
A. 孤不度德量力,欲信大义于天下。
B. 威天下不以兵革之利。
C. 权曰:“孤岂欲卿治经为博士邪!”
D. 日食饮得无衰乎?
A. 天下苦秦久矣(苦:苦于,为……所苦)不足为将军虑也(为:对,向)
B. 曹秽不可以勇为(为:作为)孤岂欲卿治经为博士邪(为:做,当)
C. 愿借子杀之(子:你)权将如厕(如:到,往)
D. 请献十金(请:请允许我)不欲勿施诸彼(欲:想要)
A. ①③④\ ⑤\ ⑥\ ⑦\ ⑧\
B. ①③④\ ⑤⑦\ ⑥⑧\
C. ①②⑥\ ③④⑤\ ⑦⑨\
D. ②③④\ ⑤⑦\ ⑥⑨\
A. 被发行佯狂不畏险阻
B. 以君为长者,故不错意也
C. 欲信大义于天下
D. 以天下之所顺,攻亲戚之所畔。
A. 今民久不堪,陛下至,又重扰之
B. 不积跬步,无以至千里
C. 牺牲玉帛,弗敢加也
D. 小大之狱,虽不能察。

第一单元测试史前时期一、单项选择题1.下列哪一古代人类遗址,把我国的人类历史推进到大约170万年前( )A.元谋人遗址B.北京人遗址C.山顶洞人遗址D.半坡聚落遗址2.根据片段联想:①发现于周口店的龙骨山②能够直立行走③已经能使用火④过着群居生活,题中所述的这一远古人类是( )A.元谋人 B.北京人 C.蓝田人 D.山顶洞人3.下列我国境内远古人类及其生活情况的叙述,不正确...的是( )A.元谋人是目前已知的最早人类 B.北京人使用打制石器C.山顶洞人掌握了磨光和钻孔技术 D.上古人类的外貌跟现代人没有差别4.元谋人、北京人、山顶洞人都是我国境内著名的原始人类。
获得他们生产生活的第一手资料,要通过( )A.神话传说 B.史书记载 C.学者推断 D.考古发掘5.“民以食为天”,从野食充饥到农耕种植是人类生活史上的飞跃。
世界上最早种植粟的远古居民是( )A.北京人 B.半坡人 C.元谋人 D.河姆渡人6.半坡遗址是我国重要的原始农耕村落遗址之一,其原始居民( )A.距今约一百七十万年 B.生活在北京周口店C.住着干栏式的房子 D.主要粮食作物是粟7.南方地区气候潮湿闷热,在远古时代有哪一远古人群建造干栏式房屋,为自己提供一个比较舒适的居住环境( )A.北京人 B.山顶洞人 C.河姆渡人D.半坡人8.1973年,浙江省余姚市农民在建排涝站挖地基时,意外地发现一处原始时期人类生活遗址。
这处遗址是( )A.北京人遗址B.山顶洞人遗址C.半坡人遗址D.河姆渡人遗址9.“人猿相揖别。
”据考古发现,下列使用磨制石器的远古居民是( )①元谋人②北京人③半坡居民④河姆渡居民A.①② B.②③ C.①④ D.③④10.一代伟人孙中山的诗句“中华开国五千年,神州轩辕自古传。
”反映的“人文始祖”是( )A.炎帝黄帝 B.大禹 C.舜11.世界华人炎帝故里寻根节每年固定在炎帝诞辰农历四月廿六举办,该节已成为海峡两岸同胞乃至全球华人华侨交流互动的重要平台。

初一上考试题目及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪个选项是正确的?A. 地球是宇宙的中心B. 太阳是宇宙的中心C. 地球是太阳系的中心D. 太阳是太阳系的中心答案:D2. 以下哪个不是哺乳动物的特征?A. 体表有毛B. 体温恒定C. 卵生D. 哺乳答案:C3. 植物的光合作用需要什么?A. 阳光、水和二氧化碳B. 阳光、土壤和氧气C. 阳光、水和氧气D. 阳光、土壤和二氧化碳答案:A4. 以下哪个不是水的三态变化?A. 固态B. 液态C. 气态D. 等离子态5. 以下哪个是化学变化?A. 切割木材B. 燃烧木材C. 混合沙子和水D. 溶解食盐答案:B6. 以下哪个是物理变化?A. 铁生锈B. 水蒸发C. 木材燃烧D. 制作面包答案:B7. 以下哪个是力的作用效果?A. 改变物体的形状B. 改变物体的颜色C. 改变物体的温度D. 改变物体的气味答案:A8. 以下哪个是牛顿第一定律的内容?A. 物体在没有外力作用下,会保持静止或匀速直线运动B. 物体在没有外力作用下,会保持静止或加速运动C. 物体在有外力作用下,会保持静止或匀速直线运动D. 物体在有外力作用下,会保持静止或加速运动答案:A9. 以下哪个是声音的传播需要的条件?B. 固体、液体或气体C. 光D. 磁场答案:B10. 以下哪个是光的折射现象?A. 光沿直线传播B. 光在不同介质中传播速度不同C. 光在同种均匀介质中传播速度不变D. 光从一种介质斜射入另一种介质时,传播方向发生偏折答案:D二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 地球的自转周期是______,公转周期是______。
答案:一天,一年2. 植物通过______作用将太阳能转化为化学能。
答案:光合3. 牛顿第二定律的公式是______。
答案:F=ma4. 声音在空气中的传播速度大约是______米/秒。
答案:3405. 力的三要素包括力的大小、方向和______。

七年级(完整版)英语单项选择(50题)练习题含答案一、选择题1.It is said that ______ bridge was built in ______ Ming Dynasty.A.a; a B.the; theC.a; the D.the; a2.Late in the afternoon, they arrived at ______ small village ______ north of the West Hill. A.the, the B.a, \ C.a, the D.the, \3.An engineer has designed _______ robot that can work in _______ deep sea to clean waste. A.a; the B.a; a C./; the D.the; /4.I’ve learned that your company has ____ vacant position for a secretary. I’m calling to apply for ____ job.A.a; the B.a; a C./; a D./; the5.Much of ________ humour of the book was unfortunately lost in ________ translation. A.the; / B.the; a C.a; / D.a ; a6.I knew ________ John Lennon,but not ________ famous one.A./;a B.a;theC./;the D.the;a7.—Jim took ___ one-hour ride just now. What a short time he spent finishing such a long way!—He is ______ experienced rider.A.an; the B.a; the C.a; an D.an; a8._____ great progress he has made! I really think it’s _____ great success.A.What a; 不填B.What; aC.How; a D.What; 不填9.Simon likes playing ______ chess, while her brother is interested in playing _____ guitar. A./, the B.the, / C./, / D.the; the10.— Is there ________ library in your new school?—Yes, it’s just ________ east of the experiment building.A.a; the B.a; / C.the;/ D.the; the 11.Almost all the people in Binhai, our hometown, work hard to make it ________ better place. A.a B.an C.the D./二、选择题12.My parents have made ________ a habit to go out for a walk around Xuanwu Lake.A.this B.it C.that D.one13.—Have you prepared ________ for the picnic tomorrow?—-No, except the drinks.A.nothing B.anything C.everything D.something三、选择题14.The 20th China Jiangning Hengxi Watermelon Festival was held ________ May this year. A.at B.on C.in D.from15.My mum searched ________ the messy books and found my pencil was under a Harry Potter.A.as B.across C.through D.for四、选择题16.No rules, all things will not be long. Without proper lessons, you could ________ a lot of bad habits when playing the piano.A.give up B.catch up C.keep up D.pick up五、选择题17.Sorry, smoking is not allowed here. If you ________ , you will be fined according to the rules. A.can B.will C.may D.must18.We shouldn’t throw any objects from the building. Even a small object ________ cause serious injuries or death, when dropped from a great height.A.must B.should C.may D.need六、选择题19.The robot proves to be useful in many ways. ________ smart the invention is!A.What B.What a C.How D.How a七、选择题20.–Mr Black, _______ will the parents’ meeting last?-It’s hard to say. Maybe one hour more.A.how long B.how much C.how far D.how often八、选择题21.— Mum, may I watch TV for a while?— As soon as your homework _______ you can.A.finishes B.will finish C.is finished D.will be finished 22.When you visit a museum, some inst ructions should ________ and we’d better not ________ them.A.pay attention to; be against B.be paid attention; againstC.be paid attention to; against D.be paid attention to; be against23.—Mr Yang, when shall we leave school this afternoon?—Not until the classroom _______.A.has cleaned B.will clean C.will be cleaned D.is cleaned 24.Last March, thousands of trees ______ along the street to make our city more beautiful. A.were planted B.were planting C.would plant D.planted九、选择题25.—Have you received a reply to your job application?—No. I ___________.A.waited B.am waitingC.have waited D.had been waiting26.—Hi, Tom. I can’t find David anywhere. Do you know where he is?—Oh, he ________ for tomorrow’s exam at home.A.prepares B.is preparing C.has prepared D.prepared27.—What is your mother doing, Linda?—She ________ dinner in the kitchen now.A.is cooking B.was cooking C.cooks D.cooking 28.Xifeng Street is closed today because workers _______ some repairs.A.make B.made C.are making D.were making十、选择题29.________ he used to be 200 kilos in the past, he has lost too much weight by exercising now. A.Although B.So C.Until D.But十一、选择题30.—Could you please tell me _______ “The Reader”, a TV programme hosted by Dong Qing?—Well, it is fun and teaches us a lot of knowledge.A.how do people like B.how people likedC.why do many people like D.why many people like31.—Could you tell me ________ yuanxiao in China?—Usually at the Lantern Festival.A.when people eat B.how people eat C.when do people eat D.how do people eat 十二、选择题32.My car broke down on the way to the airport, so I rushed there by taxi only to find my flight had been cancelled. What can I say?A.It never rains but it pours. B.Every dog has its day.C.The early bird catches the worm. D.Never put all your eggs in one basket. 33.—I spent the whole night preparing my report.—Don’t stay up too late, or you will be tired out. Remember, .A.it never rains but it poursB.you can’t burn the candle at both endsC.you can’t put all your eggs in one ba sketD.the grass is always greener on the other side34.–Why can’t you trust me? Not everything you heard is true?- Maybe not. But __________________.A.out of sight, out of mind B.there is no smoke without fireC.a miss is as good as a mile D.actions speak louder than words十三、选择题35.—Only those who have a lot in common can get along well.—________. Opposites sometimes attract.A.I think so B.I don’t think so C.I don’t care D.I hope so 36.— Shall we go to Nanjing Green Expo Park to enjoy the beautiful flowers this afternoon?—________. Let’s go there by bike.A.I think so B.That’s all right C.My pleasure D.Sounds great十四、选择题37.—What happened to Lucy? I saw her _______ in her seat just now.—She failed in the final exam. Let’s go to cheer her up.A.crying B.to cry C.cried D.to be crying 38.David practices________ the piano hard and often gives wonderful performances. A.play B.played C.playing D.to play39._____ a GPS will make _______ easier for everyone to visit a strange place.A.Take, her B.Taking, that C.Taking, it D.Take, this40.I like ___________ because it makes us know ourselves better and know more about the world.A.reading B.read C.to read D.reads 41.—Why are you so excited today?—Because we were told a school trip this weekend.A.having B.have C.to have D.had42.More TV programs, according to government officials, will be produced _____ people’s attention over food safety.A.to raise B.raising C.to rise D.rising十五、选择题43.—OK, what do you want to know?—I’m unsure ________.A.which is the way to the Palace Museum B.how many colors are there in a rainbow C.that the couple has been married for 3 years D.how long I can borrow the story books 44.Please turn up the music, don’t worry about the baby because he ________ for half an hour. A.woke up B.has woke up C.was awake D.has been awake 45.—See? The strange man ________ around our house again. Should we call the police?—Oh, no. He is our new neighbor, who moved upstairs the day before yesterday.A.walks B.walked C.has walked D.is walking十六、选择题46.This kind of house _________warm in winter and cool in summer.A.is found B.finds C.is felt D.feels47.This kind of books _____ well and they _____ out last week.A.sells; were sold B.is sold; sold C.sells; sold D.is sold; were sold 48.Jenny who I ________ to know in Australia has worked in China for a year already. We are going to meet next week.A.has got B.will get C.got D.get十七、选择题49.________ more and more people surf the Internet for news, the traditional newspaper may not disappear in a short time.A.Because B.If C.Though D.When50.You will never grow ________ you try to do something beyond your abilities.A.when B.since C.though D.unless【参考答案】***试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、选择题1.B解析:B【解析】【详解】考查冠词。

七年级上单项选择题训练1.进入一个新的班集体后,一个陌生同学主动向你介绍他自己,这时你()A. 会很害羞B.转身走开C.也向他介绍你D.会说:“走开!”2.在新的班级里,有那么多新的面孔,慢慢地就成了好朋友。
每个人都需要朋友,这是因为()A.友情能使我们的生活充满快乐,有助于我们健康地成长B.拥有朋友,可以显示自己的好人缘C.友情可以在适当的时候有用D.生活中要依赖朋友3.在为实现班集体共同目标而奋斗的过程中,我们不应当()A. 各尽所能,奉献集体B.团结协作C. 互助前行D.随心所欲4.下列行为,属于有利于同学之间相互促进、共同进步的是()A.遇到挫折,有朋友劝慰;享受欢乐,有朋友祝愿B.争论问题,一定要争个你输我赢;受到批评,有朋友帮腔C.同窗好友一起爬山登高,攀折花木,共同欣赏D.同学之间交往只为了开开玩笑,热闹热闹5.彩虹因七彩光环而美丽,班级因__ _而增添光彩。

人教版新目标七年级上册期末冲刺复习专项分类突破卷单项选择100题(二)1.—Are you Jack?—_____.A.Yes, I’m B.No, I am C.Yes, I am D.No, I amn’t【答案】C【详解】句意:——你是杰克吗?——是的,我是。
根据上文“Are you Jack?”可知,是一般疑问句,作简略回答,用yes或no来回答,yes后是肯定回答,no后是否定回答,选项A不能缩写;选项B回答不对,选项D,am和not不能缩写。
2.—Is he Mike?—________ He is Tom.A.Yes, he is.B.Yes, she is.C.No, he isn’t.D.No, she isn’t.【答案】C【详解】句意:——他是迈克吗?——不,他不是,他是汤姆。
根据“He is Tom”可知,表示否定,排除A和B;且根据“he”可知,用“No, he isn’t”,故选C。
3.—What’s this in English?—________ a map.A.It’s B.That’s C.This is D.It【答案】A【详解】句意:——这个用英语怎么说?——它是一张地图。
It’s它是;That’s那是;This is这是;It它。
4.—What nationality is your new friend?—She is ________.A.Germany B.Japan C.China D.Russian【答案】D【详解】句意:——你的新朋友是哪国人?——她是俄罗斯人。

七年级英语单项选择(50题)专项练习(含答案和解析)及解析一、选择题1.In ________ film Cast Away. Tom Hanks plays ________ man named Chuck Noland.A.a; the B.the; aC.the; the D.a; a2.Being able to afford_____drink would be _____comfort in those tough times.A.the;theB.a;aC.a;/D./;a3.Tiger Watch, ________ one-hour documentary, is such ________ amazing TV programme. A.an;an B.an;a C.a;an D.the;a4.We feel quite sad about ________ death of Yuan Longping, “Father of Hybrid Rice”. What________ great loss it is!A.the; / B.a; the C.the; the D.the; a二、选择题5.—Are there any air tickets to Hong Kong?—Sorry. There is ________ left.A.nothing B.none C.nobody D.no one 6.—Excuse me, I want to buy a birthday present for my younger sister.—OK. We have new kinds of toys for girls. You can choose for her.A.one B.it C.them D.that三、选择题7.It’s ________ knowledge that moods can have an influence on our health.A.unusual B.special C.general D.common8.Millie used to be ________, but now she can make friends with others and organize activities. A.shy B.active C.honest D.lively9.—Jack is such a ________ person that everyone likes him.—He is. He always offers a hand when his neighbours are in trouble.A.curious B.confident C.helpful D.serious四、选择题10.—Thanks for looking after me ________ my illness, Millie.—Don’t mention it. That’s what friends are for.A.beyond B.through C.across D.with 11.Though there are so many things around us that go ______ our will, we can’t give up because following the dream is valuable.A.through B.towards C.against D.beyond五、选择题12.As a volunteer, he often goes to the hospital to ________ the sick.A.cheer for B.help for C.put up D.cheer up13.—I ________ reading English every morning.—Yes, English is very important and it ________ the first language in England and some other countries.A.used to; is used by B.used to; is used asC.am used to; is used as D.am used to; is used by六、选择题14.—Why didn’t you tell it to me earlier?— Why ________ I? I want to have my own secret.A.can B.may C.should D.shall15.Never throw objects from the building. Even a small object ________ cause serious injuries, or death, when dropped from a great height.A.must B.should C.may D.need16.—Will Jim come to Yangzhou for a holiday?—He ________come and it depends on how much homework he will have.A.may B.should C.must D.need七、选择题17.—________ excellent work you have done!—It’s very kind of you to say so. It seems much easier than I ________.A.What an; thought B.What; thought C.How; think D.How an; think 18.The intelligent car can drive by itself. great invention it is!A.How a B.What a C.What D.How八、选择题19.The air pollution in the small town is getting worse. People have to wear thick masks almost every day. __________ !A.What a shame B.What shame C.What a surprise D.What surprise 20.—I went from a school desk to a ship in my teens.—_________ days would you be at sea? Homesick?A.How long B.How many C.How much D.How soon九、选择题21.Penicillin(青霉素)was first _______ by Fleming early in the twentieth century. A.invented B.discovered C.created D.produced 22.—Mr Yang, when shall we leave school this afternoon?—Not until the classroom _______.A.has cleaned B.will clean C.will be cleaned D.is cleaned十、选择题23.--- Hi, it's time we worked out a plan for the research project.---Sorry, I'm not available right now. I _____ for the upcoming final exam.A.am preparing B.prepared C.have prepared D.will be preparing24.Since the band announced the release of their new album, the phone hasn't stopped ringing. Many fans ________ to ask about the exact time.A.were calling B.had calledC.are calling D.call25.—Have you got any job offers?—No. I ________. Hopefully, I will get one by the end of this month.A.waited B.had been waitingC.have waited D.am waiting26.—Hello! May I speak to Tom?—One moment! He _______ an e-mail.A.is sending B.sent C.sends D.was sending十一、选择题27.Stephen Hawking had a serious illness, _______ he kept studying physics.A.and B.but C.so D.or28.Lucy, don’t turn off the computer before closing all programs, ________you could have problems.A.or B.and C.but D.so29.2018年上海崇明二模Please dial 120 immediately,_______ the old man may die soon. A.and B.or C.but D.so十二、选择题30.Mr Wang asked Tom _______.A.what was matter with him B.what is wrong with himC.what was the matter with him D.what the matter was with him十三、选择题31.— Mr. Smith, I won the first prize in the competition.—______ I think you’ll do better and better.A.Congratulations! B.Good idea! C.That’s all right!D.What a shame!十四、选择题32.—What happened to Lucy? I saw her _______ in her seat just now.—She failed in the final exam. Let’s go to cheer her up.A.crying B.to cry C.cried D.to be crying 33.---Is Jack in the next room ?---It’s hard to say. But I heard him _____ loudly when I passed by just n ow.A.speak B.to speak C.spoken D.speaking 34.—How much do you know "996" schedule?—Well, it means _____________from 9 am to 9 pm, six days a week.A.working B.worked C.to work D.works35.________ of the road ________ broken down. It needs ________.A.Three-fourths; was; repairedB.Three quarters; has; to repairC.Three-fourth; was; to be repairedD.Three quarters; has; repairing36.I like because it makes us know ourselves better and know more about the world. A.reading B.cooking C.swimming D.dancing37.The sadness over her father's death made it difficult for her ________ schoolwork. A.finish B.to finish C.finishing D.to finishing 38.Our headmaster isn’t in. I can’t find him anywhere. Did you notice him ______ the office? A.to enter B.entered C.to leave D.leave39.I’m sorry to keep you ______ for an hour. Now let’s begin our work.A.to wait B.waiting C.wait D.waited十五、选择题40.Though Tom _______ America for over two years, he misses his friends and relatives from time to time.A.was away from B.left C.has been away from D.has left十六、选择题41.Playing a role in the hit show “Daddy, Where Are We Going?”, Kimi, together with the other four kids, _______ popular with many teenagers now.A.is B.are C.was D.were42.The Spring Festival is the time of year that _____ the largest annual mass migration on the planet when one sixth of the world’s population _____ home.A.will see; travels B.saw; was travellingC.will be seeing; will be travelling D.sees; travel43.The newly-elected ministers should understand that with the great honor of being government officials of this nation ________ great responsibility.A.comes B.is coming C.have come D.will come44.In our hometown, about 1,500 meters east of my house,_______ an old temple_______ back to the 17th century.A.stands; dating B.is standing; datedC.standing; dated D.stand; dating45.A long road tests a horse’s strength and a long-term task ________ a man’s heart. A.proves B.will prove C.is proving D.has proved46.- Honey, this is a present for your birthday.- Ah! A pair of shoes, well-known-brand – Nike. I think it _______ comfortable:A.is worn B.wears C.is wearing D.has worn47.—Look at the sign. It says “No photos”. We shouldn’t take photos here.—Sorry. I ________ the sign.A.didn’t notice B.don’t notice C.wasn’t noticing D.haven’t noticed十七、选择题48.The boy__________ parents died two years ago lives with his grandpa now.A.whose B.who C.that D./49.—I only heard of him a little. But what are the other important things ________ done by him?—He also set up Tongmenghui with Huang Xing.A.that B.which C.who D.which were十八、选择题50.—It is a pity that the disease is still terrible at present.—Yes. It will be worse ________ we take further action to do something for it.A.unless B.since C.if D.when【参考答案】***试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、选择题1.B解析:B【解析】【详解】考查冠词。

b a 10-1七年级上册数学单项选择题精选1. 一个点从数轴上的原点开始, 先向右移动3个单位, 再向左移动7个单位长度, 这时点所对应的数是( )A. 3B. 1C. -2D. -42. 有理数a 等于它的倒数, 有理数b 等于它的相反数, 则a 2007+b 2007等于( )A. 1B. -1C. ±1D. 2 1. 13的倒数的相反数的绝对值是 A. 13B. -13C. 3D. -3 1.-13的倒数是( ). (A )3 (B )-3 (C )13 (D )-131.下列各组数中,互为相反数的是( )A.2与21 B.(-1)2与1 C.-1与(-1)2 D.2与 ∣-2 ∣ 3. 如果a 、b 满足a+b>0, ab<0, 则下列各式正确的是( )A. |a|>|b|B. 当a>0,b<0时, |a|>|b|C. |a|<|b|D. 当a<0,b>0时, |a|>|b|2. 已知a<0, 那么下列各等式成立的是( )A. a 2=(-a)·aB. a 2=(-a)2C. a 3=|a 3|D. 5a>4a 5.有理数a 、b 在数轴上的对应点如图所示:则( )A.0<+b a B .0>+b a C .0=-b a D.0>-b a4. 将下列图形绕直线l 旋转一周, 可以得到右图所示的立体图形的是( )6. 下列四个图形中, 能用∠1、∠AOB 、∠O 三种方法表示同一个角的图形是( )A B C D7. 下图中, 是正方体的展开图是( )A 650 O ABC D9. 如图所示, OB 、OC 是∠AOD 的任意两条射线, OM 平分∠AOB, ON平分∠COD.若∠MON=α,∠BOC=β,则表示∠AOD 的代数式是 ( )A. 2α-βB. α-βC. α+βD. 以上都不正确10. 如图所示, 把一根绳子对折成线段AB, 从P 处把绳子剪断, 已知AP=12PB, 若剪断后的各段绳子中最长的一段为40cm, 则绳子的原长为( )A. 30 cmB. 60 cmC. 120 cmD. 60 cm 或120 cm 由梅州到广州某次列车的停靠站顺序为:梅州。

新目标七年级上册英语期末单项选择试题专项练习一单项选择()1. —Who is the boy in a red coat?—He is Tom. He is _____ eleven—year—old boy from England.A. anB. aC. theD. \()2.Children always have much fun ______ Children’s Day.A. onB. inC.atD. for ()3.—Daniel, can you pass me _____ sugar?—Look! Mum , there isn’t ______ sugar now. A. some, some B. any, some C. some, any D. any, any ()4. —I think our history teacher teaches us ______ .—Yes, but he hasn’t come today. He doesn’t feel_______A.good, wellB. well, wellC.good, goodD.well, good ()5.—_______do you watch TV every day, Jim?—About one hour.A.How longB. How muchC. How oftenD. How far ()6.People in China ______ fireworks at night at important festivals.A. get offB. take offC. turn offD. let off()7.—Listen! Who _______ in the music room.—It must be Lily. She enjoys singing very much larger than that in yours.A. singsB. singC. is singingD. sang()8.—What do you think of your English teacher?—Oh, wonderful. He can make his class ______ , so he always makes the students.A. interesting, laughingB. interested, laughC. interesting, laughD. interested, laughing()9. —Little babies _______ use body language to show their feelings before they can talk.A. seldomB. hardlyC. neverD. usually()10. —Happy New Year!—__________.A.The same to you.B. That’s for sureC. Thank youD. I don’t think so.( )11.Tony often has egg and a glass of milkfor breakfast every day.A. an; /B. an; theC. a; /D. a; the( )12.There a bottle of orange and threeoranges on the table.A. isB. areC. haveD. has( )13.There are months in a year. Themonth of a year is May.A. twelve; fiveB. twelfth; fifthC. twelfth; fiveD. twelve; fifth( )14.—Is that model plane?—Yes, it's . My sister sent it to me.A. your; myB. your; mineC. you; meD. yours; mine( )15.—The bag is not the right for me.—You are very lucky. It is 50% off today.A. ColorB. sizeC. styleD. price( )16.Many people in Nanjing walked on NanjingYangtze River Bridge when it reopened (重开)December 29th, 2018.A. inB. onC. atD. by( )17.—do you like eating carrots?—Because I think they are good for our eyes.A. WhatB. WhyC. WhoD. When( )18.—Are those your sister's shoes?—. I buy them for my mother.A. Yes, those areB. No, they aren'tC. Yes, they areD. No, those aren't( )19.Linda does exercise every day because shewants healthy.A. beingB. beC. to beD. is( )20.—Could you please me put up(张贴)the picture on the wall?—No problem.A. helpB. askC. thankD. find( )21.—Mary, do you like Friday or Sunday?—Of course Sunday,because I'm on Friday.A. busyB. relaxingC. interestingD. fun( )22.—is a 5-day trip to Hong Kong?—I think it's about ¥4,000.A. How manyB. How longC. How soonD. How much( )23.She likes watching volleyball games,she doesn't like playing it.A. butB. orC. and( )24.—Happy birthday! Let's have a party for you!—.A. All rightB. Thank youC. That's all rightD. You're welcome( )25.Which cartoon character stands for Chineseculture?(下面哪个卡通人物代表了中国文化?)A. B. C. D.( )26.—How old is your son?—___. We have a party for his ___birthday thisweek.A.Nine; nineB. Ninth; nineC .Nine, the ninth D. Nine; ninth( )27. —____you spell “ruler”?—Yes. R-U-L-E-R.A. WhatB. How C .Can D. Are( )28.—Let’s play soccer!—OK! I think it is interesting for us ___soccer together.A. playB. playsC. to playD. playing( )29.—What do you think of math?—It’s difficult ___ interesting. And we have math___Friday afternoon.A. or; onB.but; onC.or; inD. and ; in( )30.—Does your brother like watching TV?—Yes, he watches TV___ four hours every day.A.atB.inC.onD.for( )31.Can you___ jiaozi ___English?A. say; withB.speak; inC.say; inD.tell; about ( )32.The boy is___.He eats___.A.healthy; goodB. health; wellC.healthy; wellD.health; good( )33. —Lisa, I need you ___the classroom. Will you help me?A.cleanB. to cleanC.cleansD.cleaning( )34.—How much is this pair of shorts?—It’s ___sale ___ only 25 yuan.A. in; for;B. on; atC. for; atD. on ; for( )35.This is __English book. We have___English this afternoon.A. an;anB. /;/C. an;/D. /;an( )36. —Excuse me! Is this___ new house?—Yes, it’s ___.The parents of them bought it last September.A. Jim and Tom’s ; theirsB. Jim’s and Tom’s ; themC. Jim’s and Tom’s ; theirsD. Jim and Tom’s ; them ( )37.—Where do you get this book?—I ___ it ___the bookstore.A. sell; toB. buy; fromC. sell; forD. buy; to ( )38.____are good friends.A.I and JennyB. Tom and meC. Me and JennyD. Jenny and I( )39.—The baby is so lovely.—Yeah, he is only ____.A.ten month oldB. ten months oldC. ten month’s oldD. ten-month-old( )40.—Would you like ____apples?—No, thanks.A. anyB. someC. muchD. a little( )41.This is ____old car, and that is_____new car.A. a; aB. an; aC. an; theD. a; the( )42.He usually watches TV ________Saturday evening.A. onB. inC. atD. for( )43.Look at these ______.Victor has_____aunt and two uncles.A. photos; aB. photos; anC. photos; theD. photo; an( )44.Can you ________ jiaozi ________English?A. say; withB. speak; inC. say; inD. tell; about( )45. —Can I help you?—________.I want a blue schoolbag.A.Yes, I canB. Yes, you canC. Yes, pleaseD. Of course( )46.________your brother ________a baseball?A. Do; hasB. Does; haveC. Does; hasD. Don’t; have( )47.I have two eggs and a glass of milk________breakfast.A. ofB. toC. inD. for( )48.________is my friend. ________name is Lucy.A. She; HerB. Her; SheC. He; HisD. His; He( )49.—What color are the socks?—________yellow and brown.A. They’reB. Them areC. It’sD. It be( )50.—________is the bag?—It’s 7 dollars.A. How manyB. How muchC. How oldD. What color( )51.Miss White is a good teacher. Sheusually_______.A.helps me to EnglishB. help me learn EnglishC. help me with my EnglishD.helps me with myEnglish( ) 52. Mary and Joy are ________Class One. Theyare________ the U.S.A.A. at; inB. in; fromC. to; fromD. in; at( ) 53.—________ jacket is this?—I think it’s Mingming’s.A. WhoB. Who’sC. WhoseD. What( ) 54.—Is that your Chinese teacher?—________A.Thank you.B. Yes. Look!C. Yes, you are right.D. OK.( ) 55.There are ________months in a year. The________month is September.A.twelfth; ninthB. twelve; ninthC. twelve ; ninethD. twelfth; nineth :( )56.﹣_______ this in English?﹣It's a book.A.Which B.What C.What's( )57.Learn more reading skills(阅读技巧)____you'll be a faster(更快的)reader.A.and B.or C.but( )58.Please______ ,and the bus is coming.A.come out B.come here C.come on( )59.Let's____the classroom.A.clean B.to clean C.cleaning( )60.﹣Can I help you?﹣___________.A.Thank youB.Yes,please. I want a pen.C.You're welcome.D.I'm sorry.( )61.We have ______Art Festival every year.A.a B.the C.an D./( )62.﹣Hi,Tony. Is the red jacket yours?一No.___ is green.A.I B.Mine C.My( )63.We can ____books ___the bookstore(书店)A.sell;to B.buy;fromC.sell;from D.buy;to( )64.Hurry up(快点),Mary! We're_____A.late B.great C.good( )65.My uncle likes playing football_____ it'sinteresting.A.but B.so C.because参考答案1. A【解析】考察冠词的用法,a用在以辅音开头的名词前,an用于以元音字母开头的名词前,eleven以元音开头,排除A选项;这里选A.an表示“一个”的意思,修饰boy,译为“他是一个来自英国的11岁男孩”2. A【解析】考察时间介词的用法。

新目标七年级上册英语期末单项选择题专项训练及答案 单项选择( )1. —Do you like ____ English, Li Chen?—Y es, and I think it's ____ useful subject.A. /; aB. an; anC. /; anD. an; the( )2. —Excuse me, may I use your dictionary? ____ is at home.—Certainly . But remember to return it on time.A. IB. MeC. MyD. Mine ( )3. —How old is your sister?—She's ____. This evening we'll have a party for her ____ birthday .A. ninth; ninthB. nine; ninthC. ninth; nineD. nine; nine ( )4. —This schoolbag looks nice. ____ is it? —It's $30. A. How old B. How much C. What color D. What sport ( )5. —Mike, do you know Lisa's telephone number?—Y es. Y ou can call her ____ 8880980.A. WithB. forC. atD. in ( )6. —I like history very much.—Really? My brother likes it, too, ____ I don't.A. SoB. andC. becauseD. but ( )7. —Hello! Are these ____ on sale?—Y es. The tomatoes and the carrots are 3 yuan for one kilo. A. Fruits B. vegetables C. clothes D. classes( )8. —Jane, what do you ____ for school now?—Two notebooks and a Chinese dictionary .A. thinkB. comeC. thankD. need ( )9. —How do you like this book, dear?—It's ____. I don't like it.A. interestingB. usefulC. boringD. healthy ( )10. —Can I help you, madam? —____. A. Y es, please. I want a hat B. Y ou're welcome C. I'm fine, thanks D. Here you are( )11. Our National Day(国庆节) is on ________ first day in _________ October. A. a; the B. the; a C. the; / D. a; / ( )12. Our English Day starts________8:00 a. m.________ May 30th.A. at ;inB. at ;onC. in ;onD. on ;on( )13. —Are those pencils ________?I found________ under the desk.—Yes, thank you.A. your ;theyB. your; themC. yours; theyD. yours ;them ( )14. This morning we have ________ classes, and the ________class is Chinese. A. first ;three B. three ;first C. third ;first D. third ;one ( )15. —________ are these shoes?—They are $30.A. How muchB. How oldC. How manyD. What color( )16. I like fruit ________ I don't like vegetables. A. and B. but C. or D. if ( )17. —What fruits do you like?—Oh, fruits? They are ________. A. bananas, pears and oranges B. apples, tomatoes and saladsC. strawberries, burgers and ice creamsD. carrots, hot dogs and eggs( )18. —Do you like English, Emily?—Yes, it's very ________. A. boring B. useless C. interesting D. difficult ( )19. —When ________ she have geography?—She ________ it on Wednesday. A. does ;have B. do ;have C. does ;has D. do ;has ( )20. —________—Yes, please. I want a pair of socks for sports. A. What do you like? B. How do you do?C. Can I help you?D. How much are the socks?( )21. Oh, I have ________ English book. It is in my room.A. aB. anC. /D. the( )22. ---Linda, are these Anna’s tapes? ---No. ________ are in the box. A. He B. His C. She D. Hers ( )23. Mary likes fish and ________ for lunch. What about you? A. apple B. food C. hamburgers D. banana( )24. This sweater looks ________ on my daughter. I’ll take it. A. big B. small C. nice D. well( )25. I often play volleyball after class. But my cousin Lily ________. A. does B. doesn’t C. do D. don’t( )26. We usually finish our classes ________ 5:30 in the afternoon. A. at B. in C. on D. from( )27. ---________ is this red T -shirt? ---It’s 17 dollars. A. How much B. How many C. What color D. What( )28. My mother ________ me a pair of new shoes for sports. A. sell B. buy B. sells D. buys( )29. Look! The ball is behind the door. Let’s ________ it.A. getB. to getC. findD. to find( )30. Tom likes vegetables, ________ he eats them every day.A. becauseB. andC. butD. or参考答案1~5:ADBBC6~10:DBDCA11.C12.B13.D14.B15.A16. B点拨:语境法。

七年级七年级英语单项选择(50题)期末复习专题练习及答案一、选择题1.Living in_________ ever increasingly fast-paced world, we are facing greater competition, so we must take _________ advantage of every opportunity to develop.A.an; the B.an; /C.the; an D.the; /2.Being able to afford_____drink would be _____comfort in those tough times.A.the;theB.a;aC.a;/D./;a3.Mr. Smith, ________ headmaster of the school, told us, "________ sixth of students here go on to study at Oxford and Cambridge."A./; A B./; The C.the; The D.a; A4.He was walking along the beach. All of _____ sudden, he saw a beautiful girl dancing ______ music.A.a; with B./ ; withC./ ; to D.a ; to5.---- I am afraid I have got _______ headache.---- So please stay in ________ bed for a few more hours.A.a, the B.the, a C.\, a D.a, \二、选择题6.— Who was calling you on the phone just now?— ________ was my mum.A.She B.That C.It D.This7.Life is like a one-way street. ________ will happen________ the same way again. A.Nothing; by B.Nothing;/ C.None; in D.None;on 8.—Do you have ________else to say for your mistake?—________but sorry.A.anything; Something B.something; EverythingC.anything; Nothing D.something; Anything三、选择题9.Cindy is always full of __________ because she takes a lot of exercise everyday. A.courage B.knowledge C.energy D.experience 10.—Have you heard of a new technology about TV?—Yes. It’s “8K TV”. I believe that it will make a great ________ to people’s life.A.surprise B.progress C.difference D.choice四、选择题11.—We must study hard to enter our ideal high school.—Exactly! Just as President Xi says,“Happiness is achieved ________ hard work.”A.through B.across C.along D.with 12.—Hi, Mom directed by Jia ling is a hit ________ this year.—It really is. It shows us the deep love between a mother and a daughter.A./ B.in C.on D.at13.________ Friday afternoon, our school ends earlier than usual.A.At B.On C.To D.In五、选择题14.—How do you like my new dress?—Well, if I ________ say, it is not suitable for you.A.may B.must C.have to D.should15.— Mum, why do I have to wash hands so many times a day?—You ________ be too careful, for your health.A.can’t B.mustn’t C.may not D.needn’t 16.—In China, many students have to stay up late to do their homework.—No worries. The government has realized the problem. I’m sure th ere ________ be good news soon.A.can B.should C.must D.need17.It’s amazing that the pen ________turn voice into text with few mistakes.A.can B.must C.may D.need六、选择题18.________ unusual music he is playing! All of us are losing ourselves in it.A.How B.What a C.What D.How a19.— _________ crowded Guanqian Street is!— Yes, because the number of people has kept _________ greatly since 1990.A.What; rising B.How a; raising C.What; raising D.How; rising七、选择题20.— ________ orange juice does she need?— Just a little.A.How much B.How long C.How many D.How far 21.—___________ will the project of Wuxi Metro Line 3 be completed?—It won't take long. Just in about three months.A.How long B.How far C.How soon D.How often八、选择题22.The school hall ________ next week to celebrate this year's Science & Technology Festival. A.is decorated B.will decorate C.is decorating D.will be decorated 23.—The film Coco ________ with the Oscar Award not long ago.—That’s great! It deserves such a high prize.A.presents B.presented C.is presented D.was presented 九、选择题24.Today many physical bookstores down with financial difficulties, inflexible management strategies and competitive pressure from online bookstores.A.had closed B.having closedC.being closed D.are closing25.Chinese people’s spending on overseas trips ______ year by year.A.had risen B.riseC.is rising D.rose26.--The concert won’t start till seven. Why____ so early?--You know I don' t want to be at the traffic there. It’s terrible during the rush hour.A.are you leaving B.do you leaveC.were you leaving D.had you left27.—Tom, what’s your sister doing?— She ________ her homework in the study.A.does B.will do C.did D.is doing 28.Betty can’t join us in the card game. She ________ the classroom.A.has cleaned B.was cleaning C.has cleaned D.is cleaning 29.—What’s that noise, Sam?— My little brother ________ his toy car.A.played B.is playing C.plays D.was playing 十、选择题30.Hurry up, _______ we’ll be late for the first bus.A.and B.but C.so D.or31.Would you like to go to the museum with me?I’d love to, ______ I’m afraid I have no time.A.but B.and C.or D.so32.—I don’t like reading ______ watching TV. What about you?—I don’t like reading all day , ______ I like watching TV news.A.and ; or B.and ; and C.or ; and D.or ; but 33.Put your books in the drawer, _____ they won’t get lost.A.or B.and C.but D.so十一、选择题34.—Could you please tell me ________?—Next Thursday morning.A.when we visited the Capital Museum B.when did we visit the Capital Museum C.when we will visit the Capital Museum D.when will we visit the Capital Museum 十二、选择题35.—I spent the whole night preparing my report.—Don’t stay up too late, or you will be tired out. Remember, .A.it never rains but it poursB.yo u can’t burn the candle at both endsC.you can’t put all your eggs in one basketD.the grass is always greener on the other side十三、选择题36.—I visited the Purple Mountain Observatory by myself last Saturday.—________ Why didn’t you tell me earlier?A.You did? B.I hope not. C.Have a good time. D.I can’t believe it.十四、选择题37.________ with life in the city, life in the countryside is much slower and more peaceful. A.To compare B.Comparing C.Compared D.Compare 38.Your hair is too long. You’d better _____.A.have it cut B.have cut it C.be cutting it D.to cut it 39.People are advised to avoid ________ their eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. A.touch B.touched C.to touch D.touching 40.—What do you remember about Grade 7?―I remember________a prize in the s chool writing competition.A.to win B.win C.winning D.won 41.—Anyone shouldn’t _________ use fire outdoors.—Yeah, and we should pay attention to ________ our forests and grasslands.A.be allowed to; protect B.allow to; protectingC.be allowed to; protecting D.allow to; protected42.Sally practices _________ the guitar very hard for the coming contest next month. A.play B.plays C.playing D.to play 43.—To keep the students safe on their way to school, we have taken more action.— That sounds great. We should do what we can __________ the school bus accident.A.to prevent B.prevent C.to preventing D.preventing十五、选择题44.China’s high-speed railways ________ from 9, 000 to 35, 000 kilometers in the past few years.A.are growing B.were growing C.will grow D.have grown 45.What a pity! My new computer__________ a virus and it can't work now.A.catches B.caught C.is caught D.has caught 46.My mother is a teacher. She ________ English in our school since she graduated from university.A.taught B.has taught C.is teaching D.will teach47.With the wide use of e-business, the way of shopping we were used to a lot. A.change B.changing C.changed D.has changed十六、选择题48.Our class _______ forty-five students, in other words, forty-five students ______ our class. A.consists of, are made up of.B.is consisted of, make up.C.consists of, make up.D.is consisted of, are made up of.49.Whenever you ______ a present, you’d better think about it from the receiver’s preference. A.bought B.buy C.will buy D.have bought 50.Candy has decided to move to Taipei next year. When she studies in an art school there, she ________ with her aunt for five months.A.lives B.lived C.has lived D.will live【参考答案】***试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、选择题1.B解析:B【解析】试题分析:考查冠词:第一空填an,生活在一个快节奏的世界,单词even以元音字母e开头,所以是an;第二空不填,固定词组take advantage of意思“利用”,句意:生活在一个快节奏的世界,我们面对较大的竞争,因此我们必须利用每个机会去发展。

七上单选200题1 "Do you like _________ ?A . a banana B. salad C. tomato D. tomatos"2 "They like chicken _______ diner.A. inB. on c. to D. for "3 "________ Bob __________ hamburgers?A. Does, haveB. Does, hasC. Do, haveD. Do, has4 "Do your father and mother like strawberries?----- Yes, ________A. you doB. they doC. he doesD. she does "5 "________ like hamburgers, ________ like carrots.A. She. IB. I, he and his fatherC. They, sheD. We , They "6 "Can I see you tennis racket ? ---- ________.A.No, I can’tB. No, you are notC. Ok ,here you areD. Yes, I can ."7 "Do you have _________ lunch at school ?A. theB. aC. anD. /"8 "She ________ French fries.A. likeB. is likeC. likesD. does like "9 "_________ are these? They are oranges and bananas.A. WhereB. HowC. What’sD. what"10 "Do you and Tony like hamburgers?------No, __________A. we don’tB. we aren’tC. they don’tD. they aren’t "11 "What does she like ?-----___________A. She like orangesB. Yes, she likes orangesC. She likes tomatoesD. No,she likes tomatoes . "12 "Do his brothers like math ?------ __________A. Yes , we do B . Yes , he doesC. No, we don’tD. No, they don’t"13 "__________ Mr. Brown ______eggs ?A. Do, likeB. Is likeC. Does, likeD. Is , likes"14 "I like eggs ,carrots and apples ________ breakfast.A. forB. inC. ofD. on "15 "Jenny ________ hamburgers every breakfast.A. haveB. hasC. is hasD. is have "16 "Do you have a computer game? ________________ A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I don’t. C. No, I do . D. No, I don’t."17 "Barry _______ a nice computer.A. hasB. doesC. haveD. do"18 "Let’s play baseball. _________________.A. Yes, I do .B. That’s a good idea.C. Sorry, I don’t.D. No, I don’t."19 "Mr Wang ____________ a ruler.A. don’t haveB. doesn’t haveC. doesn’t hasD. don’t have "20 "_______ you have two volleyballs? ________ I do. And I have two basketballs.A. Can; YesB. Do; YesC. Can; NoD. Do; Yes"21 "Does he have a tennis racket? _________________A. Yes, She does.B. Yes, he has.C. Yes, he have.D. No, he doesn’t."22 "________.That’s a car. --Where ? I can’t _____ it.A.Look;lookB.Look;seeC.See;seeD.See;look"23 "_______ my book. It’s too old.A.LookB.Look atC.HaveD.Have a look"24 "_______ sit here ? ----Sure.A.Can youB.Can IC.You canD.I can"25 "What class are you in ? ---______ am is Class two.A.HeB.IC.YouD.She"26 "Are these your rulers ?---No,_______ aren’t. ______rulers are in the box.A.they;TheyB.they;MyC.their;TheirD.them;We"27 "Is ___________ teacher Miss Gao ?A.sheB.herC.aD.he"28 "Tom ,Jim and I _____ in No.8 Middle School.A.are allB.all areC.am allD.all"29 "_______ look ______ the map over there.A.Let; atB.Let’s; onC.Let’s; atD.Let on"30 "_______ a bird. I know _______ name.A.It’s; itsB.Its; it’sC.It’s; it’sD.Its; its"31 "Bill and Sue are brother and sister. Mr Brown is_______ father.A.hisB.herC.theirD.our"32 "This is __________ pencil.A. MyB. myC. a myD. me "33 "________, where is the book? ______, I don’t know.A.Execuse me ; sorryB. Sorry , Execuse me .C. Sorry , SorryD. Execuse me ; Execuse me "34 "Where’s my English book, do you know?Sorry, I________.A.not knowB. don’t knowC. know notD. am not know "35 "What’s this? ___________“A”.A.It’sB. ItC. IsD. Its "36 "What’s this _____________English?A. toB. isC. inD.on "37 "__________ name is Danid.A. IB. MyC. meD. my "38 "What’s that in Enlish ? ___________ a desk .A. This isB. That isC. it’sD. It’s "39 "What’s ___________given name? Mary!A. sheB. herC. hisD. he "40 "What’s this ? It’s _________egg..A. anB. aC. theD. \"41 "What’s that ? It’s__________key.A. theB. aC. anD. \ "42 "My sister __________ a good baseball.A. haveB. isC. hasD. there is"43 "I _____________ have a computer.A. don’tB. am notC. isn’tD. doesn’t"44 "What’s he doing? He ___________ a book.A. readB. readsC. is readingD. reading"45 "Do you know his name? --No, I ____________.A. don’tB. am notC. can’tD. doesn’t"46 "Is Nancy doing homework? __________________.A. No, she isB. No, she isn’tC. Yes, she doesD. Yes, she isn’t "47 "She can’t go with you. She _______ homework now.A. doB. doesC. is doingD. is doesing"48 "He ________ sports. He only ________ them on TV. A. don’t play, watch B. doesn’t play, watch C. not play, watches D. doesn’t play, watches "49 "Listen! The bird ______________ in the tree.A. singB. singingC. is singingD. is sing"50 "Mr Smith ____________ French.A. isn’t speakB. doesn’t speakC. doesn’t sayD. don’t speak "51 "Does Tom ___________ any soccer balls?Yes, he _____________ some.A. have, haveB. has, hasC have, has D. has, have"52 "What’s your name? _____A His name is BenB Your name is Kate.C My name is Linda.D I am Beth."53 "What’s his name? _______A JennyB GinaC MaryD Jim"54 "如果你向Ann介绍你自己,你应该说_______A Hello,Ann.B Nice to meet you.C. Good morning to youD. My name is John."55 "What’s this ______ English?A. of B for C at D in"56 "_______ a ruler?A. This isB.is thisC. Is this D, It is "57 "She’s a girl. _______ name is Joy.A.My B, Her C.She D.His"58 "Is that a pencil? ______________.A.No, it is.B.No, it isn’t. C,It is a pen.D. Yes, it isn’t."59 "What’s this in English?It’s _____________.A. a key B, key C. watchD. clock"60 "________is my aunt, Mary.A. TheseB. ThisC. lookD. I"61 "________my cousins.A. These areB. This areC. These isD. This is "62 "His mother’s ________is his grandmother.A. grandfatherB. grandmotherC. grandparentsD. mother "63 "Is ________your brother ?A. the boyB. a boyC. the girlD. a girl "64 "Is Jeff _______brother ?——Yes, he is.A. meB. youC. yourD. yours "65 "Here is ________my family.A. a photo ofB. photo ofC. a photo atD. photo at "66 "Thanks ________the present .A.inB. atC. forD. to "67 "See _________soon, Dave and Anna.A. yourB. youC. theyD. them "68 "This is Mary and that is Kate. ________my ________.A. She’s , friendB. They’re,friendC. They’re, friendD. She’s, friend "69 "What is ________the lost and found box ?A. atB. inC. ofD. for "70 "_____he have a pencil case?A. DoB. DoseC. IsD. Are"71 "I don’t have a soccerball,but my br other has____.A. aB.itC. oneD. other"72 "Let’s play tennis.Do you have a tennis racket,please?---_____.A Sorry , I doB No , I don’tC Sorry , I don’tD Oh no , sorry"73 "Where _____ the keys?---They_____ on the dresser.A are , isB is , areC is , isD are , are"74 "My pencil case is in my backpack . I think yours _____ in your backpack , too.A areB isC isn’tD aren’t"75 "Mum , do you know where my pencil case and eraser _____ ?A isB areC is n’tD aren’t"76 "Does he like ____ ?A play soccerB play volleyballC playing pingpongD plays basketball"77 "Let’s____and____the School Sports Center.A to go , to joinB go , playC go , to playD go , join"78 "There are _____ CDs on my bookcase.A manyB anyC muchD a"79 "His brother and sister _____ computer games.A hasB haveC do haveD does have"80 "Can you give me a hand ? ---- _____. A No , you can’t B you’re welcome C Sure ,what’s wrong ? D Yes ,I could"81 "There is ____ with my computer.A wrong somethingB something wrongC wrong anythingD anything wrong"82 "Be ____ . Listen to the teacher ____ in class.A careful , carefulB carefully , carefullyC careful , carefullyD carefully , careful"83 "What about going to see a film ? ---- ____ .A Don’t worryB Thank youC You’re welcomeD Good idea"84 "Do they ____ Japanese ?A sayB tellC talkD speak"85 "What color is _________?A. bananaB. a bananaC. the bananaD. some banana "86 "What color ___________ your shoes?A. areB. isC. amD. does "87 "How much is ________ bag?A. white thatB. white theC. the whiteD. some white "88 "_________ is his hat?-----Under the chair.A. WhatB. How muchC. WhereD. What color "89 "I don’t like red ______ she likes.A. andB. doesC. butD. what color "90 "_________ basketball shoes black?A. Is yourB. Are youC. Is youD. Are your"91 "Can you help _________?A. IB. youC. weD. them"92 "I want that hat . ---- ____________.A. Here you areB. Her your areC. You areD. You are here."93 "Thank you. ----- ____________.A. WelcomeB. I’m welcomeC. You are welcome .D. welcome you"94 "How much _______the red socks?------- _________ 10 dollars.A. is ,It’sB. are, These areC. are, They’reD. is ,It’s"95 "How much is your pencilcase?----- I buy it ______ a good price, 3 yuan.A. inB. ofC. atD. on "96 "Great! They have bags ________ many colors.A. areB. inC. isD. on "97 "Do they need T-shirts ______ sports ______ school?A. for, andB. for, orC. of, orD. of ,and "98 "There are _________ in Mr Cool’s.A. much goodsB. many goodC. many goodsD. much good "99 "_______ things_______ that store, they are cheap.A. Buy, fromB. Buy, toC. Buys, fromD. Buys, to " 100 "_______ things_______ that store, they are cheap.A. Buy, fromB. Buy, toC. Buys, fromD. Buys, to " 101 "________ the price of the shoes?----- Only 2 dollars.A. how muchB. How much isC. What’sD. What " 102 "________ are the socks? ---- They are $ 2.A. How manyB. how muchC. whatD. How "103 "How much ____ the red sweater and how much _____ these black pants?A. is , isB. is ,areC. are, isD. are, are " 104 "________ do you like ? ----- I like blue.A. WhatB. How manyC. How muchD. What color "105 "__________?----- Yes, please. I want a T-shirt for my daughter.A.What’s your nameB. How much is itC. What color is it?D. What can I do for you "106 "We sell the things ______ a very good price.A. atB. inC. forD. to "107 "We have bags ______ all colors _______ $ 10 each. A. at , in B. at, at C. in, at D. in, in"108 "Come to Mr ______ Sale.A. Cool’s ClothsB. Cool’s ClothingC. Cool’s CothesD. Cool’s Clothing "109 "Do you need bags ______ school ______ sports?A. for, orB. for, andC. to, orD. to, and" 110 "There are many apples __________ the tree .A bird __________ the tree is eating an apple .A in ,onB on , inC in , atD to , of "111 "There is a picture _________ the wall .There is a hole ___________ the wall too .A on, inB in, onC under , onD behind , in "112 "Are Tom’s pens __________ desk ?Yes , _____________are .A on his , itB on my , weC on his ,theyD his , it’s " 113 "Where is my football ?It is ________ the table _________ the floor .A on ,underB on ,onC under, underD under , on " 114 "Please ______- these books to your sister .A bringB lookC doD take "115 "Where _________ your CDS ? ON the TV.A isB areC theD am "116 "Where is _____ hat ? It is ______ the chair .A Ann, onB Ann’s , onC Ann’s , inD Ann, in "117 "Who is _____________? It is JimA heB sheC itD his "118 "Hi, Kate . Hi , Mary , I ______ you are here .A am gladB is gladC am likeD am know "119 "Where are her ________? ____ are on the table .A key ,ItB keys , TheyC keys, ItD key,. They"120 "I like _____ a little longer in the morning .A sleepB sleepsC to sleepD sleeping "121 "We do our ________ at 7;30.A homeworksB homeworkC lessonD works "122 "I am the last one ________ to school .A getB getsC to getD go "123 "Rick __________ at seven o’clock in the morning .A go to schoolB goes to schoolC to go to schoolD goes to school "124 "What time is it now ? _________ eight –thirty .A ItB ItsC IsD It’s "125 "Your jacket is here .Please ____-A put it onB put on itC puts in onD puts on it "126 "What do you usually do ________ Saturday evening .A inB onC atD t o"127 "The English speech contest is ________ October first .A inB atC onD for "128 "Can you play ______? Yes, I do .A the guitarB guitarC a guitarD the basketball "129 "Li Xin likes to play ______A the volleyballB footballC the tennisD the basketball "130 "I __________ watch , so I don’t know the time .A don’t have aB have notC not have aD have no a " 131 "It is twelve o’clock am.. It is time t o____________.A eat breakfastB eat lunchC eat dinnerD eat supper " 132 "My mother likes _________TV and my father likes ____ a book in the evening .A to see,.to readB to watch , to watchC to see , to seeD to watch , to read "133 "________ she likes to go to a movie ?A IsB DoC DoesD Are "134 "Does Mary _________ sisters ?A haveB hasC to haveD to has "135 "What time do you __________ get up ?A usual Busually C think D to " 136 "I get up _________ five o’clock .A onB inC toD at " 137 "_________ do people usually eat dinner ?A WhereB HowC WhyD When " 138 "I have my English lessons __________ the morning .A onB atC toD in "139 "Do you want to know ________ my afternoon ?A forB aboutC withD of "140 "We make a dinner ________.A partyB scheduleC deskD paper "141 "Thank you ____me.A. for helpB. to helpC. for helpingD. helping"142 "She often____home at six.A. goB. getsC. goes toD. gets to"143 "We have four classes____the morning and then have arest noon.A. in, inB. in, atC. on, atD. at, in"144 "____were you born? On May 12th, 1985.A. WhatB. WhichC. WhenD. Where"145 "Classes____ at seven forty-five in the morning.A. startsB. startC. are startingD. is starting"146 "He ____the guitar____two hours.A. play, forB. plays, ofC. plays, forD. play, about" 147 "Our teacher is very strict____us____our study.A. in, withB. with, inC.with, withD. in, in"148 "The people in the room____all from Shanghai.A. isB. areC. comeD. have" 149 "I can see____oranges but I can’t see____apples.A.some, someB. any, someC. some, anyD. any, any" 150 "How much_______the red sweater and how much _______these black pants?A. is ,is,B.is , areC.are , isD.are , are" 151 "Can you play ________ violin ?A aB theC an D/"152 "I want to _________ the music club .A takeB goC doD join "153 "_________ you swim ? ----Yes ,I can .A DoB AreC DoesD Can "154 "________ club do you want to join ?A WhenB WhereC What’sD What "155 "Can you ______chess ?A joinB takeC playD do "156 "Mary can play chess _________ she can’t swim .A andB butC orD so "157 "Can you play the guitar __________? ---No , I can’t .A goodB badC niceD well"158 "Can you play ________ violin ?A aB theC an D/"159 "I want to _________ the music club .A takeB goC doD join "160 "_________ you swim ? ----Yes ,I can .A DoB AreC DoesD Can "161 "________ club do you want to join ?A WhenB WhereC What’sD What "162 "Can you ______chess ?A joinB takeC playD do "163 "Mary can play chess _________ she can’t swim .A andB butC orD so "164 "Can you play the guitar __________? ---No , I can’t .A goodB badC niceD well"165 "We like _________A comediesB thrillerC documentary"166 "I like action movies,_____I don’t like thrillers.A andB butC or"167 "I think comedies are _____A sadB youngC funny"168 "He likes thrillers______cartoons.A orB alsoC and"169 "What kind of books______your friends like?A doesB doC are"170 "My friend ____soccer very much.A likeB isC likes"171 "She doesn’t like comedies_____he likes action movies.A andB toC thatD but "172 "Does your father want ____a new bike?A buyB buysC to buy "173 "_____you want an apple?A AreB DoC Does"174 "“My favourite colour is white” means_____A I don’t like white.B I like white best.C I like white a little." 175 "They will have the meeting ______ May 6th.A. inB. atC. onD. about "176 "________It’s March 18th .A. What time is it?B. What day is it today ?C. When is your teacher’s birthday ?D. How is it today ?"177 "There are _______ in a year.A. twelev monthB. twelve monthsC. twelve monthesD. twelfth month"178 "This is _____ classroom . They are in Class Four .A. Nick and Leila’sB. Nick’s and Leila’sC. Nick’s and LeilaD. Nick and Leila"179 "When is your brother’s birthday ?His birthday is _______A. February 28thB. February 22thC. February 30thD. February 31th"180 "Do you have a school trip next week ?______ , I don’t know .A. YesB. NoC. SorryD. Excuse me "181 "Happy birthday to you! _____________!A. Happy birthday to youB. The same to youC. Thank you very muchD. That’s all right"182 "There are _______ floors in the building and he lives on the ____ floorA. twelve , twlfthB. twelfth , twelveC. twelfth , twelfthD. twelve , twelve "183 "Each ______has a new pen .A. studentsB. studentC. of studentsD. of student "184 "When is your English ________? A. name B. book C. party D. teacher"185 "How much_______the red sweater and how much _______these black pants?A. is ,is,B.is , areC.are , isD.are , are" 186 "Can I help you?_______A. That’s goodB.OK, I’ll take itC.Yes, I’d like a sweaterD. It’s too dark"187 "We sell the tings________a very good price.A. atB. inC. forD. to"188 "We have bags_______all colours________$ 10 each.A.at, inB.at, atC. in , forD.in, in" 189 "Please come here and_____the picture.A. have a lookB. have look atC. have a look atD. Look"190 "When is your birthday? ---My birthday is________. A. fifteen Janyary B. October tenC. November fourthD. August fiveth"191 "December is the _______month of a year.A. elevenB. eleventhC. twelvethD. twelfth" 192 "How old is your mother? _______.A. She is oldB. It’s a secret(秘密)C. I don’t knowD. She’s twelve"193 "When is the Music Festival? ________September. A. It in B. It’s onC. Its inD. It’s in"194 "There are ______in a year.A. twenty daysB. twelve daysC. twelve monthsD. twelfth months"195 "Can you play football?Yes, I can, _________ I can’t play it very well.A. orB. andC. soD. but"196 "What kind of books_______your friends like.A. doesB. doC. areD. is"197 "________John like Beijing Opera? No, he_______. A. Does, isn’t B. Is , isn’tC. Does, doesn’tD. Do, don’t"198 "She doesn’t like comedies_________action movies. A. and B. or C. to D. that"199 "Could I look at your pictures? Yes , of course you_______.A. couldB. canC. willD. might"。

1.1课选择题题专项训练(xùnliàn)〔注意答案写在题目左边,错题特别标记,用于建立错题本〕班别:姓名:学号:第1课时中学生活新变化一、单项选择题-1.分开生活了六年的小园,走进中学,你认为在学习上,最大的变化是( )A.学习科目增多了,学习难度加大了B.教我们的教师多了C.的面积大了D.自己的学习没有以前好了2.许多同学上中学后觉得科目多、作业多,到头来丢三落四,什么也没做好。
以下建议中,你认为正确的是( )A.要学会自主管理B上喜欢的科目才认真听讲C.多问教师,多参加安排的补课D.率性而为,能做多少是多少3.走进中学,我们发现不仅有学生会、舞蹈队、文学社,还有各种各样的课外活动在等待着我们去参与。
这说明( )A.的环境变了B.学习难度加大了C.的社团活动更丰富多彩(fēng fù duō cǎi)了D.的作业量多了4.与小学相比,中学生活发生了新的变化。
这些改变意味着一种新的开场,我们必须( )A.重新认识自己B.主动适应崭新的中学生活C.埋头学习D.搞好人际关系5.面对中学生活新环境、新要求,我们不应该( )A.主动迎接学习的新挑战 B.理解和遵守规章制度C.把父母叫到身边来陪渎 D.尽快建立新的人际关系6.以下不属于积极适应中学新生活的行为是( )A.不迟到,不旷课 B.主动认识新同学C.总想依赖父母的催促来进步学习成绩 D.主动迎接学习的新挑战7.上七年级的王林,看着刚发下的课本,心想:这么多课本怎么在一个学期内上完呢?还有这密密麻麻的课程安排,一个星期下来,还有多少时间是可以玩呢?王林的想法反映了中学( )A.学习科目增多了 B.没有课余时问了C.校园环境变漂亮了 D.需要埋头读书才能获得好成绩8.小华自进人中学后,最大的感受是:无论是学习还是生活,很多事情都得自己做主,自己操心。
小华的感受说明( )A.在中学,学习科目增多(zēnɡ duō)了 B.在中学,学习负担加重了C.在中学,生活非常丰富多彩 D.在中学,自主管理的要求高了9.相对于小学,中学学习有一些新的特点。
七年级英语上册专项练习题 课标核心句型(人教新目标,含答案)

七年级英语上册专项练习题(课标核心句型)一、单项选择1.—Do you like English?—No,I don't.English is difficult me.A.to B.with C.for2.—Thank you ________ helping me. —You're welcome.A.with B.on C.for3.Our math teacher is strict us.A.with B.to C.in4.It’s difficult him.A.to make friends withB.to make friends aboutC.making friends with5.Thank you for me the truth.A.tell B.to tell C.telling6.I think it’s difficult the teacher for help.A.don’t ask B.not ask C.not to ask7.We sell good sweaters very good prices.A.in B.for C.at8.—I buy the T-shirt ____ a very good price at Christmas sale.—Lucky you.A.at B.for C.with9.Thanks_____ your family photo!A.of B.for C.in D.at 10.—What about________Mary ________ her telephone number?—All right.A.ask; at B.to ask; for C.asking; in D.asking; for 11.—Anna, my jacket is size L. What ________ yours?—Oh, my jacket is size M.A.about B.for C.of D.in12.Let’s ________ to the shop and ________ some books.A.go; buy B.go; to buy C.going; to buy D.going; buy 13.-Are you good ________ kids? -We need your help ________ my son’s English. A.at; with B.for; with C.with; with D.with; at 14.There are mobile phones and cameras at the New York City Lost and Found Office. A.hundreds B.hundreds of C.three hundred of D.three hundreds 15.—Is it necessary us some photos before saving the old man? —Yes, it is. We can protect ourselves if we do so.A.of; taking B.for; taking C.of; to take D.for; to take 16.Why not__________ a taxi to the seaside?A.to take B.take C.taking D.takes17.The boys are looking forward ______ swimming tomorrow afternoon .A.go B.to going C.to go D.going二、句型转换18.Please send me a postcard.(改为同一句)Please send a postcard ______ _____.19.Jackis workingin the factory .( 就画线部分提问)_____ ____Jack doing in the factory ?20.Bill’s mother likes reading books .( 改为否定句)Bill’s mother _____ ____reading books.21.There aretwopandas in the zoo.(就画线部分提问)_____ _____pandas are there in the zoo ?22.Let’s see the monkeys .(改为同义句)____ ____seeing monkeys23.Jack put books in the bookcase. (改为一般疑问句)____________________________________________________________?24.There are some apples on the desk. (改为否定句)____________________________________________________________25.Tom is going to play basketball after dinner. (划线部分提问)____________________________________________________________?26.—They aren’t students, are they?—____________________________________________________________. (不,她们是的。

七年级英语单项选择练习题40篇一、选择题1.Christopher Columbus, ______ explorer, came from ______European country.A.an/an B.an/a C.the/ a D.the/an2.―Anna, have you watched ________ film, Sister《我的姐姐》?―Of course I have. It tells a story about a 24-year-old girl who raises his little brother alone and it wins ________ high praise.A.a; a B.the; / C.a; / D.the; a3.—Do you think ________ advertisement is helpful to you when you’re looking for a new job?—Well,anyway it can give me more than ________chance to have a try.A.an;a B.the;a C.a;the D.the;the4.Tiger Watch, _______ 80-minute documentary, won_______ award for its amazing photography.A.an; an B.an, aC.a, an D.the; a5.________ Nantong today is much more beautiful. Mr Jackson said he would visit it ________ second time.A.The; / B./; the C./; a D.The; a6.The UK, ________ island country with ________ long history, is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.A.a;a B.a;/ C.an; a D.an;/二、选择题7.The weather in Beijing is cooler than ________ in Guangzhou.A.this B.that C.it D.one8.Believe in yourself. Do this and no matter where you are, you will have ________ to fear. A.nothing B.something C.anything D.everything 9.—Do you know the percentage of the people who want to leave the Earth in China?—I think there is ________. In fact, there is ________ on other planets that can help people survive.A.nothing; none B.none; nothing C.nobody; none D.none; no one 10.You are supposed to bring _________ to his attention that the journey will be really tiring. A.that B.it C.this D.you11.We couldn’t understand ________ because they were talking in Russian.A.they B.them C.their D.theirs三、选择题12.— Do you really think you can learn that much in only a couple of hours?— Yes. We will try a very useful ________ of dealing with memory problems.A.report B.process C.method D.activity13.— Could you tell me more about Chinese ________, Mr. Li?— Sure. For example, we usually eat rice dumplings on the Dragon Boat Festival.A.customs B.services C.symbols D.holidays14.My computer caught a ________ the other day and all the information went missing. A.virus B.disease C.problem D.trouble15.— I hear that you have bought a smart car. Does the car give you any good ________ for your money?— Certainly.A.value B.price C.wealth D.cost16.The new high-speed railway connecting Zhenjiang to Lianyungang is now in ________ and it saves a lot of time.A.surprise B.spirit C.silence D.service 17.—After years of hard work,Mr.Green finally got a high ________ in his company.—Exactly. Where there is a will,there is a way.A.position B.education C.collection D.attention 18.Mr. Li always has his own special ________ to make his lessons lively.A.surveys B.instructions C.works D.methods四、选择题19.—We’re late! It’s already 7:30.—Don’t worry. My clo ck is 20 minutes ________.A.fast B.late C.slow D.early20.—How was your exam the day before yesterday?—Well, I feel quite good. I made ________ mistakes than before.A.fewer B.the fewest C.less D.the least 21.Some people change the wetlands into farms. This will lead to ________ space for wildlife. A.fewer and fewer B.smaller and smallerC.bigger and bigger D.less and less22.In the USA, many people use decorations to make their yards more ________.A.live B.lively C.alive D.living23.This is the chance he needs to make a ________ start.A.curious B.patient C.fresh D.natural 24.Because of the war, love and happiness were totally ________ from little Tom’s childhood. A.separate B.absent C.extra D.blind25.—It is a ________ choice to decide whether take on a new challenge or remain the same.—Yeah, I just have difficulty making the decision.A.simple B.straight C.double D.typical 26.—What new skills have you unlocked during the long winter holiday?—Cooking. It has become more _______ among people and I can cook nice dishes now. A.exciting B.difficult C.different D.popular 27.—What's wrong with your radio?—The sound coming out is not ________.A.clean B.clear C.fresh D.well28.Many companies try to get into the market by offering _______ rewards to their customers. A.peaceful B.primary C.generous D.general五、选择题29.—Thanks for looking after me ________ my illness, Millie.—Don’t mention it. That’s what friends are for.A.beyond B.through C.across D.with30.New York City, also known ________ Big Apple, becomes one of the world’s greatest business and cultural centers.A.as B.by C.for D.to31.— The Dragon Boat Festival falls_______May or June every year.—Yes, this year’s Dragon Boat Festival is_______June 25th.A.in; on B.on; in C.in; in D.on; on32.You shouldn’t eat so much chocolate _________ meals. Because it will affect your appetite. A.except B.through C.between D.unless 33.—The boy is tall enough ________ his age.—Yes, I was much shorter when I was his age.A.of B.at C.from D.for34.The girl is ________ a singer ________ everyone in her hometown.A.well known as; for B.well-know as; toC.well known as; to D.best known for; for六、选择题35.Would you please ____________ the light? I can't sleep well with it on.A.turn on B.turn off C.turn to D.turn around 36.—Dad,would you please____a brighter light in my bedroom?—Certainly.A.put in B.hand out C.hand in D.put out37.— Excuse me, which is the way to Kaiming Middle School?—________ this street, and you’ll find it on your right.A.Write down B.Go down C.Lie down D.Sit down 38.The rain has stopped. Why not ________ the raincoat?A.take away B.pass away C.put away D.put off39.A society cannot be successful if it ________ tradition, but it cannot be successful either if we do something to stop progress.A.takes away B.throws away C.gets away D.puts away 40.—Have you made a plan to raise money to protect the animals in danger?—Yes. Now we are thinking about how to ________.A.pick it out B.carry it out C.find it out D.put it out 41.Do you think it is necessary to ________ a special home for the elderly with life difficulties. A.set out B.set up C.set down D.set off七、选择题42.—Do we have to finish this today?—Yes, you ________ . Today is the last day.A.would B.may C.can D.must 43.—How do you like my new dress?—Well, if I ________ say, it is not suitable for you.A.may B.must C.have to D.should 44.—The high school entrance examination is coming!— Yes, our teacher tells us we ________ be too careful while taking exams.A.mustn’t B.shouldn’t C.needn’t D.can’t 45.—Where is Tom? I am considering ________ him about the result of the exam.—Oh. You ________. He has known it already.A.to tell; can't B.telling; needn't C.tell; mustn't D.told; shouldn't 46.— Mom, must I clean my room now?— No, you ________. You can do it after dinner.A.needn’t B.mustn’t C.shouldn’t D.can’t八、选择题47.—________special festival this Spring Festival was!—Yeah. Most people had to stay at home in order to prevent the spread of the COVID-19. A.What B.What a C.How D.How a 48.________ it is to play volleyball on the beach!A.What fun B.What a fun C.How fun D.How a fun 49.The robot proves to be useful in many ways. ________ smart the invention is! A.What B.What a C.How D.How a九、选择题50.—________ did it take J.K. Rowling to write the Harry Potter series?—Over 15 years.A.How soon B.How often C.How long D.How far 51.—________ does May look like?—She is a pretty girl with big bright eyes and long straight hair.A.How B.What C.Which D.Who 52.—________ is it from the market to your home?—About 200 meters away.A.How long B.How far C.How soon D.How often 53.—________ have you had this computer?—For two months.A.How much B.How long C.How far D.How often 54.—________ can you have these trousers ready? —In 24 hours.A.How soon B.How long C.How often D.How many 55.— _____________ does it take you to get to school?— About 15 minutes by bike.A.How far B.How long C.How many D.How old 56.— ________ did your family stay in Jinan?— For two days.A.How long B.How much C.How often D.How far十、选择题57.—Henry, did you drive back to your hometown during the May Day holiday?— No. I was ________ to take the train because the traffic is often the busiest on the highway. A.praised B.taught C.prevented D.advised58.— I hope to travel in space one day.—That’s not just a dream. It’s reported the first space hotel in the near future. A.builds B.is built C.will build D.will be built 59.—Do you have any problems if you _________ this job?—Well, I'm thinking about the working day.A.offer B.are offered C.will offer D.will be offered 60.Good news! The film Titanic has returned to big screen in 3D fifteen years after it ________. A.has shown B.was shown C.shows D.will be shown十一、选择题61.—Lucy, where is Mimi?—She ________ under the chair.A.sleeps B.slept C.is sleeping D.will sleep 62.—Tina, let’s go out for shopping.—Sorry, Amy. I __________ my homework.A.do B.am doing C.did63.Be quiet! The students ________ an English exam.A.take B.are taking C.took D.have made 64.— Ruby, can you help do the dishes?— Just a moment, Mom. I ________ the flowers.A.water B.am watering C.watered D.have watered 65.—Where is your father, Lily?—He ________ in the kitchen.A.cooked B.cooks C.will cook D.is cooking 66.—Hi, Daming. What are you up to?—I ________ a project about family history.A.do B.did C.am doing D.was doing 67.Ladies and gentlemen, please remain in your seats, fasten your seat belt and bring your seat back. The plane________.A.takes off B.is taking off C.has taken off D.took off 68.—You look absent-minded. ________you ________someone?—Yes. An old friend of mine is coming. We haven't seen each other for a long time.A.Do; expect B.Are; expecting C.Were; expecting D.Did; expect 69.—Where is Frank?—He _________ to music in his room.A.listens B.is listening C.listened D.was listening十二、选择题70.The team met a lot of difficulties, ______ they never gave up and won the game at last. A.or: B.and C.but D.so71.It’s hot today, ______we want to go swimming in the river.A.though B.but C.so D.or72.Lucy, don’t turn off the computer before closing all programs, ________you could have problems.A.or B.and C.but D.so十三、选择题73.—Do you know _________ at this time last night?—Sorry, I don’t know.A.what she is doing B.what she was doingC.what is she doing D.what was she doing74.I wouldn’t like to go to the library this Sunday, and I wonder ________.A.whether you can go with me B.that you can go with meC.whether can you go with me D.can you go with me75.—About the Chinese Dream, could you please tell us ________, Mr. Wang?—By pulling together.A.how can we make it come true B.how we can make it come trueC.when can we make it come true D.when we can make it come true76.--- Judy, could you tell me_______the schoolbag?--- Oh, yes. I bought it in a store on the Internet.A.where did you buy B.where will you buyC.where you bought D.where you will buy77.The students are discussing ________.A.why they are often under stress B.when did Tom saw a doctorC.who would teach them English D.whether is stress a big problem十四、选择题78.—The Chinese women’s football team has booked the ticket at the Tokyo Olympic Games. —Great. I expect them ________ better.A.do B.did C.to do D.doing79.The music ________ by Mozart is well known ________ people all over the world. A.writes; as B.written; for C.written; as D.written; to 80.There is something wrong with my DVD player. I’ll have it ________.A.fixing B.to fix C.fixes D.fixed81.During the Spring Festival, we Chinese people ___ door gods on gates, but now few families do so.A.used to put up B.used to put inC.were used to put up D.were used to putting in82.一I'm considering how to my new job. Any suggestions?一It's only half an hour's walk, I advise you .A.to go; not to drive B.going; to driveC.to go; not driving D.going; not driving83.Our headmaster isn’t in. I can’t find him anywhere. Did you notice him ______ the office? A.to enter B.entered C.to leave D.leave84.The driver wanted to park his car near the roadside but was asked by the police________. A.not to do B.do not C.not do D.not to do so 85.The oral English test is coming. What else should we pay attention to ________ our grades? A.to improve B.improving C.improve D.improved 86.— I decide ___________ hard on my English.—You need to speak as much as possible.A.working B.worked C.to work D.work87.—My bike is broken.—Why not have it________?A.repair B.repaired C.repairing D.to repair88.My mother usually eats a little for supper________. She looks slimmer than before.A.to save money B.saving money C.to lose weight D.losing weight 89.What a terrible thing! There is a ________ dog ________ on the ground.A.die, lie B.dead, lying C.death, lay D.dying, lie 90.—Anyone shouldn’t _________ use fire outdoors.—Yeah, and we should pay attention to ________ our forests and grasslands.A.be allowed to; protect B.allow to; protectingC.be allowed to; protecting D.allow to; protected91.You’d better give up smoking at once.A.start smoking B.start to smoke C.stop smoking D.stop to smoke 92.Nobody can imagine what difficulty we had home in the snowstorm.A.to walking B.to walk C.walked D.Walking93.—What’s your plan for the coming summer holiday?—I’ll devote as much time as I can some voluntary work.A.to do B.to doing C.do D.doing94.—Do you mind beside you, sir?— . I alone to enjoy the music.A.my sitting; Better not; used to sitB.my to sit; Of course not; am used to sittingC.me sitting; I’m sorry but I do; have been used to sittingD.me to sit; Never mind; was used to sitting95.—You don’t know what great difficulty I had ________ to get the two tickets.—But the film is really worth _________ twice.A.managing; seeing B.to manage; seeingC.managing; being seen D.managed; to see96.—How much do you know "996" schedule?—Well, it means _____________from 9 am to 9 pm, six days a week.A.working B.worked C.to work D.works 97.—Tom, have you ever read the book A Tale of Two Cities ________ by Charles Dickens?—Yes, I finished reading it last winter vacation.A.wrote B.to write C.writing D.written 98.—Why do the students need to read every day?—________information for writing.A.To collect B.Collecting C.Collect D.Collected十五、选择题99.—Teamwork is very important in a football match.—I think so. _______.A.The early bird catches the worm B.Every dog has its dayC.One tree can’t make a forest D.Everything comes to him who waits 100.—I have tried to find the answer to the question, but failed.—Why not discuss with Tom? You see, ________.A.Great minds think alikeB.Two heads are better than oneC.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bushD.It’s better to think twice before doing something【参考答案】一、选择题1.B解析:B【解析】【详解】句意:克里斯多夫.哥伦布,探险家,来自于一个欧洲国家。
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七年级上单项选择题专项练习( )1. —Do you have a volleyball? —.A. Yes, it isB. No, I don’tC. Yes, I don’t( )2. —Do you watch TV every day? —Yes, I do. I think it’s .A. relaxingB. boringC. difficult( )3. —Does she have a TV? —.A. Yes, she isB. No, she don’tC. Yes, she does( )4. —Does Peter like sports? —.A. Yes, he doB. No, he doesn’tC. No, he isn’t( )5. —Let’s play tennis. —.A. That sound goodB. That sounds goodC. That’s sounds good( )6. A: Does she like broccoli? B: .A. No, she doesn’tB. No, she isn’tC. Yes, I do( )7. Strawberries are .A. vegetableB. fruitC. salad( )8. Running star Sandra Clark eats healthy food.A. lotB. a lotC. lots of( )9. A: What are they? B: They’re .A. tomatosB. tomatoC. tomatoes( )10. My father likes hamburgers breakfast.A. forB. onC. in( )11. Tom likes eggs, oranges and bananas breakfast.A. inB. ofC. forD. on( )12. There are fruits on the table.A. lots ofB. lot ofC. a lotD. lots for( )13. For lunch, she has some hamburgers.A. aB. anC. theD. /( )14. Bill likes bananas, he likes , too.A. strawberryB. strawberriesC. strawberrysD. strawberres ( )15. This is my sister, name is lily.A. sheB. she isC. HerD. her( )16. —Let’s have oranges. —.A. That’s sound goodB. That sound goodC. That’s sounds goodD. That sounds good ( )17. I a book in my backpack.A. there areB. haveC. there isD. has( )18. He is student Class 4.A. the, inB. a, ofC. a, inD. an, on( )19. That is room.A. Lily and LucyB. Lily and Lucy’sC. Lily’s and Lucy’sD. Lily’s and Lucy ( )20. —Do you know the girl in the hat? —.A. Yes, I amB. Yes, she isC. Yes, I knowD. Yes, I do( )21. Let’s .A. go homeB. to go to homeC. go to homeD. to go home ( )22. like French fries.1A. He and IB. I and heC. He and meD. I and him( )23. The boy hamburgers very much. So he eats a lot.A. likeB. likesC. don’t likeD. doesn’t like ( )24. —Does your son like carrots? —.A. Yes, she doesB. Yes, he isC. No, he doesn’tD. No, she doesn’t ( )25. He has egg and hamburger.A. an, anB. a, aC. an, aD. a, an( )26. There is a shop. It sells bananas, apples, pears and oranges.A. vegetableB. foodC. fruitD. drink( )27. What she have dinner?A. do, inB. does, forC. is, atD. can, to( )28. There is some on the table.A. tomatoB. eggC. chickenD. banana( )29. There lots of apples on the tree.A. beB. amC. isD. are( )30. We need lots of every day.A. healthy foodB. saladsC. milksD. vegetable( )31. —Do you like French fries? —.A. Yes, I doB. Yes, I don’tC. I like them very muchD. I don’t like them ( )32. your mother carrots?A. Do, eatB. Is, eatC. Does, eatD. Are, eat( )33. Our friend like salad.A. don’tB. doesn’tC. isn’tD. aren’t( )34. —Do they like hamburgers? —Yes, they like very much.A. itB. themC. theirD. its( )35. My sister likes English .A. a lot ofB. lotC. lots ofD. a lot( )36. Her parents lunch at home.A. doesn’t haveB. haven’tC. hasn’tD. don’t have ( )37. We have lots of food dinner.A. inB. atC. forD. on( )38. does Lucy like? Tomatoes.A. HowB. WhatC. WhereD. Why( )39. Aunt Li likes bananas.A. eatB. eatingC. eatsD. eatting( )40. Ask and answer the question about .A. what he likeB. what he likesC. what does he likeD. what do he likes ( )41. Mum, my teacher (老师), Mr Wang.A. she isB. this isC. here is( )42. —Are you Mr Li? —.A. Yes, I amB. No, you’re notC. Yes, you are( )43. —Is this basketball? —No. It’s basketball.A. you, myB. my, youC. your, his( )44. —What are those? —are their books.A. ThatB. They’reC. They1( )45. Please these things to your brother. He is at school.A. bringB. lookC. take( )46. —are my keys? —They are on the sofa.A. WhatB. WhereC. Why( )47. —Do you like English? —Yes, it’s .A. boringB. interestingC. difficult( )48. —What’s this in English, Miss Zhang? —It’s eraser.A. anB. theC. a( )49. —Do you have a tennis racket? —. But I have a baseball bat.A. Yes, I doB. No, I don’tC. Yes, you do( )50. —What do you have breakfast? —I eat eggs and hamburgers.A. inB. forC. on( )51. —is this sweater? —Twenty yuan.A. WhatB. WhereC. How much( )52. —How much these pants? —Four dollars.A. areB. isC. am( )53. —Can I help you? —I want a shirt white.A. onB. toC. of( )54. These T-shirts are girls.A. onB. toC. for( )55. We have shoes ¥35.A. forB. onC. in( )56. —is the TV? —It’s 2000 yuan.A. How manyB. How muchC. How aboutD. How big ( )57. I want to buy a shirt my father.A. toB. onC. forD. in( )58. —Can I help you? —.A. Thank youB. Yes, please, I want a pen.C. You’re welcomeD. I’m sorry ( )59. Let’s go and have his new CD.A. look atB. a look atC. a lookD. the look at ( )60. Jim’s is red.A. shoesB. bagC. socksD. pants. ( )61. —How much are the pants? —twenty dollars.A. It hasB. It isC. They haveD. They are ( )62. —Are these your shoes? —Yes, .A. they’reB. they areC. these areD. there’re ( )63. —The T-shirt is only ten dollars. —I’ll it.A. buyB. takeC. saleD. sell( )64. I like red but my brother .A. likes red, tooB. doesn’tC. doesD. doesn’t like ( )65. I like sports. My friend Allan likes sports.A. tooB. butC. andD. also( )66. —What color is it? —.A. It’s a green carB. It’s a greenC. It’s greenD. It’s green car ( )67. We have students.A. fourty-fourB. four-fourtyC. forty-fourD. four- forty1( )68. How much do you want?A. tomatoesB. bananasC. hamburgersD. chicken ( )69. Com down Mr Cool’s Clothing Store yourself.A. to, forB. for, toC. /, forD. for, by ( )70. They have T-shirts green and black for only $13 the shop.A. at, atB. in, inC. with, withD. at, in( )71. —Where your new pants? —on the bed.A. is, It’sB. are, They’reC. is, They’reD. are, It’s ( )72. These shirts only 5 dollars. Do you want ?A. are, itB. is, themC. are, themD. is, it( )73. How much these carrots?A. areB. isC. doD. does( )74. —When your sister born? —In 1998.A. isB. wasC. are( )75. —When you born? —In 1990.A. areB. wasC. were( )76. —are you? —I’m eleven years old.A. What yearB. How muchC. How old( )77. —When is your birthday, Mary? —.A. December 25thB. TwelveC. 1991( )78. We have a concert June.A. forB. onC. in( )79. Your classroom isn’t . It’s big.A. longB. shortC. smallD. large( )80. Can you any birds in the tree?A. lookB. look atC. seeD. have a look ( )81. —May I your watch? —Sure. Here you are.A. seeB. watchC. have a look at( )82. I want to go to England March 2nd.A. onB. atC. inD. /( )83. —How old your cousin? —He is fourteen old.A. is, yearB. is, yearsC. are, yearsD. are, year ( )84. We sell this sweater $10.A. inB. atC. onD. for( )85. She buys the ring a very cheap price.A. inB. atC. onD. for( )86. —What’s the of the shorts? —¥30.A. numberB. colorC. priceD. year( )87. —Can I use your pen? —Yes. .A. Thank you.B. Who are you?C. I’m sorry.D. Here you are. ( )88. —Happy birthday to you. —A. Same to you.B. Happy birthday.C. You are welcome.D. Thank you. ( )89. shirt is white.A. My brotherB. My brothersC. My brother’sD. My brothers’( )90. Where’s ?A. Tom’s pantsB. Tom’s pen’sC. Tom’s penD. pen of Tom1( )91. is your mother? She’s forty.A. How oldB. HowC. How ageD. What age( )92. is very difficult.A. Lesson fiveB. The lesson fifthC. Fifth lessonD. The five lesson ( )93. There are months in a year. The month is December.A. twelve, twelveB. twelfth, twelfthC. twelve, twelfthD. twelfth, twelve ( )94. Mrs Green is mother.A. Jim and KateB. Jim’s and Kate’sC. Jim and Kate’sD. Jim’s and Kate ( )95. The baby is only .A. ten months oldB. ten monthes oldC. ten month oldD. ten old months ( )96. When you have a school trip? Sorry, I know.A. are, don’tB. do, aren’tC. are, aren’tD. do, don’t( )97. —What do you want? —Red.A. colorB. dateC. priceD. food( )98. March is the month of the year.A. firstB. secondC. thirdD. fourth( )99. —he want to go to an action movie? —Yes, .A. Do, he doB. Does, he doesC. Is, he is( )100. —What kind of movies do you like? —I like thrillers, I don’t like comedies.A. butB. andC. for( )101. My mother documentaries are boring.A. thinkB. thinksC. wants( )102. These are very interesting.A. storyB. storysC. stories( )103. My father me to be an actor.A. wantsB. wantC. wants to( )104. What of movie do you like?A. colorB. kindC. reason( )105. For the reason I like Chinese movie.A. sameB. differentC. one( )106. Jim often goes to movies his friends.A. andB. toC. with( )107. In word, I love all the beautiful things.A. aB. anC. the( )108. What’s the name the movie, do you know?A. withB. atC. of( )109. Maria likes thriller she doesn’t like comedies.A. andB. butC. or( )110. I like comedies I like Beijing Opera, too.A. andB. butC. or( )111. —is your favourite actor? —Kevin Johnson.A. WhatB. WhoseC. Who( )112. Beijing Opera is really . My father likes it.A. funnyB. boringC. sad( )113. I often go to the shops weekends.A. forB. onC. in1( )114. —Why do you want to join the chess club? —.A. It’s interestingB. It’s boringC. It’s sad( )115. —you draw a plant? —Yes, I .A. Can, doB. Do, canC. Can, can( )116. —What’s this —“cindyj@ pep. ”? —It’s .A. a computer gameB. an e-mail addressC. a name( )117. —Can you play basketball? —No, I can’t, but I can play violin.A. the, theB. /, /C. /, the( )118. —you do? —I can paint.A. WhatB. What canC. Why do( )119. Can Bill ?A. play guitarB. play the footballC. play the guitar( )120. —What can she do? —She can Chinese Kung Fu.A. playB. makeC. do( )121. If (如果) you want to get more information, please talk to Ben it.A. atB. forC. in( )122. How can we you?A. contactB. contact withC. contact to( )123. He wants to learn art.A. forB. aboutC. at( )124. —Can you swim? —, I can.A. NoB. NotC. Yes( )125. club do you want to join?A. WhenB. WhereC. What( )126. Can she English?A. speakB. sayC. talk( )127. Maybe he can in our team.A. beB. isC. /( )128. Mary can play chess she can’t swim.A. andB. butC. or( )129. Here a card.A. hasB. isC. are( )130. —can we contact you? —My e-mail address is John@.A. HowB. WhatC. Who( )131. I have some coffee?A. MayB. AmC. Do( )132. Please talk Mr Wang more information.A. to, forB. in, forC. to, in( )133. —. —Yes, I do.A. Can you sing this song?B. Do you speak English?C. Are you on duty today? ( )134. What’s your favorite ?A. swimmingB. volleyballC. sport( )135. It’s late. Let’s school.A. to go toB. to goC. go to( )136. —Do you have a pencil? —Yes, I .A. haveB. doC. can1( )137. —Can he play tennis or volleyball? —.A. Yes, he can.B. No, he can’t.C. He can play tennis.( )138. This box is big, it is nice.A. andB. soC. or( )139. It’s too hard (困难). He do it.A. canB. can’tC. doesn’t( )140. Can you chess?A. playB. takeC. go( )141. There a ping-pong ball under the chair.A. hasB. isC. are( )142. I Jim can dance.A. wantB. seeC. think( )143. —Is Miss Wang an English teacher? —A. Yes, he isB. Yes, I think so.C. No, I think she isn’t.( )144. —Can you play with a yo-yo, Jim? —Yes, I . It’s easy.A. mustB. canC. needD. may( )145. —? —We are looking for a pair of sports shoes.A. What do you doB. What do you look forC. Can I help youD. Do you need help ( )146. —Can you see the blackboard there? —Sorry, .A. you canB. we canC. you can’tD. I can’t( )147. Look! Here Jack’s father and mother.A. beB. amC. isD. are( )148. You go and ask Meimei. She know the answer.A. must, canB. must, mayC. need, mayD. can, may( )149. —do you usually go to school? —At about seven ten.A. WhyB. WhenC. Where( )150. —What time does number 38 bus usually leave? —.A. Yes, it doesB. At six thirtyC. On Sunday( )151. —What time is it? —.A. It’s at fiveB. It’s in the morningC. It’s five( )152. —your pen. —You’re welcome.A. ThankB. Thank youC. Thanks for( )153 —Please the teacher. Don’t talk. —OK.A. listen forB. listenC. listen to( )154. Here are your new clothes, please .A. put on themB. put it onC. put them on( )155. Thanks for me.A. helpingB. to helpC. help( )156. I am busy English in my room.A. to readB. readingC. read( )157. I want to know something your evening.A. aboutB. onC. around( )158. He at 6:00 in the afternoon.A. get homeB. gets to homeC. gets home( )159. a good time to listen to him sing!A. HowB. WhatC. Why1( )160. at 7:30 in the morning.A. The classes beginsB. Class beginC. Class begins( )161. He his homework Sundays.A. doesn’t onB. don’t do, inC. doesn’t do, on( )162. It’s time school.A. go toB. forC. to go( )163. You must a schedule.A. makeB. writeC. read( )164. He is always the last one to school.A. toB. to getC. get( )165. —Please the word. —S-C-H-O-O-L, school.A. writeB. sayC. spell( )166. We usually eat lunch at 12:30.A. myB. theC. X( )167. Mike often a shower in the morning.A. makesB. haveC. takes( )168. Do you often watch news TV?A. byB. onC. in( )169. —What’s your favorite subject? —.A. MatchB. AppleC. Hamburgers( )170. —Is history your favorite subject? —.A. Yes, it isB. No, it isC. Yes, I am( )171. —What’s your favorite ? —Tennis.A. colorB. foodC. sport( )172. —do you like art? —Because it’s fun.A. WhyB. WhenC. What( )173. —How many do you have on Friday? —Four.A. classB. classesC. a class( )174. favorite subject is biology.A. HisB. He’sC. HeD. Him ( )175. I like biology and history. Why do you like ?A. theyB. itC. theirD. them ( )176. Ann English at 9:00 o’clock.A. hasB. haveC. takesD. bring ( )177. She math it’s boring.A. doesn’t likes, becauseB. doesn’t like, andC. don’t like, andD. doesn’t like, because( )178. After class I have gymnastics two hours.A. atB. forC. onD. in ( )179. Our teacher is very strict us.A. atB. forC. withD. in ( )180. your favorite subject?A. What’sB. What areC. Who’sD. Science ( )181. We usually play sports three hours every day.A. forB. inC. ofD. at1( )182. Our English teacher is her work.A. strict withB. strict inC. is strict inD. strict at( )183. In the gymnastics class, our teacher is always very strict and he me very .A. make, tiringB. makes, tiredC. is make, tiredD. make, tired ( )184. Today we have .A. two new studentB. new two studentsC. new two studentD. two new students ( )185. It is time go home.A. forB. andC. toD. about( )186. —does she like music? —Because it’s relaxing.A. WhyB. WhatC. WhichD. How( )187. I like teacher, Miss Morgan.A. I musicB. I music’sC. my musicD. my music’s ( )188. —can you see a map? —On the wall.A. WhereB. WhatC. WhoD. Which( )189. I hate biology. It’s .A. interestingB. relaxingC. boringD. fun( )190. is a good subject.A. BaseballB. ScienceC. ComedyD. Tuesday( )191. My friend a Chinese lesson every day except Saturday and Sunday.A. haveB. hasC. isD. does( )192. is your English teacher?A. WhereB. WhatC. HowD. Who( )193. —When do you have math? —I have it Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.A. inB. atC. onD. of( )194. My pen pal Brazil.A. fromB. is fromC. come fromD. are from( )195. There is u and s in the word us.A. an, aB. an, anC. a, anD. a, a( )196. There are two windows the wall and one picture it.A. on, onB. in, inC. in, onD. on, in( )197. He likes to eat rice, and .A. chicken, tomatoesB. chickens, tomatoesC. chicken, tomatoD. chickens, tomatos ( )198. She can play basketball, but she can’t play guitar.A. /, /B. /, theC. a, /D. the, /( )199. Mum, is my friend, Mike.A. heB. sheC. thisD. it( )200. a black cat and name is Mimi.A. It’s, itsB. Its, it’sC. It’s, it’sD. Its, its( )201. Can you English? Yes, just a little.A. sayB. talkC. tellD. speak.( )202. Most people like a shower in the evening.A. takesB. takeC. takeingD. taking( )203. —You speak good English. —.A. No, thanksB. ThanksC. Yes, rightD. Don’t say it1。