


学院:外语学院专业:英语年级:________ 班次:


考试方式(闭卷):考试时量:150 分钟试卷编号( 卷)


( ) 1. Hawthorne concludes that “the death of a beautiful woman is, unquestionably, the most poetical topic in the word.”( ) 2. Transcendentalists recognized intuition as the “highest power of the soul.”

( ) 3. The misshapen scholar mentioned in Chapter 2 of The Scarlet Letter is Hester Prynne’s husband.

( ) 4. The finest example of Hawthorne’s expressionism is the recreation of Puritan Boston in The Scarlet Letter.

( ) 5. MacLeish often wrote his poetry with short lines and the strong rhythm of jazz.

( ) 6. The poet compares hatred to fire in “Fire and Ice”.

( ) 7. Heller’s sardonic novel, Catch-22 is considered to be one of the most significant works of “protest literature” to appear since the Second World War.

( ) 8. The bulk of The Autobiography was written in 1771, 1784 and 1788.

( ) 9. Through his efforts, the American theatre grew up during the 1920s; O’Neill had a great influence on American playwrights.

( ) 10. The narrator, Fortunato, opens the story, “The Cask of Amontillado”, by stating that he has been irreparably insulted by his acquaintance, Montresor, and that he seeks revenge.

( ) 11. William Dean Howells thinks The Red Badge of Courage is Stephen Crane’s beast work and praises it as “a real Crane’s work”.

( ) 12. One of Porter’s contributions is that she described the women’s liberation from the perspective of feminism. ( ) 13. In 1925, Fitzgerald wrote his best novel The Great Gatsby. It is a story of an idealist who was destroyed by the disillusion of American Dream.

( ) 14. Sarty is one of the main characters in Barn Burning created by Faulkner.

( ) 15. Ernest Hemingway revealed his life values and standards in the novel For Whom the Bell Tolls and was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature.

( ) 16. Writers of the first postwar era self-consciously acknowledged that they were a Beat Generation.

( ) 17. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow is one of the most famous American realistic poets in 19th century.

( ) 18. Poe is influenced by romantic style. His poems are noted for nice rhythm and images.

( ) 19. n the poem “One’s Self I sing”, Whiteman set forth the principle beliefs of the modern man.

( ) 20. Emily Dickinson has published 1775 poems during her lifetime.



( ) 1. Toni Morrison

( ) 2. Joseph Heller

( ) 3. Eugene Glastone O’Neill

( ) 4. Archibald MacLeish

( ) 5. Emily Dickinson

( ) 6. Benjamin Franklin

( ) 7. Ralph Waldo Emerson

( ) 8. F·Scott Fitzgerald

( ) 9. William Faulkner

( ) 10. Wallace Stevens


a.The Hairy Ape

b.I’m Nobody!

c.We Bombed in New Haven

d.English Traits

e.The Sound and the Fury

f.The Autobiography

g.Tender is the Night

h.Anecdote of the Jar

i.Song of Solomon


III.’s name and the name of the works: 20% (1 points for each item)

1.Indeed, I scarce ever heard or saw the introductory words, "Without vanity I may say," &c., but some vain thing

immediately followed. Most people dislike vanity in others, whatever share they have of it themselves; but I give it fair quarter wherever I meet with it, being persuaded that it is often productive of good to the possessor, and to others that are within his sphere of action; and therefore, in many cases, it would not be altogether absurd if a man were to thank God for his vanity among the other comforts of life.

Author: A. William Faulkner B. Benjamin Franklin C. Ralph Waldo Ellison

Work: A. The Autobiography B. Barn Burning C. The Great Gatsby

2.He had a weak point -- this Fortunato -- although in other regards he was a man to be respected and

even feared. He prided himself on his connoisseurship in wine. Few Italians have the true virtuoso spirit. For the most part their enthusiasm is adopted to suit the time and opportunity to practise imposture upon the British and Austrian MILLIONAIRES. In painting and gemmary, Fortunato, like his countrymen , was a quack, but in the matter of old wines he was sincere.

Author: A. William Faulkner B. Edgar Allan Poe C. Ralph Waldo Ellison

Work: A. The Autobiography B. Barn Burning C.The Cask of Amontillado

3.In either case, there was very much the same solemnity of demeanour on the part of the spectators, as befitted a people

among whom religion and law were almost identical, and in whose character both were so thoroughly interfused, that the mildest and severest acts of public discipline were alike made venerable and awful. Meagre, indeed, and cold, was the sympathy that a transgressor might look for, from such bystanders, at the scaffold. On the other hand, a penalty which, in our days, would infer a degree of mocking infamy and ridicule, might then be invested with almost as stern a dignity as the punishment of death itself.

Author: A. Nathaniel Hawthorne B. William Faulkner C. Emily Dickenson

Work: A. Moby Dick B. The Scarlet Letter C.Walden

4.The cook squatted in the bottom and looked with both eyes at the six inches of gunwale which separated him from the

ocean. His sleeves were rolled over his fat forearms, and the two flaps of his unbuttoned vest dangled as he bent to bail out the boat. Often he said: "Gawd! That was a narrow clip." As he remarked it he invariably gazed eastward over the broken sea.

Author: A. Henry James B. William Faulkner C. Stephen Crane

Work: A.Catch-22 B. The Open Boat C.Miss Jewett

5.They sat together in the same seat, and each rowed an oar. Then the oiler took both oars; then the correspondent took

both oars; then the oiler; then the correspondent. They rowed and they rowed. The very ticklish part of the business

was when the time came for the reclining one in the stern to take his turn at the oars. By the very last star of truth, it is easier to steal eggs from under a hen than it was to change seats in the dingey.

Author: A. Henry James B. William Faulkner C. Stephen Crane

Work: A.Catch-22 B. The Open Boat C.Miss Jewett

6.It was Hapsy she really wanted. She had to go a long way back through a great many rooms to find Hapsy standing with

a baby on her arm. She seemed to herself to be Hapsy also, and the baby on Hapsy’s arm was Hapsy and hims elf and

herself, all at once, and there was no surprise in the meeting. Then Hapsy melted from within and turned flimsy as gray gauze and the baby was a gauzy shadow, and Hapsy came up close and said, “I thought you’d never come,” and looked at her very se archingly and said, “You haven’t changed a bit!” They leaned forward to kiss, when Cornelia began whispering from a long way off, “Oh, is there anything you want to tell me? Is there anything I can do for you?”Author: A. Oscar Wilde B.H. W. Longfellow C. Katherine Anne Porter

Work: A. The Jilting of Granny Weatherall B. Moby Dick C.The Jolly Corner

7.After Gatsby’s death the East was haunted for me like that, distorted beyond my eyes’ power of correction.So when

the blue smoke of brittle leaves was in the air and the wind blew the wet laundry stiff on the line I decided to come back home.

Author: A. F. S. Fitzgerald B. Arther Miller C. H. W. Longfellow

Work: A. Once More To the Lake B. Barn Burning C.The Great Gatsby

8."Get out of my way, nigger," his father said, without heat too, flinging the door back and the Negro also and entering,

his hat still on his head. And now the boy saw the prints of the stiff foot on the doorjamb and saw them appear on the pale rug behind the machinelike deliberation of the foot which seemed to bear (or transmit) twice the weight which the body compassed. The Negro was shouting "Miss Lula! Miss Lula! "

Author: A. F. S. Fitzgerald B. William Faulkner C. Robert Frost

Work: A. Invisible Man B. Barn Burning C.The Happy Prince

9."We are of two different kinds," the old waiter said. He was now dressed to go home. "It is not only a question of

youth and confidence although those things are very beautiful. Each night I am reluctant to close up because there may be someone who needs the cafe."

Author: A. Wallace Stevens B. William Faulkner C. Ernest Hemingway

Work: A. Death of a Salesman B.A Clean, Well-lighted Place C.Recitatif

10.EBEN--Nor me--but it led up t' the other--an' the murder ye did, ye did 'count o' me--an' it's my murder, too, I'll tell the

Sheriff--an' if ye deny it, I'll say we planned it t'gether--an' they'll all b'lieve me, fur they suspicion everythin' we've done, an' it'll seem likely an' true to 'em. An' it is true--way down. I did help ye--somehow.

Author: A.W. C. Williams B. E. G. O’neill C. Saul Bellow

Work:A. Desire Under the Elms B. Looking for Mr. Green C.Catch-22

1.I used to _____

About _____ and _____—

I think the _____

Is _____. (5%)

2.Long, long afterwards in an _____,

I found the ____ still unbroken,

And the _____, from beginning to end,

I found again in the _____ of a friend. (4%)

3. Art is_____, and Time is _____,

And our hearts, though _____ and _____,

Still, like muffled _____, are beating

_____ marches to the _____. (7%)

4.On desperate seas long wont to _____,

Thy hyacinth hair, thy classic face,

Thy naiad airs have brought me_____

To the _____ that was Greece,

And the _____ that was Rome. (4%)

Tell me not, in mournful numbers,

Life is but an empty dream!----

For the soul is dead that slumbers,

And things are not what they seem.

Life is real! Life is earnest!

And the grave is not its goal;

Dust thou art, to dust returnest,

Was not spoken of the soul.

1. That night I dreamed I was at a circus with him and that he refused to laugh at the clowns no matter what they did. Then later he told me to open my brief case and read what was inside ad I did, finding an official envelope stamped with the state seal; and inside the envelope I found another and another; endlessly, and I thought I would fall of weariness. “Them’s years,” he said. “Now open that one.” And I did and in it I found an engraved document containing a short message on letters of gold. “Read it,” my grand-father said. “Out loud!”

“To Whom It May Concern,” I intoned, “Keep This Nigger-Boy Running.”

I awoke with the old man’s laughter ringing in my ears. (It was a dream I was ti remember and dream again for many years after. But at that time I had no insight into its meaning. First I had to attend college.)

How do you understand the message “Keep This Nigger-Boy Running”? (10%)

2. Yossarian was cold, too, and shivering uncontrollably. He felt goose pimples clacking all over his as he gazed down despondently at the grim secret Snowden had spilled all over the messy floor. It was easy to read the message in his entrails. Man was matter that was Snowden’s secret. Drop him out a window and he’ll fall. Set fire to him and he’ll burn. Bury him and he’ll rot, like other kinds of garbage. The spirit is gone, man is garbage. That was Snowden’s secret. Ripeness was all.

How are we to understand the message Yossarian reads in Snowden’s entrails? (10%)


学院:外语学院专业:英语年级:________ 班次:


考试方式(闭卷):考试时量:150 分钟试卷编号( 卷)


2. ____







9._____ 10_____

11.____ 12.___ 13.____ 14.____ 15.____ 16.____17.____ 18.____19.____ 20._____









9.____ 10.____

’s name and the name of the works: 20% (1 points for each item)

1. Author:_____ , Work:_____

2. Author:____ , Work:_____

3. Author:_____ , Work:_____

4. Author:____ , Work:_____

5. Author:_____ , Work:_____

6. Author:____ , Work:_____

7. Author:_____ , Work:_____ 8. Author:____ , Work:_____

9. Author:_____ , Work:_____ 10. Author:____ , Work:_____

1. (1%)_________ ,

2. (4%)________, _______, _______, _______

3. (1%)____________,



6. (4%)_________ , __________, __________ ,__________

7. (1%)__________ , 8. (1%)____________ , 9. (1%)____________

10. (4%)__________, _________ , _________ , _________ 11. (1%)_________


__________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

1. Answer the following questions:

(1)What relationship between nature and man do you see through this part?(5%)

(2)Are the men willing to be drowned? How do they challenge nature? (5%)

__________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________

2. Answer the following questions:

(1) Is there black humor in this part? How is it expressed? (5%)

(2)What do you see from behind this humor? (5%)

__________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________


文学概论期末试题及答案 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题l分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的。请将其代码填在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.艾布拉姆斯指的?文学四要素?是 ( ) A.创作、文本、传播、阅读 B.作品、作家、宇宙、读者 C.思想、生活、技巧、知识 D.情节、结构、人物、事件 2.情景交融是意境创造的 ( ) A. 本质特征 B. 形象特征 C. 结构特征 D. 美感特征 3.?为艺术而艺术?是哪种文学观念的主要口号 ( ) A.独立说 B.再现说 C.体验说 D.表现说 4.能真正体现作家的艺术品格(也即创作个性)的语体是 ( ) A. 规范语体 B. 自由语体 C. 抒情语体 D. 叙事语体 5.?距离论?的提出者是 ( ) A.布洛 B.英加登 C.荣格 D.弗洛伊德 6.把语言具体区分为?语言结构?和?言语?的语言学家是 ( ) A.童庆炳 B.英加登 C.凯塞尔 D.索绪尔 7.在广义的文化概念中,最为活跃、最易变化的因素是 ( ) A.制度文化 B.精神文化 C.物质文化 D.全部文化 8.中国最早提出?意境?这一概念的是 ( ) A.王维 B.李白 C.司空图 D.王昌龄 9.哲理性是文学象征意象的 ( ) A.本质特征 B.表现手段 C.形象特征 D.审美特征 10.故事时间长度为零而叙述文本的时间大于零的一种时距是 ( ) A.省略 B.停顿 C.概略 D.减缓 11.从人物性格给人的不同审美感受把人物区分为?扁平?和?圆型’’的是 ( ) A.格雷马斯 B.康德 C.歌德 D.福斯特 12.形成文学风格的决定因素是 ( )


云南师范大学美国文学期末考试试卷模拟试题四 学院:外语学院专业:英语年级:________ 班次: 学号:姓名: 考试方式(闭卷):考试时量:150 分钟试卷编号( 卷) I. ( ) 1. Modern poetry is “the poem of the mind in the act of finding / What will suffice.” This is the opinion of Walt Whitman. ( ) 2. Robert Frost experimented with form, as many poets did in the 1920s. ( ) 3. Emperor Jones represents one of O’Neil’s attempts to place plot elements and themes of Greek tragedy in a rural New England setting. ( ) 4. “Looking for Mr. Green” is a story of Mosby’s Memories and other Stories. ( ) 5. Bellow will be remembered for the biting social criticism of his novels, and of course, for his riotous sense of humor. ( ) 6. Hester’s letter “A” eventually come s to represent “Angel” and “Able” to the townspeople. ( ) 7. Poe stresses rhythm, defines true poetry as “the rhythmical creation of beauty,” and declares that “music is the perfection of the soul, or idea, of poetry.” ( ) 8.All three parts of Franklin's autobiography were published and released together in English for the first time in 1868. ( ) 9. New England Transcendentalism was important to American literature. It inspired a whole new generation of famous authors such as Thoreau, Melville, Whitman, and Dickinson. ( ) 10. The setting of “Looking for Mr. Green” is Depression Columbus. ( ) 11. There are four survivors in The Open Boat: the captain, the oiler, the cook and the correspondent. ( ) 12. In The Jilting of Granny Weatherall, Porter narrated the story sometimes in chronological order and sometimes in flashback, and the chronological time is more important than the psychological time. ( ) 13. Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby is set in The Roaring Twenties. ( ) 14. William Faulkner was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1949 and the Pulitzer Prize in 1954 and 1962. ( ) 15. The point of view in Barn Burning is the third person narration and the narrator is omniscient.


一、文学史名词解释(20分) 赋比兴春秋笔法楚辞《山海经》 二、填空题(5分) 1.我国第一部国别体史书是————。 2.《论语》一书属于————体散文。 3.“揠苗助长”的寓言出自————。(书名) 4.“行道迟迟,载渴载饥。——,——。”(《诗经·小雅·采薇》) 5.“——,——。既见复关,载笑载言。”(《诗经·卫风·氓》) 三、词语解释(5分) 1.女也不爽,士贰其行。(《诗经·卫风·氓》)爽:过错,差错 2.穹窒熏鼠,塞向墐户。(《诗经·豳风·七月》)向:朝北的窗户 3.师直为壮,曲为老,岂在久乎?(《左传·僖公二十八年》)老:士气不旺盛 4.越国以鄙远,君知其难也。(《左传·僖公三十年》)鄙:边境 5.此惟救死而恐不赡,奚暇治礼义哉!(《孟子·梁惠王上》)赡:充足,足够 四、简答题(30分) 1.简述先秦历史散文的发展过程。 1、甲骨文、金文为萌芽时期。《尚书》是第一部散文集子,政府文告性质,具有文学色彩。《春秋》是第一部编年体史书,《国语》为第一部国别体史书。《左传》《战国策》标志着历史散文达到了新的阶段,写人、叙事均有独特的成就。 2.《庄子》在艺术上有哪些成就? 2、《庄子》的艺术成就有:大量用寓言说理;夸张想象具有浪漫主义色彩;境界奇异;善于用比喻;语言如行云流水。 3.中国古代神话有哪些主要特征? 3、内容方面:具有英雄主义、乐观主义精神;思维方面:以己观物、以己感物、具体形象、隐喻象征;形式方面:零散片段、浪漫主义。 五、分析作品题(20分) 分析《离骚》的艺术特点。 要点:坚贞高洁的抒情主人公形象;独特的艺术结构(两条线索、抒情诗中有故事情节等);绚丽的浪漫主义色彩(夸张想象等);香草美人为代表的比兴象征手法;诗歌体制的新发展(变四言为六、七言)。 六、论述题(20分) 试论《诗经》的现实主义精神。 要点:反映阶级剥削与压迫,反映生产劳动,反映婚姻爱情,反映战争徭役,贵族宴飨,揭露弊政,还有周族的发展历史等。


一、单项选择题(本题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其正确答案涂写在答题卡上。 1. 以“.js”为文件扩展名的文件是______。 (A) html文件(B) 网页文件(C) Java文件(D) Javascript文件 2.以下合法的变量名是______。 (A) new (B) _123 (C) null (D) 2abc 3.以下正确的字符串是______。 (A) xyz (B) ‘xyz” (C) “xyz’ (D) ‘xyz’ 4.设有语句: var st1=’test’; st1=st1+ 25; 则st1的值是______。 (A) ‘test25’ (B) 25 (C) ‘test’(D) 语法错误 5.123+”789”的值是______。 (A) ‘123789’ (B) 912 (C) “789”(D) 语法错误 6.表达式(a=2,b=5,a>b?a:b)的值是______。 (A) 2 (B) 5 (C) 1 (D) 0 7.设有语句var a=3,b=5,c=3,d=8,m=3,n=2; 则逻辑表达式(m=a>b)&&(n=c>d)运算后,n的值为_______。 (A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3 8.设var a=2,b=3; 则a++==b?(a-1):b的结果是___________。 A) 0 B) 1 C) 2 D) 3 9. 下面while循环执行的次数为________。 var i=5; while (i==0) i--; A)无限B) 1 C) 5 D) 0 10. 以下数组的定义中____________是错误的。 A) var a=new Array(); B) var a=new Array(10); C) var a[10]={ 1,2,3}; D) var a=["1",2,"3"]; 11.设var x=3,y=4; 下列表达式中y的值为9的是________。 A)y*=x-3 B)y/=x*9 C)y-=x+10 D)y+=x+2 12. 在程序中有多个相关联的选项,若要默认选择某一项,应在该项中增加_________属性。 A) checked B) default C) selected D) defaultValue 13.结果为NaN的表达式是______。 (A) "80"+"19" (B) "十九"+"八十" (C) "八十"*"十九" (D) "80"*"19" 14.执行下面语句后c的值是_______。 var a=2,b=1,c=3; if(a


美国文学(本科)试题5 I. Complete each of the following statements with proper words or phrases and put your answers on the Answer Sheet. (20%, 1 point for each) 1. The first permanent English settlement in North America was established at Jamestown, Virginia in . 2. became the first American writer. 3. Hard work, thrift, piety and sobriety were the values that dominated much of the early American writing. 4. In American literature, the 18th century was an age of and Revolution. 5. Franklin’s best writing is found in his masterpiece . 6. On January 10, 1776, Thomas Paine’s famous pamphlet appeared. 7. The signing of symbolized the birth of an independent American nation. 8. The most outstanding poet in America of the 18th century was . 9. Washington Irving’s became the first work by an American writer to win international fame. 10. is the summit of American Romanticism. 11. With the publication of Emerson’s in 1836,American Romanticism reached its summit. 12. Hester Prynne is the heroine in Hawthorne’s novel . 13.Henry James’ major fictional theme is . 14. brought the Romantic period to an end. So the age of Realism came into existence. 15. The Poetic style invented by Whitman is now called . 16. “Because I could not stop for Death---” is written by . 17. The term The Gilded Age is given by to describe the post-civil war years. 18. Theodore Dreiser’s first novel is . 19. The leader of the literary movement Imagism is . 20. is the spokesman for Lost Generation. II. Each of the following statements below is followed by four alternative answers or completions. Choose the one that is the best in each case and put your answers on the Answer Sheet. (30%, 1 point for each) 1. The first American writer of local color to achieve wide popularity was . A. Bret Harte B. Mark Twain C. Henry James D. William Dean Howells 2. Which of the following is the masterpiece of Mark Twain? A. The Gilded Age B. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer C. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn D. Jumping Frog 3. Which writer has no naturalist tendency? A. Mark Twain B. Jack London C. Theodore Dreiser D. Frank Norris 4. Transcendentalist doctrines found their greatest literary advocates in and Thoreau. A. Jefferson B. Emerson C. Freneau D. Oversoul 5. Which of the following doesn’t belong to Dreiser’s “Trilogy of Desire”? A. The Financier B. The Titan C. The Stoic D. An American Tragedy


一、填空题 1、(古希腊文学)和(希伯来文学)是欧洲文学的两大源流,文学史上称为“二希”传统。 2、欧洲古代文学包括(古希腊文学)和(古罗马文学)。 3、(古希腊)、(古罗马)是欧洲文明的发祥地。 4、公元前12世纪至公元前8世纪是古希腊从氏族公社制向奴隶制社会过度的时期,史称(“英雄时代”)、又称(“荷马时代”)。 5、(宙斯)是雷电神,(赫拉)是天后。 6、(波赛东)是海洋神,(得墨忒耳)是农神。 7、(阿波罗)是太阳神,(阿瑞斯)是战神, 8、赫淮斯托斯是(火神),(赫耳墨斯)是神使。 9、(雅典娜)是女战神,(阿佛洛狄忒)是爱神。 10、阿耳忒弥斯是(月神),(赫斯提亚)是家神。 11、英雄传说中的英雄都是神和人所生的后代,是(半神半人式)的英雄。 12、以某一英雄为中心,形成一个个传说系列,如俄狄浦斯传说系列,(赫拉克勒斯传说)系列,(奥德修斯传说)系列等等。 13、希腊神话的艺术特征主要有三点:1、(想象力极强)2、(故事性极强)3、(哲理性极强) 14、(柏拉图)称(萨福)为“第十位文艺女神”。 15、(《埃涅阿斯纪》)是欧洲文学史上第一部(文人)史诗。 16、流传至今的唯一一部完整的古希腊三连剧是(《俄瑞斯忒亚》),这个三部曲的基 本主题是反映(父权制)对母权制的斗争和胜利。 17、(埃斯库罗斯)被誉为“悲剧之父”。阿里斯托芬被誉为(“喜剧之父”)。 18、(教会文学)在中世纪欧洲文学史上长期占据统治地位,其文学题材大多取材于(《圣经》)。 19、(盎格鲁·撒克逊)人的(《贝奥武甫》)是流传迄今的欧洲最完整的一部史诗,共3100余行。 20、骑士抒情诗种类很多,其中以(《破晓歌》)最为有名。


四、程序设计题(本大题共2小题,每小题15分,共30分) 1.对于教学数据库的三个基本表 学生student (sno,sname,sex,sage,sdept) 学习sc(sno,cno,grade) 课程course(cno,cname,cpno,ccredit) 试用SQL语句表示:下列语句。 (1)"查询全男同学信息情况" "select * from student where sex='男'" (2)"查询选修了1号课的学生的学号和成绩" "select sno,grade from sc where cno='1'" (3)"查询所有选修过课的学生的姓名,课程名及成绩" "select sname,cname,grade from student,sc,course where student.sno=sc.sno and https://www.360docs.net/doc/4412246254.html,o=https://www.360docs.net/doc/4412246254.html,o" (4)"查询选修了数据库原理课的最高成绩" "select max(grade) as '最高成绩' from student,sc,course where student.sno=sc.sno and https://www.360docs.net/doc/4412246254.html,o=https://www.360docs.net/doc/4412246254.html,o and cname='数据库原理'" (5)查询所有选修了1号课程的同学的姓名" " select sname from student where student.sno in (select sc.sno from sc where cno='1')" 2.设有一个SPJ数据库,包括S,P,J,SPJ四个关系模式(20分)供应商表S(SNO,SNAME,STATUS,CITY); 零件表P(PNO,PNAME,COLOR,WEIGHT); 工程项目表J(JNO,JNAME,CITY); 供应情况表SPJ(SNO,PNO,JNO,QTY);SPJ表 J表 S表 P表 请用关系代数完成如下查询: 1.求供应工程J1零件的供应商号 SNO 2.求供应工程J1零件P1的供应商号吗SNO 3.求供应工程J1零件为红色的供应商号码SNO 4.求没有使用天津供应商生产的红色零件的工程号JNO 5.求至少用了供应商S1所供应的全部零件的工程号JNO 1.∏sno(σJNO=‘J1’(SPJ)) 2.∏sno(σJNO=‘J1’ΛPNO=’P1’(SPJ)) 3.∏sno(σJNO=‘J1’(SPJ)∞σcolor=‘红’(P)) 4.∏jno(SPJ)-∏jno(∏sno(σcity=‘天津’(S))∞∏sno,jno (SPJ)∞∏jno σcolor=‘红’(P)) 5.∏jno, pno(SPJ)÷∏pno(σsno=‘s1’(SPJ)) 五、分析题(本大题共2小题,每小题15分本大题共30分) 1. 学生运动会模型: (1)有若干班级,每个班级包括: 班级号,班级名,专业,人数 (2)每个班级有若干运动员,运动员只能属于一个班,包括:运动员号,姓名,性别,年龄


文学概论期末复习 第六章文学作品 一、名词解释 1、文学语言:经过作家精心选择和加工,用来创造艺术世界,具有艺术魅力的语言。是文学作品的语言,是对日常语言的提炼和加工。 2、文学象征:是文学形象的理想形态之一,是以表达观念和哲理为目的、以暗示为基本艺术手段、具有荒诞性和审美求解性的艺术形象。具有暗示性、哲理性、荒诞性、多义性的特征。 3、文学意境:是文学形象的理想形态之一,主要是指抒情性作品呈现的情景交融、虚实相生的形象系统及其生发的审美想象空间。具有情景交融的美学特征、虚实相生的结构特征和韵味无穷的审美特征。 4、文学典型:是文学形象的高级形态之一,是文学话语系统中显示特征和具有魅力的性格。主要是叙事性作品(再现型作品)的形象形态。 二、思考题 ~ 1、文学语言与日常语言有什么不同 答:(1)表达目的不同 日常语言主要用于个体与外在世界的交往,文学语言的直接目的是构筑虚拟的艺术世界。 (2)服从的真实标准不同 日常语言一般要服从于现实世界和日常生活的真实性,有真假正误之分。文学语言则服从于艺术世界虚拟性,而作家在创作过程中可

以根据内心真实感受和体验进行虚拟。 (3)语言意义生成的方式不同 日常语言的意义一般是遵循语义逻辑生成的,意义比较单一、直接。文学语言意义的生成方式多是间接的,文学语言往往并不直接产生于语言的词典意义和语法规则,而是生成于文学语言所构造的艺术形象世界。 2、文学作品的语言的特征是什么请举例说明。 : 答:(1)塑造生动的生命形式,富于表现力。 《泊船瓜洲》中的“春风又禄江南岸”,“禄”练字、修辞。一个“禄”字,顿觉满眼生气,春意葱茏,把春的质感、神韵、和魅力都表现出来了。 (2)表意的含蓄性和丰富性。 《题西林壁》,一面描写庐山,一面议论庐山,写着写着便翻出一层哲理。描写、议论庐山→哲理→佛理,按照诗意逻辑层层蕴藉,充分体现了文学语言的含蓄之美。 3、意境的特征是什么举例说明意境结构的虚实相生。 答:特征:(1)情景交融的表现特征 (2)虚实相生的结构特征 (3)韵味无穷的审美特征 ! 例:《游园不值》,具体描写的园外之景,就是实境,由满园春色、红杏出墙引发的审美想象空间就是虚境。虚实相生,富于表现力。


美国文学期末考试试卷模拟试题一 I. Fill in the following blanks and put your answers on the Answer Sheet. (15%, 1 point for each) 1.The publication of ______ established Emerson as the most eloquent spokesman of New England Transcendentalism. 2.Hard work, thrift, ______ and sobriety were the Puritan values that dominated much of the earliest American writing. 3.At 87, ______ read his poetry at the inauguration of President John F. Kennedy. 4.Jack London’s masterwork _________ is somewhat autobi ographical. 5.______, the tragic hero of Moby Dick, burning with a baleful fire, becomes evil himself in his thirst to destroy evil. 6.Ezra Pound was the leader of a new movement in poetry which he called the “________” movement. 7.“The Custom House” is an introductory note to the novel _______. 8.Among the works attacking the “American Dream”, __________by Fitzgerald is a powerful piece. 9.Walt Whitman was a pioneering figure of American poetry. His innovation first of all lies in his use of ________, poetry without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme. 10.In 1954, _______ won the Nobel Prize for Literature for his “mastery of the art of modern narration”. 11.In American literary history, ________ is called “the Recluse of Amherst” since she isolated herself from the outside almost for life. 12.“The Fall of the House of Usher” is a short story written by _______. 13._______ launched two kinds of immensely popular stories: the sea adventure and the frontier saga, represented by The Leatherstocking Tales. 14.The publication of T. S. Eliot’s ________ in 1922, the most significant American poem of the 20th century, helped to establish a modern tradition of literature rich with learning and allusive thought. 15.“The Cop and the Anthem” is a short story written by ______. II. Each of the following statements is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement. Then put your answers on the Answer Sheet. (20%, 1 point for each) 1.For Melville, as well as for the reader and _____, the narrator, Moby Dick is still a mystery, an ultimately mystery of the universe. A. Stubb B. Ishmael C. Ahab D. Starbuck 2.Most of the p oems in Whitman’s Leaves of Grass sing of the “en-mass” and the ____ as well. A. nature B. self-reliance C. self D. life 3.Which of the following is Not one of the main ideas advocated by Ralph Emerson? A. Importance of the Individual B. Faith in Christianity C. The Over-Soul D. Self-Reliance 4.In Hawthorne’s novels and short stories, intellectuals usually appear as _____. A. saviors B. villains C. commentators D. observers 5.In American literature, escaping from the society and returning to nature is a common subject. The following titles are all related, in one way or another, to the subject except _____. A.Dreiser’s Sister Carrier B.Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn C.Cooper’s Leatherstocking Tales D.Thoreau’s Walden 6.Which of the following is Not optimistic about human nature? . A. Ralph Emerson B. Walt Whitman C. Nathaniel Hawthorne D. Henry Thoreau


一、名词解释 神魔(怪)小说:出现于明代后期的白话章回小说。它以神魔怪异为主要题材,参照现实生活中政治、伦理、宗教等方面的矛盾和斗争,比附性的编织了神怪形象系列,将一些零散片段的故事系统化、完整化。风格上尚“奇”贵“幻”。它是在“三教合一”思想主导下,接受了古代神话、六朝志怪、唐传奇、宋元话本的影响和道教仙话、佛教故事和民间传说的养料产生的。代表作品有《西游记》《封神演义》等。 历史演义:所谓历史演义就是用通俗的语言,将战争兴废、朝代更替等为基干的历史题材,组织、敷演成完整的故事,并以此表明一定的政治思想、道德观念和美学理想。这种独特的文字样式受到了素重历史传统的中国人民的喜爱,所以明代“罗贯中氏《三国志》一书,以国史演为通俗演义,汪洋百馀回,为世所尚,嗣是效颦日众,因而有《夏书》《商书》《列国》《两汉》《唐书》《残唐》《南北宋》诸刻,其浩瀚几与正史分签并架”形成了一个创作历史演义的传统。而《三国志演义》是我国历史小说的开山之作。 前七子:也叫弘正七子。它是明代弘治、正德年间以李梦阳、何景明为首的一个复古主义文学流派,其成员有徐祯卿、边贡、康海、王九思、王廷相。借助复古手段而欲达到变革的目的,这是前七子文学复古的实质所在。

临川派:以临川剧作家汤显祖为首的戏曲流派,又叫“玉茗堂派”。此派创作主才情,不拘音律,常以男女至情反对封建礼教,以奇幻情节承载浪漫风格,以绮词丽语体体现优美文采。成员有吴炳、阮大铖、孟称舜等人。 清初古文三大家:侯方域、魏禧、汪琬三人。魏禧以观点卓越、析理透辟见长,汪琬写人状物笔墨生动,侯方域的影响最大,继承韩、欧传统,融入小说笔法,流畅恣肆,委屈详尽。 “四声猿”:“四声猿”语出郦道元《水经注》:“猿鸣三声泪沾裳”,是一组杂剧,包括《狂鼓史渔阳三弄》(1折)《玉禅师翠乡一梦》(2折)《雌木兰替父从军》(2折)《女状元辞凰得凤》(5折)四本短戏。创作活泼畅快、汪洋恣肆,在一定意义上反映出价值的世俗观念和相对进步的市民精神,带有甚为浓厚的民间文学色彩。徐渭欲借此剧,呼喊久积于胸的牢骚,张扬狂放不羁的个性,表现愤世嫉俗的精神。 公安派:中国明代文学流派。代表人物为袁宗道、袁宏道、袁中道三兄弟,因其籍贯为湖广公安(今属湖北),故世称公安派。其重要成员还有江盈科、陶望龄、黄辉、雷思霈等人。文学主张主要有以下3点:①反对剿袭,主张通变。他们猛烈抨击前后七子的句拟字摹、食古不化的倾向,主张文学应随时代而发展变化,应冲破一切束缚文学创作的藩篱。②独抒性灵,不拘格套。所谓“性灵”就是作家的个性表现和真情发露。他们认为“出自性灵


期末考试模拟试题(二) 一.听句子,选出句子中含有的信息。(10分) ( ) 1. A. Singapore B. Paris C. Toronto ( ) 2. A. the biggest city B. the smallest city C. the hottest city ( ) 3. A. come to tea B. come to a party C. go for a walk ( ) 4. A. had a fever B. had a cold C. have a fever ( ) 5. A. Spring Festival B. Mid-autumn Festival C. Christmas ( ) 6. A. play cards B. play games C. play chess ( ) 7. A. food B. drink C. fruit ( ) 8. A. next Wednesday B. next Thursday C. next Saturday ( ) 9. A. the Monkey King B. the Lion King C. Mickey Mouse ( ) 10. A. go fishing B. play badminton C. go to the circus 二.听句子,写出句子中所缺的词。(5分) 1. Adults usually give to children during Spring festival in China. 2. We are going to the Great the day after . 3. I my house and other housework yesterday. 4. This is the time to be in . 5. What’s the of ? 三.听对话及问题,选出问题的正确答案。(10分) ( ) 1. A English. B. Chinese. C. Maths. ( ) 2. A. At school. B. At home. C. Sorry, I don’t know. ( ) 3. A. A new watch. B. Some flowers. C. A new clock. ( ) 4. A.Go shopping. B. See her friend in hospital. C. Go sightseeing. ( ) 5. A. Guangzhou. B. Beijing. C. Guilin. ( ) 6. A. Yes, she does. B. No, she didn’t. C. Yes, she did. ( ) 7. A. Washed his dog. B. Played football. C. Saw a film on TV. ( ) 8. A. Tuesday, May 3rd. B. Sunday, May 1st. C. Monday, May 2nd. ( ) 9. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. No, it wasn’t. ( ) 10. A. Go boating. B. Go swimming. C. Go to see a film. 四.听短文,判断对错。对的T,错的F。(5分) ( ) 1. The shops and department stores are quiet. ( ) 2. People are doing their Christmas shopping. ( ) 3. Lots of families have their Christmas trees. ( ) 4. Mr. Brown and his family are getting ready for the Christmas. ( ) 5. They are going to have a big dinner. 五.看图写出所缺的单词或词组。(5分) 1. d 2. F C 3. S F 4. B 5. c 六.找出不同类的单词。(4分) ( ) 1. A. Christmas B. Easter C. Thanksgiving D. festival ( ) 2. A. Saturday B. April C. August D. December ( ) 3. A. important B. popular C. interesting D. present ( ) 4. A. sweet B. merry C. cake D. egg ( ) 5. A. winter B. summer C. season D. spring ( ) 6. A. painted B. had C. have D. was ( ) 7. A. housework B. lesson C. house D. dirty ( ) 8. A. mark B. prepare C. food D. feel


文学概论期末复习重点 1.文艺学是一门以文学为对象,以揭示文学基本规律,介绍相关知识为目的的学科,包括三个分支,即文学理论、文学批评和文学史。 2.文学四要素:作品、作家、世界、读者 3.文学理论所规定的五个方面的任务:(1)文学活动发展论:文学活动作为人类的一种精神活动,随着时代的发展而发展;(2)文学活动本质论:文学作为人类的一种特殊的精神活动,从总体上来研究文学活动区别于其他活动的特殊性质;(3)文学创作论:“世界”就是我们所指的社会生活,研究作家如何根据生活进行艺术创造的过程和规律;(4)作品构成论:作家创作出来的文学文本在阅读、研究和批评中变成了作品,研究作品的构成因素及其相互关系;(5)文学接受论:研究读者接受过程和规律。 4.模仿论与表现论的区别:(1)模仿论认定文学是世界的反映,表现论则认定文学是作者心灵的表现。(2)表现论强调作者对作品意义的生成作用,模仿论更强调了解作品所描写的世界和写作背景。(3)表现论将文学创作同科学研究等活动对立起来,模仿论强调文学创作应遵循的客观规律。(4)(可略)模仿论:文学活动是一种意识反应行为。立论观点是“文艺起源于人对宇宙或世界的模仿”。柏拉图从模仿世界的观点出发,在结论上否定了艺术存在的合理性;亚里士多德却认为,艺术的起源和主要作用在于模仿,它不仅反映事物的外观形态,而且反映事物的内在规律和本质。 表现论:作者通过创作表达感受并以此唤起读者相近的感受。 5.文学起源说:(1)巫术发生说:弗雷泽,“相似律”同类相生或同果必同因,“接触律”甲乙二物接触后,施力于甲可影响乙,施力于乙可影响甲;田野调查(2)宗教发生说:赫尔德“灵魂的音乐”,格罗塞(3)游戏发生说:康德“其本质特征就是无目的的合目的性或自由的合目的性。(4)劳动说:马克思,劳动提供了文学活动的前提条件,劳动产生了文学活动的需要,劳动构成了文学描写的主要内容,劳动制约了早期文学的形式。 6.文学的审美意识形态属性的表现: (1)无功利与功利: A.文学是无功利的,但这种无功利本身也隐含有某种功利意图。 B.文学的这种无功利性集中体现在作家的创作活动和读者的阅读过程中。 C.作为作家或读者的话语活动,文学虽然与直接的功利目的无关,但简洁地仍旧有深刻的社会功利性。作为再现现实社会生活的话语结构,文学的功利性在于,它把审美无功利性仅仅当做实现其再现社会生活这一功利目的的特殊手段。(2)形象与理性 文学是形象的,这是由文学直接的审美感性特征决定的;同时,文学又蕴含某种理性,即文学创作、阅读及形象本身都可能与某种间接的或深层的理性考虑有关,这是由文学的人类活动属性本身决定的。 (3)情感与认识 审美情感是直接的而理智认识是间接的。直接的审美情感在其深层往往隐伏着间接的理智认识。《我爱这土地》 7.话语是与语言、语言系统、言语和文本等存在联系和区别的概念。语言是人类最重要的社会交际工具,话语则是具体的社会存在形态。


美国文学史及作品选读模拟试题一 ) '×15=15I.Multiple Choice (1'______was the first colony in American history. C1. D.Georgia C. Virginia A. Massachusetts B. New Jersey War. the before Revolutionary only good American author 2. _B_____ was the

One “His shadow lies heavier than any other man's on of his fellow Americans said, this young nation.”D.Thomas Paine B. Benjamin Franklin C. Thomas Jefferson A. John Smith 3. Romantics put emphasis on the following EXCEPT __A____. D. individualism C. intuition B. imagination A. common sense The Raven was written in 1844 by __B______ 4. B. Edgar Allan Poe A. Philip Freneau D. Emily Dickinson C. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 5. The ship __C____ carried about one hundred Pilgrims and took 66 days to beat its way across the Atlantic. In December of 1620, it put the Pilgrims ashore at Plymouth, Massachusetts. D. Titanic C. Mayflower B. Armada A. Sunflower D____ is a tremendous chronicle of a whaling voyage in 6. Melville's novel __ pursuit of a seemingly supernatural white whale. Moby Dick D. C. White Jacket A. Typee B. Omoo 7. As a philosophical and literary movement, __D____ flourished in New England from the 1830s to the Civil War. D.Transcendentalism C.Sentimentalism B.Rationalism A.Modernism 8. The theme of original sin is fully reflected in ___A______. B. Sister Carrie A. The Scarlet Letter The Old Man and Sea D. C. The Great Gatsby 9. In all his novels Theodore Dreiser sets himself to project the ___B___ American values. For example, in Sister Carrie, there is not one character whose status is not determined economically. 页1 第 A. Puritan B. materialistic C. psychological D. religious 10. Realism was a reaction against____B__ or a move away from the bias towards
