
August 21, 2011




Thank you, all, very much. (Applause.)


Mr. President, thank you for your gracious introduction. We have an expression in the United States Senate where I served for many years when we want to say something personal, we say, permit me a point of personal privilege. I would like to introduce you to two of my family members who I’ve brought along with me, my daughter-in-law Kathleen Biden and my granddaughter Naomi Biden. Would you guys stand? (Applause.)


It would be more appropriate to say Naomi brought me along with her since she’s a budding Chinese speaker, been taking Chinese fo r five years, so I’ve been listening to her on the whole trip.


I want to again thank you very much. I had a wonderful few days in Beijing and a series of very positive and productive conversations with Chinese leaders. And I’m pleased to make my first visit to western China, which has played such an incredible, such an incredible role in this nation’s proud, proud history, and which today is the vanguard of Chinese -- China’s high-tech future.


Two years ago, Sichuan province suffered one of the greatest natural disasters in China’s recent history. And the American people were inspired -- were inspired by

the way you all came together to help one another during that crisis. And I’m absolutely amazed as I drive around the city, and I’ll be moving out into the province later, after this speech -- I’m amazed at how quickly you have rebuilt and yo u have recovered.


The people of Chengdu, let me say simply that your hospitality has more than lived up to your reputation as the “land of abundance,” so again, thank you so very much for that hospitality.


It’s also great to be here on a university campus. I also want to thank our host, the university which counts amongst its alumni some of the most illustrious figures in recent Chinese history, including Zhu De and Ba Jin, both of whom are -- one a literary icon; the other, one of the most illustrious figures, and a founding father of the republic.


I’m also pleased to be joined today by -- he’s already been introduced -- but by our ambassador, our new ambassador Gary Locke whose grandfather came to the United States from Canton in the 1890s and toiled as a house servant in the United States in exchange for being able to get English language lessons. In less than two generations -- two generations later, Gary Locke, his grandson, has served as the governor of his home state of Washington, the U.S. Secretary of Commerce and the chief of mission in one our most important diplomatic posts in the world.


I share this story with you not because it’s unique, but because it is uniquely American. While not every child or grandchild of an immigrant will reach the pinnacle of society as Ambassador Locke has, America continues to put such possibilities within reach of

all those who seek our shores.


On my first visit to China, which was more than 30 years ago when I was a young United States senator in 1979, I was with the first delegation of congressional leaders to visit China after normalization. We had several days of business with then Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping. It was a very different country then, but what was absolutely clear to me was that China was on the cusp of a remarkable transformation. 在30多年前的1979年,我还是一个年轻的美国参议员,当时曾随美中关系正常化后的第一个国会领导人访华代表团首次前来中国访问。我们同当时的副总理邓小平开展了几天的公务活动。当时的中国与今天大不相同,但对我来说已经绝对明确的是,中国正处于天翻地覆的大变革的最前沿。

Changes were just getting underway. My first introduction here in Sichuan that would begin transforming a largely agrarian society into an engine of economic global and help lift hundreds of millions of people out of poverty was -- seemed to me clear at the time. That first visit came amid a debate in the United States of America similar to the one that exists today about how to view China’s emergence. Let me be clear -- let me be clear: I believed in 1979 and said so and I believe now that a rising China is a positive development, not only for the people of China but for the United States and the world as a whole.


A rising China will fuel economic growth and prosperity and it will bring to the fore a new partner with whom we can meet global challenges together. When President Obama and I took office in January of 2009, we made our relationship with China a top priority. We were determined to set it on a stable and sustainable course that would benefit the citizens of both our countries. Our Presidents have met nine times since then, including very successful state visits in Beijing and Washington, and have spoken numerous times by telephone.

中国的崛起将促进经济增长和繁荣,带来一个可共同应对全球挑战的新伙伴。2009年1月, 奥巴马总统和我就职时,我们将与中国的关系当作一项优先要务。我们决心使美中关系沿着稳定、可持续的轨道前进,造福于我们两国人民。自那


Direct discussions between senior policymakers and the personal ties that result from such discussions in my view over the last 35 years of conducting foreign policy are the keys to building cooperation. They're built on understanding. They allow us to better understand each other and allow us to define our interests in ways that are clear so that each o ne of us know what the other country’s interests are, and to see the world through the eyes of the other with the intention of preventing miscommunications and misconceptions that tend to fuel mistrust.


With that goal in mind, we have worked very hard to develop our cooperative partnership through more than 60 separate dialogues on issues of matter to both China and to the United States; and I would suggest to the world as a whole.


The premier forum is what we refer to as the Strategic and Economic Dialogue which brings together policymakers from across both governments to discuss a range of issues from trade barriers to climate change. But we also recognize -- we also recognized immediately on starting that the importance more directly addressing security issues, as well. That's why in May we jointly launched the first Strategic Security Dialogue, a new channel for civilian and military leaders to discuss sensitive topics, including cyber and maritime security. That's why it’s also important that our military leaders work together, get to know one another -- not just our political leaders, but our military leaders -- as Admiral Mullen and General Chen have begun to do in their recent exchange of meetings.


The fact is China and the United States face many of the same threats and share many of the same objectives and responsibilities. But because we sometimes view threats

from different perspectives -- that is China and the United States view them from different perspectives, our -- or favor a different way in dealing with what we perceive to be joint threats, our generals should be talking to each other alongside with our diplomats, as frequently as our diplomats do. Like China, the United States has a huge stake in the prosperity and stability of Asia and the Pacific.


I look forward to visiting two other Asian nations on this trip. When I leave China, I’ll go to Mongolia and then to Japan. The United States -- and I realize this occasionally causes some discomfiture -- but the United States is a Pacific power, and we will remain a specific power -- a Pacific power.


Over the last 60 years, no country has done more than we have to ensure the stability and security of the Asian-Pacific region. And I’d respectfully suggest that has been good for China, allowing China to focus on domestic development and to benefit from a growing market.


America’s focus on this critical region will only grow in the years to come as Asia plays an even greater role in the global economy and international affairs.


As President Obama said in Tokyo during his first visit to Asia as President, and I quote: “The United States of America may have started as a series of ports and cities along the Atlantic Ocean, but for generations, we have also been a nation of the Pacific. Asia and the United States are not separated by this great ocean, we are bound by it.”



That's why we’ve begun this dialogue, this Asia-Pacific Dialogue on issues -- to expand cooperation in the region where we both live and operate.


Let me give you another example of our security cooperation. The United States and China are also working as international -- with international partners to counter the threat posed by the spread of nuclear weapons, materials and technology, so called nonproliferation. Along with 46 other world leaders, President Hu honored us by joining President Obama and me at the Nuclear Security Summit in April of last year, and our nations are now collaborating on a center for excellence to provide nuclear security in China.


In my discussions with Vice President Xi this week, I said we have to deepen our conversations on the world’s two primary nuclear proliferating challenges: North Korea and Iran. I know that China shares our concerns, but some of you may wonder why our focus -- the focus of the United States is so intense. The reason is clear: If armed with nuclear weapons on long-range missiles, North Korea and Iran would pose a direct and serious threat to the security of the United States of America and our allies. It would present an existential threat. That is why -- that is why we’ve been working with China and our in ternational partners to maintain peace and stability on the Korean peninsula and to achieve a complete denuclearization of North Korea. And it is why as the Iranian government continues its illicit nuclear program, we have worked with a range of partners and international institutions to enact the toughest sanctions that Iran has ever faced.


Without vigilant implementation of these sanctions, Iran will evade the consequences of the actions and diplomacy will not be effective in stopping their nuclear program. So we will continue to look to China to send a clear message to Iranian leaders through its words and its deeds that they, Iran, must live up to their international obligations.


There are many other security challenges that the United States and China share. From Afghanistan, to Pakistan, to the Sudan -- and we have been and will continue to discuss our mutual interests and concerns. Continuing to develop our security dialogue and cooperation is the surest way to meet these joint challenges.


Economic issues -- to state the obvious -- have been a particular focus of our nations’ growing cooperation. Together, we’re working to promote economic growth that is strong, sustainable and balanced, and trade that is free and fair.


Trade and investment between our countries are growing rapidly in both countries, in both directions, creating jobs and economic opportunities in both countries.


We often hear about Chinese exports to the United States, but last year American companies in America exported $110 billion worth of goods and services to China, supporting hundreds of thousands of jobs in America. The American people and the Chinese people are hopefully -- are becoming aware that it’s in our mutual interest in each of our countries to promote that exchange.


A more prosperous China will mean more demand for American-made goods and services and more jobs back home in the United States of America. So our desire for

your prosperity is not borne out of some nobility. It is in our self-interest that China continue to prosper.


Every day it becomes clear that as the world’s two largest economies with ever growing ties of investment and commerce, what you do matters to us and matters to the American people. And what we do matters to you and to the people of China. To state it bluntly, we have a stake in one another’s success.


Just as putting America’s fiscal policy on a long-term sustainable path is important not only to the United States but to China, to China’s economy, shifting China economy, which the 12th five-year plan calls for, to rely more heavily on consumer demand in China is not only important to China, but it’s important to the United States of America.


As Chinese leaders have told me, this five-year plan will require them to take a number of steps including continuing their effort to move toward a more flexible exchange rate. It’s in China’s interest, but it’s also overwhelmingly in the interest of the United States.


In this time of uncertainty in global -- in the global economy, it is all the more important that we take the difficult but necessary steps together and along with our G20 partners continue to sustain the global recovery and create jobs and prosperity. We’re the two biggest engines in the world to be able to do that. As I said in May, when I opened the annual Strategic and Economic Dialogue in Washington, I said, “For many of the world’s most pressing challen ges, it is a simple fact that when the United States and China are not at the table, the solution to the problem is less possible.”



But even as we cooperate, the United States and China also will compete, and competition is healthy. We will compete in global politics and global economics. And also -- also it is a feature of global politics and economics. It’s also a feature of human nature to observe others, to consider how they measure up, to strive to be the best, that's good for both of us. Genuine competition pushes companies, our companies and our people to perform better, and we should reject the misplaced notion of the zero-sum game in which everything one nation achieves somehow comes at the expense of the other. It is the opposite.


So make no mistake, America not only welcomes this healthy competition; competition is stitched into the very fabric of our society and our economic system. And while I may be a little biased, I have overwhelming confidence in the capability of the American people to compete on a level playing field with any nation and any peoples in the world.


But for this competition to benefit us both, it must take place on a level playing field with rules that are clear and treat all countries fairly and equally. Although the United States and China are working hard to get this right, we still face obstacles of doing business in each other’s countries. That's why I acknowledged on this trip the United States should undertake to make it easier for Chinese business people to obtain visas to travel to the United States. It takes much too long for that to happen. That’s not in our interest.


And while we are in the midst -- also it’s the reason why the President once he took office ordered for the first time in decades, ordered -- we’re in the midst of a total reform of our export control system. Already, we have made thousands of new items available for export to China for exclusive civilian use that were not available before, some of which require a license, while others don't. And tens of thousands of more items will become available very soon.


That's a significant change in our export policy and a rejection of those voices in America that say we should not export that kind of technology to -- for civilian use in China. We disagree, and we’re changing.


But it’s also why we are troubled when American investors are prohibited from having wholly owned, fully owned subsidiaries of their own company in many sectors in China and excluded from sectors, entirely excluded from competing in other sectors; restrictions that no other major economy in the world imposes on us or anyone else so broadly. That's why we have pushed Chinese officials to protect intellectual property rights. We have welcomed the Chinese State Council’s recent campaign to enforce intellectual property rights, a commitment that President Hu made when he visited and he’s keeping. But the effort must be strengthened and extended.


According to the International Trade Commission, American companies lose $48 billion a year and tens of thousands of jobs because of pirated goods and services. These protections -- intellectual property protections not only benefit the United States and United States workers, United States companies, but I would argue Chinese companies, as well, as they increasingly seek to safeguard their own creations.



You’re here at this great university. It’s very much in your interest that intellectual property be protected because some of you are the future artists, the future entertainers, the future innovators who will want to be able to have a market for what you do. But if it can be acquired cheaply and pirated, why would anybody pay you for the same service?


America’s focus on global security, free trade and economic fairness is longstanding. Since the end of World War II, we’ve helped build an international system that promotes peace and stability, gives all states the opportunity to share in global prosperity and provides rules to protect the basic human rights of all citizens.


China’s tremend ous progress in my view can be attributed to the industriousness and talent of the Chinese people, as well as its leadership. But it was made possible, I respectfully suggest, by an international architecture that promoted stability and prosperity and enables upward mobility for all countries. I know that many Chinese and probably many of you students believe that your nation will continue on a path of greater prosperity. I agree that it will. That is my view, my prediction. But I also know that some o f you are skeptical about America’s future prospects.


With that in view, I would like to suggest that I respectfully disagree with that view and will allay your concerns. Let me put this in perspective so you can understand why the American people are also confident about their future. America today is by far the world’s largest economy with a GDP of almost $15 trillion, about two and a half times as large as China’s, the second largest; with a per-capita GDP which is more than $47,000 -- 11 times that of China’s. I’ve read that some Chinese are

concerned about the safety of your investments in American assets. Please understand, no one cares more about this than we do since Americans own 87 percent of all our financial assets and 69 percent of all our treasury bonds, while China owns 1 percent of our financial assets and 8 percent of our treasury bills respectively.


So our interest is not just to protect Chinese investment. We have an overarching interest in protecting the investment, while the United States has never defaulted -- and never will default.


I also have confidence in the fundamentals of our economy. Vice President Xi said it best I think when he told a group of Chinese and American business leaders with whom we met the day before yesterday, and I quote him, he said, “the U.S. economy is highl y resilient and has a strong capacity to repair itself.” He is right. I believe America is even better equipped to compete in the economy of the future than it was of the economy of the past. In the 20th century, the wealth of nation was primarily measured by the abundance of its natural resources, the expanse of its landmass, the size of its population and the potency of its army. But I believe in the 21st century, the true wealth of a nation will be found in the creative minds of its people and their ability to innovate -- to develop the technologies that will not only spawn new products, but create and awaken entire new industries. The United States is hardwired for innovation. It’s part of our DNA from our earliest days. It has enabled generation after generation of Americans to give life to world-changing ideas -- from the cotton gin, to the airplane, to the microchip, to the Internet, to the world-leading companies like General Electric, Ford, Microsoft and Google. And I could go on and on.



These accomplishments were made possible not because there’s anything unique about an American. It’s hard to define what an American is. Shortly, 50 percent of the American population -- less than 50 percent will be of European stock. So we are the most -- we are an incredibly heterogeneous nation. That's part of our strength. That's part of the boundless capacity of the American people. But it’s also because of the enduring strength of our political and economic system and the way we educate our children, a system that welcomes immigrants from across the globe who enrich our national fabric and revitalize our diverse multi-ethnic society. And I would point out, we are still the destination where most people in the world seek to come. People usually don't seek to come to a nation in decline.


A system that trains students not merely to learn and accept established orthodoxy, but to challenge orthodoxy, challenge their professors, challenge the ideas put forward to them, encourage individual thought and innovation; a system that not only tolerates free expression and vigorous debate, including between citizens and their government, but celebrates and promotes those exchanges; a system in which the rule of law protects private property, provides a predictable investment climate, and ensures accountability for the poor and wealthy alike; and a system with universities that remain -- notwithstanding, and this is a great university -- the ultimate destination for scholars from around the world. More than 130 thousand students from China attended our universities last year. We’re hoping that number will be even larger.


China has followed a very different economic and political path to prosperity, enhancing some aspects of a free-market system, while resisting political openness

and maintaining the state’s deep involvement in economic affairs. That's a decision for you to make.


Maybe the biggest difference in our respective approaches are our approaches to what we refer to as human rights. I recognize that many of you in this auditorium see our advocacy of human rights as at best an intrusion, and at worst an assault on your sovereignty. I want to tell you directly that this is not our intention. Yes, for Americans there is a significant moral component to our advocacy. And we observed where we have failed, as well. But it is who our people are.


But President Obama and I see protecting human rights and freedoms, we see it in a larger context, a s well. Protecting freedoms such as those enshrined in China’s international commitments and in China’s own constitution -- we see them as a key aspect of China’s successful emergence and the key continued growth and prosperity.

I know that some in China believe that greater freedom could threaten economic progress by undermining social stability. I do not pretend to have the answer, but I believe history has shown the opposite to be true, that in the long run, greater openness is a source of stability and a sign of strength, that prosperity peaks when governments foster both free enterprise and free exchange of ideas, that liberty unlocks a people’s full potential. And in its absence, unrest festers.


Openness, free exchange of ideas, free enterprise and liberty are among the reasons why the United States, in my view, is at this moment the wealthiest nation in the history of the world. It’s why our workers are among the most productive, why our inventors and entrepreneurs hold more patents than any other country in the world, why we are reinvesting in the fundamental sources of our strength -- education,

infrastructure, innovation, and why President Obama and I are so confident that America will weather the current economic storm and emerge even stronger, just as we always have i n past economic crises, and why there’s no reason why China cannot tap into the same source of strength.


Going forward together is going to have a lot of growing pains. As I said at the outset, in just over 30 years since I first came to China, your progress has been nothing short of incredible. I can see that here in Chengdu, the city that is leading the effort to become a major player in the innovation economy, you can feel it. You can see it in the eyes of some of you students.


Looking at this audience, there are some among you who will be the new pioneers in China’s economic development, leaving your mark on history. Just like Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple and others have had in the United States, you have the capacity and the potential and I’m sure some of you will do it.


I’m also proud that m ore than 160 Fortune 500 companies are operating in Chengdu High-tech Zone, including pioneer American businesses like Intel, Dell and Oracle. The U.S.-China relationship has also improved dramatically in the past 30 years. In order to cement this robust partnership, we have to go beyond close ties between Washington and Beijing, which we’re working on every day, go beyond it to include all levels of government, go beyond it to include classrooms and laboratories, athletic fields and boardrooms.



That's why we launched our 100,000 Strong Initiative to boost the number of American students studying in China each year and have maintained a robust Peace Corps presence. How many Peace Corps volunteers are here today? Raise your hands. We love you guys. Welcome. Welcome. (Applause.)


Last year, over 800,000 Chinese and 2 million Americans traveled between our countries to live, work, study and explore new places. On a personal note, I've seen the value of these exchanges through the experiences of my niece, a young woman who learned Mandarin at Harvard and spent a year in Beijing refining her language skills and ultimately worked at our Treasury Department on U.S.-China relations. There are tens of thousands of you like her, who are going to be the key to cement this relationship and deal with misconception and form the relevant societies about the motivations and operations of each of our countries.


These ties among our people are the life blood of our emerging partnership. The bottom line is this: As great nations and as global actors, the United States and China face many of the same challenges and share many of the same responsibilities. And the more we can work together, the more our people will benefit and -- as I said before it sounds chauvinistic, but the more the world will benefit as a consequence of our cooperation.


President Obama and I will continue the important work of making this partnership even more positive, cooperative and comprehensive in the coming years. And I hope -- I hope that my visit can serve as a step toward these goals and toward strengthening that bond.


So I thank you all for the honor of being here. More importantly, I thank you for taking the time to listen.


And with the permission of your president -- they tell me I don't have any time, but I never like to leave a university without at least taking a few questions. So I hope it’s permissible for me to able to take a few questions from the audience. Is that permissible, Mr. President. Is that okay? All, right. Thank you.


As yo u can see as Vice President, I’m used to always checking with presidents first. (Laughter.) I’d be happy to take a couple questions. My staff is going to get angry if I take too much time. But, please, there’s microphones in both aisles, I guess. And I -- I can’t see with the light. Gentleman all the way in the back waving both hands. It must be important.


Q: Good morning, Mr. President [sic]. And I’m a -- student from the medical school of Sichuan University. But my question is about economy first. And as you know that the China holds about $1 trillion U.S. bonds of treasury bonds. And that much money -- actually the value is uncertain because of the downgrade of U.S. credit rating. You seem to have instilled the confidence of the U.S. financial well-being into young people today because I heard you say that the U.S. economy is really resilient. And -- but words alone cannot ease the mounting concern over the safety of China’s assets. So we would like to hear more about what measures you’re going to implement to reduce those deficits and redeem the financial strength of America.

THE VICE PRESIDENT: It’s a very good question. One of the mu ltiple rating agencies reduced our rating from AAA to -- plus -- come down one notch. And that was very disturbing and bothersome to us, and we have to deal with is.

副总统:这个问题提得很好。多家评级机构中有一家把我们的信贷评级从AAA 下调了一级。这件事造成了一些困扰,对我们来说是个麻烦,我们不得不应对。

We do have a deficit that I was asked by the President to head up a commission to try to deal with that deficit. And we made some significant progress, but not the progress we could have made and will make. The bottom line is we have to deal with two elements of our economy. One is what we call entitlement programs -- long-term commitments to our people in the area of particularly Medicare. That is the safety net we have for people once they reach the age of 65 to be able to be assured that they have health care.


And it is not sustainable without some changes in large part because we had what we call a ba by boom, which doesn’t sound like much to Chinese -- 40 million people is not a big deal, I know. (Laughter.) But adding 40 million people to those who will benefit from the Medicare -- Medicaid payment -- Medicare payments has put the program in a position where changes have to be made.


It’s easy to make those changes, and we had a tentative agreement to do that between the major political leaders of the Republican Party and the Democratic Party and the administration. But there is a group within the Republican Party that is a very strong voice now that did -- wanted different changes, and so that deal fell through at the very end.


What we ended up doing is setting up a system whereby we did cut by $1.2 trillion upfront, the deficit over the next 10 years. And we set up a group of senators that

have to come up with another $1.2 to $1.7 trillion in savings or automatically there will be cuts that go into effect in January to get those savings. So the savings will be accomplished. But as I was talking to some of your leaders, you share a similar concern here in China. You have no safety net. Your policy has been one which I fully understand -- I’m not second-guessing -- of one child per family. The result being that you’re in a position where one wage earner will be taking care of four retired people. Not sustainable.


So hopefully we can act in a way on a problem that's much less severe than yours, and maybe we can learn together from how we can do that.


But in the meantime, the concern that we will not make good on the investments that people have made -- in your case up to $1.7 trillion total out of a very large economy is not to worry about. We could not afford -- we could not afford not to make good on that requirement.


And that's why the irony was that in the Treasury offering in the first four days after the downgrade, more people actually came and bought our treasuries than before. And the interest rate paid on those treasury notes actually went down because they were so much in demand. So obviously, the rest of the world didn't think we were about not to. If the world thought, my God, they’ve been downgraded, and they are not going to make good on their debt, it would not have been viewed as the safest haven in the whole world to invest. We are still -- for all the economic difficulties nation’s have -- we are still the single best bet in the world in terms of where to invest. 这也就是为什么有意思的是,就国债发行而言,在降级后的最初四天里,其实有比过去更多的人来购买我们的国库券。而且需求之大,这些债券的利息率还降低了。所以显然,世界其他地方没有认为我们将要不行了。如果全世界认为,天哪,


And so -- but we do have to deal with the deficit. We will deal with it, and that's what this 2012 election is going to be about. The American people are going to speak on that.


Now, look, one last point, both our countries are going through a political transition in 2012. And it’s very important in my view that we both are aware of the political sensitivities in each of the countries as they go through that. But I’m confident we will come out stronger, as will you. But I don't in any way suggest -- please don't have the press read that Biden said that $1.7 trillion investment in the United States is not a big deal. It is a big deal if you are a Chinese. (Laughter.) It is not a big deal in terms of our financial instruments. It is a very small part, and so the Chinese people should take solace. In order for us not to make good on China’s debt, we would have to disappoint tens of millions of Americans who own 85 percent of that debt. And just in pure political terms, no politician wants to do that. (Laughter.) You’re safe. (Applause.)


THE VICE PRESIDENT: Question. Young man in the striped shirt here. Can you get him the microphone?

Q: Thank you, very much, Your Excellency Vice President. I see you not just as the Vice President but a veteran and accomplished public speaker.


英语演讲比赛获奖感言范文5篇600字左 右 英语演讲比赛获奖感言篇一 亲爱的老师、同学们,大家好! 我叫崔允航,今年10岁,是科技少年宫英语中心张莉老师新概念班级的学生,喜欢唱歌、看书及弹钢琴。 为了培养我对英语的兴趣,2008年2月,我参加了“ACT全国青少年英语口语电视大赛”并获得了小学A组金奖。2008年8月我到包头市科技少年宫学习新概念英语,我把每周上课的两个小时当做了一周里最快乐的时光,使我感受到了英语带给我的无穷乐趣,我的英语也有了很大的提高。 我非常喜欢英语,也渴望能够将自己内心对英语的热爱通过舞台展现给大家,这次演讲比赛给了我锻炼的机会和展示的平台,能够在这次比赛中获得二等奖的成绩,我非常惊喜。我要感谢老师们对我的信任和支持、培养和关爱。 通过学习英语,我明白了英语不仅仅是交流的工具,它也使我的生活更加色彩斑斓。 妈妈常对我说“学好一门外语,你就像长了一对飞向世界的翅膀”。是老师们给了我这对展翅欲飞的翅膀,我希望自己将来能飞得更高更远。 英语演讲比赛获奖感言篇二 经过海事附中的复赛和决赛,我终于又一次站在领奖台上。此时此刻,感慨颇多。比赛一轮接一轮,一切终于结束。一直自信应该进入总决赛,但真的没有想到能得特等奖。算是圆了自己的一个小小的梦想,也算是给育明高中争来了一个小小的荣誉。 首先,我要感谢英语组的长虹老师,晓娜老师,还有韩非老师。长虹老师忙前忙后为我争取了比赛名额,给予了我这次弥足珍贵机会。晓娜老师还有韩非老师一直陪我比完了两场比赛,为我加油鼓劲。难怪其他学校的选手听说我有老师陪着嫉

妒地说你真幸福。哎,谁叫我是育明这个团结上进而又温暖的集体中的一员呢? 现在回首那一个星期马不停蹄的准备,心中升腾起一阵蓦然的温暖与幸福。尤记得晓娜老师利用自己的休息时间,一遍又一遍的听我背稿,又从网上下来海量问题与我练习即兴演讲这部分的比赛项目,让我在走上舞台时心中满溢着无比的自信。尤记得临赛前同学们澄澈的祝福,让我坚实而坦然地走好了每一步。 同时,我还要谢谢一直伴着我走过九年英语学习历程的我的母亲。是她的严格要求让我有了今天的成绩。从cctv英语演讲大赛的省优胜奖,到未来被英语演讲比赛特等奖,再到枫叶杯初中组金奖,从全国奥林匹克英语小学组全国二等奖,到全国奥林匹克初中组大连市第一名全国一等奖,到如今海附杯特等奖,都有她不可磨灭的功劳。遥想来,母亲付出了太多太多。小时候,在外面学英语。她担心我一个人在学校会害怕,会被人欺负(我从来都是和比我大很多的同学一起上课),她便舍弃悠闲周末的时光,整个下午泡在外语学校里,经常一坐就是五六个小时。现在想来,心里总是有点酸涩的怅然,不知不觉又红了眼圈。甚至可以说,没有母亲的付出,就不会有我今天的辉煌。 换个话题把。谈到学习英语的体会和经验,我想说积累足够的词汇量是最重要的。词汇量大的英语学习者一般听说读写译每一项都很出色,词汇量小的人怎么听,怎么说,怎么写,怎么译都很难有实质性的飞跃。总有人问学英语有什么窍门,我回忆过去的路,想到的只有认认真真的学习和踏踏实实的慢慢进步。更多的人问学英语有什么方法,我觉得最重要的可能是随时叩问自己现在的方法有效吗,自己在进步吗。如果付出了汗水而没有收获果实,那就说明方法需要调整。我不想明确的描述一种或几种方法,应为我觉得大家应该各有不同的最适方法。但是方法永远只是形式,汗水才是真金子。最好的学生应该是既刻苦,又知道有效得刻苦的人。 最后再一次感谢在这次比赛中支持我的老师、同学、家长。同时祝愿所有的同学们在各科学习中能青云缓步共升平,无愧于育明人这一光荣的称号。谢谢。 英语演讲比赛获奖感言篇三 作为中澳班一年一度的特色活动,今年的09级英语演讲比赛历时约半个月。在全年级同学的参与下,先后经历了班内初赛、年级半决赛、决赛三轮。


《大学英语(三)》模拟试题一》 第一部分:交际用语(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分) 此部分共有10个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并用铅笔将答案题卡上的相应字母涂黑。示例。 1、- Hello, I'd like to speak to Mark, please. - ____B____ A.Yes, I'm Mark. B.This is Mark speaking. C.It's me here. D.This is me. 2、- Thanks for inviting me, John, but I've already made other plans. - ____C_____. Maybe another time. A.I hope you enjoy it B.That's good C.Oh! I'm sorry to hear that D.Great! I really had a good time 3、-Thank you for your help. - ____B_____. A.It doesn't matter B.You're welcome

C.You're kind D.I don't think so 4、- Let me help you carry the suitcase. - _____A____ A.It's OK. I can manage. B.It's not very light. C.I can help you with it. D.Put it down on the ground. 5、- Sorry to give you so much trouble. - ____C_____ A.I think so. B.Oh, I'm sorry. C.It's OK. D.You are busy. 6、-You speak very good English. -____A____. A.It's very kind of you to say so B.No, I can't C.You are right D.That's all right 7、- Would you mind if we asked you for some advice? - ____C____


1.反馈控制系统又称为(B ) A.开环控制系统 B .闭环控制系统 B.扰动顺馈补尝 D .输入顺馈补偿 2.位置随动系统的主反馈环节是(A ) A .电压负反馈 B .电流负反馈 C .转速负反馈 D .位置负反馈 3.如果典型二阶系统的单位阶跃响应为减幅振荡(又称阻尼振荡),则其阻尼比(C ) Aξ<0 Bξ=0 C0<ξ<1 D ξ≥1 4.G(s)= 1/[(S+1)(S+2)(S+3)(S+4)]环 节的对数相频特性的高频渐近线斜率为(D ) A -20d B B-40dB C-60dB D-80dB 5.某自控系统的开环传递函数G(s)= 1/[(S+1)(S+2)] ,则此系统为( A ) A .稳定系统 B .不稳定系统 C .稳 定边界系统 D .条件稳定系统 6.若一系统的特征方程式为(s+1)2(s -2)2+3=0,则此系统是(C ) A 稳定的 B 临界稳定的 C 不稳定 D .条件稳定的 7.下列性能指标中的(D )为系统的稳态指标。 A.σP B.t s C.N D.e ss 8.下列系统中属于开环控制的为( C) A.自动跟踪雷达 B.数控加工中心 C.普通车床 D.家用空调器 9.RLC 串联电路的系统应为(D)环节。 A 比例 B.惯性 C.积分 D.振荡 10.输出信号与输入信号的相位差随频率变化的关系是(B )。 A.幅频特性 B.相频特性 C.传递函数 D.频率响应函数 1.奈奎斯特图分析闭环控制系统的 (A )A.稳态性能 B.动态性能 C.稳态和动态性能 D.抗扰性能 2.有一线性系统,其输入分别为u 1(t)和u 2(t)时,输出分别为y 1(t)和y 2(t)。 当输入为a 1u 1(t)+a 2u 2(t)时(a 1,a 2为常 数),输出应为(B ) A.a 1y 1(t)+y 2(t) B.a 1y 1(t)+a 2y 2(t) C.a 1y 1(t)-a 2y 2(t) D.y 1(t)+a 2y 2(t) 3.某串联校正装置的传递函数为 G c (S)=K S S T 1T 1+β+(0<β<1),则该装置 是( A ) A.超前校正装置 B.滞后校正装置 C.滞后超前 D.超前滞后校正装置 4.1型系统开环对数幅频渐近特性的 低频段斜率为( B ) A.-40(dB/dec) B.-20(dB/dec) C.0(dB/dec) D.+20(dB/dec) 5.开环传递函数G(s)H(s)=) p s )(p s () z s (K 211+++,其中p 2>z 1>p 1>0,则实轴上的根轨迹(A ) A.(-∞,-p 2],[-z 1,-p 1] B.(- ∞,-p 2] C.[-p 1,+ ∞] D.[-z 1,-p 1] 6.设系统的传递函数为 G(s)=1 s 5s 2512 ++,则系统的阻尼比为 C. 21 7.设单位负反馈控制系统的开环传递函数G o (s)=) a s (s K +,其中K>0,a>0,则闭环控制系统的稳定性与( D ) A.K 值的大小有关 B .a 值的大小有关 C.a 和K 值的有关 D.a 和K 值的无关 8. 在伯德图中反映系统动态特性的是 B. 中频段 9. 设开环系统的频率特性G(j ω)=2 ) j 1(1 ω+,当ω=1rad/s 时,其频率特性幅值G(1)=(D ) A. 1 B. 2 C.21 D. 41 10. 开环传递函数为G(s)H(s)=) 3s (s K 3+,则实轴上的根轨迹为( D )。 A.[-3,∞] B. [0,∞] C. (-∞,-3) D. [-3,0] 1.实验中可以从( D )获取频率特性。A.稳定的线性和非线性系统 B. 不稳定的线性和非线性系统 C.不 稳定的线性系统 D. 稳定的线性系统2.传递函数的概念适用于(D )系统。 A .线性、非线性 B. 线性 非时变 C .非线性定常 D. 线性定常 3.系统的动态性能包括( B )。 A 稳定性平稳性 B.平稳性快速性 C 快速性稳定性 D.稳定性准确性 4. 确定系统根轨迹的充要条件是C A 根轨迹的模方程B.根轨迹的相方程 C 根轨迹增益 D 根轨迹方程的阶次 5 .正弦信号作用于线性系统所产生的频率响应是( A ) A .输出响应的稳态分量 B. 输出响应的暂态分 量 C .输出响应的零输入分量 D. 输出响应的零状态分量 6.系统的传递函数完全决定于系统 的 ( C )。A .输入信号 B.输出信号C.结构和参数D.扰动信号7.控制系统的相位稳定裕量反咉 了系统的 ( B )。A .稳定性 B.稳态性能C.快速性 D.动态性能8.一般来说,系统增加积分环节,系统的稳定性将( B )。 A .变好 B.变坏 C.不变 D.可能9.系统开环对数幅频特性L(ω)中频段主要参数的大小对系统的 ( D )性能无影响。A.动态 B. 稳态 C. 相对稳定性 D. 响应的快速性10.反馈控制系统又称为( B ) A .开环控制系统 B .闭环控制系统 C 扰动顺馈补偿 D 输入顺馈补偿 1.单位斜坡函数f(t)=t 的拉氏变换式F(s)=( D ) A.s B.1 C .S 2 D . 1/S 2 2.单位抛物线输入函数r(t)的数学表达式是r(t)=(D ) A .at 2 B .1/2 Rt 2 C .t 2 3.当二阶系统特征方程的根为具有负实部的复数根时,系统的阻尼比C A ζ<0 B ζ=0 C0<ζ<1 D ζ≥1 4.已知单位反馈控制系统在阶跃函数作用下,稳态误差e ss 为常数,则此系统为B .I 型系统 5.设某环节的传递函数为G(s)=1 21 +s ,当ω=0.5rad /s 时,其频率特性相位移θ(0.5)=(A) A .- 4π B .-6π C .6π D 4 π 6超前校正装置的最大超前相角趋D .90°


2011年四川大学华西药学院706药学综合(转自小木虫) 一部分:物理化学 单选题14道3分一道,每章节都涉及 计算题1道8分,参看第四章完全不互溶双液体系水蒸气消耗系数蒸出有机物的百分质量分数 二部分:分析化学 1~10题单选11~20多选均3分一道 判断题20道2分一道总体难度不大,但个别几道比较偏。分析化学覆盖面相当的广泛,无论书上有无现成的都很可能考到,要求考生复习过程中看书要多注意细节,多做练习题,真题等,不仅仅是四川大学的练习题。 三部分:有机化学 排序题5道4分一道,难度不是很大,要求考生复习多注意细节,多做练习题,第五版教材和第六版教材结合看。 化学方程式50分5分一道,个别题偏难 合成题30分10分一道,11年的第二道比较难的原因涉及磷酸基的去除,仅看教材的话(非常抱歉我看了那么多遍人卫版的教材包括药科大的练习册真的没见过磷酸基的去除,曾经见过一博士师兄的笔记本他还说磷酸基是易离去基,可能刑其毅的书有讲到),其余两道难度适中,但这都是主观题,要求不仅仅是做出来。 四部分:生物化学 名词解释12分2分一道,其中信号肽和反义核酸我见过但没仔细记过,所以到最后一刻为了不开天窗乱编的,其余难度不大。 选择题填空题呵呵这两道单分多少忘记了,总体难度适中,个别细节问题有时候是很难把握的。简答题15分5分一道酶的比活力及其意义;遗传中心法则;造成蛋白质变性的主要原因及在蛋白质分离提纯过程中的注意事项....O(∩_∩)O~《药物分析生物学》这本书的考试内容是融合在生物化学书中的,各个学校学的不一样,有些生物化学学得比较远把遗传这些都学了的,就不用再花时间看《药物分子生物学》了。 2012年的同学多多加油哦O(∩_∩)O~仔细复习打牢基础是关键,多做练习特别是真题是王道,复习过程是非常艰辛的,特别是分析化学是看完一遍几天不看又会忘记,细节实在太多了,有些题考得也是在太偏太细了有时候只能靠猜,但直觉也需要实力做基础,总之就是无论复习有多困难要相信自己!祝大家考研成功!有梦想的人很伟大,为梦想而踏实奋斗的人更伟大! 2009年四川大学华西药学院药学综合考研试题(转自小木虫) 09华西药学综合 物理化学部分 25道选择题,每个章节均有3,4题,但是主要是考基础,不用过多的做难题,抓住课本基础是关键 分析化学部分 60分选择题,10个单选,10个多选,也不是很难,多选题考得会比较广,不是看书就可以搞定的也会比较细,40分20道选择题 有机化学部分 30分排序题,这部分不是很难,40分方程式,比较难,和以前真题有较大出入,30分合成题也是很难,有机建议多做题找感觉


第一篇:英语演讲比赛演讲稿 英语演讲比赛演讲稿 【演讲稿01】if i were a boy again 假如我又回到了童年 if i were a boy again, i would practice perseverance(毅力)more often, and never give up a thing because it was hard or inconvenient. if we want light, we must conquer darkness. perseverance can sometimes equal genius in its results. “there are only two creatures,” says a proverb, “who can surmount the pyramids—the eagle and the snail.” if i were a boy again, i would school myself into a habit of attention; i would let nothing e between me and the subject in hand. i would remember that a good skater never tries to skate in two directions at once. the habit of attention bees part of our life, if we begin early enough. i often hear grown-up people say “i could not fix my attention on the lecture or book, although i wished to do so” , and the reason is, the habit was not formed in youth. if i were to live my life over again, i would pay more attention to the cultivation of the memory. i would strengthen that faculty by every possible means, and on every possible occasion. it takes a little hard work at first to remember things accurately; but memory soon helps itself, and gives very little trouble. it only needs early cultivation to bee a power. if i were a boy again, i would look on the cheerful side. life is very much like a mirror: if you smile upon it, i smile back upon you; but if you frown and look doubtful on it, you will get a similar look in return. inner sunshine warms not only the heart of the owner, but of all that e in contact with it. “who shuts love out ,in turn shall be shut ou t from love.” finally, instead of trying hard to be happy, as if that were the sole purpose of life, i would, if i were a boy again, i would still try harder to make others happy. 【译文】假如我又回到了童年,我做事要更有毅力,决不因为事情艰难或者麻烦而撒手不干,我们要光明,就得征服黑暗。毅力在效果上有时能同天才相比。俗话说:“能登上金字塔的生物,只有两种——鹰和蜗牛。” 假如我又回到了童年,我就要养成专心致志的习惯;有事在手,就决不让任何


紧急通知 本资料由浙江大学控制科学与工程学院16届专业课129分学长,也就是我本人亲自整理编排而成。大家可以叫我学长,年龄比我大的辞职考的可以叫我小弟。资料不同于市面上那些看起来非常诱人实则是粗制烂造的资料,而是以一个考过845自控的过来人的经验,完全从学生的体验出发,做到资料最全,资料最好,资料最精致。全套资料包括葵花宝典一到葵花宝典九共九本资料,每本资料都是我精心编辑整理的,并做了精美的封面,一共650页完美打印发给大家,大家把这650从头到尾肯透了,再做下我推荐的几本资料书(16年有一道15分的大题就是上面的类似题,第三问很多高手都没做出来,注意不是周春晖那本哈),可以说完全没问题了。这是其它卖家不可能做到的。同时赠送845自控全套电子资料。葵花宝典一完全由我本人原创,里面包含了考浙大845自动控制原理的全部问题,比如考多少分比较保险,怎么复习,有哪些好的资料书,最近几年考题变化及应对策略,浙大常考题型,招生名额,复试资料,导师联系,公共课复习用书及方法以及845近年命题风格分析等一系列问题,全是我的心得和经验,方法,技巧等,说句心里话,我自己都觉得这些资料非常宝贵,能帮助学弟学妹们少走很多弯路。 注意:前面是一些关于我的故事,有些地方可能对你有用,如果不感兴趣,可以直接拉到后面去看,资料清单和图片都在后面。 学长自我介绍 学长姓邓,名某某,男,本科于14年毕业于四川大学电气信息学院自动化专业,考浙大控制考了3次,14年大三时第一次考浙大控制总分没过线。当时我们学校有三个同学征战浙大控制科学与工程,结果全军覆没,只有我一人过了300分,由此可见考浙大控制还是很有难度的,其中一个难点就是专业课的信息和专业课的命题走向的获取,当时我们都不是很清楚,蒙着头自己学,去图书馆借了很多自动控制原理的资料书来看,我自我感觉学得还不错,当时我一个同学考电子科大的自动化,经常跑来问我自控的问题,我基本都能给他解答出来,他说我好牛逼,觉对没有问题,然而最后的结果是他考电子科大自动控制原理137,而我只考了96分。后面我分析了一下,为什么会出现这样的情况?最重要的就是我们对浙大的出题风格不是很了解,不知道它的命题方向和爱考的地方,方向都错了,怎么可能得高分?虽然我把11年以前的真题都做了,但是浙大12年以后的命题风格和以前有所不同,所以还是无济于事。因此即使你的自控基础知识扎实,也未必能够得到高分,这里面有很多方法和技巧,都是我从后面的考试中慢慢总结出来的。 由于不甘心就这么与浙大失之交臂,所以决定二战,但是又不想向家里要钱了,因为学长家在贵州农村,经济条件不是很好。于是我选择平时晚上去给别人做家教,周末去给培训机构上课。这样的好处是我有大把的白天用来复习,只是晚上出去干干活。这个事就说到这里,不是主题。15年专业课考了113,一个中等的分数,本来可以考130,但是为什么没有考到,这些原因我都在葵花宝典一中给大家分析了,希望大家能我的身上汲取经验,别步我的后尘。但是15年死在英语不过线上,差3分,这是我怎么也没有想到的,学长英语虽然不能说特别好,但是最起码四六级大一就过了,高考英语还是我们小县城的单科第一名(山中无老虎),第一年也考了65分。这是我怎么也没有想到的,所以有的时候感觉


2011年四川大学汉语国际教育 育明教育资深咨询师薛老师认为:在考研复习备考中,信息收集是非常重要的,其次是有一定的方法和套路,在专业课上面能够得到相关内部人员的指导那就更是事半功倍了。特别是能够收集到一些笔记、真题、讲义、课件、模拟题等具有含金量的资料,那更是为自己考研之路创造有利的条件,希望同学们能够合理利用这些资料,合理安排时间,最后坚持到底,相信自己一定能得到一个满意的答卷! 汉语基础 壹、汉语语言学基础知识(共80分) 填空题((每小题1分,共30分 语音是一种符号系统,包括能指和()两个方面。答案:所指 客家话方言区以()话为代表。答案:广东梅县 汉语拼音方案共有字母表,声母表,韵母表,声调符号和()五个部分。答案:隔音符号普通话中H的国际音标写作()。答案:[X]。 “都宗切”切出来的字音用拼音当写作()。答案: 后,半高,圆唇元音是()。答案:O 在普通话里,一般声调的性质主要决定于音高,轻声则主要决定于()。答案:音强 世家上最古老的文字有汉字,古埃及的圣书字和古美索不达米亚的()文字。答案:楔形“”是()的繁体字。答案:丰 ()字同象形字一样,也是一种象形符号。答案:指事 我国第一部“字书”是()。答案:说文解字 “南方人过冬不取暖”的谓语是()谓语。答案:主谓 “可见”在复句中表示()关心。答案:因果 转化生成语法的创始人是()。答案: 一般词汇,依据不同的来源,可分为新造词,古语词,方言词,外来词及()。 “充足”和“充分”最大的区别在于它们的()不同。答案:词性 “布匹”的构词方式属于合成词中的()式。补充 研究某一语言在发展中一定时期的语法构造的学问,叫做()语法学。答案:共时 《经传释词》是清代学者()著的。答案:王引之 北大、人大、中财、北外教授创办集训营、一对一保分、视频、小班


1. The use of atomic energy will _____ the lives of coming generations. A) revolve B) revolutionize C) resolve D) reserve 2. The doctor _____ me to the dangers of smoking. A) informed B) alerted C) warned D) cautioned 3. All work and no play makes Jack a _____ boy. A) monotonous B) boring C) tedious D) dull 4. The _____ domestic product of this year is two times as high as that of last year. A) coarse B) crude C) gross D) raw 5. I may sense the enthusiasm from his youthful _____ voice. A) vibrant

B) shivering C) shaking D) vicious 6. Features such as height, weight, and skin color _____ from individual to individual and from face to face. A) change B) vary C) alter D) convert 7. The engineer explained the plane’s technical _____. A) capacity B) capability C) ability D) competence 8. The _____ of new scientific discoveries to industrial production methods increases efficiency. A) application B) applause C) applicant D) appliance 9. The army was poised _____ a major attack. A) to B) for C) with D) on 10. Parents ____ some of their characteristics to their children.


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! A gourd is used to hold liquids. However, Zhuangzi has taught us a good lesson that a gourd can be used to make a float, floating over the river and the lake. It’s clear to see a different mindset in him, which is the topic I’m going to focus on today: Success or Failure, Your Mindset Matters. Ladies and gentlemen, have you ever considered the true relationship between success and failure? What is success? How do you define failure? Most of time, participation is the essence. That’s why we say the process is more important than the result.There are about 30 contestants this morning in this competition. If the first prize winners are the only successful ones here, this competition will probably lose its meaning. When I began preparing for this English speaking contest, I was troubled by my speech writing. My coach wasn’t satisfied with them, because either my ideas were not typical or new just as Huizi was frustrated by a large kind of gourd.The chance to be chosen in this competition is one of thousands. How could I afford to lose? I was sleepless, couldn’t enjoy my m eals, and was nearly collapsed to come up with any good idea. I turned to my teacher, and he said your speech should be very well written to impress the judges and the audience. With so ordinary ideas and points, you cannot even convince me. It seems “winning” is the only word in my teacher’s dictionary. Failure does not have a place there.I can’t imagine wh at if I lose. I couldn’t get out until I read one of my teacher’s blogs. It goes like this: Failure doesn’t mean you are a “failure”, it means you haven’t succeeded yet. Failure doesn’t mean you have accomplished nothing, it mean s you have learned something. Failure doesn’t mean you don’t have it, it means you have to try something in a different way. My problem solved, this verse has just opened my mind. The competition is not just about winning and losing. Actually the time I spent on preparing my speech has developed my creative thinking and critical mind. Suddenly, I felt enlightened and smartened,so to win a prize or notno longer bothers me, because I know I’m a winner already. Thank you!


四川大学英文成绩单样本 2 24 south Section 1 Ring Road No.1 ChengDu, SiChuan 610065 P.R.China Sichuan University SICHUAN UNIVERSITY STUDENT ACADEMIC RECORD (ENGLISH TRANSLATION) NAME(姓名): Dudie XU(徐都爹) SCHOOL CODE(学号):1043004134 DATE OF BIRTHDAY(出生年月): Aug. 1919 (1919.8) SEX(性别): Male MAJOR(专 业):Polymer Material and Engineering(高分子材料与工程) SCHOOLING(学制):4 YEAR(4年) DURATION OF SCHOOL(在校期间):Sept. 2008-July 2012(2010.9-2014.7) HOURS CREDITS MARKS(分数) st nd (学时) (学分) COURSE(课程) 1 SEM. 2 SEM. First Year(Sept.2008-July2009)(第一学年) Physical Education-1(体育-1) 32 1 97 College English-1(大学英语-1) 64 4 97 Fundamentals of Modern Chemistry(?)-1(近代化学32 2 94 基础(?)-1) Situation and Policies-1(形势与政策-1) 16 0.25 92 Basics of Computer (大学计算机基础) 36 2 90 Chemical Experiment (?)-1(工科化学实验(?)18 1 90 -1)


大学英语演讲比赛稿3篇 能用中国话把演讲稿演绎得酣畅淋漓固然是本事,但用一口流利的英语仍能让人们感受到最强烈的震撼,又是另一种本领。小编为大家整理了大学英语演讲比赛稿3篇,欢迎大家阅读。 大学英语演讲比赛稿篇1 Smile What is a smile? Some people say that the expression is the heart. I think that smile is a heart, is a strong It is a detached charm; smile is a grace, it has a warm and friendly, with acceptance and caring, with tolerance and open-minded with a relaxed and optimistic. Therefore, in working and living in a smile treat everyone around them has become my greatest wish. I smiled through every day. Every day, I smile, I love the education of students. Early in the morning, accompanied by sun, we are ushering in a group of group of students, they have lovely, and some naughty naughty, some clever, some wood satisfied, ... ..., no matter who, no matter what he is from the family, No matter how his performance, I smiled and treat each of them. Mischievous and occasionally also to blame, because of deterioration and while the loss due to discipline, but the office really does not keep ideas and personal considerations,


四川大学2012考博英语真题及答案详解 阅读 1)Sign has become a scientific hot button. Only in the past 20 years have specialists in language study realized that signed languages are unique—a speech of the hand. They offer a new way to probe how the brain generates and understands language, and throw new light on an old scientific controversy: whether language, complete with grammar, is something that we are born With, or whether it is a learned behavior. The current interest in sign language has roots in the pioneering work of one rebel teacher at Gallaudet University in Washington, D. C., the world's only liberal arts university for deaf people. When Bill Stokoe went to Gallaudet to teach English, the school enrolled him in a course in signing. But Stokoe noticed something odd: among themselves, students signed differently from his classroom teacher. Stokoe had been taught a sort of gestural code, each movement of the hands representing a word in English. At the time, American Sign Language (ASL) was thought to be no more than a form of pidgin English (混杂英语). But Stokoe believed the “hand talk”his students used looked richer. He wondered: Might deaf people actually: have a genuine language? And could that language be unlike any other on Earth? It was 1955, when even deaf people dismissed their signing as “substandard”. Stokoe's idea was academic heresy (异端邪说). It is 37 years later. Stokoe—now devoting his time to writing and editing books and journals and to producing video materials on ASL and the deaf culture—is having lunch at a cafe near the Gallaudet campus and explaining how he started a revolution. For decades educators fought his idea that signed languages are natural languages like English, French and Japanese. They assumed language must be based on speech, the modulation (调节) of sound. But sign language is based on the movement of hands, the modulation of space. “What I said,”Stokoe explains, “is that language is not mouth stuff—it's brain stuff.” 21. The study of sign language is thought to be _____C___. A) a new way to look at the learning of language B) a challenge to traditional, views on the nature of language C) an approach: to simplifying the grammatical structure of a language D) an attempt to clarify misunderstanding about the origin of language(C)


“外研社杯”英语演讲比赛演讲稿 本文从网络收集而来,上传到平台为了帮到更多的人,如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载本文档(有偿下载),另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意! honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen: today my topic is ’nuclear power: a blessing or a disaster’ when the first atomic bomb was dropped on hiroshima, japan, the world was thrust into atomic age. meanwhile in the commence of cold war and during its long term, it had set the world into fear and panic of nuclear war many times. but over the years, nuclear power has found its way to promote goodness for humankind .it promises to provide clean and efficient energy for the centuries to come. so whether nuclear power a blessing or a disaster there is no firm answer for this question from my own perspective. ladies and gentlemen, my very initial contact with nuclear power was from a tv programme called green space where i saw for the first time how nuclear power
