

关于”写一个医患关系“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Write a doctor-patient relationship。以下是关于写一个


高分英语作文1:Write a doctor-patient relationship

We believe that with the improvement of medical ethics, the doctor-patient relationship will bee more harmonious before each blind leap. We should remember that before we can understand ourselves and achieve great success, we must have a period of time when women will make contributions to society like men. In short, we have to perform together.

Only when the young and the elderly work together, can the parents of the elderly be lucky A blessed land for the rest of life. In my opinion, we should be aware of the need to go out of the house and establish friendly relations with others. In short, a warmer and more harmonious society may bee possible.

Everyone should pay more attention to others and the outside world. I hope the government can adjust the schedule so that people can enjoy a real one-week holiday.





This picture reflects the fact that doctors often order more than cheques in order to get extra ine, which aggravates the tension and distrust between doctors and patients. They may force patients or threaten them to do some dishonorable things, taking advantage of the asymmetry of information and knowledge and the psychology of patients, that is, they can't bear any health consequences because they refuse doctors and patients can't If they don't pay more, their budget is tight, and sometimes even the stability of society will be damaged. They will eventually find out the truth, or the treatment will fail, and they will decide to block the hospital.

In order to attract public attention, relatives of the dead have gathered a group of people to go to the government. The deterioration of sympathy and support morality makes it less important for doctors to improve their skills, because immoral methods will bring more profits. They believe that saving people first may be replaced by money first, which will damage their reputation because we are about to As

decision makers, we should remember that it is our

duty to save lives and alleviate the suffering of others.

Money will never diminish the light of humanitarianism.





We believe that with the improvement of medical ethics, the doctor-patient relationship will bee more harmonious before each blind leap. We should remember that only by understanding ourselves can we achieve success, and women will contribute to society like men. In a word, we should show to our colleagues that only when the young and the elderly work together, can the parents of the elderly be moderately happy Health.

In my opinion, we should realize that we should go out of the house and establish friendly relations with others and establish a warmer and more harmonious relationship. In short, society can be possible. Everyone should pay attention to others and the outside world.

I hope the government can adjust the schedule so that people can enjoy a real one-week holiday.






As an important component of the social system ,physician—patient relationship plays a guiding and fundamental role in creating a harmonious healthcare environment 。However ,due to certain social ,ethical and moral factors ,the current physician—patient relationship is not favorable ,and various contradictions in physician—patient relationship are becoming barriers in building up a harmonious society 。In recent years ,the tense relationship between doctors and patients has caused extensive concern 。In order to enable medicine return to its“merciful”nature and relieve the tension of relationship between doctors and patients,there’re several points as follows 。 首先,重建医患信任。信任是建立良好医患关系的基础。第二,加强医患沟通。医生与病人的有效沟通与交流是诊疗实践的重要技术,它在对病人病情的认识,治疗和康复中都起着十分重要的作用。第三,通过建立积极的医院形象包括医疗服务,质量和环境来发展新型的医患关系。医院必须尽可能提高医务人员技术水平和业务素质 ,确保医疗安全。第四,倡导健康的医院文化,促进医德医风建设。最后一点,弘扬中华民族传统医学人文关怀的优秀思想,开展具有人文精神的“人性化服务”:尊重、关爱、服务病人。 First ,reestablish doctor—patient trust relationship 。Trust is the basis for constructing a good physician—patient relationship 。Secondly ,strengthen the communication between doctors and patients 。Communication between doctors and patients is the important skill for learning sickness ,treatment and rehabilitation 。Third ,develop new harmonious physician—patient relationship by creating positive hospital image of medical service ,quality and environment 。Hospitals should try their best to increase the medical skills and occupational qualities of their staffs to assure the safety of medical work.。Fourth ,initiate healthy hospital culture and promote medical ethics and style 。Finally ,advance and enrich the ideology of Chinese traditional Medical Humanities Concern 。It should develop humanistic service ,which includes respecting ,caring for and serving the


医患关系英语作文 Title: The Doctor-Patient Relationship: A Case for Harmony In the fast-paced and ever-changing world of healthcare, the doctor-patient relationship remns a cornerstone of effective medical care. This relationship, however, is often a source of friction and misunderstanding, with both parties feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. Could it be that we have lost sight of the true purpose of the doctor-patient relationship? To understand the essence of the doctor-patient relationship, we must first look at it from the patient's perspective. Patients seek medical attention to address their health issues, often feeling vulnerable and powerless in the face of a potential illness or disease. They want a doctor who listens, who cares, and who can offer a sense of security in times of need. Patients want trustworthy medical advice that is tailored to their specific needs. Now, let's shift gears and look at the doctor's perspective. Doctors are trained to diagnose and treat illnesses, often at


医患验光英语作文 关于”写一个医患关系“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Write a doctor-patient relationship。以下是关于写一个 医患关系的四级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。 高分英语作文1:Write a doctor-patient relationship We believe that with the improvement of medical ethics, the doctor-patient relationship will bee more harmonious before each blind leap. We should remember that before we can understand ourselves and achieve great success, we must have a period of time when women will make contributions to society like men. In short, we have to perform together. Only when the young and the elderly work together, can the parents of the elderly be lucky A blessed land for the rest of life. In my opinion, we should be aware of the need to go out of the house and establish friendly relations with others. In short, a warmer and more harmonious society may bee possible. Everyone should pay more attention to others and the outside world. I hope the government can adjust the schedule so that people can enjoy a real one-week holiday. 中文翻译: 我们相信,随着医德的提升,每一次盲目的飞跃之前,医患关系都会变得更加和谐。我们要记住,在我们认识自己并取得巨


医院管理 范文1: 医疗质量、医疗安全与人民群众的利益息息相关,也是医患关系的中心,医院管理的核心. 提高医疗质量、确保医疗安全是一个不断提高、持续改进和完善的过程,需要建立强化管理的长效机制. 转变服务理念,建立和完善管理的长效机制,持续改进医疗服务质量,从整体上提高我国医院的管理水平.在提高医疗服务水平、保障人民群众健康,维护人民群众利益等方面,取得更大的成效,为全面建设小康社会,构建社会主义和谐社会贡献更大的力量. 加强医疗服务的规范与管理,提高医疗质量,确保医疗安全是医疗管理的核心内容和永恒主题,在总结了原来工作的基础上,医政司进一步提出“建立和完善国家医疗质量保证和持续改进体系”建设. 加强辅诊质量控制对医技科室,我们要求做到检查及时、操作规范、结果准确、报告质量高.医院制定了“辅诊质量评价标准”,定期、不定期对医技科室工作流程、操作规程、报告质量、室间质控、会诊制度进行检查,对仪器保养、医学计量进行抽查.建立临床专家信息反馈、会审制,组织年轻临床、医技科室医师互相轮转,以提高辅诊质量和鉴别诊断能力. 除了对医院管理进行检查和监督,包括对市场、医疗机构和人员的检查和监督,以及对服务全过程的监控.对违法违规的行为,及时查处.发现问题,随时反馈到控制系统和准入系统,指导我们制定政策,修订有关的法律法规、部门规章. Obviously, medical quality and medical safety is closely related to the interests of the people,also is the center of the doctor-patient relationship, the core of hospital management. Raise health care's quality and ensure medical safety is a process of constantly improve. It's necessary to build a long-standing mechanism to strengthen


医患关系主题的英语作文范文 请大家在50 分钟之内,按医学博士英语统考命题作文的要求写一篇250词的作文。中途不得查词典、不得百度,要模拟自己是在考试,逼一逼自己,写不出来也要硬写。 Writing(20%) Directions:For this part, you are allowed 50 minutes to write a short essay on how to rebuild a healthy doctor-patient relationship. You should write at least 250 words but no more than 300 words. Write your essay on the Answer Sheet. 作文题: How to rebuild a healthy doctor-patient relationship Three topic ideas: 1. 中国医患关系的现状 2. 医患关系紧张的原因 3. 重建良好医患关系的对策 审题指导与分析

“医患关系”对应的英文是 patient-doctor relationships,“医患纠纷”就是 patient-doctor disputes,也可以说 medical disputes。“紧张的医患关系”可用 tense/strained patient-doctor relationships 来表示。 近几年中国伤医杀医事件屡见报端,外媒对中国的医患关系、医疗纠纷也十分关注,常有报道。比如: “In recent years, a number of medical disputes that have escalated into attacks on medical staff members have been reported across the country.” 据报道,近些年很多医疗纠纷已经演化成了对医护人员的人身攻击。 句中的medical dispute 就是指“医疗纠纷”,而且有纠纷已经升级成了刑事案件(criminal case)。近年来,tensions between doctors and patients(医患矛盾)引发的暴力事件频发,应引起足够重视。 由此还衍生出了一个新的英文单词——Yi Nao, 这个词作为来自中文的一个英文中的外来词,已被不少词典收录。维基百科也收录了这个词条,


医患关系英语作文模板 The doctor-patient relationship is a crucial aspect of the healthcare system, and it plays a significant role in determining the quality of care and patient satisfaction. Building a strong and positive doctor-patient relationship is essential for effective communication, trust, and cooperation. In this essay, we will discuss the importance of the doctor-patient relationship and provide a template for writing an English essay on this topic. The doctor-patient relationship is built on mutual trust, respect, and understanding. It is essential for patients to feel comfortable and confident in discussing their health concerns with their doctors. Likewise, doctors must listen to their patients with empathy and provide them with the information and support they need to make informed decisions about their health. A positive doctor-patient relationship can lead to better health outcomes, increased patient satisfaction, and improved adherence to treatment plans. When writing an English essay on the topic of the doctor-patient relationship, it is important to start with a strong introduction that captures the reader's attention and provides a clear overview of the importance of this relationship. The introduction should also include a thesis statement that presents the main argument or idea that will be discussed in the essay. In the body of the essay, it is important to provide evidence and examples to support the thesis statement. This may include discussing the impact of a positive doctor-patient relationship on patient outcomes, the role of effective communication in building trust, and the ethical considerations involved in providing patient-centered care. It is also important to address potential challenges or barriers to building a strong doctor-patient relationship and propose strategies for overcoming them. In the conclusion of the essay, it is important to summarize the main points and reiterate the importance of the doctor-patient relationship. This is also an opportunity to provide recommendations for improving the doctor-patient relationship in the healthcare


医患关系主题的英语作文范文(1) The Importance of Doctor-Patient Relationship In recent years, the relationship between doctors and patients has become increasingly complicated. The deteriorating doctor-patient relationship has become a hot topic of discussion in society. To address this issue, it's important to analyze why the doctor-patient relationship has reached such a critical point, and how to improve it. Firstly, the reasons for the current doctor-patient relationship include the lack of trust between the two parties. Patients don't fully understand the medical treatment they are receiving, which leads to confusion and distrust. On the other hand, doctors fail to communicate clearly with patients and provide accurate and impartial medical advice. Moreover, some doctors may overcharge their patients for treatments they don't need, which is a significant factor that exacerbates the problem. To improve the doctor-patient relationship, both doctors and patients need to take action. Doctors should be more empathetic when communicating with patients and provide clear and impartial medical advice. They should also be transparent about medical costs and explain clearly what each treatment is for. Patients should try to understand medical knowledge and follow the doctor's advice. They should also avoid blindly trusting doctors and investigate their medical


我的理想工作高中英语作文 我的理想工作高中英语作文 The on-site English summer camp in the second week of the theme is "career planning". It is said that American children to a certain age the teacher will be according to their character code (the Netherlands) and their ideas for their design profession. I feel very curious also think in this way to design your ideal career. Into the classroom the teacher has a book to each of the students open after entering the eye is used to express a variety of professional has a team highway patrol scientists musicians a lifeguard politicians tunnel orderlies optometrists librarians etc. many professional I have not heard before. We circle on every page of your favorite career teacher again depending on the type of the most professional circle to preliminarily determine our ideal career. At the same time the teacher also let us do some games about choosing a career through these games further determine our code in Holland. Surprise I found my Dutch code is artistic and social that is to say my personality is more suitable for occupation design performance media fashion designers education and so on are mainly involved in the human services and art etc. But in fact I really want to be a scientist my dream is to work in the science museum the main research and invention can produce some machines to reduce the financial burden of human. Although my Dutch code and my dream career has some gaps but this class also let I seriously to think about my future career I will efforts toward my dream I hope one day I can really be top scientists to the benefit of mankind. 【参考译文】


我最理想的工作英语作文 我最理想的工作英语作文(精选10篇) 在平平淡淡的学习、工作、生活中,大家最不陌生的就是作文了吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的语言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的外部语言形式的转化。你知道作文怎样写才规范吗?下面是小编为大家收集的我最理想的工作英语作文,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 我最理想的工作英语作文篇1 Everyone has their own colorful dream in the heart, have their own ideal. Ideal is like is a light the lamp, it will guide you to reach the other shore of success. Friend, do you want to know my dream? Let me quietly tell you: "I want to be a doctor!" Doctor, what a noble, how to serve the people heart and soul of career! It is the forefront of fighting against the disease fighter, it is in dying for struggling white angels, the patient is to heal the wounded and rescue the dying, moment for patients suffering from angel... When I was a child, my dream is to become a doctor, because the doctor can heal the wounded and rescue the dying. In my childhood memories, the doctor in my mind is a great and selfless. I often think: one day if I can become a doctor, put on a white coat, become angel, I will use my knowledge to save more patients. If I were a doctor, I will do my best to treat patients, assiduous study some medical problems, find the latest treatment methods for the treatment of influenza a (H1N1). The patient won't feel a little pain during treatment. I myself will write a book on medicine, the above are some of the latest treatments, provide a good


In recent years; the tense relationship between doctors and patients has caused extensive concern. As one important component of the social system. Physician-patients relationship plays a guiding and fundamental role in creating a harmonious healthcare environment. But the gap between the two groups is increasing and the disharmony between them happens regularly. With the improvement of living standards; people pay more and more attention to their body health. They think their body health is the most important thing; so when they go to hospital they will become very sensitive. But hospitals can’t do everything and not all patients can be cured well. Thus; the arguments between patients and doctors won’t be voided. Why the relationship between doctors and patients has become more and more unavoidable I think it has four causes. Firstly; the doctors and patients often lack good communication. Some doctors’attitude is so bad that it makes patients uncomfortable. Secondly; patients always think the hospital charge high fees. The doctors always let them to do some examinations; which are not necessary. There is lack of trust between patients and doctors. Thirdly; when a patient died in the hospital ; the family members would gather in or outside the hospital to ask much more compensation. However; the hospital didn’t want to pay that it. Finally; there is no denying that some doctors’ professional skills is very poor; and let patients do some unnecessary examination to earn more money. So these are cause the relationship between doctors and patients become more and more tense. How shall we build good human relationship between doctors and patients The government should increase investment in public health. Doctors and patients should follow the object law of medical science. Medicine can’t do everything. The most important is the doctors and patients should trust each other. So as a medical student; I wish the relationship between doctors and patients will become more and more harmonious.


建立良好医患沟通方式的重要性翻译英语作文 What is effective communication between doctors and patients? It should be admitted that the establishment of effective communication is essential and meaningful not only between doctors and patients but also between all individuals. However, this issue between doctors and patients have been heavily underlined these days as more challenges than ever emerged in today’s healthcare environment which caused by a breakdown in communication. According to recent literature and my personal understanding, effective communication consists of doctors and patients who are both good communicators. How can doctors be good communicators? Patients are suffered severely from their illnesses when they come to hospital, so it is important to comfort them physically and psychologically. It is presented in a paper that doctors have to listen carefully to the needs of their patients and share information in an appropriate way, tailored to the abilities of their patients, to reach satisfying outcomes. The key points are attentive listening and clear and understandable explaining. From my individual experience, doctor who explains tests and test results as well as answers questions honestly, open and in a language I can understand is able to relieve my anxiety in some extent. A research conducted in patients experienced injuries attributed to error and received compensation demonstrates that satisfaction was highest when communications are empathetic and nonadversarial, including compensation negotiations. Patients and families express a strong need to be heard and expected the attending physician to listen without interrupting during conversations about the event But the truth is that we hardly see doctors spend much


我的理想工作英语作文 导语:你未来想做什么呢?下面是 yuwenmi 小编为大家整理的优秀作文 ,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! The on-site English summer camp in the second week of the theme is "career planning". It is said that American children to a certain age the teacher will be according to their character code (the Netherlands) and their ideas for their design profession. I feel very curious also think in this way to design your ideal career. Into the classroom the teacher has a book to each of the students open after entering the eye is used to express a variety of professional has a team highway patrol scientists musicians a lifeguard politicians tunnel orderlies optometrists librarians etc. many professional I have not heard before. We circle on every page of your favorite career teacher again depending on the type of the most professional circle to preliminarily determine our ideal career. At the same time the teacher also let us do some games about choosing a career through these games further determine our code in Holland. Surprise I found my Dutch code is artistic and social that is to say my personality is more suitable for occupation design performance media fashion designers education and so on are mainly involved in the human services and art etc. But in fact I really want to be a scientist my dream is to work in the science museum the main research and invention can produce some machines to reduce the financial burden of human. Although my Dutch code and my dream career has some gaps but this class also let I seriously to think about my future career I will efforts toward my dream I hope one day I can really be top scientists to the benefit of mankind. 【参考译文】 美国现场英语夏令营的第二周主题是“职业生涯规划”。据说, 美国孩子到一定的年龄, 老师就会根据他们的性格特征(荷兰码)和他们的想法来 为他们设计职业。我觉得很好奇,也想通过这种方式来设计自己理想的职业。 到了教室, 老师给每个学生发了一个本子, 打开之后进入眼帘的是用图来表 达的各种各样的职业,有公路巡警队员、科学家、音乐家、救生员、政治家、隧



However, my ideal job is teaching. Firstly, I’m told that teachers have a high income. With the high income, I can open a training school to help the children in poor families with their education. Secondly, teachers always have summer and winter holidays, thus I will have more free time to relax myself. More importantly, teachers are angels to students, who can pass on the knowledge to students as well as help them develop their hobbies and interests. I can’t imagine how happy I will feel when I see my students become elites. In order to be a qualified teacher, I should read more books to acquire more knowledge, and train my patience and improve my communication and handwriting abilities. 我的理想工作英语作文篇2 Different people have various ambitions. Some want to be engineers or doctors in the future. Some want to be scientists or businessmen. Still some wish to be teachers or lawers when they grow up in the days to e. Unlike other people, I prefer to be a farmer. However, it is not easy to be a farmer for Iwill be looked upon by others. Anyway,what I am trying to do is to make great contributions to agriculture. It is well known that farming is the basic of the country. Above all, farming is not only a challenge but also a good opportunity for the young. We can also make a big profit by growing vegetables and food in a scientific way. Besides we can apply what we have learned in school to farming. Thus our countryside will bee more and more properous. I believe that any man with knowledge can do whatever they can so long as this job can meet his or her interest. All the working position can provide him with a good chance to bee a
