词——就业篇 严厉打击非法用工 to severely punish illegal employment 加强劳动争议处理 to improve the handling of labor disputes 加强劳动保障监察 to improve oversight for worker protection measures 就业促进法Employment Promotion Law 劳动合同法Labor Contract Law 城镇登记失业率 registered urban unemployment rate 鼓励创业 to encourage business startups 公共就业服务体系 public employment service system 完善再就业扶持政策 to improve the aid system for job seekers “零就业”家庭 zero-employment families 就业机会 employment opportunities 非农产业 nonagricultural sectors 失业保险制度 unemployment insurance system 劳动力总量大增 a large increase in the total workforce 支持创办小型企业 to support citizens to establish small enterprises


2019年英语口译高级:政府工作报告中英翻译5 新增城市污水日处理水平4600万吨;单位国内生产总值能耗下降 17.2%,化学需氧量、二氧化硫排放总量分别下降15.7%和17.5%。修 订环境空气质量标准,增加细颗粒物PM2.5等监测指标。 Moreover, in the past five years: Daily urban sewage treatment capacity increased by 46 million tons. Energy consumption per unit ofGDP fell by 17.2%. Total chemical oxygen demand fell by 15.7%. Total sulfur dioxide emissions fell by 17.5%. Environmental air quality standards were revised. The air quality index for monitoring fine particulate matter (PM2 s) was added. 推动天然林保护、退耕还林、防沙治沙等重点生态工程建设,五 年累计完成造林2953万公顷,治理沙漠化、石漠化土地1196万公顷,综合治理水土流失面积24.6万平方公里,整治国土面积18万平方公里。 Progress was made in major ecological projects to protect virgin forests, afforest marginal farmland, and prevent and control desertification. Over the past five years:Anadditional 29.53 million hectares of land were planted with trees. Desertification was halted on 11.96 million hectares of land. Soil erosion on 246,000 square kilometers of land was brought under control. A total of 180,000 square kilometers of land were improved. 深入实施区域发展总体战略,颁布实施全国主体功能区规划,制 定西部大开发新十年指导意见和一系列区域发展规划,加快推动西藏、新疆等地区跨越式发展,


2017政府工作报告热词亮点 3月5日,十二届全国人大四次会议开幕,国务院总理李克强作政府工作报告。下面是小编为大家整理的2017政府工作报告热词亮点,欢迎参考~ 2017政府工作报告热词亮点反映经济发展新趋势 从事旅游行业的全国政协委员朱鼎健表示,很赞同政府工作报告中提出的“大众旅游时代”。他认为,随着人民生活水平的提高、消费支出结构的变化,大众旅游时代的到来能创造消费和供给,有利于中国经济释放的活力。 “大众旅游时代”反映出了中国经济发展的新变化、新趋势。与之类似的还有以绿色能源、互联网为重要内容的“新经济”,强调资源所有者将自己闲置的资源拿出来供需要者有偿使用的“分享经济”等等。 今年政府工作报告还提到了“工匠精神”,这让很多人感同身受。全国人大代表胡子敬表示,供给侧结构性改革的核心就是要提升产品质量,提升中国制造质量。中国企业一定要有“匠人”精神,将用户需求和体验放在第一位。 凸显完善制度新方式 李克强总理在政府工作报告中指出,简除烦苛,禁察非法,使人民群众有更平等的机会和更大的创造空间。“简除烦苛,禁察非法”,这个出自《后汉书》的表述,大意是除去那些不方便老百姓办事的烦琐的规章制度,禁止部属轻易

扰民的不法行为。而报告中“以敬民之心,行简政之道”也表达了类似的意思。这两则表述,引发了代表委员和网友热议,获得了极高评价。 一些代表着完善制度,体现简政放权、规范政府行为的新词、热词同样受舆论关注。“比如报告里讲到‘互联网+政务服务’,实际上政府的管理服务都可以跟互联网结合起来,这会让政府服务更加便捷、高效、公开和透明。”全国人大常委会副秘书长沈春耀表示。 此外,针对“健全激励机制和容错纠错机制”的说法,全国政协委员、南京大学政府管理学院教授张凤阳指出,提出“容错纠错机制”,就是“让那些既廉政又勤政的官员卸去不必要的心理负担,给他们的信任。” 体现惠及民生新举措 今年政府工作报告中的一些新词,也反映了未来民生领域的新举措。比如政府工作报告提出“建立健全‘人地钱’挂钩政策”。那么,对“人地钱”挂钩应该如何理解?全国政协委员、中央农村工作领导小组副组长陈锡文指出:“有些地方在医保、社保、教育上的经费是按照人头来拨付的,过去都是按户籍人口计算,现在如果再按这种方式拨款,吸收农民工多的地方政府财政负担就会加大,中央政府在拨付这些款项时,应当按照各地增加吸收农业人口的数量来拨付。” 另外,报告还提出建设一批“光网城市”,让城乡享受


工作报告征求意见稿 【篇一:我对政府工作报告征求意见稿的看法暨建议】我对政府工作报告 征求意见稿的看法暨建议 四川省人大代表:翟峰 今天,即在2007年的前夕,我收到省政府传来的省十届五次人大 会上省长将要作的政府工作报告(征求意见稿),用了整整一上午 时间认真阅读,并在结合平常的视察和调查工作的基础上,有了对 政府工作报告的“2006年工作回顾、07年工作安排和政府自身建设” 这三大块的结构安排以及对报告的内容表示赞同的明确态度。 首先,我把对政府工作报告初稿表示赞同的原因主要归结为以下几点: 一是报告重点突出。报告在全面、客观总结和分析06年工作的基础上,以接近三分之二的篇幅突出了07年工作安排和政府07年的自 身建设。这样写,不仅重点突出,而且也说明了政府工作更注重在 新一年的落实上下功夫。 二是报告对06年的工作回顾实事求是。报告对06年省政府在“一 三产业发展势态、宏观调控政策的落实、改革开放和科技创新、生 态建设和环保进展、社会事业发展、人民生活改善、社会政治稳定” 这七个方面的工作,以及对06年政府工作面临的“粗放型增长方式 尚未根本改变、社会生活中还存在一些突出问题、市场经济还待完善、政府职能 和作风有待进一步转变”这四个方面的困难都作了实事求是地阐述和 分析,报告中所写的与我们人大代表在实际工作中的观察是一致的。三是报告对07年的工作安排既着眼于高起点,又立足于全省工作的实际。报告围绕“党的十七大召开,努力建设西部经济和文化强省, 建设法治四川、和谐四川、开放四川、生态四川”这些高目标安排07年的工作和政府的自身建设,所列的工作安排的10个方面和自身建 设的四个方面都立足于能够办得到、实现得了。 鉴于上述,所以我对政府工作报告征求意见稿基本表示满意。我对 报告的修改建议初步有这样几条: 一是按近几年省政府工作报告一贯的写法,在报告后面应附上较为 详细的备注解释和说明,这样方便各个方面、各个层次的代表都能 看得明白。如“新五大旅游区”、“四项直补”、“三个百亿工程”、“红


MUNDAY, Jeremy. 2001. Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications. London: Routledge. 2、Gentzler, Edwin. 1993. Contemporary Translation Theories. London: Routledge. 3、Pym, Anthony. 2010. Exploring Translation Theories. London & New York: Routledge. 4、Colina, Sonia. 2003. Translation Teaching from Research to the Classroom. Toronto: McGraw Hill. 5、Hatim, Basil. 2005. Teaching and Researching Translation. Beijing:FLTRP. 6、陈福康. 2000.《中国译学理论史稿》(修订本),上海:外语教育出版社。 7、马会娟苗菊. 2009.《当代西方翻译理论选读》,外语教学与研究出版社。 8、泛读书目:外研社、外教社翻译研究文库、John Benjamins Publishing Company出版的翻译系列丛书;《中国翻译》和外语类核心期刊发 北大 、翻译研究方向参考书目: (请注意:下面给出的仅是一个框架性的书目,并非博士考试的出题范围,英语系只是提供一个可供参考的文本资源) 马祖毅等:《中国翻译通史》(5卷本),湖北教育出版社,2006。 罗新彰编:《翻译论集》,商务印书馆,1984。 Bassnett, S. Translation Studies(3rd ed.). London and New York: Routledge, 2002. Gentzler, E. Contemporary Translation Theories. London and New York: Routledge, 1993. Hermans, T. ed. The Manipulation of Literature: Studies in Literary Translation. Beckenham, Kent: Croom Helm Ltd, 1985. Newmark, P. Approaches to Translation. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001. Nida, E. A. Toward a Science of Translation. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1964. Steiner, G. After Babel: Aspects of Language and Translation. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001. Toury, G. Descriptive Translation Studies and Beyond. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001. Venuti, L. The Translator’s Invisibility: A History of Translation. London and New York: Routledge, 1995.


历年政府工作报告中英文对照版和《经济学家》中英文对照版建议多看看,上面的习题最好都亲自做一下,三级没多大难度,充分准备应该可以通过 汉英翻译技巧的培养(translation competence development)应涉及以下内容: 一.要培养对英语的语感和悟性(language intuition – open and alert mind to pick up idioms, specific expressions, etc.); 二.要培养对英语的判断能力和鉴赏能力(evaluation capacity – judgment); 三.要培养对英语的洞察能力和剖析能力(power of observation – insight); 四.要培养对英语细微特征的反应能力(linguistic nuances alertness);- 五.要培养对社会文化和跨文化交流的敏感性(social-cultural sensitivity – cross-cultural awareness); 六.要培养对英语和汉语之间差别的意识(sense of differences between Chinese and English); 七.要培养对英语和汉语之间的辩证关系的认识(awareness of the dialectic relationship between Chinese and English); 八.要培养对英语“洋为中用”的意识(“use things foreign to serve Chinese purposes”); 九.要培养对英语“学以致用”的意识(apply what you have learned in your translation); 十.要培养对翻译的多层次、多角度的立体思维方式(a multi-tier approach )。 十一.一名称职的翻译工作者必须懂得什么是翻译的真谛(a clear conception of what translation is)。 十二.一名优秀的翻译人员必须具有高屋建瓴的视角(great powers of conception)。 各种能力和意识的培养都需要加强翻译意识的锻炼: 第一:要对翻译的重要性有深刻的、充分的认识,翻译的对与错、好与坏有时会产生绝

北外高级翻译名师李长栓谈MTI 多一些选择和积累

北外高级翻译名师李长栓谈MTI:多一些 选择和积累 【前言】 翻译硕士专业学位的英文名称为“Master of Translationand Interpreting”,英文缩写为MTI,作为近两年招生异军突起的热门专业,翻译硕士专业的需求主要是基于该专业设置的实践性、应用性契合社会对人才的需求。特邀北京外国语大学高翻名师李长栓教授,来为大家解析北外翻译硕士专业: 翻译专业硕士(MTI)与英语语言文学下的翻译方向(MA):北外高翻的MA和MTI并无实质区别 近两年来,北外高翻学院开始招收翻译专业硕士(MTI),这与北外高翻之前招收的英语硕士相比,有什么特殊要求呢?针对这个问题,李老师认为,北外高翻学院的MA(文科硕士)和MTI(翻译硕士)并无实质区别。这是历史原因造成的。据介绍,北外高翻学院的前身是联合国译员训练班(1979-1995),1995年改为高翻学院之后,培养宗旨和方向都没有发生变化,即为国家培养高级翻译人才,课程体系也没有什么变化。译训班毕业不发学位,毕业后按硕士研究生对待。高翻学院培养的毕业生可以获得英语语言文学(翻译方向)的文科硕士(MA)学位。 2007年,国家参照译训班(高翻学院)的培养模式,设立了翻译专业硕士(MTI)的培养模式。北外高翻也是首批有资格招收MTI学员的单位之一。但前两年并没有以MTI的名义招生,而是继续沿用原来的MA体制。 近两年,北外高翻也开始在MA的基础上,同时招收MTI学生。目前在校生中有4个班的MA学生,有3个班的MTI学生,还有一个复语班(中英再加一个小语种)。MTI的报名和招生与MA分开进行。但由于报考MTI的人较少,每年约300人,而报考MA的每年有1200人,为了保证最优秀的人才进入北外,高翻学院仅从报考MTI的考生中招收10来个优秀考生,其余的则从报考MA,但在面试中落选的考生中选拔。无论进入MA班,还是进入MTI班,所学课程完全一样,老师的配备也一样(李老师本人教8个班的汉英笔译)。只是学费有些差异,毕业后获得的证书不同。但用人单位似乎并不区分MA或MTI,他们看的是北外高翻的牌子。 报考北外高翻重点提高语言表达能力 在北外高翻研究生入学考试的阅卷工作中,李老师主要负责汉译英部分。在李老师看来,考生们存在的主要问题是考题意思没有完全理解、逻辑不通、词不达意、把原本没多大关系的句子生拉硬扯变为复杂句。 北外高翻的MA和MTI考察的目的一样,最看重考生外语语言表达的基本功。招生的综合试卷每年均由北外英语学院出卷、阅卷。通过翻译,考查学生的理解能力和表达能力。在英译汉部分,最主要的是考察考生翻译的意思是否正确,语言是否通顺,并不要求语言华丽。汉译英则看考生写出来的究竟“是不是英语”。在这点上,李老师告诫考生,汉译英不要追求大词、长句、复杂结构,翻译的逻辑要清楚明了,意思准确。译出的英文读起来要像自然的语言,不要故弄玄虚,切记不能死译。 李老师觉得,北外高翻的研究生入学考试没有什么诀窍,“基础好的,一年就考上了,基础差的,考了多年也许也考不上。”李老师建议,考生不要被考研辅导班的英语老师所误导,不妨自己多看看英语写作的书。“把国外的中小学教材拿来学习一下,想想自己如何


关于《政府工作报告》的说明 各位委员: 值此市政协一届五次会议隆重开幕之际,我代表市人民政府,向大会表示热烈的祝贺!在过去的一年里,市政协认真履行政治协商、民主监督、参政议政的职责,充分发挥政协组织的优势,利用各位委员的影响,通过各种渠道和方式献策出力,对推动全市经济和社会发展起到了应有的作用。对此,我代表市政府表示衷心的感谢! 市一届人大六次会议即将召开。提交这次会议审议的《政府工作报告》(以下简称《报告》)已经印发给各位委员,为便于大家讨论和协商,更好的提出意见和建议。下面,我对《报告》的起草情况、主要内容及相关问题作以说明。 一、关于《报告》的起草情况 市政府对《报告》的起草工作非常重视,专门成立了以我为组长、常务副市长和秘书长为副组长的领导小组,由市政府研究室牵头,从市政府办、计委、经贸委、农委、财政局、乡企局等部门抽调精干力量组成了专门起草班子。根据“两会”总体要求,制定了《报告》起草工作方案,分阶段安排了起草工作日程。我和几位副市长、秘书长与《报告》起草组的同志认真研究了起草工作的指导思想、《报告》的结构框架和主体内容,并召开政府常务会对《报告》的提纲进行了专题讨论。同时,政府研究室及相关部门的同志有重点地进行了一些专题调研,进一步掌握了第一手材料,在此基础上形成了《报告》的初稿,经市政府常务会讨论原则同意后,起草组又进行了认真修改。然后,分别呈送市委、市人大、市政府、市政协领导和市人大代表及政协委员,并印发到各县(市区)人民政府和市直有关部门征求意见。按照反馈的意见 。 亿元,同比增长%;投资超亿元项目个,超五千万元个,盘活存量资产亿元。外贸进出口总额达到万美元,实际利用外资1 万美元,分别增长204.5%和155%。 五是以增强经济发展活力为根本,加大体制机制创新力度。全市已有439个国有企业全部退出竞争性领域,占应退国有企业的52.2%。农村税费、社会保障制度等各项改革取得新成效。六是以满足人们日益增长的物质文化生活需求为基点,同步推进各项社会事业。省级高新技术企业发展到户,民营科技企业发展到户,科技对经济增长贡献率达到38.5%,教育、文化、体育、卫生、广播电视和计划生育等事业健康发展。 七是以“一园三区”建设为载体,加快市本级发展步伐。市直工业完成增加值亿元,利税亿元,分别增长15.7%和20.4%。市本级全口径财政收入万元,一般预算收入万元,分别增长14.97%和14.22%。工业开发区基础设施建设投入使用,共引进11个项目,已建成投产5个。 八是以开展“两风”建设为动力,切实转变政府职能。市行政审批中心正式运行,行政审批项目由项减少到项。全年共向上争取资金亿元,争取各类项目110个。制定出台了《关于规范行政行为的实施意见》、《市政府各部门主要领导报告党风廉政建设和个人廉洁自律实施办法》。深入开展了为受灾农民办10件实事活动,共为灾民筹集口粮吨,捐款捐物折合人民币万元,组织支农储蓄亿元,社会秩序井然,没有发生重特大安全事故。 在看到成绩的同时,我们也深知全市经济发展中还存在着诸多困难和问题。一是产业规模小、层次低,对财政的支撑能力还比较弱。二是经济发展特别是招商引资成本加大,生产要素不齐不强,资金、技术、人才严重匮乏,牵制和影响我们积聚发展后劲的进程。三是农民收入增长缓慢,脱贫解困、城镇就业和养老失业医疗保险面临诸多难题。四是企业改制不到位,改而不活、活而不强的问题仍比较突出。五是发展环境还不够优良,“中梗阻”现象还不同程度存在,审批程序烦琐、以权勒卡谋私等问题在一些地方时有发生,外商对我们的评价还不


北外高翻英汉互译同声传译专业考研经验 报考院校: 北京外国语大学高级翻译学院英汉互译(口译方向) 我是从大三上学期开始准备考研的,其实本来没想这么早启动,因为偶然听了一场专业机构的讲座,在老师的提醒下意识到自己的目标比较高,竞争比较激烈,所以决定及早动手报了班开始全面复习,俗话说:早起的鸟儿有食吃。 考研首先要有一个明确的目标,也就说确定考研的院校、专业,由于不同的专业有不同的学习方法,所以明确了目标专业、学校,才能制定合理的学习计划。对于考研,我想很重要的是合理的学习计划、有效的参考资料以及良好的心态。 在专业机构报了班了解到英语真题的文章主要出自欧美的一些权威期刊杂志,所以我从大三上学期就开始有意识的翻看一些外文杂志,包括:Economist、Times等,还有在图书馆里经常会翻的:Digest、China today、English World等。由于开始的时间比较早,因此,在看的时候,并不着急,慢慢看,认真看,有问题的时候会问问专业机构的老师,这个是免费的,不会的单词一定要查,这样不仅能能有效提升阅读的能力,也能储备一些背景知识,这都是对付考研英语很重要的基本元素。 合理的学习计划 对于一个准备考研的学生来说,如何在较短的时间内做到高效的复习?是很多人关心的问题,这里就凸显了计划的重要性,合理有效的计划是成功的不二法则。培训机构的全程策划班给我们讲了一个基本的计划模版,我又根据个人的实际情况作了个性化的调整,下面将我的学习计划与大家分享一下: 大三下学期开始 开学,写计划,开始下决心认真准备: 专业一轮:月牢固基础,多看原版杂志; 第二轮:7.8月暑假天热,在专业课强化班听教师指导,同时复习二外,开始看参考书;第三轮:9.10.11月强化政治,认真看,开始做题;二外也不丢,重点在杂志和翻译书上,多看多翻,经常让老师看自己的作品,让老师给意见,说实话,我都不好意思了,就报了一个班,确总去问问题,不过专业机构的教务老师每次还是很热情,安排老师给答疑; 第四轮:12.1 冲刺,各科模拟题、真题,严格按时间限制练习,培养考试感觉:政治背大题,看时事,上了专业机构的冲刺点题班,重点击破可能的考点;二外再次认真看参考书、单词;杂志还是不能断,根据个人安排时间量;翻译真题,练习题,术语强记。 大概就是这四轮,要注意以下几点: (1)每天每科都要看一些,时间自己安排,但不能丢掉任何一科。 (2)政治一定要认真看,多看,认真做题,重在理解。经济条件许可的情况下,还是建议报一下辅导班,专业机构的老师说今年的政治辅导对报专业课辅导班的学生是免费赠的,真实更省心了,听老师讲讲毕竟要比自己复习效率高一些,也能更好的把握重点。


北京外国语2009年翻译专业硕士(笔译)考试真题 I. Translate the following passages into Chinese and write your translation on the answer sheet. (50 points-25 points x 2) Passage 1 In Defense of Translation by Howard Goldblatt (葛浩文) How’s this for an occupational testimonial: “There is no such thing as a good translator. The best translators make the worst mistakes. No matter how much I love them, all translators must be closely watched。” Who are these people everyone loves to hate, and, if they're so bad, how do they get away with what they're doing? Well, I confess: I'm one of them. I'm a translator。 … I am sometimes asked why I translate, since to many it seems a thankless vocation. Why, they ask, don't I write my own novels, since I have lived (they assume) an interesting life and must by now have an idea of what a novel should be? I can only say that not all translators are closet novelists, and that I do not consider translation to be a lesser art -- one that ought to lead to something better. The short, and very personal, answer to the question is: Because I love it. I love to read Chinese; I love to write in English. I love the challenge, the ambiguity, and the uncertainty of the enterprise. I love the tension between creativity and fidelity, even the inevitable compromises. And, every once in a while, I find a work so exciting that I'm possessed by the urge to put it into English. In other words, I translate to stay alive. The satisfaction of knowing I've faithfully served two constituencies keeps me happily turning good, bad, and indifferent Chinese prose into readable, accessible, and -- yes -- even marketable English books. Tian na! (276 words) Passage 2 Downsizing in Vogue In recent years corporate downsizing has been on the rise throughout the world. Downsizing is reducing costs by dismissing employees and reassigning their duties to the employees who remain. They usually call it restructuring, rightsizing, reallocating resources, or job separation. They sometimes use dieting metaphors like "trimming the fat," "getting lean and mean," or "shedding weight." Whatever the euphemism, employees affected by these practices know what the words mean to them: layoff. And no "kinder, gentler" words can do much to alleviate the anxiety and distress that come with losing a job。 In their quest to lower costs to stay competitive, companies often wield the ax with little or no regard for the well-being of the people involved. For example, in the past years AT&T have dismissed thousands of managers and employees through downsizing, though many of these people have twenty or more years of loyal employment with the firm. Industry analysts assert that if organizations wish to consider themselves responsible, ethical corporate citizens, they must demonstrate concern for their employees, even when they have to tell them they are no longer employed. (183 words) II. Translate the following two short passages into English and write your

2007年政府工作报告 建议译文(北外)

政府工作报告的英文翻译往往比较死,读起来不够地道。这主要是在翻译过程中,缺乏外国专家的参与(发布前属于国家机密),而国内译者比较谨慎,不敢脱离原文的束缚。下面向大家提供的,是比较灵活的翻译,当然希望同时忠实于原文意思。 星期一, 10/12/2009 - 14:13 —李长栓 说明:有LCS标记的为李长栓的建议,其余均为周蕴仪(Chow Wan Ee)修改 1.坚持科学发展、和谐发展、和平发展 Employ a scientific approach to development, and maintain harmony and peace during development LCS: pursue development based on the scientific approach, harmony and peace LCS: Adopt a scientific approach to development, a process that emphasizes harmony and peace 2.全面落实科学发展观(LCS: 全面是指从各个方面) LCS: Comprehensively implement the scientific approach to development 3.推动经济社会发展切实转入科学发展轨道 Economic and social development to adopt scientific approaches LCS: Steer economic and social development into a scientific course. 4.科学发展 Develop with a scientific approach 5.走科学发展道路 Employ a scientific approach to development 6.科学民主决策 Rational and democratic decisions Scientific decisions 没什么意义。 LCS: 在此文件中,建议保留scientific。关于科学的含义,有许多争议。 7.中央 The national leadership/the central Party and government authorities(原为:the central authorities) 要看上下文。 8.今年提出GDP增长8%左右的指标 The proposed GDP growth target this year is around 8%. LCS: This year, the GDP growth target is set at round 8%.(强调“提出”) 9.文化体育事业进一步繁荣 Culture and sports made further progress. 10.关心支持残疾人事业的发展 Support programs for the physically and mentally challenged persons. LCS: Support programs for people with disabilities. LCS: 几个词的演变:disabled persons, physically and mentally challenged persons, persons with disabilities 11.我们要发展老龄事业 We will develop old age programs. 或者:…Programmes for the elderly. 12.经济运行中的关键问题


翻译学经验贴~~一点总结 看来翻译学确实不怎么火,都没人写。我只好略写几句,算是抛砖引玉啦。 我10年翻译学初试总分422,政治76,法语85,业务一135,业务二126。感觉这个分数超出自己想象很多,不敢相信是自己考的…… 我是09年9月份才真正决定考北外的翻译学的。之前一直想考北大的文学(因为高考发挥失常,一直耿耿于怀~),可是考过去的师哥强烈建议我不要考。我思考再三,终于放弃了北大,现在想想也觉得算是选对了吧。大三之后的暑假本来想学习,可是由于种种原因,基本虚度了。 Ⅰ准备 1..真正开始准备是在九月份开学后。由于北外出参考书目出的晚,一开始并没有买理论的书,只是看法语和基础英语,做翻译练习。上过星光的网站,好多人说Economist不错,就下了一些看看。刚开始感觉有些吃力,很多短语都没见过,有的查都查不到。后来看多了,就觉得不怎么难了。那时开高级阅读的课,我基本每次都去,虽然不怎么认真听讲,但觉得上这个课可以学会分析文章结构,加深对文章的理解,对阅读帮助很大,尤其是长难句的理解。这个跟以往大一大二基础英语主要攻词汇语法不同。所以如果学校开这种课,建议大家不妨去上一下。在网站上下了一些往年的试题,还有些别的学校的,有空就做几套。词汇方面,虽然照单词书背单词不太好,备受批评,但我还是把八级词汇看了三遍。不为别的,怕翻译时想不起来词……最后才做近几年的真题,针对各个题型练习一下。作文后期每周一篇,以雅思作文为主。 2.翻译实践上,我买了张培基的《英译中国现代散文选》,刘士聪的《英汉·汉英美文翻译与鉴赏》和《散文佳作108篇》。从中选一些自己喜欢的文章,先看一遍原文,再看一遍译文,然后英汉对照再看几遍,并试着进行分析。开始真正动笔翻得很少,只是多读多背多分析。后来就开始规定每天必须翻译一点,但并不限时,且不求速度。从图书馆和网上搜了各种文章翻译,经济政治文史哲什么的都有。后来下到北外的真题,发现里面竟然还有古文翻译,就赶紧从图书馆借了杨宪益的古文翻译方面的书进行练习。说来可笑,读原文还不如读译文来的清楚明白,这可能也跟杨译偏向异化有关吧。到最后才限时练习,尽快完成翻译,越快越好。这对考试也有些帮助吧,因为题量实在太大,不快不行啊。 3.北外出来参考书目后,就赶紧买了翻译理论的书。其中马会娟的《当代西方翻译理论》是新书,在网上才能买到。而另两本学校书店就有卖。我先看了马教授的书,一个月才看完,而且基本不懂。看完文章后就找习题的答案,但是有些找不着,有些需要自己总结。但时间太紧,不敢看第二遍再看其他。Gent zler的书显得更乱,各种人物都在里面发表自己的看法,也是弄得一头雾水。这个也用了20多天。第三本《翻译研究》相对来说简单一点,三天看完。个人觉得此书一二三部分重要性递减。看完一遍,对翻译理


英译汉 Chapter One 词义的选择、引申和褒贬 一.词义的选择 (一)根据词性 He likes physics. They are shining like gold. Like knows like. (二) 根据上下文联系 He is the last man to do it. He should be the last to blame. He is the last man to come. He is the last person for such a job. 二.词义的引申 (一)将词义做抽象化的引申 1.将表示具体形象的词译成该形象代表的属性 Every life has its roses and thorns.每个人的生活有甜有苦。 There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of them. 他们的性格既残暴,又狡猾。 2.将带有特征性形象的词译成该形象所代表的词 see-sawing between partly good and faintly bad 时好时坏这两种情况不断地交替出现 Their troops goosestepped into power. 他们的军队耀武扬威地夺取了政权。 (二)将词义做具体化的引申 The car in front of me stopped and I missed the green. 我前面的车停下来了,我错过了绿灯。 三.词义的褒贬 (一)英语中有些词本身具有褒贬意义 He was a man of high renown. 他是位有名望的人。 His notoriety didn’t come until his death. 他的恶名是他死后才传开的。 (二)中立意义的词在上下文中译出褒贬 The politician talked about his hopes and ambitions. 我们要求他谈了他的希望和抱负 He had lied to me and made me the tool of his wicked deeds. 他欺骗了我,使我成了他进行罪恶勾当的工具。 练习: Information technology will be at the heart of global economic competition in the 21st century.
