


老师叮咛;李辉老师说,“主题+态度+细节=破解任何一篇文章的三大法宝! 几乎每道阅读题目都来自这三大法宝!”因此,学会抓住全文主题,至关重要!本文也将通过对阅读理解主旨大意题的分析来展现准确判断出主题的方法。下文经过了全网首席高考英语名师李辉老师团队高度认真的整理校对,无错、可信!可供全国各省高中生打印,学习、背诵!


我们阅读一篇文章,首先是要了解其大意、明确其主旨。因此,主旨大意题是常考题型。主旨大意题包括:主要内容(main idea, mainly about)型、文章标题(best title)型、写作目的(PUrPOSe)型。





(1)当段落中出现表转折的词语(如however, but, in fact, actually等)时,该句很可能是主题句。



⑷表示总结或结论的话(常有therefore, thus, in ShOrtJ COnClUde9 COIlClIISiOn 等)。








(I)Main idea型:选择项多为陈述句,要求考生选择表达作者思想或观点的句子。孚干多为如下形式:

□Whafs the main idea/POint Of the passage?

□The PaSSage is mainly about ____________?

□The PaSSage is mainly COnCenIed about ______________ ?

CWIiiCh Of the following best StateS the HlaiIl idea Of the passage?

□Which Of the following StatementS best expresses the main idea/theme Of the passage? CIn this PaSSage the author discusses PrimariIy ____________ ?

□The SUbjeCt discussed in this text is _________ ?

匚The general/main idea Of the PaSSage is about ___________ ?

(2)Main PUrPOSe型:选择项多为动宾结构,要求考生找到主要的写作目的。常见以下几种题干形式:

□Whafs the PUrPOSe Of the passage?

匚The PaSSage is meant to __________ ?

匚The PUrPOSe Of the JirtiCIe is to _______ ?

□In this PaSSage9 the Writer tries to tell US that ________ ?

匚The PaSSage tells US that ________ ?

匚The author5s main PUrPOSe in Writing the PaSSage is to _____________ ?


匚The best title Of the PaSSage is ________ ?

CWIiiCh Of the following is the best title Of the passage?

□The best title for the PaSSage is ________ ?

□The most appropriate title Of the PaSSage is __________ ?


In the animal kingdom, WeakneSS Can bring about aggression in OtIler animal. ThiS SOmetimeS happens With humans also. BUt I have found that my WeakneSS brings OUt the kindness in people. I See it eveιy day When PeOPle hold doors for me9 POUr Cream into my coffee,Or help me Put On my COat And I have discovered that it makes them happy. FrOm my WheelChair experience,I See the best Side Of people... Oftelι9 We try every Way POSSible to avoid ShOWing OUr weakness. BUt OnIy WhelI We StOP Pretending λve9re brave Or StrOng do We allow PeOPle to ShOW the kindness thafs in them.

QueStion: WhiCll Of the following is the best title Or the passage?

A. A WIIeelCIlair EXPerienCe ?

B.WeaklleSS and KmdneSS?

C.WeakIleSS and SheIlgth?

D. A DriViilg EXPenenCe


解析:首先,进行题型的分析,通过对照上文中我们所总结的常见主旨题型,我们可以将本题定义为主旨大意题。在上文中我们也讲到了,解决主旨大意题, 最有效

的方法就是找到文章的主旨句。因为本题所问的是全文的主旨,所以我们需要去找的是整篇文章的主旨句。从文章开始读,"Intheaiiimalkiiigdom, WeakneSS Can bring about aggression in Other animal. ThiS SOmetimeS happens

With humans also.”作者在文章的开始就通过动物界“展现自己弱小可能会引发其他动物更加好战”的例子类比出人类也会出现相似的情况。在读完这句话后,我们可以很清楚地发现作者在阐发自己的一个观点,但如果我们不继续往下文阅读的话,我们很容易就把这一句话当成全文的主题句。但是文章的主题句绝不仅仅都是在文章的第一句就会给出的,所以我们在读文章时,也不要看完第一句就贸然的断定主

题句,而是应该再继续读一句,因为作者极有可能想通过举反例的方式來引出真正的主题。继续向下读,在下文中作者的态度果然出现了转折o U BUt I have found that mv WeakneSS brings OUt the kindness in PeoPle 与前文中所表达的“展现弱小会让

焉面更糟”的意思不同,作者在BUt转折后提出了“弱小也有可能会引发他人心中的善意”的观点。并且下文中作者分别从自己的所见所闻以及亲身经历通过举例子的方式论证了他的观点。并且在最终全文收束的部分再次点题“我们有时并不需要故意去掩藏自己的弱势,唯有如此,别人也才能有一个向我们表达善意的机会。因此,本文一直在围绕“弱势,缺点” 与“善良”之间的辩证关系进行探讨,所以主旨也自然与其相关,所以选择B。



SOme Of the WOrid,s most famous musicians recently gathered in PariS and

NeW OrIeanS to CeIebrate the first annual IlIternatiOnaI JaZZ Day.

UNESC0( United NatiOnS Educational, SCientifiC and CUltUral OrganiZatiOil)

recently Set APril 30 as a day to raise awareness Of JaZZ music, ItS SignifiCance9 and ItS POtentiaI as a Imifying(联合)VOiCe across CuItlIres.

DeSPite the CeIebrations, though, in the U.S. the JaZZ audience COntinUeS to

Shrink and grow older, and the music has failed to COnneCt Wlth younger generations.

It's JaSOn MOraiI^ job to help CIIange that. AS the Kennedy Center's artistic adviser for Jazz, MOran IIOPeS to Widell the audience for Jazz, Inake the InUSiC more accessible, and PreSel^r e its history and CUltUre/6Jazz SeemS Iike it,S IlOt really a Part Of the AmeriCan appetite/5 MOran tells NatiOnal PubIiC Radioes reporter Neal Conan. u WTiat Fm hoping to accomplish is that my generation and younger Start to reconsider and UnderStand that JaZZ is not black and VVrite anymore. IPS actually color, and it,S actually digital∕,Moran SayS One Of the PrObIemS With JaZZ today IS that the entertainment aspect Of the InUSiC has been IOSt “The music can,t be PreSented today the Way it WaS in 1908 Or 1958. It has to COntinUe to move, because the Way the WOrId WOrkS is not the same/5 SayS MOrane

LaSt year, MOraIl WOrked on a PrOjeCt that arranged FatS Waller9S music for a dance party, "Just to kind Of PUt it back in the mind that Waller is dance music as much as it is COnCert music/' SayS Moran. ^FOr me,it's the recontextualization< In music, Where does the emotion(情感)lie? Are we, as humans9 gaining any insight(感悟)On IIOW to talk about OUrSeIVeS and how SOmething as abstract as a Charlie Parker record gets US IntO a CiialOgUe about OlIr emotions and OUr thoughts? SOmetimeS We IOSe Slght that the

music has a VV T ider context』SayS MOrall^ “so I Wallt to COntinlIe those (IiaIOglies. ThOSe are the things I Want to foster.^

QlIeStion: WhiCh Of the following Can be the best title for the text?

A.EXPlOring the FUtUre Of Jazz.

B.The RiSe and Fail Of Jazz.

C.The StOry Of a JaZZ MUSiCian.

D.CeIebrating the JaZZ Day.



I first met PaUl NeWman in 196& When GeOrge ROy HiII9the diιτctor Of BUtCh CaSSidy and the SUndanCe KidJ introduced US in NeW YOrk City. When the StUdiO didn? Want me for the ∏lm— it Wanted SOmebOdV as Well known as PaUl— he StOOd UP for me? I don9t know how many PeOPie WOUld have done that; they WOUld have IiStened to their agents Or the StUdiO powers.

The friendship that grew OUt Of the experience Of making that film and The Sting four years Iater had its root in the fact that although there WaS an age difference, We both Came from a tradition Of theater and IiVe Tv We Were respectful Of Craft (技艺)and focused On digging into the CharaCterS We Were going to play. BOth Of US had the qualities and VirtUeS that are typical Of

AmeriCaIl actors: humorous, aggressive^ and making fun Of each Other— but always With an IInderlying affection. ThOSe Were also at the COre (核心)Of OUr relationship Off the screen.

We Shared the brief that If you5re fortunate enough to have success, you ShOUld PUt SOmething back— he With his Newman9S OWn food and his HOIe in the WaIl CanlPS for kids WhO are SeriOUSly ill,and me With SUndaIlCe and the institute and the festival. PaUl and I didn5t See each Other all that regularly, but Sharing that brought US together. We SUPPOrted each Other financially and by showing UP at events.

I IaSt SaW him a few months ago. HeM been in and OlIt Of the hospital. He and I both knew What the deal WaSJ and We didn't talk about it. OUrS WaS a relationship that didn5t need a IOt Of words.

Question: What is the author5s PUrPOSe in Writing the test?

A. TO ShOW his IOVe Of films.

B. TO Iemember a fiieiiD?

C. TO introduce a IIeW InOVie?D? TO Share IIiS acting expenence?答案:B


“They tell me that you,d Iike to make a StatUe(塑像)of me — is that correct, MiSS Vinnie Ream?”

The deep, gentle VOiCe IleIPed Calm the nervous girl. ASking a favor Of the PreSident Of the United StateS WaS no CaSUal matteη especially for a SeVelIteen-year-old girl.

“Yes,siι√, She replied, her dark eyes meeting his. U I WOUldn^ have dared to ask you, but my teacher, Mn Mills, SayS I am ready. I PIaIl to make it in an admirable manneι?R

PreSident LinCOin smiled. W Painters, SCUIPtOrS — they9ve all tided to make the best Of this OrdinaIy face, but Fm afraid there,S IIOt much hope. WhJit did

you have in mind,MiSS Ream? A bust (半身像)?"

BefOre Mnnie COUId Say yes, the PreSident hurried on9 a Sllade Of apology in his voice. “Of COUrSe — I ShOUIdn9t have asked. A full-length POSe WOIIId be much too big a PrOjeCt for a young WOman your size. R

Vinnie5s face turned red. She realized She IOOked Iike a ChiId9 With her tiny figure. W Snlall does not mean weak

5She defended herself. WaS born in the COUlItIy Of


WiSCOnSine I5ve driven teams Of horses and Carried Waten Making a full-length CIay (粘土)figure WOUId not exhaust my Strength — and that is What I intend to do!"

The PreSidenfS eyes, brightened at her ShOW Of spirit. ^SOrIy, madam9I have UndereStinlated you as I didn9t know your background. ”

BUt his SmiIe faded as he rubbed his beard With bony fingers, in thought W MiSS Ream,” he sighed, Iike to Iet you do it, but as you know, We are in the middle Of a War e HOW COUld I POSSibIy take the time to POSe for a SCUIPtUre now? I hardlv have a IIlinUte to mvself. ”

Vinnie glanced around and noted the SiZe Of his OffiCee 44I WOrk quickly异She said.

Her VOiCe WaS SOft but COnfideilt as She POinted to the COrner near the windows. "If I Were to bring my CIay here and WOrk for three hours eveιy afternoon^ I COUId COmPlete most Of the PrOjeCt While you are at your desk. ”

The PreSideIlt Seemed to COnSider her idea SeriOUsly. He got UP and ShOOk Vinnie9S hand WarmIyJ U FVe Ileard that you are a talented young woman,and I have found you Charming and intelligent as WeIL I CannOt make my decision immediately, but you will Ilear from me soon. M

The Very next day, Vimlie received an invitation from the PreSident.

Question: What message does the StOry convey?

A. A StrOng-WilIed SOUl Can reach IliS goal.

B. EXPenelICe IleIPS to PrOmOte

excellence ?

C. UPS and downs make One StrOng. D?DeVOtiOll requiι,es





